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PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1963 by John Marion Albany is in a state of transition. A hot knife has been thrust into its cancerous guts and is in the process of removing what has been festering there for many years. Where there once were slums there will soon be m6dern office buildings; lots once crowded with tiny bars and soda shops now serve as parking lots. One must remember, however, that so-called "slums" are not always all that the term implies. Many buildings in slum areas do not fit the usual image of the slum. Many are clean and reasonably well-kept, their only fault that of being old and, consequently, starting to slump and fall. The location is often the only reason for the demolition of a building. We must also remember that rundown apartment buildings are more than slums; they are the homes of many people and no matter how rundown a place may be, it is the home of some people and they have formed a certain emotional attachment to it. Con- sideration of this fact may give some insight into the objections of many people to urban renewal. South Mall A total of 85 acres in downtown Albany is now undergoing urban renewal to make room for many new state government buildings, known as the South Mill project. This project serves a dual purpose; it not only clears out many buildings that should have been torn down years ago, but it also provides space for many much-needed buildings to house various departments of the state government. Between the time of evacuation and construction of the new buildings, however, the state of the Mall area is unique. The vacated buildings stand like a child's forgotten toys; they seem to realize their uselessness and sag under the weight of this real- ization. The doors are boarded up, the windows are broken and a heavy dust settles over everything. Now they have new inhabitants. Pigeons constantly fly in and out through the jagged window-frames, rats scurry through the broken glass in the cellars of a thousand lifeless dwellings. The state of much of the South Mall area is now one of lifelessness, a kind of death is in the air. Never-Ending Cycle This is the essence of the uniqueness of the tran- sition. The people have moved to other, similar buildings in other sections of the city, but the old apartments stand as mute reminders of their former inhabitants. The old corner stores, the hole-in-a-wall bars, and the apartment buildings are the receptacles of countle-ss memories for the former inhabitants. Within the next few years all these buildings will be gone; the memories, meaningless; the cancer, destroyed; the city, purged of its oldest elements the elements most repugnant to the middle-class mores which rule our society. Clean, new, modern offices will have replaced the slums; the oldest section will now be the newest. It will be then, when the cycle is complete, that it can begin again and what is the newest now will eventually become, once more, the cancer that will have to be removed. A & W Root Beer DRIVE-IN HOME OF THE 'BURGER FAMILY' -- a size for every appetite Meet the Burger family' Papa burger Mamma burger Teen burger Baby burger "ENJOY YOURSELF, RAIN OR SHINE UNDER OUR CAR PORT" 1602 WESTERN AVENUE Daily II a.m.-midnight "JUSt Past the Northway' Fri.-Sat. Il a.m.-l a.m. Movie Review Film Succeeds on Gusto and Cast by Paul Jensen A large number of John Wayne's past films have been directed by his friend, John Ford. These in- clude The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and the more recent Don- ovan's Reef. The cast arid charac- ter of Wayne's newest film, Mc- Lintock, give the impression that it is still another by Ford. Viewer's Advantage The picture, however, is defi- nitely not a Ford film—and this is all to the viewer's advantage. Ford, the director of such clas- sics as The Informer and The Grapes of Wrath seems in recent years to have lost his touch. About all that remains is a gen- eralized technical polish, which alone is insufficient to hold together the cliches of the pretentious Liberty Valance or the amateurish impro- visation of Donovan's Reef. His problems seems to lie in the selection, and control, of his material. Of course, McLintock also has its share of cliches. Certainly the figure of the rich cattle baron has ELECTIONS Legislation p a s s e d by Senate on November 13, 1963, requires attendance at at least three Senate meetings of students who wish to run for Senate next February. This applies to all stu- dents, regardless of class. Intellectual (More] particular discipline rather than of tlii' particular instructor, tliev are still discussions which point ai grades. The practical, economic end oi a college career still dominates. The discussions arc still .strategic. Of course it would be naive to expect that a student should not be concerned with good grades and should not strategically plan in net them. In our society colleges are su organized as to emphasize grad- gelting. A higher education i s . in pari. an elaborate game. Lack of Cynic ism Fverv s t u d e lit undertaking il should be seasoned with a dash ol cynicism. In fact what I find dis- heartening about die discussions which I think occur here aiming Hie students is precisely that tliev are hoi cynical. Cynicism is at loasi a recognition ol a disparity between profession and acitialllv. from tins lack nl cynicism, I can onl) conclude thai man) stu- dents mistake a strategic foi an liiielleciu.il discussion, and gelling been overused for some years now. In addition, the film has subplots and extraneous incidents that cause it to ramble shiftlessly about for over two hours. But two things keep these elements from falling as flat as a Ford film. First, it is played for laughs, and in many cases gets them. It suc- ceeds through sheer gusto, and the spirit that pervades the picture is often infectious. There is, for example, a massive disorganized melee early in the film, with the fallen combatants sliding smoothly downhill into a lake of mud. It is totally confused, and the di- rection does little to organize it. Cutting, close-ups and the selection of specific incidents arc often for- gotten, hut the force and fun in it keeps it enjoyable. Excellent Cast The second advantage is an ex- cellent cast of character actors, who make the film succeed almost solely on the power of their per- sonalities. There's Wayne, of course—older, paunchier, but still forceful. He even acts a bit. giving an amusing performance in his big drunk scene. This episode features some very funny business about a flight of si airs. Maureen O'llara. as his wife, is her usual Irish-tempered sell and Yvonne de Carlo is Wayne's newly hired cook. Also participating are Chill Wills, as the ranch ramrod, Edgar Buch- anan, inevitably playing the town derelict, Gordon Jones as a foolish shyster and Jerry Van Dyke as his equallv foolish collegiate son. good grades tor intellectual growth. Pleasure Marks Growth And whai a drear) mistake it is. It precludes, ol course, any inkling ol the laci that intellectual growth is pleasurable thai a discussion can be exhilarating, a poem exciting . a mathematical equa- tion elegant, and lhal none of them need anv further Justification beyond Hie pleasure ihev give. Indeed a mark ol intellectual growth is finding such pleasure and taking it quite unselfconsciously. If students lail in recognize and to feel for themselves thai knowledge is its own end, then the intellectual atmosphere ol anv college cannot be stimulating. The college may ollei a rich diversity ol activity be.ond the classroom, hut the stu- dents will, ll Ihev go tn see the plays or to hear the music, only plod die weal v path ol dutv. They will onl) , as a proloundl) melanchol) phrase has it, he taking advantage ol an "extra-curricular, culturall) -uplili uig serv ice." NOTICES Foo J Sorv ice All student groups wishing io make reservations tin collee hours, leas receptions, banquets, use ol equipment ti oin the I 1 om| Sei v ice Department, should make iho.se ie- i ,i'i . at ions ai least one week in adv alien, Russell Sage I h e I'I amain s Association ol bussed Sage College will pi eseul Kobiusoii •) e l I ii i s' adapi al ion id Kill Ipudes' Medea on Tllill'sdu) and I i ida) Novenibei 2 I and 12. Hoi Ii pel loi inances will stai I al (l p . m . sharp in the Little Theal i e .it '.Hi I'll si .Slieet, behind Kellas Hall. Tickets ai e on sale in the A.It, ai Hussell Sage ol can be bought at Hie theatre dool Inline die pul- lol inauce Kuppu Mil Epsilon On Noveiiibui I :t the following people went initialed into Kappa Mu Fpsllon; Alan Drake 'CO, Leslie Keys '05 Helen Meserole '05, Judilh Melcalf '05, Douglas Pelelsun 'Of,, Mis. Mildred Rubin "M, Cynthia Uobb 'nl Thomas It) wick '05. Course Guide Thei e will He a meet ing loi ;ill sllldunis Intel esled in winking on Hie Studenl I muse Guide onSilndav, Novenibei ILI , ill 7:30 p.m. in 111 u- baohei Hall. Man\ ol the stall positions have been tilled, bill some people ale sllll needed loi edinu nil positions, particlllal 1) those II olli the business and I lie science depui lluenis. State University Revue Lee Liss '05, the dlrecloi ol the Slate Uulvul's.11) Itevue, asks anv and all persons interested in being Hie pianist lor the Itevue io coiiiacl liei al -|:iG-U215, Auditions will be held in Page oi the Com- mons on Su t ui ti a •, mornings at the convenience ol the applicants, This is one pari ol the em rent el!oi i on the part ol Hie Itevue Committee in open the Itevue to all lutei ested in inking part. While some of the roles, such as Van Dyke's, are on the verge of being overdone, the tone of the en- tire picture is sufficiently broad for them not to seem out of place. It's the kind of film that a viewer must be in the mood for, arid that needs the spontaneous laughter of a large audience. As entertainment it is light, and all subtlety is thrown to the winds. Depending upon the viewer, it can tie either a sporadically funny farce, or a consistently silly slapstick western — it's the individual's re- action that counts. WSUA to Present All 'New' Format Radio WSUA will return to the air waves after vacation as the "new WSUA." A new programming format aimed at expanding ser- vices and studio facilities will lie introduced on December 2. An increase m stall member- ship will enable WSUA to broad- cast over 52 hours a week. Tom Uvwick. publicity Director, announces thai each evening's fea- tured programming will he posted daily on the WSUA bulletin boards in the peristyle and dormitories. Special Features on the new WSUA include Garv Luc/ak's conunentarv (Mou.: 7:05), "Know Your Senate" (Thurs.: 10:45), broadcast of basket- ball games, live broadcast ol the Holiday Sing, plus complete cover- age of campus news (daily at 7 and 11). Station Manager. Nick Argyros, '0. sialed that as soon as the re- quirement lor a Faculty Advisor has been ascertained, an investi- gation will be conducted. gort Zeus, there's something that puzzles me. What is it, Gort ? Tell me why you chose Wit Olympus for a home. It's cold and windy up thece. and the air is unbeardbly thin? Alfio... ,,,L h a p p e n t o knoiAi that you suffer Prom acrophobia? Why, oP all places.did you picket ? Why did you climb «ft>f^A $ i* i Because it is there! ^ nnwereii A Take the Bus and.. A L B A N Y .'}, NEW YORK DECEMBER 6. 19(5(3 VOL. XLIX. NO. 25 33 University Seniors Elected To Membership in Who's Who A total of thirty-three State University at Albany students have been elected to the national Who's Who Among- Students in American Universities and Colleges book. All thirty-three are in their senior year at Albany. They were elected by their fellow seniors after Senate had submitted a list of candidates. Before sending the names of the thirty-three students to the National Committee, they were first approved by the Administration. Motion to Give SA President Sole Chartering Rights Defeated To be eligible for ac- ceptance, a student must fulfill the qualifications of scholarship, participation and leadership in academic and extracurricular activi- ties. Technical Director of U.S.A., John Moore, makes final prepara- tions for the production with Jon Barden and Pauline Aranson. S.U. Theatre To Present 'U.S.A.' Nine Nightly Performances Slated U.S.A. |i\ Paul Shyne and John nation as ,i whole Irom l'JUO lo Dos Passos will he presented I• •, l'J.'it). the State Uuiversir, Theatre to- night ami next Moudav through Sat- The plav tells ol Moorehouse'.s urdav nights. All performances will rise to a position ol great tin- he held in Richardson 'l'.)\ heginiung portanre in die Held ol public i e- at H:.')0 p . m . laiions m this country. His personal lile is portra'.ed bv scenes ol en- Tlil.s is the second ol Stale I'm- ai uncut horn Ins lite, v ei MI . Theal i e's loin scheduled majm productions IhlS Vear. National Theme The epic oi national theme ol I'lckeis loi the plav aie cur- 'he plav is handled Ihioiigh the icntiv on sale at the State I'm- use ol pi ojeci ions oi personalities veisiiv Ticket Oilier, Richardson oi ecu's ol the penod. and the 'in'.), duilj 11:00 a.m. to )i::)0 p.m. music dames, and headlines ol tin' pel Hi' I. U.S.A. was dli cried | Iir, James M. Leonard ol the Speech Depart- l ' 1 '" I'la. " l;lkl ' s ;i l"""l''d >'oin- meni. Join, Mool e aimw addition mem.,,,. onmr. . hut with warmlh i., it,r Sp I, Depaitmei.t, seived J "'' ' ,ll|,rl "'"• [l i* litdii awl amus- ,i •, I 'rM. net an I T n linn al I nrecti I, i the pi odUrlloh. nil .no I is ti riiinriilai , ill its 11 eat - in lis I I e,il melll ol Us I vvu slllip'Cl s. 11 i e I a 11 s man. I a i 's o I 111 s t o i 11111 sin ia I i o m 1111' 111 a I' v 1111o u i h OH-Broudwuy Production U.S.A. was In si p i , ..In, e<| , , | | - toadw.r. in l'.n o. A minimum ol r < ! " ' ' " ' A " > '' ; ' '' •' '• I"' 1 sonahties MI, h as V aleimiio U ill,in and ( n • ' llle Wi ««'lil and I' ugene V . I >ebs pl ops and I eallsl n si enei . i s Use unl'. six a< loi s pla . .ill ihe i oh in die ' T i . . by Irv Carpenter President Cetra proposed "thai the Studenl Association Government have the sole powei lo chul'toi Loses loi vacations; this powel lo he v ested in t lie pei son ,,i dip Studenl Association President.'' Senate moved into a quasi cniu- la 111ce ol the whole in ordei to laminate the r,insider JI inn ol the pri iposal. Expl anation President C e n a lei! that the powei should he established lo pru- \ tde a sei '. i' e in the students su- perior io lhal given liv individuals in toe past. The second part ol t he on,Hon was included to clarilv the power ol llie e>.ectiuve to enlul're leglslal ion. Il was moved lhal the bill he a mended to i ead thai i he si lo powei li, dial lei bases loi '• acal ions he vested m the Studenl Association I'l esidelil and ' hat the poll, les I, >l - lowed be those id Studenl SeiiJie. Some ol the loinmelils on this ami'lidlneiit included , ,ne tat mi 1 I hat in ellect iins ini ,i H HI was similui in the oi igmul J in J I li ui. Main senaloi s slated thai the aineiiduienl Would | lace i c\t i in i.,i,.s on i he I'l esidenl. I his .nneiidi n r III was also detrain,I. The pie', loirs quesi n,n was mo', ed ol a .uie , HI the , n ii'inal mot ion v. as taken. Ii was deleated t,\ a vote ol 21 loi and It; against. (All motions reqmi e 20 positive votes.,) Il was moved that the executive branch ol government be authorized to charier buses loi the Christmas \ acal loll. The reason lor bus motion was to allow' enough time lor buses to be chartered lor the student bodv. Senator Miles said dial the en- ure process ol setting up the serv- ice could be taken care of in one week. Time Runs Out Due to a Lick oi time, the meeting was ad|oiirned and no action was taken on the motion. The opposition mall the proposals was based on Hie leeling that Senate should noi sei up a tiilln , moimpolv , I hal i He i ighis ol null', nlual.s were being ml ringed upon, and that the original bill was a blank check and gave awav loo much Senate control. Set vices ( oinmittee ( dial t man, James Miles '1,1, 1 epoi led on the hill, uh les n, Vol v nig i lie buses loi i l,e li,.ml.- ;'l V liif v acal ion. The I e- pol I Mated i hal a lellei was sent i, Cji'c , hound explaining ihe shin i - , , linings. I .'.,, i e|,i eseul al I v es wel e pi eseul ai the meeting i,, answei questions. Benefits As a member ol Who's Who in Among Students in American Col- leges and Universities, a student has Ins name listed m the nat- ional bunk. The hmioi also brings benefit loi the student ol a specialized placement and reference service provided by die National Commit- tee. Members ol the studenl bodv elected to this houorarv include: Bonnie Baichelor, Robert Brennan, k il w a r il Hudtukas, Joseph Cam- bridge, Patrick Cerra, Colotnba De Francesco, Anthony DtRocco, Ros- aline Kerrara, and Peter Fisher. Also Joseph Gain, Michael Gold- stein. Ralph Grimaldi, David Jenks, Leona Kerpel, Pirei Kuli, Leonard Lapin.ski. William Leo HelenMan- deville. Lenin a McCabe James Miles. Susanne Murphy, Gary Petre, and Patricia Pessulo, Also Marietta Raueri, David Sim - liigloii, I r ed e r 11 k Smith, Gai y Smith, Margaret Sorensoii, Eliza- beth Siioud. John Sturtevaut, Carol Ann T.o. and Patricia Wickes. As staled in the National Com- mittee i tiles anv si udent who is lo i ecei v e a degree in l'.lG-l or Lain is eligible loi membership. Albanv howevei olilv nominates Seinoi s. Ll . e plan, a, ' mip.iii iiuenl v. ill be sllppl led al all J,el loi III.Hires I he six a, IOI s aie II,n : . Guv g Vicloi Itainei i 'h ", and Helen 'n , Loin las Ross 'nl, Jim Lohdell \andeibuib 'nl. 'Mi, Id,/ 1 ei i ai a 'in. Lee las-, 'i,., and Sliainn llon.se 'li-1. cor on mlormut i vc article on how "U.S.A." wuv brought to the Richardson stugo, turn to pugus I'hr plav re,rlillall, Ih.VVS ol, b j x (Jn( j sovon . i wi, sepal air lev els. ( In Hie one hah,I 11 lei I ', I he pel solial slol V ol J Wai'l M o r i o h o u s e , on Ihe ' " '" •' "" i """ 1 "'"' -" "•" To lie Discussed AA Board Increases Powers 'Primer" Selections (Governor lianwll Postpones Sjxwh Li . St, i e I -I s ,\h llwainc ,,l ihe I nib ',1, I if 'j J.I i 111 it' ii I wi II speak on '•'I he Role ol Primur on the Stale tail v el .-,11-, i altipus'' in Ihe Mru- bai i,ei In i air I lining Room on evening Dec, ID I'.lo,!. Ll . Mi Ilwalne will i ead sell A spec, I, scheduled lo he made I . Govei hoi Ross Lai noil ol Mi.-,- ' "es'la M ssippi ai Mils I nl . ei sil v lias been postponed li, lelmiielv . The M I, V:A-, scheduled loi ue-.l Moiidav, ll ""'' ' ""' I" '"' l ""-' P'bnor De, embei 'J in Page Hall, ll was Issues and will also talk about camelled due to Hie illie.\pecied some,, people vv i„, liav e ediled ilea I ihe late Liesldent John ''t" 1 cent i i Lined to Ihe alilhulug). I' . Kenned, . Goveinoi llaiiiell .'.ill i onlacl All iliose who aie inleiesled in I'oiuin ,,l Politics soiuelllue ne.\t '.'.oiling ,,i, ||,e Piiiuur sail, com Januai , ol I'eLiiiai, In consider lilbiiliui nealr.e W o I k .s In Ihe his speaking engageiiieiil. Also be- aiuhologv, ol pisl leal ning about i ailse ol I'l esidenl Koiuiedi 's a.ssa.s- Ihe loll' ',1 Primer ale ooidiallv small,,ii all speeches ai ihe l ! ni- in v lied lo attend, v ei su , liav e been pi isi| •, ,ued until I 111 I he I i iot 11 e. I hi' llieel I ng will begin al o:00p, III, I'l esidenl (oil ins i onlei I ed ailti i- ii, ,lliv in mat lei s , ,| n,i i ami leg late |„ ,||c in, ihe I'm v i-i Ml . ' s Alhlel li A-l ,lsoi . bo,il d I'lirsda, . I le v, as <|ll 11'I. top, unl , an hov.e .el , ihal ihe Alhlein li,,.u ,1 Would coli- I n,lie o, sei v e , iil\ in an ad > ISOI . rapa, 11 v as tat as Intel i olleg ml r polli . is, i on ei limb I'l e . loiislv Alhlel |, lioai d sei . ml old , Hi ah ad . I sol V i apai liv Ii, ihe I'l esidenl in al I deci sioiis , on- i'i'l lung die spin Is j J j og i am al Al • hum . Power Division I'l i" Idem Colli us slated lhal lie It'll it t line lo give I lie Hoard si mil' ol I he puwei \ held pi ev luig.lv onl \ bv til ill. Re Odd I lie lloai ,1 " I'lic bill v ei Ml , I,as g i own to the print wl ei e some di v isluli ol i e ,puii- Slbllll les Is IllM'es.sui . . " lie said his decision was also prompted |,v ihe lacl Hun Alhletn boa I d lias come an.In li i e Irulll mam ipiai lei s laielv loi being, a s e n el organization. Uudei pasl liulirv Alhleilr lioaid Hirelings have nui g.eueialiv been Open lo ihe public, and II s uiliiiile.s have Hot keen published. Since II, the pa ,i the lloai d sei , ed uhlv as an adv isoi v nod, u , ollld liev eg make an. ol us dei isiuiis public since Ihev win e unl v i ecuiniueuda- I loll',. In keeping, vv uh a i equesl ll'olll Li esidenl i nil ins , huwev el . Alhlel le President Collins Dual d vv il now [iillillci/.e anv de- , isiuiis It I caches in I he field ol nit I aculli'gl.iir policies. These Alhletn Hoard decisions will be cuiisidel ed as Imal L'm- V el sit v pullc . . The I'I esidenl was (pule anxious that all Alhleilr Ho.lib decisions be made public as soon as possible. He said: ''I don't know ll Stu- denl Association pal I Kill all v cares t hal we ai e going lo have male cheel leaden s this V eai . but 1 think ihe. .should be loiuiallj iniorined ol al I decisions. As del uled bv the President, ml ra- mi leglate pol lev would include I hose actions which deal vvnh this Um- vetsitv's athletic program alone, An rxaiiiple nl tins would he the dei Isluli lu have male cheel leaduis. hilrii ullcijiuti: Policy The 1' i e s i d e u i maintains the puwei ul dual decision in mailers id liiieri'iilli'glalupolli'v, All example ul this Would be Ihe widely-dis- cussed move iu begin looiball ai Albanv sometime in the near future.
Page 1: PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS. FRIDAY. …library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/eresources/digital...make reservations tin collee hours, leas receptions, banquets, use ol equipment ti

P A G E 8 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y N O V E M B E R 2 2 1 9 6 3

by John Marion

Albany is in a state of transit ion A hot knife has been thrust into its cancerous guts and is in the process of removing what has been festering there for many years Where there once were s lums there will soon be m6dern office buildings lots once crowded with tiny ba r s and soda shops now serve a s parking lots

One must remember h o w e v e r that so-called s l u m s are not always all that the t e rm implies Many buildings in slum a reas do not fit the usual image of the slum Many are clean and reasonably well-kept their only fault that of being old and consequently s tart ing to slump and fall The location is often the only reason for the demolition of a building

We must also remember that rundown apartment buildings are more than slums they are the homes of many people and no matter how rundown a place may be it is the home of some people and they have formed a certain emotional attachment to it Conshysideration of this fact may give some insight into the objections of many people to urban renewal

South Mall A total of 85 ac res in downtown Albany is now

undergoing urban renewal to make room for many new state government buildings known as the South Mill project This project serves a dual purpose it not only c lears out many buildings that should have been torn down years ago but it also provides space for many much-needed buildings to house various departments of the state government

Between the time of evacuation and construction of the new buildings however the state of the Mall area is unique The vacated buildings stand like a childs forgotten toys they seem to realize their uselessness and sag under the weight of this r ea l shyization The doors are boarded up the windows are broken and a heavy dust sett les over everything

Now they have new inhabitants Pigeons constantly fly in and out through the jagged window-frames ra ts scurry through the broken glass in the ce l la r s of a thousand lifeless dwellings The state of much of the South Mall area is now one of l i felessness a kind of death is in the air

Never-Ending Cycle

This is the essence of the uniqueness of the t ranshysition The people have moved to other s imilar buildings in other sections of the city but the old apartments stand as mute reminders of their former inhabitants The old corner s tores the hole- in-a-wall ba r s and the apartment buildings are the receptacles of countle-ss memories for the former inhabitants

Within the next few years all these buildings will be gone the memories meaningless the cancer destroyed the city purged of its oldest elements mdash the elements most repugnant to the middle-class mores which rule our society Clean new modern offices will have replaced the slums the oldest section will now be the newest

It will be then when the cycle is complete that it can begin again and what is the newest now will eventually become once more the cancer that will have to be removed

A amp W Root Beer DRIVE-IN

HOME OF THE BURGER FAMILY -- a size for every appetite

Meet the Burger family

Papa burger Mamma burger

Teen burger Baby burger


1602 WESTERN AVENUE Daily II am-midnight

JUSt Past the Northway Fri-Sat Il a m- l am

Movie Review

Film Succeeds on Gusto and Cast by P a u l J e n s e n

A l a rge number of John Wayne s

pas t f i lms have been d i r e c t e d by

h is fr iend John Fo rd T h e s e in shy

clude The Man Who Shot Liber ty

Valance and the m o r e r e c e n t Donshy

ovan s Reef The cas t arid c h a r a c shy

t e r of Wayne s newes t f i lm Mc-

Lin tock give the i m p r e s s i o n that

it is s t i l l ano the r by F o r d

V i e w e r s Advantage

The p i c t u r e however i s def i shy

ni tely not a F o r d filmmdashand th i s is

all to the v i e w e r s advantage

F o r d the d i r e c t o r of such c l a s shy

s i c s as The Informer and The Grapes

of Wrath s e e m s in r e c e n t y e a r s to

have lost his touch

About all that r e m a i n s is a gen shy

e r a l i z e d technica l po l i sh w h i c h

alone i s insufficient to hold toge the r

the c l i ches of the p r e t e n t i o u s Liber ty

Va lance or the a m a t e u r i s h i m p r o shy

visat ion of Donovan s Reef

His p r o b l e m s s e e m s to l ie in

the s e l e c t i o n and con t ro l of h is

m a t e r i a l

Of c o u r s e McLintock a l s o has

i t s s h a r e of c l i c h e s Ce r t a in ly the

figure of the r ich ca t t le ba ron has

ELECTIONS Legislation p a s s e d by

Senate on November 13 1963 requires attendance at at least three Senate meetings of students who wish to run for Senate next February

This applies to all s tushydents regard less of c lass

Intellectual (More] p a r t i c u l a r d i sc ip l ine r a t h e r than of

tlii p a r t i c u l a r i n s t r u c t o r tliev a r e

s t i l l d i s c u s s i o n s which p o i n t ai

g r a d e s The p r a c t i c a l e conomic end

oi a co l lege c a r e e r s t i l l d o m i n a t e s

The d i s c u s s i o n s a r c s t i l l s t ra tegic

Of c o u r s e it would be naive to

expect that a student should not be

concerned with good g r a d e s and

should not s t ra teg ica l ly plan in net

them In our society c o l l e g e s a r e

su o rgan i zed as to e m p h a s i z e g r a d -

gel t ing A higher educat ion i s in

p a r i an e l a b o r a t e game

L a c k of C y n i c ism

Fverv s t u d e lit under tak ing il

should be s ea soned with a dash ol

cyn i c i sm In fact what I find d i s shy

hea r t en ing about die d i s c u s s i o n s

which I think occur h e r e aiming Hie

s tuden t s i s p rec i se ly that tliev a r e

hoi cyn ica l Cynic ism is at loasi

a recogni t ion ol a d ispar i ty between

p ro fess ion and acit ial l lv

f r o m t ins lack nl c y n i c i s m I

can onl) conclude thai man) s tushy

dents m i s t a k e a s t r a t e g i c foi an

liiielleciuil d i s c u s s i o n and gell ing

been o v e r u s e d for s o m e y e a r s now

In addi t ion the film h a s subplo ts and

e x t r a n e o u s inc idents that c ause it to

r a m b l e sh i f t less ly about for over

two h o u r s

But two th ings keep these e l e m e n t s

from falling a s flat a s a Fo rd film

F i r s t it i s played for l aughs and

in many c a s e s gets them It s u c shy

c e e d s through s h e e r gus to and the

s p i r i t that p e r v a d e s the p i c t u r e i s

often in fec t ious

T h e r e i s for e x a m p l e a m a s s i v e

d i s o r g a n i z e d m e l e e ea r ly in the

fi lm with the fallen c o m b a t a n t s

s l id ing smooth ly downhill into a

l ake of mud

It i s total ly confused and the d i shy

rec t ion does l i t t le to o r g a n i z e it

Cut t ing c l o s e - u p s and the se lec t ion

of spec i f ic inc idents a r c often forshy

go t ten hut the force and fun in it

k e e p s it enjoyable

Exce l len t Cas t

The second advantage is an e x shy

ce l len t cas t of c h a r a c t e r a c t o r s

who m a k e the film s u c c e e d a lmos t

sole ly on the power of the i r p e r shy

s o n a l i t i e s

T h e r e s Wayne of cou r semdasholde r

p a u n c h i e r but s t i l l forceful He

even a c t s a bit giving an amus ing

p e r f o r m a n c e in his big drunk s c e n e

T h i s ep i sode f ea tu res s o m e very

funny b u s i n e s s about a flight of

si a i r s

M a u r e e n O l l a r a a s his wife is

he r usual I r i s h - t e m p e r e d sel l and

Yvonne de C a r l o is Wayne s newly

h i r ed cook

Also p a r t i c i p a t i n g a r e Chill Wi l l s

a s the ranch r a m r o d Edgar Buchshy

anan inevitably playing the town

d e r e l i c t Gordon J o n e s a s a foolish

s h y s t e r and J e r r y Van Dyke a s his

equallv foolish co l leg ia te son

good g r a d e s tor in te l lec tua l growth

P l e a s u r e M a r k s G r o w t h

And whai a d r e a r ) m i s t ake it

i s It p r e c l u d e s ol c o u r s e any

inkling ol the laci that in te l lec tual

growth i s p l e a s u r a b l e mdash thai a

d i s c u s s i o n can be exh i l a r a t i ng a

poem exci t ing a m a t h e m a t i c a l equa shy

tion e l egan t and lhal none of them

need anv fur ther Just i f icat ion beyond

Hie p l e a s u r e ihev give

Indeed a m a r k ol in te l lec tua l

growth is finding such p l e a s u r e and

taking it quite unse l fconsc ious ly

If s tuden t s lail in r ecogn ize and

to feel for t h e m s e l v e s thai knowledge

is i t s own end then the in te l lec tual

a t m o s p h e r e ol anv col lege cannot

be s t imu la t ing The col lege may

ollei a r ich d i v e r s i t y ol activity

b e o n d the c l a s s r o o m hut the s tu shy

den t s wil l ll Ihev go tn s e e the

p l a y s or to hear the m u s i c only

plod die weal v path ol dutv

They will onl) as a proloundl)

me lancho l ) p h r a s e has it he taking

advantage ol an e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r

cu l tu ra l l ) -uplil i uig serv i c e


Foo J Sorv ice

All student g roups wishing io

make r e s e r v a t i o n s tin col lee h o u r s

l eas r e c e p t i o n s banque t s use ol

equipment ti oin the I1 om| Sei v ice

D e p a r t m e n t should make ihose i e -iii at ions ai least one week in

adv alien

Russe l l Sage

I h e I I a m a i n s Associa t ion ol

b u s s e d Sage College will pi eseul

Kobiusoii bull) e l I ii i s adapi al ion id

Kill Ipudes Medea on Tllill sdu) and

I i ida) Novenibei 2 I and 12

Hoi Ii pel loi inances will s ta i I al

(l p m s h a r p in the Li t t le Theal i e

it Hi Ill si Slieet behind Kel las


T i c k e t s ai e on sa le in the AIt

ai Husse l l Sage ol can be bought

at Hie t h e a t r e dool I n l i n e die pul -

lol inauce

Kuppu Mil E p s i l o n

On Noveiiibui I t the following

people went ini t ialed into Kappa

Mu Fps l lon Alan Drake CO L e s l i e

Keys 05 Helen M e s e r o l e 0 5 Judi lh

Melcalf 0 5 Douglas P e l e l s u n Of

M i s Mildred Rubin M Cynthia

Uobb n l T h o m a s It) wick 05

C o u r s e G u i d e

Thei e will He a meet ing loi ill

s l l ldunis Intel e s led in winking on

Hie Studenl I m u s e Guide onSilndav

Novenibei ILI ill 730 p m in 111 u-

baohei Hall

Man ol the s ta l l pos i t ions have

been t i l led bill some people a l e

s l l l l needed loi edinu nil pos i t i ons

par t ic l l l a l 1) those II olli the b u s i n e s s

and I lie s c i ence depui l luen is

State Universi ty Revue

Lee L i s s 0 5 the d l r ec lo i ol

the Slate Uulvuls11) I tevue a s k s

anv and all p e r s o n s in t e re s t ed in

being Hie pianist lor the Itevue io

coiiiacl liei al -|iG-U215 Audit ions

will be held in Page oi the Comshy

mons on Su t ui ti a bull morn ings at the

convenience ol the app l i can t s

T h i s is one par i ol the em rent

eloi i on the par t ol Hie Itevue

C o m m i t t e e in open the Itevue to

all lutei e s ted in inking p a r t

While s o m e of the r o l e s such a s

Van D y k e s a r e on the ve rge of

be ing o v e r d o n e the tone of the enshy

t i r e p i c t u r e is sufficiently broad

for them not to s e e m out of p lace

I t s the kind of film that a viewer

mus t be in the mood for arid that

n e e d s the spon taneous laughter of a

l a r g e aud ience As en te r t a inmen t

it i s l ight and all subtlety is thrown

to the winds

Depending upon the v iewer it can

tie e i the r a spo rad i ca l l y funny farce

o r a cons i s t en t ly si l ly s laps t ick

w e s t e r n mdash i t s the ind iv idua l s r e shy

ac t ion that coun ts

WSUA to Present All New Format

Radio WSUA will r e t u rn to the

a i r waves after vacation as the

n e w WSUA A new p r o g r a m m i n g

format a imed at expanding s e r shy

v ices and s tudio fac i l i t ies will lie

in t roduced on December 2

An i n c r e a s e m sta l l m e m b e r shy

sh ip will enable WSUA to b roadshy

cas t over 52 hour s a week

Tom Uvwick publici ty D i r ec to r

announces thai each even ing s feashy

tu red p r o g r a m m i n g will he posted

daily on the WSUA bulletin b o a r d s

in the p e r i s t y l e and d o r m i t o r i e s

Specia l F e a t u r e s on the new WSUA

inc lude Garv L u c a k s conunentarv

(Mou 705) Know Your S e n a t e

( T h u r s 1045) b roadcas t of baske t shy

bal l g a m e s live b roadcas t ol the

Holiday Sing p lus comple te c o v e r shy

age of c a m p u s news (daily at 7 and


Station M a n a g e r Nick A r g y r o s

0 s ia led that as soon as the r e shy

q u i r e m e n t lor a Facul ty Advisor

h a s been a s c e r t a i n e d an inves t i shy

gation will be conducted

gort Z e u s t h e r e s

s o m e t h i n g t h a t

p u z z l e s m e

Wha t

is it

G o r t

Tell me why you c h o s e

Wit Olympus for a home

I t s cold a n d windy

u p t h e c e a n d t h e

air is unbea rdb ly

thin Alfio

L h a p p e n to knoiAi

t h a t you su f f e r Prom

acrophobia Why oP all

p laces did you p i c k e t

Why did y o u cl imb laquo f t gt f ^ A

$ i i

B e c a u s e

it i s

t h e r e

^ nnwereii A

T a k e t h e

B u s a n d

A L B A N Y N E W Y O R K D E C E M B E R 6 19(5(3 VOL X L I X NO 2 5

33 University Seniors Elected

To Membership in Whos Who A total of thir ty- three State University at Albany students have been elected

to the national Whos Who Among- Students in American Universities and Colleges book All thi r ty- three a re in their senior year at Albany They were elected by their fellow seniors after Senate had submitted a list of candidates Before sending the names of the thir ty- three students to the National Committee they were first approved by the Administration

Motion to Give SA President Sole Chartering Rights Defeated

To be eligible for acshyceptance a student must fulfill the qualifications of scholarship participation and leadership in academic and extracurr icular activishyt ies

Technical Director of USA John Moore makes final preparashytions for the production with Jon Barden and Pauline Aranson

SU Theatre To Present USA Nine Nightly Performances Slated

USA |i Paul Shyne and John nation as i whole Irom lJUO lo

Dos P a s s o s will he p r e s e n t e d Ibull bull lJit)

the State Uu ive r s i r T h e a t r e toshy

night ami next Moudav through Sat- The plav te l l s ol Moorehouse s

urdav n ights All p e r f o r m a n c e s will r i s e to a posi t ion ol great t in-

he held in Richardson l) heginiung p o r t a n r e in die Held ol public i e -

at H)0 p m la i ions m this count ry His pe r sona l

l i le is po r t r a ed bv s c e n e s ol en-

Tlils is the second ol Stale I m- ai uncut horn Ins l i te

v ei MI Theal i e s loin scheduled

majm produc t ions IhlS Vear National Theme

The epic oi national theme ol

I lckeis loi the plav a i e c u r - he plav is handled Ihioiigh the

icntiv on sa le at the State I m- use ol pi ojeci ions oi p e r s o n a l i t i e s

veis i iv Ticket Oi l ie r R ichardson oi e c u s ol the p e n o d and the

in) duilj 1100 a m to )i)0 p m mus ic d a m e s and headl ines ol

t i n p e l Hi I

USA was dli c r i ed | Iir J a m e s

M Leonard ol the Speech Depa r t - l 1 Ila l l k l s i ll d gtoin-

meni Join Mool e a i m w addition m e m o n m r hut with warmlh

i itr Sp I Depa i tmei t s e i v e d J l l | r l bull [ l i litdii awl a m u s -

i bull I rM net an I T n linn al I nrect i

I i the pi odUrlloh

nil no I is ti rii inriilai ill i ts 11 eat -

in l is I I eil melll ol Us I vvu slllipCl s

11 i e I a 11 bull s man I a i s o I 111 s t o i

11111 s i n ia I i o m 1111 111 a I v 1111o u i bull h OH-Broudwuy Production

USA was In si pi In elt| | | -

toadwr in ln o A minimum ol rlt A gt bull bull I1 s o n a h t i e s

MI h as V aleimiio U illin and ( n bull

llle Wi laquolaquolil and I ugene V I gtebs

pl ops and I eal ls l n si enei i s Use

unl six alt loi s pla ill ihe i oh

in die T i

by Irv C a r p e n t e r

Pres iden t C e t r a p roposed tha i

the Studenl Associa t ion Government

have the sole powei lo chultoi

Loses loi vaca t ions this powel lo

he v es ted in t lie pei son i dip

Studenl Assoc ia t ion P r e s i d e n t

Senate moved into a quasi cn iu-

la 111ce ol the whole in o rde i to

l a m i n a t e the r i n s ide r JI inn ol the

pri iposal

Expl anation

P r e s i d e n t C e n a lei that the

powei should he es tab l i shed lo p r u -

tde a sei i e in the s tuden t s s u shy

p e r i o r io lhal given liv individuals

in toe pas t The second part ol t he

onHon was included to clar i lv the

power ol llie egtectiuve to enlul re

leg ls la l ion

Il was moved lhal the bill he

a mended to i ead thai i he si l o powei

li d i a l lei ba se s loi bull acal ions he

ves ted m the Studenl Associa t ion

Il esidelil and hat the poll les I gtl -

lowed be those id Studenl SeiiJie

Some ol the lo inmel i l s on this

amilidlneiit included ne tat mi1 I hat

in el lect i ins ini i H HI was s imilui in

the oi igmul J in J I li ui

Main senaloi s s lated thai the

aineiiduienl Would | l a c e i ct i i n iis

on i he Il e s iden l I his nneiidi n r III

was a l so detra in I

The pie loirs quesi nn was mo ed

bull o l a uie HI the n iiinal mot ion v as

taken Ii was deleated t a vote ol

21 loi and It aga ins t (All mot ions

r e q m i e 20 posi t ive votes)

Il was moved that the execut ive

branch ol government be author ized

to c h a r i e r buses loi the C h r i s t m a s

acal loll

The reason lor b u s motion was

to allow enough t ime lor buses to

be c h a r t e r e d lor the student bodv

Senator Mi les said dial the enshy

u r e p r o c e s s ol set t ing up the s e r v shy

ice could be taken c a r e of in one


Time Runs Out

Due to a Lick oi t ime the meet ing

was ad|oiirned and no action was

taken on the motion

The opposit ion m a l l the p r o p o s a l s

was based on Hie leeling that Senate

should noi sei up a tiilln moimpolv

I hal i He i ighis ol null nluals were

being ml ringed upon and that the

or ig ina l bill was a blank check and

gave awav loo much Senate cont ro l

Set vices ( o inmi t tee ( dial t man

J a m e s Miles 11 1 epoi led on the

hi l l uh les n Vol v nig i lie buses loi

i le liml- l V liif v acal ion The I e-

pol I Mated i hal a lellei was sent

i Cjic hound explaining ihe shin i -

l inings I i e|i eseul al I v es wel e

pi eseul ai the meet ing i answei

ques t ions

B e n e f i t s

As a m e m b e r ol Whos Who in

Among Students in Amer ican Colshy

leges and U n i v e r s i t i e s a student

has Ins name listed m the natshy

ional bunk

The hmioi a l so br ings benefit

loi the student ol a spec ia l i zed

p lacement and r e f e r ence s e r v i c e

provided by die National C o m m i t shy


M e m b e r s ol t h e studenl bodv

e lec ted to this houorarv include

Bonnie Ba iche lo r Rober t Brennan

k il w a r il Hudtukas Joseph C a m shy

br idge Pa t r ick C e r r a Colotnba De

F r a n c e s c o Anthony DtRocco R o s shy

aline K e r r a r a and Pe te r F i s h e r

Also Joseph Gain Michael Goldshy

s te in Ralph G r i m a l d i David J e n k s

Leona Kerpe l P i re i Kuli Leonard

Lapinski William L e o He lenMan-

dev i l l e Lenin a McCabe J a m e s

Mi le s Susanne Murphy Gary P e t r e

and Pa t r i c i a Pessu lo

Also Mar ie t ta Raue r i David Sim -

liigloii I r e d e r 11 k Smith Gai y

Smith Marga re t Sorensoi i E l i z a shy

beth Si ioud John Stur tevaut Carol

Ann T o and Pa t r i c i a Wickes

As staled in the National Comshy

mit tee i tiles anv si udent who is

lo i ecei v e a deg ree in llG-l or

Lain is el igible loi m e m b e r s h i p

Albanv howevei olilv nominates

Seinoi s

Ll e plan a mipiii iiuenl v ill

be sllppl led al all Jel loi IIIHires

I he six a IOI s a i e IIn Guv g Vicloi I tainei i h and Helen

n Loin las Ross n l J im Lohdell a n d e i b u i b n l

Mi Id 1 ei i ai a i n Lee las-

i and Sliainn llonse li-1 cor on mlormut i vc ar t ic le on

how U S A wuv brought to the

Richardson stugo turn to pugus Ihr plav r e r l i l l a l l IhVVS ol b j x (Jn(j s o v o n

i w i s e p a l a i r lev e l s ( In Hie one

hah I 11 l e i I I he p e l s o l i a l s l o l V

o l J W a i l M o r i o h o u s e on Ihe

bull i1 - bull To lie Discussed

AA Board Increases Powers

Primer Selections

(Governor lianwll Postpones Sjxwh

Li St i e I -I s h l lwainc l ihe

I n i b 1 I if j JI i 111 it ii I wi II speak on

bullI he Role ol Primur on the Stale

tail v el -11- i a l t ipus in Ihe Mru-

bai iei In i a i r I lining Room on

evening Dec ID Ilo

L l M i I l w a l n e w i l l i ead s e l l

A spec I scheduled lo he made

I Govei hoi Ross Lai noil ol Mi-- es la

M ssippi ai Mils I nl ei sil v lias been

postponed li lelmiielv The M I

VA- scheduled loi ue-l Moiidav l l I l - P bnor

De embei J in Page Hall ll was I s s u e s and will also talk about

c a m e l l e d due to Hie illiepecied s o m e people vv ibdquo liav e ediled

ilea I ihe late Lies ldent John t1 cent i i Lined to Ihe ali lhulug)

I Kenned

Goveinoi l lai i iel l i l l i onlacl All iliose who a i e i n l e i e s l e d in

I oiuin l Pol i t ics soiuel l lue net oiling i | | e Piiiuur s a i l com

Januai ol I eL i i i a i In cons ider l i lbii l iui n e a l r e W o I k s In Ihe

his speaking engageiiieiil Also be- aiuhologv ol pisl leal ning about

i ailse ol Il esidenl Koiuiedi s assas- Ihe lol l 1 Primer a l e ooidiallv

smallii all s p e e c h e s ai ihe l ni- in v lied lo attend

v ei s u liav e been pi isi| bull ued until

I 111 I he I i iot 11 e I hi llieel I ng will begin al o00p III

Il es idenl ( o i l ins i onlei I ed ailti i-

ii lliv in mat lei s | ni i a m i leg late

|bdquo | |c in ihe Im v i-i Ml s Alhlel li

A-l l soi boil d I lirsda

I le v as lt|ll 11I top unl an hove el

ihal ihe Alhlein liu 1 Would coli-

I nlie o sei v e iil in an ad gt ISOI

r apa 11 v as tat as Intel i olleg ml r

polli i s i on ei limb

Il e loiislv Alhlel | lioai d sei ml

old Hi ah ad I sol V i apai liv Ii

ihe Il esidenl in al I deci sioiis on-

iil lung die spin Is j J j og i am al Al bull


Power Division

Il i Idem Colli us s lated lhal lie

Itll it t line lo give I lie Hoard si mil

ol I he puwei held pi ev luiglv onl

bv til ill Re Odd I lie lloai 1 Ilic

bill v ei Ml Ias g i own to the print

wl ei e some di v isluli ol i e puii-

Slbllll les Is IllMessui

lie said his decis ion was also

p r o m p t e d |v ihe lacl Hun Alhletn

boa I d lias come anIn li i e Irulll

m a m ipiai lei s laielv loi being a

s e n el o rgan iza t ion

Uudei pasl liulirv Alhleilr l ioaid

Hi re l ings have nui geueialiv been

Open lo ihe publ ic and II s uiliiiiles

have Hot keen publ ished Since II

the pa i the lloai d sei ed uhlv as

an adv isoi v nod u ollld liev eg

make an ol u s dei isiuiis public

s ince Ihev win e unl v i ecu in iueuda-

I l o l l

In keeping vv uh a i equesl llolll

Li es idenl i nil ins huwev el Alhlel le

P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s

Dual d vv il now [iillillcie anv d e -

isiuiis It I caches in I he field ol

nit I acull i gl i ir po l ic ies

T h e s e Alhletn Hoard dec i s ions

will be cuiisidel ed as Imal Lm-

V el sit v pullc

The II esidenl was (pule anxious

that all Alhlei lr Holib dec i s ions

be made public as soon as poss ib le

He said I dont know ll Stushy

denl Associat ion pal I Kill a l l v c a r e s

t hal we ai e going lo have male

cheel leaden s this V eai but 1 think

ihe should be lo iu ia l l j iniorined

ol al I dec i s ions

As del uled bv the P r e s i d e n t ml r a shy

m i leglate pol lev would include I hose

ac t ions which deal vvnh this Um-

v e t s i t v s a thle t ic p r o g r a m alone

An rxai i iple nl t ins would he the

dei Isluli lu have male cheel l e a d u i s

h i l r i i u l l c i j i u t i P o l i c y

The 1 i e s i d e u i ma in ta ins the

puwei ul dual decis ion in m a i l e r s

id l i i ieri i i l l i glalupolli v All example

ul this Would be Ihe w i d e l y - d i s shy

cussed move iu begin looiball ai

Albanv s o m e t i m e in the near future

P A G E 2 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3

ampESD l i Z O f y ^ T h i e f r o b b e r b a n d i t

Chartering Service Inefficient The events of last Wednesday and Sunday proved the

inefficiency of Senate as a medium for char tered bus service A greater share of the blame however should r e s t on the Greyhound Bus Lines

Their complete lack of co-ordination was demonshystra ted on Wednesday afternoon when at least one bus was re-routed immediately before departure and again on Sunday evening when several buses were hours late o r didnt show up at all

Many individuals felt confident that by signing up on a Senate bus the success of the venture would be ensured The general faith of those students Inshyvolved was soon shattered It became more than c lear by the end of Thanksgiving vacation that the Greyhound Bus Lines was a poor business risk

We would suggest an investigation of the entire mat ter including the issue of refunds to those stushydents whose buses were re- routed or whose buses didnt appear at all We thank Senate for undertaking the huge charter ing plan to begin with but think it unfortunate that so many mishaps should have occurred

In the future we would suggest that another bus line be contracted for vacation char ter ing service

--Now Class give me an example of society rebelling against its leaders

CLIPPER Everett JC Everett Vaihington

State University ISEWS E S T A B L I S H E D M A Y 1 4 6

bull Y T H E C L A S S OF I B I S

H i e S l a t e U n v r - i M l

e v e r y F r i d a y ihruucjh

T h e S t a t e I J n e n

a l i o be r e a c h e d by d i o h

T he f iub l ic rjt I un of f Ilaquo I

I 1 00 p m onJov th ru

a s t u d e n t o w n e d arid o p e r a t e d lie w I [j utter p u b l i s h i

fc I o c I y e a r exc upt i r ty r e g u l a r U n i vor M I y r a t o l i u r i

bull paper

N e w

1 Ih

N i l ) may he r o a c h o d by d i a l i n g 4 8 9 - 6 4 8 1 ft

tig B r u b a r her H a l l at I V J iVJti

r u l e d in R O O M S of Hr iblt]lt her M i l l ( bdquo I ron 0 0 tc

W I L L I A M H C O L G A N pound d i l o r - i n - C fue l

D A V I D W J f NK S

t n o c u l i v e f d i lor

RONALD W HAMIl TON Sport bull f ii ii a

EDI TH S HARDY A raquo | oc i a to Edi tor

J U D I m [J M I I X A L f

B u i i n o i i M u i u y u r

SUSAN J THOMSON T e c h n i c a l Superv isor

JOSf PH W GAL U MejrHjy my I d i I of

M R I N I K I I H K f 0 bdquo u r laquo I t l i o

J A C Q I H L I N t R A D A M S A i o c icito t d i to

JOANNl C SOtllK A d v o r t n i n y f d i to f

C A R R P N A O R S I N I C i r c u l a t i o n - 1 xc l iunga t di tor

F ( - uyofio T o b laquo y C l aud la C o l b e r t

C o l u r n n i t r i P o o l J i m m E l i i q b a t h S t roud E g r l G Schro ibor

Joraquolaquopl i A O g r n t l John M a r i o n G a r y L u c x a k J Rltraquoyor I aa

Ro por tor gt R o raquo laquo n i u r y M a n i our H o t l y Wanor H e l e n P e n a i u c k D i a n e

H a l l o c k F r a n c e i B e n n e t t H a r o l d L y n n e Gary M u r d o c k

Gar y H i r c h b e r y W i l l i am S m i t h W i l l i a m G r a y L y n n

K u r t h I l l o n a n y D i a n a J o h n i o n

A s s i s t a n t T e c h n i c a l Superv isor - - Judy Conger

P h o t o g r a p h d M D o u g l a s U p h a m O e n n i raquo C h u r c h M u h u o l P e t laquo r P a l m a r

L i n o r d C W h i l e R i c h a r d L j k e r

A11 c o m m u n i c a t i ons s h o u l d bo addrlaquolaquogtlaquodJ to the laquod i tor and must be | l y n e d

N f j i n e s w i l l blaquo w i t h h e l d on r raquo q u laquo | t T h S t a t U n i v e r s i t y N w raquo u u u m o i no

r e s p o n s i b i l i t y lor o p i n i o n s e x p r t i i d i n i t s c o l u m n s or c o m m u n i c a t i o n s OS

s u c h e x p r e s s i o n s do n o t n e c e s s a r y r e f l e c t i t s v i e w s

D e s k t d i t o r s

John F 1917-1963 He was a big athletic man and when

he walked on the speaker s platform even in his younger days he immediately attracted attention

His smile was quick and warm his personality overwhelming His wit was sharp and his commandof facts immense

Most of his fellow countrymen never met or even saw him personally Yet through our communications media we all got to know this man

We came to identify ourselves with him He projected an image we all admired mdash an image we can never forget He was a man worth emulating

A Little Faith Helps It is a sad commentary on the student

bodys common sense when they feel that the head of the University has less pashytriotic spirit than themselves

The rumors that were circulated among the students by several people about our school remaining in session during the National Day of Mourning proved to be completely untrue

Before waiting to get the facts several people took it upon themselves to inform the student body of the ut ter disrespect of the administration

We think that the intelligence of the

Now John Kennedy has been donlt two weeks The shock has dulled we have been able to return to normal routines But in one sense lives will never be quite the same rn

This man touched us with his v

and vitality as no other President ever done The force of his person was closely related to youth ltlt ideals of youth

i tor incl our our

viin oiith had

ality the

The nation suffered a grave loss vhn

he was murdered but perhaps our hss is even greater it is a loss uv may never be able to fully comprehend

res t of the students has been in-these people We also question the sincerity behind this act

We have enough faith in the cit of our adminis t ra tors to realize would call off c l a s ses as soon as il arrangements were made Wemi them on many occasions bul bull accuse them of being less Amii bullbull we are

We hope in the future that the will stop to think before they i responsible people to s tar t the mi casting of stones

I l l M| l)y

ipousi d

bull aiship bullbull bull they

proper Mcizn


an Mian

bullbull I f i i t j

Taraquo bullbull d

suppression Windmills anyone We wonder if the editors of suppression

have lost sight of reality altogether in the past few months If not we suggest that they make some re-evaluation of their r e shycent editorials and make a big effort to come down to earth with the rest of us morta ls

suppression seems to feel that the things that interest students at State these days aren t really very important Issues conshycerning Greeks (who happen to comprise 40j of the student body) and ar t ic les on campus morality are seen as only windmill problems and not really worthy of attention

Unfortunately suppression has not conshydescended to tell us what really is imporshytant to the members of the University It would be nice if they ever got around to

doing this But until that momentous day

the student body will be kept in i and trust that the edi tors of sup speak true words of wisdom whim fer to the students as possessm lack of serious thinking

We are as bewildered by suppiv is everyone else We suppose v follow the lead of our intellcclui lgt in writing anrl attempt to write that will be really important

Perhaps if we star ted a ten w-i exploring the Nature of Truth nr t i d e s like Hur ray The Devil Bad we could do something i gt has broad appeal

suppression-type windmills aiv

COMMUNICATIONS Vord M o u r n s L o s s V1 1 1 1 u - a r

civili ed siicici are tin ends i i To tho Editor goals til ill human knowledge ami

raquo bull is nullum I run sus ihalhus bull bull i 1 Hl alieadv been said i on IM mugHit- M u M l a l s l n

a weekend I 11 aii bull ma Un s| eli I la e l o q U e n t l i a l - l l i l |

i i i h ii a i i l I l i t i n i i bullbull

I was in In-I a I Ihinithi aliii r I litis vas tlii uhi ini i i i i i i n l i i I I a I It r

lttl I ini unIii r

John I Kenned Ii llie Allien- u W l s k admit Im i u|illini in ran- II is ihc lnss n| a Miiicl Inil maihsia s il Imp | l

llllll l i l1 lUI 111 Ill llSC Slljll ni tlifse Hill M- kllliV IIIIll lllslm l|bdquo t U l S bull nillhlllllh that the plea-

inllrh Inil leadets Iii- i d knowledge is lis |lislilica-sassiiaiil im Whai i| makiss l l 1 l | -Kiiii l s death I I ( | U |bdquo| t indulgence as at e unset s and chit - Im haps 11 II I I C I I I I l l l i i U s h s s I t l l s I l e n l ( i I I I m

I believe l is I nise ih( im I1 bullbullitl tl kinn I ||e aiei liH i bull n i has lusi a man win inelessl j l l1 1 bull bull llaslli e heai h imn i | hlhhi litl MI |i| p -arc His i 1 bull ii is a hellei pel leni-e Ii ill t i e s wet e I nam ir un-11 he iinafe Hluitlual ami a heiie Mil I i elinI It asln all ilui - | l l ianil U n e Mrs None

|-|bdquo t ~- I I s l i i l e l i l l e i i i

bull SV i v Collins Address Effective ^- - i1 - hn V l l r h i l l s e l l a

To the Editor

l I ni

I un in bull in

s s is then 111 11 I II I hin in riit-

1 l l 11 bullbull I lie All H aiis ih Ii lllHM-S in- Illltipeaiis lliileel |bdquo bullvh1 w i l l lias lui a Ini| ami a iliiinii leailei l l ( WHekeinl ul Nm emle was Rulpli H

Muurico Tsododo ~~~ mdashmdash


I vliule-heai teilh cram I) Kntitls 8 5 Jerome Htnos hi iWi linn thai a tlisiiissinn c -r r laquoan IH f lbdquo le a mga | bdquoe u bdquo u ( A n U R A Y DECEMBER 7 a malliemaliiul equain eleyunl B L udeg n deg W P lt j l

Thai none bdquo ll bdquobdquobdquo ar B a s k e t b a | | Dance luiihoi |UHtinltaliuiihevomlilui|jleu- SUNDAY DECEMBER 8 su re IIBJ KIVB I 1101 mill Uuul1 3-5 Jefferson Open House IUi I maintain ihn (Jiwy indeoU J5 Sioma Alpha 0 p 0 bdquo House have luriliui jusiilicaUim Icjuuslion H-i0 USA the siutemeni thai kmivvJetige iS

Us own e n d im u bdquo ) convi-- ^ D A Y DECEMBER 9 deg- ) u U 5 A

College Calendar

) bull lt gt



bull bull ill

bull Ii

l i t e r

i mm

V i I l



S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 P A G E 3

Enrollment Readies Ail-Time High The academic year of 19G3-G4

shows a record enrol lment for State Universi ty at Albany and the enshyt i r e State University of New York T h e r e a re 3188 full-t ime students enrol led at Albany and 70j]0 in the State University

The above figures a r e a l l - t ime highs The introduction of yea r -round ca lendars at I larpur College the Agricul tural and Technical Inshyst i tute at Farmingda le and the Colshylege at New Palt accounts for par t of this record enro l lment

The full-time enrol lment r e p r e shysen ts a 125 increase over last yea r T h e r e a re also 46669 s tushydents in par t t ime degree credi t study and 8725 taking non-degree -credit cour ses The re a r e almost 132UOU students now attending c l a s shys e s throughout the State University

The year- round p r o g r a m s were introduced as a method of de t e rmin shying the possibil i ty of increasing full-lime enrollment through inshyc reased utilization of exist ing facilishyt i es

For maximum s u c c e s s the p r o shygram depends upon equal entering c l a s s e s The University does not expeel immediate accomplishment ol this goal but foresees a conshytinuing inc rease in reg is t ra t ion as the opportunit ies presented b ca l shy

endar operation b e c o m e bet ter known

Under the new sys t ems at Harpur and Farmingdale students attend c l a s s e s for two consecutive s e m e s shyt e r s and take the third off New Paltz students attend for th ree conshysecutive q u a r t e r s and take the fourth off

Students stand to benefit by these pilot p r o g r a m s for they may a c shyce le ra te their studies by yea r - round attendance and graduate e a r l i e r

There a re four new community colleges now In operation whose enrol lments have contributed to the total These a r e Je f fe rson Niagara Sullivan and Ulster County Comshymunity Colleges

As of September twenty-five of the twenty-eight authorized comshymunity colleges were in operation One sponsored by the Boards of Supervisors of Fulton and Montgomshyery Counties and two by the New York City Board of Higher Education should be open in September 1964

Project ions for future enrollment indicate that Hie three units opera t shying on year- round schedules will accept approximately 375 additional freshmen that could not have been accommodated under the two-semshyes t e r p rogram

As a result of the increased enrol lment the eventual full-time total for the year is expected to be ra ised to 77000

Albany-the City by J Marion

Around Us

Parijist Pastor to Talk in Bru Dec 12 Sponsored by Student Peace Group

Reverend Brewster Kneen will speak on P o w e r and Pac i f i sm Thursday December 12 at 730 pm in Brubacher His lec ture is sponsored bgt the Student Peace Group as part of a two-day campus symposium presented In c o - o p e r a - lion with llie C a m p u s Chris t ian Council

x laquosl O h~| D R I M C3 S

For Style Quality and Value

True ar t is t ry is expressed in

the br i l l ian t fash ion sty l ing of

every Keepsake d i a m o n d enshy

gagemen t r i ng Each setting is

a masterpiece of des ign reshy

f lect ing the fu l l b r i l l i ance a n d

beau ty of the center d i a m o n d

a per fect gem of f lawless

c lar i ty f ine color a n d met icushy

lous modern cut

Au tho r i zed Keepsake Jewshy

elers may be l isted in the Yel low

Pages Visit one in your a rea

a n d choose f rom many beau t i shy

ful styles each wi th the name

Keepsake in the r ing a n d o n

the t a g

-h^ ^~


Please send two new booklets How lo Plan Your Engagement and Wedding and Choosing Yom Diamond Kings both lor only 25 Also send special offer ol beautiful 44 page Bndes Book



diy - Co Stale



On Friday Mr Kneen will the Campus Christ ian Council s mission group at 120 pm in Old Facult) Dining Room He discuss his political cominili as n re la tes lo his religious liefs

j o i n d i s -

the w i l l nent


R e v e r e n d B r e w s t e r K e e n

Kev Kneen cal ls h i in s e 11 a Chr i s t i an Radica l lie publically declared himself a pacifist in 1960 In 1961 he received a Bachelor of Ulvinit degree from I he Union Theological Seminary in New York

In the same e a r Mr Kneen joined the siall of the Fellowship of Reconciliation a pacifist in tershynational organization with a present membersh ip of more than 40000

All university students and faculty a r e invited to at tend both discuss ions with Kev Kneen

It is an accepted fact that educational standards are not all they could be in Albany There are two public high schools mdash Albany High and Philip Schuyshyler Albany High as you all know is located between Western Washington and Lake Avenues Philip Schuyler is at the corner of Trinity Place and Westerlo Street south of Madison Avenue in the South End

Due to the economic geography of Albany the stushydents who attend Schuyler are from generally lower socio-economic backgrounds and for this reason the standards are generally lower there

H o p e l e s s n e s s P r e v a i l s

The generally accepted theory of schooling is that a child attends until he hits a block like third year English or financial difficulties at home then quits to go to work

A feeling of hopelessness towards ever improving ones economic status prevails among almost all but it is even more deeply imbedded among Negroes due to existing discriminatory hiring pract ices among employers

Coupled with this hopelessness is the fact that the idea of college is completely outside of their frame of reference It is never an idea that is rejected it is never thought of While this situation seems almost hopeless something is being done something that can involve students here at State

At the beginning of last summer a tutorial project was started in Albany by two members of the Northern Student Movement It is s imilar to dozens of other projects in other cities across the northeast section of this country With the help of the Trinity Institute rooms were obtained in churches for teaching and college students started tutoring students from the South End on an individual bas is

If any of you are interested in helping one child get through high school and perhaps go to college you are invited to devote an hour and a half a week to this project To join or obtain further details see P r o shyfessor Hayes of the Speech Department in Richardson 288

Call this project what you will mdash foolish useless for do-gooders mdash anything you like the fact remains that it is working helping many students finish high school and even go to college who never would have

The only hitch is this mdash without volunteers from this school it will ultimately collapse Are you willing to help

The American Forum

Goldwater Stand Morally Sound by J Roger Lee

Senator B a r n Goldwater ignited some political fireworks recently h staling that he was qui te s e r i shyous that TVA should be so ld tio ill he in Republicans who have been riding Goldwaier s bandwagon to a unique p o s i t i o n ol power were shucked ami said so

Thei r position appeared lo be ilia since TVA is populai in

cei lain a reas ol ihe South die Senator would do well io be less idealistic about the subject

S e n a l o l G o l d -walei s |n oposal 11 el lerlei l would i ill u

bull w ^ r ~ J M i r i i

Gerald Drug Co 217 Western Ave Albany N Y

Phone 6-3610

Vinmes Sub Shop 53 North Lake Ave

A L L KINDS INCLUDING Hot Sauiuyo 8 Hot Meatball

HOURS Monday thru Thursday 11 am t i l I ftin Friday and Saturday 1 I am ti I 2 am

Sunday 4 pm til midnight PHONE HO 5-0710

share ol lite 001)00 square mile network ol dams r e s e r v o i r s steam plains waterways anil such ovei lo i he s ta les pr i ale indusl i j or a Iederalh Im mod corporation

Socialistic Redistribution

The TVA is a socialised in-dilsi] ll has laken wealth out ol i he product i e a r ea s ol i he oconoiin and pom ed n into llie Tenessee Vallej

The io IM unieiil has alreath tunshyneled $lri7 billion inin the Tenshynessee Valle and is rinl limine in sllbsidle llie area lit ordei lo mainshytain ihe Jut pel lulluwatl hour rale Im eliit t n i l which is 1 -1V S below Ihe naln mal a ei a|i

Ilils ol ruin se has had a lunie-lii lal o i led on the Tennessee Vallegt

Inlol liuialeb h t iwcei s i n r e Ibis iiniegt had lo come Irum some place ii necessari ly tollows lhal until her coiuinuiill oi ^ruup ol comshymunities has been relieved ol this uliluunl ol IIHJIIU

Product ion Stymiod The Tennessee Valle) was a iiiui-

piudtlctivo area ol this nallon in lJn The a r e a s which hail llie wealth which was laken lo be pumped inio Ihe Tennessee Vullej worep ro -chiclive a r eas

Ii is these piuduciive a r ea s which e a r n and expand our ecunomj hgt producing our wealth ol goods ami s e i i c e s

Because this $1707 billion was not used in ibis productive segment ihe counln is thai much poorer in goods s e rv ices and expanded in-d u s t n

II however ihe wealth that has

been handed over lo Ihe Tennessee Valle Ihe jungles ol southeast Asia and Ihe various other i e-cipienls ol s h a r e ihe wealth and economic a s s i s t ance gimmicks had been leit lit the hands ol those who had created n and would have used H i ii calc mure wealth Ihei e would have been mm eased proshyduction ol goods and sei bull ices

ill shin I ihe people ni ihe Tenshynessee Valli h a e received a degree ol p i o s p e t i n ai the e pense ul ihe muni i as a whole mdash i hat is al the expense ol ihe oihei iiidiv iduals in ihe sociei

Among lite r u n em President lal p rospec t s Seualoi Goldwater is ihe loielnosl delendei ol llie individual from com cioii ol the collective mdash Ihe small group Ii mn i oei cum | ihe large

State R ights This position since H emai l s

defending the s t a l e s l ights Irum the l e d e t a l government s powei g rabs has made him ihe champion ol ihe Southern s ta les which are p iese i l lh undergoing an attack on ihen rights In ilie federal governshyment in the mallei ol lorced inte-gi alum

The Southerners have ra ised the just defense ol individual ami s t a t e s l ights which Seualoi Goldwater also champions

If howevei ihev a re not to be regarded as h j p o c n t e s ihev had best respect the jusi r ighisol o thers in regard lo ihe support ol ihe Tennessee Vallcv and not attack Senator Goldwater lor Ins dedication lo in o r a 1 p t luc ip les


President Collins Delivers An Address to the University


I t i s abou t s e v e n t y h o u r s s i n c e J o h n F K e n n e d y w a s s h o t T h i s i s a t i m e - p e r i o d that i s s h o c k i n g l y s h o r t in which to c h a n g e t h e whole c o m shyp l e x i o n of o u r n a t i o n a l l i f e Yet it s e e m s a long t i m e to u s now p e r h a p s b e c a u s e t o g e t h e r we h a v e run t h r o u g h a wide r a n g e of e m o t i o n s s h o c k and a n g e r d i s b e l i e f f e a r o u t r a g e h o n e s t g r i e f and m i s g i v i n g s for the f u t u r e

I a p p r o a c h wi th h u m i l i t y and a v e r y d e e p s e n s e of my own i n a d e shyq u a c y t h e t a s k tha t y o u r S tuden t A s s o c i a t i o n o f f i c e r s a s k e d m e to a s shys u m e mdash tha t of r e f l e c t i n g in s o m e d e g r e e the f e e l i n g s of o u r u n i v e r s i t y m e m b e r s h i p to e x p r e s s the r e s p o n s e of o u r uwn d i s t i n c t i v e c o m m u n i t y to the t r a g i c e v e n t s on wh ich I n e e d not d w e l l W i s e r and m u c h m o r e e l o q u e n t m e n than I h a v e been h e a r d in t h e s e p a s t s e v e n t y h o u r s and t h e n a t i o n h a s l i s t e n e d in a v e r y r e a l s e n s e al l h a s b e e n s a i d

T h a t I a p p r o a c h at a l l t h e t a s k of s a y i n g wtiat I b e l i e v e e a c h one of you would s a mdash ol s p e a k i n g not J o ou but _for you mdash r e f l e c t s my be l ie f tha t o u r c o m m u n i t y _is_ d i s t i n c t i v e that o u r r e s p o n s e i s t h e r e f o r e s o m e h o w s p e c i a l s i g n i f i c a n t for us in w a y s that a r e un ique ly o u r own

O u r c o m m u n i t y i s of c o u r s e d i f f e r e n t and d i s t i n c t i v e in i t s r e -s p o n s e s to t h e s e e v e n t s F i r s t and m o s t o b v i o u s l y it i s y o u n g e r at l e a s t in i t s a v e r a g e a g e T h i s c o m m u n i t y r e a c t s t h e r e f o r e to the q u a l shyi t i e s wh ich c h a r a c t e r i z e you th mdash John K e n n e d y s v i g o r h i s f l ex ib i l i t y h i s tough r e s i l i e n c e h i s i m p a t i e n c e with the c o n d i t i o n s lie c o n s i d e r e d w r o n g h i s d e s i r e to c h a n g e t h i n g s now the u r g e n t t h r u s t of h i s p r o g r a m and of h i s p e r s o n a l i t y

T o t h e s e young m e n and w o m e n r e s p o n d e d with w a r m t h and a s e n s e of g lad p a r t i c i p a t i o n a r e a d s r e c o g n i t i o n of the c o n c e r n s that m u s e d t h i s m a n and an i d e n t i f i c a t i o n with him in s e e k i n g to a d v a n c e t h o s e c o n c e r n s And when that l i fe svas s n i p p e d off so ab rup t ly so unjust ly t h e s e young m e n and w o m e n w e r e at o n c e m u r e deeply s h o c k e d m o r e f i e r c e l y a n g e r e d and se t m o r e a d a p t a b l e to the d e e p s e a t e d c h a n g e s that m u s t r e s u l t

A s e c o n d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of the u n i v e r s i t y c o m m u n i t y i s of c o u r s e i t s d e d i c a t i o n to r e a s o n and to the e x e r c i s e of i n t e l l i g e n c e To u s it svas i m p o r t a n t that John K e n n e d ) svas a thoughtful m a n a r e a d e r of s k i l l and of s e l e c t i v i t y a s c h o l a r l y c o m m e n t a t o r on s o c i a l h i s t o r y a c h r o n i c l e r of c o u r a g e He knew the u s e s of s c h o l a r s h i p and of s c h o l a r s h i s m o s t t r u s t e d a d v i s o r s w e r e a c a d e m i c m e n

T h e g r e a t e r i s o u r r e v u l s i o n t h e r e f o r e f rom ttie s e n s e l e s s s a v a g e r y oi h i s a s s a s s i n a t i o n by a young fanat ic with a t w e l v e - d o l l a r m a i l shyo r d e r r i f l e mdash t h e a p p a r e n t t r i u m p h of s e n s e l e s s n e s s o v e r r e a s o n and c o u r a g e and i n t e l l i g e n c e

T h i r d the u n i v e r s i t y c o i n m u n i t s is c o m m i t t e d to g o a l s o f s e r i c e We d o n t d i s s e c t o u r m o t i v a t i o n s v e r s of ten n e v e r t h e l e s s it is l e a that the u n i v e r s i t s c o m m u n i t y i s founded m the i n n s I C U O I that man can i m p r o v e h i m s e l f by SVOTK 1 y r i g o r o u s i n t e l l e c t u a l bullbullgtbull a n i t n a t t h u s i m p r o v e d he can and m u s t he lp to i m p r o v e the bull_bull - fell bullbullbull-m e n

T h i s c o i n m u n i t s s o m o t i v a t e d r e s p o n d e d r ead i ly bull - i J - J - J o h n K e n n e d y T h e P e a c e C o r p s they s a w a s an hones- a the h e l p i n g hand ol b r o t h e r h o o d i n t i m a t e d s imply - - - bull ~ s e r v i c e T h i s c o i n m u n i t s r o s e e n t h u s i a s i i c a l l s w bull- bull=bull-bull - r bull J o h n K e n n e d y s e x p r e s s i o n ol the s a m e d o c t r i n e bull --bull bullbull bullbull h o m e to h i s c o u r a g e o u s i n s i s t e n c e on t r u e i at -tal - gt_ bull bull bull bullbull c o n v i c t i o n that e v e n m a n m e r i t e d not a l o n e the r igh t bull -bullbull- i bull but a l s o to l ead a l i l e ol dignity and ol p e a c e

And the t r i u m p h ol u n r e a s o n o s e r the p e r s o n bull bull bull P - - - not s h a k e the u n i s e r s i t y c o m m u n i t y s c o n s i c t i o u s a-lt u1 bull gtj - - - -ol the h u m a n indis i dua l

T h e s e t h r e e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s t h e n ol the u n i s e r s i t i omtv bull - -d i s p o s e otii r e s p o n s e s to the t r a g i c e s e m s ol h e l a s s i - o v bull

We a r e a c o m m u n i t y ol youth - and we i l e t i with the yot i thlul c h a r a i t e n s t i i s ol the pi -gi a m and ol the pei s o n

We a r e d e d i c a t e d to t e a s o i i and i bull bull - ] bull and sve abhoi the t e n slot to h i l s e n s e l e - s -a bull a g e i

sso at e i i inu i l t t ed to -i i] s - I -a-i n o a s s e r t o u r a l l e g i a i n o to n e n o h l o i in 1 1 -i i o h s ve tound in John Kenned1 s ii i bull i I m a n s lgti i ithei hoi laquol

And e l 11 i s t h e s e ei i ha I a r e i I M I I S O| HI M-I elaquo bull bull a e lse US 1 in e i n an I u i n e i t a im lt i e a t e in spei lal ai iei bull I a h n sh a I c o n s t i t u t e otn spe- ii 1 i ause loi nope

B e c a u s e sve ai e oi i thlul is su- h a o s a i l we m e n i i bull se q u a l i t i e s ol ( lU th lu lness in A u i n H an l l le the K e n n e d ei a mdash hi-d e t e i m i n a u o i i in u m s e l o i v a i d h e iniigli l i oiii a i-mis op1 nn is i i i bull e l i n p a i e n c e loi c h a n g e And b e a t i sc John Kenned evpi i-s- bull bull n i -se n- i c i i o n s and e x e m p l l l l e i l t h e m we i d e n i i l i e d won ii

He i epi e s e n t e d us in oui s e i s e s 1 iom uin oi iui ion 11 ttesi-cs m e a l das s He had h a q u i l r ol m e a l n o - w in 1 M 1 k n I -n d e s c r i b e d on h i s p l a t l o i m in S e p i o i n b e i m ospl j n l anaiii lint oln Lini oln w a s oil bullill 1 o n bull n o 01 bod ihaii an 1-ml id -e i- Mi K e n n e d w a- 11101 e In gt all to be than an hod e l s e and 1 e n

In h i s pi oi e s s ol 1 l e n t i l unshya s s i s t e d T h e c i e a l e a s e n s e 1 u s c l o s e to mil p o l m i al l ead i

fei e n c e the l l r e s l de 1 hai is lai gei than l i le We tend to pei s o n a l l e and pei-01111 all ol govei n iuen i in the Il e s i d e n i hi- i s the e i l i l o d l -ineii i ol o u r l e e l l n g s about go-ei i i i i ieiu

And oui s e n s e of l o s s then i s 11e u i o i e a c u i e ihe m m e pe i s o u a l M r an i J o i e n on a n o i h e i o c c a s i o n d e s r i i b e d ihe nat i o n s yi iei at M i L i n c o l n s d e a t h ihe p e o p l e he sa id wci e lonel a l i a i d l ea r lu l ol ihe i n l i n e eai lul thai the t oun i i had been s h o t T h e had to l e a ) n that t h e i e w a s 110 1 ea l b a s i s for lei 1 01 and l o n e l i n e s s thai behind ine h e a d l i n e s and b e n e a t h the pe i s o n a l i l n g the l o t i n i i y and ihe pi e s i shyden i go Oil

We n e e d ihen to a s s e t 1 mn s e c o n d rl iai a n e i i s m mdash 0111 s e n s e ol l e a s o u mdash to a s s u r e o u r - s e h e s thai t i n s is s o d e s p i t e 0111 i d e i n i l l c a -t loi i wi th 1 pe i son who r e p i e s e i i t s a p r o g r a m

b e h i n d m e 1 a s k el a s 11 r e s t e d in ihe Whi te House mi will r e m em be 1

( c o n t i n u e d on p a g e 9)

Mi an l i o i e n sa id Mn 1 - | e e i -fgt and hi- was - e a h e s s So I 1^ - 01 l ike -hat vi- I-ul I a s p l i e

Itll 11 led is in hi in hi- m e d i a -I in- ho n 1 laquo 11nnu111 a ions

1 111111iiii and imiiii-ijiii bull at 1 1 u igs i s Sy o j ai i l c i p a i e in 1 hi- pi e s s oii-

Page Hall was only about three-quarters filled as President Collins delivered his address Dead quiet pervaded throughout the entire twenty-minute ceremony

P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s a d d r e s s 111 s i m p l e and d i r e c t what svas in the s p e a k e r T h e s t a g e P a ^ e H a h M o n d a y N o s e m b e r 2 5 m i n d s and h e a r t s ol all p r e s e n t e x c e p t l o r (lie p o d i u m i j - a si one a will not be soon U n f o r t u n a t e l y only a t h r e e - q u a r - and two A m e r i c a n Ha bull 1 g bull e i s t h o s e sum w i t n e s s e d tei s l i l l ed P a g e Hall h e a r d the s i d e i t P i e s i d e n t s a d d r e s s R e l i g i o u s s e n - T h e s i l e n c e in the a i i i r

T h e P r e s i d e n t sari hi- had m i s - - i r e s and M r K e n n e d y s l u n e r a l u n n e n i n g P e o p l e H i - i j i i i igs aN ut e u l o g i i g a man such on t e l e s i s i o n o c c u p i e d main s t t l - s a l dosvn and j u s l svar-a- J o h n f i t g e i a l - l K e n n e d y He d e n t s on mat m o u r n l u l M o u d a v th ing 10 h a p p e n i-e-i not a bullbull t- en te t t a m e d s u c h F o r h o s e who a t t e n d e d though P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s

hgts 11 svas a m e m o r a b l e m o m e n t Hie s t a g e s u d d e n l y 1 T h e a d d r e s s s u m m e d up in w o r d s T h e P r e s i d e n t ssas the sole wi thout s p e a k i n g I oi 1

M e l ol the p e o p l e in ihe m u n a w a r e ol h i s p r e s e n -

G r a d u a l l t h o u g h e bull c a m e a w a r e ol h n n 1 e x p e c t a n c y s p i e u d 1 hi d i e i i co

T h e P r e s n l e i i i 1 u s e w a l k e d to the p o d i u m 1 a d d r e s s

As he exp i e s s e d 11 lor lhose pi I seh i ma s p o k e r l o a i ly and In- -

And nidi-oil he did m in e s e n i He s a i d wh bull)lt dea l h linj s u c h a pi loi in ihe b in el sll n L11 Il s l l 111 U-1 di

When no had lini lini lung loli in be u l

He sa l do-An a 1 w a s a mii iuei i i - - j 1 bull 1 ho a u d i i o i n u n

T h e n he l o i - bull -a l m o s t pa in l i i l l po-i bull s i l l alii I lea s o the 1 1111 h

Only Ihe his-in ol cou ld bo h e a l d

Students gather around the CO-OP as the tragedy unfolded Fri day

gt Long empty rows of tables mark Polish Community Center that was to be the scene of the Brubo informal party



IFG had planned to present two films Both were cancelled upon news of President Kennedys death

Shock Disbelief Tears Spread Across Campus

T h e f i r s t r e a c t i o n ol SUNYA to not o u r p e r s o n a l o p i n i o n s In the d e a t h ol P r e s i d e n t Kennedy svas t h e end al l w e e k e n d a c t i v i t i e s w e r e s i m p l e t h s b e l i e l S t u d e n t s and l a c - c a n c e l l e d rills m e m b e r s g a t h e r e d a r o u n d On S a t u r d a y m a n y a t t e n d e d m o r n -r a d i o s o r s t o p p e d e a c h o i l i e r o r ing s e r v i c e s c r o w d e d a r o u n d t e l e -s t r a n g e r s on Ihe s t r e e t s e e k i n g c o n - v i s i on s e t s d i s c u s s e d e v e n t s o r U r i n a t i o n of the i m p o s s i b l e a s o i d e d t h e m O t h e r m a i l e r s w e r e

In the d o r m s s t u d e n t s s p r e a d d i s c u s s e d mdash A r e sve r e a l l y h a v i n g the uesvs f r o m r o o m to r o o m and c l a s s e s on Monday E v e r y t h i n g r a d i o s and TV sve r e t u r n e d on Most e l s e m Albany is be ing c a n c e l l e d c l a s s e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d for the d a y G e n e s e o S t a l e h a s c l o s e d c o i n -A s the n e w s w a s i r r e v o k a b l y c o n - p l e i e l y f i r m e d r e a c t i o n s c h a n g e d S o m e c r i e d s o m e p r a y e d s o m e went to C l a s s e s C a n c e l l e d c h u i i l i e s s o m e went 10 b a r s s o m e P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s i s s u e d no fin -went about t h e n b u s i n e s s t t i c r w o r d a s Sa tu rday p r o g r e s s e d

In llle g i r l s d o r m s w e e k e n d p l a n s and p e t i t i o n s c i r c u l a t e d in s o m e w e r e r e s lowed F r i d a y mghi i n - d o r m s S i g n s a l s o a p p e a r e d mdash O u t f o r m a l p a r t i e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d bin ol n i t e r d i s r e s p e c t c l a s s e s svill d i l l e r e u l o p i n i o n s w e r e e x p r e s s e d be he ld mi Mondas N o s e m b e r -in

about euiirell mg ihe formats

E v e n t s C a n c e l l e d bull Pi e s i d e n i Kennedy svas such a

d i i a m i m a n so lull ol l l l e lie would svam us lo is -in n ine with otn

p l a n s P r e s i d e n t Kennedy w a s Ihe l eado i ol i ill I i olinl I sve mus t show mil i e spoo t I n M In ildiug oui loi mal Whi se do about i mi loi ma l will I ol loi I olll lot 111

a lJu ol N a t i o n a l M o u r n i n g A l shyb u m S l a t e lii si then Cod and emu II i Word I I lie c a n c e l l a t i o n ol Mondas c l a s s e s c a m e on Sunday lllol lllllg

Siindr a l s o brought ihe m u r d e r ol O s w a l d die P r e s i d e n t s a c c u s e d a s a s in The ) e Wei e m o r e r e shyal i i o n s Thei e wei e m o r e Win d s loo i n a d e q u a t e lo e - p r e s s s wlial svas m o s t doep l t e l l


Simple crepe marks foyer to Waterbury

The flag in front of Draper flies at half mast

All Weekend Functions Cancelled At News of Kennedys Assassination

U n i v e r s i t y l i f e q u i c k l y g r o u n d t o a hal t a s n e w s of J o h n F i t z g e r a l d K e n n e d y s a s s a s s i n a t i o n s p r e a d a c r o s s c a m p u s

N o v e m b e r 22 w a s to m a r k the b e g i n n i n g of an e s p e c i a l l y b u s y w e e k e n d at S t a t e D o r m f o r m a l s f r a t e r n i t y he l l n i g h t s and I F G f i l m s w e r e only s o m e of t h e e v e n t s that w e r e to occupy S t a t e s 3500 p l u s s t u d e n t body

T h e s e svere al l c a n c e l l e d out of r e s p e c t for the l a i e P r e s i d e n t and t e l e v i s i o n l o u n g e s n o r m a l l y b a r r e n on w e e k e n d s b e c a m e the c e n t e r of c a m p u s l i fe for a t i m e

U n i s e r s i t y l i fe w a s a l s o d i s r u p t e d a c a d e m i c a l l y Many l a t e a f t e r n o o n ( d a s s e s svere c a n c e l l e d on F r i d a y by p r o f e s s o r s too s t u n n e d to c a r r y on

All c l a s s e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d on M o n d a y t h e day p r o c l a i m e d by

P r e s i d e n t Lyndon J o h n s o n t o b e a Day of N a t i o n a l M o u r n i n g

On Monday m o r n i n g D r E v a n R C o l l i n s P r e s i d e n t of the U n i v e r shys i t y d e l i v e r e d a m e m o r i a l a d d r e s s at a s p e c i a l c o n v o c a t i o n in P a g e H a l l

S t u d e n t r e l i g i o u s o r g a n i z a t i o n s m o v e d swi f t ly to o r g a n i z e s p e c i a l c h u r c h s e r v i c e s A t t e n d a n c e w a s h igh at t h e s e s e r v i c e s d u r i n g the S a t u r d a y t h r o u g h M o n d a y p e r i o d

U n i v e r s i t y R a d i o S t a t i o n WSUA c a n c e l l e d a l l r e g u l a r p r o g r a m m i n g un t i l a f t e r the P r e s i d e n t s f u n e r a l T h e s t a t i o n c a m e on the a i r short ly-a f t e r t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of the a s shys a s s i n a t i o n and kep t up a s t e a d y s t r e a m of b u l l e t i n s p e r t a i n i n g to s t u d e n t i n t e r e s t

D a t i n g a l s o s u f f e r e d c u r t a i l m e n t a s the f r o n t s of w o m e n s d o r m i shyt o r i e s n o r m a l l y q u i t e c o n g e s t e d on w e e k e n d s s t o o d n e a r l y n a k e d

Television lounges quickly fi l led up and stayed that way throughout the long three day weekend

Radio Station WSUA came on the air soon after the first news of the shooting and scrapped all regular programming

Shocked students gather in Detroit Annex to discus the trogedy News of President Kennedys assassination spread through the University like wildfire

Student reading about the disaster that struck the nation

P A G E 6 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 P A G E 7

Words of wisdom concerning flat painting are given by Technical Director Jon Bardon to Joyce Davis left and Pauline Arasim



Something new and different is coming to the S t a t e University Theatre Department Up to this time the student body has regarded the Theatre as the private property of those having previous experience or those solely involved in speech and dramatics

The purpose here is to give a peek at what goes on behind the scenes and on the stage and invite any and all who are interested to join us

Much Work Many hours of work go into one

University production But with the

work comes a feeling of pride and accomplishment in the knowledge that the job no matter how small was vitally important in creating the whole dramatic effect

Lighting props set construction and design costumes and makeup are just a few of the areas involved in putting together one good show Half the fun is watching these sepshyarate departments finally come toshygether the week of dress rehearsal when the director walks around with the kind of look on his face that makes you wonder if tiiis proshyduction will ever make it mdash and it does


1 -

bull931 k^^Kfl

^H l Wm



^ ^ ^ YV-U-V bull ltbull -y^r^mm^

B frw K i


3^ ^H Wraquo PB Jff laquolipB


Roz Ferrara one of the cast of USA is out f i t ted by Dennis Tu t t le costume head

Of course there isnt anything too romantic about all the technical work involved Its hard to get exshycited about hanging a light sweeping the stage painting a flat or hemming a skirt but there is definitely someshything exciting in knowing that all these jobs are going to make a production an audience will truly appreciate

Opening Night That story about opening night is

really true The smell of make-up the heat from the lights the crew members running around frantically and the cast people who always seem to get in the way give you a kind of thrill yuu just cant get anyplace else

Its electric and its infectious mdash and frustration that accompanies rehearsals seem to disappear when that curtain finally opens

When a production is over the lights are turned down Hie stage is bare and there are onlj a few props left in the wings perhaps an old telephone a cane or a crumpled hat Ihat an old lady wore in the second yet

Theres nothing left but an echo Uui the people who walked across the stage took home with them a pocket full of memories the laughs when the) couldnt find the right light switch the tears when a scene just wouldnt come and the unbelievshyably warm feeling when the audience rings with applause a world of make-believe with verj real reshywards

The cast for USA rehearses a scene in the Li t t le Theatre Seated left to right are Harry Guy Lee L i s s Sharon House Roz Ferrara Ass is tan t Director Sheila Brown and head of custumes Dennis Tuttle confer with Director James ELeonard

Good wel l -p lanned l ight ing is an important part of the product ion

Jon Bardon hca a long way to go before he reaches the end of

Next week weve got to get organized 11s rope

piWIamptfB -



- bull - L^


i laquo

Joyce Davis and Paul ine Arasim on l igh ts C a l i s t h e n i c s was never l i ke t h i s Dr Leonard d i rect ing the ent ire cast of USA Standing left to right are Jim Lobdell Doug Ross Harry Guy Sharon House Lee L i s s and Roz Ferrara

Roz Ferrara and Jim Lobde l l in a scene from USA Harry Guy Sharon House and Lee L i s s look on

Directors Eye-View of USA9

Acquaints Students With Production by Dr James M L e o n a r d

USA the play by Paul Shy re and John Dos Passos chronicles that exciting period of American history from 1900 to 1930 That history is conveyed for the most part by a staccato recitation of newspaper headlines from the period The headline scenes are informative but also surprising and amusing and a re placed in striking relationships to the other scenes of the play

Piano music of the period is used to bridge the historical material and the segments of a more personal nature as well as to provide the background for the headlines In addition to an impersonal recitation of headlines to give the flavor of events of the period there are passages in the play which will

describe some of the most colorful pe r shysonalit ies of the t ime In brief segments the audience meets Rudolph Valentino a n d Isadora Duncan political figures Emma Goldman and Eugene Debs and the well-known mechanics Henry Ford and Orville and Wilbur Wright

The epic level of presentation described some al ternates with a personal level which concerns itself throughout the play with the life of J Ward Moo rehouse whose experiences embody Dos Passos r ecu r r ing theme of the corruption of the individual by commercial ism

F a l s e Va lues

Moo rehouse s life unfolds against the background of the turbulent and excessive e ra which stretched from theturn-of- the-century to the Great Depression when individuals and the nation were being swept along in a flurry of false values

The epic and the personal combine to produce an informative sa t i r ic ind nosshytalgic presentation The predominant tone of the play is one of irony The audience is made aware of the superficiality of most of the personal and national commitshyments shown in the play

There is also affection in the t reatshyment and one gets the feeding that the great enthusiasms of the era when they do not produce worthy results often leave their own gratuitous t ra i ls of glory

The production then will embrace tlie personal and the epic the sat ir ic and the nostalgic the bite and the warmth of the script The production should show too that at times beneath the chrome exter ior of a bland national enthusiasm lay hints of horror

C o m b i n a t i o n of Techn iques

All this is to be accomplished by enactshyment headlines narra t ions music scenic projections and dance Such a combinashytion of techniques is reminiscent of the Federal Thea t re s Living Newspaper and s imi lar to televisions That Was The Week That Was

These external techniques and the inner atti tudes then combine to form the p ro shyduction in which the auditory visual

Doug Ross and Sharon House in a scene

Pauline Arasim and Ed Bacchus reenacting

T u r n of the Screw

and temporal elements which make up theatre have been organized into an exshypressive shape

During rehearsals t h i s expressive shape must be allowed to evolve from the creative freedom of those involved in production

The director however must shape the play even as he encourages freedom From this process emerges a style which hopefully is not a directorial imposition or the imposition of a part icular h is shytorical period or mode of staging or even the imposition of a part icular playshywright but the unique style of the play


ftifcmrpas with

(Author of Rally Round Ihe Flag Boysl and Barefoot Boy With Cheek)


The time has come to think of Christmas shopping for the Yuletide will be upon us quicker than you can say Jack Robinshyson (Have you ever wondered incidentally ubout the origin of this interesting phrase Quicker than you can say Jack Robinson Well sir the original saying was FrenchmdashPlus

trite que de dire Jacques Robespierre Jack Robinson is as everyshyone knows an Anglicization of Jacques Robespierre who was

as everyone knows the famous figure from the French Revolushy

tion who as everyone knows got murdered in his bath by

Dunton Mura t Caligula and Al Capone

(The reason people started saying Quicker than you can

say Jacques Robespierre mdashor Jack Robinson as he is called in

English-speaking countries like England the US and Cleveshy

landmdashis quite an interesting little story It seems that Robesshy

pierres wife Georges Sand got word of the plot to murder

her husband in his bath All she had to do to save his life was

call his name and warn him Rut alas quicker than she could

say Jacques Robespierre she received a telegram from her old

friend Frederic Chopin who was down in Majorca setting lyrics

3lhk hi to Jo wtcjll tit time to his immortal Warsaw Concerto Chopin said he needed

Cleorges Sands help desperately because he could not fintl a

rhyme for Warsaw Naturally Georges could not refuse

such an urgent request

(Well sir off to Majorca went Georges but before she left

she told her little daughter Walter that some bad men were

coming to n urtler Daddy in his bath She instructed Walter

to shout Robespierres name the moment the bad men arrived

Rut Walter alas had been sea-bathing that morning on the

Riviera and she had come home with a big bug of salt water

taffy and when the bad men arrived to murder Robespierre

Walter alas was chewing a wad of taffy and could not get her

mouth unstuck in time to shout a warning Robespierre alas

was murdered quicker than you could say Jacques Robespierre

mdashor Jack Robinson as be is called in English-speaking countries

(There is I am pleased to report one small nob of cheer

in this grisly tale When Georges Sand got to Majorca she did

succeed in helping Chopin find a rhyme for Warsaw as everyshy

one knows who has heard those haunting lyrics

In the fair town nf Warsaw

Which Xapolcotts harm saw

Siiijiny cockles ami mussels alive alive a)

Rut 1 digress

We wen speaking of Christmas gifts What we all try ti

find a t Christinas is of course unusual and distinctive gifts for

our friends May 1 suggest I hen a carton of Marlboro Cigarettes

What You arc astonished You had not thought of Marlboros

as unusual You bad regarded them as familiar reliable smokes

whose excellence varied not one jot nor tittle from year to year

True All true lint all the same Marlboros are unusual beshy

cause every time you try one its like the first time The lluvor

never palls the filter never nets hackneyed the -oft pack is

ever a new delight and so i- the Flip Top box Kueh Marlboro

i- a fresh and pristine pleasure and if you want all your friends

to clap their hands and cry Yes Virginia there is a Santa

Clans you will see that their stockings are tilled with Marlshy

boros on Christmas morn mui Musiiummn

The holiday season or any other season is the season to be jolly if Marlboro is your brand Youll tind Marlboros whershyever cigarettes are sold in all lifty states of the Union You net a lot to like in Marlboro Country


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Fraternities and Sororities The Vital Hub of Stales

Since 1890 Social Life

Since the first quar te r of the century f ra terni t ies and so ro r i t i e s have been an integral and active part of the Albany campus During the fifty or sixty yea r s since their

by Dove Jenks aid Debby Friedman

firm establ ishment he re they have changed somewhat in number and appearance but have maintained their posit ions as the hub of S ta te s social life

The five fraterni t ies which now exist a re the largest number in Sta te s history however the eight so ro r i t i e s represent only slightly more than half of the fifteen which in the ear ly 1930s offered group membersh ip to Albanys female popshyulation

Delta Omega was the first so r shyority being formed in 1890 It r e shymained the sole sorori ty until 1896 when it was then joined by Eta Phi

KD Oldest Sorority The oldest soror i ty on campus

now Kappa Delta was organized in 1897 witli the goal of fu r the r shying friendship l o y a l l y and Ihe development of the individual Psi Gamma began soon after in 1898 and was originally formed as a l i t e ra ry group

The soror i ty situation remained unchanged until 1913 when Gamma Kappa Phi appealed That year also marked the establ ishment of the first f ra terni ty Sigma Nu Kappa

In 1916 the Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Hho a national f ra te r shynity was brought to State (it was la ter to drop i ts national affiliations and become Alpha Pi Alpha) A third fraterni ty Kappa Nu was founded in 1918

Chi Sigma Theta can t race its his tory back to 1914 when it was

State College News Articles Reflect

Halj Centurys Opinion oj Greeks The purposes and true value of f ra tern i t ies and so ro r i t i e s on our

campus has been brought up for question during the past year However this is not something new for the Greeks have always been questioned bv at least some member s ol the college and non-College community In the lace of this recent upheaval in the Greek situation it is in te res t shying to note some of the opinion that has been voiced in past years conshycerning the l i a l s and so ro r i t i e s at Albany

Oct 4 1916 - (the f i rs t issue of the State Co l lege News) T h e r e a r e now live soror i t i es among the g i r l s of State College

and all of them are splendid organizat ions thriving and p rosperous and doing much to make college life more col lege- l ike Lei us acquaint you also with the manner in which these so ro r i t i e s light for the privi lege of making you one ot the fold We warn all that this is legalized warfare governed by a set of in te r - soror i ty ru les which a r e held very str ict and must be obeyed carefully hv a l l

Nov 9 1923 - T h e r e a re few institutions touching the lives of thousands of individuals

concerning which more d iverse views a r e held in complete s inceri ty than college f ra terni t ies Some educators for example regard them as a menace without a single redeeming feature o thers see them a blessing to the students under their ca re The basic idea underlying the formation of f ra terni t ies is without doubt good because it emphas i ses the essential bond ol brotherhood which should closely unite men and na t ions

D e c 21 1927 - (soon alter the repeal ol the 20 scholarship r equ i r e shyment loi soi or i t j membership)

The m i c e is a lag step lorward according to President AH Iiru-lachei lie believes that Ihe main purpose ol so ro r i t i e s is to provide ihe best housing conditions and the best possible social life

These opportuni t ies Di Mi uhacher said should be open to every Mill m ihe College each soroinv making the choice of members on the basis ol peisonalitv and common in t e re s t s Dean Pierce said Since soror i t i e s a re i social group 1 Hunk it best that Ihey seek gir ls who will 111 lino a social group tatnei than lo seek so-called g r i nds who do iIOI cai e ini ihat sort ol thing

Feb 1 1929 -The would-be s o l i u m g n l should not place loo much ol a com-

IIUMCIII value upon s o i l i n membership One gets oui ol such an oi ganlzaiion what one puis into n The girl who is not bid miisi remember t tiit n is uoi because she is uiilli It is i ne reh because ihe sorority svsletu is essen t ia l ) iioh-lt leiuoi i alio llial lunch ol the decision Is made upon milwurd appeal wires that t rue worih is ol iniuienseh Ii eatei value man all Ihe Gi eek lei lei insignia in die woi Id

Sept 26 1941 - (Iraiei es had jusi been l imned 10 2 rush par t ies ) Two a l l a u s do mil alloi iillicienl opporlimil loi Iraleriulv

uiiii bullgt become ihe friends ot 11 eshiueii Ahead I ia te innv men a r e iilking ol mass Iratei iut in asions ol ihe men s dorinitoi and raucous di inking par l i es as a subst inue lor the organized rushing which has been denied lo them It this i m be prevented (and n ma have to be il li aiei nit les want lo s u i i o as organized campus gi oups) IFC in usi prolong i he organized i uslung per iod

Sept 26 1947 -Hushing c r ea t e s an iiutiealile and unreal situation with both I resh-

uien and sorori l women outdoing themselves lo c rea te a rood imshypress ion These relat ionships should be allowed lo develop over a longer period ol tune As a general ru le n is impossible for two people lo become acquainted in the few short weeks ol ihe open rush period wilh all ol the res t r ic t ions involved lo know whethei or nol they want to bind themselves to each oilier foi Ihe res t ol then college

organized as Kappa Nu soror i ty ( later changed because of the ex is t shyence of a f ra terni ty with I lie same name) Its idea l s were loya l ty companionship and s i n c e r i t y

Beta Zeta was formed in 191G and Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded in 1917 The l a t t e r a national s o r o r shyity was the p r e d e c e s s o r of Sigma Phi Sigma

Rushing System Set Up Now that there were eight s o r o r i shy

t ies on campus some ordery s y s shytem of rushing was needed In 1918 Hie first organized rus ing system was introduced If a gir l had one D she was ineligible to rush

World War I saw a cur ta i lment of fraternity life Only KDH s u r shyvived the conflict However several new s o r o r i t i e s a p p e a r e d Alpha Delta Omicron (now Phi Delta) in 1924 Epsilon Beta Phi and Gamma Phi Sigma in 1927 and Sigma Alpha in 1928

In 1931 fraternity rushing began to be taken more ser ious ly when a second f ra te rn i ty the Edward Eldred Pot ter Club appeared

Potter Club was organized by thir teen men who rejected the idea of a Greek le t ter f raterni ty The name suggested by the then College Pres ident Dr A R Brubacher was chosen in memory of a member of the c lass of 20 who was killed in World War I

I F C Formed By 1936 it became necessa ry

to form the In ter f ra tern t ty Council with the two exist ing f ra te rn i t ies to keep all rushing clean An In te r -soror i ty Council was also organized and a new sys tem of preferent ia l I idding was introduced

Soror i t i es rapidly increased in number and by 1932 fifteen of lliein were actively functioning

f r a t e r n i t i e s did not multiply in number so swiftly Kappa Beta was organized in 1937 The formation of the group was encouraged by a need for more housing for men and its first s taled purpose was to found a group house for men SLS was also organized in 1937

World War II worked many hardshyships on the Greeks Sigma Alpha disbanded in 1941 and bv the close of the war only seven s o r o r i t i e s remained

Pres ident Sayles in X)4gt p r e shysented a plan for Ihe f ra tern i t ies to move into Sayles Hall and give Up their houses liecatise ol the wai conditions

Dr Say les s tated that t h e adminshyistrat ion had no des i r e to abolish f ra terni t ies s ince n believed that they filled a social need on r a m -p u s

He said that ihe purpose of the proposal for 11 alernil les lo i cut par t s ol the new dot initio was to p r e se rve t hen integrit v

KDR Becomes APA A major change in the organishy

zation ol the Greeks was hei ulded in 1952 when KDH wilhdiew from u s national aflillatloii and loi mod the local Irateriiit Alpha Hi Alpha The In otliti s loll that the uat loiial organization ol KDlt was pirn to nig i acial and i eligious disci imiiiat mn

Soon altei wi id the Stat e Im -bull ei sir ol New Vm k issued a prm -laiiiation thai all national bullbull a m o and li Meruit les would be i untied It oiu all slate campuses In ]j I complying won Ihe demand Alpha 1- p s i 1 o n Phi became loi a| ami selected Ihe name Sigma Phi Sigma

In IJII Sigma Alpha i e a c l n a t e d o s chaplei in bi ing ihe uuuibei ol sol oi nies in ns pi cseni H and in lJUl Ihela Xl Omega became I lie t i l t h li a i e i m i

Willi ihe liiilnineiil uiov e I o i lie new campus last uppi ouohliig ihe li aiei mi ami san m il snuai luo has taken on mill h gi eMel sigmlicaiice Iheii purposes and exis tence have been hi ought up loi question and in response ihe Greeks huve utuled lot then cause The change in housing liom individual houses lo sections ol dm ms seems lo lie onb a iniiioi pui l oi ihe change dial is i apidh occiu mg Tilt lr nil billent IIIIIII e is al best vol 11 a z v



(continued from page 4)

were two flags - of the country and of the Presidency reminders that the continuity of both extends beyond individuals We do not mourn (he man the l e s s if we r emember that any office mdash even this highest office mdash is g rea t e r than the man who holds it

Even though we know these things to be t rue we need to remind ourselves of our dedication to reason and to intelligence We do identify we do feel personal loss we do gr ieve and after grief comes anger and a revulsion against the senseTess savagery of blind butchery

And this emotion too finds personal express ion and we let violence beget violence as the accused ki l ler vet untried is in his turn killed We who a r e dedicated to the integrity and the Unprovability and the inviolability of the individual suffer this ult imate violation of individual integrity - the man whatever his guilt killed by a self-designated executioner while our peace officers guardians of the orderly p r o shycesses of law hold him

If we a r e r ea l i s t i c we recognize the s t ratum of violence that lies all too (dose beneath the surface of our hard-won civilization We acknowledge il in our funny pape r s our entertainment our lawshylessness And our ha temongers feed it and a r e fed by it ami focus il lo their ugly purposes

We a re r ea l i s t i c but we a r e tempted always to forget our intellishygence and the way of reasonWe may for example vield to Ihe tantrums of chi ld ishness and howl that all the world is rotten and that wp want lo get off

Or we may il reason r e a s s e r t s itself remember thai violence deshyfeats its own ends more effectively than airtlung else can b rums and Cassius brought on Hie very dic ta torship ihey feared The double violence of Oswald s alleged deed and his death strengthen Ihe detershymination ol decent men to rees tabl ish the rule of law of o rder ol i eason

And most important as we asser t our common dedication to ordei and to reason we r emember the broadei idealism ol dip martyred Kennedy ihe convictions that moved him and that claimed our al legshyiance

In ihe Peace Corps we lotind expressed ihe obligation to serv ice ihe clear consequence ol the beliel dial all men ai e hi othet s

The Cuban confrontation showed that denim i e bull need not be vacilshylating and weak here we laced down author i ta r ian ism in honest anger with cool courage In the bomb lest ban John Kenned expressed for US all our fundamental peaceableness

And with Meredith in Mississippi we assei led once again thai because we believe in God the Fa ther then all men as sons ol God a re indeed brothers s ince ever man has in nun something ol God all men a re sacred and then individual nitegim is piecioi is To these idea ls we are committed hoi inese beliefs quite l i io ra l l John Kennedy died

Kvervoiie gives his hie to something Some give n gradually in the cease l e s s ei osion that begins it I n t h oi uioi e rapidly in the burning of the lhtetisir oi conviction Some give it suddenly in the shock ol a s n i p e s bullet Some inerel l i i ue i i i a w a We a re forshytunate indeed it ve give II al length m al once icr a noble cause 111 which we deeply belle e

As a umve i s l i bulliniii IIMJ i v e ai e a i oiiiiiiiinii ol youth identifying with the quali t ies ti bull-1111 ve a s p n e We a re dedicated to reason and o ihe ahhoi i eiioe - aa or bull We ai e bull unlimited to noble goals And lioin these ihiee i iai ai tei i M ics lo ines a lourih we ha e each one in ins umveis i i o- il ppoioinit and the obligation to make a 1 home ol g al s

As we ickiiole I-I ile aspn atiois ol John Kenned die values lie strove lo t Ac bullam ve ippoi bull unii ltgt c la i i r them each loi niuisell lo these ihe hoiiob gt i bull lespm led i him m - l i letnne we ma now at tils ileih MI nliiili and in lei oi i ode b e n e otn sel ves

This soi le i e bull oil ill he ei hi i dioin bull nu 11 e s mav I e long as 11 lost 1 lien id be Mo -i ol on l II 11 e I no i he n elitv -111 si entinv That in ill be an nnpoi iah milestone in in lives

God gram that o ni aiuii ei si i la oil mi h k i n 1 i bull diis da i r u l l l e s l o d e l i e i I h e i d e a l s o l h i s m a I I l e d III all lo i m o d a n d l l l s e d in i l i e s e 11 ig h e e n 1 l i o n s

NOW O P E N M o n - T h u f l Un t i l 9 PM


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Distributive Education Club

The Distributive Education Club will tour the T imes Union Newsshypaper Building on Monday Decemshyber 9

The tour will be conducted from 0 pm until 8 pm anil a guest speaker will present the Times Unions his tory All DE Club m e m shybe r s part icipat ing are urged to meet in front of Draper at 515 sharp

Basketba l l Dance After the basketball game toshy

morrow night UCA will present an liiiornial dance from 10 to 12 in ihe Brubacher game room

Music will be provided by the Dutchmen also known as Weasel and the Whart ra ts from Union Colshylege

Chemistry Club Dr St oj) h e n Wiberley of the

Chemistry Department a tUenss laer Polytechnic Institute will give a lecture lo the Chemistry Club enshytitled Inf rared Spectroscopy on Tuesday December 10 at 730 pm in Brubacher Hall

Dr Wiberlev is an authority in the Meld and has written a new textbook Introduction to Infrashyred and Raman Spect roscopy Dr Wiberlev is presently associate dean oi die graduate school at KPI

All chemist ry students are inshyvited to attend this meeting Reshyfreshments will be served after the lec ture

S c i e n c e C o l l o q u i u m Dr M Evans Monroe Chairman

ol the Mathematics Department of the University of New Hampshire will give a lecture entitled The St ructure oi Elemental Functions mdash A Computer s Eye View on F r i shyday December G at 125 in Draper 3-19 All students a re invited to attend this lecture

KAPPA PHI KAPPA Kappa Phi Kappa will hold its

initiation ol new members on Thur s shyday Deceinbei 1- The ceremony will lake place in Brubacher Hall at HU0 pm New members are required to attend

Hil lel A Tri-Citv Hillel Dance will be

held on Sundav December 8 in Brubacher Hall s Mam Dining Room iioin 2i0 io Gi() pm Students Irom KPI Union Siena Russell Sane and Albany will attend this Dred l e Spin

A Chaiiukah Queen will be chosen ai the d a m e and i live land will p i m p l e music loi the occasion Roll esiiinenis will be sei v ed

Admission is lilt corns loi iiieui-bel s and se ent - In e cent s lor non-111e1111 el s

Walts Subs Around the Corner

from the Dorms

Open Daily Mon-Thurs HamM30prn

Fri ampSat Ham mdash l-30arn

Sun 400pm mdashlipm

271 Ontario Street

Johnson Senate Record Indicates Liberal Civil Rights Outlook

by Joseph W Golu

The assass inat ion of President Kennedy leaves everyone at a loss for words with a feeling of utter he lp lessness

The w o r l d s greates t surgeon could do nothing ihe best speaker could not find words to express the feelings of an individual the nation or himself t h e world s s t ronges t man could do nothing to lend even an ounce of strength to the Pres ident as he lay dying

The impossibili ty of the task of express ing o n e s feelings in a limited space forbids my attempt to say that which I still feel The only profitable course is to face the present and future and conshys ider Lvndon Baines Johnson

Civil Rights Record

Those who wonder about civil r ights should remember that it was Johnson who was the leader of the Senate when all modern civil rights legislation was passed

It was Johnson who put the Senshyate on a 24-hour a day schedule thus defeating the Southern filishybuster Johnson the so-cal led conshyserva t ive was the man who pushed through the 1959 and 19(30 Senates the legislation which Ike vetoed as being too radical

I do not expect Johnson to present Congress with the type of legisshylation which Kennedy presented and which bogged Congress down to its present do little pace

Kennedys Far Reaching Programs I do not expect Johnson to come

up with the extremely far- reaching plans that Kennedy had the corps for peace the complete revision of our tax s t ruc tu re the complete revision of our tarill policy a ra ther complete program for South American and South-eastern Asian development

Kennedy in his two years and ten months presented (according to Richard Russe l I )more f a r - r each shying legislation than even FDR in the Hundred Days Kennedys p r o shyg rams were not hastily prepared or presented to a wildly enthusiastic Congress

Kennedys approach was almost entirely intellectual When dealing even with defense he calmlv quoted s ta t i s t ics ol we a re 600c more

capable to fight guer i l las etc

Approach Will Differ Johnsons approach will combine

the intel lectualism of Kennedy with a more ear thy more folksy more urbane style

He will not descent to the level of telling the American people what they want but I expect nation-wide television a d d r e s s e s on his pr ior i ty legislation

I also expect Johnson to deal with Congressional leaders in a manner more firm than that of Kennedy I feel su re that the Senshyate will be m o v i n g faster and will probably replace Mansfield as leader

In the House the leadership is on its last legs McCormack has his last chance right now If he does not make good he will p robshyably vield to someone new The current House underlings stand little chance of replacing McCormack

No Problem In general I feel that the people

who worry about Johnson s conser shyvatism are creat ing their own probshylem Johnson s tar ted in the House of Representat ives as a New Deal darl ing This hardly reflects conshyse rva t i sm

His opponents in pr imary e lecshytions in Texas have always painted Johnson as an ex t reme liberal

My only fear is that Johnsons att i tudes a re not urban We have gone back to a rura l President after our first truly urban P r e s i shydent in many yea r s

I feel that the Johnson record on civil r ights and in getting civil r ights legislation through the Senshyate is a irue indication of the man s att i tudes and potential




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open eoenings till 9pm Saturday till 6pm

Student Organization Services Present

On the weekend of Dec 14th and ISth SOS will present its

annual Holiday Weekend A Roaring Twenties Dance will be held

Saturday evening at 8 oclock The Holiday Sing will be held at

7 oclock Sunday euenintj and a coffee hour will be held immediately after Check next weeks paper for further details

PAGE lO S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3

Goobers APA Win I AMIA Bowl ing Teams

by Gary Murdock

Basketball is Back AMIA s ty le with the traditional excitement and th r i l l s Four League I t eams sprung into action Monday The Goobers muti lated Waterbury 67-45 and APA eas i ly defeated Pot ter 49-35

Goobers Romp The Goobers built up an i m shy

p r e s s i v e 37-19 half time lead and coasted to an easy victory

Gutwillig sank eigiit from the field for 1G points and Hickey ripped 6 shots through the nets Browner and Colin a lso netted 4 field goals apiece to help pace the Goober attack

APA Controls Boards A well balanced APA squad easi ly

defeated Pot ter I last y e a r s chamshy

pions by a 49-35 count Strong board play enabled APA to control the game throughout Gary Smith and Don Sinclair lead their team with 10 and 13 points respectively

League Two League two action began Monshy

day Another APA team emerged victorious as they defeated the Inshyfinites in over t ime 41-35 DiCaprio led the scor ing with 12 points Waltamath and Much also hit aouble figures with 11 and 10 points r e shyspectively APA pulled out to a comfortable 25-19 half t ime lead but took an about-face in the second half and the sco re at the end of regulation was knotted at 35 all APA dominated over t ime play DishyCaprio netted 4 points in overt ime and APA won going away

n League I All Sweep

In other league two action Club 487 defeated The Club 30-25 Krell was high for Club 487 with 13 points while Tal l is led the Club with 10 points

AMIA Bowling There was a clean sweep for five

t eams in last weeks AMIA Scratch League

The Kappa Beta team led by Al Barnard (558) and Tony Riservato s tayed in first place and kept an undefeated record by shutting out the Holy Bowlers 7-0 In the third game Barnard shot the League s second high single a 24fi

Potter Clubs 7-0 win over Water-bury pushed them up lo second place in the standings and only three points behind KB John Lilga and Kim Gilshyford led the effort as Potter hit the day s high single learn game of 937

Goobers Win M e n Sutnertands (545) set the

pace for the G o o b e r s as they trounced the U n k n o w n s 7-0 and moved into third place A si long Newman Club team walked away with seven points at the expense of APA

Tim Molola (577) and Mike Nem-shick (535) led the Newmans The Defenders with Dick Lepaks 537 and Bill Thomas 234 single shut out TXO by 7-0

M i k e Bloom former A l b a n y H igh basketba l l p layer c lowns it up in a frosh prac t ice sess ion

N O T I C E UCA Tournaments

In this ruining week Hie UCA Recreat ion Commit Leu will sponsor Hie following tournaments

Chess Tournament Dec 9-12 Mens Table Tenuis Dec 9-12

and Dec 10-1H

Bridge Tournament Dec 11-12 Mens and Womens Bowling Dec

8 1-1 and 15 The following week December 10-

19 there will be a Mens Bil l iards Tournament

Sign-up sheets for all the tournashyments will lie on the Union bulshyletin board You may enter more than one tournament it you wish





by Ron Hamilton

The contest slated for tomorrow night was to have proved a point made in this column a few weeks ago Unfortunately the Fates have fouled things up again New Pal tz s s tar center has withdrawn from school this semester It seems that dispite valiant attempts to keep this not too academically inclined lad in school he has backed out for a semes te r The odds now favor Albany

On the national basketball scene we a re going to place our heads on the block (not that they havent been there before) and pick NYU to finish no 1 in the country with Loyola of Chicago a close second Please save your comments until the end of the season

For study bugs that dont want to make the long tr ip VVSUA will be broadcasting the games We urge all students that cant attend the games in person to tune in the play by play account on VVSUA Rememshyber i t s your team

The cold weather heralds the possible appearance of the one the only Lake Minerva Yes friends that cancerous pond that we all love so well may appear overnight as if createdby a wonderful magician The new students a re in store for a marvelous treat If we all pray real hard the wondrous transformation may take place on Dorm Field

Could someone tell us how male cheer leaders a re going to inspire State fans to bigger and bet ter cheers We have nothing against males waving the pom poms but we fail to see any gain in refusing the gir ls admittance to the ranks of the rah rah squad We are certainly not an all male school as any State coed will tell you so le t s have EQUAL opportunity for all

Another prediction Albany State mdash 15-7 s tart ing with Oneonta as first victim

WAA Starts Fall Events Schedule Overweight WAA has the answer to your problem Under the

direction of Miss De Lamaler an exerc i se group has recently been formed The meetings a re held on Mondays ai 330 and Tuesday thru Thursday al 400 in the Sayles gym Regretfully no re f reshments will be served

Present ly WAA is concluding a highly successful season ol Volleyshyball The winners ol the Tuesday league and Thursday league will have a plav oll before Chr i s tmas Vacation This will de termine the season champs

The managers for basketball Penny Bishop and Ruth Whiting announce that all r o s t e r s a re due today Dec (J and may be turned in to Sue Boyd The schedule will be announced next week and all captains a r e asked to watch the WAA Bulletin hoard next to the CO-OP for the tune and da of the meeting This is a very important meeting and will answer all questions concerning the r u l e s and p ro shycedure

l o r those who are not adept al basket ball Mariuin Tasjian and Carole Coena recommend howling They a re accepting ros t e r s now and will also announce a captains meeting Watch I he WAA board

The most important item currently on ihe WAA agenda is the revision ol the Constitution It has been introduced and tabled lm the mandatory two week period All a re urged to attend the next meeting where Ihe toiilroy ers ta l point system will be discussed WAA is still open for new suggestions The point system is to provide a stable method for giving awards to those g i r l s who a r e consistaiil in then participation in Hie WAA int ramural program

Also undei discussion is the necessity ol a training program lor Ihe basketball o l l n i a l s If you have had exper ience n are interested in learning p lease come to a meeting or contact our WAA i ep resen-i i t i y e


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S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 PAGE 1 1

Junior t ransfer J im O D o n o v a n f ires up one of his sof t jumpers H is height is e x p e c t e d to help the teams rebounding st rength

Wrestling Team Places

Fifth in Hiram Tourney Wrestling against strong competition the Peds placed

fifth in last Saturdays Hiram Tournament held at Hiram College in Ohio The tourney which consisted of eight teams was won by favored Ohio University Hiram College and Miami of Ohio took second and third positions respectively

The Peds were at a disadvantage in the tournament since they were only able to fill eight of ten positions In spite of this they accumulated twenty-nine points to finish ahead of RP1 Rochester Institute of Techshynology and Addrian College

Eugene Monaco (123 lbs weight class) lost a hear t shybreaking decision in his second match to Randy Whitehead (Miami) by one point in an over t ime Whiteshyhead later went on to take first place Gene came back to pin his next two opponents and take third position

Bill Thomas (117 lbs) gained needed points for the team by pinning Pete Kowal (Adrian) and taking first place Larry Thomas (167 lbs) placed fourth position

A lot of credit should be given to Dick Hoard (177 lbs) who lost seven pounds in two days to get down to his weight class In the tourney he lost third position to Doug Wilcox (RIM) in an o v e r t i m e

Top grappler Gene Monaco shovs Soph mottnun B i l l Thomas how

it 5 done



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Student Union

Snack liar


The New Paltz Hawks invade the Washington Ave Armory tomorrow night to do battle with the Peds New Paltz has shown great improvement in recent years and is expected to be strong Last year the Hawks received outstanding play from Bob Dilman and Fred Sadler Dilman has graduated but Sadler was only a freshman Big Fred was the teams leading score r and rebounder Reports indicate that New Platz has picked up several t ransfers but they a re unconfirmed

Albany will be going with two veteran s t a r t e r s Dick Crosset t and Joe Loudis The shifty Crosset t gave the normal schoolers fits last year It will probably be his job to contain Sadler Both teams will have had one game behind them when they lock horns at the Armory The odds-makers are predicting a close tough game with the outcome depending on the foul-line

P e d s D e f e a t O n e o n t a

Rebounding strength and foul shooting proficiency made the big difference as Albany State ended up on the long side of a 70-49 route over Oneonta

Co-capiam Paul S h e e h a n and t ransfer Bol e h were he scoring l eaders hut the earn effort kept all the scoring een

Jim ODonovan was the t ig man off the hoards in the firs half ODonovan corra led a total of fourshyteen rebounds during he night Dan Zeh took oyer his role when Jim got into four trouble earl m the second half Jumping Dan swept the a n wa s for 10 rebounds

Hob Zeh as the big surpr i se for the Peds as he lumped in a night high of fourteen The overall bench strength drew comment from Coach Sauers He said I am pleasantly stunned by the elfort I received from all the guys

Slow Stort

The game started out slowly with the lead changing hands several t imes Dick Crosset t and Paul Shee-han were the early s c o r e r s Oneonta played a tight defense to keep Cros shysett from moving to the basket and succeeded until the rest of the t eam s scoring f o r c e d them to change

Crosse t t last yea r s second leadshying score r played less than a third ol the game as he had early foul u ouble

The hall nine score yvas ciose 10-21 in favoi of State Oneonta failed to take adaniage of then foul shots yvhile State seemingly couldnt miss The gap widened and with ten innines left to gt the Red Dragons began some er costly fouling State pulled awa The final i uzet s o u 11- i and Stare was twenty -bull ne poms i - t 70-49

Frosh Wm

Doc Sauers g ives veteran guard Joe L o u d i s a few ca lmly -d i rec ted

ins t ruct ions

Coach Sauers Starts 9th Season Optimistic Over Teams Chances

This week as the State basket- State he went on to Penh State ball season opens ihe loams bull ojci and recei cd ins MEd ami Ins Ed Dr Kichaid Sauers will be s t a l l - J-mg his ninth eai as ineniot ol bull addition to coaching basket-ltltbull Ped i oopsteis O-ei he e a i s l a 1 D u e heads the golf team bullDoc1 has teen quite sin tess lul The had a line J - 1 iecoi 1 and j a i s i i bas-bullbull all oatl an-1 bullbulll he State toiii hainiht lasi ear is upuui i s i a i r nis teams e plays a good game o golf chain es hi s season a bull i-ij s handlali tennis and

Dr Sauei - was ot iaise-1 i u d i e o c n i a u n g is anothei one in Pehiisl ania note ltbull plae- l bull Suu-i s ime i e s t s He i- a a s k c b a l i toottall ne i a se ia l l q i iahl ic nigh srul and college

l e l e t e e unde IAllO i emulations A it el i bull Doc In es nea

the hoiiley a 0 in a set on i fioi t 11 e 111

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i l a s a

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504 Hudson A v t Albany N Y

IV 242W IV 2 -9894


340 Western Avenue CLEANING and EXPfcRT

TAILORING We Call aid Deliver

fV 2-31M


Ray C i a n f r i n i sets h imsel f for a free throw H e w i l l be star t ing at backcourt for the frosh hoopers

P A G E 12 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R ft 1 9 6 8

Literary Review

Spain Explores Her Inner Soul The CIRTNECOGE

by Elizabeth Stroud

by J A Gomez

Nikos Kazantzakis SPAIN (New York 1963) Simon and Schuster 254 pages - $500

Like D H Lawrence Nikos Kazshyantzakis was a frenzied prophet who preached a Dionysian vision of life Like Lawrence he was a world t r ave le r who sought some unobtainshyable ideal synthesis

Both wr i t e r s met with failure in their quest but both wr i te r s produced p e n e t r a t i n g t r a v e l b o o k s about the many lands that thev visited

Spain by Nikos Kazantzakis is not a t r ave l book in the ordinary sense of the word The reader sees l i t t le of the peaceful Spanish counshyt rys ide and the everyday life of the people but lie feels the depths of a people s soul

Kazantzakis por t ra i t of Spain is tinted by a mytho-his tor ical colorshyful and visionary explosion of emoshytion and philosophy Out of this unique vision r ides the undying heart of Spanish life mdash Don Quixote

T h e world has emerged from Gods hands rife with injustice and shortcomings And he the Knight of the Ideal was duty-bound to set it right For Don Quixotes work begins where Gods leaves off

Don Quixote Spain like the idealistic hero

of La Mancha set out on an advenshyturous dream The Spanish conshyquistador desired to bring Chr i s -bulltianity and Spanish rule to the world

In 1588 the real i ty of the English navy punctured this Don Quixotesque d r e a m and like her hero Spain re turned to her homeland to await her las t joust with death

Kazantzakis c la ims that along with Ulysses Faust and Hamlet Don Quixote i s deeply rooted in the hea r t s of men F o r perhaps of all the p r inces Don Quixote most faithfully m i r r o r s the fate of m a n

Don Miguel Unamuno The modern represen ta t ive of Don

Quixote is Don Miguel Unamuno Like the idealist ic hero Unamunos thoughts and plans for action a r e hidden in the misty clouds of a d ream

Most thinkers claimed that twenshytieth century Spain should be E u r -opeanized o thers felt that she should remain within her own borders and tradit ion Unamuno attempted to heal the wounded heart o f Spain he des i red to Spanify Europe

We are Africans We a re not s a r c a s t i c wits and mathemat ic ians like the Europeans We a re not sc ien t i s t s We use the things d i s shycovered by them e lec t r ic i ty the rai lway the telephone etc

But our spir i t is different we a r e mystical and t ragic Our inshyability to adapt ourse lves to E u r shyopean c u l t u r e will give us the s trength to c rea te a new culture of our own

Despair In his last yea r s this defeated

Spaniard was also forced to re turn to his homeland his own inner being and await death

His only constant companion was despa i r In one of his last works S a i n t E m m a n u e l t h e G o o d M a r t y r

he tells the story of a Catholic p r ies t who at tempts to give the people a faith in winch lie himsel i cannot believe

During the Spanish Civil War Kazantzakis and Unamuno met in the Falanee stronghold of Salashymanca Unamuno poured forth his troubled soul to his Greek friend

Al l of these things a re happening because (he Spaniards dont believe in anythingNothingNothing They a r e desperados The Spanish people have gone mad Not only the Spanish people the whole world today What is our duty To hide the truth from the peopleif they knew the truth the) couldnt go on They wouldnt want to live am inure The people need myth illusion decepshyt ion

legend is Don Juan Kazantzakis por t rayal of Don Juan like that of Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus p re sen t s a man who is not in quest of the Ideal Love

He loves each woman with the same passion and delight and he knows that his l o v e is mere ly momentary H e p o s s e s s e s he is not possessed mdash and that is his p o w e r

To Kazantzakis Don Juan r e p shyr e sen t s the Spir i t t h e wakeful wandering f l ame which leaps up and escapes the c lutches of woman mdash Matter

Don Juan and Don Quixote passion and ideal ism form the roots of the Spanish people and Kazantzakis a t shytempts to t rans la te his mythical vision of these people to the unshyfamiliar reader

His verbal p o r t r a i t s a r e often as colorful g ro tesque and symbol i shycally personal as the visual por shyt r a i t s of El Greco H e (El Greco) succeeded by his line and color in crys ta l l iz ing an e ternal phantom the indestruct ible despair ing soul of m a n

Kazantzakis a t tempts a s imi la r purpose At t imes he is quite suc shycessful

Many thanks to Mr Robert Bell manager of the CO-OP w h o g r a -ciously supplied this book for review purposes

Movie Review

Some evening probably in the very near future (if it hasn t already taken place) the usual emptiness of winter- t ime dorm field will give way to complete havoc the usually crowded study lounges will concede to the al l - important first snowfall

Provided of course that the snows good packing and that there is enough to pack this very common occurrence can offer one of the happiest t imes here at State The re s no formal organization no p ressure (except an occasional being dragged outside physishycally) to join in no nothin cept a heap of fun

P r e s s u r e s build up and suddenly it hits you right between the eyes and you dont care how childishly you act mdash so you pick up a snowball twice as big and hit back The grade-school excitement of building forts staging attacks and running desperately from the enemy is suddenly rekindled the crazy mixture of thrilled annoyance that comes with snow down your back re turns in all its glory

Maybe i t s the unaccustomed vacation from the way a n adult in college should act maybe i t s the obshyvious exhilaration of the frosty cold maybe i t s the secre t grin because he (or she) is aiming more snow your direction than anyone e l se s whatever your own special reason the dorm field fracas is thoroughly enjoyable

Dont forget sew your coat buttons on securely avoid long winding scarves and d ress warmly (the medical office has limited gallons of Cepacol) but for heavens sake join in One ofthese days there s going to be a real hum-dinger of a battle mdash I hope youll take advantage of it

Auteur Theory Gains Popularity

I n these t roublesome t imes it t a k e s Home doing to keep one s perspec t ive to appra i se world condi t ions with intell igence a n d to come up with sat isfying answers This hook Science a n d H e a l t h with Key to the Scripshytu re s by M a r y Baker E d d y hits helped m a n y of us to do this I t can help you too

We invi te you to come to our mee t ings and to hear how we a re work ing ou t our p rob lems t h r o u g h app ly ing the t r u t h s of Jh r i s t i an Science


Slots University of New York at Albany

Matting tint TiO pm Tutidayi

Matting ploct Brubochtr Hall

Science and Health in available at all Science Heading Uoumn and at many college Imaketoree Iuperbutk hditwn $196

D o n J u a n

The second gi and figure ol Spanish

cMo4Ue okaudd BETA Z E T A

President Sue M u i p h y 04 anshynounces that the lullov mg en Is wore pledged to the sorority on Tuesdav November 12

Mai Burns 65 Loraine Paronne tifi Margery Weed GO and Vivien Sotamayor 65 exchange student from Puerto Kin

Also Bonnie F e r r a r i (iG Marie Qualantoue GO and Sue Thomson G6

KAPPA B E T A KB w i l l hold an open liotise

Sunday Deceinbet B iJt) l r i to riO p in

on i l l l

The men ol Kappa Beta initiated the tollowing Monday evening Ken Drake GG Dick Genliliol e GO Kd Kuriliniski GG and Gary Spieliuann GG

by Paul Jensen

The latest vogue in motion-picshyture cr i t ic ism is the so- ra i l ed au-teur theory Formulated in France it has now spread by way of Engshyland into the United States

It supposedly originated in the pages of the magazine Cahie rs du Cinema during the period in the filties when new-wave d i r e c t o r s such as Francois Truffaut were merely c r i t i c s

It is based on the idea that the best f i lm-makers a r e those (mainh Europeans) who both write and dishyrect their films and so retain a great deal ol control

P e r s o n a l S t a t e m e n t A picture b one of these men

whether good or not is still much more ol a personal statement than a 111 in by some Hollywood directoi who had been assigned an already finished scr ipt

Such w r i t e r - d i r e c t o r s like Bergshyman Fellini and Antonioni a r e essentially the authors ( au teurs ) ol their films

As the books ol an author can be analyzed together so the works id an au teur can be taken as showing the development in te l lectualh and technically ol their makei Hence the spiritual s e a r c h o f l n g m a r Bergshyman ai com epts

These 11 1111 S Jlli

wish and to coiisidei

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a k i n d u t a u t l i u i

But this basically sound and fairly sensible theory lias been so twisted in its t ranslat ion into English that it can only be recognized as a de -lormity of the original

As presented by Andrew Sarri s among o the r s in such magazines as Film Culture the au teur theory lias been combined with the Euroshypeans high regard lor the American film noir

The French in par t i cu la r seem inordinately impressed by films that in this country a re considered unimshyportant These a r e c r ime and gangshys te r l i lms ho r ro r p ic tures wesshyte rns and that s u n ol thing

In truth many films of this sort a r e underrated m America and recognition of the cinematic and intelligent ta lents ul such suspense and action d i r ec to r s as Alfred Hitchshycock and Anthony Mann has long been overdue

It is only when this idea is comshybined Willi the au ie i i i theory that 11 lnMnines dangerous

Mi s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

The au teu r c r i t i c s l ime in apshyplying this theory lo American fi lms succeeded in conipleteh mi s in t e r shypret ing it As a resul t cer ta in dishyr e c t o r s have been elevated to the s ta tus id Gods

Most id these are lailly talented within part n ular l imits Inn they do not w n t e 11 if I i own sc reen-p lays mid do not coni i ol their films Their p i n in i ai e nut pel son a I s ta tements ul au ibiug

But as Gods then can do no wrong anil a r e physically unable to make a poor film Ilitchock Howard Hawks and John Ford a r e at present on the pinnacle of this pantheon

You thought that except technishycally The Bi rds was a vacant and vacuous pic ture You didnt undershystand it the au teur cr i t ic rationshyal izes I t s not a poorly plotted monster movie i t s an allegory on the human cniidit ion

A II Fa i l ures All nun - an i en t s such as Carol

heed and John Huston (the d i s shytinction is completely a rb i t ra ry ) have never through their own skill made a good lilin

They may appear good hut this is an optical illusion caused by a good cast or some othei factor Kven the worst John Ford lilm (and there is a (duse liable for the title) is better than the e n atie Henry Kings The Guulightei or William VVelbuans The Ox-Bow Incident for Knr ami Wellmaii are not lushyt e i n s

The liual irony ol die situation is that this coi i upted theory has come lull c i rc le It lias now infected us mother country F rance with its super fan-magazine type ol cr i t i shycism This is the final irony in a generally ironic situation

JSolu gte | P i Gamma Mu

Am one Intel esieil in becoliu ug a iiieinliei ul Il Camilla Mil (Social Science Honorary) and feels he meet s the necessai quail Ileal ions

r t

gort you appear

to be u p s e t


(Jou have observed t ha t L j ou a re

fami l iar Gor t wit h my recently published novel and you krow how Ive sldvyd

should Kaneri i n i n n bull

Fifteen y ea r s to perfect each VMOHI sentence 4 paragraph Ljou know I v reared Imee that soar on their own w n g e l

Well a short while ago some insolent chap had the ne i v t to sugrjest i t be re publ ished in ( ondensed pQfmV

c o i i i a i i

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i J e u n i

IMPOSSIBLE My blood Curdlee to think o f |alteriny one comma No sooner had lie fled before my curies than op walks some idiot

Dr B i n Fa ion Id

e Van Shk

M a i l e t l a bull i n I f i t -

who daime to have perfected something called Speed feeding He had read my entire noiel in iampQ lt(lt we MP minutes

I shudder to tl link ul trie next logical Up

in e r u d i t i o n Speed-Reading a Condensed

Novel V

Sipum Laudis Inducts Twenty-three Robotham Receives Scholar Award

A total of twenty-three State senshyio rs were inducted into the Univershys i ty s highest honorary society Sig-num Laudis severa l weeks ago This award is made to the sen iors with the highest academic averages in their c l a s s

The induction took place in the Faculty Dining Room Dr Freder ick Truscot t the socie ty s faculty adshyvisor introduced Dr Ann Oliver faculty t r e a s u r e r who presented the Slgnuin Laudis scholar award to the group s pres ident Miss Pa shyt r ic ia Robotham

Highest Average This award is made to the senshy

ior with the highest academic ave r shyage

Dean Stokes also read Dean Metz-l e r s address to the inductees This address was given at the first Sig-num Laudis induction and is by tradition read at every induction ceremony

The twenty-three inductees r ep shyresent the second 4 of the Class of 1964 The first 4 of the c lass was inducted last spring

The new additions to the honshy

o ra ry include Joan AsfouryStephati Bacon F r a n c e s Beards ley J a m e s Brush Sandra Campo Roland E s o -len Kenneth Falvo M r s Armida Flehs Joan Rois te r P i re t Kutt Mary Lou Maina F r a n c e s McDan-ie l s and Victoria P a r k e r

Also Paul P r a u s Ronald Putnam Marie t ta Raner i Ralph Rominger F reder ick Smith Judith Suttneir Catherine Ann Tupper Jeanne Van Slyke Richard Weeks and Dennis Wienk

O l d M e m b e r s

Those m e m b e r s initiated last spr ing include Elizabeth Austin Gloria Avner Diva Daims June Fai rchi ld Gaye Frusc ione Norma Gayer Lois Gianini Shirley Golden-berg Joseph Gomez Ralph Gr i iua l -di Judith Horton Nina Howard) and Pat r ic ia Jewell

Also Karen King Lor ra ine Kirk-land Richard Leveroni Margaret Metger Robert Ri t tner Pa t r i c ia Robotham Karen Scheinman Lillian Schmidt Evelyn Simon Barbara Steindorf Phylis Vastbinder C a r o shylyn Wameling and Barba ra Zendle

Annual Holiday Weekend

Features Dance And Sing The annual Student Organization Services Holiday-

Weekend will include a dance tomorrow night and the Holiday Sing on Sunday evening Donald Kisiel 66 is the general chairman for the dance whichwillbe held in Bru s Main Dining Room from 8 to 12 pm His co-workers Bonnie Tomaszewski and Kathy Brown

ISC-IFC To Hold Hiinterlude Dance

freshmen have taken charge of the decorat ions which will t ransform the dining room into the Roaring Twenties a tmosphere of P e r c y s Pawn Shop

Music for the dance will be p r o shyvided by the Lenny Ri reard i Orshyches t ra The group has played at many events in colleges throughout the area During the o r c h e s t r a s break several State students will furnish enter tainment

C o k e on T a p Students are urged to attend the

dance with or without da tes No admission will be charged and coke

Winterlude sponsored by the Inshyte r -Fra te rn i ty and In ter -Soror i ty Councils will be held tonight from 900 pm in 100 am at iheSchine-Ten Eyck Hotel Enter ta inment will be provided by Howard Jackson and his Modern Jazz Quintet in Hie Fort Orange Suite and the Joe Cosco O r shyches t ra in the Grand Bal l room

IFC-ISC p re s iden t s Gary i-etre and potato chips will be served a | bdquo Leoua Kerpel co-chai r the

M | - w l M I bull I T I I I Michael Doinkowski 05 and Diana e c u t Marek 67 have handled publicity Guests who will attend include for the dance Elaine McCarthy 67 1 ) e u bdquo a n ( 1 M r s p a v i ( j Hart ley Mr is in charge of Hospitality and a n ( 1 M r s William MoKiiinon and Sandra Randall also a freshman Miss Barbara Burkhart has obtained the ehaperonos

The C h a p e r o n e ( o i n u i i l tee Hol iday Sing headed b Psi Gamma and Theta

The twelfth annual Holiday Sing i l n t jmega selected Mr and Mrs will be held Sunday ai 7 pm in j Neil Will iams Mr and Mrs Page Hall Seventeen groups ol J a m e s K Wagner Mr and Mrs s tudents lroin res idences organi- W i l l i a m Clarkin Mr and Mrs zal ious fratern s and so ro r i t i e s Char les Giiher and Mr and Mrs a r e participating Klein as chaperoiies

The groups taking pari this t ea r a r e Alden Hall Alpha Pi Alpha The theme ol the lurnial is p ro -Beta e t a Biiibacher Hall Chi jecied into the wintei a tmosphere Sigma Theta Edward Eldred Pollei through the use ol holly mist letoe Club Gamma kappa Phi Kappa decoi aled eve rg reens and the warm Beta Kappa Delta Pierce Hall Phi glow Iruiu candles The Decorations Delta Psi Gamma Saylos Hall Committee is h e a d e d by Sigma Sigma Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Uui cisii Commuters Organizashytion and Waiei bury Hall

Each group yyill sing one sunn and will be ludged by Dr I lewitt Lllinwood 11 die Soi lal Studies Deshypartment Mi Enill Kalbn ul Alshybany High School and Miss Jean Hi ighain a y ocal nisi ructor in die ai ea

WinnL-r R e c e i v e r T r o p h y

the lop lr c giotips will be anshynounced and will then sing a second song The pidges will de termine the winners ol the first second and t l i i i d p l a i e s

The Insi plaow group will be awarded a trophy to be kepi and displayed by thai group until the next Holiday Sing The current irophy holder is Waiei bury Hall

The Holiday Sing is under the general chairmanship ol Thomas

Lambda Sigma Sigma Alpha and Phi Delia

The heads ol the Tickets and P ro shyg rams Committee ai e Kappa Beta Sigma Phi Sigma and Beta eta Alpha Pi Alpha leads the Ar range shyments Coiiinintee and Gamma Kappa Phi the bull lowers I ouuni t tee Iul -lu l l v Committee i+= headed by Chi Sigma Theta and Pollei Club

Bids are $-100 per couple Nu one will be admit led without a t icket


The S U News will not appear ueM Friday due to Chr i s t inas vacashytion The next regular issue ol die S U News will appear on January 10

The Publication Office will be Lelleer titi The program will be open the night ol January 5 L e t t e r s e i iueed by Carole Polls and Robert p the Edi tor House Howls and

Notices will be accepted only ul ( c o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 3) I h l s l l i n c

nnwer F o o t b a l l

T e a m

P a g e 4

A L B A N Y 3 N E W YORK DEC E M B E R 13 1063 VOL X L I X NO 2 6

Hearing Today on Student Tax For Second Semester Buses Chartered

by Steve Curti

Last Wednesdays Senate m e e t shying was highlighted by the in t roshyduction of bills proposing a second s e m e s t e r student tax and the g ran t shying of permiss ion to cha r i e r vashycation buses at Chr is t inas time to eight groups

A bearing will he held this af ter shynoon at 125 The meeting place will be posted on the Senate bulleshytin board in Busted near the Husted-Richardson per i s ty le

H e a r i n g T o p i c s

The hearing will be used to d i s shycuss the proposed second s emes t e r student tax The various uses of the money collected from the proposed tax will he explained

Some of the proposed uses for the lax money in the order of the amount of proposed expenditures a re Music Council State Univershysity News an addition lo the conshytingency fund a Uniled P r e s s Inshyternational news se rv ice for WSUA and the student d i rec tory

Music Council hopes to bring four name groups to the campus next year If given Hie money next s e m e s t e r Music Council by workshying wiib other area colleges and by signing its contracts ear ly could bring excellent groups and perhaps a n ange for more than one per for shymance

The proposed binds for Hie dishyrectory would allow the publication ol a second semes te r supplement in the dii ectory

The funds allotted to Ihe State Unishyversity News would permit the paper to publish lor the whole ol tlie s ec shyond semester Without these funds the paper Will only be aide to pubshylish loi eight weeks

The funds will also allow Ihe paper in publish two issues a week lor die luinl month ol the academic year

Buses Aga in Senate ii an I od pin mission tu eight

groups in char ie r and solicit funds for buses no tins Chris t inas vacashytion

Senator Art Johnston 65 moved that Senate authorize any member ol die student bod to chartei a bus for ibis Chris t inas holiday The

Forum Sends 5 To Puerto Rico

Ioruni ol Politics is sending live s tudents lo Inter-Ainer ican Uuivei-sii in Sun Gei main Fuel to RICH to attend an Intel ci illegiale coiifci -e rne entitled The Caribbean Mishycrocosm ol World St ruggle The conference is sponsored by die As-sociattuii ol International Relations ( lubs ul which 1 ni inn is a mem -bei

The live students being sent a r e Ronnie Hi aunsteiu UO Rila Bren-s i h e i lifi Marilyn Bi own 00 Sandra Cuslunan CO and Tniii Masshyter (if)

The students will lly down Hi one ol tyvo jets leaving Irom Idlewilde

A program ol l e c tu r e r s speakshye r s and discussion groups has been planned Speakers at the conference will be Juan Bosch deposed P r e s i shydent ol the Dominican Republic Munoz Marin Govei tor of Puerto Rico Jose Miro Cardoua Cuban exile and Senaloi Wayne Morse (D O r e )

motion was defeated Pres ident Ce r ra announced the

recent resignation of Carl Cusato GG and the longstanding res ignashytion of Helen Mandeville 64 C e r r a appointed Vic Mitchell G6 and Bob Sargeant 64 to fill the vacancies The Senators were sworn in imshymediately


During the commit tee r epo r t s the State University Revue constitution was brought up for approval A conshyt roversy a rose about the r equ i r e shyment that Senate approve the apshypointment of Ihe d i rec tor of the Revue

Some Senators complained that the constitution was poorly worded and that Senate should not have the final power of approval in the choice of d i rec to r

Senator Guddat 66 also pointed out the fact that the proposed con-


stltution s ta tes that the business manager of the Revue was to be a member of Finance Committee or appointed by the group

He noted that the authors of the constitution did not present this part of constitution to ei ther the Finance Committee as a whole or to its chai rman Barbara Townsend 65

The Revue Constitution was sent back to Ed Wolner s Constitutions Committee by a vote of Senate

Irregularities by Chair The meeting was highlighted by

severa l par t isan comments by C e r shyra He made comments indicating Ids approval of several opinions expressed by Senators

Senator Gain 64 left the Senate meeting due lo these comments and due to the P res iden t s refusal to answer a question Galu appealed from the decision of the chai r

S A P r e s i d e n t Pa t Cerra conducts Wednesday n ight s Senate

Meet ing during which pr ivate charter ing of buses was d i s c u s s e d

SU News Foster Child Contributions Still $40 Short of Drives Goal

The State University News has received approximately $140 toward i ts Foster Parents Plan This leaves about forty dol la rs short of the necessary $180 lo support an un-foi innate i luld lot a period of one y e a i

Tim SUNews plan was begun in order to enable all the students ol ihe University to contribute towards this cliui liable cause The News is in se rve only as a medium ol colshylod ion not the coin Ill iiling organ-lal ion

The child who I e e e r e s the sup-pui t ul ihe student body will receive lood clothing medical care and othei necess i t i es lor one year The child will write a letter each month telling abiitil hiiusell The SUNews will print all information and corshyrespondence r e c e i v e d Irom the c h i l d

Students may contribute to the lund through any News Board memshyber or at the News Office Room 5 in Brtihacher on Sunday through Wednesday nights Irom 7 lo 11 pm Contributions may be also mailed to ihe News Office c o the Editor

at 750 State Street The SUNews emphasizes that

the s ize ol ihe contribution does not matter but hopes that everyshyone will help to meet the goal by Chr i s tmas

Five lace Expulsion

For Run Around Five Stale University students

lace expulsion from Ihe University The I n e haye been accused by three Albany res idents ol staging a Chinese-Run-Around their car on the night of November lG

A Chinese-Run Around occurs when a group ol people surround a eai stopped in traffic and run around i t

The State students allegedly got out of their car and staged the bullRun-Around around a car in which three women were driving

The women claim damage was done lo ihe car The Stale s tudents deny tins

According to Dr David Hart ley Bean ol Students The University will definitely lake some action by Friday As yet 1 do not Know what it w i l l I

Page 2: PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS. FRIDAY. …library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/eresources/digital...make reservations tin collee hours, leas receptions, banquets, use ol equipment ti

P A G E 2 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3

ampESD l i Z O f y ^ T h i e f r o b b e r b a n d i t

Chartering Service Inefficient The events of last Wednesday and Sunday proved the

inefficiency of Senate as a medium for char tered bus service A greater share of the blame however should r e s t on the Greyhound Bus Lines

Their complete lack of co-ordination was demonshystra ted on Wednesday afternoon when at least one bus was re-routed immediately before departure and again on Sunday evening when several buses were hours late o r didnt show up at all

Many individuals felt confident that by signing up on a Senate bus the success of the venture would be ensured The general faith of those students Inshyvolved was soon shattered It became more than c lear by the end of Thanksgiving vacation that the Greyhound Bus Lines was a poor business risk

We would suggest an investigation of the entire mat ter including the issue of refunds to those stushydents whose buses were re- routed or whose buses didnt appear at all We thank Senate for undertaking the huge charter ing plan to begin with but think it unfortunate that so many mishaps should have occurred

In the future we would suggest that another bus line be contracted for vacation char ter ing service

--Now Class give me an example of society rebelling against its leaders

CLIPPER Everett JC Everett Vaihington

State University ISEWS E S T A B L I S H E D M A Y 1 4 6

bull Y T H E C L A S S OF I B I S

H i e S l a t e U n v r - i M l

e v e r y F r i d a y ihruucjh

T h e S t a t e I J n e n

a l i o be r e a c h e d by d i o h

T he f iub l ic rjt I un of f Ilaquo I

I 1 00 p m onJov th ru

a s t u d e n t o w n e d arid o p e r a t e d lie w I [j utter p u b l i s h i

fc I o c I y e a r exc upt i r ty r e g u l a r U n i vor M I y r a t o l i u r i

bull paper

N e w

1 Ih

N i l ) may he r o a c h o d by d i a l i n g 4 8 9 - 6 4 8 1 ft

tig B r u b a r her H a l l at I V J iVJti

r u l e d in R O O M S of Hr iblt]lt her M i l l ( bdquo I ron 0 0 tc

W I L L I A M H C O L G A N pound d i l o r - i n - C fue l

D A V I D W J f NK S

t n o c u l i v e f d i lor

RONALD W HAMIl TON Sport bull f ii ii a

EDI TH S HARDY A raquo | oc i a to Edi tor

J U D I m [J M I I X A L f

B u i i n o i i M u i u y u r

SUSAN J THOMSON T e c h n i c a l Superv isor

JOSf PH W GAL U MejrHjy my I d i I of

M R I N I K I I H K f 0 bdquo u r laquo I t l i o

J A C Q I H L I N t R A D A M S A i o c icito t d i to

JOANNl C SOtllK A d v o r t n i n y f d i to f

C A R R P N A O R S I N I C i r c u l a t i o n - 1 xc l iunga t di tor

F ( - uyofio T o b laquo y C l aud la C o l b e r t

C o l u r n n i t r i P o o l J i m m E l i i q b a t h S t roud E g r l G Schro ibor

Joraquolaquopl i A O g r n t l John M a r i o n G a r y L u c x a k J Rltraquoyor I aa

Ro por tor gt R o raquo laquo n i u r y M a n i our H o t l y Wanor H e l e n P e n a i u c k D i a n e

H a l l o c k F r a n c e i B e n n e t t H a r o l d L y n n e Gary M u r d o c k

Gar y H i r c h b e r y W i l l i am S m i t h W i l l i a m G r a y L y n n

K u r t h I l l o n a n y D i a n a J o h n i o n

A s s i s t a n t T e c h n i c a l Superv isor - - Judy Conger

P h o t o g r a p h d M D o u g l a s U p h a m O e n n i raquo C h u r c h M u h u o l P e t laquo r P a l m a r

L i n o r d C W h i l e R i c h a r d L j k e r

A11 c o m m u n i c a t i ons s h o u l d bo addrlaquolaquogtlaquodJ to the laquod i tor and must be | l y n e d

N f j i n e s w i l l blaquo w i t h h e l d on r raquo q u laquo | t T h S t a t U n i v e r s i t y N w raquo u u u m o i no

r e s p o n s i b i l i t y lor o p i n i o n s e x p r t i i d i n i t s c o l u m n s or c o m m u n i c a t i o n s OS

s u c h e x p r e s s i o n s do n o t n e c e s s a r y r e f l e c t i t s v i e w s

D e s k t d i t o r s

John F 1917-1963 He was a big athletic man and when

he walked on the speaker s platform even in his younger days he immediately attracted attention

His smile was quick and warm his personality overwhelming His wit was sharp and his commandof facts immense

Most of his fellow countrymen never met or even saw him personally Yet through our communications media we all got to know this man

We came to identify ourselves with him He projected an image we all admired mdash an image we can never forget He was a man worth emulating

A Little Faith Helps It is a sad commentary on the student

bodys common sense when they feel that the head of the University has less pashytriotic spirit than themselves

The rumors that were circulated among the students by several people about our school remaining in session during the National Day of Mourning proved to be completely untrue

Before waiting to get the facts several people took it upon themselves to inform the student body of the ut ter disrespect of the administration

We think that the intelligence of the

Now John Kennedy has been donlt two weeks The shock has dulled we have been able to return to normal routines But in one sense lives will never be quite the same rn

This man touched us with his v

and vitality as no other President ever done The force of his person was closely related to youth ltlt ideals of youth

i tor incl our our

viin oiith had

ality the

The nation suffered a grave loss vhn

he was murdered but perhaps our hss is even greater it is a loss uv may never be able to fully comprehend

res t of the students has been in-these people We also question the sincerity behind this act

We have enough faith in the cit of our adminis t ra tors to realize would call off c l a s ses as soon as il arrangements were made Wemi them on many occasions bul bull accuse them of being less Amii bullbull we are

We hope in the future that the will stop to think before they i responsible people to s tar t the mi casting of stones

I l l M| l)y

ipousi d

bull aiship bullbull bull they

proper Mcizn


an Mian

bullbull I f i i t j

Taraquo bullbull d

suppression Windmills anyone We wonder if the editors of suppression

have lost sight of reality altogether in the past few months If not we suggest that they make some re-evaluation of their r e shycent editorials and make a big effort to come down to earth with the rest of us morta ls

suppression seems to feel that the things that interest students at State these days aren t really very important Issues conshycerning Greeks (who happen to comprise 40j of the student body) and ar t ic les on campus morality are seen as only windmill problems and not really worthy of attention

Unfortunately suppression has not conshydescended to tell us what really is imporshytant to the members of the University It would be nice if they ever got around to

doing this But until that momentous day

the student body will be kept in i and trust that the edi tors of sup speak true words of wisdom whim fer to the students as possessm lack of serious thinking

We are as bewildered by suppiv is everyone else We suppose v follow the lead of our intellcclui lgt in writing anrl attempt to write that will be really important

Perhaps if we star ted a ten w-i exploring the Nature of Truth nr t i d e s like Hur ray The Devil Bad we could do something i gt has broad appeal

suppression-type windmills aiv

COMMUNICATIONS Vord M o u r n s L o s s V1 1 1 1 u - a r

civili ed siicici are tin ends i i To tho Editor goals til ill human knowledge ami

raquo bull is nullum I run sus ihalhus bull bull i 1 Hl alieadv been said i on IM mugHit- M u M l a l s l n

a weekend I 11 aii bull ma Un s| eli I la e l o q U e n t l i a l - l l i l |

i i i h ii a i i l I l i t i n i i bullbull

I was in In-I a I Ihinithi aliii r I litis vas tlii uhi ini i i i i i i n l i i I I a I It r

lttl I ini unIii r

John I Kenned Ii llie Allien- u W l s k admit Im i u|illini in ran- II is ihc lnss n| a Miiicl Inil maihsia s il Imp | l

llllll l i l1 lUI 111 Ill llSC Slljll ni tlifse Hill M- kllliV IIIIll lllslm l|bdquo t U l S bull nillhlllllh that the plea-

inllrh Inil leadets Iii- i d knowledge is lis |lislilica-sassiiaiil im Whai i| makiss l l 1 l | -Kiiii l s death I I ( | U |bdquo| t indulgence as at e unset s and chit - Im haps 11 II I I C I I I I l l l i i U s h s s I t l l s I l e n l ( i I I I m

I believe l is I nise ih( im I1 bullbullitl tl kinn I ||e aiei liH i bull n i has lusi a man win inelessl j l l1 1 bull bull llaslli e heai h imn i | hlhhi litl MI |i| p -arc His i 1 bull ii is a hellei pel leni-e Ii ill t i e s wet e I nam ir un-11 he iinafe Hluitlual ami a heiie Mil I i elinI It asln all ilui - | l l ianil U n e Mrs None

|-|bdquo t ~- I I s l i i l e l i l l e i i i

bull SV i v Collins Address Effective ^- - i1 - hn V l l r h i l l s e l l a

To the Editor

l I ni

I un in bull in

s s is then 111 11 I II I hin in riit-

1 l l 11 bullbull I lie All H aiis ih Ii lllHM-S in- Illltipeaiis lliileel |bdquo bullvh1 w i l l lias lui a Ini| ami a iliiinii leailei l l ( WHekeinl ul Nm emle was Rulpli H

Muurico Tsododo ~~~ mdashmdash


I vliule-heai teilh cram I) Kntitls 8 5 Jerome Htnos hi iWi linn thai a tlisiiissinn c -r r laquoan IH f lbdquo le a mga | bdquoe u bdquo u ( A n U R A Y DECEMBER 7 a malliemaliiul equain eleyunl B L udeg n deg W P lt j l

Thai none bdquo ll bdquobdquobdquo ar B a s k e t b a | | Dance luiihoi |UHtinltaliuiihevomlilui|jleu- SUNDAY DECEMBER 8 su re IIBJ KIVB I 1101 mill Uuul1 3-5 Jefferson Open House IUi I maintain ihn (Jiwy indeoU J5 Sioma Alpha 0 p 0 bdquo House have luriliui jusiilicaUim Icjuuslion H-i0 USA the siutemeni thai kmivvJetige iS

Us own e n d im u bdquo ) convi-- ^ D A Y DECEMBER 9 deg- ) u U 5 A

College Calendar

) bull lt gt



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bull Ii

l i t e r

i mm

V i I l



S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 P A G E 3

Enrollment Readies Ail-Time High The academic year of 19G3-G4

shows a record enrol lment for State Universi ty at Albany and the enshyt i r e State University of New York T h e r e a re 3188 full-t ime students enrol led at Albany and 70j]0 in the State University

The above figures a r e a l l - t ime highs The introduction of yea r -round ca lendars at I larpur College the Agricul tural and Technical Inshyst i tute at Farmingda le and the Colshylege at New Palt accounts for par t of this record enro l lment

The full-time enrol lment r e p r e shysen ts a 125 increase over last yea r T h e r e a re also 46669 s tushydents in par t t ime degree credi t study and 8725 taking non-degree -credit cour ses The re a r e almost 132UOU students now attending c l a s shys e s throughout the State University

The year- round p r o g r a m s were introduced as a method of de t e rmin shying the possibil i ty of increasing full-lime enrollment through inshyc reased utilization of exist ing facilishyt i es

For maximum s u c c e s s the p r o shygram depends upon equal entering c l a s s e s The University does not expeel immediate accomplishment ol this goal but foresees a conshytinuing inc rease in reg is t ra t ion as the opportunit ies presented b ca l shy

endar operation b e c o m e bet ter known

Under the new sys t ems at Harpur and Farmingdale students attend c l a s s e s for two consecutive s e m e s shyt e r s and take the third off New Paltz students attend for th ree conshysecutive q u a r t e r s and take the fourth off

Students stand to benefit by these pilot p r o g r a m s for they may a c shyce le ra te their studies by yea r - round attendance and graduate e a r l i e r

There a re four new community colleges now In operation whose enrol lments have contributed to the total These a r e Je f fe rson Niagara Sullivan and Ulster County Comshymunity Colleges

As of September twenty-five of the twenty-eight authorized comshymunity colleges were in operation One sponsored by the Boards of Supervisors of Fulton and Montgomshyery Counties and two by the New York City Board of Higher Education should be open in September 1964

Project ions for future enrollment indicate that Hie three units opera t shying on year- round schedules will accept approximately 375 additional freshmen that could not have been accommodated under the two-semshyes t e r p rogram

As a result of the increased enrol lment the eventual full-time total for the year is expected to be ra ised to 77000

Albany-the City by J Marion

Around Us

Parijist Pastor to Talk in Bru Dec 12 Sponsored by Student Peace Group

Reverend Brewster Kneen will speak on P o w e r and Pac i f i sm Thursday December 12 at 730 pm in Brubacher His lec ture is sponsored bgt the Student Peace Group as part of a two-day campus symposium presented In c o - o p e r a - lion with llie C a m p u s Chris t ian Council

x laquosl O h~| D R I M C3 S

For Style Quality and Value

True ar t is t ry is expressed in

the br i l l ian t fash ion sty l ing of

every Keepsake d i a m o n d enshy

gagemen t r i ng Each setting is

a masterpiece of des ign reshy

f lect ing the fu l l b r i l l i ance a n d

beau ty of the center d i a m o n d

a per fect gem of f lawless

c lar i ty f ine color a n d met icushy

lous modern cut

Au tho r i zed Keepsake Jewshy

elers may be l isted in the Yel low

Pages Visit one in your a rea

a n d choose f rom many beau t i shy

ful styles each wi th the name

Keepsake in the r ing a n d o n

the t a g

-h^ ^~


Please send two new booklets How lo Plan Your Engagement and Wedding and Choosing Yom Diamond Kings both lor only 25 Also send special offer ol beautiful 44 page Bndes Book



diy - Co Stale



On Friday Mr Kneen will the Campus Christ ian Council s mission group at 120 pm in Old Facult) Dining Room He discuss his political cominili as n re la tes lo his religious liefs

j o i n d i s -

the w i l l nent


R e v e r e n d B r e w s t e r K e e n

Kev Kneen cal ls h i in s e 11 a Chr i s t i an Radica l lie publically declared himself a pacifist in 1960 In 1961 he received a Bachelor of Ulvinit degree from I he Union Theological Seminary in New York

In the same e a r Mr Kneen joined the siall of the Fellowship of Reconciliation a pacifist in tershynational organization with a present membersh ip of more than 40000

All university students and faculty a r e invited to at tend both discuss ions with Kev Kneen

It is an accepted fact that educational standards are not all they could be in Albany There are two public high schools mdash Albany High and Philip Schuyshyler Albany High as you all know is located between Western Washington and Lake Avenues Philip Schuyler is at the corner of Trinity Place and Westerlo Street south of Madison Avenue in the South End

Due to the economic geography of Albany the stushydents who attend Schuyler are from generally lower socio-economic backgrounds and for this reason the standards are generally lower there

H o p e l e s s n e s s P r e v a i l s

The generally accepted theory of schooling is that a child attends until he hits a block like third year English or financial difficulties at home then quits to go to work

A feeling of hopelessness towards ever improving ones economic status prevails among almost all but it is even more deeply imbedded among Negroes due to existing discriminatory hiring pract ices among employers

Coupled with this hopelessness is the fact that the idea of college is completely outside of their frame of reference It is never an idea that is rejected it is never thought of While this situation seems almost hopeless something is being done something that can involve students here at State

At the beginning of last summer a tutorial project was started in Albany by two members of the Northern Student Movement It is s imilar to dozens of other projects in other cities across the northeast section of this country With the help of the Trinity Institute rooms were obtained in churches for teaching and college students started tutoring students from the South End on an individual bas is

If any of you are interested in helping one child get through high school and perhaps go to college you are invited to devote an hour and a half a week to this project To join or obtain further details see P r o shyfessor Hayes of the Speech Department in Richardson 288

Call this project what you will mdash foolish useless for do-gooders mdash anything you like the fact remains that it is working helping many students finish high school and even go to college who never would have

The only hitch is this mdash without volunteers from this school it will ultimately collapse Are you willing to help

The American Forum

Goldwater Stand Morally Sound by J Roger Lee

Senator B a r n Goldwater ignited some political fireworks recently h staling that he was qui te s e r i shyous that TVA should be so ld tio ill he in Republicans who have been riding Goldwaier s bandwagon to a unique p o s i t i o n ol power were shucked ami said so

Thei r position appeared lo be ilia since TVA is populai in

cei lain a reas ol ihe South die Senator would do well io be less idealistic about the subject

S e n a l o l G o l d -walei s |n oposal 11 el lerlei l would i ill u

bull w ^ r ~ J M i r i i

Gerald Drug Co 217 Western Ave Albany N Y

Phone 6-3610

Vinmes Sub Shop 53 North Lake Ave

A L L KINDS INCLUDING Hot Sauiuyo 8 Hot Meatball

HOURS Monday thru Thursday 11 am t i l I ftin Friday and Saturday 1 I am ti I 2 am

Sunday 4 pm til midnight PHONE HO 5-0710

share ol lite 001)00 square mile network ol dams r e s e r v o i r s steam plains waterways anil such ovei lo i he s ta les pr i ale indusl i j or a Iederalh Im mod corporation

Socialistic Redistribution

The TVA is a socialised in-dilsi] ll has laken wealth out ol i he product i e a r ea s ol i he oconoiin and pom ed n into llie Tenessee Vallej

The io IM unieiil has alreath tunshyneled $lri7 billion inin the Tenshynessee Valle and is rinl limine in sllbsidle llie area lit ordei lo mainshytain ihe Jut pel lulluwatl hour rale Im eliit t n i l which is 1 -1V S below Ihe naln mal a ei a|i

Ilils ol ruin se has had a lunie-lii lal o i led on the Tennessee Vallegt

Inlol liuialeb h t iwcei s i n r e Ibis iiniegt had lo come Irum some place ii necessari ly tollows lhal until her coiuinuiill oi ^ruup ol comshymunities has been relieved ol this uliluunl ol IIHJIIU

Product ion Stymiod The Tennessee Valle) was a iiiui-

piudtlctivo area ol this nallon in lJn The a r e a s which hail llie wealth which was laken lo be pumped inio Ihe Tennessee Vullej worep ro -chiclive a r eas

Ii is these piuduciive a r ea s which e a r n and expand our ecunomj hgt producing our wealth ol goods ami s e i i c e s

Because this $1707 billion was not used in ibis productive segment ihe counln is thai much poorer in goods s e rv ices and expanded in-d u s t n

II however ihe wealth that has

been handed over lo Ihe Tennessee Valle Ihe jungles ol southeast Asia and Ihe various other i e-cipienls ol s h a r e ihe wealth and economic a s s i s t ance gimmicks had been leit lit the hands ol those who had created n and would have used H i ii calc mure wealth Ihei e would have been mm eased proshyduction ol goods and sei bull ices

ill shin I ihe people ni ihe Tenshynessee Valli h a e received a degree ol p i o s p e t i n ai the e pense ul ihe muni i as a whole mdash i hat is al the expense ol ihe oihei iiidiv iduals in ihe sociei

Among lite r u n em President lal p rospec t s Seualoi Goldwater is ihe loielnosl delendei ol llie individual from com cioii ol the collective mdash Ihe small group Ii mn i oei cum | ihe large

State R ights This position since H emai l s

defending the s t a l e s l ights Irum the l e d e t a l government s powei g rabs has made him ihe champion ol ihe Southern s ta les which are p iese i l lh undergoing an attack on ihen rights In ilie federal governshyment in the mallei ol lorced inte-gi alum

The Southerners have ra ised the just defense ol individual ami s t a t e s l ights which Seualoi Goldwater also champions

If howevei ihev a re not to be regarded as h j p o c n t e s ihev had best respect the jusi r ighisol o thers in regard lo ihe support ol ihe Tennessee Vallcv and not attack Senator Goldwater lor Ins dedication lo in o r a 1 p t luc ip les


President Collins Delivers An Address to the University


I t i s abou t s e v e n t y h o u r s s i n c e J o h n F K e n n e d y w a s s h o t T h i s i s a t i m e - p e r i o d that i s s h o c k i n g l y s h o r t in which to c h a n g e t h e whole c o m shyp l e x i o n of o u r n a t i o n a l l i f e Yet it s e e m s a long t i m e to u s now p e r h a p s b e c a u s e t o g e t h e r we h a v e run t h r o u g h a wide r a n g e of e m o t i o n s s h o c k and a n g e r d i s b e l i e f f e a r o u t r a g e h o n e s t g r i e f and m i s g i v i n g s for the f u t u r e

I a p p r o a c h wi th h u m i l i t y and a v e r y d e e p s e n s e of my own i n a d e shyq u a c y t h e t a s k tha t y o u r S tuden t A s s o c i a t i o n o f f i c e r s a s k e d m e to a s shys u m e mdash tha t of r e f l e c t i n g in s o m e d e g r e e the f e e l i n g s of o u r u n i v e r s i t y m e m b e r s h i p to e x p r e s s the r e s p o n s e of o u r uwn d i s t i n c t i v e c o m m u n i t y to the t r a g i c e v e n t s on wh ich I n e e d not d w e l l W i s e r and m u c h m o r e e l o q u e n t m e n than I h a v e been h e a r d in t h e s e p a s t s e v e n t y h o u r s and t h e n a t i o n h a s l i s t e n e d in a v e r y r e a l s e n s e al l h a s b e e n s a i d

T h a t I a p p r o a c h at a l l t h e t a s k of s a y i n g wtiat I b e l i e v e e a c h one of you would s a mdash ol s p e a k i n g not J o ou but _for you mdash r e f l e c t s my be l ie f tha t o u r c o m m u n i t y _is_ d i s t i n c t i v e that o u r r e s p o n s e i s t h e r e f o r e s o m e h o w s p e c i a l s i g n i f i c a n t for us in w a y s that a r e un ique ly o u r own

O u r c o m m u n i t y i s of c o u r s e d i f f e r e n t and d i s t i n c t i v e in i t s r e -s p o n s e s to t h e s e e v e n t s F i r s t and m o s t o b v i o u s l y it i s y o u n g e r at l e a s t in i t s a v e r a g e a g e T h i s c o m m u n i t y r e a c t s t h e r e f o r e to the q u a l shyi t i e s wh ich c h a r a c t e r i z e you th mdash John K e n n e d y s v i g o r h i s f l ex ib i l i t y h i s tough r e s i l i e n c e h i s i m p a t i e n c e with the c o n d i t i o n s lie c o n s i d e r e d w r o n g h i s d e s i r e to c h a n g e t h i n g s now the u r g e n t t h r u s t of h i s p r o g r a m and of h i s p e r s o n a l i t y

T o t h e s e young m e n and w o m e n r e s p o n d e d with w a r m t h and a s e n s e of g lad p a r t i c i p a t i o n a r e a d s r e c o g n i t i o n of the c o n c e r n s that m u s e d t h i s m a n and an i d e n t i f i c a t i o n with him in s e e k i n g to a d v a n c e t h o s e c o n c e r n s And when that l i fe svas s n i p p e d off so ab rup t ly so unjust ly t h e s e young m e n and w o m e n w e r e at o n c e m u r e deeply s h o c k e d m o r e f i e r c e l y a n g e r e d and se t m o r e a d a p t a b l e to the d e e p s e a t e d c h a n g e s that m u s t r e s u l t

A s e c o n d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of the u n i v e r s i t y c o m m u n i t y i s of c o u r s e i t s d e d i c a t i o n to r e a s o n and to the e x e r c i s e of i n t e l l i g e n c e To u s it svas i m p o r t a n t that John K e n n e d ) svas a thoughtful m a n a r e a d e r of s k i l l and of s e l e c t i v i t y a s c h o l a r l y c o m m e n t a t o r on s o c i a l h i s t o r y a c h r o n i c l e r of c o u r a g e He knew the u s e s of s c h o l a r s h i p and of s c h o l a r s h i s m o s t t r u s t e d a d v i s o r s w e r e a c a d e m i c m e n

T h e g r e a t e r i s o u r r e v u l s i o n t h e r e f o r e f rom ttie s e n s e l e s s s a v a g e r y oi h i s a s s a s s i n a t i o n by a young fanat ic with a t w e l v e - d o l l a r m a i l shyo r d e r r i f l e mdash t h e a p p a r e n t t r i u m p h of s e n s e l e s s n e s s o v e r r e a s o n and c o u r a g e and i n t e l l i g e n c e

T h i r d the u n i v e r s i t y c o i n m u n i t s is c o m m i t t e d to g o a l s o f s e r i c e We d o n t d i s s e c t o u r m o t i v a t i o n s v e r s of ten n e v e r t h e l e s s it is l e a that the u n i v e r s i t s c o m m u n i t y i s founded m the i n n s I C U O I that man can i m p r o v e h i m s e l f by SVOTK 1 y r i g o r o u s i n t e l l e c t u a l bullbullgtbull a n i t n a t t h u s i m p r o v e d he can and m u s t he lp to i m p r o v e the bull_bull - fell bullbullbull-m e n

T h i s c o i n m u n i t s s o m o t i v a t e d r e s p o n d e d r ead i ly bull - i J - J - J o h n K e n n e d y T h e P e a c e C o r p s they s a w a s an hones- a the h e l p i n g hand ol b r o t h e r h o o d i n t i m a t e d s imply - - - bull ~ s e r v i c e T h i s c o i n m u n i t s r o s e e n t h u s i a s i i c a l l s w bull- bull=bull-bull - r bull J o h n K e n n e d y s e x p r e s s i o n ol the s a m e d o c t r i n e bull --bull bullbull bullbull h o m e to h i s c o u r a g e o u s i n s i s t e n c e on t r u e i at -tal - gt_ bull bull bull bullbull c o n v i c t i o n that e v e n m a n m e r i t e d not a l o n e the r igh t bull -bullbull- i bull but a l s o to l ead a l i l e ol dignity and ol p e a c e

And the t r i u m p h ol u n r e a s o n o s e r the p e r s o n bull bull bull P - - - not s h a k e the u n i s e r s i t y c o m m u n i t y s c o n s i c t i o u s a-lt u1 bull gtj - - - -ol the h u m a n indis i dua l

T h e s e t h r e e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s t h e n ol the u n i s e r s i t i omtv bull - -d i s p o s e otii r e s p o n s e s to the t r a g i c e s e m s ol h e l a s s i - o v bull

We a r e a c o m m u n i t y ol youth - and we i l e t i with the yot i thlul c h a r a i t e n s t i i s ol the pi -gi a m and ol the pei s o n

We a r e d e d i c a t e d to t e a s o i i and i bull bull - ] bull and sve abhoi the t e n slot to h i l s e n s e l e - s -a bull a g e i

sso at e i i inu i l t t ed to -i i] s - I -a-i n o a s s e r t o u r a l l e g i a i n o to n e n o h l o i in 1 1 -i i o h s ve tound in John Kenned1 s ii i bull i I m a n s lgti i ithei hoi laquol

And e l 11 i s t h e s e ei i ha I a r e i I M I I S O| HI M-I elaquo bull bull a e lse US 1 in e i n an I u i n e i t a im lt i e a t e in spei lal ai iei bull I a h n sh a I c o n s t i t u t e otn spe- ii 1 i ause loi nope

B e c a u s e sve ai e oi i thlul is su- h a o s a i l we m e n i i bull se q u a l i t i e s ol ( lU th lu lness in A u i n H an l l le the K e n n e d ei a mdash hi-d e t e i m i n a u o i i in u m s e l o i v a i d h e iniigli l i oiii a i-mis op1 nn is i i i bull e l i n p a i e n c e loi c h a n g e And b e a t i sc John Kenned evpi i-s- bull bull n i -se n- i c i i o n s and e x e m p l l l l e i l t h e m we i d e n i i l i e d won ii

He i epi e s e n t e d us in oui s e i s e s 1 iom uin oi iui ion 11 ttesi-cs m e a l das s He had h a q u i l r ol m e a l n o - w in 1 M 1 k n I -n d e s c r i b e d on h i s p l a t l o i m in S e p i o i n b e i m ospl j n l anaiii lint oln Lini oln w a s oil bullill 1 o n bull n o 01 bod ihaii an 1-ml id -e i- Mi K e n n e d w a- 11101 e In gt all to be than an hod e l s e and 1 e n

In h i s pi oi e s s ol 1 l e n t i l unshya s s i s t e d T h e c i e a l e a s e n s e 1 u s c l o s e to mil p o l m i al l ead i

fei e n c e the l l r e s l de 1 hai is lai gei than l i le We tend to pei s o n a l l e and pei-01111 all ol govei n iuen i in the Il e s i d e n i hi- i s the e i l i l o d l -ineii i ol o u r l e e l l n g s about go-ei i i i i ieiu

And oui s e n s e of l o s s then i s 11e u i o i e a c u i e ihe m m e pe i s o u a l M r an i J o i e n on a n o i h e i o c c a s i o n d e s r i i b e d ihe nat i o n s yi iei at M i L i n c o l n s d e a t h ihe p e o p l e he sa id wci e lonel a l i a i d l ea r lu l ol ihe i n l i n e eai lul thai the t oun i i had been s h o t T h e had to l e a ) n that t h e i e w a s 110 1 ea l b a s i s for lei 1 01 and l o n e l i n e s s thai behind ine h e a d l i n e s and b e n e a t h the pe i s o n a l i l n g the l o t i n i i y and ihe pi e s i shyden i go Oil

We n e e d ihen to a s s e t 1 mn s e c o n d rl iai a n e i i s m mdash 0111 s e n s e ol l e a s o u mdash to a s s u r e o u r - s e h e s thai t i n s is s o d e s p i t e 0111 i d e i n i l l c a -t loi i wi th 1 pe i son who r e p i e s e i i t s a p r o g r a m

b e h i n d m e 1 a s k el a s 11 r e s t e d in ihe Whi te House mi will r e m em be 1

( c o n t i n u e d on p a g e 9)

Mi an l i o i e n sa id Mn 1 - | e e i -fgt and hi- was - e a h e s s So I 1^ - 01 l ike -hat vi- I-ul I a s p l i e

Itll 11 led is in hi in hi- m e d i a -I in- ho n 1 laquo 11nnu111 a ions

1 111111iiii and imiiii-ijiii bull at 1 1 u igs i s Sy o j ai i l c i p a i e in 1 hi- pi e s s oii-

Page Hall was only about three-quarters filled as President Collins delivered his address Dead quiet pervaded throughout the entire twenty-minute ceremony

P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s a d d r e s s 111 s i m p l e and d i r e c t what svas in the s p e a k e r T h e s t a g e P a ^ e H a h M o n d a y N o s e m b e r 2 5 m i n d s and h e a r t s ol all p r e s e n t e x c e p t l o r (lie p o d i u m i j - a si one a will not be soon U n f o r t u n a t e l y only a t h r e e - q u a r - and two A m e r i c a n Ha bull 1 g bull e i s t h o s e sum w i t n e s s e d tei s l i l l ed P a g e Hall h e a r d the s i d e i t P i e s i d e n t s a d d r e s s R e l i g i o u s s e n - T h e s i l e n c e in the a i i i r

T h e P r e s i d e n t sari hi- had m i s - - i r e s and M r K e n n e d y s l u n e r a l u n n e n i n g P e o p l e H i - i j i i i igs aN ut e u l o g i i g a man such on t e l e s i s i o n o c c u p i e d main s t t l - s a l dosvn and j u s l svar-a- J o h n f i t g e i a l - l K e n n e d y He d e n t s on mat m o u r n l u l M o u d a v th ing 10 h a p p e n i-e-i not a bullbull t- en te t t a m e d s u c h F o r h o s e who a t t e n d e d though P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s

hgts 11 svas a m e m o r a b l e m o m e n t Hie s t a g e s u d d e n l y 1 T h e a d d r e s s s u m m e d up in w o r d s T h e P r e s i d e n t ssas the sole wi thout s p e a k i n g I oi 1

M e l ol the p e o p l e in ihe m u n a w a r e ol h i s p r e s e n -

G r a d u a l l t h o u g h e bull c a m e a w a r e ol h n n 1 e x p e c t a n c y s p i e u d 1 hi d i e i i co

T h e P r e s n l e i i i 1 u s e w a l k e d to the p o d i u m 1 a d d r e s s

As he exp i e s s e d 11 lor lhose pi I seh i ma s p o k e r l o a i ly and In- -

And nidi-oil he did m in e s e n i He s a i d wh bull)lt dea l h linj s u c h a pi loi in ihe b in el sll n L11 Il s l l 111 U-1 di

When no had lini lini lung loli in be u l

He sa l do-An a 1 w a s a mii iuei i i - - j 1 bull 1 ho a u d i i o i n u n

T h e n he l o i - bull -a l m o s t pa in l i i l l po-i bull s i l l alii I lea s o the 1 1111 h

Only Ihe his-in ol cou ld bo h e a l d

Students gather around the CO-OP as the tragedy unfolded Fri day

gt Long empty rows of tables mark Polish Community Center that was to be the scene of the Brubo informal party



IFG had planned to present two films Both were cancelled upon news of President Kennedys death

Shock Disbelief Tears Spread Across Campus

T h e f i r s t r e a c t i o n ol SUNYA to not o u r p e r s o n a l o p i n i o n s In the d e a t h ol P r e s i d e n t Kennedy svas t h e end al l w e e k e n d a c t i v i t i e s w e r e s i m p l e t h s b e l i e l S t u d e n t s and l a c - c a n c e l l e d rills m e m b e r s g a t h e r e d a r o u n d On S a t u r d a y m a n y a t t e n d e d m o r n -r a d i o s o r s t o p p e d e a c h o i l i e r o r ing s e r v i c e s c r o w d e d a r o u n d t e l e -s t r a n g e r s on Ihe s t r e e t s e e k i n g c o n - v i s i on s e t s d i s c u s s e d e v e n t s o r U r i n a t i o n of the i m p o s s i b l e a s o i d e d t h e m O t h e r m a i l e r s w e r e

In the d o r m s s t u d e n t s s p r e a d d i s c u s s e d mdash A r e sve r e a l l y h a v i n g the uesvs f r o m r o o m to r o o m and c l a s s e s on Monday E v e r y t h i n g r a d i o s and TV sve r e t u r n e d on Most e l s e m Albany is be ing c a n c e l l e d c l a s s e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d for the d a y G e n e s e o S t a l e h a s c l o s e d c o i n -A s the n e w s w a s i r r e v o k a b l y c o n - p l e i e l y f i r m e d r e a c t i o n s c h a n g e d S o m e c r i e d s o m e p r a y e d s o m e went to C l a s s e s C a n c e l l e d c h u i i l i e s s o m e went 10 b a r s s o m e P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s i s s u e d no fin -went about t h e n b u s i n e s s t t i c r w o r d a s Sa tu rday p r o g r e s s e d

In llle g i r l s d o r m s w e e k e n d p l a n s and p e t i t i o n s c i r c u l a t e d in s o m e w e r e r e s lowed F r i d a y mghi i n - d o r m s S i g n s a l s o a p p e a r e d mdash O u t f o r m a l p a r t i e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d bin ol n i t e r d i s r e s p e c t c l a s s e s svill d i l l e r e u l o p i n i o n s w e r e e x p r e s s e d be he ld mi Mondas N o s e m b e r -in

about euiirell mg ihe formats

E v e n t s C a n c e l l e d bull Pi e s i d e n i Kennedy svas such a

d i i a m i m a n so lull ol l l l e lie would svam us lo is -in n ine with otn

p l a n s P r e s i d e n t Kennedy w a s Ihe l eado i ol i ill I i olinl I sve mus t show mil i e spoo t I n M In ildiug oui loi mal Whi se do about i mi loi ma l will I ol loi I olll lot 111

a lJu ol N a t i o n a l M o u r n i n g A l shyb u m S l a t e lii si then Cod and emu II i Word I I lie c a n c e l l a t i o n ol Mondas c l a s s e s c a m e on Sunday lllol lllllg

Siindr a l s o brought ihe m u r d e r ol O s w a l d die P r e s i d e n t s a c c u s e d a s a s in The ) e Wei e m o r e r e shyal i i o n s Thei e wei e m o r e Win d s loo i n a d e q u a t e lo e - p r e s s s wlial svas m o s t doep l t e l l


Simple crepe marks foyer to Waterbury

The flag in front of Draper flies at half mast

All Weekend Functions Cancelled At News of Kennedys Assassination

U n i v e r s i t y l i f e q u i c k l y g r o u n d t o a hal t a s n e w s of J o h n F i t z g e r a l d K e n n e d y s a s s a s s i n a t i o n s p r e a d a c r o s s c a m p u s

N o v e m b e r 22 w a s to m a r k the b e g i n n i n g of an e s p e c i a l l y b u s y w e e k e n d at S t a t e D o r m f o r m a l s f r a t e r n i t y he l l n i g h t s and I F G f i l m s w e r e only s o m e of t h e e v e n t s that w e r e to occupy S t a t e s 3500 p l u s s t u d e n t body

T h e s e svere al l c a n c e l l e d out of r e s p e c t for the l a i e P r e s i d e n t and t e l e v i s i o n l o u n g e s n o r m a l l y b a r r e n on w e e k e n d s b e c a m e the c e n t e r of c a m p u s l i fe for a t i m e

U n i s e r s i t y l i fe w a s a l s o d i s r u p t e d a c a d e m i c a l l y Many l a t e a f t e r n o o n ( d a s s e s svere c a n c e l l e d on F r i d a y by p r o f e s s o r s too s t u n n e d to c a r r y on

All c l a s s e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d on M o n d a y t h e day p r o c l a i m e d by

P r e s i d e n t Lyndon J o h n s o n t o b e a Day of N a t i o n a l M o u r n i n g

On Monday m o r n i n g D r E v a n R C o l l i n s P r e s i d e n t of the U n i v e r shys i t y d e l i v e r e d a m e m o r i a l a d d r e s s at a s p e c i a l c o n v o c a t i o n in P a g e H a l l

S t u d e n t r e l i g i o u s o r g a n i z a t i o n s m o v e d swi f t ly to o r g a n i z e s p e c i a l c h u r c h s e r v i c e s A t t e n d a n c e w a s h igh at t h e s e s e r v i c e s d u r i n g the S a t u r d a y t h r o u g h M o n d a y p e r i o d

U n i v e r s i t y R a d i o S t a t i o n WSUA c a n c e l l e d a l l r e g u l a r p r o g r a m m i n g un t i l a f t e r the P r e s i d e n t s f u n e r a l T h e s t a t i o n c a m e on the a i r short ly-a f t e r t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of the a s shys a s s i n a t i o n and kep t up a s t e a d y s t r e a m of b u l l e t i n s p e r t a i n i n g to s t u d e n t i n t e r e s t

D a t i n g a l s o s u f f e r e d c u r t a i l m e n t a s the f r o n t s of w o m e n s d o r m i shyt o r i e s n o r m a l l y q u i t e c o n g e s t e d on w e e k e n d s s t o o d n e a r l y n a k e d

Television lounges quickly fi l led up and stayed that way throughout the long three day weekend

Radio Station WSUA came on the air soon after the first news of the shooting and scrapped all regular programming

Shocked students gather in Detroit Annex to discus the trogedy News of President Kennedys assassination spread through the University like wildfire

Student reading about the disaster that struck the nation

P A G E 6 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 P A G E 7

Words of wisdom concerning flat painting are given by Technical Director Jon Bardon to Joyce Davis left and Pauline Arasim



Something new and different is coming to the S t a t e University Theatre Department Up to this time the student body has regarded the Theatre as the private property of those having previous experience or those solely involved in speech and dramatics

The purpose here is to give a peek at what goes on behind the scenes and on the stage and invite any and all who are interested to join us

Much Work Many hours of work go into one

University production But with the

work comes a feeling of pride and accomplishment in the knowledge that the job no matter how small was vitally important in creating the whole dramatic effect

Lighting props set construction and design costumes and makeup are just a few of the areas involved in putting together one good show Half the fun is watching these sepshyarate departments finally come toshygether the week of dress rehearsal when the director walks around with the kind of look on his face that makes you wonder if tiiis proshyduction will ever make it mdash and it does


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^ ^ ^ YV-U-V bull ltbull -y^r^mm^

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3^ ^H Wraquo PB Jff laquolipB


Roz Ferrara one of the cast of USA is out f i t ted by Dennis Tu t t le costume head

Of course there isnt anything too romantic about all the technical work involved Its hard to get exshycited about hanging a light sweeping the stage painting a flat or hemming a skirt but there is definitely someshything exciting in knowing that all these jobs are going to make a production an audience will truly appreciate

Opening Night That story about opening night is

really true The smell of make-up the heat from the lights the crew members running around frantically and the cast people who always seem to get in the way give you a kind of thrill yuu just cant get anyplace else

Its electric and its infectious mdash and frustration that accompanies rehearsals seem to disappear when that curtain finally opens

When a production is over the lights are turned down Hie stage is bare and there are onlj a few props left in the wings perhaps an old telephone a cane or a crumpled hat Ihat an old lady wore in the second yet

Theres nothing left but an echo Uui the people who walked across the stage took home with them a pocket full of memories the laughs when the) couldnt find the right light switch the tears when a scene just wouldnt come and the unbelievshyably warm feeling when the audience rings with applause a world of make-believe with verj real reshywards

The cast for USA rehearses a scene in the Li t t le Theatre Seated left to right are Harry Guy Lee L i s s Sharon House Roz Ferrara Ass is tan t Director Sheila Brown and head of custumes Dennis Tuttle confer with Director James ELeonard

Good wel l -p lanned l ight ing is an important part of the product ion

Jon Bardon hca a long way to go before he reaches the end of

Next week weve got to get organized 11s rope

piWIamptfB -



- bull - L^


i laquo

Joyce Davis and Paul ine Arasim on l igh ts C a l i s t h e n i c s was never l i ke t h i s Dr Leonard d i rect ing the ent ire cast of USA Standing left to right are Jim Lobdell Doug Ross Harry Guy Sharon House Lee L i s s and Roz Ferrara

Roz Ferrara and Jim Lobde l l in a scene from USA Harry Guy Sharon House and Lee L i s s look on

Directors Eye-View of USA9

Acquaints Students With Production by Dr James M L e o n a r d

USA the play by Paul Shy re and John Dos Passos chronicles that exciting period of American history from 1900 to 1930 That history is conveyed for the most part by a staccato recitation of newspaper headlines from the period The headline scenes are informative but also surprising and amusing and a re placed in striking relationships to the other scenes of the play

Piano music of the period is used to bridge the historical material and the segments of a more personal nature as well as to provide the background for the headlines In addition to an impersonal recitation of headlines to give the flavor of events of the period there are passages in the play which will

describe some of the most colorful pe r shysonalit ies of the t ime In brief segments the audience meets Rudolph Valentino a n d Isadora Duncan political figures Emma Goldman and Eugene Debs and the well-known mechanics Henry Ford and Orville and Wilbur Wright

The epic level of presentation described some al ternates with a personal level which concerns itself throughout the play with the life of J Ward Moo rehouse whose experiences embody Dos Passos r ecu r r ing theme of the corruption of the individual by commercial ism

F a l s e Va lues

Moo rehouse s life unfolds against the background of the turbulent and excessive e ra which stretched from theturn-of- the-century to the Great Depression when individuals and the nation were being swept along in a flurry of false values

The epic and the personal combine to produce an informative sa t i r ic ind nosshytalgic presentation The predominant tone of the play is one of irony The audience is made aware of the superficiality of most of the personal and national commitshyments shown in the play

There is also affection in the t reatshyment and one gets the feeding that the great enthusiasms of the era when they do not produce worthy results often leave their own gratuitous t ra i ls of glory

The production then will embrace tlie personal and the epic the sat ir ic and the nostalgic the bite and the warmth of the script The production should show too that at times beneath the chrome exter ior of a bland national enthusiasm lay hints of horror

C o m b i n a t i o n of Techn iques

All this is to be accomplished by enactshyment headlines narra t ions music scenic projections and dance Such a combinashytion of techniques is reminiscent of the Federal Thea t re s Living Newspaper and s imi lar to televisions That Was The Week That Was

These external techniques and the inner atti tudes then combine to form the p ro shyduction in which the auditory visual

Doug Ross and Sharon House in a scene

Pauline Arasim and Ed Bacchus reenacting

T u r n of the Screw

and temporal elements which make up theatre have been organized into an exshypressive shape

During rehearsals t h i s expressive shape must be allowed to evolve from the creative freedom of those involved in production

The director however must shape the play even as he encourages freedom From this process emerges a style which hopefully is not a directorial imposition or the imposition of a part icular h is shytorical period or mode of staging or even the imposition of a part icular playshywright but the unique style of the play


ftifcmrpas with

(Author of Rally Round Ihe Flag Boysl and Barefoot Boy With Cheek)


The time has come to think of Christmas shopping for the Yuletide will be upon us quicker than you can say Jack Robinshyson (Have you ever wondered incidentally ubout the origin of this interesting phrase Quicker than you can say Jack Robinson Well sir the original saying was FrenchmdashPlus

trite que de dire Jacques Robespierre Jack Robinson is as everyshyone knows an Anglicization of Jacques Robespierre who was

as everyone knows the famous figure from the French Revolushy

tion who as everyone knows got murdered in his bath by

Dunton Mura t Caligula and Al Capone

(The reason people started saying Quicker than you can

say Jacques Robespierre mdashor Jack Robinson as he is called in

English-speaking countries like England the US and Cleveshy

landmdashis quite an interesting little story It seems that Robesshy

pierres wife Georges Sand got word of the plot to murder

her husband in his bath All she had to do to save his life was

call his name and warn him Rut alas quicker than she could

say Jacques Robespierre she received a telegram from her old

friend Frederic Chopin who was down in Majorca setting lyrics

3lhk hi to Jo wtcjll tit time to his immortal Warsaw Concerto Chopin said he needed

Cleorges Sands help desperately because he could not fintl a

rhyme for Warsaw Naturally Georges could not refuse

such an urgent request

(Well sir off to Majorca went Georges but before she left

she told her little daughter Walter that some bad men were

coming to n urtler Daddy in his bath She instructed Walter

to shout Robespierres name the moment the bad men arrived

Rut Walter alas had been sea-bathing that morning on the

Riviera and she had come home with a big bug of salt water

taffy and when the bad men arrived to murder Robespierre

Walter alas was chewing a wad of taffy and could not get her

mouth unstuck in time to shout a warning Robespierre alas

was murdered quicker than you could say Jacques Robespierre

mdashor Jack Robinson as be is called in English-speaking countries

(There is I am pleased to report one small nob of cheer

in this grisly tale When Georges Sand got to Majorca she did

succeed in helping Chopin find a rhyme for Warsaw as everyshy

one knows who has heard those haunting lyrics

In the fair town nf Warsaw

Which Xapolcotts harm saw

Siiijiny cockles ami mussels alive alive a)

Rut 1 digress

We wen speaking of Christmas gifts What we all try ti

find a t Christinas is of course unusual and distinctive gifts for

our friends May 1 suggest I hen a carton of Marlboro Cigarettes

What You arc astonished You had not thought of Marlboros

as unusual You bad regarded them as familiar reliable smokes

whose excellence varied not one jot nor tittle from year to year

True All true lint all the same Marlboros are unusual beshy

cause every time you try one its like the first time The lluvor

never palls the filter never nets hackneyed the -oft pack is

ever a new delight and so i- the Flip Top box Kueh Marlboro

i- a fresh and pristine pleasure and if you want all your friends

to clap their hands and cry Yes Virginia there is a Santa

Clans you will see that their stockings are tilled with Marlshy

boros on Christmas morn mui Musiiummn

The holiday season or any other season is the season to be jolly if Marlboro is your brand Youll tind Marlboros whershyever cigarettes are sold in all lifty states of the Union You net a lot to like in Marlboro Country


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Fraternities and Sororities The Vital Hub of Stales

Since 1890 Social Life

Since the first quar te r of the century f ra terni t ies and so ro r i t i e s have been an integral and active part of the Albany campus During the fifty or sixty yea r s since their

by Dove Jenks aid Debby Friedman

firm establ ishment he re they have changed somewhat in number and appearance but have maintained their posit ions as the hub of S ta te s social life

The five fraterni t ies which now exist a re the largest number in Sta te s history however the eight so ro r i t i e s represent only slightly more than half of the fifteen which in the ear ly 1930s offered group membersh ip to Albanys female popshyulation

Delta Omega was the first so r shyority being formed in 1890 It r e shymained the sole sorori ty until 1896 when it was then joined by Eta Phi

KD Oldest Sorority The oldest soror i ty on campus

now Kappa Delta was organized in 1897 witli the goal of fu r the r shying friendship l o y a l l y and Ihe development of the individual Psi Gamma began soon after in 1898 and was originally formed as a l i t e ra ry group

The soror i ty situation remained unchanged until 1913 when Gamma Kappa Phi appealed That year also marked the establ ishment of the first f ra terni ty Sigma Nu Kappa

In 1916 the Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Hho a national f ra te r shynity was brought to State (it was la ter to drop i ts national affiliations and become Alpha Pi Alpha) A third fraterni ty Kappa Nu was founded in 1918

Chi Sigma Theta can t race its his tory back to 1914 when it was

State College News Articles Reflect

Halj Centurys Opinion oj Greeks The purposes and true value of f ra tern i t ies and so ro r i t i e s on our

campus has been brought up for question during the past year However this is not something new for the Greeks have always been questioned bv at least some member s ol the college and non-College community In the lace of this recent upheaval in the Greek situation it is in te res t shying to note some of the opinion that has been voiced in past years conshycerning the l i a l s and so ro r i t i e s at Albany

Oct 4 1916 - (the f i rs t issue of the State Co l lege News) T h e r e a r e now live soror i t i es among the g i r l s of State College

and all of them are splendid organizat ions thriving and p rosperous and doing much to make college life more col lege- l ike Lei us acquaint you also with the manner in which these so ro r i t i e s light for the privi lege of making you one ot the fold We warn all that this is legalized warfare governed by a set of in te r - soror i ty ru les which a r e held very str ict and must be obeyed carefully hv a l l

Nov 9 1923 - T h e r e a re few institutions touching the lives of thousands of individuals

concerning which more d iverse views a r e held in complete s inceri ty than college f ra terni t ies Some educators for example regard them as a menace without a single redeeming feature o thers see them a blessing to the students under their ca re The basic idea underlying the formation of f ra terni t ies is without doubt good because it emphas i ses the essential bond ol brotherhood which should closely unite men and na t ions

D e c 21 1927 - (soon alter the repeal ol the 20 scholarship r equ i r e shyment loi soi or i t j membership)

The m i c e is a lag step lorward according to President AH Iiru-lachei lie believes that Ihe main purpose ol so ro r i t i e s is to provide ihe best housing conditions and the best possible social life

These opportuni t ies Di Mi uhacher said should be open to every Mill m ihe College each soroinv making the choice of members on the basis ol peisonalitv and common in t e re s t s Dean Pierce said Since soror i t i e s a re i social group 1 Hunk it best that Ihey seek gir ls who will 111 lino a social group tatnei than lo seek so-called g r i nds who do iIOI cai e ini ihat sort ol thing

Feb 1 1929 -The would-be s o l i u m g n l should not place loo much ol a com-

IIUMCIII value upon s o i l i n membership One gets oui ol such an oi ganlzaiion what one puis into n The girl who is not bid miisi remember t tiit n is uoi because she is uiilli It is i ne reh because ihe sorority svsletu is essen t ia l ) iioh-lt leiuoi i alio llial lunch ol the decision Is made upon milwurd appeal wires that t rue worih is ol iniuienseh Ii eatei value man all Ihe Gi eek lei lei insignia in die woi Id

Sept 26 1941 - (Iraiei es had jusi been l imned 10 2 rush par t ies ) Two a l l a u s do mil alloi iillicienl opporlimil loi Iraleriulv

uiiii bullgt become ihe friends ot 11 eshiueii Ahead I ia te innv men a r e iilking ol mass Iratei iut in asions ol ihe men s dorinitoi and raucous di inking par l i es as a subst inue lor the organized rushing which has been denied lo them It this i m be prevented (and n ma have to be il li aiei nit les want lo s u i i o as organized campus gi oups) IFC in usi prolong i he organized i uslung per iod

Sept 26 1947 -Hushing c r ea t e s an iiutiealile and unreal situation with both I resh-

uien and sorori l women outdoing themselves lo c rea te a rood imshypress ion These relat ionships should be allowed lo develop over a longer period ol tune As a general ru le n is impossible for two people lo become acquainted in the few short weeks ol ihe open rush period wilh all ol the res t r ic t ions involved lo know whethei or nol they want to bind themselves to each oilier foi Ihe res t ol then college

organized as Kappa Nu soror i ty ( later changed because of the ex is t shyence of a f ra terni ty with I lie same name) Its idea l s were loya l ty companionship and s i n c e r i t y

Beta Zeta was formed in 191G and Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded in 1917 The l a t t e r a national s o r o r shyity was the p r e d e c e s s o r of Sigma Phi Sigma

Rushing System Set Up Now that there were eight s o r o r i shy

t ies on campus some ordery s y s shytem of rushing was needed In 1918 Hie first organized rus ing system was introduced If a gir l had one D she was ineligible to rush

World War I saw a cur ta i lment of fraternity life Only KDH s u r shyvived the conflict However several new s o r o r i t i e s a p p e a r e d Alpha Delta Omicron (now Phi Delta) in 1924 Epsilon Beta Phi and Gamma Phi Sigma in 1927 and Sigma Alpha in 1928

In 1931 fraternity rushing began to be taken more ser ious ly when a second f ra te rn i ty the Edward Eldred Pot ter Club appeared

Potter Club was organized by thir teen men who rejected the idea of a Greek le t ter f raterni ty The name suggested by the then College Pres ident Dr A R Brubacher was chosen in memory of a member of the c lass of 20 who was killed in World War I

I F C Formed By 1936 it became necessa ry

to form the In ter f ra tern t ty Council with the two exist ing f ra te rn i t ies to keep all rushing clean An In te r -soror i ty Council was also organized and a new sys tem of preferent ia l I idding was introduced

Soror i t i es rapidly increased in number and by 1932 fifteen of lliein were actively functioning

f r a t e r n i t i e s did not multiply in number so swiftly Kappa Beta was organized in 1937 The formation of the group was encouraged by a need for more housing for men and its first s taled purpose was to found a group house for men SLS was also organized in 1937

World War II worked many hardshyships on the Greeks Sigma Alpha disbanded in 1941 and bv the close of the war only seven s o r o r i t i e s remained

Pres ident Sayles in X)4gt p r e shysented a plan for Ihe f ra tern i t ies to move into Sayles Hall and give Up their houses liecatise ol the wai conditions

Dr Say les s tated that t h e adminshyistrat ion had no des i r e to abolish f ra terni t ies s ince n believed that they filled a social need on r a m -p u s

He said that ihe purpose of the proposal for 11 alernil les lo i cut par t s ol the new dot initio was to p r e se rve t hen integrit v

KDR Becomes APA A major change in the organishy

zation ol the Greeks was hei ulded in 1952 when KDH wilhdiew from u s national aflillatloii and loi mod the local Irateriiit Alpha Hi Alpha The In otliti s loll that the uat loiial organization ol KDlt was pirn to nig i acial and i eligious disci imiiiat mn

Soon altei wi id the Stat e Im -bull ei sir ol New Vm k issued a prm -laiiiation thai all national bullbull a m o and li Meruit les would be i untied It oiu all slate campuses In ]j I complying won Ihe demand Alpha 1- p s i 1 o n Phi became loi a| ami selected Ihe name Sigma Phi Sigma

In IJII Sigma Alpha i e a c l n a t e d o s chaplei in bi ing ihe uuuibei ol sol oi nies in ns pi cseni H and in lJUl Ihela Xl Omega became I lie t i l t h li a i e i m i

Willi ihe liiilnineiil uiov e I o i lie new campus last uppi ouohliig ihe li aiei mi ami san m il snuai luo has taken on mill h gi eMel sigmlicaiice Iheii purposes and exis tence have been hi ought up loi question and in response ihe Greeks huve utuled lot then cause The change in housing liom individual houses lo sections ol dm ms seems lo lie onb a iniiioi pui l oi ihe change dial is i apidh occiu mg Tilt lr nil billent IIIIIII e is al best vol 11 a z v



(continued from page 4)

were two flags - of the country and of the Presidency reminders that the continuity of both extends beyond individuals We do not mourn (he man the l e s s if we r emember that any office mdash even this highest office mdash is g rea t e r than the man who holds it

Even though we know these things to be t rue we need to remind ourselves of our dedication to reason and to intelligence We do identify we do feel personal loss we do gr ieve and after grief comes anger and a revulsion against the senseTess savagery of blind butchery

And this emotion too finds personal express ion and we let violence beget violence as the accused ki l ler vet untried is in his turn killed We who a r e dedicated to the integrity and the Unprovability and the inviolability of the individual suffer this ult imate violation of individual integrity - the man whatever his guilt killed by a self-designated executioner while our peace officers guardians of the orderly p r o shycesses of law hold him

If we a r e r ea l i s t i c we recognize the s t ratum of violence that lies all too (dose beneath the surface of our hard-won civilization We acknowledge il in our funny pape r s our entertainment our lawshylessness And our ha temongers feed it and a r e fed by it ami focus il lo their ugly purposes

We a re r ea l i s t i c but we a r e tempted always to forget our intellishygence and the way of reasonWe may for example vield to Ihe tantrums of chi ld ishness and howl that all the world is rotten and that wp want lo get off

Or we may il reason r e a s s e r t s itself remember thai violence deshyfeats its own ends more effectively than airtlung else can b rums and Cassius brought on Hie very dic ta torship ihey feared The double violence of Oswald s alleged deed and his death strengthen Ihe detershymination ol decent men to rees tabl ish the rule of law of o rder ol i eason

And most important as we asser t our common dedication to ordei and to reason we r emember the broadei idealism ol dip martyred Kennedy ihe convictions that moved him and that claimed our al legshyiance

In ihe Peace Corps we lotind expressed ihe obligation to serv ice ihe clear consequence ol the beliel dial all men ai e hi othet s

The Cuban confrontation showed that denim i e bull need not be vacilshylating and weak here we laced down author i ta r ian ism in honest anger with cool courage In the bomb lest ban John Kenned expressed for US all our fundamental peaceableness

And with Meredith in Mississippi we assei led once again thai because we believe in God the Fa ther then all men as sons ol God a re indeed brothers s ince ever man has in nun something ol God all men a re sacred and then individual nitegim is piecioi is To these idea ls we are committed hoi inese beliefs quite l i io ra l l John Kennedy died

Kvervoiie gives his hie to something Some give n gradually in the cease l e s s ei osion that begins it I n t h oi uioi e rapidly in the burning of the lhtetisir oi conviction Some give it suddenly in the shock ol a s n i p e s bullet Some inerel l i i ue i i i a w a We a re forshytunate indeed it ve give II al length m al once icr a noble cause 111 which we deeply belle e

As a umve i s l i bulliniii IIMJ i v e ai e a i oiiiiiiiinii ol youth identifying with the quali t ies ti bull-1111 ve a s p n e We a re dedicated to reason and o ihe ahhoi i eiioe - aa or bull We ai e bull unlimited to noble goals And lioin these ihiee i iai ai tei i M ics lo ines a lourih we ha e each one in ins umveis i i o- il ppoioinit and the obligation to make a 1 home ol g al s

As we ickiiole I-I ile aspn atiois ol John Kenned die values lie strove lo t Ac bullam ve ippoi bull unii ltgt c la i i r them each loi niuisell lo these ihe hoiiob gt i bull lespm led i him m - l i letnne we ma now at tils ileih MI nliiili and in lei oi i ode b e n e otn sel ves

This soi le i e bull oil ill he ei hi i dioin bull nu 11 e s mav I e long as 11 lost 1 lien id be Mo -i ol on l II 11 e I no i he n elitv -111 si entinv That in ill be an nnpoi iah milestone in in lives

God gram that o ni aiuii ei si i la oil mi h k i n 1 i bull diis da i r u l l l e s l o d e l i e i I h e i d e a l s o l h i s m a I I l e d III all lo i m o d a n d l l l s e d in i l i e s e 11 ig h e e n 1 l i o n s

NOW O P E N M o n - T h u f l Un t i l 9 PM


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Distributive Education Club

The Distributive Education Club will tour the T imes Union Newsshypaper Building on Monday Decemshyber 9

The tour will be conducted from 0 pm until 8 pm anil a guest speaker will present the Times Unions his tory All DE Club m e m shybe r s part icipat ing are urged to meet in front of Draper at 515 sharp

Basketba l l Dance After the basketball game toshy

morrow night UCA will present an liiiornial dance from 10 to 12 in ihe Brubacher game room

Music will be provided by the Dutchmen also known as Weasel and the Whart ra ts from Union Colshylege

Chemistry Club Dr St oj) h e n Wiberley of the

Chemistry Department a tUenss laer Polytechnic Institute will give a lecture lo the Chemistry Club enshytitled Inf rared Spectroscopy on Tuesday December 10 at 730 pm in Brubacher Hall

Dr Wiberlev is an authority in the Meld and has written a new textbook Introduction to Infrashyred and Raman Spect roscopy Dr Wiberlev is presently associate dean oi die graduate school at KPI

All chemist ry students are inshyvited to attend this meeting Reshyfreshments will be served after the lec ture

S c i e n c e C o l l o q u i u m Dr M Evans Monroe Chairman

ol the Mathematics Department of the University of New Hampshire will give a lecture entitled The St ructure oi Elemental Functions mdash A Computer s Eye View on F r i shyday December G at 125 in Draper 3-19 All students a re invited to attend this lecture

KAPPA PHI KAPPA Kappa Phi Kappa will hold its

initiation ol new members on Thur s shyday Deceinbei 1- The ceremony will lake place in Brubacher Hall at HU0 pm New members are required to attend

Hil lel A Tri-Citv Hillel Dance will be

held on Sundav December 8 in Brubacher Hall s Mam Dining Room iioin 2i0 io Gi() pm Students Irom KPI Union Siena Russell Sane and Albany will attend this Dred l e Spin

A Chaiiukah Queen will be chosen ai the d a m e and i live land will p i m p l e music loi the occasion Roll esiiinenis will be sei v ed

Admission is lilt corns loi iiieui-bel s and se ent - In e cent s lor non-111e1111 el s

Walts Subs Around the Corner

from the Dorms

Open Daily Mon-Thurs HamM30prn

Fri ampSat Ham mdash l-30arn

Sun 400pm mdashlipm

271 Ontario Street

Johnson Senate Record Indicates Liberal Civil Rights Outlook

by Joseph W Golu

The assass inat ion of President Kennedy leaves everyone at a loss for words with a feeling of utter he lp lessness

The w o r l d s greates t surgeon could do nothing ihe best speaker could not find words to express the feelings of an individual the nation or himself t h e world s s t ronges t man could do nothing to lend even an ounce of strength to the Pres ident as he lay dying

The impossibili ty of the task of express ing o n e s feelings in a limited space forbids my attempt to say that which I still feel The only profitable course is to face the present and future and conshys ider Lvndon Baines Johnson

Civil Rights Record

Those who wonder about civil r ights should remember that it was Johnson who was the leader of the Senate when all modern civil rights legislation was passed

It was Johnson who put the Senshyate on a 24-hour a day schedule thus defeating the Southern filishybuster Johnson the so-cal led conshyserva t ive was the man who pushed through the 1959 and 19(30 Senates the legislation which Ike vetoed as being too radical

I do not expect Johnson to present Congress with the type of legisshylation which Kennedy presented and which bogged Congress down to its present do little pace

Kennedys Far Reaching Programs I do not expect Johnson to come

up with the extremely far- reaching plans that Kennedy had the corps for peace the complete revision of our tax s t ruc tu re the complete revision of our tarill policy a ra ther complete program for South American and South-eastern Asian development

Kennedy in his two years and ten months presented (according to Richard Russe l I )more f a r - r each shying legislation than even FDR in the Hundred Days Kennedys p r o shyg rams were not hastily prepared or presented to a wildly enthusiastic Congress

Kennedys approach was almost entirely intellectual When dealing even with defense he calmlv quoted s ta t i s t ics ol we a re 600c more

capable to fight guer i l las etc

Approach Will Differ Johnsons approach will combine

the intel lectualism of Kennedy with a more ear thy more folksy more urbane style

He will not descent to the level of telling the American people what they want but I expect nation-wide television a d d r e s s e s on his pr ior i ty legislation

I also expect Johnson to deal with Congressional leaders in a manner more firm than that of Kennedy I feel su re that the Senshyate will be m o v i n g faster and will probably replace Mansfield as leader

In the House the leadership is on its last legs McCormack has his last chance right now If he does not make good he will p robshyably vield to someone new The current House underlings stand little chance of replacing McCormack

No Problem In general I feel that the people

who worry about Johnson s conser shyvatism are creat ing their own probshylem Johnson s tar ted in the House of Representat ives as a New Deal darl ing This hardly reflects conshyse rva t i sm

His opponents in pr imary e lecshytions in Texas have always painted Johnson as an ex t reme liberal

My only fear is that Johnsons att i tudes a re not urban We have gone back to a rura l President after our first truly urban P r e s i shydent in many yea r s

I feel that the Johnson record on civil r ights and in getting civil r ights legislation through the Senshyate is a irue indication of the man s att i tudes and potential




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open eoenings till 9pm Saturday till 6pm

Student Organization Services Present

On the weekend of Dec 14th and ISth SOS will present its

annual Holiday Weekend A Roaring Twenties Dance will be held

Saturday evening at 8 oclock The Holiday Sing will be held at

7 oclock Sunday euenintj and a coffee hour will be held immediately after Check next weeks paper for further details

PAGE lO S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3

Goobers APA Win I AMIA Bowl ing Teams

by Gary Murdock

Basketball is Back AMIA s ty le with the traditional excitement and th r i l l s Four League I t eams sprung into action Monday The Goobers muti lated Waterbury 67-45 and APA eas i ly defeated Pot ter 49-35

Goobers Romp The Goobers built up an i m shy

p r e s s i v e 37-19 half time lead and coasted to an easy victory

Gutwillig sank eigiit from the field for 1G points and Hickey ripped 6 shots through the nets Browner and Colin a lso netted 4 field goals apiece to help pace the Goober attack

APA Controls Boards A well balanced APA squad easi ly

defeated Pot ter I last y e a r s chamshy

pions by a 49-35 count Strong board play enabled APA to control the game throughout Gary Smith and Don Sinclair lead their team with 10 and 13 points respectively

League Two League two action began Monshy

day Another APA team emerged victorious as they defeated the Inshyfinites in over t ime 41-35 DiCaprio led the scor ing with 12 points Waltamath and Much also hit aouble figures with 11 and 10 points r e shyspectively APA pulled out to a comfortable 25-19 half t ime lead but took an about-face in the second half and the sco re at the end of regulation was knotted at 35 all APA dominated over t ime play DishyCaprio netted 4 points in overt ime and APA won going away

n League I All Sweep

In other league two action Club 487 defeated The Club 30-25 Krell was high for Club 487 with 13 points while Tal l is led the Club with 10 points

AMIA Bowling There was a clean sweep for five

t eams in last weeks AMIA Scratch League

The Kappa Beta team led by Al Barnard (558) and Tony Riservato s tayed in first place and kept an undefeated record by shutting out the Holy Bowlers 7-0 In the third game Barnard shot the League s second high single a 24fi

Potter Clubs 7-0 win over Water-bury pushed them up lo second place in the standings and only three points behind KB John Lilga and Kim Gilshyford led the effort as Potter hit the day s high single learn game of 937

Goobers Win M e n Sutnertands (545) set the

pace for the G o o b e r s as they trounced the U n k n o w n s 7-0 and moved into third place A si long Newman Club team walked away with seven points at the expense of APA

Tim Molola (577) and Mike Nem-shick (535) led the Newmans The Defenders with Dick Lepaks 537 and Bill Thomas 234 single shut out TXO by 7-0

M i k e Bloom former A l b a n y H igh basketba l l p layer c lowns it up in a frosh prac t ice sess ion

N O T I C E UCA Tournaments

In this ruining week Hie UCA Recreat ion Commit Leu will sponsor Hie following tournaments

Chess Tournament Dec 9-12 Mens Table Tenuis Dec 9-12

and Dec 10-1H

Bridge Tournament Dec 11-12 Mens and Womens Bowling Dec

8 1-1 and 15 The following week December 10-

19 there will be a Mens Bil l iards Tournament

Sign-up sheets for all the tournashyments will lie on the Union bulshyletin board You may enter more than one tournament it you wish





by Ron Hamilton

The contest slated for tomorrow night was to have proved a point made in this column a few weeks ago Unfortunately the Fates have fouled things up again New Pal tz s s tar center has withdrawn from school this semester It seems that dispite valiant attempts to keep this not too academically inclined lad in school he has backed out for a semes te r The odds now favor Albany

On the national basketball scene we a re going to place our heads on the block (not that they havent been there before) and pick NYU to finish no 1 in the country with Loyola of Chicago a close second Please save your comments until the end of the season

For study bugs that dont want to make the long tr ip VVSUA will be broadcasting the games We urge all students that cant attend the games in person to tune in the play by play account on VVSUA Rememshyber i t s your team

The cold weather heralds the possible appearance of the one the only Lake Minerva Yes friends that cancerous pond that we all love so well may appear overnight as if createdby a wonderful magician The new students a re in store for a marvelous treat If we all pray real hard the wondrous transformation may take place on Dorm Field

Could someone tell us how male cheer leaders a re going to inspire State fans to bigger and bet ter cheers We have nothing against males waving the pom poms but we fail to see any gain in refusing the gir ls admittance to the ranks of the rah rah squad We are certainly not an all male school as any State coed will tell you so le t s have EQUAL opportunity for all

Another prediction Albany State mdash 15-7 s tart ing with Oneonta as first victim

WAA Starts Fall Events Schedule Overweight WAA has the answer to your problem Under the

direction of Miss De Lamaler an exerc i se group has recently been formed The meetings a re held on Mondays ai 330 and Tuesday thru Thursday al 400 in the Sayles gym Regretfully no re f reshments will be served

Present ly WAA is concluding a highly successful season ol Volleyshyball The winners ol the Tuesday league and Thursday league will have a plav oll before Chr i s tmas Vacation This will de termine the season champs

The managers for basketball Penny Bishop and Ruth Whiting announce that all r o s t e r s a re due today Dec (J and may be turned in to Sue Boyd The schedule will be announced next week and all captains a r e asked to watch the WAA Bulletin hoard next to the CO-OP for the tune and da of the meeting This is a very important meeting and will answer all questions concerning the r u l e s and p ro shycedure

l o r those who are not adept al basket ball Mariuin Tasjian and Carole Coena recommend howling They a re accepting ros t e r s now and will also announce a captains meeting Watch I he WAA board

The most important item currently on ihe WAA agenda is the revision ol the Constitution It has been introduced and tabled lm the mandatory two week period All a re urged to attend the next meeting where Ihe toiilroy ers ta l point system will be discussed WAA is still open for new suggestions The point system is to provide a stable method for giving awards to those g i r l s who a r e consistaiil in then participation in Hie WAA int ramural program

Also undei discussion is the necessity ol a training program lor Ihe basketball o l l n i a l s If you have had exper ience n are interested in learning p lease come to a meeting or contact our WAA i ep resen-i i t i y e


A L i t t l e F i n e r - A L i t t l e More C a r e f u l

All Garments Checked Fur Minor Repairs

P L A N T - C o r n e r Washington A v e anJ Ontar io Street





S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 PAGE 1 1

Junior t ransfer J im O D o n o v a n f ires up one of his sof t jumpers H is height is e x p e c t e d to help the teams rebounding st rength

Wrestling Team Places

Fifth in Hiram Tourney Wrestling against strong competition the Peds placed

fifth in last Saturdays Hiram Tournament held at Hiram College in Ohio The tourney which consisted of eight teams was won by favored Ohio University Hiram College and Miami of Ohio took second and third positions respectively

The Peds were at a disadvantage in the tournament since they were only able to fill eight of ten positions In spite of this they accumulated twenty-nine points to finish ahead of RP1 Rochester Institute of Techshynology and Addrian College

Eugene Monaco (123 lbs weight class) lost a hear t shybreaking decision in his second match to Randy Whitehead (Miami) by one point in an over t ime Whiteshyhead later went on to take first place Gene came back to pin his next two opponents and take third position

Bill Thomas (117 lbs) gained needed points for the team by pinning Pete Kowal (Adrian) and taking first place Larry Thomas (167 lbs) placed fourth position

A lot of credit should be given to Dick Hoard (177 lbs) who lost seven pounds in two days to get down to his weight class In the tourney he lost third position to Doug Wilcox (RIM) in an o v e r t i m e

Top grappler Gene Monaco shovs Soph mottnun B i l l Thomas how

it 5 done



Mon-Thurs 5-l0fm

Fri-Sat S-Qpm

Al Your

Student Union

Snack liar


The New Paltz Hawks invade the Washington Ave Armory tomorrow night to do battle with the Peds New Paltz has shown great improvement in recent years and is expected to be strong Last year the Hawks received outstanding play from Bob Dilman and Fred Sadler Dilman has graduated but Sadler was only a freshman Big Fred was the teams leading score r and rebounder Reports indicate that New Platz has picked up several t ransfers but they a re unconfirmed

Albany will be going with two veteran s t a r t e r s Dick Crosset t and Joe Loudis The shifty Crosset t gave the normal schoolers fits last year It will probably be his job to contain Sadler Both teams will have had one game behind them when they lock horns at the Armory The odds-makers are predicting a close tough game with the outcome depending on the foul-line

P e d s D e f e a t O n e o n t a

Rebounding strength and foul shooting proficiency made the big difference as Albany State ended up on the long side of a 70-49 route over Oneonta

Co-capiam Paul S h e e h a n and t ransfer Bol e h were he scoring l eaders hut the earn effort kept all the scoring een

Jim ODonovan was the t ig man off the hoards in the firs half ODonovan corra led a total of fourshyteen rebounds during he night Dan Zeh took oyer his role when Jim got into four trouble earl m the second half Jumping Dan swept the a n wa s for 10 rebounds

Hob Zeh as the big surpr i se for the Peds as he lumped in a night high of fourteen The overall bench strength drew comment from Coach Sauers He said I am pleasantly stunned by the elfort I received from all the guys

Slow Stort

The game started out slowly with the lead changing hands several t imes Dick Crosset t and Paul Shee-han were the early s c o r e r s Oneonta played a tight defense to keep Cros shysett from moving to the basket and succeeded until the rest of the t eam s scoring f o r c e d them to change

Crosse t t last yea r s second leadshying score r played less than a third ol the game as he had early foul u ouble

The hall nine score yvas ciose 10-21 in favoi of State Oneonta failed to take adaniage of then foul shots yvhile State seemingly couldnt miss The gap widened and with ten innines left to gt the Red Dragons began some er costly fouling State pulled awa The final i uzet s o u 11- i and Stare was twenty -bull ne poms i - t 70-49

Frosh Wm

Doc Sauers g ives veteran guard Joe L o u d i s a few ca lmly -d i rec ted

ins t ruct ions

Coach Sauers Starts 9th Season Optimistic Over Teams Chances

This week as the State basket- State he went on to Penh State ball season opens ihe loams bull ojci and recei cd ins MEd ami Ins Ed Dr Kichaid Sauers will be s t a l l - J-mg his ninth eai as ineniot ol bull addition to coaching basket-ltltbull Ped i oopsteis O-ei he e a i s l a 1 D u e heads the golf team bullDoc1 has teen quite sin tess lul The had a line J - 1 iecoi 1 and j a i s i i bas-bullbull all oatl an-1 bullbulll he State toiii hainiht lasi ear is upuui i s i a i r nis teams e plays a good game o golf chain es hi s season a bull i-ij s handlali tennis and

Dr Sauei - was ot iaise-1 i u d i e o c n i a u n g is anothei one in Pehiisl ania note ltbull plae- l bull Suu-i s ime i e s t s He i- a a s k c b a l i toottall ne i a se ia l l q i iahl ic nigh srul and college

l e l e t e e unde IAllO i emulations A it el i bull Doc In es nea

the hoiiley a 0 in a set on i fioi t 11 e 111

b t -

i l a s a

a h i

I) bull l i e a Si

I IS 1S a s i


504 Hudson A v t Albany N Y

IV 242W IV 2 -9894


340 Western Avenue CLEANING and EXPfcRT

TAILORING We Call aid Deliver

fV 2-31M


Ray C i a n f r i n i sets h imsel f for a free throw H e w i l l be star t ing at backcourt for the frosh hoopers

P A G E 12 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R ft 1 9 6 8

Literary Review

Spain Explores Her Inner Soul The CIRTNECOGE

by Elizabeth Stroud

by J A Gomez

Nikos Kazantzakis SPAIN (New York 1963) Simon and Schuster 254 pages - $500

Like D H Lawrence Nikos Kazshyantzakis was a frenzied prophet who preached a Dionysian vision of life Like Lawrence he was a world t r ave le r who sought some unobtainshyable ideal synthesis

Both wr i t e r s met with failure in their quest but both wr i te r s produced p e n e t r a t i n g t r a v e l b o o k s about the many lands that thev visited

Spain by Nikos Kazantzakis is not a t r ave l book in the ordinary sense of the word The reader sees l i t t le of the peaceful Spanish counshyt rys ide and the everyday life of the people but lie feels the depths of a people s soul

Kazantzakis por t ra i t of Spain is tinted by a mytho-his tor ical colorshyful and visionary explosion of emoshytion and philosophy Out of this unique vision r ides the undying heart of Spanish life mdash Don Quixote

T h e world has emerged from Gods hands rife with injustice and shortcomings And he the Knight of the Ideal was duty-bound to set it right For Don Quixotes work begins where Gods leaves off

Don Quixote Spain like the idealistic hero

of La Mancha set out on an advenshyturous dream The Spanish conshyquistador desired to bring Chr i s -bulltianity and Spanish rule to the world

In 1588 the real i ty of the English navy punctured this Don Quixotesque d r e a m and like her hero Spain re turned to her homeland to await her las t joust with death

Kazantzakis c la ims that along with Ulysses Faust and Hamlet Don Quixote i s deeply rooted in the hea r t s of men F o r perhaps of all the p r inces Don Quixote most faithfully m i r r o r s the fate of m a n

Don Miguel Unamuno The modern represen ta t ive of Don

Quixote is Don Miguel Unamuno Like the idealist ic hero Unamunos thoughts and plans for action a r e hidden in the misty clouds of a d ream

Most thinkers claimed that twenshytieth century Spain should be E u r -opeanized o thers felt that she should remain within her own borders and tradit ion Unamuno attempted to heal the wounded heart o f Spain he des i red to Spanify Europe

We are Africans We a re not s a r c a s t i c wits and mathemat ic ians like the Europeans We a re not sc ien t i s t s We use the things d i s shycovered by them e lec t r ic i ty the rai lway the telephone etc

But our spir i t is different we a r e mystical and t ragic Our inshyability to adapt ourse lves to E u r shyopean c u l t u r e will give us the s trength to c rea te a new culture of our own

Despair In his last yea r s this defeated

Spaniard was also forced to re turn to his homeland his own inner being and await death

His only constant companion was despa i r In one of his last works S a i n t E m m a n u e l t h e G o o d M a r t y r

he tells the story of a Catholic p r ies t who at tempts to give the people a faith in winch lie himsel i cannot believe

During the Spanish Civil War Kazantzakis and Unamuno met in the Falanee stronghold of Salashymanca Unamuno poured forth his troubled soul to his Greek friend

Al l of these things a re happening because (he Spaniards dont believe in anythingNothingNothing They a r e desperados The Spanish people have gone mad Not only the Spanish people the whole world today What is our duty To hide the truth from the peopleif they knew the truth the) couldnt go on They wouldnt want to live am inure The people need myth illusion decepshyt ion

legend is Don Juan Kazantzakis por t rayal of Don Juan like that of Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus p re sen t s a man who is not in quest of the Ideal Love

He loves each woman with the same passion and delight and he knows that his l o v e is mere ly momentary H e p o s s e s s e s he is not possessed mdash and that is his p o w e r

To Kazantzakis Don Juan r e p shyr e sen t s the Spir i t t h e wakeful wandering f l ame which leaps up and escapes the c lutches of woman mdash Matter

Don Juan and Don Quixote passion and ideal ism form the roots of the Spanish people and Kazantzakis a t shytempts to t rans la te his mythical vision of these people to the unshyfamiliar reader

His verbal p o r t r a i t s a r e often as colorful g ro tesque and symbol i shycally personal as the visual por shyt r a i t s of El Greco H e (El Greco) succeeded by his line and color in crys ta l l iz ing an e ternal phantom the indestruct ible despair ing soul of m a n

Kazantzakis a t tempts a s imi la r purpose At t imes he is quite suc shycessful

Many thanks to Mr Robert Bell manager of the CO-OP w h o g r a -ciously supplied this book for review purposes

Movie Review

Some evening probably in the very near future (if it hasn t already taken place) the usual emptiness of winter- t ime dorm field will give way to complete havoc the usually crowded study lounges will concede to the al l - important first snowfall

Provided of course that the snows good packing and that there is enough to pack this very common occurrence can offer one of the happiest t imes here at State The re s no formal organization no p ressure (except an occasional being dragged outside physishycally) to join in no nothin cept a heap of fun

P r e s s u r e s build up and suddenly it hits you right between the eyes and you dont care how childishly you act mdash so you pick up a snowball twice as big and hit back The grade-school excitement of building forts staging attacks and running desperately from the enemy is suddenly rekindled the crazy mixture of thrilled annoyance that comes with snow down your back re turns in all its glory

Maybe i t s the unaccustomed vacation from the way a n adult in college should act maybe i t s the obshyvious exhilaration of the frosty cold maybe i t s the secre t grin because he (or she) is aiming more snow your direction than anyone e l se s whatever your own special reason the dorm field fracas is thoroughly enjoyable

Dont forget sew your coat buttons on securely avoid long winding scarves and d ress warmly (the medical office has limited gallons of Cepacol) but for heavens sake join in One ofthese days there s going to be a real hum-dinger of a battle mdash I hope youll take advantage of it

Auteur Theory Gains Popularity

I n these t roublesome t imes it t a k e s Home doing to keep one s perspec t ive to appra i se world condi t ions with intell igence a n d to come up with sat isfying answers This hook Science a n d H e a l t h with Key to the Scripshytu re s by M a r y Baker E d d y hits helped m a n y of us to do this I t can help you too

We invi te you to come to our mee t ings and to hear how we a re work ing ou t our p rob lems t h r o u g h app ly ing the t r u t h s of Jh r i s t i an Science


Slots University of New York at Albany

Matting tint TiO pm Tutidayi

Matting ploct Brubochtr Hall

Science and Health in available at all Science Heading Uoumn and at many college Imaketoree Iuperbutk hditwn $196

D o n J u a n

The second gi and figure ol Spanish

cMo4Ue okaudd BETA Z E T A

President Sue M u i p h y 04 anshynounces that the lullov mg en Is wore pledged to the sorority on Tuesdav November 12

Mai Burns 65 Loraine Paronne tifi Margery Weed GO and Vivien Sotamayor 65 exchange student from Puerto Kin

Also Bonnie F e r r a r i (iG Marie Qualantoue GO and Sue Thomson G6

KAPPA B E T A KB w i l l hold an open liotise

Sunday Deceinbet B iJt) l r i to riO p in

on i l l l

The men ol Kappa Beta initiated the tollowing Monday evening Ken Drake GG Dick Genliliol e GO Kd Kuriliniski GG and Gary Spieliuann GG

by Paul Jensen

The latest vogue in motion-picshyture cr i t ic ism is the so- ra i l ed au-teur theory Formulated in France it has now spread by way of Engshyland into the United States

It supposedly originated in the pages of the magazine Cahie rs du Cinema during the period in the filties when new-wave d i r e c t o r s such as Francois Truffaut were merely c r i t i c s

It is based on the idea that the best f i lm-makers a r e those (mainh Europeans) who both write and dishyrect their films and so retain a great deal ol control

P e r s o n a l S t a t e m e n t A picture b one of these men

whether good or not is still much more ol a personal statement than a 111 in by some Hollywood directoi who had been assigned an already finished scr ipt

Such w r i t e r - d i r e c t o r s like Bergshyman Fellini and Antonioni a r e essentially the authors ( au teurs ) ol their films

As the books ol an author can be analyzed together so the works id an au teur can be taken as showing the development in te l lectualh and technically ol their makei Hence the spiritual s e a r c h o f l n g m a r Bergshyman ai com epts

These 11 1111 S Jlli

wish and to coiisidei

d ut liei such genei aliyee]

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i m a k e

t h e m In

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i l i e i i own wevei the ai - le lched

a k i n d u t a u t l i u i

But this basically sound and fairly sensible theory lias been so twisted in its t ranslat ion into English that it can only be recognized as a de -lormity of the original

As presented by Andrew Sarri s among o the r s in such magazines as Film Culture the au teur theory lias been combined with the Euroshypeans high regard lor the American film noir

The French in par t i cu la r seem inordinately impressed by films that in this country a re considered unimshyportant These a r e c r ime and gangshys te r l i lms ho r ro r p ic tures wesshyte rns and that s u n ol thing

In truth many films of this sort a r e underrated m America and recognition of the cinematic and intelligent ta lents ul such suspense and action d i r ec to r s as Alfred Hitchshycock and Anthony Mann has long been overdue

It is only when this idea is comshybined Willi the au ie i i i theory that 11 lnMnines dangerous

Mi s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

The au teu r c r i t i c s l ime in apshyplying this theory lo American fi lms succeeded in conipleteh mi s in t e r shypret ing it As a resul t cer ta in dishyr e c t o r s have been elevated to the s ta tus id Gods

Most id these are lailly talented within part n ular l imits Inn they do not w n t e 11 if I i own sc reen-p lays mid do not coni i ol their films Their p i n in i ai e nut pel son a I s ta tements ul au ibiug

But as Gods then can do no wrong anil a r e physically unable to make a poor film Ilitchock Howard Hawks and John Ford a r e at present on the pinnacle of this pantheon

You thought that except technishycally The Bi rds was a vacant and vacuous pic ture You didnt undershystand it the au teur cr i t ic rationshyal izes I t s not a poorly plotted monster movie i t s an allegory on the human cniidit ion

A II Fa i l ures All nun - an i en t s such as Carol

heed and John Huston (the d i s shytinction is completely a rb i t ra ry ) have never through their own skill made a good lilin

They may appear good hut this is an optical illusion caused by a good cast or some othei factor Kven the worst John Ford lilm (and there is a (duse liable for the title) is better than the e n atie Henry Kings The Guulightei or William VVelbuans The Ox-Bow Incident for Knr ami Wellmaii are not lushyt e i n s

The liual irony ol die situation is that this coi i upted theory has come lull c i rc le It lias now infected us mother country F rance with its super fan-magazine type ol cr i t i shycism This is the final irony in a generally ironic situation

JSolu gte | P i Gamma Mu

Am one Intel esieil in becoliu ug a iiieinliei ul Il Camilla Mil (Social Science Honorary) and feels he meet s the necessai quail Ileal ions

r t

gort you appear

to be u p s e t


(Jou have observed t ha t L j ou a re

fami l iar Gor t wit h my recently published novel and you krow how Ive sldvyd

should Kaneri i n i n n bull

Fifteen y ea r s to perfect each VMOHI sentence 4 paragraph Ljou know I v reared Imee that soar on their own w n g e l

Well a short while ago some insolent chap had the ne i v t to sugrjest i t be re publ ished in ( ondensed pQfmV

c o i i i a i i

( a n d

i J e u n i

IMPOSSIBLE My blood Curdlee to think o f |alteriny one comma No sooner had lie fled before my curies than op walks some idiot

Dr B i n Fa ion Id

e Van Shk

M a i l e t l a bull i n I f i t -

who daime to have perfected something called Speed feeding He had read my entire noiel in iampQ lt(lt we MP minutes

I shudder to tl link ul trie next logical Up

in e r u d i t i o n Speed-Reading a Condensed

Novel V

Sipum Laudis Inducts Twenty-three Robotham Receives Scholar Award

A total of twenty-three State senshyio rs were inducted into the Univershys i ty s highest honorary society Sig-num Laudis severa l weeks ago This award is made to the sen iors with the highest academic averages in their c l a s s

The induction took place in the Faculty Dining Room Dr Freder ick Truscot t the socie ty s faculty adshyvisor introduced Dr Ann Oliver faculty t r e a s u r e r who presented the Slgnuin Laudis scholar award to the group s pres ident Miss Pa shyt r ic ia Robotham

Highest Average This award is made to the senshy

ior with the highest academic ave r shyage

Dean Stokes also read Dean Metz-l e r s address to the inductees This address was given at the first Sig-num Laudis induction and is by tradition read at every induction ceremony

The twenty-three inductees r ep shyresent the second 4 of the Class of 1964 The first 4 of the c lass was inducted last spring

The new additions to the honshy

o ra ry include Joan AsfouryStephati Bacon F r a n c e s Beards ley J a m e s Brush Sandra Campo Roland E s o -len Kenneth Falvo M r s Armida Flehs Joan Rois te r P i re t Kutt Mary Lou Maina F r a n c e s McDan-ie l s and Victoria P a r k e r

Also Paul P r a u s Ronald Putnam Marie t ta Raner i Ralph Rominger F reder ick Smith Judith Suttneir Catherine Ann Tupper Jeanne Van Slyke Richard Weeks and Dennis Wienk

O l d M e m b e r s

Those m e m b e r s initiated last spr ing include Elizabeth Austin Gloria Avner Diva Daims June Fai rchi ld Gaye Frusc ione Norma Gayer Lois Gianini Shirley Golden-berg Joseph Gomez Ralph Gr i iua l -di Judith Horton Nina Howard) and Pat r ic ia Jewell

Also Karen King Lor ra ine Kirk-land Richard Leveroni Margaret Metger Robert Ri t tner Pa t r i c ia Robotham Karen Scheinman Lillian Schmidt Evelyn Simon Barbara Steindorf Phylis Vastbinder C a r o shylyn Wameling and Barba ra Zendle

Annual Holiday Weekend

Features Dance And Sing The annual Student Organization Services Holiday-

Weekend will include a dance tomorrow night and the Holiday Sing on Sunday evening Donald Kisiel 66 is the general chairman for the dance whichwillbe held in Bru s Main Dining Room from 8 to 12 pm His co-workers Bonnie Tomaszewski and Kathy Brown

ISC-IFC To Hold Hiinterlude Dance

freshmen have taken charge of the decorat ions which will t ransform the dining room into the Roaring Twenties a tmosphere of P e r c y s Pawn Shop

Music for the dance will be p r o shyvided by the Lenny Ri reard i Orshyches t ra The group has played at many events in colleges throughout the area During the o r c h e s t r a s break several State students will furnish enter tainment

C o k e on T a p Students are urged to attend the

dance with or without da tes No admission will be charged and coke

Winterlude sponsored by the Inshyte r -Fra te rn i ty and In ter -Soror i ty Councils will be held tonight from 900 pm in 100 am at iheSchine-Ten Eyck Hotel Enter ta inment will be provided by Howard Jackson and his Modern Jazz Quintet in Hie Fort Orange Suite and the Joe Cosco O r shyches t ra in the Grand Bal l room

IFC-ISC p re s iden t s Gary i-etre and potato chips will be served a | bdquo Leoua Kerpel co-chai r the

M | - w l M I bull I T I I I Michael Doinkowski 05 and Diana e c u t Marek 67 have handled publicity Guests who will attend include for the dance Elaine McCarthy 67 1 ) e u bdquo a n ( 1 M r s p a v i ( j Hart ley Mr is in charge of Hospitality and a n ( 1 M r s William MoKiiinon and Sandra Randall also a freshman Miss Barbara Burkhart has obtained the ehaperonos

The C h a p e r o n e ( o i n u i i l tee Hol iday Sing headed b Psi Gamma and Theta

The twelfth annual Holiday Sing i l n t jmega selected Mr and Mrs will be held Sunday ai 7 pm in j Neil Will iams Mr and Mrs Page Hall Seventeen groups ol J a m e s K Wagner Mr and Mrs s tudents lroin res idences organi- W i l l i a m Clarkin Mr and Mrs zal ious fratern s and so ro r i t i e s Char les Giiher and Mr and Mrs a r e participating Klein as chaperoiies

The groups taking pari this t ea r a r e Alden Hall Alpha Pi Alpha The theme ol the lurnial is p ro -Beta e t a Biiibacher Hall Chi jecied into the wintei a tmosphere Sigma Theta Edward Eldred Pollei through the use ol holly mist letoe Club Gamma kappa Phi Kappa decoi aled eve rg reens and the warm Beta Kappa Delta Pierce Hall Phi glow Iruiu candles The Decorations Delta Psi Gamma Saylos Hall Committee is h e a d e d by Sigma Sigma Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Uui cisii Commuters Organizashytion and Waiei bury Hall

Each group yyill sing one sunn and will be ludged by Dr I lewitt Lllinwood 11 die Soi lal Studies Deshypartment Mi Enill Kalbn ul Alshybany High School and Miss Jean Hi ighain a y ocal nisi ructor in die ai ea

WinnL-r R e c e i v e r T r o p h y

the lop lr c giotips will be anshynounced and will then sing a second song The pidges will de termine the winners ol the first second and t l i i i d p l a i e s

The Insi plaow group will be awarded a trophy to be kepi and displayed by thai group until the next Holiday Sing The current irophy holder is Waiei bury Hall

The Holiday Sing is under the general chairmanship ol Thomas

Lambda Sigma Sigma Alpha and Phi Delia

The heads ol the Tickets and P ro shyg rams Committee ai e Kappa Beta Sigma Phi Sigma and Beta eta Alpha Pi Alpha leads the Ar range shyments Coiiinintee and Gamma Kappa Phi the bull lowers I ouuni t tee Iul -lu l l v Committee i+= headed by Chi Sigma Theta and Pollei Club

Bids are $-100 per couple Nu one will be admit led without a t icket


The S U News will not appear ueM Friday due to Chr i s t inas vacashytion The next regular issue ol die S U News will appear on January 10

The Publication Office will be Lelleer titi The program will be open the night ol January 5 L e t t e r s e i iueed by Carole Polls and Robert p the Edi tor House Howls and

Notices will be accepted only ul ( c o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 3) I h l s l l i n c

nnwer F o o t b a l l

T e a m

P a g e 4

A L B A N Y 3 N E W YORK DEC E M B E R 13 1063 VOL X L I X NO 2 6

Hearing Today on Student Tax For Second Semester Buses Chartered

by Steve Curti

Last Wednesdays Senate m e e t shying was highlighted by the in t roshyduction of bills proposing a second s e m e s t e r student tax and the g ran t shying of permiss ion to cha r i e r vashycation buses at Chr is t inas time to eight groups

A bearing will he held this af ter shynoon at 125 The meeting place will be posted on the Senate bulleshytin board in Busted near the Husted-Richardson per i s ty le

H e a r i n g T o p i c s

The hearing will be used to d i s shycuss the proposed second s emes t e r student tax The various uses of the money collected from the proposed tax will he explained

Some of the proposed uses for the lax money in the order of the amount of proposed expenditures a re Music Council State Univershysity News an addition lo the conshytingency fund a Uniled P r e s s Inshyternational news se rv ice for WSUA and the student d i rec tory

Music Council hopes to bring four name groups to the campus next year If given Hie money next s e m e s t e r Music Council by workshying wiib other area colleges and by signing its contracts ear ly could bring excellent groups and perhaps a n ange for more than one per for shymance

The proposed binds for Hie dishyrectory would allow the publication ol a second semes te r supplement in the dii ectory

The funds allotted to Ihe State Unishyversity News would permit the paper to publish lor the whole ol tlie s ec shyond semester Without these funds the paper Will only be aide to pubshylish loi eight weeks

The funds will also allow Ihe paper in publish two issues a week lor die luinl month ol the academic year

Buses Aga in Senate ii an I od pin mission tu eight

groups in char ie r and solicit funds for buses no tins Chris t inas vacashytion

Senator Art Johnston 65 moved that Senate authorize any member ol die student bod to chartei a bus for ibis Chris t inas holiday The

Forum Sends 5 To Puerto Rico

Ioruni ol Politics is sending live s tudents lo Inter-Ainer ican Uuivei-sii in Sun Gei main Fuel to RICH to attend an Intel ci illegiale coiifci -e rne entitled The Caribbean Mishycrocosm ol World St ruggle The conference is sponsored by die As-sociattuii ol International Relations ( lubs ul which 1 ni inn is a mem -bei

The live students being sent a r e Ronnie Hi aunsteiu UO Rila Bren-s i h e i lifi Marilyn Bi own 00 Sandra Cuslunan CO and Tniii Masshyter (if)

The students will lly down Hi one ol tyvo jets leaving Irom Idlewilde

A program ol l e c tu r e r s speakshye r s and discussion groups has been planned Speakers at the conference will be Juan Bosch deposed P r e s i shydent ol the Dominican Republic Munoz Marin Govei tor of Puerto Rico Jose Miro Cardoua Cuban exile and Senaloi Wayne Morse (D O r e )

motion was defeated Pres ident Ce r ra announced the

recent resignation of Carl Cusato GG and the longstanding res ignashytion of Helen Mandeville 64 C e r r a appointed Vic Mitchell G6 and Bob Sargeant 64 to fill the vacancies The Senators were sworn in imshymediately


During the commit tee r epo r t s the State University Revue constitution was brought up for approval A conshyt roversy a rose about the r equ i r e shyment that Senate approve the apshypointment of Ihe d i rec tor of the Revue

Some Senators complained that the constitution was poorly worded and that Senate should not have the final power of approval in the choice of d i rec to r

Senator Guddat 66 also pointed out the fact that the proposed con-


stltution s ta tes that the business manager of the Revue was to be a member of Finance Committee or appointed by the group

He noted that the authors of the constitution did not present this part of constitution to ei ther the Finance Committee as a whole or to its chai rman Barbara Townsend 65

The Revue Constitution was sent back to Ed Wolner s Constitutions Committee by a vote of Senate

Irregularities by Chair The meeting was highlighted by

severa l par t isan comments by C e r shyra He made comments indicating Ids approval of several opinions expressed by Senators

Senator Gain 64 left the Senate meeting due lo these comments and due to the P res iden t s refusal to answer a question Galu appealed from the decision of the chai r

S A P r e s i d e n t Pa t Cerra conducts Wednesday n ight s Senate

Meet ing during which pr ivate charter ing of buses was d i s c u s s e d

SU News Foster Child Contributions Still $40 Short of Drives Goal

The State University News has received approximately $140 toward i ts Foster Parents Plan This leaves about forty dol la rs short of the necessary $180 lo support an un-foi innate i luld lot a period of one y e a i

Tim SUNews plan was begun in order to enable all the students ol ihe University to contribute towards this cliui liable cause The News is in se rve only as a medium ol colshylod ion not the coin Ill iiling organ-lal ion

The child who I e e e r e s the sup-pui t ul ihe student body will receive lood clothing medical care and othei necess i t i es lor one year The child will write a letter each month telling abiitil hiiusell The SUNews will print all information and corshyrespondence r e c e i v e d Irom the c h i l d

Students may contribute to the lund through any News Board memshyber or at the News Office Room 5 in Brtihacher on Sunday through Wednesday nights Irom 7 lo 11 pm Contributions may be also mailed to ihe News Office c o the Editor

at 750 State Street The SUNews emphasizes that

the s ize ol ihe contribution does not matter but hopes that everyshyone will help to meet the goal by Chr i s tmas

Five lace Expulsion

For Run Around Five Stale University students

lace expulsion from Ihe University The I n e haye been accused by three Albany res idents ol staging a Chinese-Run-Around their car on the night of November lG

A Chinese-Run Around occurs when a group ol people surround a eai stopped in traffic and run around i t

The State students allegedly got out of their car and staged the bullRun-Around around a car in which three women were driving

The women claim damage was done lo ihe car The Stale s tudents deny tins

According to Dr David Hart ley Bean ol Students The University will definitely lake some action by Friday As yet 1 do not Know what it w i l l I

Page 3: PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS. FRIDAY. …library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/eresources/digital...make reservations tin collee hours, leas receptions, banquets, use ol equipment ti


President Collins Delivers An Address to the University


I t i s abou t s e v e n t y h o u r s s i n c e J o h n F K e n n e d y w a s s h o t T h i s i s a t i m e - p e r i o d that i s s h o c k i n g l y s h o r t in which to c h a n g e t h e whole c o m shyp l e x i o n of o u r n a t i o n a l l i f e Yet it s e e m s a long t i m e to u s now p e r h a p s b e c a u s e t o g e t h e r we h a v e run t h r o u g h a wide r a n g e of e m o t i o n s s h o c k and a n g e r d i s b e l i e f f e a r o u t r a g e h o n e s t g r i e f and m i s g i v i n g s for the f u t u r e

I a p p r o a c h wi th h u m i l i t y and a v e r y d e e p s e n s e of my own i n a d e shyq u a c y t h e t a s k tha t y o u r S tuden t A s s o c i a t i o n o f f i c e r s a s k e d m e to a s shys u m e mdash tha t of r e f l e c t i n g in s o m e d e g r e e the f e e l i n g s of o u r u n i v e r s i t y m e m b e r s h i p to e x p r e s s the r e s p o n s e of o u r uwn d i s t i n c t i v e c o m m u n i t y to the t r a g i c e v e n t s on wh ich I n e e d not d w e l l W i s e r and m u c h m o r e e l o q u e n t m e n than I h a v e been h e a r d in t h e s e p a s t s e v e n t y h o u r s and t h e n a t i o n h a s l i s t e n e d in a v e r y r e a l s e n s e al l h a s b e e n s a i d

T h a t I a p p r o a c h at a l l t h e t a s k of s a y i n g wtiat I b e l i e v e e a c h one of you would s a mdash ol s p e a k i n g not J o ou but _for you mdash r e f l e c t s my be l ie f tha t o u r c o m m u n i t y _is_ d i s t i n c t i v e that o u r r e s p o n s e i s t h e r e f o r e s o m e h o w s p e c i a l s i g n i f i c a n t for us in w a y s that a r e un ique ly o u r own

O u r c o m m u n i t y i s of c o u r s e d i f f e r e n t and d i s t i n c t i v e in i t s r e -s p o n s e s to t h e s e e v e n t s F i r s t and m o s t o b v i o u s l y it i s y o u n g e r at l e a s t in i t s a v e r a g e a g e T h i s c o m m u n i t y r e a c t s t h e r e f o r e to the q u a l shyi t i e s wh ich c h a r a c t e r i z e you th mdash John K e n n e d y s v i g o r h i s f l ex ib i l i t y h i s tough r e s i l i e n c e h i s i m p a t i e n c e with the c o n d i t i o n s lie c o n s i d e r e d w r o n g h i s d e s i r e to c h a n g e t h i n g s now the u r g e n t t h r u s t of h i s p r o g r a m and of h i s p e r s o n a l i t y

T o t h e s e young m e n and w o m e n r e s p o n d e d with w a r m t h and a s e n s e of g lad p a r t i c i p a t i o n a r e a d s r e c o g n i t i o n of the c o n c e r n s that m u s e d t h i s m a n and an i d e n t i f i c a t i o n with him in s e e k i n g to a d v a n c e t h o s e c o n c e r n s And when that l i fe svas s n i p p e d off so ab rup t ly so unjust ly t h e s e young m e n and w o m e n w e r e at o n c e m u r e deeply s h o c k e d m o r e f i e r c e l y a n g e r e d and se t m o r e a d a p t a b l e to the d e e p s e a t e d c h a n g e s that m u s t r e s u l t

A s e c o n d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of the u n i v e r s i t y c o m m u n i t y i s of c o u r s e i t s d e d i c a t i o n to r e a s o n and to the e x e r c i s e of i n t e l l i g e n c e To u s it svas i m p o r t a n t that John K e n n e d ) svas a thoughtful m a n a r e a d e r of s k i l l and of s e l e c t i v i t y a s c h o l a r l y c o m m e n t a t o r on s o c i a l h i s t o r y a c h r o n i c l e r of c o u r a g e He knew the u s e s of s c h o l a r s h i p and of s c h o l a r s h i s m o s t t r u s t e d a d v i s o r s w e r e a c a d e m i c m e n

T h e g r e a t e r i s o u r r e v u l s i o n t h e r e f o r e f rom ttie s e n s e l e s s s a v a g e r y oi h i s a s s a s s i n a t i o n by a young fanat ic with a t w e l v e - d o l l a r m a i l shyo r d e r r i f l e mdash t h e a p p a r e n t t r i u m p h of s e n s e l e s s n e s s o v e r r e a s o n and c o u r a g e and i n t e l l i g e n c e

T h i r d the u n i v e r s i t y c o i n m u n i t s is c o m m i t t e d to g o a l s o f s e r i c e We d o n t d i s s e c t o u r m o t i v a t i o n s v e r s of ten n e v e r t h e l e s s it is l e a that the u n i v e r s i t s c o m m u n i t y i s founded m the i n n s I C U O I that man can i m p r o v e h i m s e l f by SVOTK 1 y r i g o r o u s i n t e l l e c t u a l bullbullgtbull a n i t n a t t h u s i m p r o v e d he can and m u s t he lp to i m p r o v e the bull_bull - fell bullbullbull-m e n

T h i s c o i n m u n i t s s o m o t i v a t e d r e s p o n d e d r ead i ly bull - i J - J - J o h n K e n n e d y T h e P e a c e C o r p s they s a w a s an hones- a the h e l p i n g hand ol b r o t h e r h o o d i n t i m a t e d s imply - - - bull ~ s e r v i c e T h i s c o i n m u n i t s r o s e e n t h u s i a s i i c a l l s w bull- bull=bull-bull - r bull J o h n K e n n e d y s e x p r e s s i o n ol the s a m e d o c t r i n e bull --bull bullbull bullbull h o m e to h i s c o u r a g e o u s i n s i s t e n c e on t r u e i at -tal - gt_ bull bull bull bullbull c o n v i c t i o n that e v e n m a n m e r i t e d not a l o n e the r igh t bull -bullbull- i bull but a l s o to l ead a l i l e ol dignity and ol p e a c e

And the t r i u m p h ol u n r e a s o n o s e r the p e r s o n bull bull bull P - - - not s h a k e the u n i s e r s i t y c o m m u n i t y s c o n s i c t i o u s a-lt u1 bull gtj - - - -ol the h u m a n indis i dua l

T h e s e t h r e e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s t h e n ol the u n i s e r s i t i omtv bull - -d i s p o s e otii r e s p o n s e s to the t r a g i c e s e m s ol h e l a s s i - o v bull

We a r e a c o m m u n i t y ol youth - and we i l e t i with the yot i thlul c h a r a i t e n s t i i s ol the pi -gi a m and ol the pei s o n

We a r e d e d i c a t e d to t e a s o i i and i bull bull - ] bull and sve abhoi the t e n slot to h i l s e n s e l e - s -a bull a g e i

sso at e i i inu i l t t ed to -i i] s - I -a-i n o a s s e r t o u r a l l e g i a i n o to n e n o h l o i in 1 1 -i i o h s ve tound in John Kenned1 s ii i bull i I m a n s lgti i ithei hoi laquol

And e l 11 i s t h e s e ei i ha I a r e i I M I I S O| HI M-I elaquo bull bull a e lse US 1 in e i n an I u i n e i t a im lt i e a t e in spei lal ai iei bull I a h n sh a I c o n s t i t u t e otn spe- ii 1 i ause loi nope

B e c a u s e sve ai e oi i thlul is su- h a o s a i l we m e n i i bull se q u a l i t i e s ol ( lU th lu lness in A u i n H an l l le the K e n n e d ei a mdash hi-d e t e i m i n a u o i i in u m s e l o i v a i d h e iniigli l i oiii a i-mis op1 nn is i i i bull e l i n p a i e n c e loi c h a n g e And b e a t i sc John Kenned evpi i-s- bull bull n i -se n- i c i i o n s and e x e m p l l l l e i l t h e m we i d e n i i l i e d won ii

He i epi e s e n t e d us in oui s e i s e s 1 iom uin oi iui ion 11 ttesi-cs m e a l das s He had h a q u i l r ol m e a l n o - w in 1 M 1 k n I -n d e s c r i b e d on h i s p l a t l o i m in S e p i o i n b e i m ospl j n l anaiii lint oln Lini oln w a s oil bullill 1 o n bull n o 01 bod ihaii an 1-ml id -e i- Mi K e n n e d w a- 11101 e In gt all to be than an hod e l s e and 1 e n

In h i s pi oi e s s ol 1 l e n t i l unshya s s i s t e d T h e c i e a l e a s e n s e 1 u s c l o s e to mil p o l m i al l ead i

fei e n c e the l l r e s l de 1 hai is lai gei than l i le We tend to pei s o n a l l e and pei-01111 all ol govei n iuen i in the Il e s i d e n i hi- i s the e i l i l o d l -ineii i ol o u r l e e l l n g s about go-ei i i i i ieiu

And oui s e n s e of l o s s then i s 11e u i o i e a c u i e ihe m m e pe i s o u a l M r an i J o i e n on a n o i h e i o c c a s i o n d e s r i i b e d ihe nat i o n s yi iei at M i L i n c o l n s d e a t h ihe p e o p l e he sa id wci e lonel a l i a i d l ea r lu l ol ihe i n l i n e eai lul thai the t oun i i had been s h o t T h e had to l e a ) n that t h e i e w a s 110 1 ea l b a s i s for lei 1 01 and l o n e l i n e s s thai behind ine h e a d l i n e s and b e n e a t h the pe i s o n a l i l n g the l o t i n i i y and ihe pi e s i shyden i go Oil

We n e e d ihen to a s s e t 1 mn s e c o n d rl iai a n e i i s m mdash 0111 s e n s e ol l e a s o u mdash to a s s u r e o u r - s e h e s thai t i n s is s o d e s p i t e 0111 i d e i n i l l c a -t loi i wi th 1 pe i son who r e p i e s e i i t s a p r o g r a m

b e h i n d m e 1 a s k el a s 11 r e s t e d in ihe Whi te House mi will r e m em be 1

( c o n t i n u e d on p a g e 9)

Mi an l i o i e n sa id Mn 1 - | e e i -fgt and hi- was - e a h e s s So I 1^ - 01 l ike -hat vi- I-ul I a s p l i e

Itll 11 led is in hi in hi- m e d i a -I in- ho n 1 laquo 11nnu111 a ions

1 111111iiii and imiiii-ijiii bull at 1 1 u igs i s Sy o j ai i l c i p a i e in 1 hi- pi e s s oii-

Page Hall was only about three-quarters filled as President Collins delivered his address Dead quiet pervaded throughout the entire twenty-minute ceremony

P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s a d d r e s s 111 s i m p l e and d i r e c t what svas in the s p e a k e r T h e s t a g e P a ^ e H a h M o n d a y N o s e m b e r 2 5 m i n d s and h e a r t s ol all p r e s e n t e x c e p t l o r (lie p o d i u m i j - a si one a will not be soon U n f o r t u n a t e l y only a t h r e e - q u a r - and two A m e r i c a n Ha bull 1 g bull e i s t h o s e sum w i t n e s s e d tei s l i l l ed P a g e Hall h e a r d the s i d e i t P i e s i d e n t s a d d r e s s R e l i g i o u s s e n - T h e s i l e n c e in the a i i i r

T h e P r e s i d e n t sari hi- had m i s - - i r e s and M r K e n n e d y s l u n e r a l u n n e n i n g P e o p l e H i - i j i i i igs aN ut e u l o g i i g a man such on t e l e s i s i o n o c c u p i e d main s t t l - s a l dosvn and j u s l svar-a- J o h n f i t g e i a l - l K e n n e d y He d e n t s on mat m o u r n l u l M o u d a v th ing 10 h a p p e n i-e-i not a bullbull t- en te t t a m e d s u c h F o r h o s e who a t t e n d e d though P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s

hgts 11 svas a m e m o r a b l e m o m e n t Hie s t a g e s u d d e n l y 1 T h e a d d r e s s s u m m e d up in w o r d s T h e P r e s i d e n t ssas the sole wi thout s p e a k i n g I oi 1

M e l ol the p e o p l e in ihe m u n a w a r e ol h i s p r e s e n -

G r a d u a l l t h o u g h e bull c a m e a w a r e ol h n n 1 e x p e c t a n c y s p i e u d 1 hi d i e i i co

T h e P r e s n l e i i i 1 u s e w a l k e d to the p o d i u m 1 a d d r e s s

As he exp i e s s e d 11 lor lhose pi I seh i ma s p o k e r l o a i ly and In- -

And nidi-oil he did m in e s e n i He s a i d wh bull)lt dea l h linj s u c h a pi loi in ihe b in el sll n L11 Il s l l 111 U-1 di

When no had lini lini lung loli in be u l

He sa l do-An a 1 w a s a mii iuei i i - - j 1 bull 1 ho a u d i i o i n u n

T h e n he l o i - bull -a l m o s t pa in l i i l l po-i bull s i l l alii I lea s o the 1 1111 h

Only Ihe his-in ol cou ld bo h e a l d

Students gather around the CO-OP as the tragedy unfolded Fri day

gt Long empty rows of tables mark Polish Community Center that was to be the scene of the Brubo informal party



IFG had planned to present two films Both were cancelled upon news of President Kennedys death

Shock Disbelief Tears Spread Across Campus

T h e f i r s t r e a c t i o n ol SUNYA to not o u r p e r s o n a l o p i n i o n s In the d e a t h ol P r e s i d e n t Kennedy svas t h e end al l w e e k e n d a c t i v i t i e s w e r e s i m p l e t h s b e l i e l S t u d e n t s and l a c - c a n c e l l e d rills m e m b e r s g a t h e r e d a r o u n d On S a t u r d a y m a n y a t t e n d e d m o r n -r a d i o s o r s t o p p e d e a c h o i l i e r o r ing s e r v i c e s c r o w d e d a r o u n d t e l e -s t r a n g e r s on Ihe s t r e e t s e e k i n g c o n - v i s i on s e t s d i s c u s s e d e v e n t s o r U r i n a t i o n of the i m p o s s i b l e a s o i d e d t h e m O t h e r m a i l e r s w e r e

In the d o r m s s t u d e n t s s p r e a d d i s c u s s e d mdash A r e sve r e a l l y h a v i n g the uesvs f r o m r o o m to r o o m and c l a s s e s on Monday E v e r y t h i n g r a d i o s and TV sve r e t u r n e d on Most e l s e m Albany is be ing c a n c e l l e d c l a s s e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d for the d a y G e n e s e o S t a l e h a s c l o s e d c o i n -A s the n e w s w a s i r r e v o k a b l y c o n - p l e i e l y f i r m e d r e a c t i o n s c h a n g e d S o m e c r i e d s o m e p r a y e d s o m e went to C l a s s e s C a n c e l l e d c h u i i l i e s s o m e went 10 b a r s s o m e P r e s i d e n t C o l l i n s i s s u e d no fin -went about t h e n b u s i n e s s t t i c r w o r d a s Sa tu rday p r o g r e s s e d

In llle g i r l s d o r m s w e e k e n d p l a n s and p e t i t i o n s c i r c u l a t e d in s o m e w e r e r e s lowed F r i d a y mghi i n - d o r m s S i g n s a l s o a p p e a r e d mdash O u t f o r m a l p a r t i e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d bin ol n i t e r d i s r e s p e c t c l a s s e s svill d i l l e r e u l o p i n i o n s w e r e e x p r e s s e d be he ld mi Mondas N o s e m b e r -in

about euiirell mg ihe formats

E v e n t s C a n c e l l e d bull Pi e s i d e n i Kennedy svas such a

d i i a m i m a n so lull ol l l l e lie would svam us lo is -in n ine with otn

p l a n s P r e s i d e n t Kennedy w a s Ihe l eado i ol i ill I i olinl I sve mus t show mil i e spoo t I n M In ildiug oui loi mal Whi se do about i mi loi ma l will I ol loi I olll lot 111

a lJu ol N a t i o n a l M o u r n i n g A l shyb u m S l a t e lii si then Cod and emu II i Word I I lie c a n c e l l a t i o n ol Mondas c l a s s e s c a m e on Sunday lllol lllllg

Siindr a l s o brought ihe m u r d e r ol O s w a l d die P r e s i d e n t s a c c u s e d a s a s in The ) e Wei e m o r e r e shyal i i o n s Thei e wei e m o r e Win d s loo i n a d e q u a t e lo e - p r e s s s wlial svas m o s t doep l t e l l


Simple crepe marks foyer to Waterbury

The flag in front of Draper flies at half mast

All Weekend Functions Cancelled At News of Kennedys Assassination

U n i v e r s i t y l i f e q u i c k l y g r o u n d t o a hal t a s n e w s of J o h n F i t z g e r a l d K e n n e d y s a s s a s s i n a t i o n s p r e a d a c r o s s c a m p u s

N o v e m b e r 22 w a s to m a r k the b e g i n n i n g of an e s p e c i a l l y b u s y w e e k e n d at S t a t e D o r m f o r m a l s f r a t e r n i t y he l l n i g h t s and I F G f i l m s w e r e only s o m e of t h e e v e n t s that w e r e to occupy S t a t e s 3500 p l u s s t u d e n t body

T h e s e svere al l c a n c e l l e d out of r e s p e c t for the l a i e P r e s i d e n t and t e l e v i s i o n l o u n g e s n o r m a l l y b a r r e n on w e e k e n d s b e c a m e the c e n t e r of c a m p u s l i fe for a t i m e

U n i s e r s i t y l i fe w a s a l s o d i s r u p t e d a c a d e m i c a l l y Many l a t e a f t e r n o o n ( d a s s e s svere c a n c e l l e d on F r i d a y by p r o f e s s o r s too s t u n n e d to c a r r y on

All c l a s s e s w e r e c a n c e l l e d on M o n d a y t h e day p r o c l a i m e d by

P r e s i d e n t Lyndon J o h n s o n t o b e a Day of N a t i o n a l M o u r n i n g

On Monday m o r n i n g D r E v a n R C o l l i n s P r e s i d e n t of the U n i v e r shys i t y d e l i v e r e d a m e m o r i a l a d d r e s s at a s p e c i a l c o n v o c a t i o n in P a g e H a l l

S t u d e n t r e l i g i o u s o r g a n i z a t i o n s m o v e d swi f t ly to o r g a n i z e s p e c i a l c h u r c h s e r v i c e s A t t e n d a n c e w a s h igh at t h e s e s e r v i c e s d u r i n g the S a t u r d a y t h r o u g h M o n d a y p e r i o d

U n i v e r s i t y R a d i o S t a t i o n WSUA c a n c e l l e d a l l r e g u l a r p r o g r a m m i n g un t i l a f t e r the P r e s i d e n t s f u n e r a l T h e s t a t i o n c a m e on the a i r short ly-a f t e r t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of the a s shys a s s i n a t i o n and kep t up a s t e a d y s t r e a m of b u l l e t i n s p e r t a i n i n g to s t u d e n t i n t e r e s t

D a t i n g a l s o s u f f e r e d c u r t a i l m e n t a s the f r o n t s of w o m e n s d o r m i shyt o r i e s n o r m a l l y q u i t e c o n g e s t e d on w e e k e n d s s t o o d n e a r l y n a k e d

Television lounges quickly fi l led up and stayed that way throughout the long three day weekend

Radio Station WSUA came on the air soon after the first news of the shooting and scrapped all regular programming

Shocked students gather in Detroit Annex to discus the trogedy News of President Kennedys assassination spread through the University like wildfire

Student reading about the disaster that struck the nation

P A G E 6 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 P A G E 7

Words of wisdom concerning flat painting are given by Technical Director Jon Bardon to Joyce Davis left and Pauline Arasim



Something new and different is coming to the S t a t e University Theatre Department Up to this time the student body has regarded the Theatre as the private property of those having previous experience or those solely involved in speech and dramatics

The purpose here is to give a peek at what goes on behind the scenes and on the stage and invite any and all who are interested to join us

Much Work Many hours of work go into one

University production But with the

work comes a feeling of pride and accomplishment in the knowledge that the job no matter how small was vitally important in creating the whole dramatic effect

Lighting props set construction and design costumes and makeup are just a few of the areas involved in putting together one good show Half the fun is watching these sepshyarate departments finally come toshygether the week of dress rehearsal when the director walks around with the kind of look on his face that makes you wonder if tiiis proshyduction will ever make it mdash and it does


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Roz Ferrara one of the cast of USA is out f i t ted by Dennis Tu t t le costume head

Of course there isnt anything too romantic about all the technical work involved Its hard to get exshycited about hanging a light sweeping the stage painting a flat or hemming a skirt but there is definitely someshything exciting in knowing that all these jobs are going to make a production an audience will truly appreciate

Opening Night That story about opening night is

really true The smell of make-up the heat from the lights the crew members running around frantically and the cast people who always seem to get in the way give you a kind of thrill yuu just cant get anyplace else

Its electric and its infectious mdash and frustration that accompanies rehearsals seem to disappear when that curtain finally opens

When a production is over the lights are turned down Hie stage is bare and there are onlj a few props left in the wings perhaps an old telephone a cane or a crumpled hat Ihat an old lady wore in the second yet

Theres nothing left but an echo Uui the people who walked across the stage took home with them a pocket full of memories the laughs when the) couldnt find the right light switch the tears when a scene just wouldnt come and the unbelievshyably warm feeling when the audience rings with applause a world of make-believe with verj real reshywards

The cast for USA rehearses a scene in the Li t t le Theatre Seated left to right are Harry Guy Lee L i s s Sharon House Roz Ferrara Ass is tan t Director Sheila Brown and head of custumes Dennis Tuttle confer with Director James ELeonard

Good wel l -p lanned l ight ing is an important part of the product ion

Jon Bardon hca a long way to go before he reaches the end of

Next week weve got to get organized 11s rope

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Joyce Davis and Paul ine Arasim on l igh ts C a l i s t h e n i c s was never l i ke t h i s Dr Leonard d i rect ing the ent ire cast of USA Standing left to right are Jim Lobdell Doug Ross Harry Guy Sharon House Lee L i s s and Roz Ferrara

Roz Ferrara and Jim Lobde l l in a scene from USA Harry Guy Sharon House and Lee L i s s look on

Directors Eye-View of USA9

Acquaints Students With Production by Dr James M L e o n a r d

USA the play by Paul Shy re and John Dos Passos chronicles that exciting period of American history from 1900 to 1930 That history is conveyed for the most part by a staccato recitation of newspaper headlines from the period The headline scenes are informative but also surprising and amusing and a re placed in striking relationships to the other scenes of the play

Piano music of the period is used to bridge the historical material and the segments of a more personal nature as well as to provide the background for the headlines In addition to an impersonal recitation of headlines to give the flavor of events of the period there are passages in the play which will

describe some of the most colorful pe r shysonalit ies of the t ime In brief segments the audience meets Rudolph Valentino a n d Isadora Duncan political figures Emma Goldman and Eugene Debs and the well-known mechanics Henry Ford and Orville and Wilbur Wright

The epic level of presentation described some al ternates with a personal level which concerns itself throughout the play with the life of J Ward Moo rehouse whose experiences embody Dos Passos r ecu r r ing theme of the corruption of the individual by commercial ism

F a l s e Va lues

Moo rehouse s life unfolds against the background of the turbulent and excessive e ra which stretched from theturn-of- the-century to the Great Depression when individuals and the nation were being swept along in a flurry of false values

The epic and the personal combine to produce an informative sa t i r ic ind nosshytalgic presentation The predominant tone of the play is one of irony The audience is made aware of the superficiality of most of the personal and national commitshyments shown in the play

There is also affection in the t reatshyment and one gets the feeding that the great enthusiasms of the era when they do not produce worthy results often leave their own gratuitous t ra i ls of glory

The production then will embrace tlie personal and the epic the sat ir ic and the nostalgic the bite and the warmth of the script The production should show too that at times beneath the chrome exter ior of a bland national enthusiasm lay hints of horror

C o m b i n a t i o n of Techn iques

All this is to be accomplished by enactshyment headlines narra t ions music scenic projections and dance Such a combinashytion of techniques is reminiscent of the Federal Thea t re s Living Newspaper and s imi lar to televisions That Was The Week That Was

These external techniques and the inner atti tudes then combine to form the p ro shyduction in which the auditory visual

Doug Ross and Sharon House in a scene

Pauline Arasim and Ed Bacchus reenacting

T u r n of the Screw

and temporal elements which make up theatre have been organized into an exshypressive shape

During rehearsals t h i s expressive shape must be allowed to evolve from the creative freedom of those involved in production

The director however must shape the play even as he encourages freedom From this process emerges a style which hopefully is not a directorial imposition or the imposition of a part icular h is shytorical period or mode of staging or even the imposition of a part icular playshywright but the unique style of the play


ftifcmrpas with

(Author of Rally Round Ihe Flag Boysl and Barefoot Boy With Cheek)


The time has come to think of Christmas shopping for the Yuletide will be upon us quicker than you can say Jack Robinshyson (Have you ever wondered incidentally ubout the origin of this interesting phrase Quicker than you can say Jack Robinson Well sir the original saying was FrenchmdashPlus

trite que de dire Jacques Robespierre Jack Robinson is as everyshyone knows an Anglicization of Jacques Robespierre who was

as everyone knows the famous figure from the French Revolushy

tion who as everyone knows got murdered in his bath by

Dunton Mura t Caligula and Al Capone

(The reason people started saying Quicker than you can

say Jacques Robespierre mdashor Jack Robinson as he is called in

English-speaking countries like England the US and Cleveshy

landmdashis quite an interesting little story It seems that Robesshy

pierres wife Georges Sand got word of the plot to murder

her husband in his bath All she had to do to save his life was

call his name and warn him Rut alas quicker than she could

say Jacques Robespierre she received a telegram from her old

friend Frederic Chopin who was down in Majorca setting lyrics

3lhk hi to Jo wtcjll tit time to his immortal Warsaw Concerto Chopin said he needed

Cleorges Sands help desperately because he could not fintl a

rhyme for Warsaw Naturally Georges could not refuse

such an urgent request

(Well sir off to Majorca went Georges but before she left

she told her little daughter Walter that some bad men were

coming to n urtler Daddy in his bath She instructed Walter

to shout Robespierres name the moment the bad men arrived

Rut Walter alas had been sea-bathing that morning on the

Riviera and she had come home with a big bug of salt water

taffy and when the bad men arrived to murder Robespierre

Walter alas was chewing a wad of taffy and could not get her

mouth unstuck in time to shout a warning Robespierre alas

was murdered quicker than you could say Jacques Robespierre

mdashor Jack Robinson as be is called in English-speaking countries

(There is I am pleased to report one small nob of cheer

in this grisly tale When Georges Sand got to Majorca she did

succeed in helping Chopin find a rhyme for Warsaw as everyshy

one knows who has heard those haunting lyrics

In the fair town nf Warsaw

Which Xapolcotts harm saw

Siiijiny cockles ami mussels alive alive a)

Rut 1 digress

We wen speaking of Christmas gifts What we all try ti

find a t Christinas is of course unusual and distinctive gifts for

our friends May 1 suggest I hen a carton of Marlboro Cigarettes

What You arc astonished You had not thought of Marlboros

as unusual You bad regarded them as familiar reliable smokes

whose excellence varied not one jot nor tittle from year to year

True All true lint all the same Marlboros are unusual beshy

cause every time you try one its like the first time The lluvor

never palls the filter never nets hackneyed the -oft pack is

ever a new delight and so i- the Flip Top box Kueh Marlboro

i- a fresh and pristine pleasure and if you want all your friends

to clap their hands and cry Yes Virginia there is a Santa

Clans you will see that their stockings are tilled with Marlshy

boros on Christmas morn mui Musiiummn

The holiday season or any other season is the season to be jolly if Marlboro is your brand Youll tind Marlboros whershyever cigarettes are sold in all lifty states of the Union You net a lot to like in Marlboro Country


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Fraternities and Sororities The Vital Hub of Stales

Since 1890 Social Life

Since the first quar te r of the century f ra terni t ies and so ro r i t i e s have been an integral and active part of the Albany campus During the fifty or sixty yea r s since their

by Dove Jenks aid Debby Friedman

firm establ ishment he re they have changed somewhat in number and appearance but have maintained their posit ions as the hub of S ta te s social life

The five fraterni t ies which now exist a re the largest number in Sta te s history however the eight so ro r i t i e s represent only slightly more than half of the fifteen which in the ear ly 1930s offered group membersh ip to Albanys female popshyulation

Delta Omega was the first so r shyority being formed in 1890 It r e shymained the sole sorori ty until 1896 when it was then joined by Eta Phi

KD Oldest Sorority The oldest soror i ty on campus

now Kappa Delta was organized in 1897 witli the goal of fu r the r shying friendship l o y a l l y and Ihe development of the individual Psi Gamma began soon after in 1898 and was originally formed as a l i t e ra ry group

The soror i ty situation remained unchanged until 1913 when Gamma Kappa Phi appealed That year also marked the establ ishment of the first f ra terni ty Sigma Nu Kappa

In 1916 the Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Hho a national f ra te r shynity was brought to State (it was la ter to drop i ts national affiliations and become Alpha Pi Alpha) A third fraterni ty Kappa Nu was founded in 1918

Chi Sigma Theta can t race its his tory back to 1914 when it was

State College News Articles Reflect

Halj Centurys Opinion oj Greeks The purposes and true value of f ra tern i t ies and so ro r i t i e s on our

campus has been brought up for question during the past year However this is not something new for the Greeks have always been questioned bv at least some member s ol the college and non-College community In the lace of this recent upheaval in the Greek situation it is in te res t shying to note some of the opinion that has been voiced in past years conshycerning the l i a l s and so ro r i t i e s at Albany

Oct 4 1916 - (the f i rs t issue of the State Co l lege News) T h e r e a r e now live soror i t i es among the g i r l s of State College

and all of them are splendid organizat ions thriving and p rosperous and doing much to make college life more col lege- l ike Lei us acquaint you also with the manner in which these so ro r i t i e s light for the privi lege of making you one ot the fold We warn all that this is legalized warfare governed by a set of in te r - soror i ty ru les which a r e held very str ict and must be obeyed carefully hv a l l

Nov 9 1923 - T h e r e a re few institutions touching the lives of thousands of individuals

concerning which more d iverse views a r e held in complete s inceri ty than college f ra terni t ies Some educators for example regard them as a menace without a single redeeming feature o thers see them a blessing to the students under their ca re The basic idea underlying the formation of f ra terni t ies is without doubt good because it emphas i ses the essential bond ol brotherhood which should closely unite men and na t ions

D e c 21 1927 - (soon alter the repeal ol the 20 scholarship r equ i r e shyment loi soi or i t j membership)

The m i c e is a lag step lorward according to President AH Iiru-lachei lie believes that Ihe main purpose ol so ro r i t i e s is to provide ihe best housing conditions and the best possible social life

These opportuni t ies Di Mi uhacher said should be open to every Mill m ihe College each soroinv making the choice of members on the basis ol peisonalitv and common in t e re s t s Dean Pierce said Since soror i t i e s a re i social group 1 Hunk it best that Ihey seek gir ls who will 111 lino a social group tatnei than lo seek so-called g r i nds who do iIOI cai e ini ihat sort ol thing

Feb 1 1929 -The would-be s o l i u m g n l should not place loo much ol a com-

IIUMCIII value upon s o i l i n membership One gets oui ol such an oi ganlzaiion what one puis into n The girl who is not bid miisi remember t tiit n is uoi because she is uiilli It is i ne reh because ihe sorority svsletu is essen t ia l ) iioh-lt leiuoi i alio llial lunch ol the decision Is made upon milwurd appeal wires that t rue worih is ol iniuienseh Ii eatei value man all Ihe Gi eek lei lei insignia in die woi Id

Sept 26 1941 - (Iraiei es had jusi been l imned 10 2 rush par t ies ) Two a l l a u s do mil alloi iillicienl opporlimil loi Iraleriulv

uiiii bullgt become ihe friends ot 11 eshiueii Ahead I ia te innv men a r e iilking ol mass Iratei iut in asions ol ihe men s dorinitoi and raucous di inking par l i es as a subst inue lor the organized rushing which has been denied lo them It this i m be prevented (and n ma have to be il li aiei nit les want lo s u i i o as organized campus gi oups) IFC in usi prolong i he organized i uslung per iod

Sept 26 1947 -Hushing c r ea t e s an iiutiealile and unreal situation with both I resh-

uien and sorori l women outdoing themselves lo c rea te a rood imshypress ion These relat ionships should be allowed lo develop over a longer period ol tune As a general ru le n is impossible for two people lo become acquainted in the few short weeks ol ihe open rush period wilh all ol the res t r ic t ions involved lo know whethei or nol they want to bind themselves to each oilier foi Ihe res t ol then college

organized as Kappa Nu soror i ty ( later changed because of the ex is t shyence of a f ra terni ty with I lie same name) Its idea l s were loya l ty companionship and s i n c e r i t y

Beta Zeta was formed in 191G and Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded in 1917 The l a t t e r a national s o r o r shyity was the p r e d e c e s s o r of Sigma Phi Sigma

Rushing System Set Up Now that there were eight s o r o r i shy

t ies on campus some ordery s y s shytem of rushing was needed In 1918 Hie first organized rus ing system was introduced If a gir l had one D she was ineligible to rush

World War I saw a cur ta i lment of fraternity life Only KDH s u r shyvived the conflict However several new s o r o r i t i e s a p p e a r e d Alpha Delta Omicron (now Phi Delta) in 1924 Epsilon Beta Phi and Gamma Phi Sigma in 1927 and Sigma Alpha in 1928

In 1931 fraternity rushing began to be taken more ser ious ly when a second f ra te rn i ty the Edward Eldred Pot ter Club appeared

Potter Club was organized by thir teen men who rejected the idea of a Greek le t ter f raterni ty The name suggested by the then College Pres ident Dr A R Brubacher was chosen in memory of a member of the c lass of 20 who was killed in World War I

I F C Formed By 1936 it became necessa ry

to form the In ter f ra tern t ty Council with the two exist ing f ra te rn i t ies to keep all rushing clean An In te r -soror i ty Council was also organized and a new sys tem of preferent ia l I idding was introduced

Soror i t i es rapidly increased in number and by 1932 fifteen of lliein were actively functioning

f r a t e r n i t i e s did not multiply in number so swiftly Kappa Beta was organized in 1937 The formation of the group was encouraged by a need for more housing for men and its first s taled purpose was to found a group house for men SLS was also organized in 1937

World War II worked many hardshyships on the Greeks Sigma Alpha disbanded in 1941 and bv the close of the war only seven s o r o r i t i e s remained

Pres ident Sayles in X)4gt p r e shysented a plan for Ihe f ra tern i t ies to move into Sayles Hall and give Up their houses liecatise ol the wai conditions

Dr Say les s tated that t h e adminshyistrat ion had no des i r e to abolish f ra terni t ies s ince n believed that they filled a social need on r a m -p u s

He said that ihe purpose of the proposal for 11 alernil les lo i cut par t s ol the new dot initio was to p r e se rve t hen integrit v

KDR Becomes APA A major change in the organishy

zation ol the Greeks was hei ulded in 1952 when KDH wilhdiew from u s national aflillatloii and loi mod the local Irateriiit Alpha Hi Alpha The In otliti s loll that the uat loiial organization ol KDlt was pirn to nig i acial and i eligious disci imiiiat mn

Soon altei wi id the Stat e Im -bull ei sir ol New Vm k issued a prm -laiiiation thai all national bullbull a m o and li Meruit les would be i untied It oiu all slate campuses In ]j I complying won Ihe demand Alpha 1- p s i 1 o n Phi became loi a| ami selected Ihe name Sigma Phi Sigma

In IJII Sigma Alpha i e a c l n a t e d o s chaplei in bi ing ihe uuuibei ol sol oi nies in ns pi cseni H and in lJUl Ihela Xl Omega became I lie t i l t h li a i e i m i

Willi ihe liiilnineiil uiov e I o i lie new campus last uppi ouohliig ihe li aiei mi ami san m il snuai luo has taken on mill h gi eMel sigmlicaiice Iheii purposes and exis tence have been hi ought up loi question and in response ihe Greeks huve utuled lot then cause The change in housing liom individual houses lo sections ol dm ms seems lo lie onb a iniiioi pui l oi ihe change dial is i apidh occiu mg Tilt lr nil billent IIIIIII e is al best vol 11 a z v



(continued from page 4)

were two flags - of the country and of the Presidency reminders that the continuity of both extends beyond individuals We do not mourn (he man the l e s s if we r emember that any office mdash even this highest office mdash is g rea t e r than the man who holds it

Even though we know these things to be t rue we need to remind ourselves of our dedication to reason and to intelligence We do identify we do feel personal loss we do gr ieve and after grief comes anger and a revulsion against the senseTess savagery of blind butchery

And this emotion too finds personal express ion and we let violence beget violence as the accused ki l ler vet untried is in his turn killed We who a r e dedicated to the integrity and the Unprovability and the inviolability of the individual suffer this ult imate violation of individual integrity - the man whatever his guilt killed by a self-designated executioner while our peace officers guardians of the orderly p r o shycesses of law hold him

If we a r e r ea l i s t i c we recognize the s t ratum of violence that lies all too (dose beneath the surface of our hard-won civilization We acknowledge il in our funny pape r s our entertainment our lawshylessness And our ha temongers feed it and a r e fed by it ami focus il lo their ugly purposes

We a re r ea l i s t i c but we a r e tempted always to forget our intellishygence and the way of reasonWe may for example vield to Ihe tantrums of chi ld ishness and howl that all the world is rotten and that wp want lo get off

Or we may il reason r e a s s e r t s itself remember thai violence deshyfeats its own ends more effectively than airtlung else can b rums and Cassius brought on Hie very dic ta torship ihey feared The double violence of Oswald s alleged deed and his death strengthen Ihe detershymination ol decent men to rees tabl ish the rule of law of o rder ol i eason

And most important as we asser t our common dedication to ordei and to reason we r emember the broadei idealism ol dip martyred Kennedy ihe convictions that moved him and that claimed our al legshyiance

In ihe Peace Corps we lotind expressed ihe obligation to serv ice ihe clear consequence ol the beliel dial all men ai e hi othet s

The Cuban confrontation showed that denim i e bull need not be vacilshylating and weak here we laced down author i ta r ian ism in honest anger with cool courage In the bomb lest ban John Kenned expressed for US all our fundamental peaceableness

And with Meredith in Mississippi we assei led once again thai because we believe in God the Fa ther then all men as sons ol God a re indeed brothers s ince ever man has in nun something ol God all men a re sacred and then individual nitegim is piecioi is To these idea ls we are committed hoi inese beliefs quite l i io ra l l John Kennedy died

Kvervoiie gives his hie to something Some give n gradually in the cease l e s s ei osion that begins it I n t h oi uioi e rapidly in the burning of the lhtetisir oi conviction Some give it suddenly in the shock ol a s n i p e s bullet Some inerel l i i ue i i i a w a We a re forshytunate indeed it ve give II al length m al once icr a noble cause 111 which we deeply belle e

As a umve i s l i bulliniii IIMJ i v e ai e a i oiiiiiiiinii ol youth identifying with the quali t ies ti bull-1111 ve a s p n e We a re dedicated to reason and o ihe ahhoi i eiioe - aa or bull We ai e bull unlimited to noble goals And lioin these ihiee i iai ai tei i M ics lo ines a lourih we ha e each one in ins umveis i i o- il ppoioinit and the obligation to make a 1 home ol g al s

As we ickiiole I-I ile aspn atiois ol John Kenned die values lie strove lo t Ac bullam ve ippoi bull unii ltgt c la i i r them each loi niuisell lo these ihe hoiiob gt i bull lespm led i him m - l i letnne we ma now at tils ileih MI nliiili and in lei oi i ode b e n e otn sel ves

This soi le i e bull oil ill he ei hi i dioin bull nu 11 e s mav I e long as 11 lost 1 lien id be Mo -i ol on l II 11 e I no i he n elitv -111 si entinv That in ill be an nnpoi iah milestone in in lives

God gram that o ni aiuii ei si i la oil mi h k i n 1 i bull diis da i r u l l l e s l o d e l i e i I h e i d e a l s o l h i s m a I I l e d III all lo i m o d a n d l l l s e d in i l i e s e 11 ig h e e n 1 l i o n s

NOW O P E N M o n - T h u f l Un t i l 9 PM


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Distributive Education Club

The Distributive Education Club will tour the T imes Union Newsshypaper Building on Monday Decemshyber 9

The tour will be conducted from 0 pm until 8 pm anil a guest speaker will present the Times Unions his tory All DE Club m e m shybe r s part icipat ing are urged to meet in front of Draper at 515 sharp

Basketba l l Dance After the basketball game toshy

morrow night UCA will present an liiiornial dance from 10 to 12 in ihe Brubacher game room

Music will be provided by the Dutchmen also known as Weasel and the Whart ra ts from Union Colshylege

Chemistry Club Dr St oj) h e n Wiberley of the

Chemistry Department a tUenss laer Polytechnic Institute will give a lecture lo the Chemistry Club enshytitled Inf rared Spectroscopy on Tuesday December 10 at 730 pm in Brubacher Hall

Dr Wiberlev is an authority in the Meld and has written a new textbook Introduction to Infrashyred and Raman Spect roscopy Dr Wiberlev is presently associate dean oi die graduate school at KPI

All chemist ry students are inshyvited to attend this meeting Reshyfreshments will be served after the lec ture

S c i e n c e C o l l o q u i u m Dr M Evans Monroe Chairman

ol the Mathematics Department of the University of New Hampshire will give a lecture entitled The St ructure oi Elemental Functions mdash A Computer s Eye View on F r i shyday December G at 125 in Draper 3-19 All students a re invited to attend this lecture

KAPPA PHI KAPPA Kappa Phi Kappa will hold its

initiation ol new members on Thur s shyday Deceinbei 1- The ceremony will lake place in Brubacher Hall at HU0 pm New members are required to attend

Hil lel A Tri-Citv Hillel Dance will be

held on Sundav December 8 in Brubacher Hall s Mam Dining Room iioin 2i0 io Gi() pm Students Irom KPI Union Siena Russell Sane and Albany will attend this Dred l e Spin

A Chaiiukah Queen will be chosen ai the d a m e and i live land will p i m p l e music loi the occasion Roll esiiinenis will be sei v ed

Admission is lilt corns loi iiieui-bel s and se ent - In e cent s lor non-111e1111 el s

Walts Subs Around the Corner

from the Dorms

Open Daily Mon-Thurs HamM30prn

Fri ampSat Ham mdash l-30arn

Sun 400pm mdashlipm

271 Ontario Street

Johnson Senate Record Indicates Liberal Civil Rights Outlook

by Joseph W Golu

The assass inat ion of President Kennedy leaves everyone at a loss for words with a feeling of utter he lp lessness

The w o r l d s greates t surgeon could do nothing ihe best speaker could not find words to express the feelings of an individual the nation or himself t h e world s s t ronges t man could do nothing to lend even an ounce of strength to the Pres ident as he lay dying

The impossibili ty of the task of express ing o n e s feelings in a limited space forbids my attempt to say that which I still feel The only profitable course is to face the present and future and conshys ider Lvndon Baines Johnson

Civil Rights Record

Those who wonder about civil r ights should remember that it was Johnson who was the leader of the Senate when all modern civil rights legislation was passed

It was Johnson who put the Senshyate on a 24-hour a day schedule thus defeating the Southern filishybuster Johnson the so-cal led conshyserva t ive was the man who pushed through the 1959 and 19(30 Senates the legislation which Ike vetoed as being too radical

I do not expect Johnson to present Congress with the type of legisshylation which Kennedy presented and which bogged Congress down to its present do little pace

Kennedys Far Reaching Programs I do not expect Johnson to come

up with the extremely far- reaching plans that Kennedy had the corps for peace the complete revision of our tax s t ruc tu re the complete revision of our tarill policy a ra ther complete program for South American and South-eastern Asian development

Kennedy in his two years and ten months presented (according to Richard Russe l I )more f a r - r each shying legislation than even FDR in the Hundred Days Kennedys p r o shyg rams were not hastily prepared or presented to a wildly enthusiastic Congress

Kennedys approach was almost entirely intellectual When dealing even with defense he calmlv quoted s ta t i s t ics ol we a re 600c more

capable to fight guer i l las etc

Approach Will Differ Johnsons approach will combine

the intel lectualism of Kennedy with a more ear thy more folksy more urbane style

He will not descent to the level of telling the American people what they want but I expect nation-wide television a d d r e s s e s on his pr ior i ty legislation

I also expect Johnson to deal with Congressional leaders in a manner more firm than that of Kennedy I feel su re that the Senshyate will be m o v i n g faster and will probably replace Mansfield as leader

In the House the leadership is on its last legs McCormack has his last chance right now If he does not make good he will p robshyably vield to someone new The current House underlings stand little chance of replacing McCormack

No Problem In general I feel that the people

who worry about Johnson s conser shyvatism are creat ing their own probshylem Johnson s tar ted in the House of Representat ives as a New Deal darl ing This hardly reflects conshyse rva t i sm

His opponents in pr imary e lecshytions in Texas have always painted Johnson as an ex t reme liberal

My only fear is that Johnsons att i tudes a re not urban We have gone back to a rura l President after our first truly urban P r e s i shydent in many yea r s

I feel that the Johnson record on civil r ights and in getting civil r ights legislation through the Senshyate is a irue indication of the man s att i tudes and potential




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open eoenings till 9pm Saturday till 6pm

Student Organization Services Present

On the weekend of Dec 14th and ISth SOS will present its

annual Holiday Weekend A Roaring Twenties Dance will be held

Saturday evening at 8 oclock The Holiday Sing will be held at

7 oclock Sunday euenintj and a coffee hour will be held immediately after Check next weeks paper for further details

PAGE lO S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3

Goobers APA Win I AMIA Bowl ing Teams

by Gary Murdock

Basketball is Back AMIA s ty le with the traditional excitement and th r i l l s Four League I t eams sprung into action Monday The Goobers muti lated Waterbury 67-45 and APA eas i ly defeated Pot ter 49-35

Goobers Romp The Goobers built up an i m shy

p r e s s i v e 37-19 half time lead and coasted to an easy victory

Gutwillig sank eigiit from the field for 1G points and Hickey ripped 6 shots through the nets Browner and Colin a lso netted 4 field goals apiece to help pace the Goober attack

APA Controls Boards A well balanced APA squad easi ly

defeated Pot ter I last y e a r s chamshy

pions by a 49-35 count Strong board play enabled APA to control the game throughout Gary Smith and Don Sinclair lead their team with 10 and 13 points respectively

League Two League two action began Monshy

day Another APA team emerged victorious as they defeated the Inshyfinites in over t ime 41-35 DiCaprio led the scor ing with 12 points Waltamath and Much also hit aouble figures with 11 and 10 points r e shyspectively APA pulled out to a comfortable 25-19 half t ime lead but took an about-face in the second half and the sco re at the end of regulation was knotted at 35 all APA dominated over t ime play DishyCaprio netted 4 points in overt ime and APA won going away

n League I All Sweep

In other league two action Club 487 defeated The Club 30-25 Krell was high for Club 487 with 13 points while Tal l is led the Club with 10 points

AMIA Bowling There was a clean sweep for five

t eams in last weeks AMIA Scratch League

The Kappa Beta team led by Al Barnard (558) and Tony Riservato s tayed in first place and kept an undefeated record by shutting out the Holy Bowlers 7-0 In the third game Barnard shot the League s second high single a 24fi

Potter Clubs 7-0 win over Water-bury pushed them up lo second place in the standings and only three points behind KB John Lilga and Kim Gilshyford led the effort as Potter hit the day s high single learn game of 937

Goobers Win M e n Sutnertands (545) set the

pace for the G o o b e r s as they trounced the U n k n o w n s 7-0 and moved into third place A si long Newman Club team walked away with seven points at the expense of APA

Tim Molola (577) and Mike Nem-shick (535) led the Newmans The Defenders with Dick Lepaks 537 and Bill Thomas 234 single shut out TXO by 7-0

M i k e Bloom former A l b a n y H igh basketba l l p layer c lowns it up in a frosh prac t ice sess ion

N O T I C E UCA Tournaments

In this ruining week Hie UCA Recreat ion Commit Leu will sponsor Hie following tournaments

Chess Tournament Dec 9-12 Mens Table Tenuis Dec 9-12

and Dec 10-1H

Bridge Tournament Dec 11-12 Mens and Womens Bowling Dec

8 1-1 and 15 The following week December 10-

19 there will be a Mens Bil l iards Tournament

Sign-up sheets for all the tournashyments will lie on the Union bulshyletin board You may enter more than one tournament it you wish





by Ron Hamilton

The contest slated for tomorrow night was to have proved a point made in this column a few weeks ago Unfortunately the Fates have fouled things up again New Pal tz s s tar center has withdrawn from school this semester It seems that dispite valiant attempts to keep this not too academically inclined lad in school he has backed out for a semes te r The odds now favor Albany

On the national basketball scene we a re going to place our heads on the block (not that they havent been there before) and pick NYU to finish no 1 in the country with Loyola of Chicago a close second Please save your comments until the end of the season

For study bugs that dont want to make the long tr ip VVSUA will be broadcasting the games We urge all students that cant attend the games in person to tune in the play by play account on VVSUA Rememshyber i t s your team

The cold weather heralds the possible appearance of the one the only Lake Minerva Yes friends that cancerous pond that we all love so well may appear overnight as if createdby a wonderful magician The new students a re in store for a marvelous treat If we all pray real hard the wondrous transformation may take place on Dorm Field

Could someone tell us how male cheer leaders a re going to inspire State fans to bigger and bet ter cheers We have nothing against males waving the pom poms but we fail to see any gain in refusing the gir ls admittance to the ranks of the rah rah squad We are certainly not an all male school as any State coed will tell you so le t s have EQUAL opportunity for all

Another prediction Albany State mdash 15-7 s tart ing with Oneonta as first victim

WAA Starts Fall Events Schedule Overweight WAA has the answer to your problem Under the

direction of Miss De Lamaler an exerc i se group has recently been formed The meetings a re held on Mondays ai 330 and Tuesday thru Thursday al 400 in the Sayles gym Regretfully no re f reshments will be served

Present ly WAA is concluding a highly successful season ol Volleyshyball The winners ol the Tuesday league and Thursday league will have a plav oll before Chr i s tmas Vacation This will de termine the season champs

The managers for basketball Penny Bishop and Ruth Whiting announce that all r o s t e r s a re due today Dec (J and may be turned in to Sue Boyd The schedule will be announced next week and all captains a r e asked to watch the WAA Bulletin hoard next to the CO-OP for the tune and da of the meeting This is a very important meeting and will answer all questions concerning the r u l e s and p ro shycedure

l o r those who are not adept al basket ball Mariuin Tasjian and Carole Coena recommend howling They a re accepting ros t e r s now and will also announce a captains meeting Watch I he WAA board

The most important item currently on ihe WAA agenda is the revision ol the Constitution It has been introduced and tabled lm the mandatory two week period All a re urged to attend the next meeting where Ihe toiilroy ers ta l point system will be discussed WAA is still open for new suggestions The point system is to provide a stable method for giving awards to those g i r l s who a r e consistaiil in then participation in Hie WAA int ramural program

Also undei discussion is the necessity ol a training program lor Ihe basketball o l l n i a l s If you have had exper ience n are interested in learning p lease come to a meeting or contact our WAA i ep resen-i i t i y e


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S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 PAGE 1 1

Junior t ransfer J im O D o n o v a n f ires up one of his sof t jumpers H is height is e x p e c t e d to help the teams rebounding st rength

Wrestling Team Places

Fifth in Hiram Tourney Wrestling against strong competition the Peds placed

fifth in last Saturdays Hiram Tournament held at Hiram College in Ohio The tourney which consisted of eight teams was won by favored Ohio University Hiram College and Miami of Ohio took second and third positions respectively

The Peds were at a disadvantage in the tournament since they were only able to fill eight of ten positions In spite of this they accumulated twenty-nine points to finish ahead of RP1 Rochester Institute of Techshynology and Addrian College

Eugene Monaco (123 lbs weight class) lost a hear t shybreaking decision in his second match to Randy Whitehead (Miami) by one point in an over t ime Whiteshyhead later went on to take first place Gene came back to pin his next two opponents and take third position

Bill Thomas (117 lbs) gained needed points for the team by pinning Pete Kowal (Adrian) and taking first place Larry Thomas (167 lbs) placed fourth position

A lot of credit should be given to Dick Hoard (177 lbs) who lost seven pounds in two days to get down to his weight class In the tourney he lost third position to Doug Wilcox (RIM) in an o v e r t i m e

Top grappler Gene Monaco shovs Soph mottnun B i l l Thomas how

it 5 done



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Snack liar


The New Paltz Hawks invade the Washington Ave Armory tomorrow night to do battle with the Peds New Paltz has shown great improvement in recent years and is expected to be strong Last year the Hawks received outstanding play from Bob Dilman and Fred Sadler Dilman has graduated but Sadler was only a freshman Big Fred was the teams leading score r and rebounder Reports indicate that New Platz has picked up several t ransfers but they a re unconfirmed

Albany will be going with two veteran s t a r t e r s Dick Crosset t and Joe Loudis The shifty Crosset t gave the normal schoolers fits last year It will probably be his job to contain Sadler Both teams will have had one game behind them when they lock horns at the Armory The odds-makers are predicting a close tough game with the outcome depending on the foul-line

P e d s D e f e a t O n e o n t a

Rebounding strength and foul shooting proficiency made the big difference as Albany State ended up on the long side of a 70-49 route over Oneonta

Co-capiam Paul S h e e h a n and t ransfer Bol e h were he scoring l eaders hut the earn effort kept all the scoring een

Jim ODonovan was the t ig man off the hoards in the firs half ODonovan corra led a total of fourshyteen rebounds during he night Dan Zeh took oyer his role when Jim got into four trouble earl m the second half Jumping Dan swept the a n wa s for 10 rebounds

Hob Zeh as the big surpr i se for the Peds as he lumped in a night high of fourteen The overall bench strength drew comment from Coach Sauers He said I am pleasantly stunned by the elfort I received from all the guys

Slow Stort

The game started out slowly with the lead changing hands several t imes Dick Crosset t and Paul Shee-han were the early s c o r e r s Oneonta played a tight defense to keep Cros shysett from moving to the basket and succeeded until the rest of the t eam s scoring f o r c e d them to change

Crosse t t last yea r s second leadshying score r played less than a third ol the game as he had early foul u ouble

The hall nine score yvas ciose 10-21 in favoi of State Oneonta failed to take adaniage of then foul shots yvhile State seemingly couldnt miss The gap widened and with ten innines left to gt the Red Dragons began some er costly fouling State pulled awa The final i uzet s o u 11- i and Stare was twenty -bull ne poms i - t 70-49

Frosh Wm

Doc Sauers g ives veteran guard Joe L o u d i s a few ca lmly -d i rec ted

ins t ruct ions

Coach Sauers Starts 9th Season Optimistic Over Teams Chances

This week as the State basket- State he went on to Penh State ball season opens ihe loams bull ojci and recei cd ins MEd ami Ins Ed Dr Kichaid Sauers will be s t a l l - J-mg his ninth eai as ineniot ol bull addition to coaching basket-ltltbull Ped i oopsteis O-ei he e a i s l a 1 D u e heads the golf team bullDoc1 has teen quite sin tess lul The had a line J - 1 iecoi 1 and j a i s i i bas-bullbull all oatl an-1 bullbulll he State toiii hainiht lasi ear is upuui i s i a i r nis teams e plays a good game o golf chain es hi s season a bull i-ij s handlali tennis and

Dr Sauei - was ot iaise-1 i u d i e o c n i a u n g is anothei one in Pehiisl ania note ltbull plae- l bull Suu-i s ime i e s t s He i- a a s k c b a l i toottall ne i a se ia l l q i iahl ic nigh srul and college

l e l e t e e unde IAllO i emulations A it el i bull Doc In es nea

the hoiiley a 0 in a set on i fioi t 11 e 111

b t -

i l a s a

a h i

I) bull l i e a Si

I IS 1S a s i


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Ray C i a n f r i n i sets h imsel f for a free throw H e w i l l be star t ing at backcourt for the frosh hoopers

P A G E 12 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R ft 1 9 6 8

Literary Review

Spain Explores Her Inner Soul The CIRTNECOGE

by Elizabeth Stroud

by J A Gomez

Nikos Kazantzakis SPAIN (New York 1963) Simon and Schuster 254 pages - $500

Like D H Lawrence Nikos Kazshyantzakis was a frenzied prophet who preached a Dionysian vision of life Like Lawrence he was a world t r ave le r who sought some unobtainshyable ideal synthesis

Both wr i t e r s met with failure in their quest but both wr i te r s produced p e n e t r a t i n g t r a v e l b o o k s about the many lands that thev visited

Spain by Nikos Kazantzakis is not a t r ave l book in the ordinary sense of the word The reader sees l i t t le of the peaceful Spanish counshyt rys ide and the everyday life of the people but lie feels the depths of a people s soul

Kazantzakis por t ra i t of Spain is tinted by a mytho-his tor ical colorshyful and visionary explosion of emoshytion and philosophy Out of this unique vision r ides the undying heart of Spanish life mdash Don Quixote

T h e world has emerged from Gods hands rife with injustice and shortcomings And he the Knight of the Ideal was duty-bound to set it right For Don Quixotes work begins where Gods leaves off

Don Quixote Spain like the idealistic hero

of La Mancha set out on an advenshyturous dream The Spanish conshyquistador desired to bring Chr i s -bulltianity and Spanish rule to the world

In 1588 the real i ty of the English navy punctured this Don Quixotesque d r e a m and like her hero Spain re turned to her homeland to await her las t joust with death

Kazantzakis c la ims that along with Ulysses Faust and Hamlet Don Quixote i s deeply rooted in the hea r t s of men F o r perhaps of all the p r inces Don Quixote most faithfully m i r r o r s the fate of m a n

Don Miguel Unamuno The modern represen ta t ive of Don

Quixote is Don Miguel Unamuno Like the idealist ic hero Unamunos thoughts and plans for action a r e hidden in the misty clouds of a d ream

Most thinkers claimed that twenshytieth century Spain should be E u r -opeanized o thers felt that she should remain within her own borders and tradit ion Unamuno attempted to heal the wounded heart o f Spain he des i red to Spanify Europe

We are Africans We a re not s a r c a s t i c wits and mathemat ic ians like the Europeans We a re not sc ien t i s t s We use the things d i s shycovered by them e lec t r ic i ty the rai lway the telephone etc

But our spir i t is different we a r e mystical and t ragic Our inshyability to adapt ourse lves to E u r shyopean c u l t u r e will give us the s trength to c rea te a new culture of our own

Despair In his last yea r s this defeated

Spaniard was also forced to re turn to his homeland his own inner being and await death

His only constant companion was despa i r In one of his last works S a i n t E m m a n u e l t h e G o o d M a r t y r

he tells the story of a Catholic p r ies t who at tempts to give the people a faith in winch lie himsel i cannot believe

During the Spanish Civil War Kazantzakis and Unamuno met in the Falanee stronghold of Salashymanca Unamuno poured forth his troubled soul to his Greek friend

Al l of these things a re happening because (he Spaniards dont believe in anythingNothingNothing They a r e desperados The Spanish people have gone mad Not only the Spanish people the whole world today What is our duty To hide the truth from the peopleif they knew the truth the) couldnt go on They wouldnt want to live am inure The people need myth illusion decepshyt ion

legend is Don Juan Kazantzakis por t rayal of Don Juan like that of Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus p re sen t s a man who is not in quest of the Ideal Love

He loves each woman with the same passion and delight and he knows that his l o v e is mere ly momentary H e p o s s e s s e s he is not possessed mdash and that is his p o w e r

To Kazantzakis Don Juan r e p shyr e sen t s the Spir i t t h e wakeful wandering f l ame which leaps up and escapes the c lutches of woman mdash Matter

Don Juan and Don Quixote passion and ideal ism form the roots of the Spanish people and Kazantzakis a t shytempts to t rans la te his mythical vision of these people to the unshyfamiliar reader

His verbal p o r t r a i t s a r e often as colorful g ro tesque and symbol i shycally personal as the visual por shyt r a i t s of El Greco H e (El Greco) succeeded by his line and color in crys ta l l iz ing an e ternal phantom the indestruct ible despair ing soul of m a n

Kazantzakis a t tempts a s imi la r purpose At t imes he is quite suc shycessful

Many thanks to Mr Robert Bell manager of the CO-OP w h o g r a -ciously supplied this book for review purposes

Movie Review

Some evening probably in the very near future (if it hasn t already taken place) the usual emptiness of winter- t ime dorm field will give way to complete havoc the usually crowded study lounges will concede to the al l - important first snowfall

Provided of course that the snows good packing and that there is enough to pack this very common occurrence can offer one of the happiest t imes here at State The re s no formal organization no p ressure (except an occasional being dragged outside physishycally) to join in no nothin cept a heap of fun

P r e s s u r e s build up and suddenly it hits you right between the eyes and you dont care how childishly you act mdash so you pick up a snowball twice as big and hit back The grade-school excitement of building forts staging attacks and running desperately from the enemy is suddenly rekindled the crazy mixture of thrilled annoyance that comes with snow down your back re turns in all its glory

Maybe i t s the unaccustomed vacation from the way a n adult in college should act maybe i t s the obshyvious exhilaration of the frosty cold maybe i t s the secre t grin because he (or she) is aiming more snow your direction than anyone e l se s whatever your own special reason the dorm field fracas is thoroughly enjoyable

Dont forget sew your coat buttons on securely avoid long winding scarves and d ress warmly (the medical office has limited gallons of Cepacol) but for heavens sake join in One ofthese days there s going to be a real hum-dinger of a battle mdash I hope youll take advantage of it

Auteur Theory Gains Popularity

I n these t roublesome t imes it t a k e s Home doing to keep one s perspec t ive to appra i se world condi t ions with intell igence a n d to come up with sat isfying answers This hook Science a n d H e a l t h with Key to the Scripshytu re s by M a r y Baker E d d y hits helped m a n y of us to do this I t can help you too

We invi te you to come to our mee t ings and to hear how we a re work ing ou t our p rob lems t h r o u g h app ly ing the t r u t h s of Jh r i s t i an Science


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Science and Health in available at all Science Heading Uoumn and at many college Imaketoree Iuperbutk hditwn $196

D o n J u a n

The second gi and figure ol Spanish

cMo4Ue okaudd BETA Z E T A

President Sue M u i p h y 04 anshynounces that the lullov mg en Is wore pledged to the sorority on Tuesdav November 12

Mai Burns 65 Loraine Paronne tifi Margery Weed GO and Vivien Sotamayor 65 exchange student from Puerto Kin

Also Bonnie F e r r a r i (iG Marie Qualantoue GO and Sue Thomson G6

KAPPA B E T A KB w i l l hold an open liotise

Sunday Deceinbet B iJt) l r i to riO p in

on i l l l

The men ol Kappa Beta initiated the tollowing Monday evening Ken Drake GG Dick Genliliol e GO Kd Kuriliniski GG and Gary Spieliuann GG

by Paul Jensen

The latest vogue in motion-picshyture cr i t ic ism is the so- ra i l ed au-teur theory Formulated in France it has now spread by way of Engshyland into the United States

It supposedly originated in the pages of the magazine Cahie rs du Cinema during the period in the filties when new-wave d i r e c t o r s such as Francois Truffaut were merely c r i t i c s

It is based on the idea that the best f i lm-makers a r e those (mainh Europeans) who both write and dishyrect their films and so retain a great deal ol control

P e r s o n a l S t a t e m e n t A picture b one of these men

whether good or not is still much more ol a personal statement than a 111 in by some Hollywood directoi who had been assigned an already finished scr ipt

Such w r i t e r - d i r e c t o r s like Bergshyman Fellini and Antonioni a r e essentially the authors ( au teurs ) ol their films

As the books ol an author can be analyzed together so the works id an au teur can be taken as showing the development in te l lectualh and technically ol their makei Hence the spiritual s e a r c h o f l n g m a r Bergshyman ai com epts

These 11 1111 S Jlli

wish and to coiisidei

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a k i n d u t a u t l i u i

But this basically sound and fairly sensible theory lias been so twisted in its t ranslat ion into English that it can only be recognized as a de -lormity of the original

As presented by Andrew Sarri s among o the r s in such magazines as Film Culture the au teur theory lias been combined with the Euroshypeans high regard lor the American film noir

The French in par t i cu la r seem inordinately impressed by films that in this country a re considered unimshyportant These a r e c r ime and gangshys te r l i lms ho r ro r p ic tures wesshyte rns and that s u n ol thing

In truth many films of this sort a r e underrated m America and recognition of the cinematic and intelligent ta lents ul such suspense and action d i r ec to r s as Alfred Hitchshycock and Anthony Mann has long been overdue

It is only when this idea is comshybined Willi the au ie i i i theory that 11 lnMnines dangerous

Mi s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

The au teu r c r i t i c s l ime in apshyplying this theory lo American fi lms succeeded in conipleteh mi s in t e r shypret ing it As a resul t cer ta in dishyr e c t o r s have been elevated to the s ta tus id Gods

Most id these are lailly talented within part n ular l imits Inn they do not w n t e 11 if I i own sc reen-p lays mid do not coni i ol their films Their p i n in i ai e nut pel son a I s ta tements ul au ibiug

But as Gods then can do no wrong anil a r e physically unable to make a poor film Ilitchock Howard Hawks and John Ford a r e at present on the pinnacle of this pantheon

You thought that except technishycally The Bi rds was a vacant and vacuous pic ture You didnt undershystand it the au teur cr i t ic rationshyal izes I t s not a poorly plotted monster movie i t s an allegory on the human cniidit ion

A II Fa i l ures All nun - an i en t s such as Carol

heed and John Huston (the d i s shytinction is completely a rb i t ra ry ) have never through their own skill made a good lilin

They may appear good hut this is an optical illusion caused by a good cast or some othei factor Kven the worst John Ford lilm (and there is a (duse liable for the title) is better than the e n atie Henry Kings The Guulightei or William VVelbuans The Ox-Bow Incident for Knr ami Wellmaii are not lushyt e i n s

The liual irony ol die situation is that this coi i upted theory has come lull c i rc le It lias now infected us mother country F rance with its super fan-magazine type ol cr i t i shycism This is the final irony in a generally ironic situation

JSolu gte | P i Gamma Mu

Am one Intel esieil in becoliu ug a iiieinliei ul Il Camilla Mil (Social Science Honorary) and feels he meet s the necessai quail Ileal ions

r t

gort you appear

to be u p s e t


(Jou have observed t ha t L j ou a re

fami l iar Gor t wit h my recently published novel and you krow how Ive sldvyd

should Kaneri i n i n n bull

Fifteen y ea r s to perfect each VMOHI sentence 4 paragraph Ljou know I v reared Imee that soar on their own w n g e l

Well a short while ago some insolent chap had the ne i v t to sugrjest i t be re publ ished in ( ondensed pQfmV

c o i i i a i i

( a n d

i J e u n i

IMPOSSIBLE My blood Curdlee to think o f |alteriny one comma No sooner had lie fled before my curies than op walks some idiot

Dr B i n Fa ion Id

e Van Shk

M a i l e t l a bull i n I f i t -

who daime to have perfected something called Speed feeding He had read my entire noiel in iampQ lt(lt we MP minutes

I shudder to tl link ul trie next logical Up

in e r u d i t i o n Speed-Reading a Condensed

Novel V

Sipum Laudis Inducts Twenty-three Robotham Receives Scholar Award

A total of twenty-three State senshyio rs were inducted into the Univershys i ty s highest honorary society Sig-num Laudis severa l weeks ago This award is made to the sen iors with the highest academic averages in their c l a s s

The induction took place in the Faculty Dining Room Dr Freder ick Truscot t the socie ty s faculty adshyvisor introduced Dr Ann Oliver faculty t r e a s u r e r who presented the Slgnuin Laudis scholar award to the group s pres ident Miss Pa shyt r ic ia Robotham

Highest Average This award is made to the senshy

ior with the highest academic ave r shyage

Dean Stokes also read Dean Metz-l e r s address to the inductees This address was given at the first Sig-num Laudis induction and is by tradition read at every induction ceremony

The twenty-three inductees r ep shyresent the second 4 of the Class of 1964 The first 4 of the c lass was inducted last spring

The new additions to the honshy

o ra ry include Joan AsfouryStephati Bacon F r a n c e s Beards ley J a m e s Brush Sandra Campo Roland E s o -len Kenneth Falvo M r s Armida Flehs Joan Rois te r P i re t Kutt Mary Lou Maina F r a n c e s McDan-ie l s and Victoria P a r k e r

Also Paul P r a u s Ronald Putnam Marie t ta Raner i Ralph Rominger F reder ick Smith Judith Suttneir Catherine Ann Tupper Jeanne Van Slyke Richard Weeks and Dennis Wienk

O l d M e m b e r s

Those m e m b e r s initiated last spr ing include Elizabeth Austin Gloria Avner Diva Daims June Fai rchi ld Gaye Frusc ione Norma Gayer Lois Gianini Shirley Golden-berg Joseph Gomez Ralph Gr i iua l -di Judith Horton Nina Howard) and Pat r ic ia Jewell

Also Karen King Lor ra ine Kirk-land Richard Leveroni Margaret Metger Robert Ri t tner Pa t r i c ia Robotham Karen Scheinman Lillian Schmidt Evelyn Simon Barbara Steindorf Phylis Vastbinder C a r o shylyn Wameling and Barba ra Zendle

Annual Holiday Weekend

Features Dance And Sing The annual Student Organization Services Holiday-

Weekend will include a dance tomorrow night and the Holiday Sing on Sunday evening Donald Kisiel 66 is the general chairman for the dance whichwillbe held in Bru s Main Dining Room from 8 to 12 pm His co-workers Bonnie Tomaszewski and Kathy Brown

ISC-IFC To Hold Hiinterlude Dance

freshmen have taken charge of the decorat ions which will t ransform the dining room into the Roaring Twenties a tmosphere of P e r c y s Pawn Shop

Music for the dance will be p r o shyvided by the Lenny Ri reard i Orshyches t ra The group has played at many events in colleges throughout the area During the o r c h e s t r a s break several State students will furnish enter tainment

C o k e on T a p Students are urged to attend the

dance with or without da tes No admission will be charged and coke

Winterlude sponsored by the Inshyte r -Fra te rn i ty and In ter -Soror i ty Councils will be held tonight from 900 pm in 100 am at iheSchine-Ten Eyck Hotel Enter ta inment will be provided by Howard Jackson and his Modern Jazz Quintet in Hie Fort Orange Suite and the Joe Cosco O r shyches t ra in the Grand Bal l room

IFC-ISC p re s iden t s Gary i-etre and potato chips will be served a | bdquo Leoua Kerpel co-chai r the

M | - w l M I bull I T I I I Michael Doinkowski 05 and Diana e c u t Marek 67 have handled publicity Guests who will attend include for the dance Elaine McCarthy 67 1 ) e u bdquo a n ( 1 M r s p a v i ( j Hart ley Mr is in charge of Hospitality and a n ( 1 M r s William MoKiiinon and Sandra Randall also a freshman Miss Barbara Burkhart has obtained the ehaperonos

The C h a p e r o n e ( o i n u i i l tee Hol iday Sing headed b Psi Gamma and Theta

The twelfth annual Holiday Sing i l n t jmega selected Mr and Mrs will be held Sunday ai 7 pm in j Neil Will iams Mr and Mrs Page Hall Seventeen groups ol J a m e s K Wagner Mr and Mrs s tudents lroin res idences organi- W i l l i a m Clarkin Mr and Mrs zal ious fratern s and so ro r i t i e s Char les Giiher and Mr and Mrs a r e participating Klein as chaperoiies

The groups taking pari this t ea r a r e Alden Hall Alpha Pi Alpha The theme ol the lurnial is p ro -Beta e t a Biiibacher Hall Chi jecied into the wintei a tmosphere Sigma Theta Edward Eldred Pollei through the use ol holly mist letoe Club Gamma kappa Phi Kappa decoi aled eve rg reens and the warm Beta Kappa Delta Pierce Hall Phi glow Iruiu candles The Decorations Delta Psi Gamma Saylos Hall Committee is h e a d e d by Sigma Sigma Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Uui cisii Commuters Organizashytion and Waiei bury Hall

Each group yyill sing one sunn and will be ludged by Dr I lewitt Lllinwood 11 die Soi lal Studies Deshypartment Mi Enill Kalbn ul Alshybany High School and Miss Jean Hi ighain a y ocal nisi ructor in die ai ea

WinnL-r R e c e i v e r T r o p h y

the lop lr c giotips will be anshynounced and will then sing a second song The pidges will de termine the winners ol the first second and t l i i i d p l a i e s

The Insi plaow group will be awarded a trophy to be kepi and displayed by thai group until the next Holiday Sing The current irophy holder is Waiei bury Hall

The Holiday Sing is under the general chairmanship ol Thomas

Lambda Sigma Sigma Alpha and Phi Delia

The heads ol the Tickets and P ro shyg rams Committee ai e Kappa Beta Sigma Phi Sigma and Beta eta Alpha Pi Alpha leads the Ar range shyments Coiiinintee and Gamma Kappa Phi the bull lowers I ouuni t tee Iul -lu l l v Committee i+= headed by Chi Sigma Theta and Pollei Club

Bids are $-100 per couple Nu one will be admit led without a t icket


The S U News will not appear ueM Friday due to Chr i s t inas vacashytion The next regular issue ol die S U News will appear on January 10

The Publication Office will be Lelleer titi The program will be open the night ol January 5 L e t t e r s e i iueed by Carole Polls and Robert p the Edi tor House Howls and

Notices will be accepted only ul ( c o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 3) I h l s l l i n c

nnwer F o o t b a l l

T e a m

P a g e 4

A L B A N Y 3 N E W YORK DEC E M B E R 13 1063 VOL X L I X NO 2 6

Hearing Today on Student Tax For Second Semester Buses Chartered

by Steve Curti

Last Wednesdays Senate m e e t shying was highlighted by the in t roshyduction of bills proposing a second s e m e s t e r student tax and the g ran t shying of permiss ion to cha r i e r vashycation buses at Chr is t inas time to eight groups

A bearing will he held this af ter shynoon at 125 The meeting place will be posted on the Senate bulleshytin board in Busted near the Husted-Richardson per i s ty le

H e a r i n g T o p i c s

The hearing will be used to d i s shycuss the proposed second s emes t e r student tax The various uses of the money collected from the proposed tax will he explained

Some of the proposed uses for the lax money in the order of the amount of proposed expenditures a re Music Council State Univershysity News an addition lo the conshytingency fund a Uniled P r e s s Inshyternational news se rv ice for WSUA and the student d i rec tory

Music Council hopes to bring four name groups to the campus next year If given Hie money next s e m e s t e r Music Council by workshying wiib other area colleges and by signing its contracts ear ly could bring excellent groups and perhaps a n ange for more than one per for shymance

The proposed binds for Hie dishyrectory would allow the publication ol a second semes te r supplement in the dii ectory

The funds allotted to Ihe State Unishyversity News would permit the paper to publish lor the whole ol tlie s ec shyond semester Without these funds the paper Will only be aide to pubshylish loi eight weeks

The funds will also allow Ihe paper in publish two issues a week lor die luinl month ol the academic year

Buses Aga in Senate ii an I od pin mission tu eight

groups in char ie r and solicit funds for buses no tins Chris t inas vacashytion

Senator Art Johnston 65 moved that Senate authorize any member ol die student bod to chartei a bus for ibis Chris t inas holiday The

Forum Sends 5 To Puerto Rico

Ioruni ol Politics is sending live s tudents lo Inter-Ainer ican Uuivei-sii in Sun Gei main Fuel to RICH to attend an Intel ci illegiale coiifci -e rne entitled The Caribbean Mishycrocosm ol World St ruggle The conference is sponsored by die As-sociattuii ol International Relations ( lubs ul which 1 ni inn is a mem -bei

The live students being sent a r e Ronnie Hi aunsteiu UO Rila Bren-s i h e i lifi Marilyn Bi own 00 Sandra Cuslunan CO and Tniii Masshyter (if)

The students will lly down Hi one ol tyvo jets leaving Irom Idlewilde

A program ol l e c tu r e r s speakshye r s and discussion groups has been planned Speakers at the conference will be Juan Bosch deposed P r e s i shydent ol the Dominican Republic Munoz Marin Govei tor of Puerto Rico Jose Miro Cardoua Cuban exile and Senaloi Wayne Morse (D O r e )

motion was defeated Pres ident Ce r ra announced the

recent resignation of Carl Cusato GG and the longstanding res ignashytion of Helen Mandeville 64 C e r r a appointed Vic Mitchell G6 and Bob Sargeant 64 to fill the vacancies The Senators were sworn in imshymediately


During the commit tee r epo r t s the State University Revue constitution was brought up for approval A conshyt roversy a rose about the r equ i r e shyment that Senate approve the apshypointment of Ihe d i rec tor of the Revue

Some Senators complained that the constitution was poorly worded and that Senate should not have the final power of approval in the choice of d i rec to r

Senator Guddat 66 also pointed out the fact that the proposed con-


stltution s ta tes that the business manager of the Revue was to be a member of Finance Committee or appointed by the group

He noted that the authors of the constitution did not present this part of constitution to ei ther the Finance Committee as a whole or to its chai rman Barbara Townsend 65

The Revue Constitution was sent back to Ed Wolner s Constitutions Committee by a vote of Senate

Irregularities by Chair The meeting was highlighted by

severa l par t isan comments by C e r shyra He made comments indicating Ids approval of several opinions expressed by Senators

Senator Gain 64 left the Senate meeting due lo these comments and due to the P res iden t s refusal to answer a question Galu appealed from the decision of the chai r

S A P r e s i d e n t Pa t Cerra conducts Wednesday n ight s Senate

Meet ing during which pr ivate charter ing of buses was d i s c u s s e d

SU News Foster Child Contributions Still $40 Short of Drives Goal

The State University News has received approximately $140 toward i ts Foster Parents Plan This leaves about forty dol la rs short of the necessary $180 lo support an un-foi innate i luld lot a period of one y e a i

Tim SUNews plan was begun in order to enable all the students ol ihe University to contribute towards this cliui liable cause The News is in se rve only as a medium ol colshylod ion not the coin Ill iiling organ-lal ion

The child who I e e e r e s the sup-pui t ul ihe student body will receive lood clothing medical care and othei necess i t i es lor one year The child will write a letter each month telling abiitil hiiusell The SUNews will print all information and corshyrespondence r e c e i v e d Irom the c h i l d

Students may contribute to the lund through any News Board memshyber or at the News Office Room 5 in Brtihacher on Sunday through Wednesday nights Irom 7 lo 11 pm Contributions may be also mailed to ihe News Office c o the Editor

at 750 State Street The SUNews emphasizes that

the s ize ol ihe contribution does not matter but hopes that everyshyone will help to meet the goal by Chr i s tmas

Five lace Expulsion

For Run Around Five Stale University students

lace expulsion from Ihe University The I n e haye been accused by three Albany res idents ol staging a Chinese-Run-Around their car on the night of November lG

A Chinese-Run Around occurs when a group ol people surround a eai stopped in traffic and run around i t

The State students allegedly got out of their car and staged the bullRun-Around around a car in which three women were driving

The women claim damage was done lo ihe car The Stale s tudents deny tins

According to Dr David Hart ley Bean ol Students The University will definitely lake some action by Friday As yet 1 do not Know what it w i l l I

Page 4: PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS. FRIDAY. …library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/eresources/digital...make reservations tin collee hours, leas receptions, banquets, use ol equipment ti

P A G E 6 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 P A G E 7

Words of wisdom concerning flat painting are given by Technical Director Jon Bardon to Joyce Davis left and Pauline Arasim



Something new and different is coming to the S t a t e University Theatre Department Up to this time the student body has regarded the Theatre as the private property of those having previous experience or those solely involved in speech and dramatics

The purpose here is to give a peek at what goes on behind the scenes and on the stage and invite any and all who are interested to join us

Much Work Many hours of work go into one

University production But with the

work comes a feeling of pride and accomplishment in the knowledge that the job no matter how small was vitally important in creating the whole dramatic effect

Lighting props set construction and design costumes and makeup are just a few of the areas involved in putting together one good show Half the fun is watching these sepshyarate departments finally come toshygether the week of dress rehearsal when the director walks around with the kind of look on his face that makes you wonder if tiiis proshyduction will ever make it mdash and it does


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Roz Ferrara one of the cast of USA is out f i t ted by Dennis Tu t t le costume head

Of course there isnt anything too romantic about all the technical work involved Its hard to get exshycited about hanging a light sweeping the stage painting a flat or hemming a skirt but there is definitely someshything exciting in knowing that all these jobs are going to make a production an audience will truly appreciate

Opening Night That story about opening night is

really true The smell of make-up the heat from the lights the crew members running around frantically and the cast people who always seem to get in the way give you a kind of thrill yuu just cant get anyplace else

Its electric and its infectious mdash and frustration that accompanies rehearsals seem to disappear when that curtain finally opens

When a production is over the lights are turned down Hie stage is bare and there are onlj a few props left in the wings perhaps an old telephone a cane or a crumpled hat Ihat an old lady wore in the second yet

Theres nothing left but an echo Uui the people who walked across the stage took home with them a pocket full of memories the laughs when the) couldnt find the right light switch the tears when a scene just wouldnt come and the unbelievshyably warm feeling when the audience rings with applause a world of make-believe with verj real reshywards

The cast for USA rehearses a scene in the Li t t le Theatre Seated left to right are Harry Guy Lee L i s s Sharon House Roz Ferrara Ass is tan t Director Sheila Brown and head of custumes Dennis Tuttle confer with Director James ELeonard

Good wel l -p lanned l ight ing is an important part of the product ion

Jon Bardon hca a long way to go before he reaches the end of

Next week weve got to get organized 11s rope

piWIamptfB -



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i laquo

Joyce Davis and Paul ine Arasim on l igh ts C a l i s t h e n i c s was never l i ke t h i s Dr Leonard d i rect ing the ent ire cast of USA Standing left to right are Jim Lobdell Doug Ross Harry Guy Sharon House Lee L i s s and Roz Ferrara

Roz Ferrara and Jim Lobde l l in a scene from USA Harry Guy Sharon House and Lee L i s s look on

Directors Eye-View of USA9

Acquaints Students With Production by Dr James M L e o n a r d

USA the play by Paul Shy re and John Dos Passos chronicles that exciting period of American history from 1900 to 1930 That history is conveyed for the most part by a staccato recitation of newspaper headlines from the period The headline scenes are informative but also surprising and amusing and a re placed in striking relationships to the other scenes of the play

Piano music of the period is used to bridge the historical material and the segments of a more personal nature as well as to provide the background for the headlines In addition to an impersonal recitation of headlines to give the flavor of events of the period there are passages in the play which will

describe some of the most colorful pe r shysonalit ies of the t ime In brief segments the audience meets Rudolph Valentino a n d Isadora Duncan political figures Emma Goldman and Eugene Debs and the well-known mechanics Henry Ford and Orville and Wilbur Wright

The epic level of presentation described some al ternates with a personal level which concerns itself throughout the play with the life of J Ward Moo rehouse whose experiences embody Dos Passos r ecu r r ing theme of the corruption of the individual by commercial ism

F a l s e Va lues

Moo rehouse s life unfolds against the background of the turbulent and excessive e ra which stretched from theturn-of- the-century to the Great Depression when individuals and the nation were being swept along in a flurry of false values

The epic and the personal combine to produce an informative sa t i r ic ind nosshytalgic presentation The predominant tone of the play is one of irony The audience is made aware of the superficiality of most of the personal and national commitshyments shown in the play

There is also affection in the t reatshyment and one gets the feeding that the great enthusiasms of the era when they do not produce worthy results often leave their own gratuitous t ra i ls of glory

The production then will embrace tlie personal and the epic the sat ir ic and the nostalgic the bite and the warmth of the script The production should show too that at times beneath the chrome exter ior of a bland national enthusiasm lay hints of horror

C o m b i n a t i o n of Techn iques

All this is to be accomplished by enactshyment headlines narra t ions music scenic projections and dance Such a combinashytion of techniques is reminiscent of the Federal Thea t re s Living Newspaper and s imi lar to televisions That Was The Week That Was

These external techniques and the inner atti tudes then combine to form the p ro shyduction in which the auditory visual

Doug Ross and Sharon House in a scene

Pauline Arasim and Ed Bacchus reenacting

T u r n of the Screw

and temporal elements which make up theatre have been organized into an exshypressive shape

During rehearsals t h i s expressive shape must be allowed to evolve from the creative freedom of those involved in production

The director however must shape the play even as he encourages freedom From this process emerges a style which hopefully is not a directorial imposition or the imposition of a part icular h is shytorical period or mode of staging or even the imposition of a part icular playshywright but the unique style of the play


ftifcmrpas with

(Author of Rally Round Ihe Flag Boysl and Barefoot Boy With Cheek)


The time has come to think of Christmas shopping for the Yuletide will be upon us quicker than you can say Jack Robinshyson (Have you ever wondered incidentally ubout the origin of this interesting phrase Quicker than you can say Jack Robinson Well sir the original saying was FrenchmdashPlus

trite que de dire Jacques Robespierre Jack Robinson is as everyshyone knows an Anglicization of Jacques Robespierre who was

as everyone knows the famous figure from the French Revolushy

tion who as everyone knows got murdered in his bath by

Dunton Mura t Caligula and Al Capone

(The reason people started saying Quicker than you can

say Jacques Robespierre mdashor Jack Robinson as he is called in

English-speaking countries like England the US and Cleveshy

landmdashis quite an interesting little story It seems that Robesshy

pierres wife Georges Sand got word of the plot to murder

her husband in his bath All she had to do to save his life was

call his name and warn him Rut alas quicker than she could

say Jacques Robespierre she received a telegram from her old

friend Frederic Chopin who was down in Majorca setting lyrics

3lhk hi to Jo wtcjll tit time to his immortal Warsaw Concerto Chopin said he needed

Cleorges Sands help desperately because he could not fintl a

rhyme for Warsaw Naturally Georges could not refuse

such an urgent request

(Well sir off to Majorca went Georges but before she left

she told her little daughter Walter that some bad men were

coming to n urtler Daddy in his bath She instructed Walter

to shout Robespierres name the moment the bad men arrived

Rut Walter alas had been sea-bathing that morning on the

Riviera and she had come home with a big bug of salt water

taffy and when the bad men arrived to murder Robespierre

Walter alas was chewing a wad of taffy and could not get her

mouth unstuck in time to shout a warning Robespierre alas

was murdered quicker than you could say Jacques Robespierre

mdashor Jack Robinson as be is called in English-speaking countries

(There is I am pleased to report one small nob of cheer

in this grisly tale When Georges Sand got to Majorca she did

succeed in helping Chopin find a rhyme for Warsaw as everyshy

one knows who has heard those haunting lyrics

In the fair town nf Warsaw

Which Xapolcotts harm saw

Siiijiny cockles ami mussels alive alive a)

Rut 1 digress

We wen speaking of Christmas gifts What we all try ti

find a t Christinas is of course unusual and distinctive gifts for

our friends May 1 suggest I hen a carton of Marlboro Cigarettes

What You arc astonished You had not thought of Marlboros

as unusual You bad regarded them as familiar reliable smokes

whose excellence varied not one jot nor tittle from year to year

True All true lint all the same Marlboros are unusual beshy

cause every time you try one its like the first time The lluvor

never palls the filter never nets hackneyed the -oft pack is

ever a new delight and so i- the Flip Top box Kueh Marlboro

i- a fresh and pristine pleasure and if you want all your friends

to clap their hands and cry Yes Virginia there is a Santa

Clans you will see that their stockings are tilled with Marlshy

boros on Christmas morn mui Musiiummn

The holiday season or any other season is the season to be jolly if Marlboro is your brand Youll tind Marlboros whershyever cigarettes are sold in all lifty states of the Union You net a lot to like in Marlboro Country


ART KAPNER Writes all types of insurance

LIFE - AUTO - FIRE HO 5-1471


75 State Street HO 2-5581

Fraternities and Sororities The Vital Hub of Stales

Since 1890 Social Life

Since the first quar te r of the century f ra terni t ies and so ro r i t i e s have been an integral and active part of the Albany campus During the fifty or sixty yea r s since their

by Dove Jenks aid Debby Friedman

firm establ ishment he re they have changed somewhat in number and appearance but have maintained their posit ions as the hub of S ta te s social life

The five fraterni t ies which now exist a re the largest number in Sta te s history however the eight so ro r i t i e s represent only slightly more than half of the fifteen which in the ear ly 1930s offered group membersh ip to Albanys female popshyulation

Delta Omega was the first so r shyority being formed in 1890 It r e shymained the sole sorori ty until 1896 when it was then joined by Eta Phi

KD Oldest Sorority The oldest soror i ty on campus

now Kappa Delta was organized in 1897 witli the goal of fu r the r shying friendship l o y a l l y and Ihe development of the individual Psi Gamma began soon after in 1898 and was originally formed as a l i t e ra ry group

The soror i ty situation remained unchanged until 1913 when Gamma Kappa Phi appealed That year also marked the establ ishment of the first f ra terni ty Sigma Nu Kappa

In 1916 the Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Hho a national f ra te r shynity was brought to State (it was la ter to drop i ts national affiliations and become Alpha Pi Alpha) A third fraterni ty Kappa Nu was founded in 1918

Chi Sigma Theta can t race its his tory back to 1914 when it was

State College News Articles Reflect

Halj Centurys Opinion oj Greeks The purposes and true value of f ra tern i t ies and so ro r i t i e s on our

campus has been brought up for question during the past year However this is not something new for the Greeks have always been questioned bv at least some member s ol the college and non-College community In the lace of this recent upheaval in the Greek situation it is in te res t shying to note some of the opinion that has been voiced in past years conshycerning the l i a l s and so ro r i t i e s at Albany

Oct 4 1916 - (the f i rs t issue of the State Co l lege News) T h e r e a r e now live soror i t i es among the g i r l s of State College

and all of them are splendid organizat ions thriving and p rosperous and doing much to make college life more col lege- l ike Lei us acquaint you also with the manner in which these so ro r i t i e s light for the privi lege of making you one ot the fold We warn all that this is legalized warfare governed by a set of in te r - soror i ty ru les which a r e held very str ict and must be obeyed carefully hv a l l

Nov 9 1923 - T h e r e a re few institutions touching the lives of thousands of individuals

concerning which more d iverse views a r e held in complete s inceri ty than college f ra terni t ies Some educators for example regard them as a menace without a single redeeming feature o thers see them a blessing to the students under their ca re The basic idea underlying the formation of f ra terni t ies is without doubt good because it emphas i ses the essential bond ol brotherhood which should closely unite men and na t ions

D e c 21 1927 - (soon alter the repeal ol the 20 scholarship r equ i r e shyment loi soi or i t j membership)

The m i c e is a lag step lorward according to President AH Iiru-lachei lie believes that Ihe main purpose ol so ro r i t i e s is to provide ihe best housing conditions and the best possible social life

These opportuni t ies Di Mi uhacher said should be open to every Mill m ihe College each soroinv making the choice of members on the basis ol peisonalitv and common in t e re s t s Dean Pierce said Since soror i t i e s a re i social group 1 Hunk it best that Ihey seek gir ls who will 111 lino a social group tatnei than lo seek so-called g r i nds who do iIOI cai e ini ihat sort ol thing

Feb 1 1929 -The would-be s o l i u m g n l should not place loo much ol a com-

IIUMCIII value upon s o i l i n membership One gets oui ol such an oi ganlzaiion what one puis into n The girl who is not bid miisi remember t tiit n is uoi because she is uiilli It is i ne reh because ihe sorority svsletu is essen t ia l ) iioh-lt leiuoi i alio llial lunch ol the decision Is made upon milwurd appeal wires that t rue worih is ol iniuienseh Ii eatei value man all Ihe Gi eek lei lei insignia in die woi Id

Sept 26 1941 - (Iraiei es had jusi been l imned 10 2 rush par t ies ) Two a l l a u s do mil alloi iillicienl opporlimil loi Iraleriulv

uiiii bullgt become ihe friends ot 11 eshiueii Ahead I ia te innv men a r e iilking ol mass Iratei iut in asions ol ihe men s dorinitoi and raucous di inking par l i es as a subst inue lor the organized rushing which has been denied lo them It this i m be prevented (and n ma have to be il li aiei nit les want lo s u i i o as organized campus gi oups) IFC in usi prolong i he organized i uslung per iod

Sept 26 1947 -Hushing c r ea t e s an iiutiealile and unreal situation with both I resh-

uien and sorori l women outdoing themselves lo c rea te a rood imshypress ion These relat ionships should be allowed lo develop over a longer period ol tune As a general ru le n is impossible for two people lo become acquainted in the few short weeks ol ihe open rush period wilh all ol the res t r ic t ions involved lo know whethei or nol they want to bind themselves to each oilier foi Ihe res t ol then college

organized as Kappa Nu soror i ty ( later changed because of the ex is t shyence of a f ra terni ty with I lie same name) Its idea l s were loya l ty companionship and s i n c e r i t y

Beta Zeta was formed in 191G and Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded in 1917 The l a t t e r a national s o r o r shyity was the p r e d e c e s s o r of Sigma Phi Sigma

Rushing System Set Up Now that there were eight s o r o r i shy

t ies on campus some ordery s y s shytem of rushing was needed In 1918 Hie first organized rus ing system was introduced If a gir l had one D she was ineligible to rush

World War I saw a cur ta i lment of fraternity life Only KDH s u r shyvived the conflict However several new s o r o r i t i e s a p p e a r e d Alpha Delta Omicron (now Phi Delta) in 1924 Epsilon Beta Phi and Gamma Phi Sigma in 1927 and Sigma Alpha in 1928

In 1931 fraternity rushing began to be taken more ser ious ly when a second f ra te rn i ty the Edward Eldred Pot ter Club appeared

Potter Club was organized by thir teen men who rejected the idea of a Greek le t ter f raterni ty The name suggested by the then College Pres ident Dr A R Brubacher was chosen in memory of a member of the c lass of 20 who was killed in World War I

I F C Formed By 1936 it became necessa ry

to form the In ter f ra tern t ty Council with the two exist ing f ra te rn i t ies to keep all rushing clean An In te r -soror i ty Council was also organized and a new sys tem of preferent ia l I idding was introduced

Soror i t i es rapidly increased in number and by 1932 fifteen of lliein were actively functioning

f r a t e r n i t i e s did not multiply in number so swiftly Kappa Beta was organized in 1937 The formation of the group was encouraged by a need for more housing for men and its first s taled purpose was to found a group house for men SLS was also organized in 1937

World War II worked many hardshyships on the Greeks Sigma Alpha disbanded in 1941 and bv the close of the war only seven s o r o r i t i e s remained

Pres ident Sayles in X)4gt p r e shysented a plan for Ihe f ra tern i t ies to move into Sayles Hall and give Up their houses liecatise ol the wai conditions

Dr Say les s tated that t h e adminshyistrat ion had no des i r e to abolish f ra terni t ies s ince n believed that they filled a social need on r a m -p u s

He said that ihe purpose of the proposal for 11 alernil les lo i cut par t s ol the new dot initio was to p r e se rve t hen integrit v

KDR Becomes APA A major change in the organishy

zation ol the Greeks was hei ulded in 1952 when KDH wilhdiew from u s national aflillatloii and loi mod the local Irateriiit Alpha Hi Alpha The In otliti s loll that the uat loiial organization ol KDlt was pirn to nig i acial and i eligious disci imiiiat mn

Soon altei wi id the Stat e Im -bull ei sir ol New Vm k issued a prm -laiiiation thai all national bullbull a m o and li Meruit les would be i untied It oiu all slate campuses In ]j I complying won Ihe demand Alpha 1- p s i 1 o n Phi became loi a| ami selected Ihe name Sigma Phi Sigma

In IJII Sigma Alpha i e a c l n a t e d o s chaplei in bi ing ihe uuuibei ol sol oi nies in ns pi cseni H and in lJUl Ihela Xl Omega became I lie t i l t h li a i e i m i

Willi ihe liiilnineiil uiov e I o i lie new campus last uppi ouohliig ihe li aiei mi ami san m il snuai luo has taken on mill h gi eMel sigmlicaiice Iheii purposes and exis tence have been hi ought up loi question and in response ihe Greeks huve utuled lot then cause The change in housing liom individual houses lo sections ol dm ms seems lo lie onb a iniiioi pui l oi ihe change dial is i apidh occiu mg Tilt lr nil billent IIIIIII e is al best vol 11 a z v



(continued from page 4)

were two flags - of the country and of the Presidency reminders that the continuity of both extends beyond individuals We do not mourn (he man the l e s s if we r emember that any office mdash even this highest office mdash is g rea t e r than the man who holds it

Even though we know these things to be t rue we need to remind ourselves of our dedication to reason and to intelligence We do identify we do feel personal loss we do gr ieve and after grief comes anger and a revulsion against the senseTess savagery of blind butchery

And this emotion too finds personal express ion and we let violence beget violence as the accused ki l ler vet untried is in his turn killed We who a r e dedicated to the integrity and the Unprovability and the inviolability of the individual suffer this ult imate violation of individual integrity - the man whatever his guilt killed by a self-designated executioner while our peace officers guardians of the orderly p r o shycesses of law hold him

If we a r e r ea l i s t i c we recognize the s t ratum of violence that lies all too (dose beneath the surface of our hard-won civilization We acknowledge il in our funny pape r s our entertainment our lawshylessness And our ha temongers feed it and a r e fed by it ami focus il lo their ugly purposes

We a re r ea l i s t i c but we a r e tempted always to forget our intellishygence and the way of reasonWe may for example vield to Ihe tantrums of chi ld ishness and howl that all the world is rotten and that wp want lo get off

Or we may il reason r e a s s e r t s itself remember thai violence deshyfeats its own ends more effectively than airtlung else can b rums and Cassius brought on Hie very dic ta torship ihey feared The double violence of Oswald s alleged deed and his death strengthen Ihe detershymination ol decent men to rees tabl ish the rule of law of o rder ol i eason

And most important as we asser t our common dedication to ordei and to reason we r emember the broadei idealism ol dip martyred Kennedy ihe convictions that moved him and that claimed our al legshyiance

In ihe Peace Corps we lotind expressed ihe obligation to serv ice ihe clear consequence ol the beliel dial all men ai e hi othet s

The Cuban confrontation showed that denim i e bull need not be vacilshylating and weak here we laced down author i ta r ian ism in honest anger with cool courage In the bomb lest ban John Kenned expressed for US all our fundamental peaceableness

And with Meredith in Mississippi we assei led once again thai because we believe in God the Fa ther then all men as sons ol God a re indeed brothers s ince ever man has in nun something ol God all men a re sacred and then individual nitegim is piecioi is To these idea ls we are committed hoi inese beliefs quite l i io ra l l John Kennedy died

Kvervoiie gives his hie to something Some give n gradually in the cease l e s s ei osion that begins it I n t h oi uioi e rapidly in the burning of the lhtetisir oi conviction Some give it suddenly in the shock ol a s n i p e s bullet Some inerel l i i ue i i i a w a We a re forshytunate indeed it ve give II al length m al once icr a noble cause 111 which we deeply belle e

As a umve i s l i bulliniii IIMJ i v e ai e a i oiiiiiiiinii ol youth identifying with the quali t ies ti bull-1111 ve a s p n e We a re dedicated to reason and o ihe ahhoi i eiioe - aa or bull We ai e bull unlimited to noble goals And lioin these ihiee i iai ai tei i M ics lo ines a lourih we ha e each one in ins umveis i i o- il ppoioinit and the obligation to make a 1 home ol g al s

As we ickiiole I-I ile aspn atiois ol John Kenned die values lie strove lo t Ac bullam ve ippoi bull unii ltgt c la i i r them each loi niuisell lo these ihe hoiiob gt i bull lespm led i him m - l i letnne we ma now at tils ileih MI nliiili and in lei oi i ode b e n e otn sel ves

This soi le i e bull oil ill he ei hi i dioin bull nu 11 e s mav I e long as 11 lost 1 lien id be Mo -i ol on l II 11 e I no i he n elitv -111 si entinv That in ill be an nnpoi iah milestone in in lives

God gram that o ni aiuii ei si i la oil mi h k i n 1 i bull diis da i r u l l l e s l o d e l i e i I h e i d e a l s o l h i s m a I I l e d III all lo i m o d a n d l l l s e d in i l i e s e 11 ig h e e n 1 l i o n s

NOW O P E N M o n - T h u f l Un t i l 9 PM


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Distributive Education Club

The Distributive Education Club will tour the T imes Union Newsshypaper Building on Monday Decemshyber 9

The tour will be conducted from 0 pm until 8 pm anil a guest speaker will present the Times Unions his tory All DE Club m e m shybe r s part icipat ing are urged to meet in front of Draper at 515 sharp

Basketba l l Dance After the basketball game toshy

morrow night UCA will present an liiiornial dance from 10 to 12 in ihe Brubacher game room

Music will be provided by the Dutchmen also known as Weasel and the Whart ra ts from Union Colshylege

Chemistry Club Dr St oj) h e n Wiberley of the

Chemistry Department a tUenss laer Polytechnic Institute will give a lecture lo the Chemistry Club enshytitled Inf rared Spectroscopy on Tuesday December 10 at 730 pm in Brubacher Hall

Dr Wiberlev is an authority in the Meld and has written a new textbook Introduction to Infrashyred and Raman Spect roscopy Dr Wiberlev is presently associate dean oi die graduate school at KPI

All chemist ry students are inshyvited to attend this meeting Reshyfreshments will be served after the lec ture

S c i e n c e C o l l o q u i u m Dr M Evans Monroe Chairman

ol the Mathematics Department of the University of New Hampshire will give a lecture entitled The St ructure oi Elemental Functions mdash A Computer s Eye View on F r i shyday December G at 125 in Draper 3-19 All students a re invited to attend this lecture

KAPPA PHI KAPPA Kappa Phi Kappa will hold its

initiation ol new members on Thur s shyday Deceinbei 1- The ceremony will lake place in Brubacher Hall at HU0 pm New members are required to attend

Hil lel A Tri-Citv Hillel Dance will be

held on Sundav December 8 in Brubacher Hall s Mam Dining Room iioin 2i0 io Gi() pm Students Irom KPI Union Siena Russell Sane and Albany will attend this Dred l e Spin

A Chaiiukah Queen will be chosen ai the d a m e and i live land will p i m p l e music loi the occasion Roll esiiinenis will be sei v ed

Admission is lilt corns loi iiieui-bel s and se ent - In e cent s lor non-111e1111 el s

Walts Subs Around the Corner

from the Dorms

Open Daily Mon-Thurs HamM30prn

Fri ampSat Ham mdash l-30arn

Sun 400pm mdashlipm

271 Ontario Street

Johnson Senate Record Indicates Liberal Civil Rights Outlook

by Joseph W Golu

The assass inat ion of President Kennedy leaves everyone at a loss for words with a feeling of utter he lp lessness

The w o r l d s greates t surgeon could do nothing ihe best speaker could not find words to express the feelings of an individual the nation or himself t h e world s s t ronges t man could do nothing to lend even an ounce of strength to the Pres ident as he lay dying

The impossibili ty of the task of express ing o n e s feelings in a limited space forbids my attempt to say that which I still feel The only profitable course is to face the present and future and conshys ider Lvndon Baines Johnson

Civil Rights Record

Those who wonder about civil r ights should remember that it was Johnson who was the leader of the Senate when all modern civil rights legislation was passed

It was Johnson who put the Senshyate on a 24-hour a day schedule thus defeating the Southern filishybuster Johnson the so-cal led conshyserva t ive was the man who pushed through the 1959 and 19(30 Senates the legislation which Ike vetoed as being too radical

I do not expect Johnson to present Congress with the type of legisshylation which Kennedy presented and which bogged Congress down to its present do little pace

Kennedys Far Reaching Programs I do not expect Johnson to come

up with the extremely far- reaching plans that Kennedy had the corps for peace the complete revision of our tax s t ruc tu re the complete revision of our tarill policy a ra ther complete program for South American and South-eastern Asian development

Kennedy in his two years and ten months presented (according to Richard Russe l I )more f a r - r each shying legislation than even FDR in the Hundred Days Kennedys p r o shyg rams were not hastily prepared or presented to a wildly enthusiastic Congress

Kennedys approach was almost entirely intellectual When dealing even with defense he calmlv quoted s ta t i s t ics ol we a re 600c more

capable to fight guer i l las etc

Approach Will Differ Johnsons approach will combine

the intel lectualism of Kennedy with a more ear thy more folksy more urbane style

He will not descent to the level of telling the American people what they want but I expect nation-wide television a d d r e s s e s on his pr ior i ty legislation

I also expect Johnson to deal with Congressional leaders in a manner more firm than that of Kennedy I feel su re that the Senshyate will be m o v i n g faster and will probably replace Mansfield as leader

In the House the leadership is on its last legs McCormack has his last chance right now If he does not make good he will p robshyably vield to someone new The current House underlings stand little chance of replacing McCormack

No Problem In general I feel that the people

who worry about Johnson s conser shyvatism are creat ing their own probshylem Johnson s tar ted in the House of Representat ives as a New Deal darl ing This hardly reflects conshyse rva t i sm

His opponents in pr imary e lecshytions in Texas have always painted Johnson as an ex t reme liberal

My only fear is that Johnsons att i tudes a re not urban We have gone back to a rura l President after our first truly urban P r e s i shydent in many yea r s

I feel that the Johnson record on civil r ights and in getting civil r ights legislation through the Senshyate is a irue indication of the man s att i tudes and potential




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open eoenings till 9pm Saturday till 6pm

Student Organization Services Present

On the weekend of Dec 14th and ISth SOS will present its

annual Holiday Weekend A Roaring Twenties Dance will be held

Saturday evening at 8 oclock The Holiday Sing will be held at

7 oclock Sunday euenintj and a coffee hour will be held immediately after Check next weeks paper for further details

PAGE lO S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3

Goobers APA Win I AMIA Bowl ing Teams

by Gary Murdock

Basketball is Back AMIA s ty le with the traditional excitement and th r i l l s Four League I t eams sprung into action Monday The Goobers muti lated Waterbury 67-45 and APA eas i ly defeated Pot ter 49-35

Goobers Romp The Goobers built up an i m shy

p r e s s i v e 37-19 half time lead and coasted to an easy victory

Gutwillig sank eigiit from the field for 1G points and Hickey ripped 6 shots through the nets Browner and Colin a lso netted 4 field goals apiece to help pace the Goober attack

APA Controls Boards A well balanced APA squad easi ly

defeated Pot ter I last y e a r s chamshy

pions by a 49-35 count Strong board play enabled APA to control the game throughout Gary Smith and Don Sinclair lead their team with 10 and 13 points respectively

League Two League two action began Monshy

day Another APA team emerged victorious as they defeated the Inshyfinites in over t ime 41-35 DiCaprio led the scor ing with 12 points Waltamath and Much also hit aouble figures with 11 and 10 points r e shyspectively APA pulled out to a comfortable 25-19 half t ime lead but took an about-face in the second half and the sco re at the end of regulation was knotted at 35 all APA dominated over t ime play DishyCaprio netted 4 points in overt ime and APA won going away

n League I All Sweep

In other league two action Club 487 defeated The Club 30-25 Krell was high for Club 487 with 13 points while Tal l is led the Club with 10 points

AMIA Bowling There was a clean sweep for five

t eams in last weeks AMIA Scratch League

The Kappa Beta team led by Al Barnard (558) and Tony Riservato s tayed in first place and kept an undefeated record by shutting out the Holy Bowlers 7-0 In the third game Barnard shot the League s second high single a 24fi

Potter Clubs 7-0 win over Water-bury pushed them up lo second place in the standings and only three points behind KB John Lilga and Kim Gilshyford led the effort as Potter hit the day s high single learn game of 937

Goobers Win M e n Sutnertands (545) set the

pace for the G o o b e r s as they trounced the U n k n o w n s 7-0 and moved into third place A si long Newman Club team walked away with seven points at the expense of APA

Tim Molola (577) and Mike Nem-shick (535) led the Newmans The Defenders with Dick Lepaks 537 and Bill Thomas 234 single shut out TXO by 7-0

M i k e Bloom former A l b a n y H igh basketba l l p layer c lowns it up in a frosh prac t ice sess ion

N O T I C E UCA Tournaments

In this ruining week Hie UCA Recreat ion Commit Leu will sponsor Hie following tournaments

Chess Tournament Dec 9-12 Mens Table Tenuis Dec 9-12

and Dec 10-1H

Bridge Tournament Dec 11-12 Mens and Womens Bowling Dec

8 1-1 and 15 The following week December 10-

19 there will be a Mens Bil l iards Tournament

Sign-up sheets for all the tournashyments will lie on the Union bulshyletin board You may enter more than one tournament it you wish





by Ron Hamilton

The contest slated for tomorrow night was to have proved a point made in this column a few weeks ago Unfortunately the Fates have fouled things up again New Pal tz s s tar center has withdrawn from school this semester It seems that dispite valiant attempts to keep this not too academically inclined lad in school he has backed out for a semes te r The odds now favor Albany

On the national basketball scene we a re going to place our heads on the block (not that they havent been there before) and pick NYU to finish no 1 in the country with Loyola of Chicago a close second Please save your comments until the end of the season

For study bugs that dont want to make the long tr ip VVSUA will be broadcasting the games We urge all students that cant attend the games in person to tune in the play by play account on VVSUA Rememshyber i t s your team

The cold weather heralds the possible appearance of the one the only Lake Minerva Yes friends that cancerous pond that we all love so well may appear overnight as if createdby a wonderful magician The new students a re in store for a marvelous treat If we all pray real hard the wondrous transformation may take place on Dorm Field

Could someone tell us how male cheer leaders a re going to inspire State fans to bigger and bet ter cheers We have nothing against males waving the pom poms but we fail to see any gain in refusing the gir ls admittance to the ranks of the rah rah squad We are certainly not an all male school as any State coed will tell you so le t s have EQUAL opportunity for all

Another prediction Albany State mdash 15-7 s tart ing with Oneonta as first victim

WAA Starts Fall Events Schedule Overweight WAA has the answer to your problem Under the

direction of Miss De Lamaler an exerc i se group has recently been formed The meetings a re held on Mondays ai 330 and Tuesday thru Thursday al 400 in the Sayles gym Regretfully no re f reshments will be served

Present ly WAA is concluding a highly successful season ol Volleyshyball The winners ol the Tuesday league and Thursday league will have a plav oll before Chr i s tmas Vacation This will de termine the season champs

The managers for basketball Penny Bishop and Ruth Whiting announce that all r o s t e r s a re due today Dec (J and may be turned in to Sue Boyd The schedule will be announced next week and all captains a r e asked to watch the WAA Bulletin hoard next to the CO-OP for the tune and da of the meeting This is a very important meeting and will answer all questions concerning the r u l e s and p ro shycedure

l o r those who are not adept al basket ball Mariuin Tasjian and Carole Coena recommend howling They a re accepting ros t e r s now and will also announce a captains meeting Watch I he WAA board

The most important item currently on ihe WAA agenda is the revision ol the Constitution It has been introduced and tabled lm the mandatory two week period All a re urged to attend the next meeting where Ihe toiilroy ers ta l point system will be discussed WAA is still open for new suggestions The point system is to provide a stable method for giving awards to those g i r l s who a r e consistaiil in then participation in Hie WAA int ramural program

Also undei discussion is the necessity ol a training program lor Ihe basketball o l l n i a l s If you have had exper ience n are interested in learning p lease come to a meeting or contact our WAA i ep resen-i i t i y e


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S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 PAGE 1 1

Junior t ransfer J im O D o n o v a n f ires up one of his sof t jumpers H is height is e x p e c t e d to help the teams rebounding st rength

Wrestling Team Places

Fifth in Hiram Tourney Wrestling against strong competition the Peds placed

fifth in last Saturdays Hiram Tournament held at Hiram College in Ohio The tourney which consisted of eight teams was won by favored Ohio University Hiram College and Miami of Ohio took second and third positions respectively

The Peds were at a disadvantage in the tournament since they were only able to fill eight of ten positions In spite of this they accumulated twenty-nine points to finish ahead of RP1 Rochester Institute of Techshynology and Addrian College

Eugene Monaco (123 lbs weight class) lost a hear t shybreaking decision in his second match to Randy Whitehead (Miami) by one point in an over t ime Whiteshyhead later went on to take first place Gene came back to pin his next two opponents and take third position

Bill Thomas (117 lbs) gained needed points for the team by pinning Pete Kowal (Adrian) and taking first place Larry Thomas (167 lbs) placed fourth position

A lot of credit should be given to Dick Hoard (177 lbs) who lost seven pounds in two days to get down to his weight class In the tourney he lost third position to Doug Wilcox (RIM) in an o v e r t i m e

Top grappler Gene Monaco shovs Soph mottnun B i l l Thomas how

it 5 done



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The New Paltz Hawks invade the Washington Ave Armory tomorrow night to do battle with the Peds New Paltz has shown great improvement in recent years and is expected to be strong Last year the Hawks received outstanding play from Bob Dilman and Fred Sadler Dilman has graduated but Sadler was only a freshman Big Fred was the teams leading score r and rebounder Reports indicate that New Platz has picked up several t ransfers but they a re unconfirmed

Albany will be going with two veteran s t a r t e r s Dick Crosset t and Joe Loudis The shifty Crosset t gave the normal schoolers fits last year It will probably be his job to contain Sadler Both teams will have had one game behind them when they lock horns at the Armory The odds-makers are predicting a close tough game with the outcome depending on the foul-line

P e d s D e f e a t O n e o n t a

Rebounding strength and foul shooting proficiency made the big difference as Albany State ended up on the long side of a 70-49 route over Oneonta

Co-capiam Paul S h e e h a n and t ransfer Bol e h were he scoring l eaders hut the earn effort kept all the scoring een

Jim ODonovan was the t ig man off the hoards in the firs half ODonovan corra led a total of fourshyteen rebounds during he night Dan Zeh took oyer his role when Jim got into four trouble earl m the second half Jumping Dan swept the a n wa s for 10 rebounds

Hob Zeh as the big surpr i se for the Peds as he lumped in a night high of fourteen The overall bench strength drew comment from Coach Sauers He said I am pleasantly stunned by the elfort I received from all the guys

Slow Stort

The game started out slowly with the lead changing hands several t imes Dick Crosset t and Paul Shee-han were the early s c o r e r s Oneonta played a tight defense to keep Cros shysett from moving to the basket and succeeded until the rest of the t eam s scoring f o r c e d them to change

Crosse t t last yea r s second leadshying score r played less than a third ol the game as he had early foul u ouble

The hall nine score yvas ciose 10-21 in favoi of State Oneonta failed to take adaniage of then foul shots yvhile State seemingly couldnt miss The gap widened and with ten innines left to gt the Red Dragons began some er costly fouling State pulled awa The final i uzet s o u 11- i and Stare was twenty -bull ne poms i - t 70-49

Frosh Wm

Doc Sauers g ives veteran guard Joe L o u d i s a few ca lmly -d i rec ted

ins t ruct ions

Coach Sauers Starts 9th Season Optimistic Over Teams Chances

This week as the State basket- State he went on to Penh State ball season opens ihe loams bull ojci and recei cd ins MEd ami Ins Ed Dr Kichaid Sauers will be s t a l l - J-mg his ninth eai as ineniot ol bull addition to coaching basket-ltltbull Ped i oopsteis O-ei he e a i s l a 1 D u e heads the golf team bullDoc1 has teen quite sin tess lul The had a line J - 1 iecoi 1 and j a i s i i bas-bullbull all oatl an-1 bullbulll he State toiii hainiht lasi ear is upuui i s i a i r nis teams e plays a good game o golf chain es hi s season a bull i-ij s handlali tennis and

Dr Sauei - was ot iaise-1 i u d i e o c n i a u n g is anothei one in Pehiisl ania note ltbull plae- l bull Suu-i s ime i e s t s He i- a a s k c b a l i toottall ne i a se ia l l q i iahl ic nigh srul and college

l e l e t e e unde IAllO i emulations A it el i bull Doc In es nea

the hoiiley a 0 in a set on i fioi t 11 e 111

b t -

i l a s a

a h i

I) bull l i e a Si

I IS 1S a s i


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Ray C i a n f r i n i sets h imsel f for a free throw H e w i l l be star t ing at backcourt for the frosh hoopers

P A G E 12 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R ft 1 9 6 8

Literary Review

Spain Explores Her Inner Soul The CIRTNECOGE

by Elizabeth Stroud

by J A Gomez

Nikos Kazantzakis SPAIN (New York 1963) Simon and Schuster 254 pages - $500

Like D H Lawrence Nikos Kazshyantzakis was a frenzied prophet who preached a Dionysian vision of life Like Lawrence he was a world t r ave le r who sought some unobtainshyable ideal synthesis

Both wr i t e r s met with failure in their quest but both wr i te r s produced p e n e t r a t i n g t r a v e l b o o k s about the many lands that thev visited

Spain by Nikos Kazantzakis is not a t r ave l book in the ordinary sense of the word The reader sees l i t t le of the peaceful Spanish counshyt rys ide and the everyday life of the people but lie feels the depths of a people s soul

Kazantzakis por t ra i t of Spain is tinted by a mytho-his tor ical colorshyful and visionary explosion of emoshytion and philosophy Out of this unique vision r ides the undying heart of Spanish life mdash Don Quixote

T h e world has emerged from Gods hands rife with injustice and shortcomings And he the Knight of the Ideal was duty-bound to set it right For Don Quixotes work begins where Gods leaves off

Don Quixote Spain like the idealistic hero

of La Mancha set out on an advenshyturous dream The Spanish conshyquistador desired to bring Chr i s -bulltianity and Spanish rule to the world

In 1588 the real i ty of the English navy punctured this Don Quixotesque d r e a m and like her hero Spain re turned to her homeland to await her las t joust with death

Kazantzakis c la ims that along with Ulysses Faust and Hamlet Don Quixote i s deeply rooted in the hea r t s of men F o r perhaps of all the p r inces Don Quixote most faithfully m i r r o r s the fate of m a n

Don Miguel Unamuno The modern represen ta t ive of Don

Quixote is Don Miguel Unamuno Like the idealist ic hero Unamunos thoughts and plans for action a r e hidden in the misty clouds of a d ream

Most thinkers claimed that twenshytieth century Spain should be E u r -opeanized o thers felt that she should remain within her own borders and tradit ion Unamuno attempted to heal the wounded heart o f Spain he des i red to Spanify Europe

We are Africans We a re not s a r c a s t i c wits and mathemat ic ians like the Europeans We a re not sc ien t i s t s We use the things d i s shycovered by them e lec t r ic i ty the rai lway the telephone etc

But our spir i t is different we a r e mystical and t ragic Our inshyability to adapt ourse lves to E u r shyopean c u l t u r e will give us the s trength to c rea te a new culture of our own

Despair In his last yea r s this defeated

Spaniard was also forced to re turn to his homeland his own inner being and await death

His only constant companion was despa i r In one of his last works S a i n t E m m a n u e l t h e G o o d M a r t y r

he tells the story of a Catholic p r ies t who at tempts to give the people a faith in winch lie himsel i cannot believe

During the Spanish Civil War Kazantzakis and Unamuno met in the Falanee stronghold of Salashymanca Unamuno poured forth his troubled soul to his Greek friend

Al l of these things a re happening because (he Spaniards dont believe in anythingNothingNothing They a r e desperados The Spanish people have gone mad Not only the Spanish people the whole world today What is our duty To hide the truth from the peopleif they knew the truth the) couldnt go on They wouldnt want to live am inure The people need myth illusion decepshyt ion

legend is Don Juan Kazantzakis por t rayal of Don Juan like that of Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus p re sen t s a man who is not in quest of the Ideal Love

He loves each woman with the same passion and delight and he knows that his l o v e is mere ly momentary H e p o s s e s s e s he is not possessed mdash and that is his p o w e r

To Kazantzakis Don Juan r e p shyr e sen t s the Spir i t t h e wakeful wandering f l ame which leaps up and escapes the c lutches of woman mdash Matter

Don Juan and Don Quixote passion and ideal ism form the roots of the Spanish people and Kazantzakis a t shytempts to t rans la te his mythical vision of these people to the unshyfamiliar reader

His verbal p o r t r a i t s a r e often as colorful g ro tesque and symbol i shycally personal as the visual por shyt r a i t s of El Greco H e (El Greco) succeeded by his line and color in crys ta l l iz ing an e ternal phantom the indestruct ible despair ing soul of m a n

Kazantzakis a t tempts a s imi la r purpose At t imes he is quite suc shycessful

Many thanks to Mr Robert Bell manager of the CO-OP w h o g r a -ciously supplied this book for review purposes

Movie Review

Some evening probably in the very near future (if it hasn t already taken place) the usual emptiness of winter- t ime dorm field will give way to complete havoc the usually crowded study lounges will concede to the al l - important first snowfall

Provided of course that the snows good packing and that there is enough to pack this very common occurrence can offer one of the happiest t imes here at State The re s no formal organization no p ressure (except an occasional being dragged outside physishycally) to join in no nothin cept a heap of fun

P r e s s u r e s build up and suddenly it hits you right between the eyes and you dont care how childishly you act mdash so you pick up a snowball twice as big and hit back The grade-school excitement of building forts staging attacks and running desperately from the enemy is suddenly rekindled the crazy mixture of thrilled annoyance that comes with snow down your back re turns in all its glory

Maybe i t s the unaccustomed vacation from the way a n adult in college should act maybe i t s the obshyvious exhilaration of the frosty cold maybe i t s the secre t grin because he (or she) is aiming more snow your direction than anyone e l se s whatever your own special reason the dorm field fracas is thoroughly enjoyable

Dont forget sew your coat buttons on securely avoid long winding scarves and d ress warmly (the medical office has limited gallons of Cepacol) but for heavens sake join in One ofthese days there s going to be a real hum-dinger of a battle mdash I hope youll take advantage of it

Auteur Theory Gains Popularity

I n these t roublesome t imes it t a k e s Home doing to keep one s perspec t ive to appra i se world condi t ions with intell igence a n d to come up with sat isfying answers This hook Science a n d H e a l t h with Key to the Scripshytu re s by M a r y Baker E d d y hits helped m a n y of us to do this I t can help you too

We invi te you to come to our mee t ings and to hear how we a re work ing ou t our p rob lems t h r o u g h app ly ing the t r u t h s of Jh r i s t i an Science


Slots University of New York at Albany

Matting tint TiO pm Tutidayi

Matting ploct Brubochtr Hall

Science and Health in available at all Science Heading Uoumn and at many college Imaketoree Iuperbutk hditwn $196

D o n J u a n

The second gi and figure ol Spanish

cMo4Ue okaudd BETA Z E T A

President Sue M u i p h y 04 anshynounces that the lullov mg en Is wore pledged to the sorority on Tuesdav November 12

Mai Burns 65 Loraine Paronne tifi Margery Weed GO and Vivien Sotamayor 65 exchange student from Puerto Kin

Also Bonnie F e r r a r i (iG Marie Qualantoue GO and Sue Thomson G6

KAPPA B E T A KB w i l l hold an open liotise

Sunday Deceinbet B iJt) l r i to riO p in

on i l l l

The men ol Kappa Beta initiated the tollowing Monday evening Ken Drake GG Dick Genliliol e GO Kd Kuriliniski GG and Gary Spieliuann GG

by Paul Jensen

The latest vogue in motion-picshyture cr i t ic ism is the so- ra i l ed au-teur theory Formulated in France it has now spread by way of Engshyland into the United States

It supposedly originated in the pages of the magazine Cahie rs du Cinema during the period in the filties when new-wave d i r e c t o r s such as Francois Truffaut were merely c r i t i c s

It is based on the idea that the best f i lm-makers a r e those (mainh Europeans) who both write and dishyrect their films and so retain a great deal ol control

P e r s o n a l S t a t e m e n t A picture b one of these men

whether good or not is still much more ol a personal statement than a 111 in by some Hollywood directoi who had been assigned an already finished scr ipt

Such w r i t e r - d i r e c t o r s like Bergshyman Fellini and Antonioni a r e essentially the authors ( au teurs ) ol their films

As the books ol an author can be analyzed together so the works id an au teur can be taken as showing the development in te l lectualh and technically ol their makei Hence the spiritual s e a r c h o f l n g m a r Bergshyman ai com epts

These 11 1111 S Jlli

wish and to coiisidei

d ut liei such genei aliyee]

i t l l i|lt make

It i s I


i m a k e

t h e m In

lot t u n

i l i e i i own wevei the ai - le lched

a k i n d u t a u t l i u i

But this basically sound and fairly sensible theory lias been so twisted in its t ranslat ion into English that it can only be recognized as a de -lormity of the original

As presented by Andrew Sarri s among o the r s in such magazines as Film Culture the au teur theory lias been combined with the Euroshypeans high regard lor the American film noir

The French in par t i cu la r seem inordinately impressed by films that in this country a re considered unimshyportant These a r e c r ime and gangshys te r l i lms ho r ro r p ic tures wesshyte rns and that s u n ol thing

In truth many films of this sort a r e underrated m America and recognition of the cinematic and intelligent ta lents ul such suspense and action d i r ec to r s as Alfred Hitchshycock and Anthony Mann has long been overdue

It is only when this idea is comshybined Willi the au ie i i i theory that 11 lnMnines dangerous

Mi s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

The au teu r c r i t i c s l ime in apshyplying this theory lo American fi lms succeeded in conipleteh mi s in t e r shypret ing it As a resul t cer ta in dishyr e c t o r s have been elevated to the s ta tus id Gods

Most id these are lailly talented within part n ular l imits Inn they do not w n t e 11 if I i own sc reen-p lays mid do not coni i ol their films Their p i n in i ai e nut pel son a I s ta tements ul au ibiug

But as Gods then can do no wrong anil a r e physically unable to make a poor film Ilitchock Howard Hawks and John Ford a r e at present on the pinnacle of this pantheon

You thought that except technishycally The Bi rds was a vacant and vacuous pic ture You didnt undershystand it the au teur cr i t ic rationshyal izes I t s not a poorly plotted monster movie i t s an allegory on the human cniidit ion

A II Fa i l ures All nun - an i en t s such as Carol

heed and John Huston (the d i s shytinction is completely a rb i t ra ry ) have never through their own skill made a good lilin

They may appear good hut this is an optical illusion caused by a good cast or some othei factor Kven the worst John Ford lilm (and there is a (duse liable for the title) is better than the e n atie Henry Kings The Guulightei or William VVelbuans The Ox-Bow Incident for Knr ami Wellmaii are not lushyt e i n s

The liual irony ol die situation is that this coi i upted theory has come lull c i rc le It lias now infected us mother country F rance with its super fan-magazine type ol cr i t i shycism This is the final irony in a generally ironic situation

JSolu gte | P i Gamma Mu

Am one Intel esieil in becoliu ug a iiieinliei ul Il Camilla Mil (Social Science Honorary) and feels he meet s the necessai quail Ileal ions

r t

gort you appear

to be u p s e t


(Jou have observed t ha t L j ou a re

fami l iar Gor t wit h my recently published novel and you krow how Ive sldvyd

should Kaneri i n i n n bull

Fifteen y ea r s to perfect each VMOHI sentence 4 paragraph Ljou know I v reared Imee that soar on their own w n g e l

Well a short while ago some insolent chap had the ne i v t to sugrjest i t be re publ ished in ( ondensed pQfmV

c o i i i a i i

( a n d

i J e u n i

IMPOSSIBLE My blood Curdlee to think o f |alteriny one comma No sooner had lie fled before my curies than op walks some idiot

Dr B i n Fa ion Id

e Van Shk

M a i l e t l a bull i n I f i t -

who daime to have perfected something called Speed feeding He had read my entire noiel in iampQ lt(lt we MP minutes

I shudder to tl link ul trie next logical Up

in e r u d i t i o n Speed-Reading a Condensed

Novel V

Sipum Laudis Inducts Twenty-three Robotham Receives Scholar Award

A total of twenty-three State senshyio rs were inducted into the Univershys i ty s highest honorary society Sig-num Laudis severa l weeks ago This award is made to the sen iors with the highest academic averages in their c l a s s

The induction took place in the Faculty Dining Room Dr Freder ick Truscot t the socie ty s faculty adshyvisor introduced Dr Ann Oliver faculty t r e a s u r e r who presented the Slgnuin Laudis scholar award to the group s pres ident Miss Pa shyt r ic ia Robotham

Highest Average This award is made to the senshy

ior with the highest academic ave r shyage

Dean Stokes also read Dean Metz-l e r s address to the inductees This address was given at the first Sig-num Laudis induction and is by tradition read at every induction ceremony

The twenty-three inductees r ep shyresent the second 4 of the Class of 1964 The first 4 of the c lass was inducted last spring

The new additions to the honshy

o ra ry include Joan AsfouryStephati Bacon F r a n c e s Beards ley J a m e s Brush Sandra Campo Roland E s o -len Kenneth Falvo M r s Armida Flehs Joan Rois te r P i re t Kutt Mary Lou Maina F r a n c e s McDan-ie l s and Victoria P a r k e r

Also Paul P r a u s Ronald Putnam Marie t ta Raner i Ralph Rominger F reder ick Smith Judith Suttneir Catherine Ann Tupper Jeanne Van Slyke Richard Weeks and Dennis Wienk

O l d M e m b e r s

Those m e m b e r s initiated last spr ing include Elizabeth Austin Gloria Avner Diva Daims June Fai rchi ld Gaye Frusc ione Norma Gayer Lois Gianini Shirley Golden-berg Joseph Gomez Ralph Gr i iua l -di Judith Horton Nina Howard) and Pat r ic ia Jewell

Also Karen King Lor ra ine Kirk-land Richard Leveroni Margaret Metger Robert Ri t tner Pa t r i c ia Robotham Karen Scheinman Lillian Schmidt Evelyn Simon Barbara Steindorf Phylis Vastbinder C a r o shylyn Wameling and Barba ra Zendle

Annual Holiday Weekend

Features Dance And Sing The annual Student Organization Services Holiday-

Weekend will include a dance tomorrow night and the Holiday Sing on Sunday evening Donald Kisiel 66 is the general chairman for the dance whichwillbe held in Bru s Main Dining Room from 8 to 12 pm His co-workers Bonnie Tomaszewski and Kathy Brown

ISC-IFC To Hold Hiinterlude Dance

freshmen have taken charge of the decorat ions which will t ransform the dining room into the Roaring Twenties a tmosphere of P e r c y s Pawn Shop

Music for the dance will be p r o shyvided by the Lenny Ri reard i Orshyches t ra The group has played at many events in colleges throughout the area During the o r c h e s t r a s break several State students will furnish enter tainment

C o k e on T a p Students are urged to attend the

dance with or without da tes No admission will be charged and coke

Winterlude sponsored by the Inshyte r -Fra te rn i ty and In ter -Soror i ty Councils will be held tonight from 900 pm in 100 am at iheSchine-Ten Eyck Hotel Enter ta inment will be provided by Howard Jackson and his Modern Jazz Quintet in Hie Fort Orange Suite and the Joe Cosco O r shyches t ra in the Grand Bal l room

IFC-ISC p re s iden t s Gary i-etre and potato chips will be served a | bdquo Leoua Kerpel co-chai r the

M | - w l M I bull I T I I I Michael Doinkowski 05 and Diana e c u t Marek 67 have handled publicity Guests who will attend include for the dance Elaine McCarthy 67 1 ) e u bdquo a n ( 1 M r s p a v i ( j Hart ley Mr is in charge of Hospitality and a n ( 1 M r s William MoKiiinon and Sandra Randall also a freshman Miss Barbara Burkhart has obtained the ehaperonos

The C h a p e r o n e ( o i n u i i l tee Hol iday Sing headed b Psi Gamma and Theta

The twelfth annual Holiday Sing i l n t jmega selected Mr and Mrs will be held Sunday ai 7 pm in j Neil Will iams Mr and Mrs Page Hall Seventeen groups ol J a m e s K Wagner Mr and Mrs s tudents lroin res idences organi- W i l l i a m Clarkin Mr and Mrs zal ious fratern s and so ro r i t i e s Char les Giiher and Mr and Mrs a r e participating Klein as chaperoiies

The groups taking pari this t ea r a r e Alden Hall Alpha Pi Alpha The theme ol the lurnial is p ro -Beta e t a Biiibacher Hall Chi jecied into the wintei a tmosphere Sigma Theta Edward Eldred Pollei through the use ol holly mist letoe Club Gamma kappa Phi Kappa decoi aled eve rg reens and the warm Beta Kappa Delta Pierce Hall Phi glow Iruiu candles The Decorations Delta Psi Gamma Saylos Hall Committee is h e a d e d by Sigma Sigma Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Uui cisii Commuters Organizashytion and Waiei bury Hall

Each group yyill sing one sunn and will be ludged by Dr I lewitt Lllinwood 11 die Soi lal Studies Deshypartment Mi Enill Kalbn ul Alshybany High School and Miss Jean Hi ighain a y ocal nisi ructor in die ai ea

WinnL-r R e c e i v e r T r o p h y

the lop lr c giotips will be anshynounced and will then sing a second song The pidges will de termine the winners ol the first second and t l i i i d p l a i e s

The Insi plaow group will be awarded a trophy to be kepi and displayed by thai group until the next Holiday Sing The current irophy holder is Waiei bury Hall

The Holiday Sing is under the general chairmanship ol Thomas

Lambda Sigma Sigma Alpha and Phi Delia

The heads ol the Tickets and P ro shyg rams Committee ai e Kappa Beta Sigma Phi Sigma and Beta eta Alpha Pi Alpha leads the Ar range shyments Coiiinintee and Gamma Kappa Phi the bull lowers I ouuni t tee Iul -lu l l v Committee i+= headed by Chi Sigma Theta and Pollei Club

Bids are $-100 per couple Nu one will be admit led without a t icket


The S U News will not appear ueM Friday due to Chr i s t inas vacashytion The next regular issue ol die S U News will appear on January 10

The Publication Office will be Lelleer titi The program will be open the night ol January 5 L e t t e r s e i iueed by Carole Polls and Robert p the Edi tor House Howls and

Notices will be accepted only ul ( c o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 3) I h l s l l i n c

nnwer F o o t b a l l

T e a m

P a g e 4

A L B A N Y 3 N E W YORK DEC E M B E R 13 1063 VOL X L I X NO 2 6

Hearing Today on Student Tax For Second Semester Buses Chartered

by Steve Curti

Last Wednesdays Senate m e e t shying was highlighted by the in t roshyduction of bills proposing a second s e m e s t e r student tax and the g ran t shying of permiss ion to cha r i e r vashycation buses at Chr is t inas time to eight groups

A bearing will he held this af ter shynoon at 125 The meeting place will be posted on the Senate bulleshytin board in Busted near the Husted-Richardson per i s ty le

H e a r i n g T o p i c s

The hearing will be used to d i s shycuss the proposed second s emes t e r student tax The various uses of the money collected from the proposed tax will he explained

Some of the proposed uses for the lax money in the order of the amount of proposed expenditures a re Music Council State Univershysity News an addition lo the conshytingency fund a Uniled P r e s s Inshyternational news se rv ice for WSUA and the student d i rec tory

Music Council hopes to bring four name groups to the campus next year If given Hie money next s e m e s t e r Music Council by workshying wiib other area colleges and by signing its contracts ear ly could bring excellent groups and perhaps a n ange for more than one per for shymance

The proposed binds for Hie dishyrectory would allow the publication ol a second semes te r supplement in the dii ectory

The funds allotted to Ihe State Unishyversity News would permit the paper to publish lor the whole ol tlie s ec shyond semester Without these funds the paper Will only be aide to pubshylish loi eight weeks

The funds will also allow Ihe paper in publish two issues a week lor die luinl month ol the academic year

Buses Aga in Senate ii an I od pin mission tu eight

groups in char ie r and solicit funds for buses no tins Chris t inas vacashytion

Senator Art Johnston 65 moved that Senate authorize any member ol die student bod to chartei a bus for ibis Chris t inas holiday The

Forum Sends 5 To Puerto Rico

Ioruni ol Politics is sending live s tudents lo Inter-Ainer ican Uuivei-sii in Sun Gei main Fuel to RICH to attend an Intel ci illegiale coiifci -e rne entitled The Caribbean Mishycrocosm ol World St ruggle The conference is sponsored by die As-sociattuii ol International Relations ( lubs ul which 1 ni inn is a mem -bei

The live students being sent a r e Ronnie Hi aunsteiu UO Rila Bren-s i h e i lifi Marilyn Bi own 00 Sandra Cuslunan CO and Tniii Masshyter (if)

The students will lly down Hi one ol tyvo jets leaving Irom Idlewilde

A program ol l e c tu r e r s speakshye r s and discussion groups has been planned Speakers at the conference will be Juan Bosch deposed P r e s i shydent ol the Dominican Republic Munoz Marin Govei tor of Puerto Rico Jose Miro Cardoua Cuban exile and Senaloi Wayne Morse (D O r e )

motion was defeated Pres ident Ce r ra announced the

recent resignation of Carl Cusato GG and the longstanding res ignashytion of Helen Mandeville 64 C e r r a appointed Vic Mitchell G6 and Bob Sargeant 64 to fill the vacancies The Senators were sworn in imshymediately


During the commit tee r epo r t s the State University Revue constitution was brought up for approval A conshyt roversy a rose about the r equ i r e shyment that Senate approve the apshypointment of Ihe d i rec tor of the Revue

Some Senators complained that the constitution was poorly worded and that Senate should not have the final power of approval in the choice of d i rec to r

Senator Guddat 66 also pointed out the fact that the proposed con-


stltution s ta tes that the business manager of the Revue was to be a member of Finance Committee or appointed by the group

He noted that the authors of the constitution did not present this part of constitution to ei ther the Finance Committee as a whole or to its chai rman Barbara Townsend 65

The Revue Constitution was sent back to Ed Wolner s Constitutions Committee by a vote of Senate

Irregularities by Chair The meeting was highlighted by

severa l par t isan comments by C e r shyra He made comments indicating Ids approval of several opinions expressed by Senators

Senator Gain 64 left the Senate meeting due lo these comments and due to the P res iden t s refusal to answer a question Galu appealed from the decision of the chai r

S A P r e s i d e n t Pa t Cerra conducts Wednesday n ight s Senate

Meet ing during which pr ivate charter ing of buses was d i s c u s s e d

SU News Foster Child Contributions Still $40 Short of Drives Goal

The State University News has received approximately $140 toward i ts Foster Parents Plan This leaves about forty dol la rs short of the necessary $180 lo support an un-foi innate i luld lot a period of one y e a i

Tim SUNews plan was begun in order to enable all the students ol ihe University to contribute towards this cliui liable cause The News is in se rve only as a medium ol colshylod ion not the coin Ill iiling organ-lal ion

The child who I e e e r e s the sup-pui t ul ihe student body will receive lood clothing medical care and othei necess i t i es lor one year The child will write a letter each month telling abiitil hiiusell The SUNews will print all information and corshyrespondence r e c e i v e d Irom the c h i l d

Students may contribute to the lund through any News Board memshyber or at the News Office Room 5 in Brtihacher on Sunday through Wednesday nights Irom 7 lo 11 pm Contributions may be also mailed to ihe News Office c o the Editor

at 750 State Street The SUNews emphasizes that

the s ize ol ihe contribution does not matter but hopes that everyshyone will help to meet the goal by Chr i s tmas

Five lace Expulsion

For Run Around Five Stale University students

lace expulsion from Ihe University The I n e haye been accused by three Albany res idents ol staging a Chinese-Run-Around their car on the night of November lG

A Chinese-Run Around occurs when a group ol people surround a eai stopped in traffic and run around i t

The State students allegedly got out of their car and staged the bullRun-Around around a car in which three women were driving

The women claim damage was done lo ihe car The Stale s tudents deny tins

According to Dr David Hart ley Bean ol Students The University will definitely lake some action by Friday As yet 1 do not Know what it w i l l I

Page 5: PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS. FRIDAY. …library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/eresources/digital...make reservations tin collee hours, leas receptions, banquets, use ol equipment ti


ftifcmrpas with

(Author of Rally Round Ihe Flag Boysl and Barefoot Boy With Cheek)


The time has come to think of Christmas shopping for the Yuletide will be upon us quicker than you can say Jack Robinshyson (Have you ever wondered incidentally ubout the origin of this interesting phrase Quicker than you can say Jack Robinson Well sir the original saying was FrenchmdashPlus

trite que de dire Jacques Robespierre Jack Robinson is as everyshyone knows an Anglicization of Jacques Robespierre who was

as everyone knows the famous figure from the French Revolushy

tion who as everyone knows got murdered in his bath by

Dunton Mura t Caligula and Al Capone

(The reason people started saying Quicker than you can

say Jacques Robespierre mdashor Jack Robinson as he is called in

English-speaking countries like England the US and Cleveshy

landmdashis quite an interesting little story It seems that Robesshy

pierres wife Georges Sand got word of the plot to murder

her husband in his bath All she had to do to save his life was

call his name and warn him Rut alas quicker than she could

say Jacques Robespierre she received a telegram from her old

friend Frederic Chopin who was down in Majorca setting lyrics

3lhk hi to Jo wtcjll tit time to his immortal Warsaw Concerto Chopin said he needed

Cleorges Sands help desperately because he could not fintl a

rhyme for Warsaw Naturally Georges could not refuse

such an urgent request

(Well sir off to Majorca went Georges but before she left

she told her little daughter Walter that some bad men were

coming to n urtler Daddy in his bath She instructed Walter

to shout Robespierres name the moment the bad men arrived

Rut Walter alas had been sea-bathing that morning on the

Riviera and she had come home with a big bug of salt water

taffy and when the bad men arrived to murder Robespierre

Walter alas was chewing a wad of taffy and could not get her

mouth unstuck in time to shout a warning Robespierre alas

was murdered quicker than you could say Jacques Robespierre

mdashor Jack Robinson as be is called in English-speaking countries

(There is I am pleased to report one small nob of cheer

in this grisly tale When Georges Sand got to Majorca she did

succeed in helping Chopin find a rhyme for Warsaw as everyshy

one knows who has heard those haunting lyrics

In the fair town nf Warsaw

Which Xapolcotts harm saw

Siiijiny cockles ami mussels alive alive a)

Rut 1 digress

We wen speaking of Christmas gifts What we all try ti

find a t Christinas is of course unusual and distinctive gifts for

our friends May 1 suggest I hen a carton of Marlboro Cigarettes

What You arc astonished You had not thought of Marlboros

as unusual You bad regarded them as familiar reliable smokes

whose excellence varied not one jot nor tittle from year to year

True All true lint all the same Marlboros are unusual beshy

cause every time you try one its like the first time The lluvor

never palls the filter never nets hackneyed the -oft pack is

ever a new delight and so i- the Flip Top box Kueh Marlboro

i- a fresh and pristine pleasure and if you want all your friends

to clap their hands and cry Yes Virginia there is a Santa

Clans you will see that their stockings are tilled with Marlshy

boros on Christmas morn mui Musiiummn

The holiday season or any other season is the season to be jolly if Marlboro is your brand Youll tind Marlboros whershyever cigarettes are sold in all lifty states of the Union You net a lot to like in Marlboro Country


ART KAPNER Writes all types of insurance

LIFE - AUTO - FIRE HO 5-1471


75 State Street HO 2-5581

Fraternities and Sororities The Vital Hub of Stales

Since 1890 Social Life

Since the first quar te r of the century f ra terni t ies and so ro r i t i e s have been an integral and active part of the Albany campus During the fifty or sixty yea r s since their

by Dove Jenks aid Debby Friedman

firm establ ishment he re they have changed somewhat in number and appearance but have maintained their posit ions as the hub of S ta te s social life

The five fraterni t ies which now exist a re the largest number in Sta te s history however the eight so ro r i t i e s represent only slightly more than half of the fifteen which in the ear ly 1930s offered group membersh ip to Albanys female popshyulation

Delta Omega was the first so r shyority being formed in 1890 It r e shymained the sole sorori ty until 1896 when it was then joined by Eta Phi

KD Oldest Sorority The oldest soror i ty on campus

now Kappa Delta was organized in 1897 witli the goal of fu r the r shying friendship l o y a l l y and Ihe development of the individual Psi Gamma began soon after in 1898 and was originally formed as a l i t e ra ry group

The soror i ty situation remained unchanged until 1913 when Gamma Kappa Phi appealed That year also marked the establ ishment of the first f ra terni ty Sigma Nu Kappa

In 1916 the Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Hho a national f ra te r shynity was brought to State (it was la ter to drop i ts national affiliations and become Alpha Pi Alpha) A third fraterni ty Kappa Nu was founded in 1918

Chi Sigma Theta can t race its his tory back to 1914 when it was

State College News Articles Reflect

Halj Centurys Opinion oj Greeks The purposes and true value of f ra tern i t ies and so ro r i t i e s on our

campus has been brought up for question during the past year However this is not something new for the Greeks have always been questioned bv at least some member s ol the college and non-College community In the lace of this recent upheaval in the Greek situation it is in te res t shying to note some of the opinion that has been voiced in past years conshycerning the l i a l s and so ro r i t i e s at Albany

Oct 4 1916 - (the f i rs t issue of the State Co l lege News) T h e r e a r e now live soror i t i es among the g i r l s of State College

and all of them are splendid organizat ions thriving and p rosperous and doing much to make college life more col lege- l ike Lei us acquaint you also with the manner in which these so ro r i t i e s light for the privi lege of making you one ot the fold We warn all that this is legalized warfare governed by a set of in te r - soror i ty ru les which a r e held very str ict and must be obeyed carefully hv a l l

Nov 9 1923 - T h e r e a re few institutions touching the lives of thousands of individuals

concerning which more d iverse views a r e held in complete s inceri ty than college f ra terni t ies Some educators for example regard them as a menace without a single redeeming feature o thers see them a blessing to the students under their ca re The basic idea underlying the formation of f ra terni t ies is without doubt good because it emphas i ses the essential bond ol brotherhood which should closely unite men and na t ions

D e c 21 1927 - (soon alter the repeal ol the 20 scholarship r equ i r e shyment loi soi or i t j membership)

The m i c e is a lag step lorward according to President AH Iiru-lachei lie believes that Ihe main purpose ol so ro r i t i e s is to provide ihe best housing conditions and the best possible social life

These opportuni t ies Di Mi uhacher said should be open to every Mill m ihe College each soroinv making the choice of members on the basis ol peisonalitv and common in t e re s t s Dean Pierce said Since soror i t i e s a re i social group 1 Hunk it best that Ihey seek gir ls who will 111 lino a social group tatnei than lo seek so-called g r i nds who do iIOI cai e ini ihat sort ol thing

Feb 1 1929 -The would-be s o l i u m g n l should not place loo much ol a com-

IIUMCIII value upon s o i l i n membership One gets oui ol such an oi ganlzaiion what one puis into n The girl who is not bid miisi remember t tiit n is uoi because she is uiilli It is i ne reh because ihe sorority svsletu is essen t ia l ) iioh-lt leiuoi i alio llial lunch ol the decision Is made upon milwurd appeal wires that t rue worih is ol iniuienseh Ii eatei value man all Ihe Gi eek lei lei insignia in die woi Id

Sept 26 1941 - (Iraiei es had jusi been l imned 10 2 rush par t ies ) Two a l l a u s do mil alloi iillicienl opporlimil loi Iraleriulv

uiiii bullgt become ihe friends ot 11 eshiueii Ahead I ia te innv men a r e iilking ol mass Iratei iut in asions ol ihe men s dorinitoi and raucous di inking par l i es as a subst inue lor the organized rushing which has been denied lo them It this i m be prevented (and n ma have to be il li aiei nit les want lo s u i i o as organized campus gi oups) IFC in usi prolong i he organized i uslung per iod

Sept 26 1947 -Hushing c r ea t e s an iiutiealile and unreal situation with both I resh-

uien and sorori l women outdoing themselves lo c rea te a rood imshypress ion These relat ionships should be allowed lo develop over a longer period ol tune As a general ru le n is impossible for two people lo become acquainted in the few short weeks ol ihe open rush period wilh all ol the res t r ic t ions involved lo know whethei or nol they want to bind themselves to each oilier foi Ihe res t ol then college

organized as Kappa Nu soror i ty ( later changed because of the ex is t shyence of a f ra terni ty with I lie same name) Its idea l s were loya l ty companionship and s i n c e r i t y

Beta Zeta was formed in 191G and Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded in 1917 The l a t t e r a national s o r o r shyity was the p r e d e c e s s o r of Sigma Phi Sigma

Rushing System Set Up Now that there were eight s o r o r i shy

t ies on campus some ordery s y s shytem of rushing was needed In 1918 Hie first organized rus ing system was introduced If a gir l had one D she was ineligible to rush

World War I saw a cur ta i lment of fraternity life Only KDH s u r shyvived the conflict However several new s o r o r i t i e s a p p e a r e d Alpha Delta Omicron (now Phi Delta) in 1924 Epsilon Beta Phi and Gamma Phi Sigma in 1927 and Sigma Alpha in 1928

In 1931 fraternity rushing began to be taken more ser ious ly when a second f ra te rn i ty the Edward Eldred Pot ter Club appeared

Potter Club was organized by thir teen men who rejected the idea of a Greek le t ter f raterni ty The name suggested by the then College Pres ident Dr A R Brubacher was chosen in memory of a member of the c lass of 20 who was killed in World War I

I F C Formed By 1936 it became necessa ry

to form the In ter f ra tern t ty Council with the two exist ing f ra te rn i t ies to keep all rushing clean An In te r -soror i ty Council was also organized and a new sys tem of preferent ia l I idding was introduced

Soror i t i es rapidly increased in number and by 1932 fifteen of lliein were actively functioning

f r a t e r n i t i e s did not multiply in number so swiftly Kappa Beta was organized in 1937 The formation of the group was encouraged by a need for more housing for men and its first s taled purpose was to found a group house for men SLS was also organized in 1937

World War II worked many hardshyships on the Greeks Sigma Alpha disbanded in 1941 and bv the close of the war only seven s o r o r i t i e s remained

Pres ident Sayles in X)4gt p r e shysented a plan for Ihe f ra tern i t ies to move into Sayles Hall and give Up their houses liecatise ol the wai conditions

Dr Say les s tated that t h e adminshyistrat ion had no des i r e to abolish f ra terni t ies s ince n believed that they filled a social need on r a m -p u s

He said that ihe purpose of the proposal for 11 alernil les lo i cut par t s ol the new dot initio was to p r e se rve t hen integrit v

KDR Becomes APA A major change in the organishy

zation ol the Greeks was hei ulded in 1952 when KDH wilhdiew from u s national aflillatloii and loi mod the local Irateriiit Alpha Hi Alpha The In otliti s loll that the uat loiial organization ol KDlt was pirn to nig i acial and i eligious disci imiiiat mn

Soon altei wi id the Stat e Im -bull ei sir ol New Vm k issued a prm -laiiiation thai all national bullbull a m o and li Meruit les would be i untied It oiu all slate campuses In ]j I complying won Ihe demand Alpha 1- p s i 1 o n Phi became loi a| ami selected Ihe name Sigma Phi Sigma

In IJII Sigma Alpha i e a c l n a t e d o s chaplei in bi ing ihe uuuibei ol sol oi nies in ns pi cseni H and in lJUl Ihela Xl Omega became I lie t i l t h li a i e i m i

Willi ihe liiilnineiil uiov e I o i lie new campus last uppi ouohliig ihe li aiei mi ami san m il snuai luo has taken on mill h gi eMel sigmlicaiice Iheii purposes and exis tence have been hi ought up loi question and in response ihe Greeks huve utuled lot then cause The change in housing liom individual houses lo sections ol dm ms seems lo lie onb a iniiioi pui l oi ihe change dial is i apidh occiu mg Tilt lr nil billent IIIIIII e is al best vol 11 a z v



(continued from page 4)

were two flags - of the country and of the Presidency reminders that the continuity of both extends beyond individuals We do not mourn (he man the l e s s if we r emember that any office mdash even this highest office mdash is g rea t e r than the man who holds it

Even though we know these things to be t rue we need to remind ourselves of our dedication to reason and to intelligence We do identify we do feel personal loss we do gr ieve and after grief comes anger and a revulsion against the senseTess savagery of blind butchery

And this emotion too finds personal express ion and we let violence beget violence as the accused ki l ler vet untried is in his turn killed We who a r e dedicated to the integrity and the Unprovability and the inviolability of the individual suffer this ult imate violation of individual integrity - the man whatever his guilt killed by a self-designated executioner while our peace officers guardians of the orderly p r o shycesses of law hold him

If we a r e r ea l i s t i c we recognize the s t ratum of violence that lies all too (dose beneath the surface of our hard-won civilization We acknowledge il in our funny pape r s our entertainment our lawshylessness And our ha temongers feed it and a r e fed by it ami focus il lo their ugly purposes

We a re r ea l i s t i c but we a r e tempted always to forget our intellishygence and the way of reasonWe may for example vield to Ihe tantrums of chi ld ishness and howl that all the world is rotten and that wp want lo get off

Or we may il reason r e a s s e r t s itself remember thai violence deshyfeats its own ends more effectively than airtlung else can b rums and Cassius brought on Hie very dic ta torship ihey feared The double violence of Oswald s alleged deed and his death strengthen Ihe detershymination ol decent men to rees tabl ish the rule of law of o rder ol i eason

And most important as we asser t our common dedication to ordei and to reason we r emember the broadei idealism ol dip martyred Kennedy ihe convictions that moved him and that claimed our al legshyiance

In ihe Peace Corps we lotind expressed ihe obligation to serv ice ihe clear consequence ol the beliel dial all men ai e hi othet s

The Cuban confrontation showed that denim i e bull need not be vacilshylating and weak here we laced down author i ta r ian ism in honest anger with cool courage In the bomb lest ban John Kenned expressed for US all our fundamental peaceableness

And with Meredith in Mississippi we assei led once again thai because we believe in God the Fa ther then all men as sons ol God a re indeed brothers s ince ever man has in nun something ol God all men a re sacred and then individual nitegim is piecioi is To these idea ls we are committed hoi inese beliefs quite l i io ra l l John Kennedy died

Kvervoiie gives his hie to something Some give n gradually in the cease l e s s ei osion that begins it I n t h oi uioi e rapidly in the burning of the lhtetisir oi conviction Some give it suddenly in the shock ol a s n i p e s bullet Some inerel l i i ue i i i a w a We a re forshytunate indeed it ve give II al length m al once icr a noble cause 111 which we deeply belle e

As a umve i s l i bulliniii IIMJ i v e ai e a i oiiiiiiiinii ol youth identifying with the quali t ies ti bull-1111 ve a s p n e We a re dedicated to reason and o ihe ahhoi i eiioe - aa or bull We ai e bull unlimited to noble goals And lioin these ihiee i iai ai tei i M ics lo ines a lourih we ha e each one in ins umveis i i o- il ppoioinit and the obligation to make a 1 home ol g al s

As we ickiiole I-I ile aspn atiois ol John Kenned die values lie strove lo t Ac bullam ve ippoi bull unii ltgt c la i i r them each loi niuisell lo these ihe hoiiob gt i bull lespm led i him m - l i letnne we ma now at tils ileih MI nliiili and in lei oi i ode b e n e otn sel ves

This soi le i e bull oil ill he ei hi i dioin bull nu 11 e s mav I e long as 11 lost 1 lien id be Mo -i ol on l II 11 e I no i he n elitv -111 si entinv That in ill be an nnpoi iah milestone in in lives

God gram that o ni aiuii ei si i la oil mi h k i n 1 i bull diis da i r u l l l e s l o d e l i e i I h e i d e a l s o l h i s m a I I l e d III all lo i m o d a n d l l l s e d in i l i e s e 11 ig h e e n 1 l i o n s

NOW O P E N M o n - T h u f l Un t i l 9 PM


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Distributive Education Club

The Distributive Education Club will tour the T imes Union Newsshypaper Building on Monday Decemshyber 9

The tour will be conducted from 0 pm until 8 pm anil a guest speaker will present the Times Unions his tory All DE Club m e m shybe r s part icipat ing are urged to meet in front of Draper at 515 sharp

Basketba l l Dance After the basketball game toshy

morrow night UCA will present an liiiornial dance from 10 to 12 in ihe Brubacher game room

Music will be provided by the Dutchmen also known as Weasel and the Whart ra ts from Union Colshylege

Chemistry Club Dr St oj) h e n Wiberley of the

Chemistry Department a tUenss laer Polytechnic Institute will give a lecture lo the Chemistry Club enshytitled Inf rared Spectroscopy on Tuesday December 10 at 730 pm in Brubacher Hall

Dr Wiberlev is an authority in the Meld and has written a new textbook Introduction to Infrashyred and Raman Spect roscopy Dr Wiberlev is presently associate dean oi die graduate school at KPI

All chemist ry students are inshyvited to attend this meeting Reshyfreshments will be served after the lec ture

S c i e n c e C o l l o q u i u m Dr M Evans Monroe Chairman

ol the Mathematics Department of the University of New Hampshire will give a lecture entitled The St ructure oi Elemental Functions mdash A Computer s Eye View on F r i shyday December G at 125 in Draper 3-19 All students a re invited to attend this lecture

KAPPA PHI KAPPA Kappa Phi Kappa will hold its

initiation ol new members on Thur s shyday Deceinbei 1- The ceremony will lake place in Brubacher Hall at HU0 pm New members are required to attend

Hil lel A Tri-Citv Hillel Dance will be

held on Sundav December 8 in Brubacher Hall s Mam Dining Room iioin 2i0 io Gi() pm Students Irom KPI Union Siena Russell Sane and Albany will attend this Dred l e Spin

A Chaiiukah Queen will be chosen ai the d a m e and i live land will p i m p l e music loi the occasion Roll esiiinenis will be sei v ed

Admission is lilt corns loi iiieui-bel s and se ent - In e cent s lor non-111e1111 el s

Walts Subs Around the Corner

from the Dorms

Open Daily Mon-Thurs HamM30prn

Fri ampSat Ham mdash l-30arn

Sun 400pm mdashlipm

271 Ontario Street

Johnson Senate Record Indicates Liberal Civil Rights Outlook

by Joseph W Golu

The assass inat ion of President Kennedy leaves everyone at a loss for words with a feeling of utter he lp lessness

The w o r l d s greates t surgeon could do nothing ihe best speaker could not find words to express the feelings of an individual the nation or himself t h e world s s t ronges t man could do nothing to lend even an ounce of strength to the Pres ident as he lay dying

The impossibili ty of the task of express ing o n e s feelings in a limited space forbids my attempt to say that which I still feel The only profitable course is to face the present and future and conshys ider Lvndon Baines Johnson

Civil Rights Record

Those who wonder about civil r ights should remember that it was Johnson who was the leader of the Senate when all modern civil rights legislation was passed

It was Johnson who put the Senshyate on a 24-hour a day schedule thus defeating the Southern filishybuster Johnson the so-cal led conshyserva t ive was the man who pushed through the 1959 and 19(30 Senates the legislation which Ike vetoed as being too radical

I do not expect Johnson to present Congress with the type of legisshylation which Kennedy presented and which bogged Congress down to its present do little pace

Kennedys Far Reaching Programs I do not expect Johnson to come

up with the extremely far- reaching plans that Kennedy had the corps for peace the complete revision of our tax s t ruc tu re the complete revision of our tarill policy a ra ther complete program for South American and South-eastern Asian development

Kennedy in his two years and ten months presented (according to Richard Russe l I )more f a r - r each shying legislation than even FDR in the Hundred Days Kennedys p r o shyg rams were not hastily prepared or presented to a wildly enthusiastic Congress

Kennedys approach was almost entirely intellectual When dealing even with defense he calmlv quoted s ta t i s t ics ol we a re 600c more

capable to fight guer i l las etc

Approach Will Differ Johnsons approach will combine

the intel lectualism of Kennedy with a more ear thy more folksy more urbane style

He will not descent to the level of telling the American people what they want but I expect nation-wide television a d d r e s s e s on his pr ior i ty legislation

I also expect Johnson to deal with Congressional leaders in a manner more firm than that of Kennedy I feel su re that the Senshyate will be m o v i n g faster and will probably replace Mansfield as leader

In the House the leadership is on its last legs McCormack has his last chance right now If he does not make good he will p robshyably vield to someone new The current House underlings stand little chance of replacing McCormack

No Problem In general I feel that the people

who worry about Johnson s conser shyvatism are creat ing their own probshylem Johnson s tar ted in the House of Representat ives as a New Deal darl ing This hardly reflects conshyse rva t i sm

His opponents in pr imary e lecshytions in Texas have always painted Johnson as an ex t reme liberal

My only fear is that Johnsons att i tudes a re not urban We have gone back to a rura l President after our first truly urban P r e s i shydent in many yea r s

I feel that the Johnson record on civil r ights and in getting civil r ights legislation through the Senshyate is a irue indication of the man s att i tudes and potential




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open eoenings till 9pm Saturday till 6pm

Student Organization Services Present

On the weekend of Dec 14th and ISth SOS will present its

annual Holiday Weekend A Roaring Twenties Dance will be held

Saturday evening at 8 oclock The Holiday Sing will be held at

7 oclock Sunday euenintj and a coffee hour will be held immediately after Check next weeks paper for further details

PAGE lO S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3

Goobers APA Win I AMIA Bowl ing Teams

by Gary Murdock

Basketball is Back AMIA s ty le with the traditional excitement and th r i l l s Four League I t eams sprung into action Monday The Goobers muti lated Waterbury 67-45 and APA eas i ly defeated Pot ter 49-35

Goobers Romp The Goobers built up an i m shy

p r e s s i v e 37-19 half time lead and coasted to an easy victory

Gutwillig sank eigiit from the field for 1G points and Hickey ripped 6 shots through the nets Browner and Colin a lso netted 4 field goals apiece to help pace the Goober attack

APA Controls Boards A well balanced APA squad easi ly

defeated Pot ter I last y e a r s chamshy

pions by a 49-35 count Strong board play enabled APA to control the game throughout Gary Smith and Don Sinclair lead their team with 10 and 13 points respectively

League Two League two action began Monshy

day Another APA team emerged victorious as they defeated the Inshyfinites in over t ime 41-35 DiCaprio led the scor ing with 12 points Waltamath and Much also hit aouble figures with 11 and 10 points r e shyspectively APA pulled out to a comfortable 25-19 half t ime lead but took an about-face in the second half and the sco re at the end of regulation was knotted at 35 all APA dominated over t ime play DishyCaprio netted 4 points in overt ime and APA won going away

n League I All Sweep

In other league two action Club 487 defeated The Club 30-25 Krell was high for Club 487 with 13 points while Tal l is led the Club with 10 points

AMIA Bowling There was a clean sweep for five

t eams in last weeks AMIA Scratch League

The Kappa Beta team led by Al Barnard (558) and Tony Riservato s tayed in first place and kept an undefeated record by shutting out the Holy Bowlers 7-0 In the third game Barnard shot the League s second high single a 24fi

Potter Clubs 7-0 win over Water-bury pushed them up lo second place in the standings and only three points behind KB John Lilga and Kim Gilshyford led the effort as Potter hit the day s high single learn game of 937

Goobers Win M e n Sutnertands (545) set the

pace for the G o o b e r s as they trounced the U n k n o w n s 7-0 and moved into third place A si long Newman Club team walked away with seven points at the expense of APA

Tim Molola (577) and Mike Nem-shick (535) led the Newmans The Defenders with Dick Lepaks 537 and Bill Thomas 234 single shut out TXO by 7-0

M i k e Bloom former A l b a n y H igh basketba l l p layer c lowns it up in a frosh prac t ice sess ion

N O T I C E UCA Tournaments

In this ruining week Hie UCA Recreat ion Commit Leu will sponsor Hie following tournaments

Chess Tournament Dec 9-12 Mens Table Tenuis Dec 9-12

and Dec 10-1H

Bridge Tournament Dec 11-12 Mens and Womens Bowling Dec

8 1-1 and 15 The following week December 10-

19 there will be a Mens Bil l iards Tournament

Sign-up sheets for all the tournashyments will lie on the Union bulshyletin board You may enter more than one tournament it you wish





by Ron Hamilton

The contest slated for tomorrow night was to have proved a point made in this column a few weeks ago Unfortunately the Fates have fouled things up again New Pal tz s s tar center has withdrawn from school this semester It seems that dispite valiant attempts to keep this not too academically inclined lad in school he has backed out for a semes te r The odds now favor Albany

On the national basketball scene we a re going to place our heads on the block (not that they havent been there before) and pick NYU to finish no 1 in the country with Loyola of Chicago a close second Please save your comments until the end of the season

For study bugs that dont want to make the long tr ip VVSUA will be broadcasting the games We urge all students that cant attend the games in person to tune in the play by play account on VVSUA Rememshyber i t s your team

The cold weather heralds the possible appearance of the one the only Lake Minerva Yes friends that cancerous pond that we all love so well may appear overnight as if createdby a wonderful magician The new students a re in store for a marvelous treat If we all pray real hard the wondrous transformation may take place on Dorm Field

Could someone tell us how male cheer leaders a re going to inspire State fans to bigger and bet ter cheers We have nothing against males waving the pom poms but we fail to see any gain in refusing the gir ls admittance to the ranks of the rah rah squad We are certainly not an all male school as any State coed will tell you so le t s have EQUAL opportunity for all

Another prediction Albany State mdash 15-7 s tart ing with Oneonta as first victim

WAA Starts Fall Events Schedule Overweight WAA has the answer to your problem Under the

direction of Miss De Lamaler an exerc i se group has recently been formed The meetings a re held on Mondays ai 330 and Tuesday thru Thursday al 400 in the Sayles gym Regretfully no re f reshments will be served

Present ly WAA is concluding a highly successful season ol Volleyshyball The winners ol the Tuesday league and Thursday league will have a plav oll before Chr i s tmas Vacation This will de termine the season champs

The managers for basketball Penny Bishop and Ruth Whiting announce that all r o s t e r s a re due today Dec (J and may be turned in to Sue Boyd The schedule will be announced next week and all captains a r e asked to watch the WAA Bulletin hoard next to the CO-OP for the tune and da of the meeting This is a very important meeting and will answer all questions concerning the r u l e s and p ro shycedure

l o r those who are not adept al basket ball Mariuin Tasjian and Carole Coena recommend howling They a re accepting ros t e r s now and will also announce a captains meeting Watch I he WAA board

The most important item currently on ihe WAA agenda is the revision ol the Constitution It has been introduced and tabled lm the mandatory two week period All a re urged to attend the next meeting where Ihe toiilroy ers ta l point system will be discussed WAA is still open for new suggestions The point system is to provide a stable method for giving awards to those g i r l s who a r e consistaiil in then participation in Hie WAA int ramural program

Also undei discussion is the necessity ol a training program lor Ihe basketball o l l n i a l s If you have had exper ience n are interested in learning p lease come to a meeting or contact our WAA i ep resen-i i t i y e


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S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 PAGE 1 1

Junior t ransfer J im O D o n o v a n f ires up one of his sof t jumpers H is height is e x p e c t e d to help the teams rebounding st rength

Wrestling Team Places

Fifth in Hiram Tourney Wrestling against strong competition the Peds placed

fifth in last Saturdays Hiram Tournament held at Hiram College in Ohio The tourney which consisted of eight teams was won by favored Ohio University Hiram College and Miami of Ohio took second and third positions respectively

The Peds were at a disadvantage in the tournament since they were only able to fill eight of ten positions In spite of this they accumulated twenty-nine points to finish ahead of RP1 Rochester Institute of Techshynology and Addrian College

Eugene Monaco (123 lbs weight class) lost a hear t shybreaking decision in his second match to Randy Whitehead (Miami) by one point in an over t ime Whiteshyhead later went on to take first place Gene came back to pin his next two opponents and take third position

Bill Thomas (117 lbs) gained needed points for the team by pinning Pete Kowal (Adrian) and taking first place Larry Thomas (167 lbs) placed fourth position

A lot of credit should be given to Dick Hoard (177 lbs) who lost seven pounds in two days to get down to his weight class In the tourney he lost third position to Doug Wilcox (RIM) in an o v e r t i m e

Top grappler Gene Monaco shovs Soph mottnun B i l l Thomas how

it 5 done



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The New Paltz Hawks invade the Washington Ave Armory tomorrow night to do battle with the Peds New Paltz has shown great improvement in recent years and is expected to be strong Last year the Hawks received outstanding play from Bob Dilman and Fred Sadler Dilman has graduated but Sadler was only a freshman Big Fred was the teams leading score r and rebounder Reports indicate that New Platz has picked up several t ransfers but they a re unconfirmed

Albany will be going with two veteran s t a r t e r s Dick Crosset t and Joe Loudis The shifty Crosset t gave the normal schoolers fits last year It will probably be his job to contain Sadler Both teams will have had one game behind them when they lock horns at the Armory The odds-makers are predicting a close tough game with the outcome depending on the foul-line

P e d s D e f e a t O n e o n t a

Rebounding strength and foul shooting proficiency made the big difference as Albany State ended up on the long side of a 70-49 route over Oneonta

Co-capiam Paul S h e e h a n and t ransfer Bol e h were he scoring l eaders hut the earn effort kept all the scoring een

Jim ODonovan was the t ig man off the hoards in the firs half ODonovan corra led a total of fourshyteen rebounds during he night Dan Zeh took oyer his role when Jim got into four trouble earl m the second half Jumping Dan swept the a n wa s for 10 rebounds

Hob Zeh as the big surpr i se for the Peds as he lumped in a night high of fourteen The overall bench strength drew comment from Coach Sauers He said I am pleasantly stunned by the elfort I received from all the guys

Slow Stort

The game started out slowly with the lead changing hands several t imes Dick Crosset t and Paul Shee-han were the early s c o r e r s Oneonta played a tight defense to keep Cros shysett from moving to the basket and succeeded until the rest of the t eam s scoring f o r c e d them to change

Crosse t t last yea r s second leadshying score r played less than a third ol the game as he had early foul u ouble

The hall nine score yvas ciose 10-21 in favoi of State Oneonta failed to take adaniage of then foul shots yvhile State seemingly couldnt miss The gap widened and with ten innines left to gt the Red Dragons began some er costly fouling State pulled awa The final i uzet s o u 11- i and Stare was twenty -bull ne poms i - t 70-49

Frosh Wm

Doc Sauers g ives veteran guard Joe L o u d i s a few ca lmly -d i rec ted

ins t ruct ions

Coach Sauers Starts 9th Season Optimistic Over Teams Chances

This week as the State basket- State he went on to Penh State ball season opens ihe loams bull ojci and recei cd ins MEd ami Ins Ed Dr Kichaid Sauers will be s t a l l - J-mg his ninth eai as ineniot ol bull addition to coaching basket-ltltbull Ped i oopsteis O-ei he e a i s l a 1 D u e heads the golf team bullDoc1 has teen quite sin tess lul The had a line J - 1 iecoi 1 and j a i s i i bas-bullbull all oatl an-1 bullbulll he State toiii hainiht lasi ear is upuui i s i a i r nis teams e plays a good game o golf chain es hi s season a bull i-ij s handlali tennis and

Dr Sauei - was ot iaise-1 i u d i e o c n i a u n g is anothei one in Pehiisl ania note ltbull plae- l bull Suu-i s ime i e s t s He i- a a s k c b a l i toottall ne i a se ia l l q i iahl ic nigh srul and college

l e l e t e e unde IAllO i emulations A it el i bull Doc In es nea

the hoiiley a 0 in a set on i fioi t 11 e 111

b t -

i l a s a

a h i

I) bull l i e a Si

I IS 1S a s i


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340 Western Avenue CLEANING and EXPfcRT

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Ray C i a n f r i n i sets h imsel f for a free throw H e w i l l be star t ing at backcourt for the frosh hoopers

P A G E 12 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R ft 1 9 6 8

Literary Review

Spain Explores Her Inner Soul The CIRTNECOGE

by Elizabeth Stroud

by J A Gomez

Nikos Kazantzakis SPAIN (New York 1963) Simon and Schuster 254 pages - $500

Like D H Lawrence Nikos Kazshyantzakis was a frenzied prophet who preached a Dionysian vision of life Like Lawrence he was a world t r ave le r who sought some unobtainshyable ideal synthesis

Both wr i t e r s met with failure in their quest but both wr i te r s produced p e n e t r a t i n g t r a v e l b o o k s about the many lands that thev visited

Spain by Nikos Kazantzakis is not a t r ave l book in the ordinary sense of the word The reader sees l i t t le of the peaceful Spanish counshyt rys ide and the everyday life of the people but lie feels the depths of a people s soul

Kazantzakis por t ra i t of Spain is tinted by a mytho-his tor ical colorshyful and visionary explosion of emoshytion and philosophy Out of this unique vision r ides the undying heart of Spanish life mdash Don Quixote

T h e world has emerged from Gods hands rife with injustice and shortcomings And he the Knight of the Ideal was duty-bound to set it right For Don Quixotes work begins where Gods leaves off

Don Quixote Spain like the idealistic hero

of La Mancha set out on an advenshyturous dream The Spanish conshyquistador desired to bring Chr i s -bulltianity and Spanish rule to the world

In 1588 the real i ty of the English navy punctured this Don Quixotesque d r e a m and like her hero Spain re turned to her homeland to await her las t joust with death

Kazantzakis c la ims that along with Ulysses Faust and Hamlet Don Quixote i s deeply rooted in the hea r t s of men F o r perhaps of all the p r inces Don Quixote most faithfully m i r r o r s the fate of m a n

Don Miguel Unamuno The modern represen ta t ive of Don

Quixote is Don Miguel Unamuno Like the idealist ic hero Unamunos thoughts and plans for action a r e hidden in the misty clouds of a d ream

Most thinkers claimed that twenshytieth century Spain should be E u r -opeanized o thers felt that she should remain within her own borders and tradit ion Unamuno attempted to heal the wounded heart o f Spain he des i red to Spanify Europe

We are Africans We a re not s a r c a s t i c wits and mathemat ic ians like the Europeans We a re not sc ien t i s t s We use the things d i s shycovered by them e lec t r ic i ty the rai lway the telephone etc

But our spir i t is different we a r e mystical and t ragic Our inshyability to adapt ourse lves to E u r shyopean c u l t u r e will give us the s trength to c rea te a new culture of our own

Despair In his last yea r s this defeated

Spaniard was also forced to re turn to his homeland his own inner being and await death

His only constant companion was despa i r In one of his last works S a i n t E m m a n u e l t h e G o o d M a r t y r

he tells the story of a Catholic p r ies t who at tempts to give the people a faith in winch lie himsel i cannot believe

During the Spanish Civil War Kazantzakis and Unamuno met in the Falanee stronghold of Salashymanca Unamuno poured forth his troubled soul to his Greek friend

Al l of these things a re happening because (he Spaniards dont believe in anythingNothingNothing They a r e desperados The Spanish people have gone mad Not only the Spanish people the whole world today What is our duty To hide the truth from the peopleif they knew the truth the) couldnt go on They wouldnt want to live am inure The people need myth illusion decepshyt ion

legend is Don Juan Kazantzakis por t rayal of Don Juan like that of Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus p re sen t s a man who is not in quest of the Ideal Love

He loves each woman with the same passion and delight and he knows that his l o v e is mere ly momentary H e p o s s e s s e s he is not possessed mdash and that is his p o w e r

To Kazantzakis Don Juan r e p shyr e sen t s the Spir i t t h e wakeful wandering f l ame which leaps up and escapes the c lutches of woman mdash Matter

Don Juan and Don Quixote passion and ideal ism form the roots of the Spanish people and Kazantzakis a t shytempts to t rans la te his mythical vision of these people to the unshyfamiliar reader

His verbal p o r t r a i t s a r e often as colorful g ro tesque and symbol i shycally personal as the visual por shyt r a i t s of El Greco H e (El Greco) succeeded by his line and color in crys ta l l iz ing an e ternal phantom the indestruct ible despair ing soul of m a n

Kazantzakis a t tempts a s imi la r purpose At t imes he is quite suc shycessful

Many thanks to Mr Robert Bell manager of the CO-OP w h o g r a -ciously supplied this book for review purposes

Movie Review

Some evening probably in the very near future (if it hasn t already taken place) the usual emptiness of winter- t ime dorm field will give way to complete havoc the usually crowded study lounges will concede to the al l - important first snowfall

Provided of course that the snows good packing and that there is enough to pack this very common occurrence can offer one of the happiest t imes here at State The re s no formal organization no p ressure (except an occasional being dragged outside physishycally) to join in no nothin cept a heap of fun

P r e s s u r e s build up and suddenly it hits you right between the eyes and you dont care how childishly you act mdash so you pick up a snowball twice as big and hit back The grade-school excitement of building forts staging attacks and running desperately from the enemy is suddenly rekindled the crazy mixture of thrilled annoyance that comes with snow down your back re turns in all its glory

Maybe i t s the unaccustomed vacation from the way a n adult in college should act maybe i t s the obshyvious exhilaration of the frosty cold maybe i t s the secre t grin because he (or she) is aiming more snow your direction than anyone e l se s whatever your own special reason the dorm field fracas is thoroughly enjoyable

Dont forget sew your coat buttons on securely avoid long winding scarves and d ress warmly (the medical office has limited gallons of Cepacol) but for heavens sake join in One ofthese days there s going to be a real hum-dinger of a battle mdash I hope youll take advantage of it

Auteur Theory Gains Popularity

I n these t roublesome t imes it t a k e s Home doing to keep one s perspec t ive to appra i se world condi t ions with intell igence a n d to come up with sat isfying answers This hook Science a n d H e a l t h with Key to the Scripshytu re s by M a r y Baker E d d y hits helped m a n y of us to do this I t can help you too

We invi te you to come to our mee t ings and to hear how we a re work ing ou t our p rob lems t h r o u g h app ly ing the t r u t h s of Jh r i s t i an Science


Slots University of New York at Albany

Matting tint TiO pm Tutidayi

Matting ploct Brubochtr Hall

Science and Health in available at all Science Heading Uoumn and at many college Imaketoree Iuperbutk hditwn $196

D o n J u a n

The second gi and figure ol Spanish

cMo4Ue okaudd BETA Z E T A

President Sue M u i p h y 04 anshynounces that the lullov mg en Is wore pledged to the sorority on Tuesdav November 12

Mai Burns 65 Loraine Paronne tifi Margery Weed GO and Vivien Sotamayor 65 exchange student from Puerto Kin

Also Bonnie F e r r a r i (iG Marie Qualantoue GO and Sue Thomson G6

KAPPA B E T A KB w i l l hold an open liotise

Sunday Deceinbet B iJt) l r i to riO p in

on i l l l

The men ol Kappa Beta initiated the tollowing Monday evening Ken Drake GG Dick Genliliol e GO Kd Kuriliniski GG and Gary Spieliuann GG

by Paul Jensen

The latest vogue in motion-picshyture cr i t ic ism is the so- ra i l ed au-teur theory Formulated in France it has now spread by way of Engshyland into the United States

It supposedly originated in the pages of the magazine Cahie rs du Cinema during the period in the filties when new-wave d i r e c t o r s such as Francois Truffaut were merely c r i t i c s

It is based on the idea that the best f i lm-makers a r e those (mainh Europeans) who both write and dishyrect their films and so retain a great deal ol control

P e r s o n a l S t a t e m e n t A picture b one of these men

whether good or not is still much more ol a personal statement than a 111 in by some Hollywood directoi who had been assigned an already finished scr ipt

Such w r i t e r - d i r e c t o r s like Bergshyman Fellini and Antonioni a r e essentially the authors ( au teurs ) ol their films

As the books ol an author can be analyzed together so the works id an au teur can be taken as showing the development in te l lectualh and technically ol their makei Hence the spiritual s e a r c h o f l n g m a r Bergshyman ai com epts

These 11 1111 S Jlli

wish and to coiisidei

d ut liei such genei aliyee]

i t l l i|lt make

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i m a k e

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i l i e i i own wevei the ai - le lched

a k i n d u t a u t l i u i

But this basically sound and fairly sensible theory lias been so twisted in its t ranslat ion into English that it can only be recognized as a de -lormity of the original

As presented by Andrew Sarri s among o the r s in such magazines as Film Culture the au teur theory lias been combined with the Euroshypeans high regard lor the American film noir

The French in par t i cu la r seem inordinately impressed by films that in this country a re considered unimshyportant These a r e c r ime and gangshys te r l i lms ho r ro r p ic tures wesshyte rns and that s u n ol thing

In truth many films of this sort a r e underrated m America and recognition of the cinematic and intelligent ta lents ul such suspense and action d i r ec to r s as Alfred Hitchshycock and Anthony Mann has long been overdue

It is only when this idea is comshybined Willi the au ie i i i theory that 11 lnMnines dangerous

Mi s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

The au teu r c r i t i c s l ime in apshyplying this theory lo American fi lms succeeded in conipleteh mi s in t e r shypret ing it As a resul t cer ta in dishyr e c t o r s have been elevated to the s ta tus id Gods

Most id these are lailly talented within part n ular l imits Inn they do not w n t e 11 if I i own sc reen-p lays mid do not coni i ol their films Their p i n in i ai e nut pel son a I s ta tements ul au ibiug

But as Gods then can do no wrong anil a r e physically unable to make a poor film Ilitchock Howard Hawks and John Ford a r e at present on the pinnacle of this pantheon

You thought that except technishycally The Bi rds was a vacant and vacuous pic ture You didnt undershystand it the au teur cr i t ic rationshyal izes I t s not a poorly plotted monster movie i t s an allegory on the human cniidit ion

A II Fa i l ures All nun - an i en t s such as Carol

heed and John Huston (the d i s shytinction is completely a rb i t ra ry ) have never through their own skill made a good lilin

They may appear good hut this is an optical illusion caused by a good cast or some othei factor Kven the worst John Ford lilm (and there is a (duse liable for the title) is better than the e n atie Henry Kings The Guulightei or William VVelbuans The Ox-Bow Incident for Knr ami Wellmaii are not lushyt e i n s

The liual irony ol die situation is that this coi i upted theory has come lull c i rc le It lias now infected us mother country F rance with its super fan-magazine type ol cr i t i shycism This is the final irony in a generally ironic situation

JSolu gte | P i Gamma Mu

Am one Intel esieil in becoliu ug a iiieinliei ul Il Camilla Mil (Social Science Honorary) and feels he meet s the necessai quail Ileal ions

r t

gort you appear

to be u p s e t


(Jou have observed t ha t L j ou a re

fami l iar Gor t wit h my recently published novel and you krow how Ive sldvyd

should Kaneri i n i n n bull

Fifteen y ea r s to perfect each VMOHI sentence 4 paragraph Ljou know I v reared Imee that soar on their own w n g e l

Well a short while ago some insolent chap had the ne i v t to sugrjest i t be re publ ished in ( ondensed pQfmV

c o i i i a i i

( a n d

i J e u n i

IMPOSSIBLE My blood Curdlee to think o f |alteriny one comma No sooner had lie fled before my curies than op walks some idiot

Dr B i n Fa ion Id

e Van Shk

M a i l e t l a bull i n I f i t -

who daime to have perfected something called Speed feeding He had read my entire noiel in iampQ lt(lt we MP minutes

I shudder to tl link ul trie next logical Up

in e r u d i t i o n Speed-Reading a Condensed

Novel V

Sipum Laudis Inducts Twenty-three Robotham Receives Scholar Award

A total of twenty-three State senshyio rs were inducted into the Univershys i ty s highest honorary society Sig-num Laudis severa l weeks ago This award is made to the sen iors with the highest academic averages in their c l a s s

The induction took place in the Faculty Dining Room Dr Freder ick Truscot t the socie ty s faculty adshyvisor introduced Dr Ann Oliver faculty t r e a s u r e r who presented the Slgnuin Laudis scholar award to the group s pres ident Miss Pa shyt r ic ia Robotham

Highest Average This award is made to the senshy

ior with the highest academic ave r shyage

Dean Stokes also read Dean Metz-l e r s address to the inductees This address was given at the first Sig-num Laudis induction and is by tradition read at every induction ceremony

The twenty-three inductees r ep shyresent the second 4 of the Class of 1964 The first 4 of the c lass was inducted last spring

The new additions to the honshy

o ra ry include Joan AsfouryStephati Bacon F r a n c e s Beards ley J a m e s Brush Sandra Campo Roland E s o -len Kenneth Falvo M r s Armida Flehs Joan Rois te r P i re t Kutt Mary Lou Maina F r a n c e s McDan-ie l s and Victoria P a r k e r

Also Paul P r a u s Ronald Putnam Marie t ta Raner i Ralph Rominger F reder ick Smith Judith Suttneir Catherine Ann Tupper Jeanne Van Slyke Richard Weeks and Dennis Wienk

O l d M e m b e r s

Those m e m b e r s initiated last spr ing include Elizabeth Austin Gloria Avner Diva Daims June Fai rchi ld Gaye Frusc ione Norma Gayer Lois Gianini Shirley Golden-berg Joseph Gomez Ralph Gr i iua l -di Judith Horton Nina Howard) and Pat r ic ia Jewell

Also Karen King Lor ra ine Kirk-land Richard Leveroni Margaret Metger Robert Ri t tner Pa t r i c ia Robotham Karen Scheinman Lillian Schmidt Evelyn Simon Barbara Steindorf Phylis Vastbinder C a r o shylyn Wameling and Barba ra Zendle

Annual Holiday Weekend

Features Dance And Sing The annual Student Organization Services Holiday-

Weekend will include a dance tomorrow night and the Holiday Sing on Sunday evening Donald Kisiel 66 is the general chairman for the dance whichwillbe held in Bru s Main Dining Room from 8 to 12 pm His co-workers Bonnie Tomaszewski and Kathy Brown

ISC-IFC To Hold Hiinterlude Dance

freshmen have taken charge of the decorat ions which will t ransform the dining room into the Roaring Twenties a tmosphere of P e r c y s Pawn Shop

Music for the dance will be p r o shyvided by the Lenny Ri reard i Orshyches t ra The group has played at many events in colleges throughout the area During the o r c h e s t r a s break several State students will furnish enter tainment

C o k e on T a p Students are urged to attend the

dance with or without da tes No admission will be charged and coke

Winterlude sponsored by the Inshyte r -Fra te rn i ty and In ter -Soror i ty Councils will be held tonight from 900 pm in 100 am at iheSchine-Ten Eyck Hotel Enter ta inment will be provided by Howard Jackson and his Modern Jazz Quintet in Hie Fort Orange Suite and the Joe Cosco O r shyches t ra in the Grand Bal l room

IFC-ISC p re s iden t s Gary i-etre and potato chips will be served a | bdquo Leoua Kerpel co-chai r the

M | - w l M I bull I T I I I Michael Doinkowski 05 and Diana e c u t Marek 67 have handled publicity Guests who will attend include for the dance Elaine McCarthy 67 1 ) e u bdquo a n ( 1 M r s p a v i ( j Hart ley Mr is in charge of Hospitality and a n ( 1 M r s William MoKiiinon and Sandra Randall also a freshman Miss Barbara Burkhart has obtained the ehaperonos

The C h a p e r o n e ( o i n u i i l tee Hol iday Sing headed b Psi Gamma and Theta

The twelfth annual Holiday Sing i l n t jmega selected Mr and Mrs will be held Sunday ai 7 pm in j Neil Will iams Mr and Mrs Page Hall Seventeen groups ol J a m e s K Wagner Mr and Mrs s tudents lroin res idences organi- W i l l i a m Clarkin Mr and Mrs zal ious fratern s and so ro r i t i e s Char les Giiher and Mr and Mrs a r e participating Klein as chaperoiies

The groups taking pari this t ea r a r e Alden Hall Alpha Pi Alpha The theme ol the lurnial is p ro -Beta e t a Biiibacher Hall Chi jecied into the wintei a tmosphere Sigma Theta Edward Eldred Pollei through the use ol holly mist letoe Club Gamma kappa Phi Kappa decoi aled eve rg reens and the warm Beta Kappa Delta Pierce Hall Phi glow Iruiu candles The Decorations Delta Psi Gamma Saylos Hall Committee is h e a d e d by Sigma Sigma Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Uui cisii Commuters Organizashytion and Waiei bury Hall

Each group yyill sing one sunn and will be ludged by Dr I lewitt Lllinwood 11 die Soi lal Studies Deshypartment Mi Enill Kalbn ul Alshybany High School and Miss Jean Hi ighain a y ocal nisi ructor in die ai ea

WinnL-r R e c e i v e r T r o p h y

the lop lr c giotips will be anshynounced and will then sing a second song The pidges will de termine the winners ol the first second and t l i i i d p l a i e s

The Insi plaow group will be awarded a trophy to be kepi and displayed by thai group until the next Holiday Sing The current irophy holder is Waiei bury Hall

The Holiday Sing is under the general chairmanship ol Thomas

Lambda Sigma Sigma Alpha and Phi Delia

The heads ol the Tickets and P ro shyg rams Committee ai e Kappa Beta Sigma Phi Sigma and Beta eta Alpha Pi Alpha leads the Ar range shyments Coiiinintee and Gamma Kappa Phi the bull lowers I ouuni t tee Iul -lu l l v Committee i+= headed by Chi Sigma Theta and Pollei Club

Bids are $-100 per couple Nu one will be admit led without a t icket


The S U News will not appear ueM Friday due to Chr i s t inas vacashytion The next regular issue ol die S U News will appear on January 10

The Publication Office will be Lelleer titi The program will be open the night ol January 5 L e t t e r s e i iueed by Carole Polls and Robert p the Edi tor House Howls and

Notices will be accepted only ul ( c o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 3) I h l s l l i n c

nnwer F o o t b a l l

T e a m

P a g e 4

A L B A N Y 3 N E W YORK DEC E M B E R 13 1063 VOL X L I X NO 2 6

Hearing Today on Student Tax For Second Semester Buses Chartered

by Steve Curti

Last Wednesdays Senate m e e t shying was highlighted by the in t roshyduction of bills proposing a second s e m e s t e r student tax and the g ran t shying of permiss ion to cha r i e r vashycation buses at Chr is t inas time to eight groups

A bearing will he held this af ter shynoon at 125 The meeting place will be posted on the Senate bulleshytin board in Busted near the Husted-Richardson per i s ty le

H e a r i n g T o p i c s

The hearing will be used to d i s shycuss the proposed second s emes t e r student tax The various uses of the money collected from the proposed tax will he explained

Some of the proposed uses for the lax money in the order of the amount of proposed expenditures a re Music Council State Univershysity News an addition lo the conshytingency fund a Uniled P r e s s Inshyternational news se rv ice for WSUA and the student d i rec tory

Music Council hopes to bring four name groups to the campus next year If given Hie money next s e m e s t e r Music Council by workshying wiib other area colleges and by signing its contracts ear ly could bring excellent groups and perhaps a n ange for more than one per for shymance

The proposed binds for Hie dishyrectory would allow the publication ol a second semes te r supplement in the dii ectory

The funds allotted to Ihe State Unishyversity News would permit the paper to publish lor the whole ol tlie s ec shyond semester Without these funds the paper Will only be aide to pubshylish loi eight weeks

The funds will also allow Ihe paper in publish two issues a week lor die luinl month ol the academic year

Buses Aga in Senate ii an I od pin mission tu eight

groups in char ie r and solicit funds for buses no tins Chris t inas vacashytion

Senator Art Johnston 65 moved that Senate authorize any member ol die student bod to chartei a bus for ibis Chris t inas holiday The

Forum Sends 5 To Puerto Rico

Ioruni ol Politics is sending live s tudents lo Inter-Ainer ican Uuivei-sii in Sun Gei main Fuel to RICH to attend an Intel ci illegiale coiifci -e rne entitled The Caribbean Mishycrocosm ol World St ruggle The conference is sponsored by die As-sociattuii ol International Relations ( lubs ul which 1 ni inn is a mem -bei

The live students being sent a r e Ronnie Hi aunsteiu UO Rila Bren-s i h e i lifi Marilyn Bi own 00 Sandra Cuslunan CO and Tniii Masshyter (if)

The students will lly down Hi one ol tyvo jets leaving Irom Idlewilde

A program ol l e c tu r e r s speakshye r s and discussion groups has been planned Speakers at the conference will be Juan Bosch deposed P r e s i shydent ol the Dominican Republic Munoz Marin Govei tor of Puerto Rico Jose Miro Cardoua Cuban exile and Senaloi Wayne Morse (D O r e )

motion was defeated Pres ident Ce r ra announced the

recent resignation of Carl Cusato GG and the longstanding res ignashytion of Helen Mandeville 64 C e r r a appointed Vic Mitchell G6 and Bob Sargeant 64 to fill the vacancies The Senators were sworn in imshymediately


During the commit tee r epo r t s the State University Revue constitution was brought up for approval A conshyt roversy a rose about the r equ i r e shyment that Senate approve the apshypointment of Ihe d i rec tor of the Revue

Some Senators complained that the constitution was poorly worded and that Senate should not have the final power of approval in the choice of d i rec to r

Senator Guddat 66 also pointed out the fact that the proposed con-


stltution s ta tes that the business manager of the Revue was to be a member of Finance Committee or appointed by the group

He noted that the authors of the constitution did not present this part of constitution to ei ther the Finance Committee as a whole or to its chai rman Barbara Townsend 65

The Revue Constitution was sent back to Ed Wolner s Constitutions Committee by a vote of Senate

Irregularities by Chair The meeting was highlighted by

severa l par t isan comments by C e r shyra He made comments indicating Ids approval of several opinions expressed by Senators

Senator Gain 64 left the Senate meeting due lo these comments and due to the P res iden t s refusal to answer a question Galu appealed from the decision of the chai r

S A P r e s i d e n t Pa t Cerra conducts Wednesday n ight s Senate

Meet ing during which pr ivate charter ing of buses was d i s c u s s e d

SU News Foster Child Contributions Still $40 Short of Drives Goal

The State University News has received approximately $140 toward i ts Foster Parents Plan This leaves about forty dol la rs short of the necessary $180 lo support an un-foi innate i luld lot a period of one y e a i

Tim SUNews plan was begun in order to enable all the students ol ihe University to contribute towards this cliui liable cause The News is in se rve only as a medium ol colshylod ion not the coin Ill iiling organ-lal ion

The child who I e e e r e s the sup-pui t ul ihe student body will receive lood clothing medical care and othei necess i t i es lor one year The child will write a letter each month telling abiitil hiiusell The SUNews will print all information and corshyrespondence r e c e i v e d Irom the c h i l d

Students may contribute to the lund through any News Board memshyber or at the News Office Room 5 in Brtihacher on Sunday through Wednesday nights Irom 7 lo 11 pm Contributions may be also mailed to ihe News Office c o the Editor

at 750 State Street The SUNews emphasizes that

the s ize ol ihe contribution does not matter but hopes that everyshyone will help to meet the goal by Chr i s tmas

Five lace Expulsion

For Run Around Five Stale University students

lace expulsion from Ihe University The I n e haye been accused by three Albany res idents ol staging a Chinese-Run-Around their car on the night of November lG

A Chinese-Run Around occurs when a group ol people surround a eai stopped in traffic and run around i t

The State students allegedly got out of their car and staged the bullRun-Around around a car in which three women were driving

The women claim damage was done lo ihe car The Stale s tudents deny tins

According to Dr David Hart ley Bean ol Students The University will definitely lake some action by Friday As yet 1 do not Know what it w i l l I

Page 6: PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS. FRIDAY. …library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/eresources/digital...make reservations tin collee hours, leas receptions, banquets, use ol equipment ti

PAGE lO S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 0 6 3

Goobers APA Win I AMIA Bowl ing Teams

by Gary Murdock

Basketball is Back AMIA s ty le with the traditional excitement and th r i l l s Four League I t eams sprung into action Monday The Goobers muti lated Waterbury 67-45 and APA eas i ly defeated Pot ter 49-35

Goobers Romp The Goobers built up an i m shy

p r e s s i v e 37-19 half time lead and coasted to an easy victory

Gutwillig sank eigiit from the field for 1G points and Hickey ripped 6 shots through the nets Browner and Colin a lso netted 4 field goals apiece to help pace the Goober attack

APA Controls Boards A well balanced APA squad easi ly

defeated Pot ter I last y e a r s chamshy

pions by a 49-35 count Strong board play enabled APA to control the game throughout Gary Smith and Don Sinclair lead their team with 10 and 13 points respectively

League Two League two action began Monshy

day Another APA team emerged victorious as they defeated the Inshyfinites in over t ime 41-35 DiCaprio led the scor ing with 12 points Waltamath and Much also hit aouble figures with 11 and 10 points r e shyspectively APA pulled out to a comfortable 25-19 half t ime lead but took an about-face in the second half and the sco re at the end of regulation was knotted at 35 all APA dominated over t ime play DishyCaprio netted 4 points in overt ime and APA won going away

n League I All Sweep

In other league two action Club 487 defeated The Club 30-25 Krell was high for Club 487 with 13 points while Tal l is led the Club with 10 points

AMIA Bowling There was a clean sweep for five

t eams in last weeks AMIA Scratch League

The Kappa Beta team led by Al Barnard (558) and Tony Riservato s tayed in first place and kept an undefeated record by shutting out the Holy Bowlers 7-0 In the third game Barnard shot the League s second high single a 24fi

Potter Clubs 7-0 win over Water-bury pushed them up lo second place in the standings and only three points behind KB John Lilga and Kim Gilshyford led the effort as Potter hit the day s high single learn game of 937

Goobers Win M e n Sutnertands (545) set the

pace for the G o o b e r s as they trounced the U n k n o w n s 7-0 and moved into third place A si long Newman Club team walked away with seven points at the expense of APA

Tim Molola (577) and Mike Nem-shick (535) led the Newmans The Defenders with Dick Lepaks 537 and Bill Thomas 234 single shut out TXO by 7-0

M i k e Bloom former A l b a n y H igh basketba l l p layer c lowns it up in a frosh prac t ice sess ion

N O T I C E UCA Tournaments

In this ruining week Hie UCA Recreat ion Commit Leu will sponsor Hie following tournaments

Chess Tournament Dec 9-12 Mens Table Tenuis Dec 9-12

and Dec 10-1H

Bridge Tournament Dec 11-12 Mens and Womens Bowling Dec

8 1-1 and 15 The following week December 10-

19 there will be a Mens Bil l iards Tournament

Sign-up sheets for all the tournashyments will lie on the Union bulshyletin board You may enter more than one tournament it you wish





by Ron Hamilton

The contest slated for tomorrow night was to have proved a point made in this column a few weeks ago Unfortunately the Fates have fouled things up again New Pal tz s s tar center has withdrawn from school this semester It seems that dispite valiant attempts to keep this not too academically inclined lad in school he has backed out for a semes te r The odds now favor Albany

On the national basketball scene we a re going to place our heads on the block (not that they havent been there before) and pick NYU to finish no 1 in the country with Loyola of Chicago a close second Please save your comments until the end of the season

For study bugs that dont want to make the long tr ip VVSUA will be broadcasting the games We urge all students that cant attend the games in person to tune in the play by play account on VVSUA Rememshyber i t s your team

The cold weather heralds the possible appearance of the one the only Lake Minerva Yes friends that cancerous pond that we all love so well may appear overnight as if createdby a wonderful magician The new students a re in store for a marvelous treat If we all pray real hard the wondrous transformation may take place on Dorm Field

Could someone tell us how male cheer leaders a re going to inspire State fans to bigger and bet ter cheers We have nothing against males waving the pom poms but we fail to see any gain in refusing the gir ls admittance to the ranks of the rah rah squad We are certainly not an all male school as any State coed will tell you so le t s have EQUAL opportunity for all

Another prediction Albany State mdash 15-7 s tart ing with Oneonta as first victim

WAA Starts Fall Events Schedule Overweight WAA has the answer to your problem Under the

direction of Miss De Lamaler an exerc i se group has recently been formed The meetings a re held on Mondays ai 330 and Tuesday thru Thursday al 400 in the Sayles gym Regretfully no re f reshments will be served

Present ly WAA is concluding a highly successful season ol Volleyshyball The winners ol the Tuesday league and Thursday league will have a plav oll before Chr i s tmas Vacation This will de termine the season champs

The managers for basketball Penny Bishop and Ruth Whiting announce that all r o s t e r s a re due today Dec (J and may be turned in to Sue Boyd The schedule will be announced next week and all captains a r e asked to watch the WAA Bulletin hoard next to the CO-OP for the tune and da of the meeting This is a very important meeting and will answer all questions concerning the r u l e s and p ro shycedure

l o r those who are not adept al basket ball Mariuin Tasjian and Carole Coena recommend howling They a re accepting ros t e r s now and will also announce a captains meeting Watch I he WAA board

The most important item currently on ihe WAA agenda is the revision ol the Constitution It has been introduced and tabled lm the mandatory two week period All a re urged to attend the next meeting where Ihe toiilroy ers ta l point system will be discussed WAA is still open for new suggestions The point system is to provide a stable method for giving awards to those g i r l s who a r e consistaiil in then participation in Hie WAA int ramural program

Also undei discussion is the necessity ol a training program lor Ihe basketball o l l n i a l s If you have had exper ience n are interested in learning p lease come to a meeting or contact our WAA i ep resen-i i t i y e


A L i t t l e F i n e r - A L i t t l e More C a r e f u l

All Garments Checked Fur Minor Repairs

P L A N T - C o r n e r Washington A v e anJ Ontar io Street





S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R 6 1 9 6 3 PAGE 1 1

Junior t ransfer J im O D o n o v a n f ires up one of his sof t jumpers H is height is e x p e c t e d to help the teams rebounding st rength

Wrestling Team Places

Fifth in Hiram Tourney Wrestling against strong competition the Peds placed

fifth in last Saturdays Hiram Tournament held at Hiram College in Ohio The tourney which consisted of eight teams was won by favored Ohio University Hiram College and Miami of Ohio took second and third positions respectively

The Peds were at a disadvantage in the tournament since they were only able to fill eight of ten positions In spite of this they accumulated twenty-nine points to finish ahead of RP1 Rochester Institute of Techshynology and Addrian College

Eugene Monaco (123 lbs weight class) lost a hear t shybreaking decision in his second match to Randy Whitehead (Miami) by one point in an over t ime Whiteshyhead later went on to take first place Gene came back to pin his next two opponents and take third position

Bill Thomas (117 lbs) gained needed points for the team by pinning Pete Kowal (Adrian) and taking first place Larry Thomas (167 lbs) placed fourth position

A lot of credit should be given to Dick Hoard (177 lbs) who lost seven pounds in two days to get down to his weight class In the tourney he lost third position to Doug Wilcox (RIM) in an o v e r t i m e

Top grappler Gene Monaco shovs Soph mottnun B i l l Thomas how

it 5 done



Mon-Thurs 5-l0fm

Fri-Sat S-Qpm

Al Your

Student Union

Snack liar


The New Paltz Hawks invade the Washington Ave Armory tomorrow night to do battle with the Peds New Paltz has shown great improvement in recent years and is expected to be strong Last year the Hawks received outstanding play from Bob Dilman and Fred Sadler Dilman has graduated but Sadler was only a freshman Big Fred was the teams leading score r and rebounder Reports indicate that New Platz has picked up several t ransfers but they a re unconfirmed

Albany will be going with two veteran s t a r t e r s Dick Crosset t and Joe Loudis The shifty Crosset t gave the normal schoolers fits last year It will probably be his job to contain Sadler Both teams will have had one game behind them when they lock horns at the Armory The odds-makers are predicting a close tough game with the outcome depending on the foul-line

P e d s D e f e a t O n e o n t a

Rebounding strength and foul shooting proficiency made the big difference as Albany State ended up on the long side of a 70-49 route over Oneonta

Co-capiam Paul S h e e h a n and t ransfer Bol e h were he scoring l eaders hut the earn effort kept all the scoring een

Jim ODonovan was the t ig man off the hoards in the firs half ODonovan corra led a total of fourshyteen rebounds during he night Dan Zeh took oyer his role when Jim got into four trouble earl m the second half Jumping Dan swept the a n wa s for 10 rebounds

Hob Zeh as the big surpr i se for the Peds as he lumped in a night high of fourteen The overall bench strength drew comment from Coach Sauers He said I am pleasantly stunned by the elfort I received from all the guys

Slow Stort

The game started out slowly with the lead changing hands several t imes Dick Crosset t and Paul Shee-han were the early s c o r e r s Oneonta played a tight defense to keep Cros shysett from moving to the basket and succeeded until the rest of the t eam s scoring f o r c e d them to change

Crosse t t last yea r s second leadshying score r played less than a third ol the game as he had early foul u ouble

The hall nine score yvas ciose 10-21 in favoi of State Oneonta failed to take adaniage of then foul shots yvhile State seemingly couldnt miss The gap widened and with ten innines left to gt the Red Dragons began some er costly fouling State pulled awa The final i uzet s o u 11- i and Stare was twenty -bull ne poms i - t 70-49

Frosh Wm

Doc Sauers g ives veteran guard Joe L o u d i s a few ca lmly -d i rec ted

ins t ruct ions

Coach Sauers Starts 9th Season Optimistic Over Teams Chances

This week as the State basket- State he went on to Penh State ball season opens ihe loams bull ojci and recei cd ins MEd ami Ins Ed Dr Kichaid Sauers will be s t a l l - J-mg his ninth eai as ineniot ol bull addition to coaching basket-ltltbull Ped i oopsteis O-ei he e a i s l a 1 D u e heads the golf team bullDoc1 has teen quite sin tess lul The had a line J - 1 iecoi 1 and j a i s i i bas-bullbull all oatl an-1 bullbulll he State toiii hainiht lasi ear is upuui i s i a i r nis teams e plays a good game o golf chain es hi s season a bull i-ij s handlali tennis and

Dr Sauei - was ot iaise-1 i u d i e o c n i a u n g is anothei one in Pehiisl ania note ltbull plae- l bull Suu-i s ime i e s t s He i- a a s k c b a l i toottall ne i a se ia l l q i iahl ic nigh srul and college

l e l e t e e unde IAllO i emulations A it el i bull Doc In es nea

the hoiiley a 0 in a set on i fioi t 11 e 111

b t -

i l a s a

a h i

I) bull l i e a Si

I IS 1S a s i


504 Hudson A v t Albany N Y

IV 242W IV 2 -9894


340 Western Avenue CLEANING and EXPfcRT

TAILORING We Call aid Deliver

fV 2-31M


Ray C i a n f r i n i sets h imsel f for a free throw H e w i l l be star t ing at backcourt for the frosh hoopers

P A G E 12 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R ft 1 9 6 8

Literary Review

Spain Explores Her Inner Soul The CIRTNECOGE

by Elizabeth Stroud

by J A Gomez

Nikos Kazantzakis SPAIN (New York 1963) Simon and Schuster 254 pages - $500

Like D H Lawrence Nikos Kazshyantzakis was a frenzied prophet who preached a Dionysian vision of life Like Lawrence he was a world t r ave le r who sought some unobtainshyable ideal synthesis

Both wr i t e r s met with failure in their quest but both wr i te r s produced p e n e t r a t i n g t r a v e l b o o k s about the many lands that thev visited

Spain by Nikos Kazantzakis is not a t r ave l book in the ordinary sense of the word The reader sees l i t t le of the peaceful Spanish counshyt rys ide and the everyday life of the people but lie feels the depths of a people s soul

Kazantzakis por t ra i t of Spain is tinted by a mytho-his tor ical colorshyful and visionary explosion of emoshytion and philosophy Out of this unique vision r ides the undying heart of Spanish life mdash Don Quixote

T h e world has emerged from Gods hands rife with injustice and shortcomings And he the Knight of the Ideal was duty-bound to set it right For Don Quixotes work begins where Gods leaves off

Don Quixote Spain like the idealistic hero

of La Mancha set out on an advenshyturous dream The Spanish conshyquistador desired to bring Chr i s -bulltianity and Spanish rule to the world

In 1588 the real i ty of the English navy punctured this Don Quixotesque d r e a m and like her hero Spain re turned to her homeland to await her las t joust with death

Kazantzakis c la ims that along with Ulysses Faust and Hamlet Don Quixote i s deeply rooted in the hea r t s of men F o r perhaps of all the p r inces Don Quixote most faithfully m i r r o r s the fate of m a n

Don Miguel Unamuno The modern represen ta t ive of Don

Quixote is Don Miguel Unamuno Like the idealist ic hero Unamunos thoughts and plans for action a r e hidden in the misty clouds of a d ream

Most thinkers claimed that twenshytieth century Spain should be E u r -opeanized o thers felt that she should remain within her own borders and tradit ion Unamuno attempted to heal the wounded heart o f Spain he des i red to Spanify Europe

We are Africans We a re not s a r c a s t i c wits and mathemat ic ians like the Europeans We a re not sc ien t i s t s We use the things d i s shycovered by them e lec t r ic i ty the rai lway the telephone etc

But our spir i t is different we a r e mystical and t ragic Our inshyability to adapt ourse lves to E u r shyopean c u l t u r e will give us the s trength to c rea te a new culture of our own

Despair In his last yea r s this defeated

Spaniard was also forced to re turn to his homeland his own inner being and await death

His only constant companion was despa i r In one of his last works S a i n t E m m a n u e l t h e G o o d M a r t y r

he tells the story of a Catholic p r ies t who at tempts to give the people a faith in winch lie himsel i cannot believe

During the Spanish Civil War Kazantzakis and Unamuno met in the Falanee stronghold of Salashymanca Unamuno poured forth his troubled soul to his Greek friend

Al l of these things a re happening because (he Spaniards dont believe in anythingNothingNothing They a r e desperados The Spanish people have gone mad Not only the Spanish people the whole world today What is our duty To hide the truth from the peopleif they knew the truth the) couldnt go on They wouldnt want to live am inure The people need myth illusion decepshyt ion

legend is Don Juan Kazantzakis por t rayal of Don Juan like that of Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus p re sen t s a man who is not in quest of the Ideal Love

He loves each woman with the same passion and delight and he knows that his l o v e is mere ly momentary H e p o s s e s s e s he is not possessed mdash and that is his p o w e r

To Kazantzakis Don Juan r e p shyr e sen t s the Spir i t t h e wakeful wandering f l ame which leaps up and escapes the c lutches of woman mdash Matter

Don Juan and Don Quixote passion and ideal ism form the roots of the Spanish people and Kazantzakis a t shytempts to t rans la te his mythical vision of these people to the unshyfamiliar reader

His verbal p o r t r a i t s a r e often as colorful g ro tesque and symbol i shycally personal as the visual por shyt r a i t s of El Greco H e (El Greco) succeeded by his line and color in crys ta l l iz ing an e ternal phantom the indestruct ible despair ing soul of m a n

Kazantzakis a t tempts a s imi la r purpose At t imes he is quite suc shycessful

Many thanks to Mr Robert Bell manager of the CO-OP w h o g r a -ciously supplied this book for review purposes

Movie Review

Some evening probably in the very near future (if it hasn t already taken place) the usual emptiness of winter- t ime dorm field will give way to complete havoc the usually crowded study lounges will concede to the al l - important first snowfall

Provided of course that the snows good packing and that there is enough to pack this very common occurrence can offer one of the happiest t imes here at State The re s no formal organization no p ressure (except an occasional being dragged outside physishycally) to join in no nothin cept a heap of fun

P r e s s u r e s build up and suddenly it hits you right between the eyes and you dont care how childishly you act mdash so you pick up a snowball twice as big and hit back The grade-school excitement of building forts staging attacks and running desperately from the enemy is suddenly rekindled the crazy mixture of thrilled annoyance that comes with snow down your back re turns in all its glory

Maybe i t s the unaccustomed vacation from the way a n adult in college should act maybe i t s the obshyvious exhilaration of the frosty cold maybe i t s the secre t grin because he (or she) is aiming more snow your direction than anyone e l se s whatever your own special reason the dorm field fracas is thoroughly enjoyable

Dont forget sew your coat buttons on securely avoid long winding scarves and d ress warmly (the medical office has limited gallons of Cepacol) but for heavens sake join in One ofthese days there s going to be a real hum-dinger of a battle mdash I hope youll take advantage of it

Auteur Theory Gains Popularity

I n these t roublesome t imes it t a k e s Home doing to keep one s perspec t ive to appra i se world condi t ions with intell igence a n d to come up with sat isfying answers This hook Science a n d H e a l t h with Key to the Scripshytu re s by M a r y Baker E d d y hits helped m a n y of us to do this I t can help you too

We invi te you to come to our mee t ings and to hear how we a re work ing ou t our p rob lems t h r o u g h app ly ing the t r u t h s of Jh r i s t i an Science


Slots University of New York at Albany

Matting tint TiO pm Tutidayi

Matting ploct Brubochtr Hall

Science and Health in available at all Science Heading Uoumn and at many college Imaketoree Iuperbutk hditwn $196

D o n J u a n

The second gi and figure ol Spanish

cMo4Ue okaudd BETA Z E T A

President Sue M u i p h y 04 anshynounces that the lullov mg en Is wore pledged to the sorority on Tuesdav November 12

Mai Burns 65 Loraine Paronne tifi Margery Weed GO and Vivien Sotamayor 65 exchange student from Puerto Kin

Also Bonnie F e r r a r i (iG Marie Qualantoue GO and Sue Thomson G6

KAPPA B E T A KB w i l l hold an open liotise

Sunday Deceinbet B iJt) l r i to riO p in

on i l l l

The men ol Kappa Beta initiated the tollowing Monday evening Ken Drake GG Dick Genliliol e GO Kd Kuriliniski GG and Gary Spieliuann GG

by Paul Jensen

The latest vogue in motion-picshyture cr i t ic ism is the so- ra i l ed au-teur theory Formulated in France it has now spread by way of Engshyland into the United States

It supposedly originated in the pages of the magazine Cahie rs du Cinema during the period in the filties when new-wave d i r e c t o r s such as Francois Truffaut were merely c r i t i c s

It is based on the idea that the best f i lm-makers a r e those (mainh Europeans) who both write and dishyrect their films and so retain a great deal ol control

P e r s o n a l S t a t e m e n t A picture b one of these men

whether good or not is still much more ol a personal statement than a 111 in by some Hollywood directoi who had been assigned an already finished scr ipt

Such w r i t e r - d i r e c t o r s like Bergshyman Fellini and Antonioni a r e essentially the authors ( au teurs ) ol their films

As the books ol an author can be analyzed together so the works id an au teur can be taken as showing the development in te l lectualh and technically ol their makei Hence the spiritual s e a r c h o f l n g m a r Bergshyman ai com epts

These 11 1111 S Jlli

wish and to coiisidei

d ut liei such genei aliyee]

i t l l i|lt make

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i m a k e

t h e m In

lot t u n

i l i e i i own wevei the ai - le lched

a k i n d u t a u t l i u i

But this basically sound and fairly sensible theory lias been so twisted in its t ranslat ion into English that it can only be recognized as a de -lormity of the original

As presented by Andrew Sarri s among o the r s in such magazines as Film Culture the au teur theory lias been combined with the Euroshypeans high regard lor the American film noir

The French in par t i cu la r seem inordinately impressed by films that in this country a re considered unimshyportant These a r e c r ime and gangshys te r l i lms ho r ro r p ic tures wesshyte rns and that s u n ol thing

In truth many films of this sort a r e underrated m America and recognition of the cinematic and intelligent ta lents ul such suspense and action d i r ec to r s as Alfred Hitchshycock and Anthony Mann has long been overdue

It is only when this idea is comshybined Willi the au ie i i i theory that 11 lnMnines dangerous

Mi s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

The au teu r c r i t i c s l ime in apshyplying this theory lo American fi lms succeeded in conipleteh mi s in t e r shypret ing it As a resul t cer ta in dishyr e c t o r s have been elevated to the s ta tus id Gods

Most id these are lailly talented within part n ular l imits Inn they do not w n t e 11 if I i own sc reen-p lays mid do not coni i ol their films Their p i n in i ai e nut pel son a I s ta tements ul au ibiug

But as Gods then can do no wrong anil a r e physically unable to make a poor film Ilitchock Howard Hawks and John Ford a r e at present on the pinnacle of this pantheon

You thought that except technishycally The Bi rds was a vacant and vacuous pic ture You didnt undershystand it the au teur cr i t ic rationshyal izes I t s not a poorly plotted monster movie i t s an allegory on the human cniidit ion

A II Fa i l ures All nun - an i en t s such as Carol

heed and John Huston (the d i s shytinction is completely a rb i t ra ry ) have never through their own skill made a good lilin

They may appear good hut this is an optical illusion caused by a good cast or some othei factor Kven the worst John Ford lilm (and there is a (duse liable for the title) is better than the e n atie Henry Kings The Guulightei or William VVelbuans The Ox-Bow Incident for Knr ami Wellmaii are not lushyt e i n s

The liual irony ol die situation is that this coi i upted theory has come lull c i rc le It lias now infected us mother country F rance with its super fan-magazine type ol cr i t i shycism This is the final irony in a generally ironic situation

JSolu gte | P i Gamma Mu

Am one Intel esieil in becoliu ug a iiieinliei ul Il Camilla Mil (Social Science Honorary) and feels he meet s the necessai quail Ileal ions

r t

gort you appear

to be u p s e t


(Jou have observed t ha t L j ou a re

fami l iar Gor t wit h my recently published novel and you krow how Ive sldvyd

should Kaneri i n i n n bull

Fifteen y ea r s to perfect each VMOHI sentence 4 paragraph Ljou know I v reared Imee that soar on their own w n g e l

Well a short while ago some insolent chap had the ne i v t to sugrjest i t be re publ ished in ( ondensed pQfmV

c o i i i a i i

( a n d

i J e u n i

IMPOSSIBLE My blood Curdlee to think o f |alteriny one comma No sooner had lie fled before my curies than op walks some idiot

Dr B i n Fa ion Id

e Van Shk

M a i l e t l a bull i n I f i t -

who daime to have perfected something called Speed feeding He had read my entire noiel in iampQ lt(lt we MP minutes

I shudder to tl link ul trie next logical Up

in e r u d i t i o n Speed-Reading a Condensed

Novel V

Sipum Laudis Inducts Twenty-three Robotham Receives Scholar Award

A total of twenty-three State senshyio rs were inducted into the Univershys i ty s highest honorary society Sig-num Laudis severa l weeks ago This award is made to the sen iors with the highest academic averages in their c l a s s

The induction took place in the Faculty Dining Room Dr Freder ick Truscot t the socie ty s faculty adshyvisor introduced Dr Ann Oliver faculty t r e a s u r e r who presented the Slgnuin Laudis scholar award to the group s pres ident Miss Pa shyt r ic ia Robotham

Highest Average This award is made to the senshy

ior with the highest academic ave r shyage

Dean Stokes also read Dean Metz-l e r s address to the inductees This address was given at the first Sig-num Laudis induction and is by tradition read at every induction ceremony

The twenty-three inductees r ep shyresent the second 4 of the Class of 1964 The first 4 of the c lass was inducted last spring

The new additions to the honshy

o ra ry include Joan AsfouryStephati Bacon F r a n c e s Beards ley J a m e s Brush Sandra Campo Roland E s o -len Kenneth Falvo M r s Armida Flehs Joan Rois te r P i re t Kutt Mary Lou Maina F r a n c e s McDan-ie l s and Victoria P a r k e r

Also Paul P r a u s Ronald Putnam Marie t ta Raner i Ralph Rominger F reder ick Smith Judith Suttneir Catherine Ann Tupper Jeanne Van Slyke Richard Weeks and Dennis Wienk

O l d M e m b e r s

Those m e m b e r s initiated last spr ing include Elizabeth Austin Gloria Avner Diva Daims June Fai rchi ld Gaye Frusc ione Norma Gayer Lois Gianini Shirley Golden-berg Joseph Gomez Ralph Gr i iua l -di Judith Horton Nina Howard) and Pat r ic ia Jewell

Also Karen King Lor ra ine Kirk-land Richard Leveroni Margaret Metger Robert Ri t tner Pa t r i c ia Robotham Karen Scheinman Lillian Schmidt Evelyn Simon Barbara Steindorf Phylis Vastbinder C a r o shylyn Wameling and Barba ra Zendle

Annual Holiday Weekend

Features Dance And Sing The annual Student Organization Services Holiday-

Weekend will include a dance tomorrow night and the Holiday Sing on Sunday evening Donald Kisiel 66 is the general chairman for the dance whichwillbe held in Bru s Main Dining Room from 8 to 12 pm His co-workers Bonnie Tomaszewski and Kathy Brown

ISC-IFC To Hold Hiinterlude Dance

freshmen have taken charge of the decorat ions which will t ransform the dining room into the Roaring Twenties a tmosphere of P e r c y s Pawn Shop

Music for the dance will be p r o shyvided by the Lenny Ri reard i Orshyches t ra The group has played at many events in colleges throughout the area During the o r c h e s t r a s break several State students will furnish enter tainment

C o k e on T a p Students are urged to attend the

dance with or without da tes No admission will be charged and coke

Winterlude sponsored by the Inshyte r -Fra te rn i ty and In ter -Soror i ty Councils will be held tonight from 900 pm in 100 am at iheSchine-Ten Eyck Hotel Enter ta inment will be provided by Howard Jackson and his Modern Jazz Quintet in Hie Fort Orange Suite and the Joe Cosco O r shyches t ra in the Grand Bal l room

IFC-ISC p re s iden t s Gary i-etre and potato chips will be served a | bdquo Leoua Kerpel co-chai r the

M | - w l M I bull I T I I I Michael Doinkowski 05 and Diana e c u t Marek 67 have handled publicity Guests who will attend include for the dance Elaine McCarthy 67 1 ) e u bdquo a n ( 1 M r s p a v i ( j Hart ley Mr is in charge of Hospitality and a n ( 1 M r s William MoKiiinon and Sandra Randall also a freshman Miss Barbara Burkhart has obtained the ehaperonos

The C h a p e r o n e ( o i n u i i l tee Hol iday Sing headed b Psi Gamma and Theta

The twelfth annual Holiday Sing i l n t jmega selected Mr and Mrs will be held Sunday ai 7 pm in j Neil Will iams Mr and Mrs Page Hall Seventeen groups ol J a m e s K Wagner Mr and Mrs s tudents lroin res idences organi- W i l l i a m Clarkin Mr and Mrs zal ious fratern s and so ro r i t i e s Char les Giiher and Mr and Mrs a r e participating Klein as chaperoiies

The groups taking pari this t ea r a r e Alden Hall Alpha Pi Alpha The theme ol the lurnial is p ro -Beta e t a Biiibacher Hall Chi jecied into the wintei a tmosphere Sigma Theta Edward Eldred Pollei through the use ol holly mist letoe Club Gamma kappa Phi Kappa decoi aled eve rg reens and the warm Beta Kappa Delta Pierce Hall Phi glow Iruiu candles The Decorations Delta Psi Gamma Saylos Hall Committee is h e a d e d by Sigma Sigma Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Uui cisii Commuters Organizashytion and Waiei bury Hall

Each group yyill sing one sunn and will be ludged by Dr I lewitt Lllinwood 11 die Soi lal Studies Deshypartment Mi Enill Kalbn ul Alshybany High School and Miss Jean Hi ighain a y ocal nisi ructor in die ai ea

WinnL-r R e c e i v e r T r o p h y

the lop lr c giotips will be anshynounced and will then sing a second song The pidges will de termine the winners ol the first second and t l i i i d p l a i e s

The Insi plaow group will be awarded a trophy to be kepi and displayed by thai group until the next Holiday Sing The current irophy holder is Waiei bury Hall

The Holiday Sing is under the general chairmanship ol Thomas

Lambda Sigma Sigma Alpha and Phi Delia

The heads ol the Tickets and P ro shyg rams Committee ai e Kappa Beta Sigma Phi Sigma and Beta eta Alpha Pi Alpha leads the Ar range shyments Coiiinintee and Gamma Kappa Phi the bull lowers I ouuni t tee Iul -lu l l v Committee i+= headed by Chi Sigma Theta and Pollei Club

Bids are $-100 per couple Nu one will be admit led without a t icket


The S U News will not appear ueM Friday due to Chr i s t inas vacashytion The next regular issue ol die S U News will appear on January 10

The Publication Office will be Lelleer titi The program will be open the night ol January 5 L e t t e r s e i iueed by Carole Polls and Robert p the Edi tor House Howls and

Notices will be accepted only ul ( c o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 3) I h l s l l i n c

nnwer F o o t b a l l

T e a m

P a g e 4

A L B A N Y 3 N E W YORK DEC E M B E R 13 1063 VOL X L I X NO 2 6

Hearing Today on Student Tax For Second Semester Buses Chartered

by Steve Curti

Last Wednesdays Senate m e e t shying was highlighted by the in t roshyduction of bills proposing a second s e m e s t e r student tax and the g ran t shying of permiss ion to cha r i e r vashycation buses at Chr is t inas time to eight groups

A bearing will he held this af ter shynoon at 125 The meeting place will be posted on the Senate bulleshytin board in Busted near the Husted-Richardson per i s ty le

H e a r i n g T o p i c s

The hearing will be used to d i s shycuss the proposed second s emes t e r student tax The various uses of the money collected from the proposed tax will he explained

Some of the proposed uses for the lax money in the order of the amount of proposed expenditures a re Music Council State Univershysity News an addition lo the conshytingency fund a Uniled P r e s s Inshyternational news se rv ice for WSUA and the student d i rec tory

Music Council hopes to bring four name groups to the campus next year If given Hie money next s e m e s t e r Music Council by workshying wiib other area colleges and by signing its contracts ear ly could bring excellent groups and perhaps a n ange for more than one per for shymance

The proposed binds for Hie dishyrectory would allow the publication ol a second semes te r supplement in the dii ectory

The funds allotted to Ihe State Unishyversity News would permit the paper to publish lor the whole ol tlie s ec shyond semester Without these funds the paper Will only be aide to pubshylish loi eight weeks

The funds will also allow Ihe paper in publish two issues a week lor die luinl month ol the academic year

Buses Aga in Senate ii an I od pin mission tu eight

groups in char ie r and solicit funds for buses no tins Chris t inas vacashytion

Senator Art Johnston 65 moved that Senate authorize any member ol die student bod to chartei a bus for ibis Chris t inas holiday The

Forum Sends 5 To Puerto Rico

Ioruni ol Politics is sending live s tudents lo Inter-Ainer ican Uuivei-sii in Sun Gei main Fuel to RICH to attend an Intel ci illegiale coiifci -e rne entitled The Caribbean Mishycrocosm ol World St ruggle The conference is sponsored by die As-sociattuii ol International Relations ( lubs ul which 1 ni inn is a mem -bei

The live students being sent a r e Ronnie Hi aunsteiu UO Rila Bren-s i h e i lifi Marilyn Bi own 00 Sandra Cuslunan CO and Tniii Masshyter (if)

The students will lly down Hi one ol tyvo jets leaving Irom Idlewilde

A program ol l e c tu r e r s speakshye r s and discussion groups has been planned Speakers at the conference will be Juan Bosch deposed P r e s i shydent ol the Dominican Republic Munoz Marin Govei tor of Puerto Rico Jose Miro Cardoua Cuban exile and Senaloi Wayne Morse (D O r e )

motion was defeated Pres ident Ce r ra announced the

recent resignation of Carl Cusato GG and the longstanding res ignashytion of Helen Mandeville 64 C e r r a appointed Vic Mitchell G6 and Bob Sargeant 64 to fill the vacancies The Senators were sworn in imshymediately


During the commit tee r epo r t s the State University Revue constitution was brought up for approval A conshyt roversy a rose about the r equ i r e shyment that Senate approve the apshypointment of Ihe d i rec tor of the Revue

Some Senators complained that the constitution was poorly worded and that Senate should not have the final power of approval in the choice of d i rec to r

Senator Guddat 66 also pointed out the fact that the proposed con-


stltution s ta tes that the business manager of the Revue was to be a member of Finance Committee or appointed by the group

He noted that the authors of the constitution did not present this part of constitution to ei ther the Finance Committee as a whole or to its chai rman Barbara Townsend 65

The Revue Constitution was sent back to Ed Wolner s Constitutions Committee by a vote of Senate

Irregularities by Chair The meeting was highlighted by

severa l par t isan comments by C e r shyra He made comments indicating Ids approval of several opinions expressed by Senators

Senator Gain 64 left the Senate meeting due lo these comments and due to the P res iden t s refusal to answer a question Galu appealed from the decision of the chai r

S A P r e s i d e n t Pa t Cerra conducts Wednesday n ight s Senate

Meet ing during which pr ivate charter ing of buses was d i s c u s s e d

SU News Foster Child Contributions Still $40 Short of Drives Goal

The State University News has received approximately $140 toward i ts Foster Parents Plan This leaves about forty dol la rs short of the necessary $180 lo support an un-foi innate i luld lot a period of one y e a i

Tim SUNews plan was begun in order to enable all the students ol ihe University to contribute towards this cliui liable cause The News is in se rve only as a medium ol colshylod ion not the coin Ill iiling organ-lal ion

The child who I e e e r e s the sup-pui t ul ihe student body will receive lood clothing medical care and othei necess i t i es lor one year The child will write a letter each month telling abiitil hiiusell The SUNews will print all information and corshyrespondence r e c e i v e d Irom the c h i l d

Students may contribute to the lund through any News Board memshyber or at the News Office Room 5 in Brtihacher on Sunday through Wednesday nights Irom 7 lo 11 pm Contributions may be also mailed to ihe News Office c o the Editor

at 750 State Street The SUNews emphasizes that

the s ize ol ihe contribution does not matter but hopes that everyshyone will help to meet the goal by Chr i s tmas

Five lace Expulsion

For Run Around Five Stale University students

lace expulsion from Ihe University The I n e haye been accused by three Albany res idents ol staging a Chinese-Run-Around their car on the night of November lG

A Chinese-Run Around occurs when a group ol people surround a eai stopped in traffic and run around i t

The State students allegedly got out of their car and staged the bullRun-Around around a car in which three women were driving

The women claim damage was done lo ihe car The Stale s tudents deny tins

According to Dr David Hart ley Bean ol Students The University will definitely lake some action by Friday As yet 1 do not Know what it w i l l I

Page 7: PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY NEWS. FRIDAY. …library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/eresources/digital...make reservations tin collee hours, leas receptions, banquets, use ol equipment ti

P A G E 12 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S F R I D A Y D E C E M B E R ft 1 9 6 8

Literary Review

Spain Explores Her Inner Soul The CIRTNECOGE

by Elizabeth Stroud

by J A Gomez

Nikos Kazantzakis SPAIN (New York 1963) Simon and Schuster 254 pages - $500

Like D H Lawrence Nikos Kazshyantzakis was a frenzied prophet who preached a Dionysian vision of life Like Lawrence he was a world t r ave le r who sought some unobtainshyable ideal synthesis

Both wr i t e r s met with failure in their quest but both wr i te r s produced p e n e t r a t i n g t r a v e l b o o k s about the many lands that thev visited

Spain by Nikos Kazantzakis is not a t r ave l book in the ordinary sense of the word The reader sees l i t t le of the peaceful Spanish counshyt rys ide and the everyday life of the people but lie feels the depths of a people s soul

Kazantzakis por t ra i t of Spain is tinted by a mytho-his tor ical colorshyful and visionary explosion of emoshytion and philosophy Out of this unique vision r ides the undying heart of Spanish life mdash Don Quixote

T h e world has emerged from Gods hands rife with injustice and shortcomings And he the Knight of the Ideal was duty-bound to set it right For Don Quixotes work begins where Gods leaves off

Don Quixote Spain like the idealistic hero

of La Mancha set out on an advenshyturous dream The Spanish conshyquistador desired to bring Chr i s -bulltianity and Spanish rule to the world

In 1588 the real i ty of the English navy punctured this Don Quixotesque d r e a m and like her hero Spain re turned to her homeland to await her las t joust with death

Kazantzakis c la ims that along with Ulysses Faust and Hamlet Don Quixote i s deeply rooted in the hea r t s of men F o r perhaps of all the p r inces Don Quixote most faithfully m i r r o r s the fate of m a n

Don Miguel Unamuno The modern represen ta t ive of Don

Quixote is Don Miguel Unamuno Like the idealist ic hero Unamunos thoughts and plans for action a r e hidden in the misty clouds of a d ream

Most thinkers claimed that twenshytieth century Spain should be E u r -opeanized o thers felt that she should remain within her own borders and tradit ion Unamuno attempted to heal the wounded heart o f Spain he des i red to Spanify Europe

We are Africans We a re not s a r c a s t i c wits and mathemat ic ians like the Europeans We a re not sc ien t i s t s We use the things d i s shycovered by them e lec t r ic i ty the rai lway the telephone etc

But our spir i t is different we a r e mystical and t ragic Our inshyability to adapt ourse lves to E u r shyopean c u l t u r e will give us the s trength to c rea te a new culture of our own

Despair In his last yea r s this defeated

Spaniard was also forced to re turn to his homeland his own inner being and await death

His only constant companion was despa i r In one of his last works S a i n t E m m a n u e l t h e G o o d M a r t y r

he tells the story of a Catholic p r ies t who at tempts to give the people a faith in winch lie himsel i cannot believe

During the Spanish Civil War Kazantzakis and Unamuno met in the Falanee stronghold of Salashymanca Unamuno poured forth his troubled soul to his Greek friend

Al l of these things a re happening because (he Spaniards dont believe in anythingNothingNothing They a r e desperados The Spanish people have gone mad Not only the Spanish people the whole world today What is our duty To hide the truth from the peopleif they knew the truth the) couldnt go on They wouldnt want to live am inure The people need myth illusion decepshyt ion

legend is Don Juan Kazantzakis por t rayal of Don Juan like that of Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus p re sen t s a man who is not in quest of the Ideal Love

He loves each woman with the same passion and delight and he knows that his l o v e is mere ly momentary H e p o s s e s s e s he is not possessed mdash and that is his p o w e r

To Kazantzakis Don Juan r e p shyr e sen t s the Spir i t t h e wakeful wandering f l ame which leaps up and escapes the c lutches of woman mdash Matter

Don Juan and Don Quixote passion and ideal ism form the roots of the Spanish people and Kazantzakis a t shytempts to t rans la te his mythical vision of these people to the unshyfamiliar reader

His verbal p o r t r a i t s a r e often as colorful g ro tesque and symbol i shycally personal as the visual por shyt r a i t s of El Greco H e (El Greco) succeeded by his line and color in crys ta l l iz ing an e ternal phantom the indestruct ible despair ing soul of m a n

Kazantzakis a t tempts a s imi la r purpose At t imes he is quite suc shycessful

Many thanks to Mr Robert Bell manager of the CO-OP w h o g r a -ciously supplied this book for review purposes

Movie Review

Some evening probably in the very near future (if it hasn t already taken place) the usual emptiness of winter- t ime dorm field will give way to complete havoc the usually crowded study lounges will concede to the al l - important first snowfall

Provided of course that the snows good packing and that there is enough to pack this very common occurrence can offer one of the happiest t imes here at State The re s no formal organization no p ressure (except an occasional being dragged outside physishycally) to join in no nothin cept a heap of fun

P r e s s u r e s build up and suddenly it hits you right between the eyes and you dont care how childishly you act mdash so you pick up a snowball twice as big and hit back The grade-school excitement of building forts staging attacks and running desperately from the enemy is suddenly rekindled the crazy mixture of thrilled annoyance that comes with snow down your back re turns in all its glory

Maybe i t s the unaccustomed vacation from the way a n adult in college should act maybe i t s the obshyvious exhilaration of the frosty cold maybe i t s the secre t grin because he (or she) is aiming more snow your direction than anyone e l se s whatever your own special reason the dorm field fracas is thoroughly enjoyable

Dont forget sew your coat buttons on securely avoid long winding scarves and d ress warmly (the medical office has limited gallons of Cepacol) but for heavens sake join in One ofthese days there s going to be a real hum-dinger of a battle mdash I hope youll take advantage of it

Auteur Theory Gains Popularity

I n these t roublesome t imes it t a k e s Home doing to keep one s perspec t ive to appra i se world condi t ions with intell igence a n d to come up with sat isfying answers This hook Science a n d H e a l t h with Key to the Scripshytu re s by M a r y Baker E d d y hits helped m a n y of us to do this I t can help you too

We invi te you to come to our mee t ings and to hear how we a re work ing ou t our p rob lems t h r o u g h app ly ing the t r u t h s of Jh r i s t i an Science


Slots University of New York at Albany

Matting tint TiO pm Tutidayi

Matting ploct Brubochtr Hall

Science and Health in available at all Science Heading Uoumn and at many college Imaketoree Iuperbutk hditwn $196

D o n J u a n

The second gi and figure ol Spanish

cMo4Ue okaudd BETA Z E T A

President Sue M u i p h y 04 anshynounces that the lullov mg en Is wore pledged to the sorority on Tuesdav November 12

Mai Burns 65 Loraine Paronne tifi Margery Weed GO and Vivien Sotamayor 65 exchange student from Puerto Kin

Also Bonnie F e r r a r i (iG Marie Qualantoue GO and Sue Thomson G6

KAPPA B E T A KB w i l l hold an open liotise

Sunday Deceinbet B iJt) l r i to riO p in

on i l l l

The men ol Kappa Beta initiated the tollowing Monday evening Ken Drake GG Dick Genliliol e GO Kd Kuriliniski GG and Gary Spieliuann GG

by Paul Jensen

The latest vogue in motion-picshyture cr i t ic ism is the so- ra i l ed au-teur theory Formulated in France it has now spread by way of Engshyland into the United States

It supposedly originated in the pages of the magazine Cahie rs du Cinema during the period in the filties when new-wave d i r e c t o r s such as Francois Truffaut were merely c r i t i c s

It is based on the idea that the best f i lm-makers a r e those (mainh Europeans) who both write and dishyrect their films and so retain a great deal ol control

P e r s o n a l S t a t e m e n t A picture b one of these men

whether good or not is still much more ol a personal statement than a 111 in by some Hollywood directoi who had been assigned an already finished scr ipt

Such w r i t e r - d i r e c t o r s like Bergshyman Fellini and Antonioni a r e essentially the authors ( au teurs ) ol their films

As the books ol an author can be analyzed together so the works id an au teur can be taken as showing the development in te l lectualh and technically ol their makei Hence the spiritual s e a r c h o f l n g m a r Bergshyman ai com epts

These 11 1111 S Jlli

wish and to coiisidei

d ut liei such genei aliyee]

i t l l i|lt make

It i s I


i m a k e

t h e m In

lot t u n

i l i e i i own wevei the ai - le lched

a k i n d u t a u t l i u i

But this basically sound and fairly sensible theory lias been so twisted in its t ranslat ion into English that it can only be recognized as a de -lormity of the original

As presented by Andrew Sarri s among o the r s in such magazines as Film Culture the au teur theory lias been combined with the Euroshypeans high regard lor the American film noir

The French in par t i cu la r seem inordinately impressed by films that in this country a re considered unimshyportant These a r e c r ime and gangshys te r l i lms ho r ro r p ic tures wesshyte rns and that s u n ol thing

In truth many films of this sort a r e underrated m America and recognition of the cinematic and intelligent ta lents ul such suspense and action d i r ec to r s as Alfred Hitchshycock and Anthony Mann has long been overdue

It is only when this idea is comshybined Willi the au ie i i i theory that 11 lnMnines dangerous

Mi s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n

The au teu r c r i t i c s l ime in apshyplying this theory lo American fi lms succeeded in conipleteh mi s in t e r shypret ing it As a resul t cer ta in dishyr e c t o r s have been elevated to the s ta tus id Gods

Most id these are lailly talented within part n ular l imits Inn they do not w n t e 11 if I i own sc reen-p lays mid do not coni i ol their films Their p i n in i ai e nut pel son a I s ta tements ul au ibiug

But as Gods then can do no wrong anil a r e physically unable to make a poor film Ilitchock Howard Hawks and John Ford a r e at present on the pinnacle of this pantheon

You thought that except technishycally The Bi rds was a vacant and vacuous pic ture You didnt undershystand it the au teur cr i t ic rationshyal izes I t s not a poorly plotted monster movie i t s an allegory on the human cniidit ion

A II Fa i l ures All nun - an i en t s such as Carol

heed and John Huston (the d i s shytinction is completely a rb i t ra ry ) have never through their own skill made a good lilin

They may appear good hut this is an optical illusion caused by a good cast or some othei factor Kven the worst John Ford lilm (and there is a (duse liable for the title) is better than the e n atie Henry Kings The Guulightei or William VVelbuans The Ox-Bow Incident for Knr ami Wellmaii are not lushyt e i n s

The liual irony ol die situation is that this coi i upted theory has come lull c i rc le It lias now infected us mother country F rance with its super fan-magazine type ol cr i t i shycism This is the final irony in a generally ironic situation

JSolu gte | P i Gamma Mu

Am one Intel esieil in becoliu ug a iiieinliei ul Il Camilla Mil (Social Science Honorary) and feels he meet s the necessai quail Ileal ions

r t

gort you appear

to be u p s e t


(Jou have observed t ha t L j ou a re

fami l iar Gor t wit h my recently published novel and you krow how Ive sldvyd

should Kaneri i n i n n bull

Fifteen y ea r s to perfect each VMOHI sentence 4 paragraph Ljou know I v reared Imee that soar on their own w n g e l

Well a short while ago some insolent chap had the ne i v t to sugrjest i t be re publ ished in ( ondensed pQfmV

c o i i i a i i

( a n d

i J e u n i

IMPOSSIBLE My blood Curdlee to think o f |alteriny one comma No sooner had lie fled before my curies than op walks some idiot

Dr B i n Fa ion Id

e Van Shk

M a i l e t l a bull i n I f i t -

who daime to have perfected something called Speed feeding He had read my entire noiel in iampQ lt(lt we MP minutes

I shudder to tl link ul trie next logical Up

in e r u d i t i o n Speed-Reading a Condensed

Novel V

Sipum Laudis Inducts Twenty-three Robotham Receives Scholar Award

A total of twenty-three State senshyio rs were inducted into the Univershys i ty s highest honorary society Sig-num Laudis severa l weeks ago This award is made to the sen iors with the highest academic averages in their c l a s s

The induction took place in the Faculty Dining Room Dr Freder ick Truscot t the socie ty s faculty adshyvisor introduced Dr Ann Oliver faculty t r e a s u r e r who presented the Slgnuin Laudis scholar award to the group s pres ident Miss Pa shyt r ic ia Robotham

Highest Average This award is made to the senshy

ior with the highest academic ave r shyage

Dean Stokes also read Dean Metz-l e r s address to the inductees This address was given at the first Sig-num Laudis induction and is by tradition read at every induction ceremony

The twenty-three inductees r ep shyresent the second 4 of the Class of 1964 The first 4 of the c lass was inducted last spring

The new additions to the honshy

o ra ry include Joan AsfouryStephati Bacon F r a n c e s Beards ley J a m e s Brush Sandra Campo Roland E s o -len Kenneth Falvo M r s Armida Flehs Joan Rois te r P i re t Kutt Mary Lou Maina F r a n c e s McDan-ie l s and Victoria P a r k e r

Also Paul P r a u s Ronald Putnam Marie t ta Raner i Ralph Rominger F reder ick Smith Judith Suttneir Catherine Ann Tupper Jeanne Van Slyke Richard Weeks and Dennis Wienk

O l d M e m b e r s

Those m e m b e r s initiated last spr ing include Elizabeth Austin Gloria Avner Diva Daims June Fai rchi ld Gaye Frusc ione Norma Gayer Lois Gianini Shirley Golden-berg Joseph Gomez Ralph Gr i iua l -di Judith Horton Nina Howard) and Pat r ic ia Jewell

Also Karen King Lor ra ine Kirk-land Richard Leveroni Margaret Metger Robert Ri t tner Pa t r i c ia Robotham Karen Scheinman Lillian Schmidt Evelyn Simon Barbara Steindorf Phylis Vastbinder C a r o shylyn Wameling and Barba ra Zendle

Annual Holiday Weekend

Features Dance And Sing The annual Student Organization Services Holiday-

Weekend will include a dance tomorrow night and the Holiday Sing on Sunday evening Donald Kisiel 66 is the general chairman for the dance whichwillbe held in Bru s Main Dining Room from 8 to 12 pm His co-workers Bonnie Tomaszewski and Kathy Brown

ISC-IFC To Hold Hiinterlude Dance

freshmen have taken charge of the decorat ions which will t ransform the dining room into the Roaring Twenties a tmosphere of P e r c y s Pawn Shop

Music for the dance will be p r o shyvided by the Lenny Ri reard i Orshyches t ra The group has played at many events in colleges throughout the area During the o r c h e s t r a s break several State students will furnish enter tainment

C o k e on T a p Students are urged to attend the

dance with or without da tes No admission will be charged and coke

Winterlude sponsored by the Inshyte r -Fra te rn i ty and In ter -Soror i ty Councils will be held tonight from 900 pm in 100 am at iheSchine-Ten Eyck Hotel Enter ta inment will be provided by Howard Jackson and his Modern Jazz Quintet in Hie Fort Orange Suite and the Joe Cosco O r shyches t ra in the Grand Bal l room

IFC-ISC p re s iden t s Gary i-etre and potato chips will be served a | bdquo Leoua Kerpel co-chai r the

M | - w l M I bull I T I I I Michael Doinkowski 05 and Diana e c u t Marek 67 have handled publicity Guests who will attend include for the dance Elaine McCarthy 67 1 ) e u bdquo a n ( 1 M r s p a v i ( j Hart ley Mr is in charge of Hospitality and a n ( 1 M r s William MoKiiinon and Sandra Randall also a freshman Miss Barbara Burkhart has obtained the ehaperonos

The C h a p e r o n e ( o i n u i i l tee Hol iday Sing headed b Psi Gamma and Theta

The twelfth annual Holiday Sing i l n t jmega selected Mr and Mrs will be held Sunday ai 7 pm in j Neil Will iams Mr and Mrs Page Hall Seventeen groups ol J a m e s K Wagner Mr and Mrs s tudents lroin res idences organi- W i l l i a m Clarkin Mr and Mrs zal ious fratern s and so ro r i t i e s Char les Giiher and Mr and Mrs a r e participating Klein as chaperoiies

The groups taking pari this t ea r a r e Alden Hall Alpha Pi Alpha The theme ol the lurnial is p ro -Beta e t a Biiibacher Hall Chi jecied into the wintei a tmosphere Sigma Theta Edward Eldred Pollei through the use ol holly mist letoe Club Gamma kappa Phi Kappa decoi aled eve rg reens and the warm Beta Kappa Delta Pierce Hall Phi glow Iruiu candles The Decorations Delta Psi Gamma Saylos Hall Committee is h e a d e d by Sigma Sigma Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Uui cisii Commuters Organizashytion and Waiei bury Hall

Each group yyill sing one sunn and will be ludged by Dr I lewitt Lllinwood 11 die Soi lal Studies Deshypartment Mi Enill Kalbn ul Alshybany High School and Miss Jean Hi ighain a y ocal nisi ructor in die ai ea

WinnL-r R e c e i v e r T r o p h y

the lop lr c giotips will be anshynounced and will then sing a second song The pidges will de termine the winners ol the first second and t l i i i d p l a i e s

The Insi plaow group will be awarded a trophy to be kepi and displayed by thai group until the next Holiday Sing The current irophy holder is Waiei bury Hall

The Holiday Sing is under the general chairmanship ol Thomas

Lambda Sigma Sigma Alpha and Phi Delia

The heads ol the Tickets and P ro shyg rams Committee ai e Kappa Beta Sigma Phi Sigma and Beta eta Alpha Pi Alpha leads the Ar range shyments Coiiinintee and Gamma Kappa Phi the bull lowers I ouuni t tee Iul -lu l l v Committee i+= headed by Chi Sigma Theta and Pollei Club

Bids are $-100 per couple Nu one will be admit led without a t icket


The S U News will not appear ueM Friday due to Chr i s t inas vacashytion The next regular issue ol die S U News will appear on January 10

The Publication Office will be Lelleer titi The program will be open the night ol January 5 L e t t e r s e i iueed by Carole Polls and Robert p the Edi tor House Howls and

Notices will be accepted only ul ( c o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 3) I h l s l l i n c

nnwer F o o t b a l l

T e a m

P a g e 4

A L B A N Y 3 N E W YORK DEC E M B E R 13 1063 VOL X L I X NO 2 6

Hearing Today on Student Tax For Second Semester Buses Chartered

by Steve Curti

Last Wednesdays Senate m e e t shying was highlighted by the in t roshyduction of bills proposing a second s e m e s t e r student tax and the g ran t shying of permiss ion to cha r i e r vashycation buses at Chr is t inas time to eight groups

A bearing will he held this af ter shynoon at 125 The meeting place will be posted on the Senate bulleshytin board in Busted near the Husted-Richardson per i s ty le

H e a r i n g T o p i c s

The hearing will be used to d i s shycuss the proposed second s emes t e r student tax The various uses of the money collected from the proposed tax will he explained

Some of the proposed uses for the lax money in the order of the amount of proposed expenditures a re Music Council State Univershysity News an addition lo the conshytingency fund a Uniled P r e s s Inshyternational news se rv ice for WSUA and the student d i rec tory

Music Council hopes to bring four name groups to the campus next year If given Hie money next s e m e s t e r Music Council by workshying wiib other area colleges and by signing its contracts ear ly could bring excellent groups and perhaps a n ange for more than one per for shymance

The proposed binds for Hie dishyrectory would allow the publication ol a second semes te r supplement in the dii ectory

The funds allotted to Ihe State Unishyversity News would permit the paper to publish lor the whole ol tlie s ec shyond semester Without these funds the paper Will only be aide to pubshylish loi eight weeks

The funds will also allow Ihe paper in publish two issues a week lor die luinl month ol the academic year

Buses Aga in Senate ii an I od pin mission tu eight

groups in char ie r and solicit funds for buses no tins Chris t inas vacashytion

Senator Art Johnston 65 moved that Senate authorize any member ol die student bod to chartei a bus for ibis Chris t inas holiday The

Forum Sends 5 To Puerto Rico

Ioruni ol Politics is sending live s tudents lo Inter-Ainer ican Uuivei-sii in Sun Gei main Fuel to RICH to attend an Intel ci illegiale coiifci -e rne entitled The Caribbean Mishycrocosm ol World St ruggle The conference is sponsored by die As-sociattuii ol International Relations ( lubs ul which 1 ni inn is a mem -bei

The live students being sent a r e Ronnie Hi aunsteiu UO Rila Bren-s i h e i lifi Marilyn Bi own 00 Sandra Cuslunan CO and Tniii Masshyter (if)

The students will lly down Hi one ol tyvo jets leaving Irom Idlewilde

A program ol l e c tu r e r s speakshye r s and discussion groups has been planned Speakers at the conference will be Juan Bosch deposed P r e s i shydent ol the Dominican Republic Munoz Marin Govei tor of Puerto Rico Jose Miro Cardoua Cuban exile and Senaloi Wayne Morse (D O r e )

motion was defeated Pres ident Ce r ra announced the

recent resignation of Carl Cusato GG and the longstanding res ignashytion of Helen Mandeville 64 C e r r a appointed Vic Mitchell G6 and Bob Sargeant 64 to fill the vacancies The Senators were sworn in imshymediately


During the commit tee r epo r t s the State University Revue constitution was brought up for approval A conshyt roversy a rose about the r equ i r e shyment that Senate approve the apshypointment of Ihe d i rec tor of the Revue

Some Senators complained that the constitution was poorly worded and that Senate should not have the final power of approval in the choice of d i rec to r

Senator Guddat 66 also pointed out the fact that the proposed con-


stltution s ta tes that the business manager of the Revue was to be a member of Finance Committee or appointed by the group

He noted that the authors of the constitution did not present this part of constitution to ei ther the Finance Committee as a whole or to its chai rman Barbara Townsend 65

The Revue Constitution was sent back to Ed Wolner s Constitutions Committee by a vote of Senate

Irregularities by Chair The meeting was highlighted by

severa l par t isan comments by C e r shyra He made comments indicating Ids approval of several opinions expressed by Senators

Senator Gain 64 left the Senate meeting due lo these comments and due to the P res iden t s refusal to answer a question Galu appealed from the decision of the chai r

S A P r e s i d e n t Pa t Cerra conducts Wednesday n ight s Senate

Meet ing during which pr ivate charter ing of buses was d i s c u s s e d

SU News Foster Child Contributions Still $40 Short of Drives Goal

The State University News has received approximately $140 toward i ts Foster Parents Plan This leaves about forty dol la rs short of the necessary $180 lo support an un-foi innate i luld lot a period of one y e a i

Tim SUNews plan was begun in order to enable all the students ol ihe University to contribute towards this cliui liable cause The News is in se rve only as a medium ol colshylod ion not the coin Ill iiling organ-lal ion

The child who I e e e r e s the sup-pui t ul ihe student body will receive lood clothing medical care and othei necess i t i es lor one year The child will write a letter each month telling abiitil hiiusell The SUNews will print all information and corshyrespondence r e c e i v e d Irom the c h i l d

Students may contribute to the lund through any News Board memshyber or at the News Office Room 5 in Brtihacher on Sunday through Wednesday nights Irom 7 lo 11 pm Contributions may be also mailed to ihe News Office c o the Editor

at 750 State Street The SUNews emphasizes that

the s ize ol ihe contribution does not matter but hopes that everyshyone will help to meet the goal by Chr i s tmas

Five lace Expulsion

For Run Around Five Stale University students

lace expulsion from Ihe University The I n e haye been accused by three Albany res idents ol staging a Chinese-Run-Around their car on the night of November lG

A Chinese-Run Around occurs when a group ol people surround a eai stopped in traffic and run around i t

The State students allegedly got out of their car and staged the bullRun-Around around a car in which three women were driving

The women claim damage was done lo ihe car The Stale s tudents deny tins

According to Dr David Hart ley Bean ol Students The University will definitely lake some action by Friday As yet 1 do not Know what it w i l l I
