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PAL Config

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  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    Product Allocation Procedures

    Set-up For a New Product................................................................................................2

    1. Maintain Product Allocation Procedure...............................................................22. Add Allocation Procedure to Material Master.....................................................3

    3. Define Allocation Object...................................................................................... Specif! Allocation "ierarc#!..............................................................................$$. Define Allocation Period.....................................................................................%

    %. Add New Product to Plannin& "ierarc#!............................................................'

    '. Add (All Ot#er) *usto+er to Plannin& "ierarc#!..............................................,,. Add Specified *usto+ers to Plannin& "ierarc#!................................................

    Maintain and e/iew Allocation Details.......................................................................10

    1. *reatin& new allocation details..........................................................................10

    2. e/iewin& Allocation Details............................................................................1$3. *#an&in& allocation details................................................................................1

    *#an&in& Allocation of ns#ipped Orders....................................................................20

    ec#nical *onfi&uration Details....................................................................................221. Mae re4uire+ent class rele/ant for product allocation....................................22

    2. Mae sc#edule line cate&or! rele/ant for product allocation............................23

    3. *reate new info structure...................................................................................2. *reate update for+ulas......................................................................................2%

    $. Assi&n update for+ula to new info structure.....................................................2'

    %. Acti/ate update of info structure.......................................................................2,'. Set plannin& para+eters for info structure.........................................................2

    ,. Define forward and bacward consu+ption......................................................30

    . *reate New Plannin& !pe................................................................................31

    15315201% Product Allocation 1

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    Set-up For a New Product

    #is process is a co+bination of custo+i6in& and +aster data +aintenance. Durin& t#is

    process !ou will +ae all t#e set-up entries needed 7products and custo+ers8 so t#at t#e

    actual allocation details can be +aintained.

    1. Maintain Product Allocation Procedure

    9n t#is 9M: acti/it! !ou define t#e product allocation deter+ination procedure for t#e

    a/ailabilit! c#ec a&ainst product allocations.

    IMG: Sales and Distribution> Basic Functions> Availability Check and Transfer

    of Requirements> Availability Check> Availability Check Aainst !roduct

    Allocation> "aintain !rocedure

    Transaction: #$%&

    Define t#e procedure e! and its description. eco++endation; for t#e procedure e!asic ?iew of t#e Material Master

    15315201% Product Allocation 3

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    3. Define Allocation Object

    #e Product Allocation Object represents t#e +aterial under allocation. #e object is t#e

    #iest le/el of t#e product allocation info structure.

    IMG: Sales and Distribution> Basic Functions> Availability Check and Transfer ofRequirements> Availability Check> Availability Check Aainst !roduct Allocation>

    Define #b'ect

    Transaction: #$(&

    Define t#e object e! and its description. eco++endation; use t#e +aterial nu+ber as

    t#e object e!.

    15315201% Product Allocation

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    4. Specify Allocation Hierarchy

    9n t#is custo+i6in& acti/it!< !ou assi&n an info structure to t#e product allocation

    deter+ination procedure.

    IMG: Sales and Distribution> Basic Functions> Availability Check and Transfer

    of Requirements> Availability Check> Availability Check Aainst !roductAllocation> S)ecify *ierarchy

    Transaction: #$+&

    *reate a new entr!< and enter !our procedure e!.*reate one step 7step nu+ber 108 and a te=t description.

    @nter t#e info structure t#at will contain t#e product allocation infor+ation 7S'018.

    9dentif! t#e +asin& c#aracter t#at will be used to create t#e (all ot#er) entries in t#eplannin& #ierarc#! 78.

    15315201% Product Allocation $

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    . Define Allocation Period

    9n t#is custo+i6in& acti/it!< !ou identif! t#e effecti/e dates of t#e product allocation

    procedure. Bou also deter+ine w#ic# allocation object is c#eced durin& t#e effecti/e


    IMG: Sales and Distribution> Basic Functions> Availability Check and Transferof Requirements> Availability Check> Availability Check Aainst !roduct

    Allocation> Control !roduct Allocation


    @nter !our allocation procedure in t#e dialo& bo=.

    @nter step 7108.

    @nter t#e Allocation Object defined in Step 3 7abo/e8.9n ?alid o< enter t#e date representin& t#e end of t#e allocation period. >ecauseallocation is done b! wee< t#e s!ste+ will auto+aticall! c#an&e t#e date to t#e last da!

    in t#e wee 7Sunda!8.

    At t#e end of t#e allocation period< an! left o/er product can be s#ipped to an!custo+er on a first-co+e< first-ser/ed basis.

    *#ec t#e Acti/e bloc.

    @nter *on/ersion Factor 718.

    15315201% Product Allocation %

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    !. Add "e# Product to Plannin$ Hierarchy

    9n t#is +aster data acti/it! we add t#e product 7represented b! t#e Product Allocation

    Object8 to t#e #iest le/el of t#e Plannin& "ierarc#!.

    Menu: -oistics> -oistics Controllin> >Fle.ible !lannin> "aster Data>

    !lannin *ierarchy> !ost)rocess

    Transaction: "C/01

    @nter 9nfoStructure S'01 and select t#e Add +e+ber button.

    On t#e ne=t screen< enter t#e Product Allocation Object< and lea/e t#e Sold-to Part!blan. nc#ec t#e Si+ulation Onl! bo=.

    15315201% Product Allocation '

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    %. Add &All Other' (usto)er to Plannin$ Hierarchy

    Product allocation does not re4uire t#at !ou create a #ierarc#! entr! for e/er! Sold-to

    custo+er. Bou will create a #ierarc#! entr! onl! for t#ose custo+ers w#o will #a/e a

    specific allocation. All ot#er custo+ers will s#are t#e allocation represented b! custo+er(). Since t#at du++! custo+er does not e=ist< !ou cannot enter it directl!

    in t#e plannin& #ierarc#! as it will fail t#e /alidation. So< we will enter it b! a specialpro&ra+.

    IMG: Sales and Distribution> Basic Functions> Availability Check and Transfer

    of Requirements> Availability Check> Availability Check Aainst !roductAllocation> !ermit Collective !roduct Allocation 2n 2nfo Structures

    Transaction: #$3&

    @nter C9S infor+ation structure S'01. nc#ec t#e est button. *lic @=ecute.

    15315201% Product Allocation ,

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    *. Add Specified (usto)ers to Plannin$ Hierarchy

    9n t#is last step< we add t#e specific custo+ers for w#o+ we will allocate product. 9t is

    i+portant in t#is step to ensure t#at custo+ers w#o will not recei/e a specific allocation

    are not specificall! included.

    Menu: -oistics> -oistics Controllin> >Fle.ible !lannin> "aster Data>!lannin *ierarchy> Chane

    Transaction: "C4(

    At t#is point we can eit#er t!pe in t#e list of custo+ers or we can cop! t#e list of

    custo+ers fro+ an earlier product. o cop! a list of custo+ers< clic t#e (*op! fro+)button< and enter t#e reference Product Allocation Object. Finall!< clic Sa/e.

    15315201% Product Allocation

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    Maintain and Review Allocation Details

    Now t#at t#e set-up #as been co+pleted< !ou can now +aintain t#e 4uantities t#at will be

    allocated to eac# custo+er< b! ti+e period.

    1. (reatin$ ne# allocation details

    Menu: -oistics> -oistics Controllin >Fle.ible !lannin> "aster Data>

    !lannin > Chane

    Transaction: "C0,

    On t#e first screen< alwa!s select Plannin& t!pe (BEACCO*78).

    Select t#e appropriate Product Allocation Object and clic Inactive version.

    15315201% Product Allocation 10

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    #e actual allocation is controlled at t#e stoc-eepin& unit of t#e finis#ed productFle.ible !lannin> "aster Data>

    !lannin > Chane

    Transaction: "C0,

    "owe/er< al&reen #ad alread! placed an order t#at #ad been sc#eduled< per t#e ori&inal

    allocation< for wee 10. "ere we can use t#e resc#edulin& transaction to find t#e orderand to rec#ec t#e a/ailabilit! a&ainst t#e new allocation.

    Menu: -oistics> Sales and Distribution> Sales> Backorders> Reschedulin>5.ecute

    Transaction: $;$(

    15315201% Product Allocation 20

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    @nter t#e product and plant. Mae sure t#at (nconfir+ed docu+ents re4uired) is


    e can see t#at t#e date #as been c#an&ed fro+ 353 7ee 108 to 252 7ee 8.

    #is sa+e tec#ni4ue can be used w#ene/er product allocation c#an&es.

    15315201% Product Allocation 21

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    echnical Configuration Details

    #e followin& outlines t#e confi&uration entries +ade to support t#e product allocation

    process described abo/e. 9t does not #a/e to be repeated for a new product.

    1. Ma-e reuire)ent class rele,ant for product allocation.

    IMG: Sales and Distribution> Basic Functions> Availability Check and Transfer

    of Requirements> Availability Check> Availability Check Aainst !roduct

    Allocation> Define Flo8 Accordin To Requirement Cateory

    Transaction: #$& Sales and Distribution ote: Client inde)endent?

    Transaction: "C%D

    #e followin& code c#ecs to see if t#e sold-to custo+er in t#e order bein& entered isspecificall! allocated. 9f not< it c#an&es t#e custo+er to t#e (+ased) /alue representin&

    (all ot#er) custo+ers.

    FORM MCV2_903.






    RET!R"CODE & 0.




    15315201% Product Allocation 2%

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    . Assi$n update for)ula to ne# info structure

    IMG: -oistics = 6eneral -oistics 2nformation System -2S?> -oistics Data

    arehouse> )datin> )datin Definition> S)ecific Definition sin )date

    Rules> "aintain )date Rules> CreateTransaction: "C(,

    Select t#e new info structure and update &roup 7usuall! &roup 18.

    o t#e e! fi&ure (9nco+in& orders 4t!)< assi&n standard for+ula 1%.

    o c#aracteristic (Prod.allocation obj.) assi&n for+ula 10.

    o c#aracteristic (Sold-to *usto+er.) assi&n t#e new for+ula 03.

    >ecause bot# for+ulas 10 and 1% do not reference an! specific info structure< t#e! can

    be used in an! structure.

    For+ula 10 identifies t#e +asin& c#aracter and +aes it a/ailable to t#e subse4uentfor+ulas.

    For+ula 1% deter+ines t#e update 4uantit! based on t#e bill of +aterial factor 7if t#e

    end product contains two of t#e allocated ite+s< t#e for+ula +ultiplies t#e ordered4uantit! b! two8.

    15315201% Product Allocation 2'

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    !. Acti,ate update of info structure

    9n t#is step !ou deter+ine t#e periodicit! of t#e infor+ation structure and acti/ate t#eupdate.

    IMG: -oistics = 6eneral -oistics 2nformation System -2S?> -oistics Dataarehouse> )datin> )datin Control> Activate )date> Sales and



    Select t#e info structure and t#en select t#e period split 7da!< wee< +ont# or fiscal

    period8 and t#en acti/ate updatin& b! selectin& (S!nc#ronous updatin& 718).

    15315201% Product Allocation 2,

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    %. Set plannin$ para)eters for info structure.

    9n t#is step !ou set t#e specific para+eters for t#e info structure !ou will use for

    product allocation.

    IMG: -oistics = 6eneral> -oistics 2nformation System -2S?> !lannin>

    "aster Data> Set )arameters for info structures and key fiures ote: Clientinde)endent?

    Transaction: "C3F

    Select !our info structure fro+ t#e list. #en< select info structure plannin&para+eters. #e followin& para+eters are t#e +ost i+portant;

    Plannin& periods K Must +atc# stora&e periodicit!. #e stora&e periodicit! is

    deter+ined in step % 7abo/e8 w#ere !ou define t#e period split for updatin& t#e

    info structure.

    Plannin& +et#od K L for consistent plannin&. @=c#an&e rate t!pe and statistics currenc! are re4uired.

    >ase unit of +easure K +ust be t#e base unit of t#e +aterial to be allocated.

    15315201% Product Allocation 2

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    *. Define for#ard and bac-#ard consu)ption

    9n t#is step !ou define< for t#e info structure< #ow +an! periods in t#e past and #ow

    +an! in t#e future to consider.

    IMG: Sales and Distribution> Basic Functions> Availability Check and Transfer

    of Requirements> Availability Check> Availability Check Aainst !roductAllocation> Define Consum)tion !eriods

    Transaction: #$/&

    *reate an entr! for !our infor+ation structure.

    >! definin& periods for bacward consu+ption< !ou allow an order to tae ad/anta&e

    of unused allocation 4uantities fro+ prior periods. 9t will use up prior allocationsbefore consu+in& allocation fro+ t#e current period.

    >! definin& periods for forward consu+ption< !ou allow an order t#at e=ceeds t#eallocation in t#e current period to loo a#ead< and to create additional sc#edule lines

    for future periods.

    15315201% Product Allocation 30

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    /. (reate "e# Plannin$ 0ype

    #e plannin& t!pe is used to +aintain t#e product allocation details.

    IMG: -oistics = 6eneral> -oistics 2nformation System -2S?> !lannin>Tools> "aintain )lannin ty)es

    Transaction: "CA

    Assi&n a na+e to t#e plannin& t!pe.

    @nter t#e 9nfo Structure na+e in t#e dialo& bo=.

    15315201% Product Allocation 31

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    Now we will +ae t#e followin& adjust+ents;

    Add a te=t row at t#e top

    *#an&e t#e te=t description for t#e fields used to enter allocation 4uantit! in cases and

    t#e units per case con/ersion factor.

    Mae certain rows displa! onl!

    Add +acros to do auto+atic calculations.

    o add a te=t row< select t#e top row and t#en select +enu; @ditG 9nsert line.

    #en< select t#e new row and clic ow Attributes.

    15315201% Product Allocation 32

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    Now< c#an&e t#e descriptions of t#e followin& rows;(ProdAllocIt!) to (Alloc It! in Pieces)

    (Order 4uantit!) to (Alloc It! in *ases)

    (ar&et 4uantit!) to (nits per *ase)

    Select t#e (ProdAllocIt!) row and clic on ow Attributes. 9n t#e dialo& bo=< select

    (Freel! defined te=t) and t#en enter (Alloc It! in *ases) in line te=t.

    Si+ilarl!< do t#e sa+e for t#e ot#er two rows.

    15315201% Product Allocation 33

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    Now< since we onl! want to be able to +aintain t#e (*usto+er re4+ts)< (Alloc It! in*ases) and (nits per *ase) rows< we will +ae all t#e ot#er rows displa!-onl!.

    Select t#e (9nco+in& orders 4t!) row and clic ow atrributes.9n t#e dialo& bo=< c#an&e t#e status to (Output line).

    Do t#e sa+e for rows (Alloc It! in Pieces)< (Open Product Alloc)< and (e4s not


    15315201% Product Allocation 3

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    Now we will build t#e +acros to auto+ate t#e calculations.

    Select +enu; MacroG *reate.9n t#e dialo& bo=< assi&n a na+e and description to t#e +acro.

    e will do t#e followin& calculations;(Alloc It! in *ases) (nits per *ase) H (Alloc It! in Pieces)

    (Alloc It! in Pieces) - (9nco+in& Orders It!) H (Open Product Alloc)

    (*usto+er e4+ts) - (Alloc It! in Pieces) H (e4s not *o/ered)

    15315201% Product Allocation 3$

  • 7/25/2019 PAL Config


    sin& t#e pull-down< select t#e first and second Operands and t#e esult. Do not t!pe in

    t#e Operator K use t#e pull-down and select t#e operand t#at relates to a line< not a /alue.

    For +ultiplication< select operand %< not $.

    Add t#e re+ainin& for+ulas.

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    #e final step is to assi&n para+eters to t#e new Plannin& !pe. Select +enu; :otoG

    Plannin& t!pe info
