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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability · 2019-04-15 · Our Local Offer...

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability Identification Teaching, Learning & Support Keeping Students Safe & Supporting Wellbeing Working Together & Roles Inclusion & Accessibility Transition Additional Information Area Wide Local Offer Please click the relevant words on the wheel to be taken to the corresponding section. Please see the following page for information on this setting’s age range and setting type
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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability



Learning &



Students Safe &




Together &

Roles Inclusion &





Area Wide Local Offer

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Name of Setting

Type of Setting (tick all that apply)

Mainstream Resourced Provision Special Early Years Primary Secondary Post-16 Post-18 Maintained Academy Free School

Independent/Non-Maintained/Private Other (Please Specify)

Specific Age range 16+

Number of places N/A

Which types of special educational need do you cater for? (IRR)

Each section provides answers to questions from a young person’s Point of View. The questions have been developed using examples from Pathfinder authorities, such as the SE7 Pathfinder Partnership, in conjunction with questions from Cheshire East parent carers. The requirements for the SEN Information Report have been incorporated into this document, based on the latest draft version of the Special Educational Needs (Information) Regulations (correct as of May 2014). Questions providing information required as part of the Information Report Regulations are shown using the letters IRR (Information Report Regulations).

We are an inclusive setting that offers a specialism/specialisms in We are an inclusive mainstream setting catering for young people with a wide range of needs who are able to demonstrate capacity for accessing the mainstream curriculum with differentiation and support.

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

Questions from the Young Person’s Point of View:

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How will you know if I need extra help? (IRR)

Students with SEND are identified as early as possible through a number of ways. This usually happens during transition when the student, the school or parents notify the college that the student is hoping to join the College and shares information about the previous support they have received through their Education, Health and Care Plan or Transition Plan. At this stage the student (and parents/carers if appropriate) would be invited in to College to discuss their needs and what support they might require with a member of the Learner Services or Entry/Foundation Level Team. Students are also encouraged to declare a SEND when completing their application form and this can lead to taster sessions or a bespoke transition programme arranged in consultation with the student (and parents/carers where appropriate). Students may also declare a SEND on their enrolment form. In both cases they would be made known to a member of the team who will act as a key worker to establish what support is required, create a support plan to include agreed interventions and strategies and monitor and review the support in place. If a support need becomes apparent after the student has already commenced their course they can refer themselves, or be referred by any member of staff to the Learner Services Team who will discuss with them how they can have their needs met and liaise with the appropriate staff.

What should I do if I think I need extra help?

If a student thinks they need extra help they can either speak with their Personal Development Tutor or they can speak with a member of the Learner Services Team who will help them identify where they need help and look at strategies to provide the support they need. If appropriate parents/carers can also arrange to speak with the Personal Development Tutor or a member of the Learner Services or Entry/Foundation Level team if they think extra help or support is required.

Where can I find the setting/school/college’s SEND policy and other related documents? (IRR)

The College Special Educational Needs and Disability Procedure is available from a member of the Senior Management Team on request.

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Teaching, Learning and Support

How will you teach and support a young person with SEND? (IRR)

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Teaching, Learning and Support

It is the aim of Cheshire College South and West to be as inclusive as possible and give all our students the opportunity to access the curriculum. Once a student has been identified as requiring support one of our Inclusive Learning Advisors will be identified to act as a Key Worker. This member of staff will meet with the student (and parents/carers as appropriate) to discuss previous support arrangements and the types of support the student may need on their new course. A Support Plan is negotiated with all involved which identifies the support needs and suggests strategies to meet the individual’s needs. The support plan would usually be developed and agreed before the student starts their course but if a support need is identified after the student commences their course they can still be referred to an Inclusive Learning Advisor who will put one in place. The Support Plan may suggest modified teaching approaches, the adaption of resources or the use of specific equipment or personal intervention. A range of support is available from the Learner Services Team including (but not limited to) one to one sessions with specialist staff, one to one Learning Mentor support, group support, drop-in sessions in the Study Skills Centre, Communicators, note takers, counselling and mentoring. Identified students will also be provided with exam arrangements to meet their specific needs. The College also liaises with a range of external agencies and where appropriate support can be arranged on or off the College premises with a range of professionals.

How will the curriculum and learning environment be matched to my needs? (IRR)

All teaching staff take responsibility for meeting the needs of all students in their class by differentiating the learning to meet the different levels of ability in any group. Where a student has SEND, the lecturer will be made aware through the Group Profile and they will also have received support plans which identify the support need and the strategies required to meet those needs. Students at all levels are encouraged to become independent learners, which may be through the use of assistive technology or Learning Mentor support, which will be reviewed regularly and adjusted as required to encourage independence. Reasonable adjustments will be made for any student who requires this and will be included in the student’s support plan, as will any necessary exam arrangements. Information about the courses on offer can be found on the College website (www.ccsw.ac.uk) or you can telephone the college to request a prospectus. If you have a specific query relating to support, please contact the Learner Services Team.

How are the setting, school, or college’s resources allocated and matched to my needs?

The SEND budget is managed by the Director of Learning and Learner Services and allocated to the provision of resources to support all students, such as maths and English support, welfare support, advice and guidance and a range of interventions offered by the Learner Services Team. Where a student has more specific needs the Learner Services Team will liaise with the relevant Local Authority to secure additional funding to meet those needs.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support I will receive? Who will make the decision and on what basis? (IRR)

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Teaching, Learning and Support

The identification of support needs starts during transition with the student at the heart of the process and any decision making. The Learner Service Team work closely with the student, parents/carers, the school and Local Authority to share information about a student’s support needs and support history. Transition meetings and taster sessions also inform the type and level of support that will be required. All support identified as being required will be in partnership between the student and the Learner Services Team. Parents/carers will be involved as much or as little as is appropriate, depending on the individual. Where appropriate the College may also seek advice and guidance from other external professionals. For example, Speech and Language Therapists, Social Workers and medical professionals. If a student has an Education, Health and Care Plan, it will include clear information about the support a student will require.

How will equipment and facilities to support young people with SEND be secured? (IRR) The College has a range of equipment and facilities that it can draw on to support students, and the use of these will be identified in the students support plan. Where appropriate the Director of Learning and Learner Services will make a strategic decision as to how these resources might be allocated. Where more specialist personalised equipment is required the Learner Services Team will liaise with parents/carers, external advisory services or the Local Authority to seek advice on the best options for the procurement of these.

How does the setting, school or college consult with and involve young people with SEND in planning and reviewing their education? (IRR)

Each student will have a Personal Development Tutor who they will meet with regularly to review their progress. Any concerns, issues and achievements will be identified and discussed. Each student has target grades or Individual Learning Plan (ILP) targets and this information is recorded on each ILP or ProMonitor. Progress evenings are held with teaching staff where the student and their parents/carers can meet to discuss progress. Students with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities have Tutorial Reviews with their Personal Development Tutors which identifies progress and areas for further development in all aspects of their learning and development. For those students who are receiving support a review of the support will take place with Learning Mentors every half term and the Inclusive Learning Advisors will review the support and amend support plans as necessary. This is all done on an individual basis with the students and parents/carers can also be part of this process. In addition to this, those students with Education, Health and Care Plans will have an annual review which will be facilitated by the College and will include parents/carers and any relevant external agencies.

How will my parent/carer(s) know how I am doing and how will you help them to support my learning? (if appropriate) (IRR)

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Teaching, Learning and Support Parents are encouraged to attend progress evenings with students and can have regular communication with the students Personal Development Tutor (if appropriate) to inform them of what the student is working towards. For students with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities their Individual Learning Plan (ILP) targets can be shared with parents/carers to enable the student to work on achieving the target in their home environment (if appropriate). Parents of students with an Education, Health and Care plan will be involved in the decision making about the student’s aspirations and future goals and also the reviewing of this plan. The Personal Development Tutors are happy to liaise with parents/carers about the student’s progress and any concerns either party may have.

How does the setting/school/college assess and evaluate the effectiveness and sufficiency of its arrangements and provision for young people with SEND?

The Colleges Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Procedures is reviewed by the Director of Learning and Learner Services annually. The SEND link

Governor liaises with the Director of Learning and Learner Services to review any developments and monitor the provision. The impact of support for individual

students is recorded on their support reviews which are carried out every half term and a survey is carried out annually to obtain feedback from those students

who have received support and actions are identified to build on strengths and address any area of concern. The Learner Services provision is also reviewed

annually as part of the Colleges Self-Assessment process. Learning Mentors are observed as part of the teaching, learning and assessment teaching observation


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Keeping Students Safe and Supporting Their Wellbeing How do you ensure that I stay safe outside of the classroom?

The Director of Learning and Learner Services is responsible for safeguarding our students and all staff receive training, which is updated on a regular basis and so all staff are aware of the issues of keeping our students safe. Student Liaison and Safeguarding Officers are available to resolve any issues that may arise. If required students can access the College by an entrance that is supervised by staff and these staff can accompany the students to their classrooms. For the most vulnerable students one to one or group Learning Mentor support can be put in place which can include lunchtime and break supervision. There are also a number of supervised ‘safe’ areas within the College that students can use when they are not in teaching sessions. All staff and students are required to wear a lanyard displaying their college ID and this is required to get through the barriers at the main college entrance.

What pastoral support is available to support my overall well-being?

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Keeping Students Safe and Supporting Their Wellbeing

All staff are committed to supporting the well-being of all of our students. Students can access Counsellors and a range of other support services on a drop-in basis. Other staff who are able to provide pastoral support include Personal Tutors, Inclusive Learning Advisors, the Student Liaison Officer, the Student Centre Coordinator and Learning Mentors. The College takes bullying very seriously and a clear policy exists to address any concerns or incidents immediately.

How will the setting, school or college manage my medicine or personal care needs?

There are facilities for students to store their medication in a safe and secure location. The college has a medication procedure which can be used to support students to take their own medication and if necessary administer medication to students. If this is required it should be discussed prior to the student starting so that the procedure can be safely followed and all required documentation completed. The college also has a personal care policy and can provide this support if required. Again the college needs to be made aware of any students with personal care needs prior to them starting so a care plan can be agreed and in place for the start of the student’s course. There are a number of trained first aiders in the College who are able to respond to accidents or illness. In the event of an emergency an ambulance would be called. Students are encouraged to make medical appointments outside of College hours but where this cannot be avoided the absence can be authorised if the College is notified in advance.

What support is available to assist with my emotional and social development? (IRR)

Each student will be assigned a Personal Development Tutor who has responsibility for monitoring both academic progress and the student’s well-being. The Well-being Centre exists to provide more specialist support services, and includes professional counsellors who students can make appointments with. The Student Centre provides opportunities for students to take part in a variety of extra-curricular activities and extend their friendship groups. The College also has an Inclusive Learning Advisor (ESBD and Mental Health) who supports individuals and liaises with a range of external agencies, making referrals as required. Learning Mentors are also able to provide one to one support for those students who require emotional support. There are a number of topics covered in group tutorials which help students to develop emotionally and socially.

What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance?

Personal Development Tutors are responsible for monitoring attendance and behaviour and expectations are clearly identified in the College’s Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure. For students who require more support to meet the Colleges expectations we may provide extra support, identified in a support plan, such as counselling, anger management and time-outs. The support will be personalised and tailored to an individual, and agreed with the student,

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Keeping Students Safe and Supporting Their Wellbeing Personal Tutor and parents/carers if appropriate. The college has an Inclusive Learning Advisor who supports students to manage and modify their own behaviour.

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Working Together & Roles Who has a role in my education?

Students will have a number of lecturers who teach on any student’s course and a Personal Development Tutor who will monitor the academic progress and well-being. Students with SEND will also have a Key Worker from the Learner Services team who will advise on support needs and identify strategies required to meet the individual’s needs. Learning Mentors work with students on a day to day basis to ensure they are receiving the support and guidance they require. If the student has an EHCP the Key Worker will liaise with an identified professional from the Local Authority and parents/carers to ensure they are aware of the student’s progress and any concerns or issues.

How does the setting, school or college ensure that information about my SEND or my EHC plan is shared and understood by teachers and all relevant staff who come into contact with me?

If a student has SEND they will be allocated a Key Worker from the Learner Services Team. They will have the responsibility of working with the student (and parents/carers where appropriate) to agree a support plan using a range in information, including the ECHP. This support plan is shared with the Personal Development Tutor and lecturers who will be teaching that student and the Key Worker will discuss the identified strategies with the appropriate staff. The support is monitored and reviewed and the support plan amended as required and re-shared. A group profile exists for every group in the college. This profile is a live report and includes information about a student’s SEND.

What expertise is available in the setting, school or college in relation to SEND? (IRR)

The Learner Services Team are responsible for ensuring all students with SEND have their needs met and ensure all staff working with students with SEND have an awareness of the student’s needs through the distribution of support plans. The team includes a range of professionals who are able to offer advice, guidance and

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Working Together & Roles training for Learning Mentors and teaching staff who will be working with individuals with SEND. The team include maths and English specialists, Dyslexia specialist, a Teacher of the Deaf and Inclusive Learning Advisors who specialise in Sensory, Emotional, Social and Behaviour needs, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, learning and physical disability and medical needs. The team offer awareness raising sessions for teaching staff who are working with students with SEND and also liaise with external specialists when required, such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service and Speech and Language Therapists.

Disability awareness training is provided by the Learner Services Team, who deliver sessions to teaching staff and Learning Mentors who are working with students with SEND. The training is personalised to the needs of the student to ensure the staff gain an understanding of the particular SEND as well as learning how to meet the needs of that particular student.

Which other services do you access to provide for and support pupils and students with SEND (including health, therapy and social care services)? (IRR)

The Learner Services team liaise with and access support from a range of external services as and when required. These include Child and Adolescent mental Health Service, Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, Family Support Workers, Mental health Nurses, Social Workers and Cheshire East Youth Support Service.

Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something?

If a student or parent/carer has something they would like to discuss the first point of contact would be the student’s Personal Development Tutor. Key Workers from the Learner Services team can also be contacted directly for information relating to a student’s SEND.

Who is the SEN(D) Coordinator and how can I contact them? (IRR) The College does not have a SENCO, but instead has a team of professionals who provide this role (Learner Services). This team is headed by the Director of Learning and Learner Services – Chris Baggs, whose email address is [email protected].

What roles do have your governors have? And what does the SEN(D) governor do?

The College Governors have responsibility for ensuring the quality of provision across the College. There is a dedicated SEND Governor (Fintan Bradley) who liaises with the Director of Learning and Learner Services in relation to the quality of provision and the procedures in place for meeting the needs of students with SEND. The SEND Governor will also carry out student focus groups where he will meet with groups of students to obtain feedback about the support they are receiving.

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Working Together & Roles

How will I be supported to have a voice in the setting, school or college? (IRR)

Student with SEND are encouraged to have a say in their support through the support plan, support reviews and tutorial reviews. A student Senate and Course Reps exist to represent the voice of the students and students with SEND are encouraged to be part of this process. A survey is carried out annually to obtain the views of supported students in relation to their experience of the support they are receiving.

What opportunities are there for parents to become involved in the setting/school/college and/or to become governors?

Parents are invited to a number of College events, including parents’ evenings, arts evenings, drama, dance and music productions and awards evenings. The College has twelve external Governors and so if a parent was interested in becoming a Governor they could apply for one of these positions.

What help and support is available for the family through the setting, school or college? (IRR)

The Learner Services Team and Entry level staff are willing to help and support parents where appropriate and also able to signpost to external agencies. If required staff are willing to complete any paperwork on behalf of a student, their parent/carer, that’s required to access services. Students can also access advice about financial support and travel arrangements and there are a number of College buses that cover a wide geographical area.

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Inclusion & Accessibility

How will I be included in activities outside the classroom, including trips? (IRR)

As an inclusive College setting we aim to ensure that all students, regardless of need, are able to participate in extracurricular opportunities and any trips or visits that take place as part of the student’s course. We would work with the student, parents/carer and staff leading these opportunities to ensure any barriers are removed, which may mean supporting the student on the trip and completing any appropriate risk assessments. Activities and trips vary from course to course but further information can be obtained from Personal Tutors.

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Inclusion & Accessibility

How accessible is the setting/school/college environment?

Is the building fully wheelchair accessible?

Details (if required)

Are disabled changing and toilet facilities available?

Details (if required)

Do you have parking areas for pick up and drop offs?

Details (if required)

Do you have disabled parking spaces for students (post-16 settings)?

Details (if required) The College is committed to ensuring all students have access to the buildings and facilities. This may be with the support of a Learning Mentor, through enlarged print, assistive technology or audiological aids. If student uses a personal communication aid to support their SEND the Learner Services Team will ensure all appropriate staff are aware and can utilise the technology as required.

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Who should I contact about joining your setting, school or college? (IRR)

For information about joining a College course please contact the admissions team or if you need to discuss an issue related to a support need please contact the Learner Services Team. Information relating to entry criteria can be found in the College prospectus or on the College website – www.ccsw.ac.uk

Further details available on request

Disabled car parking spaces are located just outside each of the entrances available to students.

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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How can I (and my parent/carer(s)) arrange a visit to your setting, school or college? What is involved?

Open days are offered throughout the year and dates and times can be found on the College website – www.ccsw.ac.uk If a student with SEND wants to visit the College and have the opportunity to discuss their support needs they should contact the Learner Services Department.

How will you prepare and support me to join your setting, school, or college and how will you support me to move on to the next stage, or to move on to adult

life? (as applicable for setting) (IRR)

The Learner Services and Entry/Foundation Level Teams work with schools to aid transition and ensure information about a student’s SEND and support requirements are shared to enable appropriate support to be identified and put in place for the start of a student’s course. Transition programmes may include visits to the College, meetings with staff, and taster sessions and can be arranged as and when required. The College offers apprenticeships and all students can be supported to have a work experience placement if appropriate. There is an Independent Living course offered within the Entry Level Department which helps students to become as independent as possible by gaining confidence and developing skills. When students are transitioning out of College there are a team of Careers Advisors who are able to offer advice and guidance. If a student has an Education, Health and Care Plan there will be an annual review and part of that process will focus on the Preparing for Adulthood outcomes.

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Additional Information

What other support services are there who might help me and my family? (IRR)

To access information on Cheshire East services and for information on how the Local Authority works with SEN please use the following link: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/localoffer

When was the above information updated, and when will it be reviewed?

This information was updated in April 2019 and will be reviewed in April 2020.

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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability

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Additional Information

Where can I find the Cheshire East Local Offer? (IRR) From 1st September 2014, the Cheshire East Local Offer can be found at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/localoffer

What can I do if I am not happy with a decision or what is happening? (IRR)

A student or parent/carer can raise a concern by contacting the Personal Development Tutor or a member of the Learner Services Team. Procedures for making a formal complaint are available from the College reception or the Complaints Officer.
