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OSLC PLM Workgroup1 Analysing the PLM reference model V0.3 Gray Bachelor.

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OSLC PLM Workgroup 1 Analysing the PLM reference model V0.3 Gray Bachelor

OSLC PLM Workgroup 1

Analysing the PLM reference model


Gray Bachelor

OSLC PLM Workgroup 2

What’s in this document ?

• This is the working material used to identify key areas in the PLM Reference Model– Pose questions– Show examples

• Utilising the Draft OSLC PLM Reference Model based upon the OMG Hybrid SUV model with extensions

• Helps identify example of the SysML and STEP elements and constructs of relevance to the analysis

OSLC PLM Workgroup 3


• Readers are invited to comment and contribute through the OSLC PLM Workgroup or directly to the author– Do additional examples exist ?– Any feedback on comments ?– Any answers to the open questions ?

OSLC PLM Workgroup 4

Working topics

• STEP file

• Naming conventions

• Requirements

• System

• Other not addressed– Organisation – Activity

OSLC PLM Workgroup 5

STEP file



OSLC PLM Workgroup 6

What is the context of the naming conventions ?

• The container – Filename, description

• Rules about its content• FILE_SCHEMA (('AP233_SYSTEMS_ENGINEERING_ARM_LF'));

• Description of the overall “view”• #1=VIEW_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('Requirements_Analysis_Process','Concept_stage','');

• The owning org • #12=ORGANIZATION('GM','GM');

• How the data was produced • #20=ACTIVITY_METHOD('XSLT_Extract','XSLT Extract of STEP Part 21 Data File from Topcased SysML XMI','','For initial creation of


• When the file was produced • Date, time

• Specific terms adopted from a consumable (include-able source)

• #34=EXTERNAL_CLASS_LIBRARY('http://www.ap 233.org/ap233-public-information/ap233-reference-data/ap233_basic_library','Library of basic concept values from AP233');

• #36=EXTERNAL_CLASS('http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/Current/SysML-profile#DeriveReqt','DeriveReqt','The "derive requirement" relationship relates a derived requirement to its source requirement.',#34);

• #38=EXTERNAL_CLASS('http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/Current/SysML-profile#Refine','Refine','The refine requirement relationship can be used to describe how a model element or set of elements can be used to further refine a requirement.',#34);

• #40=EXTERNAL_CLASS('http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/Current/SysML-profile#Satisfy','Satisfy','The satisfy relationship describes how a design or implementation model satisfies one or more requirements.',#34);

• #42=EXTERNAL_CLASS('http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/Current/SysML-profile#Verify','Verify','The verify relationship defines how a test case or other model element verifies a requirement.',#34);

OSLC PLM Workgroup 7

PLM Reference Model:Additional relationships enabling classification

#34=EXTERNAL_CLASS_LIBRARY('http://www.ap233.org/ap233-public-information/ap233-reference-data/ap233_basic_library','Library of basic concept values from AP233');

#36=EXTERNAL_CLASS('http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/Current/SysML-profile#DeriveReqt','DeriveReqt','The "derive requirement" relationship relates a derived requirement to its source requirement.',#34);

#38=EXTERNAL_CLASS('http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/Current/SysML-profile#Refine','Refine','The refine requirement relationship can be used to describe how a model element or set of elements can be used to further refine a requirement.',#34);

#40=EXTERNAL_CLASS('http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/Current/SysML-profile#Satisfy','Satisfy','The satisfy relationship describes how a design or implementation model satisfies one or more requirements.',#34);

#42=EXTERNAL_CLASS('http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/Current/SysML-profile#Verify','Verify','The verify relationship defines how a test case or other model element verifies a requirement.',#34);

OSLC PLM Workgroup 8


OSLC PLM Workgroup 9

Types of Requirement in the PLM Reference Model

• Main

• Derived

• Refinement for HSUV Acceleration

OSLC PLM Workgroup 10

PLM Reference Model SysML Requirements Diagram

OSLC PLM Workgroup 11

• In SysML 1.1 the version is a property– In topcased this property is not visible “on the


OSLC PLM Workgroup 12

One requirement

#800=REQUIREMENT('R1.0','HSUV Specification','HSUV Specification Requirement')


#820=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('1','HSUV Specification Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#810);

What is the origin of this ?

Is this #1 in the stp file or what ?

What does the “1” signify ?

Assume this is the id

OSLC PLM Workgroup 13

A related requirement#4500=REQUIREMENT('R1.1','Performan

ce','Performance Requirement');

#4510=REQUIREMENT_VERSION('1','The Hybrid SUV shall have the braking, acceleration, and offroad capability of a typical SUV, but have dramatically better fuel economy.',#4500);

#4520=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('1','Performance Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#4510);

OSLC PLM Workgroup 14

Requirement relationship - isComposedOf


Just a string ? Does SysML prescribe ?

No text – any significance ?

Why Collection instead of



OSLC PLM Workgroup 15

Another related requirement

#1300=REQUIREMENT('R1.2','Eco-Friendliness','Eco-Friendliness Requirement');


#1320=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('1','Eco-Friendliness Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#1310)


OSLC PLM Workgroup 16

#1800=REQUIREMENT('R1.2.1','Emissions','Emissions Requirement');

#1810=REQUIREMENT_VERSION('1','The vehicle shall meet Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle standards.',#1800)

#1820=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('1','Emissions Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#1810);


#2700=REQUIREMENT('R1.2.1','Emissions','Emissions Requirement');

#2710=REQUIREMENT_VERSION('2','The vehicle shall meet Revised 2016 Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle standards.',#2700);

#2712=PRODUCT_VERSION_RELATIONSHIP('sequence','Version Sequence',#1810,#2710);

#2720=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('2','Emissions Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#2710);


#3600=REQUIREMENT('R1.2.1','Emissions','Emissions Requirement');

#3610=REQUIREMENT_VERSION('2','The vehicle shall meet Revised 2016 Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle standards.',#3600);

#3612=PRODUCT_VERSION_RELATIONSHIP('sequence','Version Sequence',#1810,#3610);

#3614=PRODUCT_VERSION_RELATIONSHIP('derivation','Version Derivation',#2710,#3610);

#3620=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('2','Emissions Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#3610);


New construct to add a sequence of


All 3 versions relate to #1320

Why is derivation used here ?

OSLC PLM Workgroup 17

Alt layout to clarify



OSLC PLM Workgroup 18

PLM Reference Model: STEP content examples

Gathered examples


OSLC PLM Workgroup 19

PLM Reference Model:Requirement and it’s relationships

#1200=REQUIREMENT('R1.2','Eco-Friendliness','Eco-Friendliness Requirement');


Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#1210);#1230=REQUIREMENT_COLLECTION_RELATIONSHIP('','isCompos



OSLC PLM Workgroup 20

PLM Reference Model:Requirements

• #1700=REQUIREMENT('R1.2.1','Emissions','Emissions Requirement');• #1710=REQUIREMENT_VERSION('1','The vehicle shall

meet Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle standards.',#1700);•

#1720=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('1','Emissions Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#1710);


• #2210=REQUIREMENT_VERSION('2','The vehicle shall meet Revised 2016 Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle standards.',#1700);

•#2220=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('2','Emissions Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#2210);


OSLC PLM Workgroup 21

PLM Reference Model:Requirements

#2700=REQUIREMENT('R1.2.1','Emissions','Emissions Requirement');#2710=REQUIREMENT_VERSION('2','The vehicle shall meet

Revised 2016 Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle standards.',#2700);

#2712=PRODUCT_VERSION_RELATIONSHIP('sequence','Version Sequence',#1810,#2710);

#2720=REQUIREMENT_VIEW_DEFINITION('2','Emissions Requirement View Definition','',#1,(),#2710);


#3600=REQUIREMENT('R1.2.1','Emissions','Emissions Requirement');

#3610=REQUIREMENT_VERSION('2','The vehicle shall meet Revised 2016 Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle standards.',#3600);

OSLC PLM Workgroup 22

PLM Reference Model:Requirement Assignment

• #114700=REQUIREMENT_ASSIGNMENT('114700','Satisfy3',#1820,#30120);




OSLC PLM Workgroup 23

PLM Reference Model:Classification Assignment

• #50=CLASSIFICATION_ASSIGNMENT(#36,(#10700,#10800,#10900,#11000,#11100,#11200,#11300,#11400,#11500),'DeriveReqt');

• Certain requirements are classified as type “DeriveReqt” (#36 above

OSLC PLM Workgroup 24


OSLC PLM Workgroup 25

• Overall

• Power Control Unit system structure (architecture

OSLC PLM Workgroup 26

OSLC PLM Workgroup 27

#23600=SYSTEM('23600','HybridSUV','HybridSUV System');

#23610=SYSTEM_VERSION('1','HybridSUV System Element Version',#23600);

#23620=SYSTEM_VIEW_DEFINITION('1','HybridSUV System View Definition','',#1,(),#23610);


What is the origin ? There is no #2 in

the file

No. occurring in the assembly

No. occurring in the assembly

OSLC PLM Workgroup 28

A related System element

#30100=SYSTEM('30100','PowerSubsystem','PowerSubsystem System');

#30110=SYSTEM_VERSION('1','PowerSubsystem System Element Version',#30100);

#30120=SYSTEM_VIEW_DEFINITION('1','PowerSubsystem System View Definition','',#1,(),#30110);



Origin ?

Why NEXT ?

OSLC PLM Workgroup 29

OSLC PLM Workgroup 30

OSLC PLM Workgroup 31


3 of 4 here


How are other interdepencies represented in


Arbitrary ? Or is it based on the

External Class ?

OSLC PLM Workgroup 32

PLM Reference Model: STEP content examples

Gathered examples


OSLC PLM Workgroup 33

PLM Reference Model:SYSTEM

#21780=SYSTEM('21800','HybridSUV','HybridSUV System');#21782=SYSTEM_VERSION('1','HybridSUV System Element

Version',#21800);#21784=SYSTEM_VIEW_DEFINITION('1','HybridSUV System View

Definition','',#1,(),#21782);#21786=SYSTEM_BREAKDOWN('21800','HybridSUV','HybridSUV System

Breakdown');#21788=SYSTEM_BREAKDOWN_VERSION('1','HybridSUV System

Breakdown Version',#21786);#21790=BREAKDOWN_OF('1','HybridSUV','HybridSUV


Breakdown Context',#21788,#21820);#21810=SYSTEM_ELEMENT_VERSION('1','HybridSUV System Element

Version',#21800);#21820=SYSTEM_ELEMENT_DEFINITION('1','HybridSUV System Element


OSLC PLM Workgroup 34

PLM Reference Model:System element and its


System Element');

#26910=SYSTEM_ELEMENT_VERSION('1','Fuel System Element Version',#26900);

#26920=SYSTEM_ELEMENT_DEFINITION('1','Fuel System Element Definition','',#1,(),#26910);

#26930=SYSTEM_ELEMENT_USAGE('1','','Fuel System Element Usage',#21820,#26920,'Fuel');

OSLC PLM Workgroup 35

PLM Reference Model:Additional relationships





OSLC PLM Workgroup 36


OSLC PLM Workgroup 37

PLM Reference Model:ACTIVITY performed

• #90=APPLIED_ACTIVITY_ASSIGNMENT(#22,(#700,#710,#720,– XMI extract from TOPcased

OSLC PLM Workgroup 38

PLM Reference Model:ORGANISATIONAL ownership


OSLC PLM Workgroup 39


• V0.1 Used during Gray/Ian working session

• V0.2/0.3 Consolidate to post
