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Page 1 AstrolDeluxe Child Report for Britney Spears Courtesy of: Your Name Here, 123 S. Maple St., Anytown, WI 51234 -- 1-555-123-4567 Britney Spears Wednesday, December 02, 1981 1:30:00 AM Source: Barry Street, London astrol./A Mahon, Mississippi Time Zone: 06:00 (CST) Longitude: 089° W 30' 55" Latitude: 34° N 48' 53" INTRODUCTION This is an Astro-Analysis based on the exact time, date, and place of birth calculated on the details supplied. It is not intended to predict a budding mega-star or a future world leader - the objective is to provide some insights into the psyche of Britney to give everyone concerned a better chance of understanding, and hopefully helping this special child through the difficult growing times that they will face. The astrological Chart is a little like a jigsaw puzzle without the benefit of a picture to follow. Some pieces are easy to recognize and they fit together beautifully. Another batch might fit well - but seem unrelated to the first "batch". Several straggly bits probably seem to belong to another world altogether, but that is the human psyche. The depths are immeasurable with many, many forms, faces, and dimensions. Any Astrological chart will have seemingly several contradictions - again - just like human nature and our psychological make-up. But these apparent differences are all shades, shapes, and forms of the full picture. These "contradictions" should be seen as a balancing factor, knocking some of the edges off our sharp corners or, sharpening up the "softness" in the areas defined. It should also be recognized that all of us have our own very personal lessons to learn in this life and these lessons unfold throughout the span of our entire life on earth. The learning experiences will not be systematic - they will be random episodes and experiences. Some interpretations of this Chart will give a glimpse of these very personal lessons that are an obvious part of this little ones' character. Others may be so private or subtle that the child "learns" all by itself. And then there will be further lessons that will not have emerged or even seem significant yet.

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Courtesy of: Your Name Here, 123 S. Maple St., Anytown, WI 51234 -- 1-555-123-4567

Britney SpearsWednesday, December 02, 1981 1:30:00 AM

Source: Barry Street, London astrol./AMahon, Mississippi

Time Zone: 06:00 (CST)Longitude: 089° W 30' 55"

Latitude: 34° N 48' 53"


This is an Astro-Analysis based on the exact time, date, and place of birth calculated onthe details supplied.

It is not intended to predict a budding mega-star or a future world leader - the objectiveis to provide some insights into the psyche of Britney to give everyone concerned abetter chance of understanding, and hopefully helping this special child through thedifficult growing times that they will face.

The astrological Chart is a little like a jigsaw puzzle without the benefit of a picture tofollow. Some pieces are easy to recognize and they fit together beautifully. Anotherbatch might fit well - but seem unrelated to the first "batch". Several straggly bitsprobably seem to belong to another world altogether, but that is the human psyche. Thedepths are immeasurable with many, many forms, faces, and dimensions.

Any Astrological chart will have seemingly several contradictions - again - just likehuman nature and our psychological make-up. But these apparent differences are allshades, shapes, and forms of the full picture. These "contradictions" should be seen asa balancing factor, knocking some of the edges off our sharp corners or, sharpening upthe "softness" in the areas defined.

It should also be recognized that all of us have our own very personal lessons to learnin this life and these lessons unfold throughout the span of our entire life on earth. Thelearning experiences will not be systematic - they will be random episodes andexperiences. Some interpretations of this Chart will give a glimpse of these verypersonal lessons that are an obvious part of this little ones' character. Others may be soprivate or subtle that the child "learns" all by itself. And then there will be further lessonsthat will not have emerged or even seem significant yet.

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It is hoped that the brief explanations throughout this analysis will help to explain themeanings and terminology of basic Astrology to give as much understanding aspossible.

The two most valuable things that we can give to any child are our unconditional loveand our time.


The following passages give a comprehensive summary of the character traits of thischild and a brief description of each section explains the specifics. It has been keptsimple deliberately because, as mentioned in the introduction. Astrology is a complexsubject, and the intention is to clarify, not confuse.

Included are:

The Ascendant

The Sun, the Moon and the planets in the Signs and the Houses

The major aspects

The Balance of the Elements and Modalities

The strongest Signs, Houses and Planets

Nothing is quite like having a Chart done on a "one-to-one" basis, but this enormouselectronic age has opened the way for anyone who is interested to have a closer look atthis ancient science and benefit from its wisdom.

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Planets in Signs and Houses

Libra Ascendant

The Ascendant is the exact degree in the zodiac, which was rising on the horizon at thetime of birth. The term Ascendant and Rising sign are the same. Every 4 minutes the

degree of the Ascendant changes. This is why it is so important to know the exact timeof birth. This is the starting point of the astrological wheel and defines the signs on each

house cusp in an anti-clockwise direction.The actual houses and their meanings are just as important as the signs on the cusp.

The sign of the Ascendant is as important as the Sun sign, and its effects are oftenmore obvious to other people. The Ascendant represents how the personality appearsto others. Each sign has its own potential strengths, which should be developed, and

weaknesses, which should be minimized through understanding.Britney may run into problems if the rising sign is quite different in nature from the Sun

sign. There will be conflict between an element of the inner self and the projectedimage. So, if any recurring social problems do occur, it is necessary to look within.

The Ascendant in the chart is very important. It indicates the ways in which we interactwith the world around us, the energies we put out, and the energies we receive from

others.Aspects to the Ascendant indicate what kinds of interaction we experience with others,the impressions we make on people, and the areas of our life that most involve other

people. Often these aspects tell us about ourselves.

The Ascendant or Rising sign of this chart for Britney is in the sign of Libra - thepeacemaker, the arbitrator - the diplomatic. These kids are very sociable, gracious, andcompatible. Libra the scales leans towards balance and judgement. These types willalways see both sides of the story. Their conclusions will always be fair, although thesekids do tend to say what "others wants to hear", rather than what they do actually think.These little diplomats hate to offend. They hate to cause ripples. Many political leadershave Libra rising, so do not be fooled - these kids strive to win - but nicely! Friendshipsand relationships and other people are of great importance, in fact, Britney may not liketo be alone for any length of time.

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Because of a real concern about getting along with people and being accepted, Britneywill take the trouble to learn how. So, these kids will never be short of friends. In manyways they often get their own way, but instead of using force to persuade people, theyuse charm. Even in a sticky situation, Britney can get out of it by finding the right words,instinctively knowing how to calm ruffled feathers. This child will seldom truly offendanyone, which is just as well. These kids will not enjoy any sort of unpleasantness. Itupsets them badly. This agreeable child, though, must learn to be sure not tocompromise too much. Britney may need to learn to be more forthright, to not be afraidto speak out and oppose on important issues. Many people with Libra rising actuallybecome quite competitive, once they have gotten over the stage of being soaccommodating. So, Britney can learn to be a bit "tougher".

Even in the area of visual effect, there is repugnance with ugliness. These people willtry improving by camouflage or adding their own bit of beauty. In this same spirit,Britney will like beautiful clothes or even flashy gear, although some element in the tasteusually prevents these kids from dressing too gaudily. Obviously, the choice is to besurrounded by beautiful things. The expensive taste for art, music, and literature canemerge at quite a young age.

The home environment probably seems to run like clockwork to this child with the LibraAscendant. Certainly, the parents, or at least one parent, will work very hard for whatthey get. Their practical approach will ensure that the family wants for none of theessentials. The Mother figure is probably very well organized. It is likely that she willhave a career or at least lead a very busy life. This little one should want for nothingmajor, but would probably love a few more frills and luxuries than what they get. In fact,Britney may feel hard done by because the parents are not extravagant. But thesechildren should feel loved and cared for. They will break their necks to grow up though,to be able to buy all those luxurious things that they will love so much.

Venus, the Planet of love and possessions and artistic ability is the Ruling Planet of thisChart for Britney, which will be an essential part of the personality. Pay special attentionto the House in which Venus falls, as this is where the charm of Venus will flourish.

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Sun in Sagittarius

The Sun in the Chart is our personal light. It is our vitality, our creativity, and our basicego. It is the Sun that provokes and promotes emotional security. The Sun represents

our individuality. Within the Sun sign is our reason for being, our sense of pride, and ourconfidence. This is the basis of the search for the real person within. The sign occupiedby the Sun at birth describes the nature of these basic drives and patterns. It describes

the desire to be important to the people that matter and the ability to be independentand self-reliant. It will give us an indication of the methods used to develop

psychologically.The House will describe the areas of life that will be important and play a major role in

our lives. It is here that we have the tools and the gifts to use as they were intended. Butwe may have to learn some vital lessons before this happens.

Much more is revealed by the aspects to the Sun. Positive aspects (trines, conjunctionsor sextiles) are good indicators of self-reliance, confidence and the ability to stand on

one's own two feet. The difficult aspects (squares, oppositions, and inconjunctions) willsuggest psychological problems which can have a profound effect on life. However,

learning to deal with these difficulties ultimately produces strength and understanding ofthe self. The rewards of working through these problems are great. The efforts will be

productive. Sure, work is needed, but it is worth the effort. However, whenever theplanet, Saturn, brushes up against the Sun, it will suppress and depress the energy of

the most exuberant Sun sign.The Sun is the "self", the "life path", the "true" personality behind all the facades and

defenses we all put up.The child will start to grow into the Sun sign during adolescence which can be anotherreason why these years can be so dramatic and traumatic - this is just another set of

growing pains that we all have to endure. The actual Sun sign is often not fullydeveloped until nearer 30 years of age, but the inner spirit will emerge and glimpses will

be seen throughout the growing years.

Britney has the Sun in Sagittarius. The Sagittarius Sun child is enthusiastic, optimistic,and mischievous with a huge, bursting personality. These kids are very spontaneous ineverything they do and say. They can be very blunt and to the point. They have a goodsense of balance which is just as well, because at least one foot often ends up in themouth. But offence is never intended. These kids are just in too much of a hurry, andthe natural exuberance will get them through any sticky moments quite easily. With

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such a ready grin, it is hard to stay mad for long at this kid. Britney will be exceptionallytruthful so will tell you as it is, without frills.

Britney will enjoy the outdoors, the wide-open countryside, the mountains, and the sea.These kids love animals and all sorts of people. The curiosity that fires this child is quiteuniversal. This is the true free spirit. These kids prefer to be as free as the breeze bothphysically and mentally. Nothing dampens them more than being confined or restricted.If they have to be stuck indoors, they will want to get a gang of friends in and play"dressing up", or "go camping" in the garage or in the hall. As long as these kids arestretching their minds and imaginations, they are content. The little girl Sagittarius canbe a bit of a tomboy.

Britney will take a few risks. These kids can be quite careless. They do not let fear get inthe way of their adventures. This can also be a very competitive sports person. There isa whole lot of ability to do very well in team sports or activities because not only is thisone a natural athlete but also a great motivator. Britney will also be quite happy to standon the sidelines cheering on the rest of the squad. These kids have a great sense of fairplay and will put every effort into the "team". If anyone is going to question the rules, itcould well be the Sagittarius child.

These kids love to learn and love to share what they have learned. That is their mainobjective of learning - passing on their knowledge. In many ways, the sign of the Archeris an intellectual Robin Hood. They will glean every ounce of knowledge from anywheresimply to pass it on to the less informed. The Sagittarian child just loves life, andeveryone loves the Sagittarian character.

If there are several planets in the signs just before or after Sagittarius (Capricorn orScorpio), this character will be a little more subdued and serious.

Sun in the Third House

3rd House: This House is about early education. It is about mental stimulation thatprovokes learning through interaction and experience. And then using the lessons. Thearea for the child is the playground, playgroups and mixing with children the same age.

It is about becoming familiar with the local environment and the neighbors. This isessentially the House that is all about communication at its best and its beginnings.

Britney has the Sun in the 3rd house, which shows brilliant communication skills. Thereis the gift for saying the right thing, at the right time. The ability to express ideaseffectively is very natural and will become a source of pride to this child. Britney willknow this is a very powerful asset.

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These kids love to learn. The mind is quick and agile. It absorbs facts and figures anddates easily. Britney will just soak up information like a sponge. Smaller details will notbe so much fun because these kids do get impatient. They will be breaking their necksto get on to something new, so they often glean a bit of knowledge about a lot of things.This is the intellectual "jack of all trades". Encourage this little one to finish off and beproud of results, even if this takes a few attempts. But try to discourage a whole lot ofunfinished symphonies. These kids have to learn to visualize and plan, and realize theirobjectives. In many ways, these kids need the approval of the parents, so taking noticeof the lack of tenacity will show that you are genuinely interested in what Britney is upto.

Britney will chatter away to all and everyone and will soon be a well-known entity in thelocal neighborhood. This is a good source of gossip - your own included. Be aware ofcurious little ears if you are discussing anything private, confidential, or embarrassing.This child does not classify its information and can exaggerate the facts, getting the realstory very wrong. This little one can cause a few arguments in the home, but family isvery important. There will always be a close connection even if there is some siblingrivalry.

There will have to be lots of books, games, and any other current learning tools on handto keep this child happy. To sit and do nothing is the cruelest fate imaginable here.Britney will also love scooting around the neighborhood by any means possible - just aslong as there is something happening - something active and something interesting.

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon is our instinctive, emotional response. It is the innermost feelings andsensitivities that stem from the subconscious. Our Moon will always be our natural

reaction when our defenses are down. The Moon reflects our early conditioning, ourhabits, and the automatic responses that come from our early environment. Often all of

this relates directly to the "Mother" figure. It is perhaps the "child" in all of us.In reading a child's chart, the Moon, in the house, the sign and the aspects, needs to be

given special understanding. These are the indications on where Britney could needspecial attention very early, to cope with feelings of insecurity, lack of confidence, or a

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low self-esteem. Recognizing these needs, and working through them, will help toproduce a secure and confident adult.

The Moon often reflects the "Mother figure" in our lives, which is consequently why theMoon figures so strongly in a child's chart. The placement of the Moon often describesthe relationship with the Mother, which is why the "Mother" is mentioned in many areas

of the Moon explanations.The Moon sign is the more noticeable personality trait in the formative years. We tend to

"grow into our Sun sign as we develop and become the person we were meant to be.The Moon in the Chart signifies the unconscious attitudes and feelings and whether ornot we feel supported and accepted. It is also the accumulated attitude reflected by our

own past and the historical past. The Moon will echo values and instincts that arepicked up from our early environmental experiences.

This luminary is the most important factor after the influences of the Sun and theAscendant. It describes how we express our emotions and how well we deal with them.

In some cases, the ever-important Sun can put up some defenses against the Moon.When very different, we can struggle to assimilate our emotions and our reason. Like

the other planets, the Moon has strong and weak points in any sign, and we should tryto develop the strong points. If the Moon is in compatible company, we will express ouremotions very easily and we will be sensitive to other people's needs and feelings. Withcompetition, the Moon can mean that there can be difficulty letting our feelings flow. TheMoon and the Ascendant can be of an awkward mix, making the projected personality,

and how we actually feel inside, quite different. But, this is all a part of the character andwe are well able to bind the differences and round off the disposition.

The Moon and the emotional problems it produces can sound negative but this is notso. This is a beautiful and fundamental part of our deepest psyche that we must allaccept and use to its fullest advantage.

Britney was born with the Moon in Aquarius, and is a child who has dozens of friendsand mixes in very well with others. However, although these kids genuinely enjoy alltheir friends and have no trouble at all attracting all the company that they want, theycan be quite aloof and quite remote. They almost have an invisible circle around themthat marks a private and sacred place where no one is allowed to go. That is "their"space. They will love group activities, but will like to leave the door open just in casethey want to leave. Britney will be highly independent and demand a sense of freedom.In fact, any sort of restriction brings out the crankiness in this child. To feel as free asthe breeze comes natural to the child with the high-flying Aquarius Moon.

This kid will have some difficulty with emotional outbursts - they simply do not do"emotional" that well. They will respond far better to a good logical reprimand that givesthem a new angle and an objective view to think about. But a screaming match will justfall on deaf ears. Of course, Britney does need to learn a bit about the emotional side.This child will need to know that it is OK for the feelings to get out of control at times, butthe natural reaction is cool logic. As these kids get older though, they will rationalizetheir own emotions and be quite open about what makes them tick. Again, logic rules.

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Deep down, these kids do need to be praised and told how good and clever they are.They will seem to be so independent and so distant that it may seem that they do notneed much encouragement. But they do.

This child with the Aquarius Moon is very stubborn. If they are forced to do anything thatthey do not want to do, they will dig their heels in. They can be very argumentative andwill often toss in a provocative remark just to divert the attention. And then they will walkoff leaving everyone else arguing about something that was never important anyway.

Britney will love to try new things and will experiment. These kids like to taste adventureand follow a natural curiosity. There will be a rebellious streak that will be hard to miss.Above all, Britney will work very hard to be "different". These youngsters are original,they like to stand out in a crowd, and they like to buck the system. They like to make astatement that is not just heard - it shrieks. They will love computers, moderntechnology and all the scientific objects that they can find. Britney will enjoy sciencefiction as much as science fact.

And there is a humanitarian here. Britney is one that could well bring home waifs andstrays that need care, which includes animals as well as people. These kids will belikely to give away all that they have to someone whom they feel "needs" it more thanthey do. And their timing may not be all that good, because they are very spontaneous.Britney could give away the grocery money when that is all the money left to spare thatweek, because someone was "more hungry". This independent child really does care.

Moon in the Fifth House

5th House: Creativity, having fun, playing with, and mixing with others - the essentialsocial interaction. This is the house of developing life skills that involve contact with

company. This house is about developing the skills to become popular, confident, andsocially accepted. This house also relates strongly with children.

The child with the Moon in the 5th House will express themselves through their feelings,and those feelings are strong and vigorous. These kids love to have fun. They like toentertain and they like to be entertained. Britney will enjoy stories, television, computergames - in fact, anything that stretches the imagination. This child will become totallyengrossed in anything that they do - they will "be there", one hundred per cent. They will"live" what they are experiencing. But if these kids are not interested, they will switch off.Try to encourage using this imagination in a creative way. Mostly though, Britney needsto be noticed and made to feel very special. If ignored, this child will become withdrawnand will probably head off towards company that does take notice of them. Britney willbe warm and cuddly and need to feel plenty of the fuzzy emotional and physical contactto feel whole.

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This little one has few inner secrets. They will tell you exactly how they feel, and why.They want you to know. Later in life, in relationships, these people are the same. It is allor nothing. Britney will have very strong likes and dislikes and will never pretend for thesake of keeping the peace. The natural reaction is to put all the cards on the table anddiscuss all of the deepest feelings and issues. Being secretive is not a trait of thisplacement.

These children can take a few risks because they like a bit of excitement, but often donot stop to think through the consequences. They get carried away with the anticipation,the adrenaline rush, and can be quite reckless at times. Joining sports groups or thelikes can utilize the competitive streak and run off a bit of that energy as well.

Britney can be one of the social butterflies. These kids are entertaining and alsocreative and artistic with a touch of the dramatic.

With maturity, there will be an affinity with younger children. These people will enjoytaking care of smaller ones and the younger children will always look up to, and respectthis person. In many ways, the 5th house Moon never grows old.

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Mercury in Sagittarius

The little planet Mercury is the mythical Messenger of the Gods. This planet is never faraway from the Sun, often falling in the same sign at the time of birth, so it does tend toadd emphasis to our Sun Sign. Even when Mercury is in the sign before or after the

Sun, this is always considered a very personal planet.Through Mercury, we learn all the basics in life. It indicates how we communicate,

because it is here where we begin to watch and copy the rest of the family. This is thevery beginning of questions and curiosity that fires up and fuels the learning process.

From that point, we move on to recognizing the senses, and so our personal tastes andstyle develops. We learn how to exchange ideas and show how clever we are. We

start to question and analyze. We learn to reason and classify what we have absorbedand then stretch for more information.

Mercury is our first experience of moving out into the world beyond the back yard,armed with all that we have learned. Through this planet, our flexibility and dexterity isrevealed. This planet covers the intellectual stimuli but it also has a say in how clever

we are with our hands and how well balanced we are physically.Mercury is also associated with the nervous system. This is a busy little planet at thebest of times, and responsible for a big part of our intrinsic character. When put undertoo much pressure, the nervous system buckles. Mercury is indicative of our sense ofhumor, the body language we exude, and our powers of expression. This is the planetof logic and reason. So, Mercury is indeed a very important planet. It might be tiny, but

it is very potent.

This child with Mercury in Sagittarius has a mind that is very curious, independent,versatile impulsive, direct, and also argumentative. Britney will ask lots of questionsand will want to know the complete answer to every question. Be warned, there arelikely to be some deep and complex subjects that will be aired, too. Often their interestswill lean towards the bigger issues rather than the usual - not the everyday or themundane questions that all other kids ask.

There will be an interest in universal subjects. Britney will want to understand thepatterns of the world in general. Everything seems to interest these little people -philosophy, psychology, foreign cultures, or religion. This natural curiosity will bebeneficial in school if this child can learn to find some discipline and take as muchinterest in minor details as they do in the whole picture. Being so impatient can result indisappointing results when it comes to the crunch the facts. There is a strong need tolearn to work and think things through more clearly - to take more care.

Britney can lack a tolerance for the views of others. There is natural tendency to sayexactly what is on their mind with little concern for fact or reality. These kids are oftendownright blunt and good at jumping to conclusions, but they seldom mean to offend.Their natural instinct seems to be to "think" with the vocal chords, before actuallythinking things through.

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A wonderful imagination in this child could make for a natural storyteller. However,watch for the tendency of improving on the truth. Britney will like to make a good storyeven better, and with such an expressive wit, this child can tell a grandiose version of agood story.

Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius helps the understanding, and provokes the interest inthe difficult and deeper subjects. These youngsters love to test new ground and newtheories, so they will pick up the challenge even when the topic is abstract and difficultto define. The mere fact that it is "difficult" will fascinate Britney. Every new idea will betaken as a chance to grow and expand the mind. However, be mindful that this ratherclever kid can be rather forgetful, too.

Mercury in the Third House

3rd House: This House is about early education. It is about mental stimulation thatprovokes learning through interaction and experience. And then using the lessons. Thearea for the child is the playground, playgroups and mixing with children the same age.

It is about becoming familiar with the local environment and the neighbors. This isessentially the House that is all about communication at its best and its beginnings.

With the planet Mercury in its natural 3rd House, Britney will be a witty and clever littlesoul, especially in the use of words. There will be an abundance of curiosity so therewill be loads of questions - these children will like to know what is going on, where, andwhy. This will probably be the one child that all the neighbors know and Britney willknow all about the neighbors. And consider this fair warning, the neighbors could learnall about you from this friendly little chatterbox, too.

Britney must be encouraged to use this natural talent for communication in somepositive way. There will be a real gift of words and expression that can be put to gooduse. This should be nurtured and brought out.

This youngster should be a good student at school as there is a natural love of learning.The mind is very receptive but does not stick to any one matter for long. The thoughtswander far and wide over many topics. In fact, there is a danger that the shortconcentration span does not glean quite enough to learn any subject thoroughly.Britney will need a prod now and again to renew their interest in areas that need afinished line. These children are very easily distracted.

This energy is of the physical variety, too. Being pinned down in one place for too longcan be a nightmare for these youngsters. That includes sitting in the classroom as wellas staying in their own back yard. The more they can move around, the better they likeit. The grass will always seem greener on the other side of the fence as far as Britney is

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concerned. However, thinking about it will not satisfy this hunger. Britney will want togo check it out personally. Being cooped up will make this child feel frustrated andshort-changed. They will be bursting to get away in case they think they are missingsomething.

Venus in Capricorn

Venus is the planet of love. This tiny planet is responsible for the stirring of the soft andsensual pleasures of nature. Venus opens the doors of appreciation to beauty,

harmony, creativity, and of course, love, and affection. Venus arouses and stimulatesour senses.

Venus is important because it shows how youngsters interact. It is where children learnto share and give. Venus shows how Britney attracts love and attention and also what

and who Britney is attracted to. This planet will indicate whether the basic nature iswarm and affectionate or whether there is some reserve attached.

Venus is also about our creature comforts and possessions - what we need in life to feelgood. Venus indicates our creativity and artistic talents and the ability to appreciate

beauty. Good, bad, or unusual taste will be seen through Venus.The house that Venus is in indicates the area in which artistic talent is expressed. Thisis where the expressions of sensual understanding will be valid and utilized. It can alsosuggest where Britney may need special attention and nourishment, in order to learn

how to interact with others.For future reference, Venus in the signs, houses and aspects will be quite revealing

about relationships with the opposite sex and matters of the heart.

With Venus, the planet of love and comfort, in the prudent sign of Capricorn, Britney willbe quite reserved and rather timid. These children can be unsure of where they stand,as they seem to have been born with a fear of rejection. Reassurance needs to be givenearly, especially if they do seem a bit sullen or difficult to reach. These children need tobe assured that they are OK, that they are loved - heaps. The controlled emotions dorun deep, but are kept very private. Britney may not seem particularly cuddly, but thesechildren do want and need the warmth and physical touches even if they do seem toresist. They find it hard to show affection, but they do feel deeply. And they do care.

These children are usually reliable, responsible and mature. But Britney will needrespect. There is a need to be noticed and admired for the things that they do well -which is most things. These children will probably enjoy older people, or will gravitatetowards company that is more serious. They make friends very slowly. But when thesekids do trust and commit to friendship, and later, love, they are totally loyal, steadfast,patient and a tower of strength.

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This little one will be quite ambitious and will carefully plan their moves and their life withcaution. They will do most things in 'moderation' and will lean towards similar friends.These children do not like 'excessiveness' and find it distasteful in others.

Britney will be attuned to nature, the outdoors, and the elements. There is a sense ofdrama beneath this quiet exterior. A dry sense of humor and a gift for satire couldmaterialize with experience and maturity. The sense of occasion that comes from theballet or opera could rattle the senses of this serious child too.

Venus in the Fourth House

4th House: This House is about the early home environment, the 'Mother' influence, andthe family. This is the House where traditions are set and preserved. This is where basic

development begins and where lifetime habits are formed. This House is all aboutnurturing.

Britney has Venus in the Fourth House. This should be a happy little homebody. Or atleast, a child to whom a happy home is very important. Being loved by the parents is ofthe utmost importance to Britney. This is the basis of an essential sense of security. Ifthis nourishment is not provided, Britney will miss some important lessons on how tointeract with others, particularly the opposite sex when older. This child will becomedetached and difficult to reach. The emotions will be hidden away, robbing Britney of thewarmth and natural ability to be able to love unconditionally. But with all the love andcaring 'on tap', Britney will be secure and emotionally content.

Britney will love to have the immediate environment looking and feeling like a milliondollars. There is great taste here, and an eye for color and balance with the ability tocreate an ambience even in the most humble abode. These children might live in theusual mess that most of their generation seems to prefer, but there will befastidiousness when it comes to hygiene. Britney will be big on cleanliness.

Childhood memories will always be held close to the heart, which makes it so importantthat this era be productive for Britney. There will always be powerful sentiment attachedto the home and to the early family life. Later in life, Britney will want a home that iswarm, welcoming, and inviting. The ambition will be that no one will feel like a strangerwithin the walls of the hospitality that is offered. But, in many cases, these children willneed a bit of a push to get them out of the nest. Britney can get too comfortable and notwant to 'move on'.

With maturity, Britney may be a bit of a collector with a good eye for a bargain,especially antiques or collectibles. The taste may seem bizarre at times, but do notunderestimate the clever eye and the strong intuition that goes with the territory here.

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There is quite a lot of creativity here because the sense of vision is well coordinated,and the natural patience allows time to anticipate the end result. However, as a child,Britney will not have the confidence to let the artistic juices flow. This will need to bedrawn out and encouraged.

Mars in Virgo

Mars is essentially the "I am" in us. It is the "I -me -and -mine" - the basic, subjectiveego. It is our energy, our initiative, and our drive. It is our aggression, our

temperament, and our passion. Mars is the physical side of our psyche. A strong Marsmakes for great sports people because they will be competitive with a real desire to win.

Later in life, Mars indicates our sex drive.This is a fiery little planet, so a strong Mars is a "fiery" little person who runs on high

octane - one who will never know when to stop. The "water signs" can dilute thisenergy somewhat, or can perhaps drive the passion inward. The "fire" will then not beso obvious. However, once we get the hang of our Mars sign, it is an important part of

us. It is the fuel on which we run.

These children with Mars in Virgo work everything out to the last detail. Britney is aperfectionist. Every action will be considered thoroughly and every move will need tohave some purpose. This is reflected in the way Britney will work, which is carefully andsystematically with great attention to detail. These youngsters will take the time to dotheir "homework" before they start a project. They like to have all the facts and all theoptions at their fingertips. They can't be bothered wasting time or energy on anythingfoolish and hate to leave anything half finished. This child will respect tools, and willenjoy working with all the latest gadgets. There is the patience and the willingness totake the time to master difficult techniques.

Britney will not be particularly interested in physical team sports. Individual typeactivities like gymnastics or skating, will appeal more because these kids are moreattuned to "thinking." They would enjoy the more intellectual "games."

As Britney grows up, a strong sense of responsibility will develop. These childrendislike irresponsibility in others as well as in themselves. But try to encourage Britneynot to be too critical of others. Encourage a tolerant outlook and acceptance thateveryone does not share their perfectionist abilities. Doctors, surgeons, nurses, andsocial workers often have Mars placed here. There is much associated with thisplacement that involves helping people. Britney will need to feel needed but this canalso be the classic workaholic later in life.

The adolescent years and the onset of puberty can disturb these youngsters. Britneymight not like the physical changes and girls, particularly, can get caught up in weightobsession or something similar. These youngsters can be rather slow to warm to the

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opposite sex. A petty hate session with the kid next door could be the sign of a buddingromance.

Mars in the Twelfth House

12th House: This is a rather abstract House. It is the place of retreat and rejuvenation.It is the dream world; it is where and how a child escapes. This House highlights

learning and getting in touch with the inner self. This House can also harbor fears andphobias. In many ways, the 12th House can be a lonely place, but many lessons are

learned from this focus and many talents emerge. The realms of the deepestimagination are touched through this House. .

Britney has Mars in the 12th House, which is not an easy placement for Mars. Theenergy can be stifled in this house. These children may often be afraid to assertthemselves. They can feel defeated before they start, convinced that making anyefforts to be seen, or heard, would be futile. Britney could express this by being tired allthe time. This attitude may have resulted from being with people who have notencouraged Britney very much. Somehow the self-confidence needs to be built and thecourage instilled to disregard anyone that tries to inflict negativity.

These children tend to work in secret and to act behind people's backs. They should tryto avoid this. Unfortunately, this child can possibly be blamed for things for which theyare not responsible, so always check the facts. A total lack of self-confidence can makeBritney so afraid of direct action that the natural course is to do everything indirectly.But deep down, this can be a very strong little person. Britney will just need to get overthese hang-ups. Or Britney will need to be fortunate enough that someone recognizesearly to start building up that confidence. Many athletes and surgeons have thisplacement.

These children can work very well on their own, as they do not need supervision. Theyjust do not need any one to discourage them or to put them down. As they mature,these kids will come to believe in themselves naturally. The child with Mars in thetwelfth House has a tendency to "think" about what they want to do, rather than justgetting on and doing it. This can cause some frustration. These youngsters "know" butthey are reluctant to push themselves, or their efforts, or their ideas. Again, this is alack of confidence.

The sensitivities in this child can run deep through to the psychic nature of things.Britney is likely to have very vivid dreams. These youngsters will stand firm onprinciples, but may not openly express or explain where the ideas are coming from.Britney can find it easier to project an attitude or a mood to make a point rather thanopenly express the true feelings within.

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Jupiter in Scorpio

Jupiter is a slower moving planet that stays in the same sign for about a year. Its signhas a direct personal effect only when it is in close aspect to the Ascendant or

Midheaven, or forms a strong aspect with one of the personal planets. Jupiter is theplanet of expansion, growth, and often, luck.

The house position of Jupiter relates to areas of life in which we will want to grow. Itshows the area in which we are likely to think positively and optimistically. In a general

sense, things work well for us in the house that Jupiter occupies. The keyword forJupiter is expansion. That can be physically, mentally, or spiritually. Jupiter's positioncan relate to the expansion of assets relating to financial freedom, or perhaps, even,


Jupiter in Scorpio suggests that Britney will just love mysteries. And by solvingmysteries, these children will develop a great understanding of life. While young, theywill ask a lot of questions. And will keep asking and searching until they get answers.The sheer persistence will be striking.

Any subject that interests Britney will be addressed with gusto, but not much attentionwill be given to the subjects that seem dull. Sometimes this placement shows a realinterest in the supernatural. And when these children mature, they will be attracted tospiritual and mystical views of the universe. These can be deeply spiritual people but,equally, they can rely on drugs or alcohol as a prop at certain times in life.

Britney will never be satisfied with face value. There will always be the urge to lookdeeper for a truer meaning - even if there is not one. This child should be good atresearch because this is a scientific mind. These kids often develop an interest in howother people "work". They are quite natural psychologists and they learn a great dealthrough studying and watching. The only problem here is that these children maysometimes be reluctant to share their insights and knowledge. Especially while young,they can have trouble communicating what they know. And Britney might just enjoybeing secretive. This can be a bit of a mind game.

But this child will be efficient, hard working and quite shrewd. In adulthood, there can bea critical flair for business. There should be sound financial judgement that will helpthem to excel. Britney will also be always willing to carry the full load if necessary to getthe job done right, but will also be quite uncompromising.

Jupiter in the Second House

2nd House: This House is about values and possessions. It is the "my things" attitude. Itis where nourishment is needed to feel confident and secure. This House is about

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experiencing the sensual fundamentals in order to feel fulfilled and loved. This Houseputs a real value on tangible assets and it is where real fears are born with respect to

deprivation. It is also where we learn to provide for ourselves if we must. It is where wediscover our "comfort zone".

Britney has Jupiter in the Second house. These kids respond with their senses to themany sensual experiences. They will tune into music, enjoy nice smells, soft toys. And,of course, taste. They will probably really enjoy their food.

Britney will be very warm and affectionate wanting lots of love and cuddles. Britney willalso like to collect things. These children can compensate their insecurities by amassingfar too much. If they feel threatened or abandoned, possessions will be their comfortzone. The more insecure they feel, the more extreme this trait will become. Quite aselfish streak can emerge when this little one "feels" neglected or denied. But if thischild is loved and showered with warm affection this will not be a problem. They willshare what they have quite gladly and in fact be quite generous.

When older, Britney could work hard to earn the money to travel. As an adult, makingmoney should be relatively easy, but these people are considered to be big spenderstoo. Everything they buy has to be large and elegant. Jupiter in the 2nd House oftenindicates rather privileged finances and spending powers. As a child, these kids just liketo spend. What they buy may be a waste of money, but as they mature their taste anddiscretion improves. They will become confident in their own abilities, both with financesand with vision. Speculations will often pay off.

Saturn in Libra

There are always two sides of Saturn - what is, and what can be. Saturn stays in thesame sign for approximately two and a half years, so all of the children born around thesame time as Britney will show the same characteristics. Saturn in the sign is therefore

personal only when forming one or more aspect(s) with the personal planets, theAscendant, or the Midheaven.

Read these aspects thoroughly to be more aware of Saturn and what it has to teach thischild.

Saturn is all about progress, but it is the slow and sure progress - nothing happensquickly with this rather severe planet. This is where we learn the art of survival. Saturn

makes us stop, look, and listen and not go rushing in. This is where we come up againstbrick walls, where we have to review the lessons learned and modify the next move.

Saturn makes us accept responsibility, accept a challenge, and move forward. Saturn isthe reason behind many of our fears, our sense of guilt and our sense of failure, but,

again, when we beat these obstacles, we are so much wiser and stronger.The House in which Saturn falls signifies the areas where life can be tough. Nothing

seems to come easily, and yet the prospects are of significance. This is the area where

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our fears will have to be addressed, and where our confidence will need to be lifted.Discipline and patience will be badly needed here in order for us to gain control. It is

where we must stop and think, but ultimately we learn from Saturn - he is a greatteacher. Saturn is often related to the father figure, or the "authority" figure that

influences Britney. Difficult aspects with Saturn often indicate problems in this area.Saturn often sounds rather negative which is not accurate. Consider Saturn as a hurdlethat is there to be conquered - not as an obstacle to fear.

Britney has the planet Saturn in the sharing sign of Libra. Libra will always weigh up allthe options, and Saturn adds even more to this sense of caution. This child will needplenty of time to make decisions and will always want to know all the angles beforedrawing a conclusion. But once the big moment has come and a final decision has beenmade, it is usually right. It is important that Britney is allowed to have a say in thingswhen old enough. These kids must learn to form their own opinions, develop their ownlives, and expand on their own ideals. Saturn in Libra can end up rather narrow mindedand rather egalitarian if not encouraged to mix and match ideas and draw personalconclusions.

Britney can seem reserved in friendships and relationships, but once committed this willbe a very loyal friend. This child simply cannot sit back and allows wrongs to happen.This little watchdog will come out fighting for the cause if they think a friend is beingbadly done by.

Saturn here can delay marriage until later in life. Britney may simply wait longer thanmost, or this could indicate obstacles in the path of romance. A successful marriage willrequire a whole lot of patience. These people can be too giving and too compromising,but if confidence is instilled very early, this should not be a major problem. There can befear of rejection that rules the emotions, but again, self-confidence will restore thisbefore it gets out of control.

Saturn in the First House

1st House: This powerful House is essentially the outward expression and obviouscharacter traits. It represents the "I, me, and mine" - the ego and the subjective - the "I

want" attitude. This House also shows the "I can do" attitude. This is about spontaneousopenness, and the inherent qualities that drive the personality.

With Saturn in the first house, Britney will show shyness or even an inferiority which canstem from feeling unloved - or perhaps being expected to take on more than a fair shareof responsibility at a tender age. This could be an eldest child perhaps. But often thesekids can feel robbed of a childhood for some reason. This is usually an old head on ayoung shoulder. Childhood can actually be quite a lonely time.

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Often the parent(s) will go through hard times that will take a toll on everyone. However,through adversity comes the ability to gain a solid sense of what is important. Duringchildhood, Britney will respond to chores and a certain amount of responsibility. Thesekids like to feel useful, but take care this is not overdone.

Later in life, these people are highly disciplined and will be able to achieve a whole lotmore than many others with the same chances. But, they will be prone to depressionuntil they come to terms with earlier circumstances that were out of anyone's control.This is not an easy place for Saturn - life will seem like and obstacle race at times.These kids will wonder why they cannot be in the right place at the right time now andagain.

A big bonus though is that as an adult, these people age rather slowly. They hold theirage well and often enjoy their later years a whole lot more than they do their childhoodyears. True self-respect, self esteem and success may be a long time coming - but it willcome to Britney.

Uranus in Sagittarius

Uranus is a huge planet that has the reputation for causing all sorts of chaos. Uranushas a mind of its own; racing around in space on its side and with an orbit that is

unpredictable. Uranus is very difficult to spot with the naked eye. Similarly, the Uraniantraits are quite difficult to 'spot'.

This 'cranky' planet brings change - unexpected, sudden and completely disruptivechange. It can be the source of disasters or miracles. The function of Uranus is to

disrupt our view of reality, and give us an alternative view beyond the known and thevisible. Uranus provides sudden flashes of insight and creative genius, as well as

practiced eccentricity. Uranus has the ability to shake up the comfort of the 'norm' andcatapult us into a rather scary future.

This planet stays in each sign for about 7 years so is considered one of the slowmovers. The qualities that stem from the sign that Uranus is in will affect all of the

children in the same era as Britney. As the slow moving planets move from sign to sign,the differences will be subtle, but they will loosely apply to the philosophy and the

attitudes of the child concerned.Uranus in the House is a whole lot more personal. This will be where Britney will displaya uniqueness of character. It will be where the intuition is heightened, and the need tobe 'different' will be apparent. It can be the area where Britney is subjected to majorchanges and disruptions over which there is no control. The issues that apply to thehouse that Uranus falls in can involve a lifetime struggle to conquer and understand.

Uranus in Sagittarius (1981-1988). Uranus is a planet concerned with sudden changes.Sagittarius is the sign of the intellectual who seeks truth. These children will be thephilosophers who question the establishment and the monumental structures. They will

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challenge beliefs and traditions, being much more interested in the new and theinnovative. The eye will be on future improvements rather than staying in the past. Thisbunch of children will be very much in touch with the modern age of technology and willlove it. They will also be acutely aware of the inequality throughout the world. The eyewill be sincerely on protecting our planet for the future and on the good of all 'mankind'.However, much as the dreams will be genuine and bold, they may not be practical.These children will be proactive and innovative, but the minor details, and workablesolutions, could be a job for the next generation.

A sense of prophecy coupled with intuition and a "big" optimism could see a lot ofenergy being put into improving the lot of the under-privileged. Many of these people willhave sound judgement - because they do look at the broad picture. But an importantingredient will be a need for total freedom of expression. True tenacity and dedicationcould be fleeting.

Many of these people will be drawn to the more modern religious sects rather than tothe orthodox beliefs. However, faith will be strong within many of these people.

Uranus in the Second House

2nd House: This House is about values and possessions. It is the "my things" attitude. Itis where nourishment is needed to feel confident and secure. This House is about

experiencing the sensual fundamentals in order to feel fulfilled and loved. This Houseputs a real value on tangible assets and it is where real fears are born with respect to

deprivation. It is also where we learn to provide for ourselves if we must. It is where wediscover our "comfort zone".

Britney has the erratic planet Uranus in the 2nd house. These children will seem to havelittle or no practical sense when it comes to money or possessions. It will be easy comeand easy go for Britney. From an early age, it will need to be taught that we do need tobe careful and protect what we have. We must 'look after' our possessions. Britney islikely to lose interest in toys, books and clothes in a matter of minutes, and so wanderoff leaving any 'goodies' behind. Try to teach this child to budget out the pocket moneyand consider tomorrow. It is unlikely that Britney will ever be materialistic, but downrightcarelessness can be cured. The 'things' and possessions that do matter will be quiteunusual. Try to extract the same interest in practical issues. These children areexcitable, independent and can be very stubborn. Britney will have some strange tastesin food.

As an adult Britney will probably not want to accumulate a whole lot of assets, preferringa life with little clutter that allows freedom to up and move at a minute's notice. A futurecareer could well involve travel. Or equally the eventual career choice could bedownright 'odd'. These children do like to be different. But the adult life can be fraught

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with fluctuating finances with the erratic planet Uranus in the 2nd house. However, thisis a strong and loyal friend who will be trustworthy and a tower of strength in times ofneed. Britney may be rather different, but there will be a certain natural contentment thatwill be enviable.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Neptune is a vast and remote planet believed to be a very watery place. This giantlumbers through the heavens slowly, so Neptune in the sign is considered very

generational. All kids born in the same era as Britney will have this similarity. To take onany personal meaning, there needs to be a close affiliation with one of the personal

planets, the Ascendant, or the Midheaven.Neptune is a mysterious planet. It covers all areas of creativity, the imagination, illusionand also deception. Neptune casts a watery haze that can enhance the sheer beauty

involved, or it can distort the picture entirely. Being associated with water and moving inthe realms of the subconscious, Neptune seems to water down inner confidence. Thestrength that radiates is inner strength that is fine for the experienced adult, but it canseem of little use to the vulnerable child. Hence, escapism, drugs, alcohol, oppressive

sects, and even isolated institutions are associated with Neptune.Neptune in strong position enhances artistic vision and sense of imagery. It drives at all

possible sensitivities in the highest degree.When Neptune is in a strained position reality gets fuddled causing confusion and

deception. The true value of Neptune dissolves old patterns for new, but this is quite anobscure occurrence with little logic to explain it. It is a deep and personal learning curve

that slowly unfolds. It is the stirring deep within the subconscious.Neptune in the House indicates areas of life that will experience the Neptunian lessons.

It will be where we need to adapt on a practical level without losing the gifts of thismystical planet. It can be where we have to suffer in order to grow.

Neptune is idealistic, it is imagination and illusion, and it is mystical. This planet cannotbe caught and captured. Neptune rules photography which explains its function wellbecause it tends to take an image and put it in a different dimension. Neptune isimagery. For a youngster, this can be a very difficult energy to deal with because manyof the courses it takes are unclear, vague, but powerful. But this planet is the rainbowthat we are blessed with. It is elusive, but it is very beautiful.

Neptune in Sagittarius (1970 - 1985). Neptune is the planet of illusion, dreams andideology. Sagittarius is the sign of the Sage, of wisdom, and of great learning. Throughthis era, philosophy will gather strength as opposed to traditional churches. Theoppression inflicted by the former religious groups will be seriously challenged; the fightfor equality will be launched. Truth will prevail over historical acceptances. Thisgeneration could well chase a path that is more realistic and less judgmental thatbefore. Egalitarianism for all humanity will be the basis of the future creeds. Thisgeneration will be prepared to fight their cause on an intellectual basis and will not be

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afraid to speak out. There could well be some brilliant charismatic spiritual leadersevolve from this era.

Clairvoyant abilities are more common and accepted. Spiritual healing will becomefashionable. The world becomes smaller and smaller as more people travel. Differentcountries and creeds will know and understand each other a lot better, and the olddictatorial habits will draw a powerful criticism.

Neptune in the Third House

3rd House: This House is about early education. It is about mental stimulation thatprovokes learning through interaction and experience. And then using the lessons. Thearea for the child is the playground, playgroups and mixing with children the same age.

It is about becoming familiar with the local environment and the neighbors. This isessentially the House that is all about communication at its best and its beginnings.

Neptune in the Third House heightens the imagination, which Britney will show in allareas of creative communication. Neptune in this House often suggests dealings withthe media or with advertising. Poetry, prose, - in fact any sort of inspired word will drawBritney. However, there can be a wee problem that needs to be sorted. These kids haveto learn to separate truth from fantasy, separate what they want to believe from whatthey know to be true. Britney must be taught to identify the imagination, the logical, andthe actual, and then deal with the differences of all areas on an equal footing.

This child, when young, will have some problems with stopping the mind from driftingand wandering. There can even be nervous disorders as there can be deep insecuritiesin the childhood years. Often there can be rifts with the family at some stage, whichcould attribute to this "nervousness". This could also attribute to the tendency tofabricate or expand on the truth. It is not always the case, but there is a strongpossibility with Neptune in the third House, that lies and deceit do come easily.

These kids can put family members on an unrealistic pedestal rather than accept a lessthan perfect situation. There are many ways that Britney could actually feel deceivedand in turn, become deceptive. Obviously, this sensitive kid needs to be taught toaccept reality and opt for the inspirational world of fantasy as an adventure and acreative but productive part of the psyche. With this vivid imagination, these childrencan say a great deal to make others understand. Take the time to allow Britney to shakeoff the negatives and share the positives. Neptune in the third House shows a veryintuitive mind, and sometimes, clairvoyant abilities. Britney can be too idealistic andquite gullible so must learn not to accept everything so readily.

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Pluto in the First House

1st House: This powerful House is essentially the outward expression and obviouscharacter traits. It represents the "I, me, and mine" - the ego and the subjective - the "I

want" attitude. This House also shows the "I can do" attitude. This is about spontaneousopenness, and the inherent qualities that drive the personality.

Britney has the powerful planet, Pluto, in the First House so will be very intense takingeverything seriously. It is all or nothing - either something has to be so important thatthis child will have to throw themselves in 100% - or they simply will not bother at all.

Britney will have strong will power. The extremes to which this child can go can be quitescary for others who are more relaxed. The approach is full on and packed full of mentaland physical energy. The actual presence will be quite powerful - if not over-powering.This child will always push the limits simply to see how far they can go.

Britney will need to realize the effect that the personality does have because there willbe a strong magnetism. However, these kids have the ability to stir up intense feelingsin others. The powerful attraction will be difficult to miss. But this can provoke as muchstrong dislike as it does respect. Britney needs to accept this ability and accept theresponsibility. In many ways, these kids can be loners. Friends that are made will bedeep and solid with a real base, but these friends will probably be few. Often there is afeeling of being misunderstood, but deep down this is a bit of an enigma. Generally,these are a gentle and very sensitive people. However, when provoked or panicked,there is enormous anger that surfaces.

Conformity is never easy with Pluto in the 1st House. There is often the gift to be able tolook back and see the future quite clearly. This broody child will be private and deep.Britney will always be quite capable of handling life and all the lessons that are thrownin. The actual "image" projected will be private, but under the surface, there will becontinual changing and growing. Britney will have the ability to lead but will have to takecare to aim for objective results rather than be totally subjective.

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Planets in Aspect


An explanation of the Aspects: These are very important in any natal chart. It is when 2or more planets "make connection" with each other. To be of significance, the "orb" ordegree of this connection, must be relatively close. All the Aspects are of significance,but some are more powerful than are others. And, of course, they all have differentmeanings.

All of the aspects that are relevant are automatically listed in order of strength.Obviously, the higher the strength the more relevant and potent the aspect.

Conjunction: A powerful and dynamic aspect. This is when two or more planets aresitting right next to each other and they will either back each other up, or competeagainst each other. Being in the same sign and same house adds up to a lot of weight.

Trine: A distance of 120-degrees between any planet forms a "Trine". These planets willbe in the same Element so they will blend well and flow. The Trine brings comfort, ease,and benefit with little effort.

Sextile: The distance between any planets involved in a "Sextile" is 60 degrees. Thisaspect brings the opportunity to be productive or creative. But the energy of the Sextilemust be used - it will not just "happen" Both planets will fall in either Masculine orFeminine signs, so they are compatible.

Square: There will be a 90-degree separation between any planets involved in a"Square". Here is an indication of obstacles and stress that need to be worked through.The planets "square off" against each other but - these are personal learning curves oflife. These are hurdles for us to jump but through them we learn and grow. The lessonsfrom Squares tend to be subjective. These aspects will be in signs of the same quality.

Opposition: As the name suggests, any planets that form an "opposition" will be smack,bang opposite each other at 180-degrees apart. This is where one learns tocompromise and give a little. The opposition usually involves other people. Theselessons are quite objective. Being in polar opposite signs of the zodiac, these planetsmirror each other.

Inconjunct also known as the Quincunx: This is considered a "minor" aspect but is aboutour personal growth and long-term development in the area of the personality. It showsus our limitations and how we can expand a little. The distance between the two

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celestial bodies here will be 150 degrees apart. Being relatively minor, the orb used isgenerally rather tight. This aspect would be almost exact to rate in this interpretation.

Mars square Neptune (Strength: 5.25)

The Squares are quite subjective. Squares bring challenges that must be workedthrough.

Britney has the fiery planet Mars in square to the sensitive planet Neptune. This can bea difficult aspect. The problem for this child may well be not enough encouragement.They will be so deeply sensitive, and will have trouble projecting what they want or howthey feel. They will feel that everything works against them and they just cannot win.These youngsters can feel insignificant and unworthy. The energy of Mars needsconstructive expression. These young people want to be accepted. They want to beseen and heard. And if the confidence is not built up, they are highly likely to resort todevious tactics to be noticed.

Britney can repress frustration, let emotions get totally out of proportion, and becomevery miserable. Later in life, this aspect can signify a desire to escape from this worldaltogether - perhaps through drugs, or perhaps through strange cults or religions.These poor kids can be very easily persuaded that they do not "fit in."

Puberty can be particularly difficult for Britney. With emotional and physical changesthat the hormone shift provokes, these young adolescents can feel vulnerable andfragile. They can relate easily to the opposite sex, but can be afraid and suspicious ofthe new responses. Feeling comfortable in a personal relationship with the oppositesex can be a huge adjustment for Britney.

Britney could suffer allergies or a tendency to minor illnesses. This child should be verycareful about the kinds of drugs are used, even under a doctor's care. They may bemore sensitive to drugs than are others, so real care and responsibility are needed.

From an early age, Britney must be taught to roll with the punches of life, to have thecourage to accept both the good and the bad. Britney must not be allowed to wallow inself-pity. This child will need to develop its own abilities, and a willingness to acceptresponsibility when something goes wrong. But Britney will need to receive all theencouragement possible in order to eliminate the inherent possibilities of this aspect. Ifthe negatives are recognized and not focused on, Britney will handle life with a whole lotmore ease.

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Venus square Pluto (Strength: 5.15)

The Squares are quite subjective. Squares bring challenges that must be workedthrough.

With Venus, the planet of love and comfort, in square to the intense planet Pluto,Britney will be capable of the deepest of emotions and feelings. There will also be awhole lot of difficulty attached to relationships and love. Many of the big lessons to belearned will come through interactions with others.

It is very important that this child learns to understand what makes them tick. Britney willneed to accept and address that there are powerful feelings within that can be difficult tounderstand and handle. Much of the impulsiveness comes from deep within, which canbe baffling and difficult to understand. These children are more intense than are mostchildren. They can form unlikely friendships that are doomed from the start, but thesechildren won't be stopped. They simply have something to learn from that friendship.Many lessons will involve pain and disappointment. Britney is all or nothing when itcomes to love and friendships. When these children 'love', they give their all. They willbe totally loyal. But they will also be quite jealous and possessive, which can causeproblems. To ease some of this intensity, point Britney towards other areas of self-expression, such as dance, music, or art. Try to encourage this child to reach outwardlyand share, rather than reach inwardly too much. Try to help Britney to release this deeppassion. Try to teach Britney to accept some limitations. The sights can be set too highand so 'less than perfect' becomes a failure rather than a jolly good effort.

This is not an easy aspect at all, but the lessons to be learned are valuable. It shouldnot be seen as negative - just difficult.

Venus trine Mars (Strength: 4.17)

Trines bring ease, harmony, and success, which need little effort. Can help creativity.

With Venus, the planet of love, in trine to the energetic planet Mars, this child will beespecially warm, affectionate, and loving, with a happy disposition. Britney will alwayslook for the best in everyone. The ability to mix and be accepted will be a huge assetbecause these children don't make demands. With such an easy disposition, they willbe able to handle the most inflexible individual and bring out the best in them.

This is a fun-loving little person, who will enjoy company and enjoy a good time. Thereis an enthusiasm for life that others will find inspiring. These children are totallyagreeable. But they will not compromise themselves in order to please. Britney will haveplenty of confidence and this child will know that they are liked for themselves - not forbeing 'nice'. Britney will be quite natural.

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Often this aspect indicates a strong creative drive, although not necessarily an artisticability. These children are capable of the 'create something out of nothing' sort of thing,and they will love doing this. They have natural style, flair, and panache.

As Britney grows up, the attraction to the opposite sex will be quite intense. And it willbe an all or nothing thing. Love at first sight springs to mind, but this youngster will notbe interested in casual affairs. It will be the full bloom of romance, or nothing. They willnot be interested in quick flings. And, Britney will always have the complete confidenceto make the first move in a friendship or a romance.

Jupiter trine Midheaven (Strength: 3.30)

Trines bring ease, harmony, and success, which need little effort. Can help creativity.

Britney has the big planet Jupiter Trine the Midheaven. This child is blessed with a verypositive attitude that will carry them far. It will help them find the right direction to take inlife and add to the confidence.

Britney will work well within a group, being able to pursue personal goals andsatisfaction without seriously treading on anyone else's toes. Friends, teachers, andmentors will recognize a strong sense of justice. These kids will always get along easilywith authority figures. Adults will trust and give out responsibilities knowing that any trustwill be treated with respect. These kids do not feel that they have to prove themselves.They may, deep down, believe that they are rather special, but they do not push thisfact. They let those around them make their own judgements.

Britney will have plenty of energy and will hate to be idle. There is a need to have lots ofprojects on the go. Achievement and high standards hold high priority.

Mercury sextile Ascendant (Strength: 2.95)

Sextiles bring chances and opportunity. Effort is needed to realize the full potential.

Britney has the chatty little planet Mercury in sextile aspect to the Ascendant, so will berecognized as a real talker - and a very good talker at that. These kids are soexpressive. They are inquisitive and the little mind is so active that it just wants to soakup information from all round them. These children love company. They sparkle whenthey are in a group, but feel lost on their own. They need to bounce their ideas around,have someone to talk to, or to just listen. Their own interesting personality will attractfriends very easily. Britney will enjoy any sort of activity that involves others and that

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helps to stretch the brain and the imagination. Creativity should also be encouraged,because this aspect can suggest ability here.

Britney will prefer to have lots of things on the go at once. Variety is the spice of life, andbesides, these kids hate to be idle. There could easily be a talent for writing, soencourage this area too. Britney will actually have many interests. One problem may bethat these kids can find it hard to stay in one mode long enough to see a projectthrough. The kind of restlessness that applies here will involve all aspects of life. Thegrass will always look greener on the other side of the fence, so Britney will not like tohave options cut short by obligations. This popular kid will be reluctant to be tied to onefriend - the more the merrier is the motto.

Britney will probably want to be a part of any available group activity from quite a youngage. This little one will adore going to playgroup, and later school - because that iswhere the action is and there is just so much to learn. Sharing will always be importantto Britney and groups or clubs will be where concentrated knowledge will be available.

Sun sextile Moon (Strength: 2.65)

Sextiles bring chances and opportunity. Effort is needed to realize the full potential.

Britney has the Sun sextile to the Moon making for a sociable little person. These kidsjust love any sort of interaction that will be an essential part of the personalitythroughout life. It is highly likely that the family will always be supportive andencouraging, thus showing Britney, in an undeniable way, how to mix and minglecomfortably. The art of compromise is likely to be the most basic fundamental within thefamily unit, so this ability is learned very young. Even if the domestic atmosphere is lessthan tranquil, Britney will cope well and will cast a powerful influence of peace andharmony anyway. Britney, however, will always prefer company to being alone.

Although Britney will be quite ambitious and will have hopes and goals, the need forpositive examples will reinforce this. These kids can be too laid back, too relaxed, andbe reluctant to make a move or apply serious effort. This can actually become aproblem if it is not recognized. Britney can settle for a whole lot less than what ispossible. There can be a sheer reluctance to accept change of any sort. Make sure thatlittle goals are placed early. Make a point of changing the bedroom around or the livingarea furniture. Get Britney to help, and make a big fuss of how it was a bigimprovement. Emphasize the need to want something badly and then be prepared to gofor it. Sooner or later, Britney will adapt to change and be more willing to move some.

Generally though, Britney will be a sunny-natured child who will accumulate fewenemies in this life.

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Uranus sextile Ascendant (Strength: 2.59)

Sextiles bring chances and opportunity. Effort is needed to realize the full potential.

Britney has Uranus sextile the Ascendant, so will be an outspoken and veryindependent child with strong and unique ideas - and is one who will demand to belistened to. These children do want to be taken seriously, but can easily get into troublebecause of the very outspokenness of their nature. This trait often draws a big fatnegative from adults. But this child will say it as they see it.

The mind is very active. Britney will like to learn anything new and will tend to think thatif something is new - like an idea, or a thing, or a friend - then it has to be better thananything 'old', or 'established'; but these children will have to learn that progress has astart line somewhere. Britney will probably always like any new gadget that comes out.Novelty values will always be high on the list of attractions.

These children will like to be around exciting people who offer a challenge in a positiveway. A 'best' friend could change frequently, simply to keep the flow of mentalstimulation in motion. Later in life, Britney will be drawn to rather eccentric and offbeat-type people, and will steer clear of conventional straight-laced types. The latter sort ofpredictable company will bore these types to tears - especially as they grow up. Whereno intellectual challenge is offered, there will be absolutely no interest.

Sun conjunct Mercury (Strength: 2.39)

The conjunction adds emphasis to the power, the energy, and the vitality of the planetsinvolved by the close proximity.

Britney has the Sun in conjunction to the planet, Mercury. This gives a good mind and alittle person who will enjoy talking with anyone that has a minute to spare. A good chatmeans more to this child than anything does. They just love conversations. But Britneywill feel very bad when challenged. These kids want to be right and take it all personallyif criticized or proved wrong. They also have great difficulty stopping long enough tolisten up. They either want to dominate the conversation, or if this is not possible, themind will wander off the greener pastures. To a certain extent, this is a hallmark of thisaspect. This person can have ears on the side of the head - just for decoration. But ifthey are made to be aware of this, and corrected, this should not be a major problem.Britney will actually learn more from reading, watching a video, or a film than sittingthrough tedious lectures.

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Anything new is somehow more interesting than going over old stuff. This very activemind learns quickly and wants to continually be on the move. Any sort of repetition willbe boring. Britney is likely to tune out and lose concentration.

This child will have a great need to express personal opinions and can get rather rattywhen others do not take all these fantastic ideas seriously. But Britney has a very quickand a rather intellectual mind. Any communications will be colorful, enthusiastic, andenlightening. These kids think on their feet and do so exceptionally well. With maturity,they will be highly focused on their own ideas. There is the knowledge that the hardyards have been put in so there is no doubt that these kids know exactly what they aretalking about.

Some children with this aspect can be rather creative and clever with their hands.Encourage this area, because this can be so good for Britney. It helps to develop thepatience and tenacity. It also calms the nerves as these kids can be quite highly-strungand can develop some nervous habits in childhood.

Mercury conjunct Uranus (Strength: 1.55)

The conjunctions add emphasis to the power, the energy, and the vitality of the planets.

Britney has the expressive planet Mercury in conjunction to the erratic planet Uranusgiving a mind that is bright, curious, and articulate. The thinking here is intuitive, andoriginal. Their mind races to answer every question that arises. This inquisitive natureprobably surfaces early by taking toys apart to see what makes them work. If nothingmore exciting crops up, they will quite easily put the thing back together, too. But ifthere is any distraction, the moment will be lost and greener pastures will be far moreexciting. These children are easily distracted.

Britney will learn very quickly, managing to understand the more complicated subjectswith relative ease. The thinking patterns lean very much to the world of tomorrow,making anything possible as far as these little ones are concerned. However, thecuriosity and the sheer speed that drives the intellect can mean that Britney will tend toglide over important points rather than delve deeply, and consequently, might neglectlearn the facts thoroughly. There can be many unfinished symphonies due to runningout of interest. Try to encourage Britney to learn to finish their current effort beforeracing into a new project. And also very important, let Britney see and understand thateven the brain needs some "down time." The frantic pace that is set results in a verytired child that sometimes will be impossible to deal with. And Britney will indeed havethe ability to throw a wrench in the works on such occasions. This can actually becomea bit of a game and an "attention thing."

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There will probably be a strong interest in electronic technology. Science and thefuturistic world will be a strong source of fascination. Britney will be fascinated with anyoff- beat, unusual, or exciting field of study. The intuition in this child is very strong too.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto (Strength: 0.95)

The conjunction adds emphasis to the power, the energy, and the vitality of the planetsinvolved.

Britney has the big planet Jupiter in conjunction with the powerful planet Pluto. Plutomoves very slowly, so this aspect will affect all of the kids born around the same time asBritney. Unless either of these two planets gets reinforcement from a close contact toone or more of the inner planets, this should not be considered particularly personal.

These kids will often have a strong drive to achieve something of significance. Theycould develop a very strong and penetrating insight, and powerful leadership ability.This aspect does not guarantee fame, because it affects so many people at once, but itusually indicates that these people will achieve something in their own way. There willbe ambition, determination, and maybe a bit of a ruthless streak.

Especially while these kids are young, they must learn to respect other people. Therecan be a tendency to ram their way through life with no thought to anyone exceptthemselves. A sheer sense of ambition and single-mindedness can stir up strife.

These kids need to enjoy their childhood and their friends. They need to learn to relaxand take time out. Save their ambitious energies for when they are older. Youth shouldnot be a continual challenge.

Mercury inconjunct Midheaven (Strength: 0.28)

The inconjunct (quincunx) involves the willpower and the areas where our "thinkingpatterns" need some work.

With the expressive planet Mercury inconjunct the Midheaven, Britney may always feelthat personal opinions and tastes are out of step with the parents, or the peers. This willbother this child, as they will notice this difference even if others do not. In a way,Britney will tend to "compare", and try to analyze these feelings, instead of justaccepting the differences. These children can become quite paranoid and use this as aweapon to become accusatory of their family if they are allowed to let this confusiongrow. They need to learn that they do have their own ideas and they are quite strongideas - and that is OK. Britney should be encouraged to state any opinions freely, andthen listen to alternatives.

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Encourage this child to choose the clothes they want to wear, but also be happy toconsider suggestions. They need to develop a good sense of confidence in their abilityto be an individual. They need to learn to say how they feel.

It is very important that this little one does learn to say what they mean without beingargumentative. These youngsters can be quite abrupt and the words can come out verywrong. Learn to laugh with Britney when this happens and gently explain what cameout wrong. These little ones must learn to quietly think things through before they try toexpress themselves, and then to not be afraid to speak up.

Venus square Saturn (Strength: 0.17)

The Squares are quite subjective. Squares bring challenges that must be workedthrough.

With Venus, the planet of love, in square to the limitations of the planet Saturn, Britneywill have to work hard to accept that giving love and receiving love should be easy.These children need a whole lot of reassurance and unconditional love right from thevery beginning of their life. They need to be taught to give and receive hugs andcuddles, to give and receive praise, to learn to develop some self-confidence. Saturndrains these natural fundamentals for Britney, so effort is needed to replenish.

These children will often feel that they don't matter. They feel unimportant and tend toswitch off. They find it easier to be totally detached rather than run the risk of rejection.But deep down, they have a deep hunger and a deep need to be loved and be able tolove. They become very cold and remote out of a real fear of rebuff and a sense ofinadequacy. However, with plenty of emotional support and physical affirmation of love,the confidence will develop. Britney will be simply shy, but not afraid.

These children have to learn that you win some, and you lose some, and that's life. It isnot personal. That is just the way that it is. They may well have difficulty in expressingtheir feelings even when they badly want to. But with encouragement, Britney will learn.More than anything else, this little one needs to have confidence. Gaining thisconfidence could well involve extra nourishment from parents and loved ones from avery early age.

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Moon trine Saturn (Strength: 0.11)

Trines bring ease, harmony, and success, which need little effort. Can help creativity.

With the emotional Moon in trine to the limitations of Saturn, Britney is likely to be anintrovert and rather shy. Exposing emotions and deep feelings can be difficult, and yetthis child will exude a quiet confidence. It is likely that Britney will feel that it is not coolto show the feelings.

These kids are quite serious and like to be respected for this. There is a practical mindso dreams and fantasies do not come easily. The sense of purpose is powerful, andthese kids are not interested in silly stuff. But this can be a problem. Britney can analyzeand procrastinate for too long in trying to make practical sense out of every move. Therewill be times when being too cautious will lead to "missed" opportunities. These kidsmay pass on something that can be fun and worthwhile, but the "fun" part overrides thedecision. Habit can put a squeeze on having a go and becoming more rounded.

Britney may not develop a large circle of friends, but the friendships formed will be loyaland true. The sort of friendships that are formed will last forever. Honesty runs strong inthe nature here with a sense of responsibility and obligation. As an adult, this child willbe very good in business or in a managerial position.

There is a whole lot of personal dignity here, but Britney can have difficulty projectingwarmth. However, if this aspect is recognized, the parents should try to get this child tolearn to loosen up early in life. Teach Britney to learn to trust and learn that its OK tohave a bit of fun. Britney will always be responsible and trustworthy but also, with someguidance, can learn to relax too.

Venus square Jupiter (Strength: 0.10)

The Squares are quite subjective. Squares bring challenges that must be workedthrough.

With Venus, the planet of love, in square to the big benevolent planet Jupiter, Britneywill have a lot of positive energy. They will be totally optimistic, but will dip out badly inthe area of self-discipline. These children love life. They enjoy company and they aregreat company. And they are easy to love. They are warm and generous. They have aload of charm and will have a load of friends. But Britney will be very difficult to pindown.

Having fun might be at the expense of achieving much of anything. Often, no one willpush these children because they have such a winning way. And when it does happen,and Britney is taken to task, the big easy grin and the infectious nature will probably win

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again. These children can have a thick skin. Staying comfortable beats any reason toget uptight or defensive, especially about anything as petty as moving one's butt.Nevertheless, they will have to learn to cope with the serious side of life and put in a bitof effort.

Overall, if Britney can learn to put some energy into practical application, this can be avery positive aspect. These children are great company, lots of fun, and easy to be with.They do have a positive influence on others.

In some cases, this aspect means that there can be a creative talent, but again, a bit ofwork and a bit of discipline will be needed to utilize this. Britney could well earn a livingthrough these talents later. But only if they are prepared to put in the hard yards.


The prominence of the Planets and the contacts that they make with each other definethe strongest Planet(s) in the Natal Chart. Some planets make a lot of "noise" which youwill see in the area of the "Aspects" whilst some are just waiting for something tohappen. The following are considered the Powerhouse Planets and their meetings andpositions add a further dimension to the attitudes and aptitudes of Britney.

There can be more than one "strongest planet" in which case the person will have anatural ability to dance to many tunes - they will be adaptable and versatile. But if oneplanet or luminary comes through as the absolute leader, then the person will be veryspecifically made up of the flavor of that celestial body.

Venus Dominant (Strength: 18.18)

Venus is a very bright little planet that is often the jewel that we see when we lookskyward on a crisp clear evening. You can't miss the planet of love and creativitytwinkling down. Venus defines our values. It relates to our capacity to attract otherpeople and to how we accumulate personal assets to satisfy our sense of well being.Venus being so prominent in this Chart indicates that Britney will be a bright and happylittle person. These children may seem larger than life because they enjoy life,especially all the good things. They can be a bit laid back. They can even be quite lazyat times because they get comfortable and feel reluctant to move. So, as long as thereis something to eat and drink, and entertainment is there at the push of a button, Britneywill be happy. Whoever invented the 'remote control' must surely have had Venusshowing strongly in their chart.

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These children can also be a bit greedy, as they love possessions. They like amassinglots of things and they may not be too keen to share. They adore sheer comfort andluxury, but this is their sense of security. This strong influence of Venus causes Britneyto be a person who will feel completely beaten if in an isolated situation or not knowingwhere the next meal is coming from. Britney will like nice clothes, will like to look good,and will probably be attracted to the opposite sex very early in life. No doubt, pure sexappeal will be one of the strongest assets. In adulthood, there will be expensive tastes.These people take their pleasures very seriously. There could well be creative, artistic,or musical talent here that should be nurtured.

With the Planet of Love so prominent in this chart, love of course, is very important toBritney. This child will always want to know that they are loved; they themselves arevery warm, very cuddly, and very affectionate. There will be no shortage of friends, andlater, admirers. This will be a popular little package.

Pluto Dominant (Strength: 14.99)

Pluto is a little planet that is all power. It moves through the heavens in its own way andat its own pace, paying little attention to anyone as it tracks its elusive course. But thislittle planet knows exactly where it is going. Pluto is all about regeneration. Pluto takesold ideas by the scruff of the neck and shakes them violently until they have no furtheruse. It finds a vague beginning for a brand new concept. Pluto rules volcanoes and thePlutonian changes are often of volcanic magnitudes. This is a rather cold planet. It isdifficult to define. It is difficult to follow and difficult to penetrate, but underneath this chillis a deep and burning passion. Britney with a powerful Pluto in the natal chart will be allof these things. These kids will be secretive and often silent. They will be clever. Theywill work their way through enormous changes in their lives, going through passages ofdarkness alone and coming out the other end a brand new person. The result can be atotal transformation. Only they will truly understand where they have been. And thischild will not be particularly interested in explaining anything to anyone. Britney will bevery private, very deep, but totally fascinating.

These kids do seem to have a certain knowledge that they exude but do not express oropenly share. Others "feel" the power of this little person. They will be passionate in allthat they do and their anger will be, again, volcanic. These kids will not be violent intheir daily lives. In fact, they will be slow to anger but their depth of feeling isimmeasurable.

Britney will be strongly motivated, very determined, very stubborn, and probably quiteambitious. It will be a rare occasion that will make this child admit defeat. They will plottheir own paths and follow them with sheer determination. Much of the path though lifewill be very private, but this is the preference of Pluto.

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Ascendant Dominant (Strength: 14.87)

The Ascendant is not actually a House. It is an Angle and a very important angle. It isthe beginning of the Wheel and defines the subsequent Houses, as explainedpreviously in the area of the Ascendant. However, having close contact with either ofthe luminaries, or with one or more of the planets (via aspects), energizes this "point",and it dominates the character and outward personality even further.

Britney will project the Ascendant in a powerful way. This child will have a strongpersonality. A strong physical presence will be hard to miss. These children will like tobe in the thick of anything that interests them. Britney will seldom be noted as an idlebystander. This child will be well able to stand on its own two feet and will beinstrumental in helping others along the way too. There should be loads of energy - atleast enough for two. Britney will be able to make decisions, and lead from the front andwill probably gather quite a few followers along the way.

On the eventful journey through life, this little one will probably invest a lot in their manyfriends. They will contribute substantially to those with whom they mix, but will, in turn,learn a lot through interactions with others too. It would be unusual if this child turnedout to be a "loner" or anti-social in any way. But it is very important that the Sign on theAscendant is given close attention. If there are any negative aspects flowing to theAscendant this could indicate strong lessons that have to be dealt with in the area of thepersonality.

The image that these people project though, will be one of their most powerful tools.


The Strongest sign often coincides with that of the Sun in the Natal Chart becauseMercury is the Sun's closest companion - they are never far apart. Venus also sticksquite closely to the mighty Sun, and to a lesser degree, Mars never strays too far away.So, one or more of these planets are often in the same sign as the Sun at birth addingfurther strength.

However, in many cases the "outer" planets can gang up and create a very strong, butquite a different, influence. This area of the Chart will either add more weight to thecolor and personality of this Child or it could add a further hue to their approach andintensity.

If there is more that one "strongest sign", which is likely, the person will have variousfacets to their approach and abilities, and so will scatter their energies somewhat. If

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there is one singleton sign, which outweighs the rest, Britney will be more easilyrecognized by the attributes of the sign involved.

Sagittarius Dominant (Strength: 157.56)

One of the stronger signs in this Chart is Sagittarius, the Archer or the Centaur. Thischild will develop both physical and mental strength and also, stamina. Britney willalways love to learn. These kids can make excellent teachers later because they like toshare their knowledge and their expressive ways make them entertaining and easy tolisten to. These kids can improve on the truth to add a bit more flavor to an experienceor a story they are telling. This is not done in a menacing way - Britney will simply loveto tell a good tale. Often a strong Sagittarius influence shows strongly in sports teams.Britney will be competitive, well coordinated, and will have the ability to encourage anddrive team efforts. The attitude is also very fair.

These kids are capable of quite profound thinking and will develop a strong philosophyas they grow up. Interests lean towards the more universal subjects. The "big issues"will fascinate Britney. Often the thinking goes way beyond "global".

Britney will probably love the outdoors, the wide-open spaces, and will be fond of allcreatures great and small. Even as youngsters, these kids will really enjoy schoolcamps or even family camping holidays where they can get in touch with nature. Theyrelish the beauty of the planet, Earth, and the elusive wonders of the beyond. Thesekids can wear themselves out though as they will never admit that they are tired. Theywant to be on the go the whole time. There is just so much for them to see and do.These are generally very happy and contented kids; they see the best in everything.They are not usually petty and their optimism gives them a good outlook which iscontagious. These kids are able to lift the low spirits of those around them, and if theycannot, they will move on. Britney will avoid moody people who try to dampen theatmosphere in any way.

This is the sign of the "traveler", and these children will be interested in differentcountries and different cultures. Britney will probably be keen to buy a backpack assoon as possible and head off the see the world. It will be to experience the world andits people rather than as the average tourist.

Libra Dominant (Strength: 124.69)

One of the strongest signs in this Chart is Libra, which is symbolized by the Scales.Libra is all about balance, harmony, and creating the most pleasant atmospherepossible. Britney will be friendly, affectionate, and usually very courteous. There will bea sort of charisma that makes this child the darling of their "elders". They do like to

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please, and they like to look good. This child will learn how to use this natural charmvery effectively from a very young age. Britney will probably like cool clothes, designerlabels and will take more care about the personal appearance than most. Thesechildren will want to have all the latest gimmicks as soon as they hit the shops.

This child will always prefer to be with another friend or in a group. They do need theassurances that they get from company. They draw strength from others and have agreat need to share all that they have and know. The Libra personality sees itself as onehalf of a whole. They need company to feel complete.

These kids will be very fair and will always come out in defense of the underdog. Theywill always listen to both sides and assume the role (very well too) of the arbitrator. Libraalso signifies justice; the child who has this sign so strong will be a sound judge and juryif the rules are broken, or if someone is getting hurt in an unfair process.

A problem that Britney will have though, is trying too hard to please. This child canstruggle to make a real decision. It is often better to make the choices yourself if a quickdecision is needed. These kids will weigh up all the pros and cons and either say "youdecide", or else will want to take both options. This diplomat will bend over backwards toplease and will work very hard not to offend.

Libra is often described as "lazy Libra". These children can take a long time to getmotivated, but when they are committed to a task, they will hang in there for as long andas hard as it takes. However, these kids do seem to "stroll" rather than rush.

Cancer Dominant (Strength: 80.92)

One of the strongest signs in this chart for Britney is the sign of Cancer, the crab.Cancerians can be a lot like the crab in the rock-pool. They will nestle under the sandwhere they can see what is going on, but feel safely "hidden". The crab has its house onits back, wanting nothing more than to stay just where they are - forever. Everything willbe peaceful and content until someone puts a careless toe in the wrong place. And thenthe crab will make its presence felt, - no matter the size or might of the intruder. Thecrab will then scuttle away having been felt, but probably, not seen. The Cancerianinfluence is not aggressive, but it is crabby, it can nip, and it often omits to explainwhere it is coming from. The "fight" involves minimum confrontation but it can cause aheavy atmosphere. This is the "Cancerian" way of getting noticed. The Cancerian doestend to sulk. The Moon rules Cancer so the Moon phases will affect the temperament ofthis child in quite a big way. So, obviously, Britney can be very moody indeed. Theselittle ones can change their mind and their opinions in an instant and then give noexplanations as to why.

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But Britney can be a psychic sponge soaking up the atmosphere. These kids respondthrough their emotions. They are very sensitive and will be easily hurt. Often their shellconceals their vulnerability. These kids will have a mind of their own and are well able tomake their own decisions. They can seem to be quite tough. But in other ways, they canbe quite clingy and dependent on others.

Often the Cancerian child will be interested in history, especially family history. They dolike to be able to identify with their roots and their heritage. The little Cancerian is firmlyattached to the home and very territorial - fiercely protective of the family environmentand all those that are dear to them. This is the little Mother of the Zodiac who will likenothing better than looking after anyone that will let them.

Cancer rules the stomach, the digestion, and these kids can be real worriers that bottleup the feelings and hurts. And then end up with tummy cramps, or simply go right offtheir food altogether. But caring, listening and loving will be of enormous help to Britneyin times of stress. A big warm cuddle will do wonders.


The Houses in the Natal Chart are very significant because they indicate the areaswhere we have been born lucky or where we have serious work to do. The Housesdefine the areas in life where we expend our energies, where we find recurring issueswith which we have to deal.

The basic Natal Chart is simply the blueprint of the Heavens at the exact time of ourbirth. But in reading a child's chart, there is a different emphasis. Obviously a child"reflects" its everyday environment during the formative years and this Natal chart forBritney acknowledges these reflections. In the case of a child, many of the attitudes andhabits are reflections of the up bringing and environmental influences. Often work needsto be done to reach out for the opposite House to achieve a fuller picture.

It is very important to apply these interpretations with the dominant sign and the planetsinvolved. Together, they make much more sense and will be more easily recognized.

The report gives a "one-liner" explanation for each relevant House throughout the basicChart, which relates to children.

Third House Dominant (Strength: 124.10)

3rd House: This House is about early education. It is about mental stimulation thatprovokes learning through interaction and experience, and then using the lessons. Thearea for the child is the playground, playgroups, mixing with children the same age. It is

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about becoming familiar with the local environment and the neighbors. This isessentially the House that is all about communication at it best and its beginnings.

Britney has a lot of strength in the 3rd house. The 3rd House is all about earlyeducation, the local environment, brothers and sisters, and communications. It is thebeginnings of 'standing on one's own feet'. It is the forming of opinions - getting to knowpeople outside of the family home. It is discovering the mediums available that supplyinformation, such as TV, Internet, telephones, newspapers, and using the good oldvocal chords.

Within the home environment, Britney is likely to not only start talking early, but also,once started, may never stop. There will be a fair few arguments. This child loves abattle of wits, and sometimes being contrary is the best way to get the whole familytalking. But guess who will always have the last word! And with age, this is likely tobecome a bit of a game, especially when it is assured of getting a reaction. Thesechildren will like to prove how smart they are and the best way they can do this isthrough their great word power.

Britney is bound to be very active in the local neighborhood. This child will enjoyparticipating in any social activities, but will especially love talking to anyone that willlisten. This is the sort of child who can brighten up a lonely person's day just by beingfriendly. So, in all probability you will have quite a well-known entity in your midst.

Britney is bound to be very curious and very active, but will get bored easily. Thisyoungster will be continually looking for stimulation, looking for new things, new places,and new people.

This house is very concerned with speech, communications, and learning. A messageto the child with such a strong 3rd House is to reach out to the opposite house, the 9thHouse, which involves higher learning. It is more about the big wide world. Perhaps themessage is to use this gift of words to teach, to pass on what they have learned. It alsosuggests that this little one needs to learn to 'listen' rather than simply talk. It suggests aneed for guidance and training to look deeper and not be content with superficialknowledge. And that way they will expand the ultimate learning and get recognition andrespect for these natural talents.

Second House Dominant (Strength: 80.75)

2nd House: This House is about values and possessions. It is the "my things" attitude. Itis where nourishment is needed to feel confident and secure. This House is about

experiencing the sensual fundamentals in order to feel fulfilled and loved. This Houseputs a real value on tangible assets, and it is where real fears are born with respect to

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deprivation. It is also where we learn to provide for ourselves if we must. It is where wediscover our "comfort zone".

The 2nd House is the "I wants" in the child, and we all know as parents that there arealways plenty of those. Britney, with a strong showing in the second House, will havelots of wants and needs. There will seem to be an endless list of things that this child"simply must have". These kids will probably try to keep up with the Jones's from a veryearly age. They will also compete strongly for affection. Often there can be a ratherselfish attitude because in order to feel good, these kids have to have plenty of thingsthat they can call their own, and that includes a special love and bond from the parents.Often these kids feel that in sharing, they lose the lot, so they may have to be shownthat sharing is a form of speculation and accumulation.

There is quite a fear of "change". Britney would like life to always stay the same. Thislittle one will need to be guided into being less clingy and more independent. There is aneed to learn that real security comes from within. It has little to do with possessions.

This is also the House of our hidden talents, so this, being such a "busy" area, could bevery significant of gifts that need to be drawn out. Creativity, perhaps - music - orperhaps a garden plot of their very own, will add to the inner confidence and be asource of pride and pleasure.

A lesson for Britney with a powerful 2nd House would be to lean a little towards theopposite House, the 8th House in the Chart. Britney will need to learn that everythingchanges, and that is not the end of the world. There is a need to accept that every partof life needs air to grow and to thrive. These kids must widen their horizons and bemore independent. Learn, look within for their sense of security, and let their confidenceexpand.

Tenth House Dominant (Strength: 78.85)

10th House: This House points to the dominant parent. That parent's attitude,expectations, and ambitions for the child are reflected here. Here is an indication of

how the child deals with responsibility and with authority. An ambition to "be someone"or to be recognized in this life is associated with the powerful 10th House. The sweet

smell and taste for power and success emerges from this very zenith of the natal chart.

Britney has a lot of weight in the 10th House, which traditionally points to career, status,and reputation. The 10th House for the child is about peer groups, parents, teachers -the 'in crowd'.

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Britney will have a strong set of objectives. This little one will set firm goals and will bequite selective with whom they mix. These children have such a strong sense ofpurpose that they will not take anyone seriously who does not have a sincere agenda.

Britney will have a natural respect for authority. Because the paternal figure is oftenindicated through this House, it is likely that the 'authoritative person' plays a major rolein this child's life. Sometimes though, that 'figure' can apply quite a bit of pressure.

Often with activity in the 10th House there can be quite a lonely or hard childhood,especially if there are oppositions, (aspects - please check), that come from the 4thHouse. There will be a strong need for personal security. This is probably why thesechildren figure out when young that the hard yards are needed to get results. Besides,they also figure that independence and knowledge is power, and that will be a key to theaspirations of this child. Britney will ultimately want a bit of power. That simply meansbeing completely in charge of personal issues in life and their ultimate destiny. Therecan be a real need to 'prove'.

This little one does have to reach out to the opposite House, the 4th House and let theiremotions flow, not feel afraid to show how they feel, not be quite so 'grown up' all thetime. They will be as vulnerable as anyone else will, and they have to accept that we allhurt at times - and that's OK. We all have to cope with 'less than perfect'. That is quitenormal. At some stage in their life, this child may have to put in some work coming togrips with a part of the childhood that they did not understand or quite accept.

But a powerful tenth House does suggest ultimate success or recognition eventually.This might be localized, rather than making world headlines, but this little characterdoes have a solid destiny.

Balance of Elements and Modalities


The four elements figure strongly in the definition and interpretation of the signs. Thedominant element(s) can help to identify the personality type quite successfully. In manycases, there will be a combination of more than one, which indicates more flexibility.

It can be quite easy to spot the "fiery" personality, the "down to earth" type, the "head inthe clouds" Air person, or the weepy and emotional water character.

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Abundant Fire

The Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire is all about impatience, enthusiasm,and energy. These kids will want to be involved in everything possible - and well as

"impossible", at times. There will be a passion for life. A dominant Sun, Mars, or Jupiterwill add to the predominance of fire characteristics in this chart.

These children are high-spirited, energetic and impulsive. They can have very quicktempers. They can be domineering and can be argumentative, but will not usually hold agrudge unless there is a good and valid reason. Fire signs are a little like a tropicalstorm, - a cloudburst, and then glorious sunshine. And then these volatile youngsterswill genuinely wonder why everyone around them can be left quite wounded.

Britney will be independent, self-willed and self-motivated. This child can be a handfuland will certainly need some discipline, but this needs to be administered carefully. Aftera heavily emotional confrontation with a fire child, the best time to discuss the situationis when the energies have cooled down (parents have to be saints at times). Britney willno doubt argue, but if the timing is right, will take any reprimands on board - but - do notexpect any admission of being wrong. This kid will never go that far.

If any authority figure cracks the whip and overwhelms this child with no explanation,they will simply react even stronger and louder. The fire will intensify. If Britney gets thefeeling that adults always use power arbitrarily, without rules or accountability, it willmake Britney a fighter against the authorities.

Britney will be open and forthright, preferring to act out in front where the world can see.If you encourage honesty you will get just that. It may be coupled with a brutal franknessand a seeming insensitivity, but this would seldom be intended. These kids just do notstop to think.

Britney could find it difficult to cry or show emotions because it will be difficult to admitthat something is wrong. The aim will always be to appear so strong and independent. Itis very important that these children do learn to expose their feelings more. Butremember - the aim with the predominantly Fire child is to tame them - not to break thevaluable spirit.

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Abundant Air

The Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air is considered quite intellectual,communicative, and friendly. These kids will be logical and will like to have a sense of

freedom in all areas of life. Dominant Mercury or Uranus will add weight to thepredominance of Air in this chart.

Air children are very quick and mentally active. They like getting around the place,meeting new people, seeing new places, and trying different things. Britney will needconstant activity, and constant stimulation, because there is a tendency to get boredquite easily. These kids are innovative. They like to stretch the imagination. They willmake up new themes to old ideas, change the rules to make the same old games"different" - in fact they will be right into anything that is fresh and new. Britney will enjoystudy, usually like to read, and if all else fails, will just like to talk. The strongest talent isthe ability to think and reason clearly and objectively. These kids do not let theiremotions take control and distort the thinking. And there is usually evidence of a good,strong sense of humor. An abundance of Air can be rather out of touch with feelings andemotions, because they simply do not think "emotional". This can bewilder them attimes. These kids can be out of touch with themselves so when logic fails them, theysimply do not understand.

It is so important that the parents of air children train them to express the feelings andemotions freely. Britney should be encouraged to explore the imagination. Air peopleare very good at communicating and are good at influencing others by putting forward astrong argument. A parent should be aware of this ability to sway people, becausethese kids are convincing and manipulative in a clever way.

The Air people are usually popular because they know how to play to the gallery andplease the crowd. They are bound to be refreshing company. And they will certainly berather entertaining.

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Lack of Water

When an element is "lacking", it can indicate a need to encourage the essentials of this"lack", to help round the character off a little. This often happens over time anyway,quite naturally. But watch Britney and you will see if any building needs to be done.

But rather than see this as a "weakness", it is preferable to accept that one or more ofthe other elements comes through more strongly. The apparent "lack" can also be

compensated within the chart anyway. It only needs one powerful aspect to add someweight.

The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

The absence of Water in the chart for Britney suggests that there may be some difficultyunderstanding the deeper meanings of issues. This little one could be a little lacking inemotional intensity. This is not to say that Britney will have no feelings, but it does meanthat the emotions are not overly exposed and really do not run deep. These kids are notso apt to form extremely close friendships or relationships where they may feelsmothered or threatened by strong emotional demands. They recover quickly fromemotional bumps and scrapes. They never let disappointments get them down. So,depression is never likely to be a problem.

Many of the aspects of not having water signs are positive. But on the negative side,Britney should guard against becoming rather callous and cold. These kids can give theimpression of being detached and unfeeling. Intuitive skills are not readily available tothose with few planets in Water signs. This will not be a major problem because thesetypes are not particularly interested in the realms of intuition or whatever. They do nottrust intuitive knowledge anyway.

Lack of Earth

When an element is "lacking", it can indicate a need to encourage the essentials of this"lack", to help round the character off a little. This often happens over time anyway,quite naturally. But watch Britney and you will see if any building needs to be done.

But rather than see this as a "weakness", it is preferable to accept that one or more ofthe other elements comes through more strongly. The apparent "lack" can also be

compensated within the chart anyway. It only needs one powerful aspect to add someweight.

The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

A lack of the Earth element in this chart suggests that this child may have somedifficulties dealing with practical and mundane issues. In fact, it may be said that theyare not really at home on the planet Earth. Britney may seem to be somehow lost inspace and unable to get the feet on the ground. Because of this, these kids may rejectresponsibility. They can have trouble getting organized and following through on a task.

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Often there can be a childish inability to handle boring, but necessary tasks. Britneycould be one of those kids who need help to accomplish the simplest chore. Materialmatters and money may be secondary concerns. These types may not be particularlyinterested in earthly possessions or any sort of material gain. Sometimes expressing acompulsive trait toward neatness and detail compensates for the absence of the Earthelement. Or, perhaps the compensation comes through as a major concern fororganization.

More often, the absence of earth signs means good old-fashioned common sense maynot be a strong suit. Britney should be encouraged to spend time outdoors with nature,to get in touch with the basic practicalities of life, and to learn to be more accountableand to take responsibility.


The "Modes" or the "Qualities" often indicate how we initiate our actions. The Cardinaltypes are firm, confident, and are better starters than they are finishers. The Fixed typesare quite reluctant to step outside of the comfort zone. They prefer to stay with the triedand true. The Mutable people are flexible and adaptable but they can be flimsy.

But, again, in many cases there is a combination of more than one mode.

Abundant Mutable

The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These are the signs ofchange, and the essential mark is adaptability.

Britney will either try to find a way around a problem or will give way in the face of theattack. This quality of mutability is not a weakness, because although these kids dobend like a reed in the wind, they do manage to survive and persist. Britney will believein flowing with the energies of the surrounding environment. These kids can adapt to thecharacteristics of the current company. Nevertheless, these children have a core ofinner truth that enables them to make quite a subtle impact on those around them. Byappearing to give way, these kids can sometimes be quite manipulative.

The mutable signs except Virgo are known as dual or two-bodied signs (meaning thatthey have two distinct sides). This reflects the mutable person's ability to have morethan one facet. Britney will actually thrive in unstable and changing circumstances.These kids are able to grab what they need and adapt very quickly to new conditions. Infact, often boredom will set in if the situation is not constantly changing. With all of thisadaptability, however, Britney can be rather devious at times. It is hard to pin thesetypes down to a definite course of action or a commitment. They feel that such

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commitment limits the freedom. Not being forthright can be a major problem, exceptpossibly with Sagittarius.

Given any kind of resistance at all, these kids simply change direction and take the lineof least resistance, even if inappropriate.


As adults, we look back on our youth and say, "if only I knew then what I know now".How many of us also, as we get older, "discover" a talent that has never beenrecognized and say "if only". If this Chart report simply indicates a talent that can benurtured early in life, as opposed to laying dormant for too long a time, or forever, thenthe author's objective has been reached.
