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Paleo Cookbook: Top 10 Foods With Deliciously New Recipes To Live Healthy & Lose Weight

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Page 1: Paleo Cookbook: Top 10 Foods With Deliciously New Recipes To Live Healthy & Lose Weight
Page 2: Paleo Cookbook: Top 10 Foods With Deliciously New Recipes To Live Healthy & Lose Weight

Paleo Cookbook

Top 10 Foods WithDeliciously New


By Elaine Ross

All Rights ReservedCopyright 2013 Kingyo Publishing

First Ebook Edition

Page 3: Paleo Cookbook: Top 10 Foods With Deliciously New Recipes To Live Healthy & Lose Weight

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Page 4: Paleo Cookbook: Top 10 Foods With Deliciously New Recipes To Live Healthy & Lose Weight

Table of ContentsThe Paleo Diet - in a NutshellAlmonds

Almond and Hazelnut DukkahBrussels Sprouts with Bacon andAlmondsOrange and Almond Cake

ApplesApple & Tomato ChutneyApple Citrus DelightApple & Coconut Cake

AvocadoBaked Sweet Potato with Bacon, RedPepper & Avocado

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Avocado, Coconut & Chocolate SmoothieSalmon & Avocado Ceviche

BeefThai Beef SaladTender Braised Beef Brisket withCarrotsSteak with Chimichurri Sauce

BerriesStrawberry, Orange and Coconut FiestaVery Berry MuffinsPaleo Muesli

BroccoliFrittata of Carrot, Broccoli & TomatoesBroccoli, Sweet Potato & Tomato CurryLemony Roasted Broccoli with Almonds

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CoconutSteamed Pumpkin & Coconut CustardCoconut Fish Stew

Dark, Leafy VegetablesStir Fried Spinach with WalnutsKale, Banana & Apple SmoothieWarm Salad of Beet, Chard & Pine NutsSalad Of Cantaloupe, Avocado, Arugula &Parma Ham

Olives and Olive OilSalad of Pear, Avocado & OlivesMushroom, Roasted Pepper & OliveTapenadeMoroccan Chicken Tagine


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Salmon with Tangy Lemon & MangoSauceSteamed Fish Parcels With TomatoesSweet Potato Fishcakes


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Dear Reader, Thank you for downloading my book. Ihope that you will enjoy these recipes. I would very much like to hear aboutyour experience with this book, soplease leave a review on Amazon. Itwill surely help and encourage me tocreate better books in the future. While you’re there, don’t forget to checkout my other books: Paleo Cookbook : A Quick Guide WithDeliciously Easy Recipes For Breakfast,Lunch & Dinner

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Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes :Deliciously Easy Meals To Live Healthy& Lose Weight Yours sincerely,Elaine Ross

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The Paleo Diet - in aNutshell While it has gained a sudden burst ofpopularity in recent years, the Paleo dietis not new — far from it, in fact. No, the Paleo diet is not some newfoundway of eating that some doctors andscientists have recently discovered,although plenty of them will say they’vedone research supporting this diet. The Paleo diet is the way our humanancestors ate centuries ago, which iswhy you will sometimes see it referred

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to as the “caveman diet”. It’s a diet thatis based on the caveman’s way of eating— scouring the Earth for whatever foodthey can find, which includes meat, fish,and plant foods such as berries andseeds. Now, obviously, we have come a longway from those days, and don’t need tohunt and kill our own meat (unless wewant to, of course), and we have a widevariety of plant foods available a hop,skip and a jump away at our localsupermarkets. In these ways, it’s notexactly the same style of eating. What is similar is the types of foods.The Paleo diet is a diet full of high

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quality proteins. Grass fed beef, wildfish and seafood, free range and organicchicken and pork. It should not includepoor quality meats that are pumped fullof antibiotics, and it should not includeprocessed foods of any kind, becauselet’s face it, the animals that cavemen ateran wild, and ate what they should haveeaten, and I shouldn’t have to tell youthat they didn’t eat Twinkies and Pop-Tarts. The best part about eating Paleo is thatyou are not hungry. Protein, fruits,vegetables, nuts and seeds are allhealthy, nutritious and filling foods thatwill leave you feeling full. Of coursethere are some things you should not eat,

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and some things that you should eat onlyin small amounts, but once you begineating this way, you’ll notice that youdon’t need those bad foods to besatisfied. You’ll find yourself feeling good,feeling full, and losing weight as well.So much so that you’ll wonder why youdidn’t start eating this way years ago. In my first book Paleo Cookbook : AQuick Guide With Deliciously EasyRecipes For Breakfast, Lunch & DinnerI’ve touched on the variety of foods youcan and can’t eat, as well as easyrecipes that fit perfectly within this diet.

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This book lists the 10 best sources ofmacronutrients for a Paleo Diet.Macronutrients are primary componentsin our diet in the form of proteins, fatsand carbohydrates that give the bodyenergy to function properly. So, if you’re ready to learn more, thenlet’s continue on your Paleo journey!

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Almonds Health Benefits of Almonds Almonds are high in monounsaturatedfats - they keep us healthy by loweringthe bad cholesterol in our blood stream.They are also a great source of proteins,vitamins and minerals, which helps toprevent heart disease, gut disease anddiabetes. Compared to other nuts, almonds havethe highest amount of vitamin E, whichkeeps the skin healthy and helps preventcancer.

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They are also a good source of fiber,which acts as an appetite suppressantand is a great help if you are looking tolose weight. Almonds and the Paleo Diet Almonds are fantastic because they areeasy to carry around and are availablethroughout the year. They can be enjoyedin various forms - raw, organic or dryroasted almonds are best. Almonds are great as a snack or toppingand in pesto or stuffing. Grind almondsin a food processor as a substitute forbreadcrumbs. Almond butter can be used

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as a spread and almond flour is anindispensable substitute for recipescalling for wheat flour. Unsweetenedalmond milk can be used as a substitutefor dairy milk. Here are 3 ways you can enjoy almondsin your Paleo Diet:

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Almond and HazelnutDukkah Dukkah is an Egyptian condiment, whichis traditionally eaten as a dip togetherwith olive oil. You can vary theingredients according to yourpreference. You can also coat fish,chicken or meat in dukkah before pan-frying or broiling. Makes 2 cupsTotal Prep Time: 15 minutes Ingredients

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1 cup almonds1 cup hazelnuts½ cup sesame seeds2 tablespoons cumin seeds2 tablespoons coriander seeds1 tablespoon fennel seeds½ teaspoon ground chili pepperSea salt and black pepper Directions Preheat the oven to 350ºF/180ºC. Place nuts on a baking tray and roast fora few minutes - keep your eyes on thembecause they could burn in an instant.

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Remove from oven and transfer to aclean tea towel. Rub gently to removeskins from hazelnuts. Dry fry sesame seeds and spices in afrying pan until fragrant. Mix in the nutsand transfer to a food processor. Themix needs to have a slightly coarsetexture, so do not over process. Useimmediately or store in an airtightcontainer, it will keep for up to 2months.

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Brussels Sprouts withBacon and Almonds Makes 4 servingsTotal Prep Time: 30 Minutes Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil2 slices nitrate-free bacon, chopped2 shallots, finely chopped1 pound/450 grams Brussels sprouts,trimmedSea salt and black pepper1 cup chicken stock, preferably

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homemade1 teaspoon lemon juice½ cup toasted slivered almonds Directions Cut the Brussels sprouts in half if theyare too big. Heat oil in a pan over medium to highheat. Cook bacon till crisp, remove anddrain on paper towels. In the same pan, put in shallots and stirfry till soft. Put in Brussels sprouts andstir-fry for 1 minute. Season, addchicken stock and bring to boil. Coverand lower heat. Cook for 8-10 minutes -

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do not overcook the sprouts as this willmake them taste bitter. Remove fromheat, add in lemon juice and stir.Sprinkle with toasted almonds.

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Orange and AlmondCake Makes 12 servingsTotal Prep Time: 1.5 hours Ingredients 2 oranges1 tablespoon butter, melted3 pastured eggs½ cup raw honey or maple syrup3 cups almond flour1 teaspoon baking powder½ cup slivered almonds

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Directions Put oranges whole in a pot. Add enoughwater to cover and bring to boil. Thenlower the heat and simmer for about 1 ½to 2 hours, until you can easily pokethrough the skins with a skewer. Removeoranges. When cool enough to handle,roughly chop and transfer to a foodprocessor. Process until smooth. Preheat the oven to 350ºF/180ºC.Grease a 9-inch/22 cm spring-form panwith butter and line with parchmentpaper. Break eggs into a mixing bowl together

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with the honey and beat till fluffy. Addin orange pulp, almond flour and bakingpowder. Beat till well combined. Pourinto pan, sprinkle with almonds and bakefor 45 minutes to an hour. When youinsert a skewer into the centre of thecake and it comes out clean, it's cooked.Remove and transfer to wire rack tocool. Serve with whipped coconutcream.

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Apples Health Benefits of Apples Apples are packed with phytonutrients,also known as phytochemicals.Phytonutrients are a natural occurringchemical in plants that aid in thefunctioning of the body and protect itfrom disease. Apples contain many antioxidants,especially vitamin C, which protects thecells in the body from damage caused byfree radicals. Free radicals are organicmolecules that cause damage at thecellular level which lead to ageing,

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macular degeneration, heart disease,diabetes and cancer. Being high in fiber content, apples helpto keep the digestive system healthy,control blood sugar and help to lowerthe bad cholesterol in the body. Fiberalso makes you feel full for longerthereby making it great for weight loss. Apples and the Paleo Diet Apples make a great snack and are easyto carry around. They suppress appetiteand sugar cravings. Apples containsimple carbohydrates in the form offructose, which converts immediatelyinto energy.

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When buying go for organic, local and inseason. Apples are typically in seasonend summer through fall. It is preferableto eat them raw or you can blitz theminto smoothies and juices. The additionof apples to cooking and baking gives ita sweet and sometimes tart taste. Here are 3 ways that you can enjoyapple in your Paleo Diet:

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Apple & TomatoChutney Chutneys are handy to have at home.Serve them with cold meats, cheese,curries or roast pork. Makes 1-2 jarsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 1 pound/500 grams tomatoes, roughlychopped4 Granny Smith apples, cored and

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chopped1 small knob of fresh ginger, thinlysliced1 cinnamon stick1 cup cider vinegar or lemon juice1 cup honey½ teaspoon red pepper flakessea salt½ cup raisins Directions Add all ingredients into a pot, bring toboil, lower heat and simmer for about 20to 30 minutes over medium to low heat.Stir often until apples are soft. Leave tocool and store in sterilized jars. Theyshould keep for 2 to 3 weeks in the

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Apple Citrus Delight Makes 2 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 15 minutes Ingredients 2 red apples, cored and roughly chopped2 oranges, peeled½ peeled lemon2 tablespoons honey1 small bunch of fresh mint Directions

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Place all ingredients into a juicer andblend away. Enjoy.

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Apple & CoconutCake Makes 12 servingsTotal Prep Time: 1.5 hours Ingredients 3 pastured eggs3 cups almond flour6 tablespoons coconut flour1 teaspoon baking soda1 cup butter, melted½ cup raw honey or maple syrup1 teaspoon organic vanilla extract

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2 tablespoons coconut milk½ cup shredded, unsweetened coconutflakes2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, coredand shredded Directions Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Grease a9-inch/22 cm spring-form pan with somebutter and line with parchment paper. Sift flour and baking powder. Breakeggs into a separate bowl together withthe butter, honey and vanilla. Beat tilllight and fluffy. Add in flour. Beat tillwell combined. Then add in milk, flakedcoconut and apple. Stir to combine.

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Pour into pan and bake for 45 minutes toan hour. When you insert a skewer intothe centre of the cake and it comes outclean, it's cooked. Remove and transferto wire rack to cool. Serve withwhipped coconut cream.

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Avocado Health Benefits of Avocado Avocado is a carotenoid antioxidantpowerhouse. The high fat content (moreon that in a moment) in avocado acts as avessel for carotenoid antioxidants to beabsorbed into the body. Antioxidants areessential in the prevention of cellulardamage, which could lead to cancer,heart disease and ageing. Antioxidantsalso enhance our immune system, whichprotects us from infections and keep ushealthy.

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Avocado is indeed high in fat content butit falls under the 'good fat' category.Good fats are essential for thefunctioning of the body. They helptransport vitamins into the body, keepthe skin supple, and generally lower the'bad fat' that is often associated withheart disease. Avocado and the Paleo Diet Avocado has a thick skin that protects itfrom pesticides hence you can safely buynon-organic. It is also available year-round. The high fiber content in avocadomakes you feel full and the oleic acidhelps tell your brain that you are full.

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An important source of fat, avocadoprovides the energizing fuel required bythe body. Nothing feels more fulfillinglike an avocado smoothie in the morning.Think about adding chopped avocado tosalads and salsas. Or use avocado oil inyour salad dressings. Here are 3 ways you can enjoy avocadoin your Paleo Diet:

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Baked Sweet Potatowith Bacon, RedPepper & Avocado This recipe uses a mixture of coconutmilk & lemon juice as a substitute forsour cream. You may also use yams inplace of sweet potatoes.

Makes 4 servingsTotal Prep Time: 1 hour Ingredients

4-6 sweet potatoes, unpeeled

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2 tablespoons olive oil2 slices nitrate-free bacon, chopped½ cup unsweetened coconut milk,chilled2 teaspoon lemon juicepaprika, sea salt and black pepper½ red pepper, diced1 avocado, diced Directions

Heat oven to 400°F/200°C.

Give the potatoes a good scrub andpierce them with a fork in severalplaces. Place the sweet potatoes on abaking sheet. Brush half the olive oilonto the potatoes. Bake for about 45

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minutes, or until tender.

Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil overmedium to high heat and fry bacon untilcrisp. Remove and drain on papertowels.

Open coconut can and scoop up thesolids. You can drink the water orreserve it to make smoothies. Using awhisk, whip coconut cream until thickand fluffy. Add in lemon juice andseasonings, to taste. Give it anotherquick whisk.

To serve, split the sweet potatoes in themiddle and ladle cream on top. Garnishwith bacon, peppers and avocado.

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Avocado, Coconut &Chocolate Smoothie Makes 2 servingsTotal Prep Time: 15 minutes Ingredients 3 tablespoons raw honey2 ripe avocados, pitted and peeled½ cup coconut milk1 cup almond milk2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoapowder1 cup of crushed ice

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Directions Put all ingredients into a blender. Blendtill smooth. Enjoy.�

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Salmon & AvocadoCeviche Sashimi grade salmon is best for thisdish. Alternatively, use the freshestsalmon you can get your hands on. Makes 4 servingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 1 ½ pounds/700 grams fresh wildsalmon, sliced thinlysea salt and black pepper

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2 limes1 chili pepper, finely chopped2 shallots, finely chopped2 avocadosavocado oil or olive oilfresh cilantro leaves Directions Arrange sliced salmon on a plate, seasonwith salt and pepper. Squeeze the juiceof 1 lime over the salmon. Leave tomarinate in the refrigerator for 30minutes. Cut the remaining lime into wedges. Cutthe avocado into half around the stone,give both sides a twist and separate.

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Remove the stone and scoop out theflesh. Slice thinly and arrange on top ofthe salmon. Scatter chili pepper andshallots and drizzle a little oil on top.Serve garnished with cilantro leaves andlime wedges.

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Beef Health Benefits of Beef Proteins are a macronutrient, like fatsand carbohydrates. Fats andcarbohydrates provide energy for thebody. The role of proteins is to buildand repair the tissues in the body. Beef is the best food source for proteins,B-complex vitamins, zinc and iron. B-complex vitamins help to improve moodand memory. They also help you tomanage stress better. Zinc is an essentialmineral that boosts the immune systemand is good for the skin, hair and nails.Zinc also improves our sense of taste

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and smell and is essential forreproduction and pregnancy. Beef and the Paleo Diet The great thing about the Paleo Diet isthat you can eat as much meat as youwant. Grass-fed meat is alwaysrecommended and you shouldn't beafraid of fatty cuts of meat or organ meatlike liver, heart and kidney. The sky's thelimit on how you can prepare your meats- stir frying, roasting, broiling, stews andbraises - but remember to go easy on thesea salt and additional oil and fat. Here are 3 ways that you can enjoy beefin your Paleo Diet:

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Thai Beef Salad This tangy salad is one of my favoritethings to have for lunch. Makes 4 servingsTotal Prep Time: 45 minutes Ingredients 1 pound/450g skirt or flank steak1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved1 cucumber, halved lengthwise andthinly sliced½ red onion, thinly sliced

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1 red chili pepper, seeds removed,thinly slicedA bunch each of fresh cilantro, basil andmint, chopped2 tablespoons toasted almonds orhazelnuts, chopped Dressing 1 tablespoon fish sauce1 ½ tablespoons lime juice1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger1 ½ tablespoons coconut palm sugar,finely chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed1 tablespoon sesame oil1 tablespoon soy sauce (optional)

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Directions Put dressing ingredients together. Placesteak into a food storage bag, pour inhalf the dressing, seal and make sure thatthe steak is well coated. Refrigerate forat least ½ hour. If storing for longer, turnthe bag occasionally. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables,herbs and nuts and assemble them in asalad bowl. Pour in the remainingdressing and toss salad. Remove marinated steak. Depending onthe thickness and your preference, broilthe steak for 3-5 minutes, turn and broil

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for another 3-5 minutes. Remove andcover with foil. Let stand for 10 minutes. Slice steak thinly. Place on top of saladand serve.

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Tender Braised BeefBrisket with Carrots Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 3 ½ hours Ingredients 2 pounds/900 grams beef brisketsea salt and black pepper1 teaspoon dried oregano2 yellow onions, chopped4 carrots, diced4 celery ribs, diced3 bay leaves

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1 cup chicken stock1 can crushed tomatoes Directions Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit thetop of a heavy ovenproof pot. Rubbrisket all over with salt, pepper andoregano. Transfer to pot, followed byonions, carrots, celery and bay leaves.Pour in chicken stock and cannedtomatoes. Place parchment paper on topand cover with lid. This is to preventmoisture from escaping. Leave to cookfor 1 hour.

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Turn the brisket and check if more stockneeds to be added. Cover and cook foranother hour. Remove cover and roastfor about 15 minutes more to thicken thesauce. Take pot out from oven, transfer brisketto a cutting board, cover loosely withfoil and let stand for at least 10 minutes,then slice thinly. Serve with vegetablesand sauce.

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Steak withChimichurri Sauce This Argentinean sauce is the perfectcondiment to steak. You can also use thesauce as a marinade for the steak. Servewith a simple salad of spinach, pear andwalnuts. Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil

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4 steaks (rib-eye, sirloin or flank) Sauce 1 ½ cups fresh flat-leaf parsley1 cup fresh cilantro½ cup fresh oregano2 garlic cloves, peeled¾ cup olive oil2 tablespoons red wine vinegar or lemonjuicesea salt and black pepper½ teaspoon red pepper flakes Directions Chop fresh herbs and garlic finely.Alternatively, you can blitz them in a

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food processor. Transfer to a bowl.Whisk together oil, vinegar, salt, pepperand red pepper flakes, pour onto freshherbs, stir to combine. Season steaks with salt and pepper. Heatoil in a pan over high heat, cook steaksto your liking - about 3-5 minutes perside depending on the thickness. Servewith sauce on the side or on top ofsteaks.

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Berries Health Benefits of Berries Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries,blackberries and other berry fruits havethe highest content of antioxidantscompared to any other food sources. Antioxidants protect the body againstinflammation and damage caused by freeradicals. Antioxidants also keep ourimmune system strong. Eating berriesreduces the chances of getting heartdisease, cancer and helps the brain stayhealthy.

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Berries are also very low in fat and highin fiber. Fiber helps to slow down thedigestion and absorption ofcarbohydrates from the digestive tractinto the body. This is an essential toolfor weight loss because it helps managehunger and provides sustained energy. Berries and the Paleo Diet Don’t be mistaken by the size of thesediminutive darlings as they have some ofthe highest fiber content among all fruitsbesides being packed with nutrients.They act as fuel to keep the body leanand healthy as well as satisfy thosesweet cravings.

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Like when buying vegetables, organicand local is best because they are thefreshest and have less pesticides.Strawberries, raspberries, blueberriesand blackberries are best in summer. Berries can be enjoyed on their own,blended into smoothies or added tosalads and desserts. They are best eatenraw but can also be safely frozen withminimal loss to nutrients. Here are 3 ways you can enjoy berriesin your Paleo Diet:

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Strawberry, Orangeand Coconut Fiesta Makes 2 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 15 minutes Ingredients 2 cups strawberries, rinsed and hulled2 oranges, peeled and cut1 cup coconut milk2 tablespoons raw honeyice Directions

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Put all ingredients into a blender andblend away. Enjoy.

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Very Berry Muffins Makes 12Total Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 1 lemon1 ½ cups almond flour¾ cup coconut flour, sifted5 pastured eggs1 cup raw honey or maple syrup⅔ cups butter, melted1 cup mixed fresh berries Directions

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Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Grease 12 muffin pans or liners. Graterind of lemon. Place almond flour,coconut flour and rinds into a bowl andmix well. Break and whisk eggs in a separatebowl. Add dry ingredients and mix well.Stir in honey, melted butter and berries. Spoon mixture into muffin pans untiltwo-thirds full. Bake for 15-20 minutes.To check, insert skewer into muffins - ifthey come out clean, they're cooked.

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Paleo Muesli Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 15 minutes Ingredients 2 cups mixed fresh berries½ cup mixed dried fruits½ cup sunflower or pumpkin seeds½ cup almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts,toasted2 tablespoons desiccated coconut orcoconut flakes Directions

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Mix all ingredients together. Serve withcoconut or almond milk.

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Broccoli Health Benefits of Broccoli Broccoli is one of the most nutritiousvegetables. It is packed with vitaminsand minerals that are essential to health.It also contains antioxidants, whichprotect the body and support the internalprocess of detoxification. Broccoli is known for its cancer-fightingproperties. Eating broccoli reduces therisk of diabetes, heart disease and highblood pressure. It also helps withkeeping eyes and bones healthy. The

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high fiber content in broccoli is good forthe digestive system. Broccoli and the Paleo Diet Not only is broccoli packed withnutrients, it also adds bulk to meals andis high in fiber. In addition, broccolihelps to burn fats and build muscles byregulating estrogen levels in the body. Broccoli does not retain pesticidesmuch, so you don’t necessarily need tobuy organic. It is available year-roundbut is best in autumn and winter. It is preferable to steam, stir-fry or roastbroccoli rather than boil or eat it raw.

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Broccoli can also be added to a warmsalad or pureed into soups. Here are 3 ways that you can enjoybroccoli in your Paleo Diet:

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Frittata of Carrot,Broccoli & Tomatoes Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 8 pastured eggs, lightly beatensea salt and black pepper1 tablespoon olive oil½ cup grated carrot½ cup broccoli, chopped finely½ cup tomatoes, dicedA small bunch of fresh herbs (basil or

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parsley or dill), finely chopped Directions Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Season eggs with salt and pepper. Heatoil in an ovenproof pan over mediumheat and add carrots and broccoli. Fryvegetables until they start to turn golden,then add in tomatoes and herbs, mixwell. Spread out the vegetables evenlyand pour in the egg mixture. Lower theheat and leave to cook until the eggs startto set around the edges. Transfer to ovenand cook for 8-10 minutes. Do notovercook eggs. Remove from oven andserve warm.

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Broccoli, Sweet Potato& Tomato Curry Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 45 minutes Ingredients 1 tablespoon coconut oil1 onion, chopped1 garlic clove, finely chopped1 teaspoon grated ginger¼ teaspoon each ground cumin,coriander, turmeric and chili pepper1 teaspoon garam masala (optional)

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sea salt1 sweet potato, peeled and cut intocubes1 14 oz/400 grams can coconut milk4 cups broccoli, cut into florets1 tomato, chopped1 tablespoon lime juice Directions Heat oil in a pan over medium to highheat. Add onions and stir-fry until soft.Add in garlic, ginger, spices, salt andstir- fry till fragrant. Add in sweetpotatoes and coconut milk, bring to boiland cover. Lower heat and simmer forabout 10 minutes.

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Remove cover and add in broccoli andtomatoes. Cover and simmer for another5 minutes, until broccoli is cooked toyour liking. Remove lid, turn off heatand add lime juice. Serve hot.

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Lemony RoastedBroccoli with Almonds Makes 4 servingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 6 cups broccoli, cut into florets2 tablespoons olive oilsea salt and black pepper1 tablespoon lemon juice¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)¼ cup toasted almond flakes

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Directions Preheat oven to 400°F/200°C. Lay broccoli on a baking tray lined withfoil or parchment paper. Drizzle witholive oil. Season and toss to coat.Arrange in a single layer and roast forabout 20 minutes until broccoli iscooked. Remove and transfer to a bowl.Add in lemon juice and pepper flakes,toss to combine. Sprinkle toastedalmonds on top and serve with yourfavorite grilled meat or fish.

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Coconut Health Benefits of Coconut Coconut is highly nutritious and you canenjoy the various parts - flesh, juice, oiland milk. Coconut milk and oil arederived from coconut meat. Coconuts strengthen the body's immunesystem and protect us from infection. Itis also a great source of vitamins,minerals, amino acids, antioxidants andfiber. Coconut water, the liquid inside young

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coconuts, is packed with electrolytes. Itis nature's answer to a sports drink -drinking coconut water after a workoutis great for optimal hydration andrecovery. The antioxidant properties in coconut oilmake it a wonderful potion for healthy,supple skin and shiny, lustrous hair.Coconut milk is high in calcium, boostsmetabolism and aids in weight loss. Coconut and the Paleo Diet Coconut milk is a popular alternative todairy. It is also a great source of dietaryfat which gives us the energy to get usgoing.

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A dash of coconut milk gives dishes arich and savory taste, which is hard tobeat. You can also add coconut water tosmoothies and juices. Using coconut oilfor searing meat and stir-frying gives it awonderful nutty aroma. And of course,coconut flour and desiccated coconut areindispensable for desserts. Here are 2 ways you can enjoy coconut

in yourPaleo Diet:

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Steamed Pumpkin &Coconut Custard Makes 6 servingsTotal Prep Time: 1 hour Ingredients 2 cups pumpkin, peeled and cut into ½inch cubes4 pastured eggs1 ½ cups coconut cream½ tsp sea salt¾ cup raw honey or maple syrup¼ teaspoon nutmeg

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Directions Steam pumpkin for about 5 minutes, untilalmost cooked. Lightly beat eggs with a whisk and stirthem into a bowl together with thecoconut cream, salt, honey and nutmeg.Strain the mixture into six ramekins.Divide steamed pumpkin among theramekins. Place ramekins on a tray andsteam for 15 to 20 minutes until thecustard sets.

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Coconut Fish Stew For this recipe you can use any type ofwild-caught white fish such as cod,grouper, halibut, mahi-mahi or snapper.Serve with steamed cauliflower. Makes 4 servingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 1 ½ pounds/700 grams firm white fishfillets, cut into portionssea salt and black pepper1 tablespoon coconut oil

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1 yellow onion, finely chopped1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger1 crushed garlic clove1 teaspoon ground coriander1 teaspoon turmeric1 green chili pepper, deseeded, finelychopped8 curry leaves (optional)1 cup fish or chicken stock1 ½ cups unsweetened coconut milkfresh cilantro leaves Directions Season fish fillets with sea salt andpepper. Set aside. Heat oil over medium heat. Sauté onions

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for a few minutes until soft. Add inginger, garlic, coriander, turmeric, chilipepper and curry leaves. Stir-fry untilaromatic. Add in stock and coconut milk, bring toboil. Add in fish. Reduce heat to asimmer for 10 minutes or until fish iscooked. Serve garnished with cilantroleaves.

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Dark, Leafy Vegetables Health Benefits of Dark, LeafyVegetables Dark, leafy greens like kale, collards,Swiss chard, spinach, mustard greensand arugula are rich in vitamins,minerals and phytochemicals that fightdiseases. Eating dark, leafy vegetables help toprotect against heart disease, diabetesand even cancer. They are also good forthe eyes, joints, brain-function as well asskin and hair health.

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Dark, Leafy Vegetables and the PaleoDiet Dark, leafy greens are very low in fatand carbohydrates. They are rich infiber, which digests slowly therebymaking you feel fuller for longer, stavingoff those hunger pangs. Dark, leafygreens are also a good source of proteinthat makes the body strong. Organic and local is best - they are thefreshest and have less pesticides. Also,they don't leave too much of a carbonfootprint from having to travel a greatdistance from elsewhere.

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Spinach, collard greens and arugula areavailable year-round. Kale, chard andmustard greens are seasonal. With such variety, leafy greens can betossed into salads, simply steamed, stir-fried or added to soups and stews. Here are 4 ways you can enjoy dark,leafy vegetables in your Paleo Diet:

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Stir Fried Spinachwith Walnuts Serves 4 as a side dishTotal Prep Time: 15 minutes Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil1 clove garlic, peeled and sliced thinlyA bunch of fresh spinach, rinsed andchopped2 tablespoons lemon juicesea salt and black pepper½ cup toasted walnuts Directions

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Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Stir-fry garlic for a few seconds untilaromatic. Add spinach and cover for 2-3minutes - the residual water from rinsingthe spinach will steam and cook them.Remove the cover, stir spinach to makesure they are evenly cooked. Add inlemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix welland remove from heat. Serve withcrumbled toasted walnuts.

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Kale, Banana & AppleSmoothie Makes 2 servingsTotal Prep Time: 15 minutes Ingredients 2 cups kale, Swiss chards or spinach,roughly chopped1 banana1 apple or pear, coreda small bunch of cilantro or parsley1 lime, juice only1 cup coconut water

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DirectionsPut all ingredients in a blender andblend away. Enjoy.

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Warm Salad of Beet,Chard & Pine Nuts Makes 4 servingsTotal Prep Time: 1.5 hours Ingredients 5 beets, washed and ends trimmed1 tablespoon olive oil½ red onion, sliced1 bunch of Swiss chard, rinsed androughly choppedsea salt and black pepper2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts

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Orange and Ginger Vinaigrette 2 tablespoons orange juice½ teaspoon grated ginger¼ cup olive oilsea salt and black pepper Directions Preheat oven to 400°F/200°C. Wrap whole beets in foil and roast in theoven for about 1 hour, until cooked.Beets are cooked if you can pierce themeasily with a fork. Remove from ovenand rub their skins off under runningwater. Cut beets into cubes. Transfer to

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a salad bowl. For vinaigrette, whisk ingredientstogether. Pour onto cooked beets. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat,sauté onions for a few minutes until soft.Add the stalks of the chard and stir-fryfor a few minutes. Then add the leavesand cover for 5 minutes - the residualwater from rinsing the chard will steamand cook it. Remove the cover, stirchard to make sure evenly cooked.Sprinkle with salt and pepper, stirthrough and remove from heat. Transferto salad bowl. Gently mix beets and chards together,

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garnish with toasted pine nuts.

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Salad Of Cantaloupe,Avocado, Arugula &Parma Ham Makes 4 servingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 1 cantaloupe1 avocadoa small bunch of arugula (rocket) leavesa few slices of Parma ham (prosciutto)

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Dressing 2 tablespoons lemon juice1 teaspoon raw honey¼cup olive oilsea salt and black pepper Directions Cut the cantaloupe into half and removethe seeds. Cut into wedges and slice theskins off. Cut flesh into bite-sized piecesand transfer to a salad bowl. Cut the avocado into half around thestone, give both sides a twist andseparate. Remove the stone and scoopout the flesh. Slice and add to bowl.

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Rinse and dry the arugula and place intobowl. Whisk dressing ingredients together andpour onto salad, toss to coat. Divide among 4 plates. Then layer theParma ham on top. Serve.

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Olives and Olive Oil Health Benefits of Olives and OliveOil Olives and olive oil are full ofantioxidants, like vitamin E and copper,which protect us from diseases. Theyhave anti-histamine properties that workagainst allergies. Olives and olive oil are high inmonounsaturated fat, the good fats thatlower cholesterol, prevent heart diseaseand reduce blood pressure. They arealso high in iron and fiber. Eating olives

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and olive oil help prevent cancer,strengthen the bones and respiratorysystem. Olives and the Paleo Diet Olives and olive oil provide fat burningfuel and boost metabolism. They alsoaid in digestion and help tell your brainthat you are full. Olives have to be cured before eaten andthen packed in brine for storage. Try tofind organic and lower-sodium versions,or rinse off the excess brine when using. Olives can be enjoyed as a snack orblended into a tapenade and served as a

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dip. They can also be tossed into stews. Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils andis ubiquitous in everyday cooking.Reserve extra-virgin olive oil for saladdressings, dips and to drizzle ontocooked food to enhance flavor. Here are 3 ways you can enjoy olivesand olive oil in your Paleo Diet:

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Salad of Pear,Avocado & Olives Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 1 avocado1 pear1 head lettuce, shredded½ cup pitted olives, sliced½ cup red peppers, diced Dressing

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2 tablespoons lemon juice1 teaspoon raw honey¼ cup olive oilsea salt and black pepper Directions Cut the avocado into half around thestone, give both sides a twist andseparate. Remove the stone and scoopout the flesh. Slice and add to bowl. Peel, core and cut the pear into bite-sized pieces. Add pear, lettuce, olivesand red peppers into bowl. Whisk dressing ingredients together and

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pour onto salad, toss to coat. Divideamong 4 plates. Serve.

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Mushroom, RoastedPepper & OliveTapenade This dip is great served as an appetizeror a snack with raw, crunchy vegetablesticks or baked vegetable chips. Theyare also delicious served as a condimentwith fish or chicken. Makes 2 cupsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients

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1 cup button mushrooms, halved1 red pepper½ cup pitted black olives2 tablespoons fresh parsley or thyme2 cloves garlic, peeled1 tablespoon lemon juice½ cup extra virgin olive oilsea salt and black pepper Directions Broil the red pepper whole, turning afew times, until the skin turns black.Transfer to a bowl and cover with clingwrap for a few minutes. Removeblackened skins, cut and seed.

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In a food processor, pulse all ingredientsuntil they have a coarse texture. Do notover process. It is best to let the flavorsdevelop for at least half an hour beforeuse.

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Moroccan ChickenTagine Chermoula is a North African spicepaste that is used as a marinade. You cansubstitute store-bought spice mix but it’sso easy to do, I prefer to make my own. Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 3.5 hours Ingredients 1 organic pastured chicken, cut intopieces or 6 to 8 pieces thighs and legs2 tomatoes, chopped2 red onions, chopped

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1 bunch fresh cilantro, leaves and stalkschopped1 cup green olives½ preserved lemon, or juice and zestfrom half a lemon1 cup water Chermoula 1 red onion1 bunch fresh cilantroA pinch of saffron strands, soaked in 1tablespoon warm waterA small knob of fresh ginger1 chili pepper2 cloves garlic, peeled1 tablespoon each ground cumin,coriander and paprika

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½ preserved lemon, or juice and zestfrom half a lemonsea salt and black pepper½ cup olive oil Directions For chermoula, blend all ingredientstogether in a food processor until itforms a smooth paste. Place half the chermoula into a storagebag together with chicken pieces. Sealand rub marinade over chicken. Leave tomarinate for at least 2 hours orpreferably overnight in the refrigerator. Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C.

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Mix the remaining chermoula withtomatoes and onions. Layer the bottom ofan ovenproof pot with half the mixture.Add in marinated chicken pieces, olives,preserved lemon and cilantro. Coverwith remaining tomatoes and onions andpour in water. Cover with lid andtransfer to oven. Cook for one hour.Remove from oven and serve withsteamed cauliflower.

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Salmon Health Benefits of Salmon Salmon is a fantastic source of protein,omega-3 fat, vitamins and minerals.Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that iscritical to staying healthy. It preventsinflammation, protects joint cartilageand is essential for brain function andmood. Eating salmon helps to protect againstarthritis, depression and dementia. Italso protects against heart disease, somecancers and keeps our eyes, skin and

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hair healthy. Salmon and the Paleo Diet Whenever possible, choose wild-caughtsalmon. Alaskan salmon especially islow in harmful contaminants likemercury, organic pollutants andpesticides. Also, most canned salmonare wild caught - so feel free to includethat in your Paleo Diet too. You can bake salmon, broil it, throw itin a salad or have it raw or smoked. Here are 3 ways you can enjoy salmonin your Paleo Diet:

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Salmon with TangyLemon & MangoSauce Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 4 salmon filletsA pinch of sea salt and black pepper2 tablespoons olive oil Sauce

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• 1 red onion, sliced2 tablespoons honey4 tablespoons lemon juice¼ cup waterhalf a ripe mango, chopped¼ cup mint leaves, chopped

• Directions

Season the salmon with salt and pepper.Heat oil in a pan over high heat, pan-frysalmon till cooked to your liking. I likemy salmon pink in the middle, whichusually takes about 2 to 3 minutes perside, depending on the thickness of thefish. Transfer to plates.

Add onions into the same pan, stir-fry

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for a few minutes until onions are soft.Mix together honey, lemon juice andwater, stir into pan. Lower heat andsimmer for a few minutes until saucethickens. Stir in chopped mangoes.Remove pan from heat and stir in mint.Serve sauce on the side or on top of thesalmon with a crisp lettuce salad.

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Steamed Fish ParcelsWith Tomatoes For this recipe, you can use any type ofwild-caught white fish such as cod,grouper, halibut or snapper. Serve withsautéed asparagus. Makes 4 ServingsTotal Prep Time: 30 minutes Ingredients 2 salmon fillets2 cod fillets

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1 cup cherry tomatoes, halveda few sprigs of parsley, thyme ortarragon1 lemon, slicedPinch of sea salt and black pepper2 tablespoons olive oil Directions Tear out 4 pieces of aluminum foil orparchment paper, enough to hold andseal fish in a parcel. Cut fish fillets intohalf and divide among foil squares,placing them in the middle. Top eachwith tomatoes, herbs and a few slices oflemon. Season with salt and pepper thendrizzle with olive oil. Fold sides of the

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foil together to form a parcel. Make surethe parcels are well sealed. Steamparcels in a steamer for 5-7 minutes.Alternatively, you can bake them in theoven at 400°F/200°C for 10-12 minutes.

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Sweet PotatoFishcakes Makes 4 servingsTotal prep time: 1 hour Ingredients

1 cup sweet potatoes, peeled androughly chopped1 pound/450 grams salmon fillet or 114.75 oz/400 grams good quality cannedsalmon, drained1 onion, finely chopped2 tablespoons scallion

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1 large egg, lightly beaten¼ cup coconut flour or almond floursea salt and black pepper2 tablespoons coconut oil1 lemon, cut into wedges Directions Add water into a pot till just aboutcovers potatoes, then bring to boil. Ifusing fresh, place fish in a steaming trayon top of pot, cover and steam for about10 minutes, until fish and potatoes arecooked. Alternatively, you can broil thesalmon for about 15-20 minutes. Remove steaming tray and drain

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potatoes. Flake the salmon with a forkand mash potatoes coarsely. Add rest ofingredients, except lemon. Mix well andform into patties. Heat oil in a pan over low to mediumheat. Cook patties 2-3 minutes per side,depending on thickness. Serve withlemon wedges and a green salad.

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Index Breakfast, Smoothies & JuicesPaleo MuesliApple Citrus DelightAvocado, Coconut & ChocolateSmoothieKale, Banana & Apple SmoothieStrawberry, Orange and Coconut Fiesta LunchBaked Sweet Potato with Bacon, RedPepper & AvocadoFrittata of Carrot, Broccoli & TomatoesSalad Of Cantaloupe, Avocado, Arugula& Parma HamSalad of Pear, Avocado & OlivesSalmon & Avocado Ceviche

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Sweet Potato FishcakesThai Beef Salad DinnerBroccoli, Sweet Potato & Tomato CurryCoconut Fish StewMoroccan Chicken TagineSalmon with Tangy Lemon & MangoSauceSteak with Chimichurri SauceSteamed Fish Parcels With TomatoesTender Braised Beef Brisket withCarrots CondimentsAlmond and Hazelnut DukkahApple & Tomato Chutney

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Mushroom, Roasted Pepper & OliveTapenade SidesBrussels Sprouts with Bacon andAlmondsLemony Roasted Broccoli with AlmondsStir Fried Spinach with WalnutsWarm Salad of Beet, Chard & Pine Nuts DessertApple & Coconut CakeVery Berry MuffinsOrange and Almond CakeSteamed Pumpkin & Coconut Custard

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