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DISTRIBUTION SHEET To From Page 1 of 1 Distribution DG Spurling Date 8/29/94 Project Title/Work Order EDT No. (XXXXXX) TMACS Software Release 4 . 1 , Test Procedure Reports for TPOOl, TP002, TP003, TP005, TP009, TPOlO / N46G1 ECN No. 608598 Name MSIN Text With All Attach. Text Only Attach./ Appendix Only EDT/ECN Only JJ BADDEN DA BARNES RB BASS TW BOHAN DE DEATON ML HERMANSON DG SPURLING JA WARREN Central Files (Orig, OSTI (2 copies) 2 copies) S5-12 ECN w/ WHC-SD-WM-TRP-114 a t t Rl-51 Rl-01 S5-14 T4-07 Al-04 Rl-01 1 (full) A4-30 1 (full) L8-04 2 Rl-05 2 E SEP 3 0 mk OSTI

DISTRIBUTION SHEET To From Page 1 of 1 D is t r ibu t ion DG Spurling Date 8/29/94 Project Title/Work Order EDT No. (XXXXXX)

TMACS Software Release 4 . 1 , Test Procedure Reports for TPOOl, TP002, TP003, TP005, TP009, TPOlO / N46G1

ECN No. 608598

Name MSIN Text

With All Attach.

Text Only Attach./ Appendix




2 copies)

S5-12 ECN w/ WHC-SD-WM-TRP-114 a t t Rl-51 Rl-01 S5-14 T4-07 Al-04 Rl-01 1 ( fu l l ) A4-30 1 ( fu l l ) L8-04 2 Rl-05 2

E SEP 3 0 mk



Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document.


1.ECN 608598 Proj. ECN

2. ECN Category (mark one) Supplemental [] Direct Revision IX] Change ECN [] Temporary D Standby D Supersedure n Cancel/Void D

3. Originator's Name, Organization, MSIM, and Telephone No. DG Spurling, IRM/ISS/C&WMSS, Rl-01, 3-2969 5. Project Title/No./Work Order No.

TMACS/N46G1 8. Document Numbers Changed by this ECN

(includes sheet no. and rev.) WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105, Rev US WHC-SD-WM-TRP-106, Rev SA WHC-SD-WM-TRP-107, Rev 65 WHC-SD-WM-TRP-109, Rev "S>4 WHC-SD-WM-TRP-113, Rev V f WHC-SD-WM-TRP-114, Rev T5&

No. 6. Bldg./Sys./Fac. 2750E/TMACS/200E 9. Related ECN No(s).

ECN 196863 EDT 159986 EDT 600611 EDT 196862

4. Date

8/29/94 7. Impact Level

10. Related PO No.

11a. Modification Work

[] Yes (fill out Blk. 11b)

[X] No (NA Blks. 11b, 11c, lid)

11b. Work Package No.


11c. Modification Work Complete

V^|< Cog. Engineer Signature & Date

11d. Restored to Original Condi­tion (Temp, or Standby ECN only)

±*te-Cog. Engineer Signature & Date

12. Description of Change Four Tank Farm Surve Software Release 4.1 C-106 instrument ins and enhancements to

illance System (TFSS) Change Requests were incorporated into TMACS . These include AN Farm sensor addition (temperature, pressure), tall (Enraf, pressure), Enraf installs (C-103,BX-106,T-102,T-107) the Acromag software driver.

The results of this software test are documented in each Test Report, and summarized in Test Procedure 10 (WHC-SD-WM-TRP-114).

13a. Justification (mark one) As-Found []

Criteria Change

Facilitate Const. [X] []

Design Improvement

Const. Error/Omission [] Ji


Design Error/Omission [3 []

13b. Justification DetaiIs TMACS software development and release guidelines are governed under WHC-IP-0842, Section 12.2, Tank Farm Surveillance System Configuration Control Board, and WHC-SD-WM-CSCM-019, TMACS Software Configuration Management Plan

14. Distribution (include name, MSIN, and no. of copies) See Distribution Sheet



DATE SEP W .s.-J^r.g&*siL;z&i0i

A-6000-135 (01/93) WEF067

A-7900-013-1 (06/92)


1 . ECN (use no. f rom pg . 1)

608598 15. Design

Verification Required

[] Yes [X] No

16. Cost Impact


Additional r1 $

Savings [ J $




17. Schedule Impact (days)


Delay []

18. Change Impact Review: that wi U be affected


Functional Design Criteria

Operating Specification

Criticality Specification

Conceptual Design Report

Equipment Spec.

Const. Spec.

Procurement Spec.

Vendor Information

OM Manual


Safety Equipment List

Radiation Work Permit

Environmental impact Statement

Environmental Report

Environmental Permit

Indicate the r e l a t e d docunents (other than the by the change described in Block 12. Enter the

Seismic/Stress Analysis

Stress/Design Report

Interface Control Drawing

Calibration Procedure

Installation Procedure

Maintenance Procedure

Engineering Procedure

Operating Instruction

Operating Procedure

Operational Safetv Requirement

IEFD Drawing

Cell Arrangement Drawing

Essential Material Specification

Fac. Proc. Samp. Schedule

Inspection Plan

Inventory Adjustment Request

engineering documents identified on Side 1 affected document number in Block 19.

Tank Calibration Manual

Health Physics Procedure

Spares Multiple Unit Listing

Test Procedures/Specification

Component Index

ASME Coded hem

Human Factor Consideration

Computer Software

Electric Circuit Schedule

ICRS Procedure

Process Control Manual/Plan

Process Flow Chart

Purchase Requisition


19. Other Affected Documents: (NOTE: Documents listed below will not be revised by this ECN.) Signatures below indicate that the signing organization has been notified of other affected documents listed below.

Document Number/Revision Document Number/Revision Document Number Revision

20. Approvals

S igna tu re


Cog Engineer [DA Barnes] {.'),><-< L • •' ••••••' -

Cog. Mgr. [JS S c h o f i e l d ] /2>&- - ^ ^ ^ M / S

QA [JA Warren] i L w A <£V<*~—-—

Sa fe ty

S e c u r i t y

Env i r on .

Pro jec ts /Programs

Tank Waste Remediat ion System

F a c i l i t i e s Opera t ions [TW Bohan] ^fW-J-t^v^

R e s t o r a t i o n & Remediat ion

Operat ions & Support Serv ices^


IRM/ISS/C&WMSS [DG S p u r l i n g ] ^



/7/ / f£/ o« S3 &

N/A_ N/A_

_ N / A _ N/A_ N/A_

N/A_ N/A.

N/A_ N/A









Signature or Letter No.



A-7900-013-3 (06/92) GEF096


Document Number: WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105, REV 6


Release Date: 9 /1 /94

# # * * * * * * * * * * *

This document was reviewed following the procedures described in WHC-CM-3-4 and is:


* * * * * * * * * * * * *

WHC Information Release Administration Specialist:

^ = ^ J Kara/firoz 9/1/94 (Signature) (Date)

A-6001-400 (07/94) WEF256


2. T i t l e

TMACS Test Procedure TP001: Alarm Management 3. Number

WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105 4. Rev No.

6 5. Key Words

Software, Test Procedure, Tank Monitor and Control System, TMACS Software Project



Organization/Charge Code 6 2 6 1 0 / N 4 6 G 1


The TMACS Software Project Test Procedures translate the project's acceptance criteria into test steps. Software releases are certified when the affected Test Procedures are successfully performed and the customers authorize installation of these changes. This Test Procedure tests the TMACS Alarm Management functions.

POSE AND USE OF DOCUMENT - This document was preparedieF use withtrr»*toeiU.S. Department of Energy and its contractors^'it is to be used oivli to perform, direct, or integurtework under U.S. Department'WkEnergy contracts. This doc>*nervt is not approved for public release unt-W^j-eviewed.

PATENT STATUS - This document^Wjajk since it is transmitted in advance of patent clearance^^Ts madelaVai^able in confidence solely for use in performance of work unde>-vGontracts with the U.S. Department oJJrriergy. This document is nottoH^oublished nor its contents^ottferwise disseminated or used for purposeS«>tt£her than specif igd--Sbove before patent approval for such release oril&s^has begp^ecured, upon request, from the Patent Counsel, U.S. Department

Energy Field Office, Richland, WA.

DISCLAIMER - This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or any third party's use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

9. Impact Level Q



D A T E SEP 01 1994

A-6400-073 (11/91) <EF> UEF124

RECORD OF REVISION (1) Document Number

WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105 Page 1 (2) Ti t le Tank Monitor And Control System (TMACS) Software Project, Release 4.1 Test Procedure TP001, Alarm Management


(3) Revision (4) Description of Change - Replace, Add, and Delete Pages Authorized for Release (3) Revision (4) Description of Change - Replace, Add, and Delete Pages (5) Cog. Engr. (6) Cog. Mgr. Date

0 <7> Software Release 0.0 Release Testing Released under EDT 159986, 10/15/92

1 Software Release 1.0 Release Testing Released under ECN 196866, 1/31/93

2 Software Release 1.1 Release Testing Released under ECN 196865, 4/30/93

3 Software Release 2.0 Release Testing Released under ECN 196864, 10/1/93

4 Software Release 3.0 Release Testing Released under ECN 196863, 1/15/94

5 Software Release 4.0 Release Testing Released under ECN 196862, 5/31/94

6 *«S Software Release 4.1 Release Testing Released under ECN 608598, 8/29/94 /£- •U/Mgwi

A-7320-005 (08/91) WEF168

August 23, 1994 WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105 Rev. 6 Page 1

TP001 Rev. 6



Patrick Scanlan IRM Chemical & Waste Management

Software Support


M/£j^f*> . 'ZUas/ a^u g/z?/?*/ DA Barnes TMACS Cognizant Engineer

7 > , BQffAN


i^/Z^L Date

vktk ¥L T Bohan TMACS User Manager signature



Date Software QA/V&V

DG Spur ling TMACS Software Projecl^ffanager 'Date

WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105 Rev. 6 Page 2 August 23, 1994 TP001 Rev. 6


This Test Procedure addresses the Alarm Management requirements of the TMACS. The features to be tested are: real-time alarming on high and low level and discrete alarms, equipment alarms, dead-band filtering, alarm display color coding, alarm acknowledgement, and alarm logging. Some features and functions used to perform this Test Procedure are not verified here because they are verified in Test Procedure 003.

Table 1. Test Cases

5.1 Test Setup 6 5.2 Operation of the Current Alarm List 7 5.3 Operation of Real-Time Alarms on High Temperature 10 5.4 Operation of GOTO MOST RECENT ALARM Button 12 5.5 Operation of Alarm Reset (before acknowledgement) 13 5.6 Operation of Alarm Acknowledgement (after alarm reset) . . . . 14 5.7 Operation of Real-time Alarm on Low Temperature 14 5.8 Operation of Alarm Acknowledgement (before alarm reset) . . . 17 5.9 Operation of Alarm Reset (after acknowledgement) 18 5.10 Operation of Alarm Logging to Printer 18 5.11 Operation of Alarm Logging to Printer after Printer failure

occurs 19 5.12 Operation of Alarm Logging to Log File 21 5.13 Operation of the Alarm Deadband 22 5.14 Operation of Non-temperature Continuous Sensor Alarms . . . . 23 5.15 Operation of Discrete Alarms 26 5.16 Operation of the Data Acquisition Equipment Alarms 29


The following acceptance criteria are from Section 1.0 of the TMACS Software Upgrade Project: Acceptance Criteria. The Test Cases that satisfy these criteria are listed after each criteria item.

2.1 Provide real-time alarming on high and low level for any analog point. See Steps 2 - 18, 31 - 42, and 105 - 117.

2.2 Provide alarm deadband filtering for analog points, selected by the system administrator. See Steps 71 - 78.

2.3 Display the following alarm colors: red for highest priority, requiring immediate action; yellow for an abnormal condition requiring attention but not an immediate hazard; white for status indication; green for normal condition. See Steps 31 - 47, 60 - 71, 108 - 120, and 126.

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TP001 Rev. 6

2.4 Provide alarm summary display with date, time, tag, description, alarm status with color coding (green for normal). Remove message from display upon acknowledgement and return to normal (both required). See Steps 5 6 - 5 9 , 7 9 - 8 4 .

2.5 Provide operator alarm acknowledgement. Acknowledgement action shall cease blinking of alarmed item. See Steps 56 - 59 and 7 2 - 7 8 .

2.5 Provide logging of alarms, return to normals, and alarm acknowledgements, to printer and to disk. See Steps 85 - 90 and 96 - 99.

2.7 Provide alarming when error codes are returned from data acquisition system. See Steps 137 - 162.

2.8 Display tanks and sensors with unacknowledged alarms as blinking. See Steps 42 - 43, 51 - 52, 66 - 67, 117 - 118.

The following Change Requests were incorporated into previous software releases.

92-013 Implement blinking in the alarm states for sensors readouts on the Tank Status windows. Remove blinking of tank outline. See Test Steps 42 - 43, 51 - 52, 66 - 67, 117 - 118.

92-014 Implement an algorithm to infer a sensor's quality status of "unknown" when the status of the sensor's ACROMAG unit or the ACROMAG Interface indicates that it is not receiving readings. Display sensor with a white background. Add Alarm Status and last good reading timestamp to reports and files to SACS. See Test Steps 137 - 162 for sentence one. See Procedures TP004 and TP008 for the last sentence.

93-007 Change the analog alarm annunciation from 10 seconds to continuous beeping until acknowledged. See Step 40.

93-034 Modify TMACS rule that verifies readings to determine alarm condition based on reading, previous alarm status, and alarm deadband. See Test Steps 50 - 55, 79 - 84, 100 - 107.

93-047 Add SY Farm sensors to TMACS, including hydrogen, pressure, vent flow, discrete alarms, and temperatures: structural and in-tank. See Steps 108 - 121, 123 - 135.

93-049 Changes to alarm color scheme, addition of different colors for different priority alarms. See Steps 56 - 59, 79 - 84.

WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105 Rev. 6 Page 4 August 23, 1994 TP001 Rev. 6

93-053 Distinguish high temperature alarms from failed equipment alarms. For the values +-32767 which signify failed equipment, the channel status is returned as bad so that the number will not be interpreted as a temperature. See Test Steps 137 - 162.

94-005 Addition of liquid level indication for tanks. See Steps 163 - 193.

The following Change Requests have been incorporated into the software release which affects this revision of the Test Procedure:

94-027 Configure sensor^in AN Farm. See Sections 5*z - 5.9 (Steps 31 - 84) and Section 5.14 (Steps 108 - 122).

94-031 Addition of Enraf level gauges. See Section 5.14 (Steps 108 - 122).

94-034 Add Enraf level sensor, two pressure sensors to C-106. See Section 5.14 (Steps 108 - 122).

These changes do not require modification of this test case.

Note: A limited number of non-temperature continuous sensors and discrete sensors currently exist in the system. In performing test cases that test continuous sensors other than temperature and which test discrete sensors the tester should consult the test administrator to assist in finding a tank with the proper sensors.

In addition, there are several non-deliverable items, added by the TMACS designers to improve operability, that are tested throughout this Test Procedure.


The TMACS system is an application built using the G2 Real-Time Expert System. The tester should be familiar with the basic point-and-select method, via a "mouse", that G2 uses to access information "windows". The instructions for using the mouse and mouse buttons are given below.

The tester should also have a basic understanding that G2 runs under the UNIX operating system and that part of this test requires the tester to access UNIX and execute some simple commands. The test administrator will be available to assist the tester if necessary.

WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105 Rev. 6 Page 5 August 23, 1994 TP001 Rev. 6

The majority of user control of the system involves pointing at objects on the computer screen using the POINTER. The pointer is an arrow that is pointing to the upper left of the screen. When a user moves the mouse, the pointer moves on the screen.

The G2 system treats the left and right mouse buttons as if they were a single button. Whenever the use of a mouse button is required the user is free to use either of these buttons.

The following terms are used to describe actions performed with the mouse:

• To MOVE the pointer, slide the mouse with no buttons pressed.

• To POINT to a push-button or object, move the pointer to the appropriate place on the screen.

• To CLICK on an object, first move your mouse so that the screen pointer rests on the object. Then, press the mouse button and release immediately without moving the mouse. Note: clicking on any part of a TMACS window will bring that window to the top of the screen.

• To DRAG an object with the mouse, first move the mouse so that the screen pointer rests on the object. Then, press the mouse button and move the mouse without releasing the button. The object moves along with the screen pointer as you move the mouse. Release the button when the object is in the desired place.

In addition, the keyboard command Control-C can be used when the screen becomes unreadable or objects overwrite each other. By typing Control-C (hold down the "Control" then press the "C" key), the screen will be redrawn.


The test process for alarm management involves simulating changes in monitored values using the TMACS software. This testing is done on both continuous sensors and discrete sensors that are part of the production configuration. The simulation changes the values of the io-station channel associated with the sensor to be tested to produce alarm and reset conditions as needed to test the Alarm Management items.

The test administrator will set-up the simulation so that the tester can perform the tests. The test administrator will start up the TMACS system and initialize the simulator prior to execution of the Test Steps. Some test steps are performed by the test administrator, these are specified in the test steps.

This test requires the system to be in a state in which no other alarm activity is generated externally. The test administrator may need to disable

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TP001 Rev. 6

the collection of sensor readings from the field and clear alarm messages generated by the system start up.



5.1 Test Setup

Verify with the test administrator that the following has been set up:

(1) The simulator has been started.

(2) The variable "Alarm-audible" is set to "true". (Use INSPECT - "GOTO alarm-audible" to verify this.)

(3) The windows Hanford Tank Farm Facilities and Control Panel are visible.

(3) In the objects ACROMAG-00, PANALARM-INTERFACE-1, and PANALARM-INTERFACE-2 the host name in the character string "tcp-ip host..." has been changed from "tfslO" to "tfsl7".

n the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window, he tank icons for all tanks currently perable are green, and none are blinking.

The mode is "t2-user". Enter Ay to verify this.)

Have the test administrator display the "TESTING WKSPACES" window.

Click on the goto-setup-alarm-mgmt button.


On the goto-setup-alarm-mgmt window c l i c k on the button labeled "get c-106 sacs level from an acromag channel".

& J°' <gr Ar^4 -/L//.J5. • ' 7

(ST^O V ^aA 6 V

August 23, 1994 WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105 Rev. 6 Page 7

TP001 Rev. 6





On the goto-setup-alarm-mgmt window click on the button labeled "update sacs level".

5.2 Operation of the Current Alarm List

Have the test administrator display the "TESTING WKSPACES" window.

Click on the "TEST-CURRENT-ALARM-LIST" button to display the Test Current Alarm List window. Click on the "TANK TO ALARM" box and enter the name of a tank to use for the alarm test. Record the Number of Current Alarms on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Number of Current Alarms

Click on the "GENERATE ALARMS" button. Record the number of expected alarms.

Number of Expected Alarms

Record the sum of the numbers recorded in Steps 7 and 8 as "total number of alarms".

Total Number of Alarms

Verify that a series of alarm messages appear in the MOST RECENT ALARM window.

Verify that the Number of Current Alarms displayed on the MOST RECENT ALARM window is equal to the total number of alarms recorded in Step 9. Verify that the Number of Current Alarms displayed on the CONTROL-PANEL window is equal to the total number of alarms recorded in Step 9. Click on the Current Alarms button on the CONTROL-PANEL window. Verify that the CURRENT ALARMS window appears.

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TP001 Rev. 6











If no alarms are displayed, click on the "SHOW ALARMS" button. If the "TOP OF CURRENT ALARM LIST" message is not displayed at the top of the list then click on the "UP ONE PAGE" button until this message appears at the top of the window. Verify that the first page of this list shows an initialization message followed by other alarm messages, Verify that the Number of Current Alarms displayed on the CURRENT ALARMS window shows the number recorded in Step 9. Verify that the number to the left of the initialization message is "0". Click on the arrow to make the window larger or smaller, (depending on the current size) and verify that the window changes size.

(The window can be either large or small for the next steps, use the arrow buttons to select the desired size.) Click on the "Down One Page" button. Verify that the next page of alarms is displayed. Click on the "Up One Page" button. Verify that the previous page of alarms is displayed. Click on the "Down One Alarm" button. Verify that the first alarm advances to the top and has the number "1" to its left. Click on the "Down One Alarm" button several times and verify that with each click:

the second alarm moves to the top. the number to the left of the top alarm increases by one. Click on the "Up One Alarm" button several times and verify that with each click:

the top alarm moves to the second position. the number to the left of the top alarm decreases by one,

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28 29


Click on the "Up One Alarm" button several times and verify that each time:

the top alarm moves down one position, the number to its left decreases by one.

Continue until the initialization header is at the top and the number to the left is "0". Click repeatedly on the "Down One Page" button until the last page of alarm messages appears.

Verify that the alarm message from the MOST RECENT ALARM window disappears from the MOST RECENT ALARM window and appears on the CURRENT ALARMS window. Click on one of the alarm messages.

Verify that the background of the alarm message is still the correct alarm color. Verify that the text of the alarm message is now black. Verify that the alarm message shows that the alarm has been acknowledged and the time of acknowledgement. Display the Tank Status Window for the selected tank. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display that corresponds to the sensor name on the alarm you clicked on is still the correct alarm color. Click on the ACK ALARMS button on the Tank Status Window. Page through all the alarm messages for the selected tank on the CURRENT ALARMS window and verify that they indicate that they have been acknowledged.

(Their background color should still be the correct alarm color and their text should be black. The word "ACKNOWLEDGED" should appear in the message.) Click on the "RESET ALARMS" button in the TEST-CURRENT-ALARM- LI ST window.

Page through the CURRENT ALARMS window and verify that all the alarm messages for the selected tank have disappeared.

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TP001 Rev. 6


5.3 Operation of Real-Time Alarms on High Temperature



Have the test administrator display the "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls" window and return the system to "t2-user" mode.

j>*J Select a tank to test and record the name of this tank, this can be any of the tanks connected to the TMACS system.

Tank to be tested: (Z— ) 0(j? (jfr)

33 Click on the tank icon for this tank in the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window and verify that a Tank Status window appears.

Click on the "Shrink Window" button to reduce the size of the Tank Status window.


34 On the selected tank, select three temperature sensors to test and record the names of these sensors.

First sensor to be tested: TC--Q)

Second sensor to be tested: TC-ox.

Third sensor to be tested: ~T£-~D3



In the "Simulation Value Controls" window, type in the names of the selected sensors in the boxes labeled: "Sensor #1", "Sensor #2", and "Sensor #3".


Click on the button "CONTINUOUS-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS" on the "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls" window to display a window displaying information on the selected sensors.

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TP001 Rev. 6

STEP DESCRIPTION VERIFY 37 Record the high alarm setpoint and high alarm color for

Sensor #1 as displayed on the "Current Value Displays" window.

Sensor #1: High Alarm Setpoint: JyO

High Alarm Color: K&CA

38 Use the slider for Sensor #1 to change the sensor value to a value 1 or 2 degrees below the high alarm setpoint.

(When using the sliders for changing values, wait until the "Sensor Value Display" on the window "CONTINUOUS-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS" window shows the new value to perform verifications.)

Verify that no alarm is generated.


39 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Use the slider for Sensor #1 to change the sensor value to be equal to or just above the high alarm setpoint.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window. „ , /

Alarm test time: hr | , minS^S, sec o2j>


40 Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep. JlAcJ

41 Verify that an alarm message appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 30 seconds. JMJ

42 Verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking and is the correct alarm color on the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window. h>

43 On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking and is the correct alarm color.


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Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is the correct alarm color. Verify

that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color;

that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color;

that the message contains the following:

the date and time that the limit was exceeded;

the message type: HIGH ALARM;

the tank identifier: eg. BY-101;

the sensor identifier: eg. BY-101-TC-01;

the sensor tag name:

eg. BY105-PTT-TI-R10C-01;

the sensor reading: 32.0 degrees (example);

the limit exceeded: 25 degrees (example);

the words "NOT ACKNOWLEDGED" Verify that the alarm message's time stamp is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 39. Record the alarm message's time stamp for later use -

hr / , min_j£fV sec £(,





5.4 Operation of GOTO MOST RECENT ALARM Button 48 Click on the "Hide Window" button ( with an "x" as a

symbol) on the Tank Status Window. The Tank Status Window should disappear.

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TP001 Rev. 6

STEP DESCRIPTION ! VERIFY 49 Click on the GOTO button on the MOST RECENT ALARM window.

Verify that the Tank Status Window appears. HAJ 5.5 Operation of Alarm Reset (before acknowledgement)

50 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Use the slider for Sensor #1 to decrease the sensor value to be less than the high alarm setpoint minus the deadband for the sensor.

For example: high alarm setpoint = XJ&6 alarm deadband = ^ ^~a set sensor less than 35- | 3^»

b) Record the time displayed on the d ig i t a l - c lock on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Alarm test t ime: hr ^j_ , min d$ , sec QQ






On the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window, verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking green and that the audible alarm is beeping.

//W On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking green. ^

Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is green. '/U Verify that the alarm message on the MOST RECENT ALARM window for Sensor # 1:

has a reset time that is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 50.

- has a green background with black text. 55 Record the alarm message's reset time stamp-

hr g L , min Q^, sec Q(

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5.6 Operation of Alarm Acknowledgement (after alarm reset)

56 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed. a) Click on the alarm message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window for the sensor of the tank. Verify that the alarm message disappears. b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the sensor trend window. Time of acknowledgement: hr p ^ , min /pL. , sec /o





On the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window, verify that the tank icon for the tank has ceased blinking and is now green. Verify that the audible alarm has ceased beeping. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display has ceased blinking and is green. Hide the trend window for Sensor #1,

5.7 Operation of Real-time Alarm on Low Temperature 60 Record the low alarm setpoint and low alarm color for

Sensor #2 as displayed on the "Current Value Displays" window. Sensor #2: Low Alarm Setpoint: Ml Low Alarm Color: L/^ //».



Click on the sensor display for Sensor #2 to display the sensor's trend window. Verify that the background of the trend window is green. Use the slider for Sensor #2 to change the sensor value to a value above the low alarm setpoint. y. * & Verify that no alarm is generated. ~%v)

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Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Use the slider for Sensor #2 to change the sensor value to be equal to or just below the low alarm setpoint.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Alarm test time: hr ^ , min I (r , sec ^ o

Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep. Verify that an alarm message appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 30 seconds. On the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window, verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking and is the correct alarm color and that the audible alarm is beeping. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking and is the correct alarm color. Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is the correct alarm color. t<-fs//o^] -v


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Verify -that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color; that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color;

that the message contains the following:

the date and time the limit was exceeded;

the message type: LOW ALARM;

the tank identifier: e.g. BY-105;

the sensor identifier: e.g. BY-105-TC-01;

the sensor tag name:

e.g. BY105-PTT-TI-R10C-01;

the sensor reading: 32.0 degrees (example);

the limit exceeded: 150 degrees (example);

the words "NOT ACKNOWLEDGED" Verify that the alarm message's time stamp is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 63. Record the alarm message's time stamp-

hr_ Q2_> min /C » sec<5c2_

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5.8 Operation of Alarm Acknowledgement (before alarm reset)

72 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Click on the ACK ALARMS button on the Tank Status Window.

b) Record the time on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Time of acknowledgement: hr_^C_, min *^<^L, sec3 o AJ



Verify that the background of the alarm message on the MOST RECENT ALARM window is still the correct alarm color. Verify that the alarm message shows that the alarm has been acknowledged and shows the time of acknowledgement. Record the time-stamp from the alarm message.

hr g^, min £X, sec J o jLjfhJ





Verify that the alarm message's acknowledgement time stamp is within 4 seconds of the time you noted in Step 72.

fi/fc On the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window, verify that the tank icon for the tank has ceased blinking and is still the correct alarm color and that the audible alarm has ceased beeping.

w On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display has ceased blinking and is still the correct alarm color. On the sensor's trend window, verify that the window background is still the correct alarm color.

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5.9 Operation of Alarm Reset (after acknowledgement) 79 Record the time and the Number of Current Alarms on the

CONTROL-PANEL window: hr flZ. , min ^bS', sec ¥3 Number of Current Alarms JS& / ^

80 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed. a) Use the slider for Sensor #2 to increase the sensor value to be greater than the low alarm setpoint value plus its deadband. b) Record the time on the CONTROL-PANEL window. Time of acknowledgement: hr p 4 , min ^ f e seep Q





On the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window, verify that the tank icon for the tank is now green. JAO On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is now green. IM. Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is green. Verify that the MOST RECENT ALARM has no message and that the "Number of Current Alarms" counter is one less than the number recorded in Step 79.

5.10 Operation of Alarm Logging to Printer [A^/^T 85 Verify -

that the time stamp and the message for the High Temp alarm for Sensor #1 have been printed on the alarm printer; and that the time stamp is identical to what you recorded for this event (Step 47).

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5.3 Operation of Real-Time Alarms on High Temperature

31 Have the test administrator display the "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls" window and return the system to "t2-user" mode. fa

32 Select a tank to test and record the name of this tank, this can be any of the tanks connected to the TMACS system.

Tank to be tested: /j/J~~~~/ /X5 s 9/u 33 Click on the tank icon for this tank in the Hanford Tank

Farm Facilities window and verify that a Tank Status window appears.

Click on the "Shrink Window" button to reduce the size of the Tank Status window.

fa 34 On the selected tank, select three temperature sensors to

test and record the names of these sensors.

First sensor to be tested: $ (*.

Second sensor to be tested: 3 ~7

Third sensor to be tested: 2^>


35 In the "Simulation Value Controls" window, type in the names of the selected sensors in the boxes labeled: "Sensor #1", "Sensor #2", and "Sensor #3". >J

36 Click on the button "CONTINUOUS-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS" on the "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls" window to display a window displaying information on the selected sensors.


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Record the high alarm setpoint and high alarm color for Sensor #1 as displayed on the "Current Value Displays" window. Sensor #1: ^ ^ High Alarm Setpoint: y r— High Alarm Color:

Use the slider for Sensor #1 to change the sensor value to a value 1 or 2 degrees below the high alarm setpoint. (When using the sliders for changing values, wait until the "Sensor Value Display" on the window "CONTINUOUS-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS" window shows the new value to perform verifications.) Verify that no alarm is generated. Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed. a) Use the slider for Sensor #1 to change the sensor value to be equal to or just above the high alarm setpoint. b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window. Alarm test time: \\rX- mi in S^f, SQCS_ seOo Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep. Verify that an alarm message appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 30 seconds. Verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking and is the correct alarm color on the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking and is the correct alarm color.



) ~



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STEP i DESCRIPTION I VERIFY 44 Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend

window is the correct alarm color. h^> 45 6

Verify -that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color; that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color;

that the message contains the following:

the date and time that the limit was exceeded;

the message type: HIGH ALARM;

the tank identifier: eg. BY-101;

the sensor identifier: eg. BY-101-TC-01;

the sensor tag name:

eg. BY105-PTT-TI-R10C-01;

the sensor reading: 32.0 degrees (example);

the limit exceeded: 25 degrees (example);



46 Verify that the alarm message's time stamp is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 39. JAJ

47 t Record the alarm message's time stamp for later use -hr oL., min 3 </, sec3 3^"^ ^

5.4 Operation of GOTO HOST RECENT ALARM Button 48 Click on the "Hide Window" button ( with an

symbol) on the Tank Status Window. The Tank Status Window should disappear. __^


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Click on the GOTO button on the MOST RECENT ALARM window. Verify that the Tank Status Window appears.


5.5 Operation of Alarm Reset {before acknowledgement) Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed. a) Use the slider for Sensor #1 to decrease the sensor value to be less than the high alarm setpoint minus the deadband for the sensor. For example: high alarm setpoint = 100 y^

alarm deadband 5 2-set sensor less than 95 <fo

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window. Alarm test time: hr j2_ , min^S"^?» sec */o On the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window, verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking green and that the audible alarm is beeping. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking green. Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is green. Verify that the alarm message on the MOST RECENT ALARM window for Sensor # 1:

has a reset time that is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 50. has a green background with black text.

Record the alarm message's reset time stamp-hr X^> m i n J y , sec^fyT^






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5.6 Operation of Alarm Acknowledgement (after alarm reset)

56 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Click on the alarm message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window for the sensor of the tank. Verify that the alarm message disappears.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the sensor trend window.

Time of acknowledgement: \\r3 , minaa , sec 3>"o






On the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window, verify that the tank icon for the tank has ceased blinking and is now green. Verify that the audible alarm has ceased beeping.

A*^> On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display has ceased blinking and is green. /xU

dfoj Hide the trend window for Sensor #1. T

5.7 Operation of Real-time Alarm on Low Temperature Record the low alarm setpoint and low alarm color for Sensor #2 as displayed on the "Current Value Displays" window.

Sensor #2: Low Alarm Setpoint: Low Alarm Color:


? <JhuS



Click on the sensor display for Sensor #2 to display the sensor's trend window. Verify that the background of the trend window is green. Use the slider for Sensor #2 to change the sensor value to a value above the low alarm setpoint. Verify that no alarm is generated.


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Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed. a) Use the slider for Sensor #2 to change the sensor value to be equal to or just below the low alarm setpoint. b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window. Alarm test time: hr 3 > min <Dc3, sec / o

Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep. Verify that an alarm message appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 30 seconds. On the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window, verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking and is the correct alarm color and that the audible alarm is beeping. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking and is the correct alarm color. Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is the correct alarm color.


M &*->



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Veri fy that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color;

that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color;

that the message contains the following:

the date and time the limit was exceeded;

the message type: LOW ALARM;

the tank identifier: e.g. BY-105;

the sensor identifier: e.g. BY-105-TC-01;

the sensor tag name:

e.g. BY105-PTT-TI-R10C-01;

the sensor reading: 32.0 degrees (example);

the limit exceeded: 150 degrees (example);

the words "NOT ACKNOWLEDGED" Verify that the alarm message's time stamp is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 63. Record the alarm message's time stamp-

hr J) » min C>3, sec /</


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5.8 Operation of Alarm Acknowledgement (before alarm reset)

72 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Click on the ACK ALARMS button on the Tank Status Window.

b) Record the time on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Time of acknowledgement: hr 3 » min cOo, sec3&




Verify that the background of the alarm message on the MOST RECENT ALARM window is still the correct alarm color. / * - >

Verify that the alarm message shows that the alarm has been acknowledged and shows the time of acknowledgement. Record the time-stamp from the alarm message.

h r ^ l mi nb£^, sec M ^





Verify that the alarm message's acknowledgement time stamp is within 4 seconds of the time you noted in Step 72. / ^

On the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window, verify that the tank icon for the tank has ceased blinking and is still the correct alarm color and that the audible alarm has ceased beeping.


On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display has ceased blinking and is still the correct alarm color. /LJ On the sensor's trend window, verify that the window background is still the correct alarm color.

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5.9 Operation of Alarm Reset (after acknowledgement) 79 Record the time and the Number of Current Alarms on the

CONTROL-PANEL window: hr 3 » niin 7 > sec fca Number of Current Alarms / Jvu,

80 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed. a) Use the slider for Sensor #2 to increase the sensor value to be greater than the low alarm setpoint value plus its deadband. b) Record the time on the CONTROL-PANEL window. Time of acknowledgement: hr^J) , min O o, sec /<->






On the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window, verify that the tank icon for the tank is now green. £ ftO On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is now green. fl/kJ Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is green. /AuJ

Verify that the MOST RECENT ALARM has no message and that the "Number of Current Alarms" counter is one less than the number recorded in Step 79. /Y'f ^

5.10 Operation of Alarm Logging to Printer 85 Verify

that the time stamp and the message for the High Temp alarm for Sensor #1 have been printed on the alarm printer; and that the time stamp is identical to what you recorded for this event (Step 47).

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Verify -that the time stamp and the message for the reset of the High Temp alarm for Sensor #1 have been printed on the alarm printer; and

that the time stamp is identical to what you recorded for this event (Step 55).

Verify -that the time stamp and the message for the acknowledgement of the High Temp alarm for Sensor #1 have been printed on the alarm printer; and that the time stamp is within 4 seconds of what you recorded for this event (Step 56).

Verify -that the time stamp and the message for the Low Temp alarm for Sensor #2 have been printed on the alarm printer; and that the time stamp is identical to what you recorded for this event (Step 71).

Verify -that the time stamp and the message for the acknowledgement of the Low Temp alarm for Sensor #2 have been printed on the alarm printer; and

that the time stamp is identical to what you recorded for this event (Step 74).

Verify that the time stamp and the message for the reset of the Low Temp alarm for Sensor #2 have been printed on the alarm printer; and

that the time stamp is within 15 seconds of what you recorded for this event (Step 80).

5.11 Operation of Alarm Logging to Printer after Printer failure occurs M/fr

91 Turn off the power switch on the alarm printer.

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Use the slider to change the value of Sensor #1 to be above the high alarm setpoint.

Record the time stamp of the resulting alarm as it appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window.

Use the slider to change the value of Sensor #1 to be below the high alarm setpoint minus the alarm deadband.

Record the reset time after the message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window turns green.

Acknowledge the alarm in the MOST RECENT ALARM window. Record the time displayed in the CONTROL PANEL window.

Alarm #1 Reset #1

hr_ hr~

mm_ min

sec sec

Use the slider to change the value of Sensor #2 to be above the high alarm setpoint.

Record the time stamp of the resulting alarm as it appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window.

Use the slider to change the value of Sensor #2 to be below the high alarm setpoint minus the alarm deadband.

Record the reset time after the message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window turns green.

Acknowledge the alarm in the MOST RECENT ALARM window.

Alarm #2 Reset #2

hr hr~

mm_ min

sec sec"

Turn on the power switch on the alarm printer and verify that the printer comes back on-line (and ready) and the alarm messages start printing out.

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After the printer has stopped printing, examine the output and verify that the alarms recorded in Steps 92 and 93 were printed. The printed time stamps should be identical with the recorded time stamps. (Note: there may be additional alarms in addition to those recorded.)

Alarm #1 Reset #1

Alarm #2 Reset #2

verified verified

verified verified

5.12 Operation of Alarm Logging to Log File ^4L Have the test administrator start a Unix command tool window and enter the following Unix commands (underlined below):

tfsxx% cd /TMACS_disk/G2-SACS/CURRENT

tfsxx% Is almhst*

Verify that a file named in the form:


exists, where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour and mm is the minute. At the prompt labeled "tfsxx" (where xx is the workstation number) enter the following command string:

tail -200 almhst_YYYY_MMDD_HHMM.dat ! more

AND SUBSTITUTE the date/time indicators with the most recent date/time that you found in the previous step.

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STEP J DESCRIPTION ^VERIFY 98 Verify that the alarms recorded in steps 92 and 93 are

displayed on the screen. The printed time stamps should be identical with the recorded time stamps.

Alarm #1 verified Reset #1 verified

Alarm #2 verified Reset #2 verified

99 Instruct the test administrator to exit the Unix command tool and restore the screen to a view of TMACS.






5.13 Operation of the Alarm Deadband m. Display the Tank Status window for the tank selected at the beginning of this test. Use the slider for Sensor #3 to change the value of Sensor #3 to be greater than its high alarm setpoint. Verify that the alarm message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window for the selected test sensor appears.

Verify that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color.

Verify that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color. Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep. Using the slider for Sensor #3, change the value of Sensor #3 to be less than the high alarm setpoint but within the deadband (that is, greater than the setpoint minus the deadband).

Verify that the alarm does not reset. (ie. that the alarm message does not become green and does not include text indicating it has reset).

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Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Use the slider to change the value of Sensor #3 to be less than the high alarm setpoint minus the deadband.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock in the Control Panel window.

hr mm sec

Verify that the alarm message for the Sensor #3 has a reset time within 15 seconds of the time noted in the previous step and has a green background with black text. Click on the alarm message for the selected test sensor and verify that the alarm message disappears.

5.14 Operation of Non-temperature Continuous Sensor Alarms

108 Select a tank with a continuous sensor (monitoring a quantity other than temperature) to test and record the name of this tank. Consult the test administrator or the TMACS Sensor Table for an appropriate tank.

Tank to be tested:

109 Click on the tank icon for this tank in the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window to bring up the Tank Status window. /

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Select a continuous sensor to test and enter the name of the sensor in the box labeled "Sensor #3" on the "Simulation Value Controls" window.

Record the name and type (ie. pressure, flow, hydrogen concentration) of this sensor.

Sensor to be tested: Ct'PL- pJ9J~~^rt7)~J30^^

Sensor type: / / V j & &>;%£_

Click on the button "CONTINUOUS-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS" on the "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls" window to display a window displaying information on the selected sensors.

Record the high alarm setpoint and high alarm color for Sensor #3 as displayed on the "Current Value Displays" window.

Sensor #3: High Alarm Setpoint: High Alarm Color: ^ / / J ^ J


y If necessary to reach the alarm limit, edit the minimum value and maximum value for the slider. Click on the sensor display for Sensor #3 to display the sensor's trend window. Verify that the background of the trend window is green.


Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed. a) Use the slider for Sensor #3 to change the sensor value to be equal to or just above the high alarm setpoint.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the C CONTROL-PANEL window.

Alarm test time: hr QL_ , m i n ^ V , sec/p Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep. z





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Verify that an alarm message appears^n the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 30 seconds. SSe^~~

Verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking and is the correct alarm color on the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking and is the correct alarm color. Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is the correct alarm color.


Verify -that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color;

that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color; that the message contains the following:

the date and time that the limit was exceeded;

the message type: HIGH ALARM;

the tank identifier: e.g. SY-103;

the sensor identifier: e.g. SY-103-FI-01;

the sensor tag name:

e.g. SY103-PTF-FI-R07A-7-01;

the sensor reading: 1.5 CFM (example);

the limit exceeded: 1.0 CFM (example);

the words "NOT ACKNOWLEDGED" Veri fy that the alarm message's time stamp is wi th in 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 114. Jll2>¥;/S^

Acknowledge the alarm.

Clf** ^ lOd-HZ A< frtV»A S*A»'*^

-/Pu JU

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Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Use the slider to change the value of Sensor #3 to be less than the high alarm setpoint minus the deadband.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock in the Control Panel window.

hr mm sec

Verify that the alarm message for the Sensor #3 has a reset time within 15 seconds of the time noted in the previous step and has a green background with black text. Click on the alarm message for the selected test sensor and verify that the alarm message disappears.

#- f. r<£SSU r^^L^ 4 5.14 Operation of Non-temperature Continuous Sensor


108 Select a tank with a continuous sensor (monitoring a quantity other than temperature) to test and record the name of this tank. Consult the test administrator or the TMACS Sensor Table for an appropriate tank.

Tank to be tested: / 4 / t / - / ^ r •A-J

109 Click on the tank icon for this tank in the Hanford Farm Facilities window to bring up the Tank Status window.


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Select a continuous sensor to test and enter the name of the sensor in the box labeled "Sensor #3" on the "Simulation Value Controls" window.

Record the name and type (ie. pressure, flow, hydrogen concentration) of this sensor.

Sensor to be tested: /)• /J }"£&— f^d^ ^~ 2 Sensor type: / l < g J i » A i ,

Click on the button "CONTINUOUS-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS" on the "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls" window to display a window displaying information on the selected sensors. Record the high alarm setpoint and high alarm color for Sensor #3 as displayed on the "Current Value Displays" window.

Sensor #3: High Alarm Setpoint: High Alarm Color:

£° t. _//°u)

If necessary to reach the alarm limit, edit the minimum value and maximum value for the slider. Click on the sensor display for Sensor #3 to display the sensor's trend window. Verify that the background of the trend window is green. Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Use the slider for Sensor #3 to change the sensor value to be equal to or just above the high alarm setpoint.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Alarm test time: hr 3> , min /Q_ , sec^2-o Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep.

<? («J


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Verify that an alarm message appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 30 seconds. Verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking and is the correct alarm color on the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking and is the correct alarm color. Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is the correct alarm color. Verify -

that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color; that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color;

that the message contains the following:

the date and time that the limit was exceeded;

the message type: HIGH ALARM;

the tank identifier: e.g. SY-103;

the sensor identifier: e.g. SY-103-FI-01;

the sensor tag name:

e.g. SY103-PTF-FI-R07A-7-01;

the sensor reading: 1.5 CFM (example);

the limit exceeded: 1.0 CFM (example);

the words "NOT ACKNOWLEDGED" Verify that the alarm message's time stamp is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 114. Acknowledge the alarm. V


jt^ JhL



sty* tot- at- t» ^ *"**')

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Part b) o a) is perf

a) Use the slider to less than the high alarrfT

b) Record the time displayed on Control Panel window.

Verify that the alaprlnessage for the Sensor #3 has a reset time within/ib seconds of the time noted in the previous step>ano has a green background with black text, Click on the alarm message for the selected test sensor and vejHry that the alarm message disappears.

5.14 Operation of Non-temperature Continuous Sensor Alarms

108 Select a tank with a continuous sensor (monitoring a quantity other than temperature) to test and record the name of this tank. Consult the test administrator or the TMACS Sensor Table for an appropriate tank.

Tank to be tested: 4- 1*1 0 {4~s

109 Click on the tank icon for this tank in the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window to bring up the Tank Status window.

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Select a continuous sensor to test and enter the name of the sensor in the box labeled "Sensor #3" on the "Simulation Value Controls" window. Record the name and type (ie. pressure, flow, hydrogen concentration) of this sensor. Sensor to be tested: 7 7 & 1 -JJ£°K^- G^/^&T ^

Sensor type: / £^J^f

Click on the button "CONTINUOUS-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS" on the "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls" window to display a window displaying information on the selected sensors. Record the high alarm setpoint and high alarm color for Sensor #3 as displayed on the "Current Value Displays" window. Sensor #3: / 1 / / High Alarm Setpoint: jp oC- ^r High Alarm Color: y \ eJ If necessary to reach the alarm limit, edit the minimum value and maximum value for the slider. Click on the sensor display for Sensor #3 to display the sensor's trend window. Verify that the background of the trend window is green. Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed. a) Use the slider for Sensor #3 to change the sensor value to be equal to or just above the high alarm setpoint. b) Record the time displayed on the d ig i t a l -c lock on the CONTROL-PANEL window. Co3 (t/*A*+—7

Alarm test time: hr 1> min 3e>, sec 3-o Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep.



$ * ~ >

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Verify that an alarm message appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 30 seconds. ^J_ Verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking and is the correct alarm color on the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window. / ^

On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking and is the correct alarm color. JfJ Verify that the window background of the sensor's trend window is the correct alarm color. Verify

that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color;

that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color;

that the message contains the following:

the date and time that the limit was exceeded;

the message type: HIGH ALARM;

the tank identifier: e.g. SY-103;

the sensor identifier: e.g. SY-103-FI-01;

the sensor tag name:

e.g. SY103-PTF-FI-R07A-7-01;

the sensor reading: 1.5 CFM (example);

the limit exceeded: 1.0 CFM (example);

the words "NOT ACKNOWLEDGED" Verify that the alarm message's time stamp is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 114. Acknowledge the alarm.


M> jSf^rJ

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5.15 Operation of Discrete Alarms

Select a tank with a discrete sensor to test and record the name of this tank. Consult the test administrator or the TMACS Sensor Table for an appropriate tank.

Tank to be tested:

Click on the tank icon for this tank in the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window to bring up the Tank Status window. Select a discrete alarm to test and record the name of this alarm.

Sensor to be tested: Enter the name of the sensor in the type-in box labeled "Discrete-Sensor-Name" on the SIMULATION-VALUE-CONTROLS window. Click on the DISCRETE-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS button on the DISCRETE-SENSOR-CONTROLS window.

On the DISCRETE-CURRENT-VALUE-DISPLAYS window, find the value of the color-index for the discrete sensor selected and record this value.


Determine the alarm color from the fol lowing table and record th is color .

Color-index Alarm color 0 Green 1 Green 2 Green 3 Red 4 Yellow 5 White 6 Blue

Alarm color :

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If the icon for the selected tank on the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window is blinking, click on the ACK ALARMS button on the Tank Status window. Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) On the DISCRETE-SENSOR-CONTROLS window, click on the "Alarm" button under the label "Discrete Sensor Controls".

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Alarm test time: hr mm sec

Verify that the audible alarm sounds and continues to beep. Verify that an alarm message appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 15 seconds. Verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking the correct alarm color on the HANFORD TANK FARM FACILITIES window. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the sensor display for the sensor is blinking the correct alarm color.

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that the background of the alarm message is the correct alarm color;

that the text is either yellow if the background is red or the text is red if the background is any other color;

that the message contains the following:

the date and time that the alarm occurred;

the tank identifier: e.g. SY-103;

the sensor identifier: e.g. SY-103-CABINET-TROUBLE;

the sensor tag name: e.g. SY103-PTN-NI-R07A-18-01;

the descriptive alarm message: e.g. TANK-SY-103-CABINET-TROUBLE


134 Verify that the alarm message's time stamp is within 15 seconds of the time you noted in Step 128.

135 Record the alarm message's time-stamp:

hr , min , sec

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STEP > DESCRIPTION ' VERIFY 136 Acknowledge the alarm.

5.16 Operation of the Data Acquisition Equipment Alarms 137 Have the test administrator display the simulator window.

Click on the "CONTINUOUS CONTROLS" button to display the "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls" window if it isn't showing.

Have the test administrator display the "data update" window.



Select a tank on which to test the data acquisition alarms. Display the Tank Status window for the selected tank and click on the "Shrink Window" button. In the window "Continuous-sensor Simulation Value Controls", type in three continuous sensor names for the selected tank in the type-in boxes labeled "Sensor #1", "Sensor #2", and "Sensor #3".

Record the names of these sensors:

Sensor #1

Sensor #2

Sensor #3

140 Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Click on the "Unknown" Channel Status Toggle button for Sensor #1.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Alarm test time: hr mm sec

141 Verify that an Equipment Alarm message appears on the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 20 seconds of the time noted in Step 140.

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147 148





Verify that the audible alarm sounds briefly and does not continue to beep. On the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window, verify that the tank icon for the selected tank is white. On the Tank Status window, verify that the sensor display for Sensor #1 is white. Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Click on the "Unknown" Channel Status Toggle button for Sensor #2.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Alarm test time: hr mm sec

Verify that an Equipment Alarm message appear on the MOST RECENT ALARM window within 20 seconds of the time noted in Step 145. Verify that the audible alarm sounds. Verify that a data acquisition alarm message is present in the MOST RECENT ALARM window. On the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window, verify that the tank icon for the selected tank is white. On the Tank Status window, verify that the sensor display for Sensor #2 is white. Click on the "0" Station Status Toggle button for Sensor #3. Verify that a data acquisition alarm is received on the Most Recent Alarm window.

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Part b) of this step should record the time at which part a) is performed.

a) Click on the "update-continuous-sensors" button on the "data-update" workspace.

b) Record the time displayed on the digital-clock on the CONTROL-PANEL window.

Alarm test time: hr mm sec

On the Tank Status window, verify that all sensor displays for sensors receiving data from this station are white within 30 seconds of the time recorded in Step 153

(Have the test administrator use the Inspect facility to "show on a workspace every tank-farm-sensor S such that S is getting-readings-from ana-sta-xx-yyy" to determine which sensors are receiving data from this station.) On the alarm printer, for every Data Acquisition Equipment alarm with a time later than the time recorded in Step 140 verify that the alarm message is one of the two following types:

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STEP | DESCRIPTION j VERIFY 1) Station Error Message

Verify: that the background of the alarm message is white and the text is black;

and that the message contains the following:

the date and time that the error occurred;


the station identifier: eg. ANA-STA-05-32 or REF-STA-05-32;

the following message:

TMACS either lost communications with this Station or received bad data.


2) Channel Alarm Message

Verify: that the background of the alarm message is white and the text is black;

and that the message contains the following:

the date and time that the error occurred;


the following message:

"Station-ID: ANA-STA-05-003 The channel associated with sensor: BY-105-TC-01"

(The station ID and sensor name are examples.)


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Examine the output on the alarm printer and verify that each of the Data Acquisition Equipment messages was printed. Acknowledge a Data Acquisition Equipment message by clicking on the message in the CURRENT ALARMS window and verify that the message disappears. Verify that the alarm printer printed a message indicating that the alarm was acknowledged. Click on the "Good" Channel Status Toggle button for Sensor #1.

Click on the "Good" Channel Status Toggle button for Sensor #2.

Click on the "1" Station Status Toggle button for Sensor #3. Have the test administrator click on the "update-continuous-sensors" button on the "data-update" workspace.

161 Verify that the icon for the selected tank returns to green on the HTFF window within 30 seconds.

162 Verify that all the sensor displays on the Tank Status Window return to green within 30 seconds.

163 5.17 Operation of the Alarms on Level Sensors

Select a tank that has a level sensor configured in the TMACS system. (Have the test administrator provide a list of tanks by using Inspect "display a table of the names and tank of every level-sensor".)

Record the sensor and the tank selected.



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170 171






Click on the tank icon for this tank on the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window. A Tank Status Window should appear. Have the test administrator display the "Continuous-sensors-Simulation-Value-Controls" window by using Inspect and the command "go to Continuous-sensors-Simulation-Value-Controls". Change Sensor Name #1 to the name of the selected level sensor in the "Continuous-sensors-Simulation-Value-Controls" window. Have the test administrator display the "testing-wkspaces" window by using Inspect and the command "go to testing-wkspaces". Click on the button "goto-test-level-alarms" on the "testing-wkspaces" window. Click on the HIDE-WINDOW button on the "testing-wkspaces" window. Click on the button "Set-up Level Sensor Simulation". On the "Continuous-sensors-Simulation-Value-Controls" window, change the "Minimum Value" on the slider for the level sensor to 10 units less than the level sensor low limit displayed on the TEST-LEVEL-ALARMS window. On the "Continuous-sensors-Simulation-Value-Controls" window, change the "Maximum Value" on the slider for the level sensor to 10 units more than the level sensor high limit displayed on the TEST-LEVEL-ALARMS window. Use the slider to select a value between the high and low setpoints of the level sensor. Verify that the sensor display on the Tank Status Window reflects this new value. Use the slider to select a value that is greater than the high limit for the sensor. Verify that an alarm message for this sensor appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the Trend-icon box at the right side of the level icon is blinking red and that the audible alarm is sounding.

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Click on the Trend-icon at the right side of the level icon to get the Trend window for the level sensor. Verify that the background of the Trend window is red. On the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window, verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking red. Click on the alarm message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window and verify that the tank icon and sensor icon stop blinking. On the "Continuous-sensors-Simulation-Value-Controls" window, use the slider to select a value that is less than the high alarm setpoint minus the alarm deadband of the level sensor. Verify that the tank icon on the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window is green. _ ^ Verify that the level icon on the Tank Status Window is now green. Verify that the alarm message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window disappears.







On the "Continuous-sensors-Simulation-Value-Controls" window, use the slider to select a value that is lower than the low limit for the sensor. Verify that an alarm message for this sensor appears in the MOST RECENT ALARM window. On the Tank Status Window, verify that the Trend-icon box at the right side of the level icon is blinking red and that the audible alarm is sounding. Click on the Trend-icon at the right side of the level icon to get the Trend window for the level sensor. Verify that the background of the Trend window is red. On the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window, verify that the tank icon for the tank is blinking red. Click on the alarm message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window and verify that the tank icon and sensor icon stop blinking.

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STEP | DESCRIPTION j VERIFY 190 On the "Continuous-sensors-Simulation-Value-Controls"

window, use the slider to select a value that is greater than the high alarm setpoint plus the alarm deadband of the level sensor.

191 Verify that the tank icon on the Hanford Tank Farm Facilities window is green.

192 Verify that the level icon on the Tank Status Window is now green.

193 Verify that the alarm message in the MOST RECENT ALARM window disappears.


Acceptance Sheet Exception Sheets Data/Verification Sheet Test Log

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DATE: t/ir/iy ORG#: Ctl.ro



nf t/uM l/p>7*1

COMMENTS: All of the test steps of this test procedure have been tested and exception sheets for this test procedure have been resolved.


1 ^Hfm, Date TMACS Software Test Procedure Tester

z& \/z*/#/ Date

Date „ PK ScanlanT"7piACS Test Procedure Software Engineer

r l i n g , TMACS S^ftware^roL *4s7ff

Date DG Spu fet Manager

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STEP#: ^ ^ DATE : &£*//<?</

.££ 5fc


y Z / s ~s// /e tlt.sjj .-„ ^ ^




&J14M/fWt\ & &

oW6 Date


PK Scanlafep_JFMACS Test Procedure Software Engineer Date

f/?0/ Date

WHC-SD-WM-TRP-105 Rev. 6 Page 39 August 23, 1994 TP001 Rev. 6


This Sheet provides a record of Personnel who are involved in testing, data recording, verifying, and evaluating the Test Procedure. This form needs to be completed before a formal test is begun.

DIRECTIONS: Print the name, sign, initial, and date the below lines of the participants.


tf ^ 'ester / Organization


DG Spurting, TMACS Software Project Manager

TAvJ ?A*>4y i n i t i a l s Date

;}h.9 <2n^fH0^ / CZUn /&S %M/fy rieia. / Organization ' // Initials Date

Initials Date

Name / Organization Initials Date

Name / Organization Initials Date

Name / Organization Initials Date

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