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    Department of the ArmyPamphlet 75035

    Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment

    Guide forMotor PoolOperations

    HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC1 August 1994


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    Guide for Motor Pool Operations

    This revision--

    o Add Battlefield Damage Assessment and Repair that also covers vehicle

    recovery (paras 2-7 and 2-8).

    o Adds DA Form 2408-5 (para 2-1).

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    HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC1 August 1994

    Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment

    Guide for Motor Pool Operations

    *Department of the ArmyPamphlet 75035

    History. This UPDATE printing publishes ar e v i s i o n o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n . B e c a u s e t h e

    publication has been extensively revised, thechanged portions have not been highlighted.

    Summary. This pamphlet describes proce-dures for motor pool operations.

    Applicability. This pamphlet applies to theActive Army, Army National Guard, and theU.S. Army Reserve.

    P r o p o n e n t a n d e x c e p t i o n a u t h o r i t y .Not Applicable

    Interim changes. Interim changes to thispamphlet are not official unless they are au-thenticated by the Administrative Assistant tothe Secretary of the Army. Users will destroyinterim changes on their expiration dates un-less sooner superseded or rescinded.

    S u g g es t e d I m p r o v e me n ts . T h e p r o p o -nent agency of this pamphlet is the Office ofthe Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics. Users

    are invited to send comments and suggested

    improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recom-

    mended Changes to Publications and Blank

    Forms) directly to: Commander, U.S. Army

    Ordnance Center and School, ATTN: ATSL-

    C D - U M , A b e r d e e n P r o v i n g G r o u n d , M D ,

    21005-5102. Preaddressed DA Form 2028s

    are provided in this pamphlet.

    Distribution. Distribution of this publica-tion is made in accordance with the require-

    ments on DA Form 12-09-E, block number

    2516, intended for command levels B for Ac-

    tive Army, and A for the Army NationalGuard and the U.S. Army Reserves.

    Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

    Chapter 1Introduction, page 1Purpose 11, page 1References 12, page 1Explanation of abbreviations and terms 13, page 1

    Chapter 2Essential Functional Areas Within Unit Maintenance, page 1The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) 21,

    page 1Prescribed load list (PLL) 22, page 2Publications 23, page 2Tools and test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE)

    24, page 3Preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) 25,

    page 3Tactical maintenance 26, page 3Vehicle recovery 27, page 3Battle Damage Assessment and Repair (BDAR) 28, page 3

    Chapter 3Unit Level Maintenance Management, page 6Maintenance managers 31, page 6Maintenance standards 32, page 6

    Chapter 4Unit Level Maintenance Training, page 8General training programs 41, page 8External challenges 42, page 8

    Internal challenges 43, page 8What the operator or supervisor/leader knows 44, page 8Commanders maintenance training 45, page 8Vehicle operators licensing 46, page 8

    Chapter 5Unit Maintenance Standing Operating Procedures (SOP),

    page 8Need for SOP 51, page 8Areas to address in SOP 52, page 8

    Chapter 6Safety and Security, page 8Safety 61, page 8Security 62, page 9

    Appendix A. References, page 10

    Figure List

    Figure 21: A typical company level maintenance workflow,page 4

    Figure 22: Organization level repair workflow to DS/GS, page 5Figure 23: ULLS diskette daily workflow, page 6Figure 31: Unit maintenance hierarchy, page 7



    * This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 75035, 27 September 1991.

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    Chapter 1Introduction

    11. Purposea. This pamphlet provides a central location for information most

    often needed for motor pool daily garrison operations. It is notintended to replace other publications, but will tie maintenance pol-icy as it applies to unit maintenance operations together in a usableform. It is understood that there are different types of units andequipment found throughout the Active Army and Reserve Compo-nents, but the procedures for unit maintenance operations in the

    garrison environment are similar. Unit level maintenance tasks aredefined in AR 7501) as tasks performed by the operator, crew,and/or unit maintenance personnel. Unit maintenance is the founda-tion of the Armys maintenance system.

    b. This pamphlet applies to all Army equipment except

    (1) Installed equipment (see AR 42017).

    (2) Industrial production equipment.

    (3) Nonstandard equipment that is locally purchased and has notbeen type classified or assigned an NSN. However, nontactical(commercial) wheeled vehicles are covered by this pamphlet.

    (4) Equipment bought with nonappropriated funds.

    (5) Medical equipment covered by TB 387502.

    c. This pamphlet is arranged in chapters designed to show howthose sub-functional areas of unit level maintenance operations notcovered in detail within AR 7501, chapter 2, section III should

    function. The guidance found in this pamphlet can be applied to anyunit maintenance operation, regardless of the density of equipment.

    12. ReferencesRequired and related publications and referenced forms are listed inappendix A.

    13. Explanation of abbreviations and termsAbbreviations and special terms used in this pamphlet are explainedin the consolidated glossary.

    Chapter 2Essential Functional Areas Within Unit Maintenance

    21. The Army Maintenance Management System(TAMMS)

    a. Operation of the TAMMS. The Army Maintenance Manage-ment System (DA Pam 738750) describes the forms and recordsrequired in the performance of unit level maintenance. A unitsTAMMS functions are performed by one or more school trainedEqui pment Records and Parts Sp ec ia lists, Military Occup at ion alSpecialty (MOS) 76C. The 76C must be under the direct supervisionof the NCOIC of the maintenance administration section or the unitmotor sergeant. The TAMMS is either operated manually or usingthe automated Unit Level Logistics System (ULLS). The ULLS isan automated system that improves the timeliness, accuracy andreporting of maintenance data. This is the most important automatedsystem to the unit maintenance managers. Regardless of the systembeing used, the purpose of a units TAMMS operation is to create,

    maintain, and p roperly dispose of operational, maintenance andequipment historical records.

    b. Operational records. Those forms and records that providethe commander and maintenance manager a means to control theuse of unit equipment. Operational forms and records are main-tained in a motor pool per DA Pam 738750, chapter 2. The proce-d u res us e d b y a un i t t o d is patch e q u i pme nt s ho u l d be t i ghtlycontrolled and clearly explained in the maintenance portion of theunit standing operating procedures (SOP). The detailed steps withinthe dispatch loop (fig 21) can vary from unit to unit, but theessential TAMMS clerk tasks are to

    (1) Check the operators OF 346 (U.S. Government OperatorsIdentification Card to ensure validity for equipment requested.

    (2) Check DD Form 314 (Preventive Maintenance Schedule andRecord) to ensure requested equipment is fully mission capable, andno maintenance actions are overdue, and DD Form 314 (PreventiveMaintenance Schedule and Record) for scheduled services due.

    (3) Check and verify that all operator entries are properly loggedon DD Form 1970 (Motor Equipment Utilization Record).

    (4) Make all required entries on DA Form 2401 (OrganizationControl Record for Equipment).

    (5) Check to see if the operator listed any new faults or deficien-cies DA Form 2404 (Daily Equipment Inspection and MaintenanceWorksheet) that require any action.

    (6) Submit any DA Form 2404 that was submitted by an operatorto the appropriate maintenance supervisor upon return to the motorpool; report any faults not previously entered on the DA Form2 4 0 8 1 4 ( E q u i p m e n t U n c o r r e c t e d F a u l t R e c o r d ) o r U L L Sequivalent.

    (7) Ensure that any DA Form 2404 submitted containing a defi-ciency is immediately forwarded to the appropriate maintenancesupervisor for action. When an non-mission capable (NMC) faultrequires repairs above the units capabilities, a DA Form 2407(Maintenance Request) is used to request assistance from DSU.Refer to figure 22 for an exmple of organizational level repairworkflow to DS/GS maintenance.

    c. Maintenance records. Maintenance records, with the excep-tion of DA Form 2404, differ from operational records in that theyhave little effect on the daily operation of equipment. They are

    primarily used for scheduling, performing and managing mainte-nance on equipment. When faults are identified, or servicing isrequired, maintenance forms and records are used by unit mainte-nance personnel to record and initiate required maintenance actionssand reasons for delay. The entire unit maintenance section providesinput to, and uses maintenance records. It is therefore, essential thatunit maintenance managers/supervisors evaluate and monitor theflow of information contained on maintenance forms and recordsregularly. Some maintenance records are produced automatically inunits equipped with ULLS, but the purposes of the various formsare the same. The most critical tasks the TAMMS clerk must ac-complished are to

    (1) Maintain the DD Form 314 Per DA Pam 738750, chapter 2.The manual version of this form is the most difficult form in themotor pool to keep current. Maintenance managers must be expertson the numerous entries that the TAMMS clerk must make on this

    form. The constant updating of scheduled -20 level preventive main-tenance checks and services (PMCS), lubrication, Army Oil Analy-sis Program (AOAP), and NMC information is extremely important.If the TAMMS clerk allows the DD Form 314 to become outdated,it becomes difficult for the maintenance supervisor to plan upcom-ing services, and adversely impacts on the accuracy of equipmentreadiness rates reported on the DA Form 2406 (Materiel ConditionStatus Report).

    (2) Update and reconcile the DA Form 240814. The DA Form240814 is a dynamic form listing all uncorrected faults (not defi-ciencies) and the reason they have not been corrected. The TAMMSclerk must constantly update the DA Form 240814 as new faultsare reported by operators and old faults are corrected by mainte-nance personnel. Equipment operators and unit mechanics use theDA Form 2408-14 as a reference when performing -10 and -20 level

    PMCS to avoid reporting faults that have already been identifiedand actions that have been deferred. This form is a valuable toolthat can be used to identify systemic problems in a units mainte-n ance oper atio n . F or e x ample , c ompar ing t his f orm a g ainst itsequipment can reveal operators who are unable to properly performPMCS, problems in the prompt requesting of repair parts and inade-quate -20 level PMCS. Whether a unit uses the actual DA Form240814 or a facsimile produced by ULLS, this form requires fre-q u e n t a t t e n t i o n f r o m u n i t l e v e l c o m m a n d e r s a n d m a i n t e n a n c emanagers.

    (3) The TAMMS/PLL clerk is the critical link in the flow anddisposition of the DA Form 2404. The DA Form 2404 is the sourcedocument for entries on the DA Form 240814 and DA Form 2406.Per DA Pam 738750, chapter 3, the DA Form 2404 annotated with

    1DA PAM 75035 1 August 1994

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    faults is not destroyed until all faults are transferred to another formor corrected. Tight control of the flow of this form, once a fault hasbeen entered on it, should be thoroughly covered in the unit SOP

    d. Historical records. Historical records differ from operationaland maintenance records in that most of them provide informationto other Army agencies. These records show required informationand specific events in the lifecycle of a piece of equipment inaccordance with DA Pam 738750, chapter 5. Most of these formsaccompany specific components and major end-items throughout thelife of the equipment. Other historical records are mailed to a collec-tion agency rather than being disposed of at the unit level, such asthe DA Form 24084. Some of these forms are not kept in hard-

    copy in units equipped with ULLS. The frequently used historicalforms that the TAMMS clerk must maintain are as follows:

    (1) The DA Form 24084. This form is used to record the firingand certain maintenance tasks on weapons with cannon or mortartubes. Commanders and unit level maintenance managers shouldoften check the condition of these forms and procedures used toenter information on them. Maintenance personnel use informationfrom the DA Form 24084 to determine the serviceability of can-nons and mortars. Incorrect information can cause continued use ofunsafe weapons. Active Army units closeout and mail their DAForms 24084 to the address shown in DA Pam 738750, chapter 5.This is done when the form is full or twice each year on the dateslisted. Reserve and National Guard units mail their DA Forms24084 once a year. When a DA Form 24084 is used for AirDefense Weapons Systems, the form is disposed of per DA Pam

    738750, chapter 5.(2) The DA Form 2408-20. This form is maintained by the

    TAMMS clerk to record every oil sampling action and result of anoil analysis returned by the Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP)laboratory. A DA Form 240820 is maintained on each componentenrolled in the AOAP as directed by DA Pam 738750, chapter 5. Iti s e s s enti a l that i n f o rm a t io n i s k ept c u r re nt o n t h e D A F orm240820, since it must accompany the component when turned infor repair or rebuild. Additionally, unit maintenance managers usethis form to identify recurring problems in sampling techniques,indicating a need for additional training. Units that receive theNonaeronautical Components Enrolled Report in AOAP no longermaintain this form.

    (3) The DA Form 2408-5 (Equipment Modification Record). Thisform is used to show published and applied modification work

    orders (MWOs) on all equipment listed in appendix E of DA Pam738750. DA Form 24085 will be initiated only upon notificationof the first published Department of the Army MWO (DAMWO).The organization that applies the MWO will usually make the en-tries in this section. It is essential that all MWOs are kept current onthe DA Form 24085 since it must accompany the equipment whenit is turned in for repair or rebuild. The DA Form 24085 will be apermanent log book record.

    22. Prescribed load list (PLL)a. Units authorized personnel, tools, and equipment to perform

    unit level maintenance will normally have a PLL. A PLL consists ofu nit main t e nan c e repa i r par t s th a t a re de m a nd s up p or t e d, no n-demand supported, and specified initial stockage repair parts fornewly introduced end items (AR 7102, chap 2). Most, but not all

    of the repair parts stocked on a PLL are demand supported.b. The units PLL functions are performed by one or more school

    trained 76C, under the direct supervision of the NCOIC of themaintenance administration section or unit motor sergeant.

    c. Automated PLL systems have their own users publication foruse by PLL clerks and maintenance managers. The ULLS EndUsers Manual and local SOP dictates how class IX repair parts areordered. When under an automated supply system daily diskettes areforwarded to your supporting unit. Refer to figure 23 for ULLSdiskette daily workflow. Units operating under the manual systemwill find detailed guidance in DA Pam 71021, chapter 8. Regard-less of the system used, the essential PLL clerks tasks are to

    (1) Know which Class IX repair parts are authorized in the unitand in what quantities.

    (2) Ensure that stock locations and quantities on-hand match thePLL records.

    (3) Reorder replenishment repair parts as they are issued, unlessno longer authorized.

    (4) Ensure all repair parts are secured in a controlled area usingappropriate security measures. Also ensure that repair parts are pro-tected from damage.

    (5) Ensure that partial parts recieved are controlled and stored ina secure area to prevent pilferage.

    (6) Ensure that excess parts are turned in promptly in accordance

    with appropriate turn in procedures.(7) Maintain a neat and accurate document register. Also ensure

    that the commander or designated representative initials the docu-ment register for high priority requests.

    (8) Understand the TAMMS records and PLL functions interface(fig 22).

    (9) Reconcile the document register with the current status re-ceived from the supporting supply activity (SSA).

    (10) Reconcile commanders financial transaction listing with thedocument register.

    (11) Understand how to properly use the Army Master Data File(AMDF) and ensure that a copy of the AMDF is available.

    (12) Receive/pick up parts.

    23. Publications

    a. A units management of its publications account can enhanceor degrade both operator and unit level maintenance operations.Operators must have current technical manuals (TMs) for properequipment operation and performance of PMCS.

    b. Unit level mechanics and supervisors must have current unitlevel maintenance TMs, lubrication orders (LOs), training circulars(TCs), and technical bulletins (TBs) to properly maintain and serv-ice assigned equipment.

    c. M a i n t e nan c e man a g e rs n e ed A rm y reg u l ation s ( ARs ), D Apamphlets (DA PAMs), field manuals (FMs), and supply catalogs(SCs) to ensure their unit is operating per Army doctrine and Fed-eral law.

    d. A publications account is established for every unit that has anactive DA Form 12R (Request for Establishment of a PublicationAccount) on file at the Baltimore Publications Center. The DA

    Form 12series form is used to order publications against the unitaccount. It also keeps the Baltimore Publications Center updated onthe quantity and types of publications that they are required to keepcurrent in the unit. One-time requests and resupply of publicationsare accomplished using DA Form 4569 (USAPC Requisition CodeSheet).

    e. As a minimum, a unit maintenance operation should have thefollowing: one operators manual and LO for each piece of equip-ment, one set of TMs and LOs for each company maintenance team(CMT), and one complete set of TMs, LOs, FMs, TBs, SCs andARs for the unit maintenance platoon/section headquarters. Thereshould be enough manuals so that maintenance personnel do notneed to leave their worksite to use a manual. DA Pam 2530,( C o n s o l i d a t e d I n d e x o f A r m y P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d B l a n k F o r m s )pro vid es the maintenance manager with all needed publicatio nsinformation.

    f. Maintenance managers sometimes find their units TM libraryin such poor condition that a complete review is necessary. Theeasiest and fastest way to correct this problem is by obtaining anindex of equipment publications from the United States Army Mate-r i a l Co mm a nd (U SA M C), Mat e ri a l R e a d i n e ss S u pp o r t A c t i v i t y(MRSA) that is tailormade for the unit. Prepare and mail a listing ofall unit equipment line item numbers (LIN) and national stocknumbers (NSNs) to USAMC Material Readiness Support Activity,ATTN: AMXMD-MP, Lexington KY 405115101. MRSA will pro-vide a listing of all applicable TMs with change information organ-ized for easy use.

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    24. Tools and test, measurement, and diagnosticequipment (TMDE)

    a . T he s op h i sticated t y p e s o f v e h i c l e s a n d w e a p ons sy stem sfound in motor pools today cannot be maintained properly withoutthe authorized tools and TMDE. Commanders, unit maintenancemanagers, and supervisors must ensure that all sets, kits, and outfits(SKO) and special tools are being used and maintained properly;properly accounted for; and promptly replaced when unserviceableor lost. Unit mechanics cannot be expected to properly troubleshoot,remove, or replace components unless the right tool is readily avail-able and serviceable as called for in the equipment TM. Tool roomprocedures are explained in detail in DA Pam 71021, chapter 6,

    paragraph 63. A copy of DA Form 5519R (Tool Sign Out Log/Register) can be found at the back of DA Pam 71021. Theprocedures used to account for lost, damaged, or destroyed toolsissued from tool rooms can be found in AR 7355, chapter

    b. TMDE is of little value if its not used and calibrated. TMDEis any system or device capable of being used to evaluate theoperational condition of equipment. It identifies or isolates actual orpotential malfunctions. The accuracy of TMDE will have an effecton the quality of work.

    (1) AR 75025 covers the Armys TMDE Calibration and RepairSupport Program.

    (2) Know your calibration requirements and spot check equip-ment at random for compliance.

    (3) TB 75025 has the word on required records and forms forcalibration.

    (4) Some common maintenance items requiring calibration are;torque wrenches, multimeters, and simplified test equipment (STE).

    (5) If you have an item you think needs calibration but it is noton the list, verify it in TB 43180. Make sure your TMDE is beingused and is not gathering dust. The three types of tools commonlyfound at unit level are as follows:

    (a) Mechanics tool kits that consist of common handtools au-thorized by the unit TOE. These tool kits are based upon the num-ber of mechanics authorized.

    (b) Shop equipment, common and supplements, which containtools and TMDE tailored to either company or battalion level sec-tions and are issued from a tool room/vehicle.

    (c) Equipment special tools required to perform unit level main-tenance on specific equipment and listed in the applicable unit levelrepair parts TM.

    c. Maintenance managers must screen equipment -20 level partsmanuals to obtain the NSNs for their tools. They must also ensurethat hand receipts are prepared to maintain accountability for thesetools.

    25. Preventive maintenance checks and services(PMCS)

    a. AR 7501 states that unit level maintenance is the founda-tion of the Armys maintenance system. PMCS is the foundationof unit level maintenance. PMCS as a system includes all checksand services performed by the operator/crew and the unit mainte-nance section. It is performed in order to identify and correct faults,and perform required services on all assigned equipment. AR 7501,chapter 3, further states that commanders are required to maintainequipment at TM -10/20 PMCS standards according to the appropri-ate technical manuals.

    b. No amount of operator/crew level maintenance (-10 PMCS)

    can make up for improperly performed unit level scheduled services

    (-20 PMCS). Conversely, the most efficient unit level PMCS pro-

    gram will not counter the adverse impact of improperly performed

    operator/crew level PMCS. Unit commanders and maintenance man-

    agers must develop their PMCS program as a unified effort of both

    operator/crew and unit mechanics. This complete package can help

    avoid the adversaries relationship that can develop between opera-

    tors and maintainers at the unit level. As a minimum, a well organ-

    ized PMCS program should include

    (1) The commanders commitment to the enforcement of pub-

    lished guidance on the proper performance of PMCS by operator/

    crew and unit maintenance personnel.(2) A training program that results in leaders, supervisors, and

    operators being fully qualified and dedicated to performing or super-

    vising PMCS tasks correctly.

    (3) Sufficient time blocked in the units training schedule specifi-

    cally for the performance of operator PMCS on a weekly basis.

    (4) Sufficient time blocked in the units training schedule specifi-

    cally for the performance of unit level PMCS (-20 level scheduled

    services) based on time estimates provided by the maintenance


    (5) As few as possible unscheduled distractions that take equip-

    ment operators, maintenance personnel, and supervisors away during

    scheduled PMCS periods.

    (6) The establishment of strict quality control procedures for

    repairs and scheduled services.(7) All special tools, lubricants, and publications on hand to ac-

    complish any PMCS task required by the applicable TMs at the unit


    (8) Proper PMCS performance by the equipment operator will

    ensure early detection of faults and maintenance requirements.

    26. Tactical maintenance

    For maintenance under field/training exercise conditions, refer to

    FM 435. This field manual superseded FM 292 and FC 292J.

    27. Vehicle recovery

    FM 2022 is directed toward both the leader and the technician.

    This field manual provides tactics, technique, and procedures on the

    use and employment of recovery assets. It also provides practicalmethods of recovering disabled or immobilized vehicles and return-

    ing it to operational status, or evacuate it to a place where it can be

    repaired, disposed of, or further disabled to prevent enemy capture

    of equipment.

    28. Battle Damage Assessment and Repair (BDAR)

    FM 2030 provides specific doctrine and techniques for performing

    battlefield damage assessment and repair on equipment that has

    been disabled by enemy action or mechanical malfunctions. BDAR

    is to return disabled equipment rapidly, especially combat vehicles,

    to the operational commander by expediently fixing, bypassing, or

    juryrigging components. BDAR restores the mininum essential com-

    bat capabilities necessary to support a specific combat mission or to

    enable the equipment to self recover. Depending on the repairsrequired, BDAR may be a temporary or permanent repair.

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    Figure 2-1. A typical company level maintenance workflow

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    Figure 2-2. Organization level repair workflow to DS/GS

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    Figure 2-3. ULLS diskette daily workflow

    Chapter 3Unit Level Maintenance Management

    31. Maintenance managersUnit level maintenance managers are those officers and noncommis-sioned officers that plan, organize, direct, coordinate, and controlunit level maintenance assets. The most influential maintenancemanager in a unit is the commander. However, most managementtasks are accomplished by the motor officer/motor sergeant or main-tenance team chief at company/troop/battery level. At battalion/

    squadron level the maintenance officer/technician and motor ser-geant are the key maintenance managers. Refer to figure 31 forunit maintenance heirarchy.

    32. Maintenance standardsTo achieve the maintenance standards required by AR 7501, chap-ter 1, which is the TM -10/20 PMCS standard, maintenance manag-ers should focus on the following:

    a . T h e u n i t c o m m a n d e r s m a i n t e n a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r a c -complishing the units tactical mission.

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    b. Recommending equipment maintenance goals and objectivest o t he co mmand er respon s ib le for the maintenance of a s s ig ne dequipment.

    c. Assisting the unit commander in the planning of operator/crewand unit mechanic equipment sustainment training.

    d . M a n a g i n g r e s o u r c e s s u c h a s , m o n e y , p e o p l e , t i m e , a n dmateriel.

    e. Reporting accurate readiness.

    f. Recommending improvements to the Army Maintenance Man-agement System.

    g. Evaluating the constant performance of functional areas of unitmaintenance.

    h. Performing high quality TM -10/20 PMCS using the applica-ble equipment technical manuals.

    i . I n t e g r a t i n g s a f e t y i n t o a l l t a s k s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h u n i tmaintenance.

    Figure 3-1. Unit maintenance hierarchy

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    Chapter 4Unit Level Maintenance Training

    41. General training programsSee FM 25100 for proper methodology for establishing generaltraining programs.

    42. External challengesExternal challenges and how they are managed can spell success orfailure to a maintenance training program. Some external factors thecommander cannot influence are

    a. Personnel turbulence.

    b. Personnel shortages.c. Key NCO inexperience.d. Complexity of equipment.e. First term mechanic inexperience.

    43. Internal challengesInternal challenges can be influenced by commanders. Their effectscan be minimized to ease the effects of external challenges. Someinternal factors are as follows:

    a. Workload.b. Garrison maintenance only.c. Lack of operator maintenance.d. A poor maintenance training plan or none at all.e. Maintenance not system oriented.

    f. First line leaders not involved in maintenance operations.

    g. First line leaders with little or no maintenance training.h. Little or no operator/crew maintenance training.i. Personnel not having or using maintenance publications.

    j. Improper use of assigned personnel.k. Test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) not be-

    ing used.l. Poor quality control procedures.m. Available training assistance not being used.n. Technical experts not consulted on maintenance problems.

    44. What the operator or supervisor/leader knowsNo assumptions should be made about what the operator or supervi-sor/ leader knows.

    a. All units must have their own testing and training programs.b. The company or unit commander must know what all equip-

    ment operators and their leaders, know.c. All personnel must know what they are checking and what to

    do when they find a problem.d. The leader must know what the operator knows.e. Should additional training be required, the leader should give it

    or advise the unit commander that training assistance is required.f. Continual testing and training must be provided in order to

    provide confidence and improved competence of personnel.

    45. Commanders maintenance traininga. Each commander must analyze their maintenance training.b. A maintenance training plan should then be developed from

    the analysis.c. Personnel skill shortfalls should be identified and the available

    training courses scheduled.d. Leaders must be trained to supervise and conduct the neces-

    sary maintenance training.e. Since maintenance begins with the equipment operators, com-

    manders who invest time in operator training will receive dividendsin equipment availability.

    f. First line leaders require training in inspection techniques fortheir equipment as well as its operation.

    g. Both formal and on the job training assistance are availablefrom the following external sources:

    (1) Maintenance Assistance and Instruction Team (MAIT).(2) Direct support (DS) maintenance unit.(3) AMC logistics assistance office (LAO).

    (4) Exportable training packages.

    46. Vehicle operators licensingInstructions for completing licensing of vehicle operators should beincorporated in the unit standard operating procedures (SOP). AR60055 provides the basic requirements for a good licensing pro-gram. Use FM 21305, FM 21306, and FM 5530 for more de-tailed information on licensing vehicle operators. Also consult thesepublications for procedures on how to fill out applicable forms.

    Chapter 5Unit Maintenance Standing Operating Procedures(SOP)

    51. Need for SOPAll units performing maintenance are required to have a mainte-nance SOP according to AR 7501, chapter 2. The maintenanceSOP may be an annex to the units SOP, an annex to the unitslogistics SOP, or a stand alone document. Regardless of where itsfound, its purpose is to formally describe the way a unit performsunit maintenance on assigned equipment. This also includes thatequipment stored outside the motor pool. The unit maintenanceportion of the SOP should be written in enough detail to giverecently assigned personnel a firm grasp of how maintenance is tobe accomplished in the unit.

    52. Areas to address in SOPAs a minimum, the following areas of the SOP should be addressedin detail:

    a. Maintenance related duties and responsibilities for key unitpersonnel.

    b. How the unit maintenance platoon/section is organized.c. Procedures to be followed by personnel during scheduled oper-

    ator level PMCS periods.d. Procedures to be followed by all unit personnel associated

    with unit level PMCS (scheduled services).e. The procedures used to dispatch equipment in the unit.

    f. The procedures required to obtain a government equipmentoperators license (SF 46/OF 346).

    g. Tool accountability and control procedures.h. The unit driver/mechanic awards program.

    i . A l l a p p l i c a b l e s a f e t y g u i d a n c e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h e q u i p m e n tmaintenance.j . Q u a l i t y c o n t r o l p r o c e d u r e s f o r m a i n t e n a n c e / d i s p a t c h i n g

    equipment.k. The units program for operator/crew and mechanic sustain-

    ment training.l. The proper handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals.m. Motor pool security.n. Calibration of tools and TMDE.o. AOAP.

    p. Readiness reporting.q. Environmental.r. Safety SOP.s. Publications.

    Chapter 6Safety and Security

    61. SafetySafe motorpool operations contribute to an effective maintenanceprogram. Everyone must be involved in the success of the unitsafety program. Safety becomes second nature when commanders,sup e r v i so r s, l e a d e rs , a n d e q uipm e n t op er a to r s en f o rce c o m m o nsense safety rules. These rules include the following:

    a. No smoking in shop areas.

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    b. Proper storage of flammables/nonflammablesc. Clean and well lit ventilated work areas.d. Use of ground guides when backing.e. Enforce speed limits.

    f. Properly ground electrical equipment.g. Train in use of fire extinguishers.h. Use protective devices for eyes and ears.i. Secure loose parts, tools, and loads before vehicle operations.

    j. Inspect tools and equipment before attempting repairs.k. Remove the battery ground cable while working in the engine

    compartment.l. Use only approved cleaning solvents, never use gasoline.

    m. Use protective clothing.n. Use chock blocks and jack stands.o. Properly use tools.

    p. Properly recover and storage used POL.q. Practice POL spill control and other environmental disposable

    items.r. No horseplay allowed.s. Properly use compressed air and hydraulic equipment.t. Use safety cages when inflating tires.u. No contact lenses are worn while using welding equipment.v. Always use extreme caution when working with asbestos and

    other hazardous materials ensure hazardous areas are marked.

    62. SecurityMotor pool shop areas are vulnerable to pilferage and must be

    protected. Traffic through the area cannot be avoided. To avoid loss,tools, repair parts, and POL should be secured with appropriatelocks, and checked frequently. When proper precautions are nottaken, these easily pilferable items will disappear. Nothing reducesmorale and esprit de corps of a unit faster than theft. Commandersmust demand strict security in their unit motor pool. (See AR19013.)

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    Appendix AReferences

    Section IRequired Publications

    AR 42017Real Property and Resource Management. (Cited in para 11 b .)

    AR 7501Army Materiel Maintenance Policy and Retail Maintenance

    Operations. (Cited in para 11a, 14, 25 a , and 31.)

    DA Pam 2530Consolidated index of Army Publications and Blank Forms. (Citedin para 23 e .)

    DA Pam 71021Using Unit Supply System (Manual Procedures). (Cited in para 24a .)

    DA Pam 738750The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS). (Cited in

    para 21 d .)

    FM 435Unit Maintenance Operations. (Cited in para 26.)

    TB 387502Medical Equipment. (Cited in para 11 b .)

    Section IIRelated Publications

    AR 19013The Army Physical Security Program

    AR 2201Unit Status Reporting

    AR 60055Motor Vehicle Driver and Equipment Operator Selection, Training,

    Testing, and Licensing

    AR 67252Decorations, Awards, and Honors

    AR 70068Storage and Handling of Compressed Gases and Cylinders

    AR 7102Supply Policy Below the Wholesale Level

    AR 72550Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System

    AR 7355Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability

    AR 75025

    The Armys TMDE Calibration and Repair Support Program

    FM 2022Vehicle Recovery

    FM 2030Battlefield Damage Assessment and Repair

    FM 25100Training the Force

    FM 21305Wheeled Vehicle Driver

    FM 21306Track Combat Vehicle Driver

    FM 5530Army Motor Transport Units and Operations

    TM 43180Calibration and Repair Requirements for the Maintenance of ArmyMaterial

    TB 75025Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment; Army Test, Measurementand Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Calibration and Repair SupportProgram

    Section IIIPrescribed FormsNo entries in this section.

    Section IVReferenced Forms

    DA Form 12RSubscription of Sighting and Fire Control Equipment Publications

    DA Form 2028Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms

    DA Form 2401Organizational Control Record for Equipment

    DA Form 2404Equipment Inspection and Equipment Worksheet

    DA Form 2406Materiel Condition Status Report

    DA Form 2407

    Maintenance Request

    DA Form 24084Weapons Record Data

    DA Form 24085Equipment Modification Record

    DA Form 240814Uncorrected Fault Record

    DA Form 5519RTool Sign Out Log/Register

    DD Form 314Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record

    Optional Form 346

    U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operators Identification Card

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    GlossaryT h i s i s t h e c o n s o l i d a t e d g l o s s a r y f o r t h eMaintenance Management 14 Handbook.

    Section IAbbreviations


    Army aviation flight activity


    Army acquisition objective

    AAOFArmy aviation operating facility


    Army aviation support facility


    Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence


    average customer wait time


    Army depot


    automatic data processing equipment


    adjutant general


    advanced individual training


    Army Materiel Command


    Army Master Data File

    AMSAarea maintenance support activity


    area maintenance support activity (ground)


    a rea maintenance support activity (gr ound/watercraft)


    area maintenance support activity (watercraft)


    Army Oil Analysis Program


    Army National Guard


    Army Systems Acquisition Review Council


    aviation support activity


    associated support item of equipment


    annual training


    Aviation Troop Support Command


    automatic test equipment


    aviation classification and repair activity

    AVIMaviation intermediate maintenance


    aviation electronics


    aviation unit maintenance


    battlefield damage assessment repair


    basic issue item


    built in test equipment


    battalion maintenance officer


    commercial activities


    chemical agent resistant coating


    combat capable




    combat emergency capable


    U . S . A r m y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s - E l e c t r o n i c sCommand


    commanding general


    c o m m u n i c a t i o n s s e c u r i t y l o g i s t i c s s u p p o r tunit


    consolidated maintenance center


    comptroller of the Army


    chief of engineers


    communications security


    continental united states


    continental Unites States Armies, numbered


    camouflage painting pattern


    command post exercise

    CSMScombined support maintenance shop


    Department of the Army


    DA modification work order


    DA TMDE Executive agent


    Defense Communications Agency


    Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics


    De puty Chi ef of S taff for O per atio ns andPlans


    Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel


    Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Develop-ment, and Acquisition


    deferred maintenance


    division support command


    Defense Logistics Agency


    depot maintenance work requirements


    Department of Defense


    Director of Logistics


    Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office


    direct support


    exempt from duty


    executive director for TMDE

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    equipment improvement recommendation


    equipment maintenance mission


    essential repair parts stockage list


    equipment support activity


    Eight U.S. Army


    electronic warfare


    force activity designator


    full mission capable


    U.S. Forces Command

    FPGfield procedures guide


    field training exercises


    fair wear and tear


    general equipment support activity


    Government-owned, contractor operated

    GSgeneral support


    ground support equipment




    Headquarters, DA


    U.S. Army Health Services Command

    ILOin lieu of


    integrated logistics support


    integrated logistics support plan


    installation materiel maintenance activity

    IMMMAi n t e r n a l m i s s i o n m a t e r i e l m a i n t e n a n c eactivity

    IMMOinstallation materiel maintenance officer

    INSCOMU . S . A r m y I n t e l l i g e n c e a n d S e c u r i t yCommand


    in process review

    ISSAinterservice/intraservice support agreement

    JOAPJoint Oil Analysis Program

    LCClife cycle cost

    LINline item number

    LOGSAlogistics support activity

    LRUline replaceable unit

    LSAlogistics support analysis

    MACmaintenance allocation chart

    MACOMmajor Army command

    MAITmaintenance assistance and instruction team

    MAMSmobilization activity management system

    MANPRINTmanpower personnel integration

    MATESmobilization and training equipment sites

    MDWMilitary District of Washington

    MEDSTEPMedical Standby Equipment Program

    MFCCminimum functional combat capable

    MILSTRIPm i l i t a r y s t a n d a r d r e q u i s i t i o n i n g a n d i s s u eprocedures

    MISmanagement information systems

    MMCmateriel management center


    military occupational specialty


    maintenance reporting and management


    major subordinate command


    maintenance support team

    MTDAm o d i f i c a t i o n t a b l e o f d i s t r i b u t i o n a n dallowance


    Military Traffic Management Command


    m o d i f i c a t i o n t a b l e o f o r g a n i z a t i o n a l a n dequipment


    modification work order


    nuclear, biological, and chemical


    NBC defense equipment


    National Guard Bureau


    national inventory control point


    New Manning System


    National Security Agency


    national stock number


    non-self recoverable


    non-tactical vehicle


    Office of the Chief, Army Reserve


    outside continental United States


    operation and maintenance, Army


    operation and maintenance, Army Reserve


    organizational maintenance shop


    organizational maintenance subshop

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    operational readiness float




    Office of the Surgeon General


    printed circuit board

    PD, AOAPProgram Director AOAP


    prescribed load list


    preventive maintenance


    preventive maintenance checks and services


    p r e v e n t i v e m a i n t e n a n c e i n s p e c t i o n a n dservice


    petroleum oils and lubricants


    prepositioning of materiel configured to unitsets


    privately owned vehicles


    production, planning, and control


    quality deficiency report


    quick supply store


    reliability, availability, and maintainability


    repair cycle float


    reliability centered maintenance


    research, development, and acquisition


    request for proposal


    request for quotation


    regional maintenance center


    required operational capability


    repair parts and special tools list


    Standard Army Maintenance System


    sample data collection


    suspended from issue, movement or use

    SIPstandard initial provisioning


    signals intelligence


    suspended from issue or use


    satelite maintenance materiel activity


    standing operating procedure

    SRself recoverable


    shop replaceable unit


    state area command


    the Army Maintenance Management System


    the Army Maintenance Management System-Aviation


    tables of distribution and allowances


    technical manual


    test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment


    theater maintenance support activity


    table of organization

    TPStest program sets


    U.S. Army Troop Support Command


    The Surgeon General


    unit identification code

    UMTunit maintenance team

    UNDurgency of need designator

    USACCU.S. Army Communications Command

    USACEU.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    USACSLAU.S. Army Communications Security Logis-tics Activity

    USALEAU.S. Army Logistics Evaluation Agency

    USARU.S. Army Reserve

    USAREURU.S. Army Europe

    USARJU.S. Army Japan

    USARSOU.S. Army Southern Command

    UTESunit training and equipment site

    WESTCOMU.S. Army Western Command

    Section IITerms

    Administrative deadlineProcedure for taking equipment out of serv-ice if the Commander or unit maintenanceo f f i c e r d e t e r m i n e s i t i s n e c e s s a r y . A d -

    ministratively dead-lined equipment is fullymi ssio n cap a ble p e r th e a pp l i cab l e PMCStables, and is reported FMC per AR 700138and DA PAM 738750, but is not used ordispatched. The following conditions are ex-amples of typical situations (not an all-inclu-si ve l i st) w h e n a d m i n i s t ra t i v e d e a d l i n e o fequipment would apply:

    a. Operation would result in a violation ofpublished Federal, Department of the Army,local Commander or Host nation safety regu-lation if the equipment were dispatched orused.

    b . P e n d i n g c o m p l e t i o n o f a n o f f i c i a linvestigation.

    c. Pending transfer, turn-in, or dispositioninstructions.

    d . Pending in s pe cti on for a safet y def i-c i e n c y d e t a i l e d u n d e r a S a f e t y - o f - U s emessage.

    After operationPMCS checks and services performed per theTM 10-series PMCS tables at the conclu-sion of the mission to identify and correctfaults that will preclude the next mission andto maintain the equipment to 10/20 PMCSmaintenance standard. Faults that render the

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    equipment NMC and are within the author-ized level of repair of the operator/crew tocorrect must be corrected immediately. Faultsabove the operator/crew authorized level ofrepair are immediately reported to unit main-tenance for correction prior to start of thenext mission. Unit maintenance performs un-scheduled correction required by reports fromoperator/crew and performs required servicesper TM 20-series to maintain the equipmentto the 10/20 PMCS maintenance standard.


    All Army adopted class V items.

    Ammunition peculiar equipment

    Equipment used in depot to perform mainte-nance, surveillance, demilitarization, or pres-ervation/packaging work on ammunition.

    Area maintenance support activity

    Provides, on an area basis, technical assist-ance and unit maintenance support beyondthe supported units capabilities to accom-plish during scheduled training assemblies.AMSA will be designated as follows:

    a . A M S A ( G ) . M a i n t e n a n c e s u p p o r t f o rUSAR ground equipment, other than aircraft,medical, and watercraft.

    b. AMSA(W). Support for USAR water-c r a f t . C o n s o l i d a t e d G l o s s a r y M a i n t e n a n c eManagement Update 13

    c . A M S A ( G / W ) . S u p p o r t f o r U S A Rground and watercraft.

    Army aviation flight activity

    A n A R N G T D A a c t i v i t y t h a t p r o v i d e sAVUM-level functions in support of ARNGaviation assets.

    Army aviation operating facility

    A n A R N G T D A a c t i v i t y t h a t p r o v i d e sAVUM-level functions.

    Army aviation support facility

    An ARNG TDA maintenance activity thatprovides AVUM- and AVCRAD-authorizedAVIM-level functions to support ARNG avi-ation assets.

    Army Oil Analysis Program

    Part of a DOD-wide effort to detect impend-ing equipment component failures and deter-mine lubricant condition through evaluationof used oil samples.

    Army Oil Analysis Program feedbackMaintenance and disassembly inspection dataregarding an engine or other major assemblyfurnished by the operating and maintenanceactivities to the Army Oil Analysis Programlaboratories.

    Associated support items of equipment

    An end item required to support the opera-tion, maintenance, and/or transportation of aBOIP item. ASIOE is listed on the BOIP ofthe item it supports. ASIOE has its own LIN

    and is separately documented into TOE/Ver-tical The A rm y A ut hor iza tion a nd Do cu -ments System (VTAADS).

    AssemblyA combination of components/modules andparts used as a portion of, and intended for,further installation in an equipment end item( f o r e x a m p l e , e n g i n e , t r a n s m i s s i o n , r o t o rhead, electronic chassis/rack/cabinet.

    Automatic test equipment

    E q u i p m e n t t h a t p e r f o r m s a p r e d e t e r m i n e dprogram to test functional or static parame-ters to isolate unit malfunctions. It is alsoused in quality assurance tests to evaluate thed e g r e e o f p e r f o r m a n c e d e g r a d a t i o n . T h edecisionmaking, control, or evaluation func-tions are conducted with minimum relianceon human intervention.

    Available daysThe days equipment is on hand in an organi-zation and fully able to do its mission; thetime equipment is FMC.

    Aviation classification and repair activitydepotAn ARNG TDA maintenance activity thatprovides AVIM and authorized depot levelfunctions.

    Aviation support facilityTDA activity of a MUSARC that exercisescentraliz ed control and assu re s pr oper useand operation of USAR aviation assets, pro-viding aviation training and logistics supportbeyond the capability of the supported unitsduring training assemblies.

    Battlefield damage assessment and repairA wartime procedure to rapidly return disa-bled equipment to operational condition by

    expediently repairing, bypassing, or jury-rig-ging components to restore the minimum es-sential systems required for the support of as p e c i f i c c o m b at mi s s i o n o r t o ena b l e t h eequipment to self-recover.

    Before operation checksChecks performed by the operator/crew per10 TM PMCS tables to identify faults thatwill prevent performance of the mission andmust be corrected prior to start of the mis-sion. All faults are corrected or, if above op-erat o r/cr e w au t h or i z e d l e vel o f rep a i r , a rereported to unit maintenance before the mis-sion. Before operation checks should not take

    o v e r 2 0 m i n u t e s f o r c o m p l e t i o n b y t h eoperator/crew.

    Black boxA line replaceable unit.

    Build in testA test approach using built in test equipmento r o t h e r i n t e g r a l h a r d w a r e d e s i g n e d i n t oequipment or components under test, to selftest and fault diagnose all and/or part of theequipment or component under test.

    Built in test equipment

    Any ide ntifiable, removable devi ce that i spart of equipment or components under testt h a t i s u s e d f o r t h e e x p r e s s p u r p o s e o ftesting.

    CalibrationComparison of an instrument (measurementstandard or item of test, measurement, anddiagnostic equipment) or unverified accuracywith an instrument of known or greater ac-curacy to detect and correct any discrepancy

    in the accuracy of the unverified instrument.

    Closed loop

    A formal system for collecting data, manag-ing a database, analyzing and using the data,i niti atin g appropriate acti on, evalu ating re-sults, providing feedback to participants andproponents, and evaluating the SDC systemfor improving efficiencies and economics ofoperations.

    Combined support maintenance shopAn ARNG TDA activity that provides DS,GS levels of maintenance on federal surfaceequipment issued to the ARNG.

    Commercial Activities

    Army-operated and Army-managed organiza-tions that provide products or services thatma y b e obta ine d b y cont ra ct wit h privat ecommercial sources. CA may be identifiedwith an organization or a type of work, butmust be separate facilities that can performeither in-house or by contract. Further, theC A m u s t p r o v i d e p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e sregularly needed. CA will not provide prod-ucts and services that will be used only once,for a short time, or for support of a specialproject.

    COMSEC logistics support unitDS/GS maintenance activity for the mainte-nance of communication security equipment.


    A c o mb i n a tio n of parts m oun ted t o g e t h e rduring manufacturing, that may be tested, re-placed as a unit, or repaired (for example,starter, generator fuel pump, and printed cir-cuit board). The term module is normallyassociated with electronic equipment.


    T h e f u n c t i o n a l / p h y s i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o fhardware/software set forth in technical docu-mentation and achieved in a product.

    Configuration status accounting

    R e c o r d i n g a n d r e p o r t i n g o f i n f o r m a t i o nneeded to manage the configuration of a sys-tem or item effectively. Including the ap-proved technical documentation as set forthi n s pecif i catio ns , dr a win gs , a nd a ssoc i a t e dlists, and documents referenced therein; thestatus of proposed changes to a configura-tion; and the implementation status of ap-proved changes.

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    Contract maintenance

    A n y m a t e r i e l m a i n t e n a n c e o p e r a t i o n p e r -formed under contract by commercial organi-zations (including the original manufacturersof the materiel).

    Controlled exchangeRemoval of serviceable parts, components,and assemblies from unserviceable, but eco-nomically repairable equipment and their im-med i a te r e u s e i n res t or in g a like item ofe q u i p m e n t t o a c o m b a t m i s s i o n c a p a b l e


    Critical characteristicsFeatures (tolerance, finish, material composi-tion, manufacturing, assembly, or inspectionprocess) of a product, material, or processt h a t , i f n o n c o n f o r m i n g o r m i s s i n g , c o u l dcause the failure or malfunction of the item.

    Critical safety itemAny part, assembly, subassembly, installationprocedure, or production process that wouldhave hazard probability level A, B, C, or Dchance of resulting in an unsafe condition ifnot in accordance with design data or quality


    DA sample data collection agentL O G S A s e r v e s a s t h e A r m y s e x e c u t i v eagent and is responsible for management ofthe Army SDC Program.

    DA sample data collection programsummary

    Annual preparation by the DA/AMC execu-tive agent. Contents of the report consist ofdata furnished by SDC proponents and datausers.

    Deferred maintenanceAut h or i z ed de l a y of main t enan c e/r e pair o funcorrected faults. The commander or com-manders designated representative must au-t h o r i z e t h e d e l a y i n c o r r e c t i n g a f a u l t .Equipment with deferred maiantenance doesnot meet the Army maintenance standard asaddressed in AR 7501, paragraph 31(a).

    a. Required maintenance/repair can be de-ferred only when the fault will not affect theoperation of the equipment, or the safety ofthe operator and/or passengers.

    b. Repair on status symbol X deficiencieswill not be deferred.

    c . C o r r e c t i o n s w i t h t h e r e q u i r e d p a r t sa v a i l a b l e w i l l n o t n o r m a l l y b e d e f e r r e d .When there are minor corrections for faults

    which are labor intensive, the repair may bedeferred until the next scheduled service.

    DeficiencyA fault or problem that causes equipment tomalfunction. Faults that make the equipmentnot mission capable (NMC) are deficiencies.

    a. A fault is a deficiency when the faultcauses one or more of the following occur:

    (1) Makes an item, subsystem, or systeminoperable.

    (2) Is listed in the equipment is not fully

    mission capable if column of the operatorsPMCS table.

    (3) Makes the equipment unsafe or endan-gers crew.

    (4) Will seriously damage the equipment.(5) Makes the equipment so inaccurate, it

    cannot do its mission as needed.(6) Causes an operating problem that cuts

    down on COMSEC equipments ability toprotect defense information.

    b. A status symbol X is assigned to a defi-ciency. All the above situations would carry

    an X symbol.

    Definition of TM10/20 MaintenanceStandardThe condition of the equipment when

    a. The equipment is FMC.b. All faults are identified using the items

    to check column of the applicable TM 10-series and TM 20-series PMCS table and

    (1) Corrective actions that are authorizedto be a ccomplished at un it level, and forw h i c h r e q u i r e d p a r t s a r e a v a i l a b l e , a r ecompleted.

    ( 2) Req u i r e d p a r t s a r e r eq u i si t i o ned f orfaults that require them to complete the cor-

    rective actions.(3) Corrective actions that are authorized

    to be accomplished at a maintenance levelabove the unit are on a valid direct supportmaintenance request.

    c . E q u i p m e n t s e r v i c e s a r e p e r f o r m e dwithin the scheduled service interval.

    d. All current urgent and limited urgentmodification work orders are applied.

    e . A l l a u t hor i z e d b a s i c is s u e i t e ms a ndcomponents of end item are present and serv-iceable or on valid requisition.

    Department of Defense Activity AddressCode

    A six-digit code that gives a delivery addressfor supplies and equipment.

    Depot maintenance work requirementsA maintenance serviceability standard for de-pot maintenance operations. It prescribes thescope of work to be performed on an item byorganic depot maintenance facilities or con-tractors, types and kinds of materiel to beu s e d a n d q u a l i t y o f w o r k m a n s h i p . A l s o ,re p air meth od ; p ro c e dur es a n d tech n iqu e s ;m o d i f i c a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s ; f i t s a n d t o l e r -ances; equipment performance parameters tobe achieved; quality assurance discipline, andother essential factors to ensure that an ac-c e p t a b l e a n d c o s t e f f e c t i v e p r o d u c t i s


    Designated representativeSomeone authorized to sign for and/or repre-sent the commander. The commander mayuse a DA form 2496, orders, or DA From1687, to appoint a designated representative.

    a. The commander holds full responsibil-ity for the safety of personnel and the statuso f e q u i p m e n t . D e s i g n a t e d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e smust be picked carefully. They should bek n o w l e d g e a b l e , e x p e r i e n c e d , a n d r e a d i l y

    available to the people needing their signa-ture and help.

    b. Downgrading a status symbol X to acircled X for limited operations and making astatus symbol change may be dangerous. Forthese two situations, the commander is lim-i t e d t o o n e d e s i g n a t e d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , t h emaintenance/motor officer.

    Discard and replaceProcedure to follow if selected items are des-i g n a t e d a s n o n r e p a r a b l e a n d b e c o m e


    DudExplosive ammunition that was not armed asi n t e n d e d o r f a i l e d t o e x pl o d e a f t e r b e i n garmed or fired.

    During operations checks (PMCS)Checks performed by the operator/crew perthe TM10 PMCS tables which monitor op-eration of equipment and identify faults inequipment performance during the mission.Faults that render the equipment not missioncapable require immediate correction or au-thorization for limited operation using circlex status condition. All other faults are cor-

    r e c t e d ( i f a b o v e o p e r a t o r / c r e w a u t h o r i z e dlevel of repair to correct) or reported duringor after the mission.

    Electromagnetic environmental effect (E3)A n y f a il u r e ( o r s e r i o u s e f f ec t ) a p p a r e n t l yc a u s e d b y , o r r e l a t e d t o , r a d i o w a v e s ,electromagnetism, voltage or current pulses(static discharge, lightn ing , electromagneticpulse, or transient electricity), from whateversource. Examples: A malfunction of any elec-tronic/electrical equipment or system that oc-c u r s a f t e r e x p o s u r e t o e l e c t r o m a g n e t i cenergy. The effect may be transitory or per-ma n e n t . Sou r ce s o f e n e r g y m a y b e r a d io

    t r a ns m i s sio n s , r a d a r, hig h p ow e r e l e c t ricalg e n e r a t i o n o r t r a n s m i s s i o n e q u i p m e n t ,m o t o r s , g e n e r a t o r s , e l e c t r o m a g n e t s , s t a t i celectricity, lightning, magnetic storm, or hos-tile radio-electronic combat. Effects observedmay take the form of a distorted display,intermittent/inappropriate indication of warn-ing, noise, interference, break lock or sync,un-commanded control actions, system fail-ure, burn-out, or detonation.

    End item codeData element that identifies a part to a spe-c i f i c e n d i t e m . I t i s a t h r e e - p o s i t i o n a l -phanumeric code that uses the full Englishalphabet and the number 2 through, 9 and isstructured so that each position of the codehas a specific meaning as follows:

    a. The first position identifies the nationalc o n t r o l p o i n t m a n a g e r a n d i s a b r o a dc atego r i z a tio n ge nerall y d e sc riptive o f t heitem but not identifying specific items.

    b. The second position provides for a fur-ther subdivision of the broad category estab-lished in the first combination and identifiesa broad generic family of end items.

    c. The third position is used in combina-tion with the first two positions to identify a

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    specific end item NSN unique to a single enditem. Example is as follows:

    (1) A TACOM Combat Vehicle.( 2 ) A A T A C O M C o m b a t V e h i c l e s ,

    Main Battle Tank M1.(3) AAB TACOM Combat Vehicles,

    Main Battle Tank M1, 2350010871095,M1A1 120mm Gun.

    Equipment category code

    A two position alphabetical code. The firstl e t t e r i d e n t i f i e s t h e p r i m a r y c a t e g o r y o f

    equipment: A= Aircraft, B= Air Defense Sys-tems, F= Tanks, G= Combat Vehicles, andH= Tactical Vehicles, etc. The second letteridentifies a specific type of equipment withinthe primary category, AF= Aircraft; Fixedwing, AR= Aircraft; Rotary wing, GA= Self-pr opelled Ho w itzers, HB= Tr uck, 1/4 to n,etc. The two position ECC is used in ADPsystems to produce the complete descriptionof an item of equipment by make, model,noun nomenclature, line number, and nationalstock number if desired or required. It is alsoentered in specified blocks or positions onmanually produced data source documents.

    Equipment concentration siteArea for support of USAR and other author-ized units during IDT, AT, and mobilization;includes a maintenance branch.

    Equipment end itemA final combination of assemblies, compo-nents, modules, and parts that is designed toperform an operational function and is readyfor intended use. These end items are nor-mally type-classified and assigned line itemidentification numbers (SB 70020) but mayrequire other end items to perform a mission(for example, tank, truck, radio, generators,and machine guns).

    Equipment improvement recommendationWritten reports on an SF Form 368 to reporte qui pmen t fau l ts i n de si gn o per atio ns andman u fac t ur i n g o f new e q uipment receivedthat is below standard quality in workman-ship under AR 7027 and AR 70271.

    Equipment performance data

    Historical information relating to the main-t a i n a b i l i t y , r e l i a b i l i t y , a n d s u p p o r t a b i l i t ycharacteristics of systems, subsystems, andcomponents of weapons and equipment endi te ms accu mulated duri ng their operationala p p l i c a t i o n o r t e s t s s i m u l a t i n g a c t u a loperations.

    Equipment readiness codesA one-digit code explaining an items impor-tance to a units combat, combat support orservice support mission. The codes are as-signed to items on modification tables of or-ganization and equipment. Since equipmentcan serve different purposes, the same itemmay have a different code in different units.AR 2201 governs ERCs. ERCs go on theDA Form 2407 and DA Form 2406.

    a. ERC A applies to primary weapons and

    equipment. These are items essential to andused directly in the assigned mission.

    b. ERC B applies to auxiliary equipment.These are items which supplement ERC Aitems or replace ERC A items if they becomeinoperative.

    c. ERC C applies to administrative supporte q u i p m e n t . E R C C it e m s s u p p o r t t he a s -signed mission or operators.

    d. ERC P items that are ERC A that arealso pacing items.

    Evaluation criteriaFactors, including quantitative metal wear ex-pressions, against which the results of oilanalysis are compared to determine the con-dition of a component or lubricant and thenecessity for maintenance.

    FaultA term used to indicate that a piece of equip-ment has a deficiency or shortcoming.

    Fault isolationT e s t p e r f o r m e d t o i s o l a t e f a u l t s w i t h i n aUUT.

    Forward support maintenance

    M ai nt e n a n c e orie n t e d tow a r d qu ic k tu r n a -round to the user in order to maximize com-bat time by minimizing repair and evacuationtime; thrust to repair end items as far forwardas possible within tactical time criteria, or tor e c o v e r a n d e v a c u a t e t o t h e p o i n t w h e r erepair can be accomplished. Viability of con-cept is based on inherent flexibility driven byw e a p o n s y s t e m s , t a c t i c a l , a n d t h r e a tconsiderations.

    Fully mission capableS y stems a nd eq u i pm e nt that a r e s af e a n dh a v e a l l m i s s i o n - e s s e n t i a l s u b s y s t e m s i n -stalled and operating as designated by appli-

    c a b l e A r m y r e g u l a t i o n . A f u l l m i s s i o ncapable vehicle or system has no faults thatare listed in the not fully mission capableready if columns of the 10/20 TM PMCStables that apply to the vehicle/system or itssub-system required by AR 70 01 38. Theterms ready/available and full mission capa-ble refer to the same status: equipment is onh a n d a n d a b l e t o p e r f o r m i t s c o m b a tmissions.

    General support forcesTraining, Logistics and other support activi-ties of the CONUS base; field activities; ad-ministrative headquarters and forces providedfor peacetime-peculiar activities. Units/activi-ties included in general support forces do notreport status/readiness under AR 2201. Theyare ide ntified i n Depart ment of the ArmyForce Accounting System by a three-positionForce Planning/code beginning with a C .

    Go/no-go (system)Condition or state of operability of a systemthat can have only two parameters:

    a. Go Functioning, properly.b . N o - g o N o t f u n c t i o n i n g p r o p e r l y .

    Such conditions are displayed using meters,

    and/or visual or audible alarms, sensors, orsimilar mechanisms.

    Ground Support Equipment

    All equipment required to maintain aircraftand its associated equipment.

    Guided missile large rocket

    Self contained, targetable explosive elements.They consist of a warhead section mated to amain missile section or rocket motor to forma guided missile or rocket. Parts of assem-

    blies include solid or liquid propellants, ther-m a l b a t t e r i e s , e x p l o s i v e b o l t s , f u s e s a n di g n i t o r s . G u i d a n c e / c o n t r o l s u n i t s a n d f i n ssteer a flying guided missile to the target.Rockets are not controlled in flight. A largerocket needs transportation, ground handlingequipment, and support equipment to place itin position for firing.

    Headquarters DA intensively managed


    Systems selected for intensive managementa r e s y s t e m s i d e n t i f i e d b y H Q D A f o r i n -creased costs and manpower analysis. Nor-m a l l y , t h e s e s y s t e m s a r e h i g h c o s t i t e m s

    which represent approximately 80 percent offo rce m od er ni zati on pr ogr am funds. Th es esystems may fall into one of the followingcategories:

    a. All materiel systems that have congres-sional or DOD level interest. Systems in thiscategory would include current or proposedS e l e c t e d A c q u i s i t i o n R e p o r t s y s t e m s a n dJRMB systems.

    b. All materiel systems that have ArmyStaff or Army secretariat level interest. Sys-tems in this category would include ASARCsystems.

    Initial operating capability

    First attainment by the MTOE unit of thecapability to operate and support effectivelyin their operational environment, a new im-proved, or displaced Army materiel system.

    Installation Materiel Maintenance Activity

    TDA maintenance organization set up to pro-vide DS/GS maintenance support and AVIMsupport for troop and/or installation operatinge qui pmen t . An IM MA op e rat e s at o ne o rmore fixed locations. It is under the opera-tional control of the IMMO or manager.

    Installation operating equipment

    Capital (plant) equipment and equip-

    ment in place serviced by IMMAs. (SeeAR 7505.)

    Integrated logistics support

    A composite of all the support considerationsnecessary to ensure the effective and eco-nomical support of a system for its life cycle.ILS is an integral part of all aspects of sys-tem acquisition and fielding. The principalelements of ILS related to the overall systemlife cycle are contained in AR 700127.

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    Integrated materiel managerThe materiel manager responsible for the ex-e c u t i o n o f a s s i g n e d m a t e r i e l m a n a g e m e n tfunctions for selected items or selected Fed-eral Supply Classification Classes.

    Internal Mission Materiel MaintenanceActivityA TDA activity that performs DS/GS mainte-nance or AVIM of equipment unique to atenant activity. The IMMA will be under theoperational control of the IMMO, except for

    those activities operated and controlled byUSAISC.

    Inter-service maintenance supportMaintenance operations performed on a re-curring or nonrecurring basis by the organicmaintenance capability of one military serv-ice or element thereof in support of anothermilitary service or element thereof.

    Limited AVIM-level maintenanceAVIM-level support performed by the ASFwithin available skills and resources author-ized for unit maintenance, without adverselya f f e c t i n g t h e o v e r a l l p e r f o r m a n c e o f u n i tsupport.

    Line item numberA s i x - p o s i t i o n a l p h a n u m e r i c n u m b e r t h a tidentifies the generic nomenclature of spe-cific types of equipment. Standard LINs con-sist of one alpha character followed by fivenumeric characters. Standard are assigned bythe Army Materiel Command and are listedin SB 70020.

    Line replaceable unitA combina tion of componen ts/ modules in -stalled in an item of equipment or systemwhich is replaceable in the operational envi-ronment (that is, under field or combat condi-

    t i o n s ) . A li n e r e p l a c e a b l e u n i t m ay b e aprinted circuit board, black box, component,m a j o r c o m p o n e n t , a l t e r n a t o r , c a r b u r e t o r ,avionics, tank engine, or road wheel assem-bly installed weapons, and so fourth. Thisrepa i r b y rep laceme nt is no rmall y a c com-plished as far forward as possible by unit(organizational) maintenance personnel.

    Logistics attritionA process of modifying equipment by replac-ing it or its components with an improvedend item or component as failures occur.

    LogisticianA command or agency, other than the mate-riel developer, combat developer, trainer, oruser representatives responsible for ILS pro-gram surveillance and evaluation in the mate-riel acquisition process. For most equipment,the U.S. Army Logistics Evaluation Agencyperforms this function (AR 1025).

    Logistics support planning teamA team formed by the materiel developer tomanage or coordinate logistics matters per-t ain in g t o a m a t e r i e l a c q u i siti on p r ogr a m.Membership is tailored to the program and

    can include representatives from other com-mands and agencies (for example, the combatde ve loper, tr ainer , logist icia n, and te s ters).The teams activities include the control oflogistics support analysis input and output,review of section VI of the Outline Develop-ment Plan/Development Plan and participa-tion in other program actions.


    A characteristics of design and installationwhich inherently provides for the time to beretained in or restored to a specified condi-ti on within a g iven period of time, whenmaintenance is performed by prescribed pro-cedures and resources (MILSTD721 B).

    Maintainability engineering

    The application of scientific knowledge ande n g i n e e r i n g s k i l l s t o t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o fArmy equipment to provide an inherent abil-ity to be maintained (for example, mainte-nance characteristics).

    Maintenance capability

    A v a i l a b i l i t y o f t h o s e r e s o u r c e f a c i l i t i e s ,

    tools, TM D E; dra wings, te ch ni cal pu bl ica -t i o n s , t r a i n e d m a i n t e n a n c e p e r s o n n e l , e n -g i n e e r i n g a n d m a n a g e m e n t s u p p o r t , a n drepair parts required to perform maintenanceoperations.

    Maintenance engineering

    That sub-function of materiel maintenance di-rected toward:

    a. Influencing the design and developmentof materiel to ensure that adequate considera-tion is given to and provision made for itseffective economical maintenance.

    b. Designing and providing technical guid-ance for the acquisition, deployment, installa-

    t i o n , a n d o p e r a t i o n o f t h e m a i n t e n a n c esupport structure for new or improved itemsentering the operational inventory.

    c. Continuing analysis and evaluation ofequipment performance data and maintenancedata relating to operational equipment to de-termine need and prescribe changes in equip-m e n t c o n f i g u r a t i o n , m a i n t e n a n c e s u p p o r ts t r u c t u r e , o r m a i n t e n a n c e r e s o u r c erequirements.

    d. Providing engineering consulting serv-ice and technical assistance to Army fieldc om m a n d e r s i n t h e i ns t a llat i on, oper ation ,and maintenance of equipment and in the res-o l u t i o n o f p r o b l e m s c o n c e r n i n g m a i n -

    t a i n a b i l i t y a n d m a i n t e n a n c e s u p p o r trequirements of materiel in the operationalinventory.

    e . M a n a g i n g t h e r e s o u r c e s e n g a g e d i nthese activities.

    Maintenance operations

    The management and physical performanceof those actions and tasks involved in servic-ing, repairing, testing, overhauling, modify-ing, calibrating, modernizing, and inspecting,materiel in the operational inventory and the

    provi s ion of techni cal assista nce to equ ip-ment users in support units of the Army Lo-gistics System.

    Maintenance performance data

    Information relating to the user and resultsobtained from the application of maintenanceresources (for example, work force, equip-ment and funds) to perform maintenance op-erations on Army materiel.

    Maintenance significant item/materiel

    An end item, assemblage, component, or sys-tem, or system proposed or intended for issueto the Army in the field, which will requirecorrective maintenance services on a recur-ring basis.

    Maintenance standard

    A m e a s u r e w h i c h s p e c i f i e s t h e m i n i m u mcondition to which materiel must be restoredby repair, overhaul. or some other mainte-nance function to ensure its satisfactory per-formance for a specified period of service.F o r T M 1 0 / 2 0 s t a n d a r d , r e f e r t o A R7501, paragraph 31 a .

    Maintenance support teamA team formed from the resources of a main-tenance activity, organization, or unit, andspecifically tailored to provide maintenancesupport to a designated unit or operation forspecified tasks.

    Maintenance technician

    Full -tim e t e ch n i c ian n o r m a l l y h a v i n g dualstatus as a member of USAR unit; militarytechnician assigned to USAR TDA mainte-nance activity.

    Major component

    A combination of subassemblies , assemblies,components, modules, and parts connected insuch a manner as to be a self-contained unitwhich, although part of an end item, is capa-ble of operating indep end ently of t he enditem. Major assemblies are separately identi-fied by type, model, and series and assigneditem ID numbers (SB 70020). Examples arereceivers or receiver-transmitters in radio setsand machine guns or other weapons in sec-o n d a r y , a r m a m e n t s u b s y s t e m s o f c o m b a tvehicles.

    Mandatory sample data collection project

    A DA intensively managed system/equipmentdesignated for SDC as directed by ASARC/JRMB in coordination with CG, AMC.

    Materiel maintenanceThe function of sustaining materiel in an op-erational status, restoring it to a serviceablec o n d i t i o n , o r u p d a t i n g a n d u p g r a d i n g i t sfunctional usefulness through modification orother alteration. It includes the subfunctionsof maintenance engineering and maintenanceoperations.

    Medical equipment

    Those equipment items in the Federal Supply

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    C ata logs, D O D Sec tion, Medica l Ma teriel,and comparable nonstandard equipment.

    Medical Standby equipment program

    Med i cal ass ets us ed in su pp or t of cr itica lhea lth ca re eq ui pment in clud es end item s ,components or assemblies used to providesupported activities with serviceable items toreplace unserviceable economically reparableitems.


    The failure of the primary/propelling chargeo f a r o u n d t o f u n c t i o n p r o p e r l y o rcompletely.

    Mission-essential materiel

    That materiel authorized and assigned to ap-pr oved combat an d combat support forceswhich should be immediately be employed todestroy the enemy or his capacity to continuewar; provide battlefield protection of person-nel; communicate under war conditions; de-tect, locate, or maintain surveillance over theenemy; and permit contiguous combat trans-portation and support of forces and materiel.

    Equipment assigned to training missions ofthe same type and configuration as that as-signed to combat and combat support forces,and designated to be immediately employedfor the purposes enumerated above is alsomission-essential materiel.

    Mission performance training

    An operation that provides practical mainte-nance mission and MOS training of USARpersonnel and units in support of active andother reserve components, and other DODactivities.

    Mobilization and training equipment sites

    An ARNG TDA maintenance facility which,when collocated with a CSMS, provides fulltime unit support to ARNG equipment as-s i g n e d t o t h e s i t e . W h e n n o t c o l l o c a t e d ,MATES provide unit and DS, GS support toe q u i p m e n t a n d u n i t s a s s i g n e d . M A T E Sprovides support in the conduct of mainte-nance training, and their operations are regu-lated by NGR 7502.

    Mobile contact team

    USAR DS, GS maintenance personnel andAMSA/ECS MTs who visit units to providetechnical assistance, make inspections, andperform maintenance when this procedure is

    more economical than transporting equipmentor personnel to the activity.


    An assembly containing a complete self-con-tained circuit or sub-circuit. It may consist ofa single PCB, in which case it is synonymouswith a PCB, or may be comprised of two ormore PCBs mechanically attached to one an-other and removable from the next high as-sembly as a single unit.

    National maintenance pointAn activity established by a commodity man-ager to facilitate the maintenance function.

    Non-available daysThe days the equipment was not able to doits mission, the time the equipment is notmission capable. This term is used on the DAForm 2406 to rate equipments ability to doits combat or combat support job. This termis used for the DD Form 2406.

    Non-type classified training deviceA device not managed by a specific com-modity command. Publication and logisticssupport of such devices remains the responsi-bility of the project manager for training de-vices and the overseas MACOM TASC.

    Not mission capableA materiel condition indicating that equip-ment cannot perform any one of its combatmissions. NMC is divided into not missioncapable maintenance (NMCM) or not missioncapable supply (NMCS).

    a. Equipment is NMC when any of thefollowing situations occur:

    (1) The equipment has a deficiency listedin the not mission capable if column ofany 10/20 PMCS tables applicable to theequipment. When a PMCS has not been pub-lished for the equipment, use the equipments e r v i c e a b i l i t y c r i t e r i a ( E S C ) o r a s i m i l a ritems PMCS as a guide. When no PMCS,ESC or similar materiel exists to determinem i s s i o n c a p a b i l i t y o f e q u i p m e n t , t h e un i tc om m a n d e r / m a i n t en a n c e o f fi c e r w ill jud g ethe equipments mission capability based onits design and intended capability. Some ve-hicles/systems are equipped with sub-systemwhich have their own PMCS tables that mustbe considered when determining if the sys-tem is NMC. Note: Some PMCS tables havenot been revised to the new MILM 63036publication. Therefore some not mission ca-pable if columns may read differently butmean the same. For example column headingmay read: Not ready available if

    (2) The equipment has an urgent MWO ora limited urgent MWO, that has not beenapplied within the time stated in the MWOpublication.

    (3) Equipment cannot perform its combatmissions because of a supply shortage.

    b. Equipment at unit maintenance or sup-port maintenance for only normal scheduledpreventive maintenance services or inspectionis FMC. Equipment with faults that do not

    affect its operational abilitylike painting orminor body work is also FMC. Equipmentbecome NMC if a fault listed in the notmission capable if column of the PMCS isdetected during performance of the service.Support maintenance will tell the owing unitif the equipment should be carried NMC.

    c. Count equipment that is NMC at theend of the workday as NMC for the wholeday. Count equipment that is FMC by theend of the workday as FMC for the wholeday even if it was NMC part of that day. A

    workday is defined as the normal duty shiftse t by t h e Con s oli dat e d G l o ss a ry M a i n t e -nance Management Update 13 the local com-mand. A normal duty shift will not exceed a12-hour period.

    d. Publications other than this regulationand the PMCS may describe faults as defi-ciencies; however, unless those faults are alsoin the operators PMCS in the not missioncapable if column, do not count them asNMC for DA Form 2406.

    Not mission capable maintenance

    Equipment that cannot perform its combatmission because of maintenance work under-way or needed.

    a. NMCM time starts when the equipmenthas an NMC fault and is under the control ofunit maintenance or any other maintenanceactivity. Do not count time spent on regularlyscheduled maintenance services and inspec-tions or minor repairs like painting and bodywork. Equipment is FMC when a unit is toldit is ready for pickup even though it is stillphysically at support. Equipment is normallyFMC on the day it is inspected and signed

    off in block 26 of the DA Form 2407 or DAForm 5504, block 37a.

    b. Count NMCM time until all work onthe deficiencies is done and/or the lack of aneeded part stops the work. When the lack ofa part is the only reason the equipment can-not be made FMC, NMCS time starts.

    c. Unit NMCM covers all time used at theu n i t l e v e l f o r N M C m a i n t e n a n c e . U n i tN M C M i n c l u d e s t i m e n e e d e d t o d e l i v e requipment and wait for acceptance of equip-ment by the support maintenance activity.

    d. Support NMCM covers all time used ats u p p o r t f o r m a i n t e n a n c e , i n s p e c t i o n , a n dwaiting shop delays on NMC faults. Normal

    scheduled services and inspections for minorrepair work for other than a NM/c fault donot count as NMCM time for reporting onDA Form 2406.

    Not mission capable supply

    Equipment that cannot perform its combatmission because of maintenance work stop-page due to a supply shortage.

    a. NMCS time starts when no more main-tenance work can be done on a NMC faultbecause a needed part is not on hand.

    b . N M C S co v e r t i me s p e n t w aiti ng f o rrepair parts, chassis, assemblies and sub-as-s e m b l i e s , m a j o r c o m p o n e n t s , a n d c o m p o -

    nents. NMCS time also includes time waitingfor delivery of direct exchange items whenan exchange item is not available.

    c. Both NMCS and NMCM time can oc-cur on an item or system on the same day.Count the entire day for the one with mosth o u r s t h a t d a y . S u b s y s t e m N M C S a n dNMCM or unit and support NMC days cano v e r l a p . W h e n t h a t h a p p e n s , c h a r g e t h ewhole day to the one that has existed thelongest time.

    d. Unit NMCS covers the time equipment

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    is in unit control and awaiting parts