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OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups

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  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    Consists of those who apply OTs philosophicalprinciple directly to practice without definingexplicitly a scientific theory and modify work indirective relationships between symptoms orbehaviors and activities.

    Deals with treatment of long-term mentally ill inhospitals or in the community; OT in generalhospitals or in day-treatment of chronic

    patients to independent living in thecommunity. These populations can be treated with almost

    all OT theoretical approaches with appropriatemodifications

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    They should benefit from Allens cognitivetheory which provides a measure offunctional level and task analysis procedureto guide treatment of chronic patients

    Other theoretical approaches includeFidlers rehabilitation approach, Humanoccupation model, Moseys acquisition ofdevelopmental FOR, Kings application ofsensory integration

    The main point to stress here is theimportance of using a conceptual model inclinical practice which guides systemicevaluation, interviewing and the research

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    This group presents practices which workalso on the basis of OT philosophicalprinciples, but in accordance with theories

    outside OT which are directly applied topractice.

    In this group, all ages are included andrequire long-term intervention in in-patientfacilities.

    May include methods and techniquestaken from other fields such as relaxationtechniques, play and family therapy, andon psychodrama.

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    Describes OT interventions with speciallydefined populations such as children withautism, adolescents with conduct disorders,

    head injuries, and anorexia or bulimianervosa.

    Could be incorporated within acquisitionalframe of reference, or in combination withanother model such as occupationalbehavior.

    Regarding children with autism, OT sensoryintegrative procedures may be beneficialfor them.

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    With regard to head injuries, a cognitiveapproach based on neuropsychology in

    combination with Allens theory and inaccordance with Lurias approach,could also be utilized.

    A cognitive group treatment can bebased on Moseys activities groups anddevelopmental frame of reference aspresented by Lundgren and Persechino.

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    Another example of such applications,and although OT developed unique

    transformations of this knowledge base,these are not used.

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    This group consist of clinical proceduresw/c are based on OT philosophical

    principles and accordance to define OTtheories.

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    Dealing with pediatric in OT in integrationwith developmental perspectives

    Also utilized in forensic psychiatry On social skills training together with

    behavioural modification method.

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    Allens cognitive approach would bebeneficial and seems in accordance

    with the practice described: Sequencing steps in work accordance to

    capability and success

    Structured task projects accordance to

    cognitive levels w/c are used to reorganizedrehabilitation activity group

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    Acquisitional FOR (mosey) is mentionedtogether w/ fidlers concepts of doing

    although what is describe is not a fullysystematic approach

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    Fidlers task oriented group Moseys activity group

    Howe & schwatzbergs functional group

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    Activities are among OTs legitimatetools and are part of almost all of theprofessions frame of reference as outlineby Bruce

    Allens cognitive approach a detaileddescription of task group according to

    cognitive level is provided by Erdhardt inAllen.

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    The problem are of the patient

    The characteristic of the population

    The age

    The setting in w/c the intervention takes


    The therapists belief and expertise

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    Unfamiliarity w/ OT theory is among thereasons explaining the situation

    Diane Gibson the editor of occupationalmental health research Wrote a compelling article : The death of

    mental health research in OT, in w/c shestresses the need of research based ontheoretical frameworks to substantiate oureffectiveness in practice

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    Internalizing values and attitudes

    towards knowledge development ispresented as central and critical for thefuture of OT and its credibility among thehealth professions.

    Without theory which guides practiceand research no further growth ispossible.

  • 7/30/2019 OT7 - Types of Theoretical Groups


    Presents findings from single subjectresearch to demonstrate the effectivenessof treatment in specific cases.

    This method of research is advocatedrecently by Ottenbacher and Ottenbacherand Bonder as most appropriate andfeasible method for clinical analysis.

    This methos of research should not be theonly one but it provides practitioners w/cone more way to study their evaluation andtreatment procedures.
