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Paleo Magazine 10-13 Issue Sample

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Fall is here! In the newest issue of Paleo Magazine, you'll find delicious, fall-inspired recipes, info on the emerging world of GMOs, Part IV of our continuing Adrenal Fatigue series, stories of inspiration, paleo meet-up groups, birth control options, training for endurance athletes, and much, much more!Subscribe online at www.paleomagonline.com!
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8 Oct/Nov 2013


39 GMOs: Decidedly Un-Paleo

By Amy Moll, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. what you need to know about the emerging world of genetically engineered foods.

49 Paleo Birth Control

By Stefani Ruper Breaking down the various hormonal and non-hormonal options.

61 What Your Poop Says About You By Aglaée Jacob, MS, RD A look at the four most common problems you’ll have in the bathroom.

Roasted Root Veggies with

Chili Butter Find this recipe on page 89

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11 Online

12 Letters

13 Notes From The Editor

NAMEI Inspire

Short Description.


14 Community see some of the amazing people, companies, research and more coming out of the ever growing Paleo community.

49 Lifestyle Raising Paleo kids, inspiration, Paleo living and everything else that makes up the Paleo lifestyle.

80 Food the Paleo diet allows for absolutely amazing food. Please, no drooling on the pages.

105 Average Joe Paleo Parting words on daily Paleo living from our very own, Average Joe.





102on the cover:

ChoColate PieCOver PHOTOGrAPHY



GMOs: The emerging field of geneTically engineered foods

AdrenAl FAtigue Pt 4Stop Trying To Do It All

Fall Flavors

Amazing Fall Inspired RecipesEndurancE athlEtEs The “Ancestral Athlete” Approach





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Cain Credicott, ExECutivE Editor

follow our tweets!!


[email protected]: @CCredicott

Most Pinned Recipe: Macadamia Nut Bars (www.PaleoMagOnline.com/macadamia-nut-bars/)




“@paleomagazine looking for some European distribution? Starting in Netherlands? Would be lovely! #paleo” @Puurwilma on twitter

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“@paleomagazine I’m so psyched and grateful to @_Joe_m for introducing me to y’all! Proud #paleo guy here. Two years now so happy!” @karlwarden on twitter

“Just got my first issue of @paleomagazine and I LOVE it. Feeling so inspired. It is just what the doctor ordered.” @Coast2Paleo on Twitter

“Just picked up your magazine today (Paleo for 1-1/2 years now) and I’m very impressed with its substance. I’m gonna subscribe and donate any future read copies to my gym. Thank you for making such a great read!” Yvette w. via facebook

“Just bought your Aug/Sept issue (they FINALLY have it at my local Whole Foods) and have to thank you for a quality magazine that is very informative. My husband and I especially loved Reality VS Rule Bending and Adrenal Fatigue.” Passion for Paleo via facebook

“The only thing I read cover to cover. Thanks Paleo Magazine!” sam M. via facebook

“Great publication! One of the only ones actually worth reading!” Rebecca M. via facebook

“I look forward to each and every magazine that comes out.” Dusti k. via facebook

a ny regular reader knows that, while i enjoy soaking up the sun as much as the next guy, fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. the air is crisp and cool, the leaves provide a stunningly beautiful display and the food changes to the hearty, “comfort” variety (not to

mention football season starts - go Pats!)Years ago, there’s no doubt there was an added element of stress for our

ancestors during this time. shorter days and colder temps meant that winter was coming and the scramble to prepare was on. fortunately, today, most of us don’t have that stress, as we’re able to simply crank the heater, bundle up with some extra clothes and move on about our day. Unfortunately, we now have new stresses - school starting, holidays approaching and the end of year crunch. Yes, it seems we humans can always find something to stress about.

According to Merriam-webster, stress is “a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation.” let’s say that last part again, all together now, “...in disease causation.” now, if i was talking about a particular food, people wouldn’t think twice about ditching it, never to touch, or eat it, again. funny thing is, i’d venture to guess, the vast majority of us carry stress with us all day, every day.

In our never-ending quest to find better health, it’s easy to get focused on the food. thanks to our limitless fascination with eating, there are, and will always continue to be, tons of books, magazines, tV shows, radio programs, and more produced on the subject. Don’t get me wrong, we here at Paleo Magazine love good food too (pg 87), but we also understand that there is more to good health than what’s sitting on your plate. (pg 39)

You can eat the “perfect” diet, but if you’re chronically stressed, constantly sitting/never moving, never outside, not sleeping well, staring at a tV/computer/tablet/phone screen every night - did i mention chronically stressed? - then you’re only going to accomplish so much in terms of health. the fact is, a lot of these changes are easier than others. not outside enough. Ok, get outside. staring at the tV or computer every night? Easy, just turn it off. stressed about your job, family, commitments, money, holidays, school, etc? Hhhmm, that’s a bit trickier. Right?

Maybe it isn’t. Maybe it’s a lot more simple than we think. Maybe being less stressed is no more difficult than any of the other aspects of better health. Maybe, just maybe, the key to being less stressed is simply to “stop trying to do it all.” (pg 65) While it may seem difficult to start saying “no”, maybe that’s exactly what we need to start doing. Everyday we are given the choice to say “yes”, or “no”, to countless opportunities, offers, purchases, and other decisions – each one of which will result in making our lives more, or less, stressed.

this fall, i encourage you to say “yes” to more things that will enrich your lives - make a surprise visit to your child’s school, unplug with the family on the weekend, enjoy those holiday gatherings - and say “no” to the things that cause you stress - taking on more monthly payments, cramming more responsibility in to your already overbooked day, or sacrificing sleep so the holiday party will be “perfect”. You just might find that with less stress, you’ll enjoy the amazingly delicious food fall has to offer that much more. And be that much healthier for it.

52 Oct/Nov 2013


In the Bhagavad Gita it says:"The fruits of work should not be your motive."

sounds odd, maybe? Especially in western Culture. like, should you work for free? should you work hard for no results? to hell with that, right?

not exactly.what it's really saying is that you'd be well served by learning to love and fully

experience the process of your work. the process is what happens in the moment - in the now - and it's all you have to truly connect to your future goals and dreams.

it's the quality of attention, presence and, yes, love that you bring to the moment and the activity right in front of you, that determines where you end up. the more focus, power, and joy you put into each individual step you take in the moment, the more likely you'll get where you ultimately want to go - and the more fun you'll have getting there.

"eating Healthy" doesn't really exist as something tangible. Only the process of getting good food, cooking it, and eating it in the moment actually exists and is real.

the process of getting healthy food and preparing it is real. the goal of being healthier or Paleo or whatever, is actually just an image in your head. it's a projected future and only exists in your mind.

if you learned to love going to the farm for good food and coming home to cook it, that would do a lot more to create health in the future than resenting the fact that you have to go out of your way for good food and spend all this time you don't have preparing it so you can have the future result of being healthy. Or worse, feeling that you "have to" do all this work and “going out of your way” because there's "stuff wrong with you."

with an attitude like the latter, the health would probably be a lot harder to attain, and the effort would likely be abandoned before the goal was reached anyway. Even if you did get where you wanted to go, ultimately, the experience of getting there wouldn't be very pleasant. And, the unpleasantness would be entirely unnecessary.

it's the same with training and moving. if you learned to love the drive to the gym, the warm up, the workout, and the drive home, you'd find the future you want naturally comes into being - or at least a reasonable approximation of it.

Doing something we don't love and value in the present so we can have what we want in an imaginary future - the imaginary future being "the fruits" - is how we trick ourselves and make things harder than we need them to be.

How Resistance Comes In..."What we truly need to do is often what we most feel like avoiding."

—david Allen

"Only something that is not supportive of you would want you to take a break from something that takes care of you."

—From "I don't Want To, I don't Feel Like It" by Cheri Huber and Ashwini Narayanan

if you resist taking the action you need to take in the moment, to reach your ultimate goals, you're actually pushing those goals away and negating them. Present moment

It’s All About the ProcessBy: AdAm FArrAh

“If it is the quality of your consciousness at this moment that determines the future, then what is it that determines the quality of your consciousness? your degree of presence. So the only place where true change can occur and where the past can be dissolved is the Now.”

—From “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

© Can StoCk Photo InC. / StefanSChurr

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action is all you have to connect yourself, and your present reality, to the future.Resistance happens. we all resist things that are good for us from time to time.

sometimes we have good reason to, and sometimes we just get stuck "practicing resistance."

Resistance is most certainly a practice and it's also a choice we make. sometimes it's a choice we make rarely and sometimes it's a choice we make over and over again. it can become a habit.

How Resistance Happens...Resistance happens when we're not focused in the present moment. we're either

wasting energy thinking about the past or we're wasting energy thinking about - imagining - a future that isn't here yet and getting anxious about it.

this "leaking" of vital energy depletes our ability to stay focused on the present moment and the action that we need to take to get where we want to go.

the only thing you need to beat resistance is the courage to continue to move toward what you know you need to do in the face of the resistance. the resistance feels real enough, but it isn't. You can move through it quite easily, and you can prove this to

yourself by simply moving through it toward the positive behaviors you know you need, in spite of "not feeling like it" at the moment.

when you're resisting action in the moment, you're focusing on not wanting to do the action you need to do. You can change this by doing the action and focusing on the action instead. it's just a change in focus and it happens in the present moment. Always.

what meditators have known for ages is that this inner dialog, the process and these feelings are always going on. One purpose of meditation is to "step back" from these mental processes and see them for what they are – something that's happening more or less automatically in your mind and body that has distinct thoughts and feelings associated with it.

if you really want to see a show, get this process into focus and continue to move yourself toward the thing you’re resisting. "i really don't want to write today…" "i'm sitting down at my desk…" "i really don't want to write today…" "i'm turning on the computer…"

what i've found is that my journey as a writer parallels my journey as an athlete, a seeker of ever-increasing health, and my journey toward greater spiritual awareness.

"The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield is an entire book dedicated to understanding and beating resistance. Pressfield even capitalizes the word "resistance." That's how much respect he has for this invisible force.

It's not that those who create exceptional results in their lives - fitness results, health results, career results, etc. - don't feel resistance. it's just that those who produce results have learned to move in the right direction regardless of the resistance they feel in the moment.

in some cases, resistance can even be used to guide our decisions.

Doing vs Being...the truth is, the only thing you actually have is present moment action. the goal isn't real,

it's just a signpost or a target that's (hopefully) guiding your moment to moment action.wanting the result without loving the process is resisting what is and focusing on

something that you've created in your mind as an idea. the process is real. the idea is

“There’s a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don’t, and the secret is this: It’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down to write is Resistance.”

—From “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield

© Can StoCk Photo InC. / SharIffC


Paleo Pantry List Courtesy of diana rodgers

Just getting started on Paleo? Congratulations! Here’s a basic shopping list to get you going.

Beverageswater, electrolyte enhanced water, coconut water and herbal teas. for those who still choose to drink alcohol, tequila is a better choice than beer or sugary mixed drinks. Mix two shots of tequila with the juice of one lime over ice, and top with soda water for a Robb wolf “norCal Margarita.”

Proteins look for grass fed meats, pasture raised eggs, free range chicken and wild caught fish. eggs, pork (including bacon and sausage), poultry, beef, veal, lamb, game meats (venison, elk), fish and shellfish. Jerky and sardines are great for snacks.

Fats for Cooking Coconut oil, ghee, butter, lard, tallow.

Vegetables Visit your local farmers’ market or seek out the freshest, local produce you can find. Cooked vegetables are easier to digest than raw. roots and tubers should be peeled. A basic list could include: onions, garlic, carrots, celery, cauliflower, cucumbers, lettuce, swiss chard, kale, cabbage, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, sweet potatoes and winter squash.

Fruits Go easy on the fruits and focus on berries. Avocados, tomatoes, limes and lemons are great to have at all times.

Nuts Just like fruits, go easy on the nuts. they contain high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and have anti-nutrients like phytates. it’s best to soak and sprout nuts. the best choices are macadamia nuts, cashews and hazelnuts.

herbs & Spices As many as you can find! Watch out for blends that may contain fillers or MSG. Fill your cabinets with herbs and spices, and look for fresh ones like cilantro, basil and parsley at the farmers market or store. switch your table and kosher salt to sea salt.

Other random Items Coconut milk, chicken and beef broth, canned tomatoes, tomato paste, capers, olives, artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers, canned fish (tuna & sardines), almond butter and other nut butters, canned chipotles in adobo sauce, mustard, cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, curry paste, coconut aminos and wheat-free tamari, almond and coconut flour, olive oil (for salad dressing and light cooking), honey, maple syrup for occasional use in those fun Paleo muffin recipes.

Paleo Shopping resources

meatsUs wellness Meats www.grasslandbeef.comlava lake lamb www.lavalakelamb.comBlack Pig Meat Company www.blackpigmeatco.com

Fatsfatworks www.fatworksfoods.comtropical traditions www.tropicaltraditions.comkasandrinos imports www.kasandrinos.com


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9480 Oct/Nov 2013

I met Dr. Gangemi last year in Durham, nC at the MovNat Certification in June. It was four incredible days of moving, learning, and more moving. We had a great group of certification candidates, including steve Gangemi, the

sock Doc. the more i got to know the sock Doc the more I liked and respected him. He has no tolerance for the status-quo and always tells it like he sees it.

Jeff - Hi Doc, I've got five questions for you, but before we dive in, will you share with us what sets you apart from other clinicians?

Dr. Gangemi - My practice focuses on restoring an individual’s health and fitness, as well as preventing injuries and illness, through an array of manual therapies, diet and nutrition, and lifestyle and exercise modifications. Over my past fifteen years in practice I have developed various techniques to figure out and fix a person’s ailment or injury in a relatively quick and 100% holistic manner. I practice what I preach – which means i eat well, move/exercise often, and ditch my shoes most of the day - hence the moniker “sock Doc”.

Tell us a little about your fitness background.My fitness background has primarily been in the

endurance arena. i grew up running and cycling a lot and then got into triathlons in the early 1990s. I excelled in wrestling in high school not due to strength but by tiring out the opponent over six minutes. Eventually i began racing ironman distance events and performed well enough to qualify for the Hawaii ironman world Championship six times. Overall i’ve raced in twenty Ironman events (finishing most of them!) as well as countless other endurance events.

When and where did you find MovNat?In 2011 a chiropractic student I was, and still am,

mentoring sent me Erwan’s “the workout the world forgot” video and simply put – i thought it was the coolest thing i’d seen in a long while. i was drawn to the way he moved so gracefully and efficiently and appreciated the balance of strength, endurance, and flexibility he had. So that summer I went to the five day workshop in West virginia and have been hooked since.

Tell us about your family, did they embrace the MovNat lifestyle right away or did it evolve?

The 2011 MovNat workshop was a huge transformation for me not just as a new Movnat student, but also for my entire family. My family was already very active, healthy, and eating well, but the Movnat lifestyle was a step up from what we had been doing. i learned that i could sustain myself on a truly Paleo diet whereas before i was eating a bit more carbs (lots of sports drinks) and not enough fat, and i got the kids more focused in that direction too. I also saw, first-hand, the value of many more movement patterns and human skills which i was lacking. for the past two decades i was focused on endurance, not as much strength or power. so after learning Movnat, we now can all train various skills together or at least close to one another, rather than me going out and running or cycling for hours. we put up bars to climb and balance on right away, and the kids and my

The MovNat LifestyleFast Five with Dr. Steve Gangemi...and family.

By: Jeff Turner

photography by: EaglE EyE photo


wife quickly learned new skills. kids love Movnat, you don’t have to force them to do it (well maybe sometimes at first!), it comes to them naturally and it’s a lot of fun once they get going.

we often train in our yard together and make fun games using natural movement. Often training becomes explorations where the kids do it their own way. Usually the form the kids have is quite good and we join in with them, and we get a great workout from it. Or we do our own movement, and kids come in and out of participating. it's not really presented as a "workout" but as play. there is almost always a story – for us the bear hunt has been a recurring theme. One child leads through the woods, over the branch, bear crawl, quick run, down the hill, up the hill, on the road. sometimes there is a pattern when we've done combos that repeat such as walk on the log, run around the tree, climb over the vault, crab walk and repeat, but almost always the kids make up a wild story to go along with the play. the kids take turns making up the obstacles and each add an element to the story. we play games like leap frog - the game of one kid leaping over another - not the electronic game!

Do you share MovNat with your patients? If so, how?

After attending the West virginia camp in 2011, I wanted to learn more Movnat and really get a grasp of not just the techniques and skills, but also the lifestyle, which in many respects parallels the Paleo lifestyle. though Movnat is a physical education system, i view it more as a way of life – a way to live. So I went to the West virginia camp again in 2012 and to Thailand with my whole family in 2013. I have also attended both the level i/ii and the level iii MovNat Certification classes to try to learn as much as I can. Most days in my office I’m teaching my patients various body movement and stability skills or lifting techniques. it’s sad how poorly so many people move, (or don’t move) – even professional athletes.

this year, i started my own program using Movnat skills i’ve learned over the past two years. these four-day “sock Doc training and treatment workshops” are designed to not just get people moving more efficiently but also deal with often chronic injuries and movement problems they’ve had for so long. The first workshop in July was sold out, and the response i got from participants was amazing! Everybody loves Movnat skills and sees great value in them regardless of their background or specialty in sport.

Can you give us three things to move folks toward a MovNat Lifestyle?1. Get your family and friends involved and make it

fun! Movnat is for everyone. And it’s cool. Cool people do Movnat.

2. try to do some Movnat skill or skills every day. i often hear the, “i don’t have access to Movnat equipment” line. sure you might not have logs and stones in your yard as we do, so find something else to lift and carry (each other). Get out of your chair and walk, deep squat, or move on the floor for a change. lose your shoes and go barefoot more often, not just in your house but outside too.

3. You don’t have to be tough to do Movnat but you may need to toughen up to do it - to move, to fall, and to get back up. Of course, i would suggest learning MovNat from a local MovNat Certified Trainer (MCT) or affiliate gym (you can find them at www.Movnat.com). By learning the principles and techniques that make up the system, you’ll boost your movement efficiency by leaps and bounds. Understanding the difference between being “efficient” vs. being “effective” can prove to be invaluable in your life. Every time i go to a Movnat workshop i meet some really great, like-minded people – some really awesome training partners!

For more information about MovNat or to participate in one of our workshops please go to www.movnat.com.

For more information about Dr. Steve Gangemi please visit www.sock-doc.com.

Oct/Nov 2013 103

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Shown Stu�ed WithCauli�ower Rice
