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P25 Img Consumption Based Planning

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  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    Consumption-Based Materials Planning and Control

    SAP AG


    Chapter 5 Consumption-Based Materials

    Planning and Control

    Setting up requirements planning for a new plant

    Settings for master data

    Settings for planning

    Settings for procurement proposals

    Settings for analyses

    Settings for forecast


    SAP AG LO550 Configuration/Organization: M 1

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    Consumption-Based Materials Planning and Control: Objectives

    SAP AG


    Chapter 5 Objectives

    fter wor!ing t"roug" t"is c"apter# you will be able to

    set up t"e requirements planning facility for a plant

    list important settings for materials planning and

    control and implement t"em wit" t"e aid of t"e

    $mplementation %uide &$M%'


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  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    Activation of Requirements Planning

    SAP AG

    ctivation of Requirements Planning

    Set up planning file

    ctivate requirements planning for plant

    Consistency c"ec! for planning file

    Create MRP groups for plant

    Maintain plant parameters

    (efine reference plant for master data

    (efine MRP group for eac" material type






    In order for you to be abe to !arry out "ateria re#uire"ent$ %anning in a %ant& t'e foo(ing%re!ondition$ "u$t be $ati$fied:

    )e#uire"ent$ %anning "u$t be a!ti*e for t'e %ant in #ue$tion and t'e re#uire"ent$ %anning%ara"eter$ for t'i$ %ant "u$t 'a*e been "aintained+

    ,'e M)P data on t'e "ateria$ $ub-e!t to auto"ati! %anning "u$t 'a*e been "aintained+

    .ntrie$ for t'e "ateria nu"ber$ ree*ant to M)P "u$t ei$t in t'e %anning fie+

    ou !an $ub-e!t t'e %anning fie entrie$ to a !on$i$ten!y !'e! by "ean$ of a ba!ground -ob+ ,'e%rogra" deete$ or ater$ noongerre#uired entrie$+

    3ia t'e M)P grou%& you !an a$$ign a "ateria to a grou% of "ateria$ (it' $%e!ia M)P %ara"eter$ if&for ea"%e& t'e $%e!ifi!ation of t'e$e %ara"eter$ at %ant e*e i$ too roug'+

    4or furt'er $etting$ for re#uire"ent$ %anning in %arti!uar& t'e %rogra"!ontroed %ro!edure$6& refer tot'e Cu$to"izing "enu for PP Materia$ Panning+


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    Defining MRP !pes

    SAP AG

    (efining MRP ypes


    MRP typeMRP type

    ype of firming ofype of firming ofplanning resultsplanning results

    Regular planning.Regular planning.

    /se of forecasting/se of forecasting

    Calculation of safetyCalculation of safetystoc!0reorder levelstoc!0reorder level

    Screen sequenceScreen sequencedetailed "eaderdetailed "eader

    Reorder point procedure


    1o materials planning

    2orecast-based planning


    ime-p"ased planning

    1o firming&only MPS'

    utomatic firming wit"0wit"out order proposal

    Manual firming wit"0wit"out order proposal





    ,'e 8M)P ty%e9 beong$ to t'e %ant data of a "ateria+ It deter"ine$ t'e %anning/in*entory !ontro%ro!edure t'at i$ to be a%%ied (it' re$%e!t to a gi*en "ateria and ('i!' "ateria$ %anning and !ontro%ara"eter$ !an be entered ('en a "ateria "a$ter re!ord i$ "aintained+

    ou !an ater t'e %ara"eter$ of t'e M)P ty%e$ $u%%ied (it' t'e $tandard SAP )/7 Sy$te" to $uit yourneed$+ ou !an a$o add ne( M)P ty%e$+


    SAP AG LO550 Configuration/Organization: M

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    a"ing Account of #$ternal Requirements

    SAP AG


    a!ing ccount of 34ternal Requirements

    oday ime






    3nd of

    replenis"ment leadtime






    (& (&

    $n addition to any s"ortfall

    quantity below t"e reorder point#requirements planning covers

    t"e following5

    $ndicator ddl6

    7$ncl6 e4t6 reqts67 qty6






    ,'i$ indi!ator deter"ine$ ('et'er eterna re#uire"ent$ $u!' a$ re$er*ation$ and $ae$ order$6 areadditionay taen into a!!ount in t'e !a$e of !on$u"%tion ba$ed "ateria$ %anning/!ontro+


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  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    )urt*er +ettings for Master Data

    SAP AG

    2urt"er Settings for Master (ata

    Responsibility for monitoring t"eResponsibility for monitoring t"eplanningplanning

    1otification in case of %R1otification in case of %Rinvolving missing partsinvolving missing parts

    2ine-tuned control &in-"ouse2ine-tuned control &in-"ouse

    production0e4ternal procurement'production0e4ternal procurement'

    Planning calendarPlanning calendar

    2le4ible period lengt"s for2le4ible period lengt"s forprocurement in reqts6 planningprocurement in reqts6 planning

    Representation of period totals inRepresentation of period totals inanalysesanalyses

    Special procurement typesSpecial procurement types

    Materials planners0controllersMaterials planners0controllers


    ,'e %ro!ure"ent ty%e of a "ateria i$ deter"ined *ia t'e "ateria ty%e+ ,'e $%e!ia %ro!ure"ent ty%ebeong$ to t'e %ant data for t'e "ateria and ao($ finer !ontro of t'e %ro!ure"ent ty%e+

    ;$ing a %anning !aendar& you !an define your o(n %eriod $%it$ e+g+ fro"

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    +ettings for ,et Requirements Calculation

    SAP AG

    Settings for 1et Requirements Calculation

    ime period for 7net-c"ange planningime period for 7net-c"ange planningin planning "ori

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    +ettings for ot-+i.e Calculation

    SAP AG

    Settings for >ot-Si

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    )urt*er +ettings for Planning

    SAP AG


    2urt"er Settings for PlanningPurc"asing dept6 processing timePurc"asing dept6 processing time

    Substitute purc"asing groupSubstitute purc"asing group

    (etermination of planned del6 time(etermination of planned del6 timefrom info rec6 or outline agreementfrom info rec6 or outline agreement

    Creation of sc"eduling agreementCreation of sc"eduling agreementsc"edule linessc"edule lines

    cct6 assgt6 cat6 for non-val6 mat6cct6 assgt6 cat6 for non-val6 mat6

    $tem numbers$tem numbers

    lways bac!ward sc"eduling.lways bac!ward sc"eduling.


    Parameter for e4tern6 procurementParameter for e4tern6 procurementper plant0MRP groupper plant0MRP group

    Creation indicator per MRPCreation indicator per MRPgroupgroup

    (etermination of basic dates(etermination of basic dates

    2or regularly planned materials &also2or regularly planned materials &alsowit"out MRP-relevant c"ange'wit"out MRP-relevant c"ange'

    ctivate run-time statisticsctivate run-time statistics

    (efine ma4imum MRP interval(efine ma4imum MRP interval

    2i4 &firm' transmitted sc"ed62i4 &firm' transmitted sc"ed6agmt6 sc"edule lines only.agmt6 sc"edule lines only.


    ou u$e t'e !reation indi!ator to deter"ine ('et'er %ur!'a$e re#ui$ition$ are !reated a(ay$ or ony int'e o%ening %eriod for %anned order$6 or ('et'er %anned order$ are a(ay$ !reated& ('et'er $!'eduingagree"ent $!'edue ine$ are generated& and $o on& for t'e %ur%o$e$ of t'e %anning run+

    ,'e foat$ fa!iitate t'e deter"ination of ba$i! date$ for t'e %anned order$+ ,'ey are a$$igned to t'e"ateria *ia t'e $!'eduing "argin ey in t'e "ateria "a$ter re!ord+

    4or t'e deter"ination of t'e ba$i! date$& you !an $%e!ify t'at t'e $y$te" i$ not to $(it!' to for(ard$!'eduing if t'e order $tart date $'oud $i% into t'e %a$t+

    4or t'e runti"e $tati$ti!$& you !an define for ea!' %ant ('et'er t'ey are generated t'e %re!i$ion (it' ('i!' t'ey are generated 'o( "any "ateria$6+

    ,'e $%e!ifi!ation of a "ai"u" M)P inter*a i$ e$%e!iay i"%ortant if a "ateria i$ %anned on a ongter" ba$i$ (it' a different ot$izing %ro!edure t'an $'ortter"+


    SAP AG LO550 Configuration/Organization: M @

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    +ettings for Order Proposals

    SAP AG

    Settings for Order Proposals

    pplicationpplication Customi

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    +ettings for Anal!ses

    SAP AG

    Settings for nalyses

    pplication functionpplication function Customi

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    +ettings for )orecasting

    SAP AG

    Settings for 2orecasting

    ssignment of forecast errorsssignment of forecast errorsto error classto error class


    Brea!down of forecastBrea!down of forecastrequirements for MRP5requirements for MRP5

    Per splitting indicator andPer splitting indicator andperiod indicator5period indicator5

    - 1umber of days- 1umber of days

    - 1umber of mont"s- 1umber of mont"s- Periods- Periods


  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    Consumption-Based Materials Planning and Control: +ummar!

    SAP AG


    Chapter 5 Summary

    Requirements planning must be activated for eac" plant6

    Programs for bac!ground processing are available for

    setting up and c"ec!ing t"e consistency of t"e table of

    planned c"anges6

    Copying functions are available for t"e maintenance of

    plant- and MRP-group-dependent requirement planning


    "e individual settings for consumption-based materials

    planning and control are subdivided into t"ose for t"e

    master data# t"ose for planning# t"ose for procurement

    proposals# t"ose for analyses# and t"ose for forecasting6


    SAP AG LO550 Configuration/Organization: M 17

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    C*apter %/ Consumption-Based Mat0 Planning: #$ercises

    34ercise )# C"apter APlant Parameters and Master (ata for Materials Planning andControl

    1. Have the plant parameters for requirements planning beencreated for plant


    $f not% cop& the parameters from plant 1'''.

    aintain the plant parameters for plant

    T!!()efine materials planner*controller T!!.

    +. Cop& the ,P group '''' from plant 1''' to plant T!! as,P group ''''.

    )efine this as the default ,P group for material t&pe ,-Hand plant


    . Ho/ do the settings for ,P t&pes 0 and 0 differ"####################################################################################################

    Ho/ is the forecast /ith ,P t&pe 00 used for materials

    planning and control purposes"####################################################################################################

    2. 3ist the special procurement t&pes that are defined for plantT!!. 4hich of them are relevant to eternal procurement"


    SAP AG LO550 Configuration/Organization: M 1

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    34ercise *# C"apter ARequirements Planning

    1. Activate requirements planning for plant T!!.

    $s it necessar& to set up the planning file for plant T!! as aresult of this activation"###############################

    6,ead the tet for the corresponding $G node in thisconnection.7

    +. Specif& 2' da&s as the planning hori8on for plant T!! and1'' da&s for &our ,P group '''' in this plant.

    9or this ,P group% up to 5': of the safet& stoc; is availablefor the net requirements calculation.

    $n plant T!!% the planning run for a material is to beterminated if the run generates more than five order proposalsfor certain a date.

    . 4hen procurement proposals are generated in a planning runin plant T!!% + da&s must be allo/ed for processing b& thepurchasing department. Substitute purchasing group is '!!.The planned deliver& time is al/a&s determined b& referenceto the material master record.Start dates for order proposals l&ing in the past are allo/ed inthis plant.

    SAP AG LO550 Configuration/Organization: M 15

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    2. Create the materials planning*control and forecast datarelating to a ra/ material for plant T!!. % ,P t&pe 00% materialsplanner*controller T!!% planned deliver& time 1' da&s% eactlot?si8e calculation% scheduling margin ;e& '''.4hich ,P group is suggested b& the s&stem"


    The forecast is to be performed monthl& using the trendmodel.

    @nter the follo/ing consumption figures 6menu bar( Extras7(Current period( 15' 0P+( +2Prev. period 60P17( +B' 0P( +'aterial number( ###############################

    5. Carr& out an individual forecast for this material in plantT!! for the current period.

    9or ho/ man& months does the s&stem calculate forecastvalues" ###########################################Save the forecast values.

    . Carr& out single?level% individual planning for thismaterial for plant

    T!!. @nter the processing ;e&

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    1. Tr& to anal&8e and eplain the scheduling for one of thesepurchase requisitions.

    B. Carr& out single?level% individual planning for thematerial for plant

    T!! again. Choose the processing ;e&

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    34ercise +# C"apter A2orecasting

    1. )efine a splitting indicator for forecast requirements for thepurposes of materials planning and control in plant T!!?/hich% if the period indicator is 6onth7% causes the forecastrequirements for the first month to be bro;en do/n b& theeact da&% those of the second month to be sho/n per /ee;%and /hich ta;es into account a further months.

    +. @nter this splitting indicator on the second ,P screen for

    &our material from the previous eercise.

    . Carr& out single?level% individual planning for the material forplant T!! again. Choose the processing ;e&

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    C*apter %: +olutions to #$ercises

    Solutions to 34ercise )# C"apter APlant Parameters and Master (ata for Materials Planning andControl

    1. Perform the displa&% cop&ing% and maintenance functions forthe parameters of plant T!! one after another in the $Gunder Materials management ??EConsumption-based

    planning ??EPlant parameters ??EMaintain all ...

    2. Fou /ill find the cop&ing functions for the ,P group in the$G under Materials management ??EConsumption-based

    planning ??EMRP groups??EMaintain all .... $n the net $Gline% it is possible to specif& the default value for each materialt&pe.

    3. Fou /ill find the settings for the ,P t&pes in the $G underMaterials management??EConsumption-based planning??EMaster data ??ECheck MRP types.$n the standard s&stem%differences bet/een the settings for the ,P t&pes 0 and0 primaril& involve the use of forecasting. $n the case of 0%the reorder point and% in some cases% the safet& stoc; aredetermined b& means of a forecast% /hereas this is not so inthe case of 0.

    $n the case of ,P t&pe 00% the forecast determines therequirements that are to be covered b& a planning run.

    . Fou /ill find the definitions of the special procurement t&pes inthe $G under Materials management ??EConsumption-based

    planning ??EMaster data ??E!e"ine special procurementtypes.

    SAP AG LO550 Configuration/Organization: M 1@

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    Solutions to 34ercise *# C"apter ARequirements Planning

    Fou /ill find all the settings for this eercise in the $G under

    Materials management ??EConsumption-based planning ??EPlanning.

    1. Fou activate requirements planning for a plant under#cti$atematerial re%uirements planning.

    After this activation% &ou must set up the planning file ifmaterials /ith defined ,P parameters have alread& beencreated for the plant.

    2. Fou /ill find the necessar& set?up functions under(MRP calculation ??E!e"ine planning hori&on'MRP calculation??E(tocks ??E!e"ine sa"ety stock a$...'MRP calculation ??E!e"ine error processing.

    3. Fou /ill find the necessar& set?up functions underProcurement proposals ??E!e"ine external procurementand underParameters "or determining the basic dates )start dates oforder proposals in the past7.

    . se the function Material ??ECreate )general*

    ??E+mmediately in the Material Master application menu.The s&stem suggests ,P group ''''% /hich &ou predefinedin @ercise 1 for this purpose.

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  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    ,. Fou /ill find the function for carr&ing out an individual forecastin the Material orecastapplication menu.The forecast values are computed for a period of 1+ months

    6cf. parameter value in the material master record7.

    . Fou /ill find the function for carr&ing out single?level individualplanning in the Materials Planning - External Procurementapplication menu.

    /. Fou can displa& the current stoc;*requirements list for this

    material for plant T!! using the same menu.

    As a result of the processing ;e&

  • 7/24/2019 P25 Img Consumption Based Planning


    Solutions to 34ercise +# C"apter A2orecasting

    1. Fou can define splitting indicators for forecast requirementsfor materials planning and control purposes in the $G underMaterials management ??EConsumption-based planning ??Eorecast ??E!e"ine splitting o" "orecast re%mt "or MRP....@nter 1*1* for &our indicator.

    2. se the function Material??EChange ??E+mmediately in the

    Material Master application menu.

    3. Fou can start the individual planning run in the MaterialsPlanning - External Procurement application menu.

    . Fou can also displa& the current stoc;*requirements list usingthe latter menu.This time% purchase requisitions have been created for D

    months. The requirements covered are bro;en do/n into dail&figures for the first month% into /ee;l& figures for the secondmonth% and sho/n as monthl& totals for the subsequent months.


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