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Page 4 The Osage County Herald-Chronicle | Opinion ... · Page 4 The Osage County Herald-Chronicle...

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Page 4 ursday, May 10, 2018 The Osage County Herald-Chronicle | Opinion LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Must have been a different meeting Dear Editor Regarding the article and meeting in Bur- lingame, on the Meals on Wheels program. It’s very clear that we must have been at dif- ferent meetings. There were representative from Mid-America Nutrition and The East Central Kansas Area on Aging, Department of Aging and Disability Services, along with Osage County Commissioner Fred Diver. The meeting began by representatives ly- ing to all in attendance by stating “It is only a temporary shutdown” of the services. No. Lie. Angie Logan, of Mid-America Nutrition Program, had, in fact, told over eight volun- teers and six people eating lunch, “This is permanent shut down”. Logan did, in fact, fire Dottie in front of all them and told several of them to “Stay out of this.” It was also stated that no one had applied for the manager’s position. This is a lie. We know of several people that have applied, but due to Pam Noonan, former and current interim manager, applicants refused. Karen Seymour, dietician with Department on Aging and Disability Services, stated she was not aware of any of this. That too is a lie. I guess she doesn’t remember. Commissioner Diver had previously stated to individuals that all 80 and 90 year-old people should be in a nursing home. When asked, he said “I don’t remember that.” How convenient. He also stated an average of $1.23 is earned per meal. In the Meals on Wheels Mission Statement, “If someone can- not pay, we won’t turn them away ...” Diver must not remember that either. Believe me when I say, ‘’We will remember him at elec- tion time.” It was stated that because of personnel issues they probably will not reopen the programs. Thank you Mid-America, Kansas Area on Aging and Osage County Com- missioner, for not giving a crap about the elderly and disabled and for all the “truths” you told. Grizz Lee — Burlingame o NOTICE – Gladys W. Girsch Estate Hearing o NOTICE OF SUIT – Union Home Mortgage vs. Christopher Allen o NOTICE OF SUIT – Bank of New York vs. Trudy Parker o NOTICE – Matter of Marriage of David and Rebecca Rendon o NOTICE – Edina Dawn Casanas-Tenn Name Change o Notice of SHeriff’S Sale lyndon State Bank vs. Charles and Brandi Simpson ************************************** (First published in the Osage County Herald-Chronicle May 3, 2018, and subsequently May 10, 2018, and May 17, 2018.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS PROBATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of GLADYS W. GIRSCH, Deceased. No. 2018-PR-13 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETI- TION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on the 27th day of April, 2018, a petition was filed in said Court by Frederick W. Godderz, as Executor named in the Last Will And Testament of Gladys W. Girsch, deceased, praying for the admission to probate of the Will of Gladys W. Girsch dated August 3, 2011, which is filed with said petition, and for the appointment of Frederick W. Godderz as Ex- ecutor of said will without bond, and you are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 30th day of May, 2018, at 9:00 o’clock A.M. of said day in said Court, in the City of Lyndon, in Osage County, Kansas, at which time and place said cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon said petition. All creditors are notified to exhibit their demands against the said estate within four months from the date of the first publica- tion of this notice as provided by law and if their demands are not thus exhibited they shall be forever barred. Frederick W. Godderz, Petitioner FREDERICK W. GODDERZ, #006918 Godderz Law Firm LLC 101 West Santa Fe P. O. Box 11 Burlingame, KS 66413-0011 (785) 654-2428 ATTORNEY AND PETITIONER ************************************** (Published in The Osage County Herald-Chronicle Thursday, April 26, 2018, and subsequently on Thursday, May 3, 2018, and Thursday, May 10, 2018.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS CIVIL DEPARTMENT Union Home Mortgage Corp. Plaintiff, vs. Christopher Allen, Michelle Al- len, Jane Doe, John Doe, Kansas Department for Children and Families, Kansas Department of Revenue, Unknown Spouse of Christopher Allen, and Unknown Spouse of Michelle Allen, et al. Defendants Case No. 18CV15 Court No. Title to Real Estate Involved Pursuant to K.S.A. §60 NOTICE OF SUIT STATE OF KANSAS to the above named Defendants and The Un- known Heirs, executors,devisees, trustees, creditors, and assigns of any deceased defendants; the unknown spouses of any de- fendants; the unknown officers, successors, trustees, creditors and assigns of any defendants that are existing, dissolved or dormant corporations; the unknown executors, administra- tors, devisees, trustees, credi- tors, successors and assigns of any defendants that are or were partners or in partnership; and the unknown guardians, conservators and trustees of any defendants that are minors or are under any legal disability and all other person who are or may be concerned: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Mortgage Foreclo- sure has been filed in the District Court of Osage County, Kansas by Union Home Mortgage Corp., praying for foreclosure of certain real property legally described as follows: LOTS 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, IN BLOCK 20, OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN FOR LYNDON ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, IN OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS. Tax ID No.: 00258 Commonly known as 205 W 6th St, Lyndon, KS 66451 (“the Property”) MS190154 for a judgment against defen- dants and any other interested parties and, unless otherwise served by personal or mail service of summons, the time in which you have to plead to the Petition for Foreclosure in the District Court of Osage County Kansas will expire on June 6, 2018. If you fail to plead, judg- ment and decree will be entered in due course upon the request of plaintiff. MILLSAP & SINGER, LLC By: Chad R. Doornink, #23536 cdoornink@msfirm.com 8900 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 180 Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 339-9132 (913) 339-9045 (fax) By: Christina E. Carr, #27514 ccarr@msfirm.com Dwayne A. Duncan, #27533 dduncan@msfirm.com Aaron M. Schuckman, #22251 aschuckman@msfirm.com 612 Spirit Dr. St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 (636) 537-0067 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF MS 190154.384689 KJFC ************************************** (Published in The Osage County Herald-Chronicle Thursday, April 26, 2018, and subsequently on Thursday, May 3, 2018, and Thursday, May 10, 2018.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS CIVIL DEPARTMENT The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee (CWALT 2005-01CB) Plaintiff, vs. Trudy L Parker, et al. Defendants, Case No.18CV10 Court No. Title to Real Estate Involved Pursuant to K.S.A. §60 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Osage County, Kansas, the under- signed Sheriff of Osage County, Kansas, will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the Courthouse Front Lobby of the Osage County, Courthouse, Kansas, on May 17, 2018 at the time of 10:00 AM, the following real estate: THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE WEST 140 FEET OF BLOCK 2, DODDS ADDITION TO OSAGE CITY, AC- CORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, IN OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS. Tax ID No.: 01531, Commonly known as 404 Lincoln St, Osage City, KS 66523 (“the Property”) MS189535 to satisfy the judgment in the above entitled case. The sale is to be made without appraise- ment and subject to the re- demption period as provided by law, and further subject to the approval of the Court. Osage County Sheriff MILLSAP & SINGER, LLC By: Chad R. Doornink, #23536 cdoornink@msfirm.com Jason A. Orr, #22222 jorr@msfirm.com 8900 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 180 Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 339-9132 (913) 339-9045 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF MILLSAP & SINGER, LLC AS ATTORNEYS FOR THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE (CWALT 2005-01CB) IS AT- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ************************************** (First published in the Osage County Herald-Chronicle May 3, 2018, and subsequently May 10, 2018, and May 17, 2018.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE MARRIAGE OF David A. Rendon and Rebecca A. Rendon Case No. 2016-DM-000238 NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Kansas to Rebecca A. Rendon. You are notified that a Petition for Divorce was filed in the District Court of Osage County, Kansas, asking that the person filing the divorce be granted a divorce and asking that the court make other orders in that divorce matter. You must file an answer to the Petition for Divorce with the court and provide a copy to the filing spouse on or before 1:30 p.m. June 25, 2018, which shall not be less than 41 days after first publication of the Notice of Suit, or the court will enter judgment against you on that Petition. David A. Rendon 23313 South Hwy. 75 Lyndon, Kansas 66451 (605) 786-6458 ************************************** (First published in the Osage County Herald-Chronicle May 3, 2018, and subsequently May 10, 2018, and May 17, 2018.) IN THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT OF OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF EDINA DAWN CASANAS-TENN TO CHANGE HIS/HER NAME TO: EDINA DAWN RUSSO Case No. 2018-CV12 PURSUANT TO K.S.A. CHAPTER 60 NOTICE OF HEARING – PUBLICA- TION THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL WHO ARE OR MAY BE CON- CERNED: You are hereby notified that EDINA DAWN CASANAS-TENN, filed a Petition in the above court on the 12 day of March 2018, requesting a judgment and order changing his/her name from EDINA DAWN CASANAS-TENN to EDINA DAWN RUSSO. The Petition will be heard in Osage County District Court, 717 Topeka Ave., Lyndon, Kansas 66451, on the 4th day of June 2018 at 10 a.m. If you have any objection to the requested name change, you are required to file a responsive pleading on or before June 4, 2018, in this court or appear at the hearing and object to the requested name change. If you fail to act, judgment and order will be entered upon the Petition as requested by Petitioner. /s/Edina Dawn Casanas-Tenn EDINA DAWN CASANAS-TENN 6771 E. 213th Street Quenemo, Kansas 66528 ************************************** (First published in The Osage County Herald-Chronicle, Thurs- day, May 10, 2018, and subse- quently May 17, 2018, and May 24, 2018.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS Pursuant to Chapter 60 of K.S.A. THE LYNDON STATE BANK, a banking corporation, Lyndon, Kan- sas, Plaintiff, vs. CHARLES N. SIMPSON, also known as CHARLES SIMPSON and BRANDI L. SIMPSON, husband and wife; et. al., Defendants. (Petition Pursuant to K.S.A. Chap- ter 60) Case No. 2018 CV 6 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for said County of Osage, in a certain action in said Court, numbered 2018 CV 6, wherein the parties above named were respectively plaintiff and defendants, and to me the under- signed Sheriff of said County, di- rected, I will offer for sale and sell at public auction, and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of Lyndon, in said County, on the 5th day of June, 2018, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., of said day, the following described real estate in Osage County, Kan- sas, to-wit: Lots C, 10 and 11, in Block 19, in the Original Town of Lyndon, according to the recorded plat thereof, Osage County, Kansas. That the above described real estate be taken as the property of the defendants, Charles N. Simp- son and Brandi L. Simpson, and is directed by said order of sale to be sold, and will be sold without appraisement, to satisfy said order of sale without redemption. LAURIE DUNN Sheriff of Osage County, Kansas BURNS, BURNS, WALSH & WALSH, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW P.O. BOX 487 LYNDON, KANSAS 66451 PH. 785-828-4418 FAX 828- 3269 or 517 MARKET, BOX 153 OSAGE CITY, KS 66523 785-528-3186 FAX: 528-3523 ATTORNEYS FOR LYNDON STATE BANK COMMUNITY CALENDAR Thursday, May 10 o Biscuits and gravy, 8:30 a.m. at Osage County Senior Center, Osage City. o Free armchair exercises, 10 a.m. at Lyndon Commu- nity Center. Friday, May 11 o Benefit, band, silent auction for Kristi Osburn Tallen, to have HSCT stem cell procedure for MS, 5 to 8 p.m. at Dover Community Center, 5928 S.W. Douglas Rd., Dover. Music by Rickety Downspout, hot dog eating contest, free will offering. Menu to include, hot dogs, chili dogs, chips and des- sert. Saturday, May 12 o TOPS 888, 8 a.m. at Overbrook United Methodist Church. Call Mary Anderson at (785) 665-7352. Monday, May 14 o Osage City TOPS 289, 6 p.m. at Osage City Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 200 Holliday St., Fellowship Hall. Call Nancy Washburn at (785) 528- 3337. o Burlingame Saddle Club, 7 p.m. at Burlingame Rodeo Arena. o Osage City Kiwanis meeting 7 p.m. at Osage City Depot. Tuesday, May 15 o Osage City Tree Board meets, 5:30 p.m. at Osage City Public Library. Call Kathi Webster at (785) 528- 2891. Wednesday, May 16 o Carbondale TOPS 1127, 5 p.m. at Carbondale City Hall. Community calendar items may be submitted to [email protected], faxed to (785) 528-4811, called in to (785) 528-3511, mailed to P.O. Box 266, Osage City, KS 66523, or dropped off at 527 Market St., Osage City. OSAGE COUNTY SENIOR CENTER Bus Schedule: Monday, May 14: Open for transit. Tuesday, May 15: Ce- ramics run from all Osage County locations, thrift store shopping in Topeka 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 16: Service to Senior Center for birthday dinner. Thursday, May 17: Open for transit. Friday, May 18: Bingo run from all Osage County loca- tions. Mother continued from 1 plans to invite her mother out to dinner for Mother’s Day. “Taking us on vacation to Oklahoma to Grand Lake,” said Rick Truitt, Spring Hill, is his favorite memory with his mother, Mona Ruiz, Spring Hill. “We’re going to Osage Beach and spending the weekend with family, a total of four to five families all together,” Truitt said of his plans with his mother for Mother’s Day. “She supports me in all my decisions and she’s just always there for me,” shared Joy Steel, age 17, Osage City, about her mother, Amy Williams, Osage City. “She tries her hardest. Me and my mom are like best friends.” Steel and her brother have not decided yet what they are going to do for Mother’s Day, but said it would prob- ably be dinner and a gift. “She’s always there,” said Kasey Curtis, Osage City, is her favorite thing about her mother, Michelle Rooks, Osage City. She said Moth- er’s Day is always a surprise and is always something different, but it includes the whole family. “Everything,” shared Jerry Schrader, Osage City, about his favorite thing about his mother, Jenny Bahnmaier, Reading. “She’s wonder- ful. She’s my entire life. She’s the strongest person I’ve ever known.” Schrader said he will probably take his mother out to eat for Mother’s Day. “Her good baking and cooking,” said Christena Hanson, Osage City, about her mother, the late Fannie Schrock. “Every Saturday she baked pies. It was amaz- ing!” “She’s very caring,” said Lauren Fund, age 11, Over- brook, is her favorite thing about her mother, Kelli Fund-Coffman, Overbrook. Fund plans to treat her mother to breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day. “All the stuff she does for me,” Addison Alvarez, age 11, Scranton, said is her favorite thing about her mother, Emily Alvarez, Scranton. She plans to prob- ably give her mother a gift and make her breakfast for Mother’s Day. “Her singing,” said Jaime McCoy, Osage City, is her favorite memory of her mother, the late Patti Herin. “She sang all the time. She had a beautiful singing voice.” Andy Lohmeyer, Osage City, has two mothers. ”She has always been there for me, no matter what,” said Lohmeyer is his favorite thing about one of his moth- ers, Gail Lohmeyer, Osage City. “She filled my sum- mers with lots of love and fun,” he said about his other mother, Kathy Magarelli, Osage City. He plans to spend family time together with both of his mothers for Mother’s Day. “When my last child was born, she was upset be- cause she was on a feeding tube and had to miss the birth,” shared Jennifer Artz, Quenemo, about her favor- ite memory of her mother, the late Willie Louis Pollard. “When I brought him home, she wouldn’t let me do any- thing. She did everything. She took care of him every time he cried.” “Going to different places and doing things,” said Michelle Young, Carbondale, is her favorite memory of her mother, the late Beullah Swabby. “Going on trips,” shared Mickey Young, Carbondale, about his favorite memory of his mother, the late Veva Young. “She’s the most giving and caring person I’ve known,” said Desta Mason, Waverly, is her favorite thing about her mother, Tracie Penland, Quenemo. Mason plans to spend time with her mother for Mother’s Day. The Osage County Herald- Chronicle wishes a happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. Library continued from 1 “Memorandums of understanding are the way people develop business relationships with each other,” explained DeVoe. Kandi Hinck, library board president, shared there is “a little over $222,000” earmarked for the construction of the new library building. The council accepted the floor plan size of 6,000 square feet. Resident Kevin Seals questioned the compensation time policy for city police officers. He told council it is sometimes difficult to predict the ease of use of accumulated time for employees. The policy for compensation time is employees need to use the time within 90 days of accrual. Mayor Mike Fulton explained the policy is in place to lower the risk of burnout for employees. Dustin Bretsnyder, maintenance department, requested approval for HACH service agreement for SC200s in the amount of $476.05 and council approved the request. A bid for street repairs from Black Excavating for $22,680 was also approved. Smith requested the one-way direction of the alley way near the school be changed to the opposite direction. Council approved the request and instructed Bretsnyder to change the sign. The street will now be a one-way going east to west. In other council business: o approved the renewal of JUS annual software assur- ance contract in the amount of $550. o approved the first payment application for the waste water treatment facility in the amount of $112,064.23 o granted a request by a Berryton Boy Scout troop to paint the crosswalks down Main Street and on the south side of the school to Casey’s/ o provided update on Jim Shively’s wedding venue. It was not approved b the council because terms in the document were not acceptable.

Page 4 Thursday, May 10, 2018The Osage County Herald-Chronicle | OpinionLetters to the editor

Must have been a different meetingDear Editor

Regarding the article and meeting in Bur-lingame, on the Meals on Wheels program. It’s very clear that we must have been at dif-ferent meetings. There were representative from Mid-America Nutrition and The East Central Kansas Area on Aging, Department of Aging and Disability Services, along with Osage County Commissioner Fred Diver.

The meeting began by representatives ly-ing to all in attendance by stating “It is only a temporary shutdown” of the services. No. Lie. Angie Logan, of Mid-America Nutrition Program, had, in fact, told over eight volun-teers and six people eating lunch, “This is permanent shut down”.

Logan did, in fact, fire Dottie in front of all them and told several of them to “Stay out of this.” It was also stated that no one had applied for the manager’s position. This is a lie. We know of several people that have applied, but due to Pam Noonan, former and current interim manager, applicants refused.

Karen Seymour, dietician with Department on Aging and Disability Services, stated she was not aware of any of this. That too is a lie. I guess she doesn’t remember.

Commissioner Diver had previously stated to individuals that all 80 and 90 year-old people should be in a nursing home. When asked, he said “I don’t remember that.” How convenient. He also stated an average of $1.23 is earned per meal. In the Meals on Wheels Mission Statement, “If someone can-not pay, we won’t turn them away ...” Diver must not remember that either. Believe me when I say, ‘’We will remember him at elec-tion time.”

It was stated that because of personnel issues they probably will not reopen the programs. Thank you Mid-America, Kansas Area on Aging and Osage County Com-missioner, for not giving a crap about the elderly and disabled and for all the “truths” you told.

Grizz Lee — Burlingame

o Notice – Gladys W. Girsch estate Hearing

o Notice oF SUit – Union Home Mortgage vs. christopher Allen

o Notice oF SUit – Bank of New York vs. trudy Parker

o Notice – Matter of Marriage of David and Rebecca Rendon

o Notice – edina Dawn casanas-tenn Name change

o Notice of SHeriff’S Sale – lyndon State Bank vs. charles and Brandi Simpson

**************************************(First published in the Osage County Herald-Chronicle May 3, 2018, and subsequently May 10, 2018, and May 17, 2018.)



In the Matter of the Estate ofGLADYS W. GIRSCH, Deceased.

No. 2018-PR-13



You are hereby notified that on the 27th day of April, 2018, a petition was filed in said Court by Frederick W. Godderz, as Executor named in the Last Will And Testament of Gladys W. Girsch, deceased, praying for the admission to probate of the Will of Gladys W. Girsch dated August 3, 2011, which is filed with said petition, and for the appointment of Frederick W. Godderz as Ex-ecutor of said will without bond, and you are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 30th day of May, 2018, at 9:00 o’clock A.M. of said day in said Court, in the City of Lyndon, in Osage County, Kansas, at which time and place said cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon said petition. All creditors are notified to exhibit their demands against the said estate within four months from the date of the first publica-tion of this notice as provided by law and if their demands are not thus exhibited they shall be forever barred.

Frederick W. Godderz,Petitioner

FREDERICK W. GODDERZ, #006918Godderz Law Firm LLC101 West Santa FeP. O. Box 11Burlingame, KS 66413-0011(785) 654-2428ATTORNEY AND PETITIONER **************************************(Published in The Osage County Herald-Chronicle Thursday, April 26, 2018, and subsequently on Thursday, May 3, 2018, and Thursday, May 10, 2018.)



Union Home Mortgage Corp.Plaintiff,


Christopher Allen, Michelle Al-len, Jane Doe, John Doe, Kansas Department for Children and Families, Kansas Department of Revenue, Unknown Spouse of Christopher Allen, and Unknown Spouse of Michelle Allen, et al.Defendants

Case No. 18CV15 Court No. Title to Real Estate InvolvedPursuant to K.S.A. §60NOTICE OF SUITSTATE OF KANSAS to the above named Defendants and The Un-known Heirs, executors,devisees, trustees, creditors, and assigns of any deceased defendants; the unknown spouses of any de-fendants; the unknown officers, successors, trustees, creditors and assigns of any defendants that are existing, dissolved or dormant corporations; the unknown executors, administra-tors, devisees, trustees, credi-tors, successors and assigns of any defendants that are or were partners or in partnership; and the unknown guardians, conservators and trustees of any defendants that are minors or are under any legal disability and all other person who are or may be concerned:

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Mortgage Foreclo-sure has been filed in the District Court of Osage County, Kansas by Union Home Mortgage Corp., praying for foreclosure of certain real property legally described as follows:LOTS 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, IN BLOCK 20, OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN FOR LYNDON ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, IN

OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS. Tax ID No.: 00258 Commonly known as 205 W 6th St, Lyndon, KS 66451 (“the Property”) MS190154

for a judgment against defen-dants and any other interested parties and, unless otherwise served by personal or mail service of summons, the time in which you have to plead to the Petition for Foreclosure in the District Court of Osage County Kansas will expire on June 6, 2018. If you fail to plead, judg-ment and decree will be entered in due course upon the request of plaintiff.

MILLSAP & SINGER, LLCBy:Chad R. Doornink, #23536 [email protected] Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 180

Overland Park, KS 66210(913) 339-9132(913) 339-9045 (fax)By: Christina E. Carr, #[email protected] A. Duncan, #[email protected] M. Schuckman, #[email protected] Spirit Dr.St. Louis, MO 63005(636) 537-0110(636) 537-0067 (fax)ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFMS 190154.384689 KJFC **************************************(Published in The Osage County Herald-Chronicle Thursday, April 26, 2018, and subsequently on Thursday, May 3, 2018, and Thursday, May 10, 2018.)

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OSAGE COUNTY, KANSASCIVIL DEPARTMENTThe Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee (CWALT 2005-01CB)Plaintiff,


Trudy L Parker, et al.Defendants,

Case No.18CV10 Court No. Title to Real Estate InvolvedPursuant to K.S.A. §60NOTICE OF SALENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Osage County, Kansas, the under-signed Sheriff of Osage County, Kansas, will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the Courthouse Front Lobby of the Osage County, Courthouse, Kansas, on May 17, 2018 at the time of 10:00 AM, the following real estate:THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE WEST 140 FEET OF BLOCK 2, DODDS ADDITION TO OSAGE CITY, AC-CORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, IN OSAGE COUNTY, KANSAS. Tax ID No.: 01531, Commonly known as 404 Lincoln St, Osage City, KS 66523 (“the Property”) MS189535

to satisfy the judgment in the above entitled case. The sale is to be made without appraise-ment and subject to the re-demption period as provided by law, and further subject to the approval of the Court. Osage County SheriffMILLSAP & SINGER, LLCBy: Chad R. Doornink, #23536 [email protected] A. Orr, #22222 [email protected] Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 180Overland Park, KS 66210(913) 339-9132(913) 339-9045 (fax)ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF

MILLSAP & SINGER, LLC AS ATTORNEYS FOR THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE (CWALT 2005-01CB) IS AT-TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB-TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. **************************************(First published in the Osage County Herald-Chronicle May 3, 2018, and subsequently May 10, 2018, and May 17, 2018.)


IN THE MATTER OF THE MARRIAGE OFDavid A. Rendon andRebecca A. Rendon

Case No. 2016-DM-000238


The State of Kansas to Rebecca A. Rendon.

You are notified that a Petition for Divorce was filed in the District Court of Osage County, Kansas, asking that the person filing the divorce be granted a divorce and asking that the court make other orders in that divorce matter. You must file an answer to the Petition for Divorce with the court and provide a copy to the filing spouse on or before 1:30 p.m. June 25, 2018, which shall not be less than

41 days after first publication of the Notice of Suit, or the court will enter judgment against you on that Petition.

David A. Rendon23313 South Hwy. 75Lyndon, Kansas 66451(605) 786-6458

**************************************(First published in the Osage County Herald-Chronicle May 3, 2018, and subsequently May 10, 2018, and May 17, 2018.)




Case No. 2018-CV12




You are hereby notified that EDINA DAWN CASANAS-TENN, filed a Petition in the above court on the 12 day of March 2018, requesting a judgment and order changing his/her name from EDINA DAWN CASANAS-TENN to EDINA DAWN RUSSO.

The Petition will be heard in Osage County District Court, 717 Topeka Ave., Lyndon, Kansas 66451, on the 4th day of June 2018 at 10 a.m.

If you have any objection to the requested name change, you are required to file a responsive pleading on or before June 4, 2018, in this court or appear at the hearing and object to the requested name change. If you fail to act, judgment and order will be entered upon the Petition as requested by Petitioner.

/s/Edina Dawn Casanas-TennEDINA DAWN CASANAS-TENN6771 E. 213th StreetQuenemo, Kansas 66528**************************************(First published in The Osage County Herald-Chronicle, Thurs-day, May 10, 2018, and subse-quently May 17, 2018, and May 24, 2018.)


THE LYNDON STATE BANK, a banking corporation, Lyndon, Kan-sas, Plaintiff,vs. CHARLES N. SIMPSON, also known as CHARLES SIMPSON and BRANDI L. SIMPSON, husband and wife; et. al., Defendants.(Petition Pursuant to K.S.A. Chap-ter 60)

Case No. 2018 CV 6


Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for said County of Osage, in a certain action in said Court, numbered 2018 CV 6, wherein the parties above named were respectively plaintiff and defendants, and to me the under-signed Sheriff of said County, di-rected, I will offer for sale and sell at public auction, and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of Lyndon, in said County, on the 5th day of June, 2018, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., of said day, the following described real estate in Osage County, Kan-sas, to-wit: Lots C, 10 and 11, in Block 19, in the Original Town of Lyndon, according to the recorded plat thereof, Osage County, Kansas.

That the above described real estate be taken as the property of the defendants, Charles N. Simp-son and Brandi L. Simpson, and is directed by said order of sale to be sold, and will be sold without appraisement, to satisfy said order of sale without redemption. LAURIE DUNN Sheriff of Osage County, Kansas


Community Calendar

Thursday, May 10o Biscuits and gravy, 8:30

a.m. at Osage County Senior Center, Osage City.

o Free armchair exercises, 10 a.m. at Lyndon Commu-nity Center.

Friday, May 11o Benefit, band, silent

auction for Kristi Osburn Tallen, to have HSCT stem cell procedure for MS, 5 to 8 p.m. at Dover Community Center, 5928 S.W. Douglas Rd., Dover. Music by Rickety Downspout, hot dog eating contest, free will offering. Menu to include, hot dogs, chili dogs, chips and des-sert.

Saturday, May 12o TOPS 888, 8 a.m. at

Overbrook United Methodist Church. Call Mary Anderson at (785) 665-7352.

Monday, May 14o Osage City TOPS 289,

6 p.m. at Osage City Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 200 Holliday St., Fellowship Hall. Call Nancy Washburn at (785) 528-3337.

o Burlingame Saddle Club, 7 p.m. at Burlingame Rodeo Arena.

o Osage City Kiwanis meeting 7 p.m. at Osage City Depot.

Tuesday, May 15o Osage City Tree Board

meets, 5:30 p.m. at Osage City Public Library. Call Kathi Webster at (785) 528-2891.

Wednesday, May 16o Carbondale TOPS 1127,

5 p.m. at Carbondale City Hall.

Community calendar items may be submitted to [email protected], faxed to (785) 528-4811, called in to (785) 528-3511, mailed to P.O. Box 266, Osage City, KS 66523, or dropped off at 527 Market St., Osage City.

osage County senior Center

Bus Schedule:Monday, May 14: Open for

transit.Tuesday, May 15: Ce-

ramics run from all Osage

County locations, thrift store shopping in Topeka 9 a.m.

Wednesday, May 16: Service to Senior Center for birthday dinner.

Thursday, May 17: Open for transit.

Friday, May 18: Bingo run from all Osage County loca-tions.

Mothercontinued from 1

plans to invite her mother out to dinner for Mother’s Day.

“Taking us on vacation to Oklahoma to Grand Lake,” said Rick Truitt, Spring Hill, is his favorite memory with his mother, Mona Ruiz, Spring Hill. “We’re going to Osage Beach and spending the weekend with family, a total of four to five families all together,” Truitt said of his plans with his mother for Mother’s Day.

“She supports me in all my decisions and she’s just always there for me,” shared Joy Steel, age 17, Osage City, about her mother, Amy Williams, Osage City. “She tries her hardest. Me and my mom are like best friends.” Steel and her brother have not decided yet what they are going to do for Mother’s Day, but said it would prob-ably be dinner and a gift.

“She’s always there,” said Kasey Curtis, Osage City, is her favorite thing about her mother, Michelle Rooks, Osage City. She said Moth-er’s Day is always a surprise and is always something different, but it includes the whole family.

“Everything,” shared Jerry Schrader, Osage City, about his favorite thing about his

mother, Jenny Bahnmaier, Reading. “She’s wonder-ful. She’s my entire life. She’s the strongest person I’ve ever known.” Schrader said he will probably take his mother out to eat for Mother’s Day.

“Her good baking and cooking,” said Christena Hanson, Osage City, about her mother, the late Fannie Schrock. “Every Saturday she baked pies. It was amaz-ing!”

“She’s very caring,” said Lauren Fund, age 11, Over-brook, is her favorite thing about her mother, Kelli Fund-Coffman, Overbrook. Fund plans to treat her mother to breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day.

“All the stuff she does for me,” Addison Alvarez, age 11, Scranton, said is her favorite thing about her mother, Emily Alvarez, Scranton. She plans to prob-ably give her mother a gift and make her breakfast for Mother’s Day.

“Her singing,” said Jaime McCoy, Osage City, is her favorite memory of her mother, the late Patti Herin. “She sang all the time. She had a beautiful singing voice.”

Andy Lohmeyer, Osage City, has two mothers. ”She has always been there for me, no matter what,” said Lohmeyer is his favorite thing about one of his moth-

ers, Gail Lohmeyer, Osage City. “She filled my sum-mers with lots of love and fun,” he said about his other mother, Kathy Magarelli, Osage City. He plans to spend family time together with both of his mothers for Mother’s Day.

“When my last child was born, she was upset be-cause she was on a feeding tube and had to miss the birth,” shared Jennifer Artz, Quenemo, about her favor-ite memory of her mother, the late Willie Louis Pollard. “When I brought him home, she wouldn’t let me do any-thing. She did everything. She took care of him every time he cried.”

“Going to different places and doing things,” said Michelle Young, Carbondale, is her favorite memory of her mother, the late Beullah Swabby.

“Going on trips,” shared Mickey Young, Carbondale, about his favorite memory of his mother, the late Veva Young.

“She’s the most giving and caring person I’ve known,” said Desta Mason, Waverly, is her favorite thing about her mother, Tracie Penland, Quenemo. Mason plans to spend time with her mother for Mother’s Day.

The Osage County Herald-Chronicle wishes a happy Mother’s Day to all mothers.

Librarycontinued from 1

“Memorandums of understanding are the way people develop business relationships with each other,” explained DeVoe.

Kandi Hinck, library board president, shared there is “a little over $222,000” earmarked for the construction of the new library building. The council accepted the floor plan size of 6,000 square feet.

Resident Kevin Seals questioned the compensation time policy for city police officers. He told council it is sometimes difficult to predict the ease of use of accumulated time for employees. The policy

for compensation time is employees need to use the time within 90 days of accrual. Mayor Mike Fulton explained the policy is in place to lower the risk of burnout for employees.

Dustin Bretsnyder, maintenance department, requested approval for HACH service agreement for SC200s in the amount of $476.05 and council approved the request. A bid for street repairs from Black Excavating for $22,680 was also approved.

Smith requested the one-way direction of the alley way near the school be changed to the opposite direction. Council approved the request and instructed Bretsnyder to change the sign. The street will now be a one-way going east to


In other council business:

o approved the renewal of JUS annual software assur-ance contract in the amount of $550.

o approved the first payment application for the waste water treatment facility in the amount of $112,064.23

o granted a request by a Berryton Boy Scout troop to paint the crosswalks down Main Street and on the south side of the school to Casey’s/

o provided update on Jim Shively’s wedding venue. It was not approved b the council because terms in the document were not acceptable.
