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Package ‘desire’ February 19, 2015 Version 1.0.7 Title Desirability functions in R Description Harrington and Derringer-Suich type desirability functions Author Heike Trautmann, Detlef Steuer and Olaf Mersmann Maintainer Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]> Depends R (>= 2.9.0), loglognorm License GPL-2 LazyData yes NeedsCompilation yes Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2013-07-12 13:40:21 R topics documented: Chocolate .......................................... 2 compositeDF ........................................ 2 ddesire ............................................ 3 derringerSuich ........................................ 5 dsplot ............................................ 6 geometricDI ......................................... 7 harrington1 ......................................... 9 harrington2 ......................................... 11 Internal functions ...................................... 13 meanDI ........................................... 14 minimumDI ......................................... 15 normMax .......................................... 16 plot.desire.function ..................................... 18 plot.harrington2 ....................................... 18 realisticDF .......................................... 19 Index 21 1

Package ‘desire’February 19, 2015

Version 1.0.7

Title Desirability functions in R

Description Harrington and Derringer-Suich type desirability functions

Author Heike Trautmann, Detlef Steuer and Olaf Mersmann

Maintainer Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>

Depends R (>= 2.9.0), loglognorm

License GPL-2

LazyData yes

NeedsCompilation yes

Repository CRAN

Date/Publication 2013-07-12 13:40:21

R topics documented:Chocolate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2compositeDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ddesire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3derringerSuich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5dsplot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6geometricDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7harrington1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9harrington2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Internal functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13meanDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14minimumDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15normMax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16plot.desire.function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18plot.harrington2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18realisticDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Index 21


2 compositeDF

Chocolate Chocolate production and quality measures






A data.frame containing 13 observations




C. Alamprese, L. Datei, Q. Semeraro (2007). Optimization of processing parameters of a ball millrefiner for chocolate. Journal of Food Engineering, 83(4), 629–636.

compositeDF Construct composite desirability functions


Combines a desirability function with an inner function and returns a new function object whichcalculates d(f(x)).


compositeDF(expr, d, ...)


expr any valid inner function

d desirability function

... additional arguments passed to function


Currently specialized for expressions, functions and objects with class lm.

ddesire 3


A function object of a composite desirability function.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


J. Harrington (1965): The desirability function. Industrial Quality Control, 21: 494-498.

G.C. Derringer, D. Suich (1980): Simultaneous optimization of several response variables. Journalof Quality Technology 12 (4): 214-219.

D. Steuer (2005): Statistische Eigenschaften der Multikriteriellen Optimierung mittels Wuenschbarkeiten.Dissertation, Dortmund University of Technology, http://hdl.handle.net/2003/20171.

H. Trautmann, C. Weihs (2006): On the Distribution of the Desirability Index using Harrington’sDesirability Function. Metrika 63(2): 207-213.

See Also

harrington1 and harrington2 for Harrington type desirability functions; derringerSuich fordesirability functions of Derringer and Suich;


h <- harrington2(-1, 1, 1)## Calculate h(x^2):ch1 <- compositeDF(x^2, h)ch1(0.5)ch1(c(0.2,0.5,0.7))

## Calculate h(f(x))f <- function(x) 2*x + 3ch2 <- compositeDF(f, h)ch2(0.3)ch2(c(0.3,0.35,0.9))

ddesire Generic Distribution functions for desirabilities


Generic density, distribution, quantile and random number generation functions for desirabilityfunctions.

4 ddesire


## Default S3 method:ddesire(x, f, mean = 0, sd = 1)## Default S3 method:pdesire(q, f, mean = 0, sd = 1)## Default S3 method:qdesire(p, f, mean = 0, sd = 1)## Default S3 method:rdesire(n, f, mean = 0, sd = 1)## Default S3 method:edesire(f, mean, sd)## Default S3 method:vdesire(f, mean, sd)


x,q Vector of quantiles.

p vector of probabilies.

n number of observations.

f desirability function

mean vector of means.

sd vector of standard deviations.


’ddesire’ gives the density, ’pdesire’ gives the distribution function, ’qdesire’ gives the quantilefunction, and ’rdesire’ generates random deviates.

’edesire’ and ’vdesire’ return the expectation and variance of the function.


The default implementations for pdesire, qdesire, edesire and vdesire are only approximationsobtained by estimating the desired property from a random sample.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>

See Also

For desirability functions: harrington1 and harrington2

derringerSuich 5



## Fit linear model to data:m.d90 <- lm(d90 ~ rt + as + I(rt^2) + I(as^2) + rt:as, Chocolate)m.Fe <- lm(Fe ~ rt + as + I(rt^2) + I(as^2) + rt:as, Chocolate)

## Define desirability functions:d.d90 <- harrington2(21, 22, 1)d.Fe <- harrington1(22, 0.8, 28, 0.2)

## Plot density of desirability in rt=30, as=50:df <- data.frame(rt=30, as=50)y.Fe <- predict(m.Fe, df)sigma.Fe <- summary(m.Fe)$sigma

y.d90 <- predict(m.d90, df)sigma.d90 <- summary(m.d90)$sigma

## Plot curve of density function:opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,1))curve(ddesire(x, d.d90, y.d90, sigma.d90), 0, 1, main="d.90", n=202)curve(ddesire(x, d.Fe, y.Fe, sigma.Fe), 0, 1, main="Fe", n=202)par(opar)

## Integrate:integrate(function(x) ddesire(x, d.d90, y.d90, sigma.d90), 0, 1)integrate(function(x) ddesire(x, d.Fe, y.Fe, sigma.Fe), 0, 1)

derringerSuich Derringer-Suich type desirability function


Returns a function evaluating a (generalized) Derringer-Suich desirability.


derringerSuich(y, d, beta)


y yd dbeta beta


If only y is provided and it is a vector of length 5, a normal (l, t, u, β1, β2) Derringer Suich desirabil-ity is constructed. Otherwise y, d and beta specify a generalized Derringer Suich type desirability.

6 dsplot


derringerSuich returns a function.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


G. Derringer and R. Suich (1980), Simultaneous optimization of several response variables, Journalof Quality Technology, Vol. 12, No. 4:214-219.

D. Steuer (2005), Statistische Eigenschaften der Multikriteriellen Optimierung mittels Wuenschbarkeiten,PhD Thesis, http://hdl.handle.net/2003/20171.

See Also

harrington1 for one sided Harrington type desirabilities and harrington2 for two sided Harring-ton type desirabilities.


## Simple (l, t, u, b0, b1) Derringer-Suich desirabilities:d1 <- derringerSuich(c(0, 1, 2, 1, 1))d2 <- derringerSuich(c(0, 1, 2, 2, 2))d3 <- derringerSuich(c(0, 1, 2, .5, .5))

## Comparison of their shape:opar <- par(mfrow=c(3, 1))plot(d1)plot(d2)plot(d3)par(opar)

## d/p/q/r examples:ddesire(.2, d1, 0, 1)pdesire(.5, d1, 0, 1)qdesire(.8, d1, 0, 1)

dsplot Desirability Plot


Plot a desirability function and its relation to an arbitrary expression.

geometricDI 7


dsplot(expr, f, from = NULL, to = NULL, n = 101,show.zero = TRUE, interest = NULL,main = "Desirability Plot", sub = NULL, ...)


expr an expression written as a function of ’x’, or alternatively the name of a functionwhich will be plotted.

f desirability function

from,to the range over which the function will be plotted.

n integer; the number of x values at which to evaluate.

show.zero add dotted line to visualize the origin

interest vector of interesting points

main an overall title for the plot

sub a subtitle for the plot

... parameters passed to low level plot functions


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


d1 <- harrington2(2, 4, 2)dsplot(x*log(x), d1,

from=0, to=6, n=507,interest=c(2, 3, 4))

geometricDI Geometric Mean Desirability Index


Computes the weighted geometric mean of a number of desirability functions.


geometricDI(f, ..., weights)


f, ... desirability functions

weights vector of weights

8 geometricDI


The Desirability Index was introduced by Harrington (1965), and the concept was extended byDerringer and Suich (1980). It is a means for multicriteria (quality) optimization in industrialquality management. All desirability functions of the quality criteria are combined into a univariateglobal quality criterion in [0,1] which has to be optimized.

The function can be used for Harrington as well as Derringer and Suich desirability functions.


geometricDI(f, ..., weights) returns a function object of the Geometric Mean DesirabilityIndex.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


J. Harrington (1965): The desirability function. Industrial Quality Control, 21: 494-498.

G.C. Derringer, D. Suich (1980): Simultaneous optimization of several response variables. Journalof Quality Technology 12 (4): 214-219.

D. Steuer (2005): Statistische Eigenschaften der Multikriteriellen Optimierung mittels Wuenschbarkeiten.Dissertation, Dortmund University of Technology, http://hdl.handle.net/2003/20171.

H. Trautmann, C. Weihs (2006): On the Distribution of the Desirability Index using Harrington’sDesirability Function. Metrika 63(2): 207-213.

See Also

harrington1 and harrington2 for Harrington type desirability functions; derringerSuich fordesirability functions of Derringer and Suich; minimumDI,meanDI for other types of Desirabilityindices.


h1 <- harrington1(-2, .9, 2, .1)h2 <- harrington2(0, 2, 2)

di <- geometricDI(h1, h2, weights=c(1/3, 2/3))di(c(0, 1))

## Desirability Index of vector input:h <- harrington2(3,7,1)g <- harrington1(-2, .1, 2, .9)

d <- geometricDI(h, g, weights=c(0.5, 0.5))

m <- matrix(c(seq(2, 8, 0.1), seq(-2, 4, 0.1)), ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)apply(m, 1, d)

harrington1 9

harrington1 One-sided Harrington type desirability function


Returns a one-sided desirability function of the Harrington type. Density, distribution function,quantile function and random number generation for the distribution of the one-sided Harringtondesirability function are computed given a normally distributed variable Y with expected valueequal to mean and standard deviation equal to sd.


harrington1(y1, d1, y2, d2)## S3 method for class 'harrington1'ddesire(x, f, mean, sd)## S3 method for class 'harrington1'pdesire(q, f, mean, sd)## S3 method for class 'harrington1'qdesire(p, f, mean, sd)## S3 method for class 'harrington1'edesire(f, mean, sd)## S3 method for class 'harrington1'vdesire(f, mean, sd)dharrington1(x, y1, d1, y2, d2, mean, sd)pharrington1(q, y1, d1, y2, d2, mean, sd)qharrington1(p, y1, d1, y2, d2, mean, sd)rharrington1(n, y1, d1, y2, d2, mean, sd)eharrington1(y1, d1, y2, d2, mean, sd)vharrington1(y1, d1, y2, d2, mean, sd)


x,q vector of quantiles.

p vector of probabilies.

n number of observations.

f one-sided Harrington type desirability function.

y1,d1,y2,d2 Two values y1 and y2 of variable Y with respective desirability values d1 andd2 determine the shape of the desirability function.

mean vector of expected values of normal distributions.

sd vector of standard deviations of normal distributions.


harrington1(y1, d1, y2, d2) is the one-sided desirability function of Harrington type (Harring-ton (1965)). It aims at the specification of desired values of a variable Y which has to be minimizedor maximized. Y is transformed onto a unitless scale to the interval [0,1].

10 harrington1

Harrington’s one-sided desirability function d given a normally distributed variable Y withE(Y ) =mean and sd(Y ) =sd has the Double Lognormal Distribution (Holland and Ahsanullah (1989)).


harrington1(y1, d1, y2, d2) returns a function object of the one-sided desirability function ofthe Harrington type (see example below). Values b0 and b1 of the desirability function formula aredetermined.

ddesire /dharrington1 give the density, pdesire / pharrington1 give the distribution function,qdesire / qharrington1 give the quantile function, and rdesire / rharrington1 generate randomdeviates. edesire / eharrington1 and vdesire / vharrington1 compute the expected valueand the variance of the desirability function for a normally distributed random variable Y withE(Y ) =mean and sd(Y ) =sd.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


J. Harrington (1965): The desirability function. Industrial Quality Control, 21: 494-498.

B. Holland, M. Ahsanullah (1989): Further Results on the Distribution of Meinhold and Singpur-walla. The American Statistician 43 (4): 216-219.

H. Trautmann, C. Weihs (2006): On the Distribution of the Desirability Index using Harrington’sDesirability Function. Metrika 63(2): 207-213.

See Also

harrington2 for two sided Harrington type desirabilities


##Assigning the function object to h:h <- harrington1(-2, .1, 2, .9)

## Plot of desirability function:plot(h)

## Desirability function of a vector:h(seq(-2,2,0.1))

## d/p/q/r/e/v examples:ddesire(.8, h, 0, 1)dharrington1(.8, -2, .1, 2, .9, 0, 1)

ddesire(.8, h, c(0,0.5), c(1,1.5))

pdesire(.8, h, 0, 1)pharrington1(.8, -2, .1, 2, .9, 0, 1)

harrington2 11

qdesire(.8, h, 0, 1)qharrington1(.8, -2, .1, 2, .9, 0, 1)

rdesire(1e6, h, 0, 1)rharrington1(1e6, -2, .1, 2, .9, 0, 1)

edesire(h,3,0.5)eharrington1(-2, .1, 2, .9,3,0.5)

vdesire(h,3,0.5)vharrington1(-2, .1, 2, .9,3,0.5)

## b_0 and b_1 values:environment(h)$b0environment(h)$b1

harrington2 Two-sided Harrington type desirability function


Returns a two sided desirability function of the Harrington type. Density, distribution function,quantile function and random number generation for the distribution of the two-sided Harringtondesirability function are computed given a normally distributed variable Y with expected valueequal to mean and standard deviation equal to sd.


harrington2(LSL, USL, n)## S3 method for class 'harrington2'ddesire(x, f, mean, sd)## S3 method for class 'harrington2'pdesire(q, f, mean, sd)## S3 method for class 'harrington2'qdesire(p, f, mean, sd)dharrington2(x, LSL, USL, n, mean, sd)pharrington2(q, LSL, USL, n, mean, sd)qharrington2(p, LSL, USL, n, mean, sd)rharrington2(ns, LSL, USL, n, mean, sd)eharrington2(LSL, USL, n, mean, sd)vharrington2(LSL, USL, n, mean, sd)


x,q vector of quantiles.

p vector of probabilies.

ns number of observations.

12 harrington2

f two-sided Harrington type desirability function.

LSL Lower Specification Limit of Y .

USL Upper Specification Limit of Y .

n Kurtosis parameter of desirability function. Values > 1 result in smoother shapesaround the target value T = (LSL+USL)/2. Values < 1 already penalize smalltarget deviations.

mean vector of means.

sd vector of standard deviations.


harrington2(LSL, USL, n) is the two-sided desirability function of Harrington type (Harrington(1965)). It aims at the specification of desired values of a variable Y which has to be optimizedregarding a target value T . Y is transformed onto a unitless scale to the interval [0,1]. LSLand USL are associated with a desirability of 1/e ≈ 0.37. LSL and USL have to be chosensymmetrically around the target value T .

The density and distribution functions of Harrington’s two-sided desirability function d given anormally distributed variable Y with E(Y ) = mean and sd(Y ) =sd can be determined analytically,see Trautmann and Weihs (2006).


harrington2(LSL, USL, n) returns a function object of the two-sided desirability function of theHarrington type (see example below).

ddesire / dharrington2 give the density, pdesire / pharrington2 give the distribution function,qdesire / qharrington2 give the quantile function, and rdesire / rharrington2 generate randomdeviates. edesire / eharrington2 and vdesire / vharrington2 compute the expected valueand the variance of the desirability function for a normally distributed random variable Y withE(Y ) =mean and sd(Y ) =sd.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


J. Harrington (1965): The desirability function. Industrial Quality Control, 21:494-498.

H. Trautmann, C. Weihs (2006): On the Distribution of the Desirability Index using Harrington’sDesirability Function. Metrika 63(2): 207-213.

See Also

harrington1 for one sided Harrington type desirabilities

Internal functions 13


##Assigning the function object to h:h <- harrington2(3,7,1)

## Plot of desirability function:plot(h)

## Desirability function of a vector:h(seq(2,8,0.1))

## d/p/q/r/e/v examples:ddesire(4, h, 0, 1)dharrington2(4, 3, 7, 1, 0, 1)

ddesire(4, h, c(0,0.5),c(1,1.5))

pdesire(4, h, 0, 1)pharrington2(4, 3, 7, 1, 0, 1)

qdesire(0.8, h, 0, 1)qharrington2(0.8, 3, 7, 1, 0, 1)

rdesire(1e6, h, 0, 1)rharrington2(1e6, 3, 7, 1, 0, 1)



Internal functions Internal functions


Functions not exported and not intended for general use.


h1.solve.params(y1, d1, y2, d2)


y1 y1

d1 d1

y2 y2

d2 d2

14 meanDI

meanDI Weighted Mean Desirability Index


Computes the weighted mean of a number of desirability functions.


meanDI(f, ..., weights = 1)


f,... desirability functions.

weights vector of weights. Weights do not need to sum to one.


The Desirability Index was introduced by Harrington (1965), and the concept was extended byDerringer and Suich (1980). It is a means for multicriteria (quality) optimization in industrialquality management. All desirability functions of the quality criteria are combined into a univariateglobal quality criterion which has to be optimized. The Weighted Mean Desirability Index is relatedto the concept of utility functions.

The function can be used for Harrington as well as Derringer and Suich desirability functions.


meanDI(f, ..., weights) returns a function object of the Weighted Mean Desirability Index.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


J. Harrington (1965): The desirability function. Industrial Quality Control, 21: 494-498.

G.C. Derringer, D. Suich (1980): Simultaneous optimization of several response variables. Journalof Quality Technology 12 (4): 214-219.

See Also

harrington1 and harrington2 for Harrington type desirability functions; derringerSuich fordesirability functions of Derringer and Suich; geometricDI,minimumDI for other types of Desir-ability indices.

minimumDI 15


h1 <- harrington1(-2, .9, 2, .1)h2 <- harrington2(0, 2, 2)

di <- meanDI(h1, h2,weights=c(0.2,0.8))di(c(0, 1))

## Desirability Index of vector input:h <- harrington2(3,7,1)g <- harrington1(-2, .1, 2, .9)

d <- meanDI(h, g,weights=c(0.3,0.7))

m <- matrix(c(seq(2, 8, 0.1), seq(-2, 4, 0.1)), ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)apply(m, 1, d)

minimumDI Minimum Desirability Index


Computes the minimum of a number of desirability functions.


minimumDI(f, ...)


f,... desirability functions


The Desirability Index was introduced by Harrington (1965), and the concept was extended byDerringer and Suich (1980). It is a means for multicriteria (quality) optimization in industrialquality management. All desirability functions of the quality criteria are combined into a univariateglobal quality criterion in [0,1] which has to be optimized.

The function can be used for Harrington as well as Derringer and Suich desirability functions.


minimumDI(f, ...) returns a function object of the Minimum Desirability Index.

16 normMax


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


J. Harrington (1965): The desirability function. Industrial Quality Control, 21: 494-498.

G.C. Derringer, D. Suich (1980): Simultaneous optimization of several response variables. Journalof Quality Technology 12 (4): 214-219.

D. Steuer (2005): Statistische Eigenschaften der Multikriteriellen Optimierung mittels Wuenschbarkeiten.Dissertation, Dortmund University of Technology, http://hdl.handle.net/2003/20171.

H. Trautmann, C. Weihs (2006): On the Distribution of the Desirability Index using Harrington’sDesirability Function. Metrika 63(2): 207-213.

See Also

harrington1 and harrington2 for Harrington type desirability functions; derringerSuich fordesirability functions of Derringer and Suich; geometricDI,meanDI for other types of Desirabilityindices.


h1 <- harrington1(-2, .9, 2, .1)h2 <- harrington2(0, 2, 2)

di <- minimumDI(h1, h2)di(c(0, 1))

## Desirability Index of vector input:h <- harrington2(3,7,1)g <- harrington1(-2, .1, 2, .9)

d <- minimumDI(h, g)

m <- matrix(c(seq(2, 8, 0.1), seq(-2, 4, 0.1)), ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)apply(m, 1, d)

normMax Normal Distribution based desirability functions.


Desirability functions based on the normal distribution. These where developed by XXX in orderto improve YYY.

normMax 17


normMax(LSL, USL)normMin(LSL, USL)normTarget(LSL, T, USL)


LSL Lower specification limit

T Target value

USL Upper specification limit


normMin and normMax return functions implementing the specified minimzation or maximizingdesirability. normTarget returns a function implementing the specified target desirability.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


XXX Technical Report ZZZ

See Also

harrington1 for one sided Harrington type desirabilities, harrington2 for two sided Harringtontype desirabilities and derringerSuich for Derringer-Suich type desirabilities.


## Create desirability functions:d1 <- normMin(-1, 1)d2 <- normMax(-1, 1)d3 <- normTarget(-1, 0, 1)

## Show shape of desirability function:opar <- par(mfrow=c(3,1))plot(d1)plot(d2)plot(d3)par(opar)

## Showdsplot(log(x), d1, .5, 2)dsplot(sin(x), d2, -pi, pi)dsplot(cos(x), d3, 0, 2*pi)

18 plot.harrington2

plot.desire.function Plot curve of desirability function


Plot a desirability function.


## S3 method for class 'desire.function'plot(x, n = 600, xlim = NULL, ylim = c(0, 1),

xlab = "Value", ylab = "Desirability", ..., main)


x desirability function

n the number of x values at which to evaluate.

xlim numeric of length 2; if specified, it serves as the default for the range of x values.

ylim numeric of length 2; if specified, it serves as the default for the range of y values.

xlab x axes label

ylab y axes label

... arguments passed to lines.

main main title of plot


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>

plot.harrington2 Plot of two-sided Harrington type desirability function


Plots a two-sided desirability function of the Harrington type.


## S3 method for class 'harrington2'plot(x, ...)

realisticDF 19


x two-sided Harrington desirability function.

... additional parameters passed to plot.


Lower Specification Limit (LSL) and Upper Specification Limit (USL) are visualized. The defaultrange of the x-axis is selected automatically.


R-graphics plot object of two-sided Harrington desirability function.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>


J. Harrington (1965): The desirability function. Industrial Quality Control, 21: 494-498.

See Also

harrington2 for two sided Harrington type desirabilities, plot


##Assigning a function object to h:h <- harrington2(3,7,1)

## Plot of desirability function:plot(h)


realisticDF Realistic desirability functions


Convert a desirability into a realistic desirability.


realisticDF(f, ...)## S3 method for class 'desire.function'realisticDF(f, ...)

20 realisticDF


f desirability function

... . . .


To construct a composite realistic desirability, first create a realistic desirability and then composeit. Doing the opposite is currently unsupported. This allows the composition to possibly pass astandard deviation which can be deduced from the inner function (eg. if the inner function is anobject of class lm).


A function with the same arguments as x and sd, which returns the realistic desirability.


Heike Trautmann <[email protected]>, Detlef Steuer <[email protected]>and Olaf Mersmann <[email protected]>

See Also



∗Topic datasetsChocolate, 2

∗Topic distributionddesire, 3

∗Topic hplotdsplot, 6plot.desire.function, 18

∗Topic multivariatecompositeDF, 2derringerSuich, 5geometricDI, 7harrington1, 9harrington2, 11meanDI, 14minimumDI, 15normMax, 16realisticDF, 19

∗Topic optimizecompositeDF, 2derringerSuich, 5geometricDI, 7harrington1, 9harrington2, 11meanDI, 14minimumDI, 15normMax, 16realisticDF, 19

Chocolate, 2compositeDF, 2

ddesire, 3ddesire.harrington1 (harrington1), 9ddesire.harrington2 (harrington2), 11derringerSuich, 3, 5, 8, 14, 16, 17dharrington1 (harrington1), 9dharrington2 (harrington2), 11dsplot, 6

edesire (ddesire), 3

edesire.harrington1 (harrington1), 9edesire.harrington2 (harrington2), 11eharrington1 (harrington1), 9eharrington2 (harrington2), 11

geometricDI, 7, 14, 16

h1.solve.params (Internal functions), 13harrington1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17harrington2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19

Internal functions, 13

meanDI, 8, 14, 16minimumDI, 8, 14, 15, 20

normMax, 16normMin (normMax), 16normTarget (normMax), 16

pdesire (ddesire), 3pdesire.harrington1 (harrington1), 9pdesire.harrington2 (harrington2), 11pharrington1 (harrington1), 9pharrington2 (harrington2), 11plot, 19plot.desire.function, 18plot.harrington2, 18

qdesire (ddesire), 3qdesire.harrington1 (harrington1), 9qdesire.harrington2 (harrington2), 11qharrington1 (harrington1), 9qharrington2 (harrington2), 11

rdesire (ddesire), 3realisticDF, 19rharrington1 (harrington1), 9rharrington2 (harrington2), 11

vdesire (ddesire), 3



vdesire.harrington1 (harrington1), 9vdesire.harrington2 (harrington2), 11vharrington1 (harrington1), 9vharrington2 (harrington2), 11
