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OZ:The GreaT and POwerFUL 2013 programme.pdf19.00 QuarTET P. 14 ... 21.30 SKyFall reG aL CL SSIC P....

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01386 421 007 | www.theregal.ac BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 10AM – 8PM PORT STREET EVESHAM WR11 3LD ISSUE. 14 | MARCH 2013 OZ : THE GREAT AND POWERFUL Starring: James Franco and Mila Kunis

01386 421 007 | www.theregal.acBOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 10AM – 8PM


ISSUE. 14 | MARCH 2013

OZ:The GreaT and POwerFUL Starring: James Franco and Mila Kunis

= Family Show


FRiDAy 08 MARCH13.00 HydE ParK ON THE HudSON P. 1416.30 HydE ParK ON THE HudSON P. 1419.00 QuarTET P. 1421.00 djaNgO uNCHaINEd P. 14

TuESDAy 05 MARCH14.00 lES mISÉrablES SILVer SCreen P. 1317.00 QuarTET P. 1419.30 lINCOlN P. 12

TuESDAy 12 MARCH14.00 HydE ParK ON THE HudSON SILVer SCreen P. 1416.30 HydE ParK ON THE HudSON P. 1419.30 lES mISÉrablES P. 13

THuRSDAy 14 MARCH13.00 lES mISÉrablES ParenT & BaBY P. 1319.00 HydE ParK ON THE HudSON P. 1421.00 djaNgO uNCHaINEd P. 14

MOnDAy 04 MARCH13.00 QuarTET P. 1416.30 THE ImPOSSIblE P. 1219.30 THE ImPOSSIblE P. 1222.00 HITCHCOCK P. 12

MOnDAy 11 MARCH13.00 HydE ParK ON THE HudSON P. 1416.30 HydE ParK ON THE HudSON P. 1419.30 djaNgO uNCHaINEd P. 14

WEDnESDAy 06 MARCH13.00 QuarTET SenIOr SerVICe P. 1416.30 lINCOlN P. 1220.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 13

WEDnESDAy 13 MARCH13.00 lES mISÉrablES SenIOr SerVICe P. 1317.00 QuarTET P. 1419.30 djaNgO uNCHaINEd P. 16

THuRSDAy 07 MARCH10.30 lINCOlN ParenT & BaBY P. 1214.00 THE ImPOSSIblE P. 1218.00 HITCHCOCK P. 1221.00 SKyFall reGaL CLaSSIC P. 13




hYde ParK On hUdSOn



djanGO UnChaIned


SATuRDAy 02 MARCH10.30 TINKErbEll (SECrET WINgS) KIdS FILM P. 1313.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 1317.00 ParSIFal MeT OPera P. 10

SunDAy 03 MARCH10.30 TINKErbEll (SECrET WINgS) KIdS FILM P. 1313.00 HITCHCOCK P. 1215.30 TINKErbEll (SECrET WINgS) KIdS FILM P. 1318.00 lINCOlN P. 1221.30 SKyFall reGaL CLaSSIC P. 13

SunDAy 10 MARCH10.30 SammyS grEaT ESCaPE KIdS FILM P. 1513.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 1316.16 SammyS grEaT ESCaPE P. 1518.00 SIlvEr lININgS PlaybOOK MOTherS daY SP. P. 15

SATuRDAy 09 MARCH10.30 SammyS grEaT ESCaPE KIdS FILM P. 1513.00 QuarTET P. 1416.00 SammyS grEaT ESCaPE P. 1519.00 HydE ParK ON THE HudSON P. 1421.00 djaNgO uNCHaINEd P. 14

SATuRDAy 16 MARCH10.00 SammyS grEaT ESCaPE KIdS FILM P. 1512.30 lES mISÉrablES P. 1316.00 FraNCESCa da rImINI MeT OPera P. 1021.00 lINCOlN P. 12

FRiDAy 15 MARCH13.00 ZErO darK THIrTy P. 1519:00 THE SEarCHErS LIVe eVenT

SunDAy 17 MARCH10.00 SammyS grEaT ESCaPE KIdS FILM P. 1513.00 QuarTET P. 14 16.30 lINCOlN P. 1220.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 13


2 | MARCH 2013 MARCH 2013 | 3BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

= Family Show

LISTINGS: LISTINGS:MOnDAy 25 MARCH13.00 SIlvEr lINNINgS PlaybOOK P. 1516.30 OZ: THE grEaT & POWErFul P. 16 19.30 lINCOlN P. 12

MOnDAy 18 MARCH13.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 13 17.00 lIFE OF PI P. 1919.30 ZErO darK THIrTy P. 15

WEDnESDAy 27 MARCH13.00 SIlvEr lINNINgS PlaybOOK SenIOr SerVICe P. 1516.30 QuarTET P. 1419.30 OZ: THE grEaT & POWErFul P. 16

WEDnESDAy 20 MARCH13.00 lES mISÉrablES SenIOr SerVICe P. 13 16.30 lINCOlN P. 1220.00 lIFE OF PI P. 19

TuESDAy 26 MARCH14.00 QuarTET SILVer SCreen P. 1416.30 lIFE OF PI P. 1919.30 OZ: THE grEaT & POWErFul P. 16

TuESDAy 19 MARCH14.00 lIFE OF PI SILVer SCreen P. 19 17.00 QuarTET P. 1420.00 lINCOlN P. 12

THuRSDAy 21 MARCH10.30 ZErO darK THIrTy ParenT & BaBY P. 1513.00 QuarTET P. 1416.30 lINCOlN P. 1220.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 13

FRiDAy 22 MARCH10.30 lINCOlN P. 1214.00 OZ: THE grEaT aNd POWErFul P. 1618.00 argO P. 17 21.00 FlIgHT P. 16



ZerO darK ThIrTY



a TUrTLe’S TaLe:SaMMY’S GreaT eSCaPe 2013




SATuRDAy 23 MARCH10.30 TINKErbEll (SECrET WINgS) KIdS FILM P. 1313.00 OZ: THE grEaT & POWErFul P. 1616.00 OZ: THE grEaT & POWErFul P. 1618.30 FlIgHT P. 1621.00 argO P. 17SunDAy 24 MARCH10.30 TINKErbEll (SECrET WINgS) KIdS FILM P. 1313.00 OZ: THE grEaT & POWErFul P. 1616.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 13 20.00 SIlvEr lINNINgS PlaybOOK P. 15

FRiDAy 29 MARCH10.30 rObOT aNd FraNK P. 1713.00 OZ: THE grEaT aNd POWErFul P. 16 16.00 rObOT aNd FraNK P. 1718.00 FlIgHT P. 1621.00 SKyFall reGaL CLaSSIC P. 13

THuRSDAy 28 MARCH10.00 QuarTET ParenT & BaBY P. 1413.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 1316.30 OZ: THE grEaT aNd POWErFul P. 16 19.30 FlIgHT P. 16

SATuRDAy 30 MARCH10.30 WrECK IT ralPH KIdS FILM P. 16 13.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 1316.30 WrECK IT ralPH KIdS FILM P. 16 18.30 OZ: THE grEaT aNd POWErFul P. 16 21.00 SIlvEr lINNINgS PlaybOOK P. 15

SunDAy 31 MARCH10.30 WrECK IT ralPH KIdS FILM P. 1613.00 rObOT aNd FraNK P. 1716.30 OZ: THE grEaT aNd POWErFul P. 16 19.30 lIFE OF PI P. 19MOnDAy 01 APRiL13.00 lINCOlN P. 12 16.30 rObOT aNd FraNK P. 1719.30 FlIgHT P. 16TuESDAy 02 APRiL14.00 lES mISÉrablES SILVer SCreen P. 1317.00 argO P. 17 19.30 OZ: THE grEaT aNd POWErFul P. 16WEDnESDAy 03 APRiL13.00 rObOT aNd FraNK SenIOr SerVICe P. 1716.30 lINCOlN P. 1220.00 lIFE OF PI P. 19

4 | MARCH 2013 MARCH 2013 | 5BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

= Family Show


FRiDAy 05 APRiL10.30 lINCOlN P. 1214.00 argO P. 1717.00 ClOud aTlaS P. 1721.00 a gOOd day TO dIE Hard P. 18

THuRSDAy 04 APRiL10.00 OZ: THE grEaT aNd POWErFul ParenT & BaBY P. 1613.00 QuarTET P. 1416.30 lINCOlN P. 12 19.30 amOur wOrLd CIneMa P. 11

MOnDAy 08 APRiL13.00 SONg FOr marION P. 1816.30 SIlvEr lINNINgS PlaybOOK P. 15 19.30 argO P. 17

WEDnESDAy 10 APRiL13.00 SONg FOr marION SenIOr SerVICe P. 1816.30 lINCOlN P. 12 19.30 lIFE OF PI P. 19

FRiDAy 12 APRiL13.00 argO P. 1718.00 SKyFall reGaL CLaSSIC P. 1321.00 bEauTIFul CrEaTurES P. 18

SunDAy 14 APRiL10.30 WrECK IT ralPH KIdS FILM P. 1613.00 lOrE wOrLd CIneMa P. 1915.30 WrECK IT ralPH KIdS FILM P. 1618.00 SONg FOr marION P. 1820.00 lINCOlN P. 12

TuESDAy 16 APRiL14.00 SONg FOr marION SILVer SCreen P. 1816.30 lINCOlN P. 1220.00 lIFE OF PI P. 19

SunDAy 07 APRiL10.30 WrECK IT ralPH KIdS FILM P. 1613.00 QuarTET P. 14 16.30 ClOud aTlaS P. 1720.00 a gOOd day TO dIE Hard P. 18

TuESDAy 09 APRiL14.00 lES mISÉrablES SILVer SCreen P. 1317.30 SONg FOr marION P. 18 19.30 lINCOlN P. 12

THuRSDAy 11 APRiL10.30 argO ParenT and BaBY P. 1713.00 lIFE OF PI P. 19 16.30 a gOOd day TO dIE Hard P. 1819.30 ClOud aTlaS P. 17

SATuRDAy 13 APRiL10.30 WrECK IT ralPH KIdS FILM P. 1613.00 lIFE OF PI P. 1915.30 bEauTIFul CrEaTurES P. 1818.00 a gOOd day TO dIE P. 1821.00 SKyFall dreSS UP P. 13

MOnDAy 15 APRiL13.00 QuarTET P. 1416.30 ZErO darK THIrTy P. 1520.00 TO THE WONdEr P. 19

WEDnESDAy 17 APRiL13.00 TO THE WONdEr SenIOr SerVICe P. 1916.30 SONg FOr marION P. 1819.30 lES mISÉrablES P. 13

THuRSDAy 18 APRiL13.00 SONg FOr marION ParenT & BaBY P. 1816.30 ZErO darK THIrTy P. 1520.00 TO THE WONdEr P. 19









SATuRDAy 06 APRiL10.30 WrECK IT ralPH KIdS FILM P. 1613.00 lES mISÉrablES P. 1316.30 ClOud aTlaS P. 1721.00 a gOOd day TO dIE Hard P. 18

6 | MARCH 2013 MARCH 2013 | 7BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

next up is the upbeat Beatles on Friday, 21st June – get your mini-skirts on and twist like you did last summer.

We’re selling tickets now for a second night of Rich Hall on 27th May – the first night sold out fast, so book now.

And don’t miss Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren in Hitchcock, and Hyde Park on the Hudson with Bill Murray (it flopped nationally but if you loved Marigold, Salmon Fishing and King’s Speech you’ll get it). Or you could try Django Unchained if you like raw bloody violence and searing dialogue as only Tarantino delivers.

There’s something for everyone with many brilliant bring-back films that you might have missed first time round; please come and enjoy a happy afternoon or evening with us here at the Regal.

We are also delighted to be hosting the Mayor’s St George’s Day Concert on 23rd April, and the Evesham Festival of film in June, date to be confirmed. Finally, we are bringing back Amour on Thursday, 4th April: this won the BAFTA best actress award for Emmanuelle Riva and is a wonderful, wonderful film.

Thank you again for all your letters, emails and support.

Don’t miss Kyle Eastwood (Sunday 9th June) who is not only a world famous jazz musician but also the son of Clint Eastwood. Kyle has generously agreed to host a Q&A after the afternoon screening of Million Dollar Baby before his gig, one of the many Clint films he

worked on, which include Gran Torino, Invictus, and Mystic River, hopefully all showing soon at the Regal. it is a great honour to welcome Kyle to Evesham, and we look forward to mingling with Kyle and you all in the bars before and after.

FEbRUARy wAS A GREAT MoNTH wITH oUR oSCAR SpECIALS: At time of writing the winner has not been announced but Argo is coming up fast as the bookies’ favourite for Best Picture.  A straw poll of Regal supporters suggests Les Misérables or Lincoln; we are screening all three in March and are well worth a visit. A huge hit with Regal regulars has been Quartet, starring Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon and Billy Connolly in Dustin Hoffman’s directorial debut. It’s a wonderful British comedy-drama, not to be missed.

weLCOMe aLL…





8 | WELCOME WECLOME | 9BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

Director: michael HanekeStarring: jean-louis Trintignant, Emmanuelle riva; Isabelle HuppertDuration: 127 minCertificate: 12a


Winner of the Palme d’Or 2012.

Amour is a bitter-sweet tale of life and death. jean-louis Trintignant stars as georges, an elderly music teacher facing the imminent death of his wife. Intelligent and insightful, amour was named ‘best film of the year’ by The New york Times and has received global critical acclaim for its devastating originality and unflinching portrayal of human mortality.

The Telegraph

THu 04 APR 19.30


BaCK BY deMand…




“Live transmissions screened in HD for a global population of opera lovers”

PARSIFAL WAgneRSATuRDAy 2nD MARCH at 17:00The Met Opera continues to dazzle after our Februrary event with Jonas Kaufmann taking on the title role of Wagner’s Parsifal in a new production directed by François Girard.

FRAnCeSCA DA RIMInI ZAnDonAISATuRDAy MARCH 16TH at 16:00Zandonai’s compelling opera, inspired by an episode from Dante’s Inferno, returns in the Met’s ravishingly beautiful production.

gIuLIo CeSARe geoRge HAnDeL SATuRDAy APRiL 27TH at 17:00The opera that conquered London in Handel’s time comes to the Met in David McVicar’s lively production.

Tickets : Adults £25 / Concession £22

10 | MET OPERA COMinG SOOn | 11BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

Director: Steven SpielbergStarring: daniel day-lewis, Sally Field, joseph gordon-levitt and Tommy lee jonesCert: 12aDuration: 150 minutes


Director: Peggy HolmesStarring: lucy liu, Timothy dalton, anjelica Huston and mae WhitmanCert: uDuration: 75 minutes


Not since the days of Alvin and the Chipmunks has the regal had such a hugely popular children’s film as Tinkerbell. Why not escape to the regal on a cold march morning and settle down with a bottle of j2O and some popcorn to see the latest of the disney Fairies franchise? This will enthral children everywhere.

“Fast and fun, Tinkerbell flutters again in this, her fifth film installment as part of the Disney Fairies franchise” The red dragon

Director: Sacha gervasiStarring: anthony Hopkins, Helen mirren, Scarlett johansson and jessica bielCert: 12aDuration: 98 minutes


Enjoy a candlelit table or cosy up on our famous love seats to enjoy the story of the legendary film director in Sacha Gervasi’s account of the making of a masterpiece, the revolutionarly Pyscho. anthony Hopkins gives an incredible performance as Hitchcock, whilst Helen mirren effortlessly steals the show with her portrayal of alma reville, the long suffering wife. With Scarlett johansson and jessica biel, this star studded cast will not disappoint.

“A visual treat” The Telegraph

Director: Tom HooperStarring: Hugh jackman, anne Hathaway and russell CroweCert: 12aDuration: 158 minutes


One of our best selling films to date, les misérables is back by popular demand. It is a stunning film, both musically and visually and a must-see for all fans of the musical.

“A triumphant screen version” Indie Wire

Director: juan antonio bayonaStarring: Ewan mcgregor and Naomi WattsCert: 12aDuration: 114 minutes


Oscar nominated, The Impossible is an emotional account of a family caught with tens of thousands of strangers in the mayhem of one of the worst natural catastrophes of our time. based upon a true story, the almost never-ending sense of fear is quite frighteningly conveyed in a soundtrack that’s startlingly emphatic throughout. We can almost guarantee that there won’t be a dry eye left in the regal. by the end of this film!

“…a performance of ferocity and feeling” rolling Stone

Director: Sam mendesStarring: daniel Craig, judi dench and javier bardemCert: 12aDuration: 143 minutes


baFTa’s “most Outstanding british Film” winner and The regal’s most successful sell-out film returns! Daniel Craig leads an incredible cast in Skyfall, the 23rd adventure in the longest running film franchise of all time and Ian Flemings’ suave spy is on top form. bond’s loyalty to m is tested as her past comes back to haunt her and mI6 under attack from forces unknown.

“This is Bond like you’ve never seen him”rolling Stone

FRi 01 18.00Sun 03 13.00MOn 04 22.00TuE 07 18.00

FRi 01 21.00MOn 04 16.30 19.30THu 07 14.00

SAT 02 10.30

SAT 23 10.30Sun 03 10.30 15.30

Sun 24 10.30

TuE 05 14.00WED 06 20.00

SAT 02 13.00

Sun 10 13.00TuE 12 19.30WED 13 13.00THu 14 13.00SAT 16 12.30Sun 17 20.00MOn 18 13.00

TuE 02 APR 14.00SAT 06 APR 13.00TuE 09 APR 14.00WED 17 APR 19.30

WED 20 13.00THu 21 20.00

THu 28 13.00Sun 24 16.00

SAT 30 13.00

Sun 03 21.30

FRi 29 21.00

SAT 13 APR 21.00

THu 07 21.00

FRi 12 APR 18.00

FRi 01 13.00MOn 25 19.30

baFTa 2013 leading actor daniel day-lewis stars in what is proving a big hit at the regal. A dramatic account of the US president’s fight for the thirteenth amendment.

Sun 03 18.00MOn 01 APR 13.00TuE 05 19.30WED 03 APR 16.30WED 06 16.30THu 04 APR 16.30THu 07 10.30FRi 05 APR 10.30SAT 16 21.00TuE 09 APR 19.30Sun 17 16.30WED 10 APR 16.30TuE 19 19.30Sun 14 APR 20.00WED 20 16.30TuE 16 APR 16.30THu 21 16.30

FRi 22 10.30

“Witty and elegant” The guardian

12 | FIlmS IN MARCH 2013 FIlmS IN MARCH 2013 | 13BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

Director: david O. russellStarring: jennifer laurence; bradley Cooper; robert de NiroCertificate : 15Duration : 122 minutes

HydE pARk oN HUdSoN

With britain facing imminent war with germany, international affairs must be juggled with the complexities of Fdr’s domestic establishment, as wife, mother and mistresses all conspire to make the royal weekend an unforgettable one. Set to be one of the regal’s new classics, on par with Best Exotic and Hope Springs.

“Murray finds the human core of FDR and presents it tenderly” Chicago Sun Times


Sammy’s Great Escape is an animated underwater action in this sequel to A Turtle’s Tale. after a series of thrilling adventures and narrow escapes, our heroes head south to meet up with Shelly, Sammy’s first and only love. Warner brothers have done it again with another fabulous family release, best enjoyed at the Regal!

“…an inspiring story” Imdb


maggie Smith returns in this iconic british comedy-drama. retired opera singers residing in the gentile beecham House, Cissy, Wilf and reggie, have their annual celebration of verdi’s birthday disrupted by the arrival of jean, reggie’s ex-wife and diva extraordinaire.

“You’d have to have a heart of stone to walk out before the tribute’s over.” daily Telegraph

Sun 10 18.00

MOn 25 13.00

SAT 30 21.00

Sun 24 20.00

WED 27 13.00

MOn 08 APR 16.30


Snuggle up in a loveseat to watch this star studded romantic comedy which has received critical acclaim and numerous award nominations. bradley Cooper plays a former teacher Pat Solitano, who is forced to move back in with his parents after a stint in a mental institute.

“Comedy and psychological drama in this hugely enjoyable film ” guardian


So brutal, bloody and terrifyingly hilarious that we can’t show it on a Tuesday afternoon, this latest offering from Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill) has been nominated for five Oscars! Original Screenplay winner at the 2013 baFTas

“Quentin Tarantino’s brilliant and brutal revenge western is a wildly exciting return to form” The guardian


With five Academy Award nominations and jessica Chatain winning best actress at the golden globes, Zero Dark Thirty does not disappoint. It chronicles the decade-long hunt for Osama bin laden between the September 2001 attack, and his death at the hands of the Navy on the 6th may 2011, a subject so fresh in the minds of many.

“The final scene is edge-of-the-seat stuff, shot with masterly coolness” The guardian

Director: roger michellStarring: bill murray and laura linneyCert: 12aDuration: 94 minutes

Director: vincent Kesteloot, ben StassenStarring: Pat Carroll, Carlos mcCullers II, Cinda adamsCert: uDuration: 92 minutes

Director: dustin HoffmanStarring: maggie Smith, michael gambon and billy ConnollyCert: 12aDuration: 98 minutes

Director: Quentin TarantinoStarring: jamie Foxx, Christopher Waltz, Samuel l jackson and leonardo diCaprioCertificate: 18Duration: 165 minutes

Director: Kathryn bigelowStarring: jessica Chastains, joel Edgerton and Chris PrattCert: 15Duration: 157 minutes

MOn 04 13.00TuE 05 17.00WED 06 13.00FRi 08 19.00SAT 09 13.00

Sun 17 13.00WED 13 17.00

TuE 26 14.00

Sun 07 APR 13.00

THu 21 13.00

THu 04 APR 13.00

TuE 19 17.00

THu 28 10.00WED 27 16.30

MOn 15 APR 13.00

FRi 08 13.00 16.30SAT 09 19.00MOn 11 13.00 16.30TuE 12 14.00 16.30THu 14 19.00

FRi 08 19.00SAT 09 21.00MOn 11 19.30WED 13 19.30THu 14 21.00

SAT 09 10.30

SAT 10 10.30Sun 09 16.00

Sun 10 16.16SAT 16 10.00Sun 17 10.00

FRi 15 13.00MOn 18 19.30

MOn 15 APR 16.30THu 18 APR 16.30

THu 21 10.30

BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac14 | FIlmS IN MARCH 2013 FIlmS IN MARCH 2013 | 15


Ever wondered how the wizard of Oz came to be? james Franco plays a small time magician with questionable ethics who arrives in a magical and vibrant land where he must grow up and choose between becoming a good man or the great one.

“a colorful and imaginative version of the land of Oz” Screenrant


With Tom Hanks, Halle berry and the amazing Hugh grant, Cloud atlas is an exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution.

“Cloud Atlas – a gorgeous mess” Forbes

THuR 28 19.30

MOn 01 APR 19.30


robert Zemeckis’ triumphant return to live-action cinema. academy award winning denzel Washington stars as Captain Whip Whittaker in this action-packed mystery thriller, a seasoned airline pilot who miraculously lands his plane after a mid-air catastrophe, saving nearly every soul.

“…an ingenious sleight of storytelling” The Telegraph

“The kind of comedy that will inspire love” variety

“…as human as it is pixelated” Total Film


Set in the near future, an ex-jewel thief receives a gift from his son: a robot butler programmed to look after him. Haven’t we all wanted one of those from time to time? but soon the two companions try their luck as a heist team. This film is a curious mix of quasi-sci-fi comedy packed with a wealth of heart.


A wonderful children’s film with a fantastic narrative, containing a complex message which is told so simply and sweetly. It is another heart-warming hit from disney as the story follows the quest of rald, an arcade game villain who goes game hopping in a desperate attempt to become one of the good guys.

FRi 22 18.00

FRi 05 APR 14.00

THu 11 APR 10.30SAT 23 21.00TuE 02 APR 17.00

MOn 08 APR 19.30

FRi 12 APR 13.00


Winner of 3 bafta’s including best Film and nominated for 7 Oscars Argo is a film that although most of you already know the outcome it will keep you on the edge of your seat. argo is a dramatization of the 1980 joint CIa-Canadian secret operation to extract six fugitive american diplomatic personnel out of revolutionary Iran. Superbly crafted, the film manages to seamlessly blend selected archival footage with the new dramatic film footage.

“Affleck’s hostage saga will keep you chained to your seat” mail online

Director: Sam raimiStarring: mila Kunis, james Franco, rachel Weisz and michelle WilliamsCert: PgDuration: 130 mins

Director: Tom Tykwer, lana Wachowski, andy WachowskiStarring: Tom Hanks, Halle berry, Hugh grant Certificate: 15Duration: 172 minutes

Director: robert ZemeckisStarring: denzel WashingtonCert: 15Duration: 138 minutes

Director: jake SchreierStarring: liv Tyler, Susan Sarandon and Peter SarsgaardCert: 12aDuration: 89 minutes

Director: rich mooreStarring: john C. reilly and Sarah SilvermanCert: PgDuration: 108 minutes

Director: Ben AffleckStarring: Ben Affleck, John Goodman, alan arkin and bryan CranstonCert: 15Duration: 120 minutes

FRi 22 14.00SAT 2313.00 & 16.00Sun 24 13.00

FRi 29 13.00

MOn 25 16.30SAT 30 18.30

TuE 26 19.30Sun 31 16.30

WED 27 19.30TuE 02 APR 19.30

THu 28 16.30

THu 04 APR 10.00

SAT 30 10.30 16.30

Sun 07 APR 10.30

Sun 14 APR 10.30 15.30

SAT 06 APR 10.30

SAT 13 APR 10.30

Sun 31 10.30

FRi 05 APR 17.00SAT 06 APR 16.30Sun 07 APR 16.30THuR 11 APR 19.30

FRi 29 10.30 16.00Sun 31 13.00MOn 01 APR 16.30WED 03 APR 13.00

FRi 22 21.00SAT 23 18.30

FRi 29 18.00

BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac16 | FIlmS IN MARCH 2013 FIlmS IN MARCH 2013 | 17

A Good dAy To dIE HARd


John McClane is back! Bruce Willis returns in the 5th film of the movie franchise as he travels to russia to help out his seemingly wayward son, jack. jack however, is only to discover that jack is a CIa operative working to prevent a nuclear-weapons heist, causing the ultimate father and son collaboration as they fight against underworld forces.

Ben Affleck plays a handsome American engineer who has a passionate relationship in Paris with marina a sensual free spirit. Their love achieves an almost ecstatic state of happiness when they visit mont Saint-michel in Normandy and are all but overwhelmed by its islanded beauty. but is this love affair doomed to failure from the start?

“Coupled with Emmanuel Lubezki’s bold images, what results is an undeniably unique portrait of a love affair” Total Film

“Bruce Willis is just as good as before” rotten Tomatoes

“Gemma Arterton at her delicous best” guardian

“Shortland has a rare talent for intense visual storytelling. It’s a powerful and memorable film intelligently told” bonjour Tristesse

WED 10 APR 13.00SAT 14 APR 18.00

TuE 16 APR 14.00WED 17 APR 16.30THu 18 APR 13.00


Song for Marion is a sweet comedy drama about shy, grumpy pensioner, arthur, who is reluctantly inspired by his beloved wife marion to join a highly unconventional local choir. at odds with his son james, it is left to charismatic choir director Elizabeth to try and persuade Arthur that he can learn to embrace life!


as the allies sweep across germany, lore leads her siblings on a journey that exposes them to the truth of their parents’ beliefs. an encounter with a mysterious refugee forces lore to rely on a person she has always been taught to hate.



“A sly sense of humour, fabulous costumes and a strong young cast” mSN movies

Director: john mooreStarring: bruce Willis, jai Courtney, Sebastian Koch Cert: 12aDuration: 97 minutes

Director: Terrence malickStarring: Ben Affleck, Olga Kurylenko, javier bardem and rachel mcadamsCert: 12aDuration: 112 minutes

Director: Paul andrew Williams Starring: gemma arterton, Christopher Eccleston, Terence Stamp and vanessa redgraveCert: PgDuration: 93 minutes

Director: Cate ShortlandStarring: Saskia rosendahl, Kai-Peter malina, Nele TrebsCert: 15Duration: 109 miutes

Director: richard lagraveneseStarring: alice Englert, viola davis, jeremy Irons and Emma ThompsonCert: 12aDuration: 124 minutes

FRi 05 APR 21.00

Sun 07 APR 20.00SAT 06 APR 21.00

THu 11 APR 16.30SAT 13 APR 18.00

FRi 12 APR 21.00

MOn 18 17.00

WED 20 20.00TuE 26 16.30SAT 13 APR 15.30

TuE 19 14.00THu 11 APR 13.00

TuE 16 APR 20.00SAT 13 APR 13.00

WED 10 APR 19.30WED 03 APR 20.00

Sun 31 19.30

MOn 15 APR 20.00WED 17 APR 13.00THu 18 APR 20.00

Sun 14 APR 14.00MOn 08 APR 13.00TuE 09 APR 17.30

Director: ang leeStarring: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Tobey maguireCertificate: PgDuration: 127 min

based on the best-selling novel by yann martel, this is the magical adventure of Pi Patel, the precocious son of a zookeeper. When a storm sinks the huge freighter carrying Pi and his family to their new life in Canada the boy finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean with no one but a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and a 450 pound bengal tiger named richard Parker for company..

The story follows Ethan, an all american popular teen whose life seems pretty easy until you look a little closer. Ethan has great trouble sleeping as he dreams of a dark-haired beauty that eludes his grasp every time. after drawing pictures of his mystery love, out of nowhere, she appears in the flesh as a new member of his class.

“…wondrous, hilarious, unnerving, sometimes joyous, often melanchol.” Huffington Post

BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac18 | FIlmS IN MARCH 2013 FIlmS IN MARCH 2013 | 19



Laurence Wiper THE bOSS & OrIgINal INSPIraTIONPatrick Wiper lIvE EvENTSMr and Mrs ian Wiper PrOPrIETOrS

Eva Moeskops FIlm mErCHaNdISINg

duTy maNagErS Mary Higgs Steven Smith

Eva Jaurena CHEESE & bISCuITS

admIN Vicky new Catriona Watson

bOX OFFICE & barSGemma Andrews Connie Archer Melissa Bunn Heidi Chamberlain Sybille Freidrick Tor Gardener Fraser Goggin Christie Harris Jess Heartland Mary Higgs Timothy Hodge Chloe Jones Danielle Leavesley

Ellie Lippitt Helen Manners Laura Miles Vicki Porter Juliette Richmond Steve Smith Kim Sydney Chelsea Taylor Becca Tomes Deborah Wiper isabelle Watton Ellis Whitehouse Keiran Williams

aCCOuNTaNTS Focus Accountancy

arCHITECTS Poole Philips

graPHIC dESIgN HancockDesign.co.uk

PrINTErS Vale Press

maINTENaNCE Leighton Harrison Robin Wakeham

vOluNTEErSTom the Barber Prisca ian Barbara Trevor Helen Jack Rodger

20 | THE REGAL THE REGAL | 21BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

A luxurious setting

Just the two of you

Spend time with friends

Beautifully finished

Relax in a stylish café

time to unwind

22 | THE REGAL THE REGAL | 23BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac


The UPBeaT BeaTLeS THE Fab-EST FOur arOuNdFri 21st June Doors Open :19.00 Starts : 20.00No tricks, no backing tracks - just great powerhouse vocals and close harmonies pumped out with a driving backbeat to give you a night you’ll never forget.

£20.00 – P. 27

rICh haLL EXTRA DATE : Monday 27th May Tuesday 28th May 2013 Doors Open :19.00 Starts : 20.00Having performed to rave reviews at the Edinburgh Fringe, throughout sell-out uK tours and at comedy festivals worldwide, The regal is proud to present an exclusive evening of comedy genius.

CIRCLE £22.50 (inc. BF) StALLS £17.50 (inc. BF) – P. 31


Sunday 9th June 13.00Screening on the award winning film Million Dollar Baby followed by a Q&a with the composer (and son of the director) Kyle Eastwood. His work in film includes Gran Torino, Invictus and Mystic River to name just a few.

£10.00 – P. 28

KYLe eaSTwOOd Band Sunday 9th June Doors Open :19.00 Starts : 20.00Kyle Eastwoood, son of Clint Eastwood, is a world renowned Jazz musician famous for his film scores. after an exclusive look at his latest musical offerings we will be holding a screening of Million Dollar Baby, followed by a live Q&a session. For everything you’ve ever wanted to know about movies, music, and the man who changed cinema forever: tickets selling fast

£20.00 – P. 29



24 | LiVE EVEnTS LiVE EVEnTS | 25BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

The Town Mayor and Mayoress of Evesham Cllrs Robert and Diana Raphael invite you to a commemoration of all things English. Celebrate St George’s Day with a Fish & Chips Supper, the Cinema World Premiere of Evesham Through the Seasons and entertainment from Avonbank Brass Band.

Bring a flag, dress patriotically and join in the Last Night of the Proms.

In aid of Wallace House Community Centre and Evesham Volunteer Centre

tUES 23rd APRIL 2013 Reception: 19.30 Supper 20.00 TICKETS: £20.00

Four supremely talented guys - no tricks, no backing tracks - just great powerhouse vocals and close harmonies pumped out with a driving backbeat to give you a night you’ll never forget.

“ The fab-est four around today, THE UPBEAT BEATLES are the nearest you’ll ever get to the real thing! ”

“ It was like turning the clock back 40 years - FANTASTIC! ”

“ The best band we’ve ever seen, we’ve already booked them for two more shows. ”

The MaYOr’S ST GeOrGe’S daY COnCerTwith aVOn BanK BraSS Band

FRIDAY 21st JUNE 2013 Doors Open: 19.00 Show Starts 20.00 TICKETS: £20.00

BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac26 | LiVE aT THE rEgal LiVE aT THE rEgal | 27

www.theregal.ac lIvE EvENTS | 29bOX OFFICE : 01386 421 007 28 | lIvE EvENTS

“Million Dollar Baby is a masterpiece, pure and simple” – Chicago Sun times

STarrINg: ClINT EaSTWOOd, mOrgaN FrEEmaN aNd HIlary SWaNK

Kyle eastwood


After our sell out shows from jazz stars ‘natalie Williams’ and ‘Anthony Strong’ The Regal presents the ‘Kyle Eastwood Band’. His live band have sold out venues and received the highest critical acclaim. A world renowned Jazz Musician and star of Channel Four’s Live at Abbey Road Studios. After performing at Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club Kyle will travel to join us at The Regal with swing, groove, and funk overtones. Kyle says, “My roots remain in jazz but i like adding all kinds of different flavours.”

Not satisfied with just a critically acclaimed record, Kyle expanded to film work, composing three pieces of music for the 2004 blockbuster Million Dollar Baby. The film won four Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actor.

After the screening Kyle will join us on stage for an hour long Q+A providing unique insight into the film and his father’s work.

His work in film includes Gran Torino, Invictus and Mystic River to name just a few.

“Thoughtful, contemplative, admirably understated and highly listenable.” – Evening Standard

“Very sharp work. There’s no denying Kyle has imagination and skill” – the Observer



SUNDAY 9th JUNE 2013 Doors Open: 19.00 Show Starts 20.00 TICKETS: £20.00

SUNDAY 9th JUNE 2013 13.00 TICKETS: £10.00

BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac28 | LiVE aT THE rEgal LiVE aT THE rEgal | 29


NEW DAtE ADDED: MONDAY 27th MAY 2013 tUESDAY 28th MAY 2013 Doors Open: 19.00 Show Starts 20.00 TICKETS: £22.50 (inc. bF)

“Rich Hall is a comedy phenomenon” – the Sun

Rich Hall’s renowned grouchy, deadpan style has established him as a master of absurdist irony and king of rapid-fire wit. Having performed to rave reviews at the Edinburgh Fringe, throughout sell-out UK tours and at comedy festivals worldwide, The Regal is proud to present an exclusive evening of comedy genius.

The Emmy Award winning comic and star of Never Mind the Buzzcocks and Live at the Apollo has already sold out one night and is back for another. Book your tickets now!



Tickets NOt available through web sales

BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac30 | LiVE aT THE rEgal LiVE aT THE rEgal | 31

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TO ADVERTISE HERE [email protected] call 01386 421 007

32 | To advertise email [email protected] To advertise email [email protected] | 33

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34 | To advertise email [email protected] To advertise email [email protected] | 35

One OF The ManY LOVeLY eMaILS we reCeIVed In FeBrUarY:“We had heard how wonderful The regal is and last night we experienced it. The atmosphere is relaxed, the staff provided a wonderful welcome with a very special touch of someone speaking on stage to welcome the audience and thank them for their support whilst also taking the opportunity to tell us what was coming up. The idea of the luxurious seats, candlelit tables, and bar within the cinema is just wonderful – it was a great experience that the four of us raved about on the way home oh yes the film Les Misérables was great as well. There is no other place for us now. Thank you to all at the regal and well done”.

dO YOU dO SPeCIaL SCreenInGS FOr ParenTS wITh BaBIeS?yes, we do Parent and baby sessions every Thursday, either at 13:00 or 10:30. Enjoy the latest releases from our regular programme accompanied by your baby in a safe and comfortable environment. So no need to find a babysitter or worry about causing a disturbance next time you want to see a film; this is also a great way to meet other new parents.Low lights are left on in the auditorium and nappy changing facilities are available in either of our disabled toilets.

On 7th march we are showing lincoln at 10.30 and on 14th march it’s Les Misérables. Full listings are in the programme or on the website. www.theregal.ac.

whaT IS The deaL wITh ChILdren’S ParTIeS aT The reGaL?The regal is becoming a popular venue for children’s birthday parties: you pay the usual price of a cinema ticket for each child (£5.00) and if you wish, we will reserve a table so you can eat in the coffee shop before or after the film – you are welcome to bring your own cake, party bags etc. We found that most parents want a simple, low-cost party option and this way, it’s easy to keep the children happy and entertained for a good three hours.

I’M COnFUSed – whaT IS The dIFFerenCe BeTween SILVer SCreen On TUeSdaYS and SenIOr SerVICe On wedneSdaYS? aM I haVInG a SenIOr MOMenT?Not at all and you are not alone! The Silver Screen is our well-established screening for our senior guests, held regularly at 14.00 on Tuesdays, £4 per ticket. Senior Service is a new lunchtime screening at 13.00 on Wednesdays, £5.50 per ticket which includes complimentary tea / coffee and biscuits. This was suggested by one of our guests last month and is proving equally popular.

I waS dISaPPOInTed when I BrOUGhT MY eLderLY MOTher TO FInd ThaT There were nO FaCILITIeS FOr The hard OF hearInG. a top quality infa-red system has been ordered for delivery within the next few weeks. We have also been asked to provide more sub-titled

films, which we hope to do in future and for guests with sight problems, we have ordered a DTS Audio description available for certain films.

whaT haPPened TO The SUndaY nIGhT LIVe MUSIC In The COFFee Bar?These evenings were successful but we lacked the resources to organise them for a while. The good news is that we are starting again with some great local acts so if anyone is interested in playing, please telephone the office on 01386 442585 or email us at [email protected].

aS a LOCaL arTIST, I wOULd LIKe TO KnOw IF I Can exhIBIT MY PaInTInGS In The CIneMa.The art exhibitions in the circle bar are a monthly occurrence, so please email samples of your work to [email protected] and we would be delighted to discuss this. We are currently planning our next exhibition and we still have some space left.

whY are YOU aLwaYS rUnnInG OUT OF PanInIS In The COFFee ShOP?This is a source of great frustration to us and we don’t know why it keeps happening. The more we buy, the more we sell. We know it’s annoying and we promise to do better. The people responsible for this are called Patrick and laurence Wiper and in all other respects, they seem to be reasonably on the ball…


36 | aNy QuESTiOnS? aNy QuESTiOnS? | 37BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

WEEKDAy Before 17:00 After 17:00

Silver Screen *Senior Service with tea/coffee/biscuits *Family Shows – all ticketsChild (15 years and younger)ConcessionAdultROyAL BOX (2 Seats)








ACCESS: Patrons requiring flat access, use the entrance on burford road. If you require assistance, please let a member of staff know.


1. Tickets cannot be refunded but may be exchanged for another performance of the same film, subject to availability and a fee of £1.90 per transaction.

2. Only food and drink purchased at The regal Cinema may be consumed within the cinema.

3. all card transactions subject to a 50p charge.

4. all event tickets subject to a £2.50 booking fee.

5. all internet bookings subject to a £1.60 booking charge.

6. The regal Cinema reserves the right to amend the programme. Please check the website, or the box office for the very latest information.

PEAK WEEKEnD (Friday after 17.00, Saturday & Sunday)

Child (15 years and younger)ConcessionAdultROyAL BOX (2 Seats)

All prices include 20% VAT. Concessions include, over 60’s, carers, unwaged, teenagers 17 & 18 & students. 2 years & under FREE, when sat on adult’s lap.* Silver Screen and Senior Service applies to seniors only







































10 11 12 13 15 16 17

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

29 30 31 32 33 34 35



39 40 41 42 43 44


3 4 5 6 7 8







Candlelit Table for 2

Candlelit Table for 4


royal box Seat

Individual Seat

love Seats (for 2)


38 | SEATinG & TiCKETS SEATinG & TiCKETS | 39BOX OFFiCE 01386 421 007 www.theregal.ac

01386 421 007 | www.theregal.acBOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 10AM – 8PM


IrOn Man 3 Opens Friday 25th April

ISSUE. 14 | MARCH 2013
