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Our Savior’s & Melo Lutheran Churches OSL & Melo Faith...

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Americorps Legacy Corps for Veterans and Military families is looking for paid volunteers to provide respite care, with a monthly living allow- ance and eligible for an education award. Contact Tara Giese at 800-488-4146 or email her at [email protected]. OSL/MELO CHOIR: During the month of February and through the Lenten season, the Choir will be meeting at 6:00 pm on Wednesday evenings. CONGREGATIONAL DINNER AT OSL SUNDAY, FEB 28 AT 11:45 AM. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!! Community Lenten Services Community Lenten Services - “The Body of Christ” All services are at 7:00 pm Lenten and Holy Week Schedule for Melo and Our Savior’s: Feb 10 - Ash Wednesday - joint service with First Lutheran at OSL Feb 17 - St. Peter & Paul - Pr. Jim Robberstad “The Mouth of Christ” (Soup supper at St. Peter & Paul at 6 pm ) Feb 24 - Covenant Church - Fr. Emmanuel Sylvester “The Feet of Christ” March 2 - Grace Methodist - Pr. Janet Warnes “The Hands of Christ” March 9 - Assembly of God - Pr. Brian Schanil ”The Eyes of Christ” March 16 - Our Savior’s Lutheran - Pr. Ron Warnes “The Heart of Christ” (Soup supper at OSL at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall) March 23 - Maundy Thursday service at Melo March 24 - Maundy Thursday service at OSL March 25 - Good Friday service at OSL Our Savior’s & Melo Lutheran Churches FEBRUARY 2016 Volume 56, Issue 2 OSL & Melo Faith Connection MEMBERS OF OUR SAVIOR’S: The church Yellow Pages are currently being updated and will be published soon. Please contact the office with any changes or updates you have, if you have not already done so. Pastor Rev. Janet Warnes oursaviors@oursaviors- melo.org Office: 745-4478 Cell: 507-458-1960 Adult Ed & Visitation Rev. Ron Warnes Cell: 507-459-0943 Part-Time Youth Director Heather Goroski 201-0019 [email protected] Secretary Wanda Gubrud Hours: M-W-Th-F 8:30am-2:30pm Closed Tuesday [email protected] Office: 745-4478 OSL Custodian Mike Novacek: 201-0065 Leanne Novacek: 201-0064 Sunday Worship Times 9:00 am Melo Worship 9:30 am Adult Bible Study & OSL Sunday School 10:00 am Melo Sunday School & Coffee Fellowship 10:15 am OSL Coffee Fellowship 10:45 am OSL Worship A video of OSL Sunday Worship can be seen Mondays at 3:30 pm on cable channel 13 and on YouTube. The service is now being streamed live also. A link can be found on the OSL/Melo church website, and archived services can be viewed as well: www.oursaviors-melo.org . February 22nd There will be a Melo and Our Savior’s Council Appreciation Dinner held on February 9th at 6:00 pm at Melody’s Café for incoming, outgoing, and present council members. Following dinner there will be a brief OSL Council Meeting. OSL Members - For those who may wish to share an Easter Lily during the worship services, please watch your bulletin for more information.

Americorps Legacy

Corps for Veterans

and Military families

is looking for paid

volunteers to provide

respite care, with a

monthly living allow-

ance and eligible for

an education award.

Contact Tara Giese at

800-488-4146 or

email her at

[email protected].


During the month of

February and through

the Lenten season,

the Choir will be

meeting at 6:00 pm on

Wednesday evenings.



AT 11:45 AM.


Community Lenten Services

Community Lenten Services - “The Body of Christ” All services are at 7:00 pm

Lenten and Holy Week Schedule for Melo and Our Savior’s:

Feb 10 - Ash Wednesday - joint service with First Lutheran at OSL Feb 17 - St. Peter & Paul - Pr. Jim Robberstad “The Mouth of Christ” (Soup supper at St. Peter & Paul at 6 pm ) Feb 24 - Covenant Church - Fr. Emmanuel Sylvester “The Feet of Christ” March 2 - Grace Methodist - Pr. Janet Warnes “The Hands of Christ” March 9 - Assembly of God - Pr. Brian Schanil ”The Eyes of Christ” March 16 - Our Savior’s Lutheran - Pr. Ron Warnes “The Heart of Christ” (Soup supper at OSL at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall) March 23 - Maundy Thursday service at Melo March 24 - Maundy Thursday service at OSL March 25 - Good Friday service at OSL

Our Savior’s & Melo Lutheran Churches

FEBRUARY 2016 Volume 56, Issue 2

OSL & Melo

Faith Connection


The church Yellow Pages are currently being updated and

will be published soon. Please contact the

office with any changes or updates

you have, if you have not already done so.

Pastor Rev. Janet Warnes

[email protected]

Office: 745-4478 Cell: 507-458-1960

Adult Ed & Visitation

Rev. Ron Warnes Cell: 507-459-0943

Part-Time Youth Director

Heather Goroski 201-0019

[email protected]

Secretary Wanda Gubrud

Hours: M-W-Th-F 8:30am-2:30pm Closed Tuesday

[email protected] Office: 745-4478

OSL Custodian

Mike Novacek: 201-0065 Leanne Novacek: 201-0064

Sunday Worship Times 9:00 am Melo Worship

9:30 am Adult Bible Study & OSL Sunday School

10:00 am Melo Sunday School & Coffee Fellowship

10:15 am OSL Coffee Fellowship

10:45 am OSL Worship

A video of OSL Sunday Worship can be seen Mondays at 3:30 pm on cable channel 13 and on YouTube. The service is

now being streamed live also. A link can be found on the

OSL/Melo church website, and archived services can be

viewed as well: www.oursaviors-melo.org.

February 22nd

There will be a Melo and

Our Savior’s Council

Appreciation Dinner held

on February 9th at 6:00 pm

at Melody’s Café for

incoming, outgoing, and

present council members.

Following dinner there

will be a brief OSL

Council Meeting.

OSL Members - For those who may wish to share

an Easter Lily during the worship services, please

watch your bulletin for more information.

FROM THE PASTOR: The Lenten Season is upon us. During Lent there are numerous opportunities to grow in our faith.

On Thursday mornings the Men meet

in Bible Study and study the lessons for

the upcoming Sunday. Sunday mornings

the Adult Bible Study meets at OSL at

9:30 am. The Lydia and Phoebe Circle

meet on the second Thursday at 2:00

pm at the Good Samaritan Home.

During Sunday worship services inter-

ested members are invited to share a

favorite verse or testimonial. These

Lenten Testimonials will be shared all

through the month of February. See the

pastor if you would like to share.

Also on Sunday mornings a special

children’s series entitled: “Let’s Grow

into Lent” will be given during the ser-

vice. All kids come for a very special

message about God’s gardens, and yes,

there will be treats.

Wednesday evenings the series, “The

Body of Christ” will be presented. All

Lenten services are at 7:00 pm. See

page 1 of the newsletter for details.

Available during Lent: an MP3 disc

of the New Testament for adults and

teens and the MP3 Kidz Bible disc for

children. Stop in at the church office or

see Pastor Janet to check it out.

Lent draws us toward the cross. This

is a season of self-examination and con-

templation of Jesus’ suffering and death

on the cross. This time of year lends

itself to reflection.

Please take a few minutes to read

the newsletter. It is absolutely amazing

how much and how far God’s love is


Your Friend and Pastor,

Pastor Janet Warnes


*Never ever give up on hope, never

doubt, never tire, and never become

discouraged. Be not afraid.

*Healing doesn’t mean the damage

never existed. It means the damage no

longer controls our lives.

*God loves us with an everlasting love.

Jeremiah 31:3.

*As a loving parent God is right there

with us through the milestones and the

mundane. You will see Him if you look,

His arms outstretched and His face look-

ing into yours. Take every opportunity

to look to Him and fall into those arms.

*No one can match the love God has for


*Lord, thank you for choosing me to

follow you.


ABBA: To provide leadership that in-

spires youth to become Active Believ-

ers who care for, feel they Belong to,

and are Accountable to God, their

families, and their communities.

Upcoming Youth Events: February – February 14 - 11:45 am Frost cookies and take to Good Sam (lunch will be served). February 21 - Invest in the youth. Shares will be available after the service. February 28 - Congregational Dinner/Shares Available/Belize Team meeting. March – March 13 - Congregational Dinner – Yes, it is a green theme for St. Patrick’s Day/Team meeting follows. March 19th - Feed the Hungry Food Drive in Warren together with the Boy Scouts. Meet at OSL. Return to the church for Hot Chocolate and treats following the drive. March 20th - Scout Pancake Breakfast at Warren Community Center. 11:45 am - Youth Committee meets at Pancake Breakfast.


Confirmation Update:

7th Grade Confirmands are to attend the

Lenten Services and help serve the Soup

Supper on March 16. Classes resume

April 6 at 3:30 pm.

8th Grade Confirmands: Attend Lenten

Services and help serve the Soup Supper

on March 16. Classes resume on April 6

at 4:45 pm.

9th Grade Confirmation meets at 11:45

am on February 14.

First Communion


Fed and Forgiven

Classes for the 5th grade

will be offered April 3, 17, and 24 at

OSL at 11:45 am for those who desire to

have their First Communion.

First Communion Sunday is May 1, 2016.


If you would like to join one of the churches or know of someone who would, please let one of the Pastors know. A new member Sunday will be held in March.


New members received at OSL: Dec 6, 2015—Matt & Rosanna Kasprowicz, Hunter Kasprowicz, Wyatt, Ashley & Savannah Bishop Jan 10, 2016—Kaitlin & Johny Barbosa, Allen & Laura Jevning Jan 24, 2016—Travis Hanel

From the Pastor’s Desk

Page 2

OSL & Melo

The January 12, 2016 OSL meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by President Council Chair, Sharon Nelson. Pastor Janet opened with a devotion and prayer. Attending: Pastor Janet, Katie Benson, Sharon Nelson, Jim Duckstad, Kay Ander-son, Amanda Liebersbach, and Brian Wurtzel. Absent: Tony Johnson. This month’s agenda and last month’s meeting minutes: Brian made a motion and Kay seconded to approve this month’s agenda and last month’s meeting minutes with a correction to the minutes to include that $550.00 were dispersed in Christmas bonuses; motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Brian seconded, motion carried. Pastors’ Reports: Pastor Janet made 5 hospital visits and 14 homebound visits. There are 3 prospective families and new members will be received in January. The baptism of Easton Johnson was held on 12/23/15. There are no funerals to re-port. Confirmation continues to go well. Pastor Janet is on rotation for the nursing home services and the Men’s Bible Study is growing. The food shelf is going to be moving to the WestBridge building in order to save on rent. The congregation and community will be asked to help move the food shelf. A member from the congregation is being sought to serve on the food shelf board. A special offering for the food shelf will be planned in the future. The theme for Lent is “The Body of Christ.” The Lenten service at OSL is on March 16th. Right now it is planned that OSL will have an Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter ser-vice. The annual meetings at Melo and OSL will be on Jan. 24th , which is also Youth Leadership and new member Sunday. There will be a youth fundraiser meal following the annual meeting. Scout Sun-day will be on Feb. 7th. Jim made a motion that Pastor Janet attend a continuing education class from January 25th-January 27th at no cost to the congregation, Kay seconded, motion carried. Pastor Ron and Pastor Janet have com-pleted all homebound visits for Decem-ber. There are 47 on the homebound list now. Pastor Ron has participated in a number of congregational events, includ-ing the Nursing Home Service, Food Shelf,

and Warren Ministerial. Brian made a motion to approve the Pastor’s reports, Kay seconded, motion carried. Committee Reports: Stewardship: The Stewardship Commit-tee will be meeting in January. Worship and Evangelism: The Worship and Evangelism committee met on Janu-ary 12, 2016. Ash Wednesday is on Feb. 10th and choir will start again on Jan. 27th. Pastor Janet and Joan continue to meet regularly to select the hymns. Next meeting will be on Feb. 9th at 5pm. Education & Youth: The Education com-mittee met on January 4th with the next meeting on February 1st. A Vacation Bible School chair is needed. The Youth Committee met on January 10th. The Belize youth mission trip is being planned for June/July 2017. On Jan. 24th there will be a Pasta Bar after the Church Annual Meeting. Following the dinner there will be a Belize team meet-ing to discuss the Belize trip and addi-tional fundraisers. A new checking ac-count has been opened for the Belize Mission Trip at Bremer Bank with Heather and Shawn listed as signers. On Feb. 14th there will be a youth event at 11:45 to have lunch, frost cookies, and take the cookies to the nursing home. There will be another congregational dinner on Feb. 28th with shares made available for the Belize Trip. There will be another congregational dinner on March 13th . The scouting for food will be on March 19th and Scout Pancake Breakfast will be on March 20th with a youth committee meeting following. The senior high youth gathering will be on April 22-24th. Property and Management: Wayne Lar-son will be replacing several doors that are being purchased through the Argyle Building Center and Wayne has not yet looked at the few missing shingles. Jim will contact another person to repair some of the walls. Brian made a motion for OSL to purchase two round folding tables to have coffee morning on and one rolling food cart; Jim seconded, motion carried. A quote of $5,000 to install handicap accessible doors on the north side of OSL was received, which will be further discussed. Jim made a motion to approve the Com-

mittee reports, Kay seconded, motion carried. Old Business: See the Property & Man-agement Report. The council reviewed the HB Sound & Light Quote regarding the church sound system. The council will plan to table the sound system for now. The council will ask Josh Benson/Miller Electric to look at the wiring on the speaker that cuts out in the church and to discuss the amplifier in the base-ment. The council would like to thank Josh Benson for his time given to the church regarding technology needs. New Business: The church mutual pol-icy was reviewed. The policy will be brought to Phil Thompson to review further to see if changes need to be made. The 2016 OSL budget was re-viewed. Jim made a motion to adjust the OSL secretary’s pay by a $1.00 in-crease and add a week of paid vacation, Brian seconded, motion carried. Jim made a motion to accept the proposed 2016 budget at a total cost of $221,252.00, Katie seconded, motion carried. Communion Servers: February 7th: Brian, Katie, Jim February 21st: Jim, Sharon, Tony The next council meeting will be held on February 9th at 6pm. Kay made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Brian seconded, motion carried. The council meeting concluded with a prayer led by Pastor Janet. Meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Katie Benson.

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes (unapproved)

Page 3

Volume 56, Issue 2

There will be a Melo and Our

Savior’s Council Appreciation

Dinner held on February 9th at

6:00 pm at Melody’s Café for

incoming, outgoing, and present

council members.

Following the dinner will be a

brief OSL Council Meeting.

February Acolytes Feb 7 – Sophia Maruska and Madeline Wurtzel

Feb 14 – Faith Porter

Feb 21 – Kirby Kilen and Carter Maruska

Feb 28 – Jessica Olson

Confirmation Feb 3: 7th Grade 3:30 pm / 8th Grade 4:45 pm

Feb 14: 9th grade Confirmation 11:45 am

February 10—March 23: 7th

grade and 8th

grade Confir-

mation classes will break for Lent. 7th

and 8th

Grade Con-

firmands: Attend Lenten Services and youth events and

help serve the Soup Supper on March 16. Classes resume

on April 6 at 3:30 and 4:45 pm.

Youth Dinner

There will be congregational dinner fundraiser for the Belize

Mission Trip following the OSL worship service on February

28. It is also Youth Leadership Sunday and we are hoping for

a good turnout! Please help if you are signed up for the trip to raise money for your account.

Youth Leadership Practices

We will lead the service on Feb 28th

. On Wednesdays at

5:50 pm, the 6-12th

grade students are invited to meet at

Our Savior’s in the library to help plan & practice for our

Youth Leadership Sundays. We meet and you choose the

music, who will read, song lead, usher, and sometimes we

may do a skit or the children’s sermon.

Part-Time Youth Director –Heather Goroski



February –

February 14 – 11:45 am Youth will have lunch

and then frost cookies and take them to

Good Samaritan Center.

February 21 – Invest in the youth! Shares will be available

after the service.

February 28 – Congregational Dinner/Shares Available/

Belize Team meeting.

March –

March 13 – Congregational Dinner – Yes, it is a green

theme for St. Patrick’s Day/Team meeting follows.

March 16 –

5:00 pm Youth will be serving and helping

with the Soup Supper at OSL. 7th Grade

Confirmation Class will come to help.

5:30 pm The 8th grade class will be

bringing sandwich fixings and bars.

March 19 – “Feed the Hungry” Food Drive

in Warren together with the Boy Scouts.

Meet at OSL. Return to the church

for Hot Chocolate and treats following the

food drive.

March 20 – Scout Pancake Breakfast at Community Ctr.

11:45 am Youth Committee meets at Pancake Breakfast.

Watch for details on upcoming events. The Youth Committee

will be meeting again on Feb 28. Let Pastor Janet, Heather, or

one of the board members know if there are events or service

projects you are interested in doing! Youth Committee

members are: Heather Goroski, Joan Peterson, Roger Porter, Shawn Spidahl, Brian & Sara Wurtzel, and Pastor Janet.

February Youth Newsletter

Page 4

OSL & Melo


December 2015 General Account Receipts General Offering $ 23,164.00 Christmas $ 3,644.00 Endowment Fund $ - 200.00 Project 2000/Building Fund $ - 8,000.00 Missions $ - 700.00 Youth $ - 770.00 Sunday School $ - 20.00 Food Shelf $ - 30.00 Memorial Fund $ - 50.00 Melo Parish Exp $ - 954.32 Melo Reimbursement $ 540.41 Total Income $ 16,624.09 (items with a minus sign were paid out to those accts) Expenses ELCA Budget $ 3,750.00 Missions $ 500.00 Pr. Pension/Insurance $ 2,886.80 Pr. Mileage/Phone $ 704.33 Salaries/FICA $ 9,641.09 Buildings $ 901.09 Education $ 979.07 Worship/Music $ 241.52 Office Supplies/Maint. $ 303.81 Custodial Supplies $ 35.15 Bank Service Chg $ 26.00 Total Expenses $19,968.86 Net Ordinary Income (- $3,344.77) Other Expense Donations Restricted $ 905.45 Net Income (- $ 4,250.22)

Page 5

Volume 56, Issue 2

Other OSL Accounts

General Fund $ 35,534.82

Mission Fund $ 4,381.84

Project 2000/Building Fund $ 616.87

Bremer MM Fund $ 57,847.67

Bremer CD $ 40,940.72

Memorial Fund $ 7,874.06

Servant Group $ 4,229.38

Special Needs Fund $ 317.15

OSL Bell Ringers $ 663.09

Bremer MM Fund $ 57,847.67

December 2015 Offering Simply Giving 12/6/2015 12/13/2015 12/20/2015 12/24/2015 12/27/2015 Dec Total

General $ 1,285.00 $ 2,564.51 $ 4,046.00 $ 9,150.00 $ 2,695.00 $19,740.51

Utilities $ 250.00 $250.00

Thrivent Choice $ 38.00 $38.00

Postage $ 300.00 $300.00

Youth Group/YFM $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $100.00

Project 2000/Bldg Fund $ 40.00 $ 125.00 $ 575.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $840.00

Endowment Fund $ 40.00 $40.00

Food Shelf $ 250.00 $250.00

Mission Trip $ 250.00 $250.00

Mission Fund $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $70.00

Christmas $ 20.00 $ 120.00 $ 3,504.00 $3,644.00

Candlelight $ 271.00 $271.00

Total $ 1,385.00 $ 2,739.51 $ 5,750.00 $ 9,620.00 $ 3,504.00 $ 2,795.00 $25,793.51

Total to General Fund $ 23,972.51

Sundays in February You Won’t Want to Miss

Sunday, February 7, 2016 - The Transfiguration/

Scout Sunday The Scouts will be leading the

service together with the Scout leaders and Pastor Janet.

Jesus is transfigured. We pray that the Spirit of God also trans-figures our lives. 9:00 am - Worship Service at

Melo with Holy Communion

10:45 am Worship Service at

Our Savior’s with Holy Communion

11:45 am Youth Committee meets

11:45 am Jr. High Bells Sunday, February 14, 2016 –

First Sunday in Lent Lenten Testimonials

After being filled with the Holy Spirit at his baptism Jesus is led into the wilderness and tempted. 9:00 am - Worship Service at


10:45 am Worship Service at Our Savior’s

11:45 am 9th Grade Confirma-tion Double

11:45 am Youth Event – See newsletter Youth page 4

11:45 am Jr. High Bells

Sunday, February 21, 2016 – Second Sunday in Lent

Lenten Testimonials Jesus encounters Herod’s plot-ting. 9:00 am Melo worship with

Holy Communion 10:45 am Worship with Holy

Communion at Our Savior’s 11:45 am Jr. High Bells

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Third Sunday in Lent Lenten Testimonials/

Youth Leadership Sunday Jesus tells the Parable of the Fig Tree.

9:00 am Worship at Melo 10:45 am Worship at Our

Savior’s 11:45 am Jr. High Bells

11:45 am Congregational Dinner sponsored by the Youth


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

7:00 pm at Our Savior’s (joint worship with First Lutheran)


Maundy Thursday – Wednesday,

March 23, 2016 7:00 pm at Melo

Maundy Thursday, Thursday,

March 24, 2016 7:00 pm at Our Savior’s

Good Friday, March 25, 2016

7:00 pm at Our Savior’s

The quilters are once again busy in the lower level of Our Savior’s after taking a break during the Christmas season.

In the Annual Report, the list of those on the Mission Action Committee was missing a few names, and we would like to correct that here! Those who have given their time and talent (whether it be a time or two, or as a faithful attendee every week) are as follows: Kay Anderson, Pat Bjorgaard, Marlene Carlson, Marilyn Chruszch, Karen Larson, Jean Leverington,

Karen Pearson, Ilayne Potucek, Alice Swan-son, Arlys Trudell, Pat Williams, and Liz Yeado. If we have missed any other names, please let us know. We can sew a stitch, but the memory of the secretary isn’t always so good! We do want to thank each and every one for your won-derful work and dedication!!

We are always looking for help, and if you would like to give it a try, please join us on Tuesdays at 1 pm, or come for cof-fee around 2:30 pm. Mission Action

A big Thank-You goes

out to Jean


for defrosting

the freezer in

the upstairs

kitchen at

Our Savior’s!!

Worship and Evangelism

Mission Action

Page 6

OSL & Melo

Many studies show that most Americans are un-prepared for retirement. According to the U.S. De-partment of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, the average 65-year-old can live for an-other 19 years as opposed to 13 years in 1940. Many retirees are in real danger of outliving their resources. Finding a way to support your retirement strategy and harness the power of the markets is essential to help ensure you don’t out-live your assets. Where can you put your money to take advantage of any market growth with tax deferral? Securities can be an option, but the tax implications and capital gains may be a deterrent. You want to be in the mar-ket, but defer taxes until you are ready to use the assets for retirement. Variable annuities (VAs) could be the answer. What is a variable annu-ity?

These unheralded and often maligned tools can help create an income stream in retirement. They may allow you to harness the potential of bull mar-kets and can help ride out any downturns by select-ing a diversified portfolio of subaccounts. A death benefit is also available to provide additional benefits to your beneficiaries. What can variable annui-ties do for you? When you retire, your expenses won’t. You will need an income stream to help keep up with you and all the plans you and your family have prepared. A variable annuity can help provide this type of income stream to help ensure you and your loved ones can achieve all that you’ve planned for. Variable annuities can offer a balance to the risk of investing and use ac-count allocation within the annuity portfolio to help manage risk in the market.

Consider using this reallo-cation feature, as appropri-ate, during the life of the contract to help align with your personal risk toler-ance and keep up with changes in your financial goals. As with any investment, a variable annuity does come with risk, including possible loss of principal. But with the need to save and prepare for your future retirement income stream, it certainly could benefit many people to have a variable annuity in their retirement portfolio. Variable annuities are complicated as well as beneficial, so be sure to talk to a financial profes-sional and carefully con-sider all your options be-fore you purchase; but if you’re looking for an in-come stream within your retirement strategy, a VA might be just what you’re looking for.

This article was prepared by Thrivent Financial for use by

representative, Chad M Erickson (218-773-1181)

1If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy

gong or a clanging cymbal. 2And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and

all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am

nothing. 3If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but

do not have love, I gain nothing.

4Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5or rude. It does

not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but

rejoices in the truth. 7It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will

cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. 9For we know only in part, and we prophesy

only in part; 10but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. 11When I was a

child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult,

I put an end to childish ways. 12For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to

face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. 13And

now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

And the greatest of these is Love…

Variable annuities can help you accumulate assets for retirement.

Page 7

Volume 56, Issue 2


Page 8

OSL & Melo

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00 AM

Staff Mtg

5:00 PM





9:00 AM

ODC Bible Study


Pastor Text Study

No Quilting 7:00 PM Stewardship

Committee Meeting

7:00 PM Food Shelf Bd


3:30 PM 7th

Grade Conf

4:45 PM 8th

Grade Conf

5:50 PM Youth

Leadership Mtg

6:00 PM Choir


10:00 AM

Men's Bible





Scout Sunday

9:00 AM Melo Worship

9:30 AM OSL Sunday School

& Adult Bible Study

10:00 AM Melo Sunday

School & Coffee Fellowship

10:15 AM OSL Coffee

10:45 AM OSL Worship

11:45 AM Jr High Bells


9:00 AM

Staff Mtg


9:00 AM

ODC Bible Study

11:30 AM Warren

Ministerial Assn

1:00 PM Quilting

5:00 PM W&E Cmte

6:00 PM OSL & Melo

Council Apprec. Dinner

7:00 PM OSL Council


No Confirmation 5:50 PM Youth

Leadership Mtg

6:00 PM Choir

7:00 PM ASH




10:00 AM

Men's Bible



2:00 PM





14 No Melo & OSL SS

9:00 AM Melo Worship

9:30 AM Adult Bible Study

10:00 AM Melo Coffee


10:15 AM OSL Coffee

10:45 AM OSL Worship

11:45 AM 9th Grade Confir-

mation & Youth Event


9:00 AM

Staff Mtg


9:00 AM

ODC Bible Study


Pastor Text Study

1:00 PM Quilting


No Confirmation 5:50 PM Youth

Leadership Mtg

6:00 PM Choir

7:00 PM Lenten

Service at St.

Peter & Paul


10:00 AM

Men's Bible


19 20


9:00 AM Melo Worship

9:30 AM OSL Sunday School

& Adult Bible Study

10:00 AM Melo Annual Mtg

10:15 AM OSL Coffee

10:45 AM OSL Worship

11:45 AM Jr High Bells


9:00 AM

Staff Mtg


9:00 AM

ODC Bible Study


Pastor Text Study

1:00 PM Quilting

7:00 PM Stewardship

Committee Meeting


No Confirmation 5:50 PM Youth

Leadership Mtg

6:00 PM Choir

7:00 PM Lenten

Service at Evang.

Covenant Church


10:00 AM

Men's Bible


26 27

28 Youth Leadership Sunday

Melo & OSL S.S. Sings

9:00 AM Melo Worship

9:30 AM OSL Sunday School

& Adult Bible Study

10:00 AM Melo Coffee

10:15 AM OSL Coffee

10:45 AM OSL Worship

11:45 AM Congregational

Dinner at OSL


9:00 AM

Staff Mtg


9:00 AM

ODC Bible Study


Pastor Text Study


No Confirmation

5:50 PM Youth

Leadership Mtg

6:00 PM Choir

7:00 PM Lenten

Service at Grace



10:00 AM

Men's Bible


4 5

2 - Abigail Hamrick

3 - John Amundgaard

Jacob Cobb

Emma Dahlman

4 - Jon Slusar

5 - Sophia Wurtzel

7 - Maureen Greentree

8 - Kay Anderson

Al Jevning

Lana Maruska

Cory Myrfield

Ariel Trudell

9 - Josh Benson

Brooke Conely Olson

Patrick Maruska

11 - Jeff Chandler

Jennifer Conely

12 - Kristal Walen

13 - Becky Ament

Zak Duckstad

Hannah Hamrick

14 - Ilene Estabrook

15 - Gracie Kittleson

16 - Steve Hamrick

Michelle Kuzel

DJ McGregor

Roger Porter

17 - Rudy Johnson

Verna Jorgenson

Cris Kalt

18 - Alisa Warnes

19 - Jim Myrfield

20 - Michael Jevning

Carter Maruska

A - Bill & Yvonne


21 - Etta Vongroven

22 - Jan Riopelle

23 - Michael Trudell

24 - Christina Erickson

Philip Olson

26 - Sadie Scherber

27 Annabella Seaverson-


28 - Stacy Balzum

Lector: Coffee Hosts/Flowers: Ushers:

Feb 7 - Cub/Boy Scouts Feb 7 - MaryJo Chandler, Ilene Estabrook Feb 7 - Dean Chandler, Cub/Boy Scouts

Feb 14 - Tyler Estabrook Feb 14 - Elva Bustrack, Jeanie Ulferts Feb 14 - Elva Bustrack, Curt Myrfield

Feb 21 - Gloria Thompson Feb 21 - Carol Kilen, Gloria Thompson Feb 21 - Greg Kilen, Jim Myrfield,

Feb 28 - Youth Feb 28 - Deb Myrfield, Bev Torgerson Phil Thompson, John Walker

Song Leader: Nursery: Feb 28 --Jim Myrfield, Youth

Feb 7 - Angela Spidahl February - Please attend your own children Communion Servers:

Feb 14 - Katie Benson Melo Custodian: Feb 7 - Katie Benson, Jim Duckstad,

Feb 21 - Travis Hanel Feb 7 - Larry Rud Brian Wurtzel

Feb 28 - Wayne Torgerson Feb 14—21 - Pete Solvik Feb 21 - Jim Duckstad, Tony Johnson,

Communion Bread: Feb 28 - Cole Wittman Sharon Nelson

Feb 21 - Bev Lydeen

February Birthdays & Anniversaries

February Servants

Page 9

Volume 56, Issue 2

On February 17th,

Verna Jorgenson

will be 90 years

young!! If you

would like to re-

member Verna on

this wonderful mile-

stone, cards can be

sent to her at this


1 Thompson Ave

West #221,

West St. Paul, MN


She would love to

hear from you and

know you are

thinking of her!

*If your birthday or

anniversary is missing

or incorrect, please no-

tify the church office.

220 W Johnson Ave

Warren MN 56762

Our Savior’s & Melo Lutheran Churches

Feb 7 -

Exodus 34:29-35

Psalm 99

2 Corinthians 3:12—4:2

Luke 9:28-36

Feb 14 -

Deuteronomy 26:1-11

Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

Acts 8:14-17

Luke 4:1-13

Feb 21 -

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

Psalm 27

Philippians 3:17—4:1

Luke 13:31-35

Feb 28 -

Isaiah 55:1-9

Psalm 63:1-8

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Luke 13:1-9

Lessons for February


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