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PACIFIC NORTHWEST DISTRICT Kiwanis builderLonnie Johnson. Governor 2020-2021. Pacific Northwest...

Date post: 20-Feb-2021
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Fall 2020 PACIFIC NORTHWEST DISTRICT A quarterly resource to help build clubs and communities Kiwanis bu bu i i l l der der
  • Fall 2020


    A quarterly resource to help build clubs and communities

    Kiwanis bubuiillderder

  • 2 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Fall 2020

  • Fall 2020 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 3

    The KiwanisBuilder magazine is published quarterly by the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International. Standard-class postage paid Portland, OR 97208.

    Postmaster: Please send address changes to: PNW District Builder 5427 Glen Echo Avenue Gladstone, OR 97027 USA

    Address changes should be submitted to: Kiwanis International Attn: Member Services 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196

    Submissions guidelines and Advertising rates and requirementscan be found online at kiwanispnw.org.

    Publication Schedule Winter January 1 Spring April 1 Summer July 1 Fall October 1

    www.kiwanispnw.org ____________________

    KiwanisBuilder magazine

    Lonnie JohnsonGovernor

    2020-2021Pacific Northwest Districtof Kiwanis International

    Submissions to the [email protected]

    The information in the KiwanisBuilder magazine is for illustrative, entertainment, and discussion purposes only. It is intended to provide general information about the subject matter covered and is provided with the understanding that neither Kiwanis, the contributors nor the designer are rendering legal, accounting or tax advice. You should consult with appropriate counsel or other advisors on all matters pertaining to legal, tax or accounting obligations and requirements. ©2020

    inside the builder | Fall2 Outreach Fund

    4 Governor’s Message

    5 Distinguished Criteria

    6 Past Governor’s Message

    7 Legacy Brick Order Form

    8 Governor-Elect’s Message

    9 To Zoom Or Not To Zoom

    10 Happy Kiwanis New Year

    12 DCON Virtual Convention

    14 Key Club Family Relations

    16 Foundation Recognition

    17 KDCCP Information Update

    18 PR & Marketing Corner

    20 Victoria Kiwanis Taking Action

    21 Moses Lake Kiwanis Bikes

    22 KC of Puyallup Young Readers

    23 Kiwanis At The Cinema

    23 Yakima Kiwanis 100 Year Gift

    25 Announcements & Updates

    BC PNW Kiwanis Foundation

    The Kiwanis MissionKiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children.

    VOLUME 92, NO. 4

    New Member Add Fees Waived!The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on communities worldwide. More than ever, kids and communities need Kiwanis.

    To encourage existing Kiwanis clubs to continue to invite new members, the Kiwanis International Board approved a new-member fee waiver to bolster membership and help Kiwanis clubs perform the service needed in the wake of this pandemic and beyond.

    Due to the continuing emergency conditions, Kiwanis International and the PNW District boards have approved the continuation of the waiver of the new-member enrollment fees for new members of existing Kiwanis clubs from October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

    Your MissionGives Club Members A Reason To Serve!

    Cover photo courtesy of Unsplash.com Gabby Orcutt - Photographer

    http://www.kiwanispnw.orgmailto:[email protected]

  • 4 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Fall 2020

    How quickly things can change…

    I hope everyone enjoyed the first ever virtual District Convention. I know not everyone actually participated in the event, but it can still be enjoyed on YouTube.com at PNW Kiwanis TV. There really are some exceptional parts very much worth viewing. Give it a few minutes. I think you can gain something from it.

    While we experienced a few minor glitches, I am proud to have been part of the team that presented this to our great PNW District. Most importantly, I would be remiss if I didn’t showcase the awesome job done by Gary Beller and Ed Luttrell. They were the pivot point for the whole production, and the successful broadcasting of the event. Gary’s broad understanding of all things techie, and incredible flexibility in overcoming last minute issues, were instrumental in

    everything you saw onscreen. My virtual hat is off to the both of them.

    Let me take a moment here to thank everyone for electing me to the Governor position for the Kiwanis year of 2020-2021. I am deeply humbled by the faith you have placed in me, and proud to accept the challenge. As I’m sure you are aware, this will be a challenging year. We have an uphill battle before us, but I am confident we will prevail. We have a seriously great team assembled to make this a memorable year, despite the challenges we are facing. I am reminded of a saying I often heard from a good friend, “Ain’t no hill for a stepper.” Not exactly anything I would submit to one of my English teachers, but it speaks volumes, nonetheless.

    Our Membership Team for this year is rated top-notch by Kiwanis International, and I heartily agree. I’ve seen their plans, and they are impressive. There are so many great opportunities available for opening new clubs, and yet a substantial part of their energies are also directed at helping some of our struggling clubs. They have developed some strategies and “boots on the ground” approaches to making every club stronger and more resilient. As many know, I am very interested in closing the back door. The ideas and strategies the Membership Team have developed directly address that very issue. If you see or know of issues in your division or your club, reach out to them. You might very well be glad you did.

    Service to the communities is always an important topic to Kiwanians. At this moment, fires are raging all over the Pacific Northwest, and Kiwanis Clubs everywhere are reaching out to their communities, providing assistance, shelter, donations of food, clothing, and essentials and a profound expression of care. I couldn’t be prouder of being able to say, “I am a Kiwanian.” I have received phone calls and e-mails from Kiwanis leadership from all over the U.S., expressing concern and care for our situation. I feel certain the feeling of family and togetherness is not unique among community service organizations, but I feel the love in our organization, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

    To Team Phoenix and Kiwanis members everywhere in the greatest District, I say let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work, shall we?

    Lonnie Johnson Governor 2020-2021 [email protected]

    A message from 2020-2021 Governor Lonnie Johnson

    Scribbles from the South




    mailto:[email protected]

  • Fall 2020 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 5

    KiwanisPacific Northwest

    Lonnie Johnson, Governor 2020-2021 “PNW Pride”

    Distinguished Criteria

    CLUBSPoints are credited ONLY if submitted to District Office

    no later than October 15, 2021To earn PNW Distinguished status, the club must earn 700 points

    Sponsor a new club .............................................................................................................................................. 200Appoint a Club Coach to support a New Club ................................................................................................ 150Sponsor a new SLP club ...................................................................................................................................... 200Have an annual net increase in Membership ................................................................................................... 200Participate in fundraising event supporting District Office .......................................................................... 100Attain a Round Robin award for Interclubs (including virtual)................................................................... 100$5.00/member average given to PNW Foundation ........................................................................................ 100$5.00/member average given to Kiwanis Children’s Fund ............................................................................. 100At least 2 members attending CLE/CEC ..................................................................................................50/eachSend delegates to District Convention (live/virtual) ...............................................................................75/eachSend a club representative to Mid-Winter in Wilsonville (live/virtual)................................................50/eachSend a minimum of two (2) officers to a Division Council Meeting ..............................50/each per meeting

    MEMBERSTo be reported to District Office no later than October 15, 2021

    To achieve Distinguished Member status 150 points must be earned

    Sponsor a minimum of 2 members to join Kiwanis ...............................................................................75/eachAttend an SLP meeting ................................................................................................................................50/eachAttend a Division Council Meeting ...........................................................................................................25/each

  • 6 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Fall 2020

    With this traditionally being the Immediate Past Governor’s article at the beginning of our new administrative year, and which is meant to reflect on the year serving as Governor, there is much on my mind. However, my thoughts are not cohesive enough for me to put them on paper, so to speak. So, I will simply ramble on and hope my amazing joy as I reflect on this past year comes through.

    You may wonder at my choice of words – amazing joy – with all that has come to us this year and so many difficulties to deal with. But, yes, I do feel an incredible sense of joy that we as Kiwanians have been so very successful in adjusting to those difficulties and making such wonderful adaptations to how we do things, continuing as much as possible to do the work we all love. I greatly hope that we are able to carry forward many of the things we have learned.

    I remember in February, as we headed to Mid-Winter Conference, how joyful and excited I was with how the year was progressing. We had such great projections for membership as our District Team was busily starting new clubs and our current clubs were reporting so many new members and projects! We had so many fun and new ideas planned for our Yakima Conference and later, the District convention, that I hoped would help continue that membership growth and excitement – we were all so confident it would move us forward. I also had been able to do so much traveling and visiting with clubs and divisions throughout the District – the best part of being a Governor – such fun Steve and I were having on the road!

    As we began to plan for meetings, training and conventions and realized that the virtual world was open to us, our wonderful staff reached out to the internet – and within themselves to their talents – to figure out how to make that all happen in such an incredible way. I am so very proud of the “products” we came up with to be able to deliver Lt. Governors, club officers and members the education needed to prepare for the next administrative year and to improve our clubs. All my hopes when we first began to plan for the Club Excellence Retreats, then virtual Conversations, were fulfilled in July and I was extremely happy with the results – I certainly hope you were too!

    Then, as we realized that the virtual world would need to continue, the planning for District Convention was turned on its head a bit and the Conventions Team began working with how to deliver a fun, engaging and special experience in this new world we are in. The results, in my opinion, were absolutely over the top in professionalism, fun and engagement! Again, my Kiwanis Proud theme was certainly fulfilled and the “Imagine” I had envisioned last year was complete – who knew?

    So, now as we wind down this eventful year and we must move forward in continuing the visioning process with our recruitment of a new District Secretary, I ask that all of you continue to work creatively and cohesively to “improve the world one child and one community at a time.” Let’s continue the “Imagine” theme and all the possibilities within our grasp as we move into the future. Perhaps our crazy, upside-down world will soon be righting itself in a whole new way!

    In closing, I want to say Thank You, Thank You and Thank you – for all the memories, the fantastic support, and the extraordinary opportunity to work with each and every one of you. I am so very KIWANIS PROUD!

    Melanie Bozak Immediate Past Governor, [email protected]

    A message from Immediate Governor Melanie Bozak

    Where to begin?

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Fall 2020 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 7


    Please mail the form with your check payable (US Dollars) to:

    PNW Kiwanis, 5427 Glen Echo Avenue, Gladstone, OR 97027-2627

    Questions? - Call (503) 305-7635

    The bricks will be placed in a patio at the entrance to the District Office. (The purchase of a brick is not a Charitable Tax Deduction in the United States)

    Name: _________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________

    4x8 Brick $100 each (Red Brick with black block lettering) Each box below represents a character – Please Print Clearly

    14 characters per line, 3 lines maximum (will be centered on brick) Characters include letters, numbers, commas, periods, dashes, spaces etc.

    8x8 Brick $250 each (Gray Brick with black block lettering)

    Each box below represents a character – Please Print Clearly 14 characters per line, 5 lines maximum (will be centered on brick)

    Characters include letters, numbers, commas, periods, dashes, spaces etc.

  • 8 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Fall 2020

    Thank you everyone who participated in our elections at the PNW’s first ever virtual convention. I am honored, humbled, and grateful to be elected your next governor-elect.

    What an amazing virtual district convention we just completed and giant kudos to all who had a hand in its production and delivery. The west has a reputation for where pioneers succeed, and we’ve proven that once more.

    We have just finished the most challenging year in our existence. The good thing is we have learned so much. We will need to apply all of that, plus more to the coming year.

    Let me thank everyone for continuing the journey in making the amazing impacts in every community where we serve. Our attitudes will affect everyone we come in contact with. Share

    your Kiwanis stories and moments. With every new member we bring into Kiwanis, the more impactful our services are for children and community members.

    This year has not gone as anyone planned, nor as anyone could have imagined – we have all been affected by the coronavirus, social unrest, and fires across our district. It seems like it is more than we should be able to handle.

    If you know of any Kiwanian in need, please reach out with support and assurances that Kiwanis fellowship is deep, comforting and immediate. If you are aware of needs in your community, please share with your club so Kiwanis can do what we are known for – making a difference.

    Forecasters are expecting that demand for our services will definitely increase once restrictions are lifted, and that many in our communities will wish to be part of the solutions Kiwanis offers. We must prepare for that increase while reaching out to community members who want to experience our special satisfaction of making a difference in children’s lives.

    The most important thing we can be doing right now is stay connected to every one of our members. If your club is missing members attending socially distanced meetings, or your club is not currently using on-line meeting tools, like Zoom, I and others want to help you get there quickly. Call or text me at 360-441-7082. Please see the box description of how easy and secure Zoom is to use on page 9.

    Your district Membership Team is ready and excited to help any club grow your membership - from developing prospect lists, sharing the way Kiwanis is most enticingly presented, and coaching your team members on closing the ask. Please contact Kathleen Moylan at [email protected] to get started.

    If you have a Facebook account but have not yet liked the PNW Kiwanis page - PNW Kiwanis members, please do so. And please post your Zoom schedules for your club’s and Division Council Meeting’s (DCM), so others can contact you for log in information, and to interclub and learn from how you do things. Please post your club’s accomplishments – recognition awards, service projects, and fundraisers. We can all learn from one another and borrow your great ideas.

    If you are a past lieutenant governor, but have not yet joined our Past Lieutenant Governors Association, also known as the Bigfoot Brigade, follow this link to learn more and join your many colleagues across the district - http://bigfootbrigade.org/

    If we keep our focus on why we joined Kiwanis, we will continue to do amazing work.

    As always, be inspired and be inspiring!

    Greg Wegrich Governor-Elect, [email protected]

    A message from 2020-2021 Governor-Elect Greg Wegrich

    Be Inspired and Be Inspiring!

    mailto:[email protected]://bigfootbrigade.org/mailto:[email protected]

  • Fall 2020 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 9

    To Zoom or Not To ZoomCONCERNS & SOLUTIONS

    1. I don’t have or use technology.Zoom allows members to call in with any phone to hear the conversation

    2. I’m afraid my identity or personal information will be stolen.Initially an issue, now resolved with unique meeting IDs and passwords. Additionally, members must now be let into the Zoom meeting by a moderator.

    3. I don’t know how to set up a Zoom meeting for my club.We have many Zoomperts who are ready to help you get started and teach you.

    4. Unintended benefitsMembers with time constraits or travel restrictions are able to attend meetings.Prepares members to now connect with family and friends.Allows new members to join during COVID restrictions.

    More questions? Call or text Greg Wegrich at (360) 441-7082.


  • 10 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Fall 2020

    Have you ever noticed that sometimes trouble comes in batches? Life can go on smoothly for a while and then all of sudden Bang!–things go wrong–not just one thing, but several things at once. And you wonder what hit you.

    My fellow Kiwanians, as we transition into the new Kiwanis year let us reflect upon last year and some thoughts about moving into this year.

    October 1st last year, not one of us could have had a clue of what the year ahead would hold–a pandemic which has stunned the world and created so much fear and doubt. We have lost so many friends and family members through this deadly pandemic. We also have had protests, an election year like no other, a division within our country, and so much more. We have all felt it through our lack of in-person meetings, fundraising, cancelled club events, virtual DCON, Membership down, clubs closing, and the list goes on.

    Is that enough to make you just give up on our fellow man, Kiwanians, goals, meetings, fundraising, conventions, etc.?

    No, not OUR Kiwanians, we are a strong, faithful, caring, and compassionate family. WE take care of each other, our children and community that we took an oath to care for, through good and bad–Setting our own personal issues aside to be there for others. No pay, no recognition, nothing in return. We are simply here for what we signed up for, nothing kept us down. Where there was a “NO” we cannot do that we found a way to say “YES” WE WILL DO THIS!

    It starts from the top. Our Governor, Melanie Bozak, led by example through her many volunteers, staff, officers, leaders, teams, Lt Governors, and Club Presidents. We learned how to hold virtual club meetings, fundraising, DCM’s, Mid-Winter and a fantastic DCON that we had no idea how this would ever work. Simply said, my fellow Kiwanians, “WE DID IT”. I have never felt a deeper bond, commitment, leadership, fellowship, caring for others over yourself,

    friendship, and closer family then we have now. For those of you who accepted this as a blessing and stood, kneeled, prayed, and sat by your fellow Kiwanians. I say to all of you, “thank you”. As we go into this next year, we have developed a team of people who went through the worst we will ever go through, and we are stronger for this.

    Being a Senior First Responder Chaplain and the PNW District Chair for the Human & Spiritual Values Committee, I am here for all. No matter who you are or what you need to talk about. I live by a simple phrase:

    “If you HAVE troubles, come and tell me about them. If you DON’T, come in and tell me how you do it!”

    We should all offer this to everyone we meet. The world would be a much better place.

    These are a few phrases and inspirational readings I have had to lean on this last year and will continue to use moving into this new year.

    “Keep calm and carry on.” “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” “Don’t worry, be happy.”

    These are the kinds of pithy, inspiring phrases and quotes that, historically speaking, have the power to steady us through so many of the challenging times we face–times such as war, depression, protest, pandemics, political divisiveness, and many other human struggles.


    If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

    —Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Fall 2020 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 11

    Call them mantras, maxims or even memes–they get repeated and recycled over the years, sometimes over the millennia, because they contain powerful jolts of easily accessible truth, insight, and perspective.

    And I turned to them this week, as we all face new struggles, looking for wisdom from the past to help the present.

    Two hundred years before coronavirus, the German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe had some poignant metaphorical advice to do your part in this pandemic, when he wrote, “Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.”

    Embrace that this time could have a positive impact on you. “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger,” the aphoristic philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously said. And spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle added that “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.”

    That evolution will likely lead you to look out for others in this critical time. “I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now,” wrote the Quaker missionary Etienne de Grellet.

    And whatever happens, we just need to endure. “If you’re going through hell, keep going,” said the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Because as the days rack up, or the situation intensifies, more things may fall apart and further call on our resolve to power through.

    And in the end, I am going to give the last word to that singer-sage John Lennon. If you only remember one of these aphorisms, this is the one that most succinctly captures endurance, perspective and hope: “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”

    Under the leadership of our Governor Lonnie Johnson along with his “Team Phoenix” (picked because “The bird that rises from the ashes of the pandemic and overcomes”). We will all rebuild our clubs, eventually get back to meetings in person, start planning for projects and events, fundraising to help our children and communities. This next term is a great time to offer our blessings to others to accept. Now is the time to bring in new members who will be blessed to join us. The world needs some positive, inspiring things to fill their hearts and soul. Kiwanis offers just what they and we need. Friends, there are so many potential members just waiting for someone to simply ask them to be part of our family. If you ask them, they will join. Just like the Phoenix, this is the year to rise from the ashes of the pandemic and we shall, together as a family, overcome this.

    We have survived everything we have gone through to this point.

    The best days of our lives are still yet to come.

    There are still people you haven’t met, and things you haven’t experienced.


    Warmest regards and it truly is “great to be a Kiwanian”!

    -Ray Redick First Responder Chaplain

    Pacific Northwest District Chair Human & Spiritual Values

    I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now.

    —Etienne de Grellet

    If you have troubles, come tell me about them. If you don’t, come in and tell me how you do it!

    —Ray Redick

  • 12 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Fall 2020

    We hope you didn’t miss your opportunity to attend!

    The 2020 Virtual District ConventionDo you remember what you were doing the fourth weekend of August 2020? I do!

    In fact, I vividly remember that I was sitting at my desk – which is located in one corner of my family room in Pendleton, Oregon - and participating in the history-making, 2020 Virtual Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis Convention (DCON.) Over the course of the next couple of days, around 400 other Kiwanis members from around the Pacific Northwest Kiwanis District (PNW,) and guests from other parts of the world were attending the convention too.

    IMAGINE that! When the 2019-2020 PNW Governor Melanie Bozak announced a year earlier that the 2020 Convention theme would be “IMAGINE,” no one knew how imaginative and creative it would turn out to be!

    There we all were – from home office to backyard patios to vacation locations - Kiwanians participating in a unique and inspiring convention – presented in a manner unlike any other PNW District Kiwanis Convention!

    Talk about Imagination! AND creative! The virtual format of the 2020 District Convention was orchestrated, planned, scripted, delivered, and produced by District staff, former or current District Governors -- along with many other PNW District Chairs, Kiwanis leaders, distinguished guests and club members from all around the District (and beyond...) - folks collaborating and contributing in innovative ways to accomplish the goals of all of our District Conventions. So...there were:

    • Educational opportunities for attendees • Annual District-level meetings • Recognition of accomplishments by fellow Kiwanians

    In addition, there were inspirational guest speakers that made special virtual appearances (Kiwanis International and Circle K International for example;) as well as social events and literally, magical entertainment.

    Without any doubt, most of what PNW Kiwanis members have come to expect from attending an annual “in person” convention, was available at our 2020 Virtual District Convention.

    At the Friday Opening session, attendees were welcomed by Governor Melanie Bozak and Convention Chair, Linda Neuman. In addition, the International President, Daniel Vigneron; Distinguished Past Governor, Roger Bell; and Past International President, Sylvester Neal shared messages of welcome.

    The evening concluded with the first of two performances by the accomplished magician, Joey Pipia.

    Saturday’s Educational sessions were introduced by Governor-elect Lonnie Johnson, and divided into three time slots, with three different topics/sessions available to choose from in each time period. Choices included: Key Club, The Thirst Project, Risk Management, Kiwanis International, Philanthropy, Fundraising, Club Building, Youth Protection, Meeting Fun, and/or Club Strengthening.

    Saturday evening events were held on the social platform: Zoom. There was an Outreach and Honors gathering, and a virtual Bingo event. The author of this Convention report was NOT a Bingo winner; rather, she was a no-win-whiner.

    Sunday Sessions began with a traditional and inspiring morning of awards presented to PNW Kiwanis members who were recognized for accomplishments and contributions to the District. These awards are always inspiring, and received by well-deserved Kiwanians; the Jack Delf, the Mel Dennis, the Lee Price and the Governor’s Cup.

  • Fall 2020 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 13

    In the final business meeting of the House of Delegates on Sunday, the 2021-22 Governor and Governor-elect were voted on and confirmed: Governor Lonnie Johnson and Governor-elect Greg Wegrich. To conclude the business meeting, Kiwanis International Vice-President Bert West shared a message with all in attendance, followed by a closing message from the PNW Governor, Melanie Bozak.

    As great as DCON 2020 was – truly beyond our wildest IMAGINATION, I am really looking forward to our 2021 District Convention in Spokane, Washington!

    Thank you to everyone who attended DCON 2020, and in particular – to everyone who made DCON 2020 a huge success!

    If you weren’t able to attend DCON 2020, the events of the virtual 2020 Convention were primarily “Live” on the PNW Kiwanis TV channel found on YouTube.com; however, some pre-recorded sessions and presentations were included in the program. Most of those presentations are still available for viewing online.

    See you in 2021 in Spokane, Washington!

    -Linda Neuman, District Convention Chair


    District Office • 5427 Glen Echo Ave., Gladstone, OR 97027-2627 • Phone: (503) 305-7635 • Fax: (503) 305-8303


    2020-21 Winter Conference - Wilsonville, ORFebruary 26-28 , 2021

    60th Circle K District ConventionTo Be Determined

    72nd Key Club District ConventionTo Be Determined

    2021-2022 Lt. Governor TrainingTo Be Determined

    106th Kiwanis ICON - Salt Lake City, UTJune 24-June 27, 2021

    104th PNW District Convention - Spokane, WAAugust 19-22, 2021

    2021-22 Winter ConferenceTo Be Determined

    107th Kiwanis ICON - Pasay City, Manila, PhilippinesJune 23-June 26, 2022

    105th PNW District Convention - Kennewick, WAAugust 2022

  • 14 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Fall 2020

    PNW Key Club Kiwanis Family Relations Committee

    Kiwanis One DayKiwanis One Day is just around the corner! This is the perfect opportunity for the Kiwanis-family to work together to improve the communities we serve. For several years now, the Kiwanis Club of Cascade Park in Division 44 has partnered with their Key Clubs on the fourth Saturday of October. Volunteers asked for baby food donations outside of their local Fred Meyer. At last year’s

    event, members collected 564 pounds of baby food! We understand that some clubs will not have the ability to host an in-person event due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, service projects can still happen over Zoom.

    Many clubs have become much more tech savvy during this time of uncertainty, and it’s not too late to learn! You can play music and share presentations through Zoom. If you ever need help navigating the virtual platform, Key Clubbers can be of great help. Now, what service activities can occur in a virtual space? Here is a list of potential ideas:

    • Making dog toys for an animal shelter• Making no-sew blankets for a homeless shelter• Writing cards to medical workers, teachers, and seniors• Making weighted stuffed animals for children with sensory issues

  • Fall 2020 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 15

    Key Club UpdatesPNW Key Club has been very active in the virtual space. We have held webinars on topics like member recruitment and the Thirst Project. The Kiwanis-family Relations Committee recently hosted their first webinar. At this event, members learned about the different branches of the Kiwanis-family. They covered topics like joint service project ideas and each branch’s mission. In addition, members were able to submit questions to a panel of Kiwanis family representatives. Representatives included:

    Aktion Club: Jackie Sue McFarlin (Aktion Club Administrator)Kiwanis: Melanie Bozak (PNW Kiwanis Governor)Circle K: Shane Petrus (PNW Circle K Governor)Builders Club: Lonnie Johnson (PNW Kiwanis Governor-Elect)K-Kids: Louis Logan (K-Kids Advisor)

    ResourcesThe PNW Key Club Kiwanis-family Relations Committee has created multiple resources to help their members partner and connect with the various branches of the Kiwanis-family. To help improve relations with Kiwanis Clubs specifically, three infographics were created: Joining a Kiwanis Event (Lieutenant Governor Edition), Joining a Kiwanis Event (Officer & Member Edition), and Inviting Kiwanians to Key Club Events. To increase awareness about Circle K in Key Club divisions, a PNW Circle K Divisional Correspondence infographic was designed. Although the current pandemic has put a halt on many in-person events, PNW Key Club encourages Key Clubbers to connect with the Kiwanis-family through virtual events. Remember, we are in this together!

  • 16 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Fall 2020

    The Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation wants to thank the generous donors and the supportive Kiwanis Clubs that support the foundation through annual gifts. One of the ways these donations are put to work is in helping to provide foundation grants that support youth and young adults involved in Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs. During the 2019-2020 funding year over $16000 was awarded to clubs that applied for grants. The following is a list of clubs and the projects that the PNWK Foundation supported:

    Northeast Spokane Kiwanis (NEK) Club Project: Assist Low Income Students with educational assistance classes

    Kirkland Kiwanis Club Project: Providing balanced meals for children and families Lewis-Clark Valley Kiwanis Project: New Club, Service Leadership Programs The Kiwanis Club of Bellingham Project: Northside Community Inclusive Playground The Kiwanis Club of Kent AM Project: Mike Till Kiwanis Reading Oasis The Kiwanis Club of Lincoln City Project: Signature Project with the Lincoln City Cultural Center Plaza renovation

    If your club is interested in applying for a grant please refer to the application forms available on the PNWK Foundation website at: www.pnwkiwanisfoundation.org

    Contact the PNWK Foundation Secretary to confirm the date of the next board meeting and the deadline for grant submissions.






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    PR & Marketing CornerIs your club looking for ways to boost your presence in your community? You are not alone. We are all looking for ways to shine a light on our service while boosting our club’s presence in our respective communities. The more we market ourselves, the more the more members we will attract. The more members we attract, the more opportunities for service projects and fundraisers we can add. The more service projects and fundraisers we add, the more scholarships we can offer and charities we can support. You get the picture. Let’s use this “Corner” to share thoughts and ideas on public relations and marketing for our clubs. If your club has successful projects, I’m asking you to share those ideas here. If you have questions or issues with projects or service projects, please ask them. Let’s use each other as resources. In other words, let’s begin a virtual roundtable where we can share ideas, problem solve and learn from each other. We’re stronger together. Share your tips and success stories on using social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Email your thoughts and ideas to: [email protected], and we’ll get them published.

    In the meantime, here are some tips from Kiwanis International on how to support your communities virtually during this pandemic.


    Looking for ideas to help your club thrive while social distancing? Now is a perfect time to define your club’s purpose, evaluate your service projects and create a list of people to invite to your next event. Clubs are meeting virtually, installing officers for the 2020-21 administrative year, conducting social distancing service projects and rethinking fundraising projects. Here are some ideas for your club’s online meetings and virtual service projects:

    MEETINGS - Expand your speaker base to include presenters relevant to current events. Here are some examples from clubs in the Kentucky-Tennessee District along with other ideas:

    • Paducah hosted Katie Englert of Compass Counseling. She offered insight on mental health during the pandemic.

    • Nashville hosted Dr. Ming Wang, who has been working with colleagues around he world to discuss COVID-19.

    • Newport hosted U.S. Representative Phil Roe, a physician, who spoke about government support during the pandemic.

    • Host a virtual happy hour. Online meetings do not need to be all business. Enjoy a little social time.

    • Have fun. While meeting virtually, host spirit days such as crazy hat day, Kiwanis wear blue shirt day, etc.

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    • Invite Service Leadership Programs members, faculty advisors, school principals and superintendents.

    • Ask your local Chamber if you can co-sponsor a virtual Chamber gathering and provide a member with the expertise to discuss a pertinent topic. Susan Hennum partnered with the Rowlett, Texas, Chamber to promote corporate memberships in the new Kiwanis Club of Northeast Dallas County and provided a trained therapist from the Counseling Institute of Texas to discuss stress and anxiety during the pandemic.

    • Plan a service project for the time when social-distance restrictions are lifted. Because kids will need us more than ever.


    • Contact a restaurant and have a meal or two delivered to a local hospital, medical clinic, police or fire department. Provide a simple sign with the meal so the recipients know who provided it. Take a photo of the sign and post your club’s good deed on social media. (Example: “Your service doesn’t go unnoticed. Enjoy this meal from the Kiwanis Club of [insert name]”)

    • Club members who are comfortable providing simple services to their neighbors can use Nextdoor, a social media app, to offer help. Make sure to mention Kiwanis in your post.

    • Review the club’s social media presence and make sure it’s attractive for a potential new member. Many people are spending hours on their devices scrolling through social media. Make sure your club is prepared by using the appropriate tags (http://best-hashtags.com/hashtag/communityservice/) being searched the most. And of course, include #KidsNeedKiwanis.

    No matter how your club meets in these unprecedent times—be creative! So many clubs simply say, “We’ve never done it that way before” But we’re all doing everything a little differently these days. Embrace it. Have fun with it. Try new things!


    Gail Spurrell PR & Marketing Chair


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    Victoria Kiwanis Taking ActionDuring August I was surfing through Facebook and noticed that a friend of mine, a teacher, was sewing and selling masks via Facebook. My kids were interested in getting more new options so I reached out to her to make some. When Bonnie delivered them to me we got to talking about how nervous she was to go back to school and how nervous the students’ families were. The first nations groups have been very careful about keeping their individuals safe from COVID, so sending them back to school required a fair bit of trust.

    I wondered after she left if the club couldn’t help somehow. With the blessing of the Principal, Tim, I reached out to the Kiwanis Foundation Board to see if they would donate $500 to the impromptu project. That would cover the supplies and a small stipend for the sewer if they desired. Research says double layered quilt fabric is the best thing after N95s and surgical masks. The fabric for 80 masks (2 for each student in grade 4 and 5) was donated by my mom Shari and her quilt friend Bette. My dad says that they didn’t even dent their “stash”. :-)

    On a sunny Saturday morning in mid August my mom and I set aside 2 hours and cut all the fabric into small and large rectangles - different sized masks. From there I delivered 120 pieces of beautiful fabric to Bonnie and her friend who sewed them up in short order (they donated the elastic and 1/2 their time). The Foundation sent them $5 per mask as a thank you for supporting the project. The other sewer is club member Sharon Blenman. She’s sewed over 500 masks during this crisis and jumped when I asked for help making some more. I really, really tried to sew some, but sadly this is not a skill set I possess. Sharon asked that her stipend be donated to the Mustard Seed Food bank instead. The first 60 masks were delivered to Craigflower School on the Friday of that long

    first week of school. The next 20 will be delivered soon. Tim said over and over that he was so grateful for the club’s ongoing support. We could have bought some from Amazon and had them shipped, but I just felt that this was a moment to start a conversation in our community. Tim was tired, but happy, and he said something that has stayed with me as we parted. He said ‘I have spent all day on the phone with families, trying to convince them it’s safe to send the kids back - that we will look after them. These masks...it’s proof you care and that the community cares - and that we can look after these wonderful students. Thank you for showing them you care.” Actions speak louder than words and on that day we shouted “we care”.

    -Carla Cacovic, Secretary-Kiwanis Club of Victoria

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    Moses Lake Kiwanis BikesFor many years the Kiwanis Club of Moses Lake presented a student dictionary to every third grader in Moses Lake, a town of 22,000. It was determined by the club that checking spelling, finding synonyms, looking up the meaning of new words, etc. was done digitally by most students. Dictionary books are no longer a staple of education to the extent they once were.

    In 2019 the Kiwanis Club of Moses Lake linked up with the Moses Lake Trails Planning Team and replaced The Dictionary Project with a Bike Rodeo. At this event about 100 participants had the opportunity to: improve bicycle skills, receive a free helmet, learn about bicycle safety, take part in safe “Races against Time”, listen to bicycle stories, decorate their bikes, do a bicycle craft project and participate in raffles for free bikes.

    The 2020 Bike Rodeo was scheduled for May then rescheduled for September, but due to COVID 19 even the latter date had to be cancelled. Fifteen children bikes had been bought or collected and 108 helmets purchased. The Moses Lake Police agreed to distribute these to children in need. Below are photos of the presentation of the bikes and helmets to the city police and the transporting of the bicycles to where the police will store them.

    -Louis Logan Kiwanis Club of Moses Lake

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    Puyallup Kiwanians Support Young ReadersLooking for a way to assist the below poverty level elementary students in the Puyallup School District (PSD) to improve their reading skills, Roberta Brudevold (a retired PSD teacher and the wife of Kiwanian Sig Brudevold) learned of a program tried in the Washington D.C. area that was very successful. The program was called “The In-Classroom Lending Library”. This program provided enough books, carrying bags, and bookcases for each student in the targeted classrooms (kindergarten through 3rd grade). Students chose a book, learn to read that book, used a carry bag to take the book home to read to parents/siblings, return that book to school and then repeat this throughout the school year.

    What started out in one elementary school in 2014 has now expanded into 8 elementary schools in the PSD with 15,000+ books donated or purchased. Books are now in 100+ classrooms. At the end of the 2014 school year, reading test scores for grades K-3 in the inaugural school rose from 30% to near 90% reading at or above grade level. The Kiwanis Club of Puyallup and its foundation provided a total of $5,500 in grants to support this outstanding reading project. The program is now sustained by the PTA’s of each school.

    Recently, the Puyallup Public Library was looking to remodel and upgrade the children’s section of the library. Our club’s foundation pledged $30,000 for the project to go along with city funding. What is now named the “Kiwanis Imagination Station” was dedicated, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, in early February 2020. At the dedication a $5,000 check (for additional children’s library materials) was presented to the library director (a fellow Kiwanian). The area now has kid-sized furniture, computer stations with programs for children, a drawing wall (using dry erase markers) and an activity area (think puppet stage, costumes for make-believe and much more).

    The ability to read well is a strong indicator of future success; Kiwanians are glad to help encourage this skill in new readers.

    -Pete Bristow, Secretary Kiwanis Club of Puyallup

    Puyallup Mayor and fellow Kiwanian Julie Door cutting the ribbon at the dedication of the “Kiwanis Imagination Station”

    The activity corner in the “Kiwanis Imagination Station” in the children’s section of the Puyallup Public Library

    A “thank you” note from a happy and grateful student reader.

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    Kiwanis Tuesdays at the CinemaChallenge: With Covid-19 parents and kids have been struggling for some months by being restricted in their activities and often at home with nothing to do. Incomes have been restricted in many cases and even the old standard of watching sports on TV was curtailed.

    Solution: Bill and Pat proposed we help the community by making it less costly to get out to the Caprice Cinema which is now opened on a restricted basis. The Board did a vote by email to approve the expenditure ($1,100) for signage and 4 blocks of 50 tickets so it was a go! It was put together in 3 days!

    On Tuesday the movies primarily target kids but, will undoubtedly include some parents that may take them. The Duncan movie theatre has cheaper movies on Tuesdays many of which are Kid Friendly and are priced @ $2.50. But, add a small popcorn to that and the price becomes $7.00. We have contacted the Theatre and they were totally on board.

    With signage in place, public service announcements on the local radio and lots of volunteers the project took off etc. So starting August 4 for four weeks ran the Kiwanis table in the cinema lobby, fully masked with Kids Need Kiwanis masks, gloves and our bright yellow vests, we gave tickets and popcorn vouchers to the first 50 people attending. In addition printed material about our club and the work we do in the community was handed out. It was a great way to recruit possible new members.

    The Theatre runs two shows per sitting (one in each theatre room) at two times in the afternoon. While their capacity is 700 they are restricted to 50 per theatre for a max total of 200 on the Tuesday afternoon.

    In addition to exposure for Kiwanis, we are once again helping children in our community.

    Yakima Kiwanis 100 Year GiftThe Kiwanis Club of Yakima along with the Yakima Kiwanis Charitable Trust Foundation is funding the remodel of the director’s cabin at YMCA Camp Dudley (Including a new metal roof ) and will add an infirmary/nursing area. This project is the Kiwanis Club of Yakima’s centennial celebration gift to the community. 

    “The Kiwanis Club of Yakima has a long history of supporting Camp Dudley from volunteering to clean up the camp prior to opening in the late spring to providing campership (scholarship) funds to children and families who would not be able to attend summer camp. Supporting this new project was the perfect fit for our 100-year project. – Karri Livingston”

    “We at Camp Dudley are inspired by the charity of Kiwanis with the support of this project. The remodeling of our administration building into a health and wellness office and camper infirmary will have a lasting effect on campers for decades. The ability for our amazing volunteer nurses and trained staff to operate in a safer and more functional space will allow us to better tackle the current health challenges as well as future ones. The Kiwanis is really making a big investment in the health and growth of the youth of our community. The building will continue to also function as our administrative office as well. Thank you to the Kiwanis and to Tri-Ply Construction for their amazing generosity and skillful work as well. -Kyle McPherson”

    Major donors to the project besides the Kiwanis organizations include Tri-Ply Construction; the general contractor for the project, Firstline Drafting and Stein’s Hardware.

    (Left to Right) Steve Emhoff, Dr. Mike Wilson, Chairman of the Kiwanis Charitable Trust Foundation, Karri Livingston, Kiwanis President Beth Klingele, CFO of Tri-Ply Construction and Kiwanis member and Kyle “Moose” McPherson, Camp Director and Kiwanian

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    M E T H O D O F P A Y M E N T


    MC Billing Zipcode_________

    Check: No ____________________

    Credit Card No.:

    Exp. Date ______ / ______ CVC#_______

    Signature __________________________________

    NOTE:Credit cards

    will beprocessed inU.S. Dollars Billing Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________

    Forms may be mailed or faxed to your PNW District Office Team at the following:PNW Kiwanis District Office - 5427 Glen Echo Avenue, Gladstone, OR 97027-2627

    Telephone: (503) 305-7635 Fax: (503) 305-8303

    Bundle of 12 Everyday Hero Pins & @ $50.00 US x _____ = $ ______________12 Everyday Hero Certificates ($70.00 CDN)

    Everyday Hero Certificates (package of 12) @ $5.00 US x _____ = $ ______________Full-Color on Card Stock ($7.00 CDN)

    “Everyday Hero” Pin (each) @ $5.00 US x _____ = $ ______________ ($7.00 CDN)

    SHiPPiNg: Orders under $25.00, Add $5.00

    $25.01 to $50.00, add $6.00 - $50.01 to $75.00, add $7.00 = $ ______________ TOTAL = $ ______________

    Name ______________________________________________Street ___________________________________________________

    City/State/Zip______________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________

    S H I P T O

    2020 has been filled with individuals that have been serving our communities day in and day out during this pandemic.

    Here is a great way you can honor them and say thank you!

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    CHECK IT OUT!The job announcement and application information for the open District Secretary/Administrator position can be found on the district website at: https://kiwanispnw.org/assets/district_secretary_job_posting_2020.pdf


    NEWSLETTER EDITORS!The 2020-2021 newsletter competition year has just recently begun for PNW newsletter writers/editors.

    October is the first month of the new Kiwanis year and also the beginning of the newsletter competition year.

    If you compose regular newsletters for your Kiwanis Club or Division, please consider submitting your publications electronically to the PNW Kiwanis District’s annual newsletter competition.

    The criteria for the competition is found on the district website here:https://kiwanispnw.org/recognition.html

    For more information, or to submit your newsletter for judging, please email: Linda Neuman, PNW Communications Chair, at [email protected]

    Updated Distinguished Criteria for 2019-2020Because of the changes caused by COVID-19 the 2019-2020 Distinguished Criteria are being updated and adjusted. All points must be reported by October 31, 2020.


    Announcements and Updates...

    https://kiwanispnw.org/assets/district_secretary_job_posting_2020.pdfhttps://kiwanispnw.org/recognition.htmlmailto:[email protected]://kiwanispnw.org/recognition.html

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    KDCCP Christmas OrnamentsThis is the current year of the KDCCP ornaments project. The ornaments are hand-blown glass by local artisans.

    The cost for the ornaments is $20-$25 each, with all of the proceeds going to KDCCP.

    Again this year we also have hand-blown icicles and candy canes. The icicles are available in four colors; lavender, pink, blue, and clear. They come in a box of three for $15. The candy canes are also 1 for $15.

    Again, all proceeds go to KDCCP.

    To purchase an ornament, or to learn more about the ornaments contact:

    Evelyn Chapman, Chair - KDCCP Ornament Committee [email protected]

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    HAVE YOU MOVED?If you have moved, or are planning to move, please print your name and new address:

    Name ________________________________________________________________________

    Address ______________________________________________________________________

    City _____________________________ St/Prov _______ Postal/Zip Code _________________ Send this form, with the address label from the back cover to:

    Member Services Department Kiwanis International 3636 Woodview Trace Fax: 317-879-0204 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Email: [email protected]


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  • Pass it On! When finished reading this magazine, cover the address printed at right with a label indicating your club name, meeting time/location, and contact information. Then give it to a prospective member or leave it in a waiting room.


    Kiwanis International5427 Glen Echo AvenueGladstone, OR 97207 USA

    ANNUAL CLUB GIFT Has your Kiwanis Club ever donated to the PNW Kiwanis Foundation? In some Divisions, every club has for many years; while others may have never. By October 15th clubs were to have approved their annual budget; so, did your club have a line item for our foundation? In November, clubs were to pay their invoiced annual dues for which the first quarter is also a good time to make your annual club donation to the PNW Kiwanis Foundation.

    Contributions to the Annual Club Gift Campaign at any giving level are appreciated and help make a difference. The suggested giving level of $5.00 or more per member is recommended to help the Foundation meet the purposes for which it was chartered. A lump sum amount of any size works, too. If every Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis Club was to contribute on an annual basis, the PNW Kiwanis Foundation would be able to not only continue and expand its current service but also ensure a legacy of support to children and youth for years to come.

    An annual club gift is remembered. When Grants are awarded for Club Projects, they are reviewed on at least these four criteria:

    1. Those clubs who apply on time. 2. Those clubs who have their own skin in the game. 3. Those clubs who contributed to the PNWKF in the past and show a current need. 4. Those clubs who line up community partners.

    Your contribution helps other clubs achieve a project that needs a boost, that provides scholarships, and funds CKI and Key Club Outreach. Please help us out! Write your check now payable to the “Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation”.

    Mail the check to: PNW Kiwanis Foundation, 5427 Glen Echo Av., Gladstone, OR 97027

    For more information, go to http://www.pnwkiwanisfoundation.org.

