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PAC AGM June 3 2014 Draft Summary

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PAC AGM June 3 2014 Draft Summary
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Southlands Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) June 3, 2014, 7 pm Participants Averill Groeneveld,Meijer (Chair) Nicky McConnell (Treasurer) Heidi Maclean (Fundraising Chair) Tom Sadleir (Secretary) Amalia Cook (Member,at,large Michelle Kokan (Member,at,large) Annie O’Donoghue (Principal) Cheryl Roehlig Jennifer Thornley Sofia Sandover Esther Rosillo Pascual Deb Broadhurst Mio Kiyooka Gayle McLeod Dawn Olinek Cheryl Brown Stefanie Lewinson Mack Ni Parker Cook Jodi Dorrington The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. May 6, 2014 PAC meeting summary (posted online) and the June 2013 PAC AGM summary (attached and posted online) were adopted. The agenda was reviewed and adopted. The Chair introduced and presented the PAC AGM Chair Report for the 2013/14 school year (Attachment 2). Principal O’Donoghue reported: Thanks to the PAC and all parents for their welcome, support and efforts during the Principal’s first year at Southlands Reiterated thanks to the volunteers that help to make Southlands a caring and fun environment In light of job action, a modified Sports Day is being considered. Similarly, a new date and location are being sought for the Musical Extravaganza (bands; choirs; recorder groups) Grade 7 Grad options are also under review by the PAC and the school The Fundraising Chair reported: Options for teacher and staff appreciation lunch under review by PAC Ongoing appreciation for the commitment and efforts of Southlands parents
  • !!



    Thanks!to!the!PAC!and!all!parents!for!their!welcome,!support!and!efforts!during!the!Principals!first!year!at!Southlands! Reiterated!thanks!to!the!volunteers!that!help!to!make!Southlands!a!caring!and!fun!environment! In!light!of!job!action,!a!modified!Sports!Day!is!being!considered.! Similarly,!a!new!date!and!location!are!being!sought!for!the!Musical!Extravaganza!(bands;!choirs;!recorder!groups)! Grade!7!Grad!options!are!also!under!review!by!the!PAC!and!the!school!!!


    Options!for!teacher!and!staff!appreciation!lunch!under!review!by!PAC! Ongoing!appreciation!for!the!commitment!and!efforts!of!Southlands!parents!!!


  • !! 2!

    The+Treasurer+tabled+and+reported+on:+! 2104/15!PAC!Budget!(Attachment!2).!The!PAC!ended!the!school!year!in!a!healthy!surplus!financial!position.!!The!PAC!discussed!and!unanimously!passed!the!2014/15!PAC!budget.!!!



    Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.


    Southlands Elementary School PAC Annual General Meeting Minutes June 4, 2013 7:00 pm Passed at June 4, 2014 PAC AGM Location: Southlands Elementary School Library Attendees: Kim Nemeth (principal), Annie ODonaghue (Incoming-Principal), Andrea Bishop (Co-chair), Michelle Kokan (CO-chair), Dawn Olinek (Treasurer), Heidi MacLean (Fundraising), Averill Groeneveld-Meijer (Secretary), Sofia Sandover, Jeanette Calderone, Steve Tuckwood, Ester Rosillo Pascual, Jennifer Thornley, Amalia Cook, Paula Heal, Deb Grant, Liping Wu, Cheryl Cameron, Gayle MacLeod, Rob Sorrenti, Deb Broadhurst, Amalia Cook, Mio Kiyooka.

    1. Chair Welcome and Business (Andrea Bishop) AGM Minutes from 2012: Heidi MacLean moves to accept minutes, Liping Wu seconds, all are in favour. March 5 2013 Minutes: Heidi MacLean moves to accept, Deb Grant seconds, all are in favour. May 7 Minutes: Paula Heal moves to accept, Gayle McLeod seconds, all are in favour. 2. Principals report (Kim Nemeth) Introductions to Annie ODonaghue, our new principal. She is currently

    the Vice Principal at Maquinna Annex and has previously been the vice-principal at Charles Dickens Annex and Main prior to that, both those schools are enquiry-based programs.

    Visit to Loon Lake for Grade 6/7 Camp: kids are having fun. Thank you to the PAC for their on-going support of this opportunity for our students.

    Teachers and staff greatly appreciated the delicious lunch provided by the parents and PAC members. This is a tradition that is an exceptional part of our school. .

    June 14th is Sports Day; students dismissed at 1:30. Lets keep our fingers crossed for great weather or at least no rain.

    The school growth plan has been submitted and signed off on with two school goals:

    1. Literacy: To improve students literacy skills with a focus on reading grade appropriate text.


    Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.


    2. Aboriginal Cultural Enhancement (a VSB-wide goal): To increase knowledge, acceptance, empathy, awareness and appreciation of Aboriginal histories, traditions, cultures and contributions among all students.

    Thanks to the SPC representatives Michelle Kokan, Averill Groeneveld-Meijer, and Deb Grant for their support, insights, and advice in this process.

    Report cards will be issued on the last day of school. School calendar for next year has been approved with 5 District Closure

    Days. All professional days will be almost the same across our district. Details are in the school newsletter.

    This year Southlands will be saying farewell to the retirees: Mary Roberts], Jean McTavish and Cheri KoKuzma.

    This is Kims last PAC meeting and she expresses appreciation for the supportive, kind and generous parents who help in all areas of school life during her three years at Southlands. She mentioned that is has been an honour to be the principal of this school.

    3. Fundraising Report (Heidi MacLean) Everything is ramping up for the IB Celebration Party to be held in the

    gym (cake walk, bottle draw, DJ), library (silent auction with 70+ items), andoutside (potluck dinner and dunk tank).

    The first Silent Auction fundraising event is a 70s Party planned for June 15th.

    4. Financials (Dawn Olinek) Part 1 Expenses and Revenue See attached financials. A number of line items were struck from revenue as the projects are now complete and the funds spent: Sound System Upgrade, Sports Equipment Upgrade, One-Time Capital Resource Upgrade, Playground Phase 1). Line items struck from expenses: Sound System Upgrade, Sports Equipment Upgrade, One-Time Capital Resource Upgrade, and Safeteen/condomania (redundant due to Body Science). A number were changed: Interest, Science Workshop/Equipment (changed to be comparable to Fine Arts funding), PAC Administration (raised to cover document shredding).


    Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.


    A number of line items were added: Drug/Alcohol Awareness program for grades 6/7 (not yet known who will provide), Safety Patrol (gift cards to kids who participated), Grade 6/7 Outdoor Education Funding (for students who could not otherwise afford to attend camp, this number will accumulate in years its not spent), Kindergarten Graduation (requested by K teachers), Project Chef (a program Southlands had a number of years ago will try to bring it back), Grade 7 Graduation (amount has been the same for years, time to increase it). Paula Heal moves to accept these additions, Sofia Sandover seconds, all are in favour.

    Surplus: The unallocated annual surplus from 2012/13 is $20,000 from fundraising,

    Part 2 Savings Account After explanation and lively discussion regarding the bank balance of $38,000, consensus was reached to reduce it somewhat (by $15,000) and possibly more in the future if there continues to be support for this strategy over time and to combine it with a portion of the 2012/13 annual surplus ($20,000) beginning with a number of one-time line items. Steve Tuckwood moves to accept this plan, Heidi MacLean seconds and all are in favour. These line items are proposed:

    1. Accessible Swing: $7,300. Replace current obsolete wooden swing with a set that includes one conventional swing and one accessible swing. Hopefully donations will cover up to half of this. Group votes all in favour to spend upto $8,000 on the swing set (with one accessible swing).

    2. One ipad cart (holding 15 ipads) at $9,000 and an additional $9,000 toward science equipment. Remaining $9,000, for a possible second ipad cart, will be set aside until December 2013 and a review of the ipad carts success. Heidi MacLean moves to accept this plan, Gayle seconds and all are in favour.

    Andrea: a formal thank you to Kim Nemeth for her time at Southlands and for among other things always being accessible to parents, moving forward with IB, standing outside every morning at safety patrol! 5. PAC Executive


    Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.


    Chair: Averill Groeneveld-Meijer Vice Chair: Andrea Bishop Fundraiser: Heidi Maclean Treasurer: Nicky McConnell Secretary: Gina Nasrabadi Members-at-Large: Michelle Kokan, Steve Tuckwood, Liping Wu. Paula Heal moves to accept this slate, Deb Grant seconds, all are in favour.


    PAC AGM Chair Report 2013-2014 presented by Averill Groeneveld-Meijer This report is submitted in compliance with the Southlands Elementary School by-laws. 2013-2014 What a year it has been! We started this year with a new Principal as well as new PAC Chair, Secretary and Treasurer along with a few last minute departures by highly involved parents. Many thanks to Annie ODonoghue for jumping in with energy and commitment and getting up to speed on the schools culture so quickly. Thanks to Nicky McConnell for working so hard to learn all about the Treasurers role and thanks to Tom Sadleir for stepping in as Secretary for the year. Many thanks to Heidi MacLean for her patience with this new group and for continuing her excellent fundraising work. Without her commitment to fundraising, none of the budget discussions today would be possible. Thanks to our Members-at-large, Michelle Kokan for helping me figure out what a PAC chair does; Liping Wu for huge amounts of translating and help involving our Chinese parents; and Amalia Cook for stepping in when needed. However, this only scratches the surface of the many parents who are involved in the school on a daily basis, volunteering for field trips, hot lunches, fruit and veggie day, music programs, and organizing, contributing to and helping out at our important social events. Thank you everyone - without your engagement in the school community these newer and older Southlands traditions would not be possible:

    Welcome Back Potluck for Families (September) Cross-Country team (September/October) Winter Social (December) Dinner Dance (May) Spring Fling Carnival (May) Read-a-thon Hot lunches: we continued this year with our weekly hotdog/pizza Fridays and Mava

    Wednesdays and Subway monthly. We also tried out hot Soup Days a few times. Many thanks to Gayle for her work on HD/P and Soup. Thanks to Mio and Heidi for Mava and Subway

    Year-end concert Extravaganza (choir, recorder and band) Grade 7 Grad

    Many thanks to a fantastic teacher and staff group who have coached after-school sports teams (basket ball, volley ball, badminton) and introduced and mentored this years new student leadership group. Students organized bike races, an egg drop, and coin drive. Through some of these activities they have raised funds for the survivors of Typhoon Haiyan and a bike for a child in Africa. They also had a lot of fun!


    The PAC also introduced some new initiatives this year:

    Traffic Committee: as a result of a letter writing campaign and the involvement of the Dunbar Residents Association, Vancouver Coastal Health, and Genesis Security, we have managed to bring the focus of the City of Vancouvers Traffic Management Program to bear on the traffic problems on Camosun in front of our school. Traffic speeds and volumes have now been measured and we await the report from the City. In the process a series of regular of meetings have been held including all Dunbar elementary school PAC Chairs and with these stakeholders. Many thanks to Andrea Sara of the DRA for putting this group together. Southlands will take over chairing this group in the new year. Thanks to Cheryl Roehlig for chairing our new traffic committee.

    Choir and recorder. At the request of parents, choir and recorder teachers have been brought into the school to teach students during lunch hour and/or after school. Many thanks to Ms ODonoghue for identifying the choir teacher and for facilitating the timing of the activities during the day. Overseeing these activities is a big job and we have a good group to ready for next year (thank you Esther Rosillo and Deb Gorter)

    Unfortunately a number of popular events have been cancelled due to the ongoing dispute between the Provincial Government and Teachers Unions. Our goal is to end the year without acrimony between parents and teachers as we all hope to start afresh in September. While the PAC Executive is generally supportive of our teachers, our good intentions have been somewhat impeded by the cancellation of Sports Day which seems a punishment of the children and an act of disrespect toward the many volunteers who work hard for this school every day. Other strike/lockout cancellations include:

    Track and Field Finals Field Trips Two days of school: May 26 and June 6 Our evening concert combining recorder, choir and band (has been rescheduled to a

    morning time slot). On a different note, this report would not be complete without mention of a number of families who are leaving the school after 9, 10 or even more years. The Berhane, Gardner, Grant families and especially the Sandover and Thornley families have all contributed immensely to the school over the past years both in terms of time and money and we thank you all for your constant willingness to step up and help out where needed. We will miss you all in our halls but hope to see you all again at a High School nearby!

    2014-2015 Looking ahead, I am very excited about next year. We plan to continue recorder and choir lessons outside of school hours. We have two full Kindergarten classes joining the school and we all look forward to meeting new parents and introducing them to our school community. We always fret at this time of year about our list of volunteers for the next. This school is dependent on a huge level of effort from parents. Im pleased to say that the key volunteer positions appear to have been mostly filled (thanks to Cheryl for taking on hotdog/pizza and Andrea Shrive and Nadine Goodine for taking on playground. With these positions filled and most other


    key positions continuing from previous years, we will be in good shape come September to fill our roster and continue to do our part in providing for the best educational experience for our children.

  • PAC AGM Treasurers Report 2013-2014 !!Key Budget Items!! 2013/2014 Budget reflects a deficit of ($8,310.00)! September 1st 2013 opening balance $62,000.00! Total gross income $164,854.37! Total cost of goods sold $112,158.59! Total expenses $50,234.41! Bank balance June 2 2014 $48,000.00! Reserve remains $10,000.00! Revenue adjustments were made to accurately reflect potential fundraising numbers!!2013-2014 Revenue Summary!! All major revenue forecasts were met or exceeded ! Pizza/Hotdog Days remain the largest income generator at net sales of $15,269.09! Soup Days were successful but were too labour intensive! Purdys Christmas, Purdys Easter, Winter Social, Spring Fling, Dinner Dance, T-shirt sales,

    and Grocery Voucher sales were all vital parts of boosting revenue!!Proposed Budget Additions, Removals & Adjustments for 2014-2015!! Allocation of $10,000.00 to next phase of playground! Allocation of $5,000.00 to classroom technology upgrade! Allocation of $5,000.00 to Southlands Elementary wish list including Legacy Grant! Increasing Body Science Expense from $1,000.00 to $1,550.00 to accommodate additional

    parent night! Increasing Classroom Expense from $3,000.00 to $4,000.00! Decreasing PAC Admin Expense from $1,000.00 to $600.00! Decreasing Potluck Dinner Expense from $400.00 to $250.00! Removing Budget items that are no longer needed: 1) Accessible Swing Expense, 2) iPad

    Cart, 3) Capital Project Upgrade, 4) Laminator, 5) Laptop & Apple TV Upgrade, 6) Science Equipment, 7) Project Chef, 8) One-Time Capital Resource Upgrade!

    Adding new expenses: 1)Baking Program $100.00, 2)Quickbooks Subscription $275.00, 3) Sports Equipment Upgrade $500.00!!!!!!!!


    Southlands Elementary School 2014/2015 PAC Budget 2014/2015 2013/2014 2013/2014 2013/2014

    Budget Budget Forecast Over/UnderRevenue

    Accessible Swing (Playground Phase 3) -$ 8,000.00$ 7,454.00$ (546.00)$ Classroom Technology Upgrade (one-time) 5,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ Direct Donations 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,765.00$ 765.00$ DPAC contribution -$ 365.00$ -$ (365.00)$ Fundraising and Sales 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 7,960.94$ 2,960.94$ Gaming Funds ($20 per student) 4,500.00$ 4,400.00$ 4,200.00$ (200.00)$ Grade 7 Fundraising -$ -$ -$ -$ Grocery Vouchers 3,550.00$ 3,000.00$ 6,399.77$ 3,399.77$ iPad Cart -$ 9,000.00$ 6,481.20$ (2,518.80)$ Interest -$ 100.00$ 210.00$ 110.00$ Lunch Programs 1,500.00$ -$ 2,310.10$ 2,310.10$ One-time Capital Resource Upgrade -$ -$ -$ -$ Parent Sponsored Appreciation Lunch -$ -$ -$ -$ Pizza/Hotdog Days 10,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 14,294.69$ 8,294.69$ Playground Phase 4 10,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ Read-a-thon 500.00$ -$ 943.00$ 943.00$ Reserve from 2013/2014 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ School Directories -$ -$ 152.00$ 152.00$ Science Equipment -$ 9,000.00$ 9,000.00$ -$ Sound System Upgrade -$ -$ -$ -$ Special Programs -$ -$ 1,036.77$ 1,036.77$ Sports Day -$ -$ -$ -$ Sports Equipment Upgrade -$ -$ -$ -$ Subway Days 3,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 3,452.10$ 2,452.10$ Yearbooks -$ -$ -$ -$ Wishlist 5,000.00$ -$ -$ -$

    60,050.00$ 57,865.00$ 76,659.57$ 18,794.57$

  • ExpensesAccessible Swing (Playgound Phase 3) -$ 8,000.00$ 7,454.00$ (546.00)$ Appreciation Get Well 250.00$ 250.00$ 121.88$ (128.12)$ Arts & Crafts Supplies/Special Art Projects 900.00$ 900.00$ 910.20$ 10.20$ Bad Debts (Recovered) 100.00$ 100.00$ -$ (100.00)$ Baking Program 100.00$ -$ 100.00$ 100.00$ Bank Charges 100.00$ 100.00$ 28.39$ (71.61)$ Body Science 1,550.00$ 1,000.00$ 650.00$ (350.00)$ Capital Project Fund - Gaming Fund -$ -$ -$ -$ Classroom Fund 4,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ -$ Classroom Technology Upgrade (one-time) 5,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ Computer Equipment 500.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ -$ Drug Alcohol Program Grade 6/7 400.00$ 400.00$ 300.00$ (100.00)$ Early Literacy 400.00$ 400.00$ 400.00$ -$ Field Trip 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ -$ Fine Arts Performance 3,800.00$ 3,800.00$ 3,800.00$ -$ French Resources 500.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ -$ Grade 7 PAC donation 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ Grade 6/7 Outdoor Education 500.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ -$ Grade 6/7 Outdoor Education Extra Funding 375.00$ 375.00$ 375.00$ -$ Greening 300.00$ 300.00$ 219.83$ (80.17)$ Gym & Recess/Lunch Equipment 400.00$ 400.00$ 400.00$ -$ IB Resources 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ iPad Cart -$ 9,000.00$ 6,481.20$ (2,518.80)$ Kindergarten Graduation 100.00$ 100.00$ 100.00$ -$ Knitwits 150.00$ 150.00$ -$ (150.00)$ Laminator -$ -$ 662.60$ 662.60$ Laptop & Apple TV Upgrade -$ -$ 3,756.48$ 3,756.48$ Library Resources 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ -$ Music Program Resources 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ One-time Capital Resource Upgrades -$ -$ -$ -$ PAC Administration 600.00$ 1,000.00$ 400.00$ (600.00)$ PE Programs (Hip-Hop, Roller Blading, Tennis) 1,600.00$ 1,600.00$ 1,600.00$ -$ Playground Phase 4 10,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ Potluck Dinner 250.00$ 400.00$ 198.43$ (201.57)$ Project Chef -$ 1,500.00$ -$ (1,500.00)$ Quickbooks Subscription 275.00$ -$ 204.66$ 204.66$ Reserve for 2014/2015 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ Safety Patrol 200.00$ 200.00$ 200.00$ -$ Sandbox Sand 100.00$ 100.00$ 46.98$ (53.02)$ Science Equipment -$ 9,000.00$ 9,000.00$ -$ Science Workshop/Equipment 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ Sound System Upgrade -$ -$ -$ -$ Sports Day 600.00$ 600.00$ 600.00$ -$ Sports Equipment Upgrade -$ -$ -$ -$ Supplementary Learning Resources 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ -$ Uniforms -$ -$ -$ -$ Winter Concert 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ (1,000.00)$ Yearbook 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ Wishlist 5,000.00$ -$ -$ -$

    60,050.00$ 66,175.00$ 63,509.65$ (2,665.35)$

    Surplus/Deficit -$ (8,310.00)$ 13,149.92$ 21,459.92$

    PAC AGM JUNE 3 2014 DRAFT summary 1Southlands AGM Minutes June 2013Chair's Report 2013-2014Treasurer's Report 2013-2014Budget worksheet
