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-OVER 75^ READBl^ secoMD CLASS pomsE-^ PAID AT LOSiANCCLES, CAUT PMUSHED «rtDa.V except last week or tea* PACIFIC CITIZEN By the Board: Changing Emphasis VOL. 60 NO. 25 PftlOAY. JUNE 18, 1965 Tbt rPAl problnn htre U * due* *tnieiu«. How CM a (iapw «T DE. DAVn> M*U»A OIW* 0«lr«.n Lose Beadi *'*' *■* ciapw pn^Iy -jj«Kl>f*«-tSefiv»cuat«on. 'i* mcmbcrahip u'tten U t^Twlire «Bcr*y rf ^ •<JO. SS, or S6 membenhjp ^„p«xi*dOBtfen.tta>aI Tbc dues j «Htb particular on ndiculouily low, Everv- proa«S. and anbody d^S public reUltoos. re- tie «n*ttia* years to uicreaie their dues for _ been a *radual deempha- tosing merabeis. We have 1 Bitional matters wtih more obsessed with the idea that ccergy bring exerted oo Increase m dues would result r:roblemj and local P.R. Some « <tocrease in membership, but dlsencbanted wt.h ^ Ince»*e,1«n^^otber. - because this ewlutloo is tak- * decrease in services is tJi..- too slowly. ^ * iBcmber- •fs Nri « Chapters would be wise to sup. drastic chanfe is -our dues oe few of our Cbipters are truly rtiied with Oe American QvU structure . Movvmetfwith special of the duet increase stays with the _i AMERICAN, because ifs chapter. A uniform dues schedule etu m escaj* Involvement by of tto for single membership and isg this a SefTO Revolution SS for wives is weU below the .Hegro Civil RigbU Move- average dues far service organka- •ft, Negrt Is the driving tions. Of this amount M should re- COLOA.UX) SCnOL.^BS - DenverMavo^ triuad tblj movemMl. W main with the chapter for each jm- Currigaa congratulates winners of scholai _pt$ and guerjn^ they seek gfa membership and «} far each awarded to ifrom lefti Melody Fujimori of Ucte that aR Americans must membership. What could your Hi^ Denvc*. the S250 Larrr' 7 . clupter do with this kind of money Award: to Shunsaku Sugiura of :-n-aJe deli«ni»cy among-the to work with. me $2So Harry H. Sakau Mcme I. beeoml^ > real ^blem Lef* compare this sebedule with _ TrtaiB areas, but JACLli^s not the present one. figured on aver- nAMUAV m^uaw aan« 50 chapter candidates apply for Masaoka scholarship LOS JCfCELES-Fifty J.ACL c!i«> s,sps,r^*Si- ?Sp;;,^r?S.?srr nwrtal Schol«-,h,p-the mo.t fer any year smev the program began sirs Hsrr>.......... in 1»46. ----------- The Scbolarshlp is now worth MDO arith Or. Harry Abe ^ New York d' and Dr. James Mimora of Birm ingham. Hicfa., eo-wtnaers of tht first Masaoka award. sufqdemeBt- ing the original eOO offered' by Mrs. Haru Masaoka with MOD con- trtbutijns. National JACL. which ad-min s- ters the scbolarslup. said the iMr. a •I. HA Ann ruks iMr and Mrs Ceorgr Ishu 2a?£?;7r%^i^,-su*.lwy. Mr and Mrs Siasayukl Ka; Dm! Ml IMr. and aglan BA. Ka'iuin'Mr'aM MnHenar’T^SaT siili. Dal Ore BA. Lnenito. riar . " R. Naka:a of Ft. Lopton High, glQO MUe-H; Award; scholarships and to Bruce Kamado of Manual High Denver.-S30D East Cathay .AmcricM Legion Poit lES Award. The I2» S. Tajiri Memorial Rocky Mountain Ni.«o: War Memorial Award was West High Denver, presented in absentia to Ann Midori Fujimoto of Mcmorul Awaid: to Ins Alamosa High. Tom hUsamon Photo wiii b, ».<!. W . pu.i'S'SdJ',SS-SStiSSStS: in the metropolitan Portland area, berc Emsirm RS _ i*teatrUftBen Tamatata IMr. a^ 7Mun,,k,- vjsr^r S3S0 each and four ta» supple- i.u h mental National JACL scbQlar- _ ____ ________ KonakI and Kn KiyotfU Krta- mando RA sups. rawai. San ramando HA JACL also rotates the responsi- of Judging a^ ttie eight ha^ Kiuokai. wnr ------------ - ., . present ooe. figured o ^ with the problmn. age membership dues of SS SO for aged Issei have need for sagic and U3S for wives with a s taodi of aerviees and yet memberahip of U.500 single and DENVER-Ihe Japanese Ameri- SAN FRANCISCO - Denver mayor congrafulales M le-Hi scholarship awardees Tliiriy NUei art or modem^ «.in high school, gram district councils within IbeMtlonal organization with a chapUrNit^ the district assuming the asUgiT ment This year, the scholarship pr<v died by its newly Mimikn XoWUn B identify with this problem. OOO against present SaSAOO Net to schoUrship winner* at a grad- degrees at the Univ. of Ciiiferela M. rc is great need for betuir National; *111,000 against present dmner-danec Satur.,ay at the Medical Center June S. jiatify relstMBS.-teterMl and *74.000. Net to Chapters. S3S.OOO Albany Hotel Mayor To:ii Currigan Kenneth K. Takeda of .Anaheim la,ts was awarded the top prize given Museum. ™i P.R.. but LTJe in this npiaf*--^ I" *♦e*-- ***"* exfaibi'cd at de Yminit - . prize . Another reason far sutmortine k ***"- v^ to the senior student-wbo has most Sr.i-on. the diught-r <.T Mr. and uaitorm dues structure is th*t tills * »fw *250 award_was instituted consistently displayed to* the Ms Harold Iwamava. will major . 1 memory highest intellertaai aehfevemcnl in ir.rdical tec .-.;.-.ry of lArry S. Tajiri and presented and moral character befitting his Bcrh. by the Mile-Hi JACL t C.C. rcicy and was active in scho. Church of Chri,t his parents and high school follow: CMvcUaa—Sojrcr Tnshl Anraku IMr. ana Mn T»<«ud Anrakui, Konh Rsgn I <Mr. (Mrs. s; Tanno laboren may besenihomein twoweebiWrlz (Mr Trrni MsUumoni. SoRUn HA.. ^lb>l'LM^MFln—KenJI Art MlTk- nwln <Hr arvl Mrs &tdlc Mlysmotoi. OsrfKifl HA Schaal aiackUMiCall Mirhike Dobani M Mn. FM Dobsnsl. b' KsrarSSf./nmplseency fa the face ri „,n,s,.rd,io Hosokawa to Melody nijimori of Melvfa Y. Matsushima student J>«>uis. She was rcs-.Ms! winner problems. One of the con- . ^ rhant^r, ^ High, dauriiier of Mr. 3rd b^cy cresiden* and onlv student to *«* •!*« ^*>1 Fbundstidh Future Sci- ; sesn. 1. n. "» '*•1*" Mr,:. Ki™ P«lmort ^ Day,.. 3g.S o! ..-.rd. Mioy chapters devote a s -........................................... ........ . - part .of (heir energies to Chapters must begin U.V. vsUl tojl. c«>ra< Drill. G.n J?" .vr^: rs- . CoDege. Oak- •■Rise of Student Activiues in 19(3". ChrirJne is the daughter of Mr. tomk Und. m the fall. Hr aij„ W Svmpse. and Mrs. Dale Monoka.s-uidying Dcmbershlp campaign and about these problems todav soViat Th' Mile-Hi Hirry H. SnkaU rtudwit pubbeation whSh suppan- eomputerpnsgramming at UC nmngactMtlM. loavfag lit- they would be oreoared to do sodJa. ""-I Award i*2»i was pre- sd P.csidcm Qark Krrr^twd fa Berkeley and who wasactive nt •taeUc faer^ pjbiem^ac- ^ ^ ^mwidl^Mil^ chapter presi- opposing the Free SjwrtMov-e- aehool, Christ Episcopal Church be eommiudty and the efcap- •• *" d*.n; Doa Tanabe to Shunsaku Su- n,,.oj oo the Berkeley cgHlSus and the Girl ScouU veouoo m-«6. The strength of our giura. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sugito XL,u,.Aim.. Judges for the scholarship, ad- e taennial cry at eoovenO* nattonal orgeniza-jon ifapeods «o Sugiora of Denver. The jwanJee »iudoo- Another den- miiUs-^red bv JACL. wp*.- u, -Tto much of the money the slrenglh of its comp««a chai> bar been accepted at Princeton M„ y„ Hi™«ka. to Briional". Tills may be so. tors, and anything faat would help wfc re ise will major u*. premed. to reality national could g:\e to strengthen'them should be given1 « Rocky Mountain Nisei War'ceorce Hiiira of Palo Alto ar direct aerviee to to. eh.,s your moM carriul and tbougbtfal 31. naria! Award .«». was jre- ^ ^ N sri SvJSU fal- t it bad additfanal tfuireJ consideratioD. le. od by John Noguchi. Nisei P?- moui AUm u iMr. and Uhim. H9. Cot"MT atis-rMuBiauHssine Klyoml Ha- Shi (1 ".■It..' Mrs Hsmld------------------------ Ska t>lPZ» penm. Ray IMr and Mn. FTvd Mures Vina HS. ImppnalT and Mn. YuJI ruji Kssi.'s; Oirjha Canu •s. Samuel iTii-f-jii r IISTORY PROJECT; chau^. to ^ Midori Fujimnlo.aod Mrs. Homer Izuipi, tormeriy Ou^^eur^rf i in absentia. The Alamosa High of Albany. Calil.._ap<l Stetfaan Ko- .^„rds't Periiaiid Slate Co-ed Ouchida. Mf! Jark oiiutabO'nK , - ------------------ _ai^_apo aiepnan rw> ^.rerds ut Portland Slate Collos - son Fran;^;™;* excellence in sc-bolarship ana acli- i? Use: section foremen were esl rodeo, continuous since 1B». Higfa daujfater LOS ANGELESAH foreign farm Uborers. inc from Japan n r arui aare caoie aavamou... bto sent home ______ aiu'ia-pa.ruhr-Mukai (Mr and »» growing number ed S?. Stts*"' :*» ^rSui.^faSSt^HA Kogye Yoaegaki. tanno pcogran supervfaor here, uid the news --T ii ;____ eam« *s a complete surprise. Cov- enunrat officiaU bad assured Um . - toere *ouM be enough work unUl ••PP'- SM^Uo of I.-hor Wir-J reo-nCj 'ha program to reeiwtt Kiraban- apekiiw Itotiett AUn Nu^u'iMre itfai) atafatei into work ........................... -................. * toams dl toys under superri- _____ sfao of coaefaes or teachers to assist fa the summer harvest. Califaniia growers were toM faore than SACC young worker* - states should be bm4 as pOTiftVor'lose thfir workers. The gtowen, might* uuvP toen hP«Pf.e..M... ..( ^ lanla Sayoke riri Sli^aiva Cota). Mon- Otnubg^A. Waia«IU*Jana Ml ma l3i and Mrs Mlti mai.^laonvIPa HA Waller Memorial Fund passes $4,200 mark; ^ ^ JACl campaign to close nafionally Aug. 15 Issei Railroaders in the Rockies sight along Iha rail- Records at the Rodeo Perfarnters ^ ^ la the Rockies and plains Assn.. Denver, fall to disclose of it the UOO-lMO period. Japanese particlpanta smee onlv f^^ of R. Lupioa High. Mr.,^ Mrs. James 0 win attend Umv. of Nakafa. Colorado each contributing *29. > 20 miles champions have been listed yy^hfjva totaling The COO Cathay Post 105 Award^ san FTMCfaeo prerented by posl ^m^-r nomination for the Pvt Ben I Award , -rented by posl commander P^- James Ku^ to Bruce^Kamad^ of Masaoka Memorial Scholai the little brown cottages «tU k«P » completo ____ _ Cfnfc the amis of toe UniM forming cowboj-s. Former UK. Manual High, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oregon Stort Liiw. Ncrih- Caiairman Bill Vamauchi of Po-;a- Ramada. who wi Pieifie. Sontoere Pacific and lelfa has a son parUetpating in col-. j,j, ,iudies at Denver U: Washfagt m High a ft riilroads. these Issei led •«*« redeo- More than ISO attended the bsn- jaoice is presently attending San -p tf from 80 to 00 laborers. Meeting with Joe Grant Maaso- <jue;. emceed by Dave Furukawa. jyoociseo Sjte intcncifag to facli •i-Jr Mexican, dear toe tracks ka. Japanese History Project ad- NaiT JACL X'outh Director Alan ----------------------------- !--------------------------- ^___ ' nfa wreck, or a snowslidc. ministrator. April 12 at Qiy Cafe Kumamoto was also a participant watoed-ott road beds or re- here were: The falermountafa CoUegiale Stu- JiL l|{#Ai UfrereL lamou. Wiuum f.Uin- denu led by chairman Janet Ida 4111 IliACi TfCCR afsifted in the decorations and took charge of the dance that lol- The 21-year-old Sansri psychol ogy major was ebairmsn of the SHW academic board, a forum for s-ai- dent ideas, and the most active woman in student aWsirs I,ast year she refused to run for studen: body prrsidimt but preferred h'had now total *1251 exdu..:ve of Congressman Walter, such whatever arooun-j . accounted for Imnugrauan and Nadooalltj Acltif by the Washington J.XCL'Offii-e. ------- ' TakHo Yamaguma, fund co- rbairman. of the Bank of Tokyc of California this pa.st week rv- poried S addluooal contributions for the period of June 1-8 tofalfas S5K. The latest fund report from the Southern California area fadic.*;r« first returns of the Long Beicb- Harhor District ^ACL'c chapter campaign. xiM be e led, aimilar groups a___ IgB being made upof CaUiomla yoolis. The latest report- ^ Los Angefaa (iuM I - a«» A i*(4> youfai were fuming tots w^ be- All Lu> Ansvin. esevp. ss uotadi cause fab commitmeoi Ifom eraw- toS Downtown LA JAlti. PursI- ju bm msw-.lto. lup Valley JACL .-recomsi. Detroit "* ^ mater-alize. ship: toSharon Iwamasa.*lS0.-and ^ campaign. - la spoitm* ^ continue Morfajm. ««. hoto o. Contributions to toe hJs which s! WoeMnecn Mieh ^ Will he Used to eonstrucl 1 Francis ' nibble t -let toe trams ^ _ - SumJko Ohsshi. .S" s!.*K»£ " uiere V tr*^^ and main- no. Jitsuo wluiscn r . Kiyo- wu. rrank Ohashl. T. Htywnol&. Mr. a. Ev^-n T. OWa- eSFA Schatars S.\N FRANCISCG-Thc CaUfornia State Ploruts Assn, scholarships in memory of Jorepb Sbfaoda of ti.OOO each have been awarded to errancei. Tom M rama (Son Pednii. job. One » working strawberries near Salinas packed up after ooe week and bead-' Msmom Stu- disheartened I KlkiOT q«u. SI 40 .a boa,_ crates had to they > learn that to enth a certain aumber td be picked. main-Bwe nutas. R. Twias. T. T*uds, ----------------------------------- -------- ... Former Justice ri the Peace. i candidate selected Refaert Maruj-ama. local Junior . I PASAlJ^*A-A 1 announced tBT'1965 Nisi statuesque Sansei SS Pi k tore«*^BirSiffemitsu.'ii diroci- fain piaias DUlrict youth com- Sbe is Jean Arita, I___1 vr» *r->_:vw f-iicti.iri.ir wrec liaison offic Richard Tsukushi. 2!. City. Awaids are made to tom iUanrJng to study fa flo'iculiurc and Its various phases from production Miss Pasad-na rarketinz '1965 Nisei Week *' Ibe I Usei ____ «.______i_ f.j w_ 5r..rif'..iJLV' seboUrstiio program, iona i. nia- «» wuuvuuceu as jii _ _________ I' XSvear^'d » jus^'r 'at Cal-Palv AW. ine ooniracior -----------. .c ..,w. n..:-i, Richard YamagueW. Mile- Selection was made Sunday after- t waiter Memonxl Hiii at Mora- jacl (R«uuix liut»> Km vian Seminary, oldest ProtA.-taot sniouys. Tsutomu Mseiisre. Harry C____________________________ HaYykHpecbWOg Luke bont photos . aese ancestry in their area who •CoBUnued eo Page 2i :t will lake t Issri referrals nee. prewar editor of the Pacific CiUen. mltiee. ^ Japabrse groceries, efatoing itow. the Usel ordered shoes. ' an oonioe of their fool of paper and the older JACl youfli survey Airforce decorates d by the JACL and Cathay ---------------------------- -------------- unit for reliel work Noithwesk Picture: by Elmer Ogawa Fishermen Drop Boycott Plan •tm ialily si e been e to s^ s»e 9.000 pbotoa Uted fa the aerial search 1 Rity organizations facluding the of Pasadena. Irene Koba>-s*hi. la-t teineriiai^iiJ nn"T Sf m-w^awre aiLreMlww* aaia Brighton Japanese Amcricso year's Pandena candidate, passed of' ^If^^i.u?/ snionfl CndWCrS on Aim.. Japanese Assn, of Colorado, toe crown to her successor, the SAN JOSE - For theii pan fa *;i^ to be1E^res^iies1 ® WIUK*'' gimpson Metbodlyl Church and T.i- 5 ft «. 127 ft. Us, who is rtud.ving "Oi^ration Haylift" la*lD.-eemK-r ip lizuic LOS ANGELES An immediate state Buddhist Chur*. srefaJogj- at Californfa Stole at Los and relief work in the NorJierB * survev of current JACL youth pro- Angeles. . Califo.-cia/load d:5as'...r area. Stuff a* Level grams was started fais week by xc. 1 Graduate Miss Arito ha; been assinling in Sg.*. Brian M. Tanabe of San Jure 1 matter of Issei orkJe Rumamoto- nstfanil JACL uENVER-aiig Hashii's daughter. Red Cross acUviUes and as an and Bob H Kato of Pato a: > w.-ie ita'- the tncfcs were anw dirwtor. with questionaaires graduated No. I of her avid bridge fOayer. awa^ toe Air Force tri-color X.: lid perfectly level on^ Eclng -to each chapter. . g, M,„ual HiBi and wan s Roy Hoshiiat. Nisei Week queen leeve ouUtonding unit ribbon in if fad. ^ TT« study IS efajectad to be cc«b- ^j^iarfajp to Columbia Umwj. contest chairman, was on band at ceremoates last w«* at HL-iUlion W diviiii* Botot at Chev- P'**«d by the time the Interim - . 3grMrd College fa New the judging to accept the applica- Ara. roimSs^or Youth Counen meeU June 2K7 at tfan. . They and 54 others of the Santo e boxei ritto <^iAur^ Salt Lake City. ____________________________________Miss Arito is the fourth emdl- Clare County's 34»ih Troop Camer >««WJve* ud a»allM Within the eight-part question- date to be named this year and 'USAF Res.) f>-w tor C-119s tabes Srowni Twi najes are su* which ask for ««„ PrJtnrt Mewks 70 *t ^our more are expected, to deliver emergency relief goods ^ Sif* aVe IT "ps predominate fa KOOeH MfeM, /U to Hoshizaki. tp toe flood stricken areas and ***aaie whA wifwU! the chanter area, the chapters past. CLEVELAND -• Mrs. Robert L. Because of.this being the 2Slh hay into snowbound reaches of "* amber^n ^ prereot^ Tuture plsns for Meeks, 70. remembered by evae- „Bual Fosiival, toe NUei Week bfantonay save the lives of 100.000 ^ OB a^th group, ^ypes of .c-' uees resetting in Oeveland.^ Committee is presentinc . silk Ja- c.KIe, T x »* tot Sm vouto arid chapter's on May 30, Her home was opened panes, kimono «> each candidate . . tof^ i-r^patiL:*! n»tfanal .-fad dis- -.o more than ISO reretilers. „1I as two dresses, a DeWeiss Air Aredetn, Gred««es »*«i waters., ^ct wrtiPwgram.'. Mrs, Meek was rerognfaed to bathing suit and an eseaing gown COLORADO SPJUN5S-Roy N. Su- ft. ^^--------- ms as toe woman the year by tb* Coronatton Ball Aug. 14 at miki of Haliimalle, Stiui. and Garey ^ »« innaiwHi P-»e Quota auSj for her d^cation the BUtmore BowL HnfaizaJd said. T. Matsuyama of Ko.noliUj were them MlBiTER^^^onaidTtaaltt ol and courage working with evao aU candidates will alv. receive amoog 1965 Air Force Academy s„oa,. «• -I pi« S, h„b.,J. . ..urrf MC LtauXn'" " f!S£.'isr* rear* for Cdob- cilman Wing Luke a* two othm missing in tt^ Cascades, tire Natfy reported thfa week. Comdr. Frank Hsecheri at Mira- Scatile of a Cfaefanati department store "tor,-NAS. San £he^. who oa»- It is all ooaccount of a few and high style speciality shop: manned the recoonaisance sqaar- 'mlUioa) fish that w-e are jeoing "Our transactions have breo most vTnn wlu* poolograpbed toe areas to risk accusations of redundancy cordial and mutually profitable, but ***^ *t*'* eraahad ajkln concerning toe*; com- one of our functions Is to serve ***'““ " EICaI COm>- -MV V-M U ' .VC, -C menu about the Alaska 9rUl.il Bay the pubUc of toU city Some of ^ ^essfadirated by salmon situatfan and the activify aur public might sirit on tols es- *•* study of the photos. of J.panese fishing fle-to rt toe oellent merchandise if it were dis- ------------------------------------------ •;7S degree W. abstention line. played fa our riye hereafter." Certain people, priaeipally toe Ve*. we c ftebermen and toore ckwe to thorn. *»U m are hot about toe fuihcries pcodTem .hne and have advocated a nationwide ** time, the American pubUe los A3fCELES-Roben S Ivamo- boycott of Japanese merchandise. indignant over the Japanese to who has encouraged an.* tough'. While many respooslMe parties favastoo of Orina aod toe result- ,00* 300 Issei to beeome UB. eltf- havc at first gone afang wito toe * unpleasantness. The indcna- ciaaraended by to* City xiea. toey have store reconsdricd tin. however potem. was toaDow Council fa a reselutote iatrodMOd and ebanged them view as it con- and we'll tell how a minor skir- bj- Councilmaa Karl Riiralhin tUs laier f. b diJuli ioflrvctorcMMBMM .......... - natiooal boycottor any mish other kind of boycott for that mati *tas won. If at lea« two or .pur xhe j ter. tour or five readers request U. nWs Wth year « The boycott as an msirumenl of Show how personal crti*« sad his 45th year nato^al^I^ ---- confii«s with tie boycott w-s snrei^'-, - before County. Calif and tin- at AnnaMilis June 30. He was an 00 i. I retired high to Nisei Week festivities Aug. 14«. , yincipaL fats been . Ml JACL adv-toory r.reii.i aiji____ ■_ ____ as. _-,H VS.c vwniivi AP|WKWBIS eeking spou at the Nisei Week K. Shinseki. 22. and Jj-iei T. >L- arnival. Aug. 21-22^should req-jert yadilTO. 23 both <rf Kauai were . coenmlstfaoM second lieutenanu "History and Heritage - Values and Responsibilities" ^Jefaiu EDc'-IVroC^nrention Marrtolt Motor Hl^l .. . -,x» grad P.O. Box «53. Los Angeles. Ca. last week from .toe UB. Military 9000B. ,''Academy. Both were appointed . The earnlval is befag organiied toe fate Sen. Oren £. Long by The Ifliei TFW Poet 99^^- BawalL wii dem^str.tfa ^ Wert Lo. Angeles'resW once before in the memorv of o-jr * '* ** ** boycoti ------------------------------------------ - worthless and wasteful lifetime. OlT Srtwftm At the dedication of a bridge in Only One ^*at ......... .................. 'n™. Chicago about 1936. the fate FDR Under date of June V. the Seattle OUNGI OF ADMBS made a remark about toe 'quaran- Post-Intelligencer demoted almost _ tfae oi aggressor naticmi " and all'of iU cditonal page to the lonw rt many young old timers remember Bristol BaTTnfau* problem. S222*»-.?S' •*tirew •<«- toe words if not the date and eir- Of the'3«7 catcher boaU. and U cumstonces. Although it was not iroecssing ships, several have been a remark that fitted into a bridge aecuaed of croasfag 'the the line, dedication ceremony, it had a very but so far the Coast Guaid'caugbt potent eSecL ooe boat 16 miles east of toe ITS Not only to toe salesman who degree line and towed it' bark to * was trying » preninenUy display Adak to ba tuned over to Japa- , toe sfliten Tafamest at Japan fa »«*« authorities, the department stores of toe na- Seattle P.I, fa toe lew! edi- ' ' ModUMBm wfaely puhlicfaed u it CBU^t do. Said < e pees* and »•?»: A few a«»ks ajfa whan 2i*er- (Cutinited OB Page 2]
Page 1: -OVER CLASS READBl^ PACIFIC CITIZEN · -OVER 75^ READBl^ secoMD CLASS pomsE-^ PAID AT LOSiANCCLES, CAUT PMUSHED «rtDa.V except last week ortea* PACIFIC CITIZEN By the Board: Changing

-OVER 75^ READBl^secoMD CLASS pomsE-^


except last week or tea* PACIFIC CITIZENBy the Board:

Changing Emphasis

VOL. 60 NO. 25 PftlOAY. JUNE 18, 1965

Tbt rPAl problnn htre U * due* *tnieiu«.How CM a (iapw

«T DE. DAVn> M*U»A OIW* 0«lr«.n

Lose Beadi *“'*' *■* • ciapw pn^Iy-jj«Kl>f*«-tSefiv»cuat«on. 'i* mcmbcrahip u'tten U

t^Twlire «Bcr*y rf ^ •< JO. SS, or S6 membenhjp”^„p«xi*dOBtfen.tta>aI Tbc duesj «Htb particular on “ ndiculouily low, Everv-

proa«S. and anbody d^Spublic reUltoos. a« re-

tie «n*ttia* years to uicreaie their dues for_ K« been a *radual deempha- tosing merabeis. We have1 Bitional matters wtih more obsessed with the idea that

ccergy bring exerted oo “ Increase m dues would result r:roblemj and local P.R. Some “ « <tocrease in membership, but

dlsencbanted wt.h Ince»*e,1«n^^otber.- because this ewlutloo is tak- * decrease in services is tJi..-

too slowly. ^ “* iBcmber-•fs Nri «

Chapters would be wise to sup. drastic chanfe is -our duesoe few of our Cbipters are truly

rtiied with Oe American QvU structure — .Movvmetf—with special of the duet increase stays with the

_i AMERICAN, because ifs chapter. A uniform dues schedule etu m escaj* Involvement by of tto for single membership and isg this a SefTO Revolution SS for wives is weU below the

.Hegro Civil RigbU Move- average dues far service organka-•ft, Negrt Is the driving tions. Of this amount M should re- COLOA.UX) SCnOL.^BS - DenverMavo^ triuad tblj movemMl. W main with the chapter for each jm- Currigaa congratulates winners of scholai _pt$ and guerjn^ they seek gfa membership and «} far each awarded to ifrom lefti Melody Fujimori of Ucte that aR Americans must membership. What could your Hi^ Denvc*. the S250 Larrr'7 . clupter do with this kind of money Award: to Shunsaku Sugiura of:-n-aJe deli«ni»cy among-the to work with. me $2So Harry H. Sakau McmeI. beeoml^ > real ^blem Lef* compare this sebedule with _

TrtaiB areas, but JACLli^s not the present one. figured on aver- nAMUAV m^uaw aan«

50 chapter candidates apply for Masaoka scholarshipLOS JCfCELES-Fifty J.ACL c!i«>

s‘,sps,r^*Si-?S“p;;,^r?S.?srrnwrtal Schol«-,h,p-the mo.t ferany year smev the program began sirs Hsrr>..........in 1»46. -----------The Scbolarshlp is now worth MDO

arith Or. Harry Abe ^ New York d' and Dr. James Mimora of Birm­ingham. Hicfa., eo-wtnaers of tht first Masaoka award. sufqdemeBt- ing the original eOO offered' by Mrs. Haru Masaoka with MOD con- trtbutijns.National JACL. which ad-min s-

ters the scbolarslup. said the

iMr. a•I. HA


ruks iMr and Mrs Ceorgr Ishu‘ 2a?£?;7r%^i ,-su*.lwy.

Mr and Mrs Siasayukl Ka;


Ml IMr. and aglan BA.

Ka'iuin'Mr'aM Mn“Henar’T^SaT siili. Dal Ore BA. Lnenito.riar. "

R. Naka:a of Ft. Lopton High, glQO MUe-H; Award; scholarships and to Bruce Kamado of Manual High Denver.-S30D

East Cathay .AmcricM Legion Poit lES Award. The I2» S. Tajiri Memorial Rocky Mountain Ni.«o: War Memorial Award was West High Denver, presented in absentia to Ann Midori Fujimoto of

Mcmorul Awaid: to Ins Alamosa High. — Tom hUsamon Photo

wiii b, ».<!. W . pu.i'S'SdJ',’ SS-SSt’iSSSt’S:in the metropolitan Portland area, berc Emsirm RS _ i*teatrUft—Ben Tamatata IMr. a^7Mun,,k,- vjsr^rS3S0 each and four ta» supple- i.u h mental National JACL scbQlar- _ ____ ________ KonakI

and Kn KiyotfU Krta- mando RAsups. rawai. San ramando HA

JACL also rotates the responsi-of Judging a^ ttie eight ha^ Kiuokai. wnr

------------ - ., . — present ooe. figured o^ with the problmn. age membership dues of SS SO foraged Issei have need for sagic and U3S for wives with a s taodi of aerviees and yet memberahip of U.500 single and DENVER-Ihe Japanese Ameri- SAN FRANCISCO -

Denver mayor congrafulales M le-Hi scholarship awardeesTliiriy NUei art or modem ^ «.in high school, gram

district councils within Ibe’Mtlonal organization with a chapUrNit^ the district assuming the asUgiT mentThis year, the scholarship pr<v

died by its newly

Mimikn XoWUn

B identify with this problem. OOO against present SaSAOO Net to schoUrship winner* at a grad- degrees at the Univ. of Ciiiferela M. rc is great need for betuir National; *111,000 against present dmner-danec Satur.,ay at the Medical Center June S. jiatify relstMBS.-teterMl and *74.000. Net to Chapters. S3S.OOO Albany Hotel Mayor To:ii Currigan Kenneth K. Takeda of .Anaheim la,ts

was awarded the top prize given Museum.™i P.R.. but LTJe in this

npiaf*--^ I" *♦“ e*-- **“• *"*

exfaibi'cd at de Yminit- . prize .

Another reason far sutmortine k ***“"- v^ to the senior student-wbo has most Sr.i-on. the diught-r <.T Mr. anduaitorm dues structure is th*t tills * »fw *250 award_was instituted consistently displayed to* the M“s Harold Iwamava. will major

. 1 memory highest intellertaai aehfevemcnl in ir.rdical tec .-.;.-.ryof lArry S. Tajiri and presented and moral character befitting his Bcrh. ‘‘ by the Mile-Hi JACL t C.C.

rcicy and was active in scho. Church of Chri,t

his parents and high school follow: CMvcUaa—Sojrcr Tnshl Anraku IMr.

ana Mn T»<«ud Anrakui, Konh Rsgn I <Mr. (Mrs.

s; Tanno laboren may besenihomein twoweebiWrlz

(Mr Trrni MsUumoni. SoRUn HA.. ^lb>l‘'LM ’MFln—KenJI Art MlTk-nwln <Hr arvl Mrs &tdlc Mlysmotoi. OsrfKifl HA

SchaalaiackUMi—Call Mirhike Dobani M Mn. FM Dobsnsl. b'


nmplseency fa the face ri „,n,s,.rd,io Hosokawa to Melody nijimori of Melvfa Y. Matsushima student J>«>uis. She was rcs-.Ms! winnerproblems. One of the con- . ^ rhant^r, ^ High, dauriiier of Mr. 3rd b^cy cresiden* and onlv student to *«* •!*« ^*>”1 Fbundstidh Future Sci-; sesn. 1. n. "” “» '*•1*" Mr,:. Ki™ P«lmort ^ Day,.. 3g.S o! ..-.rd.Mioy chapters devote a s • • -........................................... ........ . -part .of (heir energies to Chapters must begin

U.V. vsUltojl. c«>ra< Drill.G.n J?" .vr^:

rs- . CoDege. Oak- •■Rise of Student Activiues in 19(3". ChrirJne is the daughter of Mr.tomk Und. m the fall. Hr aij„ W Svmpse. and Mrs. Dale Monoka.’s-uidying

Dcmbershlp campaign and about these problems todav so Viat Th' Mile-Hi Hirry H. SnkaU rtudwit pubbeation whSh suppan- eomputer pnsgramming at UCnmngactMtlM. loavfag lit- they would be oreoared to do sodJa. “""“-“I Award i*2»i was pre- sd P.csidcm Qark Krrr^twd fa Berkeley and who was active nt•taeUc faer pjbiem^ac- ^ ^ ^mwidl^Mil^ chapter presi- opposing the Free SjwrtMov-e- aehool, Christ Episcopal Churchbe eommiudty and the efcap- “ •• *" d*.n; Doa Tanabe to Shunsaku Su- n,,.oj oo the Berkeley cgHlSus and the Girl ScouU

veouoo m-«6. The strength of our giura. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sugito XL,u,.Aim.. Judges for the scholarship, ad-e taennial cry at eoovenO* nattonal orgeniza-jon ifapeods «o Sugiora of Denver. The jwanJee »iudoo- Another den- miiUs-^red bv JACL. wp*.-u, -Tto much of the money the slrenglh of its comp««a chai> bar been accepted at Princeton M„ y„ Hi™«ka.to Briional". Tills may be so. tors, and anything faat would help wfc re ise will major u*. premed.to reality national could g:\e to strengthen'them should be given 1 « Rocky Mountain Nisei War'ceorce Hiiira of Palo Altoar direct aerviee to to. eh.,s your moM carriul and tbougbtfal 31. naria! Award .«». was jre- ^ N sri SvJSU fal-t it bad additfanal tfuireJ consideratioD. le. od by John Noguchi. Nisei P?-

moui AUm

u iMr. and Uhim. H9.Cot"MT atis-rMuBiau—Hssine Klyoml Ha-

Shi (1 “ “ ”‘".■It..'

Mrs Hsmld------------------------Ska t>lPZ» ■penm. Ray

IMr and Mn. FTvd Mures Vina HS. ImppnalTand Mn. YuJI ruji


Oirjha Canu•s. SamueliTii-f-jii


IISTORY PROJECT; chau^. to Midori Fujimnlo.aod Mrs. Homer Izuipi, tormeriy Ou^ ‘ eur^rf i in absentia. The Alamosa High of Albany. Calil.._ap<l Stetfaan Ko- .^„rds't

Periiaiid Slate Co-edOuchida. Mf! JarkoiiutabO'nK

, - ------------------ _ai^_apo aiepnan rw> ^.rerds ut Portland Slate Collos •

- son Fran;^;™;*excellence in sc-bolarship ana acli-

i? Use: section foremen were esl rodeo, continuous since 1B». Higfa daujfater

LOS ANGELES—AH foreign farm Uborers. inc from Japan n

r arui aare caoie aavamou... bto sent home ______

’aiu'ia-pa.ruhr-Mukai (Mr and ““*« »» growing number edS?. Stts*"' :*»

‘^rSui.^faSSt^HA ““ Kogye Yoaegaki. tanno pcogran supervfaor here, uid the news

--T ii ;____ eam« *s a complete surprise. Cov-enunrat officiaU bad assured Um

. - toere *ouM be enough work unUl’••PP'- SM^Uo of I.-hor Wir-J reo-nCj 'ha • program to reeiwtt

Kiraban- apekiiw Itotiett AUn Nu^u'iMre itfai) atafatei into work...........................-................. * toams dl toys under superri-

_____ sfao of coaefaes or teachers to assistfa the summer harvest.Califaniia growers were toM

faore than SACC young worker* - ■ states should be bm4 as pOTiftVor 'lose thfir

workers. The gtowen,might* uuvP toen hP«Pf.e..M... ..( ^

lanla Sayoke riri • Sli^aiva Cota). Mon- Otnubg^A.

Waia—«IU*—Jana Ml ma l3i and Mrs Mlti mai.^laonvIPa HA

Waller Memorial Fund passes $4,200 mark; ^ ^ JACl campaign to close nafionally Aug. 15

Issei Railroaders in the Rockies

sight along Iha rail- Records at the Rodeo Perfarnters ^ ^ la the Rockies and plains Assn.. Denver, fall to disclose of it the UOO-lMO period. Japanese particlpanta smee onlv f^^

of R. Lupioa High. Mr.,^ Mrs. James 0 win attend Umv. of Nakafa.

Coloradoeach contributing *29.

> 20 miles champions have been listed yy^hfjva totalingThe COO Cathay Post 105 Award san FTMCfaeo prerented by posl ^m^-r nomination for the Pvt BenI Award, -rented by posl commander

P^- James Ku^ to Bruce^Kamad of Masaoka Memorial Scholaithe little brown cottages «tU k«P » completo ____ _Cfnfc the amis of toe UniM forming cowboj-s. Former UK. Manual High, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Oregon Stort Liiw. Ncrih- Caiairman Bill Vamauchi of Po-;a- Ramada. who wiPieifie. Sontoere Pacific and lelfa has a son parUetpating in col-. j,j, ,iudies at Denver U: • Washfagt m Higha ft riilroads. these Issei led •«*« redeo- More than ISO attended the bsn- jaoice is presently attending San-p tf from 80 to 00 laborers. Meeting with Joe Grant Maaso- <jue;. emceed by Dave Furukawa. jyoociseo S’jte intcncifag to facli•i-Jr Mexican, dear toe tracks ka. Japanese History Project ad- NaiT JACL X'outh Director Alan ----------------------------- !--------------------------- ^___' nfa wreck, or a snowslidc. ministrator. April 12 at Qiy Cafe Kumamoto was also a participantwatoed-ott road beds or re- here were: The falermountafa CoUegiale Stu- JiL l|{#Ai UfrereL

lamou. Wiuum f.Uin- denu led by chairman Janet Ida 4111 IliACi TfCCRafsifted in the decorations and took charge of the dance that lol-

The 21-year-old Sansri psychol­ogy major was ebairmsn of the

SHW academic board, a forum for s-ai- dent ideas, and the most active woman in student aWsirs I,ast year she refused to run for studen: body prrsidimt but preferred

h'had now total *1251 exdu..:ve of Congressman Walter, such whatever arooun-j . accounted for Imnugrauan and Na’dooalltj Acltifby the Washington J.XCL'Offii-e. -------' TakHo Yamaguma, fund co- rbairman. of the Bank of Tokyc of California this pa.st week rv- poried S addluooal contributions for the period of June 1-8 tofalfas S5K.The latest fund report from the

Southern California area fadic.*;r« first returns of the Long Beicb- Harhor District ^ACL'c chapter campaign.

xiM be eled, aimilar groups a___

IgB being made up of CaUiomla yoolis.The latest report- ^ Los Angefaa

(iuM I - a«» A i*(4> youfai were fuming tots w^ be- ■ All Lu> Ansvin. esevp. ss uotadi cause fab commitmeoi Ifom eraw- toS — Downtown LA JAlti. PursI- ju bm msw-.lto.

lup Valley JACL .-recomsi. Detroit "* ^ mater-alize.

ship: toSharon Iwamasa.*lS0.-and ^ campaign. - la spoitm*^ continue Morfajm. ««. hoto o. Contributions to toe hJs which s!

WoeMnecn Mieh ^ Will he Used to eonstrucl 1 Francis '

nibble t -let toe trams _- SumJko Ohsshi.“.S" s!.*K»£ "uiere

V tr*^^ and main- no. Jitsuow luiscn r . Kiyo- wu. rrank Ohashl. T. Htywnol&. Mr. a. Ev^-n T. OWa-

eSFA SchatarsS.\N FRANCISCG-Thc CaUfornia State Ploruts Assn, scholarships in memory of Jorepb Sbfaoda of ti.OOO each have been awarded to

errancei. Tom M rama (Son Pednii.

job. One » working

strawberries near Salinas packed up after ooe week and bead-'

Ms mom Stu- disheartened I KlkiOT q«u. SI 40 .a boa,_

crates had tothey

> learn that to enth a certain aumber td be picked.

main-Bwe nutas. f» R. Twias. T. T*uds, ----------------------------------- -------- ...Former Justice ri the Peace. i

candidate selectedRefaert Maruj-ama. local Junior . I

PASAlJ^*A-A 1 announced tBT'1965 Nisi

statuesque Sansei SS Pi k

tore«’*^BirSiffemitsu.'ii diroci- fain piaias DUlrict youth com- Sbe is Jean Arita,I___ 1 vr» *r->_:vw f-iicti.iri.ir wrec liaison offic

Richard Tsukushi. 2!.City. Awaids are made to tom iUanrJng to study fa flo'iculiurc and Its various phases from production

Miss Pasad-na rarketinz '1965 Nisei Week *'

Ibe I Usei

____ «.______ i_ f.j w_ 5r..rif'..iJLV' ■ seboUrstiio program, iona i. nia- “«» wuuvuuceu as jii _ _________

I' XSvear^'d “ » jus^'r 'at Cal-Palv-« AW. ine ooniracior -----------. .c ..,w. n..:— -i—, Richard YamagueW. Mile- Selection was made Sunday after-

t waiter Memonxl Hiii at Mora- jacl (R«uuix liut»> Kmvian Seminary, oldest ProtA.-taot sniouys. Tsutomu Mseiisre. Harry C____________________________

HaYykHpecbWOg Luke bont photos .

aese ancestry in their area who •CoBUnued eo Page 2i:t will lake t

Issri referrals nee. prewar editor of the Pacific CiUen. mltiee.^ Japabrse groceries, efatoing itow.the Usel ordered shoes.

' an oonioe of their fool of paper and the older JACl youfli survey Airforce decorates

d by the JACL and Cathay —---------------------------- --------------

unit for reliel work

Noithwesk Picture: by Elmer OgawaFishermen Drop Boycott Plan

•tmialily si e been e

to s^ s»e 9.000 pbotoa Uted fa the aerial search 1

Rity organizations facluding the of Pasadena. Irene Koba>-s*hi. la-tteineriiai^iiJ nn"T Sf m-w^awre aiLreMlww* aaia Brighton Japanese Amcricso year's Pandena candidate, passedof' ^If^^i.u?/ snionfl CndWCrS on Aim.. Japanese Assn, of Colorado, toe crown to her successor, the SAN JOSE - For theii pan fa*;i to be1E^res iies1 ® WIUK*'' gimpson Metbodlyl Church and T.i- 5 ft «. 127 ft. Us, who is rtud.ving "Oi^ration Haylift" la*l D.-eemK-r• ip lizuic LOS ANGELES — An immediate state Buddhist Chur*. srefaJogj- at Californfa Stole at Los and relief work in the NorJierB

* survev of current JACL youth pro- • • Angeles. . Califo.-cia/load d:5as'...r area. Stuffa* Level grams was started fais week by xc. 1 Graduate Miss Arito ha; been assinling in Sg.*. Brian M. Tanabe of San Jure

1 matter of Issei orkJe Rumamoto- nstfanil JACL uENVER-aiig Hashii's daughter. Red Cross acUviUes and as an and Bob H Kato of Pato a: > w.-ie■ ita'- the tncfcs were anw dirwtor. with questionaaires graduated No. I of her avid bridge fOayer. awa^ toe Air Force tri-color

‘X.: lid perfectly level on^ Eclng -to each chapter. . g, M,„ual HiBi and wan s Roy Hoshiiat. Nisei Week queen ‘leeve ouUtonding unit ribbon inif fad. ^ TT« study IS efajectad to be cc«b- ^j^iarfajp to Columbia Umwj. contest chairman, was on band at ceremoates last w«* at HL-iUlionW diviiii* Botot at Chev- P'**«d by the time the Interim - . 3grMrd College fa New the judging to accept the applica- Ara.• roimSs^or Youth Counen meeU June 2K7 at tfan. . They and 54 others of the Santo

e boxei ritto <^iAur^ Salt Lake City. ____________________________________Miss Arito is the fourth emdl- Clare County's 34»ih Troop Camer>««WJve* ud a»allM Within the eight-part question- date to be named this year and 'USAF Res.) f>-w tor C-119stabes Srowni T—wi najes are su* which ask for ««„ PrJtnrt Mewks 70 *t ^our more are expected, to deliver emergency relief goods

^ Sif* aVe IT "ps predominate fa KOOeH MfeM, /U to Hoshizaki. tp toe flood stricken areas and***aaie whA wifwU! the chanter area, the chapters past. CLEVELAND -• Mrs. Robert L. Because of.this being the 2Slh hay into snowbound reaches of"* amber^n ^ prereot^ Tuture plsns for Meeks, 70. remembered by evae- „Bual Fosiival, toe NUei Week bfantonay save the lives of 100.000^ OB a^th group, ^ypes of .c-' uees resetting in Oeveland.^ Committee is presentinc . silk Ja- c.KIe, T x“»* tot Sm vouto arid chapter's on May 30, Her home was opened panes, kimono «> each candidate . • .

tof^ i-r^patiL:*! n»tfanal .-fad dis- -.o more than ISO reretilers. „ „1I as two dresses, a DeWeiss Air Aredetn, Gred««es“ ’»*«i waters., ^ct wrtiPwgram.'. Mrs, Meek was rerognfaed to bathing suit and an eseaing gown COLORADO SPJUN5S-Roy N. Su-

ft. ^--------- ms as toe woman o« the year by tb* Coronatton Ball Aug. 14 at miki of Haliimalle, Stiui. and Garey^ »« innaiwHi P—■ -»e Quota auSj for her d^cation the BUtmore BowL HnfaizaJd said. T. Matsuyama of Ko.noliUj were

them MlBiTER^^^onaidTtaaltt ol and courage working with evao aU candidates will alv. receive amoog 1965 Air Force Academys„oa,. «• -I pi« “S, h„b.,J. . ..urrf MC LtauXn'" " f!S“£.'isr*

rear* for Cdob- cilman Wing Luke a* two othm missing in tt^ Cascades, tire Natfy reported thfa week.Comdr. Frank Hsecheri at Mira-

Scatile of a Cfaefanati department store "tor,-NAS. San £he^. who oa»-It is all oo account of a few and high style speciality shop: manned the recoonaisance sqaar-

'mlUioa) fish that w-e are jeoing "Our transactions have breo most vTnn wlu* poolograpbed toe areasto risk accusations of redundancy cordial and mutually profitable, but ***^ *t*'* eraahad

ajkln concerning toe*; com- one of our functions Is to serve ***’'“■ ““ ‘ "EICaI COm>- -MV V-M U —' .VC, -Cmenu about the Alaska 9rUl.il Bay the pubUc of toU city Some of ^ ^essfadirated bysalmon situatfan and the activify aur public might sirit on tols es- *•* study of the photos.of J.panese fishing fle-to rt toe oellent merchandise if it were dis- ------------------------------------------•;7S degree W. abstention line. played fa our riye hereafter."Certain people, priaeipally toe Ve*. we c

ftebermen and toore ckwe to thorn. *»U m are hot about toe fuihcries pcodTem .hne ■ and have advocated a nationwide ** time, the American pubUe los A3fCELES-Roben S Ivamo-boycott of Japanese merchandise. indignant over the Japanese to who has encouraged an.* tough'. While many respooslMe parties favastoo of Orina aod toe result- ,00* 300 Issei to beeome UB. eltf- havc at first gone afang wito toe “* unpleasantness. The ind‘cna- ciaaraended by to* Cityxiea. toey have store reconsdricd tin. however potem. was toaDow Council fa a reselutote iatrodMOd and ebanged them view as it con- and we'll tell how a minor skir- bj- Councilmaa Karl Riiralhin tUs

laier f. b diJuli ioflrvctorcMMBMM

.......... - natiooal boycott—or any mishother kind of boycott for that mati *tas won. If at lea« two or .pur xhe j ter. • tour or five readers request U. nWs Wth year «The boycott as an msirumenl of Show how personal crti*« sad his 45th yearnato^al^I^ ---- confii«s with tie boycott w-s snrei^'-, -


County. Calif and tin- at AnnaMilis June 30. He was an 00i. I retired high to Nisei Week festivities Aug. 14«. , yincipaL fats been • .Ml JACL adv-toory r.reii.i aiji____ ■_____ as. _-,H VS.c vwniivi AP|WKWBIS

eeking spou at the Nisei Week K. Shinseki. 22. and Jj-iei T. >L- arnival. Aug. 21-22^should req-jert yadilTO. 23 both <rf Kauai were

. coenmlstfaoM second lieutenanu"History and Heritage - Values and Responsibilities"

^Jefaiu • EDc'-IVroC^nrention • Marrtolt Motor Hl^l

.. . -,x» gradP.O. Box «53. Los Angeles. Ca. last week from .toe UB. Military 9000B. ,''Academy. Both were appointed. The earnlval is befag organiied toe fate Sen. Oren £. Long by The Ifliei TFW Poet 99^^- BawalL

wii dem^str.tfa ^ Wert Lo. Angeles'resWonce before in the memorv of o-jr •“* '* *“* ** boycoti ------------------------------------------ -worthless and wasteful lifetime. ’ T« OlT Srtwftm •At the dedication of a bridge in Only One ^*at ......... .................. 'n™.Chicago about 1936. the fate FDR Under date of June V. the Seattle OUNGI OF ADMBS made a remark about toe 'quaran- Post-Intelligencer demoted almost _ tfae oi aggressor naticmi " and all'of iU cditonal page to the lonw rtmany young old timers remember Bristol BaTTnfau* problem. S222*»-.?S' •*tirew •<«-toe words if not the date and eir- Of the'3«7 catcher boaU. and U cumstonces. Although it was not iroecssing ships, several have been a remark that fitted into a bridge aecuaed of croasfag 'the the line, dedication ceremony, it had a very but so far the Coast Guaid'caugbt potent eSecL ooe boat 16 miles east of toe ITSNot only to toe salesman who degree line and towed it' bark to *

was trying » preninenUy display Adak to ba tuned over to Japa- , toe sfliten Tafamest at Japan fa »«*« authorities, the department stores of toe na- Seattle P.I, fa toe lew! edi-

' 'ModUMBm

wfaely puhlicfaed u it CBU^t do.Said <

e pees* and »•?»:“A few a«»ks ajfa whan 2i*er-

(Cutinited OB Page 2]

Page 2: -OVER CLASS READBl^ PACIFIC CITIZEN · -OVER 75^ READBl^ secoMD CLASS pomsE-^ PAID AT LOSiANCCLES, CAUT PMUSHED «rtDa.V except last week ortea* PACIFIC CITIZEN By the Board: Changing

PACIFIC i CITIZENIVBLIBHKP WnKLTm VaDn 9t. nm. laz. IM AwUt CaUL IMU. KA •-4ITI JACL Kradqiurtrrt: ]04 Port Si. Sao rnnriaro U. Caltt. VariitBpcti OHM: «U - Itih SL ITW. Wur.ln<ioa.«. DC'

Bsrapt lac (b* Dlmter's Kaport, prm aad •plplaaa rapttaaai kp.................................................. ' r Ttnact JACt. »oUe-

r (parable tt aflianirtt* «f a X per rear (parable n

Ip «Mf la tor a •

Dr. David UtBra, Cbauluaa, Petrie CSttxaa Board BAIUIT K HOWDA .......................... .................................... PtTOB:::::


FtameBork for z national JACL youth oreanization is capped to don more color and bodv at the Interim YoutK. Coandl session at'Salt Lake City June 20-27. In the spirit -of doinf “bomeuork" ^gprepare for that weekend, we ttnied' with U.S. Census Bureau statistics to ascertain the general roake-up^of the'Sansci generation.

, On a national scale, iour out of five Japanese American lives in the city. In California, it's seven out of eight; in Ore­gon three out of five; and in Midu-cst and Eastern stales, nearly all live in urban areas. Median age of nearly 300.000 Japanese on the Mainland today is close to 30.

The Sansei teen-ager of today is an atomic age young­ster-born after Hiroshima and Nagasaki—and of the na­tional boom of war and postwar babies. Because the JACL program is strictly carried on by Maiplahd residents, census statistics below referring to Japanese are less the totals for Ifawaii. Ihe following table rcndera.a breakdown by age and sex' with the number of Mainland Sansei projected at five year periods from the 19S0 census;

Washington Newsletter; by Mike Uxaxla -----

Supreme Court Decisions

V“ ^:frJr£r^,r, ««« » tb* brtadn- <iu«u>a ot the v-l.l.t.vSupre^-Cewn tie Uhl'eH SUte: oourt. iwuedwinple-.edltt Atuuuj---------------- -w,. »June ms term..tv term Ju»t ended m-nc«lroer, lr”_

t mty tank tVin oareaeofr________ » P»«-i

cenitKa-'• Supreme Ccnirt.obferven. yrlth---------------—emeUon] deel*famt such »i seb'ct standard desegrtgatloti, paWic ittoM pra.v- win ai^t to «ij. and lefUlBtiv* re«p?or!:a>- Ui»al shifKd Pment Vliif afiiiouoeed In Jie «urt . . Staan* Ibe coma do■j?at At -.re same.time, i: was Uws vfcdatiaf eonstitytiem^pr^- orape.-iy suaested that a new schiira mi|ht istrition

rMpaortioo- Ui»al shift of power to *e ^Jrtt ^ „url m’ed Out Virpia rv«urt . - Statin* the-court^J;|^ could not separate _p^ tiu l;s*s.

.. jsira.wn • —-•tag among ‘V nine Jus- that ■•uaiponaded ^udieiai aonxm^ . .jj,. tribunal i oided bow active the naUon-s would maV of this .diicfimtoatorr Louisiana voi.hunal should V as aa Vrs a day-U«laj- (WWUmaonal .hlfbcft irtbonal_____ __

ovtCTowJi of fie se-c«U.'d Cor- nectioil blrlh control matter. - 8 Bv a sis-lo-thref

If this disient, and somo other <jerendanUre«m sutemenls m oth-- caii-s. ^i^.i ajg pot conslltiiti:no! ,i

- means :hat this noSori-xiF.J.fcc-sJrJustice William Douglas, speak- ^ arth-isl thinks that............ ..

• areas. from tIngfarthesEx-to-threeoplnloa.bdd too far in ..that the 1*7J Connecticut antl-blrh observers feel thatcontrol Uw was unconsUtutSosa}. c<wr'. liseup on some issues mar ewn tho-jgh there »v« no specl.’ie appear, proi-islnn In the Federal Conrtltu- .lion on which li base -V:r deei- *s;nn Instead, the majori^^ cstab- Up' If *iU time, Chief JusUc- a^hed a new constitutlonil do.-- Ear! Warren and Justiees Black, irtne. "aie right to privacy". a*ie* DougUs. waUam Brennan, and ^ "

a demand that :be 3^' a proportioattr number

the comrtualV at cular rher.9, The tribuna: nuUified

ginia reouiremcni for a residenc.- ccrttflcaie as a precondition

Accent on Youth

log in nalloast elections.10 In an opinicm inv'-lvins the

- was hrid ihi': •o.iecii'or

01 Rjj^A rtself. In doing this, Jas- the liVral wing."with Justi^ John ttVpr^ibrtiaa’againstUce Douglas argued that tV B3I Barlao. Ttora Dark. Potter Stesrart. » ^of Rights cany with them' a and Byton While making up the upd^ark decision, the••penumbra" going beyood their conservative-a-ln*. “ * ““““actual language.- He cited too the ________-Vinth Amendment's previsjon that pe,rs 'thal Justice Oark

;. "tv right to privacy", rtieb DougUs. waiUm Brennan. or pro.;*said to Voider than the B^J! Arthur GokfVr* hivt “Tdri-^anfV ref isal to t

- the liVral wing, with Justices John ™ ,,

More and more. _tho-J«h. it ap- pp,.joa-j rigbi to confront and ques- = ‘If-’" tk» witnesaes againsl »m appller

— Butinm ahd<^ Professional Gui^'

Gr*«t«r Lm AngntMFlower View Gardens nnj

aaC «iT mBwi for LotSTEPHAN H OUrAHA

XIOE. mst (121 ■ ha“siai

> CEO^ J WAUKI RO^ V Maiaaaa. Aoo^"

" 5.*“.

la tke^SnS28 E 1« St. HA 8.S8X

End BertgMU . Heat Th&i


By AUn Kui 'I Youth Director

TVTM.196S .. 1970

hainlako only uapanese bv ace and SEX) . tUArr s yn S-9 yn 10-14 yn. 1B.ZS9 is 877 9192. 16 BOS 1S.S98 9J89. 35dl62 Z7.«TS ie.ST9

10-14 yn 15-19 yn15-19 yn 20-24 pi

lS-19 yrs;«1&4t2

PHOENIX A GO-GO — Oa tliat Yumori »-as also a, hand to -issist blissful morning of May 29. little the Nisei Rcalys queen and :ou«.did 1 know that I would dUcovir So u-cre loads of others. Were you „ ,, ,.^1ho-*- it foeU to step out of a r.- tVre? Come next year. if/eris

S'OEfTB SURS’ET—All 88 JACL —^--------------------cbaiHeri received a qucvtlossalre

ig with tv liberals.' UTiun* ^e important opiu-oai In the . ^ Federal Courts, ess. On IV otVr hand. tV

"hberal” Justice Black »as thisFederal ConstluVn "-shall not V construed to deny or disparage ofocrss. otis-Ts retained by tV people'^. “liberal'This divided opinion appears to -enn's lesdma dii-ertor. lca\- as in tV recent post, mi-ch ol confinn irtiat some critics ,c( the jnj maJorilT 28 times. . ft,, court's lime used m deal-

frigerator Into an jivn. This i the sensation expenenred as topped oft «n a......................

been charging, it all. Ibe JusUites disposed of 122 ing *-ith racial roaUeis.rgrh rv- Ai.Hng tV term by opinions, dent tjito tV list of opintoas n iu-d

5-9 yn LO-14 yn Arisma JAO. presdent Tom [Tcsident

Okuma was there to extend offi- V Vs rclurn^-d yootoeial greetings with youUi rhainMn

Ogawa—Fticiuiuirv to me, Pleasci

25-29 yrsFor a deeper study of statistics by age groups according eiai greevgs w ita youm rnaimton yjuesti

to areas, Ihe next table should pro\c of interest to both JACL "Hoist" Miyaachi, youth grumpy and Jr. JACL n,.m(»d^lp oa^eara. ,11 «a, coidcidedlalthat the Census maps for the North Central region is the occasioo was -Jie fourth an- psychologist Dr. Stc

iCocUnued from Front Page)

a dr^ frtrm tV 144 dupesed'ot above. In one of iu most sigrilifaol‘ in tv 198«4 tqpB. This ' is attributed to the fewergued before tiic tribunalln tVvs: in the continujig racial cruis^ Itfzn. Altbougb it dealt with -rvcral

, “nic court's doeki-t oJ eases Med. propedoral questions. tV courtmen ihrea'toned a boycott of Japa- howei-er. dropped from 2,779 in ^ ,»eepmg ae'icns m Dcsc imports in retaliaUon against tV US>-64 term to 2,882 this t'trm. legislsUve appmtionmen: prob- tiai nation's raid oc American- TV number bf cases left or. the ^ seemed to be the court al- tpaamed salmon, w-e expresseti. docket at term's end increased eja^je that tV slates sh-uld try so

«'itb clinical-sympathy with the attitude and from 967 to 482. a-oif out solubfflj^^- • - - - aidAV. 1 eritieised tV Stale Department An adratoistralive innovation this *-bich would I_____________ . jlogist ___ _______ ____ _ . .........

same as .the area (»vered by the Midwest District Council nual vVah 'Hntditas dar^ «etoV kmw l was in competent hands. ... for V avlhy ... But after u.st term' was tv swVhlns from judicial miew.iirshtii toward and graduates'Vn- Not for my persosia! cares uKtyMmest coosiderau^ of the com- the iradi'amal "Decision Macday"

sikxed by Uic chapter at'woes but rather for tV enlighten-'^s pn ■'..................................... ........—wm- thb-prat

. personalnuei stkxcd by the chapter at'woes but rather for the eolighten-

are based upon the NoNbeast census region plus the Census Hotoi. s^iudaie-a fashion- "»cm «f «v NC-wndyc vsem-0 MDC is used. The Eastern District Councii or EDC figuresBureau's star Washington, D.C.)1960C«niui Calif

s problem we caniut approve whiidi has been the praeawatoce b-praeural appUc*t»n of a boy- tV court began to function a 111 as k S-"----------------------

»UOjrn ■

,;;artont '•I’h


rtrj^ \ts\ ?:is s, la ??


i- I1 SKK Its; .151to 9 yn 16.075 I.B402JSK 'l,;s ’il!......... 1,522 375lovm 17 460 1.7« 521U99yn irev 1.657 542I0 44 >n 11.7«7 1,108 419toVyn 6.S92 661 146UMyn 3.755 410 V

, . <eS9yn 4 865 466 105' 6 uOyrt 4 656 60] 152I ./ 6 u89in 3.176 415 16?■'•'K.s.'i's tin 111 ill






4 ?3 S

SIM,' 22.05— 1691

10.54 15J118 4219 271 IBM n.4S(7.97 2.4K


........... .... . _ ................ ................. ............. .. PerVps equallybUge at AAikimaa- thu weekend «»ii « k solutton. We VlJeve tVt 175 years ago to any day in the tV ojnnions bandeddid I consul: a-iJi toe good doctot. the boycott is n-roog in principle, week. This move to announce cases in which the

hjir»rinr .-i,-mM,i*.- - hi«h *'■“ a*tre.«i the conference "Wrong in principle because il ©pinkias anv day tbe court i, in bench refused to (rfostud“ -s‘^^^^^^^^^ <Wegates on IV aspects of com- is an attempt to coerce a friendly it ias widely spccula'tod. court's dcHsiv.

m-cly with maior emphasis per- mumraPoas. If V, a litUe Ute ir wtian.'' was 'to spread out the important. Tbe court refusediiB-iA Eiv-ea -o bleh «-l»l chi^r.. arriving- it.may V due to his de- On the sjime page aft* remmd- major dccisioRs lor tV press and troartjvely its 1*1 «r, .i.*i ....i.a,.e. g,v« o nigh 5.^1 e^v.^ ^ Washington otber media. evidence viaed in v.tlction of con-

“ a . . . txm-vacaliun there. State sells much more in efeer , stitutknal provisions mav not be_____ _ ^ „ merchandise, including airplancT' * used In stale crimtoai trlah, .ANOT^B mj).^r Mumc^ to Japan—much more tVn the Some leading opinions of mteiysl In two New York State rises, the

-if"; .wfide fishing industry is srorth- to v’ACL aaooititced in .':,o U6WS court refused ta hear argumthU•<1 throiieli at an iiifo- ^*“57 S6te College and cla^^ business and finance editor Dan term include the folfowmc; • invoKing de facto school segrega- tlf'irrk'V^p^Si ^k^_cSc.udes _ ,.TV ccun.uphekl -unanimous, ttohandtoennstoertheuord.

culmination of tou of works from Ms- of-ftands.WiUi Carl Sato acUng

«.f ceremonies, thefung a; ^>1,eveoln^-Fr

tV Vynote "Chjrf.-" in l propfiately I u-hi/r 1 aas

ncratnn. ll--.-.-ntthe adolescent generation. II studies Indicate tV American ager in general is nut a rrAatunce movement rejocting adult varue.. but oue ntiidr pays tV adult u supeeme comptunem of imitating. bojToa-ing ^r aVptaig IVm to It- own Dev-ds.Ox-er OB4-third of Um.hi are either

mal ^re. My 'tofk of presenting ^'ynote address becainc a

trying to cover, ap- res,{.arch le age ranae w-:Uiconfronted. Yet the „„ AJAs as well as being al as so\coogcnial that p„vide a ctnlrr for obtaining p,»e

"PoAi OMiee" " ’"‘y rapress current up4i>date knowledge of J^i^t 1Americans. f ^

ness through direct ex;»isur.- and / .inx-olvernem with different groups" S^T LA^ Cm'-Tbc scutot

...... “ . culture, when p*rl, a MU V ready, willing and able topre»ed for an ojdnK* on pohLacl h.p with lots of loud accommodate tV members of U.--It.roes by an adult, th.y reply a NaUonal . JACL Interim Youtn ^ .

which renert their own riewF. r.-re„.«e-s r,f.e..ri, ,»-n'v C.-undl and You-Ji Commiisi-.n

workin*. oa in tV armed lorcr*arried tbr the mart p.irl. ,,,

leon-age col-1 tbr the mart they may share ture but 'Ja.-y arc ex,*ctod form adult roU-s ui adult dre., Hence. soctoliW'ts regartl le.-n-ag eulture essentially a enlture leisure class.Of tV'IS.t

Viweqn IS and » is 1980.II,mo 'S.'OO male; 6.<RMi fcmile were in sehlol—murii hl^c the national axvrage ertrd

"coq«eri'Bhve" _____"‘'u’' \1 nrgaolratwaai Tolidificobon. Toei^

lilies slwMiid prox-e most in. current program f.r the sudutio:

dealing w:^ tV Niici aV Vi- tioo's internatiocia! enemies wo.iW ly u,e constttntlonalily of key pro- der God " In Uie sefaoo! flag pledge‘ ^ t a Vycott. As it was 33- viixms -if Ihe Ctx-i] 'PJghts Act of TV court aUo reftued ta rex-ie*seareh f.eihty tj e»r^^ .,rd 4^50 or more years ajo-Japaa U6t outlawing dwerimlnat'an V- an Important California ruluig lum-

............de to live. cause of rr-cc at mor! hotels. a*o- iting the use of eonfesi-ujas-abtair.tdram; edlioriil page, Don tels. atxl rerUurints. by police from vrsons wV a.-c.I. Marine Editor, allor.-s 2. In 8 five-to-four decision, with oM advised of their right ta couatel

tbe boycott idea b "strong-Justice Black dirsenting. tV cour*. during questimimg icine" but says lhat Alaska VId tVt the Cix-a RigbU Act elim-

•uigroui® V...-...S sc... “■»«»* '•>' trespass dmrgcs *which lol- and juniorV^.ACLers of Vll Lake ^wdeU HuU in bis rijtonu-.-.l. to against sit-in dumanrtratorj where 'TV Supreme Court agreed topari, a will be ready, willing and abl-* to fishing interests in 1937- trials or appeab were sllU jicnd- Var d"ci: term government ap-

Bceommodate tV memheri of to; "Bacause of 'the sscri/.cei aV tog , -peaU from dismissal of most Fed-Yiiuin tbe . pan lhat American citizrrs 3. In atutoer five-tc-fj-or deci-'eril barges to toe tlayag of three

of iriex-isiao in toe eix-il Vrights workers to PhiU-ssippi. aV from n ini-oix-mg toe civil r a Detn t bouse-

^arges to toe tlayagrcr«usou» A-ait-it-iij urox.-jcn . w-w. w..„.. - - ------------ -------- -----— —--------— — ---------------VrightS WOrkCTS to

A IW7 surwy -nows lower-claM luncheon the loltowmg day to next weekend. June 26-27. 1 uo« ^ conserx-mg tV salmon :e- courtroom trial of.Baiie Sol Estes Vlphia,li-en-agera more likely than upper- ^ ^ su„- iho«. aiterxling hax-e com-ileted or “ “«« »tron* coavictiM was held to x-iolatc the right to a Aiabam , _____ejas. •^-agers to V- "IlVrar: j j^cLers. *V tocidetiUlly pro- at least started their "homework ', « ttw t»*« of tV American public fair trial, at least to "oolorious" rlghu murder of VI with resiwvt to c.xl! llb.-rtie» hilanou. enlertalnmen: rt One sbort week remams av the »«“ «'-ablbhed a cases. wife -

tV award <raditole baitouet. We midnight oJ burns in prepiratior ‘ttP^or interest to tV saimon re- 4. All nine justiees agreed that Also gcheduled for argument t-xchanged ideas and tbooghts V in many Vmw. hovfuUy. sources of Alaski. persons »V objaeCto war Vc^usc next tornj Is a case cor.ti-rting

A 1985 surx-cy Msinland S.insA-i „r*anbat»onal solidilicobon. Tiieir —------ :--------- ----------- conclusion from this eorner, of sincere religious Vllef can quali- Vtrguiia's poll taxes f;r title aVwhile toe treat}- of I9S3 treats toe fy f-r (i-rrft -:r-.:-'r, cvc;. J,-|; ’.j •.! .•t-r-Iu; i matter as fishing on toe high It b t»t really that kind matter. Pishing (or

SuHI., WMiCImperial Lanes

Qnomoto Travel SenkiFmi* V. KiauMU


CeewRlHU Wasainr.w< Uaiuii

-919 - lSt> SU. MW (U



1 APBLIAJICES - TV . funtm* 348 E. nUST ST.. LA 12 NtAfoae 4-6601 (2. 3. 41


''iMsra Psut* 6sara*M8• Currant Rat* PaU QuertvtT

• iitturwd SavlnfiFullwten, CaiH. TRo]m T4244

in tv coming <k-c»d^. . . u,,nks and encouragement are ex- iCoatimiod Ini-cad^. . . thanks and encouragementOther tfcn-age attitudes of iii- lended u the young and mo ;n

U-re>t ini-olve toe cleavage dlvid- Phoenix and surrounding comma- j/'TJ I Mainland San.ei »‘udcnu jnio col- niticj. Yeah. yeah, .xeah' Mir*Ma.mand aan.ei pr;^ gnei .-ummer.-iaL disliac ". J

Uoos in coV-gv life 'Gm-k letter *>EX5« A CO«0—Denvcri.es r than •-•-hlrticn, etc,) aV ™ -June 12 vurj

1 .Vx-e.|i socw-eeoiiomic ciassci are liVly to •“TV after two or Biree geo- Mavor Thonta. CuriIt cniayteen-ice culture only to tVlr 'r«tiom toe e'Omlc factor all but M .- early tci-nx. ' disappears But nut so toe racial

. .. could Vrelegated to toat category—but itfil

>1. K*rui<, yJmisi iGarOeoji. safcnon. Most arc spawned and ^ in . American w-ators-AsiiUc

l>nlr>». MMes-mhi _Mcbl. 8eo KakiU. Hlssyo ■■

cu III. xxiiici ivan wawTS—nsilUcitmoB haxe been Isrgely fished

out Dor'lack of conaerx-aVn meas-iny Hot. l EntiUed toe "Lmitx- scVlarship dinner. '*'^"i‘ v^Sx?^b*'s}^‘\5^'iioi,. Dave Funikaws fUw- jx cOucag^ •

urrigaiI x-er gave ttie principal address and added stature to the affatt

hetwcc.-i 15 and 19 today. *011 MO are in school if tbe same persists and we're inclined Ucx-e in. >A< of 1900. not

ratiocm years

■luj Iccn-agxT in high scVil und^ sXk iS;;."" u,.,

1 would be a school drspout today if I had to conwte icaderB;call> with toe sebolardiip awardees ow

sc.*>o.age SO.) ' We haxv. i! YfJM TO COMEforecasts to make i

SPENEHNC BABnS D xivt ;V Vnsoi picture wlU V ],rt,c and wtraeumcular records m the next decide eiecpt to say Hats off to all of tocm.

We don't SUPP.SSC toe Vnsci are increase. Pr^^-ioos to tV dinner. 1 metany different from uther te«n-igers The kind-I'f thtng-nevn-flr.T-do wiih segmi-nts of me Inier.to iiP.-

i[ when it come* to apending jt.okt. »«> d~p-p:ng m age. Where tain* CoUegiste StudenU <ICS'.^ Editors of "Seveiileen" aunt out “ to V tor those 13 tVcugli who Vxe n,n s.-ught official alfilia-

enlertiiamcn- 6tc Jf- JACL was 00c* cuneclved to /ipmcal fashion far past twi de-rnlertilamcn.. eti. . ........................... ^ but Evades with J.ACL Wito sensible di--aV to kjep tV rectkai by newly- elected president

. 15-19 age group of fivyaj^ara ago W» sensitive guidinc-age spes^ brtaA- it do*-n to •'cll-knit and aS.-a-Ofiat.. aume Jr, ol^-an* JAO^r aV adv.se:38-pet. mi transpurtatton.' g.-jom- Vv fw a 2M0 «ypc J/>ks. organi- Mm kasul. I am looki^ forward

^ evaluative gosl-arvcBlated ar-up. WcU'

VM.CJ kOUXUieU.. . ---

Wc VvciT seen what fie .vouag ““'«lve 1 men are .spending each year. ‘ <iri>PP*ng-TV Aug. 39. USB "life" on U

doa-n —I.' *.-jpm- Aov for a 2U-W «yp

tog. bentos, school supplies: 25 pet.oc food: 18 l>a oe cmlL-^ionieot: Brfnv tor Ntsci . . ..15 pet on ckrthes; and 9 |wt on a g.nmltan. J.ACL may welljuve NI8EI BEL-AYS — Chau-man •ports. .. . . •JA^- rved Oguj-awara HoU>-Wd;x3On tv t G-aatoxa! side, iberr Nances, Jr. JACL 2M0. JACLaVe w iiulled thni-j.>-jgb V

« whThry re dit^ much earlier <


I'JS I IlMT tl , IU> *N\.£Ui !.• -TvaY CUITHES'- .— .

•toe Sansei Jr Olyropie* ot Snutoern CaUfamia • Vewe«<5ili-er JACL gathered t elite team of wmnm as tuey «xai the huge iierpStiial team -Irophy Jninei ''Butch" tCa^barw ’“eall* \i^(d liLc *11 .Ariii.v rairtato to bR r lint lUtJ bermodas

So in conclusion, all that we__say is tVt these North American Salmon arc our oa-a cbfldreo—and w-c are trying to perpetuate the

■Misj >pccic« by eonscrx'ation.



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Phone MAAfJ Hoor*:l0ajn.to5p.»-*SatardiyrlOajm tol^


Page 3: -OVER CLASS READBl^ PACIFIC CITIZEN · -OVER 75^ READBl^ secoMD CLASS pomsE-^ PAID AT LOSiANCCLES, CAUT PMUSHED «rtDa.V except last week ortea* PACIFIC CITIZEN By the Board: Changing

fricfay. Jun« i(, ,945BrSill Iteokawa

From the [Frying Pan

Lihue. Kauai TO KAUAI — A Chamber of Commerce type on

m insisted none of Hawaii had been spoUed by ‘'pro- ' but l«s chauyinIsUc natives made it pUin that not to

some of the outcrjsland? is not to see the true a. I chose Kauai. theTiigged and .green Garden nuies by Hawaiian A^Uncs west of Honolulu over blue

«aters,'. Baron Goto, vice chancellor of the East-West Center University of Hawaii telephoned ahead to Judge Ben

.0 and asked him to meet me at the Lihue airport- The eel of being met by a judge of the Circuit Court of the rf Hawaii was. to say the least, a bit disconcerting. As

out, the good*judge was busy so he sent along Toshi 00 less impressiy^ personage, bung a member of

ittanal Rivm and Tartars Congress and of the Kauaj ■flagging andTrafCc Commission, and a former mem-

'ibe TerrlTbiia] Legislature.hit night over dinner with Hawaiian entertainment Coco Palms, 1 learned more about these two gentle-

lodge TadOro, who attended the JACL convenUon in e in 1962, won his law degree on the mainland and is ioim among older Nisei. He was in the midst of bear-

onusual wter rights case—this on an idand where isi mountw that gets up to 400 inches of rainfall an- J-4W which millions of dollars hinged; Judge Tashiro

die peculiar position of knowing his decision would peiled to the stale supreme court, no matter how he ■Tljc Judge was among instructors at the military in- ■oa Unguage school at Fort Snelling, and Yatna was

his students.

ST DAUGHTER — Yama was happier to talk about ^Arep, than aiwut himself. A graduating senior

mi’ingh SchooV Stic had b«n named 196S Betty a Homemaker of Tomorroxv for Hawaii, awarded >00 scholarship and given a trip to New York. Late uDthsbe is going to Gloricta. N.M.. as her state’s entry oritoitol contest beiqg held in conjunction with a Bap- lierence, and in the she will go to college at \Miea-

>ETtiaps it is worth ncHing as a sociolo^cal footnote that Yama's maternal grandfather was a Buddhist priest,

be is a dev*DUt Baptist- In recognition of Karen’s accom- aats, and of her father's political service. iKith the Scute and House passed resolutions commending her enl signed copies to her parents.Aould also.be noted that wbilp the two men arc the

friends, Judge Tashiro is a Republican and Yama

WWAIIAN SONGBIRD — On my last night in Hono- pst before it was time to report to the airport, Dick of the Star-BuU^n look me to the Royal Hawaiian,

idi Masako’s show. Masako—that’s the name she goes 8 a Hawaiian-born Sansci, last name Yoshimoto. who ■lie big attraction at the Hilton's Tapa Room for some years before she moved over to the Royal,

thy, pert, and very nice on the eyes, Masako belts out »1th verve and finesse. Inevitably, she draws compa- ^ Pat Suzuki. “Pat came to see tif)' sbow one night,”

me. ’’She sat there with her big eyes open and at big smile. She was awiullv sweet and very compli-“y” ,ibe Pal Suzuki, Ma»ko must have been bom to sing, uiditioned for the Hilton job as a high school senior, kaen. asdJkir a while tried to perform at night and ddasses by.,day. That became too heavy a load, and atUy she got herself a tutor so she could qualify for atkm.^ many ai^cr Sansci, Masako feels there is greater limity on ^ mainland and hopes an engagement at dttrain Las Vegas, scheduled for this September, will ■ IWter things. It probably will. She’s good

low yoler regisfrarion in Hawaii may bring in U.S. reglsfrarsbarely escapes Fed- toiy of HawaU would be a.r.ared “There w;re more than 2.W

aupemitoa of w.er recirtra- to note the progre.'s w« iai-.- made ach»l di.'tr.r..- in die S’.iiosbecause of ito poor in the area of human relaii^v. which reouirefl-tisift white and Ne-

was not loo lonz ago when gw>- .'^Tudents atteod .separate “1^ MM the Hawau TechaicaJ prominent c-taeas cl our State *eho..:A“cnooi.graduitiog class last week were puhlicaUy savuig tbat Uus or "L'.te.xryjment ra’i-.i,«cre tao ttt said that under the Vote -bat rada! group in Hsa-aii could to three ifa-s tCgber aino.ig

i as^aiRogistratlot) Act pending in Cbo-«nt*lnt^****""** ***®*°*vs will be the heritage of Amen.-a. thn Uheir wbiliapptccUie •?«egri-oi rampared

Mafsunaga IS, has odafeiiFea'iby law partner

■■■•■■r.:i.in:c.i-.-nt about

Tokyo T^cs: by TamoHu MvrsyBfn.aOld-time J.4CL leader in Town.

has not registered. L' 20 pet. of the they may become citizens by law 1 “ BOM-hiie. but In ntnd they wouU r-— '

any state where leu than offspring could never b« aisi.’nt Tht Civ.I Hich> Aat of IXJ ha.»i la elimiszle much aegrega- Isouye laid. He toU the sss-

• • ——• — —WU. 9U i.l-UJU V.WMW * U bC* dCOtS :uwy M.5 jci. of Island re»:deats- come Americans. ' “In the shj.1 period after pcs-a voting age are registered—Just “I need «)t reiruad vou that,the sage cf the bai. great adv.isc!! ^ pn. more U»n the minimum English Standard School system, have oei-n made in mairv sireav re^u.icm«it. Inouye said. whi* was in many ways a.cc once ennstdered near;':ope:esiII the registrstioD figar* drops facto mc!h:d of sfgregaUng rta- "Rcsta'urantj and hntels. p.rk,. be^-» pcMn HawaU. ^fiich has dents, ■was chalinaied only iibiut and pubbe sdexJ#.- have epennd a large non-white pop-jla:‘on. Fed- a decade ago. tbeir A>hrs more and more U peo-era! supervision of registration will •The argum.-nts used fur i:s re- pie regardless of cslnr.' .......................... I- “But in

another roadblock bad died.

! of the Southern stVloob. HoBstiw XMRienlUrs

“I need not remind

oamc about, he pr^eted.II that occurs Hawaii's

i'**--whlch require* a voter to be literate either ‘a EngUsh o^ Ha- waiian—alsa will be uiees' it will be presumed torliT to rcgistratiai „„: u. v«,, ^"Hawaii does not compare favor- PV*veM any outside ctVaic group ^ *

ably with the national picture - from acviairiag a bomei “Although we Ulk a^eat deal ““ argued that the On Negro Veliag

about our csceUent voter turnout "«“* «»ed do not ccnflicl with -Li-.^acy tests which requiredat elrctisn time—a figure nmning « ““v United StMes Sa Negroer to recite fro.ti memsry^wcen » and 80 pet most of <**=“*“ obscure passages ol the slate con-the Ume-tbe truth U tbat Hawaii rcstr.«ive cm-cnacts bui ,atulion or bterpret compl;tatedhas a very low percentage of ac- certainly violate lU spirit, its cansliiu'.usnal clauses wen- appliedtual registration of those who arc “• >^Sh tone of jusUce Negro -appUeantl. while .shitequallhed to vote. morality. applicants were merelv esked '“It may surprise you to know “Considering tbi.< background, gj^tc tbeir names and

dial Hawaii is listed as a 'low ** ^ Hawaii have made great ad- .q nuajjjv. voter turnout area' in figures re- 1° relation to ofcer state -jj, 53.^^. cjmmunl'Ju.leased by the Du-cctor of «>e Cer.- P*«» of »« tvaUsble for voter registretion pur-sus-akag n-ith such statesa as •“'e fared comparatively *<■'.!! deliberaldyAlibemi. Arkansas. Louisiana So '“‘o'** •f‘" scbedulwl so as to m-ke tn Incon-Carolina and Virgtcua . . , an.-wbat we pridefuliy call our venient for Negro laborers to reg-“Out of the 3».€00 who are of trademark. Because of jjtcr or a-as drastically shortened

voting age. only 207JTI actualle *'« «=““ « more than or- ,5 v be lo-AlIy Inadequate tb vowd in the 1«H Presidential elec- concerned." accommodate the backlog of poton-tlons, Inouye al.-o told graJu it.-s ftat registrants, roost of whom"Such a record is not on- to Hawaii has many reasons for pride colored

be especially proBd of. J hope taat "its comjribx racial slrurture. -j, bccauae oP th;s situMSan

T->;:.vo kr.vw hb-» All I Dad to do A. digtuflcd-toekjtg wsiii-baired h.'. the table ind talk abou: Nuts

gentleman with stnkinglv farr.go problems in general and the rote, dash about him was walking slev-''JACL ccmkl play and ffieotn lha

b-fon- Hawaima high j,, down ttie street r.csr the busy fundameiital principtos ao xnaate- scbnol rr=a--utng classes were imperial Hotel this past week. fully planned by the Ute Jimmie canrel’ed 11,1 week by dcp. Spark correspoadent's memories Sakamoto, and Sabojo KJ*>.Mataunasa, w5a bec.vme U1 with ,.,re Jogged back aqroe 85 years And if I didn't say It eonectly. Kadd r . -.f.-etion and cud^r.d by „„ ft, gsod-natured daitut Rida wws there to coic* roc tets

tu lUy bemv in bad for ,ri„ devoted aa much <n what to say.of his time orgasiting ctapt.-rs in Or. Nakabara smUad weakly and

Iwo cl th-m were re it h'.' te Santa Qara Valley in the early said. “My wife died aotne 18year* law partmr Ttinmas Mai. la the TS80s. Kikujl Haukej-ama. then ago.%Iy cbiidres are maiztcd. 1 spec.-b ; --.arod^fer K-.i’i li-gl-. presidem of the Japineac .Assoda- am ill alooe. 1 eoroe to Japqa aW

ktatruaaga *Le tion of America and proapercua most every year to pay my re-'vnsld. laundry man .at Saratoga, and be spee-j to my parents who -pea'ee-

••.tn: who docs no; Voncta-it- acre close associates. fully be u tbeir tombs'. .. IPsh- a'crl w-ai be.M: triinc. " i* was Dr. VWlmpy ' Nakabars been 3S years ... how time flies." he raid. “These phm.^mcnrl of Ssn Jose. Re used to drive me Dr. Nakabani's hair is sAlte. all changes tend u leave i-s a oit armind quite a ba so that Ktf J.ACL while Row a ..................

HiTTVia few

r abiut minetwhat Id hold ...9msw auay."Mstsunsga laid young

must h.'M onto he concepts and order, individual libciMstsunsga tuti h.'M onnd order, individual liberty j the belief that ■' pCTson'k. capa* malic

when moral and financtcl supportE joung in heirt and 1 il of dreamt.■ueeesKfuliy launch JACL chapieri. LOS ANGELES—the Gila WRA Dr. Xakabara was 'most d.ido- ,CanaI High Schaol class of '<» wfll .

his apprearb (o secure have its 2Kh reuniin at Disneyland «i from Ubs Issei He Hotel Aug.-Zl. ........' cooperatiOD from

as tgains; taly 335.NegrovS iween M-y. Idq;. and Aug . 19M. H5 of the 1JS2 while *p;dicanu were accepted fur registralion while only 93 ; l "fhe 795 Negro ap- VlicanL were acccp'tel." '

8>tRam PriicjrIn a c.iiiimer.rcment nddrcsi be­

fore Kailua High Scbocl graituate the same week. Sbn. Inouye dc-

iCentinued on Page 4r

the Elgmacance of it will 1 , {j, compared with_____ nany states.Hiwsii ' “Tboje rights which wq sn „ „ „ „ „ _

"Allhough Hawaii has advanced f«’ Panied-itich as en- oartrsTior-s' in Srima.”Aiwwhichgre-ally in the whole area of civil “-’'■•i* rrsUurant or In the Sibmlle.rights over the.ycari and alUiaujh march -.e ilontgomery . - ,we have the concept of tqusLtv discnnunsUon, or going to .•Re4..9tratino to vote was limitedbefore ^ law as an accepted part withui our di.ririct- to on]'':wo davi a raon'Ji in S.-lroa.of our dady Hvei, &e record which .?»'■' minions ol Kegro a1 have Kaled in the matter of vot- found u present hi:ing sbruW alert us to other areas ’’Audially or completely segre- ^ courthouse, beIn which we have 4 tendency for **'«* c.c*ti“rants. hrtd*. motel* j-.j, ^ _self-compUcency and smugnfss. " *caters and lunch counters existed dictation a part

sr^-. ^=':' <rf the ConrtilutJon, anrwer .-r.-cral

■■fbose rights x Rev Marun Luiher S > the Dow-farocus dern'i

Prejadiee Ezlste larger citiesHe reminded students that many' der states.

strides HawaU has made In equal- ...................■■-ity are of reecat origin and that

0 pet. . luL') am

Rep. Mink outlinesudice still existing in, the SU'c.new science era ...... ..........

doogalory terms to.Uie racial an- HOSOLUIAJ—Hfp Pa'jy T. Mink siS rtsdem* of voting age. Inouyt • future ■’alory

CCS tries ol o'Jsers,i-c haveVritii cligiass differences, one far

' of the CsestitutSon, anrwer s questions on complicatem^ procedures, orally -----------eral WAi^mges fr--m the Coanifj- tion oM ho able to answer q’u( (ions cooceming them."

Of Selma. Ala.In 1960, Dallas CounLv-ol which

Seim? is the county seat—had 29.-how zngny outlined sciting

sdford fl cbMlor these, W.400 were.v

Aloha from Hawaii -----.1 Uer commencement address.

Mr.r, Mink told 'Jis graduates'^ the wooders of computers, nuclear energy and astronautics.

i " Urging graduate »st to fear theB^RICUAEO ODIA new era,of scieBcc and automa-

HONOLUtU — Chief JuiUce Wfl- tion. "this polentiil for progress, Ired C. Tsukiyama. 68. Is back at which is the legacy endowed in work after a 79dgy c^Unement yjur gcoertt-joa. is tremeodou«:y at Kuakini Hospital. He sa.rs be's exciting and awesome." sbe said, recoxering rapidly, although still "You are our only sure link with under trvjlrotnl for an inte'dnal Uie future. Onl.v^*JirougSi your ef- tumor. • ' fort and undersTaadisg can we con-Among Sansci cnlertaining al Ho- tinuc our progrc.ss. maiclaln our

nolulu nigh! 'spots are Teddy lOil- democracy and attain brotherhood ncn» Tanaka at the Fortadden City and uaderstarfding." and Rennie Miyashlio at the .Hit- ton Hawaiian Village.. Night ofHawaii’s populttkn now stands S.AN JOSE-Tbe Chidoii Band’s

at 696,417. up 105558 from UeO s ".Night of Murlc" will fcarjie a figures. This includes an estimated concert of pipular Japanese num- 70,465 dependents of militcrv per- hers pby.d by the Taibei-o Band soonel. but not those in the mili- of Los Ang-;les June 19. 7i» p.m.. trj' itself. a'- the BuddbiK Ch-jrch

while,': had been registered U

owmed by Dr. Richard Hobby and Ron Gay, both native sons of Kauai.Clare Hamamotii, U.H. student,

ha* received a scholarship for s v- week training with 9le Sn Fran­cisco Opera. July 1-Aug !g


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' 4TS cm I me war — BU a-ies

Father's Da^'lAuic 20. 1965

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YotTcan listen to vour favorite programs in J -Theb

listen to your favorite programs in Japa­nese all day long from 8:00 a,m. to-UfQO p.m. Ilie

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Wc know Homecast Japanese Broadcasting be most entertaining and usefnl. Y'ou’U be hap|der arid live longer too. ^\’ith best wishes.

Love,John and Mary

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KfOic Canuaew C-iiuat - liincm-t^ [Main Date - f4eii)f SywHytsiF i

1' \/ f J a *W>>.ra (I hi

Page 4: -OVER CLASS READBl^ PACIFIC CITIZEN · -OVER 75^ READBl^ secoMD CLASS pomsE-^ PAID AT LOSiANCCLES, CAUT PMUSHED «rtDa.V except last week ortea* PACIFIC CITIZEN By the Board: Changing

^UACIPK CmZEN Friday, Jum It, YW5Hawalli^.C^UctMd bvm P^ge 91 jUDpl7 madr up c wm 1000 Club Notes

- JAPANESE RECIPES -Japanese Boiled Dinner


US. P-S.C) a. VjrtBmm fcod tino fi«l tv e.e n>.Ui«frUrM. "Id itui <m( s"U>u'ti «{ >«uf lulurf wOl klsu pli » e‘.»i uar uut « »ii dA-rted

,b!nf« ui tbrouUumi ut tbefracnt .Mth the suiBk purbMr in mini 'fiOuOir. id that pad td Southeast of oltlnrate subjugdlion uT Kcuth Aiu , . . I aan convinced that the Vtetaam by Hanol-directcd Cent- ■praaltrABNMutraUt? to this cdo* munisu."Hid is to MO not only South Viet- . - Gives a free cMce. I am nam, but whole <d Southeast Asia positive that the majonty ol the rfpidly talUnf into Communist peopjejj)* Southeast A^. not to h^ivu rocnitoo those in the warJd at-We must realise that *e are »“»

there because the peopie of that lov^rament than Commitembattled country requested oui »ubju*at«m. 1 in, couvneed.

—help ai early as UM *hco Preii- »« >»avc an ob’;tstm to in­dent Eisenhower pJc l|ed U-S- aid. »t least that heedom <a cho;ce • K.Th*nubo(tl^^ob^m«^ f T-

c De?_ SVnlte Papit ^’ in Germany, in^lnad. to Hunpuy.; In North Korea and North Vietoara.' and of course in Chtoa and the b, ■' SovMt Umoo.- t*'

Inouye coocloded.-In i verv real V -f sense, what we ettoose to do. or

— CALENDAR — • not do. in South Vietnam wOl affect Five lovely lasses aspUm* to become 19« Miss Harbor are (trom - Ota-ownnaUonal mtoreet And that lelt): seated—June Shioji. Toshiko Nafso; sundinx—Naomi Shimo-

MC.wi(Dyc-«maertLtcreoea Ad- U why. even while h tiding'the door nishl. Luana Nishimoto and Fumiko Hostdtowa. Long Beadt-Harbor l**" Co^f«e. Croundi; Dr; open fcr honest negotistioo. we wiU JACL hosU a prelipjinary Judging garden party this Sunday and the **** nnt K> AeSMtwt wr will nnt emw eenmatioD dinncr-danoc on Saturday. Jus

o SugiVima.Bv TOYO HENMI

iLAitAsKi »m SAl>CE • Sdusunl aadiHiara)St Lou*,

to 2 tsp. dr, m»aard (karashl) lh»p. sboyn

Japanese rte vinegar

■ad uettes.Is of military ' athwhoare

Communist idrolagy {

* 'g^^s^t^iSS) not be defeated, we wUl not grow eorooaUon dinner-dsnoeSalt Lak»^f»«uai» «aak rry. Sumr Ured. we will no* wiSidraw either IntcniatfciDal Ballrown.

___oneelT or unitor the cloak of mean. _________

- 2C. St the Lalayctto Bold

goU toornai il. : 45 a.n

D;. B,U.H.ura, _____________...U>t ytsar with u »usltog 7n grji.f. or boiled pork, accompanied wrth { and Henry Isbtouka. runner-up last cabbage (served with a cbiice of j tsp. sesame s« year artch SO und the ’O cbatnpic«. 2 ptooent sauces) and a delectable ■yiinTn-^leading t^ field. ,oup aU made in one pot Easy jjix mustard with smaU amountAU entries art- guaraatcH a to prepare, it can.be senvd cold bo; aater. Add remainder of «ie. according to cbatrmen'Yosh or u-arm; whicbevto- you prefer, ingredieois. Blend and pot In small Yallt^ and Harry -Mizunu. Eurb | termed this recipe, Japanese sen-tog bu»’l. member to en.-uuraged to tovile a Bailed Dinner, because, to roe. H oriwian gAUCEguest, who il he joins the Jl^ somewhat reswdhles the .New Eng- .viaegar and iOsalQub will get a free entry. Boiled D-toner. Natiirall.v. we • »»»«For the ffrst time, a change is rmt use poUtoes iaU<. there u vi cop wWtr ndse

being -,-nade in the formut in that ,Bother pot — the ricci and there 4 ibsp. sugarthe "goofy rules" of j»sl .vemra ^oe vegi-uble—cabbage— j Tbsp. dashi sr water -have been discarded. 1; wJl be a on the other hand. »-hat better g Tbsp- Japanese rice ytategerstraight toursammit uooer USCA of se«ert-ing preci.us nu- j up. dry mnstord mfr withrules- toicrts and Cavers than to retain MPall asnonni «/ holer water

U «,«l N.U.»,I J.CL “

dissolv^Bemove from heat

-.......... Add vinegar ai^ mustard. Jtiscabbage are a langy-^yu rmx^ ^rvtagand a tart and s*-ce.. m:so conoh ment. The members of our coak-ing class liked best the combina- gOlT

__ don of both sauces. g.j uqnM ireaerrtd fi*mTVDBBVTA b-Ung pork and cabbage.

John KBU. .

“DribWe to-hMta ^ eltoprtkk tatotafcrSj eggs).Cook w. uadtT lor w

a few minutei.Pour into indn-aju,,

twn-ls. ^Gartush vmh gr«q Serves 6 generously.

VaUer-Onduatoi banwal.pm&ap Val)«T-C»dua f^giaw^lan to.

___ to (Sbbi■an ItoUs—CommuiUly•Menu («u)

ly enstvto. Oroagt Cegoty cornhrsl for Kbofanhip fvml let

Chapter Call Board

and renewing memberships to theIHb Year: East Los Angrto»-Kefl

^'lTia°?w: Downtown t-A.-Ceorgr T. AntanJ. Boll Lake—Mn. Bar Fuji- moto; CarOena Valtoy-Joe H- Kobata: SanU kUrta-Harold V ShtmOtt.isth Yaar: San Franctaro—Hra. THko

1 Kurtuwa; Veto - -Mikawa; PhJ- - - Mts- T. Annutk Y-«ar:;____ _________ISth Yaar: Orange Cosnly- bs. rolled perk

Long BwdvHarftor JACL . .Mlto Harbor CoroMtfan: Long- «»l»)rtnen and door prirea. Plcrdccasting contest

inh Teat: Pontond—lanes K Xtos; Very toln foe d(very toln Coe ddaone rib pork 2

.c.-ii.e ninui an- Beach-Harbor JACL presents ,U ~ -n Akahoah,. Oaorga K. Sarano; toCounty- Inu-r-Uub 7^, genual Miss lUrbor Corunatsoo *“ weaing jun-War^-N'o,^ l^i: O1 wili'-be held at <jinner-dance June » 7 pm at *» *■*« £^’’liCif.krviifl'^-.,i*nKL-lecreatico Park on Lsfaywtte Hotel's In-emational *‘**‘**' T*"® Sjun^SJJrg; San rai

d Desh ginger, salt and Ajino-torn. Council carnjval . .

Gaiden Grove Recreatica Park on ju. L>favwtte Hotel's In'emational . .. June a. noon to 10 p m., in con- ematoona. Japanese Laa- v.uey-toanu’ Ujwhar..

juncUoo with the Kodotin Jude rvc candidates aspiring for the « sponsoring a ben.-tournament at Bolsa Grande High hA: ,»* “ fit mov-ie June 2M7 at the JACL

E to- Sc^ adjacent to the park. rwlko' H~v—. ToahUto N^: H»I1- 0*1.^ -----

Pan Dtagw-bd tntg. lACto OtBaa. t:ie a ... ....... ........»«

i orgamzaboM of the 1 county are suging the event to ' secure scholarship funds. Two S300 awaidf are made an:

wauki: Weskms suesiuig conversational Ja- sSSto ,« gla» and keei^ fibers

to to the coronation pr> sUrtihg July-10 and endmg nu*.-, x «, “®*' ^ stmnk«ng eacessivelj. ^ pm was the nammg of tour col- 3 b^Bev «rcL'"c w 4 sUces <d pork in„ lege youths as honorary eseorU nen,' instructor (37M777) Uarbor-Or itam uuda: oewneve boiling liquid—no more, ao as to

•»*’ *rill Uke part in thf ;r.id,t»n.l keep liquid at a gently itdling boil.s..

towWThe I»6S Miss Harbor wiU be in- •»“ schedule a fim » to>tU*-Cr Ctoorae Uchl-

IJT. J.R Lot AngelPS—JuRinlTlSf: e cups'smW U. Add

Cut cdbbagc into quarters. Re­move core and center ajute veins from leaves. Wash and set aside in coUander.To'a large pol. add about 7 to 3s'^-ltev; bring to boll.' comstad (tlus gives pork

“ rs of

giacktoe-Atuy mtg. lUercaUim___nLrtii»*'?uxB51“eSi .* -youin“knd

UrtMsice-Mmwd-Crsduste* entUag.>.jrairt^Vce"°Jig. ^SSnrtSocl '*?SSrSttrci,.^"*^ ^*^“****Cfrahiv Couniy-«en-l ratg- Kv •Ui. Wotmlsster. 7 to pm.:Paul Uua. ^r.: ~touu Fli b Avenge runlly-.•^S.^Sge'^SSTpan"•di laks aty—Kstl JAO. t

1 (SBBaayl t. Mo hearh;iub golf tourn

.“sffi2=-s^ssr,»ss5:tySm toigirwood Dam 1Yulara Cm^-^^Sc'merOac.Sfe Dtego-AueUUJT nrtg. Bod Otoreh. <taaaay|

Sen Dlegii Oemmunlty ptnUc. 1___Blnnd State Park, eurfude. » kJa. PMMma-Board twimfeit. ItWs poato

.BIT S mnnaaT)PtBdena-Bd ratg, home u( Tom Da.

I."-;:."'pH^iSup VaDey—PUnlc. 8u

ONEMUHow Ployrng tffi iunt 22

Kimi no No Wo(ALWAYS ns MY BgAS*) -Parta 1. » and*a-

Chlkagr Araa-hlma. Kuhu Rtt. KeUI Sau. Kelko KlahL Tataura Ulh^. Yumejl Tsuktoka


Now Ployfag HR Jom 22DaieiSespe la Cato . Eaglnh SeMUcsSorugo Yokyoden Gorosu(.noewof nrv-CNCg)

Shintaro Kataa. VuUko Pul. MiTukt Kuwano. Shotchl Ouwa AND

Doreyori mo Ktmi wo Aisu(PAST TWO)

a gild.. CJC. RC 4-1148*A 8HATTERINOSHOCK mw


's.-rlor aooirMy. jum m, a lo San D.cgo-Henn Honda: _

dbyJcanKomai H d-m.. a: the Bank of Tokyo Hos- Dvwnuwti la—Or shunji K duU; Relrige I Mio Harbor. James W »«>™- »> -V- 1« SL. ac

Arrange on platu Repeat fill all >ork 1. cooked, efrigente. if nerezsary.

V -vri-^iT ^ cabbage m boiling liquid TTTSirai- taking care that it does not over-Twin citwa-ltri Kay cook (about 10 minutes)—cabbage ekton-A«^^. juto- ahould remain crUp^Bace on Isrge

■ 'Akito-san arrant 9>e cab-

fcawa and crowned bwoe film fame

CIASSIFIEP ADS• Hap WAgTEBOPncZ'.SBCMYAhT. Some mken .apanrer ewential. alwrthand. UCLA Jai>ar>e«- lIulBry Prajeei. DR a-asn.• EUPlOYHEirr. A4ENCICS

b laovvie, Welcsto


.WANTEDBilingual Ph.D.

in Organic Chemistrynuant to .apanesr and ^f(*«»«

BilingualCTiemical Ehigineer with Masters Degree

RbcbS to Japanma and axfcf .cnaa*lca)*Siratow. PTtocA oh^icUnBtod^M and conatroet a largeKaed*^ tto .^alftae^^oBaSSrStwo 4-e wceka trtpa to Japan wOlssK”‘ti?^SS^..SSthe prarem to new COttonaptton^ the ptoduftw lacDItT wlU teOew.SuccenWul ptOI. candidau will be aaaSgnad to the ftnn-a modem Re-

tor eny ecaie-up *Lrequired. Win be__<or conttoulne Ualaee wSlb the Jape- peae ehcnlcu enmpany. rw«wto».«. yplant after B ii turned ow le theChcralral engmm candldalr wffl ^ a v-nal part u the tem of joint

carmng «ut eapertinestal wwfe atS;-Wr,2r.'£.*SiL£enguicers and niiauri peteonnal.SKLS?-fSi»"s.j;SSpiu futun enerSmentA and pm- vtoe w englncesing team with Infw-

^Ha^^^SidtoaU U>^ ttocwarr. wm to

bale of opemtioni

Tone Development Co. Idc. Waltham. Mass. 0815*

• 8BU. PT*Tt-L0S fweajESream. butM-bm. earpeta. driM Om- blato to-ft. Trepby pool, H * m


Lodg Beacb SlMer aty official T. Itah of Yokkaichl «dU be special guest. He U berg to present to the city a MikoshL uhiri, wiU 1 paraded Aug. 8 . ih the bcdul pageam. City and port offleials also

... e« Charlie fording to chairman Tom Okanoto. Sritoii^i^ wiU toitertaln. wiU be no charge. ve-r:

Marysvillo JACL -5Sr^f

Tim CnnttoB «fFUKUlMortuary


_______ ■ bage in the form ofya-rose, slart-T “.,r^,r- ra»^P^ Ing^ outCTedgeW workingtin Year: Ito

Fred Y. FiUlka rskuhara: OUci

_____£ j^3;. rsss..1= .. ......n, ________ _____ tioos be made by Wednesday. June . <5»f: '*"® *“*

1. The resulting appetizing ap-

D Oye ( in for d Members and their Immediate

b. c » PU P«»,. ....bl ™ ussi.rtj:s» a “ js»is Sunday at the home of Johp' ** barfaecue.__________Paap. y""' - •

Florin JACL Soz Oka, 50Lrib F-™.: M-rioA.. MO^OICT-IU.^ Ol^. ». •

wp.rri.inji »x-jri -orkw for fieJACL youth forum June 2S. 7=:

at the Florin Japanese '


profession, beAn aceountant by :been u the insurance business

Urgely responsible for es-P4ti.. at the Florin Japanese McUA

Rlvcxlghiw'w ^IK Year; Chirago—Georg* bwkl:Join the 1000 Club



diapler president. ______■TV. -Vijrij ti. Prjd, wd H.

Sbi^e" Bill be shewn and a panelD youth problems mII

om-U«UMdtn Church: Rgv. R. igu-Dettok kUehlda. audeni. Bk e: Naoey Oda. Pvblle Health c. Saeraracato Cmiy M«alth De- oent: and , Jmy fTakohara, ru- Bk Crave. ) .

Mentoroy PmIojuU JACL Otaptcr Pkade: The annual Mon-

terej- Peninsula JACl, coenmunitv picaie will be held (his Sunday at the county fairgrounds. It is being jointly sponsorgd by the Nise, VFW. El Eriero Presbv-terian Churrii. and Montergy Buddhist Church.Yoihlo Satow. dsairman. said

the program will Include neeNisei Uptioisfering



La. Angotes • RE 4497$Stm Ktotos - Terry Kstet

NANKA PRINTINGJM* E Irt SL Ln AivelB. Canf.Ahwto 8-T835

of eppredafiofl award.adit's



944 Gaargia Sf^ fhom MA 7-2003Too to- to b LlM-to Yaw Trad CM

AHMU ntS. UT. «11* S Sao Pe*e. lU 8-90*1

FUUK8SHI ms. un. Twatpm. Uanaki-Uawnaks. 21B S S« PMi tU 6-5275. HO 2-7*06

Ask for . . . 'Cherry Brend'wnm uppLT CASff^SSVi-


lUASarUriK aiMB

4-Ohf318 East First Street \Jx»s Angeles. CallL

UA 6-5681

Ninorriiya Studio'S5S East 1st SUM

Lto Aagetek CaOFenUi 900U M. 8-278)

682-1015 >JMeS.06*T.


Gardani — An Eft]Motel Apti,

(Chto to the Harbor Freraa, — T-e Btota Itolk ri RstonasPhana: 3244883

Dalb . Wteu, Riui. 68 U.(U Htotof P«>l - Air CordlOohieg . GE KJUton . Tetolito

BWIIEl) MB CWttTtP BT K0B.T. tttlPaning Through Denver? Stay af .

GOLDEN HOURS MOTEL11080 W. Ceifu (U-S. 40 West)—Tel. 237-772$

• ‘ Heaue Rooi - 26 eoiulul Oeiu .ScftW Sue tlecl ■

Empire Printing Co.COHHERCtAL a«l SOCIAL PR1NTU6

CtoDsfe aed JtowcB114 Weller Stf Lot Angela. 12 M

Shimatsu, Ogata end Kubote Mortuary

Penthouse Clothesin. Hset liiu a Sicfurs Ti Up' AskI


Ifeve NakajiConglnr latvraKc Sento

4566 Cemieela Am.. LA. 66 EX 1-5931, (res) VE 7-9150


toMto • Heliiftoc* . ^Nisei American


oae ^ (to twm'Stoc^2421 W. J«ffensit LA K l-q

#jsr;siiw.“ai'ft-esT ORton

REALTTKan Hayadti, R

2133(7in,JE 7-4911 LA TH «EMI

lacain* Property • Bomw - liiSAMIWANA

totsu -to; K. R»inp«ri Blvd to

_______1^ Aogeiee W_ .KAMIYA-MAMIYAPK 'REALTY CO.m

: isyf.sir.rrif?svi3i=w,...mCAL-VITA PRODUCE CO., INC.

Bonded Commusion Merchants__Fruits & VegetaMa774 S. Central Ave. L. A—WhaleMla Tarmiiul M«W

MA 24$9$, MA 7-7038. MA 34$04

Eagle Produce929-943 S. San Padre St. MA $-2161

Bonded Commission Merchants — Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables —

Lac Angalaa 15- Brjkn - AAgtneffl ■- E(rsl»t ing Tmnsintutoi Ekcr(z.-to

marina TIRE COMPANY___ - Goodyear - Blue Streali Earing Tii»

^ l»70 W. WariWngton Blvd. Culvar City — Tal. »tJW... ..... .. ., ^ ^ vwi-w.-.

Bvaei MclrtBiP - Mtoo Hto Bill Tikr.n-rj HABCOUOCK.HCL

your credit union

