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Over feVA Si I LS

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0 THE WINNIPEG FEBRUARY I BEAT RECORDS j Over Kinks Already for Which I Opens I ft There will be over rinks In at the eighteenth annual of the Manitoba branch of tho This was assured when the L entries received by Secretary J. I Robertson up to noon today f numbered Then will be a few morn last entries to-d- ay unless ad signs fall which will go to make year's the greatest on record In so far as attendance U with tho exception of the i year of the of the curlers from V the land of tho The Ontario curlers will reach the city about six o'clock tho V transcontinental being over live hours f-- i late They Include two Chatham and two Lindsay rinks and links from To-- Wj roii and mf j To-da- y incoming trains were crowd-e- d with Moose Jaw and the Hr Dawson rity who have H tending the were m among the first to reach the Seven American rinks have already ty thero being two from and Drayton and one from St. St. Hj Thomas and ft The meeting of the H- - branch will be held to-nig- ht In the city when the will be The draw In the H-- j wall trophy will also bd Six Draws Each u Six draws will be pulled off each day at 8 11 4 mm and 10 p.m. Ail the regular curling are In tho num-ber- s running as follows 1 to on rear of Clarendon mm 8 to between and Alexander cast of Main mM 13 to Fort near Main street 16 to McDermot ave-nu- e opposite General More Following are the entries received In addition to those published one two R. V. two A. J. A. Hf- - one W. two J. J. A. Hl t one A. Hl Hf one Norman 1 A Cypress ono W. Town- - m N. two mi C. two L. mt J A mk Fort one J. two J. A K mf two E. mk J mt two A. S. mk A. fk two J. E. mM B. mm one A. E. mM Portage la one G. mM skip- - Pilot one E. F. Stead- - two C. A. F. St. N. one D. uMMi two D. L. l Manitoba two F. A. A. J. MM one A. one A. E. key P. G. V. V 4 O. two J. t one D. CI one D. D. M. two A. J. i mm J Moose two M Oak one R. L. one J. M. H two G. M. Mi two T. B. Cope- - a land C. A. one R. 1 Winnipeg fourteen J. i J- - H 1 E. J. J Mun-I- V I ml A. R. C. Ir-B- V A. Mc t P. T. H. C. BW R. AV BB Winnipeg four n. P. A. T. A. 11 L. T pep W. VI ii J. G. H. Lulling- - ford D AV A. Carson V D. A. O. v W DA JJ J. R. BB N. M. F. BH I. SPRINGS I St. John Collegians Beaten in Senior I In the Intercollegiate senior game on Saturday Manitoba sprung a defeating St. John's by a u score of 4 to The was a good St. John's hade more of the I but w-er- e off In their Dhe f- - Manitoba I. St. Gannon goal ue f Fuller f cover f Morton rover Adamson forwards Matheson l Adamson G. Judge of P. goat Feary and Sey- - Daly and I ARE BEATEN Hf Wanderers Spring a Surprise in Big HJ Eastern Game Bj 4 Ottawa's famous Bl Stanley cup was beaten by Bl the at the Arena Saturday I night before over tho f score being 5 goals to It was Bl of the most brilliant hockey matches Hm ever played In From stait to finish the pace fast and BV and the hockey BV victory of the came A as a surprise to It was f known that they were In splendid phy- - Bl condition and able to play the fi game of their but so generally BS was believed that the would Hf win that their admirers were willing BY to give all kinds of The result Bl was that a few bold sports HJ cleaned a pile of In some I I cases 10 to 4 was offered on tho with very lew Captain Art Moore voiced the senti- ments of tho players after the when ho and ull credit should be given the who played We played our and 1 think that our work was up to but Hie excelled us und that U all thero In to The followed the stylo that has distinguished the for the past lew The forwards stuck to their appointed positions and stuck to their The result was that Frank McGee was so closely and he was not as dangerous us Patrick und Glass followed up und fell back so speedily und so untiringly that McGee and were prevented from making their great It was clean which was In view of the Importance of the None of the players roughed It and there were compar- atively few The first In two Six minutes later Patrick evened the Then McGee put the und Glass made it two Just before halt McGee scored early In the second but Patrick made It three and then put the In the The teams officials i Hague goal Menard Pulford point Strachan Moore cover Kennedy rover Patrick McGee centre Glass Smith right Johnson Harry Smith left Blackford Harry Frank RAMBLERS WIN AT Fast Intermediate Game Won By City In a fast game tho Ramblers of defeated the Thistles' second here last night by a score of 6 to Tho checking was hard anil of the home got his back and rA the was Injured with a slick and will be out of the game for a The teams and officials Martin goal Parr Phillips point cover Archambault Humphries Dunderdale Cotter left Martin right Mooney spare Drew-Refere- e Tom Judge of play Hugh Timers Young and Goal Judges McAdam and J. Summary of 1 14 2 Ramblers Humphries 5 3 7 4 Kenora Archambault Half C 4 6 10 7 Kenora B. Martin 1 5 7 9 Kenora 4 Penalties Humphries Archam- bault B. and WRESTLING AT ARCADE Downs Wins Hit Challenge Against Root After Hard Content The people who witnessed the bout between these two men at the Arcade Theatre on Saturday evening went away with the satisfaction that they had received their money's this proving to be the tussle that has been put up In A new aspirant in the person of Dickson of Portage Prairie gave an exhibition bout with the through the non-appearan- ce of the Minneapolis strong who was billed to tackle the Turk In a contest under the Cornish although a good lighter than his did When Downs and Root appeared on the mat there was some expressed by Downs as to Dav- idson's ability as and finally the Turk was appointed to Judge the The conditions of the contest Downs to secure three points to secure a fall and Root two the best of live The men tried every conceivable twist and turn to gain advantage and it was not until 34 minutes had been regis- tered that Downs was awarded the first bout with a half Nelson and arm Root fought strenuously In the sec- ond round and gained a victory In 14 minutes with the bar The third try went to Downs In 22 minutes with a half Nelson and arm Root's arm being so badly crushed that he asked the referee to grant his oppon- ent this Downs eventually won out In the fourth round In minutes with a half Root holding out that Downs twisted his leg In an un- fair manner At the conclusion of the bout Downs agreed to meet an unknown A forfeit of was put The un- known must throw Downs three times In an hour's wrestling MEETING 13 POSTPONED Northern League Delegate Will Get Together Today Owing to the of Grand of J. Price and of have not ar- rived but are expected In some time therefore the meeting of the Northern league was adjourned until some time The dele- gates that arrived Theodore John Percy Glass of Lake John D. of J. M. Lamb of T. E. Brady and J. ot Ar- thur and Anderson are also in the SHIN-PA- D The Maple Leafs practically cinched when they defeated the Kennedys on Saturday night by a score of 6 to Cornwall defeated the of in the senior series of the Fed- eral league at Ottawa Saturday night l y a of 5 to In the senior hockey match at the Mutual street rink Saturday the Argonauts defeated the 21 to seconds St. George's The and Crescents meet tonight in an Intermediate fixture at Manitoba rink at 8 The will have the following men on their right left The first game for the Icelandic hoc- key championship of this year will be played tonight at the Arena from 10 to U between the I. A. C. hockey Great Inter- est Is being taken In this match by tho Icelanders of the and u large turnout of supporters Is The Vikings have the championship I since with exception of lat when the I. A. C. won out READY FOR THE CURLERS Last Meeting of is Held Another The final meeting of tho the Manitoba branch of the to complete arrangements for tho big which will open was held on Saturday afternoon Great enthusiasm marked the One of the of the meeting was the Inauguration by the C of a new compe- tition for the It Is to be a church In which each congre- gation In city will be privileged to enter u the or someone nominated by to do the will present a trophy ond four prizes to the winning They will take place at the conclusion of the Details were left In tho hands of the tho and J. past also advised the meeting that the annual curling service be conducted In St church on Sunday night Testimonial A letter from C. C. of announced that the royal secretary testimonial fund would close on and asked for all do- nations to be In by The sum ol has been collected from the clubs In tho The Granite and This- tle clubs of this city also donated apiece to the Secretary Robert- son will remit at once by draft Contributions Still pome J. secretary of the finance reported the receipt if the of which was from the Inter-Ocea- n hotel He announced promises of a considerable further all of which will be col- lected this all the funds are In there will be sufficient to defray not only the expenses of the present but also out the deficit from last On motion of I. seconded by F the report was received and the thanks of tho council tendered to the Police Will Tho Ice committee reported all In readiness for the The draw for the Dingwall trophy will be made during the day and given out at the meeting of the branch Pol-Iceme- n will be detailed to assist the umpires at the Granite Thistle rinks in preserving A double force of umpires for day and night duty will also be on Meeting Tho and prize list announced that the prepara- tions were complete for tho meeting of tho branch at 8 o'clock to-nig- ht when an Informal reception will be tendered the visiting curlers Ar- rangements were made to meet the various Incoming trains to-da- y to re- ceive the visiting curlers and escort them to their The ask the public to assist them In re- ceiving the visitors by dressing the city In holiday like all the Hags throughout the city to be raised to-d- ay In honor of the opening of the The reception committee has pre- pared an interesting for the banquet to the visiting curlers on Thursday night In Manitoba when they will be prepared to seat cur- lers at NUGGETS OF Brief Run Over the Latest Sporting v Harry third whom Chicago secured from has about made up his mind to the game and engage In the mer- cantile business In Dick Padden Is a newcomer In the American but he already lays claim to the pennant for Force of habit Is Miss Amanda a female announces her retirement from baseball to go Into a finishing and Jack Sheridan has A unique condition unveils Itself at where two Grand Rapids boys and Pete will fight each other- - for the position of third Hans expects to boosts his batting average for ho never could hit now the big Jimmy Is giving pointers to Terry McGovern on how to Bat- tling Terry will need Herrera and Kid Herman have signed to fight In San Francisco and the winner will have a natch with Jake the old-tim- e occasionally acts as a referee at some of the three-roun- d affairs pulled In New Sandy Ferguson Is In jail The heavyweight scrapper will insist on saving his best punch for his It Is settled that the national ama- teur boxing championships for 1906 will bo held In under the of the Olympic Athletic The date has not been It Is alleged that Jim has combined all of the fighting at San Francisco Into one big This will make It possible to do business under one The national outdoor swimming championship has been awarded by the A A. U. to St. during the list week In They say that Keene Is not Intend- ing to bring out till near the close of this MAKES HIT IN Harley Davidson Pleases a Crowd at Golden Gate San Harley of St. champion roller of the the title which he won recently In St. Louis against the champion of arrived In this engaged for the next two weeks bv the management of pavilion to skate fancy and fust During that time will skate some of the roll- er skaters of the coast Several match races for large purses have been and something exciting will occur every night of engagement he re- in the Mechanics' pavilion he will endeavor to lower the world's record on roller skates for two and Last night Davidson startled the au- dience at the pavilion rink with one of hl that of Jumping over seven while skating backwards at an extreme rate of This was by the professionals out here a suicidal great Davidson went through the without a l m b A 1 0 consumed in the world today is I Si 8 feVA taken with Whether it be the laborer's cold the JB LS bon-vivan- t's repast or the PsT observing ones must con- - cede to good the place it has ES To be health nourishing the IS JWj 9 beer must be Blatz Wiener beer possesses every ele- - If 1 OH ment of beer Its very fragrance and suggests at P once the honesty of its The Vitality of the l H malt and the aromatic properties of the hops are mani- - S fest in every The Blatz method of preparing the malt and mm original style of brewing accomplish certain results peculiar to s j Blatz Beers this is the secret of Wiener as a Table Beverage rg M The hop bitters act as an appetizer and and the malt is nourishing and 1 i 1 The result is eminently Nature knows the value of Blatz Wiener as a Intelligence fosters Nature's As a culinary adjunct Blatz Wiener is the beverage si BB par It gives you that well fed Order a case sent ESS fl VAL BLATZ BREWING 11 Place Your Advertising with The Tribune for the Best Results WESLEY Skating Every Afternoon and Evening I'll one A. popular Family Telephone at miss The Sweet Club Dancing and Novelty ami In ii Comedy h TH pur lb-ne- e n Tin J UK on V. Leader Sounds from O. reserv- ed sail now theatre box office I IB PROMPTLY ol 1 their by Ex- - Preliminary Our investors' Marlon lie New Life cad DC j Bijou J J Near Union J M Telephone a w Meek STOCK J W J of first class Drama- - H tie and Comedy pres I'M r the great at J lly In two ni t- - J JM r CasU of H I Dan Gillespie J. Z Z Jobson H T Deacon Chesley M J Sally Marie Z Miss Camson U. L. Ellsworth H J Others lly thi s J 3 Z The following be a M tween the B J J ft a Comedy and a 5 a Introducing II v m i a youngest a I a Manipulator In a A a a a a a Illustrated a i KOHLS of Harnum and In a graceful and daring 1 m Bargain dally except B 10 and 15 a Nights 8 and 20 and M 23 H AUDITORIUM RINK I I St. Paul I Victorias 1 3 and 2 I I Phona IS M CELEBRITIES ENDORSE THa j j j PIANOS QUALITY THAN t K 2 Tou may Inspect them and I B yourself of tho excellent I H of f Music Piano Co Jm S MAIN VALUE I Is what the purchaser of an instrument K gets at Turner's Music Mouse We have cheap but we dp not I S cater to H AREN A RINK 1 1 BANNATYNE Skating Afternoon 2 to Skating Evening 8 to UNION BAND IN ATTENDANCE Hugh f Of ill i At s in o m AUSTRALIA'S GREAT Whole Life of People Pasted in Open Air Many Novel Australia Is about- - the same as the United States and contains no more Inhabitants than New York Hut their cricketers have beaten the best elevens in England for many years and last year New Zealand football which plays the same game as the de- feated every team brought them In the old except one a team of says Julian At the first week In there Is first-cla- ss and In no other country out- side of our Is there so much base- ball played as among these Every bungalow has Its tennis and every community posses- ses Its lacrosse and polo The fact these people are all the climate Is dry and enables them to keep the field a. I the year and their generally active life and temperament tit them for athletic There Is a say- ing that whenever a new settlement-l- s founded In Australia the first thing done is to mark out tho site for the the to survey and grade the The whole life i of this Is passed In the open the percentage of drones among them Is so small as to be a and Australia might be considered the paradise of I have several times had occasion to remark that In this there are a few persons who do the actual ath- letic while all the rest of us are content to go and look And In the proportion of the players at various sports is much greater than In com- parison with are not Cricket of fav- orite Australian and yet the number of spectators at a cricket match unless It be a very ex- ceptionally Important Is limited to a few score persons at tho has of all the Tho an- swer Is that they are nil playing cric- ket they would rather than look They love sport for sport's not for what money there Is In or for tho mere of a An Australian will bet on a horse no but there Is a system of lotteries connected with horse the people of small means contribute In small sums to a big the winner of which suddenly finds himself In possession of a there Is nothing In Australia similar to the rapacious and unprincipled class of professional sport gamblers that there Is and ho wholesome of this condition Is conspicuous on all Hut Australia docs not restrict Her- self to the games practiced here peculiar to one ot them Is the camel for there are many ca- mels In tho Imported there from Asia und used for desert travel and freight railroads are non- existent and horse perishes from The in these are ridden by native Af- - who have a knack of getting speed out ot their which no white man Is able to A large part ot the In these places Is by the Afghans among the spec- - become terribly excited the air with their yells of encour- agement and At the close of each race these Interesting barbar ans always rush together In a furious the result is winners and losers lly at one another s and new races In northern Queensland thero are goat which are likewise and the great contests and rock-drilli- ng matches ahe Australian's proclivity to turn even his moat serious labors Into capital for perhaps the most exciting ath- letic game of the 19 axeman Is attended by a who where to lay his and Informs him liow the other fellow Is getting th same nd fixed upright In the re supplied for that 4 all may have an equal A nal and all fall to work at Syme make splendid progress at the but afterwards and passed those who seemed for Is no more vio- lent exercise than wood-choppin- g In The axe bite the big chips the bodies of tho men swing and their breath comes in regular The shout their applause or and at last one of the big logs gives ii and In another mo- ment It Is Not seldom the vic- torious chopper falls belde It utterly livery Australian can but some experts have raised the thing to a and their feats are Illg prizes arc given to the and the are advertised weeks I remember when we used to have chopping lu Northern New and I once saw a smoking his pipe by the of an who had that day sawed and ten cords of hickory But I ft-a- r such heroic feats are seldom seen except In remoter regions where newspaper reporters are not en- couraged to big a. it does not II v fur away from It and whatever there to be Is readily



j Over Kinks Alreadyfor Which

I Opens

IftThere will be over rinks In

at the eighteenth annualof the Manitoba branch of tho

This was assured when theL entries received by Secretary J.I Robertson up to noon todayf numbered Then will be

a few morn last entries to-d- ay

unless ad signs fall which will go tomake year's the greateston record In so far as attendance U

with tho exception of thei year of the of the curlers fromV the land of tho

The Ontario curlers will reach thecity about six o'clock tho

V transcontinental being over live hoursf--i late They Include two Chatham and

two Lindsay rinks and links from To-- Wj

roii andmf j To-da- y incoming trains were crowd-e- d

with Moose Jaw and theHr Dawson rity who haveH tending the werem among the first to reach theSeven American rinks have already

ty thero being two fromand Drayton and one from St. St.

Hj Thomas andft The meeting of theH- - branch will be held to-nig- ht In the

city when the will beThe draw In the

H-- j wall trophy will also bdSix Draws Each

u Six draws will be pulled off each dayat 8 11 4

mm and 10 p.m. Ail the regularcurling are In tho num-ber- s

running as follows1 to on

rear of Clarendonmm 8 to betweenand Alexander cast of Main

mM13 toFort near Main street

16 to McDermot ave-nu- e

opposite GeneralMore

Following are the entries received Inaddition to those published


two R.V.

two A. J. A.Hf- -

one W.

two J. J. A.Hl

t one A.HlHf one Norman

1 ACypress ono W. Town- -

m N. twomi C.

two L.mt J A

mk Fort one J.two J.

A Kmf two E.mk Jmt two A. S.mk A.fk two J. E.mM B.mm one A. E.

mM Portage la one G.mM skip- -


Pilot one E. F. Stead- -

two C. A.F.

St. N. one D.

uMMi two D.L.

l Manitoba twoF. A. A. J.

MM one A.one A. E.

key P. G. V.V 4 O.two J.

t one D.CI

one D.D. M.

two A. J.imm JMoose two

MOak one R. L.

one J. M.

H two G. M.Mi

two T. B. Cope- -

a land C. A.one R.

1 Winnipeg fourteen J.i J- -H 1 E. J. J Mun-I- V

I ml A. R. C. Ir-B- V

A. Mct P.T. H. C.

BW R. AVBB Winnipeg four

n. P. A. T. A.11 L.T pep W.

VI ii J. G. H. Lulling- -

ford D AV A. CarsonV D. A. O.vW DA JJJ. R.BB

N. M. F.BH I.


I St. John Collegians Beaten in SeniorI

In the Intercollegiate senior game onSaturday Manitoba sprung a

defeating St. John's by au score of 4 to The was a good

St. John's hade more of theI but w-er-

e off In their Dhef- -

ManitobaI. St.Gannon goal ue

f Fullerf coverf Morton rover

Adamson forwardsMatheson

l AdamsonG. Judge of P.

goat Feary and Sey- -Daly and


Hf Wanderers Spring a Surprise in Big

HJ Eastern Game

Bj 4 Ottawa's famousBl Stanley cup was beaten byBl the at the Arena SaturdayI night before over thof score being 5 goals to It was

Bl of the most brilliant hockey matchesHm ever played In From stait to

finish the pace fast andBV and the hockeyBV victory of the came

A as a surprise to It wasf known that they were In splendid phy- -

Bl condition and able to play thefi game of their but so generally

BS was believed that the wouldHf win that their admirers were willingBY to give all kinds of The resultBl was that a few bold sportsHJ cleaned a pile of In some


cases 10 to 4 was offered on thowith very lew

Captain Art Moore voiced the senti-ments of tho players after the

when hoand ull credit should be

given the who playedWe played our and 1

think that our work was up to butHie excelled us und that Uall thero In to

The followed the stylothat has distinguished the forthe past lew The forwardsstuck to their appointed positions andstuck to their The result wasthat Frank McGee was so closely

and he was not as dangerousus Patrick und Glass followedup und fell back so speedily und sountiringly that McGee andwere prevented from making theirgreat

It was clean which wasIn view of the Importance

of the None of the playersroughed It and there were compar-atively few

The first In twoSix minutes later Patrick

evened the Then McGee putthe und Glass made ittwo Just before halt

McGee scored early In the secondbut Patrick made It three and

then put the In theThe teams officials

iHague goal MenardPulford point StrachanMoore cover Kennedy

rover PatrickMcGee centre Glass

Smith right JohnsonHarry Smith left Blackford



Fast Intermediate Game Won By CityIn a fast game tho

Ramblers of defeated theThistles' second here last night by ascore of 6 to Tho checking was hardanil of the homegot his back andrA the was Injured with aslick and will be out of the game for a

The teams and officials

Martin goal ParrPhillips point

coverArchambault Humphries

DunderdaleCotter left

Martin right Mooneyspare Drew-Refere- e

TomJudge of play HughTimers Young and

Goal Judges McAdam andJ.

Summary of1 142 Ramblers Humphries 53 74 Kenora Archambault

HalfC 4

6 107 Kenora B. Martin 15 79 Kenora 4

Penalties Humphries Archam-bault B.



Downs Wins Hit Challenge AgainstRoot After Hard Content

The people who witnessed the boutbetween these two men at the ArcadeTheatre on Saturday evening wentaway with the satisfaction that theyhad received their money'sthis proving to be the tusslethat has been put up In

A new aspirant in the person ofDickson of Portage Prairie gave anexhibition bout with the

through the non-appearan- ce ofthe Minneapolis strong

who was billed to tackle the Turk Ina contest under the Cornish

although a good lighterthan his did

When Downs and Root appeared onthe mat there was someexpressed by Downs as to Dav-idson's ability as and finallythe Turk was appointed to Judge the

The conditions of thecontest Downs to secure threepoints to secure a fall and Root two

the best of live Themen tried every conceivable twistand turn to gain advantage and it wasnot until 34 minutes had been regis-tered that Downs was awarded thefirst bout with a half Nelson and arm

Root fought strenuously In the sec-ond round and gained a victory In 14minutes with the bar The thirdtry went to Downs In 22 minutes witha half Nelson and arm Root'sarm being so badly crushed that heasked the referee to grant his oppon-ent this Downs eventually wonout In the fourth round In minuteswith a half Root holding outthat Downs twisted his leg In an un-fair manner

At the conclusion of the bout Downsagreed to meet an unknownA forfeit of was put The un-known must throw Downs three timesIn an hour's wrestling


Northern League Delegate Will GetTogether Today

Owing to theof Grand

of J. Price andof have not ar-

rived but are expected In sometime therefore the meeting ofthe Northern league was adjourneduntil some time The dele-gates that arrived Theodore

John Percy Glass ofLake John D. of

J. M. Lamb of T. E.Brady and J. ot Ar-thur and Anderson arealso in the


The Maple Leafs practically cinchedwhen they defeated

the Kennedys on Saturday night by ascore of 6 to

Cornwall defeated the ofin the senior series of the Fed-

eral league at Ottawa Saturday nightl y a of 5 to

In the senior hockey match at theMutual street rink Saturday theArgonauts defeated the 21to seconds

St. George'sThe and Crescents meet

tonight in an Intermediate fixture atManitoba rink at 8 The

will have the followingmen on their


The first game for the Icelandic hoc-key championship of this year will beplayed tonight at the Arena from 10 toU between the I. A. C.

hockey Great Inter-est Is being taken In this match by thoIcelanders of the and u largeturnout of supporters Is TheVikings have the championship

I since with exception of latwhen the I. A. C. won out


Last Meeting ofis Held Another

The final meeting of thothe Manitoba branch of the tocomplete arrangements for tho big

which will openwas held on Saturday afternoonGreat enthusiasm marked the

One of the of the meetingwas the Inauguration by the

C of a new compe-tition for the It Is to be achurch In which each congre-gation In city will be privilegedto enter u the or someonenominated by to do the

will present a trophy ondfour prizes to the winning Theywill take place at the conclusion ofthe Details were left In thohands of the thoand J. past

also advisedthe meeting that the annual curlingservice be conducted In St

church on Sunday nightTestimonial

A letter from C. C. ofannounced that the

royal secretary testimonial fund wouldclose on and asked for all do-

nations to be In by The sum olhas been collected from the clubs

In tho The Granite and This-tle clubs of this city also donatedapiece to the Secretary Robert-son will remit at once by draft

Contributions Still pomeJ. secretary of the finance

reported the receipt ifthe of which

was from the Inter-Ocea- n hotel Heannounced promises of a considerablefurther all of which will be col-lected this all the fundsare In there will be sufficient to defraynot only the expenses of the present

but also out the deficitfrom last On motion of I.

seconded by F thereport was received and the thanks oftho council tendered to the

Police WillTho Ice committee reported all In

readiness for the The drawfor the Dingwall trophy will be madeduring the day and given out at themeeting of the branch Pol-Iceme- n

will be detailed to assist theumpires at the Granite Thistlerinks in preserving A doubleforce of umpires for day and nightduty will also be on

MeetingTho and prize list

announced that the prepara-tions were complete for tho meetingof tho branch at 8 o'clock to-nig- ht

when an Informal reception will betendered the visiting curlers Ar-rangements were made to meet thevarious Incoming trains to-da- y to re-ceive the visiting curlers and escortthem to their Theask the public to assist them In re-ceiving the visitors by dressing thecity In holiday likeall the Hags throughout the city to beraised to-d- ay In honor of the openingof the

The reception committee has pre-pared an interesting forthe banquet to the visiting curlers onThursday night In Manitoba whenthey will be prepared to seat cur-lers at


Brief Run Over the Latest Sportingv

Harry thirdwhom Chicago secured from

has about made up his mind tothe game and engage In the mer-

cantile business InDick Padden Is a newcomer In the

American but he alreadylays claim to the pennant forForce of habit Is

Miss Amanda a femaleannounces her retirement from

baseball to go Into a finishingand Jack Sheridan has

A unique condition unveils Itself atwhere two Grand Rapids

boys and Pete willfight each other- - for the position ofthird

Hans expects to boosts hisbatting average for honever could hit now thebig

Jimmy Is giving pointers toTerry McGovern on how to Bat-tling Terry will need

Herrera and Kid Herman havesigned to fight In San Francisco

and the winner will have anatch with

Jake the old-tim- e

occasionally acts as a referee at someof the three-roun- d affairs pulled InNew

Sandy Ferguson Is In jail Theheavyweight scrapper will insist onsaving his best punch for his

It Is settled that the national ama-teur boxing championships for 1906will bo held In under the

of the Olympic AthleticThe date has not been

It Is alleged that Jim hascombined all of the fighting atSan Francisco Into one big

This will make It possible to dobusiness under one

The national outdoor swimmingchampionship has been awarded by theA A. U. to St. during thelist week In

They say that Keene Is not Intend-ing to bring out till near theclose of this


Harley Davidson Pleases a Crowd atGolden Gate

San Harleyof St. champion roller

of the the title which hewon recently In St. Louis against thechampion of arrived In this

engaged for thenext two weeks bv the management of

pavilion to skate fancy andfust During that time

will skate some of the roll-

er skaters of the coast Severalmatch races for large purses have been

and something exciting willoccur every night of engagementhe re-

in the Mechanics' pavilion he willendeavor to lower the world's recordon roller skates for two and

Last night Davidson startled the au-dience at the pavilion rink with one ofhl that of Jumping over seven

while skating backwards at anextreme rate of This was

by the professionals out herea suicidal great

Davidson went through thewithout a l


A 1 0 consumed in the world today is I Si 8feVA taken with Whether it bethe laborer's cold the JBLS bon-vivan- t's repast or the

PsT observing ones must con- -cede to good the place it has

ES To be health nourishing the IS JWj9 beer must be Blatz Wiener beer possesses every ele-- If 1

OH ment of beer Its very fragrance and suggests at Ponce the honesty of its The Vitality of the lH malt and the aromatic properties of the hops are mani- -

S fest in every The Blatz method of preparing the malt andmm original style of brewing accomplish certain results peculiar to s

j Blatz Beers this is the secret ofWiener as a Table Beverage rg

M The hop bitters act as an appetizer and and the malt is nourishing and 1i


The result is eminently Nature knows the value of Blatz Wiener as aIntelligence fosters Nature's As a culinary adjunct Blatz Wiener is the beverage si

BB par It gives you that well fed Order a case sent ESSfl VAL BLATZ BREWING 11




The Tribunefor theBest


WESLEYSkating Every Afternoon and


I'll one A.

popular FamilyTelephone


missThe Sweet

Club Dancing and Novelty

amiIn ii Comedy h

THpur lb-ne- e

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LeaderSounds from



sail now theatre boxoffice


1 their by Ex- -


Our investors'1 Marlon lie New Life

cad DC

j Bijou JJ Near Union J M

Telephone a wMeek

STOCK J WJ of first class Drama- - H

tie and Comedy pres I'Mr the great atJ lly In two ni t- - J JMr CasU of HI Dan Gillespie J. ZZ Jobson HT Deacon Chesley M

J Sally MarieZ Miss Camson U. L. Ellsworth HJ Others lly thi s J 3Z The following be a M

tween the BJ J fta Comedy and a 5

a Introducing II v m ia youngest a I

a Manipulator In a A

a aa aa Illustrated a i

KOHLSof Harnum and

In a graceful anddaring


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10 and 15 aNights 8 and 20 and M23 H


St. Paul IVictorias 1

3 and 2 IIPhona IS M




Tou may Inspect them and I Byourself of tho excellent I H

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Music Piano Co JmS MAIN

VALUE IIs what the purchaser of an instrument Kgets at

Turner's Music Mouse

We have cheap but we dp not I Scater to H


Skating Afternoon 2 toSkating Evening 8 to


Hugh fOf ill i

At s in o m


Whole Life of People Pasted in OpenAir Many Novel

Australia Is about- - the same asthe United States and contains nomore Inhabitants than New YorkHut their cricketers have beaten thebest elevens in England for manyyears and last year NewZealand football which playsthe same game as the de-feated every team broughtthem In the old except one ateam of says Julian

At the first weekIn there Is first-cla- ss

and In no other country out-side of our Is there so much base-ball played as among these

Every bungalow has Its tennisand every community posses-

ses Its lacrosse and polo Thefact these people are allthe climate Is dry and

enables them to keep the field a. I

the year and their generallyactive life and temperament tit themfor athletic There Is a say-ing that whenever a new settlement-l- s

founded In Australia the first thingdone is to mark out tho site for the

the to survey andgrade the The whole life i

of this Is passed In the openthe percentage of drones among themIs so small as to be a

and Australia mightbe considered the paradise of

I have several times had occasion toremark that In this there area few persons who do the actual ath-letic while all the rest of us arecontent to go and look And

In the proportion ofthe players at various sports ismuch greater than In com-parison with are not

Cricket of fav-orite Australian and yet thenumber of spectators at a cricketmatch unless It be a very ex-ceptionally Important Is limited toa few score persons at thohas of all the Tho an-swer Is that they are nil playing cric-ket they would ratherthan look They love sport forsport's not for what money thereIs In or for tho mere of a

An Australian will bet ona horse no but there Is asystem of lotteries connected withhorse the people ofsmall means contribute In small sumsto a big the winner of whichsuddenly finds himself In possession ofa there Is nothingIn Australia similar to the rapaciousand unprincipled class of professionalsport gamblers that there Is andho wholesome of this condition

Is conspicuous on allHut Australia docs not restrict Her-

self to the games practiced herepeculiar to one ot them Is thecamel for there are many ca-

mels In tho Imported therefrom Asia und used for desert traveland freight railroads are non-existent and horse perishes from

The in theseare ridden by native Af- -

who have a knack of gettingspeed out ot their which nowhite man Is able to A largepart ot the In these places Is

by the Afghans among the spec- -become terribly excited

the air with their yells of encour-agement and At the close ofeach race these Interesting barbar ansalways rush together In a furious

the result iswinners and losers lly at one another s

and new racesIn northern Queensland thero are goat

which are likewiseand the great contestsand rock-drilli- ng matches

ahe Australian's proclivity to turn evenhis moat serious labors Into capital for

perhaps the most exciting ath-

letic game of the 19

axeman Is attended by a whowhere to lay his

and Informs him liow the other fellowIs getting th same

nd fixed upright In there supplied for that


all may have an equal Anal and all fall to work at

Syme make splendid progressat the but afterwardsand passed those who seemed

for Is no more vio-lent exercise than wood-choppin- g In

The axe bite thebig chips the bodies of tho menswing and their breathcomes in regular The

shout their applause orand at last one of the big

logs gives ii and In another mo-ment It Is Not seldom the vic-torious chopper falls belde It utterly

livery Australian canbut some experts have raised the thingto a and their feats are

Illg prizes arc given to theand the are advertised

weeks I rememberwhen we used to have chopping

lu Northern New and Ionce saw a smoking his pipe bythe of an who hadthat day sawed and tencords of hickory But I ft-a- r

such heroic feats are seldom seenexcept In remoter regions

where newspaper reporters are not en-couraged to biga. it does not II v fur away fromIt and whatever there tobe Is readily
