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Ottumwa weekly courier. (Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa ...fine stallion, Young Pilgrim, to some...

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mmmmrnm&mtm&mimzs-tiit m m THE OTTUMWA OOTTRIER W*i>NKsnxv MoRxncti, Aran. 4,1877. Prom leal W.dnoadaj'a Deity. learn that & very serious flffbt occurred at Eldon last night. It seems that Mike Shaiiiiahan holds a Whiskey bill against a citizen of that place and last night Miko preeeuteA it informing the fellow that if was not paid in-tantly there would l>e trouble. The fellow spoke him never a word, but lifted np his hand, knocked Shannahan into the gutter, jumped on him with his feet, kicked him in the face and ribs, injuring Shannahan to such an extent that it was supposed last night that he would dte to trip J.-. JOTTINGS. Marshalltown has a female corn doctor. "The deril in solution" is the latest definition for alcohol. A. Oaker Hall lias tiot %cen lound yet. Gone to hunt Charley 15 ©is. The most popular amusemont in Fairfield is to got drunk aud foil iuto a gas ditch. A Dubuque woman was arrested and fined last Tuesday for Riding her brother-in-law. ; * The Denison School Boa^4 hare forbidden the school "inarms^ t the light fantastic toe. Col. D. B. Ilillis, of Keokuk, has been selected as a visitor to West Point Military Academy. Tlon. J. B. Grinnell has sold his fine stallion, Young Pilgrim, to some Hardin county parties for $5,OODl Td c city debt of Des Moines on the 5th of March, amounted to $">27,879.77, and there was only f 47,479.39 to meet it The Odd Fellows, of Des Moines, are to hare a grand banquet at the Exposition building on the 27th of April. A Missouri judge has decided that a woman is not an "old maid" till she is thirty-five. That 'takes our girls all out of the woods. "Buttcrine" is the new substance that takes the place of butter. It is a combination of tallow, lard and hair to suit the taste of the consumer. One hundred and seventy-two members were taken into the Method- ist Church at Agency City, during the recent revival. John Maher and John Anderson were arrested on the 20th inst., at A* V Frott Tlinredaj'i Daily. ^Sunday morning a Deputy Sheriff from Marion county arrived in Des Moines, in search of one Lewis An drews, a Methodist exhorter. They discovered their man and looked him up until Monday, when he was rc turned with them to Marion. The charge is that he has been too tiumer- oo&ly married The jury in the case of Frank Mil ler vs. the C. B. & Q. Railroad Co ailer some eight hours deliberation, returned with a verdict for the plaint- iff of |8.'000. The defendant's conn- Mi have filed their motion for a new trial, which will be argued to-mor- row morning, probably. *A very large concourse of people to-day. followed to her grave in onr city cemetery the wife of Benjamin Jeffries. Mrs. Jeffries was among the oldest settlers in this county and was held in universal esteem by all -Who knew her. Two of her sisters formerly resided in this city, viz Mrs. Thos. Slnnamon and Mrs. Ed D$Tis. They were all ladies of I Des Moines, for burglary and cattle , force aud beauty of character, stealing at Council Bluffs. Brooklyn, Powesheik county, Iowa, had a vcrjr snccessftil #iSt%fS revival season, 250 persona , having united with the churches of that lmrg. The K. & D. M. Railroad now being classed as a "B"' road by the State Board, is permitted to increase its passenger rates a }a a cent per mile Miss AltaM. llnlett, Chicago's lady lawyer, died recently at San Diego. California. She bore a high char- acter, both as a woman and a lawyer. A willow basket factory has been Sunday morning, the prosecuting wit-1 started^in the lower end of town, ness frequently "calling''for the party. I Two boys peddle the baskets in town It is quite iikely that the party land are doing quite a lively trade. #as not of the most blameless char-l Mrs. Ilenry Gilhorn, of Providence ?*eter, and perhaps they made somcjiowa, committed suicide lts| Satur- Moise, but where most ot the blame I day afternoon, hy drowning In Hon ties, remains for the jury to dotcrm-| cy Creek. The body was not fonnd ine. We shnll probably have moreluu Sunday to say about the case after the court I The c<.0|]0)nica1 wonian wni be las passed upon its merits. ] p]easC(j t0 tnow that her last year's There was quite an interesting case ' 9k Esq. Riordan's court this after- iioon, which at the time we went to press was still in progress. It seems that a man by the name of Pernell ft something of that kind, who lives fjnor near Dahloncga, had four or tfe boys from this city arrested for iHsturbing the peace. As near as weean learn the boys, went out there on Sat- urday night for the purpose of hav dance. They were admitted itod if we have been told the truth, jtbc boys danced until nearly daylight "We understand that a Bloom field gentleman lias rented the building formerly occupied by J. II. Merrill & Co., on Main street., and will open a drugstore at that place in a short time. 1,. E. Gray aud Capt. Madsou have rented Madson's new building and will at once open out an auction and commission house. They commenced moving in to-day, and will soon have a house full of goods. The firm will bo strictly reliable and we predict very popular. At Montieello, on Wednesday aft- ernoon, Frank, the little son of L. Hogg, while playing in a grain ele- vator, slipped into a bin of oats that was being run through a spout into cars below. He was carried down by the current of grain to the bottom of the bin, and smothered to death. When found life was quito extinct. F. W. Grubo & Bro. the popular Main Street hatter have at present in stock one of the finest assortments of hats, caps and gents furnishing goods ever brought to the city, and really have out done themselves The styles'are nobby and you can fit your- self with a hat at almost any price you want to pay. They keep also a full supply of umbercllas, canes, etc. Never buy a hat until you first go through Grube's stock. Lew Wean, injured by a railroad accident at Comstock's Station, three or four years ago, after prosecuting his suit for damages through one or two different courts, has compromised with the K. & D. M. railroad, as wo learn from the Constitution. It seems that the basis of settlement is, as near as we remember, not having the pa. per before us, that the railroad is to pay all the expenses of nursing, pliyj sicians' bills, aud expenses of like character, and agree to pay Weane $2,000 in cash besides. SRlf FrtfUy'* Daily. 1 bonnet can be adapted to the spring Hugh McKelvy, Winn McKelvyaad J style by placing it where a loaded |A1. McCormick started for Black] wagon will run over it lengthwise ills, to-day. We wish them luck. I Fish Commissioner Shaw has fur U. J. Thompson, of Pleasant town-J nished the Western Iowa Fish Asso ' ibip, ou Monday, will take a drove] ciation with GO,000 brook trout X<ji young cattle to Tyrone, Monroe I distribution in the stream si* the ,vl county, to graze the coming summer. Icinity of Council Bluffs. I : The rain to-day was hailed with I A traveling dentist invaded Bur £MlL' |oy by every person in the city hav-1 lington last week, and hung out the , ingnn empty cistern. It is the first]startling sign, "2tli pullin'." He also i \J 4ain of the season that has amounted ,'.0•-""•(to anything for more than three "Months. A , We received a call, to-day, from A W A* Chamberlain aud Master Hoy * Chamberlain, of Agcncj'. A. L. rep- announced that he was prepared to make "falls tcath."—Hawk-Eye. S. N. Doolittlc, of this city, moves to Tracy, Marion county. He still retains his interest in (he Faloon & Castle medicine business. Tracy will resents Agency City as all right aide fad Mr. Doolittlc a good citi/.cu. * up with care. £ Jos. II. Rogers left the city last I ®'®kt for Council Bluffs, where he ."••has accepted a position with W. ' ' Scidentopf & Co., Insurance Agents. He will, we understand, still retain s position as travelling agent for the Niagara, which position he has * : . lillcd for several months. Jo. is per- fectly at home in an insurance office, : and probably understands the busi- 'ifiess as well as any man in the west- cru country. We look for him to fnake things lively—and we wish him } great success. We, yesterday, mentioned the trial some young men for raising a dis- . turbance at a dance, near Dahlonega, 'jLH: on Saturday night Jos. Orendorf £*r -*f|was tried before Justicc Riordan, s« found guilty, and sentenced to 15 xhJ v 1 |jayg in jail. Wm. Kirbyhada jury , i^ lrial and was acquitted. By agrre- ?•» ii's^lment of the attorneys for State and - .. w «he\lefeuce,the cases of Thos. Kearns, Zel Zimmerman, and Eugene Mc- IKinney were to be decided by the ^verdict of the jury in the Kirby case, *• |and they were accordingly dismissed | Jas not guilty. The entertainment given last even- ing, by the High School scholars, at the Opera House, was very liberally patronized by our citizens, the hall being as full as it could be comfort- ably. The dialogues and recitations were well rendered, and some of them very amusing. The refreshments provided for the occasion were pro- fuse and of the most appropriate character, the young ladies and the natural flowers they had were be- witching ; and, to tell the whole truth; it was a most delightful entertain- ment, and was most heartily enjoyed by the large company, both of young ,and old, that was present . His Honor, Judge Sloan's Circuit Court will expire for^this term on to' ^morrow. The docket is burdened 'lU f < s . <"!«v % " down with business but then the lim- %' il Ji I it of time for the term closes this week aud the unfinished business goes over. What is true of this MCircuit Court is also true of Judge Knapp's Court There must be some remedy for this. A few years ago, absolute necessity gave birth fo the Circuit Court, and now in portions of the State an equal necessity is upon us to provide more court facilities. It appears clear to us that at the next session of the Legislature there ought to be passed a law absolutely eatab- 'fishing an additional court, say in the cities of ten thousand people or over. The present legislation pro- a,... . jj, viding for a vote of the people in i fact to make law, or at least to give '&• i vita4 ity to a statute, is of very ques- tionable constitutionality at best, and we believe wholly unnecessary and uncalled for in making provision for the additional court referred to. w —— Eugene Moore has been appointed Short Hand Reporter for the Cth Ju- dicial District of Nebraska, with a salary of $1,000 per annum and 10 cts. per hundred words. The District embraces fourteen counties. His headquarters will be at West Point, Cumming county. We can recom- mend Eugene to the West Pointers as a young man of excellent character and good business qualifications. This is the season of the year when , the negligent farmer digs his plows out of the furrows in the field, where they have lain all winter, and brings them to town to have them repaired. It gives work to the blacksmith and plow maker and affords the farmer a chance to loaf around town from one to two days while the work is being done, and which lie could have saved< had he housed the plows in the fall and given the iron a coat of white- wash to prevent them rusting. "A stitch in time s»vos nine." . ^ ^ .-•2 2'... 'VA •• lMd Whom*- i i- ' Nick Baker has for sale spring wheat for seed raised in Nebraska, of three or four different varieties. Gall *nd get a suptfjr. afianBAKM. A gentleman by the name of J. Ii. Mack has rented the fine brick store room adjoining.Enuis' drug store on Main street, and will have something to say to the readers of the CocRiitTt next week. The man and boy injured by the railroad accident yesterday evening, were not hurt as bad as expected, and in a few days will be as well as they ever were.*Their braises were not serious. It was a litms amusing to old bald- headed bummers, at the union depot, to-day, to see ladies change cars. The rain was pouring down in torrents, and the schooners sailing under bare poles, made the change quite lively. Christ Schuttlcr, the absconding Johnson county cattlc dealer, who mysteriously disappeared a few days ago with a frail Chicago woman, was found in St. Louis by a relative and has returned home. A down-town grocer advertises on shingle that he has dried "beens" and "pees" for sale. This is offset by a Second-street washerwoman who notifies her customers to cofrie to the "North dore on West side. We arc pleased to print elsewhere, from The Sewing Machine Jowrnah of New York, an article to the efl'ect that the great Singer Sewing Machine Company has adopted an Ottumwa invention, to-wit: the Johnston Ruf- ftcr. We are in receipt of the catalogue of Ridge Farm Short-Horns, which are to be sold at Oskaloosa on the 11th of April. Any one who desires to see this catalogue can do so by calling at thii "office. One hundred and twenty head of fine cattle wUl offered at this sale. Our city dads are gping to Ottum- wa in a body to trounce the COURIER boys for making fun of our artesian we'll.—Oskaloosa JleraUl. Let 'em come 1 We'll show them through our great Union Depot. The State Census Board have as sesscd the C., It. & Q. railroad at $12, 000 per mile, the Central of Iowa at $3,500, the K. & D. M. at $0,200, the St Louis and K. C. at $3,300. This is a reduction of- $300 per mile on the K. & D. M., $200 on the St. L. & K. C and $200 ou the Central. The C., B. & Q. is assessed the same as in 187tit P. G. Ballingall will immediately commcncc the erection of a two story brick building, of the modern style, on the vacant lot cast of Ira Myers building now occupied by Cooper & Hammond. The building will be 22xC0 feet. Pickett & Carnes furnish the plans and will do die wood work. Sam Hendricks has the brick and stone work. Some time ago, the Marshalltown Lecture Association engaged Ann Eliza Young, laic No. ID of Brig- ham Young, to lecture, with the un- derstanding that she would draw as well as TiHon. She didn't draw as well and the association wouldn't pay her. And now Ann Eliza is making it hot for that Lecture Asso ciation in the way of a law suit. Miss Mollie Turner, of Burlington, a sweet soprano singer, has accepted a position of leading soprano in l)r, Taylor's Tabernacle, New Yoak. An eastern exchange speaks ot her as follows: "Miss Mollie Turner, of Burlington, has accepted the position of leading soprano singer in Dr. Tay- lor's Broadway Tabernacle, Now York—the highest musical appoint- ment in Gotham, and the one receiv- ing the largest salary." A good humored Teuton, named Bernhardt, from Muscatine, recently went to Davenport, and put up at a first-class hotel. Before retiring for the night, lie indulged in a smoke and then deposited his pipe in the breast pocket of his coat hanging on the wall. In ihe middle of the night he aroused the whole houw by cries of "fire." That pipe had almost totally destroyed the coat and $400 in green- bftcks that were in the same pocket With the pipe. New Way of Collecting Debte. Down at Eldon they have peculiar methods of doing business in some rcspccts, the most singular, perhaps, being their system of collecting debts when the law is powerless to enforce the claims of justicc. In that town, as tho story goes, there .lives a man who became in- debted to a poor widow woman for a sum of money which was quite im- portant to lier and could have easily been paid by him, but ho refused and the law being powerless, the friends of the widow undertook to relieve her distress and collcct the bill. At the hour of midnight a party of people gathered at the home of the man, called him out and started with him for the river where they inform- ed him that lie had but a few mo. mcnts in which to say liis prayers, bccausc they intended to drown him, for the reason that ho would not pay the widow. He thought tho matter was only a joke until they threw him in the river once, head over lieels. The bath, together with the forbid- ding looks of his captors, induced liim to open negotiations, and lie of- fered $15 to be let alone, which he de- clared was all the money he had. But few words were exchanged lrayond informing him that the story was too gauzy, and down lie went the second time. Half strangled to death lie increas- ed his offer a few dollars, but not enough to suit the party, and in went the fellow again. When he reached dry ground the third time he was nearly frozen to death, but said he did not have nion cy enough to pay the bill if it was to save his life. When tho rope was placed around his ncckand one of the party attach- ed a stone to the other end the mat- ter was becoming serious and lie squealed—paid all the money lie had and hypothecated a valuable watch for the balance, and he was^ allowed to go home. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Two Persons Badly Hurt. This afternoon the train on the Central railroad run into a wagon at the foot of Wapello street,and serious- ly injured the occupants, Mr. Abra- ham Young and his soUo, a boy about 11 years of age. Mr. Young had business at Mr. Lnnuue's mill, and was sitting ill bis wagon in front of the mill, when a train came down on flic C. B. & <}. road, which seemed to make it nec- essary for him to head his horses to- ward the city. The team started on a jump, and got across the Valley track just in time for the pilot to strike flic wagon behind the hub of the fore wheels, smashing the wagon to pciccs and carrying the man nnd boy a short distance on the pilot and turning them over into the ditch. The man is hurt considerably about the hips and head aud the boy is also severely hurt about the head and shoulders. They were taken into the mill and a physician sent for. It is not sup- posed that their wounds are necessar ily fatal aud perhaps may not dis able them for any length of time. Tho Valley railroad runs close to the mill, and in turning between tho tracks he could not sec a train on the road, coming from the west, and there being a train on the other track he could not tell the dif- ference in sound. Ho was fortunate in escaping as well as he did.—Daily Courier, 29(h' March. A Crusade Opened. We understand that some of the citizens of Oskaloosa,both male and female, made a raid on the United States express office, in that place, yesterday, and seized twenty-nine or thirty packages supposed to contain liijuor. Tho packages were removed to the City Hall, where they were placed in the care of a guard. Ot- tumwa, Burlington, Keokuk, Daven- port and Marshalltown dealers are interested in these goods, and what will become of the matter remains to be seen. The Ilawl -F.ye says that: "All of the C., B. & (J. passenger locomotives and passenger cars are equipped with steam air brakes. It costs $.">00 to apply them to a locomo- tive, $250 for carh car, and the com- pany lias fo pay a royalty besides. Westinghouse,thc inventor, is a Pitts- burg, l'a., man, and has made n tine thing out of his valuable invention. "It costs something to equip sucli a jrcat road for the safety and convcn- ence of the traveling public. And the public often forget the immense expenditures the road is obliged to make even while in the actual enjoy- ment of the luxuries. But the C., B. & (J. halts at nothing that will add to the comfort or safely of its passen- gers. That is all true, and we are as proud of the C., B. & Q. railroad as any body, and we think the people of Ot- tumwa almost to a man have an equally good opinion. An Ottumwa boy, by worth and work, has ascend- ed the line of promotion, until at present he is the energetic, intelligent and highly resgectcd Superintendent of the Iowa Division, a position he fills with distinguished ability, but we submit that this great corporation would further accommodate their friends in this city, if theyjwould do- vise some way by which women and children could be protected from the storm while waiting for trains. Wo ars satisfied that neither Mr. Potter or Mr. Strong fully understand the situation, owing to the fact that they arc here but seldom, or some change for the better would be madc.- FACfrTLffi. Professional Cards . W.K. CHAMBUS, V. 8. OommlMtoaer. ATTEMPTED 8UICIDE* Wliitclaw Reid, the young man in the tower of the Tribune building, says that Secretary Thompson wrote the Chicago Republican Platform of 1800. A party by the name of Horace Greeley, who used to have something to do' with the ground floor of the Tribune, said that John A. Kasson wrote the most of that famous docu- ment. The trustees of the Agricultural College have determined to start an Experimental Kitchen, which is de- signed to train the girls attending tlio College in the neglected science of cookery. Tho Stale Register says: If this Kitchen is to be under chargc of Mrs. Welch, as we understand it is to be, we feel there can be no doubt of its usefulness or its success, Mrs. W. has peculiarly good" qualifi- cations for this very difficult work, boing herself one of tho most exper- ienced and deft of women in the graceful arts of the household and home. Tho Trustees of the College have done wisely, we think, iu ad' ding this important feature fo the curiculum. NEW BUILDINGS We have been shown (he jtlans of tho following building, to be erected here this spring. Mr. Chas. D. Wat- kins architect and general superin- tendent : An elegant suburban residence for John It. Shepherd, just north of the city limits, with all the modern im- provements. Gilbert has the wood work and Macoy furnishes the mate- rial. For Capt. T. Egan, a stylish frame residence 30x53, two stories high with all the modern improvements, includ- ing bath room, steam heating apara- tns etc. It will be built on his lot ad- joining Godley's. Emery has the carpenter work and Macoy furnishes the material. It will be something after the style of Alderman Boulton'* new house. Also for insurance agent, Geo. A. Brown, a fine house on the first lot north of Lawyer McNctts. It Will be about the same size as Egau's and is now enclosed. T. J. Hall has the entire contract. Mr. Watkins has also furnished the plans for a fine residence for Alois Schaffer which is to be erected on one of those beautiful Main St. lots just beyond P. C. Daum's. It is to be some 38x i8 feet containing 9 rooms. G. A. Itocmer has the entire contract. While thctimesare unquestionably hard, it is probable that a large amount of bnilding and improve- ments will be done this year, owing to the low price of material. But me- chanics from abroad need not come here for work as the market is more than fully supplied. Mr. Watkins has tho contract to build the stairs in all the foregoing buildings. Suicide- Wo regret to learn that Samuel Tate, the genial, widely known, and popular clerk of the Patterson House, of Keokuk, committed suicide Wedn- esday, by shooting himself through the temple with a pistol. Sain Tate was one of the most genial gentlemen you ever met, always in a pleasant mood with a kind word nnd pleas- ant smile for every guest of the house, many of whom will read this an- nouncement with sad regret. There was no cause for the rash act as far as was known when the train left this morning. We arc informed, howevcr; that he has been drinking to some excess lately, and b _ " un- able to break off from the terrible habit, it is supposed that he committ- ed the rash act while laboring under momentary delirium, although it seems that he made liis toilet with unusual care and before firing the fatal shot locked the door, placed his room to rights, pulled the trigger and crossed the river. Mr. Tate was well known all over the country, and his sad demise will be sincerely regretted. In his Boston lecture, Col. Ingersoll expressed his firm hostility to any an- nexation of islands to the United States. Said he: "I recollect when they were talking about San Domin- go, I said, 'Wc don't want iL' They said, 'You never saw such a climate. 'Well,' said I, 'wa don't, want it.' 'Why,' said they. 'It don't raise good folks. You take 5,000 preachers from New England, and 5,000 professors from onr colleges, and all the ruling elders with their families, aud put tliein iu San Domingo, nnd the next generation you will sec them bare- back on a mnlo, the liair sticking' out of the backs of their hats, with a rooster under each arm, going to a cock-fight on Sunday." Mr. Irwin Combe, of East Des Molnee, Attempts to Take His Own Life Saturday night about eight o'clock, Irwin N. Combs, a man in East Des Moines, made a rather novel attempt to end liis existence. Combs is a man of family, and lives on Buchanan street, between Thirteenth and Four- teenth streets. For some days past lie has been on a prolonged spree, drinking heavily ana continually, lie says that while drunk he was drugged, and that this had the effect to make him partially demented. Others say that continued drinking lias had the cll'ect to make him crazy. For some time he has been rather worthless, do- ing scarcely anything at his trade, while his wife has been working all the time to support the family, which consists of four children. She has labored faithfully and well to pro vide for the wants of the little ones while lier husband has been lazily idle and has been regularly on hand to partake of the food which the in- dustry of his wife had provided. He has been more or less out of his mind, but during the last week was worse than usual, lie imagined all sorts of things. Saturday night lie went out into the yard, and seeing two men coming up the street he thought they were going to hang him. Thoroughly believing this, and thinking to rob them of their victim, the crazy fellow seized a hatchet lay- ing handy, rushed out in the yard and commenced pounding himself with flic pole of the liatelict lie struck with all his force, striking the top of his head eight times, and cutting the skin to the bone. He was just in the act of raising the hatchet to strike himself with tho sharp edge, when his wife caught his arm and prevent cd the act. She called in assistance and the would-be suicide was taken into the house and eared for. The man has to be watched now, for if left *o himself he would immediately take liis own life. Tho idea that some body is going to kill him seems to be the uppermost idea in his disordered mind, and consequently he desires to kill himself to prevent others from doing it.—Stale Register. Brigham Young is waiting in sus- pense to learn what his "avenging angel" confessed. Railroad capital invested in Iowa last year depreciated to the large amount of $75,000,000. A prominent Keokuk bnsines mnn has got into hot water by undue fa- miliarity with the servant girl. Why they call a sensational report "canard" is because oi»c canardly believe it, you know. An Irish lover remarks, "Its a great pleasure to be-alone, especially when your sweetheart is wid ye." The important question before de- , bating societies now is: "Which is A the bottom of a buckwheat Ake." o«tnm«i«. i»m. Fifty-five boys from 10 to 15 years old, were recently arrested atone time in a New York Gambling house. Within the last ten years tho Uni- ted States has sold $45,000,000 worth of arms and munitions of wnr, to Europe. The pasting of printed slips on the back of a postal card obliges the re- cipient to pay additional postage—a fact not generally known. The shipments of American beef fo England arc becoming heavier; 2,- 500 cattlc arc shipped weekly now, as against 1,500 in January. Quinine has advanced thirty-six dollars in price the past month, and is now quoted at $7G.00Jper pound. Rather discouraging for fevcr'naircr folks. The department of agriculture at Washington, calculates that Iowa has now 3,203,200 hogs, ornearlv a million more than any other state. There is a man in Tennessee with such big feet that if he gets them wet in December, lie docsu't have a cold in his head until February. Boston lias begun to can and sliip baked beans. Everybody will now say that they knew the giant intellect of the Hub would develop something after a while. Women are so handy in case of a fire. One in Hartford recently threw plate of raw liver out of the win- dow to save it, and then ran for tier life, leaving all her clothes and val- uables behind. LAWtKHS. P. H. RIORDAN, Attorncy-at-Xaw. NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL EST ATS AGENT. All collecttono aiitl legal business proniptly Attended to. Offloe in Mr*. F. A, Fulton'a building, over MUlcrV Second hand store, Beeond^Bt., opposite Poat Office. (Mkivtf 8. W. SUMMERS, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Wtu prKctli'e in nl I the Conrta. Ofllcc on CoWt tnet, liciwcen Second ami Third <lec 18-iUWU L. r. roRTrts, A. O, BTiOl PORT8ER & 8TECE, TTOK.N E i>-AT-L AW—Offlee above Yc Grocery, comer Mulct and Second Ycang'i Streeta oct . B. MOKLBOT, Sottrr public. FARM PASTURE 4500 ACRES Of Farm Pasture, Timothy, Blue Grass , Ind Clover. CHAMBER8 & McELROY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, BocccssorBto lUmll. ton ft Chambers. Office over l'ost Ofllce, Oitomwn, Iowa. apd-dtrtl IV. H. BBIUOH, ATTOTVNF.Y nml OFFICIAL Short -Hand Reporter, Office In tlio Court Dome, 4-29 70 dwtf MOBBM J. WILLIAM GA1.T1* Vumim notary Public ami plenty of Mvlng Water: caa M lilredot the iimlerslgne l at the following prices: CATTLE PER MONTH: One year olil C'Vi cants Two year old 88!4 cents" Three year old S7X centi. Four year old - I cent*. Oxen 1 5" cents. I wlmalt stork, «»me »•< my own; fay for all louses from my neglect. Ow ners to Rtaiul aU losses from iltsense, lightninfr, miring and drown- ing. owners must have their catilo brande.l lie- fore entering pasture. If owners prefer I wl 1 pastnre cattlc Tor one half (\i) put on ibem wldle In the pastm o. _ will receive cattlo for pniuire from tho5th to the 15th of May, not to lis taken out bofore the first week In October, (nn!e.-s there should baa failure In grass.) I will notify owners when they must take cattle oat of pasture. Will allow two ami three foarths (2'i) acres to the head. T. H. TIIARP. 3 1-2m IllMkcnbnrg. Ionn, WILLIAMS & MANNING, A TTOnNKY8-AT-LA.W. Office over Jordan's atore, In Union Block, Ottumwa, Iowa. Jan # dwtf Dn .T. WILLIAMSON. EOBT. i •-IjSLKI E. H.;8riLSfl. E. L IU'P.TON. STILES & BURTON. A TTOKN E YS-AT- LAW. Office on Market St over Abel's grocery, Ottmhwn. liov'Jl'T'idW WILLIAMSON FC FINLEY, ROBINSON BROS, & CO. I ; Clearing Out Sale ! WE wi«v from this date, cial bargains in all kinds of Winter Goods: Water - proofs , Flannels , Jeans , Cassimeres and Heavy D ess Goods, at much less than Janua- ry prices. , FELT Skirts from 60 cts to $2.00. January price, 85 cts to $2.5G> Men' s and Boys' Boots at a sacrifice. Also a foil line of the best styles and brands; Prints attd Muslins at the lowest living rates. These goods must be gold to make room for spring stock Remember the place. Kich&rds Block So. 12, West MainSt. Ottumwa, Iowa JOHN BA.trRtt. THI OTTUMWA PHILLIP KEI8T*» WILLIAM McNETT , A TTOBNB} -AT-LAW. Office in Hogg ins'ne* UnlldlDg, Upton Block—up Ptalrs. R)!>7idw DEALERS IK MttTTQ-a i w. II. C. Patent Medicines , Jk TTORNEY-AT-LAW And LOAN liKOKER. OflUo over First National Hunk, OttDtnwk. I low*. clee2179dw Plow and Cultivator Factory. J OHN B. EN SIS, A TT«ni«l:f>lT.|,AW, nnd KotaryPnh- llo. ontae- Corner of M*ln nml Market Htn, over Knnl*' I)run Store,.OUnmw*, In. a-21 clw The Singer Co. Adopt the Johnston Ruffler. "We fire pleased to learn that the Singer Company have adopted the •Tolmslon Jtuflier, they having very recently perfected arrangements with Messrs. C. W. Handy & Co., of this city—(hoy being agents for the John- ston llufllcr Co., ol' Ottumwa, Iowa, whereby these excellent rufllcra are to be placed in the hands of the Com- pany's numerous agents throughout the civilized world. From the fact that dealers sell about ten of these ruff- lers to one of any other, proves them to be the standard rufllcr of the world. —Sewing M<ichine,Tou»-»*ti, IT. 1 T . Yesterday 1 had Id not such a bad cold that I could not Kpeak. I used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and to-day I am as well as ever, it ouly cost me 25 cents. Albert J. Hirst, late a fireman on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy road, is credited with the perform- ance of a brave act on last Saturday, lie was going east over the Michigan Central, and was seated by the side of the engineer. Shortly after the train left Buffalo station they noticed that a four year old child had fallen across the track a few rods ahead of the locomotive. Hirst bounded thro' the window and ran along side of the boiler to the pilot or cow-catcher. As the child waB staggering to its feet Hirst reached forward and lifted it literally "out of the jaws of death." The wrench on the muscles of his hand was so great that lie has carried his arm in a sling ever since. The child was frightened nearly to death, but was otherwise uninjured. MAHK TWAIN 'S Nkw HOOK.—"THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWVKK," IS the title of a new book by Mark Twain, aud is so different from the so-called "funny books" of the humorists that it is really enjoyable to all intelligent readers who have a vivid remem- brance of their "bad boy" days, and the inevitable scrapes through which they have passed. Tho "good boys'' arc mostly to be found in Sunday- school books rather than on the benches, and mostly die young. We have all been "Tom Sawyers," more or less, and we must expect our boys to be overllowing with fun, frolic and mischief if we ever expect them to be active, energetic and self-reliant men. It is a most original, unique, piquant aud entertaining book, tirst published in England, where it has been received with an outburst _ of enthusiastic praise. From beginning to end the pages of "Tom Sawyer" are replete with lively sallies, humor- ous ideas and scathing hits. Tom, Aunt Polly, Huckleberry Finn, Becky Thatcher, Joe Harper, Injin Joe, and others arc active, original characters, who manage to keep their little world lively and stirring, and inevi- tably draw the reader within the vor- tex. The illustrations arc superb, aud, taken all in all, the book is an incomparable one. Mr. C. S. Troxell is now canvassing the city for this inexpressibly humor- ous book, and will furnish it to sub- scribers for the very low price of $2.75, bound in cloth, gilt, library style $3,75 and $4.25 half morocco. CONCERT. The Ottumwa Musical Society will give their second Concert at tho rooms of the Y. M. C. A., Tuesday, April 3rd, to which the public are re- spectfully invited. The Society have been rehearsing for several weeks and will have a popular and well rendered pro- gramme, consisting of Solos, Duetts and Choruses, both vocal and in- strumental. Prof. Schwabkey's Band will render valuable assistance. Come out and encourage the Society in their laudable efforts. Tickets 25 cents. 29-d5t Warm Shoes cheap at Phillips. Over f)00,000 bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup arc sold every season, and thou sands of persons saved from an untimel v grave. A Texas paper wants to trade off lawyers at the rate of forty for one northern farmer. But it says the farmer must be an early-rising, hard- working, good-managing man. If you want to be in stylo yon will wear an amethyst ring on the third finger of the left had. Also cough sadly now and then, as if you were the last of an illustrious family.— De troit Free Press. Rev. Mrs. Thabo Ilanaford's head has been felt of by a phrenologist, and ho says that the sister's bump of veneration is enormously spread all over her head. This must save the lady a great deal of expense in putl- combs for her hair. "Beer unites with tho fluids of tho stomach and forms a regular article of felt goods," remarked a temperance scientist to a German citizen the oth- er day. "Ya, ya dot ish so," was the earnest reply, "dot beer vas make a man felt goot's never vas." Mr. Moody is authority for the statement, not elsewhere recorded that Daniel in the lion's den slept calmly with his head on one of the lions for a pillow. Mr. Moody for got to say whether the holy man had a crick in his neck in the morning. When asked by a young man who contemplated emigration what he thought of Texas as a'place of resi dence, old Ben. Wade flew intoafu rious rage and shouted : "If I owned Texas and llell, I would not hesitate to rent Texas and live in the other place." Statistics go to show that man may gamble as a profession, right along for ten years, when it will be found that, beside making a thief of him and putting him on the road to the penitentiary, he will have earned less money than any quiet-working me chanic. A Frenchman has discovered that human hair can be transplanted, and bald-headed men can become reason ably hirsute by the process. It, how ever, requires more skill than land scape gardening, and only very rich men can stand the expense. While we arc erecting tombstones over dead martyrs and placing laurel wreaths over the brows of living heroes, don't let us forget to drop a tear on the grave of the man who conceived the idea of putting a pota- to on the shout of a kcroscno can. AIKimiAI. II. W. KOHHRTS, Homoeopathic) Physician and Surgeon. I Offloe oTor the low* National Rait. 1 Omci nocM— S to » A. •. 1 «• 3 P. I, 7t« 11 •• 8on>1»T, O to 10 l-t A. IB. Special Attention given to dlaeasej or lb* Kjro I id Kar. muM-iMn DENTISTRY. DENTIST. 1). W.Avorill.I). I). 8. Joe OmnR—Owr Ii rr. Gray'* Clothing MM. la dwtf L. E. ROGERS, D. D. S. I>KNT1NT. Special care an<1 a'tcntlon palil to alt opera MOU8 Fresh (Jas always on hand tor the pftlnlcva extraction of teeth. unties over (Hto. natr Wore, ottumwa, loira. Co.'s Hardware | July 27-tlAwtf. .tHIHITKOTS Al>l> III II.IU'HS. ILEN. J. HA11TLETT, AND Dye M, Paints, Oils and VarnUlies, School Books & Stationery, Wall PAPER, and all Fancy Articles nsnnlly kept in Plrtt-claaa Drug Stores. Pure Wines and Liquors | For Medtcnl me. Farmers ami Phyalclana fr.wn the conntry will And onr Stock complete, warranted geaninc and ot the lteal quality, and will tie nold at liottom prices nolO-wly KIRKVILLE MILLS Kirkville, Iowa. A. R00P FT CO., MANUFACTURERS OP Flour, Meal & Mill Feed AND Dealer!! in Grain. All flonr warranted aa represented and oty •ale with all tlio prlnolpal il. siura In the «lty | of Ottamwa. St rift Attention l>nidto Custom Grinding . nil satisfaction guaranteed. Illghwit rails- | blefmarket prtreflpAlil for Wheat at a! time? Oar Motto U—Not to be Excelled. mnrSftwlf. rrarr They make a Specialty in the Manufacture of the Scnutler Skein Wagon; Tlicy use none but the best of Seasoned Tim ber, and Warrant all their Work. julj28wtf BOOTS -A-LSTD SHOES. No , Aft Itlork, Iowa. 2C« Fourth Nt Moimea, Correspondence Solicited. Julyl«dwtr 9 Ilea Stoves and Tinware. C. C. ZIEOLER, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR,, dwtt Ottnmwn, Iowa. Acknowledges the Com. GiitrCity. 'fess up. We called Ottumwa a jierfihtcntly Democratic city, and the COI RIKU shows ns that it lias been al- most constantly Republican. Well, our friend Ballingall is so noisy that we thought the Democrats owned the whole thing. We hope town and county there will continue to keep sound ISepiiblicati faith, aiul the Oil Rin: may continue for a thousand years ii<.'litiug the battles of political righteousness with the ability and success of its present and it-s past. Oak Kip Boots at Phillips. Bi.ANK NOTKS .—The best form out bound in 50s and 100$, also Receipts and Wash Lists, for sale cheap at the CouniKii office. Also a full assortment of Deeds, Mortgages, Quit Claims, Bonds, Pow ers of Attorney, Leases, Abstracts of title, Marriage Certificates, Original Court Notices, and all kinds of .Jus- tice's Blanks constantly on band. About a year ago a noted horse- thief uaincd McFarren was captured in Indiana for shooting an officer in Woodbury county, while attempting his arrest for horse-stealing. For want of evidence lie was released on- ly to fall into the hands of the Fre- mont county Shkrifl', charged with horse-stealing. lie escaped from the jail of that county and went to Jack- son county, Mo., and, with an accom- plice, secreted himself in the timber- ed bottoms. A few days ago an offi- cer went to arrest him for an attempt to shoot an officer in Kansas City, when he <inickly drew a revolver and shot the officer dead. The people turned out and surrounded tho two and captured them, and McFarren is in jail at Kansas City, with a fair pros- pect of getting justicc at the rope's end. JO*, f. IIAUl lF I.ll, DEALEB IN IIMIKB, I'KI.TS, WOOL, Fuits, TALLOW, KA<;s and FKATIIKBB. I will pay in the future, as in tho past, the highest market price, have no street buyers—they cost mon- ey, and farmers have to pay thcin.— Bring your Hides to my store, corner of Court and Second Sts., and get full prices in cash. 12-15wCm Tho best goods are always the aheapest. Phillips has tlioin. The highest market pricc paid for produce at the grocery corner of Court and Second streets, Ottumwa. JOUH C. Stkvkhu, may Manager. DIED. At the Commercial Hotel, at two o'clock this morning, of consumption of the bowels, Danif.I, A., infant eon of Alexander and Florence A. Pol- lock, aged three months. Mr, Pollock recently came to Mus- catine from Ottumwa, Iowa, to enter the employ of J. Itubclmann & Co., and during their comparatively brief stay here he and his wife have made many warm friends, who will deeply sympathize with them in the loss ol their little pet.—Muscatine Journal, March IWt. Mrs BKNJAMIN JEFFRIES died at the family residence, at five o'clock a. in. Wednesday. She has had consump- tion for something like a year, result- log from a bad oold. Dr. S. W. Forsha's Alterative Balm proves to be all that is claimcd for it "A balm for every wound." Oar friends tell us it the beat famil} medicine in use. For old sorot, stiff joints, sprain?, rheumatism, &c., it has no c<inal. It is highly recommended by the profession for scarlct fever, dyptherift, sore throat, &c. Oar drag- gists keep it. Diseases of the Kidneys affect the whole system. Should not be neg- lected a single day. Tar acts direct- ly and is the natural remedy. Take the "Forest Tarit is a pure prepar- ation aud cures when other remedies fail. From both City and Country should not fail to visit Mra. l'latt St Hoy land's milliiif ry Store in Curlew Block, in L. 11. Wilson's old stand, aiul see tl iir nice new Goods and price them befcre they buy else- where. £special pains will be taken (o please customers as to style, quali- ty and pri'-o. mll-d&wtf. Wanted to Exchange. A residence lot for a good team of horses or mules and wagon and har- ness. Apply to d*wtf J. M. IIBDKIOK. Full line of men's Boots and Shoes just received at Phillips. Beautiful New Prints at SAMIH.s & SON'S, corner of Main and Market streets, Ottumwa, Iowa. wlw August Flower. Tlio most mUerablo beingii world are those suffering from DyqjMpsIa uuii Liver Complaint. More than sf vonty-fivo percent, of the peopln of thoUuited States iroafllictod with ther.o two (lifc.isen nod thoir effects: encli aa Sour Stomach, Hick Headache, Habitual Oontivonose, Palpitation of the Ileirt, Heartburn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning piiiaa at the pit of the stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and disagree- able taste in the month, coming np of food after eatlnp, low spirits, &c G<> to your Druggist, J. L. Taylor & Co., and get a 76 cent Uoltle «f August Flower or a Sam- ple Bottle for 10 c^ts, Try it—-Two dos- etwill rsllsrsfM* A minister was telling a young girl who was about to become a bride that she must remember that the man and wife arc one. "Lord," said she. "if you were under rny fa- ther and mother's window when they are (juarreling you'd think there were at least a dozen." "Ma, what is tho meaning of'lank- er,"' said Fanny, on her return from Sunday school. "'What,, Fanny!''said mamma. "Why 'lanker;wc sing at Sunday school,'We'll stand the storm it won't bo long, we 'lanker by aud by.'" Singers, speak plainly and cor- rectly. Pore Ilyacinthc was a few days ngo stopped on the street in Geneva by a woman of rank who abused him most violently, nnd, woman-like got all the more angry when he refused to an- swer. "Madame," said the ex-priest, politely, "respect is due to women aud pity to fools," and he went4on his way tranquilly. lie was sitting silently by her side one chilly evening last autumn, think- ing of something to say. Fiually, he remarked : "How sad it is, the frost has conic, and it will kill everything green." Thereupon, the young lady extended her hand, and said in a sympathetic tone, "Good-bye." An old chap being reproached by his prospective mothcr-iu-law that he was oven bald-headed, replied : "Mad- am, baldness is no indication of my age—it runs in tho family. In fact, madam," said ho in a sudden gusli of confidence, "I was born bald-licad- ed." Advertising is a good thing, but when a prominent grocer carried to a funeral an umbrella on which was painted conspicuously the business of his house, and held it oyer the preacher's head while he read his prayers, the bystanders thought he was runuing thing into the ground. At Independence, Mo., a young and beautiful girl stepped into a book store asked a youthful clerk: "Have you Helen's Babies?" "No!" an- swered the youth, looking wildly about; "has she lost them ?" It re- quired the united efforts of two old women and a nurse girl present to explain matters. A lady, whose cook went to a wake was given notice by her, a fortnight afterward, that she was going to be married. "Who to asked the mis- tress. "Please, ma'am, to tho husband of the corpse." "Why, docs he love you ?" was the next question. "Oh, yes, ma'am ; he said 1" was tho light of tho funeral." . "Often, often," says Mrs. Van Colt, "even now the devil comes to me and tempts me to evil thoughts." Well, it's natural; she isn't to.blame for it. When she stands on the platform in the blaze of the chandelier, and a scrawny sinner lopes up tho center aisle, she can't help saying softly to herself "If—I looked—like fhat—wo- man—I'd pad." "Is this Kansas City ?" asked one passenger of another on a railroad train one dark night, not long ago. "I'll tell you in a moment," was the response. Then he threw up the win- dow, took a good snuff, and drawing in his head aud holding his nose quiet- ly answered, "Yes this is Kansas City!" That traveller evidently had an acute sense of smell. A Minonk merchant had made an entry on his books that puzzled all his clerks and bookkeepers. Finally they gave it up aud railed in the neighbors. They Wrestled with it in dismay, and all hands agreed to wait until the proprietor came home. He was shown the cabalistic marks, and solved tho riddle at once. "That's blainc; d-u-g-g—duck. Vat is te matter vid him." And they all agreed that it was plain enough when you came to look at it close.—El Paso (III.) Journal. Farmers will find, when they aro In the city, one of tho most convenient Wagon Yards aud Feed Stablos on Main street a fow doors above Law- rence & Garners. Call and see. >14 Wtf The best Woman's Calf Shoe in the State »t Phillips. - JIJNri, C11A8. 8. WATKINS, Architect & Stair-Builder,! Office, No. 4 Blcliftrrifl Klocl; Wain. Street, I Ottnmwa, IOWA. Pitas, Klovtttlrmt ao<l DeUlle, with Kpprtdea* oiu c( every Uiuorlptiun for Cnurch**, Hobool QonseA, Villon, Cottages, Ac.t Ac., furnUhftl on I short notice. 8DI*«'i*l attention given to ltoftutirul for | Front Kn*ranee Doorn; also stair-hulMlnjr a spe- cially. I'rlcca moderate oml patlafadlon guar antco'i jAuSdwljj BOOK BINDING ! P. Zanhitcer, Mtabltsiiod it Uook blniVrj in ottumwfc, 1 solicit? work tmxa nil Cbe cltleeD*. Old Book* Ra- | bonnd. Mog&zlnet boontl In good ctyki at fei prion, lloomi la Dr. IKinf' «' old residence on Green nrrnrt wntitiiKT*.,1* Porter Bros. & Hack worth Is the p'aee to buy SADDLES, HARNESS Collars, Whips, IIOTFP BUnketa, Plastering ITalr Ac., al the vt-ry lowet |»rice«. P. ». Kcpaiiin^ Uonoonsliortnotico. Remom bor the fVi nor iNiiirt un«l Main Ftrei'U. Ilarni'8» Shop—rear (if main I'UlMinp. dclM<tw BOOT and SHOE HOUSE > Is the pi see to buy yonr ROOTS and SIIOKS. . New Spring Goods of all Kinds. h fjotn of Plow Shoes. Shoes for Men and lioyp. No OLD Goods everytbin NKW. Prices down to RICD-1JOCK. Everything.yon can think of in tho Shoo Line. Now Goods received daily, 'forms Cash. pril 5-w-tf THOMAS 11. PHILLIPS. O. MILLER, * 7 : --Dtnlor iu— v bf! > STOVES, And Mauufttt tnrerof Tin. Sheet-Iron and Copper«ate asp— Home Fornitliing Goods Generally* Eipcclal attention given to ROOFING, Qattoiing and all kinds of JOB WORK Ifatn Street, oppogito Railinpftll House, "»-:u wiy. orrrMWA, CHAS. BACHMAN, Wholesale nnd Retail Watchmaker and Jeweler , m v m mm V "S S X P4 9 x 4) •N 1 N SILLU V m * CLOCKS. FANCY I SB ft- $ © 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS «. a*. K. * CO., O. A » CHEV •s-iaSL*. •r.'iOKE MATCHLESS I'iM'VT rill* TOBACCO y ii: II... W...M AWK KOK IT. ^ TAKE NO OTIlicit. ^ I'Olt MI.E I V.M.I. IiKAl.KRS IN ri.ru. . . ^ACVl THE PIONEER TOBACCO CO. BROOKLYN, N. Y. *r> l'urtiuuil, Maine. ft HI? 8 mr * ,n your own bran. 'JYrmaun ire*., a. MALI.KTT& <J<>. $2500: 150 YEAit. AUKNTH WANr- Kixin our tirani) Combina- tn*a reprofrntg BOOKS wauled fveryuluic. (bliiR over r,cil Mali* mmlo fr»o> lulu wlnm uii mtifiie 5?'.'?. 1 ,a ' 1 - A I*". AgviitK wanil.! <mourMA(. NI!• Il'l-INT FAM 1 l.Y llllll.KS. Superior to &1I others, Wltli invaluable ll,I,l ;sTU ATKIt All).s aud.HI I'KKlllilNKINtlM. Ttieni' (he world. Full partioilurs fir.\ AddretM JOHN E. 1'OTTKK A CO, I'lililliherx, WONOI SH I.il «*>ES!K-2 -,,ooo«»l the CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION UKHi KlliKl) AM» 1I.M;hTUAT£1> fiold in 4H>4lA>'«. It the only ce»ti|»lclc low-jHitc work (770 V»ire» oaly *2.50), trniUiiK of ihe c-niirr liifttory, grand build- wonderful exhibits* curlo*ttic« days, vu\, llliutrftled, and tl cluapsr than anv oilier; everybody wants it, Onr new ugent t lt arff' in UOOO UK«;ntb wanted. quitkhj proof ol ubmi Opinions of ollU-ials* cJ^r^y ;iiM pro-s, ftiinplc tMurefl,fiill4li><»Tipii<>u,!tn<l * xirn utiih. tint- JlAKl) I'.uos , I'l l. , .'*41 l,:i St. riiir.njrt III PAllTiny of lil.scly «itCetui WnU I IVIvtV wo: t UY.-s Iu>oLh. J*fii<l l«>l |HOOf. A HOME and FARM OP roun OWN. On the line of a UIJKAT ICAlLiiOAD, with good murkoiH both liAM and WI.ST, Blow is the time to secure! t. Mild Climate, Fertile Bull, !'.*••-1 Country for Stock ltaislDK in the I iiitcil States. Ilookl, Maps, Full Information, also "Tfc« Pioneer." sent free to all partu of the world Address O. HAVIK, Land Com U 1*. R. It, OMA1IA, NEB. $ 05to $77 week to Agents, f 10 Outflt PRKK. P.O. VIOKKHY, Augnata, Maine. at hornet Agent* wanUM. Outllt VIA and Urma froc TKUK 4U), Augusta, lie A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. nrwi-: viRT r.M aoHK I 'ibmt CLANS HEWIXIi MACHINE AliENrN, Attn AOO HEN OF KNKHIil AMD AIULITY TO I.GAMTUE HI'NINEMtf or MLXlftO NkWIHti MACIMNKN. VOMPBNNATION MKKHAL HIT VAHVINVAC'VOHDINU TO ABILITY, OHABAOTKHamlUI AL.lHCATIOH« OF THK AflRNT. FOB FABTII I - I.ABM ADDHKKN Wilson Sewing Machine Co. Chicago, III*. 127 and 829 Bro*Sur*r,New York,or New Orleans, OP Kxtra ft'lae Mixed Cards, with name, /y IOc, pofttpakl.L.JOXES A CO Niuasau, N.Y Uf A II'run to trawl tuirt ^LXV M All l.nnii- (Joel* to ll< $SS a month* hotel and truvL'lin^ cxper^en paid No peliHInj.'. .VMrcHsMONITnli I.A.MV ' 11 our llealera Cincinnati, Ohio, CO., Drunkard Stop 4'. r. rn. D.« (formerly 01 Dostonl haft a hannleh* ruir for HVl'KJff l*i?M AMOK, Which cau 1* given without the knowledge of the path nt, Alao one tor the OPIUM HABIT. Pennain nt eurca pnanntie<l in )>oth. Sim) £tNJUp i'xjn vidcuc*. Arikdrotftfints torit. Ad<liTH* UBKHB A CO, liirraingbam. Conn DCMCinUC N 0 matter bow slightly disabled, rcnoiun* Increases now paid Advice and circular irw, T. MtUiciuai., 707 H&nBorn Street, I'&llndelpbla fa. FA3SCY mixed YiaJtin^ ('arriu, 10i\ 20 Acquaintance, 10c, 21* Flirtation, 10c, '20 Transparent. 154', 'iO roinU'Hl Duril Cards, 16c, Agent.-' outfit, lifleen ccuta, Nov- II,TY CAU> CO, Moiibl'ord, Coun, 40 FAST MAIL Tbe Like lun'ven uour« quieter tti*n any other route from Keoknk t:. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Fort Wayne, Tule.-o, Oi'irolt, t;i«Te. Un<1, Buffalo, New York, and L'OBton, Tollman'H Sleeper* and elegant Daj < •oachea are run throujn to Toledo and Cleveland wlthom change, connecting with through car. to New York anil Boston. The WABASH IS •qnlpp^.t with ltie Improve Aotomatio Air Brake an<! Mlllor Uonplcra. Th* track la laid with atenl rnlla anil Is acknowledge# to lie the boat In the Wont ' Auk for Ticket. Tla Keoknk aM the Wahatfc Line, W. 1,. MAl.COI.M, (. S. IJLZABUfl, Gea'i Paaa'r Aft, Qont Weit'n A«'t, mar 2-dAwtr Tourno. ST. IXHII. .- ft V 9 B Gents' and Ladies' Gold,& Silver Watches Am«rlcnnTan(| Swiss, in gnat vntW'ty.y ENTIRELY New STYLES of JEWELHY For (he Fall t Holiday Tilde: Klnmon.l Iiln^s, Amcllijat, Topaz, Cameo, A all atjlesof Bold Illnga SOLID SILVER WARE, Of GOtbimJfMufaelurinKCompany, TuMe Spoons), TcaB|)oonn, Forfen,imtler-kntvw, Eng&rSpOGIM PLATED WARE, Te* Sets, loeSets, Cake 11 mkei.ii, castors, lintter Iiinl.f«, car.l Uccclvera 8poon'ti6Mlfer(, Cap CliiMren'.< Setts, Ac. Ko<ei l!r< a. Spoons and l'.irks. Cloclca, Watches andjowt '.ry repaired in llrat-clasa order. Kntcrnvlng to order. WHITE JS0AP (•>r it is m:t<l<< <1 1*1'RE YECt* rtSo Tor 'i ^ Iduiniif or to >Vhtt« i'-AHt'l- So.-in, •CTAbSltt; 032LS. mii th<« kuu<! iiiori'KH, whii-h r<tuni« all ih<' imiurni ln-alina uuuiiti«^ of oils. It l ost* JJO Ml ''II than th«' hiijhmIM aitirV- tint ii in rapidly roniini! into ^oiterHl hmi8f;iH>nl ji-- 1 '. IIIm' J'*'' "t rui.niiFU Smpn i.« cuinl»*nui«*il hy Pij> Nifiarifi MM listMi; to |>i"o<|uro skill The 1*1. HIT V of I lie Wlilte Ko»p reiidciit It* um* pericfth' Imimlrwn duly t'V ru'H'i i.u «V w amui.i:, <'iiii'inunti. StU by utl wLiulr.-iule and ii-tiul ^looid. IOWA Tornt Gotta aodFireClarGo . ELD OR A, IOWA. Manufaitvmsof rain VitTified Sewer Pipe, Woll 'ri»l)ine Farmer's Drain Tile, fire Brick, Architfi1 uroI ami Oi /ioniriitnl Terra Cotta Worki For Gardens, Lawns, Cemeteries, Chimneys and Chimney Tops, TOBAMW I'lflN, KIO. J. L. TAYLOR CO., Agts 3mdw Ot<anwa, Ionn. C. A. TELLEEN, 40T, Si - " F0H1P1IHTLI1C Tii kotai to and Ironi ;Enro|ie aa ( lir^p as they can Us ha<! anywhere. Call at O. A. Zanga' Whnleeale huone on Vain 81. 1-6 ilAwy FINE LOTS. Low Prices! LONGTIME. KeciiitBiGS aii LsM lis Otnbty of (Im iii4oralga«1. with hat llttlo ireoe down—tUo tMUftDoc on LOITATIMB raw of (he moat Ueaotlfal and Dealrabla BUILDING LOTS in the Oltjr. llavo Lota In the Bottom oonvenUin* to Hohool and the Bualnoa* part of the Oltj, and Una Aero Property on the Bluff. Mechanics & Laboring Men Will nnd till thoir beat opportunity for iaoaiUg CHEAP H0HES. Title Perfect. Call and I *111 a now yon aronnd with pliatim dec TS-dftwtt. DARIBL lOIXilU (bll a *my Mil A - "'-' "in CO., I _ null' TO MAKE IT Something and Suitable. Atfdrett COE, J'uJVf.E CO.,Ulh and Walnut it. St. Louis, Mo, Mfctf —JI WOO bitHf, pcwiafft tr++; 11 lhM,ilaa. a VnhML«i.<iii is limine He»U,S1.06. ftOcmaUaaJt.oo. A»SOMctO«ui1o<ru«tfm. 100 ««i«r utag*. dmp. ftTAhn, •)! «(»r1a of Frail and Owwlal Tmm, tferute, Ac. A M Mr* C'aUlnn*, Mmtw. It rr***-boaM«. fiTORBS. HAlUUSUv £00., rtuMTUiJ, LiU Co., OHIO. M1\K1> CAHDS, or 2ftScroll, with name, V\ A(hliv-fii M'KNCKK A. <JO, KasBftu, N.Y. 25 KfMit will eoa| you H. ^L.. ZA-lsTG-H AND FOREIGN LIQUOHS. Pt •tilsUil, Mickuleal uIIhm BMrttl PnptiM Main Street, oppoalto Block, OTTUMWA. - - IOWA Second Street DRUG STORE. ;: 9& w Li ORR la now iwfiv inland onenlnK. la the room former- ly i.ivuiii. 't li> A. TVellmnh s Co. an entirely new Ktock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, STATIONERY. ....AND FANCY ARTICLES. To which he invites the attention of hia ohl Criendrf rh<1 tin- imlilic generally. ? Pr»«rri|»tion« cart-fully end promptly com. potindode 8-2s dim wCm A Small Farm for Sale Two and a half mile* from Ottumwa ! have4? aores of beautiful furinuiff lan<l. A email frame llnuto <m It; tin Krult TreiH; all under femve ex- eej»t 14 wrren, nml ncurly all down In meadow It lien ou the roalu roa«l running north from otttim^ wa. I will bah It on reMonahlo term*. )ri<<ulro of me ou the premises. C..7 wly niJ^ARRTll HAI.B. HOSPITAL. (Koown.aH I'latth' Stalilc), For (he Treatment of all DiBease3 of HORSES & CATTLE. On Marion street, between Second ind Main. Higgling liorfies aro e.tHtrated with perfect safe- ty . No cutting tlirough the KiJe or apaying. Iho aee lia urougln tlown ttirongti the natural chan- nel and extracted, there ixjlog no more cutting than In i.ialn eaae*. l'arlloathtnkiiiirtblH a horn- l»ULf, cau tittvo one <>r more attrgeonH inspect tlie operation. If, In their minda, there la mora cut- tin* or bleeding than in plain emeu, no charges will be made. The Hospital Is conducted hy DR. I. K- HKVBKKT, a regularregUter>>l Vctirinary Haigpon, an«l In- ventor of tlilaincth'xl oi'ciial rating rM|/Ur>n lioraea whohaapcrmani nllv loi-ateil in (illunnvu lie alao 0|ieratc.4 for ll«rni:i or Unpinro and Scrotal Tuinora, i(inimonly known as Water BMdn. II. uperolo any m'nntli in i!.« year, and will tukn cIilirK'' of Mf>i k until wi ll, If iiuhIiihI. llrlnK lo >our hto<:K ami ir« Ii I DI npt rntR. If 3'on ari'not fully COUVIIIK'.I of Ms xurKlcal abili- ties, don't employ tilm. Eplzootlc--known as hog cholera, treated with aocceaa. Heat of referontca fnrnUbod. Ottumwa, Iowa, P.O. iiox am, novlfi wly stawil in doc 0BE11, McDANGLD & CO, CHICAGO IIM Ana FBI mm. We will pay the highest ni&tLet price for Hides, Wool, Tallow . ITTJRB, James TujIOIT'h ilarnewi bhop, UNION BLOCK. Ottumwa, Iowa. Main House? 131 & 33. Klnzie Street,' Chicago nnv SJ wfiin REMOVAL. caauaiKOB A bxubt iov« r»to ll:o ola Wajcon Factory, Oorii^r of bd an*s WMMci^ton etr<vt«, wlitra tuey Will dobtina? th« of WAGONS CARRIAGK^ Light cad hosvy epr-Jr;^ vyn{,0R« AlSTiJ Sl.T-liOflf* Of tkv i>Mt miitfttlHi ftM Vf.fr •bosiaK Mi WORK WAHSAMTftli OW. o«t> naallbtiid w. will t-i-tfr Ivi a* a pro. anil0 oaltty n< m.>t, Jan. w.- 200 Men Wanted To' engage iu DB FALOON'S Family Medicines! EXOIOHI*.territory gWen, clllifr in Missouri, h>wa. N.liraakaor Mluneaotu. Uuod aK«niaoan make from I'i'i to per monlli, on n caiilti) of ftom I WO to »-TWi. Spaclal lndiio.raenln offorfd to ogsh liuyvra. Good, hooorabl.. men only desired, yof lartbarparilrnlaiiiuaii on or addreai: FALOON. CASTLE * CO.; ii tfm 60S* ouuur*) l*wa. A Beaatlflil Fan for Sale, Two and a hall ?nile* ii r>m on Iho main road n«nth, I l,a\e u farmoni6acreH. ivell- imi.j^yc.lj good 1'itttne h«n«e ol 7 rooius ami eel< lar, fMir harn : a "pit ndid hcariiii; (trchord of hi>- ple tifen, 1,»o in nnmh« r; .uidalanceaud iM.iinlilid MUlUdy ot ull cither I mil tieess IVm-in# good; a kood I tin Ihtlot; c »al Iciiikun llu'iiiacc; lhe!':trisi well watered. If n a < e farm, within li«lf a wneof » iwo-htory ilne brick achnnl ItoOMt X will Hell cm easy feriu». litunin- of me on the tenures v/y) MA IiY M VKliS, Iff. B£EKR, Proprietor oj Groen St. Elevator. And Daaler In WAGONS, PLOWS. Grain, Sood, Salt and Content The best brondi of Whiter A, Spring Wheat flonr. Bora u>d Salle TIMOTHY, CLOVKK. HALT *Od CBMKNT. Ottumwa. - Iowa nol&wtf OTTUMWA. Steam Boiler Works Manufacturer of Steai'i Boilers Lard & Water Tank 3. Heaters, Smoke Stacks & Iron Jails. PETES I! tllSClIAUEB, Propretr. Worka.Bamantlia St.. near B. A M. Depot, OTXOUWA, IOWA. uce. It, IS7t wl* $250 A MONTH-*Affentu wanted every* Iwhere. Hohlueas lK :*orat>)«> and first
Page 1: Ottumwa weekly courier. (Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa ...fine stallion, Young Pilgrim, to some Hardin county parties for $5,OODl Td c city debt of Des Moines on the 5th of March,

mmmmrnm&mtm&mimzs-tiit m m

THE OTTUMWA OOTTRIER W*i>NKsnxv MoRxncti, Aran. 4,1877.

Prom leal W.dnoadaj'a Deity. w« learn that & very serious flffbt

occurred at Eldon last night. It seems that Mike Shaiiiiahan holds a Whiskey bill against a citizen of that place and last night Miko preeeuteA it informing the fellow that if was not paid in-tantly there would l>e trouble. The fellow spoke him never a word, but lifted np his hand, knocked Shannahan into the gutter, jumped on him with his feet, kicked him in the face and ribs, injuring Shannahan to such an extent that it was supposed last night that he would dte

to trip



Marshalltown has a female corn doctor.

"The deril in solution" is the latest definition for alcohol.

A. Oaker Hall lias tiot %cen lound yet. Gone to hunt Charley 15 ©is.

The most popular amusemont in Fairfield is to got drunk aud foil iuto a gas ditch.

A Dubuque woman was arrested and fined last Tuesday for Riding her brother-in-law. ; *

The Denison School Boa^4 hare forbidden the school "inarms^ t the light fantastic toe.

Col. D. B. Ilillis, of Keokuk, has been selected as a visitor to West Point Military Academy.

Tlon. J. B. Grinnell has sold his fine stallion, Young Pilgrim, to some Hardin county parties for $5,OODl

Td c city debt of Des Moines on the 5th of March, amounted to $">27,879.77, and there was only f 47,479.39 to meet it

The Odd Fellows, of Des Moines, are to hare a grand banquet at the Exposition building on the 27th of April.

A Missouri judge has decided that a woman is not an "old maid" till she is thirty-five. That 'takes our girls all out of the woods.

"Buttcrine" is the new substance that takes the place of butter. It is a combination of tallow, lard and hair to suit the taste of the consumer.

One hundred and seventy-two members were taken into the Method­ist Church at Agency City, during the recent revival.

John Maher and John Anderson were arrested on the 20th inst., at

A* V

Frott Tlinredaj'i Daily. ^Sunday morning a Deputy Sheriff

from Marion county arrived in Des Moines, in search of one Lewis An drews, a Methodist exhorter. They discovered their man and looked him up until Monday, when he was rc turned with them to Marion. The charge is that he has been too tiumer-oo&ly married

The jury in the case of Frank Mil ler vs. the C. B. & Q. Railroad Co ailer some eight hours deliberation, returned with a verdict for the plaint­iff of |8.'000. The defendant's conn-Mi have filed their motion for a new trial, which will be argued to-mor­row morning, probably. *A very large concourse of people to-day. followed to her grave in onr city cemetery the wife of Benjamin Jeffries. Mrs. Jeffries was among the oldest settlers in this county and was held in universal esteem by all

-Who knew her. Two of her sisters formerly resided in this city, viz Mrs. Thos. Slnnamon and Mrs. Ed D$Tis. They were all ladies of I Des Moines, for burglary and cattle

, force aud beauty of character, stealing at Council Bluffs.

Brooklyn, Powesheik county, Iowa, had a vcrjr snccessftil #iSt%fS revival season, 250 persona , having united with the churches of that lmrg.

The K. & D. M. Railroad now being classed as a "B"' road by the State Board, is permitted to increase its passenger rates a }a a cent per mile

Miss AltaM. llnlett, Chicago's lady lawyer, died recently at San Diego. California. She bore a high char­acter, both as a woman and a lawyer.

A willow basket factory has been Sunday morning, the prosecuting wit-1 started^in the lower end of town, ness frequently "calling''for the party. I Two boys peddle the baskets in town It is quite iikely that the party land are doing quite a lively trade. #as not of the most blameless char-l Mrs. Ilenry Gilhorn, of Providence

?*eter, and perhaps they made somcjiowa, committed suicide lts| Satur-Moise, but where most ot the blame I day afternoon, hy drowning In Hon ties, remains for the jury to dotcrm-| cy Creek. The body was not fonnd ine. We shnll probably have moreluu Sunday to say about the case after the court I The c<.0|]0)nica1 wonian wni be las passed upon its merits. ] p]easC(j t0 tnow that her last year's

There was quite an interesting case ' 9k Esq. Riordan's court this after-iioon, which at the time we went to press was still in progress. It seems that a man by the name of Pernell ft something of that kind, who lives fjnor near Dahloncga, had four or tfe boys from this city arrested for iHsturbing the peace. As near as weean learn the boys, went out there on Sat­urday night for the purpose of hav

dance. They were admitted itod if we have been told the truth, jtbc boys danced until nearly daylight

"We understand that a Bloom field gentleman lias rented the building formerly occupied by J. II. Merrill & Co., on Main street., and will open a drugstore at that place in a short time.

1,. E. Gray aud Capt. Madsou have rented Madson's new building and will at once open out an auction and commission house. They commenced moving in to-day, and will soon have a house full of goods. The firm will bo strictly reliable and we predict very popular.

At Montieello, on Wednesday aft­ernoon, Frank, the little son of L. Hogg, while playing in a grain ele­vator, slipped into a bin of oats that was being run through a spout into cars below. He was carried down by the current of grain to the bottom of the bin, and smothered to death. When found life was quito extinct.

F. W. Grubo & Bro. the popular Main Street hatter have at present in stock one of the finest assortments of hats, caps and gents furnishing goods ever brought to the city, and really have out done themselves The styles'are nobby and you can fit your­self with a hat at almost any price you want to pay. They keep also a full supply of umbercllas, canes, etc. Never buy a hat until you first go through Grube's stock.

Lew Wean, injured by a railroad accident at Comstock's Station, three or four years ago, after prosecuting his suit for damages through one or two different courts, has compromised with the K. & D. M. railroad, as wo learn from the Constitution. It seems that the basis of settlement is, as near as we remember, not having the pa. per before us, that the railroad is to pay all the expenses of nursing, pliyj sicians' bills, aud expenses of like character, and agree to pay Weane $2,000 in cash besides.

SRlf FrtfUy'* Daily. 1 bonnet can be adapted to the spring Hugh McKelvy, Winn McKelvyaad J style by placing it where a loaded

|A1. McCormick started for Black] wagon will run over it lengthwise ills, to-day. We wish them luck. I Fish Commissioner Shaw has fur U. J. Thompson, of Pleasant town-J nished the Western Iowa Fish Asso

' ibip, ou Monday, will take a drove] ciation with GO,000 brook trout X<ji young cattle to Tyrone, Monroe I distribution in the stream si* the ,vl

county, to graze the coming summer. Icinity of Council Bluffs.

I : The rain to-day was hailed with I A traveling dentist invaded Bur £MlL' |oy by every person in the city hav-1 lington last week, and hung out the

, ingnn empty cistern. It is the first]startling sign, "2tli pullin'." He also i \J 4ain of the season that has amounted

,'.0•-""•(to anything for more than three "Months.

A , We received a call, to-day, from A W A* Chamberlain aud Master Hoy * Chamberlain, of Agcncj'. A. L. rep-

announced that he was prepared to make "falls tcath."—Hawk-Eye.

S. N. Doolittlc, of this city, moves to Tracy, Marion county. He still retains his interest in (he Faloon & Castle medicine business. Tracy will

resents Agency City as all right aide fad Mr. Doolittlc a good citi/.cu.


up with care. £ Jos. II. Rogers left the city last I ®'®kt for Council Bluffs, where he

."••has accepted a position with W. ' ' Scidentopf & Co., Insurance Agents.

He will, we understand, still retain s position as travelling agent for

the Niagara, which position he has „ *: . lillcd for several months. Jo. is per­

fectly at home in an insurance office, :and probably understands the busi-

'ifiess as well as any man in the west-cru country. We look for him to fnake things lively—and we wish him

} great success.

We, yesterday, mentioned the trial some young men for raising a dis-

. turbance at a dance, near Dahlonega, 'jLH: on Saturday night Jos. Orendorf £*r -*f|was tried before Justicc Riordan, s« found guilty, and sentenced to 15 xhJ v1 |jayg in jail. Wm. Kirbyhada jury , i^ lrial and was acquitted. By agrre-

?•» ii's^lment of the attorneys for State and - .. w «he\lefeuce,the cases of Thos. Kearns,

Zel Zimmerman, and Eugene Mc-IKinney were to be decided by the

^verdict of the jury in the Kirby case, *• |and they were accordingly dismissed | Jas not guilty.

The entertainment given last even­ing, by the High School scholars, at the Opera House, was very liberally patronized by our citizens, the hall being as full as it could be comfort­ably. The dialogues and recitations were well rendered, and some of them very amusing. The refreshments provided for the occasion were pro­fuse and of the most appropriate character, the young ladies and the natural flowers they had were be­witching ; and, to tell the whole truth; it was a most delightful entertain­ment, and was most heartily enjoyed by the large company, both of young

,and old, that was present

. His Honor, Judge Sloan's Circuit • Court will expire for^this term on to'

^morrow. The docket is burdened

'lU f



% " down with business but then the lim-%' il Ji I it of time for the term closes this

week aud the unfinished business goes over. What is true of this

MCircuit Court is also true of Judge Knapp's Court There must be some remedy for this. A few years ago, absolute necessity gave birth fo the Circuit Court, and now in portions of the State an equal necessity is upon us to provide more court facilities. It appears clear to us that at the next session of the Legislature there ought to be passed a law absolutely eatab-

'fishing an additional court, say in the cities of ten thousand people or over. The present legislation pro-

a,... . jj, viding for a vote of the people in i fact to make law, or at least to give

'&• i vita4 ity to a statute, is of very ques­tionable constitutionality at best, and we believe wholly unnecessary and uncalled for in making provision for the additional court referred to.

w —— Eugene Moore has been appointed

Short Hand Reporter for the Cth Ju­dicial District of Nebraska, with a salary of $1,000 per annum and 10 cts. per hundred words. The District embraces fourteen counties. His headquarters will be at West Point, Cumming county. We can recom­mend Eugene to the West Pointers as a young man of excellent character and good business qualifications.

This is the season of the year when , the negligent farmer digs his plows

out of the furrows in the field, where they have lain all winter, and brings them to town to have them repaired. It gives work to the blacksmith and plow maker and affords the farmer a chance to loaf around town from one to two days while the work is being done, and which lie could have saved<

had he housed the plows in the fall and given the iron a coat of white­wash to prevent them rusting. "A stitch in time s»vos nine." . ̂ ̂

.-•2 2'... 'VA ••

lMd Whom*- i i-' Nick Baker has for sale spring wheat for seed raised in Nebraska, of

• three or four different varieties. Gall *nd get a suptfjr. afianBAKM.

A gentleman by the name of J. Ii. Mack has rented the fine brick store room adjoining.Enuis' drug store on Main street, and will have something to say to the readers of the CocRiitTt next week.

The man and boy injured by the railroad accident yesterday evening, were not hurt as bad as expected, and in a few days will be as well as they ever were.*Their braises were not serious. It was a litms amusing to old bald-

headed bummers, at the union depot, to-day, to see ladies change cars. The rain was pouring down in torrents, and the schooners sailing under bare poles, made the change quite lively.

Christ Schuttlcr, the absconding Johnson county cattlc dealer, who mysteriously disappeared a few days ago with a frail Chicago woman, was found in St. Louis by a relative and has returned home.

A down-town grocer advertises on shingle that he has dried "beens"

and "pees" for sale. This is offset by a Second-street washerwoman who notifies her customers to cofrie to the "North dore on West side.

We arc pleased to print elsewhere, from The Sewing Machine Jowrnah of New York, an article to the efl'ect that the great Singer Sewing Machine Company has adopted an Ottumwa invention, to-wit: the Johnston Ruf-ftcr.

We are in receipt of the catalogue of Ridge Farm Short-Horns, which are to be sold at Oskaloosa on the 11th of April. Any one who desires to see this catalogue can do so by calling at thii "office. One hundred and twenty head of fine cattle wUl offered at this sale.

Our city dads are gping to Ottum­wa in a body to trounce the COURIER boys for making fun of our artesian we'll.—Oskaloosa JleraUl.

Let 'em come 1 We'll show them through our great Union Depot.

The State Census Board have as sesscd the C., It. & Q. railroad at $12, 000 per mile, the Central of Iowa at $3,500, the K. & D. M. at $0,200, the St Louis and K. C. at $3,300. This is a reduction of- $300 per mile on the K. & D. M., $200 on the St. L. & K. C and $200 ou the Central. The C., B. & Q. is assessed the same as in 187tit

P. G. Ballingall will immediately commcncc the erection of a two story brick building, of the modern style, on the vacant lot cast of Ira Myers building now occupied by Cooper & Hammond. The building will be 22xC0 feet. Pickett & Carnes furnish the plans and will do die wood work. Sam Hendricks has the brick and stone work.

Some time ago, the Marshalltown Lecture Association engaged Ann Eliza Young, laic No. ID of Brig-ham Young, to lecture, with the un­derstanding that she would draw as well as TiHon. She didn't draw as well and the association wouldn't pay her. And now Ann Eliza is making it hot for that Lecture Asso ciation in the way of a law suit.

Miss Mollie Turner, of Burlington, a sweet soprano singer, has accepted a position of leading soprano in l)r, Taylor's Tabernacle, New Yoak. An eastern exchange speaks ot her as follows: "Miss Mollie Turner, of Burlington, has accepted the position of leading soprano singer in Dr. Tay­lor's Broadway Tabernacle, Now York—the highest musical appoint­ment in Gotham, and the one receiv­ing the largest salary."

A good humored Teuton, named Bernhardt, from Muscatine, recently went to Davenport, and put up at a first-class hotel. Before retiring for the night, lie indulged in a smoke and then deposited his pipe in the breast pocket of his coat hanging on the wall. In ihe middle of the night he aroused the whole houw by cries of "fire." That pipe had almost totally destroyed the coat and $400 in green-bftcks that were in the same pocket With the pipe.

New Way of Collecting Debte. Down at Eldon they have peculiar

methods of doing business in some rcspccts, the most singular, perhaps, being their system of collecting debts when the law is powerless to enforce the claims of justicc.

In that town, as tho story goes, there .lives a man who became in­debted to a poor widow woman for a sum of money which was quite im­portant to lier and could have easily been paid by him, but ho refused and the law being powerless, the friends of the widow undertook to relieve her distress and collcct the bill.

At the hour of midnight a party of people gathered at the home of the man, called him out and started with him for the river where they inform­ed him that lie had but a few mo. mcnts in which to say liis prayers, bccausc they intended to drown him, for the reason that ho would not pay the widow. He thought tho matter was only a joke until they threw him in the river once, head over lieels. The bath, together with the forbid­ding looks of his captors, induced liim to open negotiations, and lie of­fered $15 to be let alone, which he de­clared was all the money he had.

But few words were exchanged lrayond informing him that the story was too gauzy, and down lie went the second time.

Half strangled to death lie increas­ed his offer a few dollars, but not enough to suit the party, and in went the fellow again.

When he reached dry ground the third time he was nearly frozen to death, but said he did not have nion cy enough to pay the bill if it was to save his life.

When tho rope was placed around his ncckand one of the party attach­ed a stone to the other end the mat­ter was becoming serious and lie squealed—paid all the money lie had and hypothecated a valuable watch for the balance, and he was^ allowed to go home.


Two Persons Badly Hurt. This afternoon the train on the

Central railroad run into a wagon at the foot of Wapello street,and serious­ly injured the occupants, Mr. Abra­ham Young and his soUo, a boy about 11 years of age.

Mr. Young had business at Mr. Lnnuue's mill, and was sitting ill bis wagon in front of the mill, when a train came down on flic C. B. & <}. road, which seemed to make it nec­essary for him to head his horses to­ward the city. The team started on a jump, and got across the Valley track just in time for the pilot to strike flic wagon behind the hub of the fore wheels, smashing the wagon to pciccs and carrying the man nnd boy a short distance on the pilot and turning them over into the ditch. The man is hurt considerably about the hips and head aud the boy is also severely hurt about the head and shoulders.

They were taken into the mill and a physician sent for. It is not sup­posed that their wounds are necessar ily fatal aud perhaps may not dis able them for any length of time. Tho Valley railroad runs close to the mill, and in turning between tho tracks he could not sec a train on the road, coming from the west, and there being a train on the other track he could not tell the dif­ference in sound. Ho was fortunate in escaping as well as he did.—Daily

Courier, 29(h' March.

A Crusade Opened. We understand that some of the

citizens of Oskaloosa,both male and female, made a raid on the United States express office, in that place, yesterday, and seized twenty-nine or thirty packages supposed to contain liijuor. Tho packages were removed to the City Hall, where they were placed in the care of a guard. Ot­tumwa, Burlington, Keokuk, Daven­port and Marshalltown dealers are interested in these goods, and what will become of the matter remains to be seen.

The Ilawl -F.ye says that: "All of the C., B. & (J. passenger

locomotives and passenger cars are equipped with steam air brakes. It costs $.">00 to apply them to a locomo­tive, $250 for carh car, and the com­pany lias fo pay a royalty besides. Westinghouse,thc inventor, is a Pitts­burg, l'a., man, and has made n tine thing out of his valuable invention.

"It costs something to equip sucli a jrcat road for the safety and convcn-ence of the traveling public. And

the public often forget the immense expenditures the road is obliged to make even while in the actual enjoy­ment of the luxuries. But the C., B. & (J. halts at nothing that will add to the comfort or safely of its passen­gers.

That is all true, and we are as proud of the C., B. & Q. railroad as any body, and we think the people of Ot­tumwa almost to a man have an equally good opinion. An Ottumwa boy, by worth and work, has ascend­ed the line of promotion, until at present he is the energetic, intelligent and highly resgectcd Superintendent of the Iowa Division, a position he fills with distinguished ability, but we submit that this great corporation would further accommodate their friends in this city, if theyjwould do-vise some way by which women and children could be protected from the storm while waiting for trains. Wo ars satisfied that neither Mr. Potter or Mr. Strong fully understand the situation, owing to the fact that they arc here but seldom, or some change for the better would be madc.-

FACfrTLffi. Professional Cards.

W.K. CHAMBUS, V. 8. OommlMtoaer.


Wliitclaw Reid, the young man in the tower of the Tribune building, says that Secretary Thompson wrote the Chicago Republican Platform of 1800.

A party by the name of Horace Greeley, who used to have something to do' with the ground floor of the Tribune, said that John A. Kasson wrote the most of that famous docu­ment.

The trustees of the Agricultural College have determined to start an Experimental Kitchen, which is de­signed to train the girls attending tlio College in the neglected science of cookery. Tho Stale Register says: If this Kitchen is to be under chargc of Mrs. Welch, as we understand it is to be, we feel there can be no doubt of its usefulness or its success, Mrs. W. has peculiarly good" qualifi­cations for this very difficult work, boing herself one of tho most exper­ienced and deft of women in the graceful arts of the household and home. Tho Trustees of the College have done wisely, we think, iu ad' ding this important feature fo the curiculum.

NEW BUILDINGS We have been shown (he jtlans of

tho following building, to be erected here this spring. Mr. Chas. D. Wat-kins architect and general superin­tendent :

An elegant suburban residence for John It. Shepherd, just north of the city limits, with all the modern im­provements. Gilbert has the wood work and Macoy furnishes the mate­rial.

For Capt. T. Egan, a stylish frame residence 30x53, two stories high with all the modern improvements, includ­ing bath room, steam heating apara-tns etc. It will be built on his lot ad­joining Godley's. Emery has the carpenter work and Macoy furnishes the material. It will be something after the style of Alderman Boulton'* new house.

Also for insurance agent, Geo. A. Brown, a fine house on the first lot north of Lawyer McNctts. It Will be about the same size as Egau's and is now enclosed. T. J. Hall has the entire contract.

Mr. Watkins has also furnished the plans for a fine residence for Alois Schaffer which is to be erected on one of those beautiful Main St. lots just beyond P. C. Daum's. It is to be some 38x i8 feet containing 9 rooms. G. A. Itocmer has the entire contract.

While thctimesare unquestionably hard, it is probable that a large amount of bnilding and improve­ments will be done this year, owing to the low price of material. But me­chanics from abroad need not come here for work as the market is more than fully supplied.

Mr. Watkins has tho contract to build the stairs in all the foregoing buildings.

Suicide-Wo regret to learn that Samuel

Tate, the genial, widely known, and popular clerk of the Patterson House, of Keokuk, committed suicide Wedn­esday, by shooting himself through the temple with a pistol. Sain Tate was one of the most genial gentlemen you ever met, always in a pleasant mood with a kind word nnd pleas­ant smile for every guest of the house, many of whom will read this an­nouncement with sad regret. There was no cause for the rash act as far as was known when the train left this morning. We arc informed, howevcr; that he has been drinking to some excess lately, and b _ " un­able to break off from the terrible habit, it is supposed that he committ­ed the rash act while laboring under momentary delirium, although it seems that he made liis toilet with unusual care and before firing the fatal shot locked the door, placed his room to rights, pulled the trigger and crossed the river.

Mr. Tate was well known all over the country, and his sad demise will be sincerely regretted.

In his Boston lecture, Col. Ingersoll expressed his firm hostility to any an­nexation of islands to the United States. Said he: "I recollect when they were talking about San Domin­go, I said, 'Wc don't want iL' They said, 'You never saw such a climate. 'Well,' said I, 'wa don't, want it.' 'Why,' said they. 'It don't raise good folks. You take 5,000 preachers from New England, and 5,000 professors from onr colleges, and all the ruling elders with their families, aud put tliein iu San Domingo, nnd the next generation you will sec them bare­back on a mnlo, the liair sticking' out of the backs of their hats, with a rooster under each arm, going to a cock-fight on Sunday."

Mr. Irwin Combe, of East Des Molnee, Attempts to Take His Own Life Saturday night about eight o'clock,

Irwin N. Combs, a man in East Des Moines, made a rather novel attempt to end liis existence. Combs is a man of family, and lives on Buchanan street, between Thirteenth and Four­teenth streets. For some days past lie has been on a prolonged spree, drinking heavily ana continually, lie says that while drunk he was drugged, and that this had the effect to make him partially demented. Others say that continued drinking lias had the cll'ect to make him crazy. For some time he has been rather worthless, do­ing scarcely anything at his trade, while his wife has been working all the time to support the family, which consists of four children. She has labored faithfully and well to pro vide for the wants of the little ones while lier husband has been lazily idle and has been regularly on hand to partake of the food which the in­dustry of his wife had provided.

He has been more or less out of his mind, but during the last week was worse than usual, lie imagined all sorts of things. Saturday night lie went out into the yard, and seeing two men coming up the street he thought they were going to hang him.

Thoroughly believing this, and thinking to rob them of their victim, the crazy fellow seized a hatchet lay­ing handy, rushed out in the yard and commenced pounding himself with flic pole of the liatelict lie struck with all his force, striking the top of his head eight times, and cutting the skin to the bone. He was just in the act of raising the hatchet to strike himself with tho sharp edge, when his wife caught his arm and prevent cd the act. She called in assistance and the would-be suicide was taken into the house and eared for. The man has to be watched now, for if left *o himself he would immediately take liis own life. Tho idea that some body is going to kill him seems to be the uppermost idea in his disordered mind, and consequently he desires to kill himself to prevent others from doing it.—Stale Register.

Brigham Young is waiting in sus­pense to learn what his "avenging angel" confessed.

Railroad capital invested in Iowa last year depreciated to the large amount of $75,000,000.

A prominent Keokuk bnsines mnn has got into hot water by undue fa­miliarity with the servant girl.

Why they call a sensational report "canard" is because oi»c canardly

believe it, you know.

An Irish lover remarks, "Its a great pleasure to be-alone, especially when your sweetheart is wid ye."

The important question before de- , bating societies now is: "Which is A the bottom of a buckwheat Ake." o«tnm«i«. i»m.

Fifty-five boys from 10 to 15 years old, were recently arrested atone time in a New York Gambling house.

Within the last ten years tho Uni­ted States has sold $45,000,000 worth of arms and munitions of wnr, to Europe.

The pasting of printed slips on the back of a postal card obliges the re­cipient to pay additional postage—a fact not generally known.

The shipments of American beef fo England arc becoming heavier; 2,-500 cattlc arc shipped weekly now, as against 1,500 in January.

Quinine has advanced thirty-six dollars in price the past month, and is now quoted at $7G.00Jper pound. Rather discouraging for fevcr'naircr folks.

The department of agriculture at Washington, calculates that Iowa has now 3,203,200 hogs, ornearlv a million more than any other state.

There is a man in Tennessee with such big feet that if he gets them wet in December, lie docsu't have a cold in his head until February.

Boston lias begun to can and sliip baked beans. Everybody will now say that they knew the giant intellect of the Hub would develop something after a while.

Women are so handy in case of a fire. One in Hartford recently threw

plate of raw liver out of the win­dow to save it, and then ran for tier life, leaving all her clothes and val­uables behind.




All collecttono aiitl legal business proniptly Attended to.

Offloe in Mr*. F. A, Fulton'a building, over MUlcrV Second hand store, Beeond^Bt., opposite Poat Office. (Mkivtf


ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Wtu prKctli'e in nl I the Conrta. Ofllcc on CoWt

tnet, liciwcen Second ami Third <lec 18-iUWU L. r. roRTrts, A. O, BTiOl

PORT8ER & 8TECE, TTOK.N E i>-AT-L AW—Offlee above Yc Grocery, comer Mulct and Second

Ycang'i Streeta


. B. MOKLBOT, Sottrr public.


4500 ACRES Of Farm Pasture,

Timothy, Blue Grass, Ind Clover.


ton ft Chambers. Office over l'ost Ofllce, Oitomwn, Iowa. apd-dtrtl


Short-Hand Reporter, Office In tlio Court Dome, 4-29 70 dwtf MOBBM J. WILLIAM GA1.T1* Vumim

notary Public

ami plenty of Mvlng Water: caa M lilredot the iimlerslgne l at the following prices:

CATTLE PER MONTH: One year olil C'Vi cants Two year old 88!4 cents" Three year old S7X centi. Four year old - I cent*. Oxen 1 5" cents. I wlmalt stork, «»me »•< my own; fay for all

louses from my neglect. Ow ners to Rtaiul aU losses from iltsense, lightninfr, miring and drown­ing. owners must have their catilo brande.l lie-fore entering pasture. If owners prefer I wl 1 pastnre cattlc Tor one

half (\i) put on ibem wldle In the pastm o. _ will receive cattlo for pniuire from tho5th to

the 15th of May, not to lis taken out bofore the first week In October, (nn!e.-s there should baa failure In grass.) I will notify owners when they must take cattle

oat of pasture. Will allow two ami three foarths (2'i) acres to the head.

T. H. TIIARP. 3 1-2m IllMkcnbnrg. Ionn,

WILLIAMS & MANNING, A TTOnNKY8-AT-LA.W. Office over Jordan's

atore, In Union Block, Ottumwa, Iowa. Jan # dwtf


E. H.;8riLSfl. E. L IU'P.TON.

STILES & BURTON. A TTOKN E YS-AT- LAW. Office on Market St

over Abel's grocery, Ottmhwn. liov'Jl'T'idW



R O B I N S O N B R O S , & CO.

I ; Clearing Out Sale!

WE wi«v from this date, cial bargains in all kinds of Winter Goods: Water-proofs, Flannels, Jeans, Cassimeres and Heavy D ess Goods, at much less than Janua­ry prices. , FELT Skirts from 60 cts to $2.00.

January price, 85 cts to $2.5G> Men's and Boys' Boots at a sacrifice.

Also a foil line of the best styles and brands; Prints attd Muslins at the lowest living rates.

These goods must be gold to make room for spring stock

Remember the place.

Kich&rds Block So. 12, West MainSt.

Ottumwa, Iowa

JOHN BA.trRtt.


WILLIAM McNETT, ATTOBNB} -AT-LAW. Office in Hogg ins'ne*

UnlldlDg, Upton Block—up Ptalrs. R)!>7idw


MttTTQ-a i

w. II. C. Patent M e d i c i n e s , Jk TTORNEY-AT-LAW And LOAN liKOKER.

OflUo over First National Hunk, OttDtnwk. I low*. clee2179dw

Plow and Cultivator Factory.

J OHN B. EN SIS, ATT«ni«l:f>lT.|,AW, nnd KotaryPnh-

llo. ontae- Corner of M*ln nml Market Htn, over Knnl*' I)run Store,.OUnmw*, In. a-21 clw

The Singer Co. Adopt the Johnston Ruffler.

"We fire pleased to learn that the Singer Company have adopted the •Tolmslon Jtuflier, they having very recently perfected arrangements with Messrs. C. W. Handy & Co., of this city—(hoy being agents for the John­ston llufllcr Co., ol' Ottumwa, Iowa, whereby these excellent rufllcra are to be placed in the hands of the Com­pany's numerous agents throughout the civilized world. From the fact that dealers sell about ten of these ruff-lers to one of any other, proves them to be the standard rufllcr of the world. —Sewing M<ichine,Tou»-»*ti, IT. 1T.

Yesterday 1 had Id not

such a bad cold that I could not Kpeak. I used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and to-day I am as well as ever, it ouly cost me 25 cents.

Albert J. Hirst, late a fireman on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy road, is credited with the perform­ance of a brave act on last Saturday, lie was going east over the Michigan Central, and was seated by the side of the engineer. Shortly after the train left Buffalo station they noticed that a four year old child had fallen across the track a few rods ahead of the locomotive. Hirst bounded thro' the window and ran along side of the boiler to the pilot or cow-catcher. As the child waB staggering to its feet Hirst reached forward and lifted it literally "out of the jaws of death." The wrench on the muscles of his hand was so great that lie has carried his arm in a sling ever since. The child was frightened nearly to death, but was otherwise uninjured.

MA H K TWAIN 'S Nkw HOOK.—"THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWVKK," IS the title of a new book by Mark Twain, aud is so different from the so-called "funny books" of the humorists that it is really enjoyable to all intelligent readers who have a vivid remem­brance of their "bad boy" days, and the inevitable scrapes through which they have passed. Tho "good boys'' arc mostly to be found in Sunday-school books rather than on the benches, and mostly die young. We have all been "Tom Sawyers," more or less, and we must expect our boys to be overllowing with fun, frolic and mischief if we ever expect them to be active, energetic and self-reliant men. It is a most original, unique, piquant aud entertaining book, tirst published in England, where it has been received with an outburst _ of enthusiastic praise. From beginning to end the pages of "Tom Sawyer" are replete with lively sallies, humor­ous ideas and scathing hits. Tom, Aunt Polly, Huckleberry Finn, Becky Thatcher, Joe Harper, Injin Joe, and others arc active, original characters, who manage to keep their little world lively and stirring, and inevi­tably draw the reader within the vor­tex. The illustrations arc superb, aud, taken all in all, the book is an incomparable one.

Mr. C. S. Troxell is now canvassing the city for this inexpressibly humor­ous book, and will furnish it to sub­scribers for the very low price of $2.75, bound in cloth, gilt, library style $3,75 and $4.25 half morocco.

CONCERT. The Ottumwa Musical Society will

give their second Concert at tho rooms of the Y. M. C. A., Tuesday, April 3rd, to which the public are re­spectfully invited.

The Society have been rehearsing for several weeks and will have a popular and well rendered pro­gramme, consisting of Solos, Duetts and Choruses, both vocal and in­strumental. Prof. Schwabkey's Band will render valuable assistance. Come out and encourage the Society in their laudable efforts. Tickets 25 cents. 29-d5t

Warm Shoes cheap at Phillips.

Over f)00,000 bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup arc sold every season, and thou sands of persons saved from an untimel v grave.

A Texas paper wants to trade off lawyers at the rate of forty for one northern farmer. But it says the farmer must be an early-rising, hard­working, good-managing man. If you want to be in stylo yon will

wear an amethyst ring on the third finger of the left had. Also cough sadly now and then, as if you were the last of an illustrious family.— De troit Free Press.

Rev. Mrs. Thabo Ilanaford's head has been felt of by a phrenologist, and ho says that the sister's bump of veneration is enormously spread all over her head. This must save the lady a great deal of expense in putl-combs for her hair.

"Beer unites with tho fluids of tho stomach and forms a regular article of felt goods," remarked a temperance scientist to a German citizen the oth­er day. "Ya, ya dot ish so," was the earnest reply, "dot beer vas make a man felt goot's never vas."

Mr. Moody is authority for the statement, not elsewhere recorded that Daniel in the lion's den slept calmly with his head on one of the lions for a pillow. Mr. Moody for got to say whether the holy man had a crick in his neck in the morning.

When asked by a young man who contemplated emigration what he thought of Texas as a'place of resi dence, old Ben. Wade flew intoafu rious rage and shouted : "If I owned Texas and llell, I would not hesitate to rent Texas and live in the other place."

Statistics go to show that man may gamble as a profession, right along for ten years, when it will be found that, beside making a thief of him and putting him on the road to the penitentiary, he will have earned less money than any quiet-working me chanic.

A Frenchman has discovered that human hair can be transplanted, and bald-headed men can become reason ably hirsute by the process. It, how ever, requires more skill than land scape gardening, and only very rich men can stand the expense.

While we arc erecting tombstones over dead martyrs and placing laurel wreaths over the brows of living heroes, don't let us forget to drop a tear on the grave of the man who conceived the idea of putting a pota­to on the shout of a kcroscno can.


II. W. KOHHRTS, Homoeopathic) Physician and

Surgeon. I Offloe oTor the low* National Rait. 1 Omci nocM— S to » A. •.

1 «• 3 P. I, „ 7t« 11 •• 8on>1»T, O to 10 l-t A. IB. Special Attention given to dlaeasej or lb* Kjro I id Kar. muM-iMn


DENTIST. 1). W.Avorill.I). I). 8.

Joe OmnR—Owr Ii rr.

Gray'* Clothing MM. la dwtf


Special care an<1 a'tcntlon palil to alt opera MOU8 Fresh (Jas always on hand tor the pftlnlcva extraction of teeth.

unties over (Hto. natr Wore, ottumwa, loira. Co.'s Hardware |

July 27-tlAwtf. .tHIHITKOTS Al>l> III II.IU'HS.



Dye M, Paints, Oils and VarnUlies,

School Books & Stationery, Wall PAPER,

and all Fancy Articles nsnnlly kept in Plrtt-claaa Drug Stores.

Pure Wines and Liquors | For Medtcnl me.

Farmers ami Phyalclana fr.wn the conntry will And onr Stock complete, warranted geaninc and ot the lteal quality, and will tie nold at liottom prices nolO-wly

KIRKVILLE MILLS Kirkville, Iowa.


Flour, Meal & Mill Feed AND

Dealer!! in Grain. All flonr warranted aa represented and oty

•ale with all tlio prlnolpal il. siura In the «lty | of Ottamwa.

St rift Attention l>nidto

Custom Grinding. nil satisfaction guaranteed. Illghwit rails-

| blefmarket prtreflpAlil for Wheat at a! time? Oar Motto U—Not to be Excelled.



They make a Specialty in the Manufacture of the Scnutler Skein Wagon; Tlicy use none but the best of Seasoned Tim ber, and Warrant all their Work. julj28wtf


No , Aft Itlork, Iowa.

2C« Fourth Nt Moimea,

Correspondence Solicited. Julyl«dwtr

9 Ilea Stoves and Tinware.


Acknowledges the Com. GiitrCity.

'fess up. We called Ottumwa a jierfihtcntly Democratic city, and the COI RIKU shows ns that it lias been al­most constantly Republican. Well, our friend Ballingall is so noisy that we thought the Democrats owned the whole thing. We hope town and county there will continue to keep sound ISepiiblicati faith, aiul the Oil Rin: may continue for a thousand years ii<.'litiug the battles of political righteousness with the ability and success of its present and it-s past.

Oak Kip Boots at Phillips.

Bi.A N K NOTKS .—The best form out bound in 50s and 100$, also Receipts and Wash Lists, for sale cheap at the CouniKii office.

Also a full assortment of Deeds, Mortgages, Quit Claims, Bonds, Pow ers of Attorney, Leases, Abstracts of title, Marriage Certificates, Original Court Notices, and all kinds of .Jus­tice's Blanks constantly on band.

About a year ago a noted horse-thief uaincd McFarren was captured in Indiana for shooting an officer in Woodbury county, while attempting his arrest for horse-stealing. For want of evidence lie was released on­ly to fall into the hands of the Fre­mont county Shkrifl', charged with horse-stealing. lie escaped from the jail of that county and went to Jack­son county, Mo., and, with an accom­plice, secreted himself in the timber­ed bottoms. A few days ago an offi­cer went to arrest him for an attempt to shoot an officer in Kansas City, when he <inickly drew a revolver and shot the officer dead. The people turned out and surrounded tho two and captured them, and McFarren is in jail at Kansas City, with a fair pros­pect of getting justicc at the rope's end.


TALLOW, KA<;s and FKATIIKBB. I will pay in the future, as in tho

past, the highest market price, have no street buyers—they cost mon­ey, and farmers have to pay thcin.— Bring your Hides to my store, corner of Court and Second Sts., and get full prices in cash. 12-15wCm

Tho best goods are always the aheapest. Phillips has tlioin.

The highest market pricc paid for produce at the grocery corner of Court and Second streets, Ottumwa.

JOUH C. Stkvkhu, may Manager.

DIED. At the Commercial Hotel, at two

o'clock this morning, of consumption of the bowels, Danif.I, A., infant eon of Alexander and Florence A. Pol­lock, aged three months.

Mr, Pollock recently came to Mus­catine from Ottumwa, Iowa, to enter the employ of J. Itubclmann & Co., and during their comparatively brief stay here he and his wife have made many warm friends, who will deeply sympathize with them in the loss ol their little pet.—Muscatine Journal, March IWt.

Mrs BKNJAMIN JEFFRIES died at the family residence, at five o'clock a. in. Wednesday. She has had consump­tion for something like a year, result-log from a bad oold.

Dr. S. W. Forsha's Alterative Balm proves to be all that is claimcd for it "A balm for every wound." Oar friends tell us it i» the beat famil} medicine in use. For old sorot, stiff joints, sprain?, rheumatism, &c., it has no c<inal. It is highly recommended by the profession for scarlct fever, dyptherift, sore throat, &c. Oar drag-gists keep it.

Diseases of the Kidneys affect the whole system. Should not be neg­lected a single day. Tar acts direct­ly and is the natural remedy. Take the "Forest Tarit is a pure prepar­ation aud cures when other remedies fail.

From both City and Country should not fail to visit Mra. l'latt St Hoy land's milliiif ry Store in Curlew Block, in L. 11. Wilson's old stand, aiul see tl iir nice new Goods and price them befcre they buy else­where. £special pains will be taken (o please customers as to style, quali­ty and pri'-o. mll-d&wtf.

Wanted to Exchange. A residence lot for a good team of

horses or mules and wagon and har­ness. Apply to d*wtf J. M. IIBDKIOK.

Full line of men's Boots and Shoes just received at Phillips.

Beautiful New Prints at SAMIH.s & SON'S, corner of Main and Market streets, Ottumwa, Iowa. wlw

August Flower. Tlio most mUerablo beingii world

are those suffering from DyqjMpsIa uuii Liver Complaint.

More than sf vonty-fivo percent, of the peopln of thoUuited States iroafllictod with ther.o two (lifc.isen nod thoir effects: encli aa Sour Stomach, Hick Headache, Habitual Oontivonose, Palpitation of the Ileirt, Heartburn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning piiiaa at the pit of the stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and disagree-able taste in the month, coming np of food after eatlnp, low spirits, &c G<> to your Druggist, J. L. Taylor & Co., and get a 76 cent Uoltle «f August Flower or a Sam­ple Bottle for 10 c^ts, Try it—-Two dos-etwill rsllsrsfM*

A minister was telling a young girl who was about to become a bride that she must remember that the man and wife arc one. "Lord," said she. "if you were under rny fa­ther and mother's window when they are (juarreling you'd think there were at least a dozen."

"Ma, what is tho meaning of'lank-er,"' said Fanny, on her return from Sunday school. "'What,, Fanny!''said mamma. "Why 'lanker;wc sing at Sunday school,'We'll stand the storm it won't bo long, we 'lanker by aud by.'" Singers, speak plainly and cor­rectly.

Pore Ilyacinthc was a few days ngo stopped on the street in Geneva by a woman of rank who abused him most violently, nnd, woman-like got all the more angry when he refused to an­swer. "Madame," said the ex-priest, politely, "respect is due to women aud pity to fools," and he went4on his way tranquilly.

lie was sitting silently by her side one chilly evening last autumn, think­ing of something to say. Fiually, he remarked : "How sad it is, the frost has conic, and it will kill everything green." Thereupon, the young lady extended her hand, and said in a sympathetic tone, "Good-bye."

An old chap being reproached by his prospective mothcr-iu-law that he was oven bald-headed, replied : "Mad­am, baldness is no indication of my age—it runs in tho family. In fact, madam," said ho in a sudden gusli of confidence, "I was born bald-licad-ed."

Advertising is a good thing, but when a prominent grocer carried to a funeral an umbrella on which was painted conspicuously the business of his house, and held it oyer the preacher's head while he read his prayers, the bystanders thought he was runuing thing into the ground.

At Independence, Mo., a young and beautiful girl stepped into a book store asked a youthful clerk: "Have you Helen's Babies?" "No!" an­swered the youth, looking wildly about; "has she lost them ?" It re­quired the united efforts of two old women and a nurse girl present to explain matters.

A lady, whose cook went to a wake was given notice by her, a fortnight afterward, that she was going to be married. "Who to asked the mis­tress. "Please, ma'am, to tho husband of the corpse." "Why, docs he love you ?" was the next question. "Oh, yes, ma'am ; he said 1" was tho light of tho funeral." . "Often, often," says Mrs. Van Colt, "even now the devil comes to me and tempts me to evil thoughts." Well, it's natural; she isn't to.blame for it. When she stands on the platform in the blaze of the chandelier, and a scrawny sinner lopes up tho center aisle, she can't help saying softly to herself "If—I looked—like fhat—wo­man—I'd pad."

"Is this Kansas City ?" asked one passenger of another on a railroad train one dark night, not long ago. "I'll tell you in a moment," was the response. Then he threw up the win­dow, took a good snuff, and drawing in his head aud holding his nose quiet­ly answered, "Yes this is Kansas City!" That traveller evidently had an acute sense of smell.

A Minonk merchant had made an entry on his books that puzzled all his clerks and bookkeepers. Finally they gave it up aud railed in the neighbors. They Wrestled with it in dismay, and all hands agreed to wait until the proprietor came home. He was shown the cabalistic marks, and solved tho riddle at once. "That's blainc; d-u-g-g—duck. Vat is te matter vid him." And they all agreed that it was plain enough when you came to look at it close.—El Paso (III.) Journal.

Farmers will find, when they aro In the city, one of tho most convenient Wagon Yards aud Feed Stablos on Main street a fow doors above Law­rence & Garners. Call and see.

>14 Wtf

The best Woman's Calf Shoe in the State »t Phillips. - JIJNri,

C11A8. 8. WATKINS, Architect & Stair-Builder,!

Office, No. 4 Blcliftrrifl Klocl; Wain. Street, I Ottnmwa, IOWA.

Pitas, Klovtttlrmt ao<l DeUlle, with Kpprtdea* oiu c( every Uiuorlptiun for Cnurch**, Hobool

QonseA, Villon, Cottages, Ac.t Ac., furnUhftl on I short notice.

8DI*«'i*l attention given to ltoftutirul for | Front Kn*ranee Doorn; also stair-hulMlnjr a spe­cially. I'rlcca moderate oml patlafadlon guar antco'i jAuSdwljj

BOOK BINDING ! P. Zanhitcer,

Mtabltsiiod it Uook blniVrj in ottumwfc, 1 solicit? work tmxa nil Cbe cltleeD*. Old Book* Ra- | bonnd. Mog&zlnet boontl In good ctyki at fei prion, lloomi la Dr. IKinf' «' old residence on Green nrrnrt wntitiiKT*.,1*

Porter Bros. & Hack worth Is the p'aee to buy

SADDLES, HARNESS Collars, Whips, IIOTFP BUnketa, Plastering ITalr Ac., al the vt-ry lowet |»rice«.

P. ». Kcpaiiin^ Uonoonsliortnotico. Remom bor the fVi nor iNiiirt un«l Main Ftrei'U.

Ilarni'8» Shop—rear (if main I'UlMinp. dclM<tw

BOOT and SHOE HOUSE > Is the pi see to buy yonr ROOTS and SIIOKS.

• •

. New Spring Goods of all Kinds. h

fjotn of Plow Shoes. Shoes for Men and lioyp. No OLD Goods everytbin NKW. Prices down to RICD-1JOCK. Everything.yon can think of in tho Shoo Line. Now Goods received daily, 'forms Cash. pril 5-w-tf THOMAS 11. PHILLIPS.

O. MILLER, *7 : --Dtnlor iu— v bf! >

S T O V E S , And Mauufttt tnrerof

Tin. Sheet-Iron and Copper«ate asp—

Home Fornitliing Goods Generally* Eipcclal attention given to

ROOFING, Qattoiing and all kinds of JOB WORK Ifatn Street, oppogito Railinpftll House,

"»-:u wiy. orrrMWA,

CHAS. BACHMAN, Wholesale nnd Retail

Watchmaker and Jeweler , m v m mm V

"S S X P4 9

x 4)


1 N


V m *



SB ft-

$ © 0


CHEV •s-iaSL*.



y ii: II... W...M AWK KOK IT. ^ TAKE NO OTIlicit. ^ I'Olt MI.E I V.M.I. IiKAl.KRS IN ri.ru. . . ^ACVl



l'urtiuuil, Maine. ft HI? 8 mr* ,n your own bran. 'JYrmaun

ire*., a. MALI.KTT& <J<>.

$2500: 150

• YEAit. AUKNTH WANr-Kixin our tirani) Combina-tn*a reprofrntg

BOOKS wauled fveryuluic. (bliiR over • r,cil Mali* mmlo fr»o> lulu wlnm uii mtifiie 5?'.'?.1 ,a'1- AI*". AgviitK wanil.! <mourMA(. NI!• Il'l-INT FAM 1 l.Y llllll.KS. Superior to &1I others, Wltli invaluable ll,I,l ;sTU ATKIt All).s aud.HI I'KKlllilNKINtlM. Ttieni' (he world. Full partioilurs fir.\ AddretM JOHN E. 1'OTTKK A CO, I'lililliherx,

WONOI SH I.il «*>ES!K-2 -,,ooo«»l the


fiold in 4H>4lA>'«. It the only ce»ti|»lclc low-jHitc work (770 V»ire» oaly *2.50), trniUiiK of ihe c-niirr liifttory, grand build-

wonderful exhibits* curlo*ttic« days, vu\, llliutrftled, and tl

cluapsr than anv oilier; everybody wants it, Onr new ugent t lt arff' in UOOO UK«;ntb wanted. quitkhj proof ol ubmi Opinions of ollU-ials* cJ^r^y ;iiM pro-s, ftiinplc tMurefl,fiill4li><»Tipii<>u,!tn<l * xirn utiih. tint-JlAKl) I'.uos , I'l l. , .'*41 l,:i St. riiir.njrt III PAllTiny of lil.scly «itCetui WnU I IVIvtV wo: t UY.-s Iu>oLh. J*fii<l l«>l |HOOf.

A HOME and FARM OP roun OWN.

On the line of a UIJKAT ICAlLiiOAD, with good murkoiH both liAM and WI.ST,

Blow is the time to secure! t. Mild Climate, Fertile Bull, !'.*••-1 Country for Stock

ltaislDK in the I iiitcil States. Ilookl, Maps, Full Information, also "Tfc«

Pioneer." sent free to all partu of the world Address O. HAVIK,

Land Com U 1*. R. It, OMA1IA, NEB.

$05to$77 week to Agents, f 10 Outflt PRKK. P.O. VIOKKHY,

Augnata, Maine. • at hornet Agent* wanUM. Outllt VIA and Urma froc TKUK 4U), Augusta, lie

A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. nrwi-: viRT r.M aoHK I'ibmt


Chicago, III*. 127 and 829 Bro*Sur*r,New York,or New Orleans,

OP Kxtra ft'lae Mixed Cards, with name, /y IOc, pofttpakl.L.JOXES A CO Niuasau, N.Y Uf A II'run to trawl tuirt

^LXV M All l.nnii- (Joel* to ll< $SS a month* hotel and truvL'lin^ cxper^en paid No peliHInj.'. .VMrcHsMONITnli I.A.MV '

11 our llealera

Cincinnati, Ohio, CO.,

Drunkard Stop 4'. r. rn. D.« (formerly 01 Dostonl

haft a hannleh* ruir for HVl'KJff l*i?M AMOK, Which cau 1* given without the knowledge of the path nt, Alao one tor the

OPIUM HABIT. Pennain nt eurca pnanntie<l in )>oth. Sim) £tNJUp i'xjn vidcuc*. Arikdrotftfints torit. Ad<liTH*

UBKHB A CO, liirraingbam. Conn DCMCinUC N 0 matter bow slightly disabled, rcnoiun* Increases now paid Advice and circular irw, T. MtUiciuai., 707 H&nBorn Street, I'&llndelpbla fa.

FA3SCY mixed YiaJtin^ ('arriu, 10i\ 20 Acquaintance, 10c, 21* Flirtation, 10c, '20 Transparent. 154', 'iO roinU'Hl Duril Cards, 16c, Agent.-' outfit, lifleen ccuta, Nov-II,TY CAU> CO, Moiibl'ord, Coun,



Tbe Like lun'ven uour« quieter tti*n any other route from Keoknk t:. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Fort Wayne, Tule.-o, Oi'irolt, t;i«Te. Un<1, Buffalo, New York, and L'OBton,

Tollman'H Sleeper* and elegant Daj < •oachea are run throujn to Toledo and Cleveland wlthom change, connecting with through car. to New York anil Boston.

The WABASH IS •qnlpp^.t with ltie Improve Aotomatio Air Brake an<! Mlllor Uonplcra. Th* track la laid with atenl rnlla anil Is acknowledge# to lie the boat In the Wont '

Auk for Ticket. Tla Keoknk aM the Wahatfc Line, W. 1,. MAl.COI.M, (. S. IJLZABUfl,

Gea'i Paaa'r Aft, Qont Weit'n A«'t, mar 2-dAwtr Tourno. ST. IXHII. .-

ft V 9 B Gents' and Ladies' Gold,& Silver Watches

Am«rlcnnTan(| Swiss, in gnat vntW'ty.y

ENTIRELY New STYLES of JEWELHY For (he Fall t Holiday Tilde: Klnmon.l Iiln^s, Amcllijat, Topaz, Cameo, A all atjlesof Bold Illnga

SOLID SILVER WARE, Of GOtbimJfMufaelurinKCompany, TuMe Spoons), TcaB|)oonn, Forfen,imtler-kntvw, Eng&rSpOGIM

PLATED WARE, Te* Sets, loeSets, Cake 11 mkei.ii, castors, lintter Iiinl.f«, car.l Uccclvera 8poon'ti6Mlfer(, Cap

CliiMren'.< Setts, Ac. Ko<ei l!r< a. Spoons and l'.irks. Cloclca, Watches andjowt '.ry repaired in llrat-clasa order. Kntcrnvlng to order.

WHITE JS0AP (•>r it is m:t<l<< <1 1*1'RE YECt*

rtSo Tor 'i ^ Iduiniif or to >Vhtt« i'-AHt'l- So.-in, •CTAbSltt; 032LS. mii th<« kuu<! iiiori'KH, whii-h r<tuni« all ih<' imiurni ln-alina uuuiiti«^ of oils. It l ost* JJO Ml ''II than th«' hiijhmIM aitirV- tint ii in rapidly roniini! into ^oiterHl hmi8f;iH>nl ji--1'. IIIm' J'*'' "t rui.niiFU Smpn i.« cuinl»*nui«*il hy Pij> Nifiarifi MM listMi; to |>i"o<|uro skill

The 1*1. HIT V of I lie Wlilte Ko»p reiidciit It* um* pericfth' Imimlrwn duly t'V ru'H'i i.u «V w amui.i:, <'iiii'inunti. StU by utl wLiulr.-iule and ii-tiul ^looid.


Tornt Gotta aodFireClarGo. ELD OR A, IOWA. Manufaitvmsof rain

VitTified Sewer Pipe, Woll 'ri»l)ine

Farmer's Drain Tile, fire Brick,

Architfi1 uroI ami Oi /ioniriitnl

Terra Cotta Worki For Gardens, Lawns, Cemeteries,

Chimneys and Chimney Tops, TOBAMW I'lflN, KIO.

J. L. TAYLOR CO., Agts 3mdw Ot<anwa, Ionn.

C. A. TELLEEN, 40T, Si - "

F0H1P1IHTLI1C Tii kotai to and Ironi ;Enro|ie aa ( lir^p as they

can Us ha<! anywhere. Call at O. A. Zanga' Whnleeale huone on Vain 81.

1-6 ilAwy


Low Prices! LONGTIME. KeciiitBiGS aii LsM lis

Otnbty of (Im iii4oralga«1. with hat llttlo ireoe down—tUo tMUftDoc on

LOITATIMB raw of (he moat Ueaotlfal and Dealrabla

BUILDING LOTS in the Oltjr. llavo Lota In the Bottom oonvenUin* to Hohool and the Bualnoa* part of the Oltj, and Una Aero Property on the Bluff.

Mechanics & Laboring Men Will nnd till thoir beat opportunity for iaoaiUg

CHEAP H0HES. Title Perfect. Call and I *111 a now yon

aronnd with pliatim dec TS-dftwtt. DARIBL lOIXilU

(bll a *my M i l A - " ' - ' " i n

CO., I

_ null' TO MAKE IT Something and Suitable. Atfdrett COE, J'uJVf.E

CO.,Ulh and Walnut it. St. Louis, Mo,

Mfctf —JI WOO bitHf, pcwiafft tr++; 11 lhM,ilaa. a VnhML«i.<iii is limine He»U,S1.06. ftOcmaUaaJt.oo. A»SOMctO«ui1o<ru«tfm. 100 ««i«r utag*. dmp. ftTAhn, •)! «(»r1a of Frail and Owwlal Tmm, tferute, Ac. A M Mr* C'aUlnn*, Mmtw. It rr***-boaM«. fiTORBS. HAlUUSUv £00., rtuMTUiJ, LiU Co., OHIO. M1\K1> CAHDS, or 2ftScroll, with name, V\

A(hliv-fii M'KNCKK A. <JO, KasBftu, N.Y. 25

KfMit will eoa| you

H. ^L.. ZA-lsTG-H


FOREIGN LIQUOHS. Pt •tilsUil, Mickuleal uIIhm

BMrttl PnptiM

Main Street, oppoalto Block,


Second Street


w • Li ORR la now iwfiv inland onenlnK. la the room former­ly i.ivuiii. 't li> A. TVellmnh s Co. an entirely new Ktock of




FANCY ARTICLES. To which he invites the attention of hia ohl Criendrf rh<1 tin- imlilic generally. ? Pr»«rri|»tion« cart-fully end promptly com. potindode 8-2s dim wCm

A Small Farm for Sale Two and a half mile* from Ottumwa ! have4?

aores of beautiful furinuiff lan<l. A email frame llnuto <m It; tin Krult TreiH; all under femve ex-eej»t 14 wrren, nml ncurly all down In meadow It lien ou the roalu roa«l running north from otttim^ wa. I will bah It on reMonahlo term*. )ri<<ulro of me ou the premises. C..7 wly niJ^ARRTll HAI.B.

HOSPITAL. (Koown.aH I'latth' Stalilc),

For (he Treatment of all DiBease3 of

HORSES & CATTLE. On Marion street, between Second ind Main. Higgling liorfies aro e.tHtrated with perfect safe­

ty . No cutting tlirough the KiJe or apaying. Iho aee lia urougln tlown ttirongti the natural chan­nel and extracted, there ixjlog no more cutting than In i.ialn eaae*. l'arlloathtnkiiiirtblH a horn-l»ULf, cau tittvo one <>r more attrgeonH inspect tlie operation. If, In their minda, there la mora cut-tin* or bleeding than in plain emeu, no charges will be made. The Hospital Is conducted hy

DR. I. K- HKVBKKT, a regularregUter>>l Vctirinary Haigpon, an«l In­ventor of tlilaincth'xl oi'ciial rating rM|/Ur>n lioraea whohaapcrmani nllv loi-ateil in (illunnvu

lie alao 0|ieratc.4 for ll«rni:i or Unpinro and Scrotal Tuinora, i(inimonly known as Water BMdn. II. uperolo any m'nntli in i!.« year, and will tukn cIilirK'' of Mf>i k until wi ll, If iiuhIiihI.

llrlnK lo >our hto<:K ami ir« Ii I DI npt rntR. If 3'on ari'not fully COUVIIIK'.I of Ms xurKlcal abili­ties, don't employ tilm.

Eplzootlc--known as hog cholera, treated with aocceaa.

Heat of referontca fnrnUbod. Ottumwa, Iowa, P.O. iiox am, novlfi wly stawil in doc


IIM Ana FBI mm. We will pay the highest ni&tLet price for

Hides, Wool, Tallow . ITTJRB,

James TujIOIT'h ilarnewi bhop,

UNION BLOCK. Ottumwa, Iowa.

Main House? 131 & 33. Klnzie Street,'Chicago nnv SJ wfiin


caauaiKOB A bxubt iov« r»to ll:o ola

Wajcon Factory, Oorii^r of bd an*s WMMci^ton etr<vt«, wlitra

tuey Will dobtina? th« of

WAGONS CARRIAGK^ Light cad hosvy epr-Jr;^ vyn{,0R«

AlSTiJ Sl.T-liOflf* Of tkv i>Mt miitfttlHi ftM Vf.fr

•bosiaK Mi

WORK WAHSAMTftli OW. o«t> naallbtiid w. will t - i - t f r I v i a* a pro. anil0 oaltty n< m.>t, Jan. l« w.-

200 Men Wanted To' engage iu


Family Medicines! EXOIOHI*.territory gWen, clllifr in Missouri,

h>wa. N.liraakaor Mluneaotu. Uuod aK«niaoan make from I'i'i to per monlli, on n caiilti) of ftom I WO to »-TWi. Spaclal lndiio.raenln offorfd to ogsh liuyvra. Good, hooorabl.. men only desired,

yof lartbarparilrnlaiiiuaii on or addreai: • FALOON. CASTLE * CO.;

ii tfm 60S* ouuur*) l*wa.

A Beaatlflil Fan for Sale, Two and a hall ?nile* ii r>m on Iho

main road n«nth, I l,a\e u farmoni6acreH. ivell-imi.j^yc.lj good 1'itttne h«n«e ol 7 rooius ami eel< lar, fMir harn : a "pit ndid hcariiii; (trchord of hi>-ple tifen, 1,»o in nnmh« r; .uidalanceaud iM.iinlilid MUlUdy ot ull cither I mil tieess IVm-in# good; a kood I tin Ihtlot; c »al Iciiikun llu'iiiacc; lhe!':trisi well watered. If n a < e farm, within li«lf a wneof » iwo-htory ilne brick achnnl ItoOMt X will Hell cm easy feriu». litunin- of me on the tenures v/y) MA IiY M VKliS,

Iff. B£EKR, Proprietor oj

Groen St. Elevator. And Daaler In

WAGONS, PLOWS. Grain, Sood, Salt and Content The best brondi of Whiter A, Spring Wheat flonr.

Bora u>d Salle TIMOTHY, CLOVKK. HALT *Od CBMKNT. Ottumwa. - • Iowa nol&wtf


Steam Boiler Works Manufacturer of

Steai'i Boilers Lard & Water Tank 3. Heaters, Smoke

Stacks & Iron Jails. PETES I! tllSClIAUEB, Propretr.

Worka.Bamantlia St.. near B. A M. Depot, OTXOUWA, IOWA.

uce. It, IS7t — wl*

$250 A MONTH-*Affentu wanted every*

Iwhere. Hohlueas lK :*orat>)«> and first
