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Origin of Microglia: Current Concepts and Past Controversies Florent Ginhoux 1 and Marco Prinz 2,3 1 Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technologyand Research (A STAR), Singapore 138648 2 Institute of Neuropathology, University of Freiburg, 79106 Freiburg, Germany 3 BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, University of Freiburg, 79106 Freiburg, Germany Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] Microglia are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS), which sit in close proximity to neural structures and are intimately involved in brain homeostasis. The microglial population also plays fundamental roles during neuronal expansion and differen- tiation, as well as in the perinatal establishment of synaptic circuits. Any change in the normal brain environment results in microglial activation, which can be detrimental if not appropriately regulated. Aberrant microglial function has been linked to the development of several neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, microglia also possess potentim- munoregulatory and regenerative capacities, making them attractive targets for therapeutic manipulation. Such rationale manipulations will, however, require in-depth knowledge of their origins and the molecular mechanisms underlying their homeostasis. Here, we discuss the latest advances in our understanding of the origin, differentiation, and homeostasis of microglial cells and their myelomonocytic relatives in the CNS. M icroglia are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS), which are uniformly distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord with increased densities in neuronal nuclei, including the Substantia nigra in the midbrain (Lawson et al. 1990; Perry 1998). They belong to the nonneuronal glial cell compartment and their function is crucial to maintenance of the CNS in both health and disease (Ransohoff and Perry 2009; Perry et al. 2010; Ransohoff and Cardona 2010; Prinz and Priller 2014). Two key functional features define microglia: immune defense and maintenance of CNS ho- meostasis. As part of the innate immune system, microglia constantly sample their environment, scanning and surveying for signals of external danger (Davalos et al. 2005; Nimmerjahn et al. 2005; Lehnardt 2010), such as those from invad- ing pathogens, or internal danger signals gener- ated locally by damaged or dying cells (Bessis et al. 2007; Hanisch and Kettenmann 2007). Detection of such signals initiates a program of microglial responses that aim to resolve the injury, protect Editors: Ben A. Barres, Marc R. Freeman, and Beth Stevens Additional Perspectives on Glia available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a020537 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2015;7:a020537 1 on July 7, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from
Page 1: Origin of Microglia: Current Concepts and Past Controversiescshperspectives.cshlp.org/content/7/8/a020537.full.pdf · 2005; Kierdorf et al. 2013a). AtE8.5–9.0,thefirstimmaturemacrophag-es

Origin of Microglia: Current Conceptsand Past Controversies

Florent Ginhoux1 and Marco Prinz2,3

1Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A�STAR),Singapore 138648

2Institute of Neuropathology, University of Freiburg, 79106 Freiburg, Germany3BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, University of Freiburg, 79106 Freiburg, Germany

Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

Microglia are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS), which sit inclose proximity to neural structures and are intimately involved in brain homeostasis. Themicroglial population also plays fundamental roles during neuronal expansion and differen-tiation, as well as in the perinatal establishment of synaptic circuits. Any change in thenormal brain environment results in microglial activation, which can be detrimental if notappropriately regulated. Aberrant microglial function has been linked to the development ofseveral neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, microglia also possess potent im-munoregulatory and regenerative capacities, making them attractive targets for therapeuticmanipulation. Such rationale manipulations will, however, require in-depth knowledge oftheir origins and the molecular mechanisms underlying their homeostasis. Here, we discussthe latest advances in our understanding of the origin, differentiation, and homeostasis ofmicroglial cells and their myelomonocytic relatives in the CNS.

Microglia are the resident macrophages ofthe central nervous system (CNS), which

are uniformly distributed throughout the brainand spinal cord with increased densities inneuronal nuclei, including the Substantia nigrain the midbrain (Lawson et al. 1990; Perry1998). They belong to the nonneuronal glialcell compartment and their function is crucialto maintenance of the CNS in both health anddisease (Ransohoff and Perry 2009; Perry et al.2010; Ransohoff and Cardona 2010; Prinz andPriller 2014).

Two key functional features define microglia:immune defense and maintenance of CNS ho-meostasis. As part of the innate immune system,microglia constantly sample their environment,scanning and surveying for signals of externaldanger (Davalos et al. 2005; Nimmerjahn et al.2005; Lehnardt 2010), such as those from invad-ing pathogens, or internal danger signals gener-ated locally bydamaged ordying cells (Bessiset al.2007; Hanisch and Kettenmann 2007). Detectionof such signals initiates a program of microglialresponses that aim to resolve the injury, protect

Editors: Ben A. Barres, Marc R. Freeman, and Beth Stevens

Additional Perspectives on Glia available at www.cshperspectives.org

Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a020537

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the CNS from the effects of the inflammation,andsupporttissuerepairandremodeling(Ming-hetti and Levi 1998; Goldmann and Prinz 2013).

Microglia are also emerging as crucial con-tributors to brain homeostasis through controlof neuronal proliferation and differentiation,as well as influencing formation of synapticconnections (Lawson et al. 1990; Perry 1998;Hughes 2012; Blank and Prinz 2013). Recentimaging studies revealed dynamic interactionsbetween microglia and synaptic connections inthe healthy brain, which contributed to themodification and elimination of synaptic struc-tures (Perry et al. 2010; Tremblay et al. 2010;Bialas and Stevens 2013). In the prenatal brain,microglia regulate the wiring of forebrain cir-cuits, controlling the growth of dopaminergicaxons in the forebrain and the laminar posi-tioning of subsets of neocortical interneurons(Squarzoni et al. 2014). In the postnatal brain,microglia-mediated synaptic pruning is similar-ly required for the remodeling of neural circuits(Paolicelli et al. 2011; Schafer et al. 2012). Insummary, microglia occupy a central positionin defense and maintenance of the CNS and, as aconsequence, are a key target for the treatmentof neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Although microglia have been studied fordecades, a long history of experimental mis-interpretation meant that their true origins re-mained debated until recently. Although weknew that microglial progenitors invaded thebrain rudiment at very early stages of embryonicdevelopment (Alliot et al. 1999; Ransohoff andPerry 2009), it has now been established thatmicroglia arise from yolk sac (YS)-primitivemacrophages, which persist in the CNS intoadulthood (Davalos et al. 2005; Nimmerjahnet al. 2005; Ginhoux et al. 2010, 2013; Kierdorfand Prinz 2013; Kierdorf et al. 2013a). Moreover,early embryonic brain colonization by microgliais conserved across vertebrate species, implyingthat it is essential for early brain development(Herbomel et al. 2001; Bessis et al. 2007; Hanischand Kettenmann 2007; Verney et al. 2010; Schle-gelmilch et al. 2011; Swinnen et al. 2013). In thisreview, we will present the latest findings in thefield of microglial ontogeny, which provide newinsights into their roles in health and disease.


In 1969, the original phagocyte classificationsystems based on the work of Metchnikoff andEhrlich, and later Aschoff (Aschoff 1924; Min-ghetti and Levi 1998; Gordon and Taylor 2005;Kaufmann 2008), were superseded by the con-cept of the mononuclear phagocyte system(MPS) (van Furth and Cohn 1968; van Furthet al. 1972), a term that is still used today (Geiss-mann et al. 2010). The MPS today includescirculating monocytes in the bloodstream(“inflammatory” or Ly-6Cþ CCR2þCX3CR1lo

monocytes and “patrolling” or Ly-6C2CCR22

CX3CR1hi monocytes in mouse), as well as den-dritic cells and macrophages from both lym-phoid and nonlymphoid organs. In this context,macrophages are the resident phagocytic cellsin lymphoid tissues (spleen, lymph nodes) andnonlymphoid tissues, such as the brain (microg-lia), liver (Kupffer cells), lung (alveolar macro-phages), bone (osteoclasts), kidney (kidneymacrophages), and skin (Langerhans cells). Ofnote, epidermal Langerhans cells are a uniquecell population in the sense that, although aris-ing from macrophage progenitors, they acquireunique dendritic cell features on final differen-tiation compared with other macrophage pop-ulations (Ginhoux and Merad 2010; Hoeffelet al. 2012). At these sites, macrophages con-tribute to steady-state tissue homeostasis viathe clearance of apoptotic cells and the produc-tion of growth factors, but, on infection, theybecome activated to phagocytose pathogensand produce inflammatory cytokines, as theyare equipped with a broad range of pathogen-recognition receptors (Gordon 2002). Althoughthe MPS has been a useful framework for con-sidering phagocyte biology, it also led to theassumption that all tissue macrophages are iden-tical in origin and function. However, this as-sumption has been challenged in recent years,especially in the case of microglia (Ginhoux et al.2010; Hoeffel et al. 2012; Schulz et al. 2012).

It has taken more than 150 years of researchfor microglia to be formally recognized as a sep-arate and specialized macrophage population inthe CNS with distinct developmental origins.

F. Ginhoux and M. Prinz

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del Rıo-Hortega was the first to clearly identify asmall population of phagocytic, migratory cellswithin the CNS, which he proposed were ofmesodermal origin (del Rıo-Hortega 1932).Some years later, he introduced the term “mi-croglial cell,” and refined his description ofthese cells as the nonneuronal, nonastrocyticelement of the CNS, distinct from neurectoder-mal oligodendroglia and oligodendrocytes (delRıo-Hortega 1939), which constitute the mac-roglia. Despite some controversies on microgliaorigin from either the mesoderm or the ecto-derm in the history of microglial study (Rezaieand Male 2002; Chan et al. 2007; Ginhoux et al.2013), several investigators followed del Rıo-Hortega’s hypothesis and presented evidencesupporting a mesodermal origin of microgliain light of their morphological and phenotypicsimilarities with macrophages, first by couplinglight/electron microscopy and immunohisto-chemistry, which allowed identification of par-allel morphological features of macrophagesand microglia at various stages of development(Murabe and Sano 1982, 1983), and, second, byshowing that microglial cells were recognized byantisera raised against monocyte/macrophageantigens (Hume et al. 1983; Perry et al. 1985).


Because of their mesodermal origin, microgliashare many features with other myeloid celltypes in the body. Observations of the pheno-typic similarities between circulating mono-cytes, tissue macrophages, and microglia werefirst reported �30 years ago in immunohisto-chemical studies, which showed microglial ex-pression of macrophage markers, including F4/80, Fc receptor, and CD11b, in mouse (Perryet al. 1985) and, later, in human (Akiyama andMcGeer 1990).

As the tissue-resident macrophage of theCNS, murine microglia have since been con-firmed to express multiple macrophage mark-ers, including the colony-stimulating factor(CSF)-1 receptor (CSF-1R, CD115), the integ-rin CD11b, the surface glycoproteins F4/80, theinhibitory immune receptor CD200R, the sur-face enzyme tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-

receptor-type substrate or CD172a, the fractal-kine receptor CX3CR1, and the calcium-bindingprotein lba-1 (Prinz and Mildner 2011). How-ever, few markers, which are specific to micro-glia, have been identified. CD39 (ectonucleo-side triphosphate diphosphohydrolase) geneexpression has recently been proposed to enabledistinction of microglia from their peripheralrelatives (Butovsky et al. 2012). Recent studiesalso reported that microglia have a unique tran-scriptomic signature, which distinguishes themfrom other CNS cells and peripheral macro-phages or monocytes (Gautier et al. 2012; Chiuet al. 2013), and express a unique cluster oftranscripts encoding proteins for sensing en-dogenous ligands and microbes, defined as thesensome (Hickman et al. 2013). Microglia alsoexpress lower levels of the panhematopoieticmarker CD45 compared with tissue macro-phages, which also permits their discriminationfrom monocytes in the bloodstream, whereasthe hemoglobin scavenger receptor CD163 en-ables distinction from perivascular macrophag-es in the steady state (Dijkstra et al. 1985; Serratset al. 2010).


The evident phenotypic similarities betweenmicroglia and other macrophage populationsled to ready acceptance of the notion of theirmyeloid origin, although the true identity ofmicroglial progenitors remained controversialuntil recently. Initial studies described the pres-ence of microglial cells during early develop-ment, suggesting that microglia arise from em-bryonic progenitors. These progenitors werefirst proposed by del Rıo-Hortega to be menin-geal macrophages infiltrating the brain duringearly embryonic development. However, themajority of the scientific community at thattime, including del Rıo-Hortega himself, be-lieved that microglia could also be derivedfrom blood monocytes. Monocytes are indeedrecruited to the neonatal and adult brain, inthe latter case, most often under inflammatoryconditions, where they can differentiate into mi-croglia-like cells. These observations long sup-ported the prevailing viewpoint that blood-

Origin of Microglia

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circulating monocytes represented microglialprogenitors, replacing those seeding the brainduring embryonic development. In fact, untilrecently, the most consensual hypothesis wasthat embryonic and perinatal hematopoieticwaves of microglial recruitment and differenti-ation occurred in the CNS.

When del Rıo-Hortega first described mi-croglia, he also noted their presence in early de-velopment and proposed that, near this time,they might initially arise from mesodermal cellsof the pia mater, the innermost layer of themeninges (the membranes surrounding theCNS). He reported the “migration of embryoniccorpuscles from the pia into the nerve centres,”but simultaneously proposed that “microgliamay eventually arise from other related ele-ments, chiefly the blood mononuclears,” basedon the similarities in morphology and phago-cytic activity between microglia and monocytes(del Rıo-Hortega 1939). These two statementswere the founding of the “origin of microglia”controversy that was to last for the next 50 years.Later, the observation that the brain rudimentalready contains microglia at E9.5 of the 20 d ofmurine embryonic development (Alliot et al.1991, 1999) forced developmental neuroscien-tists to delve more deeply into the complex sub-ject of embryonic hematopoiesis. Our currentunderstanding of the multifaceted process ofembryonic hematopoiesis was extensively re-viewed (Cumano and Godin 2007; Orkin andZon 2008). The appearance of microglia in theneuroepithelium at E9.5 days suggested thattheir precursors might originate from the YS(Fig. 1). The murine embryonic YS producesearly primitive macrophages and erythrocytesas part of the process of “primitive hemato-poiesis,” occurring from E8.5, as opposed tothe generation of definitive hematopoieticstem cells (HSCs), which occurs in the aorta–gonad–mesonephros (AGM) region of the em-bryo around E10.5. These AGM-derived HSCsthen migrate to the fetal liver (FL) and bonemarrow (BM) and differentiate therein into alllineages, including monocytes, macrophages,and lymphocytes, which are generated as partof “definitive hematopoiesis” (Bertrand et al.2005; Cumano and Godin 2007). In addition,

from E8.25, multilineage erythromyeloid pro-genitors (EMP) and lymphomyeloid progeni-tors also emerge in the YS as a “second wave,”which is already considered as part of the defin-itive hematopoietic wave but called the transientdefinitive stage. The contribution of such pro-genitors to macrophage populations via a fetalmonocyte intermediate remain to be investigat-ed. HSC-derived myeloid cells, such as mono-cytes, are produced abundantly in the FL onlyfrom E12.5/E13.5 (Fig. 1), days after the initialcolonization of the brain rudiment by YS mac-rophages at E9.5. Of interest, a population ofmaternally derived macrophages can be foundin the YS of the embryo as early as E7.5. Thispopulation, however, subsequently decreases innumber, becomes almost undetectable at E9.0,and is later absent in the embryo (Bertrand et al.2005; Kierdorf et al. 2013a).

At E8.5–9.0, the first immature macrophag-es are found in the YS (Takahashi et al. 1996;Lichanska and Hume 2000), and they developthrough a nonmonocytic pathway (Takahashiet al. 1996; Lichanska and Hume 2000). Thefirst macrophage-like cells with an amoeboidshape appear in the rodent neuroepitheliumat a similar time point (Ashwell 1990; Ashwelland Waite 1991; Chan et al. 2007) and weresuggested to be the precursors of microglialcells (Alliot et al. 1999). A clear requirementfor the circulatory system for brain coloniza-tion by YS macrophages was determined usingE9.5–10 Ncx-12/2 embryos, which have nofunctional blood circulation (Koushik et al.2001), and were found to lack microglial pro-genitors, as well as other fetal macrophages, de-spite normal YS hematopoiesis (Ginhoux et al.2010). At E13.5, when the FL is already the pri-mary hematopoietic organ and the main site ofHSC expansion and differentiation (Lichanskaand Hume 2000), microglial precursors can bedetected in significant numbers within the lin-ing of the fourth ventricle (Chan et al. 2007). Asa result of the finding that tissues, such as theCNS, contain YS-derived macrophages, but notHSC or maternal macrophages, it became rea-sonable to believe that microglia originate fromYS macrophages rather than from HSC in theFL or BM.

F. Ginhoux and M. Prinz

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Recent studies formally confirmed the YSorigin of microglia using a range of differentstrategies (Ginhoux et al. 2010; Kierdorf et al.2013a), including a fate-mapping mouse mod-el, expressing a fluorescent protein exclusively inYS progenitors and their progeny, including YS

macrophages (Ginhoux et al. 2010). Briefly, thismouse model was designed to express a tam-oxifen-activated MER-Cre-MER recombinasegene under the control of one of the endog-enous promoters of the runt-related tran-scription factor 1 (Runx1) locus (Samokhvalov

Monocyte/other BMprogenitor?


Fetal liverFetal livermonocyte

YSmacrophage YS blood islands






Steady state














Brain development Hematopoiesis

Figure 1. Brain development and microglial ontogeny. Primitive macrophages generated in the yolk sac (YS)blood islands around E8.0 spread into the embryos at the onset of blood circulation established around E8.5 andcolonize the neuroepithelium from E9.0/E9.5, giving rise to embryonic microglia. In parallel, definitive hema-topoiesis arises in the AGM and gives rise to progenitors that colonize the fetal liver (FL) from E10.5. The blood–brain barrier (BBB) starts to form from E13.5 and may isolate the developing brain from the contribution of FLand, later, of bone marrow (BM) hematopoiesis. Embryonic microglial cells expand, colonize the whole CNS,and will maintain themselves until adulthood via local proliferation during late gestation and postnatal devel-opment, as well as in the injured adult brain in reaction to inflammation. Nevertheless, under certain inflam-matory conditions found, for example, after BM transplantation, the recruitment of BM-derived progenitorscan supplement the microglial population to some extent.

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et al. 2007). When crossed with a Cre-reportermouse strain, recombination can be induced inembryos by a single injection of 4-hydroxyta-moxifen (40OHT) into pregnant females. Activerecombination in these knockin mice occurs ina short time frame, which does not exceed 12-hpostinjection, and leads to irreversible expres-sion of fluorescent protein in Runx1þ cells andtheir progeny (Samokhvalov et al. 2007). Al-though both YS and FL hematopoietic progen-itors express Runx1, YS progenitors are the onlyRunx1þ cells present at E7.5, and, so, injectionof 40OHT at this time specifically and irrevers-ibly tags YS progenitors and their progeny, butnot FL-derived progeny. In contrast, injection oftamoxifen at E8.5 or later will favor the taggingof AGM-derived hematopoietic progenitorsand not the YS progenitors (North et al. 1999;Samokhvalov et al. 2007). Thus, if microgliawere predominantly derived from YS-taggedprogenitors, they should express enhanced yel-low fluorescent protein (eYFP) in the adult CNSwhen 40OHT is injected at E7.25 and not atE8.5. Strikingly, the relative number of taggedmicroglia in mice injected at E7.25 was muchgreater than that of blood monocytes or othercirculating leukocytes (Ginhoux et al. 2010). Incontrast, the relative number of tagged micro-glia in mice injected from E8.0 onward de-creased dramatically, reaching undetectable lev-els in mice injected as close as E8.5, whereas therelative number of eYFPþ leukocytes, includingmonocytes, increased progressively in adultblood. Further confirmation of the YS originof microglia later came from another study us-ing myeloid-specific CSF-1R-Cre mice (Schulzet al. 2012). Importantly, this study also high-lighted further differences between primitiveand definitive hematopoiesis, showing that thelatter relies on the transcription factor myelo-blastosis (MYB), whereas YS-derived macro-phages are MYB independent, but PU.1 depen-dent (Schulz et al. 2012), as described earlier(Sumner et al. 2000). This is in contrast to aprevious study, which reported that mice withnull mutations in PU.1 had normal numbers ofCsf-1rþ phagocytes at E11.5 (Lichanska et al.1999). This further underlines the fact thatYS-derived macrophages constitute an inde-

pendent lineage, distinct from the progeny ofdefinitive HSCs.

In an another study, we further character-ized the early YS progenitor that gives rise tomicroglia in the brain; we observed c-kitþ line-age2 progenitor cells within the YS that have theability to differentiate into CX3CR1þmicrogliain vitro, as well as in vivo (Kierdorf et al. 2013a).These cells also generated Ter119þ erythrocytesand, thus, represent a common erythromyeloidprogenitor (EMP) in the YS. Subsequently,these uncommitted EMPs disappear, and im-mature F4/80þCX3CR12 and F4/80þCX3

CR1þ macrophages develop and seed the sur-face of the developing brain at E9.0 (Kierdorfet al. 2013a).

A similar pattern of events may occur inhumans. In human fetuses, microglia-like cellswith a range of morphologies can be detectedas early as 13 wk of estimated gestational age(Hutchins et al. 1990). However, it appearsthat maturation of the microglial compartmentis ongoing throughout the majority of gesta-tion. Colonization of the spinal cord begins ataround 9 wk, the major influx and distributionof microglia commences at about 16 wk, andramified microglia take up to 22 wk to becomewidely distributed within the intermediate zone(Rezaie and Male 1999; Rezaie et al. 2005). Infact, it is only close to term, at 35 wk, that well-differentiated microglial populations can be de-tected within the developing human brain (Esiriet al. 1991; Rezaie and Male 2002; Rezaie et al.2005; Verney et al. 2010).

Importantly, microglial origin is uniqueamong the wide spectrum of tissue macrophagepopulations (Ginhoux and Jung 2014; Prinzand Priller 2014). Microglia arise predominant-ly from YS-derived macrophages (Fig. 1) (Gin-houx et al. 2010; Kierdorf et al. 2013a), whereasLangerhans cells originate mainly from FL-derived monocytes, but retain a detectable YS-derived macrophage (MF) component (Hoeffelet al. 2012). In contrast, alveolar macrophagesappear to derive mostly from FL-derived mono-cytes with minimal lasting contribution fromYS-derived macrophages (Guilliams et al. 2013;G Hoeffel, J Chen, Y Lavin et al., in prep.).The origin of other tissue-resident macrophage

F. Ginhoux and M. Prinz

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populations in the adult remains to be inves-tigated.


The transcriptional program that controls mi-croglial differentiation is only partially under-stood (Kierdorf and Prinz 2013). A dramaticreduction in numbers of tissue macrophages,including microglia, occurs in mice that lackthe CSF-1R (Dai et al. 2002; Ginhoux et al.2010; Erblich et al. 2011) and in Csf-1op/op mu-tant mice (Yoshida et al. 1990; Wegiel et al. 1998),which have a natural null mutation in the Csf-1gene. These studies clearly establish the impor-tance of CSF-1 and its receptor in macrophagehomeostasis in vivo (Fig. 2) (Pixley and Stanley2004), although the precise role of CSF-1 and itsreceptor during microglial lineage commitmentremains controversial. One hypothesis is thatCSF-1 drives the microglial differentiation ofphagocytic YS macrophages entering the em-bryo (Metcalf 1985), whereas an alternative the-ory is that CSF-1 provides a survival signal forthe differentiating macrophages and that thesesurviving cells then respond to an intrinsic de-velopmental program to become mature micro-glia (Lagasse and Weissman 1997). In favor ofthe latter hypothesis, macrophages are detectedin the YS and the brain rudiment in E10.5Csf-1r2/2 mice, but not in embryos at E12.5(Ginhoux et al. 2010; Hoeffel et al. 2012).

Interestingly, the microglial population ismore profoundly affected by the absence of theCSF-1R than in the absence of its ligand CSF-1(Ginhoux et al. 2010), which suggested the pos-sibility of a second ligand for CSF-1R that waslater identified as interleukin-34 (IL-34) (Linet al. 2008). In vitro IL-34 binds the CSF-1R atdifferent regions than CSF-1 and with higheraffinity (Chihara et al. 2010); IL-34 is alsomore highly conserved in mammalian and avianspecies than CSF-1, suggestive of an importantrole in macrophage homeostasis (Garceau et al.2010). Recently, two groups generated IL-34knockout (KO) mice (Greter et al. 2012; Wanget al. 2012) and reported that, in the brain, de-

ficiency of IL-34 led to a significant decrease inmicroglial cell numbers. Interestingly, IL-34possesses a spatiotemporal expression patternthat differs from that of CSF-1, permitting com-plementary activation of the CSF-1R in bothembryonic and adult tissues (Wei et al. 2010).Of note, an alternate receptor for IL-34 was re-cently identified: the receptor-type protein ty-rosine phosphatase (PTP)-z, which is a cell-sur-face chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan primarilyexpressed on neural progenitors and glial cells(Nandi et al. 2013), suggesting that IL-34 mayhave a wider repertoire of effects within the CNSthan previously appreciated. A comparable re-duction in microglial cell numbers was also re-ported in mice deficient for an adaptor proteinfor CSF-1R, DAP12 (Otero et al. 2009). DAP12contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-basedactivation motif (ITAM) in its cytoplasmic do-main and is highly expressed in natural killer(NK) and myeloid cells. In vitro, DAP12 con-trols proliferation and survival of macrophagesstimulated with CSF-1, whereas in vivo in oldermice deficient in DAP12 fewer microglia arepresent, in particular, regions of the CNS, whichsuggests a role for DAP12 in the long-termhomeostasis of microglia. Humans with muta-tions in the DAP12 gene develop Nasu–Hakoladisease, characterized by bone cysts and frac-tures and psychotic symptoms leading to severeneurodegeneration and encephalopathy (Palo-neva et al. 2000).

The transcription factor PU.1, expressed ex-clusively in hematopoietic cells, is also involvedin microglial development (Fig. 2). The Pu.1(Sfpi-1) gene is a member of the Ets family oftranscription factors (Rosenbauer and Tenen2007), and its disruption leads to multiple he-matopoietic abnormalities, including a lack ofmature B cells and macrophages (McKercheret al. 1996). In fact, PU.1-deficient mice arenot only devoid of circulating monocytes andtissue macrophages (McKercher et al. 1996),but also parenchymal microglia in the brain(Beers et al. 2006). Similar data have been ob-tained in zebrafish PU.1 mutants that show acomplete loss of brain macrophages (Herbomelet al. 2001). In addition, interferon regulatoryfactor (IRF)-8 has recently been found to regu-

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late the transcriptional programing of micro-glial development (Kierdorf et al. 2013a). IRF-8 is a heterodimeric partner of PU.1 with knownroles in the development of B cells and myeloidcells in the BM (Holtschke et al. 1996). We re-cently found that YS-derived F4/80þCX3CR1þ

macrophages were dependent on the presence ofIRF-8 for theirearly development, whereas othermyeloid transcription factors, including MYB,ID2, BATF3, and KLF4, were redundant (Fig. 2)(Kierdorf et al. 2013a). Consequently, microglialdensity was significantly reduced in adult micelacking IRF-8 (Kierdorf et al. 2013a). Moreover,it now seems that IRF-8 may have a role duringthe activation of adult microglia (Horiuchi et al.2012; Masuda et al. 2012; Minten et al. 2012).


During Homeostasis

Within the first week after birth, the microglialpopulation expands so dramatically (Alliot et al.

1999; Tambuyzer et al. 2009) that it was pre-sumed that the proliferation of embryonic mi-croglial cells alone could not account for such asteep increase in numbers, and so there mustbe a fresh influx of cells from another compart-ment. As initially suggested by Del Rio-Ortega,blood monocytes were believed to invade theCNS in the perinatal period and give rise tomicroglia, replacing the embryonic microglialcells. Several studies supported this hypothesis,notably an early report (Ling 1976) in whichround, amoeboid, phagocytic cells were seenin rat corpus callosum during the first few daysof life and then disappeared coincident withthe appearance of ramified microglia. However,this view has been radically revised in recentyears; unequivocal evidence from fate-mapp-ing mouse models revealed that microglia arenot BM-derived under homeostatic conditions,but originate from the embryonic YS (Ginhouxet al. 2010). Furthermore, new myeloid-specificgene-targeting approaches that focused on thechemokine receptor CX3CR1 have, for the firsttime, enabled the study of the kinetics of truehomeostatic microglial turnover without the



Csf1rCX3CR1 CX3CL1




Transcription factors Surface receptors and ligands


Figure 2. Morphology and markers of embryonic and adult microglia in the mouse. During embryogenesis(left), microglia show an activated and proliferating macrophage-like phenotype. Developing microglia with around shape migrate throughout the maturing CNS phagocytizing neuronal debris. In adulthood (right),parenchymal microglia build a network of cells interacting with local neurons and display delineated smallprocesses through which they actively survey the interneuronal space. The figure illustrates the precursors,transcription factors (black), and receptors (red) required for each developmental stage.

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need for irradiation or chemotherapy (Gold-mann et al. 2013; Yona et al. 2013). Using thistechnique, microglia were found to be long livedwith labeled cells traceable for several months,which further argues against replacement byblood cells. In contrast, short-lived circulatingLy-6Chi and Ly-6Clo monocytes were quicklyreplaced by their nonlabeled progeny (Gold-mann et al. 2013; Yona et al. 2013).

Additional evidence for the lack of signifi-cant contribution of monocytes or other BM-derived progenitors to the adult microglial poolcame from prolonged experiments performedin parabiotic mice, in which two adult congenicmice undergo surgery to physically link theircirculatory systems. In reality, even after up to12 months of parabiosis, although monocytesin the blood of the parabionts originate fromboth animals, microglia remained totally of hostorigin, clearly illustrating the absence of contri-bution of monocytes or BM-derived cells to theCNS microglial population (Ajami et al. 2007,2011; Ginhoux et al. 2010; Hashimoto et al.2013).

Taken together, these new genetic approach-es helped to firmly establish the major featuresof microglial population, namely, that they arelong lived in vivo and not replaced by peripheralcells from the circulation, but are able to per-form context-dependent self-renewal to ensurepopulation maintenance.

During Disease

One of the most pressing questions in the fieldof microglial research during recent years hasbeen whether “BM-derived microglia” exist inthe adult brain and, if so, whether they are func-tional. The answer could have profound clinicalimplications because it determines whether itmight be possible to use peripheral microglialprecursors as carriers for neuroprotective or im-mune-modulatory genes into the diseased CNSto treat conditions, such as amyotrophic lateralsclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), andParkinson’s disease (PD) (Prinz et al. 2011;Prinz and Priller 2014).

The first seminal cell transplantation exper-iments in rats showed that, following BM trans-

plantation, it was only perivascular macrophag-es that were replaced and not those cells withramified microglial characteristics in the paren-chyma (Hickey and Kimura 1988). Similar re-sults were seen in female patients who under-went sex-mismatched BM transplantation andwere subsequently examined for the engraft-ment of Y-chromosome-positive microglialcells; donor-derived perivascular macrophageswere present, but no parenchymal microgliacould be detected (Unger et al. 1993). Althoughinformative, all these studies relied on immuno-histochemical approaches, which are substan-tially less sensitive than modern cell transfer ex-periments using genetically labeled cells. Prilleret al. (2001) were among the first who usedhematopoietic cells transduced to express greenfluorescent protein (GFP) to ask about thelong-term fate of myeloid cells in the murineCNS after whole body irradiation and BM trans-plantation (Fig. 3). They found GFP-expressingparenchymal microglia deep in the cerebellum,striatum, and hippocampus several weeks aftertransplantation (Eglitis and Mezey 1997; Prilleret al. 2001). Despite the differences to the otherstudies mentioned above, the concept of BM-derived phagocytes in the CNS was born. Inthe following years, a plethora of publicationsappeared that examined the assumed functionand fate of BM-derived mononuclear phago-cytes in different neurological models usingsimilar experimental paradigms. Remarkably,CNS infiltration of BM-derived phagocyteswas also shown in animal models of diseasewith no obvious BBB damage, such as ALS (Sol-omon et al. 2006), AD (Malm et al. 2005; Simardet al. 2006; Mildner et al. 2011), scrapie (Prilleret al. 2006), and many more (Priller et al. 2001;Djukic et al. 2006). However, later studies ele-gantly showed that the irradiation regimenused to prepare recipient animals for BM trans-plants is necessary for the recruitment anddifferentiation of BM cells into microglia-likecells (Fig. 3) (Ajami et al. 2007; Mildner et al.2007, 2011). Importantly, Mildner showed thatrecipient mice, in which the CNS was shielded toprotect from the irradiation and associated re-lease of proinflammatory cytokines and chemo-kines, did not experience a significant invasion

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of BM-derived cells into the brain in contrast tothe unshielded mice (Mildner et al. 2007). Be-yond the irradiation issue, these data also sug-gest that microglial engraftment from the bloodrequires preconditioning of the CNS that likelydisrupts the BBB. Additional clarity came fromexperiments in parabiotic mice, which enabledthe study of the turnover of hematopoieticcells for prolonged periods without the needfor irradiation (Ajami et al. 2007). Ajami usedsuch mice to show that, in contrast to irradiatedand transplanted mice, there was no microglialprogenitor recruitment from the circulationin either denervation or CNS neurodegenerativedisease. Intriguingly, if just one parabiont wasirradiated, no further contribution from theother parabiont occurred, in apparent contra-diction to the results of Mildner. However,Ajami further clarified that, although irradia-tion is required for donor cells to engraft, it isnot sufficient; another important but often over-looked requirement is the artificial and con-comitant introduction of a critical numberof donor BM cells into the blood circulation(where they are not normally found). This, inconjunction with the inflammation of the BBBcaused by irradiation, creates the unique non-physiological situation that is required for theBM-to-microglia pathway to prevail (Diserbo

et al. 2002; Li et al. 2004; Capotondo et al.2012). Taking this work further, the same grouprecently used a similar approach, combiningparabiosis and myeloablation, to show that re-cruited monocytes do not persist in the CNSand, therefore, even under these specific condi-tions, do not stably contribute to the residentmicroglial pool (Ajami et al. 2011). However,recruited short-lived monocytes are essentialdrivers of disease severity in multiple sclerosis(MS) and the experimental mouse model ofautoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) (Kinget al. 2009; Mildner et al. 2009). In conclusion,BM-derived microglia can engraft into the dis-eased brain and become an integral part of thecellular network in the CNS only under specificnonphysiological conditions. These specificconditions include irradiation and chemother-apeutic regimes, for example, the applicationof myeloablating agents, which all (1) alter theintegrity of the BBB, and (2) induce local pro-duction of myeloattracting chemokines, suchas CCL2 (Boettcher et al. 2008; Lampron et al.2012; Kierdorf et al. 2013b). Taken together,these data also clearly indicate that BM-derivednonmonocytic cells are able to permanentlyengraft to the diseased brain, whereas short-lived monocytes are only transiently recruitedto the CNS.



e m


w c






Conditioned ordiseased



Figure 3. Formation of BM-derived microglia in the adult mouse brain. Postnatal BM-derived microglia formonly under defined host conditions in the CNS. BM cells (left) are released into the bloodstream in a chemokinereceptor (CCR)-2-dependent fashion and may enter the conditioned CNS. Local conditioning of the CNS canoccur via irradiation and neurodegeneration, which lead to both disruption of the BBB and induction ofchemokines, such as CCL2, thus, allowing engraftment of BM-derived macrophages. (A) YS-derived microglia(green) perform self-renewal by undergoing proliferation (indicated by an arrow), and (B) BM-derived phago-cyte (purple).

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Altogether, these seminal studies establishedthat microglia arise from embryonic hemato-poietic precursors that seed the CNS before birthand, more importantly, before the onset of BMhematopoiesis. It is now accepted that microgliaderive from unique embryonic precursors, theYS macrophages, which are not found in theBM as predicted earlier by the founder of themicroglial field, Pıo del Rıo-Hortega. Thisknowledge has far-reaching implications for theunderstanding of microglial functions in CNSdevelopment. First, the conservation of primi-tive macrophages and their YS derivation, boththroughout evolution and across diverse spe-cies, suggests that microglia play an importantphysiological role in the development of theCNS. Furthermore, microglial cells are presentduring all stages of brain development, includ-ing the early prenatal stages of neuronal cir-cuit building, as well as the postnatal stage ofsynapse elimination. This implies a functionalniche for microglia in the development of neu-ronal circuits of the brain and proposes intrigu-ing possibilities regarding the integrated devel-opment of the neural and immune systems.


We apologize to all colleagues whose work waswas not cited owing to space constraints. Wethank Dr. L. Robinson for critical review andediting of the manuscript. F.G. is supportedby a Singapore Immunology Network coregrant. M.P. is supported by the Federal Ministryof Education and Research (BMBF)-fundedcompetence network of multiple sclerosis(KKNMS), the Gemeinnutzige Hertie-Stiftung(GHST), the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, the compe-tence network of neurodegenerative disorders(KNDD), and the The Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft (SFB 992, FOR1336).


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1, 20152015; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a020537 originally published online JulyCold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 

 Florent Ginhoux and Marco Prinz Origin of Microglia: Current Concepts and Past Controversies

Subject Collection Glia

MaintenanceThe Nodes of Ranvier: Molecular Assembly and

Matthew N. Rasband and Elior Peles

Oligodendrocyte Development and PlasticityDwight E. Bergles and William D. Richardson

Microglia in Health and DiseaseRichard M. Ransohoff and Joseph El Khoury Support

Oligodendrocytes: Myelination and Axonal

Mikael Simons and Klaus-Armin NaveThe Astrocyte: Powerhouse and Recycling Center

Bruno Weber and L. Felipe Barros Central Nervous System GliaDrosophila

Marc R. Freeman

Development and PlasticityMicroglia Function in Central Nervous System

Dorothy P. Schafer and Beth StevensSynapse: Adaptable, Multitasking Glial CellsPerisynaptic Schwann Cells at the Neuromuscular

Chien-Ping Ko and Richard Robitaille

the Central Nervous SystemOligodendrocyte Development and Myelination in Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of

Ben Emery and Q. Richard Lu

and EliminationAstrocytes Control Synapse Formation, Function,

Won-Suk Chung, Nicola J. Allen and Cagla Eroglu

ControversiesOrigin of Microglia: Current Concepts and Past

Florent Ginhoux and Marco Prinz

Schwann Cell MyelinationJames L. Salzer

Remyelination−−Glia Disease and RepairRobin J.M. Franklin and Steven A. Goldman Repair

Schwann Cells: Development and Role in Nerve

LloydKristján R. Jessen, Rhona Mirsky and Alison C.

Astrocytes in Neurodegenerative DiseaseHemali Phatnani and Tom Maniatis

Perineurial GliaSarah Kucenas

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