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Outlook for Markets – 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Outlook for Markets 2010


    OUTLOOK FOR MARKETS 2010 21 December 2009

    The US DOLLAR Trend has changed

    The big picture

    Lets start with what we believe to be the most important development in Q4 that carries a huge bearing on how 2010 islikely to shape up. The position of the US Dollar. Judging by the ferocity of the recent drop in the Euro, it is pretty clear that

    the market was massively short the Dollar. Bearish sentiment was also at record extremes, super charged by the near

    vertical rise in the price of Gold. However, what is fascinating is that whilst the drum beats of the Dollar bears were growinglouder and louder through the quarter, in actual price terms, it changed very little. In Oct the EUR was at 1.50 and by early

    Dec it had barely made a new high to 1.51. So basically, all that was going on was a massive period of Distribution

    through which every Dollar bull got chopped and stopped out. If we have to guess, we suspect that most Dollar bulls would

    have given up before this beautiful trending move came and erased inside 3 weeks an ascent of around 8 weeks (isntthat the norm of the markets though it has to give the maximum pain to maximum number of people with every major


    Highest probability scenario

    Judging by what we see on the Weekly charts now, there is a very high probability that a multi month top in the EUR has

    been established at 1.5145, which is unlikely to be exceeded anytime in the first half of next year. If we have to guess, ourcall would be that it takes support around here (200 DMA is around 1.4180) and starts a retracement rally to about

    1.4700-1.4800 but this rally is likely to be lethargic.

    In fact, given how sharp the recent decline has been, the highest probability is now for a 3-6 months period ofcreating a trading range between 1.4200-1.4900. Should be a great market for traders from here. We are

    confident about this.

    Where are we wrong

    The recent high of 1.5145 delineates the trend. It should not be exceeded now, at least in the first half of 2010.

    Ashwani Mathur: T:+44 (0) 207 199 3008 M:+44 (0) 7932 034830 [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Outlook for Markets 2010


    GOLD The bull trend should start again

    The big picture

    During this range trading period for the Euro, it is equally probable that Gold continues within its uptrend and even getsback to its recent highs. The correction looks like a typical bull market correction sharp and within a short space of time.The up trend for Gold has likely been reset around current levels. We are buyers at this level with a view that new highs will

    come in Q1 2010.Notice on the chart above how the Weekly RSI has merely corrected the extremely overbought condition that the chart

    had gotten itself into recently. In fact, if you glance to the left of this chart, you will see that in Q4 2007, the RSI had a

    similar reset before price continued another surge to new highs.

    Highest probability scenario

    We take the view that the recent pullback from the highs is a correction within an on going bull market and that price

    has now reached both trend line and momentum support.

    This is a level to get bullish on Gold for a surge back to the highs and possibly even new highs.

    Where are we wrong

    The blue line just above 1025 delineates this trend for us. It represents the previous tops which were exceeded

    after almost two years. Only a move through that level sets up the probability of a prolonged bear market in Gold.

    We do not see that happening just now.

  • 8/14/2019 Outlook for Markets 2010


    BOND MARKETS Stuck in a bear trend

    The big picture

    This is truly a fascinating chart. The long bond topped last Dec after a spiky move in Q4 2008 that set record low interestrates. The retracement was equally sharp in the early part of 2009, strongly suggesting that a multi-month (possibly multi

    year) bear market had begun. 18th Mar 2009 saw the first announcement of its kind for modern day traders and investors

    Quantitative Easing by the Fed. With the Fed monetising its debt and becoming the largest buyer of Treasuries, what morecould be a dead certainty for investors but to just follow the Fed in the purchase of bonds. But hang on a secondisnt that

    an obvious trade? And isnt whats obvious, obviously wrong? You did not have to wait for the answer for long. Bonds

    topped exactly on the same day. On the day of the announcement.

    If you followed the Fed in its purchase of bonds, not only are you still sitting on huge losses, but you never saw that top tick

    of 18th Mar 2009 for the rest of the year ! What does this tell us? To our simple mind, it tells us that there are no buyers of

    Treasuries left in the market place apart from the Fed. Owning bonds has been a pathetic trade through 2009 and if recent

    price action is any indication, owning them through 2010 is likely to be even worse.

    Highest probability scenario

    The risk is that the market puts in roadblocks for governments to continue to borrow cheaply. It is hard for us to see any

    other scenario and we hope that we are wrong about this. If you wait for the Fed to guide you through what it deems as the

    ideal rate of interest, then you are likely to be disappointed. We strongly believe that the markets confidence inGovernments will largely dictate what interest rates are likely to be and in our opinion, these rates are likely to be much

    higher through 2010.

    All surprises in the movement of interest rates across longer dated maturities, should be to the upside.

    The probabilities are heavily stacked in favour of rising interest rates through most of 2010.

    Where are we wrongOnly a move back above through the lower top red arrow marked on the above chart will have us re consider our

    bear stance in 2010

  • 8/14/2019 Outlook for Markets 2010


    EQUITY MARKETS Holding their trends, but what needs to happen from here?

    Highest probability scenario for the S&P 500 (implying same for Europe)

    A sideways Dollar, rising Gold and Crude Oil prices and gently rising interest rates in the first couple of quarters

    of 2010 could continue to be a favourable period for equity markets. Unless a dramatic move takes place in

    long-term interest rates right off the bat in January 2010, our highest probability scenario is that the equitymarket breaks to the upside from this massive period of consolidation in early January.

    However, we are compelled to put a couple of red flags besides this call as two things need to happen almost immediatelyfor this call to work.

    Firstly, and most importantly, European and US Bank stocks need to stop making new relative lows.

    Financials have been a huge drag on the markets in Q4 and without the financials leading the charge, it is hard to see asustained equity market rally. We are optimistic that the Banks are pretty close to making attractive lows here. The relative

    chart of SX7P against SXXP is hovering near its 200 DMA. We think it is pretty close to turning back up from current levels.

    All we need is a couple of strong up days anytime soon and that could set the stage for a more durable advance. We arewatching the chart on the next page develop with interest. There are strong bullish divergences on our advanced

    momentum oscillators suggesting that a turn up might be imminent.

  • 8/14/2019 Outlook for Markets 2010


    Banks relative to the market

    And secondly, in a completely un-related development to the US and European equity markets, we need to see Japan

    continue to build upon its strong move of Dec. Looking back at the Nikkei over the past few years, we notice that Dec 2003

    was a strong month for the Index (just like this time) which kick-started a rally into April 2004. See the chart below. The set

    up on our momentum indicators is very similar and suggests that Japan could be a major source of upside surprise forinvestors in Q1 2010. We thus, need the Nikkei to stay strong and with the 200 DMA now around 9500, probability

    supports a sustained advance for this (dead for most people) market.

    NIKKEI Monthly chart

  • 8/14/2019 Outlook for Markets 2010



    A short comment on the JPY is useful here. The recent breakdown in the JPY below the lows of Q4 2008, with a print at84.83, has the look of a false break written all over it. The technical meltdown to that level looks exhaustive and we say

    this because of the very strong rebound after that break down.

    Probability has to be on the side of a weakening JPY through the next couple of quarters. If this is to be the case,

    you want to own Japanese exporters which is where the rally in the Nikkei is eventually going to come from.

  • 8/14/2019 Outlook for Markets 2010


    NASDAQ COMPOSITE Weekly...and important levels for the DAX and VGA Index

    Amongst all major Anglo Saxon Indices, it is the NASDAQ that is showing the strongest relative strength. So, given that webelieve that the surprise in the market is likely to be to the upside, we do not want to see this Index (CCMP Index) trade

    beneath 2000 now. For more aggressive traders, the level to monitor is the 45 EMA which is around 2150. We are bullish

    against that level. Take a look at the chart above.

    The two blue horizontal lines mark the levels that should be used by aggressive traders and medium term

    Investors as the stops to the bullish scenarios.

    We show the most pertinent trend line on the weekly chart and interestingly, the recent mini sell-off did not even make it

    to the trend line. This is bullish action and suggests that the trend could get stronger from here.

    For European investors, the DAX is in the strongest position. We do not want this to trade beneath 5500 to keepthe Q1 rally prospect alive. For more aggressive traders, the 45 EMA is just above 5700. We are bullish against

    that level.

    And finally, for the liquid Eurostoxx futures, we are bullish against the low of 2796. We do not want the market

    to be breaking that level.

  • 8/14/2019 Outlook for Markets 2010



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    Ashwani Mathur: T:+44 (0) 207 199 3008 M:+44 (0) 7932 034830 [email protected]
