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A NKLE A NATOMY Subtalar Joint Articulation between the talus and calcaneous Inversion Eversion

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P ERIPHERAL B LOOD F LOW & T EMPERATURE M ODULATIONS AFTER C OMMON C RYOTHERAPY T REATMENTS. John Rich, ATC A NKLE A NATOMY Talocrural Joint Lateral Collateral Ligaments Anterior talofibular ligament (ATF) Posterior talofibular ligament (PTF) Calcaneofibular ligament (CF) Deltoid ligament (Medial) Dorsiflexion Plantarflexion A NKLE A NATOMY Subtalar Joint Articulation between the talus and calcaneous Inversion Eversion A NKLE Most ankle injuries are ankle sprains Inversion Sprains Eversion Sprains Syndesmotic Sprains F ACTS 23,000 ankle sprains/day 3 1 sprain/10,000 people Severity often underestimated 4 current treatments may not prevent reoccurring injuries C RYOTHERAPY One of the most commonly used treatments Ice Bags Instant and Gel Ice Packs Ice Immersion Cold Whirlpool Theragesic Agents Ice Massage Reduces inflammation, pain, and muscle spasm 2 Cooling effects of both superficial and intramuscular tissues C RYOTHERAPY Physiologic Changes 2 Vasoconstriction Decreased metabolism Decreased Spasm and edema formation Decreased Pain sensation Lasting effects of cold play a role in the healing process Limiting inflammation An optimal environment for healing C RYOTHERAPY An essential component to the initial treatment of acute injuries Limited research to examine the role of elevation in vascular and temperature changes during cryotherapy C RYOTHERAPY T ECHNIQUES RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) technique The Wrap and Go ice bag technique I NFRARED T HERMOGRAPHY Infrared thermography (DIRT) Non-invasive method of collecting real time temperatures of tissues up to 2 inches in depth 5 Averages temperatures of a specific area Spot specific measurements with a thermocouple I NFRARED T HERMOGRAPHY A valid and reliable tool for measuring tissue temperature Tracks dynamic changes in tissue temperature Ideal tool for monitoring recovery of tissue temperature The physiological changes following cryotherapy can be measured and can remain consistent A similar study comparing cryotherapy while treadmill walking and while lying prone Not much research comparing ice and elevation Surface temperature changes will occur but will position or activity effect vascular changes at the joint R ESEARCH P URPOSE Compare the physiological effects of ice with elevation, and ice with a sub-maximal movement (walking), and how elevation alone will effect the healing process. To determine the cooling effects of skin temperature and the peripheral blood flow at the lateral ankle joint. H YPOTHESIS The wrap and go technique will provide the therapeutic effects necessary for healing. The RICE method will produce more beneficial therapeutic effects that will last longer after the ice is removed, allowing for more decreased inflammation and healing time. A 2x3x3 repeated measures factorial experimental design. Independent variables: Treatment Ice No Ice Position No-elevation Elevation Treadmill Walking Time Pre-Test Initial Post-Test 15-Min Post-Test Dependent variable Skin Temperature S TUDY D ESIGN 12 participants (6 males = 23.5 years, 6 females = 21.5 years) Criteria No injury Medical PAR-Q Cold hypersensitivity or known cold allergies IRB approved P ARTICIPANTS I NSTRUMENTATION Thermal Image Processor (TIP) Infrared camera used to capture and analyze images, utilizing advanced image analysis software, TIPMED Xpress compact scale To accurately measure each ice bag (1kg) I NSTRUMENTATION Heavy duty ice bags (9 x 18) Cramer Flexi-Wrap (4) Hand crafted devices for no-elevation and elevation treatments P ROCEDURES Total of 18 images Over 5 days, within a 2 week time period Each session lasted about 45 minutes to 1 hour P ROTOCOL Equilibration for 15 minutes Pre-Image taken 15 minute Treatment Initial Post-Image taken Sit for 15 minutes 15-minute Post-Image taken P ROTOCOL CONT. D AY O NE No-Elevation No Ice Elevation No Ice Treadmill No Ice D AY T WO D AY T HREE No-Elevation Ice D AY F OUR Elevation Ice D AY F IVE Treadmill Ice I MAGES Pre Initial Post 15 Mins. Post Before Treatment Immediately following the treatment 15 Minutes after the treatment S TATISTICAL A NALYSIS All data was inserted into a custom Excel spread sheet (Version 2007) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Follow up t -tests Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 16) The alpha level was set a priori at p = 0.05 A significant interaction between treatment and time [F(2,10) = 0.923, p < ] and position and time [F(2,10) = 0.923, p < 0.003] No interaction between treatment and position [F(2,10) = 0.923, p = 0.429] Position did have a within-subjects effect with ice treatment ( p = 0.026) R ESULTS VARIABLES Mean Standard Deviation Pre-Test No Ice No-Elevation Elevation Treadmill Initial Post-Test No Ice No-Elevation Elevation Treadmill Minutes Post-Test No Ice No-Elevation Elevation Treadmill Pre-Test Ice No-Elevation Elevation Treadmill Initial Post-Test Ice No-Elevation Elevation Treadmill Minutes Post-Test Ice No-Elevation Elevation Treadmill TABLE 1. Temperature by condition ( o C); pre-test, initial post-test, & 15 minutes post-test ( Mean SD) VARIABLE PRE Temp (C o )95% CI POST Temp (C o ) 95% CIES No-Elevation No Ice26.51 to to Elevation No Ice27.11 to to Treadmill No Ice26.61 to to No-Elevation Ice26.82 to to Elevation Ice26.65 to to Treadmill Ice27.03 to to TABLE 2. Temperature by condition; with and without Ice Treatment; Pre-test & 15 minutes post-test ( Mean SD, 95% confidence intervals (CI) and effect size (ES) R ESULTS /D ISCUSSION Immediately following 15 minutes of ice bag application, the treadmill walking condition showed cooler superficial temperatures than the no-elevation condition ( p = 0.056) Means indicate a difference in non-contact surface temperatures of about 2 o C Ice Massage and Ice Bag Ice Massage cools quicker then Ice Bag Greater pressure applied Continuous movement and friction D ISCUSSION Circulation plays an important role in determining tissue temperature of the treatment area. The Hunting Response First produces vasoconstriction, helping reduce the flow of cold blood to the core A reflex vasodilation occurs producing an increase in circulation bringing warm blood to the area A pulsed circulation effect If cold is continuously applied for fifteen to thirty minutes, an intermittent period of vasodilation occurs every four to six minutes. 10 R ESULTS /D ISCUSSION The treadmill walking seems to produce a quicker return to baseline (warm-up) than the elevated position ( p = 0.02) No-elevation to Elevation ( p = 0.34) Treadmill walking to No-elevation ( p = 0.26) The application of cryotherapy produces physiologic changes in the tissue. 7 Thus, when exercising during the treatment the cooling effect of the cryotherapy on the muscle is negated by the heat produced by the muscle activity. 2 This study only looked at the effects in the lower extremity Research needs to be conducted to investigate the differences between joints and muscles Limitations Intra-joint temperatures Temperature and humidity D ISCUSSION The wrap and go technique of cryotherapy may be beneficial in decreasing surface temperature but tends to re-warm quicker, suggesting the traditional RICE method is more appropriate for effective cryotherapy treatments. C ONCLUSION A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS A special thank you to: Dr. Pascoe Dr. Sefton Ceren The Fellows The Kenny Howard Fellowship R EFERENCES 1. Ingersoll CD, Knight KL, Merrick MA. Sensory perception of the foot and ankle following therapeutic applications of heat and cold. J Ath Train. 1992;27: Mattacola CG, Dwyer MK. Rehabilitation of the ankle after acute sprain or chronic instability. J Ath Train. 2002;37: Wikstrom EA, Arrigenna MA, Tillman MD, Borsa PA. Dynamic postural stability in subjects with braced, functionally unstable ankles. J Athl Train. 2006;41: Bender AL, Kramer EE, Brucker JB, Demchak TJ, Cordova ML, Stone MB. Local ice-bag application and triceps surae muscle temperature during treadmill walking. J Ath Train. 2005;40: Hardaker NJ, Richards MJ, Jarvis S, McEwan I, Selfe J. The relationship between skin surface temperature measured via non- contact thermal imaging and intra-muscular temperature of the rectus femoris muscle. 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