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OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami...

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•?r fl tlie sworn average weekly circulation of the STAR 3 for the year ending July I, &K8C8K83££&82£3i The sworn average; weekly.^ cir^;; ; culation of -the STAR for ;,one^ year, ending July; I, 1906, "was x, >•£ ! : jV|;-J -39TH ^YEAR—NUMBER. 35. WASHINGTON, WAItREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, AUCUST !!(>. 11)00. SUBSCRIPTION: 81.50 PER YEARWi? J? Cornish Employees Scored Big- ger Success Than Last Year. OVER 1000 ONEXCURSION In Spile ol Baa We»lber There Were Nine More People This Year Than Last. Fine Band and Orchestra Music =nd a D:ll;tl- fill Nljht-Belore Concert Were Feature!. (>III>1K-ITV ljiki'. in II* wlinlii liistory nn an exi'i'ii-siou ri^cirt, ]ma not ciitcr- tninnl 11 hn|i|iii.r, mori! mnj-i'iiiul ,«r: inure nnli-rlv imnl tlmii tlm .Cornish »n- tilnvm 1111.I thi'ii- friimK wlm visitnil Unit sci'lii'lnl nml |ilclim-»qiii. Sussra fount.}- »|int liiil Salnrilny. This is licit a loii".ilmwiv cc.ncliwif.il—it is in lmr witli Ti stiitcnu'iit niiuli' l.y Awlntna Troin DhimtcliiT llnili'.v, of thn Uckn- wiiiina ruilrciiul. "lie iu'ciml|.iinii'.l tlio ilirccL tin: iimvciiii'iit. of •silin li trnitiH. ' Tliii-pSMiwiciii endous af- fair, all things considered. It seemed hardly possible that this year's ontiug would outstrip that of hist year, when the first, excusii.n of the iissm-tutlnn was held. The fact that concision- from tlu> railii'nd coinpuny wen- limited tliw war and that tnniNpnrtatiim by rail- road hud in be to the same resort tin* vear or nowhere was taken to mean Mint ini.nr would remain at home. Thi: nmv' ns a matter of fact, have been tin case nml it is also true that the rather inauspicious weath.-f prouint.'d many people to give up the. idea, o f f i n g . • • If another re-sort bud been ehn-cn Iln« vear, and if line weather had prevailed, 'it [H safe to predict that fully '.DO more, people would have accompanied the PX- ' The traiisi-orlnlion committee repnrt« with a great deal of pride thai thfi lUinibtT. in spite of these handicaps cx- cecda hr nine tl». i.umher-tli.it went.hist vear. The, ticket*, sold this year totaled MVO; lasL-year the total number:.wns l.nil. After paying all exjt.'n^s the as- sociation limN that, in tlie face of very libcral advertising expense*, and a lieavv outlay fur music, etc.. they have, a surplus of $110.40. It will be added to the fuuiN of the association, which have been very uiuch minced during the past year, through tho payment nf fdck '"'"v'livitics in co.inectinn with the ex- cursion iHinw on Kriduv night when tin; excursionists reached home, shortly fter nnven o'clock. ..They went pretty tired litil. iveru ' w«H {ilennvtl with tlie day's* outing. , - " SOMK KXfUIItSION* XllTKS. The Uekawunuu Co. did everything jiossible to obligo thn committee. :11c- sides running a Hpeciul trnin between .Junction and Washington, both before and after tin- excursion, tin: company notillcd the conductor to honor, oxcur- tickets from cither Chaiigcwatrr or .function. In this manner exc.nr.-d musts from thc«e joints were given transporta- tion t" Washington free. . . ' *• .Senator Cornish and his family uc- impairicd tlm excursion biitVW II." again remained at home to "watch the fnctory." .•"••••'• : Mnny N'opilbam antl silk null employes went along. : This big N'ccdlmm ling wns ihit out'iu front of llm factory, Mr. lliildfinan, for the Klectrie Light f.'t».. donated the current that was used in the electrical display, in front of the factory, . .limn Lunger \vn« omnipotent—-W fore, during and since tho excursion. . The aim next .year 'U to take fifteen hundred people, lo the excursion, (irorge I'aub, parsed 11. profitable, ilny getting orders for tlm Tonkin Soup Co. It wn* the first tiay oil" thity in nine years, hit says. Those who found the hotel-nn uUrtir- lion were glad to learn thai .the "soda water" was nice and cold this year. It happened that each excursion train " ' nrrii'd almost the >fi»n> igi'is. .Then! were just to tint lake number nf |i; eight, more people on the second Iran tliau nn the first. Coining home the; were nht} VCIT evenly divided. 1 .Mi.ln linn .'lYhentm of tell pit •rt from 11 guMy decorated pint- hours and was i:n •eral hundred pe form in front of the factory. This last- ed for just iw< .appreciated by , who turned nut to hear it, <l«-s|rfti!'tin ^"J.WbLV.ji:!^.!^ '" 11 cioutly~co'inlitioTis"ovcrife7i(i.- ••' In- l-ninu tion 'with 1 the conceit there, was a (i electrical ilisplny iu front, of tins fn torv. nxltMiiling. across 'the streets. .This consisted of about two huadiv.i ii descent lamp-, arranirctl with a great deal of taste, by Karl Kckel. Karlv mi thi!"morning of the follow ing day I.Vmge West's ban.l nf I'h.illips .,"hnrg, '(•iimprisiiig twenty pieces, eamc spirit bv discoursing some inspiring inn sic thrmiL'ii tin: strccU. 'liieir- inn«i< was of tlie finc.st order. M'.S.:*0 they ."formed «t tin- head of the. employees anil ; inarched from llm factory to' the rail- road station.. All tho employees as-well as a great, many of the' excitrstoiiists •were supplied witii badges, ..containing a .picture, of the factory and i-oininemura- •"tlvi; of the event. '. . Two trains, oach (if ton i::irs, awaited tho excursionists at 'ihe station. The ...,.iir.st,of,t.li.«;.se,..lL'it a t S.-IT), and thu.titlmr - lett-ten—minutes--later. 'Ilieii! was--a little delay at I'oi-l Jlorri-. .lne fojhe. fact Unit the engines bad to lie. turned in order to take. Ilia trains over tli Sussex branch, lfowcver, the trip was made, in good time, and I ho excursion ists . readied Urn take, about ten o'clock. herself from that time, on according to •found along the. pike, which included rille shooting, howling, merry-go-round, iiiiniatiirt! railway and games nf^varidu.s '•-i tl.S"oription. Others h'icd . riway*Jto se- cluded spots'and picnicked. Others lis- eacd to the music, a concert liy the bund being held following the arrival. PROSPECTS OF A NEW TRAIN Division Passenger Agent Here Sounding . [fuslness Men as to Need of nn Burly Train to New York. There seijtnn tn be n good pru that tho ivtiiii'nt i}\ the IniHiness nn ton for a better train service 1.1'tween this place utnl Xuw York- will mil. Iu f-omelblng beueliciiii. .SCVITIII i*hs ago Itev. I-'. (1. Kland got up 11 petition, which was numerously signed. il sent It lo (iettrge A. CuHi-n, Uu; new nefiil piiSHongor a ^ e n t i i r 1.11»• Laclta. tina. This petititm requested tlinl thu Itaekiittstown awoinimidutloii. train be started from Washington Instead o HudtettsUnvn. as WHS tin: cnsit Severn year* ago. or that some other provisioi I..-made to improve the early tnuniliti train Bi.'ivice tn Nuw Vork. Washington people baveUoen «ulij(fct*>( to great inconvenience fin- several yonri past owing to tho IiiKiiilluieney-of tin train Kerviee, and all efforts made up d this time to Imvo couilitions fomedie) have proved fruitless. A person desk ing to visit the metropolis in time to transact any ennsideruhlo amount of lni.-iness. tnusL get up about half past, three o'eluek and take the train leaving lit-re nt-l.:tr». The next train leaves at .s.:m. and when tliis is Into, owin^ t> eeUons. one is tempted t« give up tho trip until the next day. This condition has, unquestionably, beet Washington and New York than would have beiMi the case otherwise. Yesterday the general passenger agent sr-nt tlio 'district passenger agent. Mr. IL X.. UuttL-rlleld. here to investigat.. the situation. He suid that Mr. Cnllei the need of better survi- recofinz Uu- Washington and i i U it di'-sirous of giving it. "Htj interviewed several the business' men and must have left with the.-impression that- a train foi New York at a rea=uiiablo liour is great- ly needed here and should be granted. A suggestion made to Mr. Uultei'tieM 'which .'seemed to strike 11 responsive chord, was that l.he Laekawanmt coult with profit to itself put on a fast muni ing train liotweon l'hillipsbiirg and New York—11t1e.Ll.11t would pick up passen- geis us? I'ai* enst as Doverand then 1-11111( Uobui:eu without niakingnny other stop Sueb 11 train would doubtless draw mud patronage from the rapidly increasing population of Phillipshurg and adjacent im-rilorv. and.iiuprovo.tho.sofviee reii- ilored"other "towns" idling the liiii;'iii'tlii: s e i : t l o n r : • """•• '•• • •"• •• ••••••• JuMr. lUitterflehl our poon.b <recog- nized a very practical and observing niil- roatl man as well as.an affable y^'ntle- inan, relleeUtif,' tlio high class ol' talent now In eharge of Laelmwanna afl'airs. -'•-•.TJnVinterost tlio 1 " cotiiptmy- lias 'Shown by sending a rcpreaonlalive hero to in v'estlgale, indicates Unit sometiiing wil be done to Improve the train service. At dinn tim tihoso who had ; partook of lunch, ..whita other's patronized the big hotel., '.where the service was found to bi! very much of an improvement over that of the year before. .. ..-:Froin . one ..o'clock, or .fiiijoviiifnt was foil -"•'-'••'I , jjreat deal of i. ibiiicini.v"niui ilion'was' ]iackcd with people. if idd i f ji p ] pp Kirst the orciiesfni provided music for "lis ]>nrposo, anil tit three o'clock tho hand relieved th. which the o "a resumed ami con* tinned lo piny until train time. ..' The weather was responsible for tho cancellation of some of the contests that IIIKI hocn advertised, The base hall game did not come oiV on account of the wet condition of the ground, nnd the nwiin- •-•"liiiii' r -:uialclr ; -W!ia-"iibiUidoiicd-0\ving-tOv*"»''ij; coldness of the water. ,'*.' ...The goose chase proved amusing. The winner was fetor Slater. No .captured the big, white goose and received ifc as the -prize. Ho captured the'goose last year also. . . On acount of making train connec- tions at Washington, to accommodate people living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft courtesy of Sir. B.ulcy. Thn oilier train left the lako at six, o'clock. All Radical Factory Changes. The recent factory changes iu ington have not. only, caused, surprise but have caused considerable fnvornhlt L-oinhicnt ns well. That a local man one,.of the most experienced men of^th Cornish factory, has been chosen as th successor of Superintendent Urninbach at the Xc'ilhain. factory, is gratifytn; to l ihe mechanics in both factories, am those who . are acipminted with Mr Txjwis 1). Florey's capabilities luiyo 111 [loiibtithat.heLwilL^inake•gooil I _';iii In new and responsible position. * : JlrrVIo rev assumed, his new duties'last Ifon day-'' .Mr.- Ununbach will remain;.with th Xecdlitnn eompany unlil. tlie"fifloenlh o September and after that time intend to retain his rcsidi'nce in Washingioi until he gels located ciscwhorq. 111 feels the need of a vest mid intends I lake advnnlngfi of Uic-opportunity. Other, changes .tome with the cluing "gncs "to ihe- NeedhYim' to tak'e «lnTr]itf r of tho piano, deparlinont. ,Ne. 1(,as becai piano regulator at the Cornish for sev- eral years. Mr. L. T . Weller has taken Lewis D. Florey's place at the Cornish fac- tory as foreman of tho organ action de- partment. No is' succeeded ns organ lcmlaLov by .Tolin W. Lunger, who is already proving his fitness for the post. TROLLEY WILL SOON START toad fs Now Fu'fy Completed and a Week or So Promises to Sec It In ; . ; - Actual Operation.- ; : ; iifdiiuatiou uu tap tliis weekV but it ickh autlicnticity. ' Tlie general report •* that, ears are' going to run through iVitshingtou ."Hire" this week~--ay ilong about Saturday. Kvervhody ^ccius mre of thi* except Air. May* the bead of he road. lie says he doc-Mi'l know, and loesn't vare to ninke anv nnnv I'i'i- ni^es. ' - . . ' . •••: It is not likely that the cms will run iv Saturday, or even bv Labor Day. There are so hi to be two "obstacles. The have been delayutl and "the power from the I'nrt Colden plant i"u"t. lesidy. i'!:e car« will he shipped th.; niiddli- oi this week, it \* leporletl, and the power will soon be ready from the ilyniumis at the power plant. Tho^e who elaiin to know say it is not feasible to use the IT from Kasttiii to run ears as far as IVa.shiiigtou. So it is wife to say that the trolley vill run to Washington jn*t »* snon us be ears arrive and jn-*t as ^oiiitas the power lionet! can supply th'' current. Kvcrybotly seems of the opinion tlmt this will hc"n mutter of » few day-* only. The line iu l'hil!ip*l>urg tbvoiigb Sit renves street to the soldier-*' mnini neut was finished last l*riday and can rere run over the line thai afternoon The people along the route welcomed tin urs antl made tpiite a deiin>u>t ration 'he company has opened a waiting 110111 at the corner nf ^Main autl Sit- leave-* street, where cotinectiun- i lade with the lines of the KaMon Tn sit O . Cits are now nitrated between I'ldl- |..lmrK and Xew Village on the hour schedule. The lone car <[nin<: service has -iked very hard of lal unequal to tii it. It went out itf and ds miul< i.L'iiin last Sunday ami cau-ed a lot of innoyani-e to pasi-cnfM-rs and the trolley nen. •. . ' . The roti^triu-tiou canine came back U iViishingtiin Tuesday morning with a •adoad of rindi-r, the engine having beet 1 ^#•(E at I'liillipsburg f»r the \m< t\v< g The i yang ]i s :il-n been hnjiu-hl buck to W,i-]ii]l:: 'Hi.' public tm'.-liMj: to i^id.-r'-'ib" ,11..v ordinaire in llackettstowu -li uMUr.iii'-olV laU.M«»i.ilay nlglit UH unit cipated. The trolley i-ompany tlcsircd uu adjournment and the subject MILLER, Of THE EXCELSIOR CARNIVAL COMPANY, FLUNKS—THE CARNIVAL HAS BEEN CALLED OFF Were at Head of Big 4th of July Celebration in 1880. CELEBRATEDOROHESTRA Bcnlly's Famous Musical Organization Was at the Height oi Its Glory Then. Some o! the Events Tlial liiii !aUrtsllog Local Hlatory at the Close ot 1880. Tlujre wllIbeiiDwinilviil In Washing- .011 next, week, us hnil been widely iidvei- llbtiil.'—Witu-iti. OoitiicU, No. 10. J r . 0 . V. A. M., under whoso iiitt«ph:i.'t» the KSL # C1- slur Carnival C*>. WIXH to appunr here, lias ec-eivetl wurd frt'in W. S. Miller, the nnnnger, that, lie will not come. The nilge UK'iiMiy Miller has served them a •ontemiitlbte trick.' Miller was here as late as hnt Sunday, it? directed w>tne work to be dnin> at j'elilein'c Green nntl expressed hinipelf in satislled with the preparations nud untie, . , Great Demand for Cars. • )ne reason the LiickiLwaiina railroad not catering to exeiir.-ioiH this year beeaus'ii the company luts not sulli* cient curs to meet the demand. .Most of tin: cars owned by the company are be- ing used-, tn' inet-t. tlii! great .passenger trallic. List week 'when"?cars were or- dered for tin; Cornish excursion it wa-= utmost ini|KisHible tn »«t a .Mitlicicnt umber together. Tn fuel, all that could secured were twenty, nml ton of these id Ut be brought, here specially for the. The. scarcity of cars is nn fault of the railroad company. They have bad or- ders in fur a bmg time'for ears but so busy are the manufacturers that they are simplv swamped witli the orders. Tins same, applies to trolley cars, and the situation Yelleds the"great" era of. pros- perity among manufacturers "every* when'. 1 Remembered the Original Band ~ Man. f.Ynrgf! West's band of l'liillip<hurg tendered a serenade to Uobert, lioniba- early last Saturday morning, ju-^t .!•••-"iU'C-uiiipanyiug-the Cnrnisli em- :t"»' fxciir^irm.- .-The hand marclicd froin nw.xluiiuu nnd went straight to he llornlmker residenee.- where a beau* iflli ;: scfeiiiidtvwiis i-eudei-ed-ia -Iht* d'K.l- yard, while MiV ; Honibnker stood upon the. front, porch nnd lUlo.notl with pro-, found attention. He started to express his uppreciat ion at the. clust?. and it wis observed ;,that the niusiC: had in- spii-cd.iiicniorres;of old band day< )\\s* ' nic«>-being'"full" of emotion;-' >lr. West- eticved him. from further speech mnk- ing .and irrlroducpd him to the hand boys as the pioneer band man of Wash- ington, lt< wns a 1 touching incident and llii- serenade, wns well-limed and .showed oiutiieudabh- fon-l.1,,,1-1,1. ' ,,11 l\,>- \,&vt ir Mr;"\WHt. Srr, llornlmker did not let, "tlie boys" depart until he passed the cigars 'around. Thev hail n big Fourth of -Inly cele- bration in Washington in ISSIf. It WUM iidvertisi-d as a grand reunion of the sol- diers and sailors under the allspices of the Hcatty Veteran (SuanU. There wn* 11 prncei-sUin nnd drill iinder ciminiaud of Major Cenerai Kilpntrick, assisted bv Col. llaines and Col. Si-Iinonnver.-The irators of tin: day were (leiieral Kilpul- .-ick, Cencrar William Ward and Major Carl Lent/, the latter being the present Uepulilican lnuw of KsseX county. The local speaker was citv attt.riiey Win. X Slryker. Mayor Daniel F. Meatty wm master of ceremonies. II was u ^loritni; occa-ion. The niilrinlds nlVered special tran<polta!i<ni rates and there WITH lire- works iu abundance. Thi! .Utility Veteran CiniriK the or- gani/atiuu luiving tlie celebration ill charge, had been formed ju*t. prior to that, liealty was responsible for the plieriialin, ineliiditig init^kcN. unifurnis pbernalio. including muskets, nn if onus and the like The nlllcers elected were C. F. Slnates. captain: (Icoige Halm, lirst tii-iitcnant: .1. II. Trimmer, second lieutenant. •lust altnut the same time n military company wits organized here, known as the Wellington Continentals. It bad twenty-six members and the ollicers were as follows: Captain, .T. T. Langstatr; l.ieiiLcnant. Hart let llowtby, Sergeant William K. Weller: Chaplain, \\w. S. K, Webster: Snigcon, Dr. Win. M. Mainl The members were mostly young fellows Jieattv"was. advertising his minie in the niM-'i imliearil-of fnsbioii. Kveiy wa> u person turned little else could be seci but thi! name [Scatty. He had an nrches organized.' It was known as the lieatty orchestra, nud .each .mimiher was presented with a costly silk cap, across the top of each one. appealing tin- name Iteattv in large gold letter*. The mem- bers consisted of I'lof. Hi. A. Lawrence. leader; llessrs. Krii-ger,'./. C. Weller. 0. C. Catapbell nnd f'reveling. Most everywhere Hint Henfiv went th n-chi'stm went, with him., lie used. t< ttcitd the. chiliiren's ilav exercises in th teighboring eburches. The Star of Unit period contains an account of his visit to Anderson antl to Mt. Lebanon, win •hihonite children's day ' exeivhc* we held nt tll»'se two pbiees. City AUorne> sions. Kacli of them made an nddi-ess •chestra iiwoku the ecliocs of those ipiict places with their music. Itev. P. K. WclKler hail been pastor f the I'rcsliytcrian cliurch lit-re fur sev- a! years prior to this time. On July Booming Conditions in the Northwest.. Frank li. Frost, fnvinerly of Wash- ington^ who for tho last few years has been a U. -S. Chinese inspector :it. Van* cpnver. British Columbia, writes us. that file country:- is in iCwonderfu'i' stale of ilevelojinicnt antl prosperity. IVopl the F.ast. lie says, have only a faint con- ception of the vapincss of the Pacific coast,'' The snlnmn business \$ thing wotxlerful. In Tugot Sound. T.rit- " " Columbia, nnd.,,Alaska there, wore. $.12,000,000. worth of .salmon taken out of'the'water in sis" week's llL of ]»0.1. This is only a sum lumber busini $100,000,000 clippings, from papers, one of flifi most inliMTstiug items being an account of a school of salmon twcnl-y-tive miles long, liot.h he and llrs. Frost-a re in tli hMfc of licnllh. 1 - e . item coin pared with the ss. This ? will run up (o year. ITo sends along H t JuiiT RicCKiVKD-a cavloiuUof Bowkofs fertilizers — difforeut gniues, uinoroiit prices. W. D. Qnlick. ;)) , Base Ball Kotcs. The. "Washington tonin will go to Hnck- . c.j.ta t;tt>V!iiC!!utlp^^art.o.!i\nbj.L-^kTi'LbOJ^12I1 to piny tho foiirl.li" game" 'of tlio"'scasnn" with the club at that place. Wn.sliliig- ton has won two games and Uiiekotts- town one. . Tliore was-nio game last Saturday on account of Hie excursion. This Satur- day ,.Washington will play Hie Oxford ii'»m lit. tliis place. Stroudshurg. clinched Urn pennant last Sjiturday^liy_£ef eating the llangor ton in star twirler of tlio tenin, has gone to Philadelphia for a trial with the Ath- letics. had an Interview with Millor.* He got little satisfaction. Miller HIIJH h« hn» been porsoimlly tlirwitenetl in caaohc CHIIIO to Wusldiigton because of.'the trouble- ho him liad witli Fmnk Aten, tin; inerry-gd-round inati, whose home 1H here. Other members of tliu carnival companyouy they are. "iifrnltl". too, and positively refuse to come. All of Oils is all right Troin Mlllm-'s point (tfl-'iiiw, but it tloes not, niter the fact that Wnrreii Council has already spent some $(M) preparing for tin; enrnl- .,;,,.s:.:^^ Sad Death of Miss Sabra Dun- ham and A. J. Hartzell. v 5" •• BOAT sWAS OVERLOADED Capsized Wbile Going Throuj;!] Breakers Below Buttermilk Rift, Near Beivldcre. I anywhere from i.100 to S.'W.by rensor. of j the llusco. Thev have Miller's contract TlH'U I.-went baek to Dover, where hM hl thp , r ^ ^ nIlll k,yttI n . dn;ss Itas been d.dng a big business and mnk- L vUl w lukei|i It n . llw |,^ to l,e seei ing a lot nf motley. Members tif the Athletic Association there retjuested him to remain another w«.-k, nn.l, believing )U lt , f( , h ((||) w w n ( J n , aU ,; w[g0 more profitable for him to do , onelllliUlII ol . It(lli u telegram here Tuestlay ; .xh« i-oiiiihUtei> of "Wnri^n Council a whi*ther5Ir.Milli.'r"»deL'isIon to remain in Dover b o it would be inori! pro- st». In; g night sttiting tlmt lit! "ilhl n«f hi>Ui'yi. In- could cwiu! to Washington.'' i.'orgi' Ciouker. iu;tlng fur the, loi|ger ay afti.'inoon nnd ' urlontal Court. noiiiict'.i Hint till' tliu ndvc.rtlta'il itttroc- tiotm Iniv.i btiL'ti cancelled, including tin: parado of -Monday night by j.-•i; Tnii i «;, ,;n,,n!;| ,,, jjsj,.„»»..•, |. SETTING NEW VALUATIONS I.itcinda J. White, $:t."i; Clnn ,-::[l*: K. It. KtwkiT. $32? Mrs. .(. H.[ Witte. $:tl): Katt! Hampton, $:«): Anna • Cooke. §:IO: l.iz/.ie Weller. ft!."i. ; That'year was pivsidenliul year. Tli What the Hoard (or the Equalization ol Texts Is Dolng'in Wnrrcn County. iiomiuatol W. S. Hancock: About the llm-i- busiest men in War- D.nniat and the Keputdicans umiumitcd .bum iiuly just now art- tin 1 \. (Jarileltl. A Hnncock & Knglisb flub; the ltoanl for the Ki|unlization of Taxes, wiw oryiiui/rd iu Wasbiuglou witli .Jacob, They are pull in- in nbout six da,vn a S. Voilgh an president. Jd U ' f W vk looking f th Judp- Haiiu <>f Wasliiiigton was an | town< of the property in inty mid" setting valtia- aspiiniit, for the Congressional nnmiiiii- i tions. Iu piaeficatly alt of tlie larger tion that year but ;\n (he eainpaign pro-; towns they have found it necessary tr 1 In- withdraw from the race. Tlic; iiu-rca-e the ' ynluatioim us a whole initiation went, to Henry while on the other hand the genera »iii farm land have been Deinot-mlic 1 S. Harris, tli ltolvidcrc ivi'iition being held in , valuntim ! found loo in^ii. Cin-licld & Arthur club in' The railroad problem has hoi (hut vear also, and they, ing niiu-h of tlicir attention. held met'ting." in what wns known then :eivacod vjiluatioux fnuu the assessment a« the "tWn.Hli opeia lioihc." This.wnsjnf tlii,. cla-s of prttperly will mean up- |iioil li.v tin. «'. A. A. 1 the building iiow occit-i wards of a fpiarlcr of a millimi dollars 1 this county thfe year. Tlii-* will have -- Oiie'iif 1 the- Ilipnhlican spenki-rs here a tendency to lower the local tax rate, that vear was .(olm I. Mlair Iteib-y, thej Kailri'iid pinp.-rty is divided into present I'ri'-Kiitm- of Warren county.' three classes. I'irst class railroad prn- jnst budding out then and eanie; perty, consisting of the main stem. here thrmt^b the efforts of I'ostnmsler i wliicli compri: mail bed fur I'ulper.The s|wc(.'h lie made liere was i witllh tif lone hundred feel, mid third bis maiden olVort politically. M-lass |ii(ipj!i1y. ennsisting of the rolling Tlif Itepiiblican ciinntv convention wns ;>tin-k, is iis-esst-d by the State Hoard held in Helvidi'iv that 'year. The secre- It- is only/the swond class property that tarynf tlmt niceliii^. was Attorney Da-Vomes mid-r tin- jurisdiction <if tlie bical vid" Itiirtruu. n-ses^Ji-s. •."This .-(miprises stations, The rcMilf of that elcetinil.U well J freight houses, etc. known. Caillcld was elected President. This i-lassilieation is nceonlinj; to a law iin<I ilcniv S. Man-is was elected Con-. of I S«4 nml most of tlie cmiiity nsse.s- »rcssniiin." Iligbt after tho election the., .-nrs in tlie State are being guided by new Cmigrc-smaii was teiitleri'd a. rous-', that law. .Tlierif is an exception in this ing serenade bv the Dutch Hill hand .of j county. The Warren County board has Oxford. William I.. lloa|- .Shi-rreril fur .County:. (Jlerk. ml licat dise. y il a law passed at the close nf the last.session of the legislature whic.Ii y p II he announced his intent y f leav- ing the local church and accepting .t-ual I Willininspm-t, l*a. Her. Mr. Webber •ft .;WiHhiugtoii^>liortly iifter: this and for it. kwv months the. local piiljiit'was of 0.:*. call p Sta thai i-ueanl. lltiweve.r. in the nounceiiicut was I1111I been extended Hcv. Clinrlus \X Xolt. Davenport. Iowa. ^JJr. Xolt itunu Imv'e pastor iu Decmulwr -of that year. ISnnie iinprovcmenls wi're being niade to.thc. I'rcsbyteriaii cliurch at ilih limo. OIUJ of the changes was the moving of the )ig organ from" the gallery down .stairs o si position near the pulpit. Years ago t. was the im-ariiiblc cusU>iu io have the ihui'eh organs and the. choir iu the gal- I'ry-i nnw .they. ari'..nirely:;secii,.t.|ierc. „. Wlicii'llii' census cinimeraior n"i T \VaslP n^ouVnwiisbip coniplftcl his labors hat year he found that then; were, 1.400 vhite people in the township' nntl not a tliu number (if farms to be 110. -In.the middle, of thai .siimim-i- the l).; IJ. <fc~ W." 'began' the work' of tearitig Imvu'thf old.^wotideii;. railroml bridge icross the .M'uscoui'tcong , civ,e.k at Cliaiigcwatt-r. It was rupliiml with an liridgt! HIH) feet long. the. sanift onu Hint is,.nt, the present 111111; iu service. il.e work of, building the now was going on. there oocurn.'d an accident in which Tlieoilore ShiK'inaltcr. a. vn il road cnrpenti-r. of . StrouiUburg. lost his life. He was at work on top of On; bridge anil was standing upon one cut! of IL plank, while n fellow workman stood upon the. other end. Tin: bthur workman clianced to. step oil' liis end antl the plank tilled under, SlioeinaUerVs weight, causing him lo fall lo fthe gr<;i\itnl; st'.yi'iity^cct below, lift was etir- ried (o.tbc, home of ^liivshall .Mind near- by, and dictl upon this piireh a siiort lime later. Annputiireini'iit was ninde that a."-trio of hiiiycH;tS from Vliilndciplilu. had passed through Washington on their way lo the Delaware Water Clnii. TIIPV made tli " " ' - '•' ~ flu e p y (rip from I'hiiiiili'lpliin (o (lie Gup, ytiir said, in two days. < ^ On 'Only 27 William '».. S|-j,pliin was killed at. Hie railroad crossing"at Uroad street. He was. n. milkman and lived in Qliritoiv==IfeiicSl;llo.-U;iul!;?h.-^.-^nv.d'-.v;'.s on liis way homo when tlie morning ex- press froni ICaslon struck his team. Sut- phin wns inslairlly killed, lillincdiately the danger of leaving the crns-sing unpro- tected was pointed out and nn ngitation arose M-hieli resulted in Hie company pl'ioiug o; lluyntan nt Hint point. : : H. W. Allejjei- retired from tlio' firm of Alleger, Bowlhy &, Co.,and went into :UlSil:n3ines3z0f-l!'.! 1 .!!'!fl'..alU^"o^ o . 1 u l V ll .5=."— his own account." . Tho school trustees elected tho follow- ing corps of teacho'vs Hint, year: Jos. A111011:.' till' Cri-uk lifts mailii iliirin^'ili'lim's M'H.iiil-ditss railniiMl |)ru[iL'rty ill ...iitri.am|i;iij:ii was mu; ti(!tuwiro\'-l''f('o-;-a-(iill('n!iiL" ; -iiiaiiin 1 r.'" J lliroii^lr• if thi»v In.hh-r Mill.r of Wn.-liinjrton township iaiv iintliurizcil to awsn.-s at local vaU'n mil Snmiii'l Oiii • of tniln.vilali'. Jlil-;all tonllioii.-cs. si»nal tmvi'rs. sii.'iml up. li'i- liml to wliu'l CniiniT hoiii Uu. Im-'inirnlii-i. V-IIOIVVIT rmiiul. nml all siilins luvihlle mill to New Hampton 'P I Wll witches, g outside of the one lillll- IVtcr I!. Wi'llrr mis Sfllinj; iiw ;iln'il f.'i'l pri-si-rilu',1 us iiiiiKlitittit^' til. Hou.i'liolJ si'ivinc iniK-lttiiB in Wasliinu-i nini" SK'I". \ " otln'i- miinty Imnnl ill ton nml vicinity. •" i l| n.' s '"l>'. "• ! '" « s known, is lixing Tlii- il.'in from tile ..1.1 .Star is si^nili- '• valuations inali'r tins lir- •nut: -Tiit.y-'. Attorni-y Strj-kcr. ]iassWl': ..Tlie l.oanl has ilwidml not t<i asses through llrrr.id «lr«.|':,,1 Sd nty |iroperly;.slK.li ldi lh g nda iir. Wimi'. will lliis"ilriv-:l."ililin!;s. almsl! . . ' In.. '^Illi, ,1... I . . < • • ..I ing mil. o' nights coiiie to an end?" 'Che camp.iign nf ISSO saw the em f one of. the Helvidere papers. Tlie In-: dependent 1 wound up its career by sn ' pending publication on Xm\"J...- thnt the hi tl !pm]icriy. tliecoilltli elcr They claim y classities this as exempt The Travels of a Hat. pending pnlilicalion on >nv. I.!. i Wll]- |K _McKi,u,,.y, „„„ „( -the clerks The AIlciilowii Ilein. in one of its is-jjt i|,,. .|o«i| post-oiiice.: caine near got- sm~ during .Vovi.|nhcr,:said^_v-Mi-. A. : li,ig possession of au: up-to-dnte new F. l-'lnri'j-. who lias li Xfiictiiriii^ 1 i^n7ix.'"hntVtr«tViitVi«r "duy."^ 1 * 'i^io'"©^!)!-"^ the eelcl.rated I'lorcy organ oil North I „„,„ j,,,,.,.' ,,p. hrought^iiin hox eonlaiu. Hall sireel. this city, has sold the pat-li,,,, ,]„. |, ilt !m,i | ;li ,| it i,, j[ r . j| e Ki n . IsrlieMJKo.B "1 Old Ferrymanr-Hlas D a n l i s n ^ Was an Artist ol Phlladelphli™ ™ ••• Two people of a boatload of fixwho f»re, out on a ph-astim trip in tlie Del- • ware river, a tune Itelvidere la.st Thu'rii-""' lay afternoon lost tlicir lives nnd the es- cape.? of the others from drowning was ;".• thrilling. Tho^u who - lost - ..tlicir lives ,vere Atidrcw .1. Hnrtzell, the aged ferry- 1 ., nun nt Hnrtzull's ft-rry, and Jliss Sahra IJiinliatn,. a young woman of Vhilndel-- [>hia. who Imd IH-CII a guest nt tlie •sura- iiier hnnu! of tJeorge W. Shaw. . \ The others in the party consisted of llrs. Hartzell and her twelve-year-old daughter. Mrs. .John P. Korst and II. K. , Fries, a i'liiladi'lphiii lawyer. - : The trip had been planned several days before. Mr. llarUeli had u new l«»at. antl the. party walked up; tlie river to a point nearly opposite. Delaware, the plan being "to enjoy tlie ride down the river. . The dicn>ter occurred'nt 2.lit-o'clock•• nt a ]M)int known n* lliittermilk ltift. The btdics were, timid about tliis rift nntl suggested that the boat be kept close to tlm JeiM'V side and out of the ; rough channel, Mr. Hart/ell followed this suggestion, owing to tho fact that ••10 boat was so heavily loaded. (Jetting pretty well through tlie rough' waters, lie ventured out. again into the channel. There were still breakers of considerable proportions and one of these caught tin? bout and threw several inches of water into it. Hartzell began baling but soon gave this up and pulled for the Pennsylvania shore, advising all hands not to get excited. : Kyeu at. this monu'iil •VJH> lioat win sinking nnd"presently'it went.down iii ten or twelve feet of water.: As the boat went down it turned mid canie up immediately bottom side upward. Hie, etlorty of Hartzell and Fries to save the women were hevoic. Hartzell endear- 'om! to .-iive Miss Dunham, but what happened was not observed liy the others in the excitement of the moment. Fries got all the ollim to the boat, where they held their heads above water until Cries Sir. Ti t if John K. .Smith, to the scene. A man named tlartlner mid his son Stewart of; KaMon also responded, along with. Sftv . Airs."" I Inmi'll ''"imd Slaughter 1 " antl Mr." " Kries into liis boat and landed them safely. Uavdncr took Jfrn. Frost., While Gardner was rowing to the Jer- •ey shore, something white was noticed it the bottom of the river and they .soon learned that it was the body of Miss Dunham.' lying face downward. Gardner's fourteen-year-old .son dived fur the body and Itrmiglit it tin..She Imd ... "biit all that could" l.t: doue'hVuio others!" " as well as physicians who soon arrived, . , ua.-. of "iu> avail. Work louking towiinU 7 - resussitntiiig Imr was continued for iive •] l i o n r ^ . 1 . .' . . . ' . ' : ..-•;"" ; : ; ' ••'•'. .Several years ago two . men were - drowned at the same place, that, this . : accident occurred. Their iiainos : -.wcre , • Viinbnni and fJallowav. 1 Vanhorn was"a" ,"'• bniLhur of .Mrs. Ihirtucll. -.Tlmy wore' ini a. raft and were thrown off i'n'to the Viiter. of help immediately brought a *s ii bonnier at the home At -Ibe December meeting of the. Coin-1 'Mini, it isr;;dtlri'ssr;d to you." said the non .Council, a license was grunted to i cxprcsMiiau, "and stune' friend may have l it f th W h j i t t h t ngton Xohtu. proprietor of the Wash-] si'iu, it as a present—sonic sweetheart. Uincbart ahoiit tliis V Liti p e t ppjor- ninylm you have inade ji...het "j a u . i t h f h.se'r. liiis hi-eu" pnyin ' ld tlt , years old. nnd liad conducted the ferry a I. Hiirlzi'IPs fcrrv for forty vears. He d U fi" i'Lil V U H^ j pyg p Lou-lit, the NVw Hampton hotel, pnying! A. friend sn^csled tlmt McKinitoy lOOr f th a t ti hatyway A cha to g t Ori for the ^ y pt tin; hat,_anyway. A chance to get K h t f ll it lik Lewis Ilium went,. to (lie HeiiLty fac-i a new Kno.v.hat for a small item like.a (ory ns assistant, superintendent. Ath l t t Atmiher new msin also went to. tho \ every day. ! . fjicitiry. :is tho fnllowinir ]iara- j McKiniiey wouldn't 1 . . i thirty-cent ^express bill isn't picked, up d ! nture Hie" oul- rraph will '.show: "Ilibkird ']leal:ty. j lay... He is not. of the venturesome kind Knf|.. has nccepted a position in tho j at any rate. . . . IViill-y organ" factory.-..Mr. Kcnlty is one! Hmw. fellow of u, sent I ini zing turn of tho trustees of '{lie. 'Ml,., Lebanon M. [then Inoked the box over and discovered K. i-liurcb. He has receiitlv hi<ou mur-i that the express man had niisiivterpre- vicd."' ... ' I toil the iidthvss. Instead of the name Here, iire three items taken word for | reading Wm. ILiMcKinuey, it read Win. rord 'tliat Vi'iulvr-tntciTstingly.: h l tl i g j S. Skinne '•Four of the largest steel \viro ropes: Jf McKinnoy luul taken 'the express over made in this country were, shipped | ptipkngc it is Imnl to toll whoUicr-tho last. Thursday from the works of John j joke, would.. havti bt'eu on him or on A. Koebling'in .T.reuion. ..-Tiioy are forjSkinncv, . , . " ' . . " . use on the Urooldvn bvidgo. lOncli rope j +-+-— ; is 1,150 feet in length, throe inches in , Nfl Government Land For Tlu.m. . (linnii'ii'i-. iinu' Their n"sromlte U'eiplit 13! 10-2..ITO i»miiit«." . • '!• Sollhor S. W. Oypliore or Bavl^MIMi- ^Tlic lioilal on ihe now orRim in Uic! ell tciok up tiny Imnl in Llio Sliosiione Jf 1! ' [Inm* is "MI iiowcrful Hint a j Rwui'vntkiii, WyotiilllB, which ivns opon- iic!"lilK>rin" lunis.' ocniiiied liv Hov. J. oil by.tlio (lovoniiiiont on Au(!ust 15. lrtnnioiilor. fairli- trcmbl-s'when llio lit. Cj-pliors liiis wrlUon a. lotlor to n full fni'oi. is nn'. oil" ' • ' ' Hm<3 liera '" wlllu1 ' ll! ' s "- vs "• 1S tlll> 'City Attorney ^\ f ni. A.^Stryker "ha: set himself, tn work prennriujrii lecture, Vhi c i r l i'i^w"i i 1^ I Hi i si r (is-soon- as-1 ti«-1 i i 11- ited time will i>onnit. llts 'subject, is •Vuni. Yinn:, or You' Unhriillml Man. 1 Ho will ' deliver saint; this winter' ii; siich places as nnekettstown." >r.' Morris'lowii nnd Labor Day Announcement. Our store, will bo closed on T b r JIonday;;Septv;kll 1 iill day. _ r ^' ~~~~ -^ 3ST.1S1 r ArjjuxTirJiiiVsuViij-FtiT- rure.anl Spnrltling, read nil. page 8 most closolalc, uninviting country., that enn be iiun^lnod ; Unit nothing wiifgrow .thoTO.Jjut^snMoJtywb.^Qf.V.tho.JO.OOp peoph; who canio there frotn all parts of tho counti'v, not live •hundred of them took up land; HiP believes that tho whole thing Is ii scheme of tho railroads to secure some liind and water rights. Tie is now at the homo of his brother Iu Valentine, Neb..; . •;,, u '-f^ Davis Mitchell . gave up'tho idea of farming also, and ho Is now employed as timokcepcr on a railroad in W'yomlnij. burial. irarlzell. flie other B victim, •UR. . " uii'Lil V and A sou. unUy. Hiirtzell's body was not recovered uii- '•• til .Sunday morninir. It was discovcrctl "iy George Stein n't the head of Littlo Cr 1'onl ltift. below llclviilere. He saw what n]ipcjivcd to be a body. and.wading' ou'f. found it lodged against the. rocks. He called Morris llriiik and, the two men iloated Ihe body up river "as far as Front street l.olvidord They summoned Acting Coroner Smith and he. gave a permit to remove it. .. ... The body was in nn ntlvnnced state'of., dcconi]io-;itiou. A roil of bills contain-- ing about-, .$70 wa.s found in the clothing, along wit h some other ' small nrticles, but Uiirtzcirrf goldwalch was missing. . Tlie •rcmaiiis were taken to "East Bangor on M"oud:iy for burial,. • . . '""'• nynnuiite was lised in the river on Saturday by George Bonrduia'u in nn ef- fort; to raise the body. It is thought that this menus was elTective and that, the body wa^iaised and iloaled do\ni to the spot where it was found lodged, in the rocks. \, ' .'•..' Mrs. llavtzcll had previously t offered : a reward of $100 for Ihe recovery of the bodv liml the ii'oiii'V will, doubtless go lu-Sl,.,',!- "• •mi it. he money will, dob g , il"Vnink. th« mori who aiscov-•-••; All kinil< of frosli vegetables in. i ..inre at .llryiin's Flower nntl 3 GnrdeiiriHi the Port Colden.road, \ i:i^to;;^X. J,; also priinrascs, obconlcns,. liegonias, rutihor pinnlsN pino,trees, fcrns.v hulb-s, etc, for fall antl winter - decora- tions. •Visitors always welcome. ,lt"•• V" m A Delicious Thrill of Pleasure, [road
Page 1: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft


tlie sworn averageweekly circulation of the STAR

3 for the year ending July I,


The sworn average; weekly.^ cir ;;; culation of -the STAR for ;,one^year, ending July; I,1906, "was

• x, >•£ ! :jV|;-J


Cornish Employees Scored Big-ger Success Than Last Year.

OVER 1000 ON EXCURSIONIn Spile ol Baa We»lber There Were Nine

More People This Year Than Last.

Fine Band and Orchestra Music =nd a D:ll;tl-fill Nljht-Belore Concert Were Feature!.

(>III>1K-ITV ljiki'. in II* wlinlii liistorynn an exi'i'ii-siou ri^cirt, ]ma not ciitcr-tninnl 11 hn|i|iii.r, mori! mnj-i'iiiul ,«r: inurennli-rlv i m n l tlmii tlm .Cornish »n-tilnvm 1111.I thi'ii- friimK wlm visitnilUnit sci'lii'lnl nml |ilclim-»qiii. Sussrafount.}- »|int liiil Salnrilny. This is licita loii".ilmwiv cc.ncliwif.il—it is in lmrwitli Ti stiitcnu'iit niiuli' l.y AwlntnaTroin DhimtcliiT llnili'.v, of thn Uckn-wiiiina ruilrciiul. "lie iu'ciml|.iinii'.l tlio

ilirccL tin: iimvciiii'iit. of•silin li

trnitiH. 'Tliii-pSMiwiciii endous af-

fair, all things considered. It seemedhardly possible that this year's ontiugwould outstrip that of hist year, whenthe first, excusii.n of the iissm-tutlnn washeld. The fact that concision- fromtlu> railii'nd coinpuny wen- limited tliwwar and that tnniNpnrtatiim by rail-road hud in be to the same resort tin*vear or nowhere was taken to mean Mintini.nr would remain a t home. Thi:nmv' ns a matter of fact, have been tincase nml it is also true that the ratherinauspicious weath.-f prouint.'d manypeople to give up the. idea, o f f i n g . • •

If another re-sort bud been ehn-cn Iln«vear, and if line weather had prevailed,'it [H safe to predict that fully '.DO more,people would have accompanied the PX-

' The traiisi-orlnlion committee repnrt«with a great deal of pride thai thfilUinibtT. in spite of these handicaps cx-cecda hr nine tl». i.umher-tli.it went.histvear. The, ticket*, sold this year totaledMVO; lasL-year the total number:.wnsl .n i l . After paying all exjt.'n^s the as-sociation limN that, in tlie face of verylibcral advertising expense*, and alieavv outlay fur music, etc.. they have,a surplus of $110.40. It will be addedto the fuuiN of the association, whichhave been very uiuch minced during thepast year, through tho payment nf fdck

'"'"v'livitics in co.inectinn with the ex-curs ion iHinw on Kriduv night when

tin; excursionists reached home, shortlyfter nnven o'clock. ..They went pretty

tired litil. iveru ' w«H {ilennvtl with tlieday's* outing. , - "

SOMK KXfUIItSION* XllTKS.The Uekawunuu Co. did everything

jiossible to obligo thn committee. :11c-sides running a Hpeciul trnin between.Junction and Washington, both beforeand after tin- excursion, tin: companynotillcd the conductor to honor, oxcur-

tickets from cither Chaiigcwatrr or.function. In this manner exc.nr.-d mustsfrom thc«e joints were given transporta-tion t " Washington free. . . ' *•

.Senator Cornish and his family uc-impairicd tlm excursion b i i t V W II."

again remained a t home to "watch thef n c t o r y . " . • " • • • • ' • :

Mnny N'opilbam antl silk null employeswent along. : This big N'ccdlmm ling wnsihit ou t ' iu front of llm factory,

Mr. lliildfinan, for the Klectrie Lightf.'t».. donated the current that was usedin the electrical display, in front of thefactory, .

.limn Lunger \vn« omnipotent—-W fore,during and since tho excursion. .

The aim next .year 'U to take fifteenhundred people, lo the excursion,

(irorge I 'aub, parsed 11. profitable, ilnygetting orders for tlm Tonkin Soup Co.It wn* the first tiay oil" thity in nineyears, hit says.

Those who found the hotel-nn uUrtir-lion were glad to learn thai .the "sodawater" was nice and cold this year.

It happened that each excursion train" ' nrrii'd almost the >fi»n>

igi'is. .Then! were justto tint lakenumber nf |i;eight, more people on the second Irantliau nn the first. Coining home the;were nht} VCIT evenly divided.1


.'lYhentm of tell pit•rt from 11 guMy decorated pint-

hours and was i:n•eral hundred pe

form in front of the factory. This last-ed for just iw<.appreciated by ,who turned nut to hear it, <l«-s|rfti!'tin

^"J.WbLV.ji:!^.!^'" 11cioutly~co'inlitioTis"ovcrife7i(i.- ••' In- l-ninu

tion 'with1 the conceit there, was a (ielectrical ilisplny iu front, of tins fntorv. nxltMiiling. across 'the streets. .Thisconsisted of about two huadiv.i iidescent lamp-, arranirctl with a greatdeal of taste, by Karl Kckel.

Karlv mi thi!"morning of the following day I.Vmge West's ban.l nf I'h.illips

.,"hnrg, '(•iimprisiiig twenty pieces, eamc

spirit bv discoursing some inspiring innsic thrmiL'ii tin: strccU. 'liieir- inn«i<was of tlie finc.st order. M'.S.:*0 they

."formed «t tin- head of the. employees anil; inarched from llm factory to' the rail-

road station.. All tho employees as-wellas a great, many of the' excitrstoiiists•were supplied witii badges, ..containing a.picture, of the factory and i-oininemura-

•"tlvi; of the event. ' . .

Two trains, oach (if ton i::irs, awaitedtho excursionists at 'ihe station. The

...,.iir.st,of,t.li.«;.se,..lL'it a t S.-IT), and thu.titlmr- lett-ten—minutes--later. 'Ilieii! was--a

little delay at I'oi-l Jlorri-. .lne fojhe .fact Unit the engines bad to lie. turnedin order to take. Ilia trains over tliSussex branch, lfowcver, the trip wasmade, in good time, and I ho excursionists . readied Urn take, about ten o'clock.

herself from that time, on according to

•found along the. pike, which includedrille shooting, howling, merry-go-round,iiiiniatiirt! railway and games nf^varidu.s

'•-i tl.S"oription. Others h'icd . riway*Jto se-cluded spots'and picnicked. Others lis-eacd to the music, a concert liy the bundbeing held following the arrival.

PROSPECTS OF A NEW TRAINDivision Passenger Agent Here Sounding

. [fuslness Men as to Need of nnBurly Train to New York.

There seijtnn tn be n good prutha t tho ivtiiii'nt i}\ the IniHiness nn

ton for a better train service1.1'tween this place utnl Xuw York- will

mil. Iu f-omelblng beueliciiii. .SCVITIIIi*hs ago Itev. I-'. (1. Kland got up 11

petition, which was numerously signed.il sent It lo (iettrge A. CuHi-n, Uu; newnefiil piiSHongor a^ent i i r 1.11»• Laclta.tina. This petititm requested tlinl

thu Itaekiittstown awoinimidutloii. trainbe started from Washington Instead oHudtettsUnvn. as WHS tin: cnsit Severnyear* ago. or that some other provisioiI..-made to improve the early tnunilititrain Bi.'ivice tn Nuw Vork.

Washington people baveUoen «ulij(fct*>(to great inconvenience fin- several yonripast owing to tho IiiKiiilluieney-of tintrain Kerviee, and all efforts made up dthis time to Imvo couilitions fomedie)have proved fruitless. A person desking to visit the metropolis in time totransact any ennsideruhlo amount oflni.-iness. tnusL get up about half past,three o'eluek and take the train leavinglit-re nt-l.:tr». The next train leaves at.s.:m. and when tliis is Into, owin^ t>

eeUons. one is tempted t«give up tho trip until the next day.This condition has, unquestionably, beet

Washington and New York than wouldhave beiMi the case otherwise.

Yesterday the general passenger agentsr-nt tlio 'district passenger agent. Mr.IL X.. UuttL-rlleld. here to investigat..the situation. He suid that Mr. Cnllei

the need of better survi-recofinzUu- Washington and

i i U i tdi'-sirous of

giving it. "Htj interviewed severalthe business' men and must have leftwith the.-impression that- a train foiNew York at a rea=uiiablo liour is great-ly needed here and should be granted.

A suggestion made to Mr. Uultei'tieM'which .'seemed to strike 11 responsivechord, was that l.he Laekawanmt coultwith profit to itself put on a fast muniing train liotweon l'hillipsbiirg and NewYork—11t1e.Ll.11t would pick up passen-geis us? I'ai* enst as Doverand then 1-11111(Uobui:eu without niakingnny other stopSueb 11 train would doubtless draw mudpatronage from the rapidly increasingpopulation of Phillipshurg and adjacentim-rilorv. and.iiuprovo.tho.sofviee reii-ilored"other "towns" idling the liiii;'iii'tlii:s e i : t l o n r

: • """•• • '•• • •"• •• ••••••• • •

JuMr . lUitterflehl our poon.b <recog-nized a very practical and observing niil-roatl man as well a s . a n affable y^'ntle-inan, relleeUtif,' tlio high class ol' talentnow In eharge of Laelmwanna afl'airs.-'•-•.TJnVinterost tlio1" cotiiptmy- lias 'Shownby sending a rcpreaonlalive hero to inv'estlgale, indicates Unit sometiiing wilbe done to Improve the train service.

At dinn tim tihoso who • had; partook of lunch, ..whita

other's patronized the big hotel., '.wherethe service was found to bi! very muchof an improvement over that of the yearbefore.

.. ..-:Froin . one ..o'clock, or.fiiijoviiifnt was foil

- " • ' - ' • • ' I ,

jjreat deal ofi . ibiiicini.v"niui

ilion'was' ]iackcd with people.if i dd i f

ji p ] ppKirst the orciiesfni provided music for"lis ]>nrposo, anil tit three o'clock thohand relieved th.which the o "a resumed ami con*tinned lo piny until train time.

..' The weather was responsible for thocancellation of some of the contests thatIIIKI hocn advertised, The base hall gamedid n o t come oiV on account of the wetcondition of the ground, nnd the nwiin-

•-•"liiiii'r-:uialclr;-W!ia-"iibiUidoiicd-0\ving-tOv*"»''ij;coldness of the water. ,'*.'

...The goose chase proved amusing. Thewinner was fetor Slater. No .capturedthe big, white goose and received ifc asthe -prize. Ho captured the'goose lastyear also. . .

On acount of making train connec-tions at Washington, to accommodatepeople living between Washington ami

one excursion train leave the lake, atfive o'clock. This was done, through

°thft courtesy of Sir. B.ulcy. Thn oiliertrain left the lako a t six, o'clock. All

Radical Factory Changes.

The recent factory changes iuington have not. only, caused, surprisebut have caused considerable fnvornhltL-oinhicnt ns well. That a local manone,.of the most experienced men of^thCornish factory, has been chosen as thsuccessor of Superintendent Urninbacha t the Xc'ilhain. factory, is gratifytn;to lihe mechanics in both factories, amthose who . are acipminted with MrTxjwis 1). Florey's capabilities luiyo 111[loiibtithat.heLwilL^inake•gooilI_';iii Innew and responsible position. *: J l r rVIorev assumed, his new duties'last Ifonday- ' '

.Mr.- Ununbach will remain;.with thXecdlitnn eompany unlil. tlie"fifloenlh oSeptember and after that time intendto retain his rcsidi'nce in Washingioiuntil he gels located ciscwhorq. 111feels the need of a vest mid intends Ilake advnnlngfi of Uic-opportunity.

Other, changes .tome with the cluing

"gncs "to ihe- NeedhYim' to tak'e «lnTr]itfroftho piano, deparlinont. ,Ne. 1(,as becaipiano regulator a t the Cornish for sev-eral years.

Mr. L. T . Weller has taken LewisD. Florey's place at the Cornish fac-tory as foreman of tho organ action de-partment. No is' succeeded ns organlcmlaLov by .Tolin W. Lunger, who isalready proving his fitness for the post.

TROLLEY WILL SOON STARTtoad fs Now Fu'fy Completed and a Week

or So Promises to Sec It In; . ; - Actual Operation.- ; : ;

iifdiiuatiou uu tap tliis weekV but itickh autlicnticity. ' Tlie general report•* that, ears are' going to run throughiVitshingtou ."Hire" this week~--ayilong about Saturday. Kvervhody ^cciusmre of thi* except Air. May* the bead ofhe road. lie says he doc-Mi'l know, andloesn't vare to ninke anv nnnv I'i'i-ni^es. • ' - . • . • • • • ' . • • • • :

It is not likely that the cms will runiv Saturday, or even bv Labor Day.There are so hi to be two "obstacles. The

have been delayutl and "the powerfrom the I'nrt Colden plant i"u"t. lesidy.i'!:e car« will he shipped th.; niiddli- oithis week, it \* leporletl, and the powerwill soon be ready from the ilyniumis atthe power plant. Tho^e who elaiin toknow say it is not feasible to use the

IT from Kasttiii to run ears as far asIVa.shiiigtou.

So it is wife to say that the trolleyvill run to Washington jn*t »* snon usbe ears arrive and • jn-*t as ^oiiitas the

power lionet! can supply th'' current.Kvcrybotly seems of the opinion tlmtthis will hc"n mutter of » few day-* only.

The line iu l'hil!ip*l>urg tbvoiigb Sitrenves street to the soldier-*' mninineut was finished last l*riday and canrere run over the line thai afternoon

The people along the route welcomed tinurs antl made tpiite a deiin>u>t ration'he company has opened a waiting110111 at the corner nf ^Main autl Sit-leave-* street, where cotinectiun- ilade with the lines of the KaMon Tn

sit O .

Cits are now nitrated between I'ldl-|..lmrK and Xew Village on the hour

schedule. The lone car <[nin<: service has-iked very hard of lal

unequal to tiiit. It went out itf

andds miul<

i.L'iiin last Sunday ami cau-ed a lot ofinnoyani-e to pasi-cnfM-rs and the trolleyn e n . •. . ' • .

The roti^triu-tiou canine came back UiViishingtiin Tuesday morning with a•adoad of rindi-r, the engine having beet1 #•(E at I'liillipsburg f»r the \m< t\v<g

The i yang]is :il-n been hnjiu-hl buck to W,i-]ii]l::

'Hi.' public tm'.-liMj: to i^id.-r'-'ib",11..v ordinaire in llackettstowu -li

uMUr.iii'-olV laU.M«»i.ilay nlglit UH unitcipated. The trolley i-ompany tlcsircduu adjournment and the subject


Were at Head of Big 4th of JulyCelebration in 1880.

CELEBRATEDOROHESTRABcnlly's Famous Musical Organization

Was at the Height oi Its Glory Then.

Some o! the Events Tlial liiii !aUrtsllogLocal Hlatory at the Close ot 1880.

Tlujre wllIbeiiDwinilviil In Washing-.011 next, week, us hnil been widely iidvei-llbtiil.'—Witu-iti. OoitiicU, No. 10. J r . 0 . V.A. M., under whoso iiitt«ph:i.'t» the KSL#C1-slur Carnival C*>. WIXH to appunr here, liasec-eivetl wurd frt'in W. S. Miller, thennnnger, that, lie will not come. Thenilge UK'iiMiy Miller has served them a•ontemiitlbte trick.'

Miller was here as late as hnt Sunday,it? directed w>tne work to be dnin> atj'elilein'c Green nntl expressed hinipelfin satislled with the preparations nud

untie, . ,

Great Demand for Cars. •)ne reason the LiickiLwaiina railroadnot catering to exeiir.-ioiH this yearbeeaus'ii the company luts not sulli*

cient curs to meet the demand. .Most oftin: cars owned by the company are be-ing used-, tn' inet-t. tlii! great .passengertrallic. List week 'when"?cars were or-dered for tin; Cornish excursion it wa-=utmost ini|KisHible tn »«t a .Mitlicicnt

umber together. Tn fuel, all that could• secured were twenty, nml ton of theseid Ut be brought, here specially for the.

The. scarcity of cars is nn fault of therailroad company. They have bad or-ders in fur a bmg time'for ears but sobusy are the manufacturers that theyare simplv swamped witli the orders.Tins same, applies to trolley cars, and thesituation Yelleds the"great" era of. pros-perity among manufacturers "every*when'.1

Remembered the Original Band ~ Man.f.Ynrgf! West's band of l'liillip<hurg

tendered a serenade to Uobert, lioniba-early last Saturday morning, ju-^t

.!•••-"iU'C-uiiipanyiug-the Cnrnisli em-:t"»' fxciir^irm.- .-The hand marclicd

froin nw.xluiiuu nnd went straight tohe llornlmker residenee.- where a beau*iflli;:scfeiiiidtvwiis i-eudei-ed-ia -Iht* d'K.l-

yard, while MiV; Honibnker stood uponthe. front, porch nnd lUlo.notl with pro-,found attention. He started to expresshis uppreciat ion at the. clust?. and itwis observed ;,that the niusiC: had in-

spii-cd.iiicniorres;of old band day< )\\s*' nic«>-being'"full" of emotion;-' >lr. West-eticved him. from further speech mnk-

ing .and irrlroducpd him to the handboys as the pioneer band man of Wash-ington, lt< wns a1 touching incident andllii- serenade, wns well-limed and .showedoiutiieudabh- fon-l.1,,,1-1,1. ' ,,11 l\,>- \,&vtir Mr;"\WHt. Srr, llornlmker did not

let, "tlie boys" depart until he passedthe cigars 'around.

Thev hail n big Fourth of -Inly cele-bration in Washington in ISSIf. It WUMiidvertisi-d as a grand reunion of the sol-diers and sailors under the allspices ofthe Hcatty Veteran (SuanU. There wn*11 prncei-sUin nnd drill iinder ciminiaudof Major Cenerai Kilpntrick, assistedbv Col. llaines and Col. Si-Iinonnver.-Theirators of tin: day were (leiieral Kilpul-.-ick, Cencrar William Ward and MajorCarl Lent/, the latter being the presentUepulilican lnuw of KsseX county. Thelocal speaker was citv attt.riiey Win. XSlryker. Mayor Daniel F. Meatty wmmaster of ceremonies. II was u ^loritni;occa-ion. The niilrinlds nlVered specialtran<polta!i<ni rates and there WITH lire-works iu abundance.

Thi! .Utility Veteran CiniriK the or-gani/atiuu luiving tlie celebration illcharge, had been formed ju*t. prior tothat, liealty was responsible for theplieriialin, ineliiditig init^kcN. unifurnispbernalio. including muskets, nn if onusand the like The nlllcers elected wereC. F. Slnates. captain: (Icoige Halm,lirst tii-iitcnant: .1. II. Trimmer, secondlieutenant.

•lust altnut the same time n militarycompany wits organized here, known asthe Wellington Continentals. It badtwenty-six members and the ollicers wereas follows: Captain, .T. T. Langstatr;l.ieiiLcnant. Hart let llowtby, SergeantWilliam K. Weller: Chaplain, \\w. S. K,Webster: Snigcon, Dr. Win. M. MainlThe members were mostly young fellows

Jieattv"was. advertising his minie inthe niM-'i imliearil-of fnsbioii. Kveiy wa>u person turned little else could be secibut thi! name [Scatty. He had an nrches

organized.' It was known as thelieatty orchestra, nud .each .mimiher waspresented with a costly silk cap, acrossthe top of each one. appealing tin- nameIteattv in large gold letter*. The mem-bers consisted of I'lof. Hi. A. Lawrence.leader; llessrs. Krii-ger,'./. C. Weller. 0.C. Catapbell nnd f'reveling.

Most everywhere Hint Henfiv went thn-chi'stm went, with him., lie used. t<ttcitd the. chiliiren's ilav exercises in thteighboring eburches. The Star of Unit

period contains an account of his visitto Anderson antl to Mt. Lebanon, win•hihonite children's day ' exeivhc* we

held nt tll»'se two pbiees. City AUorne>

sions. Kacli of them made an nddi-ess•chestra iiwoku the ecliocs of

those ipiict places with their music.Itev. P. K. WclKler hail been pastor

f the I'rcsliytcrian cliurch lit-re fur sev-a! years prior to this time. On July

Booming Conditions in the Northwest..Frank li. Frost, fnvinerly of Wash-

ington^ who for tho last few years hasbeen a U. -S. Chinese inspector :it. Van*cpnver. British Columbia, writes us. thatfile country:- is in iCwonderfu'i' stale ofilevelojinicnt antl prosperity. IVoplthe F.ast. lie says, have only a faint con-ception of the vapincss of the Pacificcoast,'' The snlnmn business \$thing wotxlerful. In Tugot Sound. T.rit-" " Columbia, nnd.,,Alaska there, wore.$.12,000,000. worth of .salmon taken outof'the'water in sis" week'sllLof ]»0.1. Thisis only a sumlumber busini$100,000,000clippings, from papers, one of flifi mostinliMTstiug items being an account of aschool of salmon twcnl-y-tive miles long,liot.h he and l l r s . Frost-a re in tlihMfc of licnllh.1-

e .item coin pared with the

ss. This? will run up (oyear. ITo sends along

H t

JuiiT RicCKiVKD-a cavloiuUof Bowkofsfertilizers — difforeut gniues, uinoroiitprices. W. D. Qnlick. ;)) ,

Base Ball Kotcs.The. "Washington tonin will go to Hnck-

. c.j.ta t;tt>V!iiC!!utlp^^art.o.!i\nbj.L-^kTi'LbOJ^12I1

to piny tho foiirl.li" game" 'of tlio"'scasnn"with the club a t that place. Wn.sliliig-ton has won two games and Uiiekotts-town one. .

Tliore was-nio game last Saturday onaccount of Hie excursion. This Satur-day ,.Washington will play Hie Oxfordii'»m lit. tliis place.

Stroudshurg. clinched Urn pennant lastSjiturday^liy_£ef eating the llangor ton in

star twirler of tlio tenin, has gone toPhiladelphia for a trial with the Ath-letics.

had an Interview with Millor.* He gotlittle satisfaction. Miller HIIJH h« hn»been porsoimlly tlirwitenetl in c a a o h cCHIIIO to Wusldiigton because of. ' thetrouble- ho him liad witli Fmnk Aten,tin; inerry-gd-round inati, whose home 1Hhere. Other members of tliu carnival

companyouy they are. "iifrnltl". too, andpositively refuse to come.

All of Oils is all right Troin Mlllm-'spoint (tfl-'iiiw, but it tloes not, niter thefact that Wnrreii Council has alreadyspent some $(M) preparing for tin; enrnl-

.,;,,.s :.:^^

Sad Death of Miss Sabra Dun-ham and A. J. Hartzell. v 5" ••

BOAT sWAS OVERLOADEDCapsized Wbile Going Throuj;!] Breakers

Below Buttermilk Rift, Near Beivldcre.

I anywhere from i.100 to S.'W.by rensor. ofj the llusco. Thev have Miller's contract

TlH'U I.-went baek to Dover, where hM h l t h p , r ^ ^ n I l l l k ,y t t I n . d n ; s s

Itas been d.dng a big business and mnk- L v U l w l u k e i | i I t n . l l w | , ^ to l,e seeiing a lot nf motley. Members tif theAthletic Association there retjuested him

to remain another w«.-k, nn.l, believing ) U l t, f( , h ( ( | | ) w w n ( J n , a U ,; w [ g 0

more profitable for him to do , o n e l l l l i U l I I o l . I t ( l l i

u telegram here Tuestlay ; .xh« i-oiiiihUtei> of "Wnri^n Council a

whi*ther5Ir.Milli.'r"»deL'isIon to remainin Dover b o it would be inori! pro-

st». In; gnight sttiting tlmt lit! "ilhl n«f hi>Ui'yi. In-could cwiu! to Washington.''

i.'orgi' Ciouker. iu;tlng fur the, loi|ger

ay afti.'inoon nnd ' urlontal Court.

noiiiict'.i Hint till' tliu ndvc.rtlta'il itttroc-tiotm Iniv.i btiL'ti cancelled, including tin:

parado of -Monday night by

j . -• i ;Tnii i«;, ,;n,,n!;|,,, j j s j , .„»» . . • , |. SETTING NEW VALUATIONSI.itcinda J . White, $:t."i; Clnn,-::[l*: K. It. KtwkiT. $32? Mrs. .(. H.[Witte. $:tl): Katt! Hampton, $:«): Anna •Cooke. §:IO: l.iz/.ie Weller. ft!."i. ;

That 'year was pivsidenliul year. Tli

What the Hoard (or the Equalization olTexts Is Dolng'in Wnrrcn


iiomiuatol W. S. Hancock: About the llm-i- busiest men in War-D . n n i a tand the Keputdicans umiumitcd .bum iiuly just now art- tin1

\ . (Jarileltl. A Hnncock & Knglisb flub; the ltoanl for the Ki|unlization of Taxes,wiw oryiiui/rd iu Wasbiuglou witli .Jacob, They are pull in- in nbout six da,vn aS. Voilgh an president.

J d U ' f Wvk looking

f thJudp- Haiiu <>f Wasliiiigton was an | town< of theproperty in

inty mid" setting valtia-aspiiniit, for the Congressional nnmiiiii- i tions. Iu piaeficatly alt of tlie largertion that year but ;\n (he eainpaign pro-; towns they have found it necessary tr

1 In- withdraw from the race. Tlic; iiu-rca-e the ' ynluatioim us a wholeinitiation went, to Henry while on the other hand the genera

»iii farm land have beenDeinot-mlic 1S. Harris, tliltolvidcrc

ivi'iition being held in , valuntim! found loo in^ii.

Cin-licld & Arthur club in' The railroad problem has hoi(hut vear also, and they, ing niiu-h of tlicir attention.

held met'ting." in what wns known then :eivacod vjiluatioux fnuu the assessmenta« the "tWn.Hli opeia lioihc." This.wnsjnf tlii,. cla-s of prttperly will mean up-

|iioil li.v tin. «' . A. A.1 the building iiow occit-i wards of a fpiarlcr of a millimi dollars

1 this county thfe year. Tlii-* will have-- Oiie'iif1 the- Ilipnhlican spenki-rs here a tendency to lower the local tax rate,that vear was .(olm I. Mlair Iteib-y, thej Kailri'iid pinp.-rty is divided intopresent I'ri'-Kiitm- of Warren county.' three classes. I'irst class railroad prn-

jnst budding out then and eanie; perty, consisting of the main stem.here thrmt^b the efforts of I'ostnmsler i wliicli compri: mail bed furI ' u l pe r .The s|wc(.'h lie made liere was i witllh tif lone hundred feel, mid thirdbis maiden olVort politically. M-lass |ii(ipj!i1y. ennsisting of the rolling

Tlif Itepiiblican ciinntv convention wns ;>tin-k, is iis-esst-d by the State Hoardheld in Helvidi'iv that 'year. The secre- It- is only/the swond class property thatt a ryn f tlmt niceliii^. was Attorney Da-Vomes mid-r tin- jurisdiction <if tlie bicalvid" Itiirtruu. n-ses^Ji-s. •."This .-(miprises stations,

The rcMilf of that elcetinil.U well J freight houses, etc.known. Caillcld was elected President. This i-lassilieation is nceonlinj; to a lawiin<I ilcniv S. Man-is was elected Con-. of I S«4 nml most of tlie cmiiity nsse.s-»rcssniiin." Iligbt after tho election the., .-nrs in tlie State are being guided bynew Cmigrc-smaii was teiitleri'd a. rous-', that law. .Tlierif is an exception in thising serenade bv the Dutch Hill hand .of j county. The Warren County board hasOxford. William I.. lloa|-

.Shi-rreril fur .County:. (Jlerk.ml licat dise.

yil a law passed at the close nf

the last.session of the legislature whic.Ii

y pII he announced his intent

yf leav-

ing the local church and accepting .t-ualI Willininspm-t, l*a. Her. Mr. Webber•ft .;WiHhiugtoii^>liortly iifter: this and

for it. kwv months the. local piiljiit'wasof 0.:*.



thaii-ueanl. lltiweve.r. in the

nounceiiicut wasI1111I been extended Hcv. Clinrlus \X Xolt.

Davenport. Iowa. ^JJr. Xolt itunu Imv'epastor iu Decmulwr -of that year.

ISnnie iinprovcmenls wi're being niadeto.thc. I'rcsbyteriaii cliurch at ilih limo.OIUJ of the changes was the moving of the)ig organ from" the gallery down .stairso si position near the pulpit. Years agot. was the im-ariiiblc cusU>iu io have theihui'eh organs and the. choir iu the gal-I'ry-i nnw .they. ari'..nirely:;secii,.t.|ierc. „.

Wlicii'llii' census cinimeraior n"iT\VaslPn^ouVnwiisbip coniplftcl his laborshat year he found that then; were, 1.400vhite people in the township' nntl not a

tliu number (if farms to be 110.- I n . t h e middle, of thai .siimim-i- the l).;

IJ. <fc~ W." 'began' the work' of tearitigImvu' thf old.^wotideii;. railroml bridgeicross the .M'uscoui'tcong , civ,e.k atCliaiigcwatt-r. It was rupliiml with an

liridgt! HIH) feet long. the. sanift onuHint is,.nt, the present 111111; iu service.

il.e work of, building the nowwas going on. there oocurn.'d an

accident in which Tlieoilore ShiK'inaltcr.a. vn il road cnrpenti-r. of . StrouiUburg.lost his life. He was at work on topof On; bridge anil was standing upon onecut! of IL plank, while n fellow workmanstood upon the. other end. Tin: bthurworkman clianced to. step oil' liis endantl the plank tilled under, SlioeinaUerVsweight, causing him lo fall lo fthegr<;i\itnl; st'.yi'iity^cct below, lift was etir-ried (o.tbc, home of ^liivshall .Mind near-by, and dictl upon this piireh a siiort limelater.

Annputiireini'iit was ninde that a."-trioof hiiiycH;tS from Vliilndciplilu. hadpassed through Washington on their waylo the Delaware Water Clnii. TIIPV madet l i " " ' - • • ' • ' ~


e p y(rip from I'hiiiiili'lpliin (o (lie Gup,ytiir said, in two days. < ^

On 'Only 27 William '».. S|-j,pliin waskilled at. Hie railroad crossing"at Uroadstreet. He was. n. milkman and lived inQliritoiv==IfeiicSl;llo.-U;iul!;?h.-^.-^nv.d'-.v;'.son liis way homo when tlie morning ex-press froni ICaslon struck his team. Sut-phin wns inslairlly killed, lillincdiatelythe danger of leaving the crns-sing unpro-tected was pointed out and nn ngitationarose M-hieli resulted in Hie companypl'ioiug o; lluyntan nt Hint point. :

:H. W. Allejjei- retired from tlio' firmof Alleger, Bowlhy &, Co.,and went into:UlSil:n3ines3z0f-l!'.!1.!!'!fl'..alU^"o^o.1ulVll.5=."—his own account." • .

Tho school trustees elected tho follow-ing corps of teacho'vs Hint, year: Jos.

A111011:.' till' Cri-uk lifts mailii iliirin^'ili'lim's M'H.iiil-ditss railniiMl |)ru[iL'rty ill...iitri.am|i;iij:ii was mu; ti(!tuwiro\'-l''f('o-;-a-(iill('n!iiL";-iiiaiiin1r.'"Jlliroii^lr• i f thi»vIn.hh-r Mill.r of Wn.-liinjrton township iaiv iintliurizcil to awsn.-s at local vaU'nmil Snmiii'l Oiii • of tniln.vilali'. Jlil-;all tonllioii.-cs. si»nal tmvi'rs. sii.'iml up.li'i- liml to wliu'l CniiniT hoiii Uu. Im-'inirnlii-i. V-IIOIVVIT rmiiul. nml all siilinsluvihlle mill to New Hampton

'P I W l l


outside of the one lillll-IVtcr I!. Wi'llrr mis Sfllinj; iiw ;iln'il f.'i'l pri-si-rilu',1 us iiiiiKlitittit^' til.

Hou.i'liolJ si'ivinc iniK-lttiiB in Wasliinu-i nini" SK'I". \ " otln'i- miinty Imnnl illton nml vicinity. •" il|n.' s ' " l>' . "• !'" «s known, is lixing

Tlii- il.'in from tile ..1.1 .Star is si^nili- '• valuations inali'r tins lir-•nut: -Tiit.y-'. Attorni-y Strj-kcr. ]iassWl': ..Tlie l.oanl has ilwidml not t<i assesthrough llrrr.id «lr«.|':,,1Sd

nty |iroperly;.slK.lildi l hg

ndaiir. Wimi'. will lliis"ilriv-:l."ililin!;s. almsl!. • . ' I n . . ' ^ I l l i , , 1 . . . I . . < • • . . I

ing mil. o' nights coiiie to an end?"'Che camp.iign nf ISSO saw the em

f one of. the Helvidere papers. Tlie In-:dependent1 wound up its career by sn 'pending publication on Xm\"J...-

thnt the hit l!pm]icriy.

tliecoilltlie l c r They claimy

classities this as exempt

The Travels of a Hat.pending pnlilicalion on >nv. I.!. i W l l ] - | K _McKi,u,,.y, „„„ „( -the clerks

The AIlciilowii Ilein. in one of its i s - j j t i|,,. . |o«i | post-oiiice.: caine near got-sm~ during .Vovi.|nhcr,:said^_v-Mi-. A. :li,ig possession of au : up-to-dnte newF. l-'lnri'j-. who lias li Xfiictiiriii^ 1 i^n7ix.'"hntVtr«tViitVi«r "duy." 1* 'i io'"©^!)!-"^the eelcl.rated I'lorcy organ oil North I „„,„ j , , , , . , . ' , ,p. hrought^iiin hox eonlaiu.Hall sireel. this city, has sold the pat-li, , , , ,]„. | , i l t !m,i | ; l i , | it i,, j [ r . j | e K i n .

IsrlieMJKo.B "1 Old Ferrymanr-Hlas D a n l i s n ^Was an Artist ol Phlladelphli™ ™ •••

Two people of a boatload of f ixwhof»re, out on a ph-astim trip in tlie Del- •ware river, a tune Itelvidere la.st Thu'rii-""'lay afternoon lost tlicir lives nnd the es-

cape.? of the others from drowning was ;".•thrilling. Tho^u who - lost - ..tlicir • lives,vere Atidrcw .1. Hnrtzell, the aged ferry-1.,nun nt Hnrtzull's ft-rry, and Jliss SahraIJiinliatn,. a young woman of Vhilndel--[>hia. who Imd IH-CII a guest nt tlie •sura-iiier hnnu! of tJeorge W. Shaw. . \

The others in the party consisted ofl l rs . Hartzell and her twelve-year-olddaughter. Mrs. .John P. Korst and II. K. ,Fries, a i'liiladi'lphiii lawyer. - :

The trip had been planned severaldays before. Mr. llarUeli had u newl«»at. antl the. party walked up; tlie riverto a point nearly opposite. Delaware,the plan being "to enjoy tlie ride downthe river. .

The dicn>ter occurred'nt 2.lit-o'clock••nt a ]M)int known n* lliittermilk ltift.The btdics were, timid about tliis riftnntl suggested that the boat be keptclose to tlm JeiM'V side and out of the ;

rough channel, Mr. Hart/ell followedthis suggestion, owing to tho fact that••10 boat was so heavily loaded.

(Jetting pretty well through tlie rough'waters, lie ventured out. again into thechannel. There were still breakers ofconsiderable proportions and one ofthese caught tin? bout and threw severalinches of water into it. Hartzell beganbaling but soon gave this up and pulledfor the Pennsylvania shore, advising allhands not to get excited. :

Kyeu at. this monu'iil •VJH> lioat winsinking nnd"presently'it went.down iiiten or twelve feet of water.: As theboat went down it turned mid canie upimmediately bottom side upward. Hie,etlorty of Hartzell and Fries to save thewomen were hevoic. Hartzell endear-'om! to .-iive Miss Dunham, but whathappened was not observed liy the othersin the excitement of the moment. Friesgot all the o l l im to the boat, wherethey held their heads above water until

CriesSir. Ti t

if John K. .Smith, to the scene. A mannamed tlartlner mid his son Stewart of;KaMon also responded, along with. Sftv .

Airs."" I Inmi'll ''"imd Slaughter1" antl Mr." "Kries into liis boat and landed themsafely. Uavdncr took Jfrn. Frost.,

While Gardner was rowing to the Jer-•ey shore, something white was noticedit the bottom of the river and they.soon learned that it was the body ofMiss Dunham.' lying face downward.Gardner's fourteen-year-old .son divedfur the body and Itrmiglit it tin..She Imd ...

"biit all that could" l.t: doue'hVuio others!" "as well as physicians who soon arrived, . ,ua.-. of "iu> avail. Work louking towiinU7-resussitntiiig Imr was continued for iive •]l i o n r ^ .

1. .' . . . • • ' . ' : . . - • ;""

; : ; ' ••'•'.

.Several years ago two . men were -drowned at the same place, that, this . :

accident occurred. Their iiainos:-.wcre , •Viinbnni and fJallowav.1 Vanhorn was"a" ,"'•bniLhur of .Mrs. Ihirtucll. -.Tlmy wore'ini a. raft and were thrown off i'n'to theViiter.

of help immediately brought a*s ii bonnier a t the home

At -Ibe December meeting of the. Coin-1 'Mini, it isr;;dtlri'ssr;d to you." said thenon .Council, a license was grunted to i cxprcsMiiau, "and stune' friend may have

l it f th W h j i t t h tngton

Xohtu. proprietor of the Wash-] si'iu, it as a present—sonic sweetheart.

Uincbart ahoiit tliisV


p e tp p j o r - ninylm you have inade ji...het

"j au . i th f h.se'r. liiis hi-eu" pnyin 'l d t l t

,years old. nnd liad conducted the ferrya I. Hiirlzi'IPs fcrrv for forty vears. He

d U f i " i'Lil V U H ^j p y g pLou-lit, the NVw Hampton hotel, pnying! A. friend sn^csled tlmt McKinitoy

lOOr f th a t ti h a t y w a y A cha to g tOri for the^ y

pt tin; hat,_anyway. A chance to getK h t f ll it likLewis Ilium went,. to (lie HeiiLty fac-i a new Kno.v.hat for a small item like.a

(ory ns assistant, superintendent.A t h l t tAtmiher new msin also went to. tho \ every day. ! .

fjicitiry. :is tho fnllowinir ]iara- j McKiniiey wouldn't

1 . .i thirty-cent ^express bill isn't picked, up

d !

nture Hie" oul-rraph will '.show: "Ilibkird ']leal:ty. j lay... He is not. of the venturesome kindKnf|.. has nccepted a position in tho j at any rate. . . .IViill-y organ" factory.-..Mr. Kcnlty is one! Hmw. fellow of u, sent I ini zing turnof tho trustees of '{lie. 'Ml,., Lebanon M. [then Inoked the box over and discoveredK. i-liurcb. He has receiitlv hi<ou mur-i that the express man had niisiivterpre-vicd."' . . . ' I toil the iidthvss. Instead of the name

Here, iire three items taken word for | reading Wm. ILiMcKinuey, it read Win.rord 'tliat Vi'iulvr-tntciTstingly.:

h l t l i

gj S. Skinne

'•Four of the largest steel \viro ropes: Jf McKinnoy luul taken 'the expressover made in this country were, shipped | ptipkngc it is Imnl to toll whoUicr-tholast. Thursday from the works of John j joke, would.. havti bt'eu on him or onA. Koebling'in .T.reuion. ..-Tiioy are forjSkinncv, . , . " ' . . " .use on the Urooldvn bvidgo. lOncli rope j +-+-— ; •is 1,150 feet in length, throe inches in , N f l G o v e r n m e n t L a n d F o r Tlu.m. .(linnii'ii'i-. iinu' Their n"sromlte U'eiplit 13!10-2..ITO i»miiit«." . • '!• Sollhor S. W. Oypliore or Bavl^MIMi-

^Tlic lioilal on ihe now orRim in Uic! ell tciok up tiny Imnl in Llio SliosiioneJf 1! ' [ Inm* is "MI iiowcrful Hint a j Rwui'vntkiii, WyotiilllB, which ivns opon-iic!"lilK>rin" lunis.' ocniiiied liv Hov. J. oil by.tlio (lovoniiiiont on Au(!ust 15.l r t n n i o i i l o r . fairli- trcmbl-s'when llio l i t . Cj-pliors liiis wrlUon a. lotlor to nfull fni'oi. is nn'. oil" ' • ' 'Hm<3 l i e r a ' " w l l l u 1 ' l l ! ' s "- v s "• 1S t l l l >

'City Attorney ^\fni. A.^Stryker "ha:set himself, tn work prennriujrii lecture,Vhi cir l i'i w"i i 1 I Hi i si r (is-soon- as-1 ti« -1 i i 11-ited time will i>onnit. llts 'subject, is•Vuni. Yinn:, or You' Unhriillml Man.1

Ho will ' deliver saint; this winter' ii;siich places asnnekettstown."

>r.' Morris'lowii nnd

Labor Day Announcement.Our store, will bo closed on T b

rJIonday;;Septv;kll1iill day. _ r ^ '

~~~~ -^ 3ST.1S1 r ArjjuxTirJiiiVsuViij-FtiT-

r u r e . a n l Spnrltling, read nil. page 8

most closolalc, uninviting country., thatenn be iiun^lnod ; Unit nothing wiifgrow.thoTO.Jjut^snMoJtywb.^Qf.V.tho.JO.OOppeoph; who canio there frotn all parts oftho counti'v, not live •hundred of themtook up land; HiP believes that thowhole thing Is ii scheme of tho railroadsto secure some liind and water rights.Tie is now at the homo of his brother IuValentine, Neb..; . •;,, u'-f^

Davis Mitchell . gave up'tho idea offarming also, and ho Is now employed astimokcepcr on a railroad in W'yomlnij.

burial.irarlzell. flie other


• U R . ." uii'Lil Vand A sou.


Hiirtzell's body was not recovered uii- '••til .Sunday morninir. It was discovcrctl"iy George Stein n't the head of LittloCr

1'onl ltift. below llclviilere. He sawwhat n]ipcjivcd to be a body. and.wading'ou'f. found it lodged against the. rocks.He called Morris llriiik and, the twomen iloated Ihe body up river "as far asFront street l.olvidord They summonedActing Coroner Smith and he. gave apermit to remove it. .. . . .

The body was in nn ntlvnnced state'of.,dcconi]io-;itiou. A roil of bills contain--ing about-, .$70 wa.s found in the clothing,along wit h some other ' small nrticles,but Uiirtzcirrf goldwalch was missing. .Tlie •rcmaiiis were taken to "East Bangoron M"oud:iy for burial,. • . . '""'•

nynnuiite was lised in the river onSaturday by George Bonrduia'u in nn ef-fort; to raise the body. I t is thoughtthat this menus was elTective and that,the body wa^iaised and iloaled do\ni tothe spot where it was found lodged, inthe rocks. • \, ' . ' • . . '

Mrs. llavtzcll had previously t offered :a reward of $100 for Ihe recovery of thebodv liml the ii'oiii'V will, doubtless golu-Sl,.,',!- "••mi it.

he money will, d o b g ,il"Vnink. th« mori who aiscov-•-••;

All kinil< of frosli vegetables in. i..inre at .llryiin's Flower nntl 3GnrdeiiriHi the Port Colden.road, \i:i^to;;^X. J , ; also priinrascs, obconlcns,.liegonias, rutihor pinnlsN pino,trees, fcrns.vhulb-s, etc, for fall antl winter - decora-tions. •Visitors always welcome. ,lt"•• V" m

A Delicious Thrill of Pleasure, [road

Page 2: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft


BLOOMSBURY.° Bev. .T. II, J. Ithudt's occupied the pul-ittuf tlio M K church on rinmlny uvun-plt'of'the Si'. K. ch'uruh on HnmlnyIng.- M M . Adah G. Smith IlarrottOrange tnmlu a brh'fnesday.

Harrttt of Kimtisit lien: last Wed-

:esday. ;. ; / .\ Mrs. James Cough1 isltimrovliiK the lli-.terlor of IHT linum hv having rooms ni'W*

:. ly papen'd by ,1, 0. \Wlch.; Mr. mill Mrs. .1. L. Crevellujj I'litt'i-tnln-I'll ut dinner on Friday, Kdw inl Itnrlvrot Philadelphia, ntul on Sal unlay »t din-tn-r. MM. Mary Iftiufcr nt VMnttuhttntlMr* Hopler was'thi! Rinst nt h'a nf Mr.

tul Mr* A. G. Urowllnp.

; .JUNCTION.Mw John Hnrniw and danirhter l.uhi

spm»t Saturday lust with MM. Kara Ntisun.Dr. A. L. Mnort* of N»w Yurk ulty own

pl.nl tin* pulpit of th» ]>nittij-ivr!nn elnm-hun Htindnv nioruliiif and we ill up. Stir-ring and lit'lpfnl mklri'sse.s wen* (ilvi'ii onboth occasions. On fNitimluy preparainryswrviuw will In- held in tint ehnroh, midon Huudav inoriiliiir the Sacr;mn>nt wilt1R-'mlmliiistfivtl by Kt'W UlyUf «f I'lill-lljisljurg.

Mrs. Altirlftht mid Miss KatVrlm.'Al-lirhihi of L>au*r*<m aw vlsltlni: MorrN Al-bright.

emoval of.lolin Vossulli-r to • Ox-

I !!

.Gladys.Ml?3 Mary Groveling pa>?t>d Saturday

nfiernoon aud .Sunday with friends inl'ttttenburg. • • - . . : • • -^We are pleased to note that Miss Mary

At. his rftiiti'stHunt., .follow

Cr<?veling has het'ti engaged to teach ntValley, N. .J., next yoar, with an turn-as-*In salary. :-r

QuIuV a party. Including smite nf our. townspeople, went "nit llu* t'xuurslim tn I ' i»..v tiIlt.P,

Niagara FnlMn-t. Thursday. n>t»nlnliijr ] ri-Iml.Mi nf ft—over ni"iu.*"\•»""?"hf miniIHT wen? Mrs, |..,,Miu t,,u\ ••..

Ueo. W.-an, Mr*. Mess.'tmeraiuldaun.itur.; .* ' " " " l-'

two diius.-lit'-r.-'. MNsos May MU\ Kntli',1 W><I<W •W»»I> "and Mis*1.-; Logan and Ilt-li-u iMduiek.

The reservoir fur nur town Mahout com*pletwl. Pipes are now being laid aud thvother'mieessury work I* now giiing mi.

A young sim of Mr. and .Mrs. HarryXJ Ii 111 i pH, living nn tlin iiiuiiiiiiiln,

... and Wm,ini-tiltvrs of the Odd Fi'Dows Lodge, wen1

pall hearer.-.' Mrs, Staples and MM. Hunt* attended thi-futim-al, which was held

BRIDGEVILLE.Charles W. liamjhnrt and Frederick

Frcelen of High llrfdint visited the (uraii'rtipari'iit." tm Sunday. They enjoyed a carri-age vide- both ways.: Cl.tmico llanglmrt ha.* purchased mi auto

and will be here with tin* new inncliitie in nfew <layn.

Joseph I'lttr* in earning a ilm» cold watchwhich wan presented u> him t>v his nephew jwlm HWH in Xtjwurk. Jut- is'quite prom!of his new tinu-piccy. : : '

OntMif our young men, who attended tliu IFarmers'Picnic with hi* be.-t uirl, hud 11}rather expensive, experience, lit* hatl hisgirl nri the merry-go-ninnd and wldu* whis-pering sweet nothings into bur willing farshanded tin* man tliat was collecting tintfaros what lie thought to be a "tie ilnilarbill ih« hadn't time to lock in in anil n:-ct'iwd ninety cunts in change. When hogot homo ami wt-nt over liiseaj-li balance hotailed to tlnd a $l<i hill tlmt lie had when hestarted out and didti't spend (to his ktww-t mid didnt nd (.:d^i wli;:.; in l!t>lvid.-iv. Tin-a \iver tin? Hip and wiw tin- liylit

mind r c v T t d to ti iinii f tihen

aNu Httend.d Hi fon 'L'iii»sdny »f this veek at Oxford,

iv was pleasantly

Whitllflil 1;

Mr.-. Clnss,mday with his

Ml.-s KateHnytlerlsmouth lit-r cousin Misuf IVNli

of thelizjiVwih aud Pittsliurg. l'n.Umvlby r<wiitly attended aHmvlby family nt Indian-

ii- honi" from there -spent three days

mUafAshury..-/:,;>wt> nnd bis slster-jf I'hila.lfliihia. >ptmlhfr Mr.-. II. Konst'.

Tltvitilti}? jCw i


natit siun

mind roviTti'd to tin1 music \ii tin.' liii-rrv-f,'o-roimd and tin- hill hu thought to be 11

I dollar which hv handi-d the man who col-I li'i-ted the tares on that wliirlinj; niachinc.

instead (H *1, and tin- latter swingm-'iiral t-niidirtun-took iidynntiiLV of it.. Thu fariui;i-sari!'diy«iiii;.,thuir' nntatnes, [between the KIHIWITS. Tin' yield is laryt,-lunl tho tulwinaro of yooil ei'M... •. ; .,: .:..[

Ci'in-yeUariliier has laid nff tin; two IIUJUwho haw been assisting him in thiM'rea-niL-ry and his only liflper now is his wiff.Tie reduction in the tnmuhty of milk bau-ilU'd is tin- cause.

U'm. (iinyli's, a m-oniiueiit farmer nearhere, has pnrchasod a Kasoliia- tliie

Mrs, Hurry Stow andCUPIIS of PhillipslmrK iir.* of Mr. iitv.l Mrs Jauu'a lio*$

Mrs.'Mury ITdplW of PliHUiwhiirir wasthe tlu»sL lust wi'ek of Mr. mm Mrs, Har-ry Sh.vdiT.

Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Hajianmn spt'iit fromTuesday until frltttiy fviiiiiimr with tlu'U*

..OaiiKhUTut Alpha... Miss Muy .Huff niid Miss l.u^asi-y City Wm- guests lurtwi-k

Marjiaivt | wwlis" visit with fu-r pais ihis we! ; | »riii- iwtliilni; of Mis

Oukes " ""

n of .ler-of M r s .

h u rt'tnrned to theiafter a fortnight'sf i d L I l

ri_spt>i:tivv t i n n

pti:tivtinn. visitingd l l h f l t i

after a g h t s aeiitin. gfriends on Loiif- Island, n dullnhifiil tripup the Hudson to Nt'whnrn1 and 1'outih-ket'iisle, takiuir in many other plaws'ofinterest.

Hev. ami Mis._.l. II. .1. Hhmh-s and -on

e Hann 10 Mr.ci'lehrat.'ii on

in this section.J. S. l'arksof Mou itnin Lake is in this

Tuesday ni-rht lust with unusual interest.A Ireiirlu en^ltiL-, seeing tin- sinuki' of the 1 >liun-lliv, lilt'w tlie fir.- alarm wtiistle,wiiieti wa> taken up by others nnd ilu>^trei'ts WITO S'liin ailvi! with pt'itho hr. e eiunpaiiy also came 01soon discovered thi'ir mistakeand lh'» boys lv^lved elgars atnf the fair s*u:

Ui'i^liborlniod with his .steam tlnvsher. Itdon't take him Ions to eU-au up ti farm. 'st.»cknf wheat. ry«-and bm-kivlu-nt.

cxeursion to CranberryI Luke nn Siitunlay was tint very well at-tended by our pt'opli', about a domm go-itif; from hurt1.

Dr. and Mrs. T. H. .Fiilp.'r siicut fromTiifstlay until Sunday with Mrs. Alvattain I-'leniiugion.

Arthur Itiuehiirt and

of Phlllipslm!-;:. Tin- dea-a.-t.l WMIIUUIwas u nwiiilH'r of the First 1'n.sl.yterhuichurch nf Phillipsbtir^. .She at om- timeresided In our town and hail many warm

" friends, rfhu was jrreiitly beloved for her. timluiilB niitl l:!iitl deposition, thutifth a

Hreat; «ulVerLT and invalid for severalyears

well kinuvn' voi-ali-r. ami a'l one tinsaiifT in th" Hecouii sfivt'tM. K. L-hurch ofKit^ton. Lately sho had bwn enya^ed as

• tutur In 11 Newark school, at the sunn-time piirsnlnji vocal studies in New Yorkcity, rievi-nil inoiiths a^ti she sally iit a

. reciral- in lh« Vt'tililiitT-Astoria in'.New

PORT MURRAY.John Post of Passaic moved hi> family ti>

his farm here. la*.t Tlinvsday.llaivey Karr uf Brooklyn was at the

homo of his parents liure. part of last week.Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. OtiHek have recently

been eiitortaininj' their ilanyliter. Mrs.Burd of Chicatro; idso their grandsons ufNewark and Phillipsburs.

Mr?. Hestt'r Cyphers has as her guest ucousin from Pitteburtf.

•John Pursi'l and family were quests of" ' eek.

nf,' with

John Pursel an f amy e ehis brother, Wanniel. part uf last

suiVeMis. Wm. Tinsniiitiliieniiiatisni.

Clement Hann will move from thn eanalfomiianys lidusi'into thu house owned byWin. Biplor next week.

Murk lllnp and fatuity of Plmntielu. mvguests of his muthcr, -Mrs. John Bijrler.

Harvey pyvry and family uf Xuwark arevisiting relatives ami friends in town. •

JnlmForke-rof Itosuvitle w:us ht>iv Ww«iiesday and Tliumlay calling on trienils.

from a'ten ilavs* sojourn in Asbury Park". I Tho.«i' who entertained ovijr Sunday were' -- •• - - - ! - ' 1. Mitchell, Mrs; Eltwilwtli Anderson.

Mr- O W :\ihiins Mi— Vernii mid 'Mrs! P. s. VhurS n-turVil.l on fLnesd!lV If d ' j I A b I ' k "

days oflast weei; wun menus in f nuiipsburg. •

Miss MuiiiU* Harris is etiterlalnlng MissOirouny of Jersey City this week,

Schiml will open on Tuesilny. f-cpt. I.Priui-ipnt Klli'tihfrttur will 1H> In tliuottlecu!i Monday, where pupils may see. himconivrninj* sehnul studies, anil parents re^'ardiiii- the entrance of new pupils.

..-.-.-„_. —::z- •"•j:trt.sijy t e r i ni

HARMONY.While thu M. K chureli is liiiiU'r-roln^

reimirs. Itev. Win. Jhirtl is huUlliifc nwet-ings in tin; prove at Low's Hollow.

Mr. and Mrs. O. .7. -WllUvev of Phillips-liurfr ami Ubns. Heil of UuUliiiore. sneiitSunday with Mr. nntl Mrs. Sainiifl Heil.

•• •-Mr. unil Mrs. -"Raymond Uuduuan an?.,t:hi'happy ))iir.<nt.s ol'a-litth! dtitiyhter.

Mr. and Mrs. 'Aiiizi Millur spenr1 it C:w, \ days; last week with relatives at Hauko-trs-

. , l , J W | | i . " , : . : : r . 1 ' ; . ; • ; " . : . - . • . : . . : • . : . _ - . , : • • . ; • • . • . „ ; . . . . •

Mr, nnd Mrs. Cieo. H. Gurd'niM* sjii-nt"'Siiniliirwith Air. mul Mrs. Puter.Cole.

Hev. K. ^nvder is siwndimr !ii.- vacation. un Kasb XarthfU'ld, Mass. '

Miss Gt!nevievi; Cole of Colesville, fins-sex county, is visiting Miss Kdiiu rinyder.. Miss Grace liuub is seriously ill withdysentery. ..

Misses KIIIKI and Wra Snydcr ptivf i d S t n

Misses KIIIKI a n d W r a Snydc r p t e a. d in t ie r pa r ty to sonut friends on.Sat.nnlay.

G l n

Pure Blood Is a Defense,il nieatis safety. A persim wiiose blood isin an impure and inipuvcrlslie.d eondinunis. in iliL- f:rt-aiest dan^'r of cau-hlii<: anintentions or epidemic disease. Dr. Ken-ni'dy-s i-'avnriie ib-nu'dy in tlix iniiaest.ttdWt ami•sut'ost -iJiu-llier rtf^h.j. lilnml,ihitV.-trlkiup at the roor of Kidney.I.ivaml Dhulder diseas'.-s. """ ' "

Hamuei I'nrsei.'.JasuiBiKh-v. • . •

(leori-i.' Everitt is a caudidattv for frce.-Iwldor. •

Lemuel Vannatta. who was lwoverinyfrom ii Uniy ilh-ss, is not so well at present.


Hinee last Thurstlnv niornina' Mr. and" " ' iiiiviT lieen ihe

iter, their lirst,_ .... .. .. d Hazel. ••Kwii

thniiirli, as Hobert «iys, shu fant sav papa,he foels rather disappoiute.il iwcau'Ru shedid nor hayu any .teeth. .

A Surprise at Montana.A very pleasant .surprise party was ten-

dered Mrs. A. F. Hush, nt her home near-Montana. la.-t Thursday, in honor of her.V.tth birthday, when iibtiut tillv relativesand friends took imssession of'her home.Promptly at I:.1 oVlock the quests yatheruilin tlm iliniai; room, where an elaboratedinner .was st/i'ral,.: The eaHy.-hours wwe

f KidtH'v.Liver I passed in soi'ialconvorse and later in. the.0(1 at ail'drujr-i afteruocm athhjtic watne.-1 ux-vo i::il;;lKCil far

1 These passu-a off nicely with tlw exceptionof a few bumps and i)niisys. At .*> o'clockKtiests be^an to depart, wishing Mrs. Unsh

"" lore happy birthday an 11 iversarf

Mrs.. KohiTt IL I-Iushpnnid•parents nf alorn, which ihey

Amonir tlinse pn.'sunt wern: Mrs. SilufordDilk'.v uf LmnUei-tville. Edwaiil Lanninj,' ofPassaic, Miss Callis of Trenton, Miss LillI1.11Jefforv of Pen Arsyl, Mrs. Ak-x. Wuolf itrnlam Kemietb of pii{lll]wlinrn% Mr. and Mrs.Iwin B. Smith of fiocksbm'ij. Mrs. WilliamSmith of Botksbu

d diinghtew CarrieH l l MUt Kr

] 1 B

ill bk'lhi. Mrs.L-OypIlirlS OfMs. r , rmu.s Boy, • an a.fru r W u s | l h l I ! t u n : . ylW. vmil!i Brink ^ rs. Me -

M nHv r ?lhu ,nn , r i V' \ r r - "fi v • villn Riwlr and tlau«ht«r Mary. Belle ofMomlay,^at th;; home ot Mr.-. Buji-rt, Grass Custk-: Mr.-/Jahn Woolfnf Htewarts-briulier,' Osear IJiitliir....Mr. and Mrs...T<is. Sulllvi

Air. and Mrs.luifil passing rim week \v_Jos. Wilsnu, .Sr.. returned IiMr. Sullivan, who is a inail carrier inPhitudelphia. intuntls in pass, tin; balanceof his vacation at Mt. Arie. Pa., and At-lantic City.

The schools of Harmony lownship willreopen on Monday, r?ept. 10.

Sylvanus Ikiuu ami family spent several' ' ' " ' ' mil relatives at

:t\v:ville: Mrs. C

.. . . . . : . . . - - .* W". Karson and grantl-

* Suiinaeriiold; Mesilain-Tohn Kirltond'aU." Jlatildu Stout, Victor. O.-i-nimi and dauplitcr Mury. A. K. Cole, Man-miitr RIHII mid daughter Knth. Pliilip Bnnl.Cieiiryc Kverly and daughter 'Certlur AIat-\Santord Itnsli. Uhas. T. Sarson nnd diuigh-t.:rs Annie, Hessie anil Eilnu, Peter Snvtftr,Oliver Krics, U". U. Colvur and daughterLucretJfiVf.feorge A. Cole. Win. Snyder anddaut{htur Esther. Harry AVoolt. Misses Liz-zie Crnts and Iiuth Osmnn, ami Musters

l l d F l C k l l r

K." Chirk Cliiiu, nil old friends.: Rev. J. I). Ilillniun ut lit. Vwwlnni aformer pastor of thu Presbyterian churchhere, will preach in I'ppe.r Marmony onSunday. .

i l r . nnd Mrs. Alfred Titismaii wi;nt. onnn:excursion to Xewburg, > N. V., lust

. Thursday.- : . . '

. ALLAMUCHY. .• liutbcrfurd Stiiyvcsani, has purchased a1 new automobile. .Tames Culdwell. Is his

h f fnew a u ochauffeur.

lit:li Uium mid niece,.Mias ithx.Ciordt-n

I d b V ' t d h i lnune , . s x

nijd to their unt;g a week with his

Hiiim and'Mrs; h


ofJHigh JJtiilpiMomliy,itliir-sppii».i.ldaughters, Mrs. Join

, 'jhoiuas HagRei'ty.Jliss Hiith rieiulerahot- has rsturniid to

her home here after Kpetiding severalweeks with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Derein-er, at •Vienna.1

''Mrs. Jenniii Gardner is getting alongas woll as can be uxneou'd'. .She 1ms atrained nurse from Newnrk.

tfrank Stiinton and friuntVof Phllmli'l- I chtisetVnt .1. .phiivare. the guests of his pnrents for a this vicinity.short- time,' ' ." • ' --

'. ' Miss Grace Cramer of MeadviHe

- _. . . -._ ... . ispoirln- minor that Kockshurg had an cpiiloniic of ilipbthcriii should rclraci. asMr. :md Mrs. Uowlby Imve observed tothe U'tter the precautions laid down bythe Board. .

Chas. Guviilin has been amon^ thesuniini-r visitors at the home of Mr. andMrs. Jos. Wilson, Sr.. since Saturdayevening..- ' • . ^- •

Win. Marklt?. formerly employed onthe farm ol1 John Loinasson. is now.working at tin1 cements works at Martin's.Creek.' •

Daniel MuIUmntty, who lives nii~ihiPemta. side of tho.river, liasliceml

Tills I'oiid proviiles e'very comfort known jin the most modern home, • Lts ir-ainsrm*on tiniH and llnu't! are, no" Jong" waits foicttnm!(!ttiiii!i in siraii{*i;stations. The LakeShoi'i- dining car service 'is famous 'world over and the berths of its well \dinted sleopers are as comfortable 11s vour

" ;d. Nothing is lacking here for aj'-i»uul enjoyable journey. TJu-

land safelyHeineinber

/iki! Hluire.

p e r u j « n d j y josmoothest; roiulliL'd in Americand speed as. woll ascomfort.

t h t it r e d s over Tinpd

see that it rf l i i '

see t a t it e sKor...fuli iul'firma


c m o r ter Tin;

on cond_ s and service, ai'dress J. \\. IJaly,'!

Chief AstfL GL'II'I. Passer Agl:., JluiTnto,X. y., A. J : Smith, Cien'I. Piis-s^i-. Agt., |;

"rtiiit lietii! of thri'sliins for t-hu fanners of j Cluveland, 0.. or \V. .J. Lyncti,c " | i . n t i o n He has now taken bis | Trallic M:r Chicagoion. lie has now taken liis | 'i'ralfi

„ away lint tixpeots toj'elitrn In acouple of -wi'nUs with au engine of muchgreiiter.povver and of the fraction type.

Miss Jennetre Wilson, dangliierof M:

! Cluveland, 0.. or \V. J. Lynch, Pass'gr;t;>iTrallluMpr., Chicago.,^ _ _ _. $$>

ami Mrs. •Wudnesilay.

II,AV conv

Wii'ionV'.ir., bcciinie ill la?tA doctor WHS called and shelesclng.

^.™;v:;^—---.-;Sp!•• y • :

' P i

e i a i R > y L ^ Juffer, Sr.K. O'Connor has returned from MitldlL1-

town after laklug in the races nt Goshen

\ Galveston's Sea Wall <•-•••makes life now as rofu In that city us onthe higher uplands. M. A\. Goodloe. whoresides on Uutton strcet,°ln . Wnco, Tex.,

d ll f r fety He writesneeds no senutton strcet,ln o, x.,

needs wall for safety. He writes" I hove used a)p. Kiug's Saw .Discovery

keeps me' well and safe. Before that1

time I had a cough which for years hadbeen crowing,wowa.^-Now i t s none.C S h l CughsVXaGrlpiie Cretinbeen rowigCuSschronloW h i C

n ,ie, Cretin,t P

CuSschronlo CoughsVXaGrlpiie, Crein,Whooping- Cough and-.prevents Pncu-

~jnonSL--plwujant to take. Kvery bottle- nunranteed' at the Carter l-harmaoy• »ml tho Warren County Drug Store.

P 5 0 o and 51.00? Trial bottle free.

Kdwnrcl 11. Cope has;;.instnlled a mnvKHis thresher and cleaner which he pur-

d'of .1. Keiimjr, who is Uie asent ini i i t 1 °

Mrs. .los.Carlin,r.lr., of Phihidelphiareturned io her home on" Monday after

ll l k lth h ntSio her home on Mondasevernl.\\-.etiks \ylth her p

>I pTiimOI rsr.J nsr \Y i 1 so i r/H V7^-+~riWm. Slirup'j, who has been living with

his daughter at Wesb Orange for aomotinm, Is'a guest at thu home of Jlr. andMrs. Kniaiuiel pregar,. with whom h«boarded for many years. I-Iu was ivccoin-patiied by his granddaughter, who hassince returned to her home.

Mr. and Sirs. Jos. Htsini have hud astheir guests the Misses Francos amlDoro-tliy Nevlus of X«w York city; for someti "tlytim


.a'.ned'hX'r bro-Satnrduy and

Mr. Gardner lives in the West

Mrs. Beiij. Young unlertu'incd'liX'iI,LT, ]). F: Gardner, over Sattmlu;

Js'u great traveler, having been in•ivery State In the Union.

'"You Auto Trii i ' i- . p i t g e . "( l

It;" llend7 "nil1on" nn-

Ochs-Lee.A very pretty wedding was solemnized

at the lioinu of Mis. Jacob KhultK, SO Uei> (1ni.*tt street, Phillipsbnry on Aug. S'J, when ^her daiigliter, Miss Muyver Anianda Lee, | *was united in marriage to Mr. Wm.also of Phillipsburg. Uuv. Joseph Orr,......tor of St. Jolm's Jjinheraii church olTleia-ting, tliu ring eereinony being used. MissMinnie Oehs, sister of ibe groom, ..wasbridesnuiid, and Mr. tltirducr Lee, brotherof tlie bride, was best man. At. 11 p. m. the

HereYnciilioiis pnicticiilly ovei', school cliiklrun with tluiir books u'mlui1 Uioir arms, 11 sure sigh—tlio ••liiily of tlio house begins hor Ciiinpuign ol! liouso eloniiinpr, smil with it, rol'iirnishiiig—a now Car-

" pot'lroro iriiowJIiittros.s tlioro. I t niiiy bo »now Boil I loom Suit <>i' jlotnl 1'uil is noodud, or tholmiiilroi! niid ono nrtiolos .tlic.liousbwilo'i'6(|iiiros to niiiki1 tlio homo complete1. As usual, wo nrowoll projiuroil to supply sill those noods—Unit's oiii1 business. Suvunil.;weeks ago orders were|jliieeil iii factories from Jliiino to Wisconsin nnd tnimy of tho Hout.hi^m States for tlio grout sup-ply we nooded. liosull V Load sifter load is piling in upon ir

•cniniiy of our wire-rooms. ••us whieli lills evory nook and



With our 6o styles jto show you, we have ino doubt as to our ,ability to please you.We've just receivedanother lot of ! thealways good Wiscon-sin Rockers and Din- jiuj; Chairs. They are [all boiled togethermul are the best goods j ,for the money we canfind. They're mostly |oak ami uialioyauv. II'ricc range on Rock- ;ers from £1.25 to .$12.00. Two especial- •ly^ood things at $3.50 jand S4.25." j

'The Box Scat Diner shown in cut sells at $2.25. We handle afull line of the celebrated Ileywooil-Wiikefield jjoods, especially 111Recil Rockers and Chairs.

I Carpeiliigsf A most important

topic, with all thewear the nverage Car-pet is subject t o . "

It pays to buy thebest grades—the kindsihnt have been triedand proven. Our Car-pel Depl. is fullystocked with j^oodswhich after years ofselling we have foundhave been satisfac-tory. We buy no joblots or off color Car-pets, nothing but thelatest and best grades.Here are the prices:Ingrains, 25c to 70c ydBrussels, 65c " 95C "Velvets, 95c " Si.ioAxmiusters, Si.00

• to 51.50Bodies, Si.io lo 51-35

SIDEBOARDSA score (that's 20) of styles for your selection. They

always have ami we really believe they always will be used.I<ots of closet rooin which theiv rivals, the buffets, can'tboast of. Our prices strut at »I2,5O for a very respectable'board, on up to $65.00 for. a swell affair fil for the dining-roomor a lord. We have an especially good one at 522.00-

! PARLOR AND LIBRARY TABLESSeem to be essential to a home, something to gather

'round after the lamps lire lighted. .How really comical itwould seem without a table. There's no need of it though—we have an abundant supply at prices from 51.25 to f 10.50in rarlor Tables, Library Tables from $6.00 to S22.no.; Some-where about,40 styles in all. •' '. ""•"" V " " ." ' ." "

C. R. FORD, Furniture aridCarpets

Alter Sept. 1st our store will be open all day Wednesday

Tiiu=ieoi!5UiiuelstuuViBTv«iiiliGj2rurtrcurc«dered by Miss Flossie Smith of liaston. Thebride was handsomely attired in whitesilk tusse'Over taffeta. After the ceremonywas performed a wedding supper wasserved... Only the immediate tamilies of.the contracting parties were present. Thebride received many handsome presents.Mr. and Mrs. Oehs left the bouse amid nshower of rice and, boarded the- ?:."» trainfor Xiagara'"Fnll^" The groom, who is amachinist, is employed in the Lohigh Val-lev shops at South Kaston; He is'also theViAvbui'-Cu^tli&^c-n-Argyl'-liiisoliallclub.-orthe Blue Mourttain League.

A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES.Itching, Blind, Bleeding,"ProtrnfllnS

Piles. -rlJrug^ists nro nuthorized to re-fund money if Ointment falls to

PromptlySeptember 1st

Great quantities /of new 'dress goods have/been .re-ceived during the four weekspast and we are prepared toshow you a grand assort-ment of

Beautiful Dress Goods,black and colors

.taHy.Showing of

., Ladies' Fall Suits,

Separate Skirts,

Silk Waists, Etc.

This great store takes on aFall dress throughout. Calland see our beautiful goods.


SliSlSSMjy^ISL^^ii^^ :JJ7-,-



Page 3: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft

te AliruhDin Van Horn ot Nuw York,who left ii " w a i l " vuliifd itt $OU,OOU,OOUI U

acob C m Us ofJJeln iind

p know

B ^ P r thma

hey uet tn« cusn. Air. Unuts hurt an at-torney looking after Iiiftintfrt-rttHiiml will

iWihoiTBttwr until h i K h lrwm. ^m wpt.ttfavlmthtfr It be one dol-ar or a million.

Itollroail circles nru considerably atrital-• * ^

cnmnlmc par ty composed of M ml l l 5ll M i l d d lll Minlmc par ty comp

rrlot llowell. 5ll«s Mildred lllci', MiH«Fox. Mr. ami Mm. G. .1.

j r s . b'miik Heeso and. F r n u k Plora spending lli« nionth In SuJJy V Gr

to tin) blood polHun in - hid systeh l l r i ft h 'Ing

which (leveltiiied soon after he was" taken

. Nancy DM accompanied by her- • lsnuu und Mlxs Xancy A.

oiruwlng Into i.cptilar favor for y?urtt nailIlmt Im will soon fio retitorutl to

HandfitTO ftlve jMM

spending a wewk Into liuve thu Jiisiiln track on ucco

f Ff U i u L . <JiH. «8liiKfH''lr line from Fhil-

lu\mu\itkiu idituii-cMrdilHUiiii w^iii&iinGrlunpl l JJnr,t, alwuvHHaltl t ha t iiw, rouil

l h U l t l l l U ! l l M {l/ed with an ntlttiorlzed capitall » l l ) | ?

l,n,nf»lltliH'«init>nntiIbu)l3*rll>ed.'"Ht. .The tollon-lnir .are the olllc

A . MilVniail.l i i kpresident; C . W. II. Uedrleli, secre

t from Uoltiinhiu to SouthIIvn with her grandson,

mzt MoiiKtunil, htw lict-n COIIIIIUMI lo hitr

lent c!iiii*t«ry and carry ull rlblioiiri tha tr t i j l i - d , abou t bniMiets of lluwers and inoiti't! lristmiut-s t a b - (lie floWMM lliitl ImvuiH!H"nluti'it vii grin1 w tiyvtovin g"-l i ail d s;i'hiM'they should IIUVIT clt>.

! Htli, I1. A. Welch, II. A. Coin. W. A.

. C . W. II . .Dri l r lcl : , \V. .1. Hur-T. I I . I lowel l . W. A. I.anlerinnn, \Y

yzml from her waist down und sullurln


ycompany wns given a town franchise

t i t ---:— unv$fat fiOJl i * yrnintltlouHly on Mr. Rven-tt'n[ i i h fno hope for Improvement In h«r

ml HII

&<u*.H SL.\ her

ntii ins soiim threu «r four tlious-^Al

. .loliii A. Drakti h«s b««n conllm-d oEfa y?Hpflsftaffiy; anil>.u..tle hn iT lVvl i i rgu i t f i amtadilfp^ anilh« lioy« had hetter steer eleur of tin* int.'l-

L-on HOJJI' s t iwt . hy, qiiu« u

Thu locid llrenifii will imrtkpntu lu thu

Sir. Diiskwin rim! hiiiiTW. wliolmv.-. l«!wi! ork «ity returneil to thulrl>Y * '

lopping Irt'.'s onvim.. ni» »fj>w

ht> wulkutl

pylnu, (leo. W. Smith'* house oirre street, for: ihe Off Of. .11-,

wliuhtiruh, vlai

lii ami Port luud

niwl.ty their homjt JVi' j ^ , )v do Mot Ibtenil rclurnliiK anolI' l in. the I'our truili service. •

iii has benvin the erectionhotttfl,on Prospeet'sMret't ailtl h. H.

nell, oiteonShnr[>stri.et; and On. w.lli aldjjilile.hoiise on Sharp'street, "

li'wiilpiii'liif tlvi Natlonnl Hankj bids for tin" erection of his

>iho h citinu dl/.zytin

i l f ilo!'Hi)'L UIIII\\In.' 1-I1IIKi;tty b

';'(ult(l tw nowKolkner l.s nut

ply seen and followed d'knitt:Theya new, c'onrniqsuccessful Snly K;ci l H • r * ' 1

I'yCtui^ ji^WhlfylHioroiiany lmn

in sitli; 0:y I'Vi-niiifr. t t•»Wlih oil tht


nher in the Scrontou Cior-bl j i d MmiUIrs. Itcrliurt Marlfttt o[ Wu.Mi-

. Ii. 'C, iiml son of' Xuwurk huvul f k ith M

as married to Mr.lart of Xuw J.ondim.Conn..sH^Iion'dftli, viM&h •thuj'hoi'ne. Mrs. ^

n'OdJuiiihia, -having fre*l l H here.

KuslinL; und call-rs. Malvln Dun-

l U ^ c p l t ! of weeks with M -tnls iil^ . s . Ii, II. Vll..:£iimlnicent gutfHts of Dr.j M '

hey voiildii'L sjifjl tlie 1o lliu new iuk'>i. Oimiithusiaritlo than tll«Iiera had never hwit1 uijinreucht'jAjfitftitrtty

Win. O'.Vi'tl,rlrf estate. 1ms ins

:Ies wil l t i l hy ihe'tlecijhuruhe?,' tho cemetery,luUviiluulit. Knuli ot t


uyntly.vlslleiMr. iimf "Mrs

ri'n viflltjK\ Mfid on Sumlii

r tMAlUrly, U . .therri, said thut

u^lbuki: "thatU siiunding thtHrooklyn. ftif'jftlje,^

aspcoiafLyitinct<jxolusivulyi fofI'the'^eOO-'idrilg^istHiiwho;:;;V 6 l f 1 / d b h ^

iccs'"1 ',',',.,',',',"'.',"1!" •",".,','"J"'"n"'Zsigned and by-those others

movemcnt."1"iNicsu stores

it-AV.vKt priinge ruturnetl:iiilii\jnionilng nfter spend-

!*. f j . l t . Valentine of LukewolsJUngbilllirtilvwilli J.oW.11 forseverul

horman a t l iangor. i.llotvill , who forniiTly r»

n Colnii'lila, retut'itt'd lust \vwji

)ut)Jit!f,si.'h')itli>lidm toVii cliurclicii

i.of<i.nnaMIss LhjljJ- Giles spenUier-vacnlion wllt lves In Dover. •w4e—Iwve-joi

can be distill]Capitol) in tin

nterest only to lie iisi'il. Thu twunty iit*ri i l npaid will l

litigation COy

i-t'tnuiiiliu; unpaid will not l4Ktli> i i

ml occupied hy Adam Trimsuo.

REAL ESTATE T R A H S F E E S .nies \V. Slockhower of Hrooklyn, for-ly of this place, has he™ viaitltiR.athome of A^ii. Dalley on Main street.


List of real estate transferst County Clerk's

..,!.•-.,,,„ - i - ] 1 O fesn 2 9 o 'ilrt [.arents, Mr. and Mrs. Isiuiu l)e-IL'P, on Mill street. :

a m m a y Imlu no of former ballKnocke

l a ^atter; score 10 to U.

uonvuHtlon in Atlantic City, amiI theHook uiul LiuUK'r Co. liy S\. II. "ice.Tliu Stah' •Hiinncinl s^-retarj-, tio K

M. J. Youngblood to Tlllie Ashley ofilnaktittstown, duttsd Aug. at, lyoii, con-

tiyiktittsto l.'ern hit in Jtiyiktittstowjy yiMJtjslileratlun

• Rauar Cowl-H'iind wifetoKmmaSnyder' •••Frank Southiml nf Klizabuth joiiiL-ilJ r s .Southnril aitdJson'at the home of hermother, Mrs. RhhnaHiUT, on Wednesday.1'hey ristiirnt-'d home on Saturday.

1 B . Lotmlng' is visiting relutlves atIt, Veruon,"N. V., and other placed.Mrs. A. C. JJrugler is spending a week

Ul* rflofltlBnntl Mrs. John S. Johnston of Elizalieth Lesher and husband to Boherti

lochlin of PhilHphsv.rtr, dated. t i Phl

i l i gwlth friomls hurt;, tluiir foriner honii.',

Mr. am / ( 4 ^ | t f V / 0hiiw lieen friit'StatiT their parents' Mr l g p

in Scranton visiting friends.hiiw lieen friit'StatiT theirMm.'Gun. Hull, on Main

Lilly M. Kftrcherjuul a warrant u ot fa tersoi l aiv>t-UHiiiu home of Iwtr fnthuflil



i to Marcusug. 30, 11K

nvoys lot In Pht l l lpsburg ; uonsUlL-ratiol)r/J. W.Martyn 1ms buen coullnml to

his homo, thu Preshytiiriim HUUIKL', liy ill-,ness thu |>ast *lir

Mrs. Aloiuo Herriuk nf BurfBlu liai

'fiWq?t.i»i4i?VfirX|SK?rt,!!ll\')Sllt',,.„•,„ ...isand embraces all the*

view tlic [alls, all trains vin Nin-gnrnstopping nt Falls View Station-Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hurt l ing of Kasfonj . and Mrs, Alfred Irving and sons of

Kast Orantie are being .wntertained at theome of her auntrJtrs.".M: - K . — y l y ,

ind her uncle, Ciuo. I). Arinstroni:. Theym d hwr-iiawnra.-Mr,-mid-Mrd-MUton-H;-overeir wens entertained - on Thursdayt this home of her QboWToTvfiLas t week was a very .busy-week a t

nd Mrs. John Hurtlintlljtf -Mrs ;

There was a pleasant •honiti-gathurlngst Fr iday in honor of ThoumsCarMng's

.......Direct Connection and Fa:

. Heck bus given up his [losll ioluotonuan, ill Newark. Ho Vnejionuan,days in .hd / t f Vilywee

'Well»ae Mas 3^";,



ho Presbyterian ohurch,. ,. ii ubile" i

JJt'njt thu depot l«nt Monday. - - -

111 itui<it a t the ho iiigan',ir?«intss "r,»!r'~;..i^^Tivi.''--3

,hw nmvKchool house will not lie llnishet!je for^Uiat t j ine . • " , _;_, _,™ ;.' ,_u;_".,.. ™C--i-.'"Mtesf iiliVn'clif*ATbertson'ot Xa\vTirk"lia!

e; otif,"liiml", OHib",'lHivl)"15een"visiting her moth-

UP. Mrs. Abrani Heck, for a short tlnio.ingtratos- routos'and

„•,„„,.„,.,.! ,For full information reiB

heir uncle, Leigh Reiil, at Vail.

0 . W. RUGGLES^i.a'l Pa»i'gr Agt.yoVin'fj'cattie jnsi.yeflk.juostly of the Hoi-

homo of A. T, Llnuiwrry.

thu past woek with a 'coinpUcatloiibf di-sease

MrMiss Mattle reniiiini'il fo racousin, .J.1J8SJiimes KoiiRert

::%vho has l>een\nkil.is-ipDaduiUly.iliewnilng

vorst!, and her condition is alarming."An lcV*tft*M'rt**Hi;\tuHta*ltlio • nu

iilces of tli« hoard of trustees, will 1BlVHii in haaMiiunt of ohnrch on Mniyhr', Sept. it. I t hulng. Lalior l)iHxpeut a largo crowd/ , . . s . .,-woatliLT proves s tormy I t will fie hultl the

' *I1HS Nnrdtn o

np; Miss Murtenls of Aimnndalu th dThey went as a ' Ijasket;1 a bountifu twn o f " F a t r v l e \ V i " 01

flicker Pond. iMshliig.waIn p ^

ake wna killed. All hlglihosnttallty of Dr. und l l r s

ward .Gruver las£_wcek

Jlriiidi t>i*Si Youni'ans oriiBlvldero, cauw up 01Sal\irilay to visit his sister M K t t i t

heeu absent on u threw weeks ' vaii. On Wednesday ho wun Riven ft

Sunday K'chbol picnic was postponedf r f d l l S d , when ft

feIt's w.atteiKU'd, l 'ho JJ


will IIB observed in our church.next S(day morning.'" wjinlom.1 l"!lfil'"

ThH flong service Riven by thelColumbltllrt iM>tiB'»Hvaif*oJjy»

stened to by o largo r, and Mrs. Win. Lozler.Two of our young people were joinedvttdlot^teMntly.*^^='::;r-.-nrrr-^"=-.^^1"r.fandJMrs. F r a n k ^Harrison a n d sonn - n J l i ^ i t i i S I l ^

R h r grandparents, Mr. imd Mrs.OflglDlDgni; i J J J J J J 11j?. .31.IJI _O j. I

In this nlacu are ill with dyswcok packing pto the city. Ho ,isinstead ot barrels.

ark, having spent some tparents , Wr. find Mrs. J o h n


Page 4: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft

^ ^ ^

m: John Flock of AVTilte Havon Is .vlalt-felnfc relatives and fr]endiln.31airBtown,l.;V,Kr.5 and Mrs. Frank FV-Bunnoll arc}: vptndlQff: a couplo, o£ weoka at Aabury

^"T*Rev;,pr^Bullerttia8ibeori entortain-;"'linp his1 brother, Horace Butler, of

',;* \ The Lord's Supper will bo celebrated% at tho PreBbytorlan-'church ;.'nt-xt Sab-=,'.1 jkath morning.',".: ', Si M I M ' Nell HufE: of Hackottstown !•

vialtintr In town at the homo of her:unele, George Harris.•; • .

i : :, Bobert Crai-p, Jr., is In New YorkBtato buying cattle, which he expects

. ; to bring here and offer for Bale. ;'."''.•"'•"'JUM Sarah Lanterman and Mrs.

[ Phoebe "Wallace have returned to theirhomo in Eastern after a sojourn among

H: relatives here. :i^t . If taic^P. .-Read ,; liaa ,: given ;out the" w o r d that he wilt commence to receive

apples at his distillery at Jaclcsonburff• : on September 3. :,

iDr. Allen and family cnjoyeil a driv-,: lnff trip through Pennsylvania to Bath"-.and returned by.way of Easton. They

: were gone three- days. :, Flvo fine Holsteln COWH have recont-

••«'' ly boon added to tlio herd on Meadow-brook farm from a large thoroughbreddairy near SomeryiUc. r

-J-^ "George ".ciiHmberift'fn,Iof.'"ii;aiiioii',"wU6•I.-, IH^ connected •with tlio- Enston Krno

Press, visited hla Ristcr, Mrs. V. V.Bunnell, a; part of last week, :

Miss Fannie Hunktnson of Kldgc-neld Park visited last week at It. H.Ruallng's. Miss Hanktnson was a for-mer teacher In the public school here.

The public school scholars, arc'hunt-i! ing up their pencils and pads, vacation

is about over and next Tuesday, Sep-• tember 8, tho school opens for the... .fia.ll term. '. . :

: Tho Woman's Missionary Society ofthe Presbyterian church are preparinga box of elothlris und household fur-

'-.- nlshlngs to bo sont to Row Mr. Holt of.ttreokonrldgt), Neb.

" • T h a ninth annual roi'miim of thoKinney family will bo hold this yoara t t h a homo of David I. Klnnoy nearBrooklyn, Suaquehnnna Co., Pa.,- onThursday, September 6. ,/•

J. D. Krvlne Is extensively engain buying nnd shipping apples to the

"•city markets. Ho has them packed inbushel baskets this senson Instead of

•'" barrels ; as heretofore.Gershom -rarr hns decided to sell his

Cl-acre farm near "Walnut Valley,known as tho Chaa. Smith farm, andwill offer it nt public auction at theBlalratown hotel on Suturtiuy. Septoni'ber 22. A

The two new members appointed forthe Blalrstowh Board of Registry aroElmer "SVatker and , Casslus Crlssmunthe two who hold over aro ArllngtorSmith and Floyd Smith. The boardmake their house to houso canvas Sep-

' tember i, for thu purpose of register-ing tho voters.

Emmet J. Huff, tho Jackaonburg Hilllor, has just completed putting In anew 20-foot overshot waterwliecl at

'• his mill. This particular kind of wheelin seldom soon In use at the. presentday, but owing to the lnck of fall and

•" the small amount of water in the. s t r e a m a turbine wheel could not be


; : ; : : ; : D E L A W A R E . " ": :: :J. Elvln Albertaon ia crcctinff a fine

loncroto ico house.Ward Ammcrman spent somo time

at Sit. Pocono last week.Agent Bunn attended his sister's fu-

neral on Tuesday of last wock,William "Whlto has been appointed

rack walker on tho D., I* & V .Robert Welsh lina been eiiKuged us

fireman for M. O. Allen In his saw mill.Georcc Dil ts , who has been very sick

with a complication of Ulauaaus, laBomewhat Improved.

Oliver Smith left for Denver, Colo-Ldo, on Saturday,' wheru he will spend

few weeks sightseeing.Stem Brothers of South lluthlchem

haw pitched their teattf on Thomutt'inland near Manunkachunk. .

Gay Smith and wife of North Caro-lina and Fred Smith und wlfu of New-ark tire - with -thflr parents for sonictime." • " ; .. •'.'" '.

Mrs. Jjcorgu Beam was given a birth-day surprise party by her friends Wed-nesday last.. Nice refreshments weres e r v e d . ••••• , .

William yuiff. who in ii.sbialunl • atLhe station, fa enjoying a short, vuca-Llon and JjOHtir llartunt; 1 in mil us thebaggage during Ills absenct.-. >

Harry Knglvinan and wlfu utiu-t'taln-cd Mr.-and Mrs. llnrtman . from ..Qua-kertuwn on tfumlay. They i*ain« bytrollny and enjoyed the trip thor-oughly.

John J. Albcrtson huld a family re-union at ills home on Chapel Hill lustSunday. Guests were present fromHope, Kuston, Belvideru and MountHcrmon.

Arthur Clifton, the popular clerk ofMcCollum & Osmun's store, is enjoy-ing his vacation. Miss Mabel McCol-lum is acting us post-oillcu assistantduring his' absence.'

The concert and festival glvi'ii by theChristian Kndcavorurs lust WednesdayWHS a decided .success, iho inuslcnl anditerary program liuing well carried

out. (Julio a it wit sum wax realized.Mrs. Sanili I'ortur.of Mussaeliusotts

gave a very Intei-ontlng talk In tjiel'resbyterian church Sunduy afternoonon Japan. Shu left with :i party of mxtfter careful study to lit themselves asiil.sslonark'S, and on arriving thereiviTt-. asked tit roc (mentions, v\z;ivliuiher they en me for their health;iv hot her they ciltild speak KriKlish andf tliey were Kclt-ntistn. They foundTrent tlllllculiy in securing pupils ntllrst. the Ms only having four childrento teach. Hut in a short timo the na-tives seemed to grasp tho KnjrllRh wayand wt're oagur to letirn from tinTheir only means ot trnvel was bychairs carried by the natives, and slnays she lias ridden fully six hundredmiles that wa>\ Mrs. Porter, beingdoctor, was greatly worshipped by theJapanese. One luughuuU* Incident wuwhen she related how they all wantedeye-washes nntl she recommendedplenty nf soap and water, as thaiH'mcd to be their chief ailment. Sin•ill address the children at the par-ontigo Saturday aftirnoori.

MT. HERMON.3.I1B8 Edith Mlesse of Enston is vis-

iting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Read.- Miss Mary Faust of Chester snemlast -week with Miss Llda Skinner.

Mr. and Mrs. George Larue aro en-tertaining company from Belvldere.

Mr. and Mrs, Kdwartf Hancock oNewark were callers In . town las

•' w e e k . •. • •Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayter of Flor-

ida, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis: McOaia.

Miss Borthtt Klshpnugh spent part c-last -WL'«k here- with ht.-r aunt; Mr;

Mary Klshpaugh.: "•-'•Lawyer:U'ij-~ Newman has returned

t to Faterson after visiting two weeks1 : with his parents.

Mrs, James Blackford and son havireturned home after speeding some

: timo at Polkvllle."Mrs. James McCain is spending somi

T time with her son, Sylvester, and fum' Ily at Sen Bright.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Newman, MisJessie Tltman have returned from a

•'," visit in Pen Argyl. *, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Bluine of Wasli" Ington spent Saturday and Sunday

1 .here with his sister, Mrs. John Read.;/.-, '.Miss Xorma Cisco ..lias returned u.;. her home in Portland after spending" t h e summer here with her sister, Mrs.

A. J. McCain.- Mr... and Mrs... George Hoag-land oVail, and liawyer and Mrs. "Wayne Du

. jnont of Paterson spent Sunday, will.Mr. arid Mrs, A. M. Newman.

'•'' ^Th«-ftbovs GiittSbion'isoIten asked con-deeming Dr. Pierco's two loading raedl-

clnea, "Golden Medical Discovery" and"Favorite Prescription."t The answer Is that "Golden MedicalV)Iacovery " is a moat potent alternttvo orbirwd-purifler, and tonic or invigoratorand acts especially favorably in.a cura-

t i v e way upon all the mucous lining sur-faces, as-rof tho nasal passages, throat,bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels andbladder, curing & Iarg^per cent, of catar-rhal cases whether the disease affects thenasal passages, the throat, larynx, bron-chia, stomach (as ratarrhal dyspepsia.),bowels (as mucous diarrhea), bladder,uterus or otner pelvic organs. Even In

- th°4 chronic or ulceratlve stages of theseaffections, it is plten successful in affect-

The "Favorite Prescription" is advisedfor the cure of one class of diseases—thosepeculiar weaknesses, derangements andirregularities incident to women only. It

, is a powerful yet gently acting invigor.it-lns tonic and nervine. For weak worn-out, over-worked women—no matter whathas caused the break-down, "Favorite

-Prescription v will bo found most effectivein building up the strength, regulating

.,.,the .womanly...functions, subduing pain~: and' bringing about a healthy, vigorous

, condition of the whole system.' A book of particulars wraps each bottlegiving the formulae of both medicines and

Sooting what score.i of eminent med-cal authors, whose works are consulted

• by physicians of all the schools of practiceas guides In prescribing, ssiy of each in-gredient , entering Into these medicines.

The words of pralso bestowed on thoseveral Ingredients'entering into Doctor

. Plerce's medicines by such writers shouldhurt) more weight than any amount ofnon- professional testimonials, becausemch men are writing for the guidance oitheir medical brethren and know whereof

,: ; Both medicines aro non-alcoholic, non-' secret, and contain-no harmful-hftbit-

fonnlng drugs, being composed of glycerlc• extracts of the roots of native, American: medicinal forest plants.,, They are^bothr~sold:iby dealers In medicine;' You can'1:::: afford to accept as a substitute for one or

these medicines of known composition,

!: - ^ r . Plerce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated,•Mr to take as candy, regulate and ln-Tlgorate stomach, liver and bowels.

MIBH N'elllo Uarton IK on the nick list.Miss Ethel Harris It) visiting her

unclu at Dover.Andrew: Illblcr of Newark was in

own on Sunday. : : , ,• M r s . Mnmlo Howell spent last weekwith relatives lti Dover,

Mrx. llenjamln Howell is entertainingboarders from Nuwnrk.

Mrs. D, Spull. of Great McadowH Islufferlng an attack of malaria.

Postmaster Howell has roturnod'romii buwlneas trip to Nuwark. :

William Lozlur welcomed the arri-val of a young daughter on Sunday.

Mrs. John Thomas and children havereturned to their home in Jersey City.

Miss Emmii Siivacool of Newark Isspending her vacation with Mrs. Hib-

i * . ; • : . ' • • • • • . • • • " ' - :

Milton AlluTtsoii siiont Sunday withhiH 'imreiils, Mr. and Mr».'C. H. Albeit-san.

The Independence Cornet Hand play-ed at the Mansfield picnic Wednesday

I S t . : . . :' - • • • • •

Mrs. Umgllcld <of Ncwnrk WHJ< theSaturday .and Sunday gues t of Mr. andMrs. Knos Har r i s . ;<_-. .,;•••.•

Mrs. . Junnio CJardner i s - 111 a t thenitni; of l ior ' fa t l ier with a'"aiviiri1 caseif typlioJd fever. _•;:;_...., ' r ^ ; .

A Koodly number from this vluliiltytti'inloil ttu- Junior Mcchiinli-H' picnict lloju- liiKt^Vednvscldy.KeKular lireaulilng servlcv.** will be

ri'sumi'd hi the Methodist church nextSunday evening, Hew Yeoman putttor.

John T. Ilurrell of Je r sey CityIK'Igliirt .spoilt Sunday a t the homu ofhis fuiher-ln-law. itev. \\\ H. Hag-gerty. .

Mra, George. Korce lias so fiirrocov-ort'd from her norlous illness to be

v to Mpi-nd u'wcuk with friend)* atHockuort.

i.lttlo Ml.ts Ilorothy I-;tnglluld ofiiwark linn returned to her homo after

jeniilug Hourly llvo months nt , the-Itoinu of ilr. und Mrs. Know Harris.

Jolni Leonard und raroily havo re-turned to their homu In Newark after

idlng a few day« with Mrs. Leon-ard's [i;ir<.'ntn, Jlr. and Mra. Andruw*Cunimln.-f.

The Pi>(|Ut>Mt Vallt-y picnic WIIH post-iiu-.l 'mi Friday until Saturday un;L>OIIIU (if tin1 unfavorable woathiT.

The lat'K« crowd thai wan 'present re-in a Komt lime.

HOPE.The Misses Wilson and thi-lr mother•turned to their home in Newark lastuek'afti-r .spending thri;u weeks at

L. 0. Beatty's.he Kdsoll family is boarding at I.How-ell's at Silver Lake. .Irs.'George It. Swuyze and .daughter

Willa and Miss Carrie Slit-opt-'and Mrs.George Blazter anil son' of Washingtonvisited at Mrs. John Conger's last

eek.Clarence Vanllorn lias gone to But.

ler and will engage in business. Wewish him success.

Jacob D. IClrkhuff, principal of thedeaf mute institution at Mt. Airy. Pa.,-isltfd relatives hero last Saturday.

Mrs. Philip Howell of Chatham vis-ited relatives here last week.

Mrs. A. D. Cornell of Stillwatcr Isvisiting her'cousin. Miss Addle Cooko

-Mr, .-mil Mrs Ansnn-.midebratit -ofNewark anil "Mr.""'and"Mrs."Brands' "ofBrooklyn were quests of Mr. and MraA. D. Hildubrant pnrt of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Horrlck andtwo children of Delaware aro spendinga. week with her parents, Itobert Titus.

Mrs. Sylvester .T, Treat and grand-daiiKhter of Old Bridge arc visitins aGeor^o Cool's.. Tho cement workers are finishingthe repairs to tlie stone bridge in thistown.

Mr. ami Mrs. Simon Seals of Annan-dale spent .Sunday'here.

John McFall of East Orange speniSiindtiy.--..with-Pi*...nni]-:Mrs. Storm.: ••.

Mr. and". Mrs. Wlllard Buckley start-ed on Sunday to drive'to their home 1Rutherford, N. J., after spending tlisummer at the Swayze homoKtead.

Miss Adelin. Sharp of ITackettstownIs visiting her sister-in-law, Mra. Hes-ter Sharp.

Misss Bessie Wittoe of Belvidero is aguest,.of _]ier_aunt,.,,Mrs.....William

There was a hi rge .crowd, at the-Jr.0. V, A. M. picnic last Thursday. VietCouncilor Frank Sharp of IrvingtonProf. Chas. Hnssc, of Easton. and Ilov.F. K. Ciarris, of Sparta, mnde sood addrcBSOK, and the East Stroudsburgband dispensed vory good music. There.were . about 1,500. pcsoplo . in attendancc. ' ' '

Mrs. Charlotto Swayzf- ami yon'Xorman returned last week from a vislwith relatives In Washington.

•-- -MOUNT PLEASANT.Miss" Klla Fromp visited at John

lienward's on Sunday.Mi-, and Mrs. Asa "Waril wure enter

tiiined at Win. Frome's'on"Suntliijv'- -"'"?The Montana M. 10. Sunclay school

picnic was hold at Island . Park oiWednesday. ... •. Mrs. William Cole of Cornish is visit ing- her .son in Ph'illlpslnirs for icouple of weeks. . .;

Miss Gracp Dalryniiiln . oniertfiineion Sunday her 'coyslnsraiissea Blitiicliand Lola pstur.stpck. Ralph Osterstockof 1'Iitston andMrs". Philip Biml of Hnr-moiiy, mid friends. John Ketcliledgo.John, irosteltcr and Clayton HUSH, al

GREAT »MIHH Oilve Croiise of Slhiiliope Is tin

guest of Mrs. A. B. Albert.Mrs;' John Parks returned to ho

home in Newark on Tuesday...This...viiluR-e. was . well ._ representei

at ' the" Junior""picnic™at""'lTopd " "lasThursday. i.

Tlie-lon-months-old child of Mr. "Wil-ilrick of Petersburg1 was buried in tinMetH'pdlsJ^ce.m^etery^^"~"EllawoT:th1"DeStsr"c 'e""'of'"bTrf"enleVprising farmers, has purchased a potnto diggor. He has abcut seven acresof tho tubers, c•i^Mrs. David Vreeland's carriage wasquite badly hi-oken last evening infront of E. W. Aimer's store hy beingrun into by-a team and heavy wagon.She was obliged to borrow a -wagon tidrive home. '•" r~~:\'~: r

NEW HAMPTON.Several of our townspeople went on

the Cornish excursion to Cranberrylinn1.

Mr. nml Mrs. Thonins I'ence of SandyItldgo. Pa., were with relatives here

I Saturday and Sunday.LrGrnnd Brod of Plilllipsburg wasii- guest of I. Sharps on Sunday.

Lake and report having had a pleasantLeslie and Gertrude Bowlby of Dun-len, who have been spending someme with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Abol, re-

turned homo on Sunday.Jusvph Wonlevor, who lias boon

peiidlug a mouth with his son, CalvinWoolever, returned to his Juimii atNorlh Port, U I.., lust week.

llt'V. A. Lincoln Mooro, I>. IX. pastorif the 'Riverside Baptist church, New-

York, delivered twn specially line andInteresting sermons for the congrega-tion of tht! Valley Pre'sby turf an churchInst Sunday—ont> nt the church In the[Horning and tlio ottier at the eiiapolin tlio evening. :

A big automobile camo down Rid-dle's hill the other day at a terrificrate of speed. Tho long- steep hill I:composed of a series of small hills, andthe owner of the car, who occupied theroar scat, was thrown violentlyagainst the top as the machine passedover one of the knolls, and receivedsevere cut in the head. Tho machinerounded the curve at the base of theliitl all right, 'flit: driver of the castated ttiat tliu brakes hiul failed towork. This occurred at about the spotwhere ~Georffv'™.Bergoii'fl-biuy eh)'-•"'away with him one memorable Sun-day morning recently. George, how-ever, did not fare as well, as he wasthrown into the ditch.' Biographerstell us that a good many years agoyoung man of this place went over ithe valley to see his best girl. It wasa dark night and he walked nit a lime-•ttono ledge as lie was returning hidown this hill About 2 a." m. Hebadly shaken up and injured Internallyalthough not seriously. Whether heafterward married the girl or not isnot stated.

HAZEN. .RL'V. Stewart Iltitchiiison of Newark

piiuueli'i.'d"iVii"iixe\'ll(>ni surmonoii Sun-day.••The weekly prayer meeting was held

Wednesday evening. Mr. Raco actingas leader.

Mrs. D. Trimmer /and' little son ofOxford spent Sunday' with her moth-"*Lr£-^Ynk.^y™?1 _ _ _ _ _~rSrrs}T::>,relliev-SpaiiK-enl)ef'gr'si)ent-'-sev-or.il days last week •with -her auntMrs. Henry Schnrror, at Tatti'my.-.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Swayze anddaugliter of Hope were tho guest!her mother;.Mrs. J. W. Smith, on Sun-day. • "

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kush entertain-ed on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. RichardWarmati and son Orville, 6C Washing-ton, Mrs. John Knrr und daughtersMyrtle and Gertrude of Elizabeth.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of "New-ark, Mr. and Mrs. James Joneschildren of JSast Orange and Mrs. D.Warne und children of Ewing, N. J.won; guests oC Mrs. S. Jones over Sim-day. . -

• Mrliee

BUTTZVILLE.Charles Hunt is sick with hay fever

and his bnrbor shop is closed.Mrs. Edw.'ird Jones of Kbenozer wn?

the guest of Mr. Jones" parents, Mrand Mrs. J. A. Jones, over Sunday.

v ^Wilson ..of •:Uroolclyr[;1:-who.-hsu1

spending somo time with her sis-ter, Mrs. fLoulpii Heater, returned home

Ituv. and Mrs. Wiliever hnvc rtturn-ed from tlKilr vacation. A receptionwas V,ivon thiim by iliii congregatlion Wednesday'•'evening..

Mr. and Mrs. Berlon Heater returnedto their home in. Phillipsburfc' oiThursday after spending a. week herewith his mother, Mrs. Louisa Heater.

Friday eyenlng will be rally nightTor1 the|-"pr6bati6ners~and-Sunday- willbo observed an Rally Sunday, when theprobationers will be received Into thechurch in full membership. (r

Miss 3311a. Glbbs of Hopo,,-;,ivho 1studying 'to:become a.- trained nurse, "iPhiladelphia, has been visiting rela-tives in this county. She visited heraunt, Mrs. George Jones, on Tuesday.

A strengthening Ionic, rend ad on an-other page. *

Star and Thrlce-a-Week Tribune 52.25.

Special Sale at LAUBACH'S; ; ^ ; P A ; - \ v ; : ;:•.';. .•/:

of Lalance & Grosjean Mfg. Co.'s First Quality ,

LL nilfit"UL Ifl L E D 8 L , ENAMEi III IH

FILL U MRTliiswnre is strong'and durable, yet light and convenient to mndle. Tfc is double coated with a '

hurd vitreous covering, presenting ,i smootli and highly polished inottledr:gr!iy:suriViee,jind^ is Jis^eaSiiycleaned as cliinii.' Altogother it is tho clennest, most durable and 'oust ware lor family use mnde It .willnot rust or break like ordimiry enamels and is nl)sohi\ely jmro and .safe to' use as is certifiod to by the niost.

..'eminent elicmists*."7 "r :~~~~7'"'"'~"~~':r:~:;::''~:::::~;.t:.~;:::::::::'''':i'.." .•.:••::; :::::'::~s:;-'::./\:\:':.::."::::~r::::::::::::'"•--—;";

is a Lisi oi ihis Enamei Ware 'at

Special Low Prices s2 qt. Teapots . . ...

3 " •" • • •

4 « • ' . " • . . . . . .

8 " Coffee; Boilers .Tea Kettles .

Berlin Saucepans

z]/2 qt. Berlin Kettles (orpots) . . . . . . .

4 qt. Berlin Kettles (or. . p o t s ) , ;••. . . . . ; • .

6 qt. Berlin Kettles (orpots) .

8 qt. Berlin Kettles (or.pots) . . •. . . . . .
















io qt. Berlin Kettles (or cookpots) . . . . . . . 5gc

12 qt. Berlin Kettles (or cookp o t s ) .-• . •;. . ..•.-..•: . 6 g c

Rice Boilers, 3gc, 49c and 75cCovered Buckets, 15c, rgc, 25cPudding Pans, ioc, 12c and 15cMilk Pans . ioc, 15c and igcWash Basins, 15c, igc and 25cFruit Funnels V . . . ' iocMilk Kettles, 15c, igc, 30c, 35c2 qt. Coffee Pots . .3 " ' " '.•"'•• . .

4 " ' . • " . . . • " - .

10 "Dish Pans . . .14".. " " . . . .2 " Lipped Saucepans '3 • "


Preserving Kettles

4 qt. Lipped Saucepans

4 " Convex Cook Pots6 « .1 . 1 . »

8 • • • » « - . • . . . . ••"

12 " " " "16 " " " '.-«;..35 "8 :••.

1 0 • " • • "

1 2 " :'"'14 "...1 8 " " • • " • •

Water I'ailsDippers . .Pie Plat:s .Cullenders

. 49c and ;8c and :

8c, ioc and :


WM. LAUBAGH O. SON, Easton, Pa.

Hutching^ & Rineh^rt






Always ready for orders, large or small, for

RISnHc-—. RuilHinrr -Mn jig'-^:;^--:^.™^.,^^-


;~r"""NeitheThas aireqiial between New;_::•: . , ' : .York and Chicago.

Pianos, Organs, and all other MusicalInstruments; Phonographs, TalkingMachines, Sewing Machines

Come; see our uiagnificenr^new1 . quarters—

W e guarantee our goods and. our prices as low as the lowesE


AMERIGAN^SAW MILLS••' F I T T E D W I T H --i-••••-•.••.- - ; =

New "Giant" Duplex DogsRacliet Set Works and Quirk


Strong, Accurate, Reliable and

LIGHT RUNNING, Improved Variable Friction Feed ' ,

Drag Saws, Edgers, Saw Mills,Trimmers, Lath Mills, Saw Tables,

'•" Wood Saws and Water Wheels

always in stock;—•

LARGEST STOCK GASOLINE ENGINES IN THE STATE~ ' : 'Ask for Free Illustrated Catalogue.

American Saw Mill Machinery Co., Hackettstown.N. J.• ; • ' • • . - . • i i j . • : • - . - • . . t i l l * . " • . • • • • • • • • . - • . • • • • • '

IIt vsrill be a favor to the advertiser as well as to the publisher tc? rnention the Star when

j " . .••••:;••"•'". . « ' • " . :; . . . . v . . . - . ' . : • ••'.." w r i t i r i i g o r c a l l i n g . • „ • • • i i i*. " ' ; •; ' ' • " . ' ' ."

Page 5: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft


Nazareth FairNazaerlli, Penna.

Sept. 1 1 , 1 ^ 1 3 and 14BIG RACES EACH DAY

FRANK YOKUM, 2 . 0 4 ^ttie ({rent linif-mlie rliij; jiawr Unit lintt ;<cttidoiiiK Hiicli wonderful work'till* acisoii \vM'nUvinpt to lower IIIH rei-orii nl tlie fnir,1-'L .'.:.-

BAND CONCERTSench tiny hv wvural finit-clnss Immls. Manygood shun* mid other nimisctiiuiits.

Free Performance•The-Hiimlil Cox Ttnitsnllrmllc Amusement

Company iMHrirrniin'mi to Klve free exIiUiltlotndully. TiicUiree Mwclls v.t Uiri-e act*. Inclml*itiK timid iiml hemi'KtlnrcesntulncrolKiEsmnlclKlil Irnincil do«H. 5 Thr •double comedy Trick

-• IIOIIM.', llic I;iitiii>* Cluwii.'ctc. - .-•••Ijxcur.tloiis on nil railroads. The 1-aMon

Traction Comnrini'is itinkhiji-jn-cinl jtrnvMotts"•tolinmlienttiiiiinnylnrifecrowiljiliiixvenr."

The »., I.. A W, will Rive hjit-ctitl fust trntiiservice from StraiuUlmrg, 1'oriiniid mid other

.•polnU... . - . - . •

: -. — SPKCIAL ..•EXCURSIONTilt l^li

low mli;with luiin

i Vnllcy HallroHil willursions Hum Install

outer Hues nt Kiislon.

Admlliion. Aduill, 25a Children, 15c.

J. K UlilNMIil.MKU, Scc'.v.

The Easton Schoolof Business

Prepares for Immediate Ser-vice in the Counting Room.


wii IIAVK Tin; l'Acn.miis FORSUI'l'I.YING WHAT' Till! Ill.'Sl-NliSS PUBLIC UHMANDS.

OUK COUKSK -OV INSTRUCTION ISmodern, oiir twicliurs are earnest,zealous flnil practical, ami ottr appoint-ments arc all llliu could be (Icsircil forcoilliiterciul anil short hanil work.


Opens Sept. 3, '06S. L. JONES, Principal.

' School Rooms, Centre Sq., Easlon, Pa.Saul for Illustrated Ciitaloj;.

Dr. H.U. Sherman..SPECIALIST..

In All Chronic Nervous and Spe-

cial Diseases of Men, Women

and Children.



Hundreds of testimonials from curedpatients can be seen at the office.

303-305 First Nationnl Bank Building

Centre Square, Easton, Pa.

HOURS: '9 a. m. to S p. 111.; Sundays,10 ii. til. to 12.36 p . in. !

; • " • • • • NOTICE.In Ilii' Mill tor nfllie Rslntoori Htlli'to Hiir

'Jiu'ttitO. Itcycr, ikrcaseil. . | CivdHui:-.PiiiMiiuit lo the order "I1 ill* Hiiriiwiti'Jir the

Couniy of Wiin.-ti. Hindutitilhu Twemy-ililrd1I11 v HI .lulv, \ ]). Nlncfcvn Hundred imtl Six,iiuiU-c: is Wreliy itlvcn H» nil I«;IS.HWIIIIVIII«uliilins nmilu«l tlie Ksltitf or.Iiicoh O. Itoyt/r,hil.t of Hit: o m n t y <>r Wiinvn, deowiswl, lomiWIll lIlOMllllOtlltllC'MllM'HIuT, Ills KXL'Cll-trlx. on or h-Tmv tliu Tvi.my.tlihil tlciy «rAinll.A. 1\ MIIVKVII Iliintlru-il iiml Sevoti.iHiliri Nino Moiillis from :1u- tlutit of (liesuid

u l : I 1 l lJor: :H>slccii i :s"t" '>i'l»K'»'i i i x l •(>:




In iin*Wllllii


ilfliidiMix, m

tliiljtlH t i . H l . , i

•cci'il'i't11: Jill

Ma Ho

Ids.vithil of


in I), i'lull,mint I

ny iir.1tiltfo is

UiKwlr nit: i


or 1In l)Ins *, 1SH*

Hi llfllUSI



tin; 1i dui'



L'Ufiid • J•dor iif ii. mudi?

'A.'lilS'lrietcii)by;it tin

If \V»1TI


imL ' l l

i l l»['•

1111(1'm i l U


i ttii.CiVSillIlK-IIili


•d, will lie"yKIl', -

- to Hiirill tors.•rosjiitu of

Twtmty-iilruU nnd

1). Hull.ilewiiscil, lonly "f W » m , ilw.i

naKtiittiies]iiiiuliiHiesiil.s(!r(1n»r, hilor 011 ortiuCoru llic Twmitj'-llftli day ol" AA. I). Niiimwn lUindrud imdtHcven, lA'lno.Monllis iVnin Ihcdute oi'tho^iild otmilnityifri'dltornoplci;niist(ibrlii(!iiinihlhll lilstirliurcluliiisundi'i- until oriillllion, M-llliin ihc HIIIOKI hmlto.l, wlll'bc I'oImrredol' his m' IKT iictlnn itpiinst. Un5cxreiltoi' I'IIII,1?.M. MUL

liiitt'il: .Inlv •-'"»,'190(1. KxeuiU' l ' ' I S(U'W '

"o"., "• Notice of Settlement.Nollco l« heruliy pivi'n ilnj tlio nutmunlti nf

I lie siibsi'rl In ;rs mi^eus of 1'MlIji II. lliitiii,ii• nilinir, will ho aiidlti'd imdMiilcil l.iy I IR-SUI-

iw'tiluIamfri'iMirk'*! lo I lie Cimlums' l.'ourl ofUiM'minlviirWiiiTcn.oi) Kridiy.tlic llllii iluyiifni'tnliur ncxl nt Id o'clnult A.Ji.. i» Hi" U«rSqit.:iiibL-r, I'm1 suit lenient nul nllowiuia

OSOAll Auif.Lhi, 1110(1.w* to™


Thti Pomifylnnfn Riiilronttlio old tiir walk iiwny »l(m(fNorth M11I11 streiit, neor Uniwill r«»liicu It wlili t


i;i) of (li'frmtiliiiK M^- KOIIHIKJIIluufllNvflltf oitinf nixmnl bill oV I U vi l in n» R'ciiriiy

PHII.LIPSBURG.Thti Pcniipylvnnta Riiilronil Co. Is tenrinft

" • " - ' ft* property on[on Siiimri-1, iiml

Chtuf Arruwniy, an Oimtliii Inillan, whois miUlnx moilldtio In Union St|tinri', was ar-rested Friiluy nl^lit by Con»tulili> OnbornonthochnrBoortli'rnutrtliiK " " "~* "Bitcicy of ItruKolNvillti t ' '•*"U. Ha mwm liirf viollii i P i i t u i i i i j . .

W. D. Lorn (if A1)>1i'», wlio railed hi theutclicr imHint'.-H xoino linns ago anil left for

parts unknown, rotut ncil to lii« lioniu onFriday, O

Osciir Biifli HJIIH Iiift bk'j'ciu «v«r to Ens-ni, Huturdity itmrnim;, ami while in u st«r«

thoru BiJmtibudy Btolu.it,: Thomas Crmi»lmn win utriclii-u withimralycis wlitlu working hi thi> EVuusylvu-iiitiR. R. yards liwtwvi-k. Ho liiw MIIOJimproved. ; .J ;

Frank Loro of Spring-town wn»( injurediiL llm Aljilta LuiiiciiL |)!a;il l;ut.• Tuesdayind taken to the Knstuii Hospital.

The Ont ra l and Lchigh Virility cars* havubc«n robbed rucutitly in thfa town of cmi-Hiderablu or their contents and u carefulwutuli led to tlm iirreat of live young men—John Ellwuoil, iMnrlin ttml Jmucs KiehwlusCharles Eliriu mid Wm. Carklmft". Whenbrought buforu 'Squire Van IMNitml thuy nilplund Btiilty nnd pive bail for their ar.penr-imce a t court.

Tw«nty-on« ours and thruo i*iiliu:« wereHtoleii from the tHinnm-nry t-itr luu n of Hit;Eiiittim & WIIHIIIIIUUIII Traction Co., in thinplaco on Friday ii'Kat.

1 Warren, win of Win. Uimnfpt, celubmtwlhis lOtli birtliday iiniiiverrtiuy last, 'flnirs-

tt!ineti*ry. UeiinftLT a few day;

Cliai'lert Apjjar, wiwyer for .furry HolT-

his lOtli irthdayday .Mrn ; J J . M .W h i t are K

r a y ninii) mid children

sts of tlm family.Harry Knip of ilLinvisstrctit, luul both

leuH cut off bv bcinn run over by an unuiimon the. Central road nt VIIILIUUU" last U'cd-iifsdayKaston Hosnital.

, wiw taken to

JIISH Marairet M., daughter of JamesRi-iley, of-PhllllpslinrK, anil Win. J, \V«r-ner nf Castun, were iimrrk'd Iiist.W nines-ilny afternoon ut St. UiTiiardV Catholicihurch, Kiistmi. They will mako theirlionie in South Haston.

. i s Hazel A. Hell.T of Ivistmiry It. Case or-titU )»lm:« WITH iAswmhly Hall, Kasdnit i ' i i t f h t w k

Tied atWiiducsfltiy af-i i K K

CALIFOH.A lonil 'went from lu-re to tin-JlatiMlleld

townwhin Sunday school jtirnlc lust WcdncH-day. T&t'wuiio day n load went to theclambaku at \\'«fihiii(;toii. ,.

Elmer Bouasch and wifti of ItockawayIiavu been visiting his parents In town.

An organizer of the unler of ModernWomlmcii is liere trying to lurm a lud^e.i,JIw, Gilbert Wack, who h:i« been visitingrelatlvf«anil friends h«re, has returned toher homo in Ni-wark.

The express conip-.iny \KUVCA a car heioevery day to load with peaches.

Mr. niul Mri'. .Toliii P. PHVIH nturtiil forAinheiht. Mas.1*., on ytmday to visit thuir"miKhtitr, Mrc. iltungti Allen.

Th*j funeral services of Miv. Peter II," Cl* y e w , were,

day uftornon

: ' A S B T J R Y . ••••: :;Xlrc. K'attj I?ooli t l lc of HitHton,: Pa..

fx vlxitlntf he r hrut l icr , IT. M. Hldil lc• '.MlMii..Hfuslf Sliliniian of HililllixhurK.

fiii'iiicrty of UIIM ]I]Ji<.•.•. 1H visi t ing Mrs.Aliram Dfi rar t , •

Mtn. John W r i g h t nnd daimlitcr J(;n-lilf of your boroimii wt-ro notlct^l Inloivn on Sunday.

M1*H IClla \X Hmitli went to Flf-.ilnK-Km liift Tlinrvli iy t'i Hpcnd Sundaywith MlfK H. IhilHlzer.

Mr. T. I'. Uwtl of Now York IK rn -JoyliiK1 u tlin-i. w o r k s ' visit wi th binmint, M M . Wm. Howard.

Mr. CUMP an.lKramls<on. [••rank Hiar-in-r. rif West Por ta l , iir«- vlsltliif- lilniliiiiKhtor. Mrs. F r a n k Osiniiii.

Mr. mid Mrs*. A. J . Sniftli, of Mont-i-lnlr. w i n - IIH- «iif«l« i>f tier f inlrr ,

Ifii[i[Kictf at lianvuits, ...hfiil tit hi>r lntu lioini) Tu t vHuv. W. K. Xowsoni, iiitstoi-or tho Call foil tM. E. church, otlieiatiny. Tim body wiw[-MI«« * » «interred in tliu family plot hi Lower Valley . Mif." M«y Vnndorhil t nf Newark, for-

— Death yva» duo iol ivai t fiiiluic ; in..rt>- of thin iductv Is tiij.iylnn it visitwlllt'lie.r Kramlmother , Mrs." Vanderli i l t .

MtiCharles Apijur, wiwyer for rrrj olTman, has lutt his employ ami is now doinythe t-awin^ for Hut ton & Ap;;ar.

th-l.ttllan M a r l o n K who si>cnt

, in W'aKliIiiKton and I'hll-me hen, Iliisluirtr. caiae home the latter |>arl nf

MifH Graci) Creanar <»f (-"re-stmore ' luis: (ant1 Wffk.been .•nKaKud to teach tho .Middle Valley) n,.v, v , it. KVnn.'dy ami 'wife of Thll-fcchool next term. i ad.lpliia. a former pa»loi- of the J'res-

liyti'i'lan elmrt:)i hero, are„ — _ _ _ „ .. , ;(.-iinxin, Mrn. fjuwls Vox.

'*'•'' I Mlx^.'s 'Allect'l). Mnrt*-nl:The Califon im:lnvtnt played ut a festival

in Chaster last Tuesday ni^ht. ••.-.:•••, .-,..Charles Ilofl'man isNulTeriiig from a badly

soraim-d kneoand is under a doctor's care.Ilo can't account for the swelling as ho didnot injuro ihu knee in any way. ' :

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Farley of Mnnntuin-k'illii uro entertaining their daughters: Mrs.L. WIlnnuimilMrK. Philip Kahk-y of (Hulliarduer and Mr.t. .liunes Blazer ot Stock-

holm.A union excursion, under tho ansin'ces of

tho Middle VIIIIHV and German Valley Sun*Viilliiy and (urn inn V, will bo run to Lake I

dday frchools, will btoday—Thursday.

T iMiss Susan Trimmer of estileld ill rmain at Uii* home ot her parents Mr. andMrs. J. S. Trinimur, dnriuK tin* month otH«;)itember liefor*).ruturnliiK t.i W'esttluld.

Owiny t<> thu absence of tho pastor, Hev,,A. ii. SviniiH's. thens were no services in i

L V l l O k b P b

y yMiss Susan Trimmer of Westileld will re-i h t h M d


A. i. SiniiHs. thens ere no s r i c e inthe Lower Valley or Ookwbnry Presbyter-i h l l t S d

if hist week by Kev. M, K. Keiniiur>r IJethlfliem.

Warren'Uiichniaii. while working in a „trench that was being dug by tin* I'lOpli-'s j dn-n of (lien (iardner spent hint ThursdayWater Company on CiintreHtn^t, liw Frl- un«l Friday with Mr. ami Mrs Oliver Ajigiir.

' " ' '"" * * ' I'ostmaster and Mrs. 1-aiiih Apgnr liavm. «. . . #* I . I . . 1 . . . . . .

th r eyiau churcliL'S last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Curling and two chil-f (H ( i d r t l t T h u d yater Coiniauy C n t c

day, was uu i^h t by ui-avt<iihud uiio a rm frai:tnivd at ti

vr, tf enrth andii-t.

U n r a E., wife of Win. Uruen, "lied onTlinrsday afternoon, iifjid :IU vcaiv, Shehad bi'uii sick for some nine.

William Cnleinan of this plan-, who wentto Towandns'oim; time IIJJO, nnd who n-evnt-I returned hen; without jiayiu^ mi £.biVmnl bill due John i'.itdv. pi-oprti'titr oC aTowanda lioti'l. wasarn.-.itird in Ktiston last.T h d i h i d hT a d aThursday Towanda. justiCh ithToCoh-"

rn..tird in Ktiton lastn a watrant issued hv a

of the l. justice of the iiencc,with liiivin^derratided a

T h l f l t ihouse keeper. _ Thu ilt'feinlant is li.-ing helditmsu keeper. Tha custody until th

t mif, hbe settled.y

The first aiiiinaloHtinj,' nnrturtin*auspicesof I'hillipsburt: Aeria, F. 0. Ji., was lield atUfllitwocHl Park last Wwlnwiiiiy. A ilele-jjation of about two hniulred menibtn-ri <iftliu order: from Is'iiwnrlc and Jursi'y City

n of about t h n rrder: from Is'iiwnrlc and .

dliu order : from Isiiwnited witli Hie ioeid nSisiei1 Marv I«ewi>,

of thl


lc and J u i y Cityinlii'i.-ia tlm park,who lias been inn&mih Main st

lkd t d

asgu.'^ts MM. lieuj. Opdyke and daugliterMaud iif Ulnonisliiu-y,

Tlie• 'Tfswkeslmry township nmunitU'emet Katunlay and derided to repair theroad lending from Califon to Fairmoimt.A. J. Apgar. road overseer, will have charge Jof the work. , '

i town will be dt^ed on

ler of German Valley took

All the storesLabor Day.

Mr. S w a c k h a m i e G e m n a l y t o ka load from here 011 Sunday to Coney Island,the conveyance beiuy his big auto.

John Neighbor has bought iim iarn« pop-t h i h h will t i t i,!,.(,£ lar trues which he will convert into pencil

iliiUI.-ll!' C-UIH-it Tti.sdny. 'I'll..;

l«ltlntr his

and h.P p :i !m t r i p . . b y I

ad will siX'tid throe days there . |On Wrdin'S'I:iy evening, August ; ; 21!, |

Hi. iv w.,s ,. .iiii,-t WL-ddliijc a t Hie I'roH-jliyHTian tniitmo, the happy coutilc bn-intc .Mr. H a r r y I l luer and MISH KIIHICSliiiunmi. TIn>y lert on tin; 7.5-1 t r a in . !nnilil n sl iower of rice, for n two w e e k s ' !trip, durintr wlileii t ime thoy will visitTfilmyrn. IMiilad.'lphln. Niagara Fal lsnnd filh-r I'oiiUH Mf InUrrs t . Thi ' irniiiny frii'iids e.sleud tlielr coi igratuln-UoiiH. ••• , • •

STEPHENSBURG.Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wydni'r i>iih<rininwl

Mr. and M a JacnlrAntliuiiy of AudiT-son on .Sunday.

Mr. ami Mrs. .Morris .Miller entertain""!the lnller's jdstei-, .Mrs. Jacob Iltril.


: TOE PRUDENTIALHTHE PRUDENTIAL in 1905 stood first of

all Gompanies operating Life Insurance in. I n d i a n a ' i n ' • \ / ••••'.'• . - " : \ \ : - r ' • . . ' : ' r . • ' ; : , " : y r , 3 : " ' V . . 1 ; • : ; ; . ' • : • • > ; • .


thus 'endorsing the; verdict ^ of New Jersey as tothe merits of Prudential

A\\H> Iloiiatcong.on'l'inirsday ami Friday.Miss Laura Kami sjicnt a few days hist

week wlilt her sister, .Mrs. Louis F,. Os-inun, al ritniihopi*.

Walter Miller nf Xctcniig siiciil a couple jof davs with his grandparents, Mr. andMrs. "Morris Miller.

Mr. nnd MM. VKII Horn of Mlddl.. Vnl-ley spent .Siiuilay with hi'i' sister, Mrs.CiL-o. Wydner. . ' • : . . •

Mr. and Mrs. (Jhas. Miller and fainllyof Port Colden pat-S'd Saturday and Hun-tlnv with his iiaivnis, Mr. and Mrs. .TohnMiller.

.School will ivopon on Hc|it. lit. withMiss Laura Huun as teacher.

Mr and Mrs. Louis 10. Osniuii of .Stan*«(lny it ml Thursday with

Mr. iiml Mm Morris

Sir and Mrs.hop.) spfii';\VciliuhorftniMiirfhiHStiller.

.lason K. Hoiriiinn, coimtvsuperintendent i „ Kraiik Aiiirur and ilunelitur Kttii Mpimt Ior public, schools, has served notice on Col- ftiuulay wltliMr. ami Mrs. 1-rank Limcu ,lrctor Alpau^h u( Lebanon township, thatall Stilt*1 money Tor school purposes will hewithheld irom the township because thet have not provided the school

i u i r d b l T i i

Hev. P. Y. JVhelly oil Sunday even. , ,milled in marriage Miss .Miitfi-'H. rikillmaii.formerlv of Ka:-toii, now-ol1 Tn'titou, amiJohn W. TeinpU-, i\h:> of Trenton.

Samuel Weller has sold.his. r^tifeniiadjoining his grocery store en Chamlier:street and will soon retire front business,

Tlie claims in liiiukruiitcy against the»tiuu of Whitlield l.»iv huve been adjust-1 and the creditors will "receive about :si

pur cent, of their dniiiis. • . • • : 'A. D. Yonngkin was arrested on Monday

charged by his former employer, WhittledLore, with embezzlement. He gave- bailbefore.I iistteeHiiiitli.

There Is No Use Fighting Nature.Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Henu'ily lin

nothing of thai kind. It lKI in sympathy, with h

i t iis

d. It v.<t< lonriirlyith what Na tu re is

h D Iy p h y th

rvit i" to ncudiiiiiiish. Do yon Iiave trim*bl'e with your ili^L'Stion, your liver orkiilnevs? • Doi-s i-la-uinaiisin [min atul rackyou? ' I s your head thick anil heavy:- It,will uhariii away these uilini'iits a lmost


ythe tine'h


CHANGEWATER.ur appetite to do full justice to

st home supper to he servedation of the M. K.

d f ion Sept. -?i by the eoiigregntL _chiin:h. The supper will b» served fir... .

rloek on. A band ot music will enliventhe occasion. , •

The worsted mills wr-re shut down Sutur-iluy.ttieimble thu employeua to attend theCo*n:ish ext:ui>!'»!i.—_;---.• r - . - -..•'-.

Mrs. Hlisworth Smith and daughterMaritni ol Washington visited her parents,Mr. and Mi\s. K. 0 . Castner, on Sunday.

Mr. ttnd Mrs. Joseph A|ignr. J r . , nf Elisa-beth, were recent/ quests for ;i week of Mr.nmUMrs. Jortisph Apgar.

Jlrs .- J acob - Snyder entertained Mrs.'.liivid-Weise and'niih:irriiuli or;V\';"ishingtt'ii"

on yuuday.ilvf, f r a n k ^Vbitnii'.u of M.arceliue, Io,,visiting her nuiiiy •tYiiimls iti'-Liiis»*i»iiicu.r-" =•"Miss Alice Anderson anil friend of liuiin-

vnle were guests nf lier aunt, Mrs. "U'hitrfield Castuer, on Suturduy. . ' =,"'

Miss Carrie Garber of Hrooklyir is visit-

MsisKthel .Stevens has been elected ui-tuiitft at* the Union Sunday school.Miss Florence Fret:', of Philadelphia spent

several days lust wouk with her cousin,Miss Ifary Frotz, aC lire-en's Bridge.

Kev. X..D. Eze-kialof theQiioiT Hiiinaritanirjiliaiiiige, Island of Cevlon, preaclied in

Ht. Jiinnjs' Lutheran church on riundiiy

Mrs. Carrie Fretss HpentSuuday with relat ivesmPattenbury.


* her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Charlys Oar

"Harvpy.Castnerot' Buyoiine is siiendtiiyhis vacation at thejKirciitiil home here. 0

Clarenco Andersoiiof Middletown islwing.'iitertaincd by his grandmother, Mrs. AnnKounsavilie, for a couple of weeks.

Mrs. George IM-yaul; »>f Eliwilwtb jmaseiliiurt of liir.t week with hi>r parents/Jfr. and.Sirs. M. O. Cashier. . .

Mrs, Eugene Ciisiner entertained Mrs.Frank Gmio and dmighter Mary of Newark3ii Thursday of lust. week.' ..

Harmon Cnstuer took a load of youngpeople to tho JSeatyestmvn Union picnic onWednesday of hist week. • . . ... \,

Mrs. John Curie ton is thu gutst of Mrs.John Gnrey. ' . :.

Mrs. Frank Gano and daughter Mury ofNewark arc pnssins an imlelluito t n"u with.

iv brother, Grant Moore.Mrs. Edson Iloukenbuiy-of 'New York is

pjissiug an indefinite period with her par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder.

Wm.~ Burnett of Washington wns in townSunday renewing old acfLiiuiutiuices.

Joseph Smith of •Washington was heroon Kundfiv nt the homo of his parouta, Mr.•iid Mrs.'Wm. Smith.

liei-u [iropoM-il to repair the old hnildint; at(ileii liardner, but Mr. HolVman is reportedIn ttiivit stated that repairs will not do athe btiildim' 1I»M been condemii'jd H thi

at Mt.;'Lebanon.Mr.--. John ilann and two thildren of

Allainuchy were entertained one day lastmi'k by Mr. anil Mrs. II. II. Curpentei-

BROADWAY.Mrs. Hulshlzt'iMif near town has ;l.-i en-

lerlaining smuc summer hoarders. Onisof ilii'in, Mlw Clunii of Unioklyn. favomlus with n stiln, k-Tlu* Holy City," at tho

. ., _ Hnnday inorniiigHi'rviee. In the eveningthe building has Iii-vir coiHleinnsd. tf tills Mr. Lanysluir iif tin- same plan- sung ahe true, there is in; UM> throwing iiwiiy solo nt the opi'ii air service,inom-y in repairs. Some one ought to h«i Alon/.n Lunger went to Pen Arpvl tin'at.k-tobhow nsawavout of our impending Thursday tind began work in the clonkdillleullies. W(»,-kri.

, c . — Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hnppuuk have. ALPHA., ' h"d a very nwit uinmnui'iit erected over

Mr. ntid Mrs. Kdwn'rd Hamlin iiaiucil I tlioIriViot "ii\Hii"wti"t"rvIl!ijr«*<ill"^to".Sunday at th» home of Howard Purccll. Hmterwic!; of Aalmry di'il the woi-k.'

Mr.and Mrs Daniel Colo of Fiiiesvilloi .'i'l«; fsUimliinniwirt'iw will hold theirvere entertained partot last week at John- n..,,,i, i r. monthlv mei'tingat the Itninu nfonHuimmirs. j Jllss a'atlli' Havlm- on rtiliintiiynriiviioun.Clayton Htiinmerof Brooklyn is expected j yu, i i mi .Mrs. .\Viii.....Smith. and . son. of

,t the paii'iitnl home tins wow. Stmvurtsvllle were giiesls of his parenls;Harry Drown of Delaware : is visiting

friends in this villay.;.-Alpha is on the boom

h i d-Xin

now being erected near the Vulcanite plantand llot; so very far away a double house

Miss Sallic Nice of Pattonburg is visitingher uncle, Whitfield Lore. Mr. Lore isgoing to Ithaca, X. Y. to work in n cementplant.

i\ string band from Xew Brunswick dis-coursed good music in town on Sumlay.

Mi.-n Florence Johnson of Junction sppntSunday with friends in town.

Mis* Mattie Gardner was the guest of herMiss Munute he

ardner was the gdays last week.

.Mr. and Mr.s. Leouanl Kiultlt, on Himduy.. Mrs. John Strunk and daughier Mil-,divil ppi'iir from Wwlnestlay until Fridaywith her pan'iits. Mr. and Mrs. 'riiomp-son Cornish, in Phllllpshiirg.

Thomas McPlier.qnu oC Newark cuine upon HaLiinluy iiml remaiiie:! until riitmlaynljrht wiih lii-s family.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kiusoy and thm<ehiidren of Hoi it h Orange returned tothi'Ir home nn Mondar nfiera tlnve weeks'slay with bis n u d e / M r , and Mrs. A. K..Si'tfiiine.

Peit'r.Mi'^iiirti could not slay away fromhis old home vllingu and has returned,vlsii in» with X. Wiirne for tiin pivs.'nt.

MONTANA.Edgar li. Cole of i\

h ith hi t(hiy wiCole.

i \ W i l l i g i n b Sts, M I M U H I ' M I S . A s i K." ' ?

Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Cole entertained ntdinner \n»t. SundaylianliK'r ol' Hiinim

•niug. • - B

-Frank Sarson nf Ktewartsville ami bro-1.. ... _ . . _- i thei' ITuu-itrd of PhUlipslnirgsnent;Siiiiday |r.UrsriSelluris-wtio liad-'lmeii-tiiiil«-iH-furi wuii•their•iKimitsriiiv«i«VMrsrOhiirlus IViihout t w o weeks, has recovered. Sarsou.

..Jliss^rana_S.tanit?^of .Cnriientersvillt! ia | .

Thi .. il house has been cleaned and isnow ready for thu fall term, which beginsTnostlay, Sept. -I. Parouts .should endeavor,to have their children m school on thoopening dav. The boys-iiml girls who areprompt and" at school'every day are theones that make the greatest progress in theiri tu i l i e s . , •• • .

Mr. and Mi's. Johnson Hummer, Mr. andMrs. Frank 1-Vnce, Mr. and 3Ir& John

javer were at Willow Grove, one day huteek.Frank Prace paid "$14-1 for two cows he

bought last, week of a party in lied Hill, I?;t.

;The rieptembei1 Uenlury covers a wide

rungit of interests: K.xellinj,' travel inCentral Asia, the artistic side of ihu L'IIII-sades. nii.sston work in Labrador, presentd Z l i h l l i f l '. oday Zorcastrlaniym. ihuljin misriions intilio resenrch i

LXHinirv, late se.ien-structural

enccs nf tin! whitL! and lilaek rauus, Hiequestion of higlu;r cdturatlim Tor youngmen intending lo follow agriculture, andatnriea -trnve and gav.- ,'••':

Prof. Unity 's i»r.'serifAti..n ol' facts andnVitriw galhered at llrst hand fmni Cor-

" forth, inmill University students, setting forth, in•- [two previous ntipers in The Century, .the

TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY i attitude o f young nu-u, lodav ImvardTake Laxative Hramo fjuiniiu; Tablets i uirnilnc, is followed by » conoiuditi" pa-Drugirislsi-efuiul money if H fails to iwr on "The Auriuiiltiiml College and (hi)

jure. ']<".. \V. Grove's slKiuiUira i.s on each Farm Youth," liki>.\viw< imseU im students1

hox. ',2'n:. . ,. ivplierf to letters ol inciuiry. Prof. Bailey

.. BEATYESTOWN.'Mrs, C. L. Piorco was tho-gncst oC - her.

parents, i l r . and Mrs. Syfcrs ot Vinniui overS u n d a y . . " •" ''-I •(

Mr. and Mrs. Williams of. Pliiinliolil arevisiting i l r . and Mrs. E. JI. Johnsou..Jlrs. Dfniiinil children of.Lwke ITopai:-

cong aro at tlio honui of her sister, Mrs.Wni. Flock. •- Mrs. CUit-i-in and- children • of-: ML • Frce-

.ki'ti ft good showing for higher educa-tion fur rhi* young man who is to makeiijtriciiltnri! his Mtv work, ami fnvhtxcnii-

afier'ht'hasuiiilei'laken Mu'colh'go CI'IH^I:.

Anewsorinl by John Fox,. JiCVaiithorof. "Thu hitili: Shepherd of KingdomCorny.1" opeiis the September number ofStsrllmor's Magazine. "It is entitled "AKnight of the <Jumberland." Tin1 heroini'of Ihu story isn ,Xoi-thei'ii girl, hut allthe juitlon takes nhicti in tho Gap atul inthe mounta ins . Tin- story, which will runthrough Ihri'o mimhcrs , is full of the hu-Mrs. I.1 Kecil, last Thursday.

Candidate.for Freeholder. her mother, Mrs. Ella Hniilli, on Sunday. ness of Newark yiassedd G l i k

ySunday with Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Gulick.3lrs. Ilnrry Banslifirtiif Ilobokon is pius-

-jiimi.fovtuight with,her.parents,. Mr.;,.ami-inymiKldiH!.v 101- jluyiiilorUhm'iiI'iwhdkU'i;'

at Ilio onsnhiK prliimry electlui, medslus aiiilllifiil iiufl'oniitiiicuol'ilnty Ifionilnatudtmil

Jlifis Grace Croyliim is spondiugweeks with relatives in High liriilge.

yWashington Soc ie ty ," as partrayed in theletters of Mrs: Sannu' l -Jlarrison Smi th ,oiio. of the brilliant; members: of (he. Hiiy-

Rocltport oil .Sunday. • ;•• •Mr. and • Mrs. David Johnson of

.York.visited her,sister, M;.rs. T, D. .Coujjle, i P 8 * * ^ ~ * ^ V biliousness, dyspepsia; constipation.

Funeral Director and Embalmer1'cr.sounl Altciilion Dnyor Night

148 W. Washington Avc, Washington

Last Week of the Greet Discount SaleThis is positively the last week of Bryant's'Great

Discount Sale, and in order to close out the remain-ing few/lots and odds and ends we will offer theentire^tock regardless of value. There is a reasonwhy our sale is attended by the largest crowds andshrewdest bargain-seekers. Do you know what it is?It's because we have the best values and best clothes.At least that is what our patronage says and that isbest evidence.

Greater Reductions Than EverSuits

Were $10 now $6 to $8.""" SU • " . $6.50 •« .$8.80

$12 •

$i.rSM '

- • •SIS. . : . : 1


S7$8.50 •

$ 9 •










and still greater discounts on

odd lots

ShirtsNegligee Shirts at big re-

ductions. Those that were

$1.00 are now 75c$1.55 $1.10

~Beils~2Sc-r-4vc,; 75c~anu "99c:

Wash Neckwear, special, 25c

TrousersWere $1.50 n

" S2.00" $2.50

•" $ 3 . 0 0

" . S3.50

•••- • • « $4.00^"

J " ,, $5 .00"






: $4.00

UnderwearEntire stock of Suits that


SOc now25c .,..-" ,$1.00 u

38c19c75 c

Serge SuitsThose that are left will be

soldthis-v.-t-e!-:- or.!j ' -at the

discount prices.

per cent . off.

HandkerchiefsAll new stock, plain and

fancy, at prices of Sc, 10c,13c and 25c.

Men's Fine Linen Hankker-

chiefs, 13c each; z for.25c.

.._ Mercerized Silk, regular 50c. .

value, at 25c.

il Now, after reading allthese gigantic bargains, :do you wonder why the 'people are so enthusiasticand say that Bryant hasthe best clothes and bestvalues? We are unabletbgive : ;ydu ; here -in this":spacethe.. clothes r-butw.e;:.,have givenyou the values.Watch out for our Fallofferings next week; they •-wi!Lbe;int_eresting.^:.Also«please remember that thisis the'"!^^^^^^^^^^"0^11"""Great Discpunt Sales.


MERGER'SCatarrh Cure


. Co., Bethlehem, Pa.



fKJSjOLD all over tlie conntrjf forfe^w more thfin 20 years. NoUSjil poor R;mj;e could live so

long. It is a great favoritewith all housekeepers,

Blade in our own factory herein Easton—this is why you savemoney by buyiug from first hands.

Wilson Stove'an?'Mfg'Co.,.

211 Northampton St., EASTON, PA.

Page 6: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft


-\; The Store oj'Safety

ABOUTjCLOdKS; ; A clock s!to»M combine\ .:' beauty willi accurate titiic-'*. keeping. Tastes will 'differ;

,:.1;..;. so will prices, and. we can' 'i fit all coniUtions of buyers'

• •; limits.!, Iluy your clock of a prac-

' . : " . tica.V clock " maker who• knows how to take care of1 it for you—anil will do it.

•••-,• l t uy - l i c rc tiinl ,\vc will PL'C

: tli.it yott li.ive a timepiece: , as well as an ornament.

, Better have your children's eyeslooked after before schcol begins-

We don't make any charge forexaminations'



David5on Blil'ii, 2 doorj [mm Square

MERRY-GO-ROUND TROUBLESWashington Man Had a Heap ol Trouble

With the Cnrnlval Hoiks In Dover^.iwt Week.

Frank Ali-n MM iik-ohvd hh relationswith Urn KxuviriiDii Carnival Co. • Jlolh heawl liis Mm an: residents »>f \Vn.«liinytuii.Tim trouble is 'fully iluwribtil in tin-fl l i t i h t k f tl Dfollow in;: artich* takun from tliu Dover

i i Md

Labor Situation in San Franc'sco.Tin1 liilmr fi l iation iti San I'Vaiic^i'i

awonlin^' to tin* Ar^'initit, lias birtniiituri1 Mum M-rious. In uililttt<»ta lo tin1

ctiiitintiul ^triki'M wliii'h an* rltnmk'lcifrom ilay tn iliiy. H MVIIIS imi-.-siiih. If-et'iiii1 I'Vi-ti coiiiiiinii inlxitviN In till Helen t

do ttif work whirii Nhitrly U'Ci's^ary. Out

•inutiil all <ili; tin- cily tlu-ivt-r tin- roa-t ford ll

lal>'oivr>. 'I1!,,- Western I'm-ilU- i-miMl l l

lh» imtrniii". • • • • • , . • • , «i«iHHit IN; liml. Fifltfii tlioihmi.l lal.or--. I Uv cmphmi tH: WITH -ni:ujc.-.Jiy :>uch ( , r > ( ; l H l ) ( | , i m l :wt}rk .„ „„,.„ -(„• v\vlir\Hl,, (1-MHIH a , II. A. Ai-kk-y..A. .M. .Mrtcl-nll. i n v . i v : , |1 ( . t h . , j r i ( .V ( .avnttti- .ni.| i.ivi>:.r-

.fi'wc I.. Sl i i l lcr iitul. ihi ' ir coiiiplnmt.-*; ,- ,^1, , . . . iif!.... -i-i...^.. 1..1.:- . .

AN OLD WOMAN OF SCOTT'S MLGrange Narrative Tcllinjfof the Dcnth of

Strange Creature tn 1880, SaidtoUc 130 Years Old.

J>iH'H miy out1 now living' IVIIH-IHIHT apfciiliitr old woiimn who It veil *IHII«-wiii-n* 011 Scott's Mmmtiiiii mill who diedin ISSii in tIn' n>|nitiil n«« of inn .veins!In iwiruiiu: I la* old lih- of tlu> S,tn:lli<' following iirtii-h> was dl^'ovcntl hthe i-Mii- 01 XowmhtT ID. ISSO. amiiliieli U of .-iteli an odd initilii' that :i

rc-[fiiMi(!((inri <if if will no <(mif»f tn: of' fcivM. 'llic artii-lf tvmN iw fniluiv.-*:

'•(hi top oi the 11I mM height* oftilt's Aloiiiitiiin. lint 'tniinv furlongs

fj-ntn W.L-liin-m,,. tln-n- liiVd an ohl.rii^'id. poor, diny ami frii-nilli's. wo-nan. wliu. time or four days In'fi

joiiutl tln>r Mm h

hand, rould m-ithi'i- .-nlifsir. I'iit, ta l i ; , .-in;: nor wlii-t lr .

"Sin- l ived. in a Ijiryi- storflmv tui'in'di r uii mi,- MIII. wiilioiil even a small• i m * in it t<> iillow t in ' Ifiiiniti^ <iiit•) -him- t l i iou^h. She "i t* om* of tin-

•>ld f.i^ir- Hint <

President Indorses New Spelling.' I'roidcnt ltowi'Vi'lt hmt Indi>i>nl the $|j

(.*iiriiP),'U' w|H'Iliiig rcfcirm nmvcnii-nt. Holuw taunt tink'r« lo Public Printer Still*hi<;« (tint lu'rnifti'i' nil iiii*.4np»t from tin1

proictenL mill nil other doc it men In I'lim-tintili?? front tlic Whltu HOIHI>. stmtl bupriutrtt in lu'i-orduiicc with tli« recom-mendation of tin- j*])ellin},' reform com-iiilttii* ticmlc<I hy llrandcr Matthew*,profiv>or of Kn^llsh in Columbia iniE-pvyrsitv."-

Tlif* eon iltee, ']»IH puhlishitl n listN in whlfli tin. Kpellit^ is

icforiniit. This H-t lonliiitw .-ticli w.n< "Mini" nnd "tlio" rnt the spcllinjr for"tliroiifjli" mill "llion^li." . •''.--

T h e [ne-nli-iif* ollleialsaiictimi of tlii*n-forin movement- U regarded in tin*

t Hftvthv and s[icedit-»t iimUiiwl ofi^nratin^ the new nystcm of ^[lelliii^

thron^hoiit the country. Not only will;the printed document-* ciiuuiuliiig fmm jtin- pri'sidi-irt ntili/f the reforin Hpcllinir.1

but hi* i-orrespondtim-e nlso will ' Im'.'!(•»! in the now style.

.-d t->the l i i - toiv

I ii

vri* kmj"..»[' tin- world a r c now 1,L*i I 'lam-i-co, A iiiiniinimi wa^'c t'<>r lali

on iiiilr.iiid w»rl: urn! in ware li-n-miy .'jij.^rt n day. I^-uiciil vvin-ki-r-*.;

millmcn $:t.r.ll. f(J;1-tcr- ^t.:;>. itrr|H-nu>llT* .•?•[. pajli'l-'luilniiiiiicliinist> $.L7:<. tilworkers $.1. •rinxirrsm e r s $-\. Tlierc i- 1;D 1rii>li wan* tnr


-liUir.nirv fii»i.•y ^iiMiiL-ili-numliii»h'i--.iind v\w

It urnof •««•.'!'

v he

The Largest AssortmentWe Ever Kepi

Ron ml States, single and double.1 Slate • Pencil. Lead Pencil* find

: : 1'L'iiholders.

Pens, linisers;

" •,.•.""" .IJlac'.:," Violet. Oi'ce|i ami"Ued Inks.

Ink for I'oiuitaiii Pens,1 Mticilnyc.

. Wax: Crayons, Paint, Rulers and

• ' - . . . - • • S p o n n e s . .- •. . . i ; g 3 • ; • , • •

Lock and Key Pencil Boxes, 3c,

'• ' ' ' 5c, roc ami 25c.' ' -1 ' .

Conipassc;-, Straps, School ] Hags,

. Lunch Hose*.

.Fountain Pens, w~. . .

Time Uooks, 5c ami 10c.

' • . ' J'adsand Tablets. ' ' •

,. Cotiipositiuii Books, ic tu roc.

BUitik Books ic to 25c.

...-•... • Receipt Books. 2c...5c. IOC :md 25c.

Box Paper, 5c, foe, r=c, 25c, ;»5c.

Letter Files and Billhead Patls.

. • Legal, .• Foolscap, Journal • and

Ledger 1'aper. ' '•'• ;


t'-iir >t!itcniciil + • t" ulnvtHie men reerivi ' / Mcivtiant^ or n- :i | I--l;ilc nu i t c r - a rc >o iin^imi- In make tlicir-lo,-k- ni •: \- or Hicil- liitul-' [.rodilrlivcif iiicnnn- thai llii'v lire p iv in j ; lar^c pri.iium- to w.,rknifii. In « » m - I M - C -kil•d inci-liiitiie-; rt'ecivc ;i* liiyli u- •* 1."» JKlav, ati'l mure llnui tli:il for Morl jn^ ••^im.lays. ' • . .

A'Question of Common Honesty.l*]ii- Newark KivititiL' Nf t t - -av- t -

Why. iii.t 1H> Itotie-t in ih i - "iiaiinii.i .»f lh. ' -I.i-h*i|.>' l n w : "

:tiii[ !


iI , . - .


! • - • :

Some Things ,We Se!!•' " j -w l'im-^CIiipped Ilccf • ,'

:.™ _b 'a t Chicke:is(

Grniie Nuts : ;

Wax Strings and Can Rubber.-,1

: OU! Dulch'.Cleanor, IOC. '; Bnletl.Hny, T.oiig Straw, reed nmi Grain.

Axford's GroceryBelvidere and Carlton Aves.


" Opiwsllc I'asH3filce :

((. ' Glosses:'- • • 8to0.S0;n. mTreatment of Eyo to3 p. ni.


Hit IliTM'll.( ' t a r ! ' - I ' .-Jliii 'Fnll th ru

><i!i id l i i At«<n t r u m a Im[...iiil. I.11I aminlin).- 1" M:i' 'F:iir- -HiL-m i n t Ati-Ti Wii> i i i t n \ i r a t n l nii.I wouldlint li.-trn. lint tlt-h-ai! tln'rali'iti-il ti>slmrit:* il. i i wiiil.1 U|»'ii l i i i ' l l i r iMN'Mni! .I'all iitlriHlni'i'il ii sis^li i iuli ' r anil I'N*|)|jliniil IliaL lit' wa- a lways | .ri ']iansl fur^urh iiri'.Mims an i f i t t tilt' .-IIIIII* t inn ' pro-ilinvil a I 'cnnit tn c a r r y tin- wvapon.

Ki-iiliiy nicirniiii.' Mai'l-'all rallfil u f t l i fiMitiiviil L'i'i'Ulni<. in i.iiln|ian\' u-illi Law-vi'i- Klllwitl. nmi tin' latti'i- -I'lvi-il Ati'll

I with I « I | I I T - f.illiiil.lili'.- liim hi r ..vi'j tin' nni ' l i in. ' . -11 il wa- li-l'l -l;un!iiiL- r.n-! i i i Sa t i i n l ay iiinniini.'.I hl-Ii'ail nf .Vli'll K'lill!.' Illinul lii- liu-i-Mir- ' In' li>l<l - • i . n t l tlmt In' uniilil' l l t r . i - l i Marl ' , ill ami i-vvn alti 'in|it. ' .l t'<I havi- a warrant i--iti'tl i iyain-l ' h im.I Milci'illl. U'1'.imins ..nuii'irliiit i ireruvil-ili 'il lii' lii* l l i r ra l*. wrl l t t.i t in' Dllici'| i .f .hi-lii ' i ' Vmmp nmi Iinil 11 war ran t

U-Ui'il f.T tin' a r n - t iif At™. i-liaruitiL'l!ii;n with . | i- i i i i l ir ly I'liniln.'l.I I'JII' warrant m i - inimcHali ' ly -..rv.-.I! liv (Wii'rr P.v-rani amt at ' l r r Iirarin^' 111.'• i.r.linani-i' reail t.i liim. Ali'li |ili'ini « i i i l ty . . ,Saii.1 wa- limil Alu nmi I-. wlii.-h lw . ' " ' ' l l " ' r.-].i-mI .,.,1,1 ;lii'|»-.il "I 'th.' Inn- mmI 11,; i , , ,viiiS ii.r . in- i i .v- i.v. I ' -rank' .1 . ! ; '" '1 '" ' '"!": ''•;•. f " r

! Att-n. Sr . . fnilirr ..f th. ' M.ni.i.' man . i v , h : ' ' I "" ! ' " ; 1 ' '* ' " " ' " n - miinark,. .! l l n l tl,. ' IrnuM.'' wa'. not , . v , r : | 1 - r . - l o n n s II"' w,.l , ' , | , r ,iv i ' l . a- Ii.' i'.\|.i'L-lnl lo ri'liii'i, T n . - . l a y " 1 ' , " . . • - a l . 7 , ' ' , ' " ' " I 1 " " 'ian.1 . w i n ' M.im. w a r r a n U him-.'lf. . j " ' 1 " : : ' 1 I'n-'vmli'il iMim- IIIj ll.<tli 1'miilc At.Mi and hM win «ill. ' , l ul , ' " " ' . « ' * m l " i 1 " . " - .I tliu Kr .u : ollliv la.-t n l d i t mul ;>..i>it.-.i i I' ' " ' ."I'l ; " l - - " I" tin-. l>n-wit law; mil R-v..-ral plimw w h e r " th. 'y i-liilni T h " : 1 V [ l l l .v M " ' " ' . ! Iinil ill. ' .-.-;iliiiuiit ..f tlii .VlvitilC" .irivd in II,. ITIKII ' I . F r ank At.-n.'\ ?•'»"• ' ' " " r - Sunday li. |n..r s.'lliii" l.'tI J r . . WHS not Intosli ' iiti ' i liuiil was not n r - : < "fin In' Inm.-I. IIIHIIIL it. In-ti'ad nf t r y .I r,'.-li"l mi tha t i'linr«.i. On III.' ivv , . | s . ' . ! •"<•' l"r ««• " ' I 'm l "f Hi.' " l ' i - l i" | i - ' l aw. . "i h . M ' l a i m s t l m t lie hns n.'V.'i- tinK-h.-il : ! I wiii.-h wonld imi l ; . ' it. n.i | , . « i|l,.L-al t!d rn | i ..I" li.in.n- in h i - lit'.'. Tlic A l . ' i i * ; S l > " li'in.ir on Simdny Ihan il n..w i-' I 'ut t l ior . ' lnini thnt in. .iiiu nnl.-r.'.! til '"I them | ia- . n S'niidai- . .pi 'nin- I.™

In r. 'ino'.v tin ' i i iOT'v-an-r.i i ind and Hint ' with a ivi.-ivndnin. ntnl ihi-ti I.I t in' [»'<n. .Ui ivnl i . w . ' r a i n a d o l . . sluint: Mni-Faiil. ; I'l" ilii'iili- wiii'th.-r th.'V want 111.' A I I U T -

I ~ ^ - j i r a n nr tlic 1 t inn i t a l Sal,l.:illi.I Killed by Q u a r r y 3!ast . i ! r ' !l n ia jor i ly or' l ln' pi»ipl,. want Si ,

!• ( I rarai ' T1iinl,i|.. a n-'idi.ni i.f l . o n - ' s 1 ' 1 ^ ' " , " ™ » ^ . ''X "I ; i».;mi- « " • ' l i m n1 Ilnll.nv. n.-ar Stewarl^vil l , . . ,vu< kill.'d ' • " ; ' ""• ' " '«>' -"• I ' " 1 ir ». ' a lv lo h a .ill l inarr i . ' - tu'ct.-d will, il,,< i:ai- J -=''<•••'"- «>1><-" "n S u n d a y I n - hav, ' II,,.>nn .•.•in.'iil. works rarh- last F r idav j n M " d....r «|H'i, and l , . | . . | | , , . saloon-i,i..r •-: l lnnla, . was n i i l i t iralirlinmil U "" / " i r , " ' " , " ' " " " . " T ' ' ' " " ' l l " ! ' " y -at 11'..'' . p i n n y and was „ „ , l , , i v ( h a t ' n l "" ' " " " • " "™'" 1 1 " ' • •""'• i " " '

inuniinL' at four uVlnpk. :il whii'h time I ""'>• . _ « _ _

""wii i l iTl ' i i ." .'lnri».s ' w . ' r . ' X i n j : s,-t off! • Lommasson Will Probated. .Dindap ston.l a t a ••onsi<lt-raliti: distniu'ci Tin' will of tIn- hi \-.SIi,'i:ill' I,V.II-_Va\va\:. ill wliat wns liclii'vi-.l jo I,., a pro-! I inas-on was nilin Htcil tn inohal . ' las tli'i'l.'il .-i'l.t. •. Follmvinir on.' uf l!,.' i w.'.'k. Ilis widow.-Mr-. .Martini l.om-M.KI-. worliin.'ii saw hint fall. Thry I nia-.-.ni. i.- np|i..inl..,r I 'Si 'Untrk of Hi,,iiiouulil, lio wns ill. nnd it wns not until ! Mlnti'. and is .'inpmvor.'.l tn ..oil mi l andDr. Curtis was caM.'.l t ha t tliu real i pi'r-onnl p r o p m v and imi- oil' llu> lo-n-.•an,.- was .liscov.'r.vl. Tim |ihysidan j r i i s . ninonL.' wliifh nr. ' 'llio fnllowinL':-noil l.«irni.,1 tluit tin- iiinli's skull was I N'an.-y I). Ma: llnoki'ttsliwii. .»1.2uil:

•tiifo.l <lnt;"t(> 11 sliver of m.-k which 1 Ainan.la llnin'o. IliicUoltstown. *l.-2llll-

appi-tilo a- a glut tonwould iiit I'-IIHI! - onp mil ,if a now hidlo.SI10 Ui'Vi'l- Wol lino. nlivilV. Wlll|.|ii'llher fool u p in old oi.,Ill-: -ho uororwa-hod. hooail-o -ho lind 110 has in : slioliovor i - o i i M her hn i r hn-.i il wa--o full of knot- thai >lio rouhln'l. and i.ho II.'V.I il.'d. 1 nu-o -1

"LVrtnlnly. If ymi KL*11 liim to im1.""I uo coul' pan wlp lloh," the ilus'*

owtiin' lli.'ii sul.l i-mpliatlcutly. "I'mliut.'kli' .rmuMIItt' II' liim." Ami liliornloffi'i-s wt-ri- 11.1 lii.lii.-fiiii'iit.

To IIIK iislonlsliiiK'Ut, tlii; tmv.'U'rIntor caw llii> titij: uol.t to a .Ivovt't- for

|linir wluu UP Iinil ntfi;nil anil ntliT III••Stic «n- ih^raii.'il with tin- full nfl.ln.vci' hail tIlK:ii.ti.'iiic<l rt'iiiu^li'il ill!

A.Unri l>> -ll.-ii an extent that -hi- was ji'Xplanallou. "You Kal.l Ulat you I'tMlhliiiiall.iy.'il f ah' -atanii ij.-ty.!n,it wi'll him." hi' reiunrkeii.

Nil., ilii-,1 w i l h Hi . ' l i i i -k ian- l l i i ' n l l i i ' i ' ihS l i i ' - i l i r i ' i v i l t i n >f f i . n r . l a y - a l i . l n.'ila -mil wen! ni'iir InT. Sin- wa- >iN -i-.ir.>

A twlnkl.* ciitiK.' into the l

had striiek him fnllowiniiilnsts.

l)nnlii|i wns n l i t t ! r . onld mul was forinerlv aill.a.'knwnnnn n,ilior of tlio 11.widow and live

h c hof the Sam

n. *1.2lll:el Fo.v. SI.".!): Anna K. Snyilcr,

Ill hroUn'r. .Inhti Loinmas-

• lie- was a; inc.',,-L. F.. lie liiavi'S a

•arsiund his sislors. Jlrs. Hannah Phuoi...i: oil tliolkor. Mrs. Cnlinirin.' Tuylur. .Mrs. Juno

Pouls.of J..r.nv Citv. Mrs. Clnirlosof .Martin's Creek, l i re . \V.

MeCleary of l-'ilston. and .Mrs. .Kitwnnl\\'..h-lei' of l'leiiiinjrtou.

Fitts nmi the !ii'j.r* of thn late .lamesl.iiuinia.sson. each jiel le-lifth of theproceeds of tliu salu of the farm ill Ox-

D'uniap'nf i'hliiinshiiW. s'tewari I for.I townshi|i. aft'er the willow's sha' ' — - • ' - ' l,-iliiclc,l. Tl,e will jiro-

vi.los that if Ilis widow niniT, .^"her huslinnd shall not. in nny way takeor receive nny part of the osinle.'" Thewill of the late Xnthnn S. Smith has

will eclipse even I lie celelinil inn wli „

there will he "leater novelties anil mnru A specinl sessionsplclidnr tin ver wns seen at. New Or- " f °dd Fellows wnleans.,. It is heli.r-e.l that I'lillv throe Monday ill tile !i:du.inilli.ui visitors wilT he nttrnele.i to Co- X"- ~ 1 - l l ">" " "noy lslnn.l. It will he. known ns-"'rhu.U''11"" I""!!'1 l'«s " :

Cn'rnival nf 1'rin™ r i o n t v " i n re.'n!.":iO--*^r-^l!' ""'I Hi"

' I X t l | - » t n " -

".No: I iliilnn Kii'y I'd no loll liim. IM.I 1 couliluu jiurt wle blm," lie salt).

I., walk ill I .low,, tlie"n,ounlain"-ev.i"ll"'>'ll !»•• ' ' • " " ' ' Itf'two or throe .laysoral l inn- a itav. 1 fl'u' u<»0. lull I •'ollldll.'l usk him to HW-iln

"The |ionplo 'nf Hi., neiahliorliooil arciiUTus.s the iHvati. Nn: tha t ' \ vuu l ' buulml -ho I- son.'. She lia- 1 11 ror ! too muck!,- ti" iiKt."—M!ll[»'i'M Weekly.to II,c iioiulilmrl 1 [nun infancv." ,

!> • TU«t Carry « Vole.imrisli t-liuivli uf C'iiertsi.iy Ja trurluiiH miuttialy. It ban. KOV-


Quitting the Farms. ; TinAn ollirii.l .I'lmiioi'tiil wilh nn ca - l cn r "e^w

^ric-iliiiial cnllc,;.. |. ;i- iu.i,l,. a -inn-] eral pov.-s tn Its pillory wlih'li HIMnary of iho r.-a-nn- ^iveu l.y l.i."> son-; lioui;!it mid sold liy ailrlloti. Jus t like u'f lanncrs fnr ahaudoninv the pnr-uit tnlilo or u I'llair, and lliose pew.s rilvu' ' ' ! ' ' tors fur tin-time ht'tni; 11 lofial

uto a t parliamontary olectloiwIn Ihe .llvi.siuii. .Moreover, tlie owners

< [«H

Itlelll canJM.V-. 1,,-U.

tlmt Hieeniiniry iJHlll.lll'U. 'I., divide


of tlii> nnmhi-n.vi VAV. A

id tkit;

t lml if tin- p e w s Itnvi* to \my tliu poo r ruin

V1'i''rUdn'irVyn-'lVtl'.'h1"iMje l'- " >'vtir inWl I1H' l"»rj:«lu, .O [irlvl-<-u"\lf 111,- -I,]] in ' j l , ^ 5 it'SL1 tlil'V iMV IIDt S(l WICLT to USt'US UlUii'itche'd -i v.ihit' oi .il!it - • t'ortiit'i* OIK1. Miiny yi-arn tifro th^c lu i re l i*

i- n ^.•i-d dc'it .'1' v.v:i!t!t! wanl i - i t s of i. 'hertsi 'y wtTC tit UiL' l rwIis 'rcwiinl in ititi- iiidn»li'\*.; i*iul In oniui" lo ra i se money fo r t l i i ' i 'os-

Scvfiitei-it of 1 In' y«.nii-_- men -aid tlii'tl ! t o r a t i o u nii'd repii lr of thi.1 s a c r e d i-ill-l!i«- lintir-. t*f .Istl'im- nn ii.i' fiinn it re :im; th-i\ a n d lliey f.uulil llml n o so lu t i on tolorn;. No dmilii tlicy menu..:i! .•rrtnin i t h u . ijti<.*sLloii unt i l s o m e par l s l i i inu ' r sv-.i-on-. 1'tit llii- N « tlehiil u|n-ii tn a.l-j s i i j rwsu-d tha t they should sell Hie K&U

*' ' ' • ' • • ' • ' ' ' LTV [it'ivs to tin- hij:li'.-st U d d e r . TlioylOiicptiil i!r<1 filca a n d olitaliiml a spe-

.Minn .- .u-ii .1 in.iiifi ; c.i!(] ; , r l (ll- piifiiitim-iit a l l o w i n g thcftu to

t l r u thev h i d -i ! n u i V i i p ' ' N ' ' l I l t s " " l l l l l ! 4° S*'lvl"S tllL> pr lv»i 'K« ofin" cNc ivhi'eh i-i n point ' l l I ' ^ r l i a i n c n t a r y voto.—London SpL'eta*i.n-id(;r.ilioii iihv;tv-. i.M!t-| t u r -

wln'i'ld ' lvi'iiriV'tn fllniiinlr! S t n r ! I I h I Thriwi-n-Wi-ck X. V. World S2yjritiir »nd •J'liric.ii-n-\Vo('k Trilmnn s?'2.2").


l-v./l f..r ...nii'

ci'- i>l>j<-i-tcittiTii -Aid t!»-il- -null :l~ Il

Many Mf thi-i-1

tim- of iHii-iniintm» nmi u iv t!»< vitiit! tiitfurttntiitvly

- c"si;i'jii'--iiy "i-xjirrii-nl !H

il oMim-i-ral Im-iiii'.--:

l i l l


ui .o l<t':t!tcli .1f;ii! to il.'i-l

•ciilth. wliilcicnn-. hiMltlt


rathe 1nv.k .if ili . •ui ' t - i-vdii i- . d a y . Al tif a y c i i r i.-< t h e n i l . '

w>h hi-

thei n : in tin

titin. mid tiy

>tyleiii1|du< i- t pf family living, on

i n f a v o r .if lln'> emmtrv .i i w .-lunv tlutt- plenty ofon'tlio. fa rm- . : Tin- fiiiiniiiir

nf Ihffrom !


S la te r ill l!H)0s in 1S"IO m i d

n t v ilh-le;i.-vdHI.Ono (o .?"20,-

L e m m a s on—Sfciite.



i.f tlie - m u d Inriliclil 'in Newt

•(Hinis.iif Ivy l.o.lli t^t~ii

ted the

li.-.n rilii

111..Mo: Ullill n (ho 'parsons

ill "lnd" two hundred iind iiftv Iioisc.Viwoil lo p i^cut (ins tableaux. Tli\m all Uitulri nf ^|rim»e fijrmvs in tlieimratlo. vhk'h will \w held on Surf ii'v«-mio; tlio lending Ihornii^liftire. There.wilt In; nnirfiu hy «pvi»riil immU, ul Uy-\slone of. which will 1M; ii .I'ainous orgiuii/.n-l i o n j y • r r r - ' . ^ r r - : ; • .•

Star anil Thricc-a-Week N; Y. World S2..

*.n SCOTT'S EMULSION won't m.ke -3 hump back straight, neither will it make }{ l short leg long, hut it feeds soft bone^ and heals diseased bone r.n;l Isiamon:* {|\ tli*. few jjwiuinc ,:ntans oi recovery Ina rickets and bone consumption. ~ : r

n Send for free sample.B SCOTT & 1J0WNK, Cliemlsls,S 409-415 Pearl Street, New York.B'.T-'V.1™.".:"- 50c. and 51,00; all d b ^

Your Eyesby n new tncthod free • ofch Kt d S

C a r e l u i l y T tes t cd

nf (

liiiit. I lie

for Hie

tlie "rand lod^e•in™, mid lopo\V(M (if HHItVniiip.n

li(.ni> in the unwrillfi

ly I1114 tliow instrnc-nf HIP or-

-U.-l 21. ill. the li'.tne of'l[lf!;.:!)i;i(lc>..liil:J--• iVnl-7r''7i;R"-Tuid;;'T\rr-;:KA^. l!os« Mti'i'L. l»liilli]Nhiir». The n-rc-1

niD.ii.v. .wa.-; .pcrt'iiiClhi ' ' . u-inir ilie.

Kiiumi ilii-tiird vL'lmmasnn. limtliliest man. j \f ter tlic7vreiii"ny :i wi^l-tlinir >itp|ier wn.- served. Only ilie ii'u-nii-fliiitf!. families well- pre-eii!.' .Mr. mul51 iv. UmniiiMiii lefL for n Hip n> Xia-jnim Knlls and T.u-oiitn. On-ilicir ra-turii. tliLiy will . bi'jj'iu lioiisfUcc-]iinii.. in

Nearly every one likes a finehair dressing. Something tomake the hair more manage-able; to keep it .from beingtoo rough, or from splittingat the ends. Something, too,that will feed the hair at; thesame time, a regular hair-food.Well-fedhair will bestrongiand

Swill reiriain.where.it.belonss—"on the head, riot on the comb!

Tho boat kind of a testimonial—

inir .*e5?iiin. A infor/••'Otiiit.v mis l inl^wliifh was jfivi-i! over-ttftsoeiTii.plt-'itTiiM-s

l d k i Tl VspcudiiiViikiiij,'. Tlitof Odd l'Vll


. nilin--of l!tt!-»niini'inas• 1 lie exdnstmi of liquor(I'-MiiVtiii- AllieVi Citjmlicil for special i

' ' ' ' the• to liii-of Ivy l.od»e, itioiiri in -rofcrpXewlnn ledire lni.t (lv»- nu'iiiW'rs wlin m oi>n»ii«'cd in. Uu- ]ii|iioi' business and wlinru aliV.-li'il hy tlio orik-r.

Young Woman Killed by Express Train.. Vlorenco Crvsi, n seven(.Rdi-yi-nr-oM»irl. of .UnekeUslown. \ya« ,.kjlI(!1t,,l.y,.Xn.n, ii. fast 'express Irani tm iln! Lackawin-iin. at Ilio tSlnnliopc sliition, lust .Sundaylifter SI10 had been .visiliny herunclcj in Stanhope nnd hnd gonn-to Ihosfalion lo take a 1rain fnr Oranhcrrv^Luke.

She walked down the track facing thetrain.. She thought the train would stopat the station. Yihr'ii she realized hermistake it wns loo lute. She was tlivown

dislnnce of 85 feet, A number ofppojilo at the station witnessed the tcr-rililo accident.

Hiss Ciyst wfifi'eniploycd-iir the silkmill at Ilackcttstowii. Slip' is survived

•by a mother and two sisters and a"brother. ' • , : • • ,;} ti fiiS

iwU.ViKcv. !•:.Clnll;i-iiiB ••.•I'.'iiiony. .Missiis liriii.'.-iiin.i.l ninl !.<'<>.r i^-- t l i i ' ^

Torpedo Kills a Boy.

Mi\ nnd Mm. John T'ricc r-rSiiyrenvi's.?li'.™i': Thillipsliin-fr, loj*t llieir seven-j'yfMuv'oldMin. llcrniaii. hy renson of anunusual accident hi.st .SntuVdsiy aft<;r-nnon. • Thii hov had-jfoiind .some torpe-does on Uie_ railroad and 1iad.fiik-.-Ti tlinnto the •sl.ri.'ct ne ithom..

his linmn io, explodeHis i>lacod one of thetn 011

r i ( ( i i i i i - l i m l ( h e n h i t I t " w i t h '

stone. He pot the full ofTccl of tlieelinr^e in liis hren.st. He. walked intothe yard of his honir, where he 'fell.Although a. doetor soon renehed his side,he died wiliiiu twenty ininut.es from thetime of the accident.

PEQUEST VALLEY.•^.Irairfl.'-Joniile -Babcock-:,of;--Do.vc;i1.-.-ro-turncil liomo on Saturday after spond-tntf'-soine tlmo wllli Jlrs. John Wl'-tlrick. .

Mrs, Witlinm Kitchen Is spending afew days wltli frlcndn al ITarmony.••Miss Harriet Darcy hnH -left A. J.

.Green's,' where she. lias IJCCH asslstlnf-wlMi the work since April. She la nowat BrlrtRCvllIc for an indefinite time.

Jlr, and Mrs. .Clarence C. Card Imveltcen at Warwick Hie past week. Cinr-ftneo has fflven uji his position at thePoquest fnriiacc>and thinks he will trytincltngr work in more congonlal quni^tor* • - q ^ •' Ai*

Miss Kra^VildricTc-was with ho-.'j—-renla over Sundaj-.nls over Sundnj .

A. S,7 UanRliart is repairincleaning1 the school house.


' nndnd.


When You WantSchool Supplies

Call at

Geo. T. Scholz'sREMNANT



Slates, Pencils, Pads,Pens, Boxes, etc., etc.

\Vu have knocked down the prices. Pretty hard on

the prices but the values arc not injured.

Mere's a chance tor every one who wants to knockdown a good bargain.

The Most RemarkableValues Offered Here

This Summer in Men'sTrousers and

Boys' School Suits




pineal on sale. The earlier you come, tlie better tlie bar-

gain, ami the wider tlic choice of fabrics. Remember,

•j; that for a long time you will not have a chance like this to•@ purchase

Paragon Trousersat such decisive price reductions. Understand, every pairof trousers or boys' suits oflered in this sale is liiyh-class custom-tailored throughout, made of tested fabrics and

'"', that the garment of your size will lit perfectly.

•£: •.j> Choice oi $5, $6 and S7 Paragon Trousers at $(.

*Ii5 500 Moys' Long Trouser Suits, Xorfolk and Sailors, at

^ ])ractically half value. Kvery size is in tile assortment,

i£* but NO'I' every size in each style.




©. ;S;


:;: 222-224 Norlhampton Slrcet, EASTON, PA.& . • • • • • • • • • . . • . : • . • • '


n Dnnl#o ua—!II\


Assets, S:i.O:iS.7'W.7:i Surplus, $271,05!).";!,:K Jlanam^r^of this llmik nln nK-elitifilidil JIMLU 9II1,1006, ik-cureil n tliv»li..,i(l to Im

in July, io"5. ciititk'i! thereto, at the follciviiiK rat ts . Interestwas as fb)1 - '••!-' •

lst-At the rate ofl-'OUK

' f

_ _3rtl—M lhejale,orr>V(> perW W ' h i r i J

r centu peo'or

all nccoimtaCoiinla..-T-~::n tlic etcess f J500 up


Deposits of all nmoitius over S5 .00 made on or before the third duy of

Correspondence solicited. ' , .IlnnUopen daily from 9 a. tu. to 3 P» '**• except Suturdnys and Holidays. Saturdnysfrom 511. in. to ta o'clock uooti. •'. u.

Philander \i, Picrson, Prcs. David H. Kodncy.Suc'y andTrcas.

Globe StoreEASTON, PA.


Prices on White Dresses cut in two, ;

-jW^hite = llress.,.Skirts^and...Shirt .Waists!-,at= big, re-

Good Lawns, 3c; Liiwns 9c, were 15c; Organdies,: ., 12j/c , were 25c. •', , \ = S • ' , . " •i^enihants of Lawns and all kinds of Dry Goods at a

big Sacrifice. . - • . " ' '• \\

c Allen Carpenter «229-231 Northampton Sireet, Raston, Pa-ne-lmlf Illock Dclow

;: tlie Square. :

• •'•' I! ••

Page 7: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft


g>tarChirlci L Stryktr. Editor and Proprietor.

Year, $1.50: Six Months, 75c ; ThreeMonths,-40c. Single Copies, 5c.

The Celebrated Scran ton Coal.ATItKTAlh

m, N. J., Au«. UU'lflm

, Grnto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.50 per ton.; Rt«vo,.., .. S.fiO per ton.E g g . . , . , . . . , "'5.50 pur toil.Chestnut fi.M per ton.

•'•': Pen (termed by some compauk'H No. 2 Chestnut) 3.(10 per ton.

Bnckwlu'iit. :f.00 per ton.• ••- BlHrkrtinltliiHK or HItn- :

mluourt coiil . . . . . . . . . . 0.00 per ton.Beat qimllllf* alwny-t on Immi, ilry (untie

cover.)/ Coal lotuloil illrtt't rnim eliutci*(nv<jrwm'iii*)


.-..J),,^ (laya eiiiletl iiii Hiiiiilay, ; -••XtizuriiUi t'nir—Si'pl. II, 12, i'.\, ami II,

- --FmnkSVniliiltnoHMiii till of M* St. TV-rn-anl iloKSiiml Itim rctiroil from tho hiishietw.

Dr. F. J. IiiiHiuw removed n HIIIIUI tumorfrom Ifeiijumfii Smith irf llnim Uist1u Iiutweok.

Tin- early cloying nuivoinciii will MH\with this wwk, nntl lli.'ii thu.rturt'* willrt'iimlu open t'vi'iihiKii,

Rev. V. G. Klaml is yxpecteiltoreturnfrom Xorthfielil, Muss., this ww-k ami oc-cupy tlio pulpit of the Baptist church nextSumlav.

ni'.-iiit.-thi'dtluTartnicHons, Mr. Wel>-t«r of tile Ht. Clouil Moti-1, niiuejiill iihout$101) to lite L'onil with his damhaku lastWi-ilmwliiy.

Frank AliMi movi-il liis merry-;r«-rnii mlfrom Dover It" Washington on Tuestluv.Hit CXJUJCIH to |iul. 11 in ojn-nilion on IVli-Mil 's giwii next w.'i'k.

Laiuu-ey (iiuvy i-mt^lit lit* riijlit thumb inLite i ivwliiHs t'f a mucliiiiu 'tit• tliu Xewl-hain factory liu-t Thursday ami thu nwmherwas L'i)n.iidi.'ral>ly lirtiist'd.

Collins Wlttti-rtt. who k«-i>pii » lioardliiL'limisi' at• Urnntiurry i.aki*, illnl suddi'iilyyi'sti'nliiy. II'* WHS ii hrotluT of Mrs..rniiK'sIIciitlfi-shot of Washington.

Rev. .1. W. MeMaiiiniiin was "at, thuthrottln" yi'stiTilay when tin1 stcatn t'li-Kill'1 "f tin1 triillf.v ftinpaiiv wt'iit-throuuhtown. Mr. .McMnnliimii wns mint un cn-

l\V. C. Hiwiilmry tr C h n

fonn<T i-i'.-lili'iit of this phiL-with t i f i I

rtn. whu is aN l

with (.'ratifying SULT«S-J In uiurb'tliii; hMpatt-nt ilntiiili1 jrliit! .•-pn-ailiT, wliicli is anInvuniluii nriiUown.

-Mavur Swill) was iutonm-d yostenliiytlmt if it lire iiliirni !«.»tL'iii. approvi-d by tliuUwrd vl rinU'rwi-livrs. In ' insttilluil in

pi'i1 i-i'iit. loss tlian thoy uro now.Dr. IT. J. LtiKluw lnw miulu a tminU'r of

: liuimiVL'tnunttttolilslitirn. ''Awticrvtutlnor• • ."• 1UL>" Ixi-n luiil. a I'uutil iltti?<llipfui'hi.-i:uitdi-

mun. eluutrfc lights iii«tnlk-dniid' tlm barn

Tim Ilutmioii Cuiimiou Cuiiiieil lms,, puswil nn iinlliituifv Klvlnu 'this .Morris

O u n t y Trm-Ii'm Co. u f-trty-ji-i-r fnm-i:hi*i Tor llxi pur [Hi.- of huiiilln^ amiiiinlnltiliituK » imll.'y rnml within thutown llmli.-.

Pnif. J. H. (Jiitl1lli,furmt'rlynf WiishiiiK-ton. if now foiyjniiu uf ii liirfjK ftwtory at

l in war-1, iiml :IIIIIH!£ other artit'lfs of miiiiu-f net lire tliu daily mil [Hit of tin cans U well

• Hill •HumliliMjs, Aaron A micron anilMini Smith wt'i-u urivxit-d Stittinlny nlfihifor ilrnnki'imtvy ami di*ir<K>rly miicluct.Tlii-v \v«i't! |nit;in tlu' cuuii.-r until Mumiay

; . wJioii r-quirt! l-imlaliL-rry {jaw them niu'itrin^. HtiK'hln^ uml Aintcr.-oii jrnt

An'uirsuf jfiviit Inli'i-niillonal concernlire inivv Iran spirit]-: In Uus*ia uml Unlia.In Uiisjlu'iuiui'ohy is riinnini: ritV :UK1nuiiiv pi':i]ilit Dryiirnininvnn.1 have IJIVII

. luWsinati'd u'SI tht* CZIM-V lift* is iniiiiiniciittiry.'lfiller. In Culm iliciv, i> annt.rising ivliliih has already duvt'lmmd in-

• :. . lo i i^ ' rmiis revolution. • s-. • -.Th(l'\Vn^liiiifituii tnwii'iihli) suhools wil1

tvupi'ii Tui'siltiy. 'J'h'.' li'aclii'rs selectedfor til.; six :-choo]» arc: Tort. Golden.Miss Miwv Sharps; Jackson Vulluy, MissKsli-lh- Sar.-o»: ISmvi'rstmvn. Miss Ajnu-sMHJUP: Itrnsri Castle. Miss Jlussii; Shan-non; Plvitjitint Valley. Misri JIunrlt'tta

. Wolvcrton; Cfineti'ry'lliit, Miss I'aiinie- - : - . : - • ;

: C o l ' . ' . • : •

;- •- • " •- •

.'.' "• Rov. \\\ Pinmi of Miliimru, formerly ofthe Port Murray Baptist dinrch, itPKidicdat the Baptist church liuru .last .Suiiclav.morm'tif*. Jit\tlio uvtiuinj,'~Ke\\ UurroiiHUElilrid},'u of I[uncock, X. Y., forjnorly pastor

:• . of tho local chiirch, •n^uni occupied tlio pul-• <•; . pie. Mr. KUlridgo1 has been visiling the

'."" . lnany friends he madu during his pastoratein Washington.

-'-^-'."'•-"-"-•''ijihiVlnJiiou 3'J5iiiitir'tainiiyi;'piL'riii!"wii s'-:.':;-• ii:-:nof held at Huiipnuk-thls year, ihi.--lJ.~.l.

.Smith furin hitviny IJIJIMI sold to a liiati_ niuuiid I'ost,.whu woulil.nor .permit _thii.

^•v— r-•-minioniu uiriieiiroirrhti'old plaenr-'ThucointiiiLtL'u SL'lfuli'da new place- for theXutherliiK, the situ Ijeiiij* the grave at the

: rear of St; Luke's hall in Gladstunc. Thepicnic was held there yesterdny... Al.. VunGt-'isnii, who leutured in theA. M. K. uliurcli rt'iiently how hu heuainectiiivcrii'il in Stan.1 prison, tried to stealsome ehiuki'iifi »t tlm St. Cloud clambake

. hut Wfdnesdny and kicked Edgur Websterr rather si'pionsly when . hu. was detected.'. IIi; WHS arn.'Steil,, .'aUt'ii beftin- Squin;

Jjindaberry, and sent to jail toawaitpmiv- •• • ishment an tho hands ol\tlie..eoiuit., . i'; >. "Sir. Jos. ?.' Carter gave up his position

* in thu Carter Pharmacy on Saturday,•.-,.!':.after...haying becMi connocted with the

business for upwards of twenty-liveyears. After a few days' rent, li» willenter upon hirf new duties a t tho Opuru

•': House ]Jliannncy. Mr. P. J . Maran, for-niorly of Oxford, now lms charge of theCarter Pharmacy lor Messrs. Jetildnsr<S;Meeker.

::--•••-..• •'---.I'liu Mai-tins Creok-i'erry.'Go, lms; beeniicorporati'd under the laws of this Stumwith u capthil stock of $,•.',flOO. The ineor-porators aro Jlt'nry Heilv.el, G. I), Urowu,

"'Julius Karabinus, John S. Wilson,Samuel Hulchinson, G, M. Vannatta, A.C. Iliitchlnsoii. Andrew liaisleyand Geo.S. Strunk. The cimipany is to maintaina- ferry on the Delaware river in Harmony

...-......':,township. .,--::• .;--.. ;::;-:L-. . :-'y /-• •' -• Ciiaii-nian W. D. Gulick of tho streetcommittee is munifestlutf ehanicteristiczeiii in his etVorts to lnivo the macadamizedroadbeds put in good condition. However,

c, ho has'not yet been, able to secure bills fordoiim tlio work^. u Washington avenue,

"nevertheless,'showsamtirkcd imiirovomentin appearance. Possibly a hundred watron-loadsof dirt that" kept tho thoroughfarecither ilnsty or muddy has been scraped oiTand is now being cavted away.

, Alonzo J . Bryan, thu enterprising localflorist HI id truokfiter, spenli Monday inthe vicinity'of Somorville. Ho wentthrough Duke's mammoth park of fpur-1 teen hundred acres nnd visited somo ofthe large greenhouses in that vicinitywith the object in view of: gaining .hi for-mation In regard to the. Improvement ofhis property on .thu Port Coition'rotiil. J tis Mr. iirytmi'fl intention to odd severalhundred more square feet to his grcon-houses nnd to lfty out u portion of. his

, crounds in driveways, ilower beds andHedges the coming fall and spring. . . .

Tlio Mooroo County Fnir ia on nt Stroudti-lmrjf tills week. .: N«xt Itloiulny lit I-ubor Day. Therw litlittle going on here.

Thin ia tliu liutt week nf vacntloti. SchoolopenH on TueMlny of next week.

tTiicoli Crotwloy Is now In charge of tliutnunt dt'pnrtnu'nt of Child's atoro InHaokettstown,

C. H. Ford, th'j furnlttint man, nun putout a neat duuhlu nigii over hln i*wnin frunt of the More.

Proprietor WUIIHIIT of the St. CloudHotel in ten d» to hold n big ox roustaboutthu inliliilu of OctoU-r.

11arUnv& Wi^ofiV3rffistn;Nare(irjo _for thu opera houmi on Kept. i:i. Puck'sHail JJoy Is the attraction for Sept. SI. S

Otto Gleltz intends to DIDVU hU fuiiillyto Now York, wht'ro he luti In'en I'm-ployed fur KOUIU yeara, early Iu September.

Jlnrry W. Quick has entered the employof the New Jersey Mutual Ilenullt Ansoi:!-attuu of Philllpshurg us traveling *genr.

Tht) fall meeting ot tho Presbytery'«fNewton will bo held in the Presbyterianchurch at Phillfpuburg on Tuesday, Sop. -'•.

Mr. and Mrs. Nuwmun McCUry »ndchildren returnwl un Kiindny from a visitwith relatives hi Philadelphia»nd WillowGrove. ,

During thu wind Ktorm cnrly Monthlyevi-tilng, an elcctrlu light polit on AilegerHtrt'ut was Iirola'ii olT by out* of thu yjvere

il.W.Hvingstoni1 wound up a profitablethri'u wiM-ks' business here mi Saturdaynight, ami un Mumiay located ut Phiiiips-

Mr.-{. James Nixon rnn a neiHlIf Intot)m palm of her right hand a fcw ilnynago ami had to have It cut out by a [ih.v-slulaii,: Wm. Hill of Wimhinuton wtw Riigiuoer ofthe express train No. r>, which Ktrtick andkilled Mta Floruncu Cryut at Stauhope lastSunday afternoon.

Judge Commit has been rc-appolutt-d law.indite of Huntcnlon county. Ex-ProsecutorlliiylnirHt of Lambcrtvillt) wa.su ntrong as-pirant for the oillce.

Peter Hul/ingur of Washington lin-4 hei'itapp'ilntt'd foreiiinu of the flnc-grlmler dt>-partnit'iit at thu Kdlson cement plant. Hi:will take charge .Saturday.

West's I'lillllp.-lHU- liaiul of S, plect'.shas lii'en engaged to ncuompany thu Wnnh-ington firemen to Kli/abuth on the m-ras-Ion of tho big flivmen's paradeon Oct. II.

The work or building n trolley road be-tweeu Strotidsburg and tlit' DelawareWater (Jap is being rushed. The companyhas bought a site tor the cstahlishiueiit <<f ulargis park.

Detectivti Johnson haw recovered tliuhorse stolen by Osi-ar Hinoyer last, May rromLiveryman Lindaberry at High Itridgt'. Hetumid it iu possession of a Mennoiiite atLancaster, I'a. " • ' .

Miss Mabel Oiidyke has resigned herpn.-illionat ilw Warn-n Tiiiings olllce toattend lIn' Ktislnn Husiuess College. HtTplace will be supplied |jy Miss iK-lla rikiu-

•Iiihn II. Ht-attian uf Itallroail itvenue,who has been employed as a telegrapho[n'ratnr at Duvt-r for sonx* time, init-mlsto move bis family to that placi; ubouttin? first of October.

Next wi.'vk wo nhall Ijeifi" the publini-tioii of the usual uotieu against tixypassiiiL',for.tistiing. Imntiug, tnittmg, utu... It cost*buty*>LVtits to have a name appear underthis heading "luring the whole season.

Several from Washington will this yearattend the Huston lliisini-ss Uollegf, whichopt-lis *iii Montlay, Sept. II. Thevare:Misses Mabel O|Hlykf. Mitrjurlu Ilrawn.l-'luivnee McUaiin, Lurlllu Wlltcluk amiJacob Twining.

liev. A. N. Smith of Oxford wlirpiviichnext Sunday attiieinornlujr serviet; in theM. K. ttliuruh. In the evening there willbe a union service nt which time l)p,Johnson will preach. Thu other servicesif thi> day will Iwits usual.The court of chancery has been asked to

.pliuitit a nict-ivL-r for thu Uungor HardSlate Co., a Warren county corporation.Wm. 11. Huulwld of lian-or elnims that lieowns -il) shares of tin: company and allegesthat the concern is insolvent.- Mrs. Frank Liimly,, thirty-three, years

old, 'died yesterday at her home <m Corn-ish stivvt. • Siie was a hard working color-ed woman. Di'aLh wsis tlm* to hasty con-sumption brought on by exposure. Thefuneral services will bu held tomorrow

The Real Rstate Trust Co. of Philndolpldiihas failed ami its doors were dosed Tims-day. Frank il. Hippie died on Friday andit Iiiis just bt-'coint: known that he. com-mitted suioidL1.. HipploViipucLilationK arerespousibie for the failure. Tim companv'sliabilities are about -*K),iMJ(),0O0.

Win. J. Bryan will land in New York to-day after his long trip abroad. He is .sched-uled to .inaku. numerous*, addresses in theEast, and tho reception tendered him is es-pucLi-d to equal any ever givuu to au Ainei i-can citizen. Senator Cornish and Mayor.Smith will be nuiong those attending (rumWashington., , . •

All the town undertakers have takenout licenses, as riiqitired under tin; newlaw. All nuw iipplicants for licunse willbe rt'qiiired to pass an examination afterhaving served an apprenticeship of twoyears undur.a .licensed, man. , The oldundurtuker.-rnre not reqiiiretl'to pass- an.examintitiun.

.:The Fifth iJistriuc ' CoiTpivssioiial;;con-;

prising tlie counties of Warren, "Morrisami Union, will be held at ShongtnnIjiikt1, between Dovi-raml Morristuwu, onMonday;-Sept. U, at 1 p. in. Stage loavesDover at 10 a. in. Itev, James Parker willbe present ami make an addruss.. New hours iuivii been 'established for

thu telephone, operators employed by thePennsylvania Telephone Co. One girlnow goes on duty at fuvun in the morn-ing, is relinvud at noon until three o'clock,goi-son duty again then until six, and isrelieved at that hour, the relief girl goingon until ten o'clock . a t which timu the:night operator reports for duty.• When passenger train No. 7 from New

York readied Washington on Tuesdaynight, a man was found on top of one- oftlie passenger coaches, l ie was a trampand had stolen a ride from Jloboken.The conductor made him come down butvyns unable tu have him placed underarrL'Sti because there wan no police officerhandy. The fellow remained in Wash-ington over night and the.ni'st day. beathis w'uy out of town on a freight train.

After doinjr. sonio light work-In-bisgarden, last liYldiiy morning, 1Mr. Jacobti. VOURII sat duwn to tliu tllnner tableand, wliilu undertaking to carve theinuiiti, was suddenly tuke.ii ill. His handbecame helpless and his voicu affected,tThe physician called pronounced it a- para-'lytlo stroku. Tho1 right sldo is nffuctedand he has'sincu bei'ii entirely helplessnnil uimblo to talk. Tliu stroke is a pret-ty severe ono but'hfs condition shows uslight improwment. !

Miss Mabel Jenkins will luavo Washing-ton about tho first ol:.JOotober.to- iill. aSuar's contract-as organist of tho. Union!oi)gri'giitionulisti church in Jacksonville,Fin. I t is n fine opportunity for her andaside from thu handsome salary : whichgoes with the position, other advantagesiu thu musical line uro offered which arumosti aUi-actlvo in character. Miss Jen-kins has been orgnnist in tho TrinityPresbyetriun church of South Orango forsonio tini'i and thu oongregntou of thatchurclf-uVo vei-y loath to reluaae hur fromthe contract, having a.hlgli appreolationof hur skill as a performer upon. thuInstrument. • ^ •.'•^'WASTED, NOW ASH FOIIRVBII—Persons inneed of good reliable Drugs and Medicine topatrouizo tho OporaHoimo Pharmacy,!' tf' Timothy seed S?.2> at Johnston's.;

Next Monday, is Labor I)ny.There will bo music upon tliu lawn of tlio

St. Cloud Hotel next Saturday night.Woprint five treHiHiBH notices on muMIn

for "£> cents; If mint uy mail '£$ centH.Dear In mind thu harvest homo of thu

Anderson M. E. church on Wcdmw'""Sept. 1L\ -

Mr. and Mrs. Then. KiiHcknrt' wt-nrlngbroad snillefi over a seven and a-hnltpound daughter.

Letters uncalled for in Washington post-iifllcu nro nddresMid to John O'UHuti umlMrs. H. P. Mullcr.

An Ice cream social will IHJ held on tin'<ftv Viltngu ricti'iol hottso ^roctiuls nvxtImrsday, Sept. 3, . -: ;.Itev. J . W. McMnniiiian preached for

ills Hun-in-htw, • HHV. H. .1. Kwlg, InJjtiluinon, last .Sunday.

Thu u veil ings are now brightly lightedy tin; moon, making driving trips Intofie country v<*ry pleasant. ,K. K. Peckhum of IVn Argyt lin-t taken

he position iw clerk In A, ll. (4rolt «:Jro's, ston>, vacateil l>y Harry DrakwThe cable on Plane N*o."ii, a t Port Colden.

[>artcd la«t week and put the piano car out"f cominiDsion until tho cable was spliced.

It costs hut '•¥> cents for tin; season tnhave your name appear under the trespassnoticii that b to iippuar In the STAII nextweek.

The Sunday school picnic of th« Wash-ifigtonUaptlnt ehur^h will lx< held next.Saturday at the favorite old Itoarlng Jiock

Kev. V. W. Johnson, 1). D., fxp.'cts tori'turn Friday from his vacation, spent atAtlautii: City, and resume his pastoraliliities on .Sunday.

HtiV. Kwlg of Lcbiinon occupied the XI.K. pulpit hnru last Snnilny, both morningami i-veiiing, nnd was etilertaini'd bv hisbrother-in-law, Mr. Win. C. McManiiiiun.

This evening occurs the tine chioki-nupper and pig roust of the Methodist

^uiiKn-gatlon of Port Murray. Th- ffastwill lie ready ut Ii o'clock. A hand willliscourse music.

Tho liarvost home of thu Mt. Lebanon M.•",. church, near Anthony, takes place to-light, provided the weather is favorable,rthurwiw uttxt fair cvuiilng. Andrew.s'

jrclii'Ktru supplies the niusic." Mrs. H. W. Niinn of 1'ort Colden offersfor sale. In another column, two adjoin-ing tracts of tlmbt'r located about out1i t m l tfitiii.lmir t i i t T i i ^ m i i i l l i i . M u t ' f , T . T i i T i j . t i f k t ,and one-luilf miles southeast ofIt Is of about :i."i years' growth.

H H h h b i

If then; was anything needed to convincetlie farmers of Sussex countv in particularthat Jacob h. Biiniicll i«* i-i>nspicuoiislywell tltted to represent them ill the StateKetmte, the splendid speech delivered byhim at the- Lake Oriimell picnic shouldsupply i t .

Tin* pottd people of tin? old AndersonM. K. church will hold their harvest homeon tliUHVL'iilim of Wi'dnesday, Sept, 1-.',when one of those exci'ilent suppers forwhich the ladles of this church an* noted,will bu servi-d. Andrews 'o rches l ra willfurnish the music.

In tin) beautiful pictorial supplement oftiie Washington. U. C . Sunday l'ost iip-nearrt a liirg'i halftniiu pictun- of MissEmily Ulazor. the accomplished daughterof Mr. and Mrs. P«ter \V. Blazor of thatd t v , formerly of this Ijorou-th. She is themiitraitu in OIK-of the big duuvht 's of thecapital. ' . .

We have received from Mr. W.P. Lmvvip>f IC1

g tracts of tind one-luilf mil

I f b t :i"

ocated about outtheast of Junction,


>wn 1:Frank \Vmwr. who left Washlngn

nnre thi;n st'veiiU't'ii years ami to engnin the bakery business in Tren ton , wI'omiielled to -live up a gooil position inlinoleum factory there about J u l y I •

- -if poor health and is i - " -I on


account ol poor Health anil is now livingwith his parents near Chamrewater. Hewil le i i f iage in ihe production of eggs andhoney on a large scale. I b - h a s had lotsof experience hi bee cul ture and says i t isa profitable industry.

Tho AVashingtoii Township Committeehas continued the improvements near theentrance to tho Washington •cometury. Ata nmeting held Thursday n ish t a t the officeof the towns-hip attorney, David Bartroii-it. was decided to purchase a triangiihn

GLEN GARDNER.MIKH Ili-rllia I-'rlttn «if Newark In a

vltdlor hi' town.William DfVliif and ilmmlilt-r. MIKH

Nfllif. of Hoinervllliv are KuvHtH alWm. Miifik'H.1

Howard IlaiiKhart of Arlln«ti>n spentimrt of idK vaeatliui with hia mot lie r,Mrx. Adeline IliiUKhiirt,

MIMH Mabi-1 1'rltlH of Hpntci- Him t-n-ttTtahu-il a- iiiirnlu-r of JUT friend* on

I h f bTmwlny ~.MI

iiiin'tiliift In honor

' l Nof burTmwlny I t i l f t

guest. MIHH Anna l-'rlttx. itf.Nvwnrk.Ho nice llniuu-U ami fiunily of New-

ark I'ltini' to tuwti on riatunlay In llit-iran t (i mot) I It1 uml returned huuie on Sun-day. ;

A tine name of Imse ball wit^ playcil•r<r on •: Satunlay b.twein tin- Olvniy» and C. II. It. of Ni-w. Ji>ri>i*>', llio•urc being 0 to 2 In favor of OU-li

Gardner. NVxl Saturday mir boy» willplay thu Honml Hrook (vam.

MIKK Jllanelie Te.-t« nf Oil I foil wttn alslliir at O. S. Pott.-r'M on Saturday..Mr. and Mrs. Jiincph Tunlfon of N.-w-

rk ar« visiting In town..Minces IIiMilah ami Utith Karrow rc-

tnriifd home mi .M<iiula>* afterMi L

- under thin head are pubdulicd nt ttiu uniform nitoof ono cent n trord,1iiilnnailvtTllwiai.'iit will tw ni'vlvvtl for IWBtliiin ISceiitN fur lliu iln«t lUMvrllfiii,

Foil HKNT—A liouw'; and lot centrallylocated, nearly new, contain-') five room*nnd ex tm cook room. David Uartroii,Washington. tMUK-'t

Fnii SAI.K—Foiir-yciir-old .Icrwy cow,fresli. Win. fUddle, Sew Hampton. K-:af.*.'tp

IIoi'SKWitltK—Viiutn; woman wanted todo general housework n t $1H,(KJ a month.Address I'hj'rilciau, Ciiry of ST.VH.

WAXTKU—A g(Kiil man to work Iiv th«.iionth OH farm. Wm, « . UutTurd, Wash-tngton, X. J . S-aritp

•KtinBALK-Uirlffliitur liny Holstein amiOtirlnim calves: pHcvs reasonable. Walter"rtiwlhig. Change water, X. J. It

WKIWHSIIAV. SKIT. Vi—Harvest Home ofthe Anderson .M. E. church. •'• ••

AiiKXTS WAMKII—TO jell life and accl-ilent iiwunuice policies big money, sellsitwlf.ni> experience ii^cosary, mt medk-al

S m t , , tfibf?y^md ! l j !«Mh"nf l lnSK^ m.!ti.,oaniiny;ieB.s;tlKiui»artof lasVweek wlth'william'Mack's JS^,L'BSriJKoiml!"l0rDnKi5i!Bd*.I"family.

Mr. nnd Jim. I-Mirnr Hliephenl nn.lKun'.Malcolm, of IMaintielil, WIT*- silcstsat th»> lintfl IIVIT Sunday.

Mrs. U ('. KlK'phenl or Plalnlleliisp.iit KtimlKy with her m'>lh»r. Mrn.Knsiui .Mcltiirth.

Jiiuii'x 'Murphy ami iliiUKbter orItayniiue returned lionn> on Kumlay.

Al.li-n SllkiT »f <:reslm.M>r npeiitSumlay with tils motliei-, Mrs. JnHcpltHi'Kfrlt'd.

Mrw. I-'iiviviH'e Oekein-liinilei" andamlly ivtiini.-.l to her Imnie In 1'hll-Klelpbla nu .Mi>mlay,hi: Ntiiumer with her


Mrs. Cleti.

Ml'S. 'I'. . .\. McCarlliy "f

>th'-r la 1'lne fin

ing, KiLston, Pa. tItKW.MtM—I will pay a Miltable reward

for the return or tlie gilt handbag rer-i-iitlylost on Washington avenue. It containeda small amount of change, a silver puiicilaud other things. A. Davidson, jewelerand optician.

FOUS.U.E—Knights Tnniplar uniform atreasniiablL' prii-e; also a tirst-class banjo.10.'i Belvidere avenue. ,s-:ttf

Fou SAI.K—Huvi'l-al town properties, fiVmif'.NHj to ¥A,(U>. Also farm of K', acres, nearNew Village and one mile from trolley:itood buildings: can be bought right. Wm.ISurd, insurance and real estate agent,Washington. S-JHKIt

Full SAJ.K—Trend jiower, »ood as newcheap. E. J. Vosler, Port Coldeu, X. .T.

• s-wkitHov'VKNjii POST CAUDS—For your L-olk-c-

1 ion : all kinds — viuw.i, Immorou.i, etc.

Saturday.Mm. Isaac Dire, wlin Ii

pally 111. In stunt'What. Improved at this

The Infiint rhlbl of Mr. ami Mrs.John Di-akf nf I'rospect Mill, dicil on

I'linlay of elmlcra lufantitiii.MI.«H Klliinr Ildbart niul Losllo Frltts.

i-lui liiiv.' b.'cn Hp.-mllnir Hi- pnmunntli with MM. TlM'o. VosU-r. |t.ft fur

thr-lr hcime in New Vurlt city on Mnn-iltiy. •• • •

Cittiiri-h Can not ltt> Cured•llh LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as theyinnot rrach tlii seat of the iliseaso.

Catarrh is a blood or constitutional(iiswisc. ami In order to cure ft youmust tnl<o intornnl remedies. Tlnll'sCiitarrh Cure Is taken Interiiallj'.' nnd

illrcctlv nn the blood and mucousacos. Trail's CMnrrirCnro Is not a

nuacle nioiliclno. I t wns prescribed bymo of the best physicians in this•nuntrv for ypsirs nnd is a rpirularireHcrlptton. . It is compnscil nf thetost ionics known, enmhlned with tliomst !>lnr»<] purlllprs. aclinK directly onIn- mucous fiirfiines. The perfect com-ilnntion of the two intrrorlionts fs whntlrndnc^s sticli wnnilcrful rnsults In'tiring Catarrh. Send for testimonial.!

free.F. .T. CURN'EV ft CO.. Props..

__Tnlpdo. O.

Tnk" Trail's Fiinilly Pills' for ConRtl-p.itlon. , . . .

The congregation of the Port Colden II.K. church, having met, ...with .such good•iucueps last year in pleasing tliR'largejiitmbur of people who patronized their pig ji-cmsiy -are -encouraged . to - still ..-giviitT.efforts this year. On Wednesdav. Sept.'Hi. a harvest, home will be held, thefeatures of which will be good speaking,music by an orchestra, a splendid supper,a imKiiar, fishing pond; grab bags, etc. I twill probably lie the hist of,the" season inthia suutioii.; .; , ^ _"H_, .,.„':'Aft«f'u'"circiiifcbus1™urriv?;''''the"Clir\-siiispicnic party found a .delightful retreatin .Suhooloy.'s irrovp..-iii'»r-(*'luui{ri'wnfc'i-,-wherc "nearly "thTe'e"hours wero ""ptisseilvery jilensantly. Asplendid hot supperproved, of course, iheuhief feature of theouting. , Several . interesting croup-pic-tures were taken" whicli will" bo 'copy-right i>d and used only to illu.strate 'avolume that is soon to appear, containingtho history and accomplishments of tin1-organization, and a record of tho inci-denis of this and similar happy events ofthe past decade. .

Persons desiring to purchase woodlandshould invL'stic.tite that offered for salo inmother column by Mrs. S..W. Nunn. .-;


Miss Graft.*" Stineniato'i-'lit* spfti.IIniri eniipio nf weeks with her mint nearM r s . J. \V. I'jirk. of Xowark visited•flntlvfi.s here lust week.

Mrs., I'raiik ('!:irrlson uinl son, whoiiivt- hoi-n vLsiiiiifr iii^r parents a. f<n-t-li^lit.' reUirnod to her home in Newark

George (Iingles, our efllck-nt mall'ni-rier, hiiH purchasotl the home of thoa to Abr;itn .Smith, ami will move bis'amlly there this fall.

Geome.Cross, of Sterlinff. I'a., Is vis-titW his uncle, J. G. Andersfui.

Wm. Dalrynijtlo, wife and dnuprlitcr•:ila visited her parents. "Jlr. ami Mrs.

Suturiliiy and Similar......!..-• Kills..'Acktr. of. Kroo "Union

jiassiHi hist" Tlnirstliiy'with "Mrs.-JoHiahPark. '

Frank Folk nor. wife find, ilauprhtorGliidys. ami - Miss Ollio Ayers. passedSumliiy with llieir inotlttM'. Mrs. MinnieAycrw. • . •

CORNISH.OwlnfjT to Hie stormy weather Thurs-

ilny ovtMilitg our Siiminy-sc'liool festivalwas hold aj?atn SntunTiiy evbnlngr. A

jat sum was realiKoil.t::-— ':-Miss "MnfTfTlc Force *\i<mt part oC last

week .with, her sister, "Mrs." "R. Rltten-llOUSO. :.. . . . ' " y,1 Stcw.irt Race expects..lo .enter T,afn-S'oLto College hoxL week. .

last1 weoir'ia'kln'ff'i'h" tlib~stj -lits~ of nctli-bem, Central I'a rk and various otlioraces of interest. •••.?•• _'• '•*Miss Madia, Meli-ny 'nnd Mrs, Henry

Sunday and son Orvillo'1 went . on theCornish excursion1 to Cranberry La Ice' ,.st Saturdny.

Miss Agnes JTnJor was a suffererfrom tonsillitis a part oC last week.

Rov. Yellaiul was a guest a t wtUlrimSai'Hon's last Sunday. ' .[uaeher of the Cornish school, ;(

jrarviu AVldner ami wife spent tholrnieatlon last week with Jlr. Wiilnor'sparents hero. On Thursday thoy visit-ed Mountain ILnko, being iiccompjuilcl

y Mv, ami Mrs, Alonzo;Wldner.,.Arthur Frit ts nt Delawnre was" the

;ucstVoC John •Krlos Thursdny and Fri-day.1. . . . .

Mr.' nnd Jfrs. George "Widner amiin gilt or Krma spout Saturdny mid

Sunday, at John Wlilner's, , A .

FARMERS, ATTBSTIONI I have received afresh invoico of Bowkcr'a fertilizers in thedifferent grades. W, D. Gnliclc.

" " ; CASTORIA " ' ""

.nenrsrthe,signtttiiretpf,Chas.,_H. Fletcher,

The Kind You Have Always Bought.

--';-.-•'•.': Summer.Excursion-Rates;1. - - , - ,Via Uickawantm llailrnnd to all Hum-

nier Itesorls, inuludiny Colorado, Cali-fornia, Yellowstone Park, St. Paul, TheGreat Lakes, otu. Liberal stop overprivileges, and return, limits generallyOctober :tlst;, liKHi.

-Niagara Falls, X. Y., and ivturn SB.WOn sale Septenibur 1st and 2nd.

Toronto, Oni.. and return, $10.nn. Onile'September liitli, 14th,'15th and itlili.Very low mtiw to Cranberry Laku

and return KVKHY SUNDAY.For full particniJirS1 apply Io Lackn-

.,-anna Agents, or write to H. N. JJutter-iliikl, I). P. A., Laukawanim Railroad,7-itt Broad Struet, Newark, N. ,7.

Pou S.vr.K CiiEAf—One large chandenorand lamps, also six brackets and lamps,used in W. C. T. IT, rooms. Apply at i:WEast •Washington avenue. Up.

WANTED—Atomic, a boy to lenru baker'strade. Apply at STAitjJiileo. ,;, It

Robert C. Caskoy fanii at Stephousbury.SATUHDAV, SKIT. ~1>—Administrator's sale

of a House and lot on School street.."WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1"—Harvest Homo of

thu Port Colden M, E. church.Foil REST—Five very pleasant'rooms,

•funiisiiiiu"ui-;unfurnish(id. Inquire at (57Railroad avenue. It

Foil SALE—•\Vntrint b'edroom suit, singlewalnut bedstead, mattress and spring, andkitchen, riinge. Imiiiiro at (IT Hailroad

Foil SALE—Old Meditprrunoan seed'whent111 sheaves to tho Im. this year. Iso ryo, nodrips, no cockol, no mustard; strictly clean:no foul seod". • C.sW. Sargent,.,Hnckctts-town, N. J. :"

20 girls wanted at the Washington under-..ear factory; beginners paid while learn-ing. fO. J. liccstj Ss Co j ,; Sj-US-'Jtp.

REWAUIJ of $100 will bo paid for tlio "ar-rest and conviction of the person or pewonswho removed tho \% inch ping from thogas holdeV, Aug. il, ^Union,.Railway Sup-ply Co., Doily & l^owleiv contractors1 ofholder; J. Roddick, Siip't; SamuelGentner,foreman.

WASTED—Two fresh cows, C. W. Sar-gent, Haekottstowii, N. J. , S-!Si-3t

ATKiduuv, X. J.U\\NT|.:n—MiddliMigi'd. woman as house-

keeper in family of two; must cnine wellivnuiiitH-mluil. Address "Hackettstown,"cam of th»» STAII. .

LOST— Oilt himdbag. ht'tweeii Dr. Me-Kiii!>try"s ofllcif and Davidson's jewehvstore: finder will kindly return to A*.Davidson. ., s-swt

SATL'HDAV, SECT. '"•*—Puliliu sale of ahouse and lot at (iootl H|irings, uenr Hdisoueenieiit works, byliulmuf Mary Vliet.duc-

WASTED—AU experifiu-ed girl to clerkiu dry goodsstore ia Washington. Addressss., cure of STAII. .. . .. . ,S-:.':!-tt .

OoAititEits WANTED — Disirabte roomswith excellent table board: good, responsi-ble people only, at V>7 tt\ Washington Ave.

A WOOD L'»T enntaining ten acres, situa-ted in township of Harmonv, in the countyof Warren, and adjoining funds of MutliiaVSliipnian, will be. sold cheap t(» quick pur-chasers. U. Van UiUliird, Pliillipsburg.

s-HMtpfiiiKAT- DAEI*;AIN '.—To change heating

system, am offering ICeniau Hot Air Fur-nace, Pipes and Registers, all in good re-pair: cheap for ijiiiL-k, cash sale. Dr. UFarrow, HadwttsEOwn, X. J. S-Hf-tfacreage at Peiina. Exporiinent Station :J!).7Tbushels: mv average .'!."i luishels. Also, 'Illiimpsliimtnwn nun lambs. L. C. Mnckcv.Ilclviduru.X.J. .. ' S-SWitp

F.vitJi FOIL SALE— li:i acres, two milusfrom Stewartsvillo station: pleasaut loca-tion; with good biiildiiigs nnil .-nlenfcy • offruit of almost every kind. Mary M. Hairar.Stewartsville. tj-lii-tf.

Tuun-sDAV, Ai;u. :J0—Harvest home ofthe Mt. Lebanon M. K. church, near An-thony.

DON'T KEEi'yonr old broken gold; take itto Davidson and jjet the cash or a new

Jnece of .iewulry in exehanye. Davidson'ewelry House, near tliu Square. S-'-ltfFoil SAI.K—Desirable farm of l.TO acres,

including ten acres line timber, locatednear Washington, N. ..J,: long distancetelephone connections. Fine limestonemuirry on farm; largo iiumbur fruit tret-ri;:i!so teuaut houae, sjiacious uaru, hovels,etc; .Stable,.room for eicht horses mideighteen cows: uever-fstihuf;- sprint; near,door. Will sell at reasonable price forcash.. Address J. K. Lindaborry, Washing-'tori™ Warren county, Nuw Jorgoy.- . -S iMt

Lona rye straw is now received for whicliis paid eight and nine dollars a ton, accord-ing to quality and how threshed, a t theCoal, Lumber, Hay, Straw and FertilizerYards of P..S. Yetter, Belvidere, 2sT. J. S-ntf

auce. Only the best companies. Joliu E.

If yon possess any. article you want todispose of, make the fact known in this col-umn.' ' • ..•'• '" .... • .-- ••'

Foil REST—Oflices on second iloov FordBtiildiuc. recently occupied as dental ofiicL'S.C. R.Ford. - Mtf

Foil SAI.B—Columbiagnsoliuq engine;'ii toS horse-power; excellent condition. WmfMerrill. Washingto". . • '. r-'JC-tf.. Foil SAM;—Buy mare 12 yeai's old: fear-

lcfu of •aiiythiiif,'. ;. Clintou"jB. .Hixon,Broadway, N. J. . . . "TStMitp

Tin;nHi)Av,-'ALTi. yd—Pig'roust at tho'Port JIurray SI. E. church. •• " ••' =..

WKDNESDAY, S K I T . :')—Harvest Homo oftho Chaugewnter M. El church.

SATUllOAVj SEI'T.' 15—Silk! Of ^jli-aiU'Ofarin and two wood lots, property of PeterLimce, deceased, late ot between Penwelland Anthony, a t hotel in Port Murray.

TuuitsDAv, SEI:T. 20—Public .sale of 11U-ne're farm .(about ;'i0 acres co'vered withheavy timber*, by Margaret Beaty a t Por t.Mnnviy Hotnl.,..,.....,.^..,.-,-,^,.. , . .• . ; , . ;• .• .

WANTED—The present . address of MissJii-'./.idTJtoninsoii. until<receiit,lv._ot^!N"orth

STAK. . ' •Tlie cost of ads in this column ia ono cent

a word, but no ad is inserted the jlrst timelor Inns than 15 cents; after t ha t one cent aword whether, five words or lifty words.

Foii SALE—My seven-room house on EastWashington avenue; also, a building lot onUpper Broad street, Aaron Pet ty , .-i-lTtf

WANTED—A good man to work on farm;good,wages. Apply to Jas . L. Shields. .

Xr> TiiKsi'ASKixti will bo allowed for anypurpoao on the Blum Stock and PoultryFarm a t Now Village. J , L. Heisey. (Wl-tf

Rubber Stamps, Fountain Pens, Type-writers, Ribbon, Carbons, Papers. Freecatalog. Brainier & I3ruuiier, Boston, ~

Foil REST—In a private house, threofurnished rooms for gontlemen. Apply totlie proprietor of the St. Cloud Hotel.

CEMENT by tho carload,'" ton or bag, atbottom prices. H. H. Stone, Stowaitsville,

F O R SALE—Deairitblo ffarmp, also townproperties foi" wilo andffrent. J . R. Lina-ben-y, U Broad St. • . r: 3-IO-tf.


OPPORTUNITYWe devote this "ad" entirely to the exploiting of

staple housekeeping goods. The summer is about endedand the thrifty housewife begins to note the many want-ed items needed. This is your replenishing time andthis store is out for a good share of your business, byoffering you such values as the following:

A Sale of Ready-to-use Sheets., Your Table Linen Opportunity, i ; 2

The PUIow Slip Selling/Buy Bed Spreads Now.

If in Need of Towels, Buy Now.Autumn Blankets at Old Prices.

100 Wrappers, 79cBargains in While Goods.

New Fiaunelettes and Outings.?'NeVvv Dress Goods.

Children's School Shoes,New Line of Fall Footwear.

BAGAINI•There is" no word in the advertisers1 vocabulary so

polentas "Bargain." -No word that conveys such amoney .saving meaning when honestly used. This storemeans to use it honestly at all times. It is used justnow in its broadest, fullest sense. It'sthesummer house-cleaning'time nnd every section vies with each other iuputting forth its bravest bargains. To miss these bar-gains is to miss the chance of practicing a true economy.

J. Warren Fitts33=35 E. Washington Ave. Washington, N. J.



(pgjj CH00I , DAYS are approaching and it is the duty of parents to seem ^ l (•; that their boys present as favorable au appearance as their class-0KJ | males. We have inatle a special effort iu this department of our

business, and for opening day wear have on display the largest as-sortment of Y o u t h s ' - a n d Hoys ' "Clothing to be found anywhere intown, at attractive prices. . ' '. '.:. .-.. . . . ..' ' >•' '" ' . .


7 to 16 year sizes. You'll not be dis-appointed as to quality or style whenyou see these suits in good, reliablecheviots, "fancy mixtures, as well as


PA fn CA

Extraordinary care is taken iu theselection of this line. Our variety ofstyles is almost without end. Everygarment is carefully hand-tailored,

. y o na m l t l c t a i l t 0 t h e

aststitch « iWe Will Continue Our Clearance Sale of Men's Suits

for if few days loiigor, so take advantage of these TRUE BARGAINS," the £like uf which have never Ijeen seen before. .,: • , / . . . . - " • - : - , . • - -

Men's SO.50. S7.50 and Si).(1(1 Suits at $5.00.Men's $10.00. $11.00 and SI2 Suits at $7.00.

Men's $13.50, S15.«0_,anU $18.00 Suits nt.S10.50.1

Ainong which are weights'that can tie worn the year around.The Griffon1 liTunil Shirts ' the bost in the land at 85c, values t

SI, $1.25 and $1.5(1. Don't miss our SI Sale of Men's lints. f

"Honest Goods and Honest Prices at All Times."


% f"So..E.Coi\ Centre Sq.and Northaniptou St.,EASTON, PA.


My best quality of very fine

per bushel : = a r :

J A M E S f i . J O H N S T O N I

Star and Tri-Weekly N. Y. Tribune, $2.25,per year.

Page 8: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft


Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, ntul vrhk'U hns been• In use for over 30 ywirs, Jin* borsio the signature of

, mul hns l)eca made under liU per-sonal supervision since its hifaney.Allow* xtii ouo todi'ci'ivc you iu this.

All Counterfeits, Imitation* and ".Tii Mis-jrwiilT' aro hutExperiments that trillo with mul endan^ct* the health ofInfants; nml Children—Experience against Experiment.

What is CASTdRiACnstoria is a hnrmlo'ss suhstitiilo for Castor Oil, Pnrc-gnrky Drops anil Soothinjr Syrups. Tt is lMrasant. Itcontains neither Opium, Morplihionor other Narcoticsubstance. Its n#o is its guarantee. It destroys Worm*and allays Feverish ness. It euros Dlnrrluuu and "Wind

-•'..•.'„. Colic. It relieves Teething.Troubles,'cures C«u>iipatiour and Flatulency. J It nssiinilnte-* tin* Food, retrulate:! tho

Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Frimul.

CENUINE C A S T O R I A ALWAYSi Bears the Signature of

ELECTION BOARDS. HOCKPORT.Mr*. Roi-n M. Diivlii wait with Xttwton

Irii'tiiU liict Thurwluy. • ,Antliony pollirmntirt innilu u imsitivH* trip

tu l'tiiwiltrtiii Sitltinlny.MIM Kl.mi.lt. Z-ll.in. l» ratfl l l 0 r

The County Uonnt Appoints ncmbcra forthe Twenty-eight Districts In

Worren County. "

Tlif Wnnvn Comity I t an l uf U.-iilMry ••""><" mm.!-.liwl..y« siunntJtln.mul F.Wil.maiiU'l nt lltkliliTt'liinl Tliiim- Mr. nntl Mi*.'Wilson lllocniillt'Muf Karr»-ilnvuiul iiiiiiolnti'i! Hit- uiniiWni "f III.- vllln wuio liiiwtauf (rli'inh hvre OYITNUO-inVlniii* .'Irt'ili.n .INirU-IK III II ninny, iliiy.

Thfnlr l

Thi" county Inmnl lH(fun|HiM'di>r Win, M.Kvcn-lt. Hiirkflli*lii\vn, |>rfi>IUi'M:.l. Win.Miller, Wii-hincioii, NH-n-ttiry: IIUMIUHTHh-ml-Muf the iMmnt iitv T. S. Whltfi l k ill Jiihit Hrmlv. - Phillip

t iIn1Hrvt iwn tiuuiil r

Mr. »ii.l.Mr»..l Hi-nuYn-liot of Morl M h h t

Mr. IUK) M r . .IdMph HinuYnliot of MorrMmvn wtTi* atiiuiiff tlu> vMtur* hero hintweek.

Mis* Km mil (tomiii «>f ifiu-kcttKtown waxwttli licr tiuiit. Sim. <!. .1. HarlMT,Si


The lliinti'rdtiu cuitnly riiiiitnlKnlmiemIUVC voit'd tint tit pay fox IxmiitU** anyiii.fi1. . .Mrn. Mnrlhi .• Ittwiiknnw, cdtmi'cliillili ti nrinnlni'tit NVvvton fnmllv, died nn

Aujt. if. 'The lilt: rnblier plnitt of UinilM>rtvllli<

hnn Ix't'ii obliged in put lit* men on thm*l l i ; ; '

Siniilay.Mm. K. «V Vnll uf Duni'lli'ii win fiurr-

ntnt'Mltiy unit 'fliiirwliiy liy IIIT

IIIIIV. In tli*< list iii.* lirM Iwiitiiiini'il tin-tin' llt'iiim'ntllt' I nlM'n* ami lilt* last twoHit* Ili-iiiilillrjui liii'inN-nt uf tin* Infill;. ; • • ; - . ; .

glvi-ii. father, John Curl.Allimiiiihy—U.S. CriiiniT. Kll ll.Ti'iiii'r, Mr*. W. WillfViTnml iliioi;lik-r i»t».-iil u

Satifiml Vniinalta mul liro. (illilw. 'jiartnf la>t wit'k with ULT iiutvuttt, Mr.nmlIli-lvlilt'ri* —Kttirnr ltiiwrinuH. .Innu'tt .tint. Tliunms 1'nrk.

Wllmin. OIHI. WluVnnr, .lr.. nml Win. Mr.nml Mrs. Amln'W Hllilor or NVwark.•iliniTson. woro BiiiHls or Mr. nml Mr* Fnuik Stewait

illitllMmvn Township — Arlington a part (if hist Wuok

At Iron S|iriny Inrk, neathe novt'liy nr dnnclnjr liymiif.n*. hnx Ixvn ntloptt-tt.

Stni'kltui elilzoiw will vote at n ^pectnl.'liH'tloii un Sept, IS fin Hie t[Uis(lotl of-nstrm-iinK a wnt*'r (*ysii'in for llmt


t Thuwiny nml Frlilny witli her \n\rMr i M Th l l l l

Aslniry: .liilm K. Iiiscllii,Hn'wni-tsvllli* It. K. I).

l''r.'lln|:liliv.-fM-Tin.urns Htilililns.Iiilin-hnitolmnr: N. A..\VII(lrlrk,Illnlrsto«n. II . . t .v „ , , . . . ,K. I).; Uf". \V. Hart. .InhlunndnirK: Mr. mul Mm. Alrn.il Slntfr, last week,li.rsliuiii Iliivli'. NVtvi.in II.. K. 1). Mr. ,',t,,| Mis ll,.rl»TtKlaekiiiiil itnniiV

(ini'tiwlch—llfllry M. \ fli'l. JIIonlilK-1 ami Mrs. Miirthu IVatty of ]

1 slu-nt ThnrMliiy ami Friilny wI eiits, Mr. nml Mm. Theo. Hull.! Mrs." Wnllt-r Kariis anil ilanuliter MIMreilof Mlililli1 Vnlley wen.1 with her parents,

Tin D r l lo l l r work U n wrplace jiiht mnv. A IIIK addition If*luillt nml ab l) k

Tin* borotich clerk of MndlHon IIUH COII>fussed to iM-lug rMKU In tlu> hulf, mid It Utlunifiht. the amount will run IH'VIIIUI'h llffunn

The K M You Have Always BoughtIn Use For Over 3 0 Years.


A. A. AIGHERThe Paperhanger

and DecoratorOf 33 years' experience and for14 years located on South ThirdStreet, but now doing businesswithin one square of the Dela-ware Bridge under the newfirm name of the

A. A. Aicher Wall Paper Co.15- -156 NORTHAMPTON ST., EASTON, PA.

.Where you will find all grades of Wall Paper and RoomMouldings.

Wai! Paper, 2c per roll upMouldings 2C per foot up. To all cash buyers where we

do not hang the papers, we will sell the borders at the sameprices as" the papers. For instance, if you pay 2 cents per rollof S yards,, we will sell you S yards of border for the same prict

.ESTIMATES FURNISHED, This Store has no connection whatever with any other

wall paper store in the city.


You Auto

•— Krmik \v.' Hush, Wnshinu-!ton. II. F. II.i KUHin II. Slupii. Sti'W-iirl-vill,.. 11. ]•'. II.: Thiilim- lli'xvilt, II'hlllliKinint, II. F. I).: llpli'ti \V. lilni" I —lliv, llnniiony. j sun Fmnrlsvo has

l l i . p . . - . l o l m 1)111. llc>l»'.: J » m . K.j t | l t . relief, of; l l :

Win. Fluke hns lH>t>n unpi Ititfd camilfori'uiaii for tin1 Htnuhnpc si*ctu>ii In plan-of Stephen Thompson, who wiw proinolftl*o hi> supt'rviwir at Hlocnulleld.

Souii'rset uoiiniy'it frfi'lmliliTrf Imvi' up-lojirlnlfd $UVJt(HM> to nu'i't thu t'Xpt'liil.,Hires of the coming yenr. This U highbut new rntnlrt are mainly nepotist hie.

-Morris county Prohlbltlcnhis will holdlliflruiiliiiitl picnic aihUolintV CollvcliUullnt Shungtim l^iki: on iJibor l)ny. •ItinusPiirki-r or Jersey City will muki* nn ad-

TbeWoinnn's Club of' Kli'iuliifitnn islli li unrnival In (In1 public |iark


nt $l,K)t(snlTt'rers ill

iKlufii II. Tiiwiishuryt"M."c'Slt-Cniii" nnil) tililli" "it |i'thii"«n.V"\iiiVvriciiil"city'"to re-n. TmvlisliiirjH. S. Hiirtuny, l l u | .

Iliu'k,. mn—(Klr-lKliM% Frank Mi'UMIn.liilm.l1. Kvnvlt. (O.-nir I1, .liilinsimi. li.-nC. n-iiiun. W. M. |l|i

DMrlcli .Iiililli,' JIK. Knmiw,vmiil lllrflrU-1).II. Vli.'i. 1.,-wls

Tlii're are few Kialns that multiply fastertliatieom. ltisstnteil tliat one clain willillerense under fuvoralile eonilitlolis ofgrowth to n million within two years.

""liiili'iii'l'i'ili'lii'i'— "Hnliili l-l,li.T. ( i m i l [ , TliiiWlii'iiti'ni|iiJKiiil«w tliis .WjirwillMi'tiduwsi tliitli-y Jiihiistiin, VII.|IIHI;|III1IJ«"J"«I.D'JI1IUI'III!I». tin- Inriwrf mi n t -S'lliltii-I Mlttlii'll. 'riiwn>lnirr; li'ii. Crlin-r i ""I . Tin- corn crop will In. jn»l t\vl(v llmt,Vit'imii ; tiini tin1 nviTiine IHIIIK ik'i'osit for cvt'ry

Kiiowlliin—(.'IIIK. II. Ijiilir, l'ranli 11. i mull, wiininli ami chlM in tlloStntoisSH"',.-•wlslu'rniiil'1'. lli»«'ll Ail.ll-, IMiitvnn-; | Th>' tustnic<.<l^i,artiitiMit lins iltoIOi'il.tluit- . . . . postftioeilel:

\V. SnyiliT, Knowllon. ! eliilillen piinK to nml from seliool slinll notl."lHitt!<.IIK— Lemuel |l CiJe. IM|IIII]W. ' IN'nlluwi'll M ISl't tlll-ir l«tt'IIM'lllllll. Tilt

I'uri;. II. K. H.: .Inlin II. Aine.r, Slew-1 iiostniliie luil.it iiniuni! ellililreu hns IHI'IIIIIIa isvllle. H. I-'. I).: Maurice Siryker ami I u milsaiiee both to the pulilie anil the post.i.ihn W.Dpilylie. I'liIUIpsliiirp. H. K. I), i

MnnslU'lil-WiiIler Knrr. llxr.inl. U. K. I1).: Win. Tliislnnn. I'ort Murray. \V. 11.Fninii', Osfonl, II. F. .11.; Morris II.Ijilmr. llacliellsMiwli. i

York lmwlmll twuiw lire IThe two Xeiilav a iMtst-seiiMHi series uf seven uame;'s veryjnolialile that ChlniK" " in win

hmuil llllllllie. Itriimevlile; ». .1. \Mtllell. j * | | j , ,Hiitlzi-illi'. See.mil Dlslrli't—Lulhrr Mil- 'lei'. I'Vank .-mil! lies .Mevers anil!N'ewiiiiin .lime* nil of Oxford. '

l'liliiniiinrry—Jiilm M. Mlelmel. linn-Held: Ol'shom Zliiiim'niiiiii, Millln-nok:llnnli'l Strlllik mul Klcliuril T. I.ulz, I TilDimlield. !im'


—llnrrv Welder. Klllesvllle:Ori-ll Iliilpln. Allih'u: Frank llulsliizer.Kinesville: Ctaretiee Cooper. Al[ilm...l'lilll!lishiinr.;( First .\Vnrtl) - K u n . M.l l l s n ( a t ) .

Klrrh, l-raiilc WainboM, Warren HadiDatiifl VIHIIIL'.

S ml Wani —Jns. Carrol. FrankTaylur, .IHL'OII N. Tlmtclier. Chas. W.Tiivior:

'fhinl Ward—.Ins. Ilramiuil IIAII |. llur-wi'll. TfcimiiM Zi'limlfp. Hii^'li 0. IKVrx.

Fimrth Wan! — Androw (ijillnt-'li.-r.Htirniinl Ihiishi's, \V. A Kt'l-.., .luliiiMnniuluv.

Fifth Vanl—.la s Smith, KllsworthKiiclHT. Ii. M. Hfhi-rn'r, .Inlili W. lilli-s.

Sixth Ward—IVti'r S. Ilos.-i. Vm, Grant.Orvlllf Jlill.-r. Duvid Unmhlautl.

Washington Hnmn-li (Kastt'rn district)—Hi'iirv T. ^li.vd'i-. Himuh Carpi'iiti-r. (i.G. liosi'-y, Lyiidun Carhart. WVstrrn llis-trlci—\V. K. Muttisuti. HiiUluy Ilowlhy,Rriinr- Ilifd.-.Inltn It. Vmiin-cr. •. :

Wiishliicion Tnwnshin-John V. Wasli-bnrn. Win. H. WyukofT. Washingt

d Cl M ; l

ino of tliint: frutn Al

&Itmifri'it;ht OVIT its road, stavt-

tC. B. Kt'tnver tsaiiutlu>r frutirlit n^eut ut

tin* liifih BriilKL* rfution who has found tli.>l t i t

a i i u rution wh

s nud he hha found tli.

Mit in hi

. WiKnuik HnHtarki-r. P

d.T. Clmn.rt Coldt'ii.


M.; l)i>ll

B r Kilnti.s tun arduouresignation.

A strikt; of tho tmtkiiM-ti at tins easternt-iiil nf iht.' CViitnil rond thivati-ltr. U> -xteinlover thiM'titiiv IIIIL-. Tin; nu-n want un in-criMisi' from -*H:ii to .*I.w a day.

C. B. NulKlsou iif Baskiiit,' HMne, whosiu'ivotlwl John B. Dicksiui as ticket asetitand ti*k'jirai'ho)H-ratorat thu Hackuttstownstation. wtL-s ivthvd uttor a ft*w ilavs* triiil.

h I i i l lltostatThi*l

itinn is now li-.-iiis,' filled temporarilyof the eumpiiny's relief men. ,


The nnmiol lielil day of Kuiflits Teniplnrof Xew Jersey will lie £ept. r-. nt AsbnryTnrl;. . . " " - .

Tlie Fleisclimun Vpust Co.. wliieh ownsthe abandoned, distillery at East Millstone.

i'ariic^l wi-h tn iltinati- a qiinn-I.. & M. 1'nliii lo y«itir cliurt-hchurch wlifii./v.-r it is to he

ainit'd with I.. A- 51.i l i h lt

To the trustees rifWashington Baptist Church,Washington Catholic Church

It NIIItlly'nf llnml "veviiainted.

HUHlll elllirebes painlt'd witli I.. A M.I callous 1.. .V M. mixed willi :! frnltons

I.Inseed Oil will iiaint n moderate sizedhouse.

Aeltlnl L-psl 01" L. >t Jl. almut S1.20 ;perixallnli.

I;. & M. Z.lnc hardens 1;. & M. WhileLend mill makes (he paint wear like iron.

Harrowsoc Peck. Monlpeller. Vt., wrile,"Scliool house No. 1 paillleil will] IJ. . &.M.: two emus. Used nnly live frallons 1-.&M. ami iilnu Kiitlonis Oil. Cosloiiniia'

i Uis inuvin^ the machiner

. th.- old buildings, and ImI to he shipped to Cincinn• nany has? a plant.



i l o i i e, tc., fro

them un carshere the com-

You really ought togive one deserving mann long, cool, refreshingdrink of that strength-en in gVtonic—

" 'SeitZc Export Beer'' ', ' • . . . . . . . " '' V

••••'. .-...:...:.... • \ j | . j s p l i r e fliid. sparkling-as-a. summer •morning's dew.:'•'. . ' .It7stretigthetis and builds up inuscles and nerves and

brain. I t gives the palate a delicious thrill of pleasure—. : all because'it is. carefully, skillfully brewed from-the

• j ' choicest materials. • .. . ' ' -. •

:.-':,7.i-:-::v--0u tap at;alli.tlie.leading hotels.ami cafes. •.--— ~-~LI--.-.-.-;±--_ -.:

The Seitz Brewing Co., t'Xi and~ Easton, Pa.

Always RemeiBto the Full Name

i axatlye Rrbmo QuinineCures a Cold in One Bay, Grip inTwa

on Bos. 2Sei

Wouldc':Be Good forSi.ooo.Askihfr tin.1 court iu vticati! ii jiulgiuent

•iiuli'"'roiil31,C;X)iili.'ii:ho.:fii.vij-i;uiiiri!.it'iii.il!y-rnhlrifttunofrnipher. MI^MnryAL Gietrcr,Tn iiuineo hur.t" con form ..m cLM-mii) jiro;pi'ietiifs of I'simiiilCiiixl pri'cciit. ].uvi J-l.KWkin'r, thi' yMiiiiftuir, rlulifXl r.;al vs-t.msili'.ik'r ill AllHiitown. un l-'i-Ulay ntisi-i'(! a novel h'iiiil (|iu^lU)ii.

•Mr. KK'ckner wus n stickler for iIIH pro-prloiii'sof lifii, ami \v:mti?(l lu inculcalutiniftn iili'iis into tin- fair Pti'iioiri'iiiiliiT'si.lally llfi-._ Tinln Ihis lie prqiiitail \\v

The Discovery of Cocoa.• Three hundred and eighty-six years»{*nthe Spanish with Cnrtez f m l iroinmon use in Mexi

Hl ltlie iL-otit

.has heen Inuimmlow the final and

t U iifTereil in Croft'swomliTfiilly untiluri'fttt'm inipnn-tMiii'nt i^WH?; Milk Cocoa;". Never bi-1'ore has then1 hwn u cocnalu'iiUliful, *> smooth amUivainy, so imid ilflioai'1 in llaviir. : •'•

Tht.1 only cucoa in jrln^s jars.Cn-.fi \-Alk'ii Co., limkcrs. I'tilludcliihli

daily l i f .81,1)1)0, and wanted ther ..in bis will.a-jretland stfiit»d



. ^_ 1 sifiit'-'ii a papLTcoinaTninj: e»T-tnin coilt'ti and lvyiilation.s as :o \w dailyWilHllHJl,. . -->Htx wcuks iiffi'i1 th(! iiain'i' \v»< slirnt:tl \liriallcReil ihai ihli" plrl left, KiHckm-r'scinpluy. For this IVHSOII, and for the fur-tiii.-r lvason thai win; "went iliitiuln^r twoand iln-vii.tiinifii a wi.'iilc, iitsttmil oC ''r,\miup uvici'ii iiKJiith in ilui city nml out ofit ," and did oilier ihilifrs that tlif n^m1-iiii'iu•sukl a\w pliouiil not do, Mr. K1L*C!:-ncr hiul his lawyer dmshow rmiR* why tin; not'dvnliwMl mill and void. x ^ -

Tlii! HMS ivpirluitim nTitilivd Miss Gel"fTiT la 1'L'iiuiin lil.-i sHMingraphcf untilAutr. is. 1U0S: .llii!..st!cu]]d."provldi'd. torirbntiniicci good'character; tliL lliini, per-'(Vct-di'vution and loyally in \wv nniniwork; tlni'fi>nrlh,.tliu<landnu limitntinnnhvnily ni«ntlon«ftl: thu fifth, willimniussto hiivi' iln> dediiltinn ol1 full coiiitilii'inwswith tln-si- lt;niis to thu Court, and tliu,-*i.\th wujs a explanation and'atuplitlcatioiidf il». notu IIM-U.

'•I, i.Uu lintlurslKiHKl, Mury^A. Goiscr,"slirned'antl•approved of nil ' thusu restricttluns; anil now Sir. KlccUniTfiiy-sshu haslirokiiti thu ones indicati'd ahovis amiwants tin; court In annul his mm*. There,was a straw ridu In which sin1 appeaivdwtihotib his cotisimi1, mid hu uliy^es other"reasons for n>i:onPi(li;riiiK.' • " " ' ' ' """ '

Fine Bands at tlie Bethlehem Fair.Tho widu-nwaku nmini^e.ineiit. of 'J)liis

Jlu-lhleliein Fair always 'rticontiiZH tlint.thu lii'St; is none, too good, and l.o this mitlhavo closed contracts for nuisiu during ItscciiniiiR yeiirly exijosltion for l!)Oti wllhthe.famotis HiiiKKuld Band, of Ke.adin«,with Kllnplor's Alluntowii Uuml, thellftiifior, and thu Hetliliiheni ]3niuls. Withthis iirmy of niii.sl<:a1 talent, i.lu>i'O will hooffural a raru imislcal treat for all and«very one. There will he dim concertsdaily, and hosts'of. other fin du aiecle ai-(ractions. Of coiirsfj,••you will'rememlwrthe dates—Sept. I to,?.1'


Mr. Henry H. irvinjr, ihf'vUK^t .-on .tlie late riir Henry Irving, will niaku hflivt, u|ipi'arani!t» hi AnvTicii at tlie Ne"Ain=terii[iiii:;rhi'atr('.'0kjl."i;.iii.*"i, i.t.|,,-.toire of plays. His flr-t'jm.'St-'iilatinn wi..Ui Stephen l'hilllps""]'a(ilo and Frnn-cefuu." Tho cuinnany supporting himwill h- bruuirliL from J-ntulon and.will In-clmlo Jltiruoiirt Wllliains,• S. A. Cookson,W. .1. Vi'lilhiun. ,Clins. A. . Domn. MissKliilm; IiiL'Hcopt aiul'Mlss Dorothea Ilaird.Mr. Trvinp. will play "Malate.sta," Mr.Willtums, " V a u l o , " and .Miss liaird,"l-'l-aliui^ca."

"T1IK PRl.N'CK OK INDIA."Huhtiarsuls of tin> principal.", chorusand

dancers lo arnicar at- tin: JJi'oatl>yay TIUJ-utri! rii'pt. r-1 in Klaw it KrhuiKur's pro-duction of "Tho Prlnw! of ludiii," Iwnunlast wm-k on the stages of the JJrotitlwiiv,Sew Amsterdam. Xew Vork and LibertyTheatres. Thu sla^u of iln; XuV-'. York Islieiiifr duvotsd oscUisivoly to traininyanddrilling the. frflO men who will appear as(•ini.'k soldiers and Turkish .lanissarieiu thc:frreatr liatilu seunus of tho fifth act

..-,tiiiri anil Max lioKL'rs, supporled^iy tiiesiuni! ectnpany, witli IJIIV one. 'fixctjptinn,that appeared wil.h ihvni last season, willIn-citi their second tour in '"I'ho Uo»ersUpbtliuM in livliiinl;;'"afthi.' NV.w 'YorkThealrif, ,S?IH.' :i. Tlio role.playnl ny Cor-imiH last si'iiKon is nowilllud by MarlonStanley, iicli:v«r player who lias hud whliexiiei'K'iiL'u in musical comuriy and lij htijiera.

••••"TUB MAX FROM NOW."The first new at I ra_i;t ion_ Col. 1 lenry \\\


ill sehl.e~d at tliVi

will bijprisehl.ed at tliVNuwtAhistn ....Theuire, Monday uvuninfr, Sejil. :t—Harryliulfjcr in the new music play, "The ManIj'rom Nowjv' which exploits u very novel'and interesilim idea conceived by .lolmKemlHrk-""»jc-«iind;yini'i.nt..llpyiin.Uliiiusiw by Maiita'l Klein.

The End of The Worldof troubles that robbed K. 1*1. Wolfe, ofUcur (.-irove, la., of all iisyCiilnuss, cniniswhen bo Iji'nau taking Electric JJitters.He. writes; "Two yearj^atto Kidney trou-ble cnused me jrreat sulTerintr. which Iwould never have survived had I iiot lak*en Klectrlc Jiltlers. They also cured moof Gfne-nil Uulillliy." Sure, euro for nilKtoinacb, Liver and Kidney complaints,Ulood Diseases, Ileadacbe, J!)izzlness ftiidWeakness or bodily decline. Price, fiOc,Gnarimtetitl by the Carter Pharmacy and.thu Warren County Drug Store.


Tlif bin i'alrmoimt fair will lx> b.-ld utit'pi. 4 nml ft.The nwlplKof tin- Tt'tviitl l k il N

lplKof in T i i t mi' nil nvonN, ninoiintliiK (u

At Ironl

y I'nrk, near Anuandnlc,d l n r l p l i tKrupl i

Dover lloller works* U n wry lmnv. A IIIK addition If* IH'Ibout l() nuvv wurkiuen ha

rnival In (In publi |arkn Wednesday anil TlinrstlavIt Is for the U'tiellt of the

M thiirplaoi"or (his wwlc.library.

Mrs. Ailohih Mnck. wlfi* of tho mvnerof (ho IIIK WOOIOII mill:, at SiuniTville andHnrltmi. dlcil last wot-k. Sho was a slMt-rf Honry I.. Kiiiriti-iii, nwm-r of tho . New

York lJn>ss.\ stouo wo&hlnK ylM'ou tuid a half tons

was IftkiMl «itit nf (ho Waiorluo quarry thi1

uther day, liolnu tin* blfip'-ti owr n'tiiovod ifrom that plai-o. It Is (o ho ns.il for a sill itiiiuVr tho tfiwor «fHi. l'l-icr's oliurrhlulHaekottstown.

M-Iif's'-lnillans" of NVwtntt. will'not hold their imunal c-1aniliakoihlsyt>ar.It has boon tho ••widl--..p1.If' ov.-m nf

: county for n irn'al many years. It. 'on suht'ihil''d for last Sunday but

was called o|T for polttlo ivasonji. ,'('ho frauchlso cranU'd lo lho Morris

County Traction'Co. hy Unckaway town-ship provides thut tlio company - use

s.'voiuv-poiiiid rail?:; that Ihownrkof eon-striiL'tlim In- started within elf-lit uiuiiths

id that tho Mi. Tuhorsectlon, as well astin- lloouton section, liolh b<- oompli-todwithin two years.

1,l<!htulnp ilidMit'iii daiua^cal Kwrltts-. iwn nn'I'uo.-day uf hisi wo.'k. A barnowm-d hy a uiiiii named /toisirolT wasstruck and burned to Mie iirnuiiil, and abolt struck an Iron pot which Mrs. N. H.Shustor had In her hand and il!>l«n-n!wlher lluiinb. Another boll slmlliTid Iheroof of tlio parsoim»e.

At a special flection held in Morristown,on Wi'tincsday, the ordinance filvlnir thoMorris Conuty Traction Cnuipiiuvit fortyycur fruiiihiso to oporatt- Its roail throughtin; town, was owrwhi-lnilntriy approved.Tho Company Is bound to kwp tho str.-.-tsin which It rtiiH'in n-pairand hprinkled,;o maintain a regular schnlnlo of sorvii-.-it estabtlsluMl rates of fare.

Ml»es I.Iz/.k'Woidmiin.Su.anDutt andSarrU" Uuti of Portland, opposite Colum-bia, on -Ian. S, liiii.",. thivw inio the Dela-ivap' rivor at that, place u buttle In whichivn> a noli- asking the finder toconimuui-,:iito wilb ihoin. A few duvs ajio thov iv-c-eived a letter from tin- A'zons Islands,snyin^ tlwir. lh>- bottle had bi-on picket! upthere on .lulv U. lttftt, just a year and a

j half after it was siarieil on its lun« jour-


The llackettVtmvn Institute will•

;oiietpHoi; cholera is doimr a great deal of dam-.i'e through the northern counties) of the

State..There m'v at present TS men working, OH

the Suite Siinitnrimn buildings near (Menanlner.The electric light company of Hacketts-

. >wn is eoiL-idering the'estaMishinent of aday service.

Hackettstown tiremen arc arranging to'vhit EliKiibeth on .Sept. II, to participate inthe tiriiinenV parade

Tratili- on the Morris Canal was suspend-ed several days last week owing to n seri-ous break ut Wlmrton. " •

The Bloomsbniy Water Co. lias nearlycompleted the building of a reservoir n'tthat place. Pipe, is now being laid.- Deputy Conmy.Clerk .Tnhn Virth is ere.-t.ing a residence in Phillinshurg. winch heintends occupying upon its completion. ..

J,autcnnau Bros., proprietors of CedarLuko Cottage, arc.building an independenttelephone line between Cedar Luke and•RlHir-tnwn - .. ...... ... . . . " -._..

. LamWt K. ATiitiiititrof "CuiifbiiT'wUo isinterested in the huckleberry crop at Mt.P,ocJno, reports tbat.tliis; season's crop isthe lightest in years.. .. . '. Postmaster VTm. C. Ilowell has been in

charge of the Blairstown' Bank ilurinij tlieabsence of Cashier Dawes; who lias "been

ending his vacation iii Michigan.Deimar Groiiii has been appointed carrier

of R. F. D. route Xo. l from the Towiihburyjjostollice, succeeding .lolm Froine. who re-cently resigned. M'atilon SI. Kiiiuey.hasbeen appointed substitute. :°

Win. '.)cbs. ciitcherof the Pen Argyl basc-id tmui catcher for the.

married last Wed-M b l L f Plil

RADER'SA General "Round-up" of

the Balances of



Specials in Women's Muslin Under Gar-ments—Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Che-mises and Drawers.


Women's White Lace Hosiery--i8c forthe 25c kind, 25c for the 35c kind, 35c for the50c kind.

Famous "Tuxedo" Shirts, Cgc and g8c.


Specials in Dress Suit Cases, 98c to $5.00.


Special in Tailor Suitings for early fallwear.

Check and plaid grey Panama Suitings,48 in. wide, 50c per yard.

RADER'S, Easton, Pa.


Win. .)cbs. ciitchluill team, mid at onWashington club, w

d i ton club, was married l a t ed

nesday evening to Miss. Mabel Lee of Pliil-lipsburg, tbe wedding taking place atlierhome.. Mr. Oelis lives in Easton.

• Win. II. Swisher of Knowltoii lost a cow,by lightning recently and bus received &|.jiu settlement from the Iliuitenlon CountytyMutual Iiisnrinicu Cu. Thu company alsopaid him 510 for thu restricted flow of milkfrum'his cows, caused by lightning.

The heaviest loser by jiickpockots at (therecent TarnuM's1 Picnii: m Uelviileri- is saidty 1ii» F.mis.Hiirris of. Viuinm who .had . hisliockc'tlioolfr'cbiitaiiiiny'$UiT,'liitod;-Thebest way to attond picnics is to tala* abmitfour dollars along to cover actual expenses.

Robert, son of Freeholder Goo. Ijomma-Koii of Harmony township, wan married onTuesday oveniug of last week to Miss ,Ten-nit) Stute, .laughter of Aaron Stuto of Phil-lipslHirg. -Itov. B.' Clark Cliuu pcrformcrl:thc. ceremony-lit-tho. ..hninu' ot.thevbridu'Kparents. .. . " '&•""' ',',[""" " "

The factory, of the old Lawrciicu OrganCo., on Butler street, Easton, has been pur-chased by the Haytock Bilk Throwing Co.,

•Jho price paid being *S,(J0O. Tin; lniiublnuryiii thu hrgaiiTiiului'y-lias'heciiriurcliitsctl tiv-tho Diwhl-Sliiliing Co., who have a woodworking plant in Pitlmer township.

The fovty-lifth animal convention of thu"Warren County Hnnday School Associationwill lio held in tho Union church at Car-penter-svillo on Tlmmlay, Se.pt. ii. Therewill bo thrcu tjCSMOiip, morning, afternoonand evening, iunl.ii lino program j lias beenarranged. Thu Statu (-eeretary; •Rov}?KSlorris Ferguson of Kewitrk, will addreSHtho asHociation' anil instruct classes iu vari-ous nioUiods of Sunday school work.

A long, cool, refreshing drink, rend ad.,on another page. /. ;,• '



Tremendous Race Program16 Trotting and Pacing Races, 4 Run-ning Races. :

•|V-: FRANK VOKUM, 2.04>Kllie pacing sl:ir of 1906, will Ko to benl the ]lcthtL-hi;iii track

roconl on Wednesday, Sejit. 5th, for a special purse

l)f f 2.00O.CX). '

Grand Concerts by Famous BandsTucEday—Ilelhlciiem Band, 35 pieces.Wednesday—The Famous Uinj;»oltl Hand of Reading.Thursday—The Superb IJanj or Hand. • . . ; _ . .Friday—ICliiiyler's Rcnownud Allcutowu Baud.

St»"r'tlinj>r"slupeiuibus and sensational free stage attractions.Great exhibit ofjPiultry, Pigeons and I, ive stock. 'Hear in mindthe runninjj races—first in many years.


Admission to the whole sho\v725c(s.~"Carriages:Free'

SEPT. 4, 5 , 6 arid 7. 'O6

The Last One at

A\ro still luive one of 'the. justly cole-"bi-ated Empire Grain Drills which"we'll soil, in order to ofloeL ;i clo;ii-aiico,

"nt a BARGAIN. Every. 1'nnncrknowsthiit tho '"Empire is :tho most improvedmill most rclinblc drill made, forthei'S^ire scores ol! them in use right'.-iii tliis seetioii. "".'

Who s])cnks lirst V

Floyd Major Weller Bld'g,


Page 9: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft



PROFESSIONAL CARDSIndex to Those llipccl*nily l'rotiilnctit lit F.nw,.Mcdkliic Uctitlmry nnJOp He-, Intiirniicv, Me.

WM. A. STRYKER,20 Ent Washington Avenue, Washington, N. J.

COUNSELLOR.AT-LAWfiutiremc Court CotnmUMotirrfltul S(wctntMHMCI Iti Ui.uicery. I'nu-lliltmci In til!United SttiteN, Stnle mid County Com In

CHAS. B. SMITH, M. D.; 136 W. WaiMnjton Avenue

Smidnj-n from ) ( S ' ° ° l o t>-rm " • m >

l.oo lo j.uo VORicc Hours-; t.oo lo j.eo p . tii• . p . m . j tf i -3" ' • ' Hco j i . m

" l l Nj t3

-".Tclct>ltonc Nu. ml.

F. P. McKINSTRY. M. D.28 W. Washington Avtnut

a ftou

Special Sale of

RIBBONS• • . : • . . . • • • : — A T — • • • '• . . . . " . .

Beers'New Store3 and A in.nU.SUUTaffctia Uih-

lions" in black, white and colors;value 15c, at 10c.1

6 in. 1'crsian, all shades; value50c, nt 4Oc.

4 in. Persian, all sluiles; value40c at '25c. • i : X-

4 in. 1'Iaid, all shades; value 50c,nl Una.

3 in PlaMs, all shades; value 40c,at '25c. .

7 in. Mack Taffcita; value 75c,at SOc.

3 nncl4 in." Black Tuffctla, 10c,


BumlnyH from 1 (H-w- to 9.0011. m.l 3mtc l4 in . " BlackI * » I » ^ - ' ' , Office Hoiim]i.M 10 j . « p ; m . ' t n c a n d 2 S c . . "p. m. only ) (.<>.**> lo •;.& i>. til.

< Distance TeleliUmie.

F. J. LA RIEW, M. D.107 E. WaiMngton Avenue

Local ninl I


ff I) 1st a n

E. J. BERGEN, ALD.54 Eait Washington Ave. !

Waihtngton.'N. J.Spcclnl nttrnttoti ulvcn lo thrvnrloutt forms of

nervous dlsenw*.

Office Hours: from t to s j>. m.

G. 0 . TUNISON, M . . D .Oxford, New Jersey

: (7.potoi).oon. m .Ollieo Hours ' ! i.«>lo i .oo|i . in.

1 : (5.3" lo S.co \t. ill.Attention Ktvcit to disease* of tlur eye nnil



24 W. Washington Ave. Opp. St. Cloud Motel

3 mi>l 4 in. Tuffctta Satin, tillshade*, 20c niul 2 5 c

GEORGE W. BEERS36 and 3S E. Washington Avc.


Office and Residence, No. 115 Broad Street.

Office H o u r s : S.30 ;i. m. to s..p j>. 111.l"ele(>Lioiit;i:umii.'i:lii>iis.

DR. 0. T. FOXOffice and Residence, 172 Main Street


Office Hours ; l-'roui.) :i. m. to | | i . nt.

At l-ASTON, Frimkliii l l o t i * \ Tiri-^UAVS.

Aililre.*, Hath. l'«.'••'.'

for Headache

and Neuralgia.

For sale


- DR. M. S. SEII'Over Posl-olfice, Centre Square. EasLon. Pcnna.


Car Pare Allowed on $?.Q0 Glares.


HOUSE and LOTThe heirs of Miiry Vliet, •l<-cen«-.l, tut.- of

l:rnnkliii townsiiip, will sell (it vetidiic, upon thepremises, licr house :ntit lot ut Good SDritixs,iibout ten minutes' wiilk from tlic 1'JIsottCement l ' lant , nt 3 p. m.oii :

SATUKDAV, SEPT. 29, •()(>•The hit CQitliutis' tihutiL otic itcre, utiun which

ate M.-veral • Kood fruit trees nu.l :ui excellentgarden. There is rniininu water in ihedooryurd,I'toiiKlit with jiii>e from u fine s|.rin>,' ue:iil>y.The uthirr iiiilTovyiiifiits rin- ci «0Oil

S-ROO.M l-'KAMK IIWSI; i'A storit-s tiijjli.The proiierty is in tin trluvutii], hiiitthy locu-

tion find couinifimls a imiKiiKicciit view of Hievulk-v.

The Tiivoiahlc locattou tiiakes- this j.i'opertym! 11 K U ! i l i i i i l

ulkv.The Tiiv ahlc lo

m! 11KUD! invtsliitii-TUN Ill-SIRS. •

T\A/O Wood Lots


•„ over Radcr's Store EASTON, PA. |

eYE EXAMINATIONS i Township ot Bethlehem,

Tlie .-iiiis'crilwr, hiflr-nl-liuv or William MilleeeeLL.-ed. l:iie of WaMititj-ton townshii>. Warreomity, olTer.-i for «ile two wo.nl lols in the


Spectacles and Eyeglasses ~"direct from Hit; factory. Oiir

UitE us to make tliV fln«Klasses in the world. UT<have pntrotis in every Stale iO r x i i k i ^ l T j o r i i i l i o n s :

DR. A. P. LUBACH,,.,(311 censor to Dr. Kundlt;)


••'• Graduate. Ontario W-torinary Colk-RC

Office, No. 27 West Washington Avenue.


Agent ror"imd" Denier in Heal Kslate.IUSTICI-: 01? T H I ? I ' K A C K ,


ALEX. ANDERSON149 E. Washington Ave., Washington, N. J.

SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEERNotary 1'iiblic, CUy'litiglnccr, Fire and Life

. Insurance, UenK .nte ARe.it.* Wonderful llnrgaius in l : nrm I'ro]>erly.

D. V. WYCKOFF "18 Broad Street, Washington, N. J.



. v.. Rents Collected,. ConmiiKslontr.of Deeds, ,

ocal.Telephone Call No. Si. .

J. W. McMANIMANUunler in '-


ornrit Room 4, Opera House BlockS^s Waihinston. N. J.


55and57 West 26th Strcet.'Ncw VorkN. Y. Tclelilioiie No. 2^38 Mndlson Sq.

I N f l Ave n l I1

Star nnd TltriMjaiWcck^N. Y. World (3.:" St i r ind "TiiriciS-Aycck Tribune 52.25.

LOT No.tlie liitulsA V

ail mitiitv. -nlioitl (* of Junct ion.

mtnins iSSn-iotains iS S6imncM:scrly owned by I1ee : n l W

mi iitljoinVislcy ne y I e o i n V l c

VauSjtkle :ni«l WyekoiHI.UT No . 2 conta ins 5 ^o-iro acres and tm

tnedialely ailjoins I In- ubuve lot.The titiil.tr isof atiout ,55 yuiirs' Kroivtli.

learn tlie lerms i-lioiiUt call on Simon W. NmiuTort Colden, X. J. ANNA I. NL'NX.' AMR. 23tf. " • • • ' .

CATARRiEly's Craara Salhs

Is quickly absorbed.'Gives nolicf'at Onco.'

It cleanses, s'oolliesheals find protectsthe iliseaaoiV mom-brnue. It euros Ca-tarrh ftiul clrivosaway a Cold in tlio _ _ ^ _ _Head quickly. l t c - U A yBtorea tbo SCUSCQ of H f l 1Tnato mid SniotI, •- full size 50 cts.; nt DruR-gists or by mail j Trial Size 10 cts. by mail.1

ElyUrotbers.DOWarfcnStroet.NowY' * '


VALJUABLE TRACTTlnjs»l)ScrHii!i\vinoiVorlHirtinn««ni:!!ieics

slltiiiteil 011 llic mini leading fmm r o n M u rniyliiMl..lt(-Lliu], 11L ]iubliu sulc, ill Hie I'urlMuriiiy linlol,alonuU'IIIOL'U on.

Thursday, Sept. 20, 1906Fifty iKjres iiro.'wvnrctl will) 11 vnry liouvy

Ki'owthnrilintiot-; Ihu bttlatiw is litnn land ofgood qimllly. There IN nu

JUON OIIK MINKonlhis |iro|ierly whiuh wtis almndmii'd dmIni,'tin; Krai tpanlij of'1ST:! to IS7H. Tlicorclthu vory 1ii'st.,v • a

Tin; pmi iur iy 'wi l l - lie wili l .ns it is, o r t l iU m b e r suimnUely. Cundl l iuns miidc Irnowi

" i l S U .. M A U G A U K T H I V A T Y .

Chas. R. FordFurnishing Undertaker

NIGHT CALLSAt my Residence, 71 E. Church St.





Tiiat iiiTJiiipt'iiK'Ht of n ft'lltnv'rt Ju-lli-s \n Iiy nil odd* best wlicn; lu> ilrlveahN work inn] (s not driven by it. .'":

A paslinv lot full of hull thistles toHlniply a plea to tlio owner ut tlio fiiruion which they nro lorn toil for Invpst-tnmit In a flock »f sln'i»p.

An ;i In lust lilcat rnndltlon of hmt}t(4utru wonhl \m that under whichen eh fmnily con Id have ns imicli landas it could ciiro for properly withoutoutslilo help.

I)iini]niL'SM, Hltli anil Ik t* 11 iv tliotlitvo K' 'itc.-it cnpinivs oT siirti'ssfulpoultry raising. With Hujst; cotiditlonsell in I nu I cd tho person 01' ordinary in-tolllHunce lias lilllu eaHrtu'fur. worry.

Tree tluuutiircil alcohol not onlyglvys pro'nilwV of,putting an oiul toUIU'CUHUIIHIJIL1 prlcL's for koiusi'iie andXiisollue,• Imt will also ilonway withtwenty *;e:it potatoes and forn. Notonly Its actual but Its potential t'lTectswill be neni-IMal.

A*;..showin;? tliat th« Anieriuan wayIs ontHilDK in inory llelds thnn one wenoted lately thai nu Irrigation ditchhas recently Imoii IIHK on the islmul ofHawaii which Is fourteen miles long'and furnishes "0,000.000 gallons of wa-ter dully to.fertile, yet si-nilarid [ior-Ikmsof Hi" Island.

While from now on some articles offood may cost more, tlio consumer willhave tlu> satisfaction of knowing thatlie Is getting wtiat lie has paid for; thathis coffee isn't chicory, ln'owu paper orclay; that his sirup isn't H glucose orcorncob concoction; that his mustardIsn't more than half starch nud hispopper plain dirt.

It Is mated on gooil authority thatmany fruit and berry producing plantsare not only protected, but also thatthe supply Is maintained on account of,the bright color of fruit. It litMiig" heldthat the birds art- attracted by thebright colors, and they not only helpto destroy noxious insects, but iils-o'dls-seminate the seed.

If any of the 'renders of these uotesare planning to pnt down cementwalks 1L will hu~\wU:lu*Ut!u|> Hie mix-ing box for (he cement from under tie-slrable shade tre'1-*. .\V<' hitvr> noticedi\ number of such trees Mils seasonwhose tower limbs have been seri-ously scorched by the fumes arisingfrom the box beneath.

When only small uuamiUod of mill;are handled, or the separator i.s notused, It i.s very essential to cool theinilk In cold water ^before puttingaway for the cream U»"iise. Tlie rea-son for this is that the bacteria in themilk multiply vt'i-y 'rapidly uulw.s thelompernturo nf the milk is loweredquickly, aud the mill: !s- less :i]>L toV:eep sweet as long as it would other-wise.

What is more' unsightly. than a gar-deii"•where the remains of the lettuce,radishes, peas and beans nud otheroavly vegetables which have been con-

'biiuiird'.'Li'G lefno-;f.'oy.Mip..-with'wcctla?.The land'should lie thoroughly cleared

•:oC. every tiling, and, so wed,, to., turnips .orsome other' early maturing crop. A;

good manager can work his land tohis profit the .same as his hired helpand yet reduce neither to tlie point ofexhaustion.

What isvuioro pitiful'than neglectedold age? .People don't change iu a min-uto or mi, hour, ami unless they iireutterly'"Itd'lrlcss. they aye going to re-tain some of the Ideas and ways oftheir more active days. Habit's chainIs strong. It 'Is easy in these busy,tired days to be careless in one's per-sonal appearance and dross, but it Isworth while lo ('.o tlie best you can, for.loose, slouchy habits are wonderfullyeasy to fall Into nud just as; hard toovercome. . '-:

"""'An7iuspcct!oii:-ot'.':tli(j;;dlll'erent .croptotals' iiiul •averages covering a periodoC years forces ' the conviction thatthere' must bo a woeful amount of.shoddy, shabby, slipshod farming to tie-count for tlie amaKiugly low averagesthat, are credited to Uu> different: cropproducts. It simply means Unit thereis n big nigger in tho agriculturalwoodpile, ami'it is with a view of get-ting him out that a large portion of thefunds and efforts of tho agriculturaldepartment is expended. &

Warm and Dry llnanf, Klrt'tirouf nniltJuliMlnutlnl-CiiHl, *li,(I<MI,

(Coityrhctil, I'M. \,y Urnry U Wlttcklml.ChkuKu. '111.1 , . •

This H 11 liolluw i-om-n-tp Itlot'k n'«l*donee- of two unit oiit'-hnlf «torlcs, withbiiKeuieiit and a .sliluglo roof. Tliu xHvof the hlock UKed In this design U eightInches high and sixteen ladies long.The design fjin lie nrranged, however,to necoiiiniodntp any size block. Hoilow couifix'to hlwk cuiistructluu InsnriM

11 warm and dry house, cu>U li^s liuincoiniuon brick ami rei|iiIreH little or norepairing, it Is nNo Urcproi»f jitid .sub-stantial in appearance.

On the tlrst Hoor nro 11 p:irlor withan open llroplace, a dining room with uKldohoard, a kitcliou and a pantry withdresser ami shelves. •There are slidingdoors between the parlor tnul diningroom ami np<<n front and rear stair-Wi:;*«, (lit Hie second floor are fourbedr/oms and n bathroom, with ampleclow t '• "space. Tlie butliroom has a

Among the worst kind of peoplethat can come.into a community "retho migratory class or those that donot possess or have any desire topossess any regular employment.These people have nothing themselves,have nothing to give to the communityand in tho end carry away the IJttlethey may have earned to spend else-where. Their Iiomeiife Is a miserablemakeshift, and the children are poorlyclothed aud fed. Tnelr motto rends,"The easiest way^ Is always tlio bestway."

• ' . . . • y ' , £ . - . . , < & • • • - 1 ' . . .



medicine cabinet built In over thelavatory, with a plate glass mirror intho door. The plumbing is modern.

The Interior trim of the hall, parlorami dining romn is oak, the Moors beingof ilie same material. The kitchen andpaniry sire trrmmed with Georgia pineana have .maple doors.. The .bedroomsare llnishwl iu Georgia pine. The atticis Uooreil, but lias no other linish. The


basement contains a laundry, with sta-tionary tubs, furiuico room and coalbins. Tho floors are of! cement.

The total width is 27 feet 4 Indies;depth \io foot -I inches. Tho height oftlie basement is .7 foot (J inches, firststory 0 f'jet'Qj inches, second story 0foot. : ' .

Kslimatcd cost, $2,G00. 'r

•UENUY Ty, W1TTKEIXD.Chicago, III. •

l.lvin- Iu (iliiss Holism.'•'• That living in glass bouses la not anIdle dream i-H shown by Frank 0. Per-kins in the Technical World in au arti-cle entitled "Modern American. GlassHouses." Mr, Perkius says:

"Those .buildings wore dosigucd byC. K. Kiisslnmu, a well known archlloctof: Dcs Moinos, la., whoso Idea of: glasswall; constntetiou includes the use ofmilk white opalescent wire glass ou'e-fourlh oE aiV-inch thick securely fixedhi" two"-1 steel'vertical divisions, whicharc parallel ami Ince'd" together Cor U10purpose of stiiTeuiug. These divisionsnro supported nt the floors by bracketsriveted to tlio steel channels of tliefloor construction.

'•The wall thus consists of two glazedscreens separated by a'foot of dead :iirBp'ncc, which affords insulation againstheat, cold or sound to as groat aa ox-tent as would a solid bviek wall of) tliosame thickness. Tub double vortical di-visions arev, spaced about four "feetapart.1 • ••'. .

"Tho two glass''- screens are. traus-lucent lo any degrfio desired. Tho ex-terior offect Is thn^ of a uinrblo wall."




The Judy's iliiuglitiT wn* pernirlied."lVipn." she K:IM. knitting lur prrtly

brow, "I tun In doubt n* t>» wlicilu-r I (lutw kept to 1 In- pr»pi-r forni uf pnt- jciilure. In law one ran err in *•> mnny 'lit tit- tefhnlcalilicK thai I ti:-i I-HT To.ir-ful. Now, !rt«*t ovcnlng (ii'iii'g'S"—

Tin* Judgt" Inokeil at lu-r w sharplyover Itl-t gl:i,<sc.s Unit (-In1 InvohmtarllypalWCil. • :

"I thought ymi h:id sent lihn abouthis ImxlnesV lie KIM,

"I did hand down I'll tulvcrso decl*filuit,'*. tiltu nusu'i'ri'il. "ami li'Mh-i-lareilUnit he wouM nppea!. H"»-eviT. I con-vinced him that I wa* ilie court iif histresort in a rase like that ami that 110appeal would lie from my division."; -

"rosslbly ihf court was a^iuuliitf n Ij llttli; tiiore power ihau rightfully be-

longs to It." said the JudKe thoughl-fully. •'Hut let that pas-J. What didhe do thenV .

"IW filed a petition for it rcheiirhig.""The usual course." wild ihe Judge.

"Hut it Is usually mulling hul a mereformality."

"rin. I ilnmgbt." returiu'd tin- gii-;,"and I WIIH prepared to deny It with-out airnment, but tin- farts set forthin )\U petition were Hii!ic!<>ut d» makeme hesitate ami wonder whether hiswisi' hud really lieeii properly pr**-seined at the ilrsi trial."

"L'poli what grounds dtil he innl;e theapplication':" asked the judge, scowl-ing.

"Well." she replied, blushing n little,"you ceu lie proposed by letter, audliU contention was that the case wasof that poftilljir character that cannotbe properly presented by briefs, butdemands oral arguments, The metUnit the hitter had lnvn oinltti'd. heheld, should be held to be an error, andtliu point was such a novel one that Iconsented to let him jirgue it. ThenIlls argument was wo forceful that Igrunted'hls petition and consented tobear tho whole case ngalit, Tio youthiuk"-

"I think,*' said the Judge, "tliut thecourt favors the plaint Iff."—ChicagoTost,

Very 1'oUto.Aii inspector upon his regular rounds

rang a bell at the dour of a smalt dwell-ing, a little lot. acting as nialil, openedthe ilour and the Mlou'Iug t.-olloi[uytook place:

"Tell your mother that the water In-spector would like to sen her."

"YPS, sir. Hiit- will you'please turnyour back?"

"WhatV Will I pli'ase du what?""Just turn your back a nioiueut. sir;

for I do not want t» shut the door Inyour face."— I.ippincott's Magazine.

TWO YCAnS' CREDIT IF N CEO ED!lopla»iA H C" Ux (JfT.liti jwir Iv-ni* flth a l^iullfsi Hljh-

Jrada C*"nl»hPI»naer Organ,•JiMl»ni-f i-»jnin.ifcrt*ii;H>HI jixir cuctcuidic*. f t-nul utu.i. « • n n Htlif» »r./

" " " lift Ml*


honil w i m anona-hall »Ut

•f,U.!r 1,» tl.B KiufloluurlVt.rTI'rlcTunl(jnl.'iyMnni UiMirint.»v*. V«*>llihlranr

.-.."Is your 1111s! 1aml a biblioinauiauV".asked Mrs. Oldcastle as she was beingpormjttod > view tho trcasurc.s in thelibrary of the new neighbors.

"Mercy sake-s, uol" replied Mrs.riickeuttam. "He never blbbles :i bit.Oh, of course. I don't say that liewouldn't take a little at his meals Ifthe rest was doin' it. but. that's as faras he ever goes in them kind ofthings."—Cliluiso Kcconl-Ileralil.

Winiioil Sonic AtK-iilton.Klhel liocnmi—I think Ii's moan for

grown folks to be always saying,"Children should be seen and nothoard."• Wllllu-1 '-Bunnim'-" ([.lillosophlcally)—Wcll, I don't care 'much if they won'tlisten to me if they will only watch mowhile I'm showing oil'.—Brooklyn

•haap!|^»HhyVoVdi7^'-^Cn''7lL*"UT*H*l*A-^loTl\VAa^'l.„ . . .,.. >Tl furtfta.fc «trrmul*ilcrin.H1Ftt«I(itn.

Distance is no ob[ec*lion. We ship promptlyeverywhere. \7e have" ]0,C00 satisfied patrons.



Worltl-ronownvd C<>i-

tlOririin*. U-#ftn|.|>T


, _ iliun-l trll at tintIVI.!It>ulilk tlie liiinl t'iiuiui anil Ursam Iu iiuorlca. lul

'lirwt'.1 anTlf

'"'""bnrii.r""'-1""1 '"1 ' '-1




'. } ricasant to Taltc,-' Pouurlul lo Cure,

and WelcomeIn Every Home.

KIDNEY AND LIVER CUREDr. David Kcnnwly'a Favorite Tlcmnly Is niliiplcd'

to nil «-,'<•» ami limh sesca, iillwding iwriiumcnt relief[11 nil caa0H ti'.ii-ud liy Impurity of tlie tilood, such usKltincy, itlmUlvr nml I.lvcr complaints; cures coti-Blliiiitlonmid wi'nkni't-os juculiiir lo women. . ])ril-llanily successful for nuurly Ufty yrnra; cures wlicrootliuf nii'diciiii'H liavu loi 11 liy fjitltd, ntul h:ia wonho-tsof wiirmrrioiiils.-Seiiif for a free trial bottleittid booklet i:(nilrti;:ii!gv!tli]:ibloiiie(lici[]advice,midnn *'Kii!*y Tesi" fur (Jiscovering Kidnt-y d^easc.Addrt^H Dr. Imvld Kemiwly's tfoiis", Homlom. K. y. .

lt<'tiu-iii!)t-i-, Ilie full ti:imuiB Dr. I):ivl<l K<'iine-dy's ].-:ivnrit*> l i r m t - l y , nimlc Rt Ktmdotit, X. V.Price $1 .I'D, or 0 boitius for 53.C0, at all dru^lsta.

f"There's no aceoiiuting for tastes.

• Xow... iron • is1":goodr.i'or.;:*:some •• folk*';blooil," remarkeil tho worm, as theangler stuck the book.in liim.:'fbiit-Iknow It will bo the death of me." •

And yet the llsh that got the iron alittle later was simply carried awaywith It—Uolicniitm Muguxlne.

I'roof Positive."PrettyV Ob. yes, rather; but shu

has no miml'oi' her own.""Wint""makes* you say thai?" .'•Why, just see how Ions she c:m

keep a eooic."—I'hilailolpliia NorthAmerican.

Specifics cure by acting directly on tiiosick purls without disturbing tho rost o£tho Bj-stcm.

No. 1 for Fevers.Ko. 2 " Worms. 'No. 3 •« TeelWng.No. i " Diiirrhen.No. 7 " Coayhs.

K l i

— - • - - - . -•"No.'10 " l)ysi)Ci»sia. ; '•-

No. 11 " Suppressed l'criods.No. 12 " Whites.No'. 13 " Croup. .No. 1-1 " Tlie Skin.No. 15 " Iiheiinmtism.Ko. 1C " Mulariii, 'Ko.l!) ", CitUiTli.1" • -' t- ; .

'•- • No. 20 " Whooping Cough.No. 27 " ThoKitluoys.Ko. 30 " Tho Blmldcr.

., Ko. 77 " Lii Grippe.In snmll bottles o£ pellets tlmt fit the vest

ocket. At Dnii^'ists or mailed, 25c. cue]].^scr-Mcilirnl Cuido mailed free.

Ilnmithreys'aud. Co.,Cor. \Vllllum& John StrcutM,Now York.

s. riiatlo—Oh. now you've come Iilo liop&tyou'Il slay to lunch ami lotyour husbaud call fiir you. What doesho like best for lunch? ' "•.- .

MKS. Vongo—Anything thai wo haven'tpot on tho table, as n. general rule.

•Top!""1 ."Yes, my son." • ."What is'.n briinctto?" ^"Wliy, :i linmotto, my boy. Is a'wom-

an who becomes tiroil oF being' ablond."—Yonkors Statpsmau.,s/^T ,

prcpnra thoronRlilafot biis-inws nnd«btalii9 positions for ni 1 {•rndiuut3of C o m p l e t e .Commercial,C o u r s e . Tins" cniirse»Bi«.'s '"-tutiJ ely |irni;tic:ilwor!t in Account-•

£•' inji, Bunklnjii Corrcspon-deuce. Penmanship,Slcnoo-raphy* Typewriting, cU'.

Tclcaranliy nnil l(!iilro:id worknlso putct'ssnilly timj-ht.

Cnll or write for fruo catalogue.Aildrusa

lie, N, I

C. S. AmermanFurnishingUndertaher

Office: 42 K. Wnahliigto'n Ave.r, . Residence: .59-RnIlrond^Ave

Pcrsoual Alteutton Dny or Night . ,

Stnr and" Thrice-a-Wcok Tribune $2.25,Star and Tlirice-a-Wcck N. Y. World $2.

nymmThe JeweliSr?

is now in his new and larg-j •-; VJer :quarters —- one of the •••:^\";most attractive storerooms •!.'•' •''.'•'<in the county—tlie remod-";':• -i;.'.'eled Cyphers Building.::";'"'::::;;


which is to be still furtherenlarged, awaits your in- -spection. I.ow prices andsuperior workmanship are ;largely responsible for a "":••'"

. Constantly IncreasingBusiness.

Remember the new loca- *tion—in the room former-ly occupied by Geol' W.Beers' fancy goods store.

OB. HULL34 K. Washington Avenue

: Manufacturers ofNew and Origin-al Designs of

Granite and Marble

[MONUMENTS. ,.. and all other kinds of

Cemeterj' AVork. '

So. Front St., EASTON, PA.

I • • • « • • • • • • . • • • • • a

Menuxnents !li.-ivt; t>ccti n Icnilur in the moininiculnl busi-i for the" Inst 13 years, ntul nm able to furnishk cheaper tlmti ever. 1 now have all the itp-

to^lnte initcliitiei'x with which to cut, enrve, pol-ish and letter, iticliiriiiiff : -• ...'

Steam Power and the PneumaticTool System.

Here you'll find the iip-to-dnte ilesifjus mid aE;OOI1 stock lo select from for prompt delivery•Grave borders, Settees, Chairs, etc. for plots.

CHARLES FORCEThis is the only, shop in Warren county equip

ped with iiueiuntitic tools.

Whips, Lap Robes, Dust-ers, Coolers, Slieets, Col-lars, Saddles, Pads, AxleGrease and a full line of all

™Lother..kmdsi.or ;horee; and. |...... -^ ^.ji



212 NorthamptonStreet,


Teeth extracted absolutely without pain.The best set of teeth that can be made

for only $8.00.

NOTICE.In thi'MnlUM-orthe Kstate \ Rule lo liar ,„;of.lohn Anderson, dwioaKcaJ Creilltors. , V ,

Pursuant to tlie order or Hie Surrogate oftin' County or Warrcii, inmlc-.-on tho Twenty-,third dity of .liu'y, A. i\ Nineteen Hundredand Wlx, nutlcu Is hereby u'lven lo all lier.soasliiivl»L'(!l»lnisiii;iilnst.llio ICstaleof .lodn An-dei-soii, Inlo'uf lliu County of Wancn, dc- T "eoasod, to pvcsonl Hit: sumo to the subscriber,,his iidiuiiilstraloi-, on or Iwforu IlieTwcnty- .third diiy of April A. It. Nlneterjii Hundredanil Suvoti, boln^ Xln« Months from tlio autooftho said onlcr'i nnd any creditor" neglecting rto brliijr In and exhibit. Ins or liorelnims uudcrotithoiMillli'iiniilon, witliliithotlmcsollinlted, :

will be (forever luu-red nf his or hor actionagulnst the said AdminIstmtoiv ' .

-• ' • ' " KLI.TAU ANOBK30N,1

Dated: July 'n , lOWI." '''--, Admlnlstrnlor.I'l-csunl elalins to Jni J,, Anderson, I'roc-.-'"•'-

tor; aaCoriliiiidtMreet, New York. : , ,.s •- •'" .l'r's fee, SO.OO. - .• ; •$ . • v]" ' :.' •• ' •.' .'!

EYST©NEI N C U B A T O R ...•;"•••

h a s " succe s s " stampedall ever it. You'llknowTnW H Y wlisn - youdlcam

j w l t ' s built ami opcr-cs . Ncwcntnloetella

.fitv nnd HOW. Frco. .„.,«Write for U-J today. " S

The DibL'.-Sohllllng o i , I)L-Box 041 Kuton, P». •;-,:

Page 10: OVER 1000 ON EXCURSION · tions at Washington, to accommodate peopl e living between Washington ami one excursion train leave the lake, at five o'clock. This was done, through °thft

'"'»>•• m i t n t with])U<l!m> iviis with frlk-iuU in Mr* M ^iSliniliiy. NVvrnrk an-.4 Fiish uf llolioken was n vUit- frlrnilrt amiiKton lutt week. , , ;.: | j^nliinlixy th

roth-. KIISA'X craiii.v. » ' • t'TO'l'.-r.my'/nni'lU IM niH'mlliiK this , > ! r ' , G < ' 0 ' , 'I'liitlvw In NVvvtlm. vlnltaUlrtillorrl il Ml»s Mali- HIIIUT }„,„• KrlitaffthriHikof Brooklyn lit visit- who hua btvhiT. Mr*. T. II. Hullck. . Mr. John 1k TlmtfhtTHf .Vwnrk hiw the inttirV Ktt locnl rflittivts tills wifk. HiuibnviUi* u,in Thorp nml Inmily rajoyml tiny. At th|) to Ffnmvillt! hist Sntunlny. CT'1"" o( MiMr*. Frank W. Clmnilwrlln 2u?S'rt,Jri,it .Similny nt Ilvltewoud Park. " „ ' • '"•,"'liml « off ilntr nt MnjorV . . , , v'r? Vt«» ln,t week tnlitaBhlsva™- SStomobl"
