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Page 1 of 26 · The Honourable Scott Brison L’honorable Scott Brison President of the Treasury...

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Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on changes to the ministry Canada Newswire Tue May 31 2016, 8:29pm ET OTTAWA, May 31, 2016 /CNW Telbec/ - The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement today on changes to the Ministry: “Effective immediately, the Honourable Hunter Tootoo has resigned from his position as Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard. “He will also be leaving the Liberal caucus. “Mr. Tootoo will be taking time to seek treatment for addiction issues. “The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc will be assuming the role of Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard later this evening, in addition to being Government House Leader.” This document is also available at http://pm.gc.ca (pm.gc.ca ) CANADA PRIVY COUNCIL - CONSEIL PRIVÉ THE CANADIAN MINISTRY (by order of precedence) LE CONSEIL DES MINISTRES DU CANADA (par ordre de préséance) The Right Honourable Justin P. J. Trudeau Le très honorable Justin P. J. Trudeau Prime Minister premier ministre The Honourable Ralph Goodale L’honorable Ralph Goodale Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay L’honorable Lawrence MacAulay Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire Page 1 of 26

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on changes tothe ministryCanada NewswireTue May 31 2016, 8:29pm ET

OTTAWA, May 31, 2016 /CNW Telbec/ - The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued thefollowing statement today on changes to the Ministry:

“Effective immediately, the Honourable Hunter Tootoo has resigned from his position asMinister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard.

“He will also be leaving the Liberal caucus.

“Mr. Tootoo will be taking time to seek treatment for addiction issues.

“The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc will be assuming the role of Minister of Fisheries,Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard later this evening, in addition to beingGovernment House Leader.”

This document is also available at http://pm.gc.ca (pm.gc.ca)




(by order of precedence)


(par ordre de préséance)

The Right Honourable Justin P. J. Trudeau

Le très honorable Justin P. J. Trudeau

Prime Minister

premier ministre

The Honourable Ralph Goodale

L’honorable Ralph Goodale

Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile

The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay

L’honorable Lawrence MacAulay

Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire

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The Honourable Stéphane Dion

L’honorable Stéphane Dion

Minister of Foreign Affairs

ministre des Affaires étrangères

The Honourable John McCallum

L’honorable John McCallum

Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté

The Honourable Carolyn Bennett

L’honorable Carolyn Bennett

Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs

ministre des Affaires autochtones et du Nord

The Honourable Scott Brison

L’honorable Scott Brison

President of the Treasury Board

président du Conseil du Trésor

The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc

L’honorable Dominic LeBlanc

Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister of Fisheries, Oceansand the Canadian Coast Guard

leader du gouvernement à la Chambre des communes et ministre des Pêches, desOcéans et de la Garde côtière canadienne

The Honourable Navdeep Singh Bains

L’honorable Navdeep Singh Bains

Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development

ministre de l’Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique

The Honourable William Francis Morneau

L’honorable William Francis Morneau

Minister of Finance

ministre des Finances

The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould

L’honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould

Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

ministre de la Justice et procureure générale du Canada

The Honourable Judy M. Foote

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L’honorable Judy M. Foote

Minister of Public Services and Procurement

ministre des Services publics et de l’Approvisionnement

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland

L’honorable Chrystia Freeland

Minister of International Trade

ministre du Commerce international

The Honourable Jane Philpott

L’honorable Jane Philpott

Minister of Health

ministre de la Santé

The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos

L’honorable Jean-Yves Duclos

Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

ministre de la Famille, des Enfants et du Développement social

The Honourable Marc Garneau

L’honorable Marc Garneau

Minister of Transport

ministre des Transports

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau

L’honorable Marie-Claude Bibeau

Minister of International Development and La Francophonie

ministre du Développement international et de la Francophonie

The Honourable James Gordon Carr

L’honorable James Gordon Carr

Minister of Natural Resources

ministre des Ressources naturelles

The Honourable Mélanie Joly

L’honorable Mélanie Joly

Minister of Canadian Heritage

ministre du Patrimoine canadien

The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier

L’honorable Diane Lebouthillier

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Minister of National Revenue

ministre du Revenu national

The Honourable Kent Hehr

L’honorable Kent Hehr

Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence

ministre des Anciens Combattants et ministre associé de la Défense nationale

The Honourable Catherine McKenna

L’honorable Catherine McKenna

Minister of Environment and Climate Change

ministre de l’Environnement et du Changement climatique

The Honourable Harjit Singh Sajjan

L’honorable Harjit Singh Sajjan

Minister of National Defence

ministre de la Défense nationale

The Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk

L’honorable MaryAnn Mihychuk

Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour

ministre de l’Emploi, du Développement de la main-d’ouvre et du Travail

The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi

L’honorable Amarjeet Sohi

Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

ministre de l’Infrastructure et des Collectivités

The Honourable Maryam Monsef

L’honorable Maryam Monsef

Minister of Democratic Institutions

ministre des Institutions démocratiques

The Honourable Carla Qualtrough

L’honorable Carla Qualtrough

Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities

ministre des Sports et des Personnes handicapées

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan

L’honorable Kirsty Duncan

Minister of Science

ministre des Sciences

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The Honourable Patricia A. Hajdu

L’honorable Patricia A. Hajdu

Minister of Status of Women

ministre de la Condition féminine

The Honourable Bardish Chagger

L’honorable Bardish Chagger

Minister of Small Business and Tourism

ministre de la Petite Entreprise et du Tourisme



The Minister of Finance and the President of the Treasury Board are ex-officio membersof Committees where they are not shown as standing members.

Le ministre des Finances et le président du Conseil du Trésor sont membres d’office descomités dont ils ne sont pas membres à titre permanent.

Cabinet Committee on Agenda, Results and Communications / Comité du Cabinetchargé du programme gouvernemental, des résultats et des communications

Sets the government’s forward agenda, tracks progress on priorities, and considersstrategic communications.

Ce comité établit le programme du gouvernement, fait le suivi des progrès réalisésrelativement aux priorités, et examine les communications stratégiques.


The Rt. Hon./Le très hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau


The Hon./L’hon. Ralph Goodale

The Hon./L’hon. Scott Brison

The Hon./L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc

The Hon./L’hon. Navdeep Singh Bains

The Hon./L’hon. William Francis Morneau

The Hon./L’hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould

The Hon./L’hon. Judy M. Foote

The Hon./L’hon. Chrystia Freeland

The Hon./L’hon. Jean-Yves Duclos

The Hon./L’hon. Mélanie Joly

The Hon./L’hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan

Treasury Board / Conseil du Trésor

Acts as the government’s management board. Provides oversight of the government’s

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financial management and spending, as well as oversight on human resources issues. Isthe employer for the public service, and establishes policies and common standards foradministrative, personnel, financial and organizational practices across government.Fulfills the role of the Committee of Council in approving regulatory policies andregulations, and most orders-in-council. Responsible for reporting to Parliament.

Il s’agit du conseil d’administration du gouvernement. Le Conseil du Trésor supervise lagestion financière et les dépenses du gouvernement et s’occupe des questions relativesaux ressources humaines. Le Conseil du Trésor est l’employeur de la fonction publique;il établit les lignes de conduite et les normes générales en matière d’administration, degestion du personnel, de finances et des pratiques organisationnelles pour l’ensemble dugouvernement. Le Conseil du Trésor joue également le rôle du comité du Conseil en cequi a trait à l’approbation de la politique de réglementation et des règlements, et de laplupart des décrets en conseil. Le Conseil du Trésor est responsable de rendre descomptes au Parlement.


The Hon./L’hon. Scott Brison


The Hon./L’hon. John McCallum


The Hon./L’hon. William Francis Morneau

The Hon./L’hon. Jane Philpott

The Hon./L’hon. Jean-Yves Duclos

The Hon./L’hon. Catherine McKenna


The Hon./L’hon. Lawrence MacAulay

The Hon./L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc

The Hon./L’hon. James Gordon Carr

The Hon./L’hon. Amarjeet Sohi

The Hon./L’hon. Maryam Monsef

Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs / Comité du Cabinet chargé des affairesparlementaires

Considers issues and strategies related to parliamentary affairs and the government’slegislative agenda.

Ce comité étudie les questions et les stratégies relatives aux affaires parlementaires etau programme législatif du gouvernement.


The Hon./L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc


The Hon./L’hon. Judy M. Foote


The Hon./L’hon. Lawrence MacAulay

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The Hon./L’hon. Marc Garneau

The Hon./L’hon. Mélanie Joly

The Hon./L’hon. Kent Hehr

The Hon./L’hon. MaryAnn Mihychuk

The Hon./L’hon. Maryam Monsef

Cabinet Committee on Inclusive Growth, Opportunities and Innovation / Comité duCabinet chargé de la croissance inclusive, de l’égalité des opportunités, et del’innovation

Considers strategies designed to promote inclusive economic growth, opportunity,employment and social security, including sectoral strategies and initiatives. Responsiblefor initiatives that will strengthen and grow the middle class.

Ce comité étudie les stratégies visant à promouvoir une croissance économiqueinclusive, l’égalité des opportunités, l’emploi et la sécurité sociale, y compris lesstratégies et les initiatives sectorielles. Il est responsable des initiatives qui renforcerontla classe moyenne et stimuleront sa croissance.


The Hon./L’hon. Jane Philpott


The Hon./L’hon. Jean-Yves Duclos


The Hon./L’hon. Lawrence MacAulay

The Hon./L’hon. Carolyn Bennett

The Hon./L’hon. Scott Brison

The Hon./L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc

The Hon./L’hon. Navdeep Singh Bains

The Hon./L’hon. William Francis Morneau

The Hon./L’hon. Chrystia Freeland

The Hon./L’hon. James Gordon Carr

The Hon./L’hon. Diane Lebouthillier

The Hon./L’hon. Catherine McKenna

The Hon./L’hon. MaryAnn Mihychuk

The Hon./L’hon. Amarjeet Sohi

The Hon./L’hon. Bardish Chagger

Cabinet Committee on Diversity and Inclusion / Comité du Cabinet chargé de la diversitéet de l’inclusion

Considers issues concerning the social fabric of Canada and the promotion of Canadianpluralism. Examines initiatives designed to strengthen the relationship with IndigenousCanadians, improve the economic performance of immigrants, and promote Canadiandiversity, multiculturalism, and linguistic duality.

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Ce comité se penche sur les questions qui concernent le tissu social du Canada et lapromotion de la pluralité du pays. Il se penche sur les initiatives qui visent à renforcer lesrelations avec les Canadiens d’origine autochtone, à améliorer le rendementéconomique des immigrants ainsi qu’à promouvoir la diversité, le multiculturalisme et ladualité linguistique du Canada.


The Hon./L’hon. John McCallum


The Hon./L’hon. Mélanie Joly


The Hon./L’hon. Carolyn Bennett

The Hon./L’hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould

The Hon./L’hon. Jean-Yves Duclos

The Hon./L’hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau

The Hon./L’hon. Kent Hehr

The Hon./L’hon. Maryam Monsef

The Hon./L’hon. Carla Qualtrough

The Hon./L’hon. Patricia A. Hajdu

The Hon./L’hon. Bardish Chagger

Cabinet Committee on Canada in the World and Public Security / Comité du Cabinetchargé du Canada dans le monde et de la sécurité publique

Considers issues concerning Canada’s engagement with and participation in theinternational community, the promotion of Canadian interests and values abroad, themanagement of bilateral and multilateral relations, and international assistance.Responsible for issues related to domestic and global security.

Ce comité est responsable des questions qui touchent la participation du Canada auxactivités de la communauté internationale et ses interactions avec cette dernière, lapromotion des intérêts et des valeurs du Canada à l’étranger, la gestion des relationsbilatérales et multilatérales ainsi que l’aide internationale. Le comité se pencheégalement sur les questions relatives à la sécurité nationale et internationale.


The Hon./L’hon. Ralph Goodale


The Hon./L’hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould


The Hon./L’hon. Stéphane Dion

The Hon./L’hon. John McCallum

The Hon./L’hon. Chrystia Freeland

The Hon./L’hon. Marc Garneau

The Hon./L’hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau

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The Hon./L’hon. James Gordon Carr

The Hon./L’hon. Catherine McKenna

The Hon./L’hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan

Canada in the World and Public Security: Sub-Committee on Canada-United StatesRelations / Canada dans le monde et sécurité publique : sous-comité sur les relationscanado-américaines

Considers issues concerning the fostering of strong relations between Canada and theUnited States and the advancement of mutual interests.

Ce sous-comité s’occupe des questions qui concernent le renforcement des relationsentre le Canada et les États-Unis ainsi que la promotion des intérêts communs des deuxpays.


The Hon./L’hon. Chrystia Freeland


The Hon./L’hon. Ralph Goodale


The Hon./L’hon. Lawrence MacAulay

The Hon./L’hon. Stéphane Dion

The Hon./L’hon. John McCallum

The Hon./L’hon. Navdeep Singh Bains

The Hon./L’hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould

The Hon./L’hon. Marc Garneau

The Hon./L’hon. James Gordon Carr

The Hon./L’hon. Catherine McKenna

The Hon./L’hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan

The Hon./L’hon. Bardish Chagger

Cabinet Committee on Intelligence and Emergency Management / Comité du Cabinetchargé du renseignement et de la gestion des urgences

Meets as required to consider intelligence reports and priorities and to coordinate andmanage responses to public emergencies and national security incidents. Regularlyreviews the state of Canadian readiness.

Ce comité se réunit au besoin afin de se pencher sur les rapports et les priorités enmatière de renseignement en plus de coordonner et de gérer les interventions en casd’urgences publiques et d’incidents qui touchent la sécurité nationale. Ce comitéexamine régulièrement l’état de la préparation canadienne.


The Rt. Hon./Le très hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau


The Hon./L’hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould

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The Hon./L’hon. Ralph Goodale

The Hon./L’hon. Stéphane Dion

The Hon./L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc

The Hon./L’hon. Judy M. Foote

The Hon./L’hon. Jane Philpott

The Hon./L’hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan

Cabinet Committee on Open and Transparent Government / Comité du Cabinet chargédes questions concernant un gouvernement ouvert et transparent

Considers issues concerning the reform of democratic institutions and processes, andimproving government transparency and openness.

Ce comité se penche sur les questions qui concernent la réforme des institutions et desprocessus démocratiques ainsi que l’amélioration de la transparence et de l’ouverture dugouvernement.


The Hon./L’hon. Judy M. Foote


The Hon./L’hon Carla Qualtrough


The Hon./L’hon. Ralph Goodale

The Hon./L’hon. Scott Brison

The Hon./L’hon. Dominic LeBlanc

The Hon./L’hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould

The Hon./L’hon. Mélanie Joly

The Hon./L’hon. Diane Lebouthillier

The Hon./L’hon. MaryAnn Mihychuk

The Hon./L’hon. Maryam Monsef

The Hon./L’hon. Kirsty Duncan

The Hon./L’hon. Patricia A. Hajdu

Cabinet Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Energy / Comité du Cabinetchargé de l’environnement, du changement climatique et de l’énergie

Considers issues concerning sustainable development, the stewardship of Canada’snatural resources, environment, energy, water and Canada’s contribution to addressingclimate change.

Ce comité étudie les questions relatives au développement durable, à la gestion desressources naturelles du Canada, de l’environnement, de l’énergie, de l’eau et à lacontribution du Canada à l’atténuation du changement climatique.


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The Hon./L’hon. Stéphane Dion


The Hon./L’hon. Chrystia Freeland


The Hon./L’hon. Lawrence MacAulay

The Hon./L’hon. Carolyn Bennett

The Hon./L’hon. Navdeep Singh Bains

The Hon./L’hon. James Gordon Carr

The Hon./L’hon. Catherine McKenna

The Hon./L’hon. Amarjeet Sohi

The Hon./L’hon. Kirsty Duncan

Ad Hoc Cabinet Committee on Defence Procurement / Comité spécial chargé del’approvisionnement en matière de défense

Meets as required to consider and coordinate major acquisitions of defence equipment.

Ce comité se réunit au besoin afin de se pencher sur les grandes acquisitions en matièrede défense et de coordonner les activités connexes.


The Hon./L’hon. James Gordon Carr


The Hon./L’hon. Scott Brison


The Hon./L’hon. Navdeep Singh Bains

The Hon./L’hon. Judy M. Foote

The Hon./L’hon. Marc Garneau

The Hon./L’hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan

The Hon./L’hon. Kirsty Duncan

SOURCE Prime Minister’s Office

Note: PMO Media Relations: 613-957-5555Length: 2557 wordsTone: Neutral

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National Research Council study reveals the galaxy isunder pressure to make starsCanada NewswireTue May 31 2016, 10:28am ET

WINNIPEG, May, 31, 2016 /CNW/ - A new study led by Canadian astronomers providesunprecedented insights into the birth of stars. Using observations from the Green BankTelescope in West Virginia and the Hawaii-based James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in theUnited States, astronomers from the National Research Council of Canada (NRC)have discovered that star formation is more regulated by pressure from theirsurroundings than previously thought.

The birth of stars occurs deep within dense concentrations of interstellar gas and dust-known as cores- when their internal support structure becomes overwhelmed. Thesecores typically contain several times the mass of the Sun over a region about 10,000times the size of the Solar System. Cores are deeply embedded within molecular gasclouds which are located throughout our Milky Way Galaxy.

Although dust within cores hides the earliest stages of star formation from view of opticaltelescopes, observations with specialized radio telescopes can peer through the dust tostudy their dynamic nature. The Gould Belt Survey from the James Clerk MaxwellTelescope identified the locations, sizes, and masses of cores across the Orion A cloudwhile the Green Bank Ammonia Survey detected the motion of gas molecules within theclouds.

“By combining this data, we’ve learned that most Orion cores are gravitationally bound,and so they will likely one day collapse to form stars,” says Dr. Helen Kirk, theastronomer with the National Research Council who led the study. “Intriguingly,ambient material from the surrounding cloud appears to be squeezing the cores by anamount larger than the gravity of the cores themselves.”

Earlier analyses of cores often ignored the ambient cloud pressure, but this new worksuggests that it is a key ingredient in understanding the futures of cores. “This suggeststhat clouds within our Galaxy are themselves likely under pressure to form stars,” Kirkconcluded.

Related links:

James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (www.eaobservatory.org)

Gould Belt Survey (www.eaobservatory.org)

Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope ( science.nrao.edu)

Green Bank Ammonia Survey (dss.gb.nrao.edu)

Photo caption:

“The motions of interstellar gas (foreground) seen in contrast to the optical view of theOrion molecular cloud (background).”

Credit: Stephen Gwyn, Canadian Astronomy Data Centre/National Research Councilof Canada

SOURCE National Research Council Canada

Image with caption: ““The motions of interstellar gas (foreground) seen in contrast to theoptical view of the Orion molecular cloud (background).” Credit: Stephen Gwyn,Canadian Astronomy Data Centre/National Research Council of Canada (CNW

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Group/National Research Council Canada)”. Image available at:http://photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20160531_C6172_PHOTO_EN_702303.jpg(photos.newswire.ca)

Note: Media Relations Team, National Research Council of Canada, 1-855-282-1637 (toll-free, 24/7, inCanada only), 1-613-991-1431 (elsewhere in North America), [email protected], Twitter:@nrc_cnrcLength: 450 wordsTone: Neutral

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Troubled procurement won't affect delivery of newCanadian Army trucks, DND saysottawacitizen.comTue May 31 2016Section: Defence WatchByline: David Pugliese, Ottawa CitizenPermalink

Public Services and Procurement Canada has yet to figure out how to proceed on thetroubled purchase of Standard Military Pattern trucks for the Canadian Army.

In July the Conservative government announced that Mack Defense had won the $834million contract to provide 1,500 trucks.

But the Canadian International Trade Tribunal recently upheld a complaint from Oshkoshthat the procurement was flawed. In its ruling the CITT is calling on PSPC to re-evaluateOshkosh’s truck design. The Ottawa Citizen has reported that if that re-evaluation showsthe company’s truck should have won the contract, then the CITT recommends thegovernment compensate Oshkosh “for the profits it would have received had it beenproperly awarded the contract.”

There are also a number of other ways to deal with the situation, according to the CITT.But they all involve Oshkosh walking away with some cash to compensate the companyfor their involvement in this problem procurement.

Whatever the amount, the Department of National Defence is still proceeding on thepurchase. “The Canadian International Trade Tribunal will not recommend that thecontract awarded to Mack Defense LLC be cancelled,” the CITT ruling noted.

DND spokeswoman Ashley Lemire told Defence Watch that, “The CanadianInternational Trade Tribunal ruling is not influencing timelines on the MSVS StandardMilitary Pattern contract with Mack Defense. With respect to progress, National Defencehas completed the first portion of the test programme, which was performed in France.We will be pursuing testing in Canada over the summer and fall of this year. In February,the Crown and Mack Defense agreed to postpone vehicle deliveries to the fall of 2017 tobetter align requirements verification with production. Other deliverables, such as trailersand Armoured Protection Systems, are scheduled to start delivery in the summer of2017.”

Length: 292 wordsTone: Neutral

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WestJet Encore commande neuf autres avions àBombardierJournaldeMontreal.comWed Jun 1 2016Byline: Agence QMISource: agenceqmi.ca

TORONTO - Bombardier a confirmé mercredi avoir vendu neuf avions Q400 autransporteur WestJet Encore, une transaction estimée à un peu moins de 300 millions $US.

Cet achat porte la flotte du transporteur de Calgary à 45 avions Q400. Il en détientactuellement 28 et, en incluant cette commande, 17 autres appareils doivent encore luiêtre livrés.

Selon le géant québécois de l’aéronautique, cette commande lui permet de continuerd’élargir son réseau dans l’Ouest du Canada.

“Cet accroissement continu de la flotte de WestJet Encore témoigne de façon éloquentedes caractéristiques économiques de l’avion Q400, de sa fiabilité, de sa souplesse et deson attrait pour les passagers”, a commenté Kevin Smith, vice-président des Avionsrégionaux de Bombardier Avions commerciaux par communiqué.

L’appareil biturbopropulseur Q400, construit à Toronto, est le dernier-né de la gammed’avions Q Series. Selon l’entreprise, son intérieur offre un confort accru aux passagerset consomme 30 % moins de carburant que les avions de même gamme. Il comprend unmaximum de 90 sièges.

Length: 174 wordsTone: Neutral

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Bombardier: le fédéral envoie un "drôle de signal", ditJean Charest; Bombardier: Charest interpelle OttawaLa Presse CanadienneTue May 31 2016Section: Nouvelles Générales,AffairesByline: Julien Arsenault

MONTRÉAL - L’hésitation du gouvernement Trudeau dans le dossier de l’aide financièreà Bombardier envoie un “drôle de signal” aux investisseurs étrangers, estime l’ex-premier ministre québécois Jean Charest.

Étant donné que la demande de l’avionneur québécois a été soumise en décembre, M.Charest s’est demandé, mardi, au cours d’une entrevue avec La Presse Canadienne,pourquoi Ottawa mettait autant de temps à décider s’il appuyait ou non le programmedes avions commerciaux CSeries.

“Je comprends mal le délai et autour de moi, personne ne comprend pourquoi cela prendtant de temps, a-t-il dit. Le fait que cela traîne en longueur n’envoie pas un très bonsignal.”

Celui qui est actuellement associé au bureau montréalais du cabinet d’avocats McCarthyTétrault s’est toutefois gardé de dire s’il croyait que le gouvernement Trudeau, par sonhésitation, cherchait une raison pour ne pas investir dans le constructeur d’avions et detrains.

“C’est un gouvernement qui est nouveau, a-t-il observé. On n’a pas le sentiment que lesgens sont de mauvaise foi, mais les délais sont longs. C’est difficile à expliquer.”

Selon M. Charest, Bombardier aurait reçu une réponse positive ou négative depuislongtemps si la multinationale se trouvait dans un pays qui appuie largement sonindustrie aéronautique, comme la France.

Les actions à droit de vote multiple, qui permettent à la famille Beaudoin- Bombardier decontrôler 53,23 pour cent des droits de vote, figureraient parmi les points de désaccordentre Bombardier et le fédéral et aurait incité, selon divers médias, la multinationale àrejeter la première proposition d’aide présentée par Ottawa.

Sur la question du contrôle de l’entreprise, M. Charest ne croit pas qu’il y a matière àchanger quoi que ce soit et estime que les héritiers de Joseph-Armand Bombardier ontprouvé leur attachement à leurs racines dans le passé, en prenant des décisions“canadiennes”.

”Bombardier avait le choix de faire l’assemblage de la CSeries dans l’État du Nouveau-Mexique ou au Québec, s’est-il rappelé. On connaissait les chiffres. Même si l’offre duNouveau-Mexique était plus alléchante financièrement, l’entreprise a choisi la provinceparce que ses racines se trouvent ici.”

Compte tenu de l’importance du secteur aéronautique au pays - qui représente 180 000emplois et une activité économique de 29 milliards $ - M. Charest croit qu’il est tempspour le gouvernement Trudeau d’emboîter le pas à l’État québécois, qui a injecté 1milliard $ US dans la CSeries en échange d’une participation de 49,5 pour cent dans leprogramme.

Que ce soit pour des entreprises comme Pratt &Whitney, CAE (TSX:CAE) ou Héroux-Devtek (TSX:HRX), tous les coups de pouce financiers ont été “profitables et rentables”pour le gouvernement québécois, affirme-t-il.

“Si nous n’avions pas cette industrie au Canada, nous serions en train de nous battrepour attirer ces entreprises chez nous”, a ajouté M. Charest.

Celui-ci est bien conscient des importants retards et dépassements de coûts ayantmarqué le programme de la CSeries, mais a minimisé la situation en affirmant que cela

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n’était pas inhabituel pour un projet d’une telle ampleur comportant autant de risques.

Pour ces raisons, M. Charest se formalise peu des critiques formulées par le secteurfinancier torontois à l’égard de Bombardier (TSX:BBD.B).

“Sur Bay Street, je le sais, c’est un peu à la mode de critiquer l’entreprise, comme c’étaitle cas pour critiquer le Québec de ne pas vouloir jouer le jeu et faire partie du projet decommission pancanadienne des valeurs mobilières”, a-t-il analysé.

Par ailleurs, l’ex-premier ministre ne s’inquiète pas du fait que l’entente entreBombardier et le gouvernement Couillard ne soit pas encore finalisée, ce qui retarde lepremier versement de 500 millions $ US à l’entreprise que doit faire le Québec.

À l’Assemblée nationale, le son de cloche a toutefois été différent mardi du côté du Partiquébécois (PQ) et de la Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), qui ont reproché au premierministre Philippe Couillard son incapacité à faire progresser le dossier.

Les deux partis d’opposition ont exhorté M. Couillard à profiter de la situation pour exigerdes garanties d’emplois au Québec de la part de l’entreprise ainsi que de se montrerplus combatif auprès du gouvernement Trudeau pour l’inciter à délier les cordons de labourse auprès de Bombardier.

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Aide à Bombardier: Couillard réplique aux partisd'oppositionJournaldeMontreal.comTue May 31 2016Byline: Louis GagnéSource: agenceqmi.caPermalink


QUÉBEC - Le gouvernement Couillard doit cesser de se traîner les pieds et exigerqu’Ottawa vienne en aide à Bombardier, ont réclamé les partis d’opposition mardi.

“On a la désagréable impression que le gouvernement du Québec ne fait passuffisamment de pressions sur le fédéral pour qu’il mette ses billes lui aussi et qu’ilinvestisse également dans le dossier de Bombardier”, a déclaré le chef par intérim duParti québécois, Sylvain Gaudreault, qui invite les libéraux provinciaux à “se tenirdebout”.

Le chef de la Coalition avenir Québec, François Legault, a quant à lui dénoncé la“nonchalance” du premier ministre Philippe Couillard dans le dossier de l’aide fédérale àBombardier. M. Legault a soutenu qu’il n’était “pas normal” qu’Ottawa n’ait pas encorevolé au secours de l’avionneur québécois.

“On est prêt à appuyer [Philippe Couillard], on est prêt à aller avec lui à Ottawa, maisqu’il commence à montrer un peu de combativité et qu’il sorte de sa nonchalance”, a-t-ilexigé.

“C’est comme si…”

Interpellé en chambre, Philippe Couillard a accusé ses adversaires de chercher à seposer en défenseurs de Bombardier, alors qu’ils se sont opposés à l’aide de 1,3 milliard$ accordée par Québec pour soutenir la CSeries.

“C’est comme si, depuis le début, [le PQ] et la deuxième opposition étaiententhousiastes pour soutenir Bombardier, la série C. On a été seuls à le faire dans cetteAssemblée pendant des semaines de temps. Ils ont été les alliés objectifs descompétiteurs de Bombardier, ça a été connu, ça a été dit, ça a été vu partout” , adéclaré le premier ministre.

Son cabinet a d’ailleurs tenu à rappeler que Philippe Couillard a exigé à plusieursreprises qu’Ottawa accorde à l’industrie aéronautique québécoise le même soutien qu’ila consenti à l’industrie automobile ontarienne.

Les chefs du PQ et de la CAQ se disent inquiets d’apprendre que l’État québécoispourrait être privé de rendements intéressants sur son placement de 1,3 milliard $ dansla CSeries.

Le Soleil a rapporté mardi que dans l’éventualité d’un engouement marqué pour l’avionde Bombardier, l’entreprise pourrait alors racheter les parts du gouvernementmoyennant des intérêts de 3 % ou 4 %, privant ainsi l’État d’une part importante desprofits que devrait lui rapporter son investissement.

“C’est préoccupant, vous savez, c’est comme si le gouvernement improvisait avecl’argent des Québécois sur le coin de la table, sans rendement intéressant pour lesQuébécois. Je trouve ça profondément troublant”, a réagi Sylvain Gaudreault.

François Legault a abondé dans le même sens en mentionnant qu’après avoir pris un“risque important” en investissant dans la CSeries, le Québec doit “être capable, si ça vabien, de faire des profits”.

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”Ça [voudrait] dire que si la Série C va mal, le gouvernement du Québec perd, et si laSérie C va bien, c’est Bombardier qui gagne, ce n’est pas le gouvernement, ce ne sontpas les contribuables”, s’est indigné M. Legault.

Philippe Couillard n’a pas voulu fournir de renseignements sur les conditions de rachatqui ont été négociées avec Bombardier dans le cadre de l’aide allouée par Québec.

“Il s’agit de négociations commerciales qui sont actuellement en cours, et ce seraitirresponsable de ma part [d’en divulguer les détails]”, a-t-il dit.

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Bombardier signs deal with WestJet for nine more Q400sMontreal GazetteWed Jun 1 2016Section: AerospaceByline: Hayley Juhl, Montreal GazettePermalink

Bombardier Inc. announced Wednesday that WestJet Encore has converted itsremaining options into firm orders to beef up the Calgary company’s fleet of 45 Q400s.

Bombardier (TSX:BBD.B) says the cost of the transaction - nine new planes - is about$293 million. The aircraft are assembled in Toronto.

Including this order, 17 planes are still to be delivered to WestJet (TSX:WJA).

The Q400 is the latest in the range of Q series aircraft. It is available in severalconfigurations, including one with a seating capacity of 90.

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Bombardier offered up C Series stake, rival says; Airbusseriously considered proposal, but CEO wanted to focuson increased work on its own aircraftThe Globe and MailWed Jun 1 2016

Page: B7Section: Report on BusinessByline: NICOLAS VAN PRAET

Bombardier Inc. offered rival Airbus Group SE an investment in its C Series planeprogram for a “song,” Airbus sales chief John Leahy said, as he provided a glimpse intotalks that broke down last October after they were leaked to the media.

Speaking on Monday to a group of reporters at an Airbus event in Hamburg, Germany,Mr. Leahy said Airbus seriously considered the offer, according to an account of hiscomments by trade publication FlightGlobal.

Airbus figured it could cut the cost of making the C Series planes by about 10 per centover what Bombardier projected, FlightGlobal reported Mr. Leahy as saying. Airbuscould also offer Bombardier a global support network for the planes, he said.

Bombardier approached Airbus as part of a larger effort to try to find a strategic partnerwith which it could share risk and reward for the C Series program over the long term, asource told The Globe and Mail. “There were some people that were very keen on thisdeal,” the person said.

Mr. Leahy said Airbus passed in the end because company chief executive officer TomEnders believed an investment in the C Series would cause too much distraction for theEuropean plane maker as it increased work on three separate families of aircraft,including the A320neo.

“We’ve moved on” from the Airbus talks, Bombardier spokeswoman MarianelladelaBarrera said, without addressing the issue of the price that was offered for a CSeries stake. She said Bombardier is seeing strong customer interest in the aircraft andperformance capabilities it hasn’t yet revealed publicly, which may be motivating thepublic pronouncements by its competitors.

Montreal-based Bombardier later struck a memorandum of understanding with theQuebec government under which the province agreed to invest $1-billion (U.S.) for a49.5-per-cent equity stake in a new limited partnership containing the assets andliabilities of Bombardier’s C Series program as well as warrants for up to 200 millionsubordinate voting shares.

That deal was widely seen as instrumental in convincing prospective Bombardiercustomers that the debt-challenged company would not be allowed to fail. It is expectedto be finalized by the end of June.

Bombardier’s request for a $1-billion matching investment from the Canadiangovernment remains outstanding. Sources say negotiations have been difficult, althoughthe lines of communication are still open.

Mr. Leahy has long sneered at the possibility that Bombardier could build a plane tochallenge Boeing and Airbus, even as Airbus was offering heavy discounts and otherincentives to customers to keep the Canadian plane from getting a foothold in themarket. Though he has been quick to belittle both Bombardier and the C Series, hiscolleagues have been more measured. The company’s chief operating officer hasadmitted that Airbus takes seriously the threat posed by Bombardier’s larger C Series,the 130- to 160seat CS300, as well as the possibility an even larger version couldeventually be introduced.

The C Series, $2-billion overbudget and two years late to market, is the biggest airplane

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Bombardier has ever built as well as its most ambitious - launching it into competitionwith the smallest single-aisle airliners made by Airbus and Boeing Co. The program ison a “long path to commercial viability,” according to an analysis published May 24 bycredit company Moody’s Investors Service. A recent order by Delta Air Lines for 75CS100 airliners nevertheless added some “much needed legitimacy to the program andenhances market confidence that the company may actually be able to achieve itstargeted break-even cash flow profile in 2020,” Moody’s said.

Not surprisingly, Airbus was more downbeat about the prospects for the C Series.

“They don’t have a business case” for the plane, Mr. Leahy said in separate commentsreported by trade publication Aviation Daily. When asked about a previous vow he madeto strangle Bombardier’s fledgling program, Mr. Leahy said: “It’s a cute little airplane.And nobody strangles a cute little anything.”

Mr. Leahy said he heard that Bombardier sold the CS100 to Delta for $22-million each,which would be a 69-per-cent discount from its official list price of $71.8-million. Ms.delaBarrera said that information is “absolutely wrong,” adding the company is wellwithin its projections for the aircraft’s business case and pleased with the results.

Bombardier (BBD.B) Close: $1.97, down 2C/

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Offert à Airbus pour "une chanson"Le Journal de MontréalWed Jun 1 2016

Page: 35Section: ArgentSource: Le Journal de Montréal

AGENCE QMI Les discussions de Bombardier avec Airbus Group au sujet duprogramme de la C Series n’auraient pas achoppé sur une question monétaire, soutientle chef des ventes d’Airbus, John Leahy.

L’an dernier, Bombardier et Airbus ont mené des pourparlers sur la C Series. Airbus amis fin aux discussions, en même temps que la nouvelle a été rendue publique.“Bombardier a offert la C Series pour une chanson” , a dit M. Leahy, dont les propos sontrapportés par le magazine spécialisé Flightglobal.

Airbus estimait pouvoir réduire les coûts de fabrication de la C Series de 10 %. De plus,l’avionneur franco-britannique pouvait offrir un réseau de soutien mondial pour lesappareils. La proposition a été considérée sérieusement par Airbus, mais le chef de ladirection Tom Enders n’était pas en faveur. M. Enders craignait qu’un investissement dela C Series cause trop de “distractions” au sein de la direction, préoccupée par sesprogrammes A320neo, A350 et A330neo.


Selon M. Leahy, Boeing serait heureuse de vendre un 737 Max 7 entre 35 millions $ USet 45 millions $ US, en réalisant un bon profit.

Il croit toutefois que Bombardier peinerait à couvrir ses coûts si elle vendait un appareilCS300 de base au même prix.

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Toxic Russian rocket debris set to crash into Baffin BayThe Globe and MailWed Jun 1 2016

Page: A7Section: NewsByline: STEVEN CHASE

Aircraft are being warned to steer clear of an area near Canada’s northerly EllesmereIsland where the remains of a modified Russian ballistic missile are set to crash into theArctic this weekend - space debris that may be laden with highly toxic rocket fuel.

Critics are asking who will take responsibility for cleaning up a sensitive maritimeecosystem of what could be extremely poisonous hydrazine from a missile that theRussians will use to boost a satellite into orbit from Plesetsk Cosmodrome, 800kilometres north of Moscow.

The second stage of this used missile is expected to plummet into Baffin Bay, just eastof Ellesmere Island. It’s within Canada’s exclusive economic zone where it hasjurisdiction over protecting the marine environment.

University of British Columbia professor Michael Byers said Russia should not beallowed to use Canada as a toxic waste dump.

Nav Canada has issued a notice warning pilots to avoid a “temporary danger area” for26 hours this weekend, starting on Saturday. The junked Russian rocket, whichcommonly uses hydrazine, may carry hundreds of litres of unused fuel, said Prof. Byers,who holds the Canada Research Chair in Global Politics and International Law.

He said booster rockets tend to end up with leftover propellant “because they are shutdown by onboard computers once the desired speed and altitude are achieved.”

Alexander Darchiev, Russia’s ambassador to Canada, could not be reached forcomment, his embassy in Ottawa said, because he was on a tour of the Canadian Arcticwith other foreign diplomats sponsored by the federal department of Global Affairs.

Conservative foreign affairs critic Tony Clement said the Russian government shouldpay for tracking and cleanup of any waste.

“It has nothing to do with Canada, so why should we be stuck with the bill?” Mr. Clementsaid.

He said he doesn’t want to see Canada acting “deferential to the Russians” on themissile debris.

The Canadian government wasn’t able to immediately respond when asked about thedebris and cleanup.

Prof. Byers said Baffin Bay off Ellesmere Island is a diverse marine environment.

“Space debris comes all the time. If it was just a chunk of metal it wouldn’t be aproblem,” he said. “The twist here is this is a hydrazine-fuelled rocket and this is reallytoxic stuff.”

He said the use of hydrazine has devastated the environment around Baikonur,Kazakhstan, the world’s most heavily used launch site, and said Canada should bepushing for a global ban on the use of hydrazine as a rocket propellant.

In 2005, the Canadian government dismissed concerns over a crash of a rocket boosterwith hydrazine, saying the fuel would remain in tanks when the debris sank to the seafloor, Prof. Byers said.

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Canadian officers to hold key positions in RIMPAC - U.S.politicians want to ban China from military exerciseottawacitizen.comWed Jun 1 2016Section: Defence WatchByline: David Pugliese, Ottawa CitizenPermalink

RIMPAC 16 gets underway June 30 and runs until August 4 in the Hawaiian andSouthern California area. The Canadian Forces says it is sending the following:

A maritime component comprised of four ships (HMCS Calgary, HMCS Vancouver,HMCS Saskatoon and HMCS Yellowknife), a RCN team of clearance divers, and aforward logistics team;

A Land Component comprised of a Company Group based on a Rifle Company from theThird Battalion, Royal 22e Regiment, based out of Valcartier, Quebec;

An Air Task Force comprised of several aircraft (six CF-188 Hornets, one CC-130Hercules, one CC-150 Polaris and one CP-140 Aurora), a Maritime HelicopterDetachment, and a Tactical Aviation Detachment consisting of four CH-146 Griffons andtwo CH-147 Chinooks;

More than 1,500 sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen; and

Several command, staff and support personnel.

The Canadian Forces noted that some of its personnel will once again hold keyleadership positions during RIMPAC 2016. They include Rear-Admiral Scott Bishop, whowill serve as the Deputy Commander of the Combined Task Force; and Brigadier-General Blaise Frawley, will serve as the Air Component Commander.

RIMPAC is held every two years. This year it will include 45 ships, five submarines, morethan 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel from the armed forces of 27 nations.

Training is varied and will include everything from counter-piracy to amphibiousoperations.

Besides the U.S., the participating nations include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile,Colombia, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, NewZealand, Norway, Peru, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, theUnited Kingdom, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Italy and China.

China first joined RIMPAC in 2014. It sent four ships but in addition one of its spyvessels also shadowed the exercise off Hawaii.

Some U.S. lawmakers have called for China to be banned from RIMPAC.

They are upset with what they see as China’s aggressive stance in the South China Sea.As part of its strategy in the region, China has been building artificial islands to act asmilitary bases.

U.S. congressman Mark Takai, of Hawaii, has asked U.S. defense secretary Ash Carterto ban China from RIMPAC. “I guess my question is why then should we reward Chinafor this aggressive behavior by including them in an event meant for allies andpartners?” Takai asked Carter during a meeting in March.

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