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Our Industry's Future.. Meetings in Twenty Years

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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Dan Berger CEO Social Tables June 2017 Meetings in Twenty Years Our Industry’s Future...

Dan BergerCEOSocial TablesJune 2017

Meetings in Twenty Years

Our Industry’s Future...

● Your time is valuable. You’re free to leave any time.

● No one knows everything. Questions welcome whenever.

● Spread the knowledge. Take as many photos and share.

Interact with me and the audience...

● me on twitter = @danberger

● hashtag = #WEC17

● Use glsr.it/dan to ask questions remotely

Presenter-Audience Agreement

100 employees

Raised $22.6 million

Founded in 2011

Boost event sales overnight.

Sales Success Platform

Fuel demand. Attract Fortune 500

planners with the space search engine.

Grow bookings. Engage qualified

planners with interactive content marketing.

Win more.Negotiate faster with

personalized proposals.

Deliver better.Create accurate setups

that lead to repeat business.

Destination Convert Propose Diagram→→ →

Free Planner Essential

● 100% accurate floorplans● 181,000 unique event spaces ● Live collaboration● 700+ custom objects● Free diagramming capability

Plan for the unplannable with collaborative event software and accurate floorplans that make it easy.

4,350 customers creating

2 million events with

250 million participants

We envision a world where face-to-face events achieve great things

Sample of the 40+ awards Social Tables and its leadership have received.

1. Describe the way the hospitality industry has evolved over the past 2 decades.

2. Discover what the future holds for meetings and events.

3. Examine strategies to manage these changes.

Learning Objectives

1. Describe the way the hospitality industry has evolved over the past 2 decades.

2. Discover what the future holds for meetings and events.

3. Examine strategies to manage these changes.

Learning Objectives


How has meeting planning changed over the past two decades?

@remote use glsr.it/dan

1. Describe the way the hospitality industry has evolved over the past 2 decades.

2. Discover what the future holds for meetings and events.

3. Examine strategies to manage these changes.

Learning Objectives


What do you think meetings will look like in 20 years?

@remote use glsr.it/dan

Current trends & supporting data

This is the framework

A series of mini-predictions Mega prediction


Hotels are more cognizant than ever of their cost structure.

The way we book

● Owners will demand even higher profit margins.

● Most group business booking will be automated.

● Most group business will be booked direct thanks to matching algorithms.

● Supplier pricing power will be even stronger due to consolidation.

Commissions will decrease significantly.


Predictable physical work is being replaced by machines.

● The best photographers will know how to fly.

● Robots will replace some security personnel.

● Robot will be used in to setup/teardown events.

● Interacting with robots will be socially acceptable.

● The price of robots will decrease below labor costs.

Our relationship with machines

Robots will be used in event operations.


New ways to travel are changing our behavior.

● Autonomous vehicles will unlock new destinations.

● Homesharing will add inventory everywhere.

● Events could happen anywhere.

The destinations we partner with

Remote destinations will compete with traditional ones.


A new computing platform is emerging.

● Site visits won’t be as common.

● Telepresence will be hyper-realistic.

● The way we experience events will change.

The technology we experience

Virtual and real events will become one.


We are entering a new industrial revolution centered around artificial intelligence.

Sapiens. Hariri, Yuval Noah.

The work we do

● Administrative planning work will be automated.

● Attendee preferences will follow them around.

● Events will have higher ROI because we will rely less on serendipity.

AI will impact events in many ways.


A new generation is entering our industry and bringing its own set of principles.

● Transparency will be one of our core values.

● Trust will be measured digitally.

● We will be more comfortable sharing information with our industry partners.

● Hotel sales professionals will be measured by the success of their meetings.

The way we do business

There will be a culture shift in our industry.


Events are getting a facelift as face-to-face becomes more coveted.

Internet Trends 2017 Report. Meeker, Mary.

● User conferences will replace some traditional meetings.

● Large meetings will warehouse smaller ones.

● Influencer marketing will play an important role in driving attendance.

● Influencers will create popup events.

● Festivilized events (“experiences”) will be the norm.

The DNA of events

Attention will be a planner’s most coveted commodity.


The meeting planning profession is entering primetime.

● The value of meetings will be universally understood.

● The meeting planning profession will be more respected.

● Meeting planners will interact with executives on a regular basis.

The value we bring

The meetings industry will be taken more seriously.


What did I miss? What are predictions you anticipate?

@remote use glsr.it/dan

1. Describe the way the hospitality industry has evolved over the past 2 decades.

2. Discover what the future holds for meetings and events.

3. Examine strategies to manage these changes.

Learning Objectives


What can you do to stay ahead of the curve?

@remote use glsr.it/dan

How to futureproof your career

Adapted from Beyond Automation, HBR, 2015

We’re all born with a natural curiosity. We want to learn. But the demands of work and personal life often diminish our time and will to engage that natural curiosity. Developing specific learning habits can be a route to both continued professional relevance and deep personal happiness.

- John Coleman, Passion & Purpose


Free Planner Essential

● 100% accurate floorplans● 181,000 unique event spaces ● Live collaboration● 700+ custom objects● Free diagramming capability

Plan for the unplannable with collaborative event software and accurate floorplans that make it easy.

Staying in touch
