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mm THE GRAND FORKS DAILY HERALD, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 81, 1915. NORTH DAKOTA'S GREATEST CLASSIFIED SECTION PAGE NINE. / *»»r _ JS} . \s WANT ADS I THE DAILY HERALD [WANT ADS W ANT Arv Rates and I Infoifnation 1 Cant a Word a Day. 91 ft a Month. (If no change in ad.) Minimum Charge 25c. To XUartratai 8 words 1 day 26c 8 words 3 days ,!(c 8 words 6 days 40c Use this method of figuring on any number of word*. These rates en- title you to publication in both morn- ing and evening editions. Telephone BOO Slthsv Ua«> CLOSING HOURS—Wont Ad Forms close every morning at 11:30 for the evening editions, and 6 o'clock every evening for the morning edi- tions, except Saturday, when forms close at 9 p. M. for Bunday morn- ing editions. TELEPHONE WANT ADS—Want Ads are received by phone but are payable the same day as received and collection will be made at your home or office as soon aa is con- venient for the collector to call. This is accommodation service and payment should be made promptly when the bill is presented. OUT OP TOWN ORDERS must be always accompanied by the cash. Please comply with this rule to avoid inconvenience and delay. NUMBERED ADS—For the conveni- ence of advertisers who do not wish their names to appear in their ads, we give a number; and replies will be kept at the office until called . for, or will be mailed if desired. On no consideration will the name be given out without the consent of ttlA 0l)VAH IAAI* ANSWERS TO NUMBERED ADS must be addressed to the particu- lar number in the Ad in care of the Herald, for example, address your envelope No Care of Q. F. Daily Herald, Grand Forks, N. D. DENTISTS L. L. HICKMAN, DENTIST Suite 101-105 Wldlund Block. Both Phones 4««-J. ACCOUNTANTS. F. E. LUEHE, CERTIFIED PUBLIC Acoountant. Blsniartk. IT. P. AGENTS AGENTS WANTED ASTOUNDING, marvelous discovery, atartles the world. Great excitement, people amaz- ed, strange scientific dlsoovery, abol- ishes forever the rubbing of clothes, something new. All washing ideas revolutionized, unexpected, marvelous. Backed by a $50,000.00 corporation. A big repeat order business. You are protected on exclusive territory, no experience necessary, but we want good, reliable representatives for un- occupied territory in the state of North Daltota. Write or wire us If you wish to make )50.00 to $200.00 week- ly. Fox Mercantile CO.. Brasll, N. Dak. DR. SWENDIMAN, Office over Benner and Beggs Store. N. W. 137. Tri-State 68-J. DANCING. STANDARD AND MODERN DANCING taught. For Information, call 14B1L N.W, EXCHANGES WANT A FIVE-PASSENGER AUTO mobile on" exchange for- a good quar- ter of North Dakota land; all level, good soil, all tillable: automobile must be 1916 in good repair and of standard make. Address 66 Herald. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—AN $8,000 stock of general merchandise in a good ' town; , will consider clear' land or a house in Grand Forks. Address 66 Herald. HOUSES FOR RENT ARCHITECTS J. W. ROSS * SON Architects. Third & DeMers. Grand Forks. HAROLD E. WINSLOW. ARCHITECT. 807 Wldlund Bldg. Grand Forks. W J. EDWARDS, ARCHITECT Northwestern Block. Tel. 216-L N. W. A«3UST B.TURSTEDT, ARCHITECT. a34-R T-S., First National Bk. Bldg. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW H. A. LIBBT, Lawyer. S-A. Bank Bldg. Suite 104 4th Floor. AUTOS & M'CYCLES * DECEMBER SPECIALS. * For Cash Only. * One Franklin 6-passenger * Touring Car $226.00 * One Bulck 6-passenger * Touring Car 136.00 * One Reo 6-passenger Tour- * ing Car 300.00 * One Buick 6-passenger * Touring Car . 326.00 * One Overland 6-passenger * Touring Car .. 386.00 * One Pope Tribune Truck Body 60.00 * One Reo Truck Body .... 190.00 * One E. M. F. Truck Body . 200.00 * DAKOTA AUTO CO. * •••••••••••••a** WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF slightly used and second-hand cars. Come in and look them over. Sims Auto Co. AUTO WANTED IN GOOD CONDI- tlon in exchange for rental property. Box 411, Grand Forks. BUSINESS CHANCES SALESMEN FOR FOUR-PLOW FARM tractor; commercial man calling on ' Implement, automobile and hardware ' trade; wholesale only; satisfactory ' commission and guaranteed product; references required; splendid oppor- , tunity, we advertise. Simplex Tractor Co., Minneapolis, Minn. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A ' restaurant investment, situated in - heart of city; meals served on the - American and European plan; desolv- ed partnership is reason for sale. Ad- dress the Boston Cafe, Wllliston, N. D. HAVE A CASH CUSTOMER WHO : Wants to buy furniture and lease a good hotel In Grand Forks or some good town in North Dakota: srive full particulars in first letter. Address P. O. Box 374, Grand Forks, N. Dak. SALESMEN—WHOLESALE CR RM- tail, to sell high-grade lour-plow farm tractor: big demand; good profits; per- manent growing business. Write for territory and terms. Simplex Tractor Co., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE OR TRADE—MEAT MAR- ket well equipped with maohinery; in good locality; will sell right; for more trtlculars see or write R. A. trtied- :e, Newburg, N. D. FOR SALE—2.00Q SHARlBS CAYtJNA- Sultana Escrow iron stock at 40 cents per (hare. v. Address IS Herald. Si FOR SAIilfc-JCONFECTIONBRY: NEXT door to Bijou. J. K. Brekke, Harvey, N. Dak. WANTED TO RENT—MEAT MARKET. Address Box »8», Minto. N. Dak. BOARD. Mrs. | . $4.60 lurst. first class boarding house, and $6. 502 Belmont. N. W. 1817 CHIROPODISTS BPBCIALISTg ON ALL TOOT THOU- MeS: gives instant relief to tired, ach- Ing EMU limbs, weak ankle*. Corns re- > moved. Ingrowing nails and bunions treated. Dr. J. C. Anson, Clifford An* ^waL^DeMen^Aje^GriwdForfci^^ CHIROPRACTORS "A. A. A MRS. NELLIE G. BAHLKE.' Chiropractors. Sprites Block. Phone N. W. U«i T-S " 4(7' FOR EXCHANGE—160 ACRES FINE Roseau county land, will take good used automobile, part cash, balance time. A. B. Clair, Frederick notel. HAVE A GOOD QUARTER IN GRAND Forks county to exchange for a good 6-room modern house in Grand Forks; not too far out. Address 68 Herald. SOME GOOD NORTHWESTERN North Dakota land to trade for other pro- perty. Albert Peterson, Stanley, N; D. FARM LANDS MONTANA—640 ACRES FARM LAND, none better, Dawson county, Montana; blp crops, good country; land advanc- ing steadily; big future; $11.60 per acre; ten years time; snap. Hanson and Hahn, Dickinson, N. Dak. OJHE RURAL CREDIT PROBLEM HAS been solved as to upper Wisconsin cheap land districts; let us give you full Information. Wisconsin Advance- ment Ass'n., 1666 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. 1,000 ACRE IMPROVED RED RIVER Valley farm for sale at $86.00 per acre: terms $5.00 per acre cash and balance mortgage on land at 7% to right party. Address 851 Herald. FURNITURE—STOVES. BIG BARGAINS EVERY DAY IN NEW and second-hand stoves, furniture, etc., at McKenzie's. 137 South Third St. FOR SECOND HAND FURNITURE call at the Northwestern Furniture Co., 208 South Third St. HELP—FEMALE ANY YOUNG WOMAN IN NEED OF A friendly hand will find it at the Young Women's Christian Association 414M DeMers Ave. WANTED—GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; modern house. Ad- dress Mrs. G. C. VanSlyke, York, N. Dak. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM Call at 412 Chestnut Wednesday af- ternoon or evening. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUBE- work; Delia Odegard, 602 DeMers Ave. East Grand Forks. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. T. A. Gill, 1003 Lewis Blvd. 699L N. W. COMPETENT GIRL general housework. Mrs. Enright. WANTED FOR Call 688 N. W. GOOD COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Mrs. W. J. Pierce, 416 North 3rd at. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. J. D. Turner, 709 North Third. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. G. R. Jacobi, 136 Reeves Ave. DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED. Hotel. 311 So. 3rd. HALL GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, enne Ave. 618 CHEY- HELP—MALE •••••••* g. TI8DALE, CHIROPRACTIC AND Massage, Security Block, Grand Forks. WANTED—WIDE AWAKE BOYS in every ..town in North Dakota, northwestern Minnesota and north eastern Montana to become agents for The Grand Forks Dally Herald —the best and quickest selling newspaper in this part of the country. It does not require ex- perience, only honesty .and energy are needed. These qualities you have, so get busy and write for particulars to the CIRCULATION MANAGER, ' GRAND FORKS DAILY HERALD GRAND FORKS, N. D. WANTED 600 SALESMEN WE have decided to double our sales force for 1916; big money, big line: all ne- cessities; groceries, paints, oils, stock food; sell at wholesale. Goods and house nationally known; quit road; stay in home territory; build homes ana bank accounts as hundreds do; regular trade, qulekly, easily covered; no eapltal; effective selling helps; $160 to $600 monthly easy. Write today. John Sexton Co., Wholesale Chicago. LEARN BARBER TRADE—OUR NEW- course of individual Instruction by ex- perts Insures you success; many have enrolled; results wonderful; as far as training barbers, our school Is in a class by Itself; only school endorsed by leading barbers; enroll and be con- vinced; catalogue free. National Bar- ber College, 160 East 8rd, St. Paul, Minn. -MEN TO LEARN THE barber trade; the only reliable) suc- cessful college In the Northwest: school has proved successful for over 20 years; start right and you will end right. Moier Barber College, 28 Nicol- let ave., Minneapolis, Minn. GRAND FORKS RAILWAY MAIL clerk examinations coming; $76.00 month j sample queatlons free; .write month: sample questions free; write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep't. 800 K, Rochester, N. Y. WANTI'D EXPERIENCED FARM hand; young Dane or Swede; honor- able, clean and willing; dry hand milker; must be temperate. Address 897 Herald. WANTED 1 —A MAN FOR THE WINTER on a farm; must be steady, willing and temperate; German extraction de- sire^. Address Thomas gtee, Daaey. HELP—GENERAL. BOOKKEEPING AND STENOGRAPH- er wanted. Apply in own hanawrlt- |nj with references. Addrnas M Her- HIDEStNDFURS TO" REALIZE! TOP ' PRICES SHIP your hides and calfskins to the Redlck Hide and Fur Co., Grand Forks. We have Man thaamafket for over thirty years, HOTELS .*•' . European^ Transient Finest.Cafe in North DACOTA,: Commercial Headquarters.,, Rooms $1.00 Up.-. Recently improved. M. It ANGLE, Chiropractor M. B, KEMP, Chiropractor. , Sean-Amer. Bank Bldg., Phones tot. Herald Want Ada Bring Results. WATCH GRAND FORKS GROW. For Sale. I 360.10—Furniture in 14 room room- ing house; rooms all rented; do- ing good business; house thor- oughly modern; In good condi- tion; steam heat $ 900,00—Small house. 60 ft lot; all furniture, 28 chickens. $1,$00.00—New 7-room house; 60 ft lot: electrio lights, furnace hast; will trade for stock. For Rant. $27—7-room, all modern house; hot wat- er heat; University ave. $26—6-room house; modern Walnut st. $20—6-room house; modern No. 3rd st. $80—t-room house; modern barn; Vernon ave. $16—6-room house; city water; Univer- sity ave. 8 6—8-room house, Dell avenue. $20—6-room house; modern but heat; Fourth ave. •16—Small store, steam heat and. city water free, Kittson Ave. but heat; but heat; hut heat; W. H. KEL8EY. NEW 6-ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSE for rent; must take at once on ac- count of party leaving town. Address 68 Herald. FOR RENT NEW SEVEN-ROOM house; modern except heat, with cis- tern and full basement. G. R. Jacobi. 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR rent; South end. O. S. Slmonson, No. 306 Kittson Ave., Phones 808. SMALL 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; $17.00; 800 block on No. Fourth st. inquire Lyons & Co. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT all modern but heat. Inquire M. Gar- ber. 602 Walnut. HOUSE FOR RENT. 307 SOUTH 8RD st.; modern; city steam. Apply to J. D. Bacon. FOR RENT—6-ROOM MODERN FLAT, Improvement Block; either phone 104. MISCI FOR SALE FOR SALE—ONE $0-60 RUMELY OIL pull, almost new; one 8-bottom Cox- shut plow; one oil tank and wagon; one 23 H. P. Advance engine; ona large saw mill: one Minneapolis sep- arator. C. F. Hickman, Hillock, Minn. FOR SALE—CHEAP—LARGE BARN back of . Sanitary Milk Building. There is a lot of good material In It for anyone going to build. See it and make us an offer. Larry O'Connor. FOR SALE—GOOD SEASONED JACK Pine. body cord wood; several car loads. O. B. Lovegreen, R. 1, Bern- ldjl, Minn. DRESSED PIGS FOR SALE; 9 CENTS pound; weigh from 136 to 160 lbs. Call 82-111 TP. S. FOR SALE—DRY CORDWOOD: $6.00 er cord. M. L. Enright N. W. ione 688. per Pho BACK BAR AND SHOW CASE. A. B. Karnes, East Grand Forks. HEAVY SLEIGHS WITH DRAY BEDS for sale. . W. E. DeLong. MONUMENTAL WORKS MONUMENTS W. R- Jack. MARKERS VAULTS Grand Forks. N. D. MUSIC--Orchestral. MERTITS ORCHESTRA. Music for all occasions; dance work a specialty. Phone T-S. 10M-J. OFFICES FOR RENT. OFFICES FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY Dr. MacDonald now for rent; best lo- cality in the city. Over Dakota Phar- __magj^_Inqufre O. Young. OSTEOPATHS DR. G. n. HODGE. Office over Wolf's. Phones 682. Res. $61. DRS. ORR AND MAY SANDERS. Suit 806. - Security Block. Both Phones 642. Grand Forks. PHYS. & SURGS. A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ALL MOD- ern but heat. Call 655-J Trl-State. MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT ON UNI- verslty ave. Inquire J. D. Bacon. - COZY 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE for rent. Call 338-L Tri-State. FLAT FOR RENT—4 ROOMS, at Gillespie's Flyless Store. CALL ONE 4-ROOM FLAT AND TWO 2-ROOM flats at Gotzlan block. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. Apply J. H. Lambe. HOUSES—E. A. FLADLAND. <82. T-S 6B-L. N. W. TWO HOUSES FOR RENT. APPLY Ontario Store. HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE—BUILDING AND LOT AT 1116 International avenue for sale cheap; cash or on easy terms. Ad- dress 46 Herald. KODAK FINISHING WH DO DEVELOPING AND PRINT- ing; lowest prices; best service. Lion Drug Store. 26 So. 3rd. HAVE YOUR KODAK FINISHING done at the Wfclker Studio, 117 N. 3rd. LAUNDRY GOOD HOME LAUNDRY WORK. TRY Alway's Laundry. 194-L T-S. 422 S. 3rd LIVE STOCK •••••• ••••e •••••• FOR SALE—A FINE LOT OF " Improved Chester White hogs of * * April farrow. $26 with peal- * * gree. W. J. Hewitt, Minto, N. D. ••••••••••••••••a* FOUR REGISTERED DUROC JERSEY boars, 2 non-registered ones for sale at reduced price on account of the late season. Write or wire J. D. Ba- con, Grand Forks, N. Dak. DUROC JERSEY BOARS AND GILTS tor sale, sired by "Hillside King:" S rst prise boar at North Dakota state air. Fred Bye. Gilby. N.Dak. DRS. HEALY. LAW & WOUTAT Physicians and Surgeons. Office, Scan-Amer. Bank Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED.—Continued. TEACHER, HOLDING FIRST GRADE certificate, desires position; have had four years experience: with to begin work about Jan. 1. Address 60 Her- ald. AN ELDERLY LADY WANTS Posi- tion as housekeeper on farm or in city. Address Mrs. M. A. Anderson, lid No., 7th *t„. Grand Forks, N. D- WANTED—POSITION AS JANITOR or stationary fireman; wall experienc- ed; handy with tools. Address 61 Herald. JOB AS JANIT9P: OR PORTER. AD- dress 64 Herald. GIRL WA; SUte 48 WORK BY DAY. TRI- STORAGE Household Good# Panovlta Furnll Parked and Stored. TRANSFERS M. W. DAY MAKES A SPECIALTY OF handling heavy freight, household goods, pianos, safes, drayage. Large storage warehouse in connection. Phone N. W. $37. T-8. 887-L. CALL THE OLD RELIABLE JEFF'S transfer Co., 3$ either phone if you want the best; nothing too large or too small for us to handle safely; 76c per hour cash. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY—GOOD SECOND- hand cash register; give full descrip- tion. Box 62, Grafton, N. D. WANTED—CIGAR SHOW CASE FOUR feet loni ' ~~ Frederic: feet long. Address A. B. Clair, Hotel " "ck, WANTED—A GOOD SECOND HAND- ed safe. Address 49 Herald. The Markets * Market Quotations * • • * » * * and (MP Furnished by ObM. E, Lewli A Co.. Security BnlMiiut. Grand Forltn. V D. DECEMBER WHEAT, Chi, Minn. Dul. Open 1.22 1.181 « . . High .....1.24 1.20| 1.191 Low 1.21} 1.18} 1.171 Close 1.24 1.20} 1.191 MAY WHEAT. Chi. Minn. Dul. Open .....1.231 1.18} 1.19 High 1.21| Low 1.22J 1.18} 1.19 Close 1.24J 1.21} 1.211 JULY WHEAT. Chi. Minn. Dul. Open 1.14J-J 1.19} .... High 1.151 1.20} .... Low .... Close .....1.15} 1.20} 1.221 ST. LOUIS. Dec. May. July. Close 1.16} 1.21} 1.12b KANSAS CITY. Dec. May. July. Close 1.12 1.16}b 1.08} Close .., Open Close NEW YORK. Dec. May. ,.1.31 1.33 July. WANTED TO RENT WANTED—5 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE OR flat furnished: N. W. 1812. Geo Don- ovan. TWO STUDENTS WANT BOARD AND room in south end. Address 62 Herald. DR. A. F. BRATRUD ~ 1 Surgeon. Both Phonea 141, 4/IV A. r. SIVA J. X* «J U Physician ft Surgeon. Platky Bldg. " DR. G. J. GI8LAS0N, SPECIALIST. BeaiSM 6 ' " Ear, Eye, Nose and'Throat lock. Over Lion Drug Store. DRS. EKERN * MARSDEN. Specialists. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. S. A. Bank Bldg. Grand Forks. DR. J. O. ARNEBBRG. SPECIALIST Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Over China Hall, Grand Forks, N. D. DR. A. A. WESTERN, SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Wldlund Bldg., Grand Forka. DR. C. S. CRANE, SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Over Trepanier Pharmacy. DR. JOHN D. TAYLOR. Physician and Surgeon. Office Oyer First National Bank. PHOTO STUDIOS PORTRAITS OF QUALITY. Been. Photographer. 224 South Third St PIANO TUNING. LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Grand Forks, in District Court, First Judioial District. John R. Johnson and Wm. A. Johnson, co-partner» as Johnson Bros., Plain- tiffs, vs. George Perry, as Admlnls trator and Hilda Perry and Henri Carlson, heirs at law of the Estate of Henry :ate or deceased, Defend EXPERT PIANO TUNER, TUNING for the best musical talent in the olty. Ask for references. Player-piano re- pairing guaranteed for : one year. R. M. Schoen, T.-S. 768S. N. W. 1746J. FOR FIRST CLASS PIANO TUNING and regulating leave orders at O. Young Piano and Muslo Store. E. M. Mathews. Hannah Carlson, ants. SUMMONS. The State of North Dakota to the Above- Named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, and to serve a oopy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, ex- clusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or an- swer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. FRANK B. FEETHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff, First National Bank Bldg., Grand Forks, N. Dak. NOTICE OF FILING OF VERIFIED COMPLAINT. The defendants above named will please take notice that the summons and verified complaint In the above en- titled action were flled in the office of the Clerk of the District Court above named, at the Court House In the City of Grand Forks, state of North Dakota, on the first day of December, 1916, and are now on file and of record therein. FRANK B. FEETHAM, Attorney for Plaintiffs (Dec. 21-28, 1916. Jan. 4-11-18-25, 1916) RAW FURS GET BIG PRICES FOR "YOUR FURS by shipping them to The Redlck Hide and Fur Co., Grand Forks. Send for price list. ta*s. ftr. Sent free. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—VERY CHOICE, LARGE furnished front room; strictly mod- ern; private bath. 914 Belmont ave.; N. W. Phone 1002. FOR RENT—2 LARGE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; also front room in all modern house. 1316 University avenue. STEAM HEATED ROOMS BY THE day. Week or month at all prices. Brunswick hotel, 103 DeMers Ave. WILD ROSE YORKSHIRES—Some rib- bon winners in both kinds of young stock; they're dandles. A. Ray Sherrltt. NATIONAL DUROC JER8EY HOGS for sale; 86 gilts; 20 boars; all full bloods. J. J. Heffern. Ardoch. N. Dak. FOR SALE REGISTERED HOL- steln bull, 12 months for $60.00. M. L. Enright, B. Grand Forka, Minn. FOR SALE—ONE FULL BLOOD POL- and China boar. Inquire of Owen La- velle, Tri-State 36-111. POLAND CHINA MALE PIGS FOR sale: weight 200 lbs. Bert Spalnhow- er, Larlmore, N. D. CHOICE DUROC JERSEY BOARS from my prize winning herd. 'John Kenmir, Bmerado. FOR SALE—SHORTHORN BULL 2% years old. John Morin, Forest River, if. D. 4-YEAR-OLD CLYDESDALE STAL- liOn for sale. Address E7 «erald. FRESH MILK COW FOR SALE. CALL 33, call 221, Trl-State. TURKEYS FOR SALE. 1661 CALL 6 N. W. LOANS WANTED—TO BORROW $I,8OO AT 8% on first class city property, worth $6,000. Address 44 Herald. LOST ft FOUND LOST—SIX MONTHS OLD LEWEL- lyn Setter pup; liver and white; female dog; tall rather long. Return to Pal- ace Livery barn for liberal reward. LOST—20 DOLLAR BILL AND TWO fives between F. & M. Bank and 411 Belmont ave. Finder return to Her- ald for reward. LOST—POCKETBOOK CONTAINING money on DeMers or Third street Re- turn to Herald for reward. LOST—SMALL POCKET BOOK CON- t&ining door key and atnall change. Return to Herald office for' reward. LOST—TEN DOLLAR BILL IN 10c atore. Notify Mrs. Roy Brownt Man- vel, N. D., for reward. FOUND—Li O. A. Webster. FUR NECK SCARF. LOTS FOR 6AL& VOU SAL16—TWO LOTS, BLOCK F 178- 178, Willmar Addition, $80. A Perry NeUon, Fargo^, N. D, , ^ 8 ROOM SUITE FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping: modern house. 1204 Univ. Ave.; 906-J N. W. 2 NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room;_all modern. 1808 University ave. T-S. 914-J. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Grand Forks.—In County Court; Beforo Hon. L. K. Hassell, Judge. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Pascoe, Deceased. John Andrus and T. F. McMillan, Peti- tioners, vs. Mary Pascoe, Mary Wet- more, Arthur Wetmore, Hugh Wet- more, John Bridston as County Treas- urer and all other persons Interested, Respondents. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given by the under- signed John Andrus and T. F. McMillan, Executors of the Last Will and Estate of Thomas Pascoe, late of the village of Thompson. In the County of Grand Forks, and State of North Dakota., de- ceased, to the creditors of, and all per- sons having claims against, said dece- dent to exhibit them with the neces- sary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said Executors at their office in the village of Thompson, in said Grand Forks County, North Dakota. Dated Dec. 17th, 1916. JOHN ANDRUS, T. F. MCMILLAN, Executors. First publication on the 21st day of Dec., 1916. S. Lemmloh, Attorney for Executors, Thompson, N. Dak. (Dec. 21-28. Jan. 4-11.) ROOMS. CENTRAL HOTEL $1 WEEK Lizzie N. White. Prop, and Owner. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. Call East' 64 T-S. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms downstairs. 824 So. 3rd St. DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 400 North^ Sixth St FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 315 H Kittson. FURNISHED ROOM IN ALL MODERN house. 814 No. 6th. NEWLY FURNISHED- ROOMS FOR rent. 102 Chestnut. WELL floor. HEATED ROOMS—THIRD Herald Bldg. FOR BENT—SUITE OF BOOKS. HALL Hotel, 311 So. 8rd. ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 417 No. 8th st. HOUSEKEEPING Block. ROOMS. XDDINOS 2 OR 8-ROOM FLAT. #11 WALNUT. MODERN ROOM. 314 IONE AVE. SHOE REPAIRING The Shoe Hospital—Largest and most complete thOe Shop in Grand Forks; par- cel post paid one way; repairing while you wait J. Solland basement 814 D'Mera N. KAMPLIN, SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Repairs done quickly and well. Parcel post paid one way. 318 Kittson Ave. SEWING MACHINES. COME IN AND BUY YOUfe LITTLE . gin a real sewing machine for a Christmas present. Price. $$.00. Singer ... . _ . .. Sewing Machine Co. D. toand Forks, N. THE MOST «m is - USEFUL Singer Sewing operated at No. 11 South Singer SeWlng Machine Co. GOOD SECOND HAND SEWING ifA. ohlnaa. Prioe $6.00 to $10,00. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Grand Forks, N. D. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED .— WORK ON' FARM TO help with chorea; IU month after April lot; SeiuidHifcMftn; tin It; use »A uor ^tohfwpp. ,r Addnw ,61 Herald. Notice of Bxplratlon of Period of Bedemption. Laws 1901—Chap. 166 To the Executor or Administrator of the Estate of Anton Melgard, Deceased, or Any Person Interested In His Estate: Take notice that Tax Sale Certificate No. -44196 and -issued upon the Tax Sale December 10th, 1912, of the following described land, vis: Bouth half of lot four (4) and all of Lot six (6) in Block 24, MeCormlck's Addition to the City of Grand Forks, In the County of Grand Forks and State of North Dakota, for the taxes of the year 1811 on said land has been presented at this office and application made' for deed thereon; that said land was sold on said sale for $22.81, and the amount required to re- deem said land from said sale at the date hereof exclusive of the costs to accrue upon this notice Is the sum of $108.44; and that the time for redemp- tion froi^i said sale will expire ninety days after the aervioe of this notice. Witness my hand and seal of office at Grand Forks, N. D., this 17th day of December, 1916. (Seal) HANS ANDERSON, County Auditor, Grand Forks County, N D. (Dec. 21-28. Jan. 4.) STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Grand Forks, ss.—-In County Court In the Matter of the Estate of Ole O. Paul*nesa, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given by Christ Han- son, Administrator of the estate of Ole O. PaulsnesS, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, with the^ necessary vouchers, to the Mid , at Grand Ftorka, N. D., Christ Hanson, within four months after the first pub- lication of this notice. Dated Deoember 18th, A. D. 1916. CHRIST HANSON, Administrator. First publication Dec. 21, 1§16. (Dec. 21-28. Jan. 4-11.) BOTIOa TOB BED*. The State Normal School at Ml not wishes to receive bids for boarding house groceme* and other supplies for the period from January lot, 1916 to June 80th, 1916. Specifications and lists can be obtained at the office of Presi- dent A. G. Crane, Minot North Dakota. The institution reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. Bids will be re- ceived on or before December $lat at the office of the president in Minot, North Dakota. . (Deo. 18-ti-2t$.) BTATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Grand Forks, ss.—-In County Court, In the Matter Of the Estate of Ole O. 'KjorVeatad, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given by Gunhild KJorvestad, the teetamHjtary admlnls- tmtrMt of the estateofOle O KJorvte- stad, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having clalma against Mid WINNIPEG. Nov. Dec. May. 1.14) 1.174 .... 1.17J 1.19*—S CHICAGO CORN. Dec. May. July. Open . ... .69J-I .73}—73 .738 High . ... .70} .74-} 74} 72i Close . ... .701 .74 .74} CHICAGO OATS. Dee. May. July. Open . ... .411 .45}-} « « High . ... .42} .45S—J e e e Low 41|-} .44? e Close . ... .42| .45g . . e CHICAGO PORK. Oct. Dec. Jan. May. Open 18.70 High 18,66 18.70 Low 18.32 18.50 Close 18.32 18.60 MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT. May—Puts $1,181 calls 1.24J. MINNEAPOLIS CASH CLOSE. ..»1 23g No. 1 northern ... .. 1 20}@1 .21) Choice ... 1 22g .21) Choice arrive ... 1 .228 Regular arrive ... .. 1 19}@1 .20} No. 2 northern ... 1 16}@1 .188 No. 2 hard Mont .. .. 1 16} Arrive .. 1 16} No. 3 northern ... . . 1 09}@1 .15} No. 1 durum . . 1 . 16} @ 1 .18} Arrive .. 1 .16} .12}@1 .15} No. 3 yellow corn . .. .72 @ .73 .70 .68 Other grades ,, .40 @ .71 No. 3 white oats .. ., .40 @ .40} .40} .40} No. 4 white oats ... .. .88}® .89} Barley .56 @ .61} Barley, fancy .61}® .63 Flax . . 2 08}@2 .11} Arrive .. . 2 .09}@2 .11} Rye . . .89 ® .91 Arrive . . .89 @ .90 DUIiCTH CASH CLOSE. No. 1 hard No. 1 northern ... No. 2 northern ... Oats, cash Rye Barley No. 1 durum No. 2 durum Deo. durum May durum Flax, cash on track .*1. . 1. . 1. 208 191 15 8 C 1.161 40i .90 .63 .89 .55 18i .141 .19 20| [email protected]> ?1.15| Open Close DTJLUTH FLAX. Nov. Dec. May.' 2.16 2.10b 2.16} SHIFTING OF CHARGES. A barrister with a long experience of queer juries in the mining regions of Pennsylvania tells the following amuBing story as illustrating their ec- centricities: A man was charged with commit- ting a murderous assault UDOn an- other as a result of some political difference. The assault having been committed at night, there appeared to be some difficulty in identifying the assailant, and, as a matter of fact, the counsel for the defense made out an excellent cajse for the prisoner, calling witnesses to testify that he was nowhere near the spot where the assault took place on the night in question. Everybody concerned fully expected that the jury would bring In a verdict of acquittal, yet, to the general as- tonishment the foreman announced that the prisoner had been found guil- ty. "But," he added, observing the general consternation created by his statement, "not guilty of this assault, yer honor. This Is the spalpeen who stole Biddy McCarthy's pig last year, and we found him guilty of that."— Chicago Newi. FRANCE. All praise and honor to beloved France, She who In this, the fiercest war of Stands unimpeachable and wears no scars Of shame and execration. Her ad- vance In like a knight's of chivalrous ro- mance, Wlio will not stoop to anything that mars His fair escutcheon, but foul meas- ures bars. And in fair fight alone will use his lance. France seeks but victory with honor, and Spurns all inducements for nefar- ious gain. She knows there's something high- er than to attain Advantage o'er a foe, and that's to stand Upon the nobler human feelings based, And scorn to win by methods vile, dlstraoed. —Peter Tandel. nths after the first publlca- t* nottofc deceased, to present them, with the ne- cessary vouchers, to the said Guihild ftjorvsatad.at Mr horn*. Bex. 66, R. F. fXt Route No. 1, Thompson, N. D., with- lnsi*f n»i '* " ' " " 1 Dated November 27th, A. D. ins. GUNHILD KJORVESTAD, Testamentary Administratrix., Estate of Ole O. KJorvestad. Deceased. ^^ATTOWIEY ^FTR* A&M!HI*TF*TRT*. First publication Nov. $0, ltlt, -- - <Nov. 10. Deo. 7.14-21.) ^ ^ WHEAT TAKES SUDDEN HP Minneapolis, Dec. 21.—December wheat Qioaed 8 l-4c higher, May wheat 2 7-8c higher. The wheat market has steadily ad- vanced again today with final figures at the high marks of the day. There was a sharp break during the day but the market quickly turned strong and regained all of the loss and sold up into new high ground. Liverpool cables came from 1-to Sd higher. The world's visible supply of wheat according to Bradstreets fig- ures showed an increase of 16,892,000 bushels for the past week. Total world's visible is now 222,- 625.000 bushels compared with 207,• 858,000 bushels a year ago. SOUTH ST. PAUL STOCK MARKETS South St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 21.— Hog receipts 4,500; weak to 5c lower, range $6.75 @6.26; bulk of sales $< @6.10. Cattle receipts 2,500; killers weak to 15c lower; steers [email protected]; cows and heifers $4.25@6; calves 50c low- er, [email protected]; stockers and feeders steady to slow, $4 @6.75. Sheep receipts 1,000; steady; lambs [email protected]; wethers [email protected]; ewes $3.50@6. CARS RECEIVED. CHICAGO. Year Today, year Ago. Wheat 582 828 Corn 432 1,184: Flax . .. 289 44S WINNIPEG. Today. Yi-ar Ago. Wheat v:2S5 l,37S DTJLUTH. Today. Tear Ago. Wheat 446 151 Flax 29 42 DULUTH STOCKS. Wheat Increased 493,000 bushels] durum increased 134,000 bushels. LIVERPOOL. Wheat 1 to 3d higher; corn 1-2 to Id higher. * Grand Porks Markets * ••*********•*•*•• Wheat. No. 1 northern $1.04 No. 2 1.00 No. 3 .• 94 No. 4 84 Rejected 8i No grade 75 Durum. No. 1 98 No. 2 94 No. 3 90 No. 4 85 Rejected 83 No grade 73 Barley. C 47 D 46 E 44 .F 43 Rye. No. 2 11 No. 3 74 Oats. No. 3 SO No. 4 80 No. 3 mixed 26 Flax. No. 1 $1.94 No. 2 1.89 Rejected i.6g No grade 1.4$ DIDN'T KNOW YOUNG WOMAN. A story is tola of an American trav- eling In France. While in Paris he went into a jew- eler's shop and asked the price of a. pin on the counter. He was told it was 20 francs. "That's too much," said the tour- ist; "it's a present for my sister. I'll give you 5 francs for it." "Zen it would be I zat gave ze pres- ent to your sister," said the French- man, with a deprecatory shrug, "and I know not ze young mademoiselle." —Chicago Herald. Ship Your Grain to Chas E. Lewis & Co. OnUn Oommlssloo and Stock Brok- ers. Members All Itrailing Exchangee. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Board at Trade Bldg.. Dnlnth, Bleck, Orsad Porks, N. D. ADOLPH ILMTADt Mgr. Far Qutok «ni Sfttltfaotary K*tom HIDES Qnmd'°Fort[» PIIBA Hide ft Fur Co. FURS •hipping Tags sad Mess on —••el. HIDES For highest market prices for hides, furs ' and sheep pelts write or- call GINSBERG BROS. Ml 1st Ave. O-wd Vorks. M. B. Hsu MU *. W. MONEY TO LOAN tn Minnesota aad North Dakota it lowset rate of interest with privilege of payhsc any time and htwm on amount paid. Beth lataMt prfdpai ftjnM* vt tmu est town. ACMIS vutti M. «\ MDirn, ft J- i I JSj ii Flnanolal Corresposd—> fir Dales Central Un las. Oa 'M JOHN BIRKH0LZ lir%. ii ^ ^ ,2,"?!«
Page 1: PAGE NINE. NORTH DAKOTA'S GREATEST CLASSIFIED …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89074405/1915-12-21/ed-1/seq-9.pdfworld. Great excitement, people amaz ed, strange scientific dlsoovery,





*»»r _ • JS}

. \s


Rates and I • Infoifnation

1 Cant a Word a Day. 91 ft a Month. (If no change in ad.) Minimum Charge 25c.

To XUartratai 8 words 1 day 26c 8 words 3 days ,!(c 8 words 6 days 40c

Use this method of figuring on any number of word*. These rates en­title you to publication in both morn­ing and evening editions.

Telephone BOO Slthsv Ua«>

CLOSING HOURS—Wont Ad Forms close every morning at 11:30 for the evening editions, and 6 o'clock every evening for the morning edi­tions, except Saturday, when forms close at 9 p. M. for Bunday morn­ing editions.

TELEPHONE WANT ADS—Want Ads are received by phone but are payable the same day as received and collection will be made at your home or office as soon aa is con­venient for the collector to call. This is accommodation service and payment should be made promptly when the bill is presented.

OUT OP TOWN ORDERS must be always accompanied by the cash. Please comply with this rule to avoid inconvenience and delay.

NUMBERED ADS—For the conveni­ence of advertisers who do not wish their names to appear in their ads, we give a number; and replies will be kept at the office until called

. for, or will be mailed if desired. On no consideration will the name be given out without the consent of ttlA 0l)VAH IAAI*

ANSWERS TO NUMBERED ADS must be addressed to the particu­lar number in the Ad in care of the Herald, for example, address your envelope No Care of Q. F. Daily Herald, Grand Forks, N. D.


Suite 101-105 Wldlund Block. Both Phones 4««-J.


Acoountant. Blsniartk. IT. P.


marvelous discovery, atartles the world. Great excitement, people amaz­ed, strange scientific dlsoovery, abol­ishes forever the rubbing of clothes, something new. All washing ideas revolutionized, unexpected, marvelous. Backed by a $50,000.00 corporation. A big repeat order business. You are protected on exclusive territory, no experience necessary, but we want good, reliable representatives for un­occupied territory in the state of North Daltota. Write or wire us If you wish to make )50.00 to $200.00 week-ly. Fox Mercantile CO.. Brasll, N. Dak.

DR. SWENDIMAN, Office over Benner and Beggs Store. N. W. 137. Tri-State 68-J.

DANCING. STANDARD AND MODERN DANCING taught. For Information, call 14B1L N.W,


mobile on" exchange for- a good quar­ter of North Dakota land; all level, good soil, all tillable: automobile must be 1916 in good repair and of standard make. Address 66 Herald.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—AN $8,000 stock of general merchandise in a good ' town; , will consider clear' land or a house in Grand Forks. Address 66 Herald.



Architects. Third & DeMers. Grand Forks.

HAROLD E. WINSLOW. ARCHITECT. 807 Wldlund Bldg. Grand Forks.

W J. EDWARDS, ARCHITECT Northwestern Block. Tel. 216-L N. W.

A«3UST B.TURSTEDT, ARCHITECT. a34-R T-S., First National Bk. Bldg.


S-A. Bank Bldg. Suite 104 4th Floor.

AUTOS & M'CYCLES • * DECEMBER SPECIALS. * For Cash Only. * One Franklin 6-passenger * Touring Car $226.00 * One Bulck 6-passenger * Touring Car 136.00 * One Reo 6-passenger Tour-* ing Car 300.00 * One Buick 6-passenger * Touring Car . 326.00 * One Overland 6-passenger * Touring Car .. 386.00 * One Pope Tribune Truck

Body 60.00 * One Reo Truck Body .... 190.00 * One E. M. F. Truck Body . 200.00 * DAKOTA AUTO CO. • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • a * *

WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF slightly used and second-hand cars. Come in and look them over. Sims Auto Co.

AUTO WANTED IN GOOD CONDI-tlon in exchange for rental property. Box 411, Grand Forks.


tractor; commercial man calling on ' Implement, automobile and hardware ' trade; wholesale only; satisfactory ' commission and guaranteed product; • references required; splendid oppor-, tunity, we advertise. Simplex Tractor

Co., Minneapolis, Minn.

EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A ' restaurant investment, situated in - heart of city; meals served on the - American and European plan; desolv-• ed partnership is reason for sale. Ad­

dress the Boston Cafe, Wllliston, N. D.

HAVE A CASH CUSTOMER WHO : Wants to buy furniture and lease a

good hotel In Grand Forks or some good town in North Dakota: srive full particulars in first letter. Address P. O. Box 374, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

SALESMEN—WHOLESALE CR RM-tail, to sell high-grade lour-plow farm tractor: big demand; good profits; per­manent growing business. Write for territory and terms. Simplex Tractor Co., Minneapolis, Minn.

FOR SALE OR TRADE—MEAT MAR-ket well equipped with maohinery; in good locality; will sell right; for more

trtlculars see or write R. A. trtied-:e, Newburg, N. D.

FOR SALE—2.00Q SHARlBS CAYtJNA-Sultana Escrow iron stock at 40 cents per (hare. v. Address IS Herald.


FOR SAIilfc-JCONFECTIONBRY: NEXT • door to Bijou. J. K. Brekke, Harvey,

N. Dak.

WANTED TO RENT—MEAT MARKET. Address Box »8», Minto. N. Dak.

BOARD. Mrs. | . $4.60

lurst. first class boarding house, and $6. 502 Belmont. N. W. 1817


MeS: gives instant relief to tired, ach-• Ing EMU limbs, weak ankle*. Corns re-> moved. Ingrowing nails and bunions

treated. Dr. J. C. Anson, Clifford An* ^waL^DeMen^Aje^GriwdForfci^^


Chiropractors. Sprites Block. Phone N. W. U«i T-S " 4(7'

FOR EXCHANGE—160 ACRES FINE Roseau county land, will take good used automobile, part cash, balance time. A. B. Clair, Frederick notel.

HAVE A GOOD QUARTER IN GRAND Forks county to exchange for a good 6-room modern house in Grand Forks; not too far out. Address 68 Herald.

SOME GOOD NORTHWESTERN North Dakota land to trade for other pro-perty. Albert Peterson, Stanley, N; D.


none better, Dawson county, Montana; blp crops, good country; land advanc­ing steadily; big future; $11.60 per acre; ten years time; snap. Hanson and Hahn, Dickinson, N. Dak.

OJHE RURAL CREDIT PROBLEM HAS been solved as to upper Wisconsin cheap land districts; let us give you full Information. Wisconsin Advance­ment Ass'n., 1666 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.

1,000 ACRE IMPROVED RED RIVER Valley farm for sale at $86.00 per acre: terms $5.00 per acre cash and balance mortgage on land at 7% to right party. Address 851 Herald.


and second-hand stoves, furniture, etc., at McKenzie's. 137 South Third St.

FOR SECOND HAND FURNITURE call at the Northwestern Furniture Co., 208 South Third St.


friendly hand will find it at the Young Women's Christian Association 414M DeMers Ave.

WANTED—GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework; modern house. Ad­dress Mrs. G. C. VanSlyke, York, N. Dak.

HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM Call at 412 Chestnut Wednesday af­ternoon or evening.

GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUBE-work; Delia Odegard, 602 DeMers Ave. East Grand Forks.

COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. T. A. Gill, 1003 Lewis Blvd. 699L N. W.

COMPETENT GIRL general housework. Mrs. Enright.

WANTED FOR Call 688 N. W.

GOOD COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework. Mrs. W. J. Pierce, 416 North 3rd at.

COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. J. D. Turner, 709 North Third.

COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. G. R. Jacobi, 136 Reeves Ave.

DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED. Hotel. 311 So. 3rd.



618 CHEY-

HELP—MALE • • • • • • • *

g. TI8DALE, CHIROPRACTIC AND Massage, Security Block, Grand Forks.

WANTED—WIDE AWAKE BOYS in every ..town in North Dakota, northwestern Minnesota and north eastern Montana to become agents for The Grand Forks Dally Herald —the best and quickest selling newspaper in this part of the country. It does not require ex­perience, only honesty .and energy are needed. These qualities you have, so get busy and write for particulars to the



WANTED — 600 SALESMEN — WE have decided to double our sales force for 1916; big money, big line: all ne­cessities; groceries, paints, oils, stock food; sell at wholesale. Goods and house nationally known; quit road; stay in home territory; build homes ana bank accounts as hundreds do; regular trade, qulekly, easily covered; no eapltal; effective selling helps; $160 to $600 monthly easy. Write today. John Sexton Co., Wholesale Chicago.

LEARN BARBER TRADE—OUR NEW-course of individual Instruction by ex­perts Insures you success; many have enrolled; results wonderful; as far as training barbers, our school Is in a class by Itself; only school endorsed by leading barbers; enroll and be con­vinced; catalogue free. National Bar­ber College, 160 East 8rd, St. Paul, Minn.

-MEN TO LEARN THE barber trade; the only reliable) suc­cessful college In the Northwest: school has proved successful for over 20 years; start right and you will end right. Moier Barber College, 28 Nicol­let ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

GRAND FORKS RAILWAY MAIL clerk examinations coming; $76.00 month j sample queatlons free; .write month: sample questions free; write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep't. 800 K, Rochester, N. Y.

WANTI'D — EXPERIENCED FARM hand; young Dane or Swede; honor­able, clean and willing; dry hand milker; must be temperate. Address 897 Herald.

WANTED1—A MAN FOR THE WINTER on a farm; must be steady, willing and temperate; German extraction de­sire^. Address Thomas gtee, Daaey.


er wanted. Apply in own hanawrlt-|nj with references. Addrnas M Her-


your hides and calfskins to the Redlck Hide and Fur Co., Grand Forks. We have Man thaamafket for over thirty years, •

HOTELS .*•' . European^ Transient

Finest.Cafe in North DACOTA,:

Commercial Headquarters.,, Rooms $1.00 Up.-. Recently improved.

M. It ANGLE, Chiropractor M. B, KEMP, Chiropractor. ,

Sean-Amer. Bank Bldg., Phones tot.

Herald Want Ada Bring Results.


For Sale. I 360.10—Furniture in 14 room room­

ing house; rooms all rented; do­ing good business; house thor­oughly modern; In good condi­tion; steam heat

$ 900,00—Small house. 60 ft lot; all furniture, 28 chickens.

$1,$00.00—New 7-room house; 60 ft lot: electrio lights, furnace hast; will trade for stock.

For Rant.

$27—7-room, all modern house; hot wat­er heat; University ave.

$26—6-room house; modern Walnut st.

$20—6-room house; modern No. 3rd st.

$80—t-room house; modern barn; Vernon ave.

$16—6-room house; city water; Univer­sity ave.

8 6—8-room house, Dell avenue. $20—6-room house; modern but heat;

Fourth ave. •16—Small store, steam heat and. city

water free, Kittson Ave.

but heat; but heat; hut heat;


NEW 6-ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSE for rent; must take at once on ac­count of party leaving town. Address 68 Herald.

FOR RENT — NEW SEVEN-ROOM house; modern except heat, with cis­tern and full basement. G. R. Jacobi.

6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR rent; South end. O. S. Slmonson, No. 306 Kittson Ave., Phones 808.

SMALL 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; $17.00; 800 block on No. Fourth st. inquire Lyons & Co.

FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT all modern but heat. Inquire M. Gar-ber. 602 Walnut.

HOUSE FOR RENT. 307 SOUTH 8RD st.; modern; city steam. Apply to J. D. Bacon.

FOR RENT—6-ROOM MODERN FLAT, Improvement Block; either phone 104.


pull, almost new; one 8-bottom Cox-shut plow; one oil tank and wagon; one 23 H. P. Advance engine; ona large saw mill: one Minneapolis sep­arator. C. F. Hickman, Hillock, Minn.

FOR SALE—CHEAP—LARGE BARN back of . Sanitary Milk Building. There is a lot of good material In It for anyone going to build. See it and make us an offer. Larry O'Connor.

FOR SALE—GOOD SEASONED JACK Pine. body cord wood; several car loads. O. B. Lovegreen, R. 1, Bern-ldjl, Minn.

DRESSED PIGS FOR SALE; 9 CENTS pound; weigh from 136 to 160 lbs. Call 82-111 TP. S.

FOR SALE—DRY CORDWOOD: $6.00 er cord. M. L. Enright N. W.

ione 688. per Pho

BACK BAR AND SHOW CASE. A. B. Karnes, East Grand Forks.




Grand Forks. N. D.


Music for all occasions; dance work a specialty. Phone T-S. 10M-J.


Dr. MacDonald now for rent; best lo­cality in the city. Over Dakota Phar-

__magj^_Inqufre O. Young.


Office over Wolf's. Phones 682. Res. $61.

DRS. ORR AND MAY SANDERS. Suit 806. - Security Block.

Both Phones 642. Grand Forks.


A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ALL MOD-ern but heat. Call 655-J Trl-State.

MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT ON UNI-verslty ave. Inquire J. D. Bacon. -

COZY 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE for rent. Call 338-L Tri-State.

FLAT FOR RENT—4 ROOMS, at Gillespie's Flyless Store.


ONE 4-ROOM FLAT AND TWO 2-ROOM flats at Gotzlan block.



N. W.



1116 International avenue for sale cheap; cash or on easy terms. Ad-dress 46 Herald.


ing; lowest prices; best service. Lion Drug Store. 26 So. 3rd.

HAVE YOUR KODAK FINISHING done at the Wfclker Studio, 117 N. 3rd.


Alway's Laundry. 194-L T-S. 422 S. 3rd

LIVE STOCK • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • •

• FOR SALE—A FINE LOT OF • " Improved Chester White hogs of * * April farrow. $26 with peal- * * gree. W. J. Hewitt, Minto, • • N. D. •

• ••••••••••••••••a*

FOUR REGISTERED DUROC JERSEY boars, 2 non-registered ones for sale at reduced price on account of the late season. Write or wire J. D. Ba­con, Grand Forks, N. Dak.

DUROC JERSEY BOARS AND GILTS tor sale, sired by "Hillside King:"

Srst prise boar at North Dakota state air. Fred Bye. Gilby. N.Dak.

DRS. HEALY. LAW & WOUTAT Physicians and Surgeons.

Office, Scan-Amer. Bank Bldg.


TEACHER, HOLDING FIRST GRADE certificate, desires position; have had four years experience: with to begin work about Jan. 1. Address 60 Her­ald.

AN ELDERLY LADY WANTS Posi­tion as housekeeper on farm or in city. Address Mrs. M. A. Anderson, lid No., 7th *t„. Grand Forks, N. D-

WANTED—POSITION AS JANITOR or stationary fireman; wall experienc­ed; handy with tools. Address 61 Herald.

JOB AS JANIT9P: OR PORTER. AD-dress 64 Herald.

GIRL WA; SUte 48


STORAGE Household Good#

Panovlta Furnll Parked and Stored.


handling heavy freight, household goods, pianos, safes, drayage. Large storage warehouse in connection. Phone N. W. $37. T-8. 887-L.

CALL THE OLD RELIABLE JEFF'S transfer Co., 3$ either phone if you want the best; nothing too large or too small for us to handle safely; 76c per hour cash.


hand cash register; give full descrip­tion. Box 62, Grafton, N. D.

WANTED—CIGAR SHOW CASE FOUR feet loni ' ~~ Frederic: feet long. Address A. B. Clair, Hotel

" "ck,

WANTED—A GOOD SECOND HAND-ed safe. Address 49 Herald.

The Markets * Market Quotations * • • • * » * * •

and (MP Furnished by ObM. E, Lewli A Co.. Security BnlMiiut. Grand Forltn. V D.


Open 1.22 1.181 • « . .

High .....1.24 1.20| 1.191 Low 1.21} 1.18} 1.171 Close 1.24 1.20} 1.191

MAY WHEAT. Chi. Minn. Dul.

Open .....1.231 1.18} 1.19 High 1.21| Low 1.22J 1.18} 1.19 Close 1.24J 1.21} 1.211

JULY WHEAT. Chi. Minn. Dul.

Open 1.14J-J 1.19} .... High 1.151 1.20} .... Low .... Close .....1.15} 1.20} 1.221

ST. LOUIS. Dec. May. July.

Close 1.16} 1.21} 1.12b

KANSAS CITY. Dec. May. July.

Close 1.12 1.16}b 1.08}

Close ..,

Open Close

NEW YORK. Dec. May.

,.1.31 1.33 July.


flat furnished: N. W. 1812. Geo Don­ovan.

TWO STUDENTS WANT BOARD AND room in south end. Address 62 Herald.

DR. A. F. BRATRUD ~ 1 Surgeon.

Both Phonea 141, 4/IV A. r. SIVA J. X* «J U Physician ft Surgeon.

Platky Bldg. "


Ear, Eye, Nose and'Throat lock. Over Lion Drug Store.

DRS. EKERN * MARSDEN. Specialists.

Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. S. A. Bank Bldg. Grand Forks.

DR. J. O. ARNEBBRG. SPECIALIST Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat

Over China Hall, Grand Forks, N. D.

DR. A. A. WESTERN, SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat

Wldlund Bldg., Grand Forka.

DR. C. S. CRANE, SPECIALIST. Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Over Trepanier Pharmacy.

DR. JOHN D. TAYLOR. Physician and Surgeon.

Office Oyer First National Bank.


Been. Photographer. 224 South Third St



Grand Forks, in District Court, First Judioial District.

John R. Johnson and Wm. A. Johnson, co-partner» as Johnson Bros., Plain­tiffs, vs. George Perry, as Admlnls trator and Hilda Perry and Henri Carlson, heirs at law of the Estate of

Henry :ate or

deceased, Defend

EXPERT PIANO TUNER, TUNING for the best musical talent in the olty. Ask for references. Player-piano re­pairing guaranteed for: one year. R. M. Schoen, T.-S. 768S. N. W. 1746J.

FOR FIRST CLASS PIANO TUNING and regulating leave orders at O. Young Piano and Muslo Store. E. M. Mathews.

Hannah Carlson, ants.

SUMMONS. The State of North Dakota to the Above-

Named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer

the complaint In this action, and to serve a oopy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, ex­clusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or an­swer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint.

FRANK B. FEETHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff, First National

Bank Bldg., Grand Forks, N. Dak.


The defendants above named will please take notice that the summons and verified complaint In the above en­titled action were flled in the office of the Clerk of the District Court above named, at the Court House In the City of Grand Forks, state of North Dakota, on the first day of December, 1916, and are now on file and of record therein.

FRANK B. FEETHAM, Attorney for Plaintiffs

(Dec. 21-28, 1916. Jan. 4-11-18-25, 1916)


by shipping them to The Redlck Hide and Fur Co., Grand Forks. Send for price list. ta*s. ftr. Sent free.


furnished front room; strictly mod­ern; private bath. 914 Belmont ave.; N. W. Phone 1002.

FOR RENT—2 LARGE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; also front room in all modern house. 1316 University avenue.

STEAM HEATED ROOMS BY THE day. Week or month at all prices. Brunswick hotel, 103 DeMers Ave.

WILD ROSE YORKSHIRES—Some rib­bon winners in both kinds of young stock; they're dandles. A. Ray Sherrltt.

NATIONAL DUROC JER8EY HOGS for sale; 86 gilts; 20 boars; all full bloods. J. J. Heffern. Ardoch. N. Dak.

FOR SALE — REGISTERED HOL-steln bull, 12 months for $60.00. M. L. Enright, B. Grand Forka, Minn.

FOR SALE—ONE FULL BLOOD POL-and China boar. Inquire of Owen La-velle, Tri-State 36-111.

POLAND CHINA MALE PIGS FOR sale: weight 200 lbs. Bert Spalnhow-er, Larlmore, N. D.

CHOICE DUROC JERSEY BOARS from my prize winning herd. 'John Kenmir, Bmerado.

FOR SALE—SHORTHORN BULL 2% years old. John Morin, Forest River, if. D.

4-YEAR-OLD CLYDESDALE STAL-liOn for sale. Address E7 «erald.

FRESH MILK COW FOR SALE. CALL 33, call 221, Trl-State.



on first class city property, worth $6,000. Address 44 Herald.


lyn Setter pup; liver and white; female dog; tall rather long. Return to Pal­ace Livery barn for liberal reward.

LOST—20 DOLLAR BILL AND TWO fives between F. & M. Bank and 411 Belmont ave. Finder return to Her­ald for reward.

LOST—POCKETBOOK CONTAINING money on DeMers or Third street Re­turn to Herald for reward.

LOST—SMALL POCKET BOOK CON-t&ining door key and atnall change. Return to Herald office for' reward.

LOST—TEN DOLLAR BILL IN 10c atore. Notify Mrs. Roy Brownt Man-vel, N. D., for reward.

FOUND—Li O. A. Webster.



178, Willmar Addition, $80. A Perry NeUon, Fargo^, N. D, , ^

8 ROOM SUITE FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keeping: modern house. 1204 Univ. Ave.; 906-J N. W.

2 NICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room;_all modern. 1808 University ave. T-S. 914-J.

STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Grand Forks.—In County Court; Beforo Hon. L. K. Hassell, Judge.

In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Pascoe, Deceased.

John Andrus and T. F. McMillan, Peti­tioners, vs. Mary Pascoe, Mary Wet-more, Arthur Wetmore, Hugh Wet-more, John Bridston as County Treas­urer and all other persons Interested, Respondents.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given by the under­

signed John Andrus and T. F. McMillan, Executors of the Last Will and Estate of Thomas Pascoe, late of the village of Thompson. In the County of Grand Forks, and State of North Dakota., de­ceased, to the creditors of, and all per­sons having claims against, said dece­dent to exhibit them with the neces­sary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said Executors at their office in the village of Thompson, in said Grand Forks County, North Dakota.

Dated Dec. 17th, 1916. JOHN ANDRUS, T. F. MCMILLAN,

Executors. First publication on the 21st day of

Dec., 1916. S. Lemmloh,

Attorney for Executors, Thompson, N. Dak.

(Dec. 21-28. Jan. 4-11.)

ROOMS. CENTRAL HOTEL $1 WEEK Lizzie N. White. Prop, and Owner.

TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. Call East' 64 T-S.

FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms downstairs. 824 So. 3rd St.

DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 400 North^ Sixth St

FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 315 H Kittson.


NEWLY FURNISHED- ROOMS FOR rent. 102 Chestnut.

WELL floor.








SHOE REPAIRING The Shoe Hospital—Largest and most complete thOe Shop in Grand Forks; par­cel post paid one way; repairing while you wait J. Solland basement 814 D'Mera N. KAMPLIN, SHOE REPAIR SHOP.

Repairs done quickly and well. Parcel post paid one way. 318 Kittson Ave.

SEWING MACHINES. COME IN AND BUY YOUfe LITTLE . gin a real sewing machine for a

Christmas present. Price. $$.00. Singer ... . _ . .. Sewing Machine Co. D.

toand Forks, N.

THE MOST «m is • -

USEFUL Singer Sewing

operated at No. 11 South Singer SeWlng Machine Co.

GOOD SECOND HAND SEWING ifA. ohlnaa. Prioe $6.00 to $10,00. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Grand Forks, N. D.


help with chorea; IU • month after April lot; SeiuidHifcMftn; tin It; use

»Auor ^tohfwpp. ,r Addnw ,61 Herald. .»

Notice of Bxplratlon of Period of Bedemption.

Laws 1901—Chap. 166 To the Executor or Administrator of the

Estate of Anton Melgard, Deceased, or Any Person Interested In His Estate: Take notice that Tax Sale Certificate

No. -44196 and -issued upon the Tax Sale December 10th, 1912, of the following described land, vis: Bouth half of lot four (4) and all of Lot six (6) in Block 24, MeCormlck's Addition to the City of Grand Forks, In the County of Grand Forks and State of North Dakota, for the taxes of the year 1811 on said land has been presented at this office and application made' for deed thereon; that said land was sold on said sale for $22.81, and the amount required to re­deem said land from said sale at the date hereof exclusive of the costs to accrue upon this notice Is the sum of $108.44; and that the time for redemp­tion froi^i said sale will expire ninety days after the aervioe of this notice.

Witness my hand and seal of office at Grand Forks, N. D., this 17th day of December, 1916. (Seal) HANS ANDERSON, County Auditor, Grand Forks County,

N D. (Dec. 21-28. Jan. 4.)

STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Grand Forks, ss.—-In County Court

In the Matter of the Estate of Ole O. Paul*nesa, Deceased.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given by Christ Han­

son, Administrator of the estate of Ole O. PaulsnesS, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, with the^ necessary vouchers, to the Mid

, at Grand Ftorka, N. D., Christ Hanson, within four months after the first pub­lication of this notice.

Dated Deoember 18th, A. D. 1916. CHRIST HANSON,

Administrator. First publication Dec. 21, 1§16.

(Dec. 21-28. Jan. 4-11.)

BOTIOa TOB BED*. The State Normal School at Ml not

wishes to receive bids for boarding house groceme* and other supplies for the period from January lot, 1916 to June 80th, 1916. Specifications and lists can be obtained at the office of Presi­dent A. G. Crane, Minot North Dakota. The institution reserves the right to re­ject any or all bids. Bids will be re­ceived on or before December $lat at the office of the president in Minot, North Dakota.

. (Deo. 18-ti-2t$.) BTATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of

Grand Forks, ss.—-In County Court, In the Matter Of the Estate of Ole O.

'KjorVeatad, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.

Notice Is hereby given by Gunhild KJorvestad, the teetamHjtary admlnls-tmtrMt of the estateofOle O KJorvte-stad, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having clalma against Mid

WINNIPEG. Nov. Dec. May.

1.14) 1.174 .... 1.17J 1.19*—S

CHICAGO CORN. Dec. May. July.

Open . ... .69J-I .73}—73 .738 High . ... .70} .74-} • 74}

• 72i Close . ... .701 .74 .74}

CHICAGO OATS. Dee. May. July.

Open . ... .411 .45}-} • • « «

High . ... .42} .45S—J e e • e

Low • • 41|-} .44? • • e

Close . ... .42| .45g • . . e

CHICAGO PORK. Oct. Dec. Jan. May.

Open 18.70 High 18,66 18.70 Low 18.32 18.50 Close 18.32 18.60

MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT. May—Puts $1,181 calls 1.24J.


. . » 1 23g No. 1 northern ... . . 1 20}@1 .21) Choice . . . 1 • 22g


Choice arrive . . . 1 .228 Regular arrive ... . . 1 • 19}@1 .20} No. 2 northern . . . 1 • 16}@1 .188 No. 2 hard Mont .. .. 1 16} Arrive . . 1 16} No. 3 northern ... . . 1 09}@1 .15} No. 1 durum . . 1 . 16} @ 1 .18} Arrive .. 1 .16}

.12}@1 .15} No. 3 yellow corn . .. .72 @ .73


.68 Other grades ,, .40 @ .71 No. 3 white oats .. ., .40 @ .40}

.40} .40}

No. 4 white oats ... .. .88}® .89} Barley .56 @ .61} Barley, fancy .61}® .63 Flax . . 2 • 08}@2 .11} Arrive .. . 2 .09}@2 .11} Rye . . .89 ® .91 Arrive . . .89 @ .90


No. 1 hard No. 1 northern ... No. 2 northern ... Oats, cash Rye Barley No. 1 durum No. 2 durum Deo. durum May durum Flax, cash on track

.*1 .

. 1.

. 1.

208 191 15 8 C 1.161

• 40i .90 .63


.55 • 18i .141 .19 • 20| • [email protected]>


Open Close

DTJLUTH FLAX. Nov. Dec. May.' •

2.16 2.10b 2.16}

SHIFTING OF CHARGES. A barrister with a long experience

of queer juries in the mining regions of Pennsylvania tells the following amuBing story as illustrating their ec­centricities:

A man was charged with commit­ting a murderous assault UDOn an­other as a result of some political difference.

The assault having been committed at night, there appeared to be some difficulty in identifying the assailant, and, as a matter of fact, the counsel for the defense made out an excellent cajse for the prisoner, calling witnesses to testify that he was nowhere near the spot where the assault took place on the night in question.

Everybody concerned fully expected that the jury would bring In a verdict of acquittal, yet, to the general as­tonishment the foreman announced that the prisoner had been found guil­ty. "But," he added, observing the general consternation created by his statement, "not guilty of this assault, yer honor. This Is the spalpeen who stole Biddy McCarthy's pig last year, and we found him guilty of that."— Chicago Newi.

FRANCE. All praise and honor to beloved

France, She who In this, the fiercest war of

Stands unimpeachable and wears no scars

Of shame and execration. Her ad­vance

In like a knight's of chivalrous ro­mance,

Wlio will not stoop to anything that mars

His fair escutcheon, but foul meas­ures bars.

And in fair fight alone will use his lance.

France seeks but victory with honor, and

Spurns all inducements for nefar­ious gain.

She knows there's something high­er than to attain

Advantage o'er a foe, and that's to stand

Upon the nobler human feelings based,

And scorn to win by methods vile, dlstraoed.

—Peter Tandel.

nths after the first publlca-t* nottofc

deceased, to present them, with the ne­cessary vouchers, to the said Guihild ftjorvsatad.at Mr horn*. Bex. 66, R. F. fXt Route No. 1, Thompson, N. D., with-lnsi*f n»i '* " ' " " 1 Dated November 27th, A. D. ins.

GUNHILD KJORVESTAD, Testamentary Administratrix., Estate of

Ole O. KJorvestad. Deceased.

^^ATTOWIEY ^FTR* A&M!HI*TF*TRT*. First publication Nov. $0, ltlt, -- -

<Nov. 10. Deo. 7.14-21.) ^ ^


Minneapolis, Dec. 21.—December wheat Qioaed 8 l-4c higher, May wheat 2 7-8c higher.

The wheat market has steadily ad­vanced again today with final figures at the high marks of the day. There was a sharp break during the day but the market quickly turned strong and regained all of the loss and sold up into new high ground.

Liverpool cables came from 1-to Sd higher. The world's visible supply of wheat according to Bradstreets fig­ures showed an increase of 16,892,000 bushels for the past week.

Total world's visible is now 222,-625.000 bushels compared with 207,• 858,000 bushels a year ago.

SOUTH ST. PAUL STOCK MARKETS South St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 21.—

Hog receipts 4,500; weak to 5c lower, range $6.75 @6.26; bulk of sales $< @6.10.

Cattle receipts 2,500; killers weak to 15c lower; steers [email protected]; cows and heifers $4.25@6; calves 50c low­er, [email protected]; stockers and feeders steady to slow, $4 @6.75.

Sheep receipts 1,000; steady; lambs [email protected]; wethers [email protected]; ewes $3.50@6.



Today, year Ago. Wheat 582 828 Corn 432 1,184: Flax . .. 289 44S

WINNIPEG. Today. Yi-ar Ago.

Wheat v:2S5 l,37S

DTJLUTH. Today. Tear Ago.

Wheat 446 151 Flax 29 42

DULUTH STOCKS. Wheat Increased 493,000 bushels]

durum increased 134,000 bushels.

LIVERPOOL. Wheat 1 to 3d higher; corn 1-2 to

Id higher.

* Grand Porks Markets * • • * * * * * * * * * • * • * • • Wheat.

No. 1 northern $1.04 No. 2 1.00 No. 3 .• 94 No. 4 84 Rejected 8i No grade 75

Durum. No. 1 98 No. 2 94 No. 3 90 No. 4 85 Rejected 83 No grade 73

Barley. C 47 D 46 E 44 .F 43

Rye. No. 2 11 No. 3 74

Oats. No. 3 SO No. 4 80 No. 3 mixed 26

Flax. No. 1 $1 .94 No. 2 1.89 Rejected i.6g No grade 1.4$

DIDN'T KNOW YOUNG WOMAN. A story is tola of an American trav­

eling In France. While in Paris he went into a jew­

eler's shop and asked the price of a. pin on the counter. He was told it was 20 francs.

"That's too much," said the tour­ist; "it's a present for my sister. I'll give you 5 francs for it."

"Zen it would be I zat gave ze pres­ent to your sister," said the French­man, with a deprecatory shrug, "and I know not ze young mademoiselle." —Chicago Herald.

Ship Your Grain to

Chas E. Lewis & Co. OnUn Oommlssloo and Stock Brok­

ers. Members All Itrailing Exchangee.


Board at Trade Bldg.. Dnlnth,

Bleck, Orsad Porks, N. D. ADOLPH ILMTADt Mgr.

Far Qutok «ni Sfttltfaotary K*tom

HIDES Qnmd'°Fort[» PIIBA Hide ft Fur Co. FURS

•hipping Tags sad Mess on —••el.

HIDES For highest market prices for hides, furs ' and sheep pelts write or- call

GINSBERG BROS. Ml 1st Ave. O-wd Vorks. M. B.

Hsu MU *. W.

MONEY TO LOAN tn Minnesota aad North Dakota it

lowset rate of interest with privilege of payhsc any time and htwm on amount paid. Beth lataMt prfdpai ftjnM* vt tmu est town. ACMIS vutti

M. «\ MDirn,






ii Flnanolal Corresposd—> fir Dales

Central Un las. Oa 'M


lir%. ii ^ ^ ,2,"?!«
