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Page 1 IOP Genomics Workshop Patents and Patenting Biotech Inventions Annemieke Breukink, Ph.D....

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Page 1 IOP Genomics Workshop IOP Genomics Workshop Patents and Patenting Biotech Patents and Patenting Biotech Inventions Inventions Annemieke Breukink, Ph.D. September 8th, 2009

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IOP Genomics WorkshopIOP Genomics WorkshopPatents and Patenting Biotech InventionsPatents and Patenting Biotech Inventions

Annemieke Breukink, Ph.D.

September 8th, 2009

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Outline presentationOutline presentation

I. IP Rights and patent law

II. Patent procedure & costs

III. Patent strategy

IV. Patents and Biotechnology

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Database right

Trading names Ahold

Intellectual property rights:Intellectual property rights:

Other rights:no registration required

Industrial rights:registration required

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What is a patent ?What is a patent ?

An exclusive right, granted by the state, to exclude others from making, selling, etc. your invention during a specific period in the jurisdiction of the state.

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“Why bother with patents?”

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The patent The patent system:system: Patent

Monopoly to

recover investments

Disclosure of

technical progress




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Example: technical information

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Page 9

• First to file principlecompany vs employee patentapplicant vs inventor

• Inventor: right to be mentionedentitled to compensation (cao)

Who obtains patent right ?Who obtains patent right ? (art. 12 Dutch Patent Act 1995)

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Legal requirementsLegal requirements

• Novel• Involve an inventive step• Industrially applicable• Technical invention • Clear and complete disclosure

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Patent infringement ?Patent infringement ?

• Commercial exploitation

• Research (scientific, fundamental) • Prior use



• Contract research• Clinical trialsMAYBE:

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Example:Example: NL 1012379: Flat product and wrapper

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Patent system in the NetherlandsPatent system in the Netherlands

• Dutch Patent Act (ROW 1995)

• European Patent Convention (1973); EPC 2000

• Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT; 1970)

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Patent procedure:Patent procedure:establishment of patent right

0 12 18


Time (months)priority year

examinationfiling search


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Example of a patent familyExample of a patent family

2,5 y

WO 01/10739PCT procedure



Europe (EP)NetherlandsGermanyGreat Britain

1,5 ypubl.


1 yNetherlandsapplication

JP 2001/072151

NL 1018659

US 6569387

EP 1076014

EP Grant

20 y

Page 17

Patent procedure: total costsPatent procedure: total costs

• National € 5.000, result: Dutch patent

• European (EPO)€ 30.000, result: bundle of national patents

• International “PCT” (WIPO)€ 150.000, result: bundle of patent applications

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Patent strategyPatent strategyuniversity and company viewsuniversity and company views

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• Cost of investment

• (R&D, clinical trials)

• New technology

• Highly competitive field

• Financial risks

Importance of patents Importance of patents in the biotech/pharmacy field:in the biotech/pharmacy field:

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Patent protection:Patent protection: company point of viewcompany point of view

• Protect product or process (invention)patent = monopoly = market investment protection

• Negotiation toolstop or collaborate competitors sell or buy technical know-how

• Venture capital attract investorsimage

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Patent protection:Patent protection:university point of viewuniversity point of view

• Why apply for a patent?publish or perish

negotiation position

• Finance, who pays?university budgettechnology transfer?

• Who benefits?

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• (Increase) collaboration with industry

• Generate new source of funding

• Potential breakthrough technology ?

• Patent does not exclude publication

Patent protection:Patent protection:university considerationsuniversity considerations

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Science publication,May 30th, 2003

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Patent applicationfiled April 8th, 2003

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Desk research

Research proposal


Search literature in scientific publications

Patent literature as source of inspiration

Write research proposal

Patent literature assource of information

Obtain funds forresearch

Plan costs for patentapplication

Make records of results / Invention based on research

Registration of invention(s)


Approach:Approach: Combining Combining Patents and Patents and ResearchResearch

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• Examine the field of your invention - Use patent literature

- Know the key companies

• Apply for a patent: obtain a priority date• Or sell your patent idea.

- Inventor is inventor

• Attract key companies attention- Sell / License / Project within 30 month period

• Proceed with your research

StrategyStrategy: Plan for Exploration: Plan for Exploration

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Patents and BiotechnologyPatents and Biotechnology

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Patent statistics:Patent statistics:

• Each year >140.000 European patent applications

• .. 5 % concerns biotechnology

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Patenting biotech inventions…Patenting biotech inventions…

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PPatentatent requirements requirements

• Absolute novelty

• Inventive step

• Industrial application


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What is an invention ?What is an invention ?

(what is a discovery….?)

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Compound X selectively binds to receptor Y.


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“The selective occupation of a receptor cannot be considered in itself as a therapeutic application; the discovery that a substance selectively binds a receptor, even if representing an important piece of scientific knowledge, still needs to find a practical application in the form of a defined, real treatment of any pathological condition in order to make a technical contribution to the art and to be considered as an invention eligible for patent protection”

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Is each invention patentable ?

NO !

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Unpatentable subject matter:Unpatentable subject matter:

• Discoveries• Scientific theories, mathematical methods• Computer programs• Aesthetic creations• Business methods• Treatment of human / animal body• Inventions contrary to “ordre public”

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Inventions contrary to “ordre public”Inventions contrary to “ordre public”

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Unpatentable (biotech) inventionsUnpatentable (biotech) inventionsregulated by:regulated by:

Dutch Patents Act 1995

European patent convention (EPC)

Directive on Biotechnological inventions 98/44/EC

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Unpatentable (biotech) inventions:Unpatentable (biotech) inventions:

• Plant or animal variety

• (parts of) human body which are not “isolated”

• DNA/protein sequence without description of function

• Method for cloning humans

• Method for altering genetic identity humans

• Method for altering genetic identity animals : suffering?

• Industrial or commercial use of embryo’s

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Patentable (biotech) inventions:Patentable (biotech) inventions:

• Methods (e.g. DNA-array, cDNA library screening)

• Isolated (parts of) human body (proteins, enzymes)

• Isolated (partial) DNA sequence with function

• Genetically modified organism

• …….

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• A method to…

• Use of X for…

• A product

Patenting (biotech) inventionsPatenting (biotech) inventions

Allowable subject matter

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Patent registers:http://register.octrooicentrum.nlhttp://www.epoline.org/portal/public/registerplus

Patent search:http://nl.espacenet.com/http://patft.uspto.govhttp://www.google.com/patents
