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Our Firm Foundation, July 2002
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1 Volume 17, Number 7
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1Volume 17, Number 7

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Will We Heed the Warning?fter September 11, 2001, more

Bibles were sold than duringthe whole rest of the year

put together. Many were asking thefearful question, “Is this the end?”Within six months, however, mostof those Bibles were sitting onshelves gathering dust. Y2K hadpresented a similar fear to theworld and to Seventh-day Adven-tist people, but then the daysturned to weeks and months—andlife continued as usual. Septem-ber 11, 2001, is now history, andmany of the terrorists are eitherdead or in detention, but our worldis still in nervous confusion. WallStreet is bouncing up and down.The Israelis and Palestinians—alldescendants of Abraham—arekilling each other, and worldleaders are searching for solutionsto the violence and crime.

“Judgment is turned awaybackward, and justice standeth afaroff: for truth is fallen in the street,and equity cannot enter. Yea, truthfaileth; and he that departeth fromevil maketh himself a prey: and theLORD saw it, and it displeased himthat there was no judgment.”Isaiah 59:14–15.

“The world is stirred with thespirit of war. The prophecy of theeleventh chapter of Daniel hasnearly reached its completefulfillment. Soon the scenes oftrouble spoken of in the prophecieswill take place.” Testimonies, vol. 9,14.

“The earth also is defiled underthe inhabitants thereof; becausethey have transgressed the laws,changed the ordinance, broken theeverlasting covenant. Thereforehath the curse devoured the earth,and they that dwell therein aredesolate: therefore the inhabitantsof the earth are burned, and fewmen left.” Isaiah 24:5–6.

“There are not many, evenamong educators and statesmen,who comprehend the causes thatunderlie the present state ofsociety. Those who hold the reinsof government are not able to solvethe problem of moral corruption,poverty, pauperism, and increasingcrime. They are struggling in vainto place business operations on amore secure basis. If men wouldgive more heed to the teaching ofGod’s Word, they would find asolution of the problems thatperplex them.” Ibid., 13.

Warnings From God

The Spirit of Prophecy has beenwarning the remnant church forover 100 years. The condition of theworld just before the coming of theLord is described in both theScriptures and the Spirit ofProphecy, yet, how many of God’sSeventh-day Adventist people arestudying and preparing for the dayof Christ’s return?

“But who reads the warningsgiven by the fast-fulfilling signs ofthe times? What impression is madeupon worldlings? What change isseen in their attitude?—No morethan was seen in the attitude of theinhabitants of the Noachian world.Absorbed in worldly business andpleasure, the antediluvians ‘knewnot until the flood came, and tookthem all away.’ Matthew 24:39. Theyhad heaven-sent warnings, but theyrefused to listen. And today theworld, utterly regardless of thewarning voice of God, is hurrying onto eternal ruin.” Ibid., 14.

God has raised up the printedpage as a messenger of warning—to leaders, pastors, and laity—toprepare our characters for theoutpouring of the latter rain:

“Unless you speedily humbleyour hearts before God, and

confess your sins, which are many,you will, when it is too late, seethat you have been fighting againstGod. Through the conviction of theHoly Spirit, no longer untoreformation and pardon, you willsee that these men whom you havespoken against have been as signsin the world, as witnesses for God.Then you would give the wholeworld if you could redeem the past,and be just such zealous men,moved by the Spirit of God to liftyour voice in solemn warning tothe world; and, like them, to be inprinciple firm as a rock. Yourturning things upside down isknown of the Lord. Go on a littlelonger as you have gone, inrejection of the light from heaven,and you are lost. ‘The man thatshall be unclean, and shall notpurify himself, that soul shall becut off from among thecongregation.’ Numbers 19:20.

“I have no smooth message tobear to those who have been so longas false guideposts, pointing thewrong way. If you reject Christ’sdelegated messengers, you rejectChrist. Neglect this great salvation,kept before you for years, despisethis glorious offer of justificationthrough the blood of Christ andsanctification through the cleansingpower of the Holy Spirit, and thereremaineth no more sacrifice for sins,but a certain fearful looking for ofjudgment and fiery indignation.”Testimonies to Ministers, 97.

Only a few in every generationhave accepted the requirements ofsalvation—compared to thepopulation of the world and themembership of the church. Probationwill close suddenly for the worldand the church. See The Seventh-dayAdventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7,989. Let us heed God’s warningsnow, before it is too late! !


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3Volume 17, Number 7

Volume 17, Number 7 July 2002

It is the mission of Hope International and theeditors of Our Firm Foundation to clearly presentChrist and His truth. The days remaining forthis world are few, and we must work quickly.We must boldly proclaim the historic truths ofAdventism that place us on so firm a founda-tion in the midst of this troubled world.

–EditorsExecutive Editor: Ron SpearAdministrative Editor: Bill HumeniukManaging Editor: Harvey SteckLayout & Design: Kevin H. Patterson

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Defending the Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Newswatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


4 The Meaning of TrialsEllen G. WhiteGod’s way of separating the dross from the true gold ofChristian character

9 The Cities: To Leave or Not to Leave?Dave WestbrookShall we move into the cities to evangelize them?

16 The Purification of God’s PeopleHarvey SteckHow is God purifying unto Himself a peculiar people? Whatdoes Inspiration have to say?

20 The Shaking Caused By the True WitnessJohn KorponayLet us be among those who were “clothed with an armor”and who “obtained the victory.”

24 The Shut DoorRon SpearHow does the “shut door” of Revelation 3:7 relate to thethree angels’ messages?

28 Smooth ThingsBill HumeniukWhat kind of message is needed for the hour?

13 The Praise of Men or the Praise of GodColin Standish“No man can serve two masters. . . .”

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E l l e n G . W h i t e

“Behold, I will send my messen-ger, and he shall prepare theway before me: and the Lord,

whom ye seek, shall suddenlycome to his temple, even themessenger of the covenant, whomye delight in: behold, he shallcome, saith the LORD of hosts. Butwho may abide the day of hiscoming? and who shall stand whenhe appeareth? for he is like arefiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap:and he shall sit as a refiner andpurifier of silver: and he shallpurify the sons of Levi, and purgethem as gold and silver, that theymay offer unto the LORD an offeringin righteousness. Then shall theoffering of Judah and Jerusalem bepleasant unto the LORD, as in thedays of old, and as in formeryears.” Malachi 3:1–4.

A refining, purifying process isgoing on among the people of God,and the Lord of hosts has set Hishand to this work. This process ismost trying to the soul, but it isnecessary in order that defilementmay be removed. Trials are essen-tial in order that we may bebrought close to our heavenlyFather, in submission to His will,

that we may offer unto the Lord anoffering in righteousness. God’swork of refining and purifying thesoul must go on until His servantsare so humbled, so dead to self,that when called into active service,they may have an eye single to theglory of God. Then they will notmove rashly from impulse, andimperil the Lord’s cause becausethey are slaves to temptation andpassion, because they follow theircarnal desires; but they will movefrom principle and in view of theglory of God. The Lord brings Hischildren over the same groundagain and again, increasing thepressure until perfect humilityfills the mind, and the character istransformed; then they are victo-rious over self, and in harmonywith Christ and the Spirit ofheaven.

The purification of God’s peoplecannot be accomplished withoutsuffering. God permits the fire ofaffliction to consume the dross, toseparate the worthless from thevaluable, in order that the puremetal may shine forth. He passesus from one fire to another, testingour true worth. True grace is

willing to be tried. If we are loathto be searched by the Lord, ourcondition is one of peril. God is therefiner and purifier of souls. Heplaces us in the heat of the furnace,that the dross may be foreverseparated from the true gold ofChristian character. Jesus watchesthe test. He knows just what fire oftemptation and trial is needed topurify the precious metal, in orderthat the radiance of divine Lovemay be reflected.

It is by close, testing trials thatGod brings His people near toHimself; for in trial and temptationHe discovers to them their weak-ness, and teaches them to leanupon Him as their only Help andSafeguard. When this result isattained, His object is accom-plished, and His tried servants areprepared to be used in everyemergency, to fill importantpositions of trust, and to accom-plish the grand purposes for whichtheir powers were given them. Godtakes men upon trial, and Heproves them upon the right handand upon the left, until they areeducated, trained, and disciplinedfor His use.

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Trials will come upon us thatare originated by the prince of evil.The enemy will contend for the lifeor the usefulness of the servants ofGod, and will seek to mar theirpeace as long as they remain in theworld. But his power is limited. Hemay cause the furnace to be heated,but Jesus and holy angels watch theprecious ore; and to the trustingChristian, grace will be foundsufficient, and nothing but theworthless dross will be consumed.The fire kindled by the enemy canhave no power to destroy the truegold.

At times the powers of darknessgather about the soul and shutJesus from our sight, and we waitin sorrow and amazement until thecloud passes over. While under thetrial, these seasons are terrible.Hope seems to fail, and despairseizes upon us. But in these dread-ful hours we must learn to trust, todepend wholly upon the merits ofa crucified and risen Saviour, andcast our souls in their helplessnessand unworthiness upon Him whois mighty to save unto the utter-most all who come unto God byHim. We shall never perish whilewe do this, never.

We need not be astonished attrial. Peter says, “Beloved, think itnot strange concerning the fierytrial which is to try you, as thoughsome strange thing happened untoyou: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye arepartakers of Christ’s sufferings;that, when his glory shall berevealed, ye may be glad also withexceeding joy.” 1 Peter 4:12–13.

Jesus says: “I AM the true vine,and my Father is the husbandman.Every branch in me that bearethnot fruit he taketh away: and everybranch that beareth fruit, hepurgeth it, that it may bring forthmore fruit.” John 15:1–2. There is aconstant tendency among the treesof the Lord to be more profuse infoliage than in fruit. Just as thestrength and nourishment of thegrapevine are taken up in abundantfoliage, and the fruit is not broughtto perfection unless the vine ispruned, so the strength of theChristian will fail of its true end,

unless the heavenly Husbandmanprunes away the useless growth. Inprosperity the followers of Jesusoften turn their thoughts andenergies toward gratifying them-selves, to securing worldly trea-sure, to the enjoyment of ease andpleasure and luxury, and theybring forth little fruit to the glory ofGod; then the heavenly Husband-man, in order to promote thefruitfulness of the branches, comeswith the pruning knife of disap-pointment, loss, or bereavement,and cuts away the hinderinggrowth.

One evening a gentleman whowas much depressed because of

deep affliction, was walking in agarden, where he observed apomegranate tree nearly cutthrough the stem. Greatly wonder-ing, he asked the gardener why thetree was in this condition, and hereceived an answer that explainedto his satisfaction the wounds of hisown bleeding heart. “Sir,” said thegardener, “this tree used to shootout so strong that it bore nothingbut leaves. I was obliged to cut it inthis manner; and when it wasalmost cut through, it began to bearfruit.”

Our sorrows do not spring outof the ground. In every afflictionGod has a purpose to work out forour good. Every blow that destroysan idol, every providence thatweakens our hold upon earth andfastens our affections more firmlyupon God, is a blessing. Thepruning may be painful for a time,but afterward it “yieldeth thepeaceable fruit of righteousness.”Hebrews 12:11.

We should receive with grati-tude whatever will quicken theconscience, elevate the thoughts,and ennoble the life. The fruitless

branches are cut off and cast intothe fire. Let us be thankful thatthrough painful pruning, we mayretain a connection with the livingVine; for if we suffer with Christ,we shall also reign with Him. Thevery trial that taxes our faith themost severely and makes it seem asthough God had forsaken us, is tolead us more clearly to Him, thatwe may lay all our burdens at thefeet of Christ, and experience thepeace which He will give us inexchange.

Let no Christian feel that he isforsaken when the hour of trialcomes upon him. Not a sparrowfalls to the ground without your

heavenly Father’s notice. God lovesand cares for the feeblest of Hiscreatures, and we cannot dishonorHim more than by doubting Hislove to us. Oh, let us cultivate thatliving faith that will trust Him inthe hour of darkness and trial!Living faith in the merits of acrucified Redeemer will carry menthrough the fiery furnace of afflic-tion and trial, and the form of theFourth will be with them in thefurnace, however fierce its heat;and they will come forth from itsflame with not even the smell ofthe fire on their garments.

Joseph was sold into Egypt. Hewas put into prison. The enemystrove to overwhelm him indarkness. The darkness was sogreat that it seemed every ray ofhope was extinguished; but hisfaith took hold on God, and it wasrewarded. God brought him out ofthe dungeon, and made him a lightto the world.

Our heavenly Father sees thehearts of men, and he knows theircharacters better than they dothemselves. He sees that some havecapabilities which are not directed

Our sorrows do not spring out of the ground. In every

affliction God has a purpose to work out for our good.

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6 Our Firm Foundation

in the right way, but that if theycould be turned into the rightchannel, they would bring glory toHis name by advancing the causeof truth in the world. He placesthese persons on trial, and in Hiswise providence brings them intodifferent positions, into a variety ofcircumstances, where they aretested in order that they may revealwhat is in their hearts and makemanifest the weak points of theircharacters, which have been hiddenfrom their own eyes. God givesthem opportunities to correct thesedefects, to polish off the roughcorners of their natures, and to fitthemselves for His service. If theydo this work, then when He callsthem into active service, they are

ready so that the angels of Heavencooperate with them in their labors,and the purpose is fulfilled forwhich God called them to Hisservice.

It is in mercy that the Lordreveals to men their hidden defects.He would have them criticallyexamine the complicated emotionsand motives of their own hearts,and detect that which is wrong,and modify their dispositions, andrefine their manners. God wouldhave His servants become ac-quainted with their own hearts. Inorder to bring to them a trueknowledge of their condition, Hepermits the fire of affliction toassail them, so that they may bepurified.

The trials of life are God’sworkmen to remove the impurities,infirmities, and roughness from ourcharacters, and fit them for thesociety of pure, heavenly angels inglory. Then as we pass throughtrial, as the fire of affliction kindlesupon us, shall we not keep our eyesfixed upon the things that are

unseen, on the eternal inheritance,the immortal life, the far moreexceeding and eternal weight ofglory? And while we do this, thefire will not consume us, but onlyremove the dross, and we shallcome forth seven times purified,bearing the impress of the Divine.

This world is not the Christian’sheaven. It is the place in which tofit up for heaven. It is the scene ofour life battles, our conflicts andsorrows. While here we must, if wewould be successful, have a firmgrasp of the better world, where,when the warfare is ended, will befound peace and everlasting joy.

Through all our trials, whichhave never been fully revealed toothers, we have had an unfailing

Friend, who has said, “I will neverleave thee, nor forsake thee.”Hebrews 13:5. “Lo, I am with youalway, even unto the end of theworld.” Matthew 28:20. Whileupon the earth, Jesus was evertouched with human woe, andalthough He is now ascended toHis Father, and is adored by angelswho swiftly speed to obey Hiscommands, yet His heart, whichloved, pitied, and sympathizedwith men, knows no change. Itremains a heart of unchangeabletenderness still.

“We have not an high priestwhich cannot be touched with thefeeling of our infirmities; but wasin all points tempted like as weare.” Hebrews 4:15. Jesus is ac-quainted with all our trials, and Hedoes not leave us to struggle alonewith temptations, to battle alonewith sin, and to be finally crushedwith burden and sorrow. ThroughHis angels He whispers to you,“Fear not: for I am with thee.”Isaiah 43:5. “I am he that liveth,and was dead; and, behold, I am

alive for evermore.” Revelation1:18. “I know your sorrows; I haveendured them. I am acquaintedwith your struggles; I have experi-enced them. I know your tempta-tions; I have encountered them. Ihave seen your tears; I also havewept. Your earthly hopes arecrushed, but let the eye of faith beuplifted, and penetrate the veil,and there anchor your hopes. Theeverlasting assurance shall beyours that you have a Friend thatsticketh closer than a brother.”

God has always tried Hispeople in the furnace of affliction,in order to prove them firm andtrue, to purge from them all drossand unrighteousness. It was afterAbraham and his son Isaac hadborne the severest test that could bebrought upon them, that Godspoke through His angel toAbraham, and said: “Now I knowthat thou fearest God, seeing thouhast not withheld thy son, thineonly son from me.” Genesis 22:12.

The work of pruning andpurifying the people of God forheaven is a great work, and it willnot be accomplished without greatsuffering on the part of the servantsof God, because it will cost themsomething to bring their wills intoharmony with the will of Christ.We must go through the furnace tillthe fires have consumed the dross,and we are purified so that wereflect the divine Image. Those whofollow inclination, and judge fromappearances, are not good judgesof what God is doing. They arefilled with discontent. They seefailure where there is indeedtriumph, a great loss where there isonly gain; and like Jacob, they areready to exclaim, when trial comesupon them, “All these things areagainst me”(Genesis 42:36), whenthe fact is, that the very things ofwhich they complained, wereworking for their good.

“No cross, no crown.” Onecannot be strong in the Lord andnever experience trial. To havestrength, we must have exercise. Tohave strong faith we must beplaced in circumstances where ourfaith will be called forth. Just before

The trials of life are God’s workmen to remove the impurities,

infirmities, and roughness from our characters, and fit them

for the society of pure, heavenly angels in glory.

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7Volume 17, Number 7

his martyrdom, the apostle Paulsaid to Timothy: “Be thou partakerof the afflictions of the gospelaccording to the power of God.”2 Timothy 1:8. It is through muchtribulation that we enter thekingdom of heaven. Our Saviourwas tried in every possible way,and yet He triumphed continuallyin God. It is our privilege under allcircumstances to be strong in thestrength of God and to glory in thecross of Christ.

Every follower of Christ willhave a cross to bear; and when hetakes it up resolutely, though inweakness and trembling, he willfind that that which seemed soterrible to him is a source ofstrength and blessing and courage.It will be a staff to him to help himon in his weary pilgrimage throughthis earth. Then shall the professedfollower of Christ drop his cross,and seek to please those who arederiding his Lord? Shall he, for fearhe will not receive honor of men,reject and despise the cross ofChrist?

What if you do suffer, dearfellow Christian? The Master of thehouse suffered before you. Jesus,our Redeemer, Representative andHead, endured the testing process.He suffered more than we can becalled upon to suffer. He bore ourinfirmities, and was in all pointstempted like as we are. He did notsuffer thus on His own account, butbecause of our sins, that we, relyingon the merits of our Overcomer,might be victorious in His name.Christ was the exalted and gloriousCommander of heaven, beforewhom the angelic hosts bowed inadoration, yet He condescended togive up His glory that He had withthe Father, that He might save afallen race; and shall we, in ourturn, refuse to deny ourselves forHis sake and the gospel’s? Let thewords of Paul be the language ofour hearts: “God forbid that Ishould glory, save in the cross ofour Lord Jesus Christ, by whom theworld is crucified unto me, and Iunto the world.” Galatians 6:14.

Christ requires all. His sacrificewas too great, too dear, to make it

possible that we should give lessthan all, and be accepted. Our holyfaith cries out, Separation. Weshould not be conformed to theworld, or to dead, heartlessprofessors. The Scripture says, “Beye transformed by the renewing ofyour mind.” Romans 12:2. The wayto heaven is a self-denying way.But when you think the way is toostrait, and there is too much self-denial in the narrow path; whenyou say, How hard to give up all,ask yourselves the question, What

did Christ give up for me? Thisquestion puts anything that wemight call self-denial in the shade.

Behold Him in the Garden ofGethsemane. Look upon the greatdrops of blood that are forcingthemselves from His pores whileHe is bearing the inexpressibleagony of soul. Look upon Him inthe judgment hall while He isderided, mocked, and insulted bythe infuriated mob. Behold Himclothed in that old purple robe, andhear the coarse jest and cruelmocking. See them place the crownof thorns on that noble brow, andsmite Him with a reed, causing thethorns to penetrate His holytemples, so that the blood dropstrickle down His face and fall uponthe ground. Hear the murderousthrong eagerly crying for the bloodof the Son of God. He is deliveredinto their hands, and pale, andweak, and fainting, He is led awayto the hill of crucifixion. Theystretch His form upon the cross,and drive the nails through Histender hands and feet. Behold Himhanging upon the cross throughdreadful hours of agony untilangels veil their faces from thescene, and the sun hides his light,refusing to shine upon the dreadfulsight. Think of these things, and

then ask, Is the way too strait?Oh, that everyone might realize

that Jesus has something in storefor him vastly better than thatwhich he would choose for himself!Would that all might come tounderstand the exceeding sinful-ness of sin and the blessedness ofrighteousness! Would that allmight see how powerless is alleffort to contend with Omnipo-tence! Man is doing the greatestinjury to his own soul when hethinks and acts contrary to the

mind and will of God. He is sowingto his flesh, and of the flesh he willreap corruption. No real joy can befound in the path forbidden byGod, who knows what is best, andwho plans for the good of Hiscreatures. In order to be happyourselves, we must live to makeothers happy. We must yield ourpossessions, our talents, and ouraffections, in grateful devotion toChrist, and in this way we mayfind happiness here and immortal-ity hereafter.

The most trying experiences inthe Christian life may be the mostblessed. The special providences ofthe dark hours may encourage thesoul in the future attacks of Satan,and equip the soul to stand mostfiery trials. The trial of your faith ismore precious than gold. But inorder to endure the test, you musthave that faith, that abiding confi-dence in God, that will not bedisturbed by the arguments andtemptations of the deceiver.

Take the Lord at His word.Study the promises, and appropri-ate them as you have need. “Faithcometh by hearing, and hearing bythe word of God.” Romans 10:17.Happy is the man, who, whentempted, finds his soul rich in theknowledge of the Scriptures, who

When you think the way is too strait, and there is too much

self-denial in the narrow path; when you say, How hard to

give up all, ask yourselves the question, What did Christ give

up for me?

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8 Our Firm Foundation

finds shelter beneath the promisesof God. “Thy word,” said thepsalmist, “have I hid in mine heart,that I might not sin against thee.”Psalm 119:11. We need that calm,steady faith, that undaunted moralcourage, that none but Christ cangive, in order that we may bebraced for trial and strengthenedfor duty.

While on earth there will be noescape from conflicts and tempta-tions; but in every storm we have asure refuge. Jesus has told us, “Inthe world ye shall have tribulation:but be of good cheer; I have over-come the world.” John 16:33. Theforces of Satan are marshaledagainst us, and we have to meet adiligent foe; but if we take heed tothe admonition of Christ, we shallbe safe. “Watch and pray, that yeenter not into temptation.” Mat-thew 26:41. There are foes to be

resisted and overcome, but Jesus isby our side, ready to strengthen usfor every attack.

“This is the victory that over-cometh the world, even our faith.”1 John 5:4. Faith sees Jesus standingas our Mediator at the right hand ofGod. Faith beholds the mansionsthat Jesus has gone to prepare forthose who love Him. Faith sees therobe and the crown all prepared forthe overcomer. Faith hears the songof the redeemed, and brings eternalglories near.

We must come close to Jesus inloving obedience if we would seethe King in His beauty. There ispeace in believing, and joy in theHoly Ghost. Believe! Believe! Mysoul cries, Believe! Rest in God. Heis able to keep that which you havecommitted to Him, and will bringyou off more than conquerorthrough Him that has loved you.

But remember that everyonewho shall be found with thewedding garment on will havecome out of great tribulation. Themighty surges of temptation willbeat upon all. But the long night ofwatching, of toil, of hardship, isnearly past. Christ is soon to come.Get ready! The angels of God areseeking to attract you from yourselfand from earthly things. Let themnot labor in vain.

Faith, living faith, is what youneed; the faith that works by loveand purifies the soul. RememberCalvary and the awful, the infinitesacrifice there made for man. Jesusnow invites you to come to Him,just as you are, and make Him yourStrength and your everlastingFriend. !

Review and Herald, April 10 and 17,1894.

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9Volume 17, Number 7


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n the article “Where are theBereans?”1 Stephen Chavez addshis voice to other recent Adven-

tist Review authors on the subject ofcity living. This time it is the voiceof derision raised against thosewho have followed God’s counselin leaving the cities. It comes on theheels of a December article byGeorge Knight entitled, “AnotherLook at City Mission.” 2 AlthoughKnight’s subtitle posed the ques-tion, “What did she really say?”what followed was an article thatmakes of none effect much of whatMrs. White really did say on thesubject.

Who Should Heed the Warning?

Brother Knight states, “We findin Ellen White’s writings two setsof parallel counsel—one relating toinstitutions, advocating outpostministry, and a second dealingwith local church work, advocatingworking from within the city.” 3 Weare informed that the Spirit ofProphecy would support peopledwelling in the cities for purposesof local church outreach. Further-more, it is implied that Mrs. Whitewould advocate families moving

The Cities: To Leaveor Not to Leave?

D a v e W e s t b r o o kinto the cities to reach out to lostsouls.

Ellen White wrote: “He wantsus to live where we can have elbowroom. His people are not to crowdinto the cities. He wants them totake their families out of the cities,that they may better prepare foreternal life. In a little while theywill have to leave the cities. . . . Ifwe place ourselves under objec-tionable influences, can we expectGod to work a miracle to undo theresults of our wrong course?—No,indeed. Get out of the cities as soonas possible.” General ConferenceBulletin, March 30, 1903.

“To parents who are living in thecities, the Lord is sending thewarning cry, Gather your childreninto your own houses; gather themaway from those who are disregard-ing the commandments of God, whoare teaching and practicing evil. Getout of the cities as fast as possible.”Review and Herald, July 5, 1906.

We ask, Just who was EllenWhite writing to in the aboveparagraphs?

Brother Chavez is right when hesays there are better role models tofollow than Jonah. Consider one to

whom Ellen White pointed: “AsGod’s commandment-keepingpeople, we must leave the cities. Asdid Enoch, we must work in thecities but not dwell in them.”Evangelism, 77–78. George Knightassures us that this statement wasmade in relation to the location ofour sanitariums; yet, Enoch was aperson, not an institution.

Now, please consider thefollowing statement made by EllenWhite: “Close around us are citiesand towns in which no efforts aremade to save souls. Why shouldnot families who know the presenttruth settle in these cities andvillages, to set up there the stan-dard of Christ?” Christian Service,180. How are we to understand themessage of the prophet here? Wasshe confused? If, in fact, there werenot two opposing lines of counsel,how are we to understand whatshe meant? To answer that ques-tion we must consider the progres-sive nature of her counsel andwarnings to leave the cities.

A Progressive Message

Early statements from EllenWhite regarding country living


The Cities: To Leaveor Not to Leave?

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point out the benefits of rural livingand the pitfalls of city life. As timepassed, however, her counsel toleave the cities became morepointed and urgent. The statementfrom Christian Service quoted aboveregarding families moving to citieswas made in 1891, several yearsbefore the more pointed appealsthat the time had come for God’speople to relocate. In fact, Godrevealed that the need to leave thecities would become greater as timepassed leading up to the SecondComing—“More and more, as timeadvances, our people will have toleave the cities. For years we havebeen instructed that our brethren

and sisters, and especially familieswith children, should plan to leavethe cities as the way opens beforethem to do so.” Review and Herald,September 27, 1906.

Even the very manner in whichwe should relocate was to involve aprogressive process: “As the siege ofJerusalem by the Roman armies wasthe signal for flight to the JudeanChristians, so the assumption ofpower on the part of our nation inthe decree enforcing the papalsabbath, will be a warning to us. Itwill then be time to leave the largecities, preparatory to leaving thesmaller ones for retired homes insecluded places among the moun-tains.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 464–465.Notice the progression: first movingto the smaller cities, later landing insecluded mountain homes.

Although many believe thiswarning points to a time yet in thefuture, in 1900 Mrs. White pennedthese words, “Get out of the largecities as fast as possible. Establishchurch schools. Give your childrenthe Word of God as the foundationof all their education.” Ibid., vol. 6,195. Clearly, she could see that it

was time for this step-by-stepprocess to begin.

The Sunday-law crisis begin-ning in the late nineteenth centurysignaled the need for God’s peopleto start relocating out of the largecities. As early as 1897, we find thiscounsel: “The Protestant worldhave set up an idol sabbath in theplace where God’s Sabbath shouldbe, and they are treading in thefootsteps of the Papacy. For thisreason I see the necessity of thepeople of God moving out of thecities into retired country [places,]where they may cultivate the landand raise their own produce. Thusthey may bring their children up

with simple, healthful habits. I seethe necessity of making haste to getall things ready for the crisis.”Country Living, 21.

By 1903, it was absolutely clear:“The time has come, when, as Godopens the way, families shouldmove out of the cities.” Ibid., 24.

Just three years later, in 1906,she would share the startlingwords, “ ‘Out of the cities; out ofthe cities!’—this is the message theLord has been giving me. . . . Wemust make wise plans to warn thecities, and at the same time livewhere we can shield our childrenand ourselves from the contaminat-ing and demoralizing influences soprevalent in these places.” Reviewand Herald, July 5, 1906.

As God Opens the Way

Ellen White also made clear thatsuch moves must be made underthe guiding hand of God. Thus, wefind her using phrases such as thefollowing: “Until it is possible forthem to leave,” “Whenever pos-sible,” “As fast as possible,” “As faras possible,” “As soon as possible,”and so on. Therefore, we should

understand that her strong appealsto leave the cities did not mean thatwe should drop our work cold andmake sudden or rash moves. Wemust watch for the guiding hand ofProvidence. This situation, in fact,was paralleled during the siege ofJerusalem. While the Christiansrecognized the sign for theirdeparture from the city, they couldnot leave until God made clear Histiming through the providentialretreat of the Roman armies.

This helps us understand whyEllen White would recommend tothose living in the cities to “workfor God in the neighborhood oftheir homes.” Testimonies, vol. 9,128. This did not constitute counselto remain indefinitely in the city.As we have just seen, she taughtthat we must not move ahead ofthe Lord’s leading. Until such timeas God should open the way toleave, we should be devoted tomissionary endeavors. “More andmore, as time advances, our peoplewill have to leave the cities. Foryears we have been instructed thatour brethren and sisters, andespecially families with children,should plan to leave the cities asthe way opens before them to doso. Many will have to labor ear-nestly to help open the way. Butuntil it is possible for them to leave,so long as they remain, they shouldbe most active in doing missionarywork, however limited their sphereof influence may be.” Review andHerald, September 27, 1906.

We see here a process that takestime. The early twentieth centurywas a time of transition for God’speople to change the way theyworked the cities. It would be wellto take this into consideration whenlooking at the case of S. N.Haskell—referred to in Knight’sarticle. It should not surprise usthat the Haskells moved into NewYork City in 1901. This was rightaround the time the signal to leavethe cities was beginning to soundwith greater clarity. In the comingdays the message would becomemore urgent as Mrs. White wouldgive these stirring appeals—“Thetime has come when, as God opens

“We must make wise plans to warn the cities, and at the same

time live where we can shield our children and ourselves from

the contaminating and demoralizing influences so prevalent in

these places.”

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the way, families should move outof the cities.” The Adventist Home,139 (1903). “ ‘Out of the cities; outof the cities!’—this is the messagethe Lord has been giving me.”Review and Herald, July 5, 1906.

Weighing the Counsel on EllenWhite’s Balances

Referring to Mrs. White’scounsel regarding establishingsanitariums, Knight states, “Whenit came to a conflict between thedenomination accomplishing itsmission and rural living, the needto complete the mission success-fully always won out from herperspective.” 4 Thus, we are led tobelieve that leaving the cities wasan optional issue, in contrast toreaching the lost in the cities. Acloser look reveals, once again, amisrepresentation of the Spirit ofProphecy counsel on this subject.

In September of 1902, a groupmet to consider plans for theerection of a building in the cityof Los Angeles to be used for arestaurant and sanitarium. Therewas an outpost location alreadyfunctioning which was out of thecity but “out at one side,” as Mrs.White put it. Apparently, theneeds of the people seemed to callfor a center more accessible tothose not on that side of the city.Nevertheless, the counsel re-mained, “I could not give adviceto build a sanitarium in any city. Icould not do it, because it has beenso distinctly laid before me thatwhen a sanitarium is built, it mustbe located where it can accomplishthe end in view—the object forwhich it is established. . . . Theword has come that sanitariumsshould be located out of the cities.God has a purpose in that.” Afterreiterating some of the reasons forestablishing sanitariums out of thecities, she recognized that she wasrepeating counsel already givenwith great clarity, “Well, I havewritten it; you have had it; it is just asforcible now as when I wrote it. I seenothing to change my mind inregard to Los Angeles on thesepoints.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 1,248–249.

Not a Call to Abandon theCities

Without a doubt, an abandon-ment of the cities at this timewould be diametrically opposed tothe Scriptures and the Spirit ofProphecy. Indeed, we must go afterthe lost living in these great centersof population—however, we mustdo it in God’s way. In His Wordand in the Spirit of Prophecy wefind our manual. We are to “leavethe cities, and like Enoch comefrom your retirement to warn thepeople of the cities.” Ibid., 250.“Said the messenger of God, ‘Shallnot the cities be warned?—Yes; not

by God’s people living in them, butby their visiting them, to warnthem of what is coming upon theearth.’ ” Ibid., 253 (1902).

Yet, some will ask, “How willwe reach the people in the citieswhile living outside of them? Itdoesn’t seem practical! How canwe really reach the masses forChrist if we do not live ‘with them,’coming close to them by dwellingwhere they do?”

Sister White has the answer:“He [Enoch] did not make his

abode with the wicked. He did notlocate in Sodom, thinking to saveSodom.” Seventh-day Adventist BibleCommentary, vol. 1, 1087 (1900).“When iniquity abounds in anation, there is always to be heardsome voice giving warning andinstruction, as the voice of Lot washeard in Sodom. Yet . . . all that Lotand his family did in Sodom couldhave been done by them, even ifthey had lived in a place somedistance away from the city.”Evangelism, 78 (1903).

There is a deeper issue involvedhere. It is a faith issue: “Believe inthe LORD your God, so shall ye be

established; believe his prophets, soshall ye prosper.” 2 Chronicles20:20. Will we follow His plans,even when they seem to counterhuman wisdom? Jesus lookedahead to our day and asked,“When the Son of man cometh,shall he find faith on the earth?”Luke 18:8. Thankfully, we were notleft without an answer to thatquestion, for this same Jesus,through John the Revelator, told usof a group of people living in thelast days who “keep the command-ments of God, and the faith ofJesus.” Revelation 14:12. (Allemphasis supplied unless other-wise noted.)

God stands ready to bestow sucha blessing as we have never wit-nessed, if we will but trust in Him. Ifwe will consecrate ourselves whollyto Him, devoting ourselves to muchprayer and seeking with determina-tion to follow His clear instructions,He will show us how to work. Hepromises, “Trust in the LORD with allthine heart; and lean not unto thineown understanding. In all thy waysacknowledge him, and he shall directthy paths.” Proverbs 3:5–6.

Just what is at stake here? Muchis at stake, for what we decide willdetermine the effectiveness of ouroutreach to those lost souls we sodesire to reach. “Much dependsupon laying our plans according tothe Word of the Lord and withpersevering energy carrying themout.” Testimonies, vol. 6, 178. If weare, indeed, so concerned abouteffectively reaching the lost bil-lions, it would seem that we wouldbe most earnest in seeking tofollow God’s clear instructions onhow to evangelize the cities. It istime for Seventh-day Adventists tolay plans according to the Word ofthe Lord!

“How can we really reach the masses for Christ if we do not

live ‘with them,’ coming close to them by dwelling where they


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12 Our Firm Foundation12 Our Firm Foundation

The Call to Awake

How can we conclude that theSpirit of Prophecy advocates God’speople remaining in the citiestoday when we read such state-ments as the following? “I couldnot sleep past two o’clock thismorning. During the night season Iwas in council. I was pleading withsome families to avail themselvesof God’s appointed means, and getaway from the cities to save theirchildren. Some were loitering,making no determined efforts.

“The angels of mercy hurriedLot and his wife and daughters bytaking hold of their hands. Had Lothastened as the Lord desired him to,his wife would not have become apillar of salt. Lot had too much of alingering spirit.” Country Living, 6–7.

More than a century has passedsince the signal was first given to

leave the large cities, but many areloitering there as Lot loitered inSodom. World events are scream-ing at us that the end of all things isat hand; we hear the rumble “of thereturn of the Roman armies” in acall for Sunday legislation. It istime to wake up! Indeed, the HolySpirit is impressing many that it istime to move to retired homessecluded in the mountains.

Mrs. White gave us someinsight as to why such sentimentswould be proclaimed from leadersin our own church. At times God

allows this to awaken those whoare sleeping. “God will arouse Hispeople; if other means fail, heresieswill come in among them, whichwill sift them, separating the chafffrom the wheat. The Lord callsupon all who believe His Word toawake out of sleep.” Testimonies,vol. 5, 707.

Just now it is imperative that Seventh-day Adventists study the

counsel of God on this topic for themselves. Do not let

someone else do this for you.

Just now it is imperative thatSeventh-day Adventists study thecounsel of God on this topic forthemselves. Do not let someoneelse do this for you. It was writtenabout the Bereans, “These weremore noble than those inThessalonica, in that they receivedthe word with all readiness ofmind, and searched the scripturesdaily, whether those things wereso.” Acts 17:11.

Every wind of doctrine isblowing. We are seeing “the verylast deception of Satan” amongGod’s people, which is to “make ofnone effect the testimony of theSpirit of God.” Selected Messages,book 1, 48. We have been warnedthat, “Satan will work ingeniously,in different ways and throughdifferent agencies, to unsettle theconfidence of God’s remnantpeople in the true testimony.” Ibid.

I, too, think of the Bereans; and Iwonder if they have any kin. !

References:1 Stephen Chavez, “Where are the

Bereans?” Adventist Review, February 28,2002, 5.

2 George Knight, “Another Look at CityMission,” Ibid., December 6, 2001, 25.

3 Ibid., 27.4 Ibid.

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The gospel of John relates aremarkable exposé of theactions of the Jewish rulers

who failed to acknowledge publiclythe Messiahship of Christ. Wediscover John referring back to theprophecy of Isaiah concerning therejection of Jesus.

“That the saying of Esaias theprophet might be fulfilled, whichhe spake, Lord, who hath believedour report? and to whom hath thearm of the Lord been revealed?”John 12:38.

John reveals that many of thechief rulers recognized that Jesuswas indeed the Messiah. Yet, theycowardly refused to publiclyacknowledge this conviction. Thesewere men of great authority andprestige in the nation of Judah. Letus look at John’s record:

“Nevertheless among the chiefrulers also many believed on him;but because of the Pharisees they

The Praise of Men

C o l i n S t a n d i s h

did not confess him, lest theyshould be put out of the syna-gogue.” Verse 42.

The record is plain. These chiefrulers believed on Jesus, but theydid not confess Him. The servant ofthe Lord is specific as to the convic-tion of these men: “They wereconvinced; they believed Jesus tobe the Son of God.” Christ’s ObjectLessons, 106.

Why did they refuse to publiclyconfess Jesus, though they knewthat He was the Son of God? TheBible record tells us that it wasbecause they feared the Pharisees,and they feared to be put out of thesynagogue (disfellowshiped).

John stated the bottom line oftheir failure to confess Jesus: “Theyloved the praise of men more thanthe praise of God.” Verse 43.

Sister White is even morespecific: “It was not in harmonywith their ambitious desires to

confess Him. They had not the faiththat would have secured for themthe heavenly treasure. They wereseeking worldly treasure.” Ibid.,106.

The “Fear of the Jews” Today

This fear of those in highpositions was not confined to theleaders of Christ’s day. Ever therehave been a majority who, ratherthan risk their reputation or theirpersonal ambitions, have beenwilling not only to silence theirvoice but ultimately denouncethose who declare their allegianceto Christ and His principles.

In the end some will take part infearful persecution. No wonder Jesussaid, “He that is not with me isagainst me.” Matthew 12:30. Thisprinciple was well understood by theservant of the Lord who discernedthat those who trusted in theirpastors and wanted to please themwere very easily turned away fromloyalty to Christ and His Word:

“Multitudes, trusting implicitlyto their pastors, refused to listen tothe warning; and others, thoughconvinced of the truth, dared notconfess it, lest they should be ‘putout of the synagogue.’ The messagewhich God had sent for the testingand purification of the church,revealed all too surely how greatwas the number who had set theiraffections on this world rather thanupon Christ. The ties which boundthem to earth were stronger thanthe attractions heavenward. Theychose to listen to the voice ofworldly wisdom, and turned awayfrom the heart-searching messageof truth.” Evangelism, 198.

It is well known that one of thestrategies of the Jesuits is to seek totrain the Protestant parishioners tohave as much dependent confi-dence in their pastors as the RomanCatholic communicants have intheir priests. It is surely apparentthat this condition now exists inmost of the churches of Protestant-ism. But God has pronounced aterrible condemnation upon thosewho trust in man rather thantrusting in Him.

or the Praiseof God

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“Thus saith the LORD; Cursed bethe man that trusteth in man, andmaketh flesh his arm, and whoseheart departeth from the LORD.”Jeremiah 17:5.

No Man Can Serve Two Mas-ters

There is no way a true Christiancan ever put absolute confidence ina man no matter how godly he mayseem, or how high he is in holyoffice. God alone is worthy of oursupreme and complete trust. Christmade two other statements that arerelevant to our understanding ofthis passage:

“How can ye believe, whichreceive honour one of another, andseek not the honour that comethfrom God only?” John 5:44.

“No man can serve two masters:for either he will hate the one, andlove the other; or else he will holdto the one, and despise the other.Ye cannot serve God and mam-mon.” Matthew 6:24.

In the first passage Jesus isasking a question—How is itpossible for men to seek honor offellow human beings when Godalone can bring such honor? Theissue is a very clear one. If we arelooking to men for praise, honor,and flattery, then we are deter-mined to compromise our connec-tion with the Lord. The servant ofthe Lord says flattery is more to befeared than criticism. The desire forflattery is highly addictive, espe-cially in these end times. Considerthe following warning that Paulgave in his second epistle toTimothy:

“For the time will come whenthey will not endure sound doc-trine; but after their own lusts shallthey heap to themselves teachers,having itching ears; and they shallturn away their ears from the truth,

and shall be turned unto fables.”2 Timothy 4:3–4.

This warning is particularlyimportant to us in this end-timesituation. It is even more importantto those who have been called toholy office—and to heavy responsi-bilities—because they are the oneswho are called not only to enlightenGod’s people but also to speak thetruth in all its pointedness.

“It is not silver-tongued oratorsthat are needed to give this mes-sage. The truth in all its pointedseverity must be spoken. Men ofaction are needed—men who willlabor with earnest, ceaseless energy

for the purifying of the church andthe warning of the world.” Testimo-nies, vol. 5, 187.

If our burden is to please menand receive honor from them, thenwe will never present the testi-mony of the True Witness toLaodicea. While Christ’s statementin Matthew 6:24 does not specifi-cally address the issue of the praiseof Christ or the praise of men, itcertainly does address the duplicitythat can come in motivation. WithGod there is no compromise, eitherwe serve Him or we serve theenemy of God—that is Satan. If wehold to Christ, we despise Satan. Ifwe serve Satan, we despise andreject God.

In the Sermon on the Mount, asrecorded by Luke, we learn there isa woe upon those who receive onlypraise from men:

“Woe unto you, when all menshall speak well of you! for so didtheir fathers to the false prophets.”Luke 6:26.

If we are receiving the praise ofman, it is likely that we are either(1) preaching pleasing, ear titillat-ing error, (2) preaching “pleasant”truth but not “present” truth, or(3) ignoring the call to give the

solemn warning message againstself-deception, worldliness, apos-tasy and iniquity. In whicheverarea we fail, we are doing the workof Satan. A love to be received,honored, praised, and popular willcause any of us to fall for thesedeadly traps of Satan.

The Example of Ahab

The wicked King Ahab hadgathered around him hundreds offalse prophets. They were willingto prophesy favorable things to theKing—no doubt for his approba-tion and for the rewards that hewould bestow upon them. Let uslook at the example when Ahabhad decided to battle against theking of Syria and had trapped KingJehoshaphat of Judah into joininghim. When Jehoshaphat becameconcerned that this may not be theright thing, Ahab was able to gather400 prophets who claimed blasphe-mously to be prophets of God.

“Therefore the king of Israelgathered together of prophets fourhundred men, and said unto them,Shall we go to Ramoth-gilead tobattle, or shall I forbear? And theysaid, Go up; for God will deliver itinto the king’s hand.” 2 Chronicles18:5.

But Jehoshaphat perceived thatthese prophets were not of God, fornever have God’s prophets been inlarge numbers. Thus he askedAhab, “Is there not here a prophetof the LORD besides, that we mightinquire of him?” Verse 6.

Ahab reluctantly called the trueprophet Micaiah, who gave theanswer that Ahab did not wish tohear:

“Then he said, I did see all Israelscattered upon the mountains, assheep that have no shepherd: andthe LORD said, These have nomaster; let them return thereforeevery man to his house.” Verse 16.

This prophecy was the fore-warning of the death that came toAhab as he fought against theSyrians. Instead of receiving praiseand honor from the wicked king,Micaiah was placed in prison. Butas he was led away he made itplain that he would not change hisprophecy to placate the anger of

“Men of action are needed—men who will labor with earnest,

ceaseless energy for the purifying of the church and the

warning of the world.”

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the king, for this was a prophecythat had come from God:

“Then the king of Israel said,Take ye Micaiah, and carry him backto Amon the governor of the city,and to Joash the king’s son; and say,Thus saith the king, Put this fellow inthe prison, and feed him with breadof affliction and with water ofaffliction, until I return in peace. AndMicaiah said, If thou certainly returnin peace, then hath not the LORDspoken by me. And he said, Hear-ken, all ye people.” Verses 25–27.

Now, just as it was in the daysof Ahab, wicked men are lookingfor flattery of pastors or leaderswho will not present the pointedtestimony. The leaders wouldrather receive the praise of men thanthe praise of God. They have muchgreater fear of man than they do ofGod. How tragic!

Paul’s Counsel

It is Paul who has dealt moststrongly with this theme. Here aresome of the outstanding warningsand counsels that Paul has given:

“Not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers; but as the servants ofChrist, doing the will of God fromthe heart.” Ephesians 6:6.

“Servants, obey in all things yourmasters according to the flesh; notwith eyeservice, as menpleasers; butin singleness of heart, fearing God.”Colossians 3:22.

“For do I now persuade men, orGod? or do I seek to please men?for if I yet pleased men, I shouldnot be the servant of Christ.”Galatians 1:10.

“But he is a Jew, which is oneinwardly; and circumcision is thatof the heart, in the spirit, and not inthe letter; whose praise is not ofmen, but of God.” Romans 2:29.

“But as we were allowed of Godto be put in trust with the gospel,even so we speak; not as pleasingmen, but God, which trieth ourhearts. For neither at any time usedwe flattering words, as ye know,nor a cloak of covetousness; God iswitness: nor of men sought weglory, neither of you, nor yet ofothers, when we might have beenburdensome, as the apostles ofChrist.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4–6.

“For I know nothing by myself;yet am I not hereby justified: but hethat judgeth me is the Lord. There-fore judge nothing before the time,until the Lord come, who both willbring to light the hidden things ofdarkness, and will make manifestthe counsels of the hearts: and thenshall every man have praise ofGod.” 1 Corinthians 4:4–5.

“For not he that commendethhimself is approved, but whom theLord commendeth.” 2 Corinthians10:18.

The Delusion of Self-Exalta-tion

How important it is that weseek that which is above and not onthe earth. See Colossians 3:1–2. Yetfaithful Christians will not selfishlyseek the praise even of God.Rather, they are so in love with theOne who sent His Son to die forthem that their only thought is tobring praise and glory to His nameand lead others to His kingdom.

We can well remember the storyof Elder Dudley Canright. It will beremembered that Canright wasvery much loved by the servant ofthe Lord, but he had great ambi-tions. By the 1870s he was one ofthe most powerful preachers in theSeventh-day Adventist movement.On one occasion he was asked topreach in a Sunday church—a largechurch in Chicago. He had takenwith him a friend and fellowminister asking him to sit in thebalcony and critique his sermonthat night. By all accounts Canrightpreached a powerful message, andthis was affirmed by the positiveremarks of the people as theyexited the church that evening.After the sermon Canright and hisfriend repaired to a park across thestreet from the church. After ashort time Canright asked for his

friend’s evaluation. His friendresponded that he had been soengrossed with the power of hismessage that he had forgotten hisassignment to write a critique. Thatfriend reported that Canright’stragic response was, “I would be agreat man if it were not for thisunpopular message.” He wasseeking the praise of men, ratherthan to fulfill the duties that Godhad laid upon him.

Canright soon followed thesetemptations of Satan, leaving the

Seventh-day Adventist faith. Twicehe sought to return, but it appearsthat pride and the desire for humanexaltation overwhelmed him.Indeed, he became a preacher forthe Baptist Church. Yet, never didhe become a great success. He hadthought that it was his great talentthat was illuminating the message.But no, it was this great message ofthe everlasting gospel and the threeangels’ messages that had made himthe great preacher in his earlier days.

Those who seek the praise ofmen will never hear the praise ofJesus. Those who will hear thepraise of Christ are those who seekto serve and honor God and have alove for souls, those who will notcompromise their message to flatterpeople away from eternal life.

“And the King shall answer andsay unto them, Verily I say untoyou, Inasmuch as ye have done itunto one of the least of these mybrethren, ye have done it unto me.”Matthew 25:40.

Never can a true Christian falterin his duty to warn and enlightenthis earth and to preach the Wordirrespective of the response of thehearers. If he has preached thetruth in love and earnestness, thenhe can leave it to the Holy Spirit toseek to bring conviction to thehearts of his hearers. !

Those who will hear the praise of Christ are those who seek to

serve and honor God and have a love for souls, those who

will not compromise their message to flatter people away from

eternal life.

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“For the grace of God thatbringeth salvation hathappeared to all men, teaching

us that, denying ungodliness andworldly lusts, we should livesoberly, righteously, and godly, inthis present world; looking for thatblessed hope, and the gloriousappearing of the great God and ourSaviour Jesus Christ; who gavehimself for us, that he mightredeem us from all iniquity, andpurify unto himself a peculiarpeople, zealous of good works.”Titus 2:11–14.

It will certainly be a gloriousday when Christ comes in theclouds of heaven. Are you readyfor that day?

Notice in Titus 2:14 that Jesus ispurifying unto Himself a peculiarpeople. You and I profess to be part

The Purificationof God’s People

H a r v e y S t e c kof God’s remnant people. Are wepure Christians? Are you a pureChristian? Jesus said, “Blessed arethe pure in heart: for they shall seeGod.” Matthew 5:8.

Paul wrote, “Our God is aconsuming fire.” Hebrews 12:29. Itis our privilege to cooperate withGod today in His work of consum-ing sin from us. If we do not, thenwe will be consumed with our sinsin the final destruction of thewicked. See The Desire of Ages, 107,600.

A Grave Responsibility

When you joined the Seventh-day Adventist church, were youtaught your responsibility as amember?

“We take upon ourselves agrave responsibility when we unite

with the church. The church isGod’s family, and the members ofthis family are to be unselfishlyinterested in one another. They areto pray and work for one another’ssalvation. . . .

“If you think that a brother is inthe wrong, go right to him. Do notgo to someone else, because thiswill not cure the difficulty. . . .

“It will not do for any of us toget careless and indifferent inregard to our church membership.While on this journey that I amnow taking, I have felt a mostsolemn responsibility to try toshow our people that God holdsthem accountable to live lives thatwill keep the atmosphere of thechurch pure and fragrant. God isdishonored, and His Spirit isgrieved, when this atmosphere is

The Purificationof God’s People

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tainted by careless living and byevil speaking.” Review and Herald,January 19, 1905.

I have a “grave responsibility”when I become a member of thechurch—for myself and my brother.Am I my brother’s keeper? When Isee him going astray, do I go to himand work and pray with him? Ordo I choose the easy way of turningmy head—and gossiping to some-one else? Many of the trials we facein our churches and self-support-ing ministries could be avoided ifwe would follow Christ’s plan inMatthew, chapter 18.

Listen to Sister White’s burdenfor God’s church:

“We want something besidesSabbath religion. We need theliving principle, and to daily feelindividual responsibility. This isshunned by many, and the fruit iscarelessness, indifference, a lack ofwatchfulness and spirituality.Where is the spirituality of thechurch? Where are men andwomen full of faith and the HolySpirit? My prayer is: Purify Thychurch, oh God.” Testimonies, vol.1, 99.

Do you have a living religion? Ifnot, who can you blame—yourparents? your spouse? your pastor?Are we tempted to be careless andindifferent? I know I have fallen tothat temptation at times—and I amdetermined to discipline myself byGod’s grace. Notice her prayer:“Purify Thy church, oh God.” Isthat your burden? If it is, the workstarts with you.

God’s Work and Our Work

We are assured that God isdoing His part to purify Hispeople:

“God is leading out a peoplewho are peculiar. He will cleanseand purify them, and fit them fortranslation. Every carnal thing willbe separated from God’s peculiartreasures until they shall be likegold seven times purified.” Ibid.,431.

“Every true child of God will besifted as wheat, and in the siftingprocess every cherished pleasure

which diverts the mind from Godmust be sacrificed.” Selected Mes-sages, book 2, 317.

If Christ should come today,would you be ready for transla-tion? If not, Jesus wants to refineand purify you; but He will not doit without your submission andcooperation.

“Work out your own salvationwith fear and trembling. For it isGod which worketh in you both towill and to do of his good plea-sure.” Philippians 2:12–13; see alsoIsaiah 1:19–20.

“Beloved, now are we the sonsof God, and it doth not yet appearwhat we shall be: but we know

that, when he shall appear, we shallbe like him; for we shall see him ashe is. And every man that hath thishope in him purifieth himself, evenas he is pure.” 1 John 3:2–3; see alsoEzekiel 18:31; 1 Peter 1:22–23;2 Corinthians 7:1; Psalm 119:9;Isaiah 1:16–18.

Sister White says, “The Saviourdied to redeem us from all iniquity,and to purify unto Himself apeculiar people, zealous of goodworks. . . . Heaven is for those onlywho have purified their soulsthrough obedience to the truth. It isa place where unsullied purityalone can dwell.” Review andHerald, February 23, 1905.

Israel typified this work ofpurifying our souls when theyafflicted their souls in preparationfor the Day of Atonement:

“Let the church commence thework of purification before God byrepentance, humiliation, deep heartsearching, for we are in theantitypical day of atonement—solemn hour fraught with eternalresults. . . . Let the individualmembers of the church be pure,

steadfast, unmovable, alwaysabounding in the love of Jesus, andthey will then be a light to theworld.” Selected Messages, book 2,378.

Only through the ministry ofChrist can this work of purificationsucceed:

“And he shall sit as a refinerand purifier of silver: and he shallpurify the sons of Levi, and purgethem as gold and silver, that theymay offer unto the LORD an offeringin righteousness.” Malachi 3:3. Weare the “sons of Levi” today, for“ye are a chosen generation, a royalpriesthood.” 1 Peter 2:9; see alsoTestimonies, vol. 1, 340.

Practical Religion Needed

“It is the purpose of God thatHis people shall be a sanctified,purified, holy people, communicat-ing light to all around them. Butonly as they . . . make the principlesof truth a part of their daily lives,can they be a praise and honor toGod in the earth. It is the privilegeof every Christian to receive graceto enable him to stand firmly forthe principles of righteousness inthe service of God.” This Day withGod, 53.

No matter how correct ourtheology is, are we experiencing thegospel? If you cannot see thegospel working in my life, if myfamily cannot see the gospelworking in the privacy of my ownhome, it is not just worthless—it is acurse!

“God’s people are to seek now,as never before, to be purified andsanctified, a holy people. . . . Thegrace of Christ alone can bring thisabout, making believers not onlyprofessors of the truth, but menand women who live the truth, and

Israel typified this work of purifying our souls when they

afflicted their souls in preparation for the Day of Atonement.

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18 Our Firm Foundation

thus reveal the principles of thegospel.” Review and Herald, March11, 1909.

How God Purifies His People

God uses various methods tocleanse sin from our hearts:

The Holy Spirit—“The HolySpirit’s teaching is God’s means ofenlightening the minds and purify-ing the hearts of His people,guiding them in duty, shieldingthem from danger, keeping them inthe fear and love of God, and in

patient waiting for His appearing.”Manuscript Releases, vol. 10, 4–5.

We may be preaching andpraying for the latter-rain power ofthe Holy Spirit; however, if weresist His work of enlightening ourminds and purifying our hearts, thepower we receive will certainly bea counterfeit.

Pointed Messages of Truth—“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye inthe ways, and see, and ask for theold paths, where is the good way,and walk therein, and ye shallfind rest for your souls. But theysaid, We will not walk therein.Also I set watchmen over you,saying, Hearken to the sound ofthe trumpet. But they said, Wewill not hearken. Therefore hear,ye nations, and know, O congre-gation, what is among them.Hear, O earth: behold, I will bringevil upon this people, even thefruit of their thoughts, becausethey have not hearkened unto mywords, nor to my law, but re-jected it.” Jeremiah 6:16–19; seealso Isaiah 58:1.

Are we any different today?How would we have treatedJeremiah if we had lived in hisday?

“In these days He [God] hasinstituted no new plan to pre-serve the purity of His people. Asof old, He entreats the erring oneswho profess His name to repentand turn from their evil ways.Now, as then, by the mouth of Hischosen servants He predicts thedangers before them. He soundsthe note of warning and reprovessin just as faithfully as in the daysof Jeremiah. But the Israel of ourtime have the same temptations toscorn reproof and hate counsel as

had ancient Israel. They too oftenturn a deaf ear to the words thatGod has given His servants forthe benefit of those who professthe truth. Though the Lord inmercy withholds for a time theretribution of their sin, as in thedays of Jeremiah, He will notalways stay His hand, but willvisit iniquity with righteousjudgment.” Testimonies, vol. 4,165; see also ibid., vol. 1, 216.

Friends, when you hear thestraight, pointed testimony thatapplies to your spouse, how do yourespond? Or, if the preacher sayssomething that the “worldly”person in the pew behind youneeds to hear, what do you think?Now, what about when it appliesto you?

The Health Message—“Thework of health reform is the Lord’smeans for lessening suffering inour world and for purifying Hischurch.” Ibid., vol. 9, 112–113.

Do you appreciate the healthmessage as God has given it? Or isfood one of your idols? Besidesproper diet, what about the otherhealth laws—such as trust in God,rest, exercise, water, sunshine,fresh air, and abstemiousness?

The Refining Furnace ofSuffering and Trials—“Thepurification of the people of Godcannot be accomplished withouttheir suffering. God permits thefires of affliction to consume thedross, to separate the worthlessfrom the valuable, that the puremetal may shine forth. He passesus from one fire to another, testingour true worth. If we cannot bearthese trials, what will we do in thetime of trouble?” Ibid., vol. 4, 85.

“The Lord is willing to help us, tostrengthen and bless us; but we mustpass through the refining processuntil all the impurities in our charac-ter are burned away. Every memberof the church will be subjected to thefurnace, not to consume, but topurify.” Ibid., vol. 5, 485.

“God has shown me that Hegave His people a bitter cup todrink, to purify and cleanse them.. . . I saw that this bitter cup can besweetened by patience, endurance,and prayer, and that it will have itsdesigned effect upon the hearts ofthose who thus receive it, and Godwill be honored and glorified.”Early Writings, 47.

For some of us, this bitter cup ofsuffering may be the most trying ofGod’s methods of purifying us. Butis it not encouraging to know thatgood can come out of the mostdifficult experiences of life? Let uslook for the silver lining on theclouds.

I encourage you to read EllenWhite’s article entitled “TheMeaning of Trials,” also found inthis issue, for further comments onthis subject.

We have looked at some of whatwe have been told about God’s workof purifying the members of Hisremnant church. Let us cooperatewith God today, purifying ourselvesas He is pure, so that Christ maywelcome each one of us when Hecomes to take His faithful home. !

Next month we will studyGod’s work of purifying Hischurch—that work of separatingthe unworthy members from thechurch.

“The Lord is willing to help us, to strengthen and bless us; but

we must pass through the refining process until all the

impurities in our character are burned away.”

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W1: John 17:3–4.Jesus came to show the Father to sinners.

W2: Galatians 5:22–23.We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit so that we may reveal theFather’s character too.

W3: 2 Peter 1:5–11.Developing a Christlike character will take continuing effort.

W4: John 15:4–8.If we, who are the branches, stay connected to Jesus, the Vine, ourcharacters will reflect His.

W5: 2 Peter 1:2–4.Daily study of the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy, prayer,keeping our mind set on Christ, and praising God in everythingare the tools for staying connected.

W6: John 17:18.Jesus had a plan for carrying His work on after He left the earth.

W7: Matthew 28:18–20.We are to bear witness to the world that salvation has beenoffered to all.

W8: Matthew 10:32–33.If we share our faith, Jesus will commend us to the Father.

W9: Acts 1:8.The Holy Spirit gives power to our witness.

W10: Acts 2:37–41.Just as the Holy Spirit worked among the early believers, He willbe with us today.

W11: 1 Corinthians 12:11, 18.All gifts are given by the Holy Spirit for use in service to God.

W12: Romans 12:4–13.The gifts entrusted to us by God will become effective for winningsouls to Christ if we submit them to Him. !

Bible Marking

“Sanctify the Lord God in yourhearts: and be ready always to givean answer to every man that askethyou a reason of the hope that is inyou with meekness and fear.”1 Peter 3:15. We need to be able togive an answer for our faith.Marking your Bible can give youthe edge you need. It takes work,but the rewards are worth all theeffort.

We pray that you will be blessedby these studies. As you mark them,may you be encouraged to spendmore time in God’s Word and tosearch out the hidden things ofGod. Always be sure to look foropportunities to share them withothers.

The Editors

Bible Marking Directions

• On a blank page in the frontor back of your Bible, write thestudy title, the code, and the firstreference. This month’s entrywould appear as follows:

Witnessing,W1: John 17:3–4.• Turn to the first verse and

write the comment (if you wishto use the comments), and thenext reference in the margin nearit. If the comment is long, youcan write it at the top or bottomof the page, with an asterisk orthe code of the study to refer youto it.

• Turn to the next text and re-peat the process until you reachthe end. Beside the last text,write “End W.”

• Go through the study tocheck for broken links.

• Share the study with others!

The world is a busy place. All around us people are living and dyingwithout knowing our kind heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, whom Hehas sent. How can we be more effective for the Master in introducingHim to our families, friends, neighbors, and even those people whomwe have never met? Let us pray that the Lord will give us a burden forsouls.


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WitnessingCode: W

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vision of the shaking wasgiven to Ellen White in themid-1800s to encourage

those people who were expectingJesus’ soon return. Many yearshave passed into eternity since thattime. Yet, as we look with the eyeof faith, we can finally see that thehour that has been tarrying solong—the last hour of the greatcontroversy—is at hand; and,whether we are ready or not, it willcome at its appointed time. Nowthere is only a little time left, notonly to prepare but also to be ready.

Whether we are shaken out,sifted out, or hold true dependsentirely upon the preparation wemake for that final hour. Thepromise is given that God willprotect and deliver us in that hourif we persevere: “Because thou hastkept the word of my patience, Ialso will keep thee from the hour oftemptation, which shall come uponall the world, to try them that dwellupon the earth.” Revelation 3:10.

In light of the time in earth’shistory that we are in, let usexamine Sister White’s vision of theshaking. With a little thought wecan picture it in our minds; butmore than that, as with any ofGod’s words to us, we need to putourselves in the picture and applythe warnings, teachings, andcouncils to our personal lives. Then

The Shaking CausedBy the True Witness

J o h n K o r p o n a y

the application to us, as a church,will take care of itself. Let uscarefully read the vision as it isrecorded in Early Writings, 269–272:

————— “I saw some, with strong faith

and agonizing cries, pleading withGod. Their countenances were paleand marked with deep anxiety,expressive of their internalstruggle. Firmness and greatearnestness was expressed in theircountenances; large drops ofperspiration fell from their fore-heads. Now and then their faceswould light up with the marks ofGod’s approbation, and again thesame solemn, earnest, anxious lookwould settle upon them.

“Evil angels crowded around,pressing darkness upon them toshut out Jesus from their view, thattheir eyes might be drawn to thedarkness that surrounded them,and thus they be led to distrustGod and murmur against Him.Their only safety was in keepingtheir eyes directed upward. Angelsof God had charge over His people,and as the poisonous atmosphereof evil angels was pressed aroundthese anxious ones, the heavenlyangels were continually waftingtheir wings over them to scatter thethick darkness.

“As the praying ones continuedtheir earnest cries, at times a ray of

light from Jesus came to them, toencourage their hearts and light uptheir countenances. Some, I saw,did not participate in this work ofagonizing and pleading. Theyseemed indifferent and careless.They were not resisting the dark-ness around them, and it shut themin like a thick cloud. The angels ofGod left these and went to the aidof the earnest, praying ones. I sawangels of God hasten to the assis-tance of all who were strugglingwith all their power to resist theevil angels and trying to helpthemselves by calling upon Godwith perseverance. But His angelsleft those who made no effort tohelp themselves, and I lost sight ofthem.

“I asked the meaning of theshaking I had seen and was shownthat it would be caused by thestraight testimony called forth bythe counsel of the True Witness tothe Laodiceans. This will have itseffect upon the heart of the re-ceiver, and will lead him to exaltthe standard and pour forth thestraight truth. Some will not bearthis straight testimony. They willrise up against it, and this is whatwill cause a shaking among God’speople.

“I saw that the testimony of theTrue Witness has not been halfheeded. The solemn testimony


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upon which the destiny of thechurch hangs has been lightlyesteemed, if not entirely disre-garded. This testimony must workdeep repentance; all who trulyreceive it will obey it and bepurified.

“Said the angel, ‘List ye!’ Soon Iheard a voice like many musicalinstruments all sounding in perfectstrains, sweet and harmonious. Itsurpassed any music I had everheard, seeming to be full of mercy,compassion, and elevating, holyjoy. It thrilled through my wholebeing. Said the angel, ‘Look ye!’ Myattention was then turned to thecompany I had seen, who weremightily shaken. I was shown thosewhom I had before seen weepingand praying in agony of spirit. Thecompany of guardian angelsaround them had been doubled,and they were clothed with anarmor from their head to their feet.They moved in exact order, like acompany of soldiers. Their counte-nances expressed the severeconflict which they had endured,the agonizing struggle they hadpassed through. Yet, their features,marked with severe internalanguish, now shone with the lightand glory of heaven. They hadobtained the victory, and it calledforth from them the deepestgratitude and holy, sacred joy.

“The numbers of this companyhad lessened. Some had beenshaken out and left by the way. Thecareless and indifferent, who didnot join with those who prizedvictory and salvation enough toperseveringly plead and agonizefor it, did not obtain it, and theywere left behind in darkness, andtheir places were immediatelyfilled by others taking hold of thetruth and coming into the ranks.Evil angels still pressed aroundthem, but could have no powerover them.

“I heard those clothed with thearmor speak forth the truth withgreat power. It had effect. Manyhad been bound; some wives bytheir husbands, and some childrenby their parents. The honest whohad been prevented from hearingthe truth now eagerly laid hold

upon it. All fear of their relativeswas gone, and the truth alone wasexalted to them. They had beenhungering and thirsting for truth; itwas dearer and more precious thanlife. I asked what had made thisgreat change. An angel answered,‘It is the latter rain, the refreshingfrom the presence of the Lord, theloud cry of the third angel.’

“Great power was with thesechosen ones. Said the angel, ‘Lookye!’ My attention was turned to thewicked, or unbelievers. They wereall astir. The zeal and power withthe people of God had aroused andenraged them. Confusion, confu-sion, was on every side. I sawmeasures taken against the com-pany who had the light and powerof God. Darkness thickened aroundthem; yet, they stood firm, ap-proved of God, and trusting inHim. I saw them perplexed; next Iheard them crying unto Godearnestly. Day and night their cryceased not: ‘Thy will, O God, bedone! If it can glorify Thy name,make a way of escape for Thypeople! Deliver us from the hea-then around about us. They haveappointed us unto death; but Thinearm can bring salvation.’ These areall the words which I can bring tomind. All seemed to have a deepsense of their unworthiness andmanifested entire submission to thewill of God; yet, like Jacob, everyone, without an exception, wasearnestly pleading and wrestlingfor deliverance.”

—————Whenever an issue in the

church comes up and people starttaking sides, you hear some askingif this could be the shaking SisterWhite talked about, while otherssay this is not what she meant. Iwould like us to consider theshaking in a deeper, more personaland spiritual perspective.

In the first two sentences of thevision, it is apparent that SisterWhite is not talking about issues oftheology or doctrine but issues offaith and internal struggle: “I sawsome, with strong faith and agoniz-ing cries, pleading with God. Theircountenances were pale andmarked with deep anxiety, expres-

sive of their internal struggle.”True, there are outward signs ofthis faith and internal struggle, butthat is just “expressive of theirinternal struggle.”

In the second paragraph, we areshown the cause of this struggle:“Evil angels crowded around,pressing darkness upon them toshut out Jesus from their view, thattheir eyes might be drawn to thedarkness that surrounded them,and thus they be led to distrustGod and murmur against Him.”Here, we see the battle betweenlight and darkness. Those peoplewho were not engulfed in darknesswere “agonizing and pleading,”but those who “seemed indifferentand careless” were left so theangels could help those who wereearnest and praying.

Now, let us look at what “thosein darkness” means:

As we know, the whole world isin darkness because worldlypeople do not know what truth andrighteousness is. The “careless andindifferent” ones are professedbelievers, who are also in the sameboat with the worldlings who arein darkness, because they are asunconcerned about spiritual issuesas those in the world.

On the other hand, the earnest,pleading ones see these issues intheir true importance andperseveringly call on God for help.To me, one of the most fearful andsad parts of this vision is whenMrs. White saw that the “angelsleft those who made no effort tohelp themselves,” and she “lostsight of them.”

Observing from the outside, shedid not understand what thisfearful struggle was about. Theangel’s answer to this questionreveals the real cause of the shak-ing: “I asked the meaning of theshaking I had seen and was shownthat it would be caused by thestraight testimony called forth bythe counsel of the True Witness tothe Laodiceans.”

In the testimony to theLaodiceans, the issue is sin, blind-ness, and ignorance; they are blindand ignorant of their sinful condi-tion. However, there are a few

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22 Our Firm Foundation

faithful servants of the Lord, whoare preaching the straight testi-mony. If we honestly look at ourspiritual condition with discern-ment from the Holy Spirit, we cansee that we have neglected to heedthe testimony of the True Witness.

The Lord, in His great mercyand love for us, continues trying toarouse us to see our lost condition.He allows situations and condi-tions around us to unsettle oursecurity. That security can beregarding our own righteousnessby our thinking, “I believe the truedoctrines of the Bible and the Spiritof Prophecy and attend church,” or“the Lord has blessed me withmaterial possessions”—making usfeel secure against unexpectedtrouble or hard times, as did therich fool in Luke 12:16–21.

How can the Holy Spirit speak toour hearts directly through churchand world events?—I am sure everyreader can recall at least one timewhen some world event—like theColumbine shootings or September11—caused them to think that theend of things cannot be far off. Forothers, it may have been when theirlocal church switched to a celebra-tion style of worship, or when theysaw how our young people and evenadult church members celebratedNew Year’s Eve 2000, desecratingthe Lord’s holy day with unbeliev-able profanity.

When world, church, or personalevents cause a “shaking” in ourhearts, it causes us to reexamine justwhy we believe what we profess tobelieve. The Holy Spirit is also therewith the question, “Are you readyfor judgment?” The person who isready will not be shaken by thesetypes of events because he is livingin expectation of these things,listening to the Holy Spirit, afflictinghis soul, and discerning the times.

The Holy Spirit impresses uponthose who are shaken the fact of theirLaodicean condition—pointing outsin that needs to be repented of, andwhat a sanctified life should be:“And when he is come, he willreprove the world of sin, and ofrighteousness, and of judgment.”John 16:8.

At this point, Satan works withextraordinary effort and power topull them back into the darkness,by promising worldly success, orkeeping them busy making a goodliving, or with making ends meet,or just having fun—anything thatkeeps their eyes off of God. Asnothing seems to change, thedrama of the shaking is soonforgotten, and things go back tobusiness as usual. These, who donot believe and apply the testimony

of the True Witness, are soonenshrouded by darkness once again.

Sometime later another eventtakes place that shakes them;however, because they do not seethat much has changed from the lasttime they were shaken, they think,Why get all up-in-arms again whennobody really knows when Jesuswill come anyway? “Knowing thisfirst, that there shall come in the lastdays scoffers, walking after theirown lusts, and saying, Where is thepromise of his coming? for since thefathers fell asleep, all things continueas they were from the beginning ofthe creation.” 2 Peter 3:3–4. Theycontinue doing their normal, religiouschurch activities and get upset at thosewho keep reminding them of theshortness of time and stressing theirneed to prepare for the judgment.

Others, however, have seen thesame events and felt the HolySpirit impressing them of theirneed to be ready. As the TrueWitness has opened to them theirLaodicean condition, they have

humbly and completely repentedof their worldliness. Havingsubmitted to the Holy Spirit’sconvictions, light fills their minds,and they see the darkness. Theyrealize that it was because of theirsins that the light of God was shutaway from them. As they long formore light, Satan tries to discour-age them by insinuating doubtsand sending temptations fromwithin and without, which causestheir “struggling with all theirpower to resist the evil angels andtrying to help themselves by callingupon God with perseverance.”From time-to-time there is a littlerespite, and joy over victoriesgained; but then, it is back to thebattle, which is not against fleshand blood. See Ephesians 6:12.

As time goes on, they keepgaining victories over temptations,wondering how much longer thiswill go on. Then comes anothershaking event, confirming theirconviction of the nearness of theend, which gives them strength tocontinue their preparation so thatthey will not be left out at the timeof the latter rain.

This type of shaking has beenhappening all around us for quite awhile now. Nonetheless, waiting isalso a part of the shaking, for it testsus to see if we just want to go toheaven, or if we are truly hungeringand thirsting for the righteousness,purity, and holiness of heaven.“Follow peace with all men, andholiness, without which no manshall see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14.

Let us not be among thosewhom Sister White did not seeanymore because the darknessenclosed them. If you will bewilling to accept the straighttestimony of the True Witness andlet the Holy Spirit do a completework in you, then you can be oneof those she saw in the vision, whowere “clothed with an armor,” andwho “obtained the victory.” Lookdeep into your heart. Do not bedeceived by the false prophets’messages of peace and safety, for“sudden destruction cometh uponthem, as travail upon a womanwith child; and they shall notescape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3. !

If we honestly look at our spiritual condition with discernment

from the Holy Spirit, we can see that we have neglected to

heed the testimony of the True Witness.

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23Volume 17, Number 7

Untraditional Families Com-plicate Terror Fund Distribu-tion

News Item: “From among theroughly 3,000 victims of Sept. 11, atleast one had two wives, somewere married but had children outof wedlock, while many weredivorced and remarried. Others,heterosexual and gay, lived withlong-term partners now in legallimbo.

“Attorney Bill Mauk of Boise ishelping coordinate hundreds offamilies’ requests for legal aid. . . .‘The stereotype of a traditionalfamily with a surviving spouse anda couple of kids is probably theexception rather than the rule,’ hesaid.

“That multiplicity of familyforms, including domestic partner-ships, is complicating the task ofKenneth Feinberg, who overseesthe Federal Victim CompensationFund and is working on criteria forhandling claims.

“ ‘I am struck, in meeting withfamilies, by the concept of theextended nuclear family—childrenby multiple spouses, aunts anduncles who were pivotal to thevictims’ lives,’ Feinberg said in atelephone interview.” The NewsTribune, February 17, 2002.

End-Time Perspective: This pieceof news goes back some months,but is worthy of reading. What asad day for America! This reportis not just a reminder of the stateof our society but is also a lessonthat if we obey God’s command-ments we are saved from conse-quences that we do not knoweven exist.

The reported complication tofund distribution to the victims of9-11 illustrates the confusion and

chaotic condition our society isexperiencing. The “concept of theextended family” sounds sophisti-cated and up-to-date, but, inreality, the benefits to children andsociety are, at best, inferior whenthe two most important people thatshape our self-identity—a malefather and a female mother—arelargely missing. This forces chil-dren to look elsewhere to fill theneed and void in their lives.

It is also interesting to notice,when reading the whole article,how this situation is accepted asgood and normal—perfectlyshowing the truth of the “frog inthe pan on the stove” analogy.

The only way we can keepfrom accepting the confusionaround us, and eventually assimi-lating into it, is by daily growingin righteousness and overcomingthe temptations that come fromour carnal nature. “But every manis tempted, when he is drawnaway of his own lust, and en-ticed.” James 1:14. We need to bedrawing ever closer to the light,submitting to God and resistingthe devil (see James 4:7) in orderto dispel the darkness around us.

Progression or Regression?

News Item: The following twoparagraphs are taken from twoletters that were written by pastorsin the South Pacific Division to thesecretary of the division concerningthe ban last year of Desmond Fordfrom pulpits in Seventh-dayAdventist churches. They are veryrevealing:

#1) “ ‘I think a major problem inthis country is that many of ouradministrators do not realise thatthe theological pendulum hasswung away from the right wingposition of those who have influ-enced this decision. So much so,that they do not know that theChurch today believes essentiallythe same as Des on those verycontentious issues for which hewas dismissed! This is confirmed,for example, by Fritz Guy in hisbook Thinking Theologically,(Andrews University Press, 1999)

page 90: “Subsequent Adventistthinking in North America seemsto have moved closer to his [Ford’s]position and further away fromthat of those who dismissedhim.” ’ ”

#2) “ ‘I am aware that there willbe a chorus of holy horror from theheavy conservatives who do notreally understand the gospel. Someof them have a frightening capacityfor vilification and condemnationwhich you and I have sadly wit-nessed through the years. But canwe honestly allow such a Pharisa-ical stance to govern our actions? Ithink not.’ ” The Remnant Herald,April 2002.

End-Time Perspective: The goodnews is that the administration ofthe division did not allow Dr. Fordto speak in our churches. Therevealing statement is, “TheChurch today believes essentiallythe same as Des on those verycontentious issues for which hewas dismissed” as a pastor. Thewriter observes that this changedid not happen only in the SouthPacific Division, but also in theNorth American Division.

Over the years, we have beenwatching the devastating results ofthe “new theology” in ourchurches, while we are told bythose that espouse this theologythat it is the answer to our “felt”needs. The word “felt” actuallyputs it very well, for it tries to makepeople “feel” good about them-selves without repenting, by tellingthem that God “feels” good aboutthem.

The second writer states, “I amaware that there will be a chorus ofholy horror from the heavy conser-vatives who do not really under-stand the gospel.” From looking atScripture, it seems that Jesus andthe disciples would be included inthe “heavy conservatives” groupbecause according to Matthew 3:2;4:23; 9:13, 35; Mark 1:14–15; 6:12;and Luke 5:32, we notice that theyall preached repentance as acondition to enter the kingdom—and they were the preachers of thegospel of the kingdom. !

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s we seek to understand thethree angels’ messages andtheir application to the final

generation, let us carefully andprayerfully review the experienceof the Millerite movement, itsrelationship to the first angel’smessage, and the great disappoint-ment of October 22, 1844.

“And I saw another angel fly inthe midst of heaven, having theeverlasting gospel to preach untothem that dwell on the earth, andto every nation, and kindred, andtongue, and people, saying with aloud voice, Fear God, and giveglory to him; for the hour of hisjudgment is come: and worshiphim that made heaven, and earth,and the sea, and the fountains ofwaters.” Revelation 14:6–7.

The everlasting gospel calls usto experience victory in Christ overall sin. This experience can be oursthrough the enabling power of theHoly Spirit only if we seek for itwith all of our heart.


R o n S p e a r

The Shut Door and the GreatDisappointment of 1844

Historians tell us there were atleast 50,000 believers in the Milleritemovement. After October 22, 1844,only a handful of faithful souls stoodfast. It was this small group thatbecame the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They had theexperience of the first angel’smessage. Let us review the prophet’sexplanation of the shut door:

“There was a shut door inNoah’s day. There was at that timea withdrawal of the Spirit of Godfrom the sinful race that perishedin the waters of the Flood. GodHimself gave the shut-door mes-sage to Noah:

“ ‘My spirit shall not alwaysstrive with man, for that he also isflesh: yet his days shall be anhundred and twenty years’ (Gen-esis 6:3).

“There was a shut door in thedays of Abraham. Mercy ceased to

plead with the inhabitants ofSodom, and all but Lot, with hiswife and two daughters, wereconsumed by the fire sent downfrom heaven.

“There was a shut door inChrist’s day. The Son of Goddeclared to the unbelieving Jews ofthat generation, ‘Your house is leftunto you desolate’ (Matthew23:38).

“Looking down the stream oftime to the last days, the sameinfinite power proclaimed throughJohn:

“ ‘These things saith he that isholy, he that is true, he that haththe key of David, he that openeth,and no man shutteth; and shutteth,and no man openeth’ (Revelation3:7).

“I was shown in vision, and Istill believe, that there was a shutdoor in 1844. All who saw the lightof the first and second angels’messages and rejected that light,were left in darkness. And those



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who accepted it and received theHoly Spirit which attended theproclamation of the message fromheaven, and who afterward re-nounced their faith and pro-nounced their experience a delu-sion, thereby rejected the Spirit ofGod, and it no longer pleaded withthem.

“Those who did not see thelight, had not the guilt of itsrejection. It was only the class whohad despised the light from heaventhat the Spirit of God could notreach. And this class included, as Ihave stated, both those whorefused to accept the messagewhen it was presented to them, andalso those who, having received it,afterward renounced their faith.These might have a form of godli-ness, and profess to be followers ofChrist; but having no living con-nection with God, they would betaken captive by the delusions ofSatan. These two classes arebrought to view in the vision—those who declared the light whichthey had followed a delusion, andthe wicked of the world who,having rejected the light, had beenrejected of God. No reference ismade to those who had not seenthe light, and therefore were notguilty of its rejection.” SelectedMessages, book 1, 63–64. For furtherstudy, see A Word to the Little Flock,14; Early Writings, 13–15, 100–101;Ellen White and Her Critics, 589;Medical Ministry, 89.

“The churches that refused toreceive the first angel’s message,rejected light from Heaven. Thatmessage was sent in mercy toarouse them to see their truecondition of worldliness andbacksliding, and to seek a prepara-tion to meet their Lord. God hasever required His people to remainseparate from the world, that theymight not be allured from theirallegiance to Him.” The Spirit ofProphecy, vol. 4, 230–231.

Christ Cleanses the Temple

“The trials of the children ofIsrael, and their attitude just beforethe first coming of Christ, havebeen presented before me again

and again to illustrate the positionof the people of God in theirexperience before the secondcoming of Christ.” Selected Mes-sages, book 1, 406.

The church had rejected Christafter the first cleansing of thetemple; yet, before His crucifixion,there was a second cleansing. Thesetwo cleansings of the temple have aparallel in the Second Adventmovement. When the secondangel’s message was given in 1844,it paralleled the first cleansing ofthe temple. In the end of time,when the latter rain produces theloud cry at the end of the Adventmovement and Revelation 18:1–5 isfulfilled, the second cleansing willfind its parallel.

We must remember that in 1844,the Protestant churches fell becausethey rejected the prophecy ofDaniel 8:14 and the first angel’s

message. At the time of the secondand final cleansing of the temple,those who reject the sanctuarymessage and the first angel’smessage will not comprehend thesecond and third angels’ messages,and they will go out in darkness.This will be the second shut-doorexperience.

“From Christ, the Light of theworld, shone forth the clear, brightbeams of His Father’s glory. Yet,the Jews comprehended it not.

“Thus it is in our day. The lightof truth is shining upon us clearlyas it shone upon the Jewish people,but the hearts of men are as hardand unimpressible as in the days ofChrist. . . . Many who claim to bestanding in the light are in dark-ness and know it not. They have soenshrouded themselves in unbeliefthat they call darkness light, andlight darkness. They are ignorant ofthat which they condemn and

oppose. But their ignorance is notsuch as God will excuse, for He hasgiven them light, and they rejectit.” The Ellen G. White 1888 Materi-als, 408; see also Testimonies, vol. 5,63–64, 83–84.

Please note: Those who hadbeen exposed to the first angel’smessage and rejected the experi-ence went out in darkness. Thedoor was forever shut. They wentbeyond the reach of the Holy Spirit.This same shut-door principle wasexperienced by the people inNoah’s day, in Abraham’s day, andin Christ’s day.

“It was to separate the church ofChrist from the corrupting influ-ence of the world that the firstangel’s message was given. Butwith the multitude, even of pro-fessed Christians, the ties whichbound them to earth were strongerthan the attractions heavenward.

They chose to listen to the voice ofworldly wisdom, and turned awayfrom the heart-searching messageof truth. . . .

“Those who perished in thewaters of the flood had an opportu-nity to escape. All were urged tofind refuge in the ark; but themultitudes refused to heed thewarning. So when the first angel’smessage was given, all who heardwere invited to receive it, and sharethe blessing to follow its accep-tance; but many scorned andrejected the call. One turned to hisfarm, another to his merchandise,and they cared for none of thesethings. Inspiration declares thatwhen the antediluvians rejectedNoah’s words, the Spirit of Godceased to strive with them. So,when men now despise the warn-ings which God in mercy sendsthem, His Spirit after a time ceasesto arouse conviction in their hearts.

Those who had been exposed to the first angel’s message and

rejected the experience went out in darkness. The door was

forever shut.

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God gives light to be cherished andobeyed, not to be despised andrejected. The light which He sendsbecomes darkness to those whodisregard it. When the Spirit ofGod ceases to impress the truthupon the hearts of men, all hearingis vain, and all preaching also isvain.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4,231–232.

Messages to be Repeated

The three angels’ messages areagain before us. They are to berepeated to test the Seventh-dayAdventist Church members in thisfinal generation:

“The proclamation of the first,second, and third angels’ messageshas been located by the Word ofInspiration. Not a peg or pin is tobe removed. No human authorityhas any more right to change thelocation of these messages than tosubstitute the New Testament forthe Old. The Old Testament is thegospel in figures and symbols. TheNew Testament is the substance.One is as essential as the other. TheOld Testament presents lessonsfrom the lips of Christ, and theselessons have not lost their force inany particular.

“The first and second messageswere given in 1843 and 1844, andwe are now under the proclama-tion of the third; but all three of themessages are still to be proclaimed.It is just as essential now as everbefore that they shall be repeated tothose who are seeking for the truth.By pen and voice we are to soundthe proclamation, showing theirorder, and the application of theprophecies that bring us to thethird angel’s message. There cannotbe a third without the first andsecond. These messages we are to

give to the world in publications, indiscourses, showing in the line ofprophetic history the things thathave been and the things that willbe.” Selected Messages, book 2, 104–105.

“The theme of greatest impor-tance is the third angel’s message,embracing the messages of the firstand second angels. All shouldunderstand the truths contained inthese messages and demonstratethem in daily life, for this is essen-tial to salvation. We shall have tostudy earnestly, prayerfully, inorder to understand these grandtruths; and our power to learn and

comprehend will be taxed to theutmost.” Evangelism, 196.

The Shut Door Repeated inthe Final Generation

As the first angel’s messageexperience—the everlastinggospel—burned out the worldli-ness of God’s people in 1844, so inthis very end time that sameexperience will come to theSeventh-day Adventist people toburn out their worldliness. Likethose in 1844 who rejected theeverlasting gospel, those in ourday who reject the first angel’smessage and its experience willgo out in darkness, beyond thereach of the Holy Spirit. Tragi-cally, the door will shut for themajority of Seventh-day Adven-tists.

Those who reject the firstangel’s message will not compre-hend nor experience the threeangels’ messages. Because theyremain in the lukewarm Laodiceancondition, and they know not thatthey are spiritually blind, they willbe spewed out of the mouth ofGod, to eternal darkness. See

Testimonies, vol. 6, 408. They arealso represented by the tares,which will be separated from thepurified wheat.

“The time of the judgment is amost solemn period, when the Lordgathers His own from among thetares. Those who have been mem-bers of the same family are sepa-rated. A mark is placed upon therighteous. ‘They shall be mine,saith the LORD of hosts, in that daywhen I make up my jewels; and Iwill spare them, as a man sparethhis own son that serveth him.’Malachi 3:17. Those who have beenobedient to God’s commandmentswill unite with the company of thesaints in light; they shall enter inthrough the gates into the city, andhave right to the tree of life. Theone shall be taken. His name shallstand in the book of life, whilethose with whom he associatedshall have the mark of eternalseparation from God.” Testimoniesto Ministers, 234–235.

“Already preparations areadvancing, and movements are inprogress, which will result inmaking an image to the beast.Events will be brought about in theearth’s history that will fulfill thepredictions of prophecy for theselast days. . . .

“This is the test that the peopleof God must have before they aresealed. All who prove their loyaltyto God by observing His law, andrefusing to accept a spurioussabbath, will rank under the bannerof the Lord God Jehovah, and willreceive the seal of the living God.Those who yield the truth of heav-enly origin and accept the Sundaysabbath, will receive the mark of thebeast.” The Seventh-day Adventist BibleCommentary, vol. 7, 976.

The Condition of Salvation

The first angel’s message canonly be understood when we seethe angels as symbols of a peoplewith an experience. What is thatexperience?—It is victory over allsin in Christ, by the power of theHoly Spirit. See Testimonies, vol. 5,455–456; ibid., vol. 6, 17–18; SelectedMessages, book 2, 387.

Like those in 1844 who rejected the everlasting gospel, those

in our day who reject the first angel’s message and its

experience will go out in darkness, beyond the reach of the

Holy Spirit.

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The everlasting gospel isinvested in the seeker for truth,when in their zeal they understandthat God the Father, the Son, andthe Holy Spirit, along with theangels, cooperate to provide thepower to overcome all temptationand sin. The true believers will beinstructed to prepare for thejudgment and to worship God inholiness, perfecting a character thatcan be trusted for eternity. SeeChrist’s Object Lessons, 330–333.

Inspiration provides the condi-tion, the requirements, and theexperience for salvation in the firstangel’s message:

“How hard it is for man to walkhumbly with God, to believe HisWord and accept His plans. Satan’spropositions appear to presentgreat advantages, but they end inruin. Over and over again menhave found out by experience theresult of refusing to walk in thepath of obedience. Will not othersgain wisdom from their experi-ence? Let us think of the experienceof our first parents and be afraid ofany plans that are not based onobedience to God’s will.

“When will men learn that Godis God, not man, and that He doesnot change. Every calamity, everydeath, is a witness to the power ofevil and to the truth of the livingGod. The Word of God is life, andit will abide forever. Through alleternity it will stand fast. How canman, knowing what God is andwhat He has done, choose Satan’sway instead of God’s way? There isonly one path to Paradise re-stored—the path of obedience.” TheUpward Look, 318.

Encouraging Promises

Listen to these precious prom-ises:

“If you will seek the Lord andbe converted every day; if youwill of your own spiritual choicebe free and joyous in God; if withgladsome consent of heart to Hisgracious call you come wearingthe yoke of Christ—the yoke ofobedience and service—all yourmurmurings will be stilled, allyour difficulties will be removed,

all the perplexing problems thatnow confront you will be solved.”Thoughts From the Mount ofBlessing, 101.

“Open the windows of the soulheavenward, and let the light ofthe Sun of Righteousness in. Donot complain. Do not mourn andweep. Do not look on the darkside. Let the peace of God reign inyour soul. Then you will havestrength to bear all your suffer-ings, and you will rejoice that youhave grace to endure. Praise theLord, talk of His goodness, tell ofHis power. Sweeten the atmo-sphere which surrounds yoursoul.” Selected Messages, book 2,266–267.

“Turn to the Lord, ye prisonersof hope. Seek strength from God,the living God. Show an unwaver-ing, humble faith in His power andHis willingness to save. FromChrist is flowing the living streamof salvation. He is the Fountain oflife, the Source of all power. Whenin faith we take hold of Hisstrength, He will change, wonder-fully change, the most hopeless,discouraging outlook. He will dothis for the glory of His name.”Testimonies, vol. 8, 12.

“Let the gospel message ringthrough our churches, summon-ing them to universal action. Letthe members of the church haveincreased faith, gaining zeal fromtheir unseen, heavenly allies,from a knowledge of their ex-haustless resources, from thegreatness of the enterprise inwhich they are engaged, and fromthe power of their Leader. Thosewho place themselves underGod’s control, to be led andguided by Him, will catch thesteady tread of the events or-

dained by Him to take place.Inspired with the Spirit of Himwho gave His life for the life ofthe world, they will no longerstand still in impotency, pointingto what they cannot do. Puttingon the armor of Heaven, they willgo forth to the warfare, willing todo and dare for God, knowingthat His omnipotence will supplytheir need.” Ibid., vol. 7, 14.

“That law of ten precepts of thegreatest love that can be presentedto man is the voice of God fromheaven speaking to the soul inpromise, ‘This do, and you will notcome under the dominion andcontrol of Satan.’ There is not anegative in that law, although it

may appear thus. It is DO andLive.” God’s Amazing Grace, 134.

The experience of the firstangel’s message will provide theseeker for truth the understandingof the second and third angels’messages, and the power to re-spond to every life situation likeJesus did. I leave the reader withthese inspired words of encourage-ment:

“Nothing is apparently morehelpless, yet really more invincible,than the soul that feels its nothing-ness and relies wholly on themerits of the Saviour. By prayer, bythe study of His Word, by faith inHis abiding presence, the weakestof human beings may live incontact with the living Christ, andHe will hold them by a hand thatwill never let go.” The Ministry ofHealing, 182.

Let us grasp these powerfulpromises of God with the hand offaith. May we have a daily, livingexperience that will prepare us toaccept and proclaim the threeangels’ messages with power. !

“From Christ is flowing the living stream of salvation. . . .

When in faith we take hold of His strength, He will change,

wonderfully change, the most hopeless, discouraging outlook.”

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he recent trip to Africa wasan awesome eye opener forour group, who worked

among the poor and needy peoplein Kenya and Ghana. The povertyand hardships there alerted mepersonally to the life of ease andsmooth ways that typical Ameri-cans enjoy—and even we, asSeventh-day Adventist Christians,take for granted and abuse.

I think of Christ’s admonition tocome after Me, deny yourself, takeup thy cross, and follow Me. Howmany of us, whether in largechurches or in tiny home churches,recognize the need, admonition,and warning of the True Witness asHe addresses His people in Luke9:23 and also in Revelation 3:14–20?

A crisis beyond description isapproaching. Prophets and Kings,537, says, “The world is on theverge of a stupendous crisis.” Wehave been told, “A storm isarising that will wrench and testthe spiritual foundation of every-one to the utmost.” Testimonies,

Smooth Things

B i l l H u m e n i u k

vol. 5, 129. (All emphasis sup-plied unless otherwise noted.)And in Prophets and Kings, 626, weread, “Christians should bepreparing for what is soon tobreak upon the world as anoverwhelming surprise, and thispreparation they should make bydiligently studying the Word ofGod and striving to conform theirlives to its precepts.” Yet, howmany of us are giving heed tothese warnings?

How long is the ministry in ourpulpits going to continue to preachsmooth, spiritual “mush” inpreparation for the “stupendouscrisis”? What earnestness do ourministers and laity express by theirlife of ease in preparation for thisfinal hour? I found in Africa muchmore earnestness and concern thanI find in America; and yet, theprivileges, knowledge, and oppor-tunities are much less there thanhere—due to the lack of Bibles,Spirit of Prophecy books, and othermaterials.

Need for a Startling Message

The following passage from theservant of the Lord speaks to myheart and alerts me to my mosturgent need; I trust it will speak toyour heart also: “The message tothe church of the Laodiceans is astartling denunciation, and isapplicable to the people of God at thepresent time. . . . The people of Godare represented in the message tothe Laodiceans as in a position ofcarnal security. They are at ease,believing themselves to be in anexalted condition of spiritualattainments. . . . The testimony, socutting and severe, cannot be amistake, for it is the True Witnesswho speaks, and His testimonymust be correct.” Testimonies, vol. 3,252–253.

“Many inquire: Why are allthese reproofs given? Why do theTestimonies continually charge uswith backsliding and with grievoussins? We love the truth; we areprospering.” Ibid., 254.


Smooth Things

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Jesus sees the true condition ofthe heart. He sees how deplorablewe are in the light of the cross. Healso sees that “stupidity [in astupor; stupefied] in this watchingtime is sealing the senses of God’speople as to the signs of the times.”Ibid., 255–256.

September 11 came and went—over six months ago now. I saw amild awakening among our peoplethen, but not today. Many are atease again and seeking worldliness,prosperity, and peace. Remember,“It is God, and not an erringmortal, who has spoken to savethem from ruin.” Ibid., 257. Whatlove, what pleading is shown asGod continues to delay His coming,waiting, “not willing that anyshould perish, but that all shouldcome to repentance”! 2 Peter 3:9.

Are you and I heeding themessage of the True Witness as Hecontinues pleading, waiting, andknocking? What about our minis-try—our pulpits, our churches—arewe pleading with our people whoare looking only for smoothmessages?

“Ministers who are preachingpresent truth should not neglect thesolemn message to the Laodiceans.The testimony of the True Witnessis not a smooth message. . . . TheTrue Witness declares that whenyou suppose you are really in agood condition of prosperity youare in need of everything.” Ibid.

Following Moses or Aaron?

Study Exodus, chapter 32, andcompare the ministries of Mosesand Aaron. While Moses was onMount Sinai communing with Godfor the special work of preparingGod’s people for advancing to thepromised land, the people wanteda “smooth message” regardingother gods, and they requested thatAaron present this to them.

Notice in verse two that Aaronoffered no resistance; he did notstand firm to his commitment andcalling from the Lord. He simplygave in and gave them a “smoothmessage”—to remove their goldenearrings—then he formed thegolden calf, and called it a “feast to

the LORD.” Verse 5. Then we seethat the people reacted in celebra-tion: they ate, drank, rose up toplay, and began to sing and dancearound the calf (see verses 6, 18–19), instead of listening to the still,small voice of the Lord (see 1 Kings19:12).

Now, look at Moses and hisreaction; he stood firm and un-moved by anything the peoplewanted. In verse 20, we see thatMoses destroyed the golden calf,and turned to Aaron, accusing himof the great sin of providing a“smooth message.” He thenappealed to the people to stand withthe Lord and consecrate themselvesto Him. See verses 26, 29.

Furthermore, “God will not betrifled with. It is in the time ofconflict that the true colors shouldbe flung to the breeze. It is thenthat the standard-bearers need tobe firm and let their true position beknown. . . . Shirkers can never wearthe laurels of victory. Those whoare true and loyal will not concealthe fact, but will put heart andmight into the work, and venturetheir all in the struggle, let thebattle turn as it will.” Ibid., 272.

Speak Unto Us Smooth Things

“Woe to them that are at ease inZion.” Amos 6:1. God is calling. Itis time for action, time to rise offour padded seats! Let us not be asIsrael, who asked the prophets,“Prophesy not unto us right things,speak unto us smooth things,prophesy deceits.” Isaiah 30:10.When we preach smooth thingsand do not warn our people, we arepreaching deceits.

“Some who occupy the positionof watchmen to warn the people ofdanger have given up their watchand recline at ease. They are unfaith-

ful sentinels. . . . To them every-thing seems to be going well, andthey see no necessity of raising thefaithful, trumpet notes of warningwhich they hear borne by the plaintestimonies. . . . They say in heart, ifnot in words: ‘This is all uncalledfor. It is too severe, too harsh. Thesemen are unnecessarily disturbedand excited, and seem unwilling togive us any rest or quietude. . . .Why don’t they prophesy smooththings, and cry: Peace, peace? Theneverything would move onsmoothly.’

“These are the true feelings ofmany of our people. And Satanexults at his success in controllingthe minds of so many who profess

to be Christians. He has deceivedthem, benumbed their sensibilities,and planted his hellish banner right intheir midst, and they are so com-pletely deceived that they knownot that it is he.” Ibid., vol. 2, 440.

What a powerful warning to ourwatchmen and our people! Mydear people, it is time to awake,time for a decided reformation, fortrue repentance. It is time to live asanctified life.

“Those who take God at Hisword, and obey His command-ments with the whole heart, willbe blessed. He will be their shieldof protection. But the Lord willnot be trifled with. Distrust,disobedience, alienation fromGod’s will and way, will place thesinner in a position where theLord cannot give him His divinefavor.” Counsels on Diet and Foods,411.

God has pulled out all the stopsto save His people. It will not bemuch longer. God will not betrifled with! The end is upon us.Will you seriously and solemnlyaccept His admonition and correc-

“It is in the time of conflict that the true colors should be flung

to the breeze. It is then that the standard-bearers need to be

firm and let their true position be known.”

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tion so that you can becometransformed? He earnestly desiresto stir our hearts and to save us. Hewants to save us from our Laodi-cean, lethargic, and indifferentcondition, and is pleading with andwaiting for His people.

Listen to the words of the HolySpirit through His servant: “Thismighty angel comes bearing nosoft, smooth message, but wordsthat are calculated to stir the heartsof men [and women] to their verydepths. . . . Are we indeed as thehuman agencies, to cooperate withthe divine instrumentalities insounding the message of thismighty angel who is to lighten the

earth with his glory? . . . Those whowould preserve their allegiance toGod, who are active in His service,become the mark of every shaft andweapon of hell. If those who havehad great light have not corre-sponding faith and obedience theysoon become leavened with theprevailing apostasy; another spiritcontrols them. While they havebeen exalted to heaven in point ofopportunities and privileges, theyare in a worse condition than themost zealous advocates of error. . . .Amid the confusion of delusivedoctrines the Spirit of God will be aguide and a shield to those whohave not resisted the evidences oftruth. . . . We have no time toconfer with flesh and blood.” TheEllen G. White 1888 Materials, 1015–1017.

Need for the Straight Testi-mony

If we do not heed the messageof the three angels, brightened withthe message of the fourth, we willbe leavened with the prevailingapostasy, and another spirit will

control us. Oh, please, my Jesus,protect our people, and awakenour people in this final hour.Protect us from every wind ofdoctrine that is blowing—andespecially from the smooth, spiritu-al “mush” that we so frequentlyhear from the pulpits, which putsus to sleep in carnal security. Thatis what the Spirit addressesthrough our prophetess in the nextquotation:

“The ministers preach smooththings to suit carnal professors.They dare not preach Jesus and thecutting truths of the Bible; for if theyshould, these carnal professorswould not remain in the church.

But as many of them are wealthy,they must be retained, althoughthey are no more fit to be there thanSatan and his angels. This is just asSatan would have it. . . . Those whofollowed Him [Jesus] had torenounce the world. These smooththings originated with Satan andhis angels. They formed the plan,and nominal professors carried itout. Pleasing fables were taughtand readily received, and hypo-crites and open sinners united withthe church. If the truth had beenpreached in its purity, it would soonhave shut out this class. But therewas no difference between theprofessed followers of Christ andthe world. . . .

“Jesus and all the heavenly hostlooked with disgust upon thescene; yet God had a message for thechurch that was sacred and impor-tant. If received, it would make athorough reformation in the church,revive the living testimony thatwould purge out hypocrites andsinners, and bring the church againinto favor with God.” Early Writings,228.

If we do not heed the message of the three angels . . . we will

be leavened with the prevailing apostasy, and another spirit

will control us.

I have a deep, deep fear for ourbeloved church because of what theSpirit revealed to His servant: “Isaw that individuals would rise upagainst the plain testimonies. Itdoes not suit their natural feelings.They would choose to have smooththings spoken unto them, and havepeace cried in their ears. I view thechurch in a more dangerouscondition than they ever have been.Experimental religion is known butby a few. The shaking must soontake place to purify the church.”Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2, 284.

Do you sense the Lord of hostsspeaking to your own soul? God isspeaking to us: Do not followfeelings or eat smooth, spiritual“mush.” Let us hasten to join Godin purifying the church.

The smooth things, whichoriginated with Satan, must bereplaced by the truth, preached inits purity, which will work refor-mation, and hasten the end and thecoming of our Saviour.

My prayer is that all of God’speople will stand up, accept themessage of the True Witness, openthe door, and sup with our Lordwhile the door of mercy is open.Let us get serious in this last hour!

And now, God is speaking tothose who represent Him andspeak to God’s people from thepulpit; I trust they, too, willrespond to God: “God is correct-ing, and proving, and purifyingHis people. Stand out of the waythat His work be not hindered. Hewill not accept a smooth testi-mony. Ministers must cry aloud,and spare not.” Testimonies, vol. 1,216.

My dear people—leaders andministers: Where do we standtoday? Are we playing with Godand celebrating at the veryborders of eternity? Are we, likeAaron—seeking the approbationof men, or like Moses—seekingthe approbation of God? May allof us fully commit ourselves toshun the popular, smooth mes-sage. Let us accept and preach thepointed message that will helpprepare a people for Christ’s sooncoming. !

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31Volume 17, Number 7

Enclosed is my check to cover myrenewal to your journal Our FirmFoundation, which is a wonderfulblessing to me. Please use the re-maining funds for a second subscrip-tion for a needy person.

HL, North Carolina

My husband found a job, and heis enjoying working for a regularcompany, which is not at all like theone before. Thank you so very muchfor your prayers and your words ofencouragement.

CC, Texas

I have read the books that yousent to me. Thank you so much.

The truths and history are so fas-cinating and things I have alwayswondered about. The Great Contro-versy, Final Conflict, Finding PeaceWithin—I’m so glad for the truthsthey contain.

I would like to know more aboutMrs. Ellen G. White, the author ofthese books. Who is this lady, whohas brought forth such tremendoushistory and truths? I would appreci-ate if you could send me all you canabout this lady. She must be reallysomething else, to author thesebooks.

KW, Utah

I praise God for your ministry—and others as well—and encourageyou to continue to take your standon the side of truth, because in theend truth is the only thing that willstand even if it has to stand alone. Itwarms my heart to know that everySDA has not bowed their knees toBaal. I sit every Sabbath at homeand watch 3ABN broadcast becauseI just cannot bring myself into har-mony with this “new image” thatthe SDA church has adopted in ca-sual dress, watering down of the

gospel, turning to the world for thehealth message, making humor ofthe sacrifice of Christ on the cross,the confusion and lack of reverence.I live in ——— and have visitedfrom church to church in the area,and it seems all are infected to somedegree. I love our church and havebeen a member since 1980, thushave seen the plunge it has under-taken, and my heart aches. I’vetried talking to some of the mem-bers about the 1888 message andOur Firm Foundation, and the needfor returning to the old paths, butonly make enemies in doing so.When I go to church, I am alienated.I feel more alone in church than Ido at home alone watching 3ABNeach Sabbath.

Anyway, I believe in what yourministry is about—“The Truth” ac-cording to the Bible and the Spirit ofProphecy. Keep up the good workand may God continue to bless youand keep you until the end of allthings is come.

SS, North Carolina

From Overseas

I am 24 years old, a full-time mis-sionary to our Muslim brothers andto the church.

In 1997, I was taking theology atMountain View College. But hearingthe calling of God, I gave up mystudy and accepted the challenge.

Thinking to be used by God torevive the church, I spend almost allmy night and spare time to scrutinizethe Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, andthe 1888 message.

A friend shared some of yourbooks with me. I’m totally con-victed with the truth you have pre-sented, which so related to my per-sonal study. I believe you havegreater light about the truth for thistime.

Currently, I’m handling revivalmeetings from church to church dur-ing mid-week, vesper and AY pro-grams while preparing for “revivaland reformation” seminars and lec-tures. I really need your publications

and your support to realize my in-dependent ministry.

AC, Philippines

I am a new interest of the Sab-bathkeeping church. I have read sev-eral articles about the Sabbath andfound out that it is not authorized bythe Bible for us to keep Sunday in-stead of the real Sabbath authorizedby the Bible itself.

As an interest to your Sabbath-keeping church, I am being driven bythe Bible to study more about thetruth after reading the book SundayIs Coming! Many of my friends andmyself are convinced that “Sundayis coming”!

Please help my friends and my-self with more books to read. Thebooks could include pamphlets, leaf-lets, and many more that you thinkwill help in my Christian walk.

LY, New Guinea

On behalf of the —— church, I re-quest you kindly send to us readingmaterials. We have set up a libraryunder the church. Because most of ourcongregation are disabled and desti-tute, they cannot afford to buy theirown books. Without Adventist booksand complete Bibles our church isincomplete because Holy Bibles andother religious books are the work-ing tools of a Christian. We need as-sistance in our desire to proclaimGod’s Word to people in this area.

JJ, Ghana

I wish to acknowledge receipt ofassorted literature which you sent tome recently. The literature waswidely distributed in two districtshere in Zambia.

This time I wish to increase myoutreach circulation to two other dis-tricts from the current two, and there-fore request for supply of more litera-ture to enable me to do this. There isno one else in this province who dis-tributes truth-filled literature. All lit-erature is distributed free, and there isoverwhelming demand for them.

EM, Zambia

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No EnergyNo Energy?
