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Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1925-09-19 [p THREE]. · a Swdlc^TiT tlVe Tionor of Pro^^er...

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. .' -r- .p-..'- r v, . Saturday, September 19, 1925. SMOKER TO EDUCA^i - TORS ^7 _ f.. k President Wilkinson anil Male ht Members of Faculty Enter- M V' "~r tain in Honor of Profs. - in n % Staley and Johnakin. ' & -.Fridays night, Septemebr 11, st in The Bachelors' Quarters, the d? male members of the faculty of al State College, gathered to j?ive' all a Swdlc^ TiT tlVe Tionor of Pro^^er lessors F^4VP&taley%pnd MilbtaHi l' Johnakin. Professor Johnakin, who for dc sovoral ycaVa lias been I'Urincct- Jc . ed with the faculty as Smith-J Hughes Agricultural.Teacher fi Trainer, was awarded ~a scholar- ht ship by t!he General RHnpotmnoi Board, which entitles him to a tu year of study at Hampton'I-nsti- sc tute. Professor Johnakin is ^a-eci graduate of"the College Depart- rc ment of State College. ^ Since-, graduation, he Tras Taught in the in Barnwell High School and The la « Dunton.Memorial, Orangeburg. Professor Staleyjgoes to North <>.t' Carolina to become Director of le; the Agricultural Department, A. of & T. College, Greensboro, Nortfa=ee Carolina. He is well known ( throughout South. Carolina and at * he will bo .greatly missed. . r^ -- - All of thcmen present extend- M ed to these two former members of the facility of State College to their best wishes for merited* tl success in their new field of la-' ni bor.. O L; fc : ; 1 . 1 / Chester Paragraphs. 11 The city schools opened Motf-^ day, Sept. fth, with a large en-.111 rollment, and .teachers and pu-' pils~are "now hard at vvoi4k to aj make this a successful school; V' year. The following constitute the faculty: Principal, S, L. Fin-" ^ ley; Misses Dewey McDowell, oF 111 Union; Annie E. Gjyrick, of Co-, lumbia; Erma Anderson, Allen-.s . dale; Louise Stanback, Chester;! Elva J. Lower v. York; Mrs. ,-C. M. Finley, Mix Maggie-Mrr" ^HuuperMiss Lila Brawn,-Ches- jw * ter; Miss Allie Mae Ferguson, I ftpartnnhnrg, Domp<*Hr» ; a Mr. G. W. Malsbey, OglethorueJ0^ Ga., Manu&l t-iwiing andAgri-iv " f.lilt.nrp Mr .T .T Ae.-io Jgl f~~ tant prinpfpal, Miss T ni^ TTan^'1" Columbia; Laura HintOn, Maria -^Alexander, Rosa Gilmore, Es- atelle Lewis,"Connie C. McIIwain.' . Sallie Featherstone and I Miss >' Fannie B. Cassell, Chester: r*1 Mr. Cletus Dixon and Miss Ro% - setta Allen were marileii. lastl^ week. iVfrr and MrsrWm. Bonner, ofini< V Collimhia spent, the week-end' with Prof, and Mrs. S.-L. Finley. jlUl Little Robert MeGill was also with them. i _ Mr. James St-anback lfft Thnv< f°] 1 day^night-fov- Tuskcgoo to ro-^P sumaJiis studies;.. IA<i Prof, and Mrs. E. A. Chisolm of Johitkon C. Smith University^ Charlotte, N. C., after their maf-' riage last week, spent a very-. _ -Peasant week in the city, the guests of their relatives, Dr. and s*] Mrs. J. S. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stanback and other - friends. cI Thgy-received -congratulations and best wished for happiness, 111 I from their many friends. Little Matilda Allen was indjs- ^ * posed last week with a vaccinated^ arm. Mrs. Marie Benson ...== and children, of New York City, returned home Saturday after ajW< visi.t of several days to her fath-! no er, Mr. Benson, Pinckney street., las Mr. Laurence James, and son, foi Mr. Samuel .Tames Vmvr, rotnm.tRv ed from Glenn Springs,- whem|it~ /they spent the- summer. -J-l+n Mrs. Annie Mae Gilmore ofjrm Portsmouth, Va., spent last week firi . in the city, on business. .r.4 th A vyy enjoyable Carnival r..wa».giverr at the A. M. K. Z. an churcb-ctffFrdiay night. A large lea .erbwd was present. The even- ia . ing was so filled with merriment Th . that requests have been made 1 to repeat the affair at a very an early date. 21 The revival meeting will be- col . r ri at Calvary ...Baptist church [ 1 Monday niirht. Sept. Zlst.tl W. Co le man, the pastor, :x is secured the services of Rev.'cl r. Mahryto conduct the meet-rJF g- , * IV Mrs./C&rrie Thompson is a- T tin at home after a two months _e; ay in Buffalo, N. Y., with her a mghter, Miss Maggie McDond, and son, Mr. Jones McDon- JV al northern cities, and Cana- IV an cities. ei Miss Elizabeth Levy of Cam- v m, is-visiting her aunt, Mrs. B tnnie (J. ttaum, ~~~V -Hl.J.S. 'Allen.has returned -a um Washington-.D. C., where si i spent a week. - R Miss Mamie Watts, of the Mu- b la Relief and Benevolent As*- o ciation Oflice, Columbia, pass-Id 1 thru the city la^t week en- t< >ute to Atlantic City, J. w Mrs. Beulah Cunningham is Philadelphia, Pa., visiting re- S tives. ' " a j\Ir. Joseph Thompson has op- h UiU^n^p-To"date^tt5Te-on_Baly street and is carrying a line w tine and fancy groceries and m infcctioiiaii'es., xt -Mrs. Hattie Simth is at home h 'fccr-spcnding a month visiting ilatives and friends,, in Boston 3 ass. _±£ Mr. "Felix Clark, of Washing- R iru D. C., spent a? few days in JS ie. city last -week with his E other,-Mrs. Eliza Clark, Ash- w rd street"; S Miss Isabelle Douglag.s is visit- &; g relatives in Baltimore, Md. R Misses Viola Gregory and Miss C nnie Mao "Cloud spent Sunday York with. relatives. Dr. J. R. Hunt, the Dentist, is satn r.-l work in his 'office on.cl adsden street. Dr. Hunt's of- «< e was burned a few weeks a- it n-tttitl all inst i union is and fur- vv lure destroyed in the fire. w Mr. Frank MeFadden, Collins sc root, ts un "the /sick list. ArF,s Toyelta Miller,.Mrs. Ma- tl< ie BurgeU and several others G tve.rotui nod from SnllHnj1? here they spent the .summer. pi Mrs. C. M. Fmley, Grand Roy-jt'c Associate Matron. O. E. S.pjyi S. C., attended the Grand)to m kj. larlotte, last week. _ The meet- D gwana-rgeiy attended, and *5! rs. Finley was -received with Qi most cordial welcome. JF" Ik Mr.J.T Douglass, Mr.-Wil- M m Mack and otners attended *f e Elks* meeting in Richmond, Jil r. Douglass motored there in M *-ear and -enjoyed the scenery, cT meeting ancT'the entertain^Tv :.nt which they received. lit Mr. John. Honor a>nd sister, -th iss Maggie Honor, entered -at snedict ,college* Tuesday. Mr. rpnr goes to prepare himself sc rr tihe' ministry. Miss Honor ]t~take~~ttre Teacher's 'course. Th ley go AViUi the best wishes of 1 i ndrecls of friends for their sue- Pi 55- J. : .-.. -M Brainard Institute will open Pi uirsday-morning. ' * B( Mrs. Easter Lilly, Columbia m bet Is Oh the Sick UsTI. 7ft Rev. J. C. White wa3 in the A1 y for a few hours, Wednesday M aking lwwids with.relatives,""Wi Mr. Madison Worthy is some- ^ rnt indisposed this week. _Newberry News. . .r-n .1 llC Newberry, S. C., Sept. 17.. re a are haying splendid rains st: w in the city and county. On W it Saturday it ra-inetl about th rty-five minutes very hard, de erybody was very glad to see M; g turn in seed and the far- <r»i w 4 ' o ^ ;rs are planting like it Is the Tiv st of the Spring. "O how L2 ings have changed since I pr s a boy." The boys and girls Pi r getting ready and some are wf iving for school. Miss Virgin-? or Bradley, Martha Bradley and sil [omasina Galln-&n left on last th Monday for Benedict college w< d a crowd is to leave on the A1 st, for Allen and the State B. liege from this city. ^ an -7^ , THR ^ALME' Everybody is in v i ted to attend |< le morning and evening ser- J ices at Miller Chanel A. M. E. 1 lurch on next Sunday Sept 20. J e\v improvement on the church, he work will be finished, come arly in order to get a comfort-' i ble seat. frs. N. Lake gave a* surprise , niner for their mother. Rev. [rs, \V. R. Reeder, Friday ev- ] ling Sept. 11th, 1925. The in- ited guests' were: Rev. J. A. < laten and family, Rev. II. W. nd Mrs. F. J. Burton -of- &imponville, S,r C., Mr. and Mrs. E. ,. .Miller of the city and memers of the family at the home L lUiO., x uiumiv.j' 1W11 V4I, 1 I1U inner was enjoyed by. all. Af;r dinner, a delicious dessert as served. Rev. Mrs. W. R. Reeder left i aturday for Washington, D. C. J nd Thomasville. N r t tn visit i er" children. . Little Robert Williams, Jrv ho has been visiting relatives ] id friends in_the=eiiy left Satur- j ay with his grandmother for "i is home in Washington- j [oriah Baptist church of Clin- 1 m, S. C., closed on Sunday night 1 ev. P. J. Barton of Simpsbnville 1 'i, C., conducted Jthe ^meeting. < luring the meeting 34 souls ] ere Jbrought to Christ. On 1 unday the Pastor .baptized 19 j nd has more to be baptized, * ev. Ka.41ey of Greeleyville/ S. was with us on Sunday. t Drayton Street High School i Opened September 7th. On Monday morning at 9 o'-_ i ock, Dray ton _Street. High-4 rh'ool opened its doors to begin } s regular session. The chapel 1 as Crowded with children tO"\ itness another opening of the t :hool they love so dear. -r\ After conducting the regular ivotiona-1 exercises, Prof. K. F. y ladden, principal introduced ^ ie following sneakers who-wero- ^ ;esent to bid him God speed v >r the' beginning of another a iar's work: Rev. Walker, uas- a I* of Silver Street Circuit, Mr. / W. Allen, cotored trnstee~~oT^ ray ton Street school, Prof. U. a uanman, supervisor of Col-' T ed. Schools andTtov. E. P. El- c pastor of Miller's Chapel A. v . E. church* . b Two new members' of the fa-c- J"; ty were introduced namely isses Etta Pratt and Helen c alien. The colored people of t] bwberry have completed the tw work room for t.he boys and- ^ ey will begin manual training ( oneo. ~~T . U- Ne.wberry feels,proud of he'r-a hool and its corps of teachers. The teachers are as follows *©f.-Rr E. Gladden^ Principal; h of. Fred Pratt, Assistant- a in.; Miss Rosa Maffett, Miss £} ary B. Pearson^.-Miss Etta ^ att, Mrs. II. M. Young, Mrs. ^ ;rtie Henry7 Miss Estelle Simons, Miss Carrie E. Gallman. u , 11 Irs: -Nellie V. G 33tTTra7rr~Mrr:- ^ ice Long, Miss Maria Williams* c iss J±6len Nance, B. J. Cald- y : mmm 'Ti DCIETY NEWS FROM THE ° FRIENDLY CITY, v t< M.rs*-Samuel H.-Adams was el >stess Tuesday everrmg at ception at her home on Cherry j reet in honor of Miss Tena ^ hite. The Beautiful home was rown en suite with abundant u corations of ferns and flowers^ ,s< iss Mamie White and Miss A phia- McKnight- greeted the ii ing room where blisses Helen . itimer and Mary T. Greene c Csided -at the punch bowl. § nk and white cream and cake 8 ire served. The guest 6f hon- 8 was presented with a set of 8 ver spoons. Those enjoying ,|S e hospitality of the hostess g ire: Revs. I). H. Sims, I. H. a ston, of Columbia; Rev. A. F. a Horry, . of Charleston; .Rev. a id Mra. Albert Long and J5 : V . / : i> in VilHif ITfl LEADER " , daughter, Rev and Mrs, Jesse Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. LVi-i^vi,- AU. T. Mr. and Mrs. George Finley, Mr; and Mrs-. F-. Brown, Mr.,and Mrs, H. McClaVen, Mr. and Mrs. Boston Johnson, Mr.-and Mrs. Samuel Edwards, Mr. and^Mrs. Samuel Collier, Mr. and Mrs. Augustas Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. R7 J. Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. La-rkin yrHj mpre^Jd±\-^nxLM Horne, Mr, and Mrs, George Motley, Mrs. Fannie Jefferson and daughter, Mesdames Elsie Garlington, S. G. -Haddon. G. A Gray,- R. H. Bradley, Wm. Ellison, Many. White, Lizzie Brad-. ley, Mannie Henderson, Misses Zephia MoKnight and Eniily Collier, Messrs. John Tittle, Wm. Devlin and Haynes PressTey. The most inspiring1 .event of th'e season hereabout* foot nln^. 3th at 8:30 a. m., at .the palatial home of Mrs. Tena White, Sr., ivhen her daughter Miss Tena K. White was given in marriage lo the Reverend-1 Albert F. B.Horry,-. 1). D., of ^Charleston, S. g. The home was artistically iecorated with green .ferns. Promptly at 8:30 the music bejan with a beautiful solo "Until"jy Miss Azalee White. Then .lie wedding march was played fry-Mrs. J. (). E; Brown, the talented pianist of the Occasion, frrst to enter was Miss Mamie White,-the sister of the bride, (-who was the maid of honor) >he wore a pink dress and black .hat. >sext came little Azalee tackson carryimr-the rinir in an irtificia-l basket; then came the bride dressed in royal purple ind tan with hat and.shoes toler brother, Mr. Dennis White, rhe groom full "Prince Albert" 1 "vas escorted, by Rev. I. If. Als-~1 on, D. I)., Dean of Diekerson r.heologfcki Seminary and met i his charming. bride and t hey' » ,tood beneath a beautiful arch vith white wedding bells abovev'ho was 4n- waiting met them-; ,nd made them man ancf wife, ; .ssisled by Dr. Albert.Long. ts their fortunes were united it * lighted with a beatrtifut ring ; nd sealed with a k . Dr. * ,ong thpti presented the eertifiate of marriage to Dr. Sims : VrA in f urn' nvooAvif a/I 4l r.w IU111 fitocmcu 11, IU Hit ride who accept oil it with ; hanks. .. j A delicious' course of , pink * ream and oake was served, to ' lie guests, 'after wVnrh rid&l party; left for the 9:45 rain, bound for Charleston, S. « their future, home amid J howcrs of rice, words of cheer nd congratulations. ...js The bride is a native of Ab^. 2ville and has many friends who ave known-her f rom-ch 1 idhood.-1; nd she has the liest wishes of «j hem all'. She was for eight j ears a memoer 01 tiro I acuity 01 .lien University. , The groom is a minister of < igh- standing in the South Car- < lina conference of the A. AI. E. j hurch and stationed at Mt. ; ioiuiirrharle.stoir hL-CT~This Duple launches .upon thcrmatri- " lonial sea with the besf wishes f all. < Miss Mary R. Pope highly en- < jrtained her guests Misses Eth- < Moore and Lillian Fisher of < leveland at art evening"party. £ he parlor and dining room was < irown into one and decorated < -r..: .. JC itH ferns and geraniums; al- ^ d lanterns to light up the lawn. < . large number of friends were , ivited. At the nun^h. table ^ 'ere Misses Cleo Fair and Km. o-o:ck>o»ox»o;oooooo oooo.oqovv o -To New Customer?, we ^ say try our O " . EGGS . : and have the pleasure of o growing some £ < REAL BUFFS | ; The greatest Fgg machine ! existing. ] M. SIMPKINS, S ; Newberry, S. C. ::v fci / ; ^ * £a3BS£5ES r"" t *' ily Collier.- After several game and dances, ice" cream and cak I lea id, ' Ma>x_3L_ ..Greciuy- Rati Chives, Tfcul*Ir Rutlcr and ^elei Latimer. After a* three week stay in the city, they left Wed nedaV for-their honk* .Mrs. F. J. Anderson of Char Loie, N. C., and Mrs. J. A. Bon nor. of Winston-Salem, N. C. v-i^i4^tL^HTetr^tsTt-»-r ah-J M-y; Xu_Jiope-and brother Mr. 1. -A Richie lasC week. Whil i in th( city, Mrs, Anderson visp. < Pop "lav Cro'vi* i-cliOnl 1,r 1 mi.,1 , -mm ttr spiring talk to the rpu pi Is. " Misses hddie and Reheccf Gray left the city Tuesday f<a Augusta, Ga., to take up theii work'as teiwhua at Paynes col luge, Mrs. Marietta llook returnee to the. city 'Saturday . after a w e 6 lr^sla^ in'"A up: iT<tir, Ga. MrsM. 1>. Smith and daiightei arrived in the city last" Tuesday uftoi sp'-ndinp H^UTy plcasant summui' in UftidcrefrnvTllo. Mr.:"Adams, \\ ]^j is orfcTof the feading ollicOrs of the St. James A. M. K. church was out nn tho job as fireman for IS. A. L. Timmonsville News. Mr. and Mrs. M. 'i'. EfaeOtC, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Sparks Mrs. Flora Frederick, Mrs. Julia^Asbury. Miss Mary Ward of George town, Mr. M. C. Groom, Mr. Robert' liarroll and litt It; N'nrman Sparks, all motored over to Wilmington. X. to spend a fgw liome with, smiles. Mr. and Mrs. G.,W. Itunter, of I Tart svi lie-are smiling over their little baby girl. Rev. K. I lam .left Tuesday for Baltimore, Md., to attend the Na- lunai i>K';n isl v onvcntiun. . Mrs. Dorothy Swinton has relumed home after s lien ding ten I B. A. BI :r . .TA«a £ ' Dry Cleaning, Pr C -Hats Cleaned and r I16y and Deliver. I.1112 Washington"?*!., PI i iMt I Ml 1 i ! M 0 t ; J. [ Qflice Phone ()02(i i n. j. fri L - ; * Aftorney-at-Law i »* ~ ~~ 7" ] ~' j-.1119 Washington Street, £ ? ^ a -j , a. jr " j. h. roi \ . MKRCHA> j: Suits Mad< I TELffPIfl r - m> 111S| 2 Washington Strreet^ F"T >oodocm>OOOO>:^ REESE'S D1 MBSr P. li. I .- ..A Kull Line of Pate Cigarettes and Tobac - Madam C. J. Walker > Times. Ice Cream an \ PHON > 1422 Assembly Street, ooooo <J>OA fc WHENiM COLCM i. BROADWAY : EVERYTHING SANITY i . ' PTCU n A IkJI 1 <111 : 1 IN SE : D. W. WO > ! 1108 Washington Street, f* THRBfe ~ s days with her daughter, Mrs. G. c \V. Hunter. ^ 0 The Bethlehem Baptist Sune ;day^s('-hool in in th(f lead, under s the care of-Mrs. F. D. Bacote, . superintendent. The new piano The Candle drill thai was giv- r en hy Mrs. Mattie Hamlin and ' Miss Kssie Hani uas a line sue- v JEfig-S the lifth Sunday night. Col^ l.ct'tiph was $28.00 raised on the . piano. .'. & musical program was rendered Ihe thirdJSunday night by ;. ' .tiie B. V. J\ U. in interest of , the piano. Miss Ellouise Swin- ion presided at the piano. -N. Swinton, president. 1 Monday being 'Labor Day it L Was a big day at Bethlehem Baj) list church: The Sunday school gave.a.-picnic on the yard- and Urn corner niche w&'.s laid b,y the Masonic Lodge; of Timmonsyille. X.; Swinton, Reporter.^ NELSON'S BEAUTY 7 ». r * PARLOR w* Hair Dressing of i All Kinds. Mine. Josephine Nelson, Mgr. 1317 Wheat St., Columbians. C. IVfarTin Xr Tknvrv%^ i iiuiiiiaii lS" [i «> r_K '.! r 7 EleetrkaLContraclors LICENSED AND BONDED" 7. """" * i Phones 8723.8854 . j! '' "«? > 1 i .. > '--v \ 1- , r \ Columbians. C. -OCKER ..1 V * | ~ pnWC .^ |..easing and Dyeing % Blocked. V\ e Call 1 J lone UK 14 Inlumhra T I Residence Phone "6798 « . CDERICK .. I; wd Notary Public. < . Is.State^and Federal. J \ . Columbia, S. C..«^ ...... ; tERTSON" ' \. . . ..4 - . . >T TAILOR :: ^.:._.. < > j^To Order. :: r>NF. anna .I 'L. Columbia, 'S. C. yyyy-x- ? * >^a0ooxo^:ao:cM^ooc'Oooooa<soxo RUG STORE " -l tEESE, Prop.- _ \ . nt Medicines. Cigars, - j cos. A Full Line of 's Preparations, at all > xT Sodafc._. *i E 7820 - , 5 . Columbia, S. C. > t nBTA ATTH E ©AIRY CAFE UiY AND UP-TO-DATE L id GAME , -; 'T~ :ason. . ;; < ODS, Prop. r ;; Columbia, s.*c. 1 \ \ <
Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1925-09-19 [p THREE]. · a Swdlc^TiT tlVe Tionor of Pro^^er lessors F^4VP&taley%pnd MilbtaHi l' Johnakin. Professor Johnakin, who for dc sovoral

. .' -r- .p-..'- rv, .

Saturday, September 19, 1925.

SMOKER TO EDUCA^i- TORS ^7.« _ f..


President Wilkinson anil Male htMembers of Faculty Enter- M

V' "~r tain in Honor of Profs. - inn %Staley and Johnakin.


&-.Fridays night, Septemebr 11, stin The Bachelors' Quarters, the d?male members of the faculty of alState College, gathered to j?ive' alla Swdlc^ TiT tlVe Tionor of Pro^^erlessors F^4VP&taley%pnd MilbtaHil' Johnakin.

Professor Johnakin, who for dcsovoral ycaVa lias been I'Urincct- Jc

. ed with the faculty as Smith-JHughes Agricultural.Teacher fiTrainer, was awarded ~a scholar- htship by t!he General RHnpotmnoiBoard, which entitles him to a tuyear of study at Hampton'I-nsti- sctute. Professor Johnakin is ^a-ecigraduate of"the College Depart- rcment of State College.

^ Since-,graduation, he Tras Taught in the inBarnwell High School and The la

« Dunton.Memorial, Orangeburg.Professor Staleyjgoes to North <>.t'

Carolina to become Director of le;the Agricultural Department, A. of& T. College, Greensboro, Nortfa=eeCarolina. He is well known (

throughout South. Carolina and at* he will bo .greatly missed. . r^--

- All of thcmen present extend- Med to these two former membersof the facility of State College totheir best wishes for merited* tlsuccess in their new field of la-' nibor.. O L;fc

: ; 1. 1

/ Chester Paragraphs. 11

The city schools opened Motf-^day, Sept. fth, with a large en-.111rollment, and .teachers and pu-'pils~are "now hard at vvoi4k to ajmake this a successful school; V'year. The following constitutethe faculty: Principal, S, L. Fin-" ^ley; Misses Dewey McDowell, oF 111

Union; Annie E. Gjyrick, of Co-,lumbia; Erma Anderson, Allen-.s

. dale; Louise Stanback, Chester;!Elva J. Lowerv. York; Mrs.

,-C. M. Finley, Mix Maggie-Mrr"^HuuperMiss Lila Brawn,-Ches- jw

* ter; Miss Allie Mae Ferguson, Iftpartnnhnrg, Domp<*Hr» ;


Mr. G. W. Malsbey, OglethorueJ0^Ga., Manu&l t-iwiing andAgri-iv" f.lilt.nrp Mr .T .T Ae.-ioJglf~~ tant prinpfpal, Miss T ni^ TTan^'1"Columbia; Laura HintOn, Maria

-^Alexander, Rosa Gilmore, Es- atelleLewis,"Connie C. McIIwain.'. Sallie Featherstone and I Miss

>' Fannie B. Cassell, Chester: r*1Mr. Cletus Dixon and Miss Ro%- setta Allen were marileii. lastl^week.iVfrr and MrsrWm. Bonner, ofini<

V Collimhia spent, the week-end'with Prof, and Mrs. S.-L. Finley. jlUlLittle Robert MeGill was alsowith them.

i_ Mr. James St-anback lfft Thnv< f°]

1 day^night-fov- Tuskcgoo to ro-^PsumaJiis studies;.. IA<i

Prof, and Mrs. E. A. Chisolmof Johitkon C. Smith University^Charlotte, N. C., after their maf-'riage last week, spent a very-.

_-Peasant week in the city, theguests of their relatives, Dr. and s*]Mrs. J. S. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Stanback and other - friends. cIThgy-received -congratulationsand best wished for happiness, 111

I from their many friends.Little Matilda Allen was indjs- ^ *

posed last week with a vaccinated^arm.

Mrs. Marie Benson ...==and children, of New York City,returned home Saturday after ajW<visi.t of several days to her fath-! noer, Mr. Benson, Pinckney street., las

Mr. Laurence James, and son, foiMr. Samuel .Tames Vmvr, rotnm.tRved from Glenn Springs,- whem|it~/they spent the- summer. -J-l+n

Mrs. Annie Mae Gilmore ofjrmPortsmouth, Va., spent last week firi. in the city, on business. .r.4 th

A vyy enjoyable Carnival W£

r..wa».giverr at the A. M. K. Z. an

churcb-ctffFrdiay night. A large lea.erbwd was present. The even- ia

. ing was so filled with merriment Th. that requests have been made 1

to repeat the affair at a very an

early date. 21The revival meeting will be- col

. r

ri at Calvary ...Baptist church [1 Monday niirht. Sept. Zlst.tl

W. Coleman, the pastor, :xis secured the services of Rev.'clr. Mahryto conduct the meet-rJFg-

,* IV

Mrs./C&rrie Thompson is a- Ttin at home after a two months _e;ay in Buffalo, N. Y., with her a

mghter, Miss Maggie McDond,and son, Mr. Jones McDon- JV

al northern cities, and Cana- IVan cities. eiMiss Elizabeth Levy of Cam- v

m, is-visiting her aunt, Mrs. Btnnie (J. ttaum, ~~~V-Hl.J.S. 'Allen.has returned -aum Washington-.D. C., where sii spent a week. -RMiss Mamie Watts, of the Mu- bla Relief and Benevolent As*- o

ciation Oflice, Columbia, pass-Id1 thru the city la^t week en- t<>ute to Atlantic City, N» J. w

Mrs. Beulah Cunningham isPhiladelphia, Pa., visiting re- S

tives. '"


j\Ir. Joseph Thompson has op- h

UiU^n^p-To"date^tt5Te-on_Balystreet and is carrying a line w

tine and fancy groceries and minfcctioiiaii'es., xt-Mrs. Hattie Simth is at home h'fccr-spcnding a month visitingilatives and friends,, in Boston 3ass. _±£Mr. "Felix Clark, of Washing- Riru D. C., spent a? few days in JSie. city last -week with his Eother,-Mrs. Eliza Clark, Ash- w

rd street"; SMiss Isabelle Douglag.s is visit- &;

g relatives in Baltimore, Md. RMisses Viola Gregory and Miss Cnnie Mao "Cloud spent SundayYork with. relatives.Dr. J. R. Hunt, the Dentist, issatn r.-l work in his 'office on.cladsden street. Dr. Hunt's of- «<

e was burned a few weeks a- itn-tttitl all inst i union is and fur- vv

lure destroyed in the fire. w

Mr. Frank MeFadden, Collins sc

root, ts un "the /sick list.ArF,s Toyelta Miller,.Mrs. Ma- tl<ie BurgeU and several others Gtve.rotui nod from SnllHnj1?here they spent the .summer. piMrs. C. M. Fmley, Grand Roy-jt'cAssociate Matron. O. E. S.pjyiS. C., attended the Grand)to

m kj.

larlotte, last week._ The meet- D

gwana-rgeiy attended, and *5!rs. Finley was -received with Qimost cordial welcome. JF" IkMr.J.T Douglass, Mr.-Wil- Mm Mack and otners attended *fe Elks* meeting in Richmond, Jilr. Douglass motored there in M*-ear and -enjoyed the scenery,cT meeting ancT'the entertain^Tv:.nt which they received. litMr. John. Honor a>nd sister, -thiss Maggie Honor, entered -atsnedict ,college* Tuesday. Mr.rpnr goes to prepare himself sc

rr tihe' ministry. Miss Honor]t~take~~ttre Teacher's 'course. Thley go AViUi the best wishes of 1 i

ndrecls of friends for their sue- Pi55- J. : .-..-MBrainard Institute will open Piuirsday-morning. ' * B(Mrs. Easter Lilly, Columbia m

bet Is Oh the Sick UsTI. 7ftRev. J. C. White wa3 in the A1y for a few hours, Wednesday Making lwwids with.relatives,""Wi

Mr. Madison Worthy is some- ^rnt indisposed this week.

_Newberry News. ..r-n .1 llC

Newberry, S. C., Sept. 17.. rea are haying splendid rains st:w in the city and county. On Wit Saturday it ra-inetl about thrty-five minutes very hard, deerybody was very glad to see M;

g turn in seed and the far- <r»iw 4 ' o ^

;rs are planting like it Is the Tivst of the Spring. "O how L2ings have changed since I prs a boy." The boys and girls Pir getting ready and some are wf

iving for school. Miss Virgin-? or

Bradley, Martha Bradley and sil[omasina Galln-&n left on last thMonday for Benedict college w<

d a crowd is to leave on the A1st, for Allen and the State B.liege from this city. ^ an

-7^ ,


Everybody is inv i ted to attend |<le morning and evening ser- Jices at Miller Chanel A. M. E. 1

lurch on next Sunday Sept 20. J

e\v improvement on the church,he work will be finished, comearly in order to get a comfort-' i

ble seat.

frs. N. Lake gave a* surprise ,

niner for their mother. Rev.[rs, \V. R. Reeder, Friday ev- ]ling Sept. 11th, 1925. The in-ited guests' were: Rev. J. A. <

laten and family, Rev. II. W.

nd Mrs. F. J. Burton -of- &imponville,S,r C., Mr. and Mrs. E.,. .Miller of the city and memersof the family at the homeL lUiO., x uiumiv.j' 1W11 V4I, 1 I1U

inner was enjoyed by. all. Af;rdinner, a delicious dessertas served.Rev. Mrs. W. R. Reeder left iaturday for Washington, D. C. Jnd Thomasville. N r t tn visit i

er" children. .

Little Robert Williams, Jrvho has been visiting relatives ]id friends in_the=eiiy left Satur- j

ay with his grandmother for "iis home in Washington- j

[oriah Baptist church of Clin- 1m, S. C., closed on Sunday night 1ev. P. J. Barton of Simpsbnville 1'i, C., conducted Jthe ^meeting. <

luring the meeting 34 souls ]ere Jbrought to Christ. On 1

unday the Pastor .baptized 19 j

nd has more to be baptized, *ev. Ka.41ey of Greeleyville/ S.was with us on Sunday. t

Drayton Street High School iOpened September 7th.

On Monday morning at 9 o'-_ iock, Drayton _Street. High-4rh'ool opened its doors to begin }s regular session. The chapel 1as Crowded with children tO"\itness another opening of the t:hool they love so dear. -r\After conducting the regularivotiona-1 exercises, Prof. K. F. yladden, principal introduced ^ie following sneakers who-wero- ^;esent to bid him God speed v>r the' beginning of another aiar's work: Rev. Walker, uas- aI* of Silver Street Circuit, Mr. /W. Allen, cotored trnstee~~oT^

rayton Street school, Prof. U. auanman, supervisor of Col-' T

ed. Schools andTtov. E. P. El- cpastor of Miller's Chapel A. v

. E. church* . bTwo new members' of the fa-c- J";ty were introduced namelyisses Etta Pratt and Helen calien. The colored people of t]bwberry have completed thetw work room for t.he boys and-^ey will begin manual training (oneo. ~~T . U-Ne.wberry feels,proud of he'r-ahool and its corps of teachers.The teachers are as follows*©f.-Rr E. Gladden^ Principal; hof. Fred Pratt, Assistant- ain.; Miss Rosa Maffett, Miss £}ary B. Pearson^.-Miss Etta ^att, Mrs. II. M. Young, Mrs. ^;rtie Henry7 Miss Estelle Simons,Miss Carrie E. Gallman. u

, 11

Irs: -Nellie V. G33tTTra7rr~Mrr:- ^ice Long, Miss Maria Williams* ciss J±6len Nance, B. J. Cald- y




M.rs*-Samuel H.-Adams was el>stess Tuesday everrmg atception at her home on Cherry jreet in honor of Miss Tena ^hite. The Beautiful home was

rown en suite with abundant u

corations of ferns and flowers^ ,s<iss Mamie White and Miss Aphia- McKnight- greeted the ii

ing room where blisses Helen .

itimer and Mary T. Greene cCsided -at the punch bowl. §nk and white cream and cake 8ire served. The guest 6f hon- 8was presented with a set of 8ver spoons. Those enjoying ,|Se hospitality of the hostess gire: Revs. I). H. Sims, I. H. aston, of Columbia; Rev. A. F. aHorry, . of Charleston; .Rev. a

id Mra. Albert Long and J5

: V . / :

i> in VilHif


daughter, Rev and Mrs, JesseSaunders, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.LVi-i^vi,- AU.T.Mr. and Mrs. George Finley, Mr;and Mrs-. F-. Brown, Mr.,and Mrs,H. McClaVen, Mr. and Mrs. BostonJohnson, Mr.-and Mrs. SamuelEdwards, Mr. and^Mrs. SamuelCollier, Mr. and Mrs. AugustasJohnson, Mr. and Mrs. R7J. Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. La-rkinyrHjmpre^Jd±\-^nxLMHorne, Mr, and Mrs, George Motley,Mrs. Fannie Jefferson anddaughter, Mesdames Elsie Garlington,S. G. -Haddon. G. AGray,- R. H. Bradley, Wm. Ellison,Many. White, Lizzie Brad-.ley, Mannie Henderson, MissesZephia MoKnight and Eniily Collier,Messrs. John Tittle, Wm.Devlin and Haynes PressTey.The most inspiring1 .event of

th'e season hereabout* foot nln^.

3th at 8:30 a. m., at .the palatialhome of Mrs. Tena White, Sr.,ivhen her daughter Miss TenaK. White was given in marriagelo the Reverend-1 Albert F. B.Horry,-.1). D., of ^Charleston, S.g. The home was artisticallyiecorated with green .ferns.Promptly at 8:30 the music bejanwith a beautiful solo "Until"jyMiss Azalee White. Then.lie wedding march was playedfry-Mrs. J. (). E; Brown, the talentedpianist of the Occasion,frrst to enter was Miss MamieWhite,-the sister of the bride,(-who was the maid of honor)>he wore a pink dress and black.hat. >sext came little Azaleetackson carryimr-the rinir in an

irtificia-l basket; then came thebride dressed in royal purpleind tan with hat and.shoes toler

brother, Mr. Dennis White,rhe groom full "Prince Albert" 1"vas escorted, by Rev. I. If. Als-~1on, D. I)., Dean of Diekersonr.heologfcki Seminary and met ihis charming. bride and t hey' »

,tood beneath a beautiful archvith white wedding bells abovev'ho

was 4n- waiting met them-;,nd made them man ancf wife, ;.ssisled by Dr. Albert.Long.ts their fortunes were united it *

lighted with a beatrtifut ring ;nd sealed with a k . Dr. *

,ong thpti presented the eertifiateof marriage to Dr. Sims :VrA in f urn' nvooAvifa/I 4lr.w IU111 fitocmcu 11, IU Hitride who acceptoil it with ;hanks. ..jA delicious' course of

, pink *

ream and oake was served, to '

lie guests, 'after wVnrhrid&l party; left for the 9:45rain, bound for Charleston, S. «

their future, home amid Jhowcrs of rice, words of cheernd congratulations. ...jsThe bride is a native of Ab^.

2ville and has many friends whoave known-her from-ch1idhood.-1;nd she has the liest wishes of «jhem all'. She was for eight jears a memoer 01 tiro I acuity 01.lien University. ,

The groom is a minister of <

igh- standing in the South Car- <lina conference of the A. AI. E. jhurch and stationed at Mt. ;ioiuiirrharle.stoir hL-CT~ThisDuple launches .upon thcrmatri- "

lonial sea with the besf wishesf all. <Miss Mary R. Pope highly en- <jrtained her guests Misses Eth- <Moore and Lillian Fisher of <

leveland at art evening"party. £he parlor and dining room was <irown into one and decorated <

-r..: .. JCitH ferns and geraniums; al- ^d lanterns to light up the lawn. <

. large number of friends were ,

ivited. At the nun^h. table ^'ere Misses Cleo Fair and Km.

o-o:ck>o»ox»o;oooooooooo.oqovvo-To New Customer?, we ^

say try our O "

. EGGS . :and have the pleasure of ogrowing some £ <

REAL BUFFS | ;The greatest Fgg machine !existing. ]

M. SIMPKINS, S ;Newberry, S. C.

::v fci

/ ;^

* £a3BS£5ES r""

t *'

ily Collier.- After several gameand dances, ice" cream and cak

I leaid, ' Ma>x_3L_..Greciuy- RatiChives, Tfcul*Ir Rutlcr and ^eleiLatimer. After a* three weekstay in the city, they left WednedaV for-their honk*

.Mrs. F. J. Anderson of CharLoie, N. C., and Mrs. J. A. Bonnor. of Winston-Salem, N. C.v-i^i4^tL^HTetr^tsTt-»-r ah-J M-y;Xu_Jiope-and brother Mr. 1. -ARichie lasC week. Whil i in th(city, Mrs, Anderson visp. < Pop"lav Cro'vi* i-cliOnl 1,r 1 mi.,1 , -mm ttrspiring talk to the rpu pi Is." Misses hddie and ReheccfGray left the city Tuesday f<aAugusta, Ga., to take up theiiwork'as teiwhua at Paynes colluge,

Mrs. Marietta llook returneeto the. city 'Saturday . after awe6lr^sla^in'"A up: iT<tir, Ga.MrsM. 1>. Smith and daiightei

arrived in the city last" Tuesdayuftoi sp'-ndinp H^UTy plcasantsummui' in UftidcrefrnvTllo.Mr.:"Adams, \\ ]^j is orfcTof the

feading ollicOrs of the St. JamesA. M. K. church was out nn thojob as fireman for IS. A. L.

Timmonsville News.Mr. and Mrs. M. 'i'. EfaeOtC,

Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Sparks Mrs.Flora Frederick, Mrs. Julia^Asbury.Miss Mary Ward of Georgetown, Mr. M. C. Groom, Mr. Robert'liarroll and litt It; N'nrmanSparks, all motored over to Wilmington.X. to spend a fgw

liome with, smiles.Mr. and Mrs. G.,W. Itunter, of

I Tart svi lie-are smiling over theirlittle baby girl.

Rev. K. I lam .left Tuesday forBaltimore, Md., to attend the Na-lunai i>K';n isl v onvcntiun. .

Mrs. Dorothy Swinton has relumedhome after sliending ten

I B. A. BI:r . .TA«a£ ' Dry Cleaning, PrC -Hats Cleaned and

r I16y and Deliver.I.1112 Washington"?*!., PIi iMt I Ml 1 i ! M 0 t ;

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.- ..A Kull Line of PateCigarettes and Tobac

- Madam C. J. Walker> Times. Ice Cream an

\ PHON> 1422 Assembly Street,




i .

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: D. W. WO>

! 1108 Washington Street,


THRBfe ~

s days with her daughter, Mrs. G.c \V. Hunter. ^

0 The Bethlehem Baptist Sune;day^s('-hool in in th(f lead, unders the care of-Mrs. F. D. Bacote,. superintendent. The new piano

The Candle drill thai was giv-r en hy Mrs. Mattie Hamlin and' Miss Kssie Hani uas a line sue- v

JEfig-S the lifth Sunday night. Col^l.ct'tiph was $28.00 raised on the. piano. .'.

& musical program was renderedIhe thirdJSunday night by ;.' .tiie B. V. J\ U. in interest of,the piano. Miss Ellouise Swin-ion presided at the piano. -N.Swinton, president.

1 Monday being 'Labor Day itL Was a big day at Bethlehem Baj)list church: The Sunday schoolgave.a.-picnic on the yard- andUrn corner niche w&'.s laid b,y theMasonic Lodge; of Timmonsyille.

X.; Swinton, Reporter.^


PARLORw* Hair Dressing of i

All Kinds.Mine. Josephine Nelson, Mgr.1317 Wheat St., Columbians. C.

IVfarTin Xr Tknvrv%^i iiuiiiiaii

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