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OUR FIRST ISSUE - WordPress.com · 2010. 1. 24. · Isaac Jenemann, 3rd grade Mary Pat Morgan, 5th...

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PAGE FOUR Elliot Montrol Isaac Jenaman Nick Boisvert AN EDMUNDS NEWSPAPER BY THE KIDS, FOR THE KIDS DID YOU LIKE THE SCHOOLS YOU WORKED AT BEFORE EES? Mr. Schreiber was an assistant principal at the Crystal Lake Elementary School in Stuart, Florida, which had 600 students. He also was the principal at Sunderland Elementary School in Vermont, which had 60 students. “Yes, I really liked both schools.” WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING A PRINCIPAL? “It is a lot of fun. I get to hang out with 317 kids all day and also great adults, the teachers. I love to learn. I love children, Edmunds is a great place to hang out.” HOW ARE FLORIDA SCHOOLS DIFFERENT FROM VERMONT? Florida is lots warmer. The sun shines all the time. Other than that, they are very similar. WHERE DID YOU LIVE IN FLORIDA? Mr. Schreiber grew up in Miami, Florida. The town of Stuart is where he taught, which is two miles north of Miami. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT EES? “I would have to say the students. So many of them have been so happy and friendly to me. They wear a great smiles. I love seeing smiles like that,” as Mr. Schreiber points at Mary Pat’s big smile. WHAT IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE AT SCHOOL SINCE YOUR ARRIVAL? “Well, I don’t know yet because I have not been here long enough. The lunch schedule. The lunch schedule got changed to two lunches and now it’s not as rushed. The bathrooms getting painted.” DO YOU LIKE THE CHANGES THAT YOU MADE? “Yes, I do. I think the bathrooms are really spiffy and the lunchroom is calmer.” WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO ASK QUESTIONS AND RIDDLES IN THE MORNING.? ”How do you like the puzzles? What inspired me is to get the kids to start thinking early in the morning. It is a way to be involved and see how smart you are.” Edmunds Elementary School Welcomes a New Principal Front row: Elliott Montroll, Sophie Nigolian, Madeline Evans, Isaac Jenemann, Nick Boisvert, Lena Stier. Back row: Principal Schreiber, Mary Pat Morgan, Anna Nigolian, Matthew Boisvert. Missing from the photo is Ruby Smith. “I get to hang out with 317 kids all day and also great adults, the teachers.” – Mr. Schreiber continued on page 2 PAGE ONE OUR FIRST ISSUE Welcome to the very first edition of the EES Paw Print Press. Our new newspaper, Paw Print Press, is named for the mascot of Edmunds, the timber wolf. It is produced by Edmund student reporters and photog- raphers. Enjoy this first issue and we hope to inspire other kids at Edmunds to get excited about writing and to possibly be a reporter for Paw Print in the future issues. The following are contributing writers and photographers for this first Paw Print issue: Matthew Boisvert, 5th grade Nicholas Boisvert, 3rd grade Madeline Evans, 3rd grade Isaac Jenemann, 3rd grade Mary Pat Morgan, 5th grade Elliott Montroll, 3rd grade Anna Nigolian, 5th grade Lena Stier, 4th grade Sophie Nigolian, 4th grade Ruby Smith, 4th grade Chris Evans, Editor Ann Kiley, Editor ADVICE GALS PAWSITIVE ADVICE THE EDMUNDS BABBLER MADDI THE ROVING REPORTER THE SAVAGE SNAILS PAWPRINT PAWZLERS Edmunds Riddler Mary’s father has three daughters. The oldest is named April. The second oldest is named May. :KDW·V WKH ÀUVW QDPH RI WKH \RXQJHVW GDXJKWHU" Principuzzle EDITION 1 NOV. 16, 2009 WHAT’S INSIDE! pawzlers start end

    Elliot Montrol

    Isaac Jenaman

    Nick Boisvert

    A N E D M U N D S N E W S PA P E R B Y T H E K I D S , F O R T H E K I D S

    DID YOU LIKE THE SCHOOLS YOU WORKED AT BEFORE EES?Mr. Schreiber was an assistant principal at the Crystal Lake Elementary School in Stuart, Florida, which had 600 students. He also was the principal at Sunderland Elementary School in Vermont, which had 60 students. “Yes, I really liked both schools.”WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING A PRINCIPAL?“It is a lot of fun. I get to hang out with 317 kids all day and also great adults, the teachers. I love to learn. I love children, Edmunds is a great place to hang out.”

    HOW ARE FLORIDA SCHOOLS DIFFERENT FROM VERMONT?Florida is lots warmer. The sun shines all the time. Other than that, they are very similar.

    WHERE DID YOU LIVE IN FLORIDA?Mr. Schreiber grew up in Miami, Florida. The town of Stuart is where he taught, which is two miles north of Miami.

    WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT EES?“I would have to say the students. So many of them have been so happy and friendly to me. They wear

    a great smiles. I love seeing smiles like that,” as Mr. Schreiber points at Mary Pat’s big smile.WHAT IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE AT SCHOOL SINCE YOUR ARRIVAL?“Well, I don’t know yet because I have not been here long enough. The lunch schedule. The lunch schedule got changed to two lunches and now it’s not as rushed. The bathrooms getting painted.”

    DO YOU LIKE THE CHANGES THAT YOU MADE?“Yes, I do. I think the bathrooms are really spiffy and the lunchroom is calmer.”WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO ASK QUESTIONS AND RIDDLES IN THE MORNING.?”How do you like the puzzles? What inspired me is to get the kids to start thinking early in the morning. It is a way to be involved and see how smart you are.”

    Edmunds Elementary School Welcomes a New Principal

    Front row: Elliott Montroll, Sophie Nigolian, Madeline Evans, Isaac Jenemann, Nick Boisvert, Lena Stier. Back row: Principal Schreiber, Mary Pat Morgan, Anna Nigolian, Matthew Boisvert. Missing from the photo is Ruby Smith.

    “I get to hang out with 317 kidsall day and also great adults,

    the teachers.” – Mr. Schreiber

    continued on page 2


    OUR FIRST ISSUEWelcome to the very first edition of the EES Paw Print Press. Our new newspaper, Paw Print Press, is named for the mascot of Edmunds, the timber wolf.

    It is produced by Edmund student reporters and photog-raphers. Enjoy this first issue and we hope to inspire other kids at Edmunds to get excited about writing and to possibly be a reporter for Paw Print in the future issues.

    The following are contributing writers and photographers for this first Paw Print issue:

    Matthew Boisvert, 5th gradeNicholas Boisvert, 3rd gradeMadeline Evans, 3rd gradeIsaac Jenemann, 3rd gradeMary Pat Morgan, 5th gradeElliott Montroll, 3rd gradeAnna Nigolian, 5th gradeLena Stier, 4th grade Sophie Nigolian, 4th gradeRuby Smith, 4th gradeChris Evans, EditorAnn Kiley, Editor






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    Sudoku for Kids!Every row, column and mini-grid must contain the numbers

    1 through 9. Don’t guess - use logic!

    Edmunds RiddlerMary’s father has three daughters. The oldest is named April. The second oldest is named May.


    EDITION 1 NOV. 16, 2009





  • continued from page 1

    WHY DO YOU PLAY CLASSICAL MUSIC? Mr. Schreiber turns to the reporters and asks, “Do you like the classical music?” A show of hands indicates a yes! “It’s nice and inviting. I choose classical music because there have been studies that indicate that clas-sical music helps you study and helps some people focus better. Some kids might not be familiar with classical music. If we were to switch up, maybe Rock’n’Roll?” IS THERE GOING TO BE A SCHOOL SERVICE PROJECT THIS YEAR AND IF THERE IS, WHAT IS IT GOING TO BE?“Yes. Same as last year: Ronald McDonald House. “I hear it is a great thing we are doing.”

    DO YOU HAVE A CHILD?“No, I don’t have a child.”

    WHAT IS YOUR BIRTH DATE?May 1st, 1963. “Oh, and I love chocolate-chip cookies. P.S. Don’t tell anybody.”

    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO DISNEY WORLD?“Yes, a lot of times. I went to SeaWorld in June to hang out with the whales and dolphins. You get to see all different shows and animals. You get to learn a lot. They teach you about the animal behaviors.” At Disney World, he said, “You get to be goofy with Goofy.”

    Dear Advice gals,

    I am a new kid at Edmunds this year and I don’t have any friends. How do I make friends with the other kids in my class that have been here for years? -New kid

    Dear New kid,

    If you can’t find any friends, then ask some kids to play at recess or snack. If that doesn’t help, see if you can have a few play-dates. That would sure help you make new friends!

    Dear Advice gals,

    I really want a pet dog but my sister is allergic. I have wanted a pet for a long time and I still want one but I don’t know what to do. HELP!!!!-?

    Dear ?,

    Lots of people want pets, but they only get them if they have room for them in their life right now. Your sister is allergic to pets, so you can’t take on an animal now but that doesn’t mean you can’t have one in the future! You can get a pet when you get older and don’t live with your sister, but until then you could get a stuffed ani-mal or you could see if you could get a fish or a hypo-allergenic dog, but still this is a big responsibility, and your parents may not want a pet. Try and talk to them and I am sure they would make an agreement with you.

    Dear Advice gals,

    My mom is getting a divorce from my dad and I am scared that they will never see each other again.–Nervous

    Dear Nervous,

    Try to get the divorce off your mind and go and do something outside, or maybe go talk to your parents about it.

    Dear Advice gals,

    and I think that it may end our friendship.–Sad

    Dear Sad,

    Try to be nicer and forgive your friend, and maybe she will forgive you back. Try It!

    Dear Advice gals,

    I have a really BIG secret, and I told my best friend, then she went and told EVERYONE my secret! I am really embarrassed, and I don’t know if I should still be friends with her. Should I trust her?-Stuck–in–a- pickle

    Dear Stuck-in-a-pickle,

    Secrets are only a secret if you keep them to yourself, telling others just assures that your secret will get out. Whether you want to still be friends or not is up to you, but if you think you can still be friends, that’s great! You may not want to tell her any more secrets though. I think if you would tell her that you wanted that secret to be kept secret, that would help let her know how you feel about what she has done.

    Dear Advice gals,

    I keep getting after school and recess detention, and I am really tired of it! I have already gotten 18 green slips! What do I do to make this stop? -Detention

    Dear Detention,

    I am sorry to say that I can’t make this stop, only you can. If you keep getting green slips, you are definitely doing something wrong! Try and think about what you are getting the green slips for or ask your teacher what you are doing wrong, if it isn’t already clear. I hope that knowing what you are doing wrong will help make it easier to know the right thing to do in the future. PAGE TWO

    The afterschool EES Paw Print Press reporters ask Mr Schreiber the tough questions.

    Advice gals!pawsitive advice!

    Hello out there! We are Ruby Smith, Sophie Nigolian and Lena Stier. For the next few weeks we will be trying to help the environment and animals. This article is about saving the rainfor-ests. In case you didn’t know, the rainforest is being cut down for building houses and furniture and its also being burned down to make room for houses, buildings and highways. If the rainforest becomes fully destroyed, we will have less things, one of which is biodiversity. That means a lot of different plants and animals live in the rain-forest. So if the rainforest gets destroyed, almost every one of those plants and animals could become extinct! “Biodiversity is impor-tant because everything in nature depends on each other, and for species to be healthy there needs to be a varied source of food and ultimately it’s important to humans. We

    depend on rainforest species for food and different plants have different medicines. If the rainforest is destroyed we are losing things in the future” says Kristen Smith, Cincinnati OH, former biodiversity teacher. Also we will not have as much medicine because most medicine comes

    from rainforests, and if a rainforest gets destroyed, we could die because of lack of new medicines that could be discovered. We decided that we should raise money to buy one acre of rainforest and that would mean that no one would be able to cut or burn down that acre of rainforest unless we say so. The only way that that could happen is if we earn fifty dollars, and so we are working toward that goal. In the next issue, there will be information about a bake sale

    to help

    to be held to raise money to help acheive our goals. Things will not be more than $3. Signing off for now, this is, Ruby, Lena, and Sophie of The Edmunds Babbler.

    What you can do right now! Until then you can work on helping the environment by…

    1 Picking up trash around town.2: Composting and recycling instead of putting all that stuff in the trash.3: Not littering.


    Questioner: Maddi Evans, reporter for Paw Print PressAnswerer: Melissa Wright, parent coordinator of Edmunds efforts to help the Ronald McDonald House

    Q1: What is the Ronald McDonald House?A1: The Ronald McDonald House is a place where families can stay so that they can be close by while their child is being treated at the hospital.

    Q2: Of all the possible charities, why did you choose to help Ronald McDonald House?A2: The PTO chose to help the Ronald McDonald House because it is close to our school and the kids can do a lot of hands on volunteering. They are also very easy to work with and are able to give the Edmunds kids tours of the inside.

    Q3:When did you start?A3: This is our second school year helping the Ronald McDonald House, so we started in September 2008.

    Q4: What do you do as coordinator?A4: I am responsible for meeting with the director of the Ronald McDonald House and coming up with volunteer opportunities that kids can do to really help out at the house. I also talk with the students and teachers at Edmunds to explain what we are doing and see what they would like to do to volunteer. Then I coordinate parent volunteers and supplies to help.

    Q5: When you first moved to Vermont, did you start the program right away, or did you start it a few years later?A5: I moved to Vermont 5 years ago so I was here for a few years before I started working with the Ronald McDonald House.

    Q6: How does the program work? How can Edmunds’ students help?A6: We have had a lot of fun helping the Ronald McDonald House by having classes rake, garden, and clean for them. We have collected and delivered wish list items to the house. We collect pop tabs which will be re-deemed for cash at the end of the school

    year. We have a penny collection in March. We also make holiday gift baskets for the families staying at the house during the winter holidays.

    Q7: Do you know how many pull-tabs you’ve collected this year? How about since you started the program?A7: I do not know how many pull tabs we have collected so far, but it looks like a lot!

    Q8: If the Ronald McDonald House ever closed or moved to a place far away, what would be the next charity that you’d like to help?A8: I have also been interested in having the school help out with COTS, but it is a bit trickier since it is farther away from school and they have to respect the privacy of the families staying there so the Edmunds stu-dents couldn’t go inside.

    The Edmunds Babbler

    Saving the Rainforestone school at a time!

    “If the rainforest is destroyed we are losing things in the future” says Kristen Smith, Cincinnati

    OH, former biodiversity teacher.

    From left to right: Lena Stier, Ruby Smith and Sophie Nigolian. Photograph by Maddi Evans.

    EES Gives Back To The Community

    Be a part of

    Paw Print Press

    Session 2 Afterschool

    Class starts Dec. 7th



    EES collected

    $483 in pennie


    last year!
