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Our Town February 14, 1918

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 14, 1918




    1'. Jr.

    18 mths.)

    a saal I'or ,you, "

    - - - - - - - - -



    PRICE TWO CENTSDonations to Our


    . \liss L o u i ~ l ' EI'ans:\1 r. La Wl'Pl l ( 'P Gavag;an:\Ii,:s :\1. WilliamsEIliumI S. II l\ W ~

    (monthly for

    Previously P u b l i ~ h e dPresbyterian' Church. '" .$25.00Women's Community Club 10.00Edward S. H a \ \ " ~ . . . '" . " 5.00Red Cross Dunce Comm. 5.00


    ESSEX AN D PRICE AVES.?iha .eil/tt l Church on th e ,)'{ilt.

    Suffrage Clllb ( m ( ) n t h l ~ ' )iMethodist Chun:h .,'W. S. M .Women's A u x i l i a r ~ '

    .\ II ( ' l l l l l l l l l l l l j ( ' ~ , t i o l l ~ DlUst hear 1:111"" i f ( ' J . , ~ i!('JIl\1 11r('. nlthough Ule sIgnntll),(' wiII 1I0t np) l l ' l l r in the publish('cl ml.id('. unless wllnted.W(' ('nJllwl, ) m h I i ~ h unsigned comIIII1U icalillllS.

    FOI{ I' ..\ J , I?-Ch""l ' , I C ~ ' J 1 h c r s Brooder.c n p n c l l ~ . 7;1 ddc}

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 14, 1918




    Of course, wedeliver - an yp I a ce - an ytime.


    " ,\1mER1' II (;L \ IW

    H. WILLIS DAVIS, ProprietorPrime MealsHome Dressed Poultry, Butter, E ~ ~ s nnd Game.Fancv Frui t nnd V e ~ e l " h t . s . "A STORE FORPARTICULAR PEOPLE"Telephone. N A R B E R T H . P A .

    ON AND AFTERNOVEMBER lsi, 1917Al lCoaland Wood Charge Account.will be Di.cont inued

    This rule will be strictly enforced.C. P. COOK, Narberth

    " N o m O N ~ ' WRITES AGAIN


    When a girl 'is pretty wh y wastetime l ea rn in g t o make bread?


    Associate Editorll.MAIZIE J. SIMPSON,


    OUR TOWN will gladly printany news I tem abou t a uy subj ec tthat Is of luterest t o Nar be rt hfolks, bu t In order to meetth e prluting sche4nle, all "copy"_manuscr ip ts -mus t reach th eeditor by 6 P. 111. Monda.y eachweek.

    Th e prompt payment of taxes i s a no th e r ma tt e r t h at should receive careful consideration. I t is surprising tolearn that delinquencies exist as fa r

    Ou r communications ar e always interesting. Why don't you write "OurTown" a letter regarding some particular local subject? I t would begreatly appreciated hy th e editor :l11dou r readers. j

    Do you patronize ou r local merc ll an ts a s lUuch as ) 'OlL should? I fnot, why?

    Have you m ailed y our doll ar for:.-our unpaid subscription?

    "Seo t.he pennI.es flowingIn a s tC 'ady streamTo k ee p t he s ol di er s going,And smash the Kai s er 's D re am."

    "Sing a s ong, o f war-t ime.A country rull o f c amJl s- Fifty million patriotsBuying Savings Stamps.

    "Little Savings St.amps of GrepnSaved by everyone,

    Makes a mig ht y w ar nlllchin.e,And a victory won.

    Mrs. Roy E. Clark A. J. LoosMrs. C. T. Moore Henry RoseQ. M. Henry W. T. Melchior

    OUR TOWN hack as 1909. This should n ot b e, : i s of inestimable va Iu e a s th e Cl1b I Telephones,ialld we ar e gl:ad to k now that steps s'ays. Th e scholars attending th e 1267________________ 1 will he taken t o c ol lec t t he u npai d N arb ert h s cho ol ar e entitled to, IAn Experiment In Co.operatlve amounts, which sum up to a consld- believe, 180 or 190 day s o f I ns t ru ct i on I 1268

    ;ourna l i sm-No Pnld Worke rs . ,crable total. d ur in g t he year , -not a whole lo t to I Th B ht t St N b thbe sUJ'e, c on si de ri ng th e c os t of t he ! e rig es po In ar erOwned a nd publ is h ed every Thurs- 1 ' ; v e r ~ ' h o d Y , and par ti cu l, ar ly pac i- institution to the taxpayers. Tliey! A d t . the most modern sense of the termd b th e Narberth Clvic Associa- I have l os t o ne weel' on accoull t o f tile', rug s ore Inay y ! fist.s, should read two articles ill ti e 'tion, F ebru ary num ber of "T he World's cold, an d ar e no.w otT for at least on: I = = = = ~ " " " " ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - __-''''====__ = ' ' ' ' ' ' = = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' = ' ' ' ' ' ~ - ' ' ' = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' = = sSUbscription price o ne d ol lar pe r Work." One e nt it le d, "How G.er- week on account of an . e ~ l l d e m l c , ni'I,t BOY SCOUTS CELEBRATE

    man " Is Prep a ri ng Fo r th e Next to mention th e time i n d . l V l ~ u al p up syear in advance. ' 1 b Ike s orW :" '. I . J B W Gardiner mlli- must ose ecause 0 , SIC n s I TH ANNIVERSARY ---NARBERTII CinC ASSOCIATION. t a : ~ ' e x l ; e r ~ ~ 0'1" t h : ' \ ~ w Yorl{ ' r imes ; inah i li ty to ge t to th e s choo l on th e EIGH ITo th e I';

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 14, 1918


    N A R B ~ H T H , P A . - O U I ~ T O W N - F E B R U A R Y 14. 1918





    DAVIS'nO!dW 0]0' flEALTII.

    For SaleHiih Grade ButterTelephone-Narherth 644 A.


    45th and Parrish Sts.


    Narberth and Forrest Aves.

    r a r a . ~ M ~ G i n l ~ C .U 123 South 1 7 S!. PhiiacleliCl: ~

    BUILD UP YOUR TOWNBuild Up Your HomeDon' t fo rge t that this Is a Clom.munlty of home makers and homekeepers ~ n that on e of YOURMOST I1\[PORTANT DUTIES Is tokeep It so.You c an a id mat er ia ll y by doIng your shopping and markeUngwith the advert isers In Ws paper.

    George B. Suplee

    Fo r Kent and Sal,Fire InsuranceBell Phone 862 w.wan BnlldJng. Narberth, P..


    Presldent.-Chas. E. Kreamer.Secretary-A. P . Redife r.Hea l th Ot l1cer -W. S. I\ lcClelIan.Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies,

    T. B. DIl Marias, Carden Warner andChas. V. Noel.

    Also a BUNGALOW on Avon Road.Anthwyn Farms. Don't miss this opportuni ty of securing :I good home.W M. D. S M I : : D L E Y . : ~



    (Cont inued on Four th Pag e)The Bell Telephone Company of PennsylvaniaBusine.. Office.1230 Arch S tr ee t. 1"biladelphia.

    Telephone PersonalitiesIt is only human n a tu re t h at varying temperaments shouldreflect themselves in th e telephone usages o f different people.Any operator ,handl ing scores of subscribers' lines, can po intto cer ta in swi tchboard lamps whose signals an nounc e t hecalls of persons for whom i t is a genuine p l ea sur e to establish connect ions-whose consideration of he r is as graciousas though sh e were face to face.Whether th e service received by such subscribers is o r is notmeasurably more effective ma y be left to personal judgmentas t o whe the r an y of us , serving at a switchboard, woul d b einfluenced by courtesy an d a recognition o f o ur endeavorto do our best.

    Na rb e rt h Ofllce, AR CAD E BU ILD IN G

    RevJolln Van Ness, Jlllnister


    ALL 8AIXTS' I). t:. ('IIUUCll

    I I l ~ v . Andrew S. Hnrli(' , I'astor


    Sen-ice I,lstAsh Wednesday, February 138.00 A. M.-The Holy Communion.11.00 A. M.-Litany, t he Holy ComlUunion ancI sermon.4.00 P. M . - J ~ v e n i n l ' ; prayer.Sunlllln;1'.00 A. l\J.-The Holy Communion.First Sunday in month a se( 'ond cele-l

    h ra li on , \t 11 oc1oek. I9.4i'i A. M.-The Sunelay School.11.00 A. i \ J. -Morning praye r anu,;ermon.4.00 P. M.-Evening prayer.W I ' d u e s c h l ~ ' S 111111 F r h l l l ~ ' s l InW l l o l ~ 'W('CkWednesdays-Evening prayer andPenitential office, 4.30 P. M,1"ridays-l\'Iorning prayer

    Litany. 10 A. M.Children's service, 4.30 P. M.Uoly Week aud t:nster J)ny( M a r ~ h 21st to 31st inclusive)Monday. Tue sday , Wedne sday a ndSaturday-Evening prayer and Pet,l

    tcntial offiee, 5 P. 1\1.Uaund)' TJmrsdayS.OO A. : \ ~ . - T h e Holy Communion. 'GooII }'rldllY11.00 A. M.-Morning prayer , Lilae) '

    and addres'S.4.:W P. M.-Chiluren's service.Easter Day8.00 A. M.-The Holy Communion.11.00 A. M.-Mornlng p ra ye r, s er

    mo n and the Holy Communion.4.00 P. M.-Children 's Festival.

    , 1Don'tSpendAllYourMoney ! ~ ~ ~ : : f : L ~ ; ~ : : ~ r : : : S I : ; : . g h : : y : : CUB'S WEEKLY LETTERI 00Pf e t r h a e t i O ~ . wMit.hCF.aAth.ertllaendpaSstOonr w , ~ , e " l k : To the Editor of Our Town: OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEEDl in - I n c on temp la ti ng t he l is t of those I UNDER BACTERIOLOGICALCONTROLpreach an appropriate sermon on the indiv iduals who compr ise Xarherth'sf;'ubject, "Comrades-Father and SOil." "Who' s Who " we find s tand ing out Pas t eu r i zed Mllk I DELIVERIES7.00-Epworth League. Leader, Mrs. promillently, as thOUg)lt p ri nt ed i n Bryoelovls Cerl i l led WEST PDILA.MilkH. M. Chalfant. heavy type , th e name of Will iam Cum- (Pedrlal ieSoeJety) OVERBROOK7.45-Evening wor sh ip . 5 ermon by mer, ou r OWIl Bill, traveler, philos- Special Guernsey" MERIONt he p as to r. Gospel song service. Iapher, painter of word pictures as Milk WYNNEFJELDMusic by th e choir. wel l las of houses, fences and such, (Roberts a: Sharp l es s ' BALA.CYNWYCottnge Pru} 'e r :J[eetIng author of truly original language Dairies) NARBERTHThe mid-week se rv ice th is 'Vednes- ' cover ing a vocabulary of re- Cream Bul lerml lk ARDMOREday evening will be held at the llOme markable dir,ectness and vigor, WYNNEWOODI Table a n d Wh ip p in gof Mr. W. J. Bailey,. 514 Essex ~ v e - I possessor of a heart of ~ o l d a ll ( , Cream.

    nue. The cengrega t lOn is cordIally ahov,e al l a temperament of lllexhaust.invited. Iihle genality.Items of Interest It was m y 'good fortune to be pres.Twenty men attended th e Bibl'3 e nt a t a gathering in the rooms of th eclass last Sunday mor ning . I nt er e: :t I Caldwell Trust Company a few daysand enthusiasm is at high tide. ago, where Bill \ \ ~ a s ' reciting som.e ofThe Women 's Bible class is t r y i : l ~ his adven tu res and obse rva t ions dur-

    '1' HAI''I'IST CIlUUCll the experiment o f hav ing their cl as s in g h is recent v is it t o Wes te rn Can -O ~ T l I t ~ EVANGEl, meet after morning service insteai] of a da in s ea l' ch o f his papa and mamma.

    I th e regular Sunday School hou r. Thu s A ft er an uneventful trip which tookMEmON MEEIfIN'G HOUSE. I ncv. Avery S. UemUlJ', I'astor far th e change has me t with incre,H:ed in 11 t ow n h e c al ls "Tronter," he saysattendance. I he found hi s folks at a place six milesMerion Meeting House i s ope ne d f or Sunday services :- Reports at t he l as t Quarte.rly COil' from I Jno ther p lace of indef ini te dis-

    worship every First-day at 11 A. !l.4!1 ..... l\1.-Bihle school. C l a s s e ~ f or f er en ce r evea le d that e ~ h t Y - C 1 g h t n c ' ~ t an ce f rom Winnipeg. At th e last Y . M. C . A . BU ILD INGM. Visit?rs ar e c o ~ d i a l l Y welcome. I all. Everyhody welcome. ' rl l. is wiII ImemberS! had bee.n received ?urlng ,t.h .. mentioned city, wh.ere it was n e c e s ~ a r yA registry book IS kept for v isi tor s. I be T empe ra nc e d ay a nd Mr. H. A. iyear. The MiSSIOnary S o c l e t ~ ," . l ~ h fo r him to stay a d a ~ ' and a ntght,a ll ar e a sked to register their names. Banks w il l s pe ak . ! fift)'-one members a nd t he Ladles. j-\HI I h e mad e an impor tan t discovery. You

    11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser ISociety w it h an e n r ~ l I , ? e n ~ of eighty Iknow that. ou r local celehrity doesn' tmon for chiIdren-"WllO Made the a re t he la rg est stlcletles .m ,proPo:-1 h av e t o he calIed twice to any m.ealS un ?" Ser mo n f or a du lt s "A nsw er I tion to church membership on tI.'IS and you also know tim t no me al eanEarly Ma.ss on Sunda.y C.om April i the Cry of the Hour' or What ' dist.rict of sixt.y chu,rches. The lau lcs compla in that it ha,; hecn dea lt w it h GARAnteed Roofs3 t t C30 A '1 From ng , . it ..w II done" ..st to Oc tober Is a . . ,. . Shaii \Ve Eat." I surely l I ler , e. with lloIljUStly once BJll t ack leH It.~ o v e m b e r 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M, 7.00 P. l\I.-Young people's meeting. I Well, Bill found a first dass hotelLate Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout the Leader, : \ ~ r . William Stanley. YOl'1t l : \ ' c O : J n ~ TA X where t l l . ~ y c ha rg ed h im for a nice CALDWELL& CO.year. Masse s on holydays, 6.30 and 7.45 P. M.-Evenlng worship; sub- warm ,room and what h e c aI ls three30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening ject, "Vital Conservation." ". 'f exceIlent mea.ls (and he' s some judge)devotions and other services at regular Monday 8.00 P. M.-Meeting of the Somebody IS gOlllg. to tell on ) ~ I ' the astonishing prilly y ~ u r Iincome tax, b o ~ I Uill told that s tory . seve ral of hi s I n s u r an ce- - - - - - Mr. T.. C. Trotter. Speaker, Mr. E. g re ss h as f ix ed 1 t so thM some c ) 'uuditors immediately elecided t o mak e'I'IIE PRESBYTERIAN CHUKCH Van Helfe ri s te in. Subject , "The Lost must tell. ~ \ ' h e t h e - r he w,:lnts to or )t: Winnipeg their home in the fu ture. s O ~ r t i ~ ~ t a l i o n NARBERTH, PA.Tribe of Dan" , One sectIOn of th e War Inc0ll;le ~ Upon arrival at tiLe home of his _Wednesday' 8.00 P. M.-Mid-week! law, eXhaustively c { ) m p r e h e l 1 s l ~ e II I parents Bill was reeeiveel with a wel-, scope requir.es every pe rson WIthout . .prayer service. i' , : t eome that eas ll v p ut t he home com-exception an d every corporatIOn pa r - . :. for next Sunday as fol- Church Notes ' . ' . . d ' . lIlg of th e Prodigal SOil III th e shaele!.l\1e-e lIlgs . I . t i nerslllP associatIOn an vnsuranee . . . . . t S &H W H t 'lo"'s. Mr. Wilham Beat)', former so OIS n ' t I" ThiS was hiS second Visit III twen y- team ot ater ea lng" . I . 1'1 ' I (ompaI lV. as interest, ren , sa anes, I . . I .10.00 A. ~ 1 . - S 1 I I H l a ~ . s ch oo l. A ll ' St James EplGcopal Chure 1 111 11 a- . " 't ' SIX \',ears, v ou k now, and so ta r llS Plumbl'ng" , . . . wages prenllums annUl Les, compen- . ' .d el ph ia w as u nab le t.o slllg to r us' " I t or lolks haeln't am ' rea,;on to growldepartments. . ' . ","tion remuneratIOn, emo umen s .. . I T h11 ..00 A. ~ 1 1 . - P l l l ) l i c wo rs hi p. p ,l - S un da y evenl ll g due to phYSIcal I l l- ' . hi '_ about. I llS hanglllg around them too Bel elep one." - I other fixed or determllla e g,ams, 'trlotl'(, nleeting prep-ched bY th e pas - a bi li ty bu t hopes to he able to le fi ' t rt tIle Ilam n mueh. As our t rave le r approaehed _- ' . . ~ pro Its a:nd mcome, 0 repo . .tf)r ',it t he r equ es t of Government With Us nex t S unday evenlllg. l ied I I _ f tl r son c or po ra - the house. he saw an olli man In IllS i. . . I I ' d" an a( (ress 0 . Ie pe . , . . . F k C . t)flI(,]nls. eongregatlOn meeting Wit I t liS 10 ' t' t t 'I tl pa'.'mellt "'as Ishirt sleeves sltlmg ou the porch . As , ran rlS- 1 I d 'I happy Ion. e c., () \\ 10m Ie.. .. 1 '1 I B'II7.00 P. :'IT.-Christian Endeavor apPollltment, IOwever, Ill. < I t tI IIit! the amount 0" the mercury was ahout O. J,e ow, I .IllCeting, led by Mrs. l\leCulley's Sun .. surprise in that Dr. Charles A. Mc' t,nl a ( e, ,o:e tletr 'th lComlllissioner of s ay s t o h im se lf , "What t h' dickens," MEATS & PROVISIONSG I I I' d t I -e 'n sermon Ie pa.} mdl , 0 e . I I tclav sehool class. 'a pm ee lyere Ie ev 1lI g . Internal Reve-nue at Washington, us - ,o r something I1ke that. W le n Ie go7.45 P. l\I.-Eveninp; worship. se r -, Hi.s. d i s c o u ~ s e was a ,real , tre: t to ing a form p re sc ri be d f or t he pur po se closer, howeve r, he lIaw that t ~ olu .mon theme . "The Judp;ment Day." ; splntual thlllgs ancI was l l l g h l ~ ap - -Form 1099. now to b e ha d from ,311 lllan was h is dacIely. Later on JIl t h , ~ .

    Cottage Prn)'er ;Uet>tlngs i predated. '. caIIeelors' offices. The forms must proeeedings, Bill asked his father 1 _The meeting t.hs week on W e d l l e ~ i AlI th e serVIces of the day w ~ r e he fill.ed out and returned ON OR BE . why h e w as s it ti ng o n h is p or ch w it h-d ay e ve ni ng i s h eld at the home (I f ,"ery well a ~ t e n d e u and a deep In FORE MARCH 1. 1918. accompaniee] out a coat in sueh bitter weather. W e Sti l l H a ve R e ma i ni n gMr R. L. Beatty, 221 Pr ice avenue, : terest prevailed. I f no t a t t ~ n d i h g hy Form 1096 which is a letter o f "Wh y, my boy." s'ays elac!, "I onlyanti next week at th e home of Mr. A :divine ~ e r v i e e s e l s e w h e r ~ .you Will ~ n t ~ a n s m i t t a l anci affidavit certifying" th e came ou t for a hreath of air. It 'sG. Compton. 198 Woodbine avenu;,. i a cordial welcome thiS home-llltp 'accuracy of Form 1099, warm weather for t hi s s ea so n ancl

    J;very Jrember ('lllll'aSll I church. . \ \ ' . ~ don 't c on si de r it cool until th e'1"'1' ll'E'pt:ng this week on 'Vednef '- : thermom. says 30 to 50 below," F- Hof the chureh will mee t n ex t Sunda)' :m':THOHIST EPISCOPAl, C IIUnC II POST OF FICE I N F O R l ' L \ T I O ~ Bill remembered that. he h ad s ome IVe ouses

    a ft er noon to make p la ns for a eanYaSS I hrotIwrs, althougJI just how man y h eof th e entire congregation during till ': 'l 'he l.lttle ('hllrch 011 the 11111 Office opens-7,25 A. M. Isn't sure, bu t he does kllOW thatmon th o f March. Office closes-7,OO P. M. ther.e must be s ev er al b ec au se h isTh e Westmillst('r ('irele f'hrlstinn (;. Koppel. I)nstor Malls arrive-6.26, 6.43, 10.37, 11.50 daddy ha s u se d u p about every letterThe ladies of th e Westminster Cie- A. M.; 12.26, 3.26, 4.37. 6.37 P. 1\1. in the alph'3bet to find i ni ti al s f orcIe will hold their r e ~ u l a r montllly Sunday servie",,,: Mails dispatched-9.00, 10.37 A. Moo t hem a ll . \ViIlie was especially anx-meeting- at the home of MrH. H. J'I (l .4i i--Sllnday school . Men 's B ib le 12.26, 3.26, 4.37, 6.37 P. M. ious t.o sec on.e brother whom heBub 114 Essex avenup. nn Thurs'lay hueln't l ai d ey es on since t he l at te r( ' \ ,P ] ; ;" ' ! or this ,,"('pIc The h o s t e s s e ~ was four y e a ~ s old and that was. asar e M.iss Crist and Mrs. Bub, Bill says. about twenty-five years agO. H. C. FRITSCH

    Here's wher,e our hero got 11 shode Pr,perUes"There's YOllr litt.le 'hrother Amosover there," says 1\10th,er Cummer,pointing- to 13 great. reel-hearded person who wa s splittinp; a lop; threefeet thiek in a nearhy fielcl. Fo ro n c , ~ Bill was qlliet--just. stunneelquiet. A ft er r ee o\ 'e ri ng h im se lf h eHuclelenly ejaculated, "Well I ' l l he - - (censored l. He th,en inquired fo rsome o f th e other hoys a nel was informecI that all of them were fa rmersallel that he woulel see a Lew of themif he w ere p ati en t. He diel s ee t hemalld I Hwan if each alld every OlLe ofthem didn't h ~ J v e a heard a ,b ou t a f oo tIOIlg', ancI here Bi.JI had hrought alonga. pocket full of cheap razors whichhe had illt.ended t.o distrihute amongtIw hays as Christmas gifts.One of th e boys, as Bill tells it in

    his usual subclued tones, lived hy himself on a l it t. le farm a few miles awayand to his place Bill d rove th e n.cxtclay, !after borrowing dacI's buffalo('oat.. Th is brother was a. 'hachelor You 'r e n ot t he ollly one; t he re a rea nd r ec lu se , who se only compan)- was o th er s who talk too much.a eouple of hundred chld,ens. These --.------ehicks were foot free ancI roameel overthe farm ancI house at wiI I. It wasquite t he u su al thing. Bill s ay s, f orthe c hi ck en s t o walk a ll over the d ining- room table lat meal tim.e ancI helps towaway vittles. a lthough Bill says

    : it maclo h im m ad t o h av e to h elp h im I s el f t o p ot at oe s w hil e a hig roosterI had a claw in th e dish. Bi ll d idn' tItarry long there a nd w as e sp ec ia ll yeager to hi e himself aw ay when hisbrother told h im t lm t the featheredill truders roost.cd anywhere in t.hehou se t he y so minded. I t seems that

    Put some aside for possible sickness or misfortune.Th e man who has a little money saved is the one who

    is in a position t o open the doo r when OPPORTUNITYKNOCKS.We welcome small accounts as well as large ones.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 14, 1918


    NAHBElt1..'II, PA -OUJ-t T O W N - F E B R U A ] ~ Y 14.19]8


    GOING TO TH EWALTON BROS.N A R B E R T H 6'72When YOU want automobile trIps, furnituremove&d, packages carried, freight hauled.automobiles stored, etc.


    Matinee at 3Evening at 8

    M o o n "

    The above department should b ot tber ; reatest use to the e o m m u n l t ~ . the list cantalnft t he n an le o f e ve ry professional rnan,t r ade sman, mechan ic , s hopkeepe r. etc., wb odoes or can In nny way serve his fel lowt ow ns ma n, a nd w ho Is prog re s s ive enoughto ndd name to list at RegIster.As It Is dlmcult tor thoBe contrlbutlnatheir time and elTorts to the production of"Our Town " to p er son aUy e It he r kn ow o rI nt er vi ew a ll s uch . I t wo ul d be mOBt helptul It those not now tound In the printedlIet wo uld s en d In a memo ot their names,a d dr es s, p ho ne n umb er s an d buntnessee orprofesslonl tor lilting. This wi ll c os t a a tol.lows: 10 cents each IBlue tor 2 l in es : 6 cenlltor each a .ddl tlonal l ine.

    United S ta te s W ar Saying Certificate stamps w il l h e $ 4 . 1 ~ each ,luringDecember, 1917, an d Januan. 1918.

    Th e price will increase on e c pn teach month beginning, wi th February,1918.

    Thrif t S tamps a r e twenty-f iye cent i 'each, .\Var SaVing Cerrifirates \\'ill mature

    in five years frolll ,late o f i ss ue .Buy yonI' War Sa\'jng' Stamps at

    your local postomre. or from speria:ag-ents appointell h ~ th r postmaster,

    Quot a f o r Xal 'h e rt h to 1 1 1 1 ~ ' is $50,400.Th es e s tamps ar e r e { l e e l 1 1 ~ h l e an\'Time at their value and i n te re st . .

    Crbt , l ' ~ r l l n k PhonE ' , 644- ' '' ' .See display auver t l semen t in t h l ~ 1 ~ ! l u ~ .~ J 1 / ' l \Sc.'ott-I'ow('ll DnirhH. Phon{', Pr4?:r:ton 2398.

    ~ e display udvertlsement In tble 1 ~ ! u e .~ I O R T ( ; A I i Jo:S

    S i r n J ) ~ o n J:une", c. ~ : ~ 2 E ~ s t . ~ x a\"t'.Phone, ti3ii, or 1 4 ~ l ) Chestnut lit.~ I U S I CC ow in , T . S t uu r t. P la n o T(>adl"r .

    ~ O !\lp-rlon ave. Phone, : "ar t Jf> rth : :47-R .l ...uCJ!". l l l n l l ~ JI. Plano Te ac h er a n d Accompanist. 41 i I 1 a \ " ( ~ r r o r < l Hve. Phone . 316-J.Studio, !-:n ,: A r c :u l e B l tl g ., ~ a r h e r l h ."'ht'4'loc'k, Jinthurilll" I... teacher of piano.406 ~ ; \u r l Jenh ave. Phonl.:', : 'H-)1.:-OOTAIO: rUBLlCJ . tTtril'H, ". JI. 111 Narher th ave.Phone . GGG:\J,IT ~ N o n . "urrt . '" H. ~ O l ) \Voouuine ave.rhone, l ~ O ~ - , , ~ .O I ' T H ~ J . . \ l \ o SI];,('ntull. Curl I". ;100 EHsex ave. Phonf:', 638-W.Phila. a t l d r t > s ~ , IS0l: Ches tnu t 5t.]'AIXTJo;USCo ... J"m"H n.246 Haverford ave. Phone, 1 2 ~ 5 - J ." (;. ClIlll luer . Phone, 1 : ! - ( j ~ \v.:::10 E lmw o od a ve ., ~ a r b e r t h .W"lzer. I,",,'d.117 \VinBor ave. P h on e , 1 2 4 j. J .l'AI'Jo;lt JlA:-iI;EU"Denver, nlchnrd A. Arcade Building.Phone, Na.rberth 1693-W,"'ltte. (;eo. .-\. 3 ~ WoodbIne ave.Phone, 1203-\V. F l r B t c l n ~ ~ work.I'UOTO I'I,Al'Su,t\r('lulin." 16 th nn d Chestnut !!t:!!'.. PhUa.See c 1 1 ~ p l a y adver t i sement In thl! I!!ue.

    J ' I . U ~ I I U ~ I i . Jo;TC.SUllh-,(", G,o.o. U . P ho ne , 1289.See d i sp l ay a d ve r tl R emen t i n thl! III!!Iue.W..II. II . II . Phone. 319-J.See display adver t i sement in thl!!l t88ue.nEAL Jo;STATECR"hw'lI &: Co. Phone. 1271-'V.Se e dlHplny ndverOsenlent 1n thin i8nue.FrltHeh. U. C. Phone. 252-W.See display ndvert1senlent il ' th l ! h1f!1ue.Godfre). Will, n.114 Woodside ave . Phone , 685W.N".h, Robert J. Phone. 60[;.l\Ione)' for First nnd Second Mortgage.nOOI"IXG, ETC.Gam.J\leGlnh'y Co. Phone. 125SW.Se e dlsplny adver t i sement In th le In8ue.Miller, John A, 243 lana ave. Phone. 661-3.Shop. 246 Ua"erford ave. Pbone. 1226-3.l'iCIlOOLS, ETC.Zenhna3'cr'N, The 1\IlNKt"Ii.Phone, Narber th 6r.l-J .SIIOEJ\IAKERSGood "'enr Shoe nel,olr Shop,ConHlontine. B. G. Y. :II. C, A, Bldg.

    t h eo rBy Laughing at DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS I n

    75% o f our ills ar e due to worry, strain, introspection, etc.

    S.-Four Big Shows Next Week-MONDAY, WEDNESDAY,FRIDA Y, SA TURDAY. See Posters.P.


    " A r e V V a i t r e s s e s S a f e 1"Next SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16th

    Postmas t er r e po r ts that so fa r heha s received eight pairs of g l a s s ~ ' l

    I an d 0111' telescope from patr-lotlc c'tizen s o f N arb erth w ho w an t th e boyso f th e Tw en ty -eig hth division atCam p H an co ck to have them fo rpractising in Signal Corps worlt.Those recelve(l wer e f orwa ru ed Mon da y by insured pa rc el po st t o th e ChiefSignal Officer. Th e need of te lescopesan d field glasses 'is very urgo.nt. Th e\Var Depar tmen t will I

    I II '" I - 1 t 11 Jenkin. Ch .... I,.t elayel] a pnntmg S I X ' ays, III ,1 0 103 Du

    ...... , , " " .


    Relationship , , . . , . . . . . . . . .


    Date of Enlistment

    State whether Army , Navy, Mari ne Corps , Hosp i ta l Corps.!\at lonal Guard.


    Name of Volunteerthis coupon immed ia te ly t o Our Town , that proper c redit may be g iventh e noble youths wh o h av e g on e i n d ef en se or t h ei r c oun tr y .

    Branch of Service ., , .

    (Con t inned r rom Thi rd P age)

    .Address. , . , , , , , ., .

    ESSEX AVENUE, above Haverford AvenueClosed C a rs to Hi r e , D ay o r N ig h tL. C. SHAHAN, Prop. Narberth

    Plumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingN A R B E R T H . PA


    PROGRAMWl"l"k ('oll\menring' :\[01\., I'eh.

    I'aranwunt I'rl'SI'uts1l0IW'I'IIY HAI:l'():'iIn l ' irst Slwwinl!.' IIi"FJ ,AHEn ' 8AI,"

    CUB 'S WEEKLY LETTERil was a common O C ' ~ U l ' l ' e n c e 1'01' Bill'sl,ig whisl\(,r
