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Palaeontologia Electronica http://palaeo-electronica.org PE Article Number: 11.2.11A Copyright: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology July 2008 Submission: 16 March 2008. Acceptance: 24 June 2008 Smith, Nicholas E. and Strait, Suzanne G. 2008. PaleoView3D: from Specimen to Online Digital Model. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 11, Issue 2; 11A:17p; http://palaeo-electronica.org/2008_2/134/index.html PaleoView3D: FROM SPECIMEN TO ONLINE DIGITAL MODEL Nicholas E. Smith and Suzanne G. Strait ABSTRACT Recent technological advancements in 3D data acquisition and the ability to digi- tize museum collections have revolutionized the way one can access and visualize paleontological specimens. Instruments like high-resolution CT scanners and 3D laser scanners have simplified the digitization process, paving the way for 3D online muse- ums. The goals of this study were two-fold. First, to automate, standardize, and docu- ment the laser scanning/modeling technique used to generate models for one such database, PaleoView3D. Second, using PaleoView3D as a test case, to illustrate the necessity for other websites to include detailed error studies, modeling protocols, and associated metadata to facilitate the comparative use of online morphological data. Automation and standardization were achieved by coating specimens with ammo- nium chloride, constructing a nine-specimen multiscan platform, and implementing an autosurfacing macro which combined reduced modeling time by 60%. An extensive error study was performed to test the accuracy of this technique using controls of known dimensions. The process was highly accurate in all three dimensions with per- cent errors of: 1D = 0.4%; 2D = 0.05%; 3D = 1.74%. Because many of the specimens digitized were casts, a molding/casting error study was also performed. First and sec- ond generation casts (i.e., a “cast of a cast”) deviated from the original specimen a maximum of ± 0.074 mm and, as expected, variation increased slightly with subse- quent generations. By standardizing and documenting the methodology and accuracy of this technique, researchers can make an informed decision concerning how to utilize models from PaleoView3D. Nicholas E. Smith. Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25755, USA * Present Address: Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, C1140, Austin, Texas 78712-0254, USA. [email protected] Suzanne G. Strait. Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25755, USA. [email protected] KEY WORDS: laser scanning; 3D models; PaleoView3D.org; fossil mammals; Paleocene; Eocene INTRODUCTION Technological advances have given paleonto- logical researchers a variety of new methods for collecting 3D data, drastically changing how data

Palaeontologia Electronica http://palaeo-electronica.org

PE Article Number: 11.2.11ACopyright: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology July 2008Submission: 16 March 2008. Acceptance: 24 June 2008

Smith, Nicholas E. and Strait, Suzanne G. 2008. PaleoView3D: from Specimen to Online Digital Model. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 11, Issue 2; 11A:17p;http://palaeo-electronica.org/2008_2/134/index.html


Nicholas E. Smith and Suzanne G. Strait


Recent technological advancements in 3D data acquisition and the ability to digi-tize museum collections have revolutionized the way one can access and visualizepaleontological specimens. Instruments like high-resolution CT scanners and 3D laserscanners have simplified the digitization process, paving the way for 3D online muse-ums.

The goals of this study were two-fold. First, to automate, standardize, and docu-ment the laser scanning/modeling technique used to generate models for one suchdatabase, PaleoView3D. Second, using PaleoView3D as a test case, to illustrate thenecessity for other websites to include detailed error studies, modeling protocols, andassociated metadata to facilitate the comparative use of online morphological data.

Automation and standardization were achieved by coating specimens with ammo-nium chloride, constructing a nine-specimen multiscan platform, and implementing anautosurfacing macro which combined reduced modeling time by 60%. An extensiveerror study was performed to test the accuracy of this technique using controls ofknown dimensions. The process was highly accurate in all three dimensions with per-cent errors of: 1D = 0.4%; 2D = 0.05%; 3D = 1.74%. Because many of the specimensdigitized were casts, a molding/casting error study was also performed. First and sec-ond generation casts (i.e., a “cast of a cast”) deviated from the original specimen amaximum of ± 0.074 mm and, as expected, variation increased slightly with subse-quent generations. By standardizing and documenting the methodology and accuracyof this technique, researchers can make an informed decision concerning how to utilizemodels from PaleoView3D.

Nicholas E. Smith. Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25755, USA* Present Address: Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, C1140, Austin, Texas 78712-0254, USA. [email protected] G. Strait. Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25755, USA. [email protected]

KEY WORDS: laser scanning; 3D models; PaleoView3D.org; fossil mammals; Paleocene; Eocene


Technological advances have given paleonto-

logical researchers a variety of new methods forcollecting 3D data, drastically changing how data



are acquired and permitting novel, sophisticated3D morphological analyses. High-resolution digitiz-ers and scanners are unique in that the data theyproduce can be used to collect 3D data points fromcomplex morphology, such as mammalian molarsor tarsals. The Reflex Microscope was the firstcommonly available instrument for collecting 3Ddata on small- to medium-sized specimens (e.g.,Strait 1993a, 1993b, 2001; Reed 1997; Yamashita1998). However, this method cannot be broadlyapplied, as the researcher has to individually selecteach point to be recorded. This method is usefulfor comparisons of discrete landmarks and fea-tures, but it is too cumbersome and time consum-ing to collect the thousands of points necessary foraccurate 3D characterization of even a singlemammalian tooth. Furthermore, the low accuracyand resolution of electromagnetic (i.e., Polhemus3Draw Pro) or contact digitizers (Immersion Micro-scribe 3D) (Zucotti 1998; Ungar and Williamson2000; Wilhite 2003) make them impractical forworking on all but the largest mammals. Confocalmicroscopy has also been used for 3D model gen-eration of mammalian dental specimens (Jernvalland Selanne 1999; Evans et al. 2001) and is anexcellent choice for very small specimens. How-ever, since this technology was designed for bio-medical imaging of tissues, cells, and organelles, ithas specimen size limitations. Although specimensas large as 6 mm have been reported, those above1-2 mm need to be scanned in pieces and merged,considerably increasing the processing time (Jern-vall and Selanne 1999) and potential error.

Two methods have proven most beneficial for3D data collection of complex morphology, Com-puted Tomography (CT) and 3D laser scanning.High-resolution x-ray CT scanners have proven tobe a valuable technology for producing morpholog-ical models of vertebrates from a broad range ofspecimen sizes (e.g., DigiMorph; Kobayashi et al.2002; Silcox 2003; Clifford and Witmer 2004; Kayet al. 2004; Colbert 2005; Dumont et al. 2005,2006; Claeson et al. 2006; Holliday et al. 2006;Rayfield and Milner, 2006; Ridgely and Witmer2006; Macrini et al. 2006). CT data can be veryaccurate (the degree of accuracy depends inher-ently on the CT scanning system) and is the onlytechnology for obtaining internal data since it actu-ally acquires sectional data through specimens.For collection of surface feature data laser scan-ners can also be used (3Dmuseum; Lyons et al.2000; Motani 2005; Boyd and Motani 2006; Delsonet al. 2006; Evans et al. 2006, 2007; Motani et al.2006; Penkrot 2006; Rybczynski et al. 2006; Smith

and Strait 2006; Strait and Smith 2006; Wilson etal. 2006). Just like CT scanners, the precision ofthe models is scanner dependent but can producesurface models as equally detailed and accurateand are comparably time efficient when both scan-ning and processing are considered. The primaryadvantage of high-resolution laser scanners overCT scanners is that they are less expensive andrequire less technical expertise to operate andmaintain.

Growing alongside the technology to produce3D models is the computing power necessary tomanipulate 3D data and the potential to makethese models readily accessible via the Internet.The development of more online databases hasalso been driven by funding agencies, with increas-ing emphasis on the ability of researchers to dis-seminate data to peers, educators, and the generalpublic. As a result, online databases have becomeincreasingly important tools in biological and pale-ontological research, teaching, and outreach.Existing sites include compilations of vast amountsof data, in unique formats that are almost instanta-neously accessible on the web (e.g., Carrasco etal. 2005; O’Leary and Kaufman 2007; North Ameri-can Fossil Mammal Systematics Database 2002;The Paleobiology Database 1998; Maddison andSchulz 2007). Additionally, with the introduction ofCT and laser scanners to paleontological studies,websites are also now available that feature 3Dmodels of fossils. Sites such as 3D Museum (http://www.3dmuseum.org) provide visualization of ahost of fossil taxa, and the Digital Morphologylibrary (http://www.digimorph.org) houses many CTbased models of extant and fossil vertebrates. TheMorphoBrowser database (http://morpho-browser.biocenter.helsinki.fi/) specializes in verte-brate dental remains and includes a shape searchfunction, to locate taxa of similar morphology(Evans et al. 2005). PaleoView3D (http://paleoview3d.org) is devoted to publishing 3D mod-els and associated metadata of late Paleocene andearly Eocene mammals (Strait and Smith 2006).

PaleoView3D is the first online site whose pri-mary goal is not just to display 3D models of fossilorganisms, but to allow users to download 3D datafor their own research. During the development ofPaleoView3D, several major issues had to beaddressed: 1) how to standardize model produc-tion for consistency from model to model, 2) how toexpedite the production of a large number of mod-els, and 3) how to evaluate model accuracy. Stan-dardization of methodology included consistentcoating of specimens prior to scanning and during



the scanning process and the use of a consistentstep-size (distance the laser travels between scan-lines) and sensor exposure settings. New methodswere explored for expediting scanning and model-ing included the development of a multiscan plat-form permitting multiple specimens to be scannedand registered in unison and designing an autosur-facing macro to facilitate image processing unifor-mity. Error studies were performed on objects ofknown dimension to assess model accuracy.Finally, since by necessity many of thePaleoView3D models were based on casts asopposed to original specimens, an error study wasdesigned to compare models based on casts ver-sus the originals.

While online 3D databases provide tremen-dous opportunity for paleontological analyses, cer-tain precautions must be taken beforeincorporating 3D data from multiple sources. Unfor-tunately, not all 3D models are created equal dueto the variety of aforementioned acquisition andmodeling techniques. In order to comparativelyanalyze 3D models from PaleoView3D and otherdatabases, users must have confidence in theaccuracy of those models, and should be informedof the process used to generate those data.Therefore, rigorous testing and documentation ofthe modeling process is necessary prior to dissem-ination of these data, so that the user can make aninformed decision on how best to uti-lize the models. The goal of thisstudy was to standardize and docu-ment the novel modeling processused to generate models forPaleoView3D, in particular, with abroader implication of showing thenecessity for the explication of modelproduction and accuracy for allonline databases.


Laser Scanning and Data Acquisition

The laser scanner used in thisstudy was a Surveyor RPS-120probe (Laser Design Inc., Minneapo-lis, MN) mounted on a tri-axial auto-mated stage (ISEL Automation,Eichenzell, Germany) (Figure 1).With this system, a red laser beam(620 nm wavelength) is emitted fromthe diode and spread passively into alaser plane (Figure 2.1). This laser

plane appears as a line on the specimen andserves as the non-contact probe for the instrument(Figure 2.2). The laser line is reflected off the sur-face of the object and collected by dual optical sen-sors, charge coupled device (CCD) arrays similarto those found in digital cameras (Figure 2.1). As

Figure 1. Laser scanning system consisting of a LaserDesign Inc. RPS 120 probe mounted on an ISEL Auto-mation computer numerical control (CNC) gantry unit.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the laser scanning process. A laserbeam is emitted from the diode in the unit and spread into a laser plane(1). The laser plane, appearing as a line on the sphere (2), is reflectedand collected by dual CCD arrays (1). The resulting 2D profile is digi-tized and as the unit travels along the x-axis of the object, multiple pro-files are collected yielding a 3D coordinate point cloud of the surface (3).



the stage moves the RPS (rapid profile scanning)unit over the specimen, the sensors collect a seriesof 2D profiles (scan-lines) of the object which col-lectively form a 3D coordinate point cloud of thesurface (Figure 2.3).

Determining instrument resolution is notstraightforward, because of its unique ability toincorporate multiple views of the same specimen.Therefore, maximum resolution can only be givenper scan view. A single scan has a theoreticalmaximum resolution of 23.0 microns along the y-axis and 27.6 microns along the z-axis, each ofwhich are determined by the dimensions of theCCD arrays. The resolution along the x-axis isdependent on the minimum interval (step-size) ofthe stage stepper motor which is 10 microns. Togive an idea of surface point density, the probe hasthe ability to collect 480 points per scan-line withpoint spacing of 25 microns. As an example, theminimum number of points necessary to ade-quately cover the occlusal surface of a marsupialmolar 1.5 mm in length is around 2,500 points (Fig-ure 3). The software used to acquire the 3D datawas Surveyor Scan Control v. 4.1.009 (Laser

Design Inc., Minneapolis, MN), which is anupdated version of their proprietary Datasculptsoftware.

Specimen Coating

Unlike scanning electron microscopy in whichhigh reflectivity is advantageous, the sensors inlaser scanners require diffuse light. This provedespecially problematic for dental specimens (orcasts) because the high reflectivity of the enamel(or casting compound) caused the laser line to“shimmer” along the surface of the tooth. This cre-ated hotspots along the profile and yielded noisypoint cloud data. To reduce the effects of this phe-nomenon, specimens were lightly dusted with anammonium chloride (NH4Cl) coating. Other com-pounds were tested (i.e, Spotcheck SKD-S2 Devel-oper, Magnaflux, Glenview, IL; magnesiumchloride) but ammonium chloride proved the light-est, most efficient, and easiest to remove. To coata specimen, the ammonium chloride was heatedand vaporized in a custom built glass instrumentand then mouth-blown onto the surface of thespecimen (Figure 4). All specimens were dusted

Figure 3. Point cloud of left M3 of Mimoperadectes labrus (UCMP 212703). Registered scan views representing the3D surface are: occlusal (green); mesial (blue); distal (red); buccal (orange); and lingual (purple).



with the lightest possible coating, and visuallyexamined for consistency prior to scanning.Although there is an element skill required for thismethod, a cautious technician can quickly learn theindications of undercoating (sparse, still semi-reflective areas; variations in color) and overcoat-ing (thickened appearance; loss of morphologicalresolution). In most cases the compound can eas-ily be dusted off with compressed air or a lightbrushing, and can be reapplied as necessary toachieve an even coating. As illustrated on a stain-less steel scale bar, this coating was very effectivein diffusing the laser light, and provided crispreflections of the laser line (Figure 5).Beyond its diffusive effect, the speci-men coating also enhanced the accu-racy of the scans by yielding aconsistent surface from one specimento the next. Because variations in spec-imen color and texture have a profoundeffect on the laser’s probe, the coatingstandardized the scan parameters andserved to automate the process aswell, by permitting the use of the sameexposure settings for all specimens.

Specimen Scanning and Scan Parameters

Once coated, specimens weremounted to the stage for the first of fivescans. By default, occlusal view was

chosen as the primary orientation of dentalremains. Path plans (essentially the start and stoppositions for data acquisition) were defined basedon the dimensions of the specimen, and scanparameters (linear spacing and exposure) wereconfigured. To determine the appropriate linearspacing (step-size for the stage stepper motor),multiple spacing trials (10, 20, 30, 50 µm) wereconducted on isolated dental specimens of varioussize classes (< 4 mm in length; 4-8 mm; 8-12 mm;> 12 mm). Each resulting point cloud was exam-ined for adequate surface coverage (point density)for the desired level of morphological resolution.

Figure 4. Coating a specimen with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl). The compound is heated and vaporized in a glassinstrument and then mouth-blown onto the surface of the specimen.

Figure 5. Reflection of the laser line along a stainless steel scale barillustrating the necessity to coat reflective objects. The left half of thebar was left uncoated while the right side was lightly dusted withammonium chloride.



The general rule developed for determining appro-priate linear spacing was:

• specimens < 4 mm in length: 10 µm spacing

• specimens 4-8 mm in length: 20 µm spacing

• specimens 8-12 mm in length: 30 µm spacing

• specimens > 12 mm in length: 50 µm spacing

Because all specimens were coated withammonium chloride, the same exposure settingscould be maintained. Based on the same principalas shutter speed in photography, exposure time inlaser scanning is the duration (msec) that the CCDarrays are exposed to incoming photons. Underex-posure yields little or no scan data, while overexpo-sure leads to over-saturation and thus noisy scandata. Due to variation between the two sensorarrays, it was discovered that Sensor 0 must be setto a slightly longer exposure time to acquire com-parable amounts of data. With the ammoniumchloride coating, the exposure for Sensor 0 was setto 0.35 msec and Sensor 1 was set to 0.25 msec.

After all settings were configured, the surface pointcloud data were collected and saved for a singlescan orientation (view). To adequately cover thesurface of a dental specimen, five views (occlusal,buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal) were typicallyrequired. The five resulting point clouds weresaved as individual files, to later be registered intoa cohesive model (Figure 3) during the registrationprocess (described below).

Automation and Standardization of the Scanning and Modeling Process

Development of the Multiscan Platform. Whilethe aforementioned scanning procedure was effec-tive for scanning individual specimens, in order toexpedite the modeling process, it was necessary toscan and render multiple specimens simulta-neously. This was accomplished by the develop-ment of a nine-specimen multi-scan platform(Figure 6.1). Because all models for PaleoView3Dare complete 3D surfaces, it was necessary toadopt a rotational scanning approach to ade-

Figure 6. The multiscan platform with nine early Eocene marsupial molars (1). Figures 2-6 show the fixed stagepositions for the five standard scan views. Figures 7-11 show representative point cloud data for each correspondingposition: occlusal (7), buccal (8), lingual (9), mesial (10), and distal (11).



quately cover the entire surface of the specimens.Although complete automation of the scanning pro-cess would have been possible with a manufac-tured motorized rotary stage, integrating it into theexisting system would have been expensive (~10,000 USD). Additionally, with the extra stagemount, the work envelope would also have beengreatly reduced. Borrowing from rotary designs ofexisting stages, a low-cost (< 20 USD) multiscanplatform was constructed and functions as a man-ual version of a rotary stage.

Because five views were required to ade-quately cover the surface of most specimens, fivefixed stage positions were established (Figures6.2-6.6). Representative scans for each corre-sponding position can be seen in Figure 6.7-6.11.Default path plans were defined for each stageposition (Figure 7.1), automating a tedious processthat can now be opened and run with a single com-mand. Not only were the multiple specimens

scanned simultaneously, the resulting nine-speci-men point cloud (Figure 7.2) was imported intoGeomagic Studio 6.0 and processed in unison.This bolt-on specimen holder permitted simulta-neous scanning of up to nine small (< 5 mm) spec-imens. The nine specimen platform was chosenbecause the 3 x 3 design was the maximum sizesquare that would fit within the work envelope with-out shading lower specimens when the stage wastilted. The stage mount and the platform (to whichthe specimens were affixed) were constructed ofwood, and the mounting brackets were modified lidsupport hinge rails. Four brackets were mounted tothe platform, one on each side so that it could bebolted down to the support rails at the desiredangle of inclination. Standard specimen mountingcorks were glued to the platform, and the mountingpins were inserted into the corks, permitting easytransfer of specimens.Manual Registration. Scans of all five orientationsand the resulting point clouds were then importedinto Geomagic Studio 6.0 (Raindrop Inc., Durham,NC) for registration (the alignment of multipleviews) (Figure 8). All registrations were performedin Studio 6.0 because of a software glitch that wasdiscovered in later versions of the program (Studio7.0-10.0) that impaired the registration process forsmall (< 10 mm) specimens. This step was proba-bly the most important of the modeling process, asit united the five scans into a single 3D point cloud.To perform the operation a minimum of three (x, y,z) points were selected on one model, and threecorresponding points were selected on the secondmodel. Points chosen were well-defined morpho-logical structures (such as a cusp tip) that werewidely dispersed on the specimen. The “Register”algorithm was applied, and the two surfaces werealigned (Figure 8). The same process was appliedwith this new merged object and each remainingview. Once registered, each specimen was savedindividually, and subsequent operations were per-formed on isolated models. Autosurfacing Macro. Several post-registrationsmoothing functions (e.g., removal of outliers, uni-form sampling, etc…) were performed in Studio,and the point cloud was wrapped with a polygonalsurface. The processing phase of the techniquewas the most demanding, required the mostamount of training, and was thus the largest sourceof human error. Any number of processing func-tions (e.g., Noise Reduction, Smooth, Select Outli-ers, etc…) can over-smooth the model and greatlyalter the morphology of the specimen. To minimizeerror and standardize the modeling process, an

Figure 7. Lateral view of predefined path plans in Sur-veyor Scan Control (1). Each green trapezoid representsa start position and each red trapezoid represents a stopposition for the nine specimens of the multiscan platform(1). The corresponding specimen point clouds acquiredvia those path plans are highlighted in pink (2).



autosurfacing macro was developed in GeomagicStudio and is available for download at http://www.paleoview3d.org. Creating the macro wasstraightforward, all desired operations and corre-sponding parameters were performed on an initialmodel and recorded in the macro as an automatedfile. To use the autosurfacing macro, the file is sim-ply loaded and run with a single command, and allpre-programmed operations are applied to the cur-rent point cloud (Figure 9).

Morphometric Error Study

Because PaleoView3D models are availablefor public access and may be downloaded for usein morphometric applications, it was imperative thateach accurately represented the original specimen.To illustrate the accuracy and precision of this newlaser scanning technique, an extensive error studywas performed in all three Cartesian axes. Itshould be noted that in each of the studies, themodeling process was repeated with consistentparameters in its entirety: coating, scanning, regis-tration, and surface rendering (via the newly devel-oped autosurfacing macro when applicable). Linear (1D) Error Study. Linear measurementsare undoubtedly the easiest to acquire, and 1Ddata are still widely used in paleontological applica-tions. Because this technique was designed forsmall organic specimens of various morphologies,

selection of an appropriate control object was keyin assessing the linear accuracy of the modelingprocess. A small (5.5 mm) machine tooled screwwith a known thread-pitch (essentially the wave-length of the threads) of 0.250 mm was chosen asthe control (Figure 10). The screw was scanned(0.01 mm linear spacing) and modeled from start tofinish three separate times on independent days.Each model was composed of five scan views andrendered using the autosurfacing macro. Ten crestto crest linear measurements were taken permodel using the “DimLinear” tool in AutoCAD 2005(Figure 10). Surface Area (2D) Error Study. To incorporate thesecond dimension into the study, the control objectchosen was a one decimeter scale bar with knowndimensions of 100 x 10 x 1 mm (Figure 11). Thesurfaces of this scale bar were ideal for calculatingthe 2D area, and one long side (100 x 10 mm) wasscanned and modeled three separate times.Because only a single scan view was used inmodel creation, the autosurfacing macro could notbe utilized in this assessment. The surface area ofthe models was measured using the “CalculateVolumes” command in 3D-Doctor, which alsoyields surface area data. Since this measurementis a single command, the only source of humanerror is in the modeling process. Scans were main-

Figure 8. Video capture of the manual registration process in Geomagic Studio. Three corresponding points areselected on each model, roughly aligning the two scans. The registration algorithm is then applied to find the best fitof the two models.



tained at the highest resolution (0.01 mm) toremain consistent with the linear error study.Volumetric (3D) Error Study. The same scale barused in the surface area study was modeled for thevolumetric analysis (Figure 11). This scale bar hasa known volume of 1000 cubic millimeters (100 mmx 10 mm x 1 mm). Modeling this object proved diffi-cult due to the 1 mm thickness in the z-axis. Whenattempting to employ the global registration, thesoftware would consistently attempt to register theopposing broad surfaces as a single surface. Forthis reason the autosurfacing macro was not used,but all steps and parameters were maintainedminus the global registration. Three separate mod-els were generated duplicating the entire process,registering six different scan views per model. Thevolumes were calculated in Geomagic Studio 6.0using the “Compute Volume” analysis and crosschecked in 3D-Doctor using the “Calculate Vol-umes” command. As with the 2D study, there wasno potential source of human error in the measure-ment.

Casting Error Study

Because the goal of PaleoView3D is to digi-tize the types of Paleocene-Eocene taxa, speci-

mens from many museums were involved in theprocess. Original specimens were scanned when-ever possible; however, casts were also used sincemany museums are hesitant to loan original typematerial. Additionally, the type specimens of somespecies have been lost or damaged, so that castsare the only option. In some cases where types arelost or fragile, some museums are molding casts ofearlier casts for loans. Given the use of casts forPaleoView3D scans, it was necessary to assessthe accuracy of the molding/casting process.Although manufacturers publish shrinkage rates,few studies (Evans et al. 2001) have documentedshrinkage rates for a single molding and castingprocedure. Furthermore, there has been noassessment of the error of cumulative casting pro-cedures. Therefore, it was necessary to examinethe variation between the cast and the originalspecimen, as well as any “casts of casts.”

To address this issue, an isolated upper molarof an early Eocene creodont, Arfia junnei(UCMP 216155), was modeled using the laserscanning process. This specimen was then moldedusing Dow Corning HS III RTV Silicone and castwith TAP Plastics Four to One epoxy resin. Thepublished shrinkage rates at 24 hours for these

Figure 9. Video capture of the autosurfacing macro applied to an upper molar of Mimoperadectes labrus. Once thefive views have been registered manually, this automated surfacing is performed with a single command. In thisexample, the macro is followed by an additional smoothing function.



compounds are 0.2% and < 1.0%, respectively.This first generation cast was then scanned andrendered using the same technique. Oncescanned, the molding and casting process wasrepeated using the first generation cast, essentiallymaking a “cast of a cast.” This process was per-formed twice more concluding with a fourth gener-ation cast. Variation between the resulting modelswas assessed using the 3D Compare operation in

Geomagic Studio 6.0. This operation generates acolor-coded spectrum model illustrating areas ofcorrespondence and deviation between the twosurfaces (Figure 12). Areas of the resulting spec-trum model that appear green illustrate regions ofhighest correspondence and in this study, deviateless than ± 0.018 mm from one another. By default,surfaces at the higher end of the spectrum (yellowsand reds) highlight areas in which the second

Figure 10. Three-dimensional model of the machined screw used as the control object for the linear study. Taken inAutoCAD 2005, three crest-to-crest linear measurements (mm) are shown. The known thread pitch for this screwwas 0.250 mm.

Figure 11. Screen capture of the resulting scale bar model used in the 2D and 3D error study. The dimensions of thescale bar were 100 x 10 x 1 mm.



model has positive relief, i.e., is larger than theoriginal. Those surfaces colored at the lower end ofthe spectrum (blues and violets) highlight areas ofnegative relief, or places where the second modelis smaller than the original. Because the epoxy isknown to shrink, some variation will be introducedsimply in the alignment of the models compared.Since we were examining the effects of casting onoverall morphology, we chose not to scale themodels, but to compare them as produced.


Development of the Multiscan Platform

The first result of this study was the designand implementation of the low-cost multiscan plat-form (Figure 6.1). Implementation of this devicepermitted simultaneous scanning of up to ninespecimens and because each of the five stagepositions were fixed (Figures 6.2-6.6), generic pathplans were defined for each of the five scan views(Figures 6.7-6.11). With this device, once the spec-imens were mounted to the platform, the pre-defined path plans were loaded and run with a sin-gle-click for each respective stage position (Figure7). By reusing the pre-defined path plans, modeling

time was reduced by around 20%. Another advan-tage of using this in-house device was the level ofaccuracy maintained. Because the stage positionswere fixed, there was no opportunity for addederror (~ 0.02 mm) from the stage positioning sys-tem as would be seen with a motorized rotary unit.

Development of the Autosurfacing Macro

Another result of this study was the develop-ment of an autosurfacing macro. By using the auto-surfacing macro, once all five views are registeredmanually, the rest of the process can be performedwith a single command (Figure 9). This is espe-cially advantageous, as it permits for uniformity ofimage processing and reduces human error.

Six commands were incorporated into theautosurfacing macro: Global Registration, SelectDisconnected Components, Select Outliers, Uni-form Sample, Merge, and Clean.

1. Global Registration. The Global Registrationcommand essentially recalculates the fit of theindividual point\polygon models and reposi-tions them to form a more cohesive surface.This function is similar to the Manual Registra-tion operation except that the registration

Figure 12. Screen capture of the 3D compare function in Geomagic Studio that highlights regions of correspondenceand deviation between the two models of an Arfia junnei upper molar (UCMP 216155). Surfaces shown in green devi-ate less than ± 0.018 mm from one another while blues and reds represent regions of positive and negative relief,respectively.



algorithm is applied to all five views simulta-neously.

2. Select Disconnected Components. Incorpo-rated more for specimens with multiple ele-ments, the Select Disconnected Componentscommand automatically selects those points(or clusters of points) that are spatially sepa-rated from the majority of the other points(cumulative percentage). These clusters areessentially those points that lie outside thepotential surface boundary. Each cluster iscalculated as a percentage of the total object,and a conservative sensitivity is programmedinto the macro which selects those points thatmake up less than 5% of the total number ofpoints.

3. 3) Select Outliers. Similar to the Select Dis-connected Components command, the SelectOutliers function automatically detects andselects all points that lie outside the range ofthe majority of points. More sensitive than theformer, this operation selects those points thatlie outside a given range. To maintain morpho-logical accuracy, it was determined by trialand error that the sensitivity level needed tobe set to 66.6/100 in the autosurfacing macro.Levels set above this default setting cause thefunction to be too aggressive in removing out-liers, and levels set below fail to adequatelyremove noisy data.

4. Uniform Sample. The Uniform Sample oper-ation is derived from the curvature basedsampling which reduces the number of pointsalong a planar surface uniformly, but reducesthose along curved edges based upon a pre-determined density. This helps to preserve thenatural curvature of an object, while reducingredundant points along the flatter surfaces ofthe specimen. The Uniform Sample functionwithin the macro is set to reduce the numberof points so that the absolute spacing betweeneach point is 0.039 mm. In addition to greatlyreducing file size, this function also serves toreduce surface noise.

5. Merge. The Merge function is basically amacro in itself, combining: Merge Points,Reduce Noise, Uniform Sample, and Wrapfunctions. The Merge Points operation com-bines all point objects into a single object(e.g., the standard five views of a specimenwill be merged into a single point cloud). TheReduce Noise operation is employed conser-vatively in the macro as it has a tendency to

over-smooth potentially diagnostic morpholo-gies. The Uniform Sample command was pre-viously described and is not repeated in themacro. The Wrap function is the primary oper-ation responsible for the transformation of thecoordinate point cloud into a polygonal meshsurface model.

Morphometric Error Study

Linear (1D) Error Study. The resulting meanthread-pitch (known = 0.25 mm) from 30 measure-ments of the screw was 0.251 mm with a percenterror of 0.4%. This slight overestimation is mostlikely attributed to the layer of ammonium chlorideused to coat the object. The linear accuracy wascalculated as ± 0.001 mm, and the repeatabilitywas ± 0.0005 mm. With single micron scale accu-racy, these results far surpass the manufacturer’sstated claim of ± 0.00635 mm. Surface Area (2D) Error Study. The resultingthree area measurements taken from the scale bar(known = 1000 mm2) were: 998.04, 997.71, and1002.67 mm2. The mean calculated surface areawas 999.47 mm2 a percent error of 0.05%. Theslight underestimation could partially be explainedby an optical phenomenon that occurs at the edgeof an object, when the angle of incidence of thelaser plane exceeds 70 degrees from normal. Thisalters the perceived thickness of the laser line thatmakes it difficult for the software to delineate thetrue edge of the object. Because a single surfacescan was used, this edge was most likely removedas noise in post-processing. Volumetric (3D) Error Study. Both programs(Geomagic Studio 6.0 and 3D-Doctor) used to cal-culate the volume (known = 1000 mm3) of the threemodels of the scale bar yielded identical values permodel: 1007.54, 1019.89, and 1026.15 mm3. Themean calculated volume was 1017.86 mm3 a per-cent error of 1.79%. The consistent slight overesti-mation is again most likely attributable to theammonium chloride coating.

Casting Error Study

Comparison of the original specimen to thefirst generation cast showed the majority of the sur-face on the two models to be in correspondence,as illustrated by the green areas in Figure 13.1.Areas of highest deviation were concentratedalong the cusps and posterior margins of the tooth,and the maximum deviation was in the range of ±0.018 mm to ± 0.073 mm. The second generationcast varied from the original specimen a maximum



of ± 0.018 mm to ± 0.073 mm, with most of the vari-ation around the cusps and the stylar shelf (Figure13.2). With the third generation of molding/casting,increasing regions of negative relief (blue)appeared on the stylar shelf and peripheral mar-gins of the tooth (Figure 13.3). The maximum devi-ation between the original and the third generationcast ranged from ± 0.073 mm to ± 0.128 mm. Thefourth and final molding/casting generation showeda greater increase in negative deviation along theouter margins of the tooth (Figure 13.4). Comparedto the original specimen, this model yielded a max-imum deviation of ± 0.073 mm to ± 0.128 mm.


This paper focused on presenting methodsthat could further aid in the documentation anddevelopment of online 3D databases, usingPaleoView3D as a case study. The majority ofonline sites that specialize in 3D morphologicalmodels are designed primarily as online museums,for housing and visual comparison of models (e.g.,3D Museum, DigiMorph, MorphoBrowser, and Nat-uralis). Digimorph does offer downloadable 3D STLfiles for only 2% of its mammals, but this is obvi-ously not the primary goal of this website. In orderfor the continued growth of websites that offerdownloadable data, there needs to be confidence

Figure 13. Results of the 3D comparison for the casting error study. The model of the original specimen was com-pared to the models of the first generation cast (1), second generation cast (2), third generation cast (3), and fourthgeneration cast (4).



within the user-base that these data conform totheir research standards. Researchers need toknow the accuracy and quality of the data repre-sented on these sites; therefore, database devel-opers must standardize how models are producedand publish data on how models were created sothat the users know potential sources and degreesof error.

Standardization of models was achieved byconsistently coating specimens with ammoniumchloride. Aside from noise reduction caused byreflectivity, this permitted standardization of scanparameters and laser exposure settings. Newmethods were also developed to expedite andsemi-automate data collection. Unlike with CTmodel production, scanning time can often bemore time intensive than image processing. There-fore, with the number (~750) and variety of speci-mens (dental, cranial, and post-cranial) to beincluded in PaleoView3D it is imperative to developa scanning technique that could more efficientlyand accurately generate 3D models of the speci-mens. Implementation of the mulitscan platformand macro reduced total modeling time (coating,scanning, registration, surfacing) by approximately60% over traditional single scans. Model genera-tion for nine isolated specimens (maximum held byplatform) now takes an average of 5.5 hours(approximately 35 min per specimen) from start tofinish. Using the predefined path plans, however,once a scan has been initiated, the user is free toprocess previously scanned data, maximizing effi-ciency. Because the focus of this website was notjust model viewing, but producing data to beemployed in morphometric analyses, it was also arequirement that these models maintain the high-est degree of morphological accuracy. A multiscanplatform that permitted nine specimens to bescanned (and therefore registered) at once wasdesigned and implemented. Although this in-housemodel did not have the motorized rotation offeredon many manufactured stages, it greatly reducedscan and registration time, at a much lower cost(~20 as opposed to ~10,000 USD), allowed for alarger work area, and was more accurate.

The image processing phase of 3D modeldevelopment has the highest potential for the intro-duction of human error that could affect the accu-racy and precision of models. Additionally,PaleoView3D is being developed at Marshall Uni-versity, a primarily undergraduate institution, andthe many technicians employed for the project areundergraduates with limited experience and shorttenures. Therefore, another task was to make the

image processing as user-friendly and automatedas possible to reduce sources of error and to facili-tate image processing uniformity. After specimensare registered, it is now possible to surface speci-mens with a single command. The autosurfacingmacro that was developed includes steps thatchecks the manual registration process, removesnoise and extreme outliers, reduces redundantpoints and thereby greatly reducing file size,merges the point clouds from the multiple scans,and finally “wraps” the merged point cloud into apolygonal mesh to achieve the final model. Under-graduates, in as early as their second or sopho-more year, have been successfully trained toindependently scan and process models.

Finally, since by necessity many of thePaleoView3D models were based on casts asopposed to original specimens, an error study wasdesigned to compare models based on casts ver-sus original specimens. The casting error studydemonstrated, as expected, that subsequent cast-ing generations exhibit amplified shrinkage and dovary slightly from the original specimen. In additionto the error incurred by multiple molding and cast-ing generations, error from the scanning and mod-eling processes were also incorporated, makingthis a “worst case scenario” repeatability study.Examining the maximum range of deviation (±0.073 mm), for the first and second generationcasts, these results are considered acceptable formost morphometric analyses. The maximum varia-tion for the third and fourth generation casts (±0.128 mm) is certainly less desirable, but this anextreme example, and most researchers wouldavoid analyzing a fourth generation cast evenusing traditional methods. It should be noted thatthe goal of this study was not to show whether thismodeling process was more or less accurate thanany other technique, but to document the results sothat the user can decide how to best utilize thesedata.The error studies performed on objects ofknown dimensions suggest that these digital mod-els are highly accurate. The 1D study of linearaccuracy resulted in a 0.4% error rate, the 2D sur-face area error rate was 0.05%, and the 3D or volu-metric error rate was 1.79%. Manufacturers includetheoretical numbers that represent the maximalpossible accuracy of their instruments; however,these typically not do include a combination ofpotential error rate for both scanning and modeling.Analogous studies are not available to contrasthow this scanner and scanning protocol compareto other systems. However, the importance is that,with this study, researchers wishing to include



PaleoView3D models into their research will beaware of the error inherent in the models so theycan take this into consideration when designingmeasurement and statistical options.

In order to gain a successful user-base andpromote the sharing of data online, websites alsoneed to be explicated concerning the sources ofthe data they publish. For example, associatedwith each PaleoView3D model is a list of technicalspecifications under which that model was pro-duced including: the number of scans used to pro-duce the model, whether a fossil or cast wasscanned, what type of coating was applied to thespecimen prior to scanning, the step-size or linearspacing between scans, the laser exposure time,the number of polygons that are included in themodel, and the number of points that were used toderive a model. Association of these metadata withthe models helps one assess the compatibility ofdata from multiple databases.

Due to the potential for growth of online 3Ddatabases, we advocate the standardization ofmethods within sites, reporting of methodologicalerror rates, and also explicitly documenting 3Dmodel production protocols. By thoroughly docu-menting this information for PaleoView3D, we havegiven the user the ability to decide whether or notthese data are acceptable for a particular study.We encourage all online 3D databases (presentand future) to follow this approach of standardiza-tion and detailed documentation of modeling pro-cedures, to promote the dissemination of 3D datauseful for comparative analyses of paleontologicalspecimens.


We would like to thank M.J. Adkins and T.Penkrot, for assistance in specimen scanning andmodeling and C. Xue for database and websitedevelopment. We also acknowledge D. Neff for hisimmense help in establishment and operationaltraining of the laser scanner and accompanyingsoftware. We thank P. Holroyd (University of Cali-fornia Museum of Paleontology) for use of speci-mens in this project. We also thank twoanonymous reviewers for insightful comments thatimproved this manuscript. This project was fundedby the National Science Foundation (DEB - BioticSurveys & Inventories 020828; DBI - BiologicalDatabases and Informatics 0543414), MarshallUniversity, and NASA.


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