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PACU Care in the ICU - nursingnetwork-groupdata.s3...

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PACU Care in the ICU SePA Conference 2012 Cathy Case MSN RN CPAN Amy Luckowski PhD(candidate) RN CCRN

PACU Care in the ICU

SePA Conference 2012 Cathy Case MSN RN CPAN

Amy Luckowski PhD(candidate) RN CCRN

Anesthesia Continuum p Awake p Minimal Sedation p Moderate Sedation p Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) p  Total IV Anesthesia (TIVA) p Regional Anesthesia p General Anesthesia

ASA Score p  I Healthy patient p  II Mild systemic diseases p  III Severe systemic diseases p  IV Severe systemic diseases – life

threatening p V Patient unlikely to survive p  E Emergency

Stages of Anesthesia p Stage 1 – stage of anesthesia & amnesia p Stage 2 – stage of delirium p Stage 3 – stage of surgical anesthesia p Stage 4 – cessation of respiration to

circulatory collapse

MAC and TIVA p Common Procedures

p Common Medication n  Midazolam (Versed) n  Propofol (Diprivan) n  Etomidate (Amidate) n  Fentanyl (Sublimaze) n  Ketamine

p Reversal agents n  Naloxone (Narcan) n  Fluzazenil (Romazicon)

p Recovery

n  Frequent vital signs with pulse ox n  Stir up regime

Regional Anesthesia: Spinal or Epidural p  Technique p Dermatomes and

Common landmarks p Sequence of spinal loss

and return of function

Pharmacology p  Esters

n  Procaine (Novacaine) n  Tetracaine (Potocaine)

p Amino-amides n  Prilocaine (Citanest) n  Lidocaine n  Bupivacaine (Marcaine, Sensorcaine) n  Ropivacaine (Noropin)

p Additives

Nursing Implications with Spinals/Epidurals p Hypotension

n  Fluids n  Raise legs n  Vasopressors

p  Neosynephrine (phenylephrine) p  Ephedrine Sulfate

p Bradycardia

Nursing Implications with Spinals/Epidurals – cont.

p Neurological complications n  Seizures, change in mental status n  Postdural puncture Headache

p Respiratory effects p Discharge afterwards

General Anesthesia p Mask p Airways

n  Endotracheal Tube n  LMA n  LMA Supreme

Inhaled Agents p Nitrous Oxide p Sevoflurane (Ultane) p Desflurane (Suprane) p  Isoflurane (Forane)

Neuromuscular Blocking p Muscle Relaxants p Action p  Two types

n  Depolarizing n  Nondepolarizing

p  Train of Four

Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants p Succinylcholine (Anectine)

n  Short acting 3-5 minutes n  No reversal but time

p  Pseudocholinesterase deficiency n  Different levels of deficiency n  Causes prolonged blockage n  May require ventilator support n  Maybe an ICU admission

Non-depolarizing Muscle Relaxants p Many agents

n  Rocurium (Zemuron) n  Vecuromium (Norcuron) n  Pancuronium (Pavulon) n  Nibex (Cisatracurium)

p Reversal Agents n  Neostigmine (Prostigmin) n  Glycopyrrolate (Robinul) or atropine

p Nursing Implications

Modified Aldrete Score p  Activity p  Respiration p  Circulation p  Consciousness p  Color or Oxygenation p  Dressing p  Pain p  Ambulation p  Fast feeding p  Urine output

Nursing Considerations p  Airway

n N/C n Humidified O2 mask n  Intubated n Adjunct airways n Chin lift

p Breathing

n Hypoventilation n Hypoxia n Laryngospasm

p Partial or complete spasm of vocal cords

p Risk: smoking, difficult intubation, COPD, vocal cord surgery

p Management

p Circulation Hypotension Hypertension Cardiac Dysrhythmias

p Dressings and Drains

p  Emergence Delirium n At risk: young, old, anxious n Associated with ketamine,

anticholinergics, barbituates, and benzodiazepines

n Other causes: hypoxia, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, and hypoventilation

n Tx: fix cause, sedation, reassurance

p  Glycemic control n Hyperglycemia increases postop

complications: p labile BP, p dysrhythmias and cardiac ischemia p infection p delayed wound healing

n BS goal

p  Hypothermia n  Less than 36° C (96.8° F) n  Adverse effects n  Shivering n  Forced air convection system n  Warm blankets

p  Malignant hyperthermia n Genetic disorder and hypermetabolic

response to inhalation agents n Triggers n S/S: muscle rigidity, HR, RR, end tidal

CO2, cyanosis, K, acidosis, and temp n Dantrolene sodium n 1-800-MH-HYPER

p Nausea: 10-50% n Causes

p Anesthesia p Opioids p Full stomach p Abdominal, head, and neck surgeries

n Adult risk factors p Female p Prior motion sickness or PONV p Nonsmoker p Use of peri-operative opioids

Nausea TX: p  Fluid replacement: 15-40 ml/kg p Antiemetics:

n  Ondansetron (Zofran) n  Inapsine (Droperidol) n  Prochlorperazine (Compazine) n  Promethazine (Phenergan) n  Metroclopromide (Reglan) n  Dexamethasone (Decadron) n  Scopolamine patch n  Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

p Pain control n Narcotics n Ketorolac n PCA n Epidural

n Surgical Care Prevention Project p DVT’s p Normothermic p Beta Blockers p Glucose control

