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Palestine (3a3ette

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Palestine (3a3ette publisbeb Butbotity No. 482 THURSDAY, 27TH DECEMBER, 1934 !265 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Appointments, etc. - 1266 - - - - "Warrant of appointment to the Legal Board - - - 1266 Pilgrimage to the Hejaz - - - - - - !267 Claims lor Destroyed Currency Notes 267! ־Imperial Reply Coupons exchangeable for Postage Stamps . . . 1267 Hours of business at Petah Tiqvah Post Office - 1268 Advocates' Licences - - - . - - 1268 Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts 1269 ־Citation Orders !269 RETURNS Immigration Return for November, 1934 1270 ־Wreck and Salvage - 1271 - - - Sale of Unclaimed Goods 1275 - - - Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 1279 ־REGISTRATION OF COMPANIES, PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - - . 1280 BANKRUPTCY - - - - - - - 1284 CORRIGENDA - - - . . . - 1284 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The folloiving subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Authorisation under the Air Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories) Order, 1927, authorising certain Aircraft to fly over Palestine - - 1057 Mooring, Berthage and Wharfage Dues !Haifa) Regulations, 1934, under the Ports Ordinance, 1926 1058 Order, No. 183 of 1934, under the Ports Ordinance, 1926, regarding charges for offloading from Railway Waggons by Government porters . . . !059 Notice under the Customs. Tariff (Amendment) Ordinances (No. 4), 1933, determining the values of certain commodities - - - - - 1060 Plant Protection (Nursery) Rules, 1934, under the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924 1062 ־Proclamation of Closed Forests, under the Forests Ordinance, 1926, - - 1066 Notifications of Commencement of Settlement 1069 ־Posting of Schedules of Rights in certain Villages - - - - 1071 Jaffa (Prevention of Nuisances) By-laws, 1934, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 1072 Notice under the Urban Property Tax Ordinances, 1S28-1932, regarding Revision of Assess- ment in Beersheba - 1073 Order, No. 184 of 1934, under the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, approving certain Schemes at Haifa - - - - - 1073 Notice of grant of a permit to keep a Printing Press, under the Press Ordinance, 1933, 1075 ־Declaration under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, declaring certain localities to be free from Rabies 1075 PRICE 30 MILS.
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Palestine (3a3ette publisbeb Butbotity

No. 482 THURSDAY, 27TH DECEMBER, 1934 !265


GOVERNMENT NOTICES Appointments, etc. - 1266 - - - - ־ "Warrant of appointment to the Legal Board - - - 1266 Pilgrimage to the Hejaz - - - - - - !267 Claims lor Destroyed Currency Notes 267!־ Imperial Reply Coupons exchangeable for Postage Stamps . . . 1267 Hours of business at Petah Tiqvah Post Office - 1268 Advocates' Licences - - - . - - 1268 Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts 1269 ־ Citation Orders !269

RETURNS Immigration Return for November, 1934 1270 ־ Wreck and Salvage - 1271 - - - ־ Sale of Unclaimed Goods 1275 - - - ־ Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 1279 ־


BANKRUPTCY - - - - - - - 1284

CORRIGENDA - - - . . . - 1284

S U P P L E M E N T No. 2. The f o l l o i v i n g s u b s i d i a r y l e g i s l a t i o n i s p u b l i s h e d i n Supplement N o . 2 w h i c h f o r m s

p a r t of t h i s Gazette:— Authorisation under the Air Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories)

Order, 1927, authorising certain Aircraft to fly over Palestine - - 1057 Mooring, Berthage and Wharfage Dues !Haifa) Regulations, 1934, under the Ports Ordinance, 1926 1058 Order, No. 183 of 1934, under the Ports Ordinance, 1926, regarding charges for offloading

from Railway Waggons by Government porters . . . !059 Notice under the Customs. Tariff (Amendment) Ordinances (No. 4), 1933, determining the

values of certain commodities - - - - - 1060 Plant Protection (Nursery) Rules, 1934, under the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924 1062 ־ Proclamation of Closed Forests, under the Forests Ordinance, 1926, - - 1066 Notifications of Commencement of Settlement 1069 ־ Posting of Schedules of Rights in certain Villages - - - - 1071 Jaffa (Prevention of Nuisances) By-laws, 1934, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 1072 Notice under the Urban Property Tax Ordinances, 1S28-1932, regarding Revision of Assess­

ment in Beersheba - 1073 Order, No. 184 of 1934, under the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, approving certain

Schemes at Haifa - - - - - 1073 Notice of grant of a permit to keep a Printing Press, under the Press Ordinance, 1933, 1075 ־ Declaration under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, declaring certain localities to be

free from Rabies 1075


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1266 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934

A P P O I N T M E N T S , E T C .


The High Commissioner has appointed :—

MR. M . M E L A M E D E , Clerk, Grade M , Depart­ment of Immigration, to be Inspector, Grado K , with effect from the 1st A p r i l , 1934.

M R . S. PROSSER, Inspector, Grade K , Depart­ment of Immigration, to be Assistant Com­missioner for Migration, Grade H , wi th effect from the 1st October, 1934.

MR . J . SOMERVILLE , to be Assistant Probation Officer, Judicial Department, wi th effect from the 20th October, 1934.


The High Commissioner has appointed

SHEIKH HASSAN E F F . A B D U L SAUD , Inspector of Sharia Courts, Judicial Department, to act as Shafa'ite Mufti i n addition to his ordinary duties as Inspector, wi th effect from the 15th A p r i l , 1934, unt i l further order.

M R . F . S. WILLIAMS , Senior Assistant Auditor , Grade F , Audi t Department, to act as Audi tor from the 19th to the 31st December, 1934, inclusive.


The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that :—

The acting appointment of M R . H . PARKES, Assistant Engineer, Grade K , Department of Posts and Telegraphs, published i u Palestine Gazette, No. 457, of the 9th August, 1934, ceased wi th effect from the 6th December, 1934.


The High Commissioner announces wi th regret the death of M R . YERVANT MEKSIAVEDIKIAN, Postal Clerk, Telegraphist and Telephonist, Grade 0(b), Department of Posts and Telegraphs, which took place on the 7tb December, 1934.


The High Commissioner has approved the leave of the following officers :—

SHEIKH K A M A L E F F . ISMAIL, Judicial Department, 1.12.34-31.12.34.

SHARIF E F F . S U B U H , Department of Education, 15.12.34-14.1.35.

MUSA E F F . NASIR , District Adminis t ra­tion, Southern District, 17.12.34-27.1.35.

M R . FARID HADDAD , Department of Health, 17.12.34-16.1.35.


BY VIRTUE of the authority conferred on me by section 4 of the Advocates Ordinance, 1922, I hereby appoint Percival Cyril Hubbard, Esq., to be a member of the Legal Board, until further notice, in the stead of P. E. F. Cressall Esq., transferred to Nablus.

Given under my hand this 13th day of December, 1934.

M I C H A E L F . j . M C D O N N E L L

C h i e f J u s t i c e of P a l e s t i n e .


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27th December, 1934 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1267


Palestinian citizens who intend to proceed to the Hejaz on pilgrimage are advised in their own interests to apply to the Department for Migration for a Palestinian passport or to the Department of Health for an official pilgrim's booklet and special Laissez Passer.

2. A passport or official pilgrim's booklet serves as a means of identification of the holder and has evidential value as regards his nationality.

3. In the absence of such evidence any application for repatriation by a pil­grim who may have become destitute while on pilgrimage, will only be considered after full investigation of his claim to Palestinian citizenship. Such investigation takes considerable time during which the pilgrim who may prove to be a Pales­tinian citizen must inevitably endure hardship, the possibility of which would be avoided if the pilgrim took the precaution of providing himself with a Palestinian passport or olficial pilgrim's booklet before leaving Palestine for the pilgrimage.

J . H A T H O R N H A L L 2c2nd December, 1934. C h i e f S e c r e t a r y .


P A L E S T I N E C U R R E N C Y N O T E S .

The following currency notes are stated to have been destroyed, and payment of their value has been claimed by the persons whose names are placed against the numbers A n y other person claiming a right to them should communicate at once wi th the undersigned :—

N u m b e r of N o t e V a l u e Name of C l a i m a n t

B . 569814 L P . l A m n e h Muhammad Abdal lah , Kafr Qal i l Vil lage, Nablus Sub-District.

A . 583262 500 mils Samuel Melech, Tel A v i v .

A . 551255 500 mils Samuel Melech, Tel A v i v .

B . 125035 L P . l Joseph Jolis, Tel A v i v .

W . J . J O H N S O N C u r r e n c y O f f i c e r .

17th December, 1934.





Commencing on the 1st January, 1935, Imperial Reply Coupons exchangeable i n Great Br i ta in and Northern Ireland for a postage stamp or stamps representing the postage on a single rate letter to Palestine w i l l be available for sale at a l l Post Offices and Postal Agencies in Palestine.

Imperial Reply Coupons issued in Great Br i ta in and Northern Ireland w i l l be exchan­geable in Palestine from the same date for a postage stamp or stamps to the value of 8 mi ls .

• W . H U D S O N Postmaster- G e n e r a l .

19th December, 1934. (Gaz/15/34)

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1268 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934



It is notified for general information that commencing on 1st January, 1035, the hours of public business at the Petah Tiqva Post Office w i l l ba as follows:—

Sale of Stamps.

Registration and Insurance of Correspondence.

Issue and Payment of Money Orders and Postal Orders.

Parcel Post.

Poste Restante, etc.

Sunday to Thursday

5.0 a.m. to 1.0 p .m.

k0 p .m. to 6.0 p .m.

Friday and Eves of Jewish Holidays

8.0 a.m. to 1.0 p . m .

3.0 p .m. to 5.0 p . m . A p r i l to October

8.0 a.m. to 1.0 p . m . 2 0 p m . to 4 0 p . m . November to March

Telephone Cal l Office Acceptance and delivery of telegrams

19th December, 1934.


8.0 a.m. to 8.0 p .m.

Saturday — closed

8.0 a.m. to 5.0 p .m. A p r i l to October

8.0 a.m. to 4.0 p . m . November to March

W . H U D S O N Postmaster G e n e r a l .


The following persons have been granted licences to practise before the Civil Courts of Palestine: —

S e r i a l N a m e Place of Courts D a t e of N o .

N a m e Business C.C. M . a Admission

466 Mr. Joshua Bithan Jerusalem c.c. 5.11.34

467 Mr. Shmuel Shlein Jerusalem C.C. 5.11.34

468 Mr. M. Koroth Tel Aviv c.c. 5.11.34

469 Dr. M. Nussbaum Tel Aviv c.c. 5.11.34

470 Dr. A. Landsberg Tel Aviv c.c. 5.11.34

471 Dr. Aron Barth Haifa c.c. 5.11.34

21st December, 1934. (J/323/32)

A . J A R J U R A Officer i j c of t h e R o l l of Advocates.

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27th December, 1934 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE



Tenders are invited for the supply of Uniform Cloth ing , for Summer 1935.

Form of tender and particulars may be obtained from the Stores Superintendent, Palestine Rai lways , Haifa.

Offers in sealed envelopes, marked "Tender for supply of Uniform Clothing 1935" should be addressed fo the Tenders Board, General Manager's Office, Palestine Railways, Haifa, to reach that office not later than 1200 hours on the 9th January, 1935.

The Rai lway Adminis ! ration does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.


Tenders are invited for the purchase of approximately 120 tons of scrap metal and a quantity of timber and £!lass lying at El-Kantara East.

Form of tender and all particulars may be obtained on application to the Superintendent of Stores, Palestine Railways, Haifa.

Offers should be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked "Tender for purchase of Scrap Metal" , and addressed to the Tenders Board, General Managers Office, Palestine Railways, Haifaj to reach that office not later than 1200 hours| on the 9th January, 1935.


; A D J U D I C A T I O N O F C O N T R A C T S

1. The contract for the supply of wax founda­tion up to a maximum quantity of 1,400 kilograms has been awarded fo M R . Z . E R L I C H , of Nes Tsiyona, at the rate of 152 mils per ki lo. Period of contract is 5 months.

2. The contract for the supply of bee hives up to a maximum of 1,4(0 has been awarded to M R . M . STTJDN[A, of Tel A v i v , at the rate of 800 mils per hive delivered to any station in Palestine. Period of contract is 3 months.

3. The contract for the supply of animal foodstuffs to Acre Stock Farm and Agricul tura l Station has been awarded to M R . E . KRASNIZKY, of Haifa, at the following rates. Period of con­tract is 3 i months.

Wheat Durrah Barley Bran Middlings Groundnut Cake Meat Meal

L P . 8.500 per ton L P . 5.500 per ton L P . 6.250 per ton L P . 4.750 per ton L P . 7.500 per ton L P . 6.000 per ton L P . 13.500 per ton

4. The contract for the construction of addi­tional buildings at the Agricul tura l Station, Majdal. has been awarded to M R . A . MININBERG, of Tel A v i v , at 5 ° / 0 above P . W . D . estimate rates. Period of contract is 3 calendar months.




Notice is hereby given that after the expira­tion of eight days from the publication hereof an application w i l l be heard in the District Court of Jaffa for the sealing of the probate of the wi l l and codicil of GEORGE R A L P H COLLIER WESTROPP late of Merfon Cottage, Merton Park, in the County of Surrey, deceased, granted by the Pr incipal Probate Registry of His Majesty's H igh Court of Justice i n England on the 19th day of September, 1934.

Dated this 8th day of December, 1934.

M O H A M E D S A L A M E H C h i e f C l e r k , D i s t r i c t C o u r t , J a f f a .



IN T H E D I S T R I C T C O U R T O F J E R U S A L E M .

In the matter of M R . MEIR A N T E B Y , deceased.

In virtue of an order of the Disirict Court of Jerusalem bearing date the 27th day of November, 1934, I do hereby cite al l and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property rights credits and mulk immovable property of MEIR A N T E B Y , deceased, should not be granted unto MRS. SARA , daughter of JOSEPH H A Z A N , wife of MEIR A N T E B Y , deceased, as in default thereof the Court w i l l proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 17th day of December, 1934.

R1ZK H A L A Z O U N C h i e f C l e r k , D i s t r i c t C o u r t , J e r u s a l e m .


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1270 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934

N U M B E R O F I M M I G R A N T S R E C O R D E D A S E N T E R I N G P A L E S T I N E D U R I N G N O V E M B E R , 1934.


A . — I m m i g r a n t s a r r i v i n g . B.—Persons admitted as travellers, registered as immigrants. G r a n d

T o t a l

M e n W o r n . Boys 1 G i r l s under 1G

T o t a l M e n W o r n . Boys \ G i r l s under 1 6

T o t a l

G r a n d T o t a l

Jews 1668 1658 585 479 4390 210 172 36 30 448 4838

Christians 49 32 14 -13 108 29 16 6 5 56 164

Moslems — 52 50 10 8 15 17 2 1 — 1־

Other religions — — - — - - — — — — — —

TOTAL 1717 1691 599 493 4500 256 203 50 45 554 5054


Category of Admission Jews C h r i s t i a n s M o s l e m s Other

r e l i g i o n s


A(i) Persons with LP. 1000 and upwards. 371 146 2 3 — 4

A(i)2 Dependants on persons in A(i). 430 84 1 — — 3 — ' —

A(ii) Members of liberal professions in possession of a capital of not less than LP. 500. 1 — — — — —

A(ii)2 Dependants on persons in A(ii). 7

A(iii) Skilled artisans in possession of a capital of not less than LP.250. 97 19

A(iii)2 Dependants on persons in A(iii). 198 12 — — - ־ — - —

A(iv) Persons of minimum income of LP.4 p/m. 13 1 — 3 — — — —

A(v) Persons with a capital of not less than LP.500. 3 4 — — — —

A(v)2 Dependants on persons in A(v). 4

B(i) Orphans.

B(ii) Persons of religious occupation. 35 5 11 18 — — — —

B(ii)2 Dependants on persons in B(ii). 84 1

B(iii) Students. 639 3 8

C / Men

Persons coming to employment J Women 579 56

46 11

10 11

13 7

1 11 1 — —

C2 Dependants on persons in C. 746 14 6 5 .— 26 — —

D Dependants of residents of Palestine. 1127 102 29 7 1 5 — —

K Persons exempted from the provisions of the Immigration Ordinance. 30

4390 448 108 56 2 50 TOTAL TOTAL

4838 164 52


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27th December, 1934 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1271

Statement of Wreck salved at Jaffa during the months of August, September and October, 1934.

S e r i a l N o .

B a t e o f R e p o r t D e s c r i p t i o n IFÄere f o u n d

Name a n d Residence o f S a l v o r

54/34 6-8-34 5 cases beer — SP ALE Tel Aviv via Jaffa

2 crates sanitary articles — n/m 2 crates wash stands — BWJB

JAFFA 3290. 3327 1 case door handles — J. V.

JAFFA 277. 1 case wheels for sewing machines

- S.M. CO. JAFFA 3548 1 case flooring tiles — n/m 1 case plate glass (damaged)—n/m 3 casks beer (50 litres each)

— H.B.M. 1 case stoves — B . & Y . E.S.

9593/4 1 case porcelain ware — S.R.M.S.

2474/163 1 case sanitary articles — META

JAFFA -J38/12 10 pieces cast iron pipes — n/m

2 pieces earthen pipes — n/m 33 pieces iron tubes 4״ — n/m 16 pieces iron tubes 3״ — n/m 8 pieces iron tubes 5״ — n/m 6 pieces iron tubes 6״ — n/m 1 piece iron tube 1״ — n/m 1 piece iron tube 8״ — n/m

10 bundles black iron tubes n/m — ״2,״&1

9 bundles galvanized iron tubes n/m — ״£,l1p,2״

12 bundles iron tubes l£״,l״£,״ — 1 WHITE

1 bundle black iron tubes 2״ 1 YELLOW 1 GREEN

8 bundles galvanized tubes 2 GREEN ״,1£" 1

4 pieces iron tubes 4״ — KHT/PA JAFFA

3 pieces iron tubes 4 GREEN ״ — 12 pieces iron tubes 3 1 GREEN ״ —2 pieces iron tubes 6 1 GREEN ״ —1 piece iron tube 8" — AS/JAFFA 6 bundles galvanized tubes

ir — JB/ECH,2״1 bundle black iron tubes 2״—J.B. 5 bundles galv. tubes 2״,l£״ — n/m 1 piece iron tube 6״ — n/m 7 pieces iron tubes 4״ — n/m 4 pieces iron tubes 3״ — n/m 1 bundle iron bars — n/m

Jaffa Roadstead A. Lababidi, Jaffa

55/34 10-8-34 51 pieces iron tubes 4״— AR/JB 1 piece iron tube 3 ' WHITE ״ 1

Jaffa Roadstead A. Lababidi, Jaffa

56/34 15-8-34 4 cases sardines — R 0 K o

Jaffa Roadstead K. Lababidi, Jaffa

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1272 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934

S e r i a l N o .

D a t e o f R e p o r t D e s c r i p t i o n W h e r e f o u n d

Name a n d Residence o f S a l v o r

57/34 1-9-34 10 bundles galvanized tubes A/S — ¥׳&׳y\,״\\\\,״\

7 bundles galvanized tubes — n/m 3 pieces iron tubes 6״ — n/m

pieces iron tubes 4" — n/m 12׳11 pieces iron tubes 3״ — n/m 10 bundles black iron tubes

n/m — 1״2״£״1 piece iron tube 5״ — n/m 1 bundle black iron tube 1-J״

- 1 1 BLUE 2 pieces iron tubes 411— ״ BLUE 4 pieces iron tubes 311—״ BLUE 2 pieces galv. filter 8 GREEN ״— 11 bundle iron bars — n/m 1 piece iron bar — n/m 1 drum glucose — II E JAFFA 6 bundles wires — AFI-FHLGK 1 case iron wire —AK&Go.2444

1 1 case machine R&C.210 JAFFA 2 cases carpentry machine — T L i case plate glass — G S JAFFA 68 1 case plate flooring — TE BGS

JAFFA 5 cases tiles — n/m 1 case washstand — TG 2 pieces cast iron pipes — n/m 1 crate sanitary articles — n/m

Jaffa Roadstead A. Lababidi, Jaffa

58/34 5-9-34 2 cases laundry soap - JPA ÍAFFA 4,9.

Jaffa Roadstead Nicolas Foros, Jaffa

59/34 1-10-34 30 pieces iron tubes 3 .m״. 5

74 pieces iron tubes 4 .m״. 7

12 pieces iron tubes 5 .m״. 52 pieces iron tubes 6". 5m.

— IP J 11 pieces iron tubes 6 .m״. 5

2 pieces iron tubes 8 .m״. 515 bundles black iron tubes 29 bundles galvanized tubes 14 pieces iron girders 17 bundles iron bars

11m. n/m

5m. n/m n/m

AFFA — n/m

— n/m — n/m — n/m — n/m — n/m

Jaffa Roadstead M. A. Lababidi, Jaffa

60/34 1-10-34 1 case machine parts — DW 347485/1 JAFFA

2 pieces galv. filters of 3 pieces n/m 0״8״10J׳״12״6״8״

1 piece sanitary articles — IIERUTH 9202

6 bundles wire netting — n/m 9 cases sardines —Z.M. 1 case gramophone records

144pieces —-. M K TEL AVIV 8 bundles barbed wire — n/m 1 case loose bicycle parts — n/m

Jaffa Roadstead A. Bozoni, Jaffa

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27th December, 1934׳ THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1273

S e r i a l N o . . •

D a t e o f R e p o r t

D e s c r i p t i o n W h e r e f o u n d Name a n d Residence of S a l v o r

60/34 (Contd.)

1-10-34 1 case pipe fittings — T 296 3 cases auto parts —


13 pieces galv. pipe fittings — n/m 2 bundles plain wire — n/m 1 piece cast iron pipes — n/m 1 piece cast iron pipes cistern

"NIAGARA" — n/m 3 pieces iron pipe fittings —

JIW L׳ID. 780, 774, 786. 1 bundle zinc buckets 12 pes. n/m 1 bundle pipe fittings n/m 2 crates sanitary articles JU JAFFA 1 crate sanitarv articles

CJ JAFFA 12412 4 crates sanitary articles n/m 1 crate sanitary articles

HERUTH JAFFA 9185 1 crate 5 washstands EPS 7864 1 cask beer 50 litres

1 D JAFFA 1155 2 casks beer 50 litres PUNTIGAM

MAR ZEN BEER 233. 831 3 pieces washstand n/m 1 lot rubberware for pram, wheels

— n/m 1 case sharpening stones — n/m

15 pieces pipe fittings — n/m 1 drum oil lor soap manufacture

— JD 479 JAFFA 6 cases flooring tiles — n/m 7 cases flooring tiles — HT 1 case flooring tiles — HP 2 cases flooring tiles — EPS

11 cases flooring tiles — S. T. TEL AVIV via JAFFA

6 cases flooring tiles — FB 5 cases flooring tiles — MLG

23 cases flooring tiles — ORGLER 1 case flooring tiles — HO 1 case flooring tiles -- AOS 3 cases flooring tiles — ZST 1 case flooring tiles — AN.

Jaffa Roadstead A: Bozoni, Jaffa

61/34 7-10-34 1 case flooring tiles — ADS Jaffa Quay Basin Bordcosh, Jaffa

62/34 8-10-34 1 piece iron tubes 3״ — JIW JAFFA

1 piece iron tubes 3״ — JB JAFFA 3 pieces iron tubes 3״ - n/m 4 pieces iron tubes 4״ —

JIW JAFFA 10 pieces iron tubes 4״ — n/m 1 piece iron tubes 5״ — n/m 4 pieces iron tubes 6״ — JB 4 bundles galv. tubes — n/m 5 pieces black iron tubes — n/m 1 lot pipes — n/m 1 case ovens — FB 32

Jaffa Roadstead M. A. Lababidi, Jaffa

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1274 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934׳

S e r i a l N o .

D a t e o f R e p o r t D e s c r i p t i o n W h e r e f o u n d

Name a n d Residence o f S a l v o r

62/34 (Gontd.)

8-10-34 3 cases ovens — n/m 10 cases flooring tiles — n/m 10 pieces cast iron pipes — n/m 4 pieces galv. tubes — n/m

Jaffa Roadstead M. A. Lababidi, Jaffa

63/34 14-10-34 27 pieces iron tubes 4״ — BWH II YELLOW

5 pieces iron tubes 3״ — BWH II YELLOW

4 bundles black iron tubes — BWH II YELLOW

2 bundles galv. tubes — BWH II YELLOW

Jaffa Roadstead M. A. Lababidi, Jaffa

64/34 20-10-34 1 piece galv. filter 8״ — n/m 16 bundles iron bars — n/m 9 pieces girders — n/m 2 pieces iron tubes 4״ — n/m 2 pieces iron tubes 3״ — n/m

Jaffa Roadstead M. A. Lababidi, Jaffa

65/34 20-10-34 1 anchor with chain — n/m 1 anchor with chain — n/m

Jaffa Roadstead M. A. Lababidi, Jaffa

Statement of Wreck sahed at Haifa during the month of October, 1934.

S e r i a l N o .

D a t e o f R e p o r t D e s c r i p t i o n W h e r e f o u n d

Name a n d Residence o f S a l v o r

11/34 27-10-34 4 cases — said to contain 1/3 H.P. electric motors

L A L 202 F 3954-A 12 L A L 202 F 3954-A 13 L A L 202 F.3954-A 14 L A L 202 F.3954-A 15

Haifa Harbour Ibrahim Haddad, Haifa


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27th December, 1934 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1275



The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Haifa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name o f Steamer, etc.

D a t e o f a r r i v a l D e s c r i p t i o n C o n s i g n e e Whence


Nyugat 3-8-34 9 bdles. round bars I red I white at each end lable Order Antwerp

Nyugat 3-8-34 1 bdle. shovels LS — Over manifest Nyugat 3-8-34 1 piece plain iron sheet

JF Over manifest Carnaro 6-8-34 1 bale printed books

Palestine Shipping Trading Agency Order Trieste

Macedonia 11-8-34 2 cases iron tools J H 5707/8 Kirchner & Co. Bremen

Macedonia 11-8-34 2 cases iron tools AM 5710/11 Kirchner & Co. Bremen

Macedonia 11-8-34 2 cases iron tools JS 5713/14 Kirchner & Co. Bremen

Macedonia 11-8-34 1 case water levels, tape measures MJ 401 Kirchner & Co. Bremen

Macedonia 11-8-34 2 cases stationery M H 1957/58 Order Antwerp

Kana 11-8-34 1 case earthenware LG 751 Over manifest

Egitto 13-8-34 4 cases electrodes B Boris T. 6/9 Order Port Said

Italia 13-8-34 1 parcel cotton wire Haifa 1 Order Trieste

Pilsna 20-8-34 1 box effects — Over manifest Pilsna 20-8-34 3 parcels skin (gloves

S & C 1/3 I. Hos & Co. Trieste Thessalia 23-8-34 1 case stationery

HSS. 1051 Order Hamburg Kaloudo 24-8-34 1 bdle. carton

Jalson 34188 NEHEDAR Over manifest

Kaloudo 24-8-34 1 bdle. carton Jalson 34230 B & G Over manifest

Kaloudo 24-8-34 1 piece joist II White 11 Red Over manifest

Italia 27-8-34 1 case effects Address — Over manifest Italia 27-8-34 1 pckge. paint

Jacob Zissman Over manifest Zamalek 28-8-34 1 case provisions

P C & B H 47 Over manifest Zamalek 28-8-34 1 bag peas — Over manifest

Trade 30-8-34 24 coils lead 32 pieces red wood

one point white

Origin unknown

Over manifest

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1276 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934


The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Jaffa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name of Steamer, etc.

D a t e o f a r r i v a l D e s c r i p t i o n C o n s i g n e e Whence


Adele |! 1-8-34 1 package grilles AB Over manifest Zaafaran 7-8-34 9 cases rubber boots

IDS 125/33 Order Port Said Macedonia 8-8-34 1 case iron locks

J A 166 Order Bremen Macedonia 8-8-34 1 package poet nareeJs

E & Co. 956 Paul Aberle Hamburg Dalmatia 7-8-34 1 case lead pipes

JV1DG/LC 7 Over manifest Kaloudo 11-8-34 4 cases (broken) grilles

SS Over manifest Kaloudo 11-8-34 1 bag covers Order Over manifest Thraki 10-8-34 2 bags (torn) gypsum — Over manifest Exochorda 12-8-34 29 cases (some broken,

glass beads II 446/474 H. Handel New York

Exochorda 12-8-34 1 crate glass stand S A Silverman Order New York

The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Jaffa, transferred from the Jaffa Railway Station will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name o f Steamer, etc.

D a t e of a r r i v a l D e s c r i p t i o n C o n s i g n e e Whence

Railway Policy No. 54407: 12-7-34 10 bags cement C. 28 Haifa

Railway Policv No. 54985: 31-7-34 1 bale empty bottles

C. 193 Haifa Railway Policy

No. 50491: 21-8-34 3 pekgs newspapers C. 191 — Kantara

UN MANIFESTED GOODS. The following unclaimed goods lyingin the Customs Stores, Jaffa, transferred from the Baggage

Office will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name of Steamer, etc.

D a t e o f a r r i v a l D e s c r i p t i o n C o n s i g n e e Whence


Franz Mering 25-9-33 2 bottles vodka I. Hos & Co. —

Unknown — 1 bottle spirits — —

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27th December, 1934 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1277

Name o f Steamer,


D a t e o f a r r i v a l D e s c r i p t i o n C o n s i g n e e Whence


Providence 9-11-33 13 pieces records Mrs. Moskowitz —

Sphinx 1-2-34 1 piece small radio Markowitz —

Trione \ 27-1-34 1 bottle whisky Osman Fassich —

Martha ! Washington j 5-2-34 2 earthenware figures Unknown: —

Mariette Pacha 8-3-34 1 piece small radio Herbert Witkowsky —

Kajak 28-3-34 2 bottles Benedictine B. Alonzo & Sons . —

Tevere 31-3-34 1 packet (cont. 36 pes.) embroidery Cook & Go. —

Unknown — 2 pieces jackets — —

Unknown 1 handkerchief cont. 1 medal. 1 bottle odo-lina, and 1 leather

purse. Unknown — 1 piece boy's jersey ! —

Unknown — 2 pieces soap — —•

Sphinx ' 1-2-34 62 pairs uppers, leather remnants —

Gedrun 15-2-34 originally

imported on


2 pairsladies shoes (old) — — 15-2-34 originally

imported on

5-1-34 Unknown — 2 bottles spirits (not full) Smailoff —

Pattia or Helouan 22-2-34 1 pair gloves Unknown —

Italia 26-2-34 1 bottle liqueur surfine Dr. Ab. Shalit —

Italia orf26.2.34 27-2-34 2 bottles 1/2 litre wine & cognac Gurterman —

Mariette Pacha 8-3-34 23 pieces records (out of which 18 are of

paper) Isabella Tratingott Italia 12-3-34 1 bottle cognac Doris Gerowitz — ׳

Italia 12-3-34 1 bottle wine Unknown —

Vienna 22-3-34 3 pieces gramophone records (used) Sion Mizrahi ׳

Polonia 25-3-34 1 bottle champagne. Israel Weinstein —

Polonia 25-3-34 1 scarf art. silk Unknown —

Gerusalemme 2-4-34 1 box medicines Unknown —

Polonia 9-4-34 4 boxes cigarette tubes Lena Zulmen —

Polonia 9-4-34 1 box cont. some ciga­rette tubes 2 filling

appar. Shomonel

Minievsky Polonia ! 23-4-34 5 boxes cigarette tubes Josef Pal — Sphinx i 3-5-34 2 boxes cigarette tubes Sophia Urman —

Polonia 7-5-34 1 box containing 50 booklets cigarette

paper Herman Feldman

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1278 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934

Name o f Steamer, etc.

B a t e o f a r r i v a l B e s c r i p t i o n C o n s i g n e e Whence


Polonia 20-5-34 5 boxes cigarette tubes Derek Zelberman —

Polonia 21-5-34 2 boxes cigarette tubes Meilack Kauf —

Gerusalemme 28-5-34 3 boxes cigarette tubes Zarer Lipski —


Rose Kayale 28-5-34 1 packet tombac Kh. Etas. El Najjar —

s/s -

Tevere 23-6-34 1 packet cont. emdroi-dered bed cover Karl Burstein —

Polonia 1-7-34 1 box cont. radio parts Noach Jichlinsky —

Polonia 1-7-34 1 box cigarette tubes Welgott —

Novorossisk — 3 bottles vodka I. Hos —

Polonia 1-7-34 1 bottle whisky Joseph Lames —

Exeter — 1 box cont. 4 pairs children shoes Mrs. I. \\ Brent —

Polonia 15-7-34 1 box cigars (25 pes.) Dr. Herman Stahl —

Egitto 16-7-34 1 box cont. 13 packets (a) 10 pes. each

cigarettes Saleh Ibrahim Egitto 16-7-34 1 packet cont. 800 grs.

leaf tobacco Mansour Awad —.

Egitto 17-7-34 1 packet cont. 500 grs. leaf tobacco Munir Ben Saadia —

Unknown — 1 box cont. cigars, 1 box tobacco 1 box


Polonia 29-7-34 2 boxes cigarette tubes 3 filling appar. Isaac Elperin —

Polonia 29-7-34 1 box cigarette tubes Abr. Bederman —

Italia 13-8-34 1 box cont. 125 grs. cigars & 1 bottle

cognac B. B. Wolfe Pilsna 20-8-34 1 packet cont. 4 pes.

children clothing Unknown —

Polonia 26-8-34 3 boxes cigarette tubes & 2 boxes drugs Gdalia Rosenberg —

Italia 27-8-34 4 boxes cigarette tubes Dr. Placker —

Polonia 26-7-34 1 bottle spirit E. Ekzstem —

Polonia 9-4-34 1 bottle cognac Rosenstein —

Polonia 9-4-34 3 pieces emproideries (small) Unknown

Italia 9-4-34 7 boxes cigarettes Moh. A. Abou Gamal

Ardeal 14-4-34 2 bottles spirits A. Aberle —

Polonia 23-4-34 1 pair shoes H. Mordka Nutr —

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27th December, 1934 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1279

Name o f Steamer, etc.

D a t e o f a r r i v a l D e s c r i p t i o n C o n s i g n e e Whence


Unknown 23-4-34 1 piece ladies purse Unknown —

Italia 7-5-34 1 bottle spirit Maloin Lerner —

Novorossisk 11-5-34 1 bottle arak Simon Katshi —

Novorossisk 11-5-34 1 box cigars (broken) A. Falk —

Unknown 12-5-34 1 bottle liquor J. Salmona —

Polonia 17-6-34 1 bottle spirit Y. Kaimovitz —

Italia 18-6-34 3 packets tobacco (300 grs.) Johan Lendmay —

Patria 27-6-34 3 packets cont. 18 Cigars 8c 25 grs.

tombac Unknown Sinaia 28-7-34 1 bottle cognac Ovadia Cohen —

Polonia 29-7-34 I tin cont. approx 4 litres spirits S. J. Zussman —

Mariette Pacha 9-8-34 2 tins manufactured tobacco Bernhard Deneloi —

Ill The following unclaimed goods lying in the Stores of the Levant Bonded Warehouses

Company, Jaffa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name o f Steamer, etc.

D a t e o f a r r i v a l D e s c r i p t i o n C o n s i g n e e

B o n d e d A p p l .

N o .

D a t e o f W a r e ­

h o u s i n g Whence

s/s Andros 30.10.31 3 cases tacks for rubber heels

JJDCo. 45081/82 41892 !

Order 41U6 12-11-31 13





For week ending midnight of 22.12.34.

1. Q u a r a n t i n e R e s t r i c t i o n s .

No changes have occurred since 15.12.34.

No restrictions are at present in force.

2. W e e k l y R e p o r t o f I n f e c t i o u s D i s e a s e s i n P a l e s t i n e .

Place S m a l l

Pox Typhus Cerebro­spinal

M e n i n ­gitis

D a t e notified

Haifa 2(a) . 17.12.34

Haifa l(l>) — — 19.12.34

Jaffa — — 1(c) 22.12.34

(a) Imported from Kfar Hahoresh,

Nazareth District.

(b) Imported from Damascus.

(c) Imported from Danial Vi l lage , Ramie District.

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1280 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934


O R D I N A N C E , 1929.

T h e p a r t i c u l a r s g i v e n b e l o w c o r r e s p o n d w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g h e a d i n g s : —

1 . h a w e of C o m p a n y . 2. D a t e o f I n c o r p o r a t i o n . 3. O b j e c t s of C o m p a n y . 4. S h a r e C a p i t a l .

1. Hamakpih , L td . 2. 3.12.34. 3. To manufacture and sell raw-ice, fruit juice

and lemonade and to sell these products either wholesale or retail in the shops run by the Company.

4. L P . 5 , 0 0 0 . — divided into 5,C00 share of of L P . l . — each.

1. Merkaz Tel Aviv Co. , L td . 2. 6.12.34. 3. To purchase or otherwise acquire aDy i m ­

movable property and to develop and turn to account same.

4. L P . 5 , 0 0 0 . — divided into 5,000 shares of L P . l . — each.

1. Palestine Brewery, L t d . 2. 4.12.34. 3. To carry on the business of hop merchants

and growers, malt factors, corn merchants, wine and spirit merchants and importers and distillers.

4. LP .50 ,000 .— divided into 5,00 preference .1hares of L P . l . — each, 44,000 ordinary shares of L P . l . — each and 20,000 defer­red shares of 50 mi 's each.

1. Workmen 's Housing Co. , L t d . 2. 3.12.34.

To establish and manage and to assist in 3׳the establishment and management of workmen's settlements, workmen's flats, and other forms of settling workmen.

4. LP .10 ,000 .— divided into 9,999 ordinary shares of L P . l . — each and 1 founders share of L P . I . —

1. The Palestine Rubber Co. (Megame) Zv i Yarost & Co. , L t d .

2. 3.12.34. 3. To carry on the business of manufacturers

of and dealers in all kinds of rubber, elastic gum, caoutchouc goods and any other goods connected therewith.

4. L P . 5 , 0 0 0 . — divided into 5,000 shares of L P . L — each.

1. Silberstein's Orient Transport, Co. , L t d . 2. 1.12.34. 3. To carry on the business of transport agents

of any kind of goods. 4. L P . 2 , 0 0 0 . — divided into 100 preferential

shares of LP.1 .—each and 1,900 ordinary shares of L P . l . — each.

1. Ramleh-Lydda Bus Co. , L t d . '2. 30 11.34. 3. To maintain and work omnibuses, auto­

mobiles or other vehicles and to carry on the business of carriers of passengers and goods in Palestine and the neighbourhood.

4. L P . 14,000.— divided into 14,000 shares oi L P . l . — each.

1. N i r , L td . 2. 29.11.34. 3. To undertake and carry out all sorts of

work for colonising activities, land develop­ment and all other kinds of contractors work in all branches of agriculture, land settlement and agricultural industry.

4. LP .75 ,000 .— divided into 100 founders shares of L P . 5 0 . — each, 30,000 ordinary shares of L P . l . — each and 40,000 prefe­rence shares of L P . l . — each.



O R D I N A N C E , 1929.

1 . N a m e of C o m p a n y . 2. P l a c e of I n c o r p o r a t i o n . 3. D a t e of R e g i s t r a t i o n . 4. O b j e c t s of C o m p a n y . 5. N a m e of p e r s o n a u t h o r i s e d t o a c c e p t n o t i c e s

a n d t o a c t o n b e h a l f of t h e C o m p a n y .

1. International Savings Society (Société Inter­nationale D'épargne) .

2. Shanghai. 3. 6.12.34. 4. To develop and encourage economy. 5. M r . Joseph N . Aoud, Howard Street, Jaffa.




The Judean Estates Co. , L t d .

Notice is hereby given that the capital of the above-named Company has been increased from LP.40,000.—di vided into 40,000 shares of L P . 1 .— each to LP.100,000.— by the issue of a further amount of LP.60 ,000 divided into 60,000 shares of L P . l . — each.

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27th December, 1934 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1281


Assutah Limi ted .

Notice is hereby given that the capital of the above-named Company has been increased from LP.14 ,000 .— divided into 28 shares of L P . 5 0 0 . — each to LP.22 ,000 .— by the issue of a further amount of LP .8 ,000 .— divided into 18 shares Of LP.500.—each.


The Hat'hya Bank Limi ted .

Notice is hereby given that the capital of the above-named Company has been increased from L P . 6 , 0 0 0 . — divided into 25 founders shares of L P . l . — e a c h , 975 redeemable preference shares of L P . l . — each, 2,000 preference shares of L P . l . — e a c h , 4,000 preference shares of 500 mils each and 4,000 shares of 250 mils each to LP .10 ,000 .— by the issue of a further amount of L P . 4 , 0 0 0 . — divided into 1,000 preference shares of L P . 4 . — each.


The Judean Estates Co. , L t d . ,

Notice is hereby given that the name of the Judean Estates Co. , L t d . , has been changed by special resolution and in accordance with sec­tion 25 of the Companies Ordinance, 1929, to the :

"The Judean Estates Co. , L t d . , " and in Hebrew

"Yehuda" Hevra Lekinyan Beeravon Mogbal.


Notice is hereby given that by order of the District Court, Jerusalem the words "sous la raison" have been added to the name of the "Socié té du Naphte, Société Anonyme A . I. Mantacheff & Cie . " and the name of the com­pany should, therefore, read :

"Socié té du Naphte, Société Anonyme sous la raison A . I. Mantacheff & Cie . " .

H . K A N T R O V I T C H R e g i s t r a r of C o m p a n i e s ,

14th December, 1934.


R E G I S T R A T I O N O F P A R T N E R S H I P S .

The p a r t i c u l a r s g i v e n b e l o w c o r r e s p o n d w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g h e a d i n g s : —

1 Names a n d addresses of p a r t n e r s . 2. F i r m name of p a r t n e r s h i p . 3. Names of p a r t n e r s a u t h o r i s e d t o a d m i n i s t e r

t h e p a r t n e r s h i p a n d t o s i g n f o r i t . 4. D a t e of commencement a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n . 5. O b j e c t .

1. Rudolf Leschziner, Tel Aviv . Alfred Heiman, Tel A v i v .

2. " Y a h a l o m " Glass & China Store. 3. Both partners joint ly. 4 1 5 . 1 1 . 3 ־ 4 , for an unlimited period. 5. Glass and china dealers.

1. Benjamin Aronson, Jerusalem. Ph i l ip W o l i n s k i , Jerusalem.

2. Anglo-Palestine Optical Company. 3. Both partners joint ly. 4. 10.12.34-9.12.39 5. Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and

agents of opthalmic goods.

1. Matiah Morcus, Jerusalem. Carmelo frifero, Jerusalem.

2. Morcus and Trifero. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 22.11.34-21.11.37. 5. Managing of the Citadel Hotel.

1. Hanna Bishara, Jerusalem. Otto A . A . Baron von Bolschwing, Jerusalem. Mrs . Frieda Darouti, Jerusalem.

2. Amaneh Co. 3. Two out of the three partners. 4. 29.11.34, for an uulimited period. 5. Estate agents, manufacturers, representatives

and other commercial enterprises i n Palestine and Trans-Jordan.

1. Salim Matalon, Jerusalem. Meir Dehan, Jerusalem.

2. Palestine Egyptian Trading Co. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 6.11.34-5.11.35. Automatically renewed for

one more year if one month's Dotice is not given by one partner to the other of his intention to terminate the partnership at the expiration of the first year.

5. General agency and commission house.

1. Joseph Wol f Steiner, Haifa. Theodor Haimovici , Haifa.

2. Chemical Laboratory for Refining Gold Steiner & Haimovici .

3. Both partners jointly. 4. 6.12.34-5.12.35. 5. Refining of gold for the use of dentists

and jewellers.

1. David Lev in , Tel A v i v . Pesach Fr idman, Rishon l e -Ts ion .

2• Hahevrah Haleumith Le'Pi tuach Eretz-Israel. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 15.11.34-15 11.39. 5. A l l kinds of business.

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1282 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934

1. Moshe Cahansky, Kfar-Hassidim. Ferdinand Lev in , Haifa. Baruch Isaac Aaron , Haifa .

2. Bursaky Co. , Haifa. 3. Ferdinand Levin alone. 4. 20.11.34-31.12.39, hut i f no notice of dis­

solution is given by one of the partners to the other partners six months befora the expiry of such term, the partnership shall continue for another year, and so on.

5. A l l kinds of leather works, sale and purchase of leather and other such business.

1. Ziskind Sheingarten, Tel A v i v . Noach Sheingarten, Tel A v i v .

2. Taasiath Avne Melet, Ziskind Sheingarten & Son.

3. Each partner severally. 4. 1.12.34, for an unlimited period. 5. Manufacture of concrete stones and erection

of buildings.

1. Meyer Singer, T e l ' A v i v . Meyer Reich , Tel A v i v .

2. Senir. 3. Each partner severally. 4. 15.11.34, for an unlimited period. 5. Manufacture and sale of all kinds of ice­

cream and soft dr inks.

1. Dov L u d m i r , Jerusalem. Moshe L u d m i r , Jerusalem.

2. L u d m i r Bros. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 7.12.34-7.12.37. 5. Mazoth factory.

1. Aba Hia Aminoff, Jaffa. Fishel Karp, Tel Av iv .

2. Mavlet. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 1.12.34-30.11.39. 5. Metal works.

1. Mohammad Shakib Kayal i , Jaffa. Salim Abdul-Fattah Kayal i , Jaffa. Tewfic Shakib Kayal i , Jaffa.

2. Mohammad Shakib, Salim & Tewfic Kayal i . 3. Mohammad Shakib and Salim Abdul-Fattah

Kayali severally. 4. 1.12.34, for an unlimited period. 5. Cereal merchants and commission agents.

1. Selim A . Alfillé, Tel A v i v . Albert E . Hamoui, Tel A v i v .

2. S. Alfillé & Co. 3. Both partners. 4. 2.12.34, for an unlimited period. 5. Import, export, commission agency.

1. Bernhard Prais , Tel A v i v . Yehuda G r ü n s p a n , Tel A v i v .

2. Palestine Piano Works . 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 1.12.34, for an unlimited period. 5. Manufacture and retail of pianos.

1. Maurice Kornreich, New-York. Chaim Goldfinger, Antwerp . Baruch Lewkowicz, Tel A v i v .

2. Palestine American Company (Pamco). 3. In Palestine: Lewkowicz B . In Amer i ca :

Kornreich M . , provided that bil ls of ex ­change and promissory notes are to be signed by all the partners.

4. 1.1.35, for an unlimited period. 5. Merchants and commission agents.

1. Moshe Wasserman, Tel A v i v . Yehoshua Lichter , Tel A v i v . Aaron Be lk in , Tel A v i v .

2. Hameyashev. 3. A l l three partners jointly; but the signature

of Aaron Belkin together with the signa­ture of any other partner shall bind the partnership.

4. 27.11.34, for an unlimited period. 5. Real estate brokers agency, and the manage­

ment of real estate in Palestine.

R E G I S T R A T I O N O F F O R E I G N G E N E R A L P A R T N E R S H I P S .

The ,particulars g i v e n b e l o w c o r r e s p o n d w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g h e a d i n g s :—

1 . Names, addresses a n d n a t i o n a l i t y o f p a r t ­n e r s .

2. F i i m name of p a r t n e r s h i p . 3. D a t e of commencement a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n . 4. Name a n d address of some one r e s i d e n t

i n P a l e s t i n e a u t h o r i s e d t o accept o n b e h a l f of t h e f i r m s e r v i c e of process etc.

5. O b j e c t .

1. Foad Tamer, Beirut , Syrian. Philippe Tamer, Beirut, Syrian. Fozi Tamer, Beirut , Syr ian.

2. Tamer Bros. 3. 1919, for an unlimited period. 4. Michel Saleh, Manager Haifa Branch, Haifa.

1. Shloma Ziv - Jacob Segal, Advocates, Tel A v i v .

5. Commission, representation and trade.

1. Shlomo Cohen, Tel A v i v , Greek. Bechor Yeshurun, Athens, Greek.

2. Sh . Cohen & Co. 3. 1.2.35-31.1.38. 4. Shlomo Cohen, Passage Pensak, 16 Herzl

Street, Tel A v i v . 5. Drapery materials.


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27th December, 1934 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1283


The f o l l o w i n g n o t i c e s a r e p u b l i s h e d a t t h e r i s k of t h e a d v e r t i s e r s a n d t h e i r p u b l i c a t i o n does n o t i m p l y any c e r t i f i c a t e as t o c o r r e c t n e s s o r a u t h o r i t y .


•"Hakiseh" The Folded Furni ture Manufacturing• Company, Ltd.]

Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, 6.12.34, a statutory meeting of the said C o m ­pany was held at the office of R . G A F N I , Advocate. According to the Memorandum of Association, a Board of Directors consisting of the following persons was elected for a period of two years commencing on 6.12.34:—


A t the same meeting it was decided, accor­d ing to the Memorandum of Association, that the signatures of any two of the above three Directors, at the side of the seal of the Company, shall be binding upon the Company.


The Mediterranean Shipping & Trading Co. , L t d .

Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the above Company held on the 9th December, 1934, it has been decided that M R . J . SALMONA is no more autho­rised to sign on behalf of the above Company. The Board of Directors have further decided that the signature of M R . A . S. COHEN alone w i l l be sufficient to bind the Company.

T H E P A R T N E R S H I P O R D I N A N C E , 1930.


A . Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partner :

Zigfrid Goldshmidt joined the partnership as from the 20th September, 1934.

B. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership:

Two of the three partners jointly.^


Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partner:

M r . Joseph Gruner left the partnership as from the 3rd December, 1934.



A . Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partner :—

P r e v i o u s l y : Isachar Kle inbaum, Tel A v i v . Jacob Rosenberg, Tel A v i v .

N o w : Jacob Rosenberg, Tel A v i v . Binem Kleinbaum, Tel A \ i v .

N o t e : Isachar Kleinbaum left the partnership.

B . Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership :

Both partners jointly or Jacob Rosenberg together with Isachar Kleinbaum who is at present, a clerk in the partnership.


A . Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partner :

M r . Yeshaya Ostiev left the partnership as from the 30th November, 1934, and al l of the partnership's assets aud liabilities were taken over by the two other partners, namely, Messrs. David Parkovitz and Benyamin Druck.

B . Change in person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership :

The two partners, David Parkovitz and Benyamin Druck jo in t ly .

C . Change of address of person or persons i n Palestine authorised to accept on behalf of the firm service of process, etc :

David Parkovitz and Benyamin Druck, Bai t Ve 'Gan, Jerusalem.


A . Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any parner :

Mr . Dov Finkelkrant , left.

B . Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of partnership:

M r . Shlomo Carmel . M r . Herzel Carmel .

C . Change of address of person i n Palestine authorised to accept on behalf of the firm service of process etc. ;

M r . Shlomo Carmel , Tel A v i v , and M r . Herzel Carmel , Tel A v i v , severally.


Change in the term or character of the partnership :

P r e v i o u s t e r m : T i l l 30.6.37. New t e r m : T i l l 1.1.40.

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1284 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 27th December, 1934

B A N K R U P T C Y .

Notice is hereby given that H A F E Z MAHMUI> E L F A R , of Lydda, orange merchant at Jaffa, was declared bankrupt by a judgment delivered by the District Court of Jaffa, on the 10th of December, 1934. '


C O R R I G E N D A .


Palestine Gazette, No• 459, of 23.8.34.

Page 792, first notice, for " A b r a h a m E t k i r i " read " A b r a h a m E t k i n d " .



Palestine Gazette, No. 465, of 6.9.34.

Page 918, Notice No. 11, under the Registra­tion of Partnerships, the name of the second partner is "Jacob G r i n g r a d " and not as printed.

I l l

Palestine Gazette, No. 477, of 22.11.34.

Page 1152, first partnership. The name:•; should be read :—

Jacob Janovski.

Avraham Kreraer.

The term of the partnership is, "30.10.34-30.4.36", and not as printed.




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