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TA ING OFF TO TAKE ON NEW CHALLENGES With the inauguration of New ISLAMABAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT INAUGURATION OF NEW ISLAMABAD AIRPORT GOOD REGULATORY PRACTICES IMS STANDARDS IN PAKISTAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY KEY TERMS USED FOR UNMANNED AVIATION corsia News & Snippets BULLETIN PAKISTAN CAA -- ICAO From Editor’s Desk Dear Colleagues, This issue covers about the New Green Field Islamabad Interna�onal Airport which is planned to be inaugurated soon by the Prime Minister of Pakistan and will be made opera�onal on 3 rd May 2018 as one of Asia's major avia�on hubs and a des�na�on in itself. The New Airport is equipped with cu�ng edge technologies of 21 st century with state-of-the-art facili�es for passengers. This Bulle�n also covers the journey of PCAA towards its recer�fica�on under QMS 9001:2015 together with its benefits. Readers are also apprised on the principles outlined by ICAO on "Good Regulatory Prac�ces", encouraging the States to adopt them in their regulatory prac�ces. The Bulle�n also highlights the Work Plan for Regulatory Authori�es, as outlined by ICAO for CORSIA (Carbon Offse�ng and Reduc�on Scheme for Interna�onal Avia�on), which has to be followed by PCAA in its true le�er and spirit. Lastly, with up-coming challenge of developing regula�ons on Unmanned Avia�on, ICAO has forwarded the Key Terms to be used to ensure consistency in terminology. The Bulle�n is also accessible on PCAA web site. (www.caapakistan.com.pk>useful links>ICAO Bulle�n). We are open to sugges�ons and would always appreciate your feedback. Pub. No. 18/02 - April-June 2018
Page 1: PAKISTAN CAA ˜˜ ICAO BULLETIN (Apr... · 2018. 4. 27. · KEY TERMS USED FOR UNMANNED AVIATION corsia News & Snippets BULLETIN PAKISTAN CAA ˜˜ ICAO ... A three week ‘Flight




From Editor’s DeskDear Colleagues,

This issue covers about the New Green Field Islamabad Interna�onal Airport which is planned to be inaugurated soon by the Prime Minister of Pakistan and will be made opera�onal on 3rd May 2018 as one of Asia's major avia�on hubs and a des�na�on in itself. The New Airport is equipped with cu�ng edge technologies of 21st century with state-of-the-art facili�es for passengers. This Bulle�n also covers the journey of PCAA towards its recer�fica�on under QMS 9001:2015 together with its benefits. Readers are also apprised on the principles outlined by ICAO on "Good Regulatory Prac�ces", encouraging the States to adopt them in their regulatory prac�ces. The Bulle�n also highlights the Work Plan for Regulatory Authori�es, as outlined by ICAO for CORSIA (Carbon Offse�ng and Reduc�on Scheme for Interna�onal Avia�on), which has to be followed by PCAA in its true le�er and spirit. Lastly, with up-coming challenge of developing regula�ons on Unmanned Avia�on, ICAO has forwarded the Key Terms to be used to ensure consistency in terminology.

The Bulle�n is also accessible on PCAA web site. (www.caapakistan.com.pk>useful links>ICAO Bulle�n). We are open to sugges�ons and would always appreciate your feedback.

Pub. No. 18/02 - April-June 2018

Page 2: PAKISTAN CAA ˜˜ ICAO BULLETIN (Apr... · 2018. 4. 27. · KEY TERMS USED FOR UNMANNED AVIATION corsia News & Snippets BULLETIN PAKISTAN CAA ˜˜ ICAO ... A three week ‘Flight



Since many States do not yet have the regula�ons for Unmanned Avia�on in place, therefore, to support consistent terminology, the Key Terms to be used are as follows:

UNMANNED AIRCRAFT (UA) Unmanned Aircra� (UA) operate as part of an Unmanned Aircra� System (UAS) which also includes a Remote Pilot Sta�on (RPS), a C2 Link for control and management, and other necessary components.

UA includes a broad spectrum of aircra�, from drones, unmanned free balloons, and model aircra�, to highly complex Remotely Piloted Aircra� (RPA) operated by licensed avia�on professionals.

REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT (RPA) RPAs are a subset of UA. A further subset of RPA is expected to be accommodated and ul�mately integrated into the airspace for Interna�onal, Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) opera�ons, which will require full regulatory cer�fica�on.

SMALL UA/DRONES Generally weighing less than 25 kg, this subset of smaller UAs is commonly referred to as drones.

UNMANNED FREE BALLOON This term describes non-power driven, unmanned, lighter-than-air aircra� in free flight.

MODEL AIRCRAFT This term describes small size unmanned aircra�, generally represen�ng a scaled down version of full size aircra� and used for recrea�onal purposes in the sport and pas�me of aeromodelling.

Source: ICAO Unmanned Aviation Bulletin - 2018/1------------------------------

News & Snippets Islamabad Interna�onal Airport, the first Greenfield Airport of Pakistan will be inaugurated soon by Prime Minister of Pakistan and will be made opera�onal on 3rd May 2018.

COSCAP Steering Commi�ee Mee�ng is planned to be held in Pakistan in the last quarter of 2018.

A three week ‘Flight Ops Inspectors Course’ was conducted from 26th to 13th April, 2018 in HQCAA from the pla�orm of COSCAP-SA, by ICAO-COSCAP Instructor Capt. Gabriel Ascenzo.

02 Pakistan CAA - ICAO Bulletin, April - June 2018

been ini�ated. In April 2018, a Transi�on Audit has commenced throughout cer�fied loca�ons of PCAA. Upon comple�on of the Internal Audit, External Audit shall be conducted and PCAA will be recer�fied on QMS 9001:2015 version. The major benefits expected out of transi�on are:

• Focus on the interac�on of organiza�on with its internal and external environment to determine the interested par�es, their requirements, risks & opportuni�es and ac�on to mi�gate the an�cipated risks in a structured manner.• Greater emphasis on leadership engagement.• Comprehensive focus on supply chain management.• Composi�on of a knowledge-based organiza�on with competent manpower.

Islamabad Interna�onal Airport being first green field airport developed by PCAA; it was a test case for SQMS Directorate to iden�fy the latent hazards. SQMS Directorate conducted SMS and OHSAS Risk Assessments at IIAP and significant working has been done to iden�fy the risks and suggest the mi�ga�ve ac�ons.

In coming months, SQMS Directorate intends to take up phased implementa�on of Occupa�onal Health & Safety, Environmental Management System, Energy Management System and Informa�on Security Management Systems in PCAA. Basic framework has been established and execu�on strategy has been prepared in this regard.

Contributed by SQMS Directorate---------------------

Good Regulatory PracticesAt the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly, there was a general support expressed in favour of “Smart Regula�on” approach, advocated by the Interna�onal Air Transport Associa�on (IATA), which encouraged States to adopt this approach in their regulatory prac�ces. The principles of this "good regulatory prac�ces" approach are currently under review by ICAO within the context of its ‘No Country Le� Behind’ (NCLB) ini�a�ve.

Policy Design Principles• Consistency and Coherence – Regula�ons should be consistent with exis�ng (and planned) rules and prac�ces that are applicable to regulated ac�vi�es so that there are no overlaps and contradic�ons (na�onally or interna�onally). They should also be predictable and applied with clear oversight responsibility and without discrimina�on against those being regulated. • Proportionality – Regula�ons should be used only when their necessity is demonstrated and should be propor�onate to the problems iden�fied so that the costs of compliance are minimized by pursuing the most cost-effec�ve solu�on. • Targeted at risk – Regula�ons should have specific and well-defined objec�ves that respond directly to the

problems iden�fied. Whenever appropriate, flexibility should be given to those being regulated to meet defined objec�ves. • Fair and non-distortive – Regula�ons should be applied fairly and not create discriminatory burdens on any group in par�cular. • Clarity and Certainty – Audiences subject to regulatory compliance need to clearly know the regula�ons that will apply, what is expected of them, and have sufficient �me to be able to comply with new requirements.

Process Principles • The objec�ve of the regula�on should be iden�fied based on sound evidence and available alterna�ves; and should be considered to select the most appropriate solu�on. • There should be an assessment of the impacts from the regula�on prior to implementa�on; and should be regularly monitored.• The dra�ing of the regula�on should involve those who are poten�ally affected; the decision making process should be transparent and objec�ve. • The process of developing the regula�on should allow for regular and systema�c review (and subsequent modifica�on, if needed) to ensure that the regula�on is s�ll appropriate. • There should be clear procedures to respond to adjudica�ons and appeals and to revise the regula�on if necessary.

Adopted from ICAO---------------------

CORSIA In 2016 CORSIA (Carbon Offse�ng and Reduc�on Scheme for Interna�onal Avia�on) was launched at the 39th ICAO Assembly to address the annual increase in CO2 emissions from Interna�onal Civil Avia�on and agreed upon by 191 member states. It is a global market-based measure (MBM) created with the aim of achieving the avia�on industry's aspira�onal goal of capping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at 2020 levels, delivering “carbon neutral growth from 2020”. The Work Plan for Regulatory Authori�es as outlined by ICAO is as follows:



Islamabad Interna�onal Airport is planned to be inaugurated soon by Prime Minister of Pakistan and will be made opera�onal on 3rd May 2018.

The airport is the first Greenfield, State of the art airport in Pakistan and second largest in South Asia.

The airport has four level passenger terminal building, two runways, taxiways, apron, parking bays for wide-body aircra�. It is fully equipped to handle all types of aircra�s including the new genera�on aircra� such as the Airbus A380, Boeing 747-8 and Airbus A350 XWB aircra�.

The allo�ed code of the Airport is "OPIS", effec�ve from June 22, 2017. The ISB IATA code will be transferred over from Benazir Bhu�o Interna�onal Airport upon the opening of the Islamabad Interna�onal Airport.

The Terminal Building is specifically designed to facilitate passengers and is fully computerized with integrated systems of Interna�onal Standards. Further planned expansions will allow it to serve up to 25 million passengers every year by 2025.

The airport is also equipped with the latest facili�es like 15 Contact Bays/Passenger Boarding Bridges including 9 Interna�onal, 5 domes�c and 1 swing gate. 13 Remote parking Bays for aircra� including 9 Interna�onal and 4 domes�c with 3 addi�onal parking stands at the Cargo Apron and 2 parking stands at State Lounge Apron for travelling passengers, state guests and other stakeholders. There are 30 Immigra�ons counters in Interna�onal Departure and 40 Immigra�on Counters in Interna�onal arrival.

The Air Traffic Control Tower, standing at approximately 39

meters is one of the tallest ATC towers in the world.

Islamabad Interna�onal Airport has Integrated Building Management System which is designed to keep track of and control the various systems in the Passenger Terminal Building.

The main car parking area for passengers has a capacity of 2200 vehicles.

Airport is equipped with the latest security related facili�es which includes Security Management Informa�on System, Closed Circuit TV and Access Control System.

The successful comple�on of Islamabad Interna�onal Airport reflects the ability of Pakistan Civil Avia�on Authority to build a world-class airport which has become the pride of the country.

Condensed from Article by IIAP Project



AUTHORITYStandardiza�on always results in efficiency and cost effec�veness. In the era, when the whole world is moving towards standardiza�on, efficiency, customer focus and cost effec�veness, PCAA embarked its journey towards acquiring Interna�onal Management System Standards in 2008. Directorate of SQMS was established to ins�tu�onalize the requirements of Management System Standards (MSSs). Over the period of �me mul�ple organiza�onal standardized prac�ces were established and implemented in CAA, which resulted in a refined system of documenta�on, management reviews and internal audi�ng leading to a profound performance evalua�on system. In 2015 and 2016 PCAA got its 4 major airports, CATI and HQCAA cer�fied on QMS 9001:2008. Presently, PCAA is an ISO cer�fied organiza�on.

Upon transi�on of Quality Management System Standard QMS from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015 by ISO, SQMS Directorate took measures required for this transi�on. Major requirements were earmarked and required ac�ons have

An aerial view of airside of New Islamabad International Airport

An aesthetic view of inside of Passenger Terminal Building

Stunning view of artistically designed passenger and eco friendly New Islamabad Airport

Page 3: PAKISTAN CAA ˜˜ ICAO BULLETIN (Apr... · 2018. 4. 27. · KEY TERMS USED FOR UNMANNED AVIATION corsia News & Snippets BULLETIN PAKISTAN CAA ˜˜ ICAO ... A three week ‘Flight



Since many States do not yet have the regula�ons for Unmanned Avia�on in place, therefore, to support consistent terminology, the Key Terms to be used are as follows:

UNMANNED AIRCRAFT (UA) Unmanned Aircra� (UA) operate as part of an Unmanned Aircra� System (UAS) which also includes a Remote Pilot Sta�on (RPS), a C2 Link for control and management, and other necessary components.

UA includes a broad spectrum of aircra�, from drones, unmanned free balloons, and model aircra�, to highly complex Remotely Piloted Aircra� (RPA) operated by licensed avia�on professionals.

REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT (RPA) RPAs are a subset of UA. A further subset of RPA is expected to be accommodated and ul�mately integrated into the airspace for Interna�onal, Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) opera�ons, which will require full regulatory cer�fica�on.

SMALL UA/DRONES Generally weighing less than 25 kg, this subset of smaller UAs is commonly referred to as drones.

UNMANNED FREE BALLOON This term describes non-power driven, unmanned, lighter-than-air aircra� in free flight.

MODEL AIRCRAFT This term describes small size unmanned aircra�, generally represen�ng a scaled down version of full size aircra� and used for recrea�onal purposes in the sport and pas�me of aeromodelling.

Source: ICAO Unmanned Aviation Bulletin - 2018/1------------------------------

News & Snippets Islamabad Interna�onal Airport, the first Greenfield Airport of Pakistan will be inaugurated soon by Prime Minister of Pakistan and will be made opera�onal on 3rd May 2018.

COSCAP Steering Commi�ee Mee�ng is planned to be held in Pakistan in the last quarter of 2018.

A three week ‘Flight Ops Inspectors Course’ was conducted from 26th to 13th April, 2018 in HQCAA from the pla�orm of COSCAP-SA, by ICAO-COSCAP Instructor Capt. Gabriel Ascenzo.

03Pakistan CAA - ICAO Bulletin, April - June 2018

been ini�ated. In April 2018, a Transi�on Audit has commenced throughout cer�fied loca�ons of PCAA. Upon comple�on of the Internal Audit, External Audit shall be conducted and PCAA will be recer�fied on QMS 9001:2015 version. The major benefits expected out of transi�on are:

• Focus on the interac�on of organiza�on with its internal and external environment to determine the interested par�es, their requirements, risks & opportuni�es and ac�on to mi�gate the an�cipated risks in a structured manner.• Greater emphasis on leadership engagement.• Comprehensive focus on supply chain management.• Composi�on of a knowledge-based organiza�on with competent manpower.

Islamabad Interna�onal Airport being first green field airport developed by PCAA; it was a test case for SQMS Directorate to iden�fy the latent hazards. SQMS Directorate conducted SMS and OHSAS Risk Assessments at IIAP and significant working has been done to iden�fy the risks and suggest the mi�ga�ve ac�ons.

In coming months, SQMS Directorate intends to take up phased implementa�on of Occupa�onal Health & Safety, Environmental Management System, Energy Management System and Informa�on Security Management Systems in PCAA. Basic framework has been established and execu�on strategy has been prepared in this regard.

Contributed by SQMS Directorate---------------------

Good Regulatory PracticesAt the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly, there was a general support expressed in favour of “Smart Regula�on” approach, advocated by the Interna�onal Air Transport Associa�on (IATA), which encouraged States to adopt this approach in their regulatory prac�ces. The principles of this "good regulatory prac�ces" approach are currently under review by ICAO within the context of its ‘No Country Le� Behind’ (NCLB) ini�a�ve.

Policy Design Principles• Consistency and Coherence – Regula�ons should be consistent with exis�ng (and planned) rules and prac�ces that are applicable to regulated ac�vi�es so that there are no overlaps and contradic�ons (na�onally or interna�onally). They should also be predictable and applied with clear oversight responsibility and without discrimina�on against those being regulated. • Proportionality – Regula�ons should be used only when their necessity is demonstrated and should be propor�onate to the problems iden�fied so that the costs of compliance are minimized by pursuing the most cost-effec�ve solu�on. • Targeted at risk – Regula�ons should have specific and well-defined objec�ves that respond directly to the

problems iden�fied. Whenever appropriate, flexibility should be given to those being regulated to meet defined objec�ves. • Fair and non-distortive – Regula�ons should be applied fairly and not create discriminatory burdens on any group in par�cular. • Clarity and Certainty – Audiences subject to regulatory compliance need to clearly know the regula�ons that will apply, what is expected of them, and have sufficient �me to be able to comply with new requirements.

Process Principles • The objec�ve of the regula�on should be iden�fied based on sound evidence and available alterna�ves; and should be considered to select the most appropriate solu�on. • There should be an assessment of the impacts from the regula�on prior to implementa�on; and should be regularly monitored.• The dra�ing of the regula�on should involve those who are poten�ally affected; the decision making process should be transparent and objec�ve. • The process of developing the regula�on should allow for regular and systema�c review (and subsequent modifica�on, if needed) to ensure that the regula�on is s�ll appropriate. • There should be clear procedures to respond to adjudica�ons and appeals and to revise the regula�on if necessary.

Adopted from ICAO---------------------

CORSIA In 2016 CORSIA (Carbon Offse�ng and Reduc�on Scheme for Interna�onal Avia�on) was launched at the 39th ICAO Assembly to address the annual increase in CO2 emissions from Interna�onal Civil Avia�on and agreed upon by 191 member states. It is a global market-based measure (MBM) created with the aim of achieving the avia�on industry's aspira�onal goal of capping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at 2020 levels, delivering “carbon neutral growth from 2020”. The Work Plan for Regulatory Authori�es as outlined by ICAO is as follows:



Islamabad Interna�onal Airport is planned to be inaugurated soon by Prime Minister of Pakistan and will be made opera�onal on 3rd May 2018.

The airport is the first Greenfield, State of the art airport in Pakistan and second largest in South Asia.

The airport has four level passenger terminal building, two runways, taxiways, apron, parking bays for wide-body aircra�. It is fully equipped to handle all types of aircra�s including the new genera�on aircra� such as the Airbus A380, Boeing 747-8 and Airbus A350 XWB aircra�.

The allo�ed code of the Airport is "OPIS", effec�ve from June 22, 2017. The ISB IATA code will be transferred over from Benazir Bhu�o Interna�onal Airport upon the opening of the Islamabad Interna�onal Airport.

The Terminal Building is specifically designed to facilitate passengers and is fully computerized with integrated systems of Interna�onal Standards. Further planned expansions will allow it to serve up to 25 million passengers every year by 2025.

The airport is also equipped with the latest facili�es like 15 Contact Bays/Passenger Boarding Bridges including 9 Interna�onal, 5 domes�c and 1 swing gate. 13 Remote parking Bays for aircra� including 9 Interna�onal and 4 domes�c with 3 addi�onal parking stands at the Cargo Apron and 2 parking stands at State Lounge Apron for travelling passengers, state guests and other stakeholders. There are 30 Immigra�ons counters in Interna�onal Departure and 40 Immigra�on Counters in Interna�onal arrival.

The Air Traffic Control Tower, standing at approximately 39

meters is one of the tallest ATC towers in the world.

Islamabad Interna�onal Airport has Integrated Building Management System which is designed to keep track of and control the various systems in the Passenger Terminal Building.

The main car parking area for passengers has a capacity of 2200 vehicles.

Airport is equipped with the latest security related facili�es which includes Security Management Informa�on System, Closed Circuit TV and Access Control System.

The successful comple�on of Islamabad Interna�onal Airport reflects the ability of Pakistan Civil Avia�on Authority to build a world-class airport which has become the pride of the country.

Condensed from Article by IIAP Project



AUTHORITYStandardiza�on always results in efficiency and cost effec�veness. In the era, when the whole world is moving towards standardiza�on, efficiency, customer focus and cost effec�veness, PCAA embarked its journey towards acquiring Interna�onal Management System Standards in 2008. Directorate of SQMS was established to ins�tu�onalize the requirements of Management System Standards (MSSs). Over the period of �me mul�ple organiza�onal standardized prac�ces were established and implemented in CAA, which resulted in a refined system of documenta�on, management reviews and internal audi�ng leading to a profound performance evalua�on system. In 2015 and 2016 PCAA got its 4 major airports, CATI and HQCAA cer�fied on QMS 9001:2008. Presently, PCAA is an ISO cer�fied organiza�on.

Upon transi�on of Quality Management System Standard QMS from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015 by ISO, SQMS Directorate took measures required for this transi�on. Major requirements were earmarked and required ac�ons have

Time Line


Feb Designate a focal point Designate a focal point



CORSIA training and capacity building



Coordinate with focal points of aeroplane operators

Engage with focal point of Authority for requirements on CORSIA

Page 4: PAKISTAN CAA ˜˜ ICAO BULLETIN (Apr... · 2018. 4. 27. · KEY TERMS USED FOR UNMANNED AVIATION corsia News & Snippets BULLETIN PAKISTAN CAA ˜˜ ICAO ... A three week ‘Flight



Since many States do not yet have the regula�ons for Unmanned Avia�on in place, therefore, to support consistent terminology, the Key Terms to be used are as follows:

UNMANNED AIRCRAFT (UA) Unmanned Aircra� (UA) operate as part of an Unmanned Aircra� System (UAS) which also includes a Remote Pilot Sta�on (RPS), a C2 Link for control and management, and other necessary components.

UA includes a broad spectrum of aircra�, from drones, unmanned free balloons, and model aircra�, to highly complex Remotely Piloted Aircra� (RPA) operated by licensed avia�on professionals.

REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT (RPA) RPAs are a subset of UA. A further subset of RPA is expected to be accommodated and ul�mately integrated into the airspace for Interna�onal, Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) opera�ons, which will require full regulatory cer�fica�on.

SMALL UA/DRONES Generally weighing less than 25 kg, this subset of smaller UAs is commonly referred to as drones.

UNMANNED FREE BALLOON This term describes non-power driven, unmanned, lighter-than-air aircra� in free flight.

MODEL AIRCRAFT This term describes small size unmanned aircra�, generally represen�ng a scaled down version of full size aircra� and used for recrea�onal purposes in the sport and pas�me of aeromodelling.

Source: ICAO Unmanned Aviation Bulletin - 2018/1------------------------------

News & Snippets Islamabad Interna�onal Airport, the first Greenfield Airport of Pakistan will be inaugurated soon by Prime Minister of Pakistan and will be made opera�onal on 3rd May 2018.

COSCAP Steering Commi�ee Mee�ng is planned to be held in Pakistan in the last quarter of 2018.

A three week ‘Flight Ops Inspectors Course’ was conducted from 26th to 13th April, 2018 in HQCAA from the pla�orm of COSCAP-SA, by ICAO-COSCAP Instructor Capt. Gabriel Ascenzo.

PCAA ICAO Cell, Headquarters CAA, Terminal-1, JIAP, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +92-21-99249155 - Fax +92-21-99249156 - Email: [email protected]



d by


been ini�ated. In April 2018, a Transi�on Audit has commenced throughout cer�fied loca�ons of PCAA. Upon comple�on of the Internal Audit, External Audit shall be conducted and PCAA will be recer�fied on QMS 9001:2015 version. The major benefits expected out of transi�on are:

• Focus on the interac�on of organiza�on with its internal and external environment to determine the interested par�es, their requirements, risks & opportuni�es and ac�on to mi�gate the an�cipated risks in a structured manner.• Greater emphasis on leadership engagement.• Comprehensive focus on supply chain management.• Composi�on of a knowledge-based organiza�on with competent manpower.

Islamabad Interna�onal Airport being first green field airport developed by PCAA; it was a test case for SQMS Directorate to iden�fy the latent hazards. SQMS Directorate conducted SMS and OHSAS Risk Assessments at IIAP and significant working has been done to iden�fy the risks and suggest the mi�ga�ve ac�ons.

In coming months, SQMS Directorate intends to take up phased implementa�on of Occupa�onal Health & Safety, Environmental Management System, Energy Management System and Informa�on Security Management Systems in PCAA. Basic framework has been established and execu�on strategy has been prepared in this regard.

Contributed by SQMS Directorate---------------------

Good Regulatory PracticesAt the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly, there was a general support expressed in favour of “Smart Regula�on” approach, advocated by the Interna�onal Air Transport Associa�on (IATA), which encouraged States to adopt this approach in their regulatory prac�ces. The principles of this "good regulatory prac�ces" approach are currently under review by ICAO within the context of its ‘No Country Le� Behind’ (NCLB) ini�a�ve.

Policy Design Principles• Consistency and Coherence – Regula�ons should be consistent with exis�ng (and planned) rules and prac�ces that are applicable to regulated ac�vi�es so that there are no overlaps and contradic�ons (na�onally or interna�onally). They should also be predictable and applied with clear oversight responsibility and without discrimina�on against those being regulated. • Proportionality – Regula�ons should be used only when their necessity is demonstrated and should be propor�onate to the problems iden�fied so that the costs of compliance are minimized by pursuing the most cost-effec�ve solu�on. • Targeted at risk – Regula�ons should have specific and well-defined objec�ves that respond directly to the

problems iden�fied. Whenever appropriate, flexibility should be given to those being regulated to meet defined objec�ves. • Fair and non-distortive – Regula�ons should be applied fairly and not create discriminatory burdens on any group in par�cular. • Clarity and Certainty – Audiences subject to regulatory compliance need to clearly know the regula�ons that will apply, what is expected of them, and have sufficient �me to be able to comply with new requirements.

Process Principles • The objec�ve of the regula�on should be iden�fied based on sound evidence and available alterna�ves; and should be considered to select the most appropriate solu�on. • There should be an assessment of the impacts from the regula�on prior to implementa�on; and should be regularly monitored.• The dra�ing of the regula�on should involve those who are poten�ally affected; the decision making process should be transparent and objec�ve. • The process of developing the regula�on should allow for regular and systema�c review (and subsequent modifica�on, if needed) to ensure that the regula�on is s�ll appropriate. • There should be clear procedures to respond to adjudica�ons and appeals and to revise the regula�on if necessary.

Adopted from ICAO---------------------

CORSIA In 2016 CORSIA (Carbon Offse�ng and Reduc�on Scheme for Interna�onal Avia�on) was launched at the 39th ICAO Assembly to address the annual increase in CO2 emissions from Interna�onal Civil Avia�on and agreed upon by 191 member states. It is a global market-based measure (MBM) created with the aim of achieving the avia�on industry's aspira�onal goal of capping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at 2020 levels, delivering “carbon neutral growth from 2020”. The Work Plan for Regulatory Authori�es as outlined by ICAO is as follows:



Islamabad Interna�onal Airport is planned to be inaugurated soon by Prime Minister of Pakistan and will be made opera�onal on 3rd May 2018.

The airport is the first Greenfield, State of the art airport in Pakistan and second largest in South Asia.

The airport has four level passenger terminal building, two runways, taxiways, apron, parking bays for wide-body aircra�. It is fully equipped to handle all types of aircra�s including the new genera�on aircra� such as the Airbus A380, Boeing 747-8 and Airbus A350 XWB aircra�.

The allo�ed code of the Airport is "OPIS", effec�ve from June 22, 2017. The ISB IATA code will be transferred over from Benazir Bhu�o Interna�onal Airport upon the opening of the Islamabad Interna�onal Airport.

The Terminal Building is specifically designed to facilitate passengers and is fully computerized with integrated systems of Interna�onal Standards. Further planned expansions will allow it to serve up to 25 million passengers every year by 2025.

The airport is also equipped with the latest facili�es like 15 Contact Bays/Passenger Boarding Bridges including 9 Interna�onal, 5 domes�c and 1 swing gate. 13 Remote parking Bays for aircra� including 9 Interna�onal and 4 domes�c with 3 addi�onal parking stands at the Cargo Apron and 2 parking stands at State Lounge Apron for travelling passengers, state guests and other stakeholders. There are 30 Immigra�ons counters in Interna�onal Departure and 40 Immigra�on Counters in Interna�onal arrival.

The Air Traffic Control Tower, standing at approximately 39

meters is one of the tallest ATC towers in the world.

Islamabad Interna�onal Airport has Integrated Building Management System which is designed to keep track of and control the various systems in the Passenger Terminal Building.

The main car parking area for passengers has a capacity of 2200 vehicles.

Airport is equipped with the latest security related facili�es which includes Security Management Informa�on System, Closed Circuit TV and Access Control System.

The successful comple�on of Islamabad Interna�onal Airport reflects the ability of Pakistan Civil Avia�on Authority to build a world-class airport which has become the pride of the country.

Condensed from Article by IIAP Project



AUTHORITYStandardiza�on always results in efficiency and cost effec�veness. In the era, when the whole world is moving towards standardiza�on, efficiency, customer focus and cost effec�veness, PCAA embarked its journey towards acquiring Interna�onal Management System Standards in 2008. Directorate of SQMS was established to ins�tu�onalize the requirements of Management System Standards (MSSs). Over the period of �me mul�ple organiza�onal standardized prac�ces were established and implemented in CAA, which resulted in a refined system of documenta�on, management reviews and internal audi�ng leading to a profound performance evalua�on system. In 2015 and 2016 PCAA got its 4 major airports, CATI and HQCAA cer�fied on QMS 9001:2008. Presently, PCAA is an ISO cer�fied organiza�on.

Upon transi�on of Quality Management System Standard QMS from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015 by ISO, SQMS Directorate took measures required for this transi�on. Major requirements were earmarked and required ac�ons have

Editorial TeamNawaz Ahmed Sipra - Addi�onal Director PCAA ICAO CellTabassum Qureshi - Addi�onal Director SMS/SSPNayyar H. Faruqui - Consultant PCAA ICAO Cell

Time Line




Assess eligibility for Es�ma�on and Repor�ng for monitoring of CO2 emission

30 Sep

Submit an Emissions Monitoring Plan to Authority for approval (Rec)

30 Nov

Approve aeroplane operator’s Emissions Monitoring Plan (Rec)

Send a list of aeroplane operators a�ributed to ICAO

31 Dec

Obtain and use the ICAO document en�tled “CORSIA Aeroplane Operator to State A�ribu�ons”

Establish necessary na�onal regulatory framework






