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Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response

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  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Introduction Historical Evolution

    Where we stand - Time Series

    Where we stand - Cross Country

    Present scenario - SWOT Analysis





  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Despite its relative decline in formal economy in

    percentage terms, agriculture is still dominantsector in overall economic structure

    Pakistans survival and growth are directly

    dependent on its agriculture due to its socio-political interconnectedness and its economicand financial linkages-backward and forward

    Its performance still dictates all our macroindicators - GDP, Poverty, External Balance,Inflation etc


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    The total area of Pakistan is approximately 80 millionhectares out of which about 58 million hectares have beensurveyed so far

    The area under cultivation is 22 million hectares (38%) out ofwhich nearly 19 million hectares is irrigated; the rest is rain


    The area under forest is 4 million hectares (7%) and thebalance surveyed area 8 million hectares can be classified asthe cultivable waste

    Coupled with suitable climate and availability of fairly goodwater resources, agriculture has been the major activity forcenturies in this part of the world


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Agriculture sector of Pakistan comprises foursectors - livestock, crop, forest and fisheries

    Livestock contributes 56% of the total agricultureproduction while crop sector adds 38% to it out ofwhich the contribution of major crops is 25% andminor crops is 13%

    Fisheries and forestry contributes 2% each


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    During the 1950s, agriculture growth was sluggish dueto less area under cultivation and low productivity

    Low technological base, adverse agricultural terms of

    trade, patterns of landholding, inequitable tenurial

    relations were some of the causes

    Main driver of growth became increase in cultivated areawhich increased from 11.6 m ha in 1948 to 15.3 m ha by1960

    Development of lands (particularly in the new barrage

    areas) had huge impact on production


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    During the1960 emphasis shifted towards vertical expansion- increase in yields through genetic breakthroughs in majorcrops (wheat, rice, cotton)

    Land Reforms of 1959 devised a rational land tenure policy.

    Implementation facilitated creation of new social relationshipconducive for agricultural growth

    Rapid increase in tube wells contributed to more than a millionha cropped area in Punjab alone (100% increase in croppingintensity)

    Agricultural sector grew at 3.8% pa with the production of allcrops grew around 4.8% per year


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    Varieties evolved during the 1960s were adopted widely by

    farmers in the 1970s

    Use of inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides), controlled water,and access to subsidized electricity and credit on a large scale

    Price and non-price measures resulted in higher use ofmodern inputs

    Three rural reconstruction programs thrust to create more

    rural employment, facilitate flow of farm inputs and outputsand provide agri. services in small towns closer to farmersdoorsteps


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Two successive food crises forced the policy makers toformulate comprehensive food security policy andrealisation of rural transformation as a necessaryprecondition for economic growth

    Induction of local bodies resulted in improvement of ruralinfrastructure

    Foreign remittances resulted in rural private construction,rationalisation of the cost of land and realignment ofrural political dynamics


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Better crop management and extension services playeda major role in increasing the agricultural production

    Input use efficiency and greater integration with theworld markets are the prime reasons for boostinggrowth in agriculture sector

    Fertilizer use and adoption of HYVs and the use ofmechanical farm power exhibited rising trends


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Food crises of 2007 reemphasized the crucial importance ofagriculture as an engine of growth, price stabilizer and vehiclefor poverty alleviation

    Terms of trade became favourable for the agricultural sectorafter many decades

    Introduction of Biotechnology by the private sector started theGene Revolution in the country

    Commercial farming started at large scale by enterprisingfarmers and business houses which boosted tunnel farming

    and farm mechanization

    Environmental consideration, looming threat of climate changeand water scarcity have forced the policy makers to go forinputs use efficiency and resource management


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Crop Decades Ago In Recent Years1950-53 1960-63 2003-06 2007-10Wheat 3.13 4.01 20.80 22.76

    Rice 0.81 1.09 5.14 6.47Maize 0.37 0.47 2.60 3.48Sugarcane 6.09 14.52 48.44 54.45Seed Cotton 0.82 0.99 5.87 6.18Fruit N/A 2.54 6.49 7.06Vegetable 0.63 0.86 3.07 3.13Milk N/A N/A 37.27 38.05Meat N/A N/A 2.31 2.84Fish 0.055 0.089 0.59 0.69Output of most crops increased by 6 -10 fold

    (million metric tons; 3 year moving average)

  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Wheat - From 4 MT in 1950s to 6MT in 1960s to 23 MT in2010

    Rice - From less than 1MT to 2 Mt in 1960s to more than 6.9MT in 2010

    Maize - from 0.5MT in 1950s to 1MT in 1960s to 3.3 MT in2010

    Cotton - From 0.8 MT in 1950s to 2 MT in 1960s to 12.9 MT2010

    Sugarcane - From 6MT in 1950s to 14MT in 1960s to 49.3MT in 2010


    MT = Million Tonnes

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    Commodity Pakistan India USA China WorldWheat 28 27 26 48 28

    Cotton 20 15 29 43 22

    Rice 32 33 82 64 42

    Sugarcane 516 734 785 871 717

    Maize 33 22 96 55 50


    Maunds (40 kg)/acre

  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Weak factor productivity, stagnant yields

    Preponderance of small farmers, low technology base

    Post harvest losses, inadequate supply chainInfrastructure, inefficient and inadequate marketing

    Depleting soil fertility Deteriorating Irrigation and drainage system

    Ineffective Education, R&D and Extension linkages

    Poor skill development for modern agriculture

    Inappropriate use of natural resources

    Rural Non-farm Sector performs below potential


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Existence of productivity gaps - great scope forproduction enhancing

    60 years of accumulated knowledge

    Worldwide interest in agriculture

    Burgeoning population - need for food

    Growing prosperity - demand for value added foodproducts


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    Climate change and environmental threat

    Use of arable land for non-agricultural use

    Low priority for agricultural development-urbanbias

    Sluggish economic growth-catch-22 position

    Rural Governance issues


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    How to improve the quality of life of the citizens of

    Pakistan by ensuring their food security and

    providing agricultural raw material to its industry at

    competitive rates by making agriculture an efficient,productive and profitable sector of the economy in

    a manner that its growth is sustainable and outputs

    are competitive?


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Increase productivity by increasing efficiency in allagricultural operations through public as well asprivate sector investment in R&D and Extension

    Increase profitability by rationalizing input andoutput prices, reducing production and postproduction losses and selective public procurementintervention

    Making agricultural produce competitive in therapidly globalizing world by reducing cost ofproduction, improving quality and ensuringSanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) compliance


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    Ensuring sustainability by promoting environmentfriendly good agricultural practices throughincentives and rewards

    Equitable distribution of gains from enhancedproductivity by making available public sectorgoods and services to all stakeholders withoutdistinction


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    A. Horizontal expansion - increasing the areaunder cultivation

    B. Vertical expansion - increasing the productivity

    C. Structural transformation - diversification andvalue addition


    Cross Cutting Interventions - agrarian reforms


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    Bringing new areas under cultivation

    Reclaiming degraded lands



  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Bringing uncultivated area under cultivation by providingproper technical support, making available affordabletechnology and adequate water

    Increasing availability of water by construction of newsmall and medium dams and popularizing rain harvestingtechniques

    Saving water by reducing water losses through proper

    water conveyance and efficient irrigation techniques

    Economical management of ground water pumpingthrough incentives, legislation and awareness


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Launch a sustained campaign for the use ofgypsum in every acre and provide incentives

    Forbid by law the burning stubs of wheat andrice and encourage the farmers to plough theminto the field

    Encourage the sowing of humus making plantssoon after the harvesting of wheat and ploughthem back into the lands


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Encourage eco-friendly inter-cropping practicesas it increases the area under cultivation bycultivating vegetables in between the rows

    Agro-forestry is another profitable option forthe farmers and the country

    However farmers must be given proper technicalsupport for this practice to be cost effective andeco friendly


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Agricultural Education and Research

    Farm Mechanization

    Inputs Seeds Chemicals Water


    Production Losses


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Introducing need based agriculture education, creatingeffective inter and intra institutional linkages andcollaboration with reputable foreign universities

    Strengthening public sector Research and Development

    system, improving inter and intra institutional coordinationamong educational/research institutions and extension

    Encouraging private sector investment in the field of R&D with

    focus on modern technology and facilitating their outreach

    Capacity building of extension personnel of the provincialagricultural departments


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Intensification and diversification of farmmechanization by ensuring easy access of the farmersto essential farm machinery

    Its efficient and optimal use by incentivizing theprivate sector for opening farm machineryleasing/hiring outlets in villages

    Expansion and modernization of local farm machinerymanufacturing by providing them training, incentivesand technical/financial support to produce agriculturalimplements as per international standards


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Variety development and local production of good qualityseeds by the private sector by providing them appropriatelegal cover and technical/financial support

    Providing legal framework for establishing partnershipsbetween bio-tech research institutes and private seedcompanies

    Encouraging good practices among the farmers to increase the

    efficacy of farmers saved seeds

    Incentivize the farmers to use drill system of sowing to save onfertilizer and for better seed germination


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    Timely availability of fertilizers, un-adulteratedpesticides & herbicides at reasonable prices tothe nearest possible doorsteps of the farmersthrough rationalisation of prices, in time importand provision of subsidy when needed

    Popularizing the efficient and judicious use of

    chemical inputs for reducing production losseswith minimum side effects


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    Provinces to rationalize their respective water-related legislationsincluding local water usage rules and implementation of integratedwater resource management

    Encourage public-private partnerships on water saving techniques incultivation of different water terrains, and other innovative designs of

    groundwater recharge dams and rainwater harvesting Prioritizing planned investment in large storage infrastructure and

    groundwater use in light of macroeconomic instability due to publicbudget deficit and conflicting demand uses

    Saving water by reducing water losses through proper waterconveyance and efficient irrigation techniques

    Economical management of ground water pumping throughincentives, legislation and awareness


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Streamlining the traditional sources of farmer creditby integrating them with the formal banking system

    Making financial products tailor-made to the needsof smallholders and of micro, small and mediumnon-farm rural enterprises to become efficientlylinked to the agri-based supply chains

    Increasing the volume and outreach of formalbanking network for timely and easy access to creditby farming community


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    There are various estimates of production losses due to non-use of weedicides by the farmers

    Ignorance, fear and costs of using are the general reasons for

    this neglect

    There is need to create awareness among the farmers for

    judicious use of weedicides for reducing the production


    There are eco friendly measures to reduce this loss for those

    who are excessively conscious of use of chemical inputs


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    Reducing post production losses

    Value addition



  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Reducing post-production losses throughdevelopment of cool chain infrastructure includingstorage in the private sector

    Establishing grain storage and handling system atall levels including on-farm, off-farm and points ofentry/exit (sea/airports), and refurbishment ofexisting storage facilities

    Enforcing grain quality standards and establishingreliable grain testing laboratories at delivery points


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Making agricultural produce competitive in rapidly

    globalizing world by enforcing SPS standards andintroducing international certifications

    Encouraging quality consciousness among the farmers

    through awareness campaigns

    Introducing and implementing grading standards andimproving marketing system of agricultural produce

    Establishing modern agricultural produce wholesalemarkets in public-private partnership with coldstorages, pack houses, customs facilities etc.


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Sustained growth of the rural economy lies in the development

    of efficient and effective agri-based supply chains that link theagriculture sector with their corresponding upstream anddownstream links in the rural nonfarm to the national andinternational markets

    Establishing modern agricultural produce wholesale markets inpublic-private partnership with cold storages, pack houses,customs facilities etc.

    Encouraging processing and value addition of agriculturalproduce to fetch better value, and to reduce post-harvest


    Introducing warehouse receipt system for easy realization ofsale proceeds to farmers


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Formulation of comprehensive Land Use Policy

    Improving Agricultural Terms of Trade

    Improving Rural Infrastructure

    Improving Rural Governance

    Environmental Sustainability

    Creating Linkages and promoting Investment

    Gender Mainstreaming

    Production Relations


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Developing a national land use policy for rational use of land resources isthe need of the day as valuable arable land is being converted at alarmingrates by the property developers and industrial concerns for commercial nonfarm uses

    Infrastructural development, though necessary is also rendering fertile land

    to brick and mortar

    Add to it the declining fertility of our agricultural lands due to nonsustainable agricultural practices

    Plus the degradation of our lands due to water logging and salinity going on

    for decades, a negative side effect of our irrigation practices

    All these issues needed to be addressed by formulating a long termcomprehensive land use policy by the government


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Agricultural transformation demands restructuring, not merely fine-tuning,the political economy of the rural areas which are an integral subset of theoverall economic structure of Pakistan

    One of the ways to do so is to improve the terms of trade betweenagriculture and the other sectors of the economy so that the squeezing of

    the peasants going on for the last six decades can be reversed

    Rationalize the prices of the inputs farmers use, provide subsidy on themand as well as those of commodities they produce

    Improving the marketing infrastructure

    Selective procurement when the prices of agricultural commodities crash

    Introduction of crop insurance scheme


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Urban areas do need good public goods and services but so do therural areas where the roads, schools, hospitals and otherinfrastructure are in deplorable condition

    No doubt the government has invested a lot in farm to markets

    roads, construction of health facilities, schools and also ruralelectrification

    However there are complaints of substandard workmanship and theirfast wear and tear due to paucity of maintenance funds

    Similarly there are complaints of shortage of staff to man thesehealth and educational schools. 'Ghost Schools was a term notinvented in the air; it has a solid evidence


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Sustained growth of the rural economy lies in the development ofefficient and effective agri-based supply chains that link the

    agriculture sector with their corresponding upstream and

    downstream links in the rural non-farm (RNF) to the national and

    international markets

    RNF provides 40-60% of incomes/jobs in rural areas, much of its

    activity occurs in the trading, services and processing sector having

    strong forward and backward linkages with agriculture

    Informal and low capital using entities catering mostly to domesticmarkets, RNF presents opportunities for providing value addition to

    primary production at the farm level


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    RNF is hampered by the numerous middle level low capital usingplayers who add little or no value to products and services

    For creating linkages between non-farm rural enterprises with agri-based supply chains, we have to establish modern agricultural

    produce wholesale markets in public-private partnership with coldstorages, pack houses, customs facilities etc.

    At the same time government should Introduce warehouse receiptsystem for easy realization of sale proceeds to farmers and

    encourage processing and value addition of agricultural produce tofetch better value, and to reduce post-harvest losses


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    It is not an easy task to dismantle centuries old rural governancestructure and replace it with modern, formal contract based ruralpublic management in a short period but can be done in long term

    Start with education, literacy and skill formation which will shake thefoundations of this feudalistic structure

    Establish alternate dispute resolution mechanism to replace theinformal system heavily dependent on big landlords, supported bythe police and the patwari

    Local bodies elections be held as per fixed schedule which will bringin the leadership interested in improving rural infrastructure, thebest guarantee of their fast journey to urban culture


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Creating awareness among the farmers about the looming threat

    of climate change and environmental degradation

    Popularizing the good agricultural practices by synchronisingthe extension services of the provincial agricultural departmentsand marketing outlets of the private agro services providers

    Promulgation of legislation for stopping of practices aggravatingthe threat of climate change

    Allocation of resources for carrying out research to adjust thecropping pattern and fine-tuning the planting and harvesting

    schedules, practicing crop rotation and diversifying crop mix

    developing more varieties responsive to climate change

    adapting irrigation practices and fertilization regimes.


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Although it is not possible to replace the centuries old production relationsof land cultivation in the rural areas of Pakistan in the short term, efforts canbe made to introduce the three modern forms of farming

    Contract farming-encouraging agri-based processors to supply inputs & technologypackages to farmers on deferred payment with buy-back of produce at guaranteedprices

    Cooperative farming-piloting variations of successful coop-models (with refinementsto traditional coops)

    Corporate farming-promoting lease of commercially viable tracts of land to corporatelevel entrepreneurs who are willing to practice high-tech export oriented agriculture

    and share profits with the owners

    However all the above three need comprehensive legislation about contractmaking/dispute resolution as well as their strict implementation through aspecially created institutional infrastructure


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Rural women are under three pressures-nature, society and family, all treatthem unfairly in terms of status, ownership of resources , job opportunitiesand empowerment

    Improving healthcare and family planning facilities to relieve them ofexcessive child bearing burden should be the top priority

    Launching of special rural female literacy and education campaign byoffering attractive monetary rewards would help in their empowerment andreduce domestic violence

    Ensuring womens access to resources and assets, including ownership ofland by creating awareness about their rights and strict enforcement of legal

    framework priority

    Providing equitable opportunities to women by developing marketingoriented skills and remunerative employment in the rural areas


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    We need to enhance the productivity of the agriculture at micro and macro levelby increasing efficiency in all agricultural operations through public as well asprivate sector investment in R&D, extension services, rural infrastructure,marketing, value addition etc.

    Unfortunately, the flow of investment funds towards agriculture, which has

    recently picked up, is still far below the desired levels.

    we need to make agricultural produce competitive in the rapidly globalizingworld by reducing cost of production, improving its quality and meeting globalfood safety standards. raising the awareness of the opinion leaders anddecision makers to enforce strict food safety standards.

    Motivating domestic and foreign investors to invest in seed production, fruitand vegetable processing, agri-infrastructure development and encouragingdevelopment of commercially viable non-farm rural agriculture enterprises


  • 7/28/2019 Pakistan's Agriculture Sector -1( Crops ) Challenges and Response


    Despite its declining importance, agriculture is a sector capable ofaccelerating growth, reducing poverty, containing inflation and improving

    the quality of life of its citizens

    Due to its backward and forward linkages, small investment can bringsubstantial gains

    Area needing urgent attention are inputs use efficiency, reducing

    production/post production losses, credit availability and bringing moreareas under cultivation through intercropping and tunnel farming

    Areas needing attention in the short term are rural infrastructure,agricultural terms of trade, promoting investment, formulating land usepolicy ,farm mechanisation and improving rural non-farm sector

    Areas needing attention in the long term are agricultural education, ruralgovernance ,gender mainstreaming, adapting to climate change threats andintroducing modern forms of production relations


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