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Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEM ER is: NOVEMER ... · Men’s Discipleship Group A...

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In GOD we trust!Staff: Revs. David & Carolyn Williamson, Co-Lead Pastors Peggy Namie, Office Administrator Nataliya Birmingham, Church Treasurer Mike Sanflippo, Music Director Barbara Polomsky, Organist Maddy Dimer, Contemporary Music Leader Martha Yamnitz, Childrens Ministry Director Cindy Graham, Nursery Aendant Coordinator Ausn Davis, Sound Technician Bob Rusin, Property Maintenance Manager Barbara McColskey, Deaf Interpreter Grace United Methodist Church 8 Carrera Street St. Augusne, FL 32084 Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEMBER is: Hurricane Michael Relief *Please mark your envelope Mission Offering for the month of NOVEMBERwhen giving. Grace Notes & the monthly calendar are sent out via email unless you request otherwise. Printed copies of Grace Notes & the monthly calendar are available at the church or via mail (upon request). You may also view the newsleer at gracestaugusne.org. NOVEMBER 2018 Community Gathering to Learn About the Future of the United Methodist Church You are invited to join our district super- intendent, Jay Therrell, on Sunday, No- vember 4 at 3 pm. Jay will be at Grace to share with us about what is happening in the United Methodist Church pertain- ing to a special called General Confer- ence taking place February 23-26, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. There will be a presentaon of the proposals of the Commission on a Way Forward focusing on human sexuality, followed by a me to ask quesons. Please plan to join us for this important informaonal gather- ing. The outcome of this General Con- ference may have a significant impact on the future of our denominaon. What Is the Commission on a Way Forward? *Please Note- You can read the enre report of the Commission by going to www.flumc.org. Delegates at the General Conference in May 2016 in Portland voted to approve the Council of Bishopsrequest to pause for prayerand form a commis- sion to explore opons that help main- tain and strengthen the unity of the church. In July, 2016 the execuve com- miee of the Council of Bishops met in Chicago to idenfy the mission, vision and scope of the work and selected three moderators. Bishops nominated and selected 32 members to serve on the Commission, focusing on a diverse body that repre- sents our global church. In the Commis- sion there are persons from nine coun- tries with a variety of theological per- specves. The Commission is one third laity, one third clergy, and one third bishops and includes younger persons, gay persons, professors, administrators, pastors, youth ministers, campus minis- ters, lay leaders, large church pastors, and persons idenfied with renewal and advocacy groups. There is Korean, His- panic, African- American, Filipino, Euro- pean, and African representaon. The key part of the early work was to build trust and intenonal community among a group of people who had good reasons not to trust each other. At the heart of the work on relaonship build- ing was the book The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Instute, which focuses on how we live with a heart at war, see- ing others as obstacles to or vehicles for what we want, or a heart at peace, see- ing others as people. A heart at war ex- aggerates our differences. A heart at peace sees what we have in common. The Commission wrote a significant cov- enant with each other and at the end of the first meeng gave everyone the invi- taon to leave, with honor. Commission members focused on finding a way for- ward rather than on represenng groups or constuencies. The Commis- sions pracce of voicing differing theo- logical views and interpretaons of scripture stands as a model for what kind of ministry we are both called and empowered by God to do. This led us to discover the interests behind the vari- ous posions, and opened up mulple possibilies for how the church can con- nue to fulfill the ministry of Christ in both unity and with diversity. The Commission spent significant me listening to the church through an open framework for receiving documents, ideas and tesmonies. The Commission received and processed feedback from boards and agencies, local churches, annual conferences, individual lay and clergy persons, candidates for ministry and seminary students. Conversaons took place with individuals and interest groups across the globe. Many commis- sion members addionally spoke to nu- merous groups throughout the connec- on. The Commission met nine mes over seventeen months. The Commission reviewed a wide variety of peons pre- sented as legislaon to previous General Conferences regarding human sexuality and examined how other faith commu- nies and denominaons are respond- ing or have responded to the queson of inclusion of LGBTQ persons. Along the way the commission members worked on models of a way forward. The Commission gave an extended in- terim report to the Council of Bishops in November, 2017 that included three sketches: one that focused on accounta- bility within the context of the current Book of Discipline language, one that focused on removing restricve lan- guage and placing a high value on con- textuality and protecons of various perspecves, and one that reimagined the church as a unified core with mul- ple branches. Three key values in these models were mission, space and unity. (Connued on next page)
Page 1: Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEM ER is: NOVEMER ... · Men’s Discipleship Group A small group of men from Grace UM are meeting at Maple Street iscuit ompany (right across

“In GOD we trust!”

Staff: Revs. David & Carolyn Williamson, Co-Lead Pastors

Peggy Namie, Office Administrator Nataliya Birmingham, Church Treasurer Mike Sanflippo, Music Director Barbara Polomsky, Organist Maddy Dittmer, Contemporary Music Leader Martha Yamnitz, Children’s Ministry Director Cindy Graham, Nursery Attendant Coordinator Austin Davis, Sound Technician

Bob Rusin, Property Maintenance Manager Barbara McColskey, Deaf Interpreter

Grace United Methodist Church 8 Carrera Street

St. Augustine, FL 32084

Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEMBER is:

Hurricane Michael Relief

*Please mark your envelope “Mission Offering for the month of NOVEMBER” when giving.

Grace Notes & the monthly calendar are sent out via email unless you request otherwise. Printed copies of Grace Notes & the monthly calendar are available at the church

or via mail (upon request). You may also view the newsletter at gracestaugustine.org.


Community Gathering to Learn About the Future of the United Methodist Church You are invited to join our district super-intendent, Jay Therrell, on Sunday, No-vember 4 at 3 pm. Jay will be at Grace to share with us about what is happening in the United Methodist Church pertain-ing to a special called General Confer-ence taking place February 23-26, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. There will be a presentation of the proposals of the Commission on a Way Forward focusing on human sexuality, followed by a time to ask questions. Please plan to join us for this important informational gather-ing. The outcome of this General Con-ference may have a significant impact on the future of our denomination. What Is the Commission on a Way Forward? *Please Note- You can read the entire report of the Commission by going to www.flumc.org. Delegates at the General Conference in May 2016 in Portland voted to approve the Council of Bishops’ request to “pause for prayer” and form a commis-sion to explore options that help main-tain and strengthen the unity of the church. In July, 2016 the executive com-mittee of the Council of Bishops met in Chicago to identify the mission, vision and scope of the work and selected three moderators. Bishops nominated and selected 32 members to serve on the Commission, focusing on a diverse body that repre-

sents our global church. In the Commis-sion there are persons from nine coun-tries with a variety of theological per-spectives. The Commission is one third laity, one third clergy, and one third bishops and includes younger persons, gay persons, professors, administrators, pastors, youth ministers, campus minis-ters, lay leaders, large church pastors, and persons identified with renewal and advocacy groups. There is Korean, His-panic, African- American, Filipino, Euro-pean, and African representation. The key part of the early work was to build trust and intentional community among a group of people who had good reasons not to trust each other. At the heart of the work on relationship build-ing was the book The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute, which focuses on how we live with a heart at war, see-ing others as obstacles to or vehicles for what we want, or a heart at peace, see-ing others as people. A heart at war ex-aggerates our differences. A heart at peace sees what we have in common. The Commission wrote a significant cov-enant with each other and at the end of the first meeting gave everyone the invi-tation to leave, with honor. Commission members focused on finding a way for-ward rather than on representing groups or constituencies. The Commis-sion’s practice of voicing differing theo-logical views and interpretations of scripture stands as a model for what kind of ministry we are both called and empowered by God to do. This led us to discover the interests behind the vari-ous positions, and opened up multiple possibilities for how the church can con-

tinue to fulfill the ministry of Christ in both unity and with diversity. The Commission spent significant time listening to the church through an open framework for receiving documents, ideas and testimonies. The Commission received and processed feedback from boards and agencies, local churches, annual conferences, individual lay and clergy persons, candidates for ministry and seminary students. Conversations took place with individuals and interest groups across the globe. Many commis-sion members additionally spoke to nu-merous groups throughout the connec-tion. The Commission met nine times over seventeen months. The Commission reviewed a wide variety of petitions pre-sented as legislation to previous General Conferences regarding human sexuality and examined how other faith commu-nities and denominations are respond-ing or have responded to the question of inclusion of LGBTQ persons. Along the way the commission members worked on models of a way forward. The Commission gave an extended in-terim report to the Council of Bishops in November, 2017 that included three sketches: one that focused on accounta-bility within the context of the current Book of Discipline language, one that focused on removing restrictive lan-guage and placing a high value on con-textuality and protections of various perspectives, and one that reimagined the church as a unified core with multi-ple branches. Three key values in these models were mission, space and unity.

(Continued on next page)

Page 2: Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEM ER is: NOVEMER ... · Men’s Discipleship Group A small group of men from Grace UM are meeting at Maple Street iscuit ompany (right across

North East District Calendar of Events for NOVEMBER Finance/Trustees Trainings We welcome all Finance Committee Team Members and Trustees Committee Team Members to a Finance/Trustees Training. This training will involve all aspects of Finance and Trustees. This training will take place on the following dates and locations: November 6, 2018 - 7-9 PM @ Lakewood UMC, 6133 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32217 November 7, 2018 - 7-9 PM @ First UMC, 500 Walnut St, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 Please sign up to attend. There is no cost to attend, but please register so we can prepare accordingly for the trainings. Please let me know if you plan to attend so that I can register you or go to https://florida-reg.brtapp.com/financetrusteesTraining2018 to register. SPRC Trainings The district superintendent will conduct SPRC Trainings, one on November 27, 2018 @ Lake Shore UMC, Jacksonville, 2246 Blanding Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32210 & the other on December 13, 2018 @ St. Paul UMC, 8264 Lone Star Road, Jacksonville, FL 32211 from 7-9 p.m. Both trainings will take place in the sanctuary. We ask that all SPRC chairs/committee members attend one of these trainings, especially if they will be new to their position in January 2019. As a reminder to you, S/PPRCs ARE NOT authorized to take a vote on whether their pastor should remain or moved unless you specifically receive permission from the district superintendent. Your entire team is welcome to attend. This training is free to attend, but please register so we can plan for the trainings. Please let me know if you plan to attend so that I can register you or go to https://www.flumc.org/eventdetail/11650326?month=11&year=2018&day=1&display=m to register.

Busy Fingers

Busy Fingers will resume meeting on the third Thursday of the month, November 15th, 1-3 p.m. in the Wesley Room. There is an ample supply of shawls, lap robes and baby blankets in boxes in the Wesley Room. If anyone knows of someone who would benefit from one of these, please feel free to help yourself. There is a folder in the Blessed box where information can be written concerning the recipient, etc.”.

Men’s Discipleship Group

A small group of men from Grace UMC are meeting at Maple Street Biscuit Company (right across the street from the church at 7 a.m. on Monday mornings. It is a time of fellowship to include sharing, prayer , and time in God’s Word. We are done by 8:15 a.m. You are invited. Bring your Bible, notebook, and something to write with. See you Monday morning… Pat Cummings

Youth News

We are so proud of Cory Walkenhort for leading the worship music at the 9:15 service

on October 21. Cory is a ninth grader at St. Joseph Academy.

Our youth also sponsored a “Trunk or Treat” car at the community gathering at First UMC. We love partnering with our friends at First. In October the youth also spent a Wednesday evening passing out “Manna Bags” downtown. The children’s ministry had put these bags together containing soap, wash cloth, water, toothbrush and toothpaste, crackers and other necessities. The youth then took them and distributed them downtown. All youth, grades 6-12, are invited to join us on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 pm. Please contact Pastor Carolyn if you have any questions.

Boy Scout Troop 243 Calendar of Events for the Month of NOVEMBER November 5th/Monday—Troop Meeting, Brusaw Hall, 7 p. m. November 9th/Friday—November 11th/Sunday—Camp In at GUMC November 12th/Monday—Troop Meeting, Brusaw Hall, 7 p. m. November 16th/Friday—Assist with Dining with Dignity, Fellowship Hall, 5 p. m.—7 p . m. November 19th/Monday—Troop Meeting, Brusaw Hall, 7 p. m. November 26th/Monday—Troop Meeting, Brusaw Hall, 7 p. m.

(Continued from Cover Page) The Commission examined very carefully the impact of any of the models on the global church with its conferences inside and outside of the United States. The Commission discussed how to carefully implement wording that allows the various regions of the church to do what’s appropriate for them in order to fulfill the mission to make disciples. With continued input from bishops and constituencies around the church, the Commission refined and adapted the models and presents this report to the Special Session of the General Conference. Future work will be with delegations to create a culture that will listen to God, receive the report, and do this work with a heart of peace and not a heart of war.

Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Service Thursday, November 15th the Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at Grace UMC, 6:30 p. m.

Angel Tree & Stockings Collections Begin November 11th & End December 9th

Angel Tree names & stocking names will be available in the breezeway hallway starting Sunday, November 11th. We are to receive 75 Angels. The Salvation Army's Angel Tree program provides Christmas gifts for children ages 0-12 whose families have proven financial hardship. These are kids who, without the generosity of people in our community, might not other-wise receive gifts for Christmas. When you pick an angel from the tree, you will have the information you need to make that child's Christmas brighter, including the child's first name, clothing size, age, and details about what kinds of gifts they might like to receive. Please be diligent in getting what THEY want because this IS their Christmas! Additional instruc-tions will be posted on the bulletin board by the tree. If you have any questions, contact Bonnie Altman, 904-910-4978, [email protected], or Peggy Namie in the Church Office, 904-829-8272, [email protected]

Building Access...Passcode Make note that by the end of the month, key access will be severely limited. Primary access to the build-ing will be via passcode. The locks on all exterior doors will be changed. Kreg Kinney, Pastor Dave or Pastor Carolyn are the only ones that must/can approve building access on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Peggy Namie in the office [email protected] or 904-829-8272, if you have questions.

Page 3: Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEM ER is: NOVEMER ... · Men’s Discipleship Group A small group of men from Grace UM are meeting at Maple Street iscuit ompany (right across

Circle Of Concern

Please pray for: all unspoken prayer requests, Grace United Methodist Church, all branches of Law Enforcement & First Responders, all Military, Phyllis Reed Adzima, Carlos Avilles, Francessca Bellavista, Mark Hunt, Claudia Johns, Haleigh McKee, Jason Harvey Breeze, Marc Anthony Johnston, Eddie Walker, Lori Ward, Curt & Cathy Tucker, Ann Ri-ley, Jimmy Jones, Robbie Marshall, Janet Preble, Nicole Loprena Ishii, Cindy Nicholson, Fogg Family—5yr old son Drew, Timo-thy Brown, Angie Lowe, Connie Long, Diane Dodge, Kym Gilliam Jones, Leilani Savick, Gabriel Gonzalez, Kyle Power, J.B. Hunt, Stan Russo, Linda Beall, Bernadette Fidanza & family, Joe Delfoe & family, Don Linn, Ron Ralston, Butch & Debbie Selman, Gunner Rix & Family, Scott Eberly, Sheila & Bruce Pellicier, Melinda Price, Cindy Amy, Carol King, Leslie Brook, The Campbell Family, Carolyn McFarland, John Zalenski, Robin Corbett, Danielle Craig, Tanner Carmichael, John Hardtle, Joseph Di Nocco, Janice Gambussner, Christiana & Josiah Alkive, Jennifer (Namie) Allen & children, Jean Pierce, Donna D’Amico, Derek Thompson, Debra Gibson, Roger Carlson, Ryan Brooks & Family, Jeanie Steward, Kathy & Mike Parker, Betty & Russ Hardman, Vicki & Van Astin, Janet Sterner, Kim Kelly, David Dick, Elaine Welch, Laura Beth Crantz & Family, Family of Bob Mercer, Jim Gilliam, Family of Diane Bussell Allegro: Betty Fleming Bayview: Elaine Frenzke Bayview—The Pavilion: Elaine Edwards, Bruce Partner, Carol Sinks Brookdale: Lovie Fox Brooks at Bartram Crossing Rehab: Linda Evans Clyde E. Lassen State Veterans’ Nursing Home: Jim Donnelly Moultrie Creek Nursing & Rehab Center: Maria Schineller The Ponce: Mary Lou Brusaw Westminster Woods: Midge Berger In The Military: Joel Prevatt, US Air Force, Maj. Will Bermeo, Lt. Christopher Bordino-US Navy, Jacob Bradley, M Sgt. Kat Brumfield-US Air Force, Brandon Burnette-US Army, Nicholas Callahan, Brandon W. Clark, ISC Ray LeMieux, SSgt. Miles Mas-sey/USAF-OSI, Brian Riggenbach, MAC Albert J. Spiess, Master Sgt. Justin Smarr, CTR Mark Spurling, Jr., Jason Strohmetz, Thessalomica Vila-Navy, Tom Wetmore, John Young, Jr., Haley Parks St. John, USAF, Adam Martinez-US Navy, Brian Sousa PLEASE NOTE If you have a friend or a loved one in the military, please send in their picture and their rank to be placed on the bulletin board. You may drop it off at the office Monday—Friday, 9a.m.—3 p.m., mail or email [email protected].

Make a gift to Grace with an Appreciated Stock Transfer

Grace UMC offers the option to donate through the transfer of stock. If you give appreciated stock that you have held for at least one year and a day, you can deduct the full, fair market value. By giving appreciated stock to the church, you avoid paying capital gains tax as well as ordinary income tax, and Grace UMC can sell the stock tax-free. Please call Pam Noble, Financial Secretary at 440.429.1107 for information or questions on how to make your gift of stock.

Stewardship Happenings: Looking Ahead: November 4 is All Saints Sunday when the church remembers those saints of the church that have gone be-fore us, both of the Church universal and of our local congregation. On this Sunday we are asking you to consider making a special one time offering in memory of a loved one that will help carry on their legacy.

beginning at 5:30 on Wednesday, December 5th followed by a delicious dinner hosted and served by the best wait staff

in St. Augustine—our kids!! Mark your calendars now and invite your friends or neighbors to join you.

Grace Kids Wednesday Camp is held every Wednesday from 5:00—6:30 for kids age 4 years through 5th grade. Grace

Kids Camp is an active midweek program that allows our kids to learn while deepening their friendships with each other

and with Jesus.

Christmas Dinner Theatre Date set for Wednesday, Dec. 5th at 5:30!

It is that time of year already! Time to prepare for our annual Christmas Dinner

Theatre! This is one of two fundraising events Grace has to raise money for our

kids to attend a week of summer camp at the Warren Willis United Methodist

Campground in Leesburg. The kids will be sharing a special Christmas message

Kids Sunday Classes

During the month of November, our

kid’s classes will be learning about

Elijah and Elisha. You can read

about Elijah and Elisha in 1 Kings and

2 Kings found in the Old Testament.

Kid’s Sunday classes meet during both the 9:15 and 11:00 services

each Sunday for ages 3 years through 5th grade. See you there!!

Being Salt & Light In October, the kids of Grace Church looked for ways to be the salt and light to the

world as they continue to follow Jesus. We had a good time making tickets for local police offic-ers, so we can hand them a ticket when we see them out and about and let them know we are praying for them. We also shared some Halloween love at the Trunk –or-Treat event held at First UMC. We met new friends, had a bunch of fun, and got some yummy candy too! Thank you to all those that volunteered at Trunk-or-Treat. We couldn’t have such a great outreach event without the help of so many!

Children’s Ministry

Weekly Schedule

Sundays—Sunday School at 9:15am & 11:00am, Unto Others 10:30-11:00 Wednesdays—Kids of Grace 5:00-6:30 Thursdays—Bible Tales for Tots 10:30am—11:30am

Get information on the times, ages of children involved, and other important information at the Children’s Ministry page on our

church website. www.gracestaugustine.org/#/ministries/children

Stay up to date on any announcements or special events along with great pictures and stories from our kids at our Children’s Minis-

try Facebook Page. www.facebook.com/GraceMethodistChildrensMinistry/

Find Us Online!

Page 4: Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEM ER is: NOVEMER ... · Men’s Discipleship Group A small group of men from Grace UM are meeting at Maple Street iscuit ompany (right across

If your name is not listed in the birthdays or anniver-saries and it should be, please contact Peggy Namie in the church office via phone 904-829-8272 or email [email protected] . Thank you!

NOVEMBER Birthdays

1st: Roger Mullins 3rd: Anne Bishop · Larry Sapp 5th: Bill Cooke 9th: Edwin Duckworth · Elizabeth Magnan · Willow Steward 11th: Alana Christopolis · Tim Tillotson 12th: Ryder Christopolis · Garner Kaiser 13th: Lanny Linn 14th: Doris Boldt 15th: Stan Russo 17th Timothy Paul 20th: Marie Russo 25th: Mary Paul 26th: Ellie Earnshaw · Shirley MacMullen 27th: Louanne Lewis 29th: Darlene Hiebert 30th: Mary Lou Hensel

NOVEMBER Anniversaries

3rd: Jim & Paula McMillan 16th: Thomas & Karen Bradley 20th: Billy & Carolyn Little 23rd: Chris & Kendra Stone 27th: Michael & Mildred Thomas

Altar Flowers

Both the 2018 & the 2019 sign-up calendars are located in the sanctuary. Sign-up for the date/s that are meaningful to you. The altar flowers are $30 TOTAL. Please fill out a form and place it, along with payment, in the offering plate. Please note on the check the date that you want to place the flowers in the sanctuary. Thank you!

NOVEMBER Altar Flowers 4th—Harriet Conkey & Dennis Conkey 11th—Tom & Karen Bradley 18th—Bob & Barbara Dennison 25th—available

Check Signers Needed

Check signers are needed. All that is required of you is to come in once a week on Thursdays at 1 p.m. to sign checks. If you are available and interested, please contact Pam Noble [email protected] or Nataliya Birmingham [email protected]

Join Us For A Book Club—Meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month

You are invited to participate in a book club focused on the resource "Next Door As it is in Heaven." This group is open to all who have an interest in learning how to better know and love our neighbors/neighborhoods. Through conversation and sharing, the hope is to find practical ideas for how to make our neighborhoods more livable. The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:15am in Room #4. Text questions and/or interest to Mark and Shawna LeMaire at 904-673-9000 or [email protected]

Stephen Ministry Corner:

Stephen Ministry at Grace UMC has been up and running and providing care since June 2017. We have 7 committed and trained Care Givers. Prior to June 2017, our Stephen Ministers received 50 hours of training to prepare them to listen, en-courage, support and walk along-side individuals going through difficult times. It’s a quiet ministry that you may or may not be aware of. As we look to 2019, we want to expand our ministry, so that anyone needing care need not have to wait or go without. So we are beginning our efforts at recruiting church members who have the gifting or feel God nudging them towards this ministry. We plan to begin our second class of training in Feb. 2019. You don’t need to have experience or any particular skill set. The main qualification is a desire to help someone going through a difficult time and to offer that help in Jesus’ name. We will do the training. One of the main things that a Ste-phen Minister does is to listen. So often just talking in a judgement-free zone can be very healing. Pray about if God might be asking you to be part of Stephen Ministry. For more information or if you have questions, contact a Stephen Leader. Sue Amole 904-553-8536 Roger Carlson 240-483-7183 Marie Russo 804-712-3712 Stan Russo 804-243-1814

Sunday, December 2nd There will be only ONE WORSHIP SERVICE on Sunday, December 2nd at 10 am. The Christmas Cantata will be performed that day. Communion will be served on Sunday, December 9th.

Page 5: Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEM ER is: NOVEMER ... · Men’s Discipleship Group A small group of men from Grace UM are meeting at Maple Street iscuit ompany (right across

Thoughts From Our Lay Leader Becky Weiss

“Cemeteries, burials, and human remains have a special place in all human cultures from earliest times to the present. Special care for ancestors and for the dead is one of the defining traits of being human. Few concerns in our daily lives rise to the same level of importance as ensuring the respectful and proper treatment of the dead.” - myflorida.com (webpage on abandoned cemeteries)

Dear Grace Church Friends, As I write these words, it is October 6, 2018. Conley and I were watching the news recently and we were unpleasantly surprised to hear a report about Woodlawn Cemetery which is located just outside the St. Augustine city limit on Bruen Street. The report described the derelict condition of the cemetery which is located in a predominately African American neighborhood. A volunteer clean-up was organized and scheduled. Since this seemed like an opportunity to take a positive action, Con-ley and I decided to participate. As we arrived on a beautiful, warm, and sunny morning, the scene which greeted us was one of utter and complete neglect. Tall weeds, bushes, and vines obscured every grave. The level of dereliction was aston-ishing in a place of rest for so many departed souls. Just as the living must be treated with respect and dignity, so should the final resting places of departed loved ones be treated with respect. Each grave represents the life of one who was cre-ated in the image of God. In Isaiah 57:2, we read. “Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.” Florida law authorizes a county or municipality to maintain and secure an abandoned cemetery or one that has not been maintained for more than six months. (Section 497.284 Florida Statutes). According to news reports, the St. Johns County Commission could step in to care for this unlicensed cemetery but is under no legal obligation to do so. Although there are many abandoned cemeteries throughout the state, it is difficult to understand why Woodlawn was allowed to deteriorate into such a sad condition. Many volunteers of various ages and races and at least four lawn care companies cooperated in the clean-up effort. It was an excellent example of what can be accomplished when friends support each other. I worked side-by-side with my new friends Arlie and Rhoda who came because they have loved ones buried at Woodlawn. As we worked, we noticed that many of the overgrown and neglected graves were those of military veterans. This past summer, our pastors initiated a series of Community Conversations on Race. These meetings have continued into the fall as trust and communication have evolved. One resource that has been used to facilitate discussion is Holding Up Your Corner by F. Willis Johnson. The Reverend Dr. Johnson is a United Methodist pastor who spoke at the Beloved Community Dinner at the Florida Annual Conference. I have been personally blessed by my participation in these Commu-nity Conversations. I am thankful for the African American pastors from our community who have contributed their time and their voices. It is my prayer that the pain and division within our community will be healed. May we love each other as Jesus loved and may we learn to listen well. In Christ’s Love, Becky

Dining With Dignity The NOVEMBER Dining with Dignity will be held on Friday, November 16th at 5 p.m. You are invited to come help do any or all of the following: set-up, prepare, serve, and clean up after the meal. If you are in-terested, contact Mike Osgood, 904-377-2686, [email protected] .

It’s almost here... Grace UMC’s Annual Night’s of Lights Big Red Christmas Train Ride will be Thursday, December 13th at 7 p.m. (Train leaves at 7:10 p.m.) The cost is $11 per adult and $5 per child. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Submit the form provided with payment attached. Last day to sign-up and pay is Sunday, December 9th.

Meetings In NOVEMBER · Trustees Meeting— 12th/Monday at 7 p.m. in the Wesley Room · Finance Committee Meeting— 13th/Tuesday at 10:30 a.m., Room #4 · Church Council Meeting—NOT meeting in November ALL meetings at the church are open for anyone to attend. For SPRC meetings, please call the church office in advance.

Grace United Methodist Women

Dear Ladies of Grace,

Hello everybody, I am here once again to let a whole bunch of people know what a great time you missed on the 13th when we had our coffee/tea get- together. We planned it on a Saturday so that all of you who work could drop in and find out about UMW, get some yummy stuff to eat, and get a really big treat listening to our premier organist play the piano!! Oh well, the few of us who were there gorged ourselves with food, we were hoping for a lot more people to drop in but alas, maybe next time. There is one more meeting before the Christmas luncheon in December which will be held at the Reef in Vilano, located right on the ocean. I am sure that is making your mouths water, so try to get to our meeting in November on the second Thurs-day, November 8th at 10 a. m. in the Fellowship Hall to get your name in the pot for the Christmas bash!! We really have a great group and a wonderful time of fellowship all year long and we are always hoping for many more to join with us for a mixture of business and visiting !! Try us, you'll like us. Until then, Blessings to all, In His Name and mine, Paula Namie

New Member Orientation Class If you are interested in becoming a member of our Grace United Methodist Church Family, please plan to join our upcoming New Member Orientation Class November 11th, 12:15—1:30pm in the Wesley Room (lunch provided). Please note on the registration pad or call Peggy Namie in the church Office to inform of your desire.

Page 6: Our Mission Offering for the month of NOVEM ER is: NOVEMER ... · Men’s Discipleship Group A small group of men from Grace UM are meeting at Maple Street iscuit ompany (right across

Reporting For The Month Of SEPTEMBER-

Dalit Freedom Network (from GUMM) $ Disaster Relief $ In SEPTEMBER :

Dining With Dignity served : 65

Mission Offerings: YTD

Spring of Life Cuba $ 1,677

Transportation $

Youth Mission Trip $ 5,743

Rise Against Hunger (2 months) $ 1,295

Florida Conference $ 275

VBS Mission Project/Panua Mission $

Habitat for Humanity $

FL UM Children’s Home $ 2,652

Young Life Capernaum $

CCW $ 45

Warren Willis Children’s Camp $ 3,616

St. Francis House $ 1,960


CareFest $ 1,280

Office Hours: GUMC Offices will be CLOSED on November 22nd & 23rd for the Thanksgiving Holidays

The office hours for Grace United Methodist Church are: Main Office: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8 a.m.—3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday 9 a.m.—3 p.m./Peggy Namie—Office Administrator [email protected] Finance Office: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9 a.m.—4 p.m./Nataliya Birmingham—Church Treasurer

[email protected]

Deadlines For Church Publications:

→Weekly Bulletin Submissions ARE DUE BY 2 p.m. THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE BULLETIN THAT THE INFORMATION IS TO BE INCLUDED IN: November 4th bulletin—submissions are due by Wednesday, October 31st 2 p.m. November 11th bulletin—submissions are due by Wednesday, November 7th 2 p.m. November 18 bulletin—submissions are due by Wednesday, November 14th 2 p.m. November 25th bulletin—submissions are due by Wednesday, November 19th 2 p.m. ***December 2nd bulletin—submissions are due by MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th 2 p.m.***


Did You Know You Can Give To Grace UMC Online Or By Text? Visit the church website gracestaugustine.org and click “Give Online.” Or you can text an amount to 904-717-4772 and then follow the instructions to designate your contribution to the general, capital or missions budgets. This is one way you can stay consistent with your commitment to financially support the ministries of Grace Church. With online and text giving you can still give even if you are out of town or on vacation. Thank you!

Rise Against Hunger Volunteers Needed It is almost time for our annual meal packaging event for Rise Against Hunger. Once again we will be partnering with Shores and First UMC’s to put together 10,000 meals. Volunteers will meet at Shores UMC on Saturday, November 17th between 8:30 and 8:45 am for several hours of work and fun. We are always finished well before noon. All age groups are encourage to participate. There is something for everyone to do. Please notify Peggy in the office or Lynn Miller at 814-8778 to sign up. Thank you in advance for your help.

Mission For The Month Of NOVEMBER—Hurricane Michael Relief I want to share an extraordinary development with you and ask for your continuing generosity. The people of the First United Methodist Church of Ormond Beach have challenged the Florida Annual Conference to help our sisters and brothers in the panhandle through a matching gift up to the amount of $500,000. These offerings will be distributed by Bishop David Graves and the cabinet of the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference to local churches with the greatest needs. I give thanks from the depths of my heart for your faithfulness and generosity. I am reminded of Paul’s letter to the Philippi-ans, especially chapter 4. This is the ministry of “giving and receiving” (verse 15), and God will supply every need of ours, and His church, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (verse 19). We ask that all gifts to be matched be given by December 31. Bishop Ken Carter Resident Bishop Florida Conference The United Methodist Church

Estate Planning and Planned Giving Seminar Estate and legacy planning are not one of life’s most popular tasks, but it is one of the most important ways to show your love for your family, and an opportunity to make a final gift to the charitable causes you are currently supporting. Is a will or a trust the best vehicle to ensure that your intentions are clear on distribution of your assets; providing guardians for your children; provided funding to raise and educate your children or grandchildren? What are the best tax advantaged ways to fund these intentions? You support your church and charities dur-ing your life. What are the best ways to provide legacy gifts to these organizations from your estate? How do the 2018 tax law changes affect your estate plan? If you have a will, how often should you update it? Grace Church will host an Estate Planning and Planned Giving Seminar Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 6:30 PM, to address these and other questions on estate planning and planned giving. St. Augustine attorney Sean Kelley, Esq. of Kelley & Kelley, P.L. will be the presenter. Mr. Kelley concentrates his practice in estate planning, probate, trust administration and fiduciary litigation. Mr. Kelley is a member of the Real Property, Probate and Trust division of the Florida Bar, assisting in drafting trust, estate and guardianship legislation for the state of Florida. Mr. Kelley is a frequent lecturer on estate and trust issues, and is also recognized by Super Lawyers, Florida Legal Elite and named in the publication Best Lawyers in America. Mr. Kel-ley is a fellow to the American College of Trust & Estate Counsel (ACTEC). Mr. Kelley is active in the community serving on the Board of Directors for EPIC Community Services, the Deaver Phoenix Foundation, and is a member of the St. Augustine Advisory Council for the Jacksonville Community Foundation
