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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Shrine The Baptism of the Lord · que nos ha adoptado como hijos...

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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Shrine January 13 th , 2019 The Baptism of the Lord The Italian National Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago Served by The Missionaries of Saint Charles – Scalabrinians Staff Pastor Fr. Giovanni Bizzotto, C.S. Associate Pastors Fr. Augusto Feccia, C.S. Fr. Yosef A. Sadipun C.S. Parish Deacons John Battisto Giulio Camerini Jose Ramon Arenas Secretaries Daniel Michel Nancy Diaz Ofϐice Hours Sunday 8:30am—3:00pm Tuesday– Friday 8:30am—8:30pm Saturday 8:30am — 1:00pm 2:00pm—5:30pm Monday We’re Closed Sunday Mass Schedule 5:30pm - Sat. Vigil Mass 7:45am - English 9:00am - Españ ol 10:30am - Italiano 12:00pm - English 1:30pm - Español 5:00pm - Español Weekly Mass Schedule English Monday - Saturday at 7:30am Españ ol Martes y Jueves a las 6:30pm Italiano Sotto richiesta 1101 N 23rd Ave - Melrose Park - IL– 60160 P (708) 344 4140 — F (708)344 0902 www.olmcparish.org ǀ www.facebook.com/olmcparish ǀ [email protected]

OurLadyofMountCarmelParish-Shrine January 13th, 2019 The Baptism of the Lord TheItalianNationalParishoftheArchdioceseofChicagoServedbyTheMissionariesofSaintCharles–Scalabrinians


Of iceHoursSunday8:30am—3:00pmTuesday–Friday8:30am—8:30pm Saturday8:30am—1:00pm2:00pm—5:30pmMondayWe’reClosed

SundayMassSchedule5:30pm-Sat.VigilMass7:45am-English9:00am-Espanol10:30am-Italiano12:00pm-English1:30pm-Espanol5:00pm-Espanol WeeklyMassScheduleEnglishMonday-Saturdayat7:30amEspanolMartesyJuevesalas6:30pmItalianoSottorichiesta 1101N23rdAve-MelrosePark-IL–60160 P(708)3444140—F(708)3440902www.olmcparish.orgǀwww.facebook.com/olmcparishǀ[email protected]



Our Lady of Mt Carmel, is served

by the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles – Scalabrinians – .

We are an community of Catholic religious serving migrants and refugees of different

cultures, religions and ethnicities in 32 countries. The Congregation was founded in Italy

on November 28, 1887, by Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini (1839-1905),

bishop of Piacenza (Italy). Our missionary focus is to be migrants

with the migrants and to be in mission with people on the move,

with a special priority for the poorest And neediest migrants. OURLADYOFMOUNTCARMEL—MISSIONSTATEMENTWeareafaithcommunityboundbytheGraceofGodtheFatherwhoadoptedusallasbelovedchildrenthroughBaptism.WejourneyasbrothersandsistersinspiredintheGospelofJesusChrist,nourishedwiththeEucharistandstrengthenedbytheloveoftheHolySpirit.EncouragedinthepracticeofourCatholicTradition,weexperienceandhonorthematernalprotectionofOurLadyofMountCarmelwhilejoyfullycelebratingthereligiouspracticesofourancestorsinFaith.HeartenedbythezealousministryoftheMissionariesofSt.Charles(Scalabrinians),westrivetocreateawelcomingspacewerejusticeforallandthewellbeingofGod’speoplebecometheinspirationinoureffortstobuildGod’sKingdom.+++NUESTRASENORADELMONTECARMELO—VISIÓNSomosunacomunidaddefevinculadaporlaGraciadeDiosPadre,quenoshaadoptadocomohijosamadosporelBautismo.CaminamoscomohermanosyhermanasinspiradosenelEvangeliodeJesucristo,nutridosconlaEucaristıayfortalecidosporelamordelEspırituSanto.AlentadosenlapracticadenuestraTradicionCatolica,experimentamosyhonramosalaproteccionmaternadeNuestraSenoradelMonteCarmelo,celebrandoalegrementelaspracticasreligiosasdenuestrosancestrosenlaFe.AnimadosporelceloministerialdelosMisionerosdeSanCarlos(Scalabrinianos),nosesforzamosporcrearunespaciodebienvenidadondelajusticiaparatodosyelbienestardelpueblodeDiosnosinspiranennuestrosesfuerzosparaconstruirelReinodeDios.


January 19, 2019 + Bautizos en Español a las 11:00am January 27, 2019 + Baptisms at 3:00pm January 28, 2019 + Misa de Sanación y Por la Paz 7pm

We encourage all to register at the Parish-Shrine.

+ + +

Les invitamos a registrarse en el Santuario Parroquial.

Support Staff

Business Manager Xochitl Duran708.345.3632

Religious Education Modesta Martinez 708.344.4140

Music Coordinator Ann Marie Nabor 708.579.5373

Community Center Site Director Pablo Cruz 708.345.3632

Sacramental Life Confessions Confesiones Saturdays—Sábados 4:00pm—5:00pm or by appointment/ o con cita.

Baptisms Bautizos Come to the parish office. Pase a la oficina parroquial.

Weddings Bodas Contact the priest at least six months in advance. Contactar al sacerdote seis meses antes de la ceremonia

Quinceañera Contactar a la secretaria cuatro meses antes de la ceremonia.

Presentaciones Contactar la Secretaria al menos dos semanas antes

Religious Services Recitation of the Holy Rosary Mon—Sat at 7:00am

Adoration Adoración al Stmo. Sacramento Wednesdays 6:00pm—8:00pm

Novena & Benediction Wednesday/Miércoles 7:30pm

Grupo de Oración Carismática Martes a las 7:00pm

Other Services Gift Shop Hours Venta de Artículos Religiosos During the regular office hours. Durante las horas de oficina

Community Center Centro Comunitario Social outreach Servicios a la comunidad (708) 345 - 3632

Food Pantry Despensa de comida Wednesdays 3:30pm—5:30pm

Religious Education—Catecismo Saturday - Sábados 3:30pm — 6:30pm Sunday - Domingos 10:00am—1:00pm - Mass Included—Incluye la Misa

Church Services

REUNION DE ORACION P. PIO Lo invitamos a unirse a un momento de

oración, meditación y oración con el grupo de Oración de San Padre Pío el

próximo 21 de enero a las 7:00pm en el Santuario de OLMC.


We invite you to join a moment of prayer, meditation and prayer with the

prayer group of San Padre Pio on January 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the

Sanctuary of OLMC.


From the Pastor’s Desk BAPTISMOF JESUS.With the feast of theBaptismof Jesus,weconcluded the Christmas season and enter the OrdinaryLiturgical Time. The Liturgy of the Baptism of Jesusmarks thethird manifestation of the Lord. After being adored by theshepherds on Christmas night and the Three Kings in theEpiphany, todaywe indhimon thebanksof the JordanRiver,whereJohnbaptizedwithwaterandpreachedtheconversionofhearts. The Baptist speaks very clearly of his mission: "I ambaptizingyouwithwater,butonemightierthanI iscoming. Iamnotworthyto loosenthethongsofhissandals.HewillbaptizeyouwithHolySpiritandFire".So,Jesusstandsinlinetobebaptized.Committedinprayer,immersedhimselfinthewaterdisappearingfromthegaze of those presents. We trust that Jesus lived in the Jordan a "fundamental movingexperience”, aswesayspiritually, thatmarkedhis future life forever.At thatmoment,helefttheBaptist,hisvillageofNazarethandguidedbytheSpirit,hebegantotraveltheroadsofGalileeannouncingtheGoodNewsofGod.Jesuslivedaverystrongmanifestationinthesceneofbaptism,asthetextsays:"fromheavenavoice isheard:Youaremybelovedson;withyou Iamwellpleased".This iswhat Jesusheard interiorly fromGod: "Youaremine.Youaremyson.Yourbeingissproutingfromme.IamyourFather.Theyaretrueexpressionsofaffection.KnowthatIloveyoudearly.It illsmewithjoythatyouaremybelovedson;Ifeelhappy".Fromnowon, JesuswillnotcallGod,byanyothername,butAbba,Father.Fromthis experience emerges two attitudes that Jesus lived and tried to spread in all hisministry:profoundtrust inGodanddocilitytotheFather. JesustrustsGodspontaneously.Heabandonedhimselftohimwithoutmisgivingsorcalculations.HetrustsinGod.Heactsasadearson.ThatiswhyheteacheseveryonetocallGod"Father".Herepeatstothemoverandoveragain:"Donotbeafraid.TrustintheFather”.AllhislifewasfocusedondoingtheWill of the Father. May as we participate in the Baptism of Jesus renew our baptismalcommitment and strive todoGod’swill to enjoy the graceofbeing anew creature in anenthusiasticandgenerousexperience.


Program Information

Our Lady of Mount Carmel host a meal program for Senior Citizens. Meals are served Monday - Friday from 10:30am to 1:00pm in Carmel

Hall. In addition to enjoying a delicious lunch, participants engage in social activities and are treated

to a variety of informational presentations. In order to participate, individuals must be at least 60 years of age and if someone you know or you are interested in participating,

please come join us!

Transportation is available if needed, please call the Parish office at


Justice, Only Justice, You Shall Pursue (Deuteronomy 16:20)

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2019 theme has been selected, and finds its origins in Deuteronomy. “Justice, Only Justice, You Shall Pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:20) was chosen for its powerful message of promoting truth, equality and unity. The traditional period in the northern hemisphere for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is January 18 to 25. The initial work on the theme for this year’s Week of Prayer was prepared by a group of representatives from different parts of Indonesia, including the Communion of Churches in Indonesia and the Indonesian Catholic Bishops’ Conference. The texts were finalized during a meeting of the International Committee of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. “Every year, Christians across the world gather in prayer for growth in unity. We do this in a world where corruption, greed and injustice bring about inequality and division. We are called together to form a united witness for justice and for Christian Unity that becomes a means of Christ’s healing grace for the brokenness of the world. Only by heeding Jesus’s prayer “that they all may be one” can we witness to living unity in diversity.” The Christians of Indonesia found that the words of Deuteronomy, “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue …” (Deut.16:18-20) spoke powerfully to their situation and needs, and recognized this common need throughout the world.

NEW MISSION FOR FR. YOPI Fr. Yopi is assigned to a new mission, after he served in our community of OLMC for almost two years. He will leave our Parish

on Monday, January 14th to assume the position of Director of the

“Casa del Migrante” (Shelter House for Migrants) of Tecún Umán, Mexico-Guatemala border.

We would like to thank Fr. Yopi again for his excellent service among us and wish

him success in his new mission. Today, sunday, January 13th at the end of the 1:30pm Mass, we will meet in Carmel

Hall to thank him for his service. We invite you to bring something to share.

Thank you.

JANUARY13,2019 THEBAPTISMOFTHELORD DelEscritoriodelParrocoDomingodelBAUTISMODEJESUS.Conla iestadelBautismodeJesus concluimosel tiemponavidenoyentramosenelTiempoOrdinarioLiturgico.LaLiturgiadelBautismodeJesusmarca laterceramanifestacion del Senor. Luego de haber sido adoradoporlospastoresenlanochedeNavidadylosReyesMagosenlaEpifanıa,hoyloencontramosenlasorillasdelJordan,allıdondeJuan bautizaba con agua y predicaba la conversion de loscorazones.ElBautistahablamuyclarodesumision:“Yolosbautizoconagua,perovendra,puesdemiaquelqueesmasfuerte:Ellosbautizaraconespıritusantoyfuego”.Asıque,Jesusseponeen ilaparaquelobautice.AqueldıaJesus,recogidoenoracion,sesumergioenelaguahastacasidesaparecerde lamiradade lospresentes.Notamosque JesusvivioenelJordanunaexperiencia“fundante”,comodecimosespiritualmente,quemarcoparasiempresu vida futura. En aquelmomento deja el Bautista, su aldea de Nazaret ymovido por elEspıritu, comenzoarecorrer loscaminosdeGalileaanunciando laBuenaNoticiadeDios.Jesusviviounamanifestacionmuyfuerteenlaescenadelbautismo,comodiceeltexto:“Loscielosserasganydelavozdelcieloseescucha:Tueresmihijoquerido.Entimecomplazco”.EstoesloqueJesusescuchadeDiosensuinterior:“Tueresmıo.Eresmihijo.Tuserestabrotandodemı.YosoytuPadre.Concarinoleexpresa:Tequieroentranablemente;mellenadegozoqueseasmihijoamado;mesientofeliz”.Enadelante,Jesusnolollamaraconotronombre,sinoAbba,Padre.DeestaexperienciaemergendosactitudesqueJesusvivioytratodecontagiaratodos:con ianzaincreıbleenDiosydocilidadalPadre.JesusconfıaenDiosdemaneraespontanea.Seabandonaa elsinrecelosnicalculos.ConfıaenDios.Sesientehijoquerido. Por eso ensena a todos a llamarle a Dios “Padre”. Les repite una y otra vez:“Notenganmiedo.Confıen”.TodasuvidalapasoenfocadoenhacerlaVoluntaddelPadre.QueparticipandoenelBautismodeJesusrenovemosnuestrocompromisobautismalynosesforcemos de hacer su voluntad y gozar la gracia de ser una nueva creatura en unavivenciaentusiastaygenerosa. NUEVAMISIONPARAP.YOPIP.Yopiesdestinadoanuevamision,luegodehaberservidoennuestracomunidaddeOLMCporcasıdosanos.Eldejaranuestraparroquiael14deEneroparaasumirelcargodeDirectordelaCasadelMigrantedeTecunUman,fronteraMexico-Guatemala.Lesagradecemossuexcelenteservicioentrenosotrosyledeseamosexitoensunuevamision.Eldomingo13deEneroalterminarlaMisade1:30PMnosreuniremosenCarmelHallporagradecerlesuservicio.Losinvitamosatraeralgoparacompartir.Gracias.



Viernes 18 de Enero , 2019 a las 7:00PM en el Gimnasio de OLMC

los invitamos a un ENCUENTRO de reflexión, meditación y formación

para fortalecer nuestra fe, liderazgo y testimonio cristiano.

Favor invitar amigo y familiares y venir con Biblia, libreta, lapicero y

gran corazón abierto.

¡Los esperamos!

Información de Programa

Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo organiza un programa de comidas para adultos

mayores. Las comidas se sirven de lunes a viernes de 10:30 am a 1:00 pm en Carmel Hall. Además de disfrutar de un delicioso almuerzo, los participantes participan en

actividades sociales y reciben una variedad de presentaciones informativas. Para

participar, las personas deben tener al menos 60 años de edad y, si alguien que conoce o

usted está interesado en participar, ¡únase a nosotros!

El transporte está disponible si es necesario, llame a la oficina de la parroquia al

(708) 344-4140

Semana de oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos

Semana de oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos “Actúa siempre con toda justicia” (Dt 16, 18-20) es el lema para la Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos 2019 que se celebra del 18 al 25 de enero. Desde hace ya algunos años, el Consejo Ecuménico de las Iglesias y el Pontificio Consejo para la Promoción de la Unidad de los Cristianos encargan los materiales de oración para esta semana a Iglesias y Comunidades eclesiales confesionales diversas de alguna región geográfica. En esta ocasión, para la semana de oración de 2019, se lo han pedido a las Iglesias y comunidades de la región de Indonesia. La Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos, recuerdan los obispos de la Comisión Episcopal de Relaciones Interconfesionales en su mensaje, ”Indonesia es de mayoría social musulmana y, aunque numerosas, son minoritarias las Iglesias y comunidades cristianas, que se han movilizado con fraterna solidaridad para paliar en lo posible los efectos de los seísmos”. “Actúa siempre con toda justicia” (Dt 16, 18-20)

Misa de Sanación y Por la Paz

Los invitamos a nuestra Misa Por la Paz y de Sanación el lunes, 28 de Enero a las 7:00pm. Por favor de

marcar sus calendarios y nos puedan acompañar y juntos poder participar

de una hermosa celebración. ¡Los esperamos!

JANUARY13,2019 THEBAPTISMOFTHELORD Fr.Feccia’sRe lectionIlBattesimodiGesu—QuandoLucasimetteascrivereilsuoVan-gelo, l’iniziodelraccontoevangelico eormai issoetradizionale.Le prediche deimissionari cristiani incominciano con il ricordodell’attivitaepredicazionedelBattista.Mal’inquadraturastoricaagrandeangolatura e tipicadiLuca.Ci ricorda i grandistoricigreci.Lucavuoledareunadimensionestoricaeunsigni icatocristiano:vuoledarevaloreagliavvenimentistoricieunmessaggiospeci icamen-tecristologico:noneilpoterestoricodell’imperatorediRoma,TiberioCesare,noneilpotererelig-ioso,politicoe localepalestineseenemmenoiponte icidiGerusalemme,malaParoladiDiochearrivaaGiovanni, igliodiZaccarianeldeserto,cheguidalastoriauniversale.«LasalvezzadiDio»nonnascedaunpoterepoliticooreligioso,maunicamentedaDio.Anche i racconti riguardo gli antichi profeti d’Israele iniziavano con le introduzionistorico-politiche.Maora laparolaprofetica risuonacon l’urgenzadel tempoultimo.LaparoladiDio chiama fuori dal deserto il iglio di Zaccaria per mandarlo al popolo. Il compito di questocarismaticoequellodiprepararelavenutadelSignore.IlBattistaeritrattosecondoilmodellodeimissionaricristianichepeparonoineo iticristianialbattesimo.Il battesimo di Gesu— Il battesimo di Giovanni e un rito di immersione che puo ispirarsi alleabluzioniobattesimodelgiudaismouf iciale,bagnodeiproselitioaquellodeicircoliseparatisti,qualiadesempioquellodegliEsseniodeidiscepolidiQumran.Mailsuobattesimoequali icatodaunainnovazione: egiunto ilmomento, il tempodeiprofetiperricevereilperdonodiDio.Questopero comporta un cambiamento radicale ed un nuovo impegno religioso. L’annuncio dei profeti,che aveva sostenuto la speranzedei deportati del sesto secolo avanti Cristo, ora risuona con untimbro nuovo: «Ogni valle sara colmata, ogni monte e ogni colle sara abbassato.» L’immaginedel«monte»edel«colle»puo signi icare la inediogniprepotere.ManellaprospettivadiLuca esoprattutto l’impegno per il rinnovamento delle coscienze, della mentalita, ossia di un “ritornosincero»alSignore.L’interessepeculiarediLuca—All’appellodecisivoallaconversionesegueun’istruzionepiupacatarivoltoalpopoloche interrogaGiovanni: cambiarevuoledirepraticare la fraternitae lagiustiziasecondo la grande tradizione profetica. Ma dal piccolo catechismo a dialogo emerge anchel’interesseparticolarediLucaperipoveri,perlecategoriedisprezzate,pergliesattoriditasse,peri soldati a servizio del potere. Arriva in ine l’immagine della «pula» e del «grano»: la scelta eseparazionesarafattasolodaCristo:qualemetterenelgranaioequalebruciarenelfuoco.

Settimana di preghiera per l'unità dei cristiani 2019

Ci prepariamo a celebrare la Settimana di preghiera per l'unità dei cristiani che, ogni

anno, la Chiesa celebra dal 18 al 25 gennaio (cioè tra la festa della cattedra di san Pietro e quella della conversione di san Paolo).

"Cercate di essere veramente giusti" (Deuteronomio 16, 18-20) è il tema che ci viene proposto per il 2019. Invitiamo tutti a valorare la nostra fede cristiana cattolica ed a

riconoscere in uno spirito ecuménico i fedeli di altre religioni cristiane. Per fare nostra la preghiera sacerdotale di Gesú: “che anch’essi siano uno,

como Padre, tu ed io siamo uno”


KellyAnnHaymakerMacyGraceGiaconeJosephineGrassoConnyRicoJohnSepkaRobertJ.VillaBaltazarGarciaMargaritoFloresGuadalupeRicoAnnYenchDamianA.VelasquezFred&ChadBallogBartCammarataDayanDelValdiveesoJohnS.MaryS.JenniferSanchezRosaCastroMiriamMendezFr.NickMarro.,c.s.PeggyMarroMay our prayers bring them strength,

healing, and peace. PleasecallourParishOf icetoaddalovedone’snametoourparishprayerlist.


Saturday, January 12 Christmas Weekday 7:30 am † 5:30 pm †Mirella Parrinello by Friends of Wednesday Evening Novena Sunday, January 13 The Baptism of the Lord 7:45 am † 9:00 am † 10:30 am †Mirella Parrinello by Family †Julia & Salvatore Cocchia by Family 12:00pm †Mildred Pionto by Family 1:30 pm † 5:00 pm † Monday, January 14 Weekday 7:30 am † Tuesday, January 15 Weekday 7:30 am † 6:30 pm †

Wednesday, January 16 Weekday 7:30 am † 6:00 pm ADORATION 7:30 pm NOVENA Thursday, January 17 St. Anthony, Abbot 7:30 am † 6:30 pm †

Friday, January 18 Weekday 7:30 am † Saturday, January 19 Weekday 7:30 am †Anthony J. Ortenzi by Sister 5:30 pm For the Birthday of †Kay Scavone by Sister Marie Sunday, January 20 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 am † 9:00 am † 10:30 am †Teresa Marsico by Family †Catarina Silvestre by the Floretta Family 12:00pm † 1:30 pm † 5:00 pm †


Vi invitiamo a unirvi per un momento di preghiera, meditazione ed orazione

con il gruppo di Preghiera di San Padre Pio questo prossimo 21 di Gennaio alle

ore 19 nella Capella-Santuario di OLMC.

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