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Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1904-09...

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1 7- i I 1 I- h I 1S I J II k 5 t < lf 51 i j THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN ° I IUQU UXMM I lit For Dr Tendley ring 418 1 1Miss Oustls Smith Stenographer and notary public 118 South Fourth St School bookie school books R n Clement 4 Co have all the books to nil all grade Come this week and avoid Monday rush Mist Georgia Moxley Stenographer and Notary Public 12U 8 Fourth St both phone 431 Palmer Transfer Co ean furnish you with upto date firstclass livery rigs spirited horse for fancy driving Gentle horses for ladle Someone left a bicycle on Sixth near Hutband strwt Owner ran receive same by railing at U20 Sanders avenue The Y M C A football team just organized by Mr Clay Kldd export lo bold l ls first practice iftthe gymnasium 1 j tIll evening Other rlub williorltll tzcd al mme for lilt season and there will be noiiie livelyapart this fall Graduate of the Iaducah public schools will likely In a short lime I bo a taken Into moot of the big college and unlretsltle from present Indications without the examination heretofore re- i ijuired The University of Missouri anti J the Cliicagii university IAI already written Supt bits ami Principal Payne I expectedI followProf J n Smith and Prof R X openI net rullrge which will I IMS on the Third Hour of the llnudway building formerly lIotolon armory They expert to- e uien their school tomorrow morning Dr John Klngtlry of Greenville Ky hu accepted a Bullion a pharma tltt at the II n 1 Tliompion drugstore on Broadway He auecveda Dr Wallace Werner who has for the past year ron trmptatM returning to Pile former home In Murphynboro 111 to take charge of a drug store lie leaves this week to take lib new position The meeting of the promoters of the t Cairu Iadueahelectric railway to have ItpoolllI l I a few days on account thabn t of Civil Engineer W It Paul who I Is un able to attend VjcallrdiurUn of lile ltc1 Mea will be held Wednesday evening to re 4ive petition + oMirw member andre i vein committee reports Mr MI II Ilradley who It now able to get around again after 1 bring yirt In ti a runaway lot January hu accepted a position at tins I Pal Laity grocery at Ninth anti Trimble Irof1 M Route principal of the I IdngstalT nrhool who recently took an examination for a state teachers err Mttlf has received notice that he pass ed 1 ant received tiier rent one of the highest averages ever attained by a t + irtrktr in title roil of the state muncll hoMo its regular meet fTho evening with the usual amount I of butinrs on hand Nothing of unusual Importance so far as I Is known I to coma tip- ThU morning engtno Xo 42 was taken out of the Lops for a breaking In The engine bu Just been thoroughly tivrrhrfulrd and l Iaka like n new one he will be put to work on the cast end between Central City and Paducah In the freight service MIsMa Nora Dobbins and Malwl I Downs of the Facet Tennestee long dis lance exchange are on the ekk 111 The water company hu not yet flushed the fire hydrants but will do w- as rapidly as IMIlbl TIll filter ila wcrklng admirably- lnnls Kellar colored died at 410 North Third itrret of consumption and 1 the hotly was taken to Lexington Miss for burial The itrrrt car company I is nuking 4 4an improvement In the way of a new trolly wire on Broadway The wit will There Is No- Chance Furapescription brought into a our store to fall into Incompetent hand l D4 Every Clerk is a f fReglstd Pharmacist- And we are here lomeof ui all the timeearly and late night 1 IIand day meal time ai well Night bell at fide door 4 Druggists fifth toA Broadway eok tes 171 yj lie finished by tonight Most of the work wits done by linemen at night when thp crt were not running Lineman Joo Vane I U superintending the stringing of tie new wire Tills N I the first new wire strung on Broadway In ncveral years The now KnglMi theatre at HiMidcr Ion hat bern complete anti this evening will le opened for a Masonic relebra lion to be held there It In built lifter the Kentucky model Kerr and U one of the handsomest plnymu e In the tale It Will I 1m several days yet before the Palmer HOIIMI telephone system In tBfli room I it operating Thd switch bean lies not yet romp Tom Gaper white win arrested to day for wing drunk Ho was found lyI- ng in the street near Sixth anti hint wn unable to pet up tern lo the wife of Mr Walter In tram pf 8iO Adams street a fine girl baby Mss John J Dorlani private school IH again in scinlon The course Includes all the English branches stenography bookkeeping and Latin Uohii 0 to 1 1130 L m1 and 1 to 3 and 7to9pmA YS DEATHS Young Man From Cincinnati Uses in Hospital Two Former Kentuckian Die Over In Illinois Charles Walker white age IB died at the city hcspltal yeittorday morn ing of typhoid fever alter a three days IllntM He Rate bit occupation ai a laborer and worked on steamboats Illi homo was in Cincinnati and as nothing could be learned of his rela lives he will be burled In the pauper burial grounds II O anhalla former lien tuoklan but at the time of his death a resident of Brook port 111 died there a few days ago from blood > olsonlnR He had been up Tennoi see riser buying timber when blood poisoning developed and be died won after reaching homo The deceased was born at Eddy Till Ky In 1844 and leao > a wife and two none Chariot anti Frank Marshall The boilil wai at Brook port Mrs Mary Jane llonta aged 80 died at Urookport a few days ago and the remains were burled In Metrop olds She was born near Uopkinirlllr Ky Augnit 18 1834 and leaves two sons and three daughters ai follow George B flouts of Brookport 111 I W T flouts of Metropolis Julia R llolroan Albany Ore I Mary E Gal died Mt Uarmol and Jennie E Qsante Metropolis Ono brother J M Iliiodtll of St Louis inch one th ter Mrs Elmer Davis of Springflcld III also survive Mrs Mary Young aged 73 died at Little Cypress from general debility and the remains were yesterday borlo t I at Oakland Mrs Annie Power aged 31 died at 163S Broad itreet from childbirth The renmins were taken to Livingston countyyeitonlay for burial The Infant child of Mr and Mrs Monroe Bronston died at 711 Goebel l Avenue burial in the county yeiter day WITH THE SICrw Mr John Cubit tr jxirtcr on the News Democrat I is ill and unable to be on duty Mr Clay Lemon I Is substituting for him Mr W T Sexton the boilermaker holier II 111 at Ills home on Broadway- Mr G K Fields foreman of the local I L C wrecking crow It I on duty again lifter a several days Illness Dr P If Stewart was sick yesterday but I Is able to be out today his many friends will bo pleated to learn JOHN HANCOCK AND SAML ADAMS These wrre two agitator In Iknton- as Patrick Henry was In Virginia to help bring on the revolutionary war- Head their nxeclies in The Suns great olfcr NOTICE RKIUIiLICASS All members of the Roosevelt club are requested to bo present at their hall over Walker drug store tonight at 8 oclock p m Fifth and Broadway nail will bo open at 7i30 fly order of the President W J WHITE Secy PITTSBURGH COAL COMPANY Snubbed From Judge It I Is very warm today volunteered thin reporter to the society lady by way of opening the Interview a don care either ° amnit fIt deny f aslli i> SC sin ldat l 7 ra J l Xlfa 4I I AX ATLANTA WEDDING The Atlanta Constitution give the following amount of a wedding In which n young lady who has frequently visits In Paducah Will the brides One of the fiat of the fall wedding was that of Mis Rose White Htelnhagen and Mr Clarence Hhwwr which occurred yentenlay evening at the home of the brides parents Prof and Mss Rudolph Stelnhagen on Carnegie way The ceremony at Ci30 oclock wa very impressive Dr II S IIm llryomel atlnK and It was followed by a brief re- ception Iatm and goldenrod formed the principal deeoratlona In the house and on the porch which was enclosed for the occasion Music announced the hour for the ceremony Mr John Mullet singing with appropriate sentiment De Kovens01 Iromlec Me I before the en- trance of the bridal party and Dr J Lewis Ilrowne played the wedding march yv si1aUradley hail taken hi e I place Mr Illoiner entered with hl bent mail Mr John Dranham of Nashville and they were followed by Miss Jean- ette Campbell of Paducah Ky maid of f honor She wore a gown of whit olga crepe with a touch of yellow and sh bore an armful of bridesmaid rote The bide entered with her father s and hWill strikingly lovely In her toil ¬ ette of white the gown an exquisite creation of crepe de cheer and vales clenne I lace all fashioned with hand ¬ work The graceful veil was held iIn place by llllle of the valley and the bridal bouquet was of Side rows and ililles of the valley During the recep ¬ lion delirious refre > hment were served At the punch bowl Mr Florence Wald sister of the bride presided WILL MARRY I IX LOUISVILLE 11111 Cora Athby and Mr Leonard 8 Klaybecker will Iw married at Louis vllle Wednesday evening Sept 28th at the Chestnut street llaptltt church 1 It will be a green and white wedding and the church will be profusely decorated with foliage and white ribbon MU s Emma Klaybrcker titter of the bride groom will be the maid of honor Tlie bridesmaid will be Misses Florence Bee and Violet Rudy The best man will be Mr Adolph Koptneyer and the usher will be Will Kopmeyer Dr J C Lederer Arthur Reedier and Charles Drown Mr Kleyliecker I Is a brother of Ira Ulrich Ifcyer of Arcadia and I Inow located In Illrmlngham Ala where the couple will reside Mr Charles Slaughter wife and child an attending the worlds fair Mrs Alex Patton has returned from Cairo accompanied by her sister Mrs T I L LeeMr J M 1 Meacham and wife returned to Crofton Ky today after a visit to their son Mr Dudley Meacham of the Sun Mr Meacham Is marshal at Cro- ton 3111Altle Xolen who has been the vest of her sitter Mrs William V Jreen on North Eighth street returned to her home In Union City Tenn yes terday Mr and 1 Mrs W It Miller anti daugh ter Miss Addle and Miss Drench and Mr Roy Itallowe leave Thursday for the worlds fair Mrs E W Dochmoti has returned from the world fair Mr Charles Frederick and family are at the world fair Miss Pauline Roth lias returned from St LouisMrs Davis of Memphis and ins J N Hurto of Laurel Station la have gone to the worlds fair after visiting Mrs F 0 1 Davis who accompa nied them Mrs Linda Townsend has returned from the worlds fair Mrs Sue Anthony and Miss Hello Ollrlen have returned from Springfield Tenn Miss Owlnn Perkins has left for Mem phil to join her mother Mr Addle Per kinAlderman Gus Singleton and wife have returned from the worlds fair Mlste Flora and Lena Harris and brother Mr Julius HarrU have returned from the fair Miss Minnie Grlfllth line returnel from St Louis Mr John G Miller wife and niece Mils Margaret Miller have gone to Cri ler for a visit Mr Will Crow and wife have returned to their home In Italian county after visiting tin family of Captain James F CrowMr Richard Counts and wife of Springfield Tenn are visiting Mr and Mrs George Kreatzcr Miss Luella Smith has returned front visiting in St Louis and Mattoon III Mr George Poage hu returned from the worlds fair Miss Etlna Powley of Dale Tenn Is visiting Mrs J A Dickey City Treasurer John J Dorian has re- turned from the world fair Misses Louise Dryer and Katie Keeker ind MM Oeo Fryer will leave tbday for StvLouli to attend the fair arielsgnntPatixeah i I I visit Mrs Jennie Hldgeway Mayfield Messenger Miss Mattle Smith left at noon for Paducah where she will spend several days visiting her liter Mrs Tom Bourne MayAeld Monitor Mm 1 31 Reynold of Greenville Ky I to visiting Mr J11 Martin Mrs Reynolds had been attending the fair at St Louis and stopped over en route home Capt Jack Flynn and family passed through the tilt last evening en route from Martlntvllle id Where Capt Flynn has been taking the baths back to their home In Mississippi Juitlce R1 Barber Mrs Flynn father joined them here and went to Fulton returning lat nightMr George C Thompson president of the American German Xatlonal bank returned from St tools this morning Mr Wrn Kade went to hillside to look morning after hie mining interest this I Mlts Mamie Townsend lass returned from St Louis after attending the fair I Mr and Mrs Dixie Counts of Spring field Tenn and daughter Miss Eliza ¬ beth returned home at noon after II- I pleasant visit to Mrs Ceo Kreutzer Mr Llnnlus Orme returned from the south today at noon Cearyf visiting ducah returned home at noon today 0311se Mattie Reevea and Mary Wright of Mayfield accompanied by Misses Llllle and Ella Wright went to St Louis today at noon Miss Edna Hopkins left at noon for California to live She will locate in iuA Angles Miss Hopkins health has been bad of I late and she goes west to rtcover It Miss Norlne Harrison who has been vhlting her uncle Alderman GUI Single ton returned home to Clarksvllle today at noon Mr and Mrs Samuel Sugars went to St Louis today at noon to attend the fairMr and Mrs O F JdcReynoldi of Florida and Mist Mice Eakin of Birra Ingham Ala who have been visiting In the city returned home at noon today They will stop off at Cbukjvllle a few fill however on a visit Miss Sue Kirk went iia Louisville to day at noon for a few dava visit She will likely open a private school In Ia ducah when alto return3 Mrs J A Callovay and raM Ifrs Chas Fryer will leave tomorrow for a week stay at the worlds fair Muter Joel McXamara of Memphis Is visiting friends and relative In the city IS BETIBR PENNSYLVANIA MAN tHOUGHT liE WAS THE SAVIOR Isaac Uppenheimor came here say eras days ego from Tennisee river bridge where be bad been working and deposited 140 in a local bank Saturday niubt he was found stand ing about on tbe Street corniri preach ¬ log He said he was Jests Christ and that ho would shortly be crucified nod for the people to follow him Gad toe the tiling palled off right He wa locked up and gave the name of the Savior ai hie real name This morn log he laid he felt alright and that be was limply laboring under a ipell tbe lint he had had in four months He stated he lived In Erie Pa and bad been away from home tome time He was taken to tbe bank by a police ¬ man and hli money secured He stated be wonld go to Memphis from Padu ¬ cab tonight HEAD SEVERED TEXAN ASSASSINATED AND HIS DAUGHTERS ARRESTED FOR TUB CRIME Marlin Tex Sept IIIaat night C S Stuart commonly known III Red Stuart living In the western part of the county I while asleep on his gallery was assassinated his head being severed from his body with an ax The ax Will found lying by hla side lily head was a foot from lilt body Stuart was a widower and resided with his three girls who were spending the night away from home It I Is thought robbery was the motlw After being interrogated by County Attorney Carter and Sheriff Oreer two at Stuart daughters aged 13 and 15 were placed under arrest and released on a 1000 bond which was readily made THIRTYFIVE YEARS CHIEF JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT The great John Marshall held that great ofllce for that length of time U the great expounder of the constitution of the United States Read hoe speech l on Federal Constitution vol 1 States men and Orators- PITTSBURGH COAL COMPANY THE KENTUC NEARLY READY Captain James Koger wentto Jcffer sonvllle today to look jilter his boat Kentucky which will be turned out of tluulloward yards in three wubI The boitWlinrun betweVS KultuaVfid I Teaae7ee IWir WR1Io an = t j nra I The price ot adlln thu column I ts u follows I Insertion te a word I consecutive Insertions to a word 6 Consecutive Insertions lo a word- S Consecutive insertions 4o a word U Consecutive Insertion Co a word M Consecutive Insertions lie a word Ads In this column must be accompanied bj the cash ALWAYS as no ad wlU be charged Advertisements in Tips fo get the benefit of the above prloei mast be accompanied by the oath k list your cook left you these hot days r If 10 an ad In the Sun win bring you anotherP- ITTSBURGH COAL COMPANY FOR SALE Jonquil bulbs 1335 Trimble street WANTED Washerwoman Apply 90S Clark tract Tuesday morning FOR BALESteel range and heat- ing store 1033 Monroe street Dalton will make your fill suit Pay him 200 per week 308 Broad ¬ way FOR SALE New Century type ¬ writer used only slightly 05 Ad dress R this office WANTEDTo rent a desirable flat of four or live rooms Address D T 8 care Sun FOR S ALE Nlee stock of jrooerii i For further information apply 133 South Third itreet WANTED Two day boarder young men preferred Apply at 610 Washington street FOR RENTTwo unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping 783 South Third stree- tWANTEDA delivery boy with wheel Address giving age and itreet number P O Box 74 FOR RENT Seven room cottage 803 Kentucky Avenue George Lang staffWANTEDYoung man about 17 years old to learn good business with a large Broadway afore Apply this onceWANTEDCook to travel with ttlcei Show float Apply Tuesday morning at foot of Broadway Woman preferred i Whittemore Real Estate Free Price List Insurance Notary Pub Ida Fraternity Buildings Phones 83S THREE QUARTERS of a million dollars for widows and orphans of Paducah 1hati what the Golden Grots meant SITUATION WANTEDBY thor roghly competent stenographer and amanuensis Six years Chicago ex plerience Miss Powell 918 Broad wayLOSTF O E Corilcana 100 pin between tbo New Richmond Hotel and Lagomarslnoa Return to Sam T Meyer Now Richmond and receive reward LOST One Sterling wheel on Third and Broadway Saturday night back rim li cracked stitched up with wire Return to 631 North Twelfth street and get reward PADUOAH CAMPNo 11813 Modern Woodmen of America meets corner Fifth and Broadway on the Brit and third Monday nights in each month LOST HoliteinJeriey cow brown back Jersey itrlpe down back borne crooked a little doable clothes line around her neck Reward of f 5 will be paid for rotor to Mrs Kotheimer 1011 Broaway- WANTEDMen to learn Barber Trade Special Inducements to dii tant applicants Splendid demand for graduate Top wages paid Few weeks complete Can nearly earn expenses before completing Cata ¬ logue mailed free Moler Barber Col lego Ht Louis Ma- WANTEDTwelve bookkeepenand stenographers honest and reliable will known In the oity who want a business of their own that does not Interfere with their present occupa ¬ ton Only small Investment cecei nary and safe ai a bank Profit guar- anteed ¬ Address 13 Departments care of Son PITTSBURGH COAL COMPANYI OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTORS II roshavmoney t ° Urt t la a l lrlllI mtnufscturlor propoililon call 1 1l lh Mcrfen tUsler llortoa JUtkci Mtchlnt Gos Itc torjr In your own city ol Fuducsh Ky and Its the wm t befog wrntd out I nsw a tulle over lOUOO skirts of this com Mil at te per share tar ftco TioitmnstMs opportunlr kut writ st once btfcmthls lot Is all sold ottiaad tilt price Mrtaccs n WMto MlllH AVDH Nsw Ysrk Cly Sr 7 XJV > 50 CENTS A WEEK BUYS A HEATING STOVE t Harts But Hart does Dot advocate that plan as he I 4 does not believe man should pauperize himself aid family by paying enormous installment 9 t prices There is no business sense in that Any honest mans credit is good at Harts for a stove on regular terms at Harts small t profit pri- cesHart t Wants to Live a andwants you to live also and save some thing for the babies Hence Harts Low Prices on all of Harts famous line of Great Heating Stoves Selected very carfully they are every one Top Notch Heaing Stoves at price to your interest L CEO O HARTS SONS CO 1 Theatrical Notes The Frank Dudley Company one of I the best on the road opens a weeks engagement at the Kentucky tonight Mr Harry Miller Cunningham the well known local musician I Is still working on original compositions and by nut summer will have composed ram rota of waltzes and matches Mr OnnnlnRbara this summer com ¬ pored several pretty waltzes and marches two of which were arranged by Herbert Clark the famous cornet tea and the late marches Mr Olin ¬ ningham ii arranging himself He intends to have composed and ar ranged several dozen compositions by summer when an entire programme of Onnnlnghami stuff ai his band 1 comrades call it will be played by Deans band Prof Deals Orchestra will tonight t Inaugurate its season at the Kentucky theater It will play during the wee for the Dudley Company which open I thii evening The lint one night stand play f the season at The Kentucky will Rlobard Carle in The Tenderfoot on the evening of Thursday toe 29th Dummy Hughe today signed a con- tract ¬ with the Iaducah management to next season to play first base for the Indians Hughes I Is the right kind of first baseman hitting as well as fielding and he tins been recognized the best In the league Hughe says lie likes Padu ¬ ail and will report next season earl He will go home to Louisville tonight ABILLNA AbllenA U natural water It hold in solution salts dissolved from oat ¬ ural deposits in the earth It is Na- ture cnthartlc compound a natur ¬ al mineral water Mineral waters are recognized everywhere as the roost efficient as well MR tbe ledlln jurlous cathartic AbllenA I is the bee mlutral water on the American market Ill I li The American Natural Cathartic The ill > coverv of AbilenA was a simple revelation of nature For a long time a ter the first well was dug the water being unfit for domestic purposes was nut used at all Practical less afterward die ¬ closed its medicinal properties and the report of Its virtue was rapidly disseminated Finally Eeviral chew lat analyzed the water and the reo suits manifested its great theraoeu tic value and prelnJicated is future renown Sold only by McPhersonsDrug i bil1 FRESHI I TO BEAUTIFY YOUR COMPLEXIONI- N 10 DAYS U- SESATIIMOLrA THE UMEOUtIIEO IEtUTIFlEN A PEW applications will remove tan or saDowEesi and restore the beauty of youth gorr I money will be refunded if PlmplfLiver asset Eruptions Ordinary sun in lo t dayi the wont in 30 days After these 1 detect are removed the skin will ba ksoft clear and beautiful Price so cents at drug stores or by mall Thousands of ladle testlfyto the merits of Satinola Will Units Miller wrtttrUTyt S C- Ant 9 1904 I am delighted with the reollt itbe i potltlttlr remore Irtcklet and clue the corn pinion One of my iritndt has red It tad I Is reef entbuttstUc PHONAL 1 I ILElCO1 Paris Tin Dur + Worlds Fair Rooms yEst Naffitt AT M t LHS 76 cents per day with hath Take Cats Ave ear north on Seventh it- T AI PYLE tc t THE KENTUCKY xsssgI UuII ILI WEEK OF- SEPTEMBER 1924 Matinees Wednesday f and Saturday W Dick Harrison offer DUDLEYthe and company superlative in productions ¬ deville Monday nights finBen PRICESw 10 20 30 and 50c rightwith ifprcHiedbe y SEATS ARF NOW W SALE 7 wit ti x
Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1904-09 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15t883q/data/0552.pdf · 1 7-iI 1 I-h 1SI I J 5 II k t






1S IJII k5 t<lf51

i j




For Dr Tendley ring 418

11Miss Oustls Smith Stenographerand notary public 118 South Fourth St

School bookie school books R nClement 4 Co have all the books to

nil all grade Come this week and

avoid Monday rushMist Georgia Moxley Stenographer

and Notary Public 12U 8 Fourth Stboth phone 431

Palmer Transfer Co ean furnishyou with upto date firstclass livery

rigs spirited horse for fancy drivingGentle horses for ladle

Someone left a bicycle on Sixth near

Hutband strwt Owner ran receivesame by railing at U20 Sanders avenue

The Y M C A football team justorganized by Mr Clay Kldd export lobold lls first practice iftthe gymnasium

1j tIll evening Other rlub williorltll

tzcd al mme for lilt season and therewill be noiiie livelyapart this fall

Graduate of the Iaducah publicschools will likely In a short lime Ibo

a taken Into moot of the big college and

unlretsltle from present Indications

without the examination heretofore re-

ii ijuired The University of Missouri anti

J the Cliicagii university IAI alreadywritten Supt bits ami Principal Payne


J n Smith and Prof R XopenInet rullrge which will IIMS on the ThirdHour of the llnudway building formerlylIotolon armory They expert to-

e uien their school tomorrow morningDr John Klngtlry of Greenville

Ky hu accepted a Bullion a pharmatltt at the II n1 Tliompion drugstore onBroadway He auecveda Dr WallaceWerner who has for the past year rontrmptatM returning to Pile former homeIn Murphynboro 111 to take charge of

a drug store lie leaves this week totake lib new position

The meeting of the promoters of thet Cairu Iadueahelectric railway to haveItpoolllIlI a few days on account thabnt

of Civil Engineer W It Paul who IIs unable to attend

VjcallrdiurUn of lile ltc1 Meawill be held Wednesday evening to re4ive petition + oMirw member andreivein committee reports

Mr MI II Ilradley who It now ableto get around again after 1bring yirt In

ti a runaway lot January hu accepted aposition at tins IPal Laity grocery atNinth anti Trimble

Irof1 M Route principal of theI IdngstalT nrhool who recently took an

examination for a state teachers errMttlf has received notice that he passed1 ant received tiier rent one of thehighest averages ever attained by at + irtrktr in title roil of the state

muncll hoMo its regular meetfTho evening with the usual amountI of butinrs on hand Nothing of unusual

Importance so far as IIs known I tocoma tip-

ThU morning engtno Xo 42 wastaken out of the Lops for a breaking InThe engine bu Just been thoroughlytivrrhrfulrd and lIaka like n new onehe will be put to work on the cast end

between Central City and Paducah In

the freight serviceMIsMa Nora Dobbins and Malwl

I Downs of the Facet Tennestee long dislance exchange are on the ekk 111

The water company hu not yetflushed the fire hydrants but will do w-

as rapidly as IMIlbl TIll filter ila

wcrklng admirably-lnnls Kellar colored died at 410

North Third itrret of consumption and1 the hotly was taken to Lexington Miss

for burialThe itrrrt car company Iis nuking

44an improvement In the way of a new

trolly wire on Broadway The wit will


Is No-


Furapescription brought intoa

our store to fall into Incompetenthand

l D4

Every Clerk is a

ffReglstd Pharmacist-

And we are here lomeof ui allthe timeearly and late night

1IIand day meal time ai wellNight bell at fide door


Druggists fifth toA Broadway

eok tes 171 yj

lie finished by tonight Most of the workwits done by linemen at night when thpcrt were not running Lineman JooVane IU superintending the stringing oftie new wire Tills NI the first new wirestrung on Broadway In ncveral years

The now KnglMi theatre at HiMidcrIon hat bern complete anti this eveningwill le opened for a Masonic relebralion to be held there It In built lifterthe Kentucky model Kerr and U one ofthe handsomest plnymu e In the tale

It Will I1m several days yet beforethe Palmer HOIIMI telephone system IntBfli room Iit operating Thd switchbean lies not yet romp

Tom Gaper white win arrested today for wing drunk Ho was found lyI-

ng in the street near Sixth anti hintwn unable to pet up

tern lo the wife of Mr Walter Intram pf 8iO Adams street a fine girlbaby

Mss John J Dorlani privateschool IH again in scinlon The courseIncludes all the English branchesstenography bookkeeping and LatinUohii 0 to 11130 L m1 and 1 to 3 and


Young Man From CincinnatiUses in Hospital

Two Former Kentuckian Die Over

In Illinois

Charles Walker white age IB diedat the city hcspltal yeittorday morning of typhoid fever alter a three daysIllntM He Rate bit occupation ai alaborer and worked on steamboatsIlli homo was in Cincinnati and asnothing could be learned of his relalives he will be burled In the pauperburial grounds

II O anhalla former lientuoklan but at the time of his deatha resident of Brook port 111 diedthere a few days ago from blood

>olsonlnR He had been up Tennoisee riser buying timber when bloodpoisoning developed and be diedwon after reaching homo

The deceased was born at EddyTill Ky In 1844 and leao > a wifeand two none Chariot anti FrankMarshall The boilil wai at Brook


Mrs Mary Jane llonta aged 80

died at Urookport a few days ago andthe remains were burled In Metropolds She was born near UopkinirlllrKy Augnit 18 1834 and leaves twosons and three daughters ai followGeorge B flouts of Brookport 111 I

W T flouts of Metropolis Julia Rllolroan Albany Ore I Mary E Galdied Mt Uarmol and Jennie EQsante Metropolis Ono brother JM Iliiodtll of St Louis inch one thter Mrs Elmer Davis of SpringflcldIII also survive

Mrs Mary Young aged 73 died atLittle Cypress from general debilityand the remains were yesterday borlotI

at Oakland

Mrs Annie Power aged 31 diedat 163S Broad itreet from childbirthThe renmins were taken to Livingstoncountyyeitonlay for burial

The Infant child of Mr and MrsMonroe Bronston died at 711 Goebell

Avenue burial in the county yeiterday

WITH THE SICrwMr John Cubit tr jxirtcr on the News

Democrat Iis ill and unable to be on

duty Mr Clay Lemon IIs substitutingfor him

Mr W T Sexton the boilermakerholier II 111 at Ills home on Broadway-

Mr G K Fields foreman of the localIL C wrecking crow ItI on duty again

lifter a several days IllnessDr P If Stewart was sick yesterday

but IIs able to be out today his manyfriends will bo pleated to learn


These wrre two agitator In Iknton-

as Patrick Henry was In Virginia to

help bring on the revolutionary war-

Head their nxeclies in The Suns greatolfcr

NOTICE RKIUIiLICASSAll members of the Roosevelt club are

requested to bo present at their hallover Walker drug store tonight at 8

oclock p m Fifth and Broadway nailwill bo open at 7i30

fly order of the PresidentW J WHITE Secy


SnubbedFrom Judge

It IIs very warm today volunteeredthin reporter to the society lady by way

of opening the Interviewa don care either ° amnit fIt deny

f aslli i>SC sinldatl 7ra


lXlfa 4II

AX ATLANTA WEDDINGThe Atlanta Constitution give the

following amount of a wedding In whichn young lady who has frequently visitsIn Paducah Will the brides

One of the fiat of the fall weddingwas that of Mis Rose White Htelnhagenand Mr Clarence Hhwwr which occurredyentenlay evening at the home of thebrides parents Prof and Mss RudolphStelnhagen on Carnegie way

The ceremony at Ci30 oclock wavery impressive Dr II S IIm llryomelatlnK and It was followed by a brief re-

ception Iatm and goldenrod formedthe principal deeoratlona In the houseand on the porch which was enclosedfor the occasion Music announced thehour for the ceremony Mr John Mulletsinging with appropriate sentiment DeKovens01 Iromlec MeI before the en-

trance of the bridal party and Dr JLewis Ilrowne played the weddingmarch

yvsi1aUradley hail taken hi eI

place Mr Illoiner entered with hl bentmail Mr John Dranham of Nashvilleand they were followed by Miss Jean-ette Campbell of Paducah Ky maid offhonor She wore a gown of whit olgacrepe with a touch of yellow and shbore an armful of bridesmaid rote

The bide entered with her father s

and hWill strikingly lovely In her toil ¬

ette of white the gown an exquisitecreation of crepe de cheer and valesclenne Ilace all fashioned with hand ¬

work The graceful veil was held iIn

place by llllle of the valley and thebridal bouquet was of Side rows andililles of the valley During the recep ¬

lion delirious refre > hment were servedAt the punch bowl Mr Florence Waldsister of the bride presided

WILL MARRY IIX LOUISVILLE11111 Cora Athby and Mr Leonard 8

Klaybecker will Iw married at Louisvllle Wednesday evening Sept 28th atthe Chestnut street llaptltt church 1Itwill be a green and white wedding andthe church will be profusely decoratedwith foliage and white ribbon MU s

Emma Klaybrcker titter of the bridegroom will be the maid of honor Tliebridesmaid will be Misses Florence Beeand Violet Rudy The best man will beMr Adolph Koptneyer and the usherwill be Will Kopmeyer Dr J C LedererArthur Reedier and Charles Drown

Mr Kleyliecker IIs a brother of IraUlrich Ifcyer of Arcadia and IInowlocated In Illrmlngham Ala where thecouple will reside

Mr Charles Slaughter wife and childan attending the worlds fair

Mrs Alex Patton has returned fromCairo accompanied by her sister Mrs TIL

LeeMrJ M1 Meacham and wife returned

to Crofton Ky today after a visit totheir son Mr Dudley Meacham of theSun Mr Meacham Is marshal at Cro-

ton3111Altle Xolen who has been the

vest of her sitter Mrs William VJreen on North Eighth street returnedto her home In Union City Tenn yesterday

Mr and1 Mrs W It Miller anti daughter Miss Addle and Miss Drench andMr Roy Itallowe leave Thursday for theworlds fair

Mrs E W Dochmoti has returned fromthe world fair

Mr Charles Frederick and family areat the world fair

Miss Pauline Roth lias returned fromSt

LouisMrsDavis of Memphis and

ins J N Hurto of Laurel Stationla have gone to the worlds fair aftervisiting Mrs F 01 Davis who accompanied them

Mrs Linda Townsend has returnedfrom the worlds fair

Mrs Sue Anthony and Miss HelloOllrlen have returned from SpringfieldTenn

Miss Owlnn Perkins has left for Memphil to join her mother Mr Addle Per

kinAldermanGus Singleton and wife have

returned from the worlds fairMlste Flora and Lena Harris and

brother Mr Julius HarrU have returnedfrom the fair

Miss Minnie Grlfllth line returnel fromSt Louis

Mr John G Miller wife and nieceMils Margaret Miller have gone to Criler for a visit

Mr Will Crow and wife have returnedto their home In Italian county aftervisiting tin family of Captain James F


Richard Counts and wife ofSpringfield Tenn are visiting Mr andMrs George Kreatzcr

Miss Luella Smith has returned frontvisiting in St Louis and Mattoon III

Mr George Poage hu returned fromthe worlds fair

Miss Etlna Powley of Dale Tenn Isvisiting Mrs J A Dickey

City Treasurer John J Dorian has re-

turned from the world fairMisses Louise Dryer and Katie Keeker

ind MM Oeo Fryer will leave tbday forStvLouli to attend the fair

arielsgnntPatixeahi I I

visit Mrs Jennie Hldgeway MayfieldMessenger

Miss Mattle Smith left at noon forPaducah where she will spend severaldays visiting her liter Mrs TomBourne MayAeld Monitor

Mm 1 31 Reynold of GreenvilleKy Ito visiting Mr J11 Martin MrsReynolds had been attending the fair atSt Louis and stopped over en routehome

Capt Jack Flynn and family passedthrough the tilt last evening en routefrom Martlntvllle id Where CaptFlynn has been taking the baths back totheir home In Mississippi Juitlce R1Barber Mrs Flynn father joined themhere and went to Fulton returning latnightMr

George C Thompson president ofthe American German Xatlonal bankreturned from St tools this morning

Mr Wrn Kade went to hillside tolookmorning

after hie mining interest this I

Mlts Mamie Townsend lass returnedfrom St Louis after attending the fair I

Mr and Mrs Dixie Counts of Springfield Tenn and daughter Miss Eliza ¬

beth returned home at noon after II-

I pleasant visit to Mrs Ceo KreutzerMr Llnnlus Orme returned from the

south today at noonCearyfvisitingducah returned home at noon today

0311se Mattie Reevea and MaryWright of Mayfield accompanied byMisses Llllle and Ella Wright went toSt Louis today at noon

Miss Edna Hopkins left at noon forCalifornia to live She will locate iiniuA Angles Miss Hopkins health hasbeen bad of Ilate and she goes west tortcover It

Miss Norlne Harrison who has beenvhlting her uncle Alderman GUI Singleton returned home to Clarksvllle todayat noon

Mr and Mrs Samuel Sugars went toSt Louis today at noon to attend the

fairMrand Mrs O F JdcReynoldi of

Florida and Mist Mice Eakin of BirraIngham Ala who have been visiting Inthe city returned home at noon todayThey will stop off at Cbukjvllle a few

fill however on a visitMiss Sue Kirk went iia Louisville to

day at noon for a few dava visit Shewill likely open a private school In Iaducah when alto return3

Mrs J A Callovay and raM IfrsChas Fryer will leave tomorrow for aweek stay at the worlds fair

Muter Joel McXamara of Memphis Is

visiting friends and relative In the city



Isaac Uppenheimor came here sayeras days ego from Tennisee riverbridge where be bad been working anddeposited 140 in a local bank

Saturday niubt he was found standing about on tbe Street corniri preach ¬

log He said he was Jests Christand that ho would shortly be crucifiednod for the people to follow him Gadtoe the tiling palled off right He walocked up and gave the name of theSavior ai hie real name This mornlog he laid he felt alright and that bewas limply laboring under a ipelltbe lint he had had in four monthsHe stated he lived In Erie Pa andbad been away from home tome timeHe was taken to tbe bank by a police ¬

man and hli money secured He statedbe wonld go to Memphis from Padu ¬

cab tonight




Marlin Tex Sept IIIaat nightC S Stuart commonly known III RedStuart living In the western part of thecountyI while asleep on his gallery wasassassinated his head being severedfrom his body with an ax The ax Willfound lying by hla side lily head was afoot from lilt body

Stuart was a widower and residedwith his three girls who were spendingthe night away from home

It IIs thought robbery was the motlwAfter being interrogated by County

Attorney Carter and Sheriff Oreer twoat Stuart daughters aged 13 and 15were placed under arrest and released ona 1000 bond which was readily made


The great John Marshall held thatgreat ofllce for that length of time Uthe great expounder of the constitutionof the United States Read hoe speechlon Federal Constitution vol 1 Statesmen and Orators-


THE KENTUCNEARLY READYCaptain James Koger wentto Jcffer

sonvllle today to look jilter his boatKentucky which will be turned out

of tluulloward yards in three wubIThe boitWlinrun betweVS KultuaVfid I

Teaae7eeIWir WR1Io an =t j


The price ot adlln thu column Its u followsI Insertion te a wordI consecutive Insertions to a word6 Consecutive Insertions lo a word-S Consecutive insertions 4o a word

U Consecutive Insertion Co a wordM Consecutive Insertions lie a word

Ads In this column must be accompanied bjthe cash ALWAYS as no ad wlU be charged

Advertisements in Tips fo get thebenefit of the above prloei mast be

accompanied by the oath k

list your cook left you these hotdays r If 10 an ad In the Sun winbring you anotherP-


FOR SALE Jonquil bulbs 1335

Trimble street

WANTED Washerwoman Apply90S Clark tract Tuesday morning

FOR BALESteel range and heat-

ing store 1033 Monroe street

Dalton will make your fill suitPay him 200 per week 308 Broad ¬


FOR SALE New Century type ¬

writer used only slightly 05 Address R this office

WANTEDTo rent a desirable flatof four or live rooms Address D T8 care Sun

FOR S ALE Nlee stock of jrooerii iFor further information apply 133South Third itreet

WANTED Two day boarderyoung men preferred Apply at 610Washington street

FOR RENTTwo unfurnishedrooms for light housekeeping 783South Third stree-

tWANTEDA delivery boy withwheel Address giving age and itreetnumber P O Box 74

FOR RENT Seven room cottage803 Kentucky Avenue George Lang

staffWANTEDYoungman about 17

years old to learn good business witha large Broadway afore Apply this

onceWANTEDCookto travel with

ttlcei Show float Apply Tuesdaymorning at foot of Broadway Womanpreferred i

Whittemore Real Estate FreePrice List Insurance Notary PubIda Fraternity Buildings Phones83S

THREE QUARTERS of a milliondollars for widows and orphans ofPaducah 1hati what the GoldenGrots meant

SITUATION WANTEDBY thorroghly competent stenographer andamanuensis Six years Chicago explerience Miss Powell 918 Broad

wayLOSTFO E Corilcana 100

pin between tbo New RichmondHotel and Lagomarslnoa Return toSam T Meyer Now Richmond andreceive reward

LOST One Sterling wheel on Thirdand Broadway Saturday night backrim li cracked stitched up withwire Return to 631 North Twelfthstreet and get reward

PADUOAH CAMPNo 11813Modern Woodmen of America meetscorner Fifth and Broadway on theBrit and third Monday nights in eachmonth

LOST HoliteinJeriey cow brownback Jersey itrlpe down back bornecrooked a little doable clothes linearound her neck Reward of f5 willbe paid for rotor to Mrs Kotheimer1011 Broaway-

WANTEDMen to learn BarberTrade Special Inducements to diitant applicants Splendid demand forgraduate Top wages paid Fewweeks complete Can nearly earnexpenses before completing Cata ¬

logue mailed free Moler Barber Collego Ht Louis Ma-

WANTEDTwelve bookkeepenandstenographers honest and reliablewill known In the oity who want abusiness of their own that does notInterfere with their present occupa ¬

ton Only small Investment ceceinary and safe ai a bank Profit guar-


Address 13 Departments careof Son


OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTORSII roshavmoney t° Urt t la a llrlllImtnufscturlor propoililon call11l lh Mcrfen

tUsler llortoa JUtkci Mtchlnt Gos Itctorjr In your own city ol Fuducsh Ky and Itsthe wm t befog wrntd out

I nsw a tulle over lOUOO skirts of this comMil at te per share tar ftcoTioitmnstMs opportunlr kut writ st once

btfcmthls lot Is all sold ottiaad tilt priceMrtaccsn WMto MlllH AVDH Nsw Ysrk ClySr 7 XJV




t HartsBut Hart does Dot advocate that plan as he I 4

does not believe man should pauperize himself

aid family by paying enormous installment 9 tprices There is no business sense in thatAny honest mans credit is good at Harts for

a stove on regular terms at Harts small t

profit pri-cesHart


Wants toLive a

andwants you to live also and save something for the babies

Hence Harts Low Priceson all of Harts famous line of

Great Heating StovesSelected very carfully they are every one TopNotch Heaing Stoves at price to your interest



Theatrical Notes

The Frank Dudley Company one ofI the best on the road opens a weeksengagement at the Kentucky tonight

Mr Harry Miller Cunningham thewell known local musician IIs stillworking on original compositions andby nut summer will have composedram rota of waltzes and matchesMr OnnnlnRbara this summer com ¬

pored several pretty waltzes andmarches two of which were arrangedby Herbert Clark the famous cornettea and the late marches Mr Olin ¬

ningham ii arranging himself Heintends to have composed and arranged several dozen compositions bysummer when an entire programmeof Onnnlnghami stuff ai his band1

comrades call it will be played by

Deans band

Prof Deals Orchestra will tonighttInaugurate its season at the Kentuckytheater It will play during the weefor the Dudley Company which openI

thii evening

The lint one night stand play f

the season at The Kentucky willRlobard Carle in The Tenderfooton the evening of Thursday toe 29th

Dummy Hughe today signed a con-


with the Iaducah management tonext season to play first base for theIndians Hughes IIs the right kind offirst baseman hitting as well as fieldingand he tins been recognized the best Inthe league Hughe says lie likes Padu ¬

ail and will report next season earlHe will go home to Louisville tonight


AbllenA U natural water It holdin solution salts dissolved from oat ¬

ural deposits in the earth It is Na-ture cnthartlc compound a natur ¬

al mineral water Mineral watersare recognized everywhere as theroost efficient as well MR tbe ledllnjurlous cathartic AbllenA Iis thebee mlutral water on the Americanmarket IllIli The American NaturalCathartic The ill > coverv of AbilenAwas a simple revelation of natureFor a long time a ter the first wellwas dug the water being unfit fordomestic purposes was nut used atall Practical less afterward die ¬

closed its medicinal properties andthe report of Its virtue was rapidlydisseminated Finally Eeviral chewlat analyzed the water and the reosuits manifested its great theraoeutic value and prelnJicated is futurerenown Sold only by





N 10 DAYS U-


A PEW applications will remove tanor saDowEesi and restore thebeauty of youthgorrI

money will be refunded ifPlmplfLiverasset Eruptions Ordinary sun in lo


dayi the wont in 30 days After these 1

detect are removed the skin will baksoft clear and beautiful Price so cents

at drug stores or by mall Thousandsof ladle testlfyto the merits of Satinola

Will Units Miller wrtttrUTyt S C-

Ant 9 1904 I am delighted with the reolltitbei

potltlttlr remore Irtcklet and clue the cornpinion One of my iritndt has red It tad IIsreef entbuttstUc

PHONAL 1 IILElCO1 Paris TinDur +

Worlds Fair RoomsyEst Naffitt AT Mt LHS

76 cents per day with hath TakeCats Ave ear north on Seventh it-




SEPTEMBER 1924Matinees Wednesday f

and SaturdayW Dick Harrison offer

DUDLEYtheand company superlativeinproductions ¬

deville Monday nightsfinBenPRICESw10 20 30 and 50crightwithifprcHiedbe y


7wit ti x
