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Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1925-12-26 [p 5]. · 2016. 7. 16. · attended and Mr. Emanuel i...

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Saturday, December 86, 1&Q6. rChurch New: BY DR. J SIDNEY PARK CHURCH NEWS. Sunday School was opened at the usual hour with the de votional exercises. It was wel attended, and aiftpr thp .stud] of the lesson, by the variou: - classes, the Supt. reviewed i' in full . At 11:30, Rev. Timmon: preached a remarkable sermoi from St. Luke, 2nd chapter, 7tl verse ;v "And she brought fortl her first born son, and wrappec >- him in swaddling clothes, anc laid him in a mafiger. because there was no room for them ii the inn." tie preached on th» birth of Christ, and why we eel ebrate Christmas. The sermoi was full of wholesome instruc tions. -' . _ Mrs. Susan Hill held a specia prpgram at J5;aQ_foiLihe-,b©neft of hqy board..It.was en joy e< by all who witnessed it. rr Rev. I. J/ Gamble, a studen of the College Department ol .Allen University preaenetl Joi night service. He took for hi: text, the 15th Chapter of I Corin fore my beloved brethren fiery* _1 ~.~WV>«.HUU, miuiuvauic, always 3 bounding in the work.of.tin Xord, forasmuch as ye kno\ that your labor is not in vail in the Lord." All members of the Epwortl ^ League are requested to be pre ent at 6 p. m., Sunday, at th< installation of new officers. Services usualvhour next ^>un ,d£y. The public is invited."1 _Miss Claretta Watts, a stu dent of Minor .Normal School Washington, D. C., has returnee home to spend the Xmas. holi . days with relatives and friends We wish for her a pjeasant an< prosperous stay and also a Mer ry Xmas, and a happy new year J1 ' Rev. W. E. Farmer, Pastor . Sarah B. Walts^Reporter ZION BAPTIST CRUREIL C. » Notwithstanding- the incle ment weather last Sunday, ou: School was out in force. Thi pastor conucted the opening ex ercises, and introduced the lea son. Mrs. Martin and the stud present and Mrs. Martin who ii £ the matron of the school made i ft splendid talk at the conclusion o: ^ the lesson.. "7'-' 11:30, the pastor preached t< a full church from the subject o: "The temptations of J£sus.". When the main church offer ing was over with, an after coi lection was called for Sister Eli zabeth Webster on Gates St. Pastor and J. C., Jr., motorec down to Arthurtown where .ai eager crowd greeted him. Con - gratulatibns were poured upoi ^-Dr. White-for his wise decisioi to remain in Columbia and ii South Carolina. 1. Choir rehearsal^iook place a' 5:00 P. M. The B. Y. P.U.& 6:00 o'clock. 7:30 P. M., preaching, the ser vices were grand. Miss Broom ^ field, Domestic Science teacher o1 the piano by M rs. Porter, Mus ie teacher of Benedict College sung a sweet jubilee-solo "No body knows the trouble I see.' The church was much carried away with the young women. The pastor stressed In his sermon the mission of the church and appealed to the membership M A.1 rtl I 1 n .. *w mure ui irie L/nnsr apirit. An after collection of $21.0( was taken for baskets to be given the sick and poor o^ the congregation for Christmas. $13.01 more was takem ^or the Stat« County and City prisoners foi Christmas making $34.00. Friday, Christmas Day, Dr, __ White will preach his usual Chrlitmas sermon. He invites " --- * - i .Tr' /' . ^ X Mj*. V : fppa&cfox&FF^^ s Of Columbia . C. WHITE ..- all the city to turn out tp Zio: Friday morning at 11:30 to hea I ; the sermon. Special music. Di - J. H. Goodwin our efficient Sup1 1 will , deliver the Emancipatio r address for the city of Tariipi a Fla., while Dr. White will spea! t in Barnwell, S. C. 7).The parsonage of Zion Bap 3 tist Church was the scene of an i other pounding last Friday nigh l when a large crowd oV the mem i bers of East Columbia headed b; i Cant. W TT rinnltry and Denco 1 Louis Legions, loaded Re\ 3-White's. pantry with all kind l of good things to eat. l\ BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH .1 " KftTlTC - A J V A J The Sunday school was we {attended Sunday morning an j the mid-winter enthusiasm i remarkable and noteworthy. |J Supt. Young and the teacher | were busy arranging for th ^'Xmas Tree Thursday night. pj At 11:15 Rev. Adams preach ; icd fvom.J&L Luke 1st chapte 3'and part of^the 78th and 79tl verses: "Whereby the daysprin, -fronr on hlglrftas visited us: t give light to them that sat i darkness.:: Asserting that "c all the muny religions of th ^ world the Christian religion i a the only one that will stand th [test. Although some are lade a with good trails, that the ligh g of Jesys Christ like the light o the natural sun rises upon u -[gradually--ancf we have -but t J prove faithful and worthy an the change will come in ou lives." -Admonishing-ihis heai ers to erect an altar in. thei j homes To this 'Jesus Christ an _ all will be sunshine and happ; ness. jj The At-C. EJLeague was we _ attended and Mr. Emanuel i endeavoring to bring the chi ,dren into the service by givin .each one an opportunity to d something. The choir rendered a sacre " Cantata Sunday evening whic . was highly pleasing to the man r visitors,, members and friend a1 who had assembled for the or _ casion. The music was simpl . birth of Jesus Christ in sons s The chuir as usual proved to b 3! masters of the situation an x' possessors of thft spirit nf jo f which characterizes the aeasoi J TO TO SING CANTATA WEE f NESDAY EVENING. . "The Light of the World'* to b Presented at Sidney- Park Church. I "The Light of the .World," i Christmas cantatadby Frederic -1H. Candlyn, will be sung by a 1 augmented' choir of 28 voice 1 at Sidnpv Pari? P M C . ~A MA IV 1U« Ju lcfiurch next Wednesday nighl [Decembei 30, 1925, at 8 o'clocl t This cantata is given by th iTcheir of the white Washington Street M. E. Church and wa - sung last Sunday night to - crowd that filled the church t f its capacity at the said church t and by" special request it wil - be repeated at Sidney Par' J church for the benefit of-th -.rally. r ' The composer has us£d freel; - some of the old traditional foil songs of England for theme - throughout the cantata, whicl ,jhas six divisions."Prophecy? t! "TV>o " l<rm_ 1-11 iiuuuiititi'iiuii, 1X16 onep r herds," "The Wise Men," "fl* > Manger," and "The Angels o . Light/' . The chorus work predominate: > in each of the parts, there be > ing a number of them Ihgtrtnm unaccompanied parts. There i: ^a joyous spirit that runs thru . out the work, the various num libers contrasting in nature an( l( working up at timet to A i - * .r. : , r WfM frAUMTBrrt £ fine climaxes^.One of the most i1 interesting parts is "The Man-' t ger" which opens with an alto t solo, "0 My Deir Hert," the 2 words being anonymous and i taken from the Oxford Book of | English verse. The solo is a 1 lullaby and the same theme is ^ |taken up by the chorus follow^-rby- Mrs. James Gooding. There will be an organ recital of 20 minutes preceding the ser-' ^ vice by the organist, Mr? D. A. Pressley. This will include "Re-1 verie Pastorale" (Morse),; L"l"Christmas .in Sicily" (Yon) ^etc. The chyrch quartet wiTT l" sing the lod traditional German; carol, "Silent Night" and the a chureh.'wllM&e dimly lighted. r' The public is cordially invit-j * edr A silver collection will be taken." . 1 T. J. Morris, Capt. Club 20, Rev. W. E. Farmer, Pastor. I ^ mimm r 11 REV. JAGGERS' OLD FOLKS' dJ . .^ HOME. s.... . . .-There were.wonderful.ser-: 3 viees - hdld.test Sunday eveniiig^ e in honor of the Old Folks. This^ meeting was enjoyed by each ^individual and every single gouL r seemed to have been in accord h,with the Holy Ghost. The-Lord E was with us during the entire ! ° portion of.the.services..fQn ' n Sunday- Dec. 20,. the Jubilee choir of the First Calvary Bapp tiot chupcirmct at the Old Folks 3 Home to render a, programme e for the benefit of the Old Pan, triots of our people. M.The meeting was -opened--byf thp Prpf?iripr»f Dpa TTonw A Mo .1 31 who appointed Dea. Edgar Mcd( vices. After a lovely prayer ser vice, which was enjoyed by all, .then helpful remarks by Bro J. r Hdghes and .Mr.. WHt- Atkin-_ d j son. Afterward a collection i-twas raised for the benefit of the o Old Folks, which amounted to 11 $7.05. "... 3 SUSIE JAGGERS, Reporter .... Z CHICAGO DAILY , EXPECTS 0 VICTORY IN WASHINGTON K ' v SEGREGATION CASE d. , rr.- k It woul be "a surprise to stuy dents of constitutional interpres tatioh and basic legal princi- pics," declares the Chicago Daiy ly News editorially, if the Sufi promp Court did Tint: sustain the > N. A. A. C. P. in its contention e that segregation by .property d owners' agreement' is unconstiy lutlutlal. ; : The Daily ;News^ editortar in" fidl is fallows: Attempts at Race Segregation e ' In 1917, the United States Supreme Court annulled a Loiiis^ viHe"~City ordinance that provi-j - ded for the the segregation of Negroes in a sort of pale or setI. tlement. In consequence it was! t- . n . . . I REESE'S 1)1 MRS. i>. K. T A Full Line of Pate Cigarettes and Tobac Madam C. J. Walker Times. Ice -Cream an PHON 1422 Assembly Street, e I Office Phone 6026 vl N_ J . FRF ^ i Attorney-at-T-aw a ill Prarilpi* f«% nil Court a 1119 Washington Street, v>«vy J | > <«> <-» r>< J. H. ROI MPRCIIATs 3 Suits Made - ; | " TELEPHt ^ <> 1118^ Washington Sirreet, *) LKAtTBtt ^ believed that attempts at race segregation by statute or otherwise necessarily would be abandoned. It appears, however, that various ingenious shifts have been adopted to accomplish segregation without violating the leter of the law as laid down S' by the Nation's highest tribu- M hab 4 In the'Sup'reme Court is pending a case that illustrates the tendency. Thirty taxpayers of Washington, D. C., &re seeking to S rejoin a neighbor from viola- ting a property owners' agreement to refrain from selling s, property in a certain aiea to -\i coloredr persons. > The issue is E whether the court will recognize E and enforce suelv an agreement, or pronounce it contrary to public policy ^nd therefure^roid. .It is an -old common.law max- im that one cannot do ^indirectly c that which the law prohi- ~3 bits doing in a direct manner. * Trying; to segregate a race by" s agreements among property V owners seems to .be a clear in- ^ stance of an indirect effort to accomplish a forbidden end. should the Supreme -Court sus- . tain the1 agreementby ordering Tiro tssinr^of the.injunction sought, the decision 4would be a great amprise to students of constitutional interpretation an'1 v basic legal principles.^^. ^ FAIRWOLD NOTES Mrs Martin wishes to thank j the Bishop and members of the A. M. E. Conference held in "inewi't'i r>, cj. ii . iar ttip nnrrai : jofferingof given Fairwold , The Musical Club of Fairwold i .and Mrs. Martin made a trip To ; Charleston Sunday the 13th. They Mere entertained by the Federated" Clubs of the city at the Y-. -W-.-e-. A. - . An interracial ^meeting was . held at Plymouth Congregational Church, and the offering for Fairwold amounted to $90i76. j j That evening at 8:00 o'clock, j the girls rendered their pieces at Morris Brown 4- M. E. Church "and an'afber collection-for Fair"wold ametar^e-d to $20.00, mak Ing a local for tne day, lit>.7t>. " Z They left Charleston at T2"d50 ^ o'clock Mondayr stopped over at I State College for a few minutes 4 and there Mrs.-Marion Wilkinson, the wife of the ^president, met them ivith hugs, kisses and" QTW lloo qvi + v. ......1 oiiutco. uiif uau nitjui > c"-i with sandwiches. drinks, cakes ^ and candy. At the Red Store then 20 miles from Columbia all; lights oil the .truck.went out, and a phouf^ message was sent to the Chairman of the Local , Board, Mr. Levy. He came out and towed the party in. They I reached Columbia at 3 A. M. Tuesday. They are however none the worse for their trip. .i.>an.KJ1^...mmam+mim% mmm*..n fooox>:ox>o.oo o.aaooox;CK> coowc\ o ivaSTORE ^ CKKSKr l'rnp. C_I_ n't ]\^licines. Cigars, 5 j cos. A Full Line of § 's Preparations at all g j d Sodas. . 8 ] E 7820 V g i Columbia, S. C. £ .mmmmm.n m umt . c. » pm II u 1 ? _j Residence Phone 0708 :derick > / < » ind Notary Public. ' <; s.State aiid -Pfederaf. J L = ^ Columbia. S. C. ^ * T* H JERTgON ;; IT TAILOR jj-/ 4 i To Order. ;: JNE 4003 Cofumhl*. 8. C. ] ~1 " V v -J iTIUKCII DIRECTORY ' BETK'EI. a. M. E. CIIi;i(Cn Corner Spotter and Taylor Si#. ^ur'''1 Ret. E. A. Adams. Past or. SERVICES: » v unday School 10;00 A.- >1 ' "u orning Service . .11:15 A. M . C. E. League 6:."0 I'.M vsning Service _ ..7:3t)~P, M ULTI II>NEV PARK C. M. E. cm acir. v. v r,,. 110(1 Block Hlandinf S-treef O.'cor, R®*».W, E..Farmer, Pastor p.ySERVICE^j v. Kvco unday School ... .. IC':3T) A.' M , ^j-nlng Service AF^T" fliworth League ".T V 5:20 P. M ... / vening Service 7:30 p. ' In JONES CHAPEL A. *1. it ZION C1IURC1I. Jr?TTTT orner Shtnter and Blossom Street? ev, R, Alexander Carroll, 'Pastor. ' SERVICES: InrningSgrvjjML^. ..W^I A. M-tfwTunday_School .. ... ..12:30 P. K..._ ' . C. E. Society .J; _ _ 6:30 P. Id i\*ning Service _ ... H:(>0 P. id ^ 'v:m , . .j Mori ,. - i B. Y ncL CALVARY B^VTIST CRUNCH j Ever 1^00 B^rk Bull Street r . >undny /Jehool .... ... JMmi.« a - ' vA lornipj^erykfl. JJj ; 15. A.M-4 yV.r,V... l' ... t-.Q'j K-^ jveninjj Service......... . 7:TiO I' P r.< .... ^ -o tCVc: st. CALVARY BAPTIST OILJUli' v' Richland Street REV. H. W. LONG, Pastor. SERVICES:- ^ rH Sunday csciioni_ , !)i)--..\ m' Horning- Service 1 j cvi A wV I Y; P- U- 6.:(>o'r T.t " Averting .Service--.y,. - Mjc'r* i » ^^.EY_JM...E..CULI£CJ! Corner i«t»rvaia and Bornwcl! S*s \" Rev. N. g. Smith. P«*t or® ' _ SEftVICES: Sunday School *_ 10:3 ; A. M doming Service 11:-*;J A. M. -e*gu« .. -e:3(j l\ M-L\. Svening Service . 7:50 p. ;m - K.-A ZION BAPTIST CHI RV1I 2 R»t: J. C. White. PastSF T' r~* lorntng Service jJII:80 A. M I. Y. P. U. .... 6:00 p. ».l 'x Evening Service J 7:00 P M p. .>unc - * CRri NAZARETH "BAPTIST. C?l I 'TvCll unday School . A M horning- Service"..- 12:30 P. W. 3 Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M" Evening .ServlcsT. . .f:20- p; M i = - - -. Sunt - . , Men ST. JOHN BAPTIST '&ILKCH A- * ' Cooker Washington Heightp V~'" *c: Rev. -L.1 C. Jenkins, Pastor. . ' SERVICES: ' Sunday School c_10:30 A. M. VIornnig Service .11:30 A. M i. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M TEA Evening Service : j... 7:30 P. M.l Sur.i / ;.Mor FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. T. Hampton, Pastor ..- iOSAlarion- Street Morning Service 11:30 Evening Service 7:30 MT, OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH ... ' 3130 Sumter Street Rev. D. G. Robinson, Pastor- !, 0! SERVICES: A. c :iuncla? School __10:30 A. M. t,vo 'reaching 11:30 A. M. 3. Y. P. {T. . 6:00 P. M. breaching . 8:00 P. M. AMIOCH CjAPTIST CHURCH Rev. T. C. CRUMPTON, Pastor SERVICES: ' unday School : .-.---10:00 A. M. Son Horning Serviee : A. M. M<>. H. Y. P. U. - . 6:00 P-JkLtfcve Evening Service 7:00 P. M. nnBHMHBHIMnnBS!!! JOHNSON-BMDI Funeral Director Embaln J - r \ 1115 Washington Si " COLUMBI. P -L- 1 NfON P A PTI^T Clll RCH lMine Street i: JH Wev. T. HI. Boykin, Pastor. !*: SyJ w.v ] ' ' ']0.00 A. M .,1 i' .1 ! ::t0 A. M i I yTm Kfreet Purl hp -3 '< ?':! ;«j--J ' 10;(,0 A. M " .'s"' v ^ 11:30 A. U. f| "IT ~ fi:00 P. M "|J '* -:{V ( iit'RC* "rr * " 'f -J tii'tn.., Mln.l. «ji ' I. ''o!!.?rd, Pastor. f>» ' > h I < i 7^ s'''* »lM-U A M J'"-:- 1' :.IT\ A. M ' J rnoon Service * 4 P. M sa/a'jh.j ii u \pttstrrrritcB Ke>."K. 3!. 'iyvn,, Pastor. . 3i"'iy K'L&.'. ., .' .J ml 1 1Q;20 A,. U...M -v « <? ii;: .() a. U : 'i !'. t;: " . "6:00 P. It- . '3 tinjr-' Service $:00 p# : ! A 15 A ; I ST ClI PRC* *i. <". k, M. Pastor. SPU VIC1S: "''I 10 30 A. M : 'r-oo P. M ~ i'.-'v;.- v , : > 0 .00 p. m ~ v ; t;Kx "Service .." 8:OCT P. » AT-rr i.r.i: station a: m. e. ~ ^... i'i ii.^ :.". . "t ;>" .) Htid Pin«-8troet»._'.. ; '' .'.v J>' I"ailor^. ~ ^ irTTsT" " [j i- > Ji'-TW*; 11:30 A. ii ' ..'.- jpoo -p.- x.. vi^.n- , 5:30 P. M. !Wr 7:TU, P. M .Jf>>'rs r MiKiiNari,IS ?** "il. (-Jr;Tj hart, Pastor. l_ t-.Ettvk;;s:.- . : 10:00 A. M .ir.vyu XW e " 8:0(j P. .11"T~+J.^ fi:0Q p. M. \ d--: >«-rv-:ct? 8:00 p. ii ' ,f"T . .Ke\I. J>. i)avi«,,raslor7*"..'.~:; - Sl.iTtR. i:s^.. .. lintj -Sr-rviVe 11 Vj"5 A. M «> > , . *~4.00 P. It , i;n..o:.vor -5.00 P. M .: r ; !\ JA.M.KS A. M. E. CHfaCB .--tLj- aJi-La_;^rx<ni.-KiaH>i>t *" tev. j. r. Washington, i'&ntsr. H.iiWCf.S- ay. 10:00 A. li r"s fc'ervjce J. 11:15 A. 11 --- .v r.. L. ..ti.Lie .. 0£Q p. i.i) ; >or\.l-ej 7^:10 P If *""" ^ ^ iSy i> s ' II I E / ON H.VPT. CHURCH lvidgl'w ood lav i 11:3t r'dt.'jf Scrv.i-e . ._. 12:S0 a. m. e. church kendlalto'wn. Re-v. I). y\. 'Mcli I Eli, Pastor. "r SEEN RES: !.u :A h'.M 1 .... 10.00 A. M. . ni'fg Service A , 11:30 A. M. League 6:00 P. M. ning Service ..' 8:00 P. M. ?j' T fli.ivi: RAJAT1ST C11UHCH- ' 191a .a lire I Street day School'__ 11:00 A. M. ning Service 7:30 P. 1L LEY-MORRIS I Q Ar I icpncprl WJ W M. J 1 v. V- I1UV. VJ lers t. Phone 3512 I ~ K S. C. ; ~ . l--j -Li.
Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1925-12-26 [p 5]. · 2016. 7. 16. · attended and Mr. Emanuel i endeavoring to bring the chi,dren into the service by givin.each one an opportunityto

Saturday, December 86, 1&Q6.

rChurch New:BY DR. J


Sunday School was openedat the usual hour with the devotional exercises. It was welattended, and aiftpr thp .stud]of the lesson, by the variou:

- classes, the Supt. reviewed i'in full .

At 11:30, Rev. Timmon:preached a remarkable sermoifrom St. Luke, 2nd chapter, 7tlverse ;v "And she brought fortlher first born son, and wrappec

>- him in swaddling clothes, anclaid him in a mafiger. becausethere was no room for them iithe inn." tie preached on th»birth of Christ, and why we eelebrate Christmas. The sermoiwas full of wholesome instructions. -'


_ Mrs. Susan Hill held a speciaprpgram at J5;aQ_foiLihe-,b©neftof hqy board..It.was enjoye<by all who witnessed it.

rr Rev. I. J/ Gamble, a studenof the College Department ol

.Allen University preaenetl Joinight service. He took for hi:text, the 15th Chapter of I Corin

fore my beloved brethren fiery*_1

~.~WV>«.HUU, miuiuvauic, always 3bounding in the work.of.tinXord, forasmuch as ye kno\that your labor is not in vailin the Lord."

All members of the Epwortl^ League are requested to be pre

ent at 6 p. m., Sunday, at th<installation of new officers.

Services usualvhour next ^>un,d£y. The public is invited."1_Miss Claretta Watts, a student of Minor .Normal SchoolWashington, D. C., has returneehome to spend the Xmas. holi

. days with relatives and friendsWe wish for her a pjeasant an<prosperous stay and also a Merry Xmas, and a happy new yearJ1 '

Rev. W. E. Farmer, Pastor. Sarah B. Walts^Reporter


Notwithstanding- the inclement weather last Sunday, ou:School was out in force. Thipastor conucted the opening exercises, and introduced the leason. Mrs. Martin and the stud

present and Mrs. Martin who ii£ the matron of the school made ift splendid talk at the conclusion o:^ the lesson.. "7'-'

11:30, the pastor preached t<a full church from the subject o:"The temptations of J£sus.".When the main church offer

ing was over with, an after coilection was called for Sister Elizabeth Webster on Gates St.

Pastor and J. C., Jr., motorecdown to Arthurtown where .aieager crowd greeted him. Con

- gratulatibns were poured upoi^-Dr. White-for his wise decisioito remain in Columbia and iiSouth Carolina. 1.

Choir rehearsal^iook place a'5:00 P. M. The B. Y. P.U.&6:00 o'clock.

7:30 P. M., preaching, the services were grand. Miss Broom

^ field, Domestic Science teacher o1

the piano by M rs. Porter, Musie teacher of Benedict Collegesung a sweet jubilee-solo "Nobody knows the trouble I see.'The church was much carried awaywith the young women.The pastor stressed In his sermonthe mission of the church

and appealed to the membershipM A.1 rtl I 1 n ..

*w mure ui irie L/nnsr apirit.An after collection of $21.0(

was taken for baskets to be giventhe sick and poor o^ the congregationfor Christmas. $13.01more was takem ^or the Stat«County and City prisoners foiChristmas making $34.00.

Friday, Christmas Day, Dr,__ White will preach his usual

Chrlitmas sermon. He invites"

---*- i

.Tr' /'.

^ X Mj*. V :


s Of Columbia. C. WHITE ..-

all the city to turn out tp Zio:Friday morning at 11:30 to hea

I ; the sermon. Special music. Di- J. H. Goodwin our efficient Sup11 will

, deliver the Emancipatior address for the city of Tariipia Fla., while Dr. White will spea!t in Barnwell, S. C.7).The parsonage of Zion Bap3 tist Church was the scene of ani other pounding last Friday nighl when a large crowd oV the memi bers of East Columbia headed b;i Cant. W TT rinnltry and Denco1 Louis Legions, loaded Re\3-White's. pantry with all kindl of good things to eat.


J The Sunday school was we{attended Sunday morning an

j the mid-winter enthusiasm iremarkable and noteworthy.

|J Supt. Young and the teacher| were busy arranging for th^'Xmas Tree Thursday night.pj At 11:15 Rev. Adams preach;icd fvom.J&L Luke 1st chapte3'and part of^the 78th and 79tlverses: "Whereby the daysprin,

-fronr on hlglrftas visited us: tgive light to them that sat idarkness.:: Asserting that "call the muny religions of th

^ world the Christian religion ia the only one that will stand th[test. Although some are lade

a with good trails, that the lighg

of Jesys Christ like the light othe natural sun rises upon u

-[gradually--ancf we have -but tJ prove faithful and worthy anthe change will come in oulives." -Admonishing-ihis heaiers to erect an altar in. thei

j homes To this 'Jesus Christ an


all will be sunshine and happ;ness.

jj The At-C. EJLeague was we

_attended and Mr. Emanuel iendeavoring to bring the chi,dren into the service by givin.each one an opportunityto dsomething.The choir rendered a sacre


Cantata Sunday evening whic. was highly pleasing to the manr visitors,, members and frienda1 who had assembled for the or_ casion. The music was simpl. birth of Jesus Christ in sonss The chuir as usual proved to b3! masters of the situation an

x' possessors of thft spirit nf jof which characterizes the aeasoi


. "The Light of the World'* to bPresented at Sidney- Park


I "The Light of the .World,"i Christmas cantatadby Frederic-1H. Candlyn, will be sung by a1 augmented' choir of 28 voice1 at Sidnpv Pari? P M C. ~A MA IV v» 1U« Ju

lcfiurch next Wednesday nighl[Decembei 30, 1925, at 8 o'cloclt This cantata is given by thiTcheir of the white WashingtonStreet M. E. Church and wa

- sung last Sunday night to- crowd that filled the church tf its capacity at the said churcht and by" special request it wil- be repeated at Sidney Par'J church for the benefit of-th-.rally. r' The composer has us£d freel;- some of the old traditional foilsongs of England for theme

- throughout the cantata, whicl,jhas six divisions."Prophecy?t!"TV>o " l<rm_ 1-11

iiuuuiititi'iiuii, 1X16 onepr herds," "The Wise Men," "fl*> Manger," and "The Angels o. Light/' .

The chorus work predominate:> in each of the parts, there be> ing a number of them Ihgtrtnmunaccompanied parts. There i:

^a joyous spirit that runs thru. out the work, the various num

libers contrasting in nature an(

l( working up at timet to


i - * .r. :

,rWfM frAUMTBrrt

£ fine climaxes^.One of the mosti1 interesting parts is "The Man-'t ger" which opens with an altot solo, "0 My Deir Hert," the2 words being anonymous andi taken from the Oxford Book of

| English verse. The solo is a1 lullaby and the same theme is

^ |taken up by the chorus follow^-rby-

Mrs. James Gooding.There will be an organ recital

of 20 minutes preceding the ser-'^ vice by the organist, Mr? D. A.

Pressley. This will include "Re-1verie Pastorale" (Morse),;

L"l"Christmas .in Sicily" (Yon)^etc. The chyrch quartet wiTTl" sing the lod traditional German;

carol, "Silent Night" and thea chureh.'wllM&e dimly lighted.r' The public is cordially invit-j* edr A silver collection will be

taken." .1T. J. Morris, Capt. Club 20,Rev. W. E. Farmer, Pastor. I

^ mimm r

11 REV. JAGGERS' OLD FOLKS'dJ . .^ HOME.s.... .

. .-There were.wonderful.ser-:3 viees - hdld.test Sunday eveniiig^e in honor of the Old Folks. This^meeting was enjoyed by each^individual and every single gouLr seemed to have been in accordh,with the Holy Ghost. The-LordE was with us during the entire !° portion of.the.services..fQn '

n Sunday- Dec. 20,. the Jubileechoir of the First Calvary Bapptiot chupcirmct at the Old Folks

3 Home to render a, programmee for the benefit of the Old Pan,triots of our people.M.The meeting was -opened--byfthp Prpf?iripr»f Dpa TTonw A Mo .1

31 who appointed Dea. Edgar Mcd(

vices. After a lovely prayer service, which was enjoyed by all,

.then helpful remarks by Bro J.r Hdghes and .Mr.. WHt- Atkin-_d j son. Afterward a collectioni-twas raised for the benefit of theo

Old Folks, which amounted to11 $7.05. "...3 SUSIE JAGGERS, Reporter



d. , rr.-k It woul be "a surprise to stuydents of constitutional interprestatioh and basic legal princi-pics," declares the Chicago Daiyly News editorially, if the Sufipromp Court did Tint: sustain the> N. A. A. C. P. in its contentione that segregation by .propertyd owners' agreement' is unconstiylutlutlal. ;:

The Daily ;News^ editortar in"fidl is fallows:

Attempts at Race Segregation

e' In 1917, the United States SupremeCourt annulled a Loiiis^viHe"~City ordinance that provi-j

- ded for the the segregation ofNegroes in a sort of pale or setI.tlement. In consequence it was!

t- .

n . . .

I REESE'S 1)1MRS. i>. K. T

A Full Line of PateCigarettes and TobacMadam C. J. WalkerTimes. Ice -Cream an

PHON1422 Assembly Street,

e I Office Phone 6026

vl N_ J . FRF^ i Attorney-at-T-aw a

ill Prarilpi* f«% nil Court

a 1119 Washington Street,v>«vy

J | ><«> <-» r><


3 Suits Made- ; | "


<> 1118^ Washington Sirreet,

*) LKAtTBtt ^

believed that attempts at race

segregation by statute or otherwisenecessarily would be abandoned.It appears, however,that various ingenious shiftshave been adopted to accomplishsegregation without violatingthe leter of the law as laid down S'by the Nation's highest tribu- M

hab 4In the'Sup'reme Court is pendinga case that illustrates the

tendency. Thirty taxpayers ofWashington, D. C., &re seeking to S

rejoin a neighbor from viola-ting a property owners' agreementto refrain from selling s,property in a certain aiea to -\icoloredr persons. > The issue is E

whether the court will recognize E

and enforce suelv an agreement,or pronounce it contrary to publicpolicy ^nd therefure^roid..It is an -old common.law max-

im that one cannot do ^indirectly cthat which the law prohi-


bits doing in a direct manner. *

Trying; to segregate a race by" sagreements among property V

owners seems to .be a clear in- ^

stance of an indirect effort toaccomplish a forbidden end.should the Supreme -Court sus-


tain the1 agreementby orderingTiro tssinr^of the.injunction

sought,the decision 4would be a

great amprise to students ofconstitutional interpretation an'1 vbasic legal principles.^^. ^


Mrs Martin wishes to thank jthe Bishop and members of theA. M. E. Conference held in

"inewi't'i r>, cj. ii . iar ttip nnrrai :

jofferingof given Fairwold ,

The Musical Club of Fairwold i.and Mrs. Martin made a trip To ;

Charleston Sunday the 13th.They Mere entertained by theFederated" Clubs of the city atthe Y-. -W-.-e-. A.-

.An interracial ^meeting was .

held at Plymouth CongregationalChurch, and the offering forFairwoldamounted to $90i76. j

j That evening at 8:00 o'clock, jthe girls rendered their piecesat Morris Brown 4- M. E. Church"and an'afber collection-for Fair"woldametar^e-d to $20.00, makIng a local for tne day, lit>.7t>. "

Z They left Charleston at T2"d50 ^o'clock Mondayr stopped over at IState College for a few minutes 4

and there Mrs.-Marion Wilkinson,the wife of the ^president,met them ivith hugs, kisses and"QTW lloo qvi + v. ......1oiiutco. uiif uau nitjui > c"-i

with sandwiches. drinks, cakes ^and candy. At the Red Storethen 20 miles from Columbia all;lights oil the .truck.went out,

anda phouf^ message was sentto the Chairman of the Local ,

Board, Mr. Levy. He came outand towed the party in. They Ireached Columbia at 3 A. M.Tuesday. They are howevernone the worse for their trip..i.>an.KJ1^...mmam+mim%mmm*..n

fooox>:ox>o.ooo.aaooox;CK>coowc\ o

ivaSTORE ^CKKSKr l'rnp. C_I_n't ]\^licines. Cigars, 5 jcos. A Full Line of §'s Preparations at all g jd Sodas. . 8 ]E 7820


g i

Columbia, S. C. £.mmmmm.n m umt . c. » pm II u

1 ? _jResidence Phone 0708

:derick > /< »

ind Notary Public. '

<;s.State aiid -Pfederaf. J L =


Columbia. S. C. ^* T* HJERTgON ;;IT TAILOR jj-/ 4

i To Order. ;:

JNE 4003

Cofumhl*. 8. C. ]






BETK'EI. a. M. E. CIIi;i(CnCorner Spotter and Taylor Si#. ^ur'''1Ret. E. A. Adams. Past or.


unday School 10;00 A.- >1 ' "u

orning Service . .11:15 A. M. C. E. League 6:."0 I'.Mvsning Service _ ..7:3t)~P, M ULTI

II>NEV PARK C. M. E. cm acir. v.v r,,.

110(1 Block Hlandinf S-treef O.'cor,R®*».W, E..Farmer, Pastorp.ySERVICE^jv. Kvco

unday School ... .. IC':3T) A.' M ,

^j-nlng Service AF^T"fliworth League ".T V 5:20 P. M ... /vening Service 7:30 p.

' In


orner Shtnter and Blossom Street?ev,R, Alexander Carroll, 'Pastor.

' SERVICES:InrningSgrvjjML^. ..W^I A. M-tfwTunday_School.. ... ..12:30 P. K..._ '

. C. E. Society .J; _ _ 6:30 P. Idi\*ning Service _ ... H:(>0 P. id

^ 'v:m

, . .j Mori,.


1^00 B^rk Bull Street

r .

>undny /Jehool .... ... JMmi.« a - ' vAlornipj^erykfl. JJj ; 15. A.M-4yV.r,V... l' ... t-.Q'j K-^jveninjj Service......... . 7:TiO I' P




v' Richland StreetREV. H. W. LONG, Pastor.

SERVICES:- ^ rHSunday csciioni_ , !)i)--..\ m'Horning- Service 1 j cvi A wVI Y; P- U- 6.:(>o'r T.t


Averting .Service--.y,.-Mjc'r*

i »

^^.EY_JM...E..CULI£CJ!Corner i«t»rvaia and Bornwcl! S*s \"Rev. N. g. Smith. P«*tor®


_ SEftVICES:Sunday School *_ 10:3 ; A. Mdoming Service 11:-*;J A. M.-e*gu«

.. -e:3(j l\ M-L\.Svening Service . 7:50 p. ;m

- K.-A

ZION BAPTIST CHI RV1I 2R»t: J. C. White. PastSF T'


lorntng Service jJII:80 A. MI. Y. P. U. .... 6:00 p. ».l 'xEvening Service J 7:00 P M

p. .>unc-

* CRri

NAZARETH "BAPTIST. C?l I 'TvCllunday School . A Mhorning- Service"..- 12:30 P. W.3 Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M"Evening .ServlcsT. . .f:20- p; M i

= -

- -. Sunt- .

, MenST. JOHN BAPTIST '&ILKCH A- *' Cooker Washington Heightp V~'" *c:

Rev. -L.1 C. Jenkins, Pastor. .



Sunday School c_10:30 A. M.VIornnig Service .11:30 A. Mi. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M TEAEvening Service : j... 7:30 P. M.l

Sur.i/ ;.Mor

FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCHRev. E. T. Hampton, Pastor

..- iOSAlarion- StreetMorning Service 11:30Evening Service 7:30


3130 Sumter StreetRev. D. G. Robinson, Pastor- !, 0!


:iuncla? School __10:30 A. M. t,vo

'reaching 11:30 A. M.3. Y. P. {T. . 6:00 P. M.breaching . 8:00 P. M.



unday School : .-.---10:00 A. M. SonHorning Serviee : A. M. M<>.H. Y. P. U. - . 6:00 P-JkLtfcveEvening Service 7:00 P. M.


JOHNSON-BMDIFuneral Director

EmbalnJ - r


1115 Washington Si"


P-L- 1

NfON P A PTI^T Clll RCHlMine Street i: JH

Wev. T. HI. Boykin, Pastor.

!*: SyJ w.v ]' '

']0.00 A. M .,1i' .1 ! ::t0 A. Mi

I yTm Kfreet

Purl hp -3'< ?':! ;«j--J ' 10;(,0 A. M" .'s"' v ^ 11:30 A. U. f|"IT ~ fi:00 P. M "|J'* -:{V ( iit'RC*"rr * " 'f -J tii'tn.., Mln.l. «ji

' I. ''o!!.?rd, Pastor. f>»' > h I < i 7^s'''* »lM-U A M

J'"-:- 1' :.IT\ A. M ' Jrnoon Service *

4 P. M

sa/a'jh.j ii u \pttstrrrritcBKe>."K. 3!. 'iyvn,, Pastor.. 3i"'iy K'L&.'.., .' .J

ml 1 1Q;20 A,. U...M-v « <? ii;: .() a. U : 'i

!'. t;: ". "6:00 P. It- . '3

tinjr-' Service $:00 p#

: ! A 15 A ; I ST ClI PRC**i. <". k, M. Pastor.

SPU VIC1S:"''I 10 30 A. M: 'r-oo P. M ~

i'.-'v;.- v, : > 0 .00 p. m ~ v ;

t;Kx "Service .." 8:OCT P.


AT-rr i.r.i: station a: m. e.~

^... i'i ii. :̂.".. "t ;>" .) :» Htid Pin«-8troet»._'.. ;

'' .'.v J>' I"ailor^.~^ irTTsT" " [j

i- > Ji'-TW*; 11:30 A. ii '

'« ..'.- jpoo -p.- x..vi^.n- , 5:30 P. M.!Wr 7:TU, P. M

.Jf>>'rs r MiKiiNari,IS?** "il. (-Jr;Tj hart, Pastor.

l_ t-.Ettvk;;s:.- .

: 10:00 A. M.ir.vyu XW e


8:0(j P..11"T~+J.^fi:0Q p. M. \d--: >«-rv-:ct? 8:00 p. ii

' ,f"T .

.Ke\I. J>. i)avi«,,raslor7*"..'.~:;- Sl.iTtR. i:s^.. ..

lintj -Sr-rviVe 11 Vj"5 A. M«> > ,

. *~4.00 P. It ,

i;n..o:.vor -5.00 P. M

.: r ;!\ JA.M.KS A. M. E. CHfaCB.--tLj- aJi-La_;^rx<ni.-KiaH>i>t *"

tev. j. r. Washington, i'&ntsr.H.iiWCf.S-

ay. 10:00 A. lir"s fc'ervjce J. 11:15 A. 11 --- .v

r.. L. ..ti.Lie .. 0£Q p.i.i) ; >or\.l-ej 7^:10 P If *"""

^ ^ iSyi> s '

II I E / ON H.VPT. CHURCHlvidgl'w ood

lav i 11:3tr'dt.'jf Scrv.i-e . ._.12:S0

a. m. e. churchkendlalto'wn.

Re-v. I). y\. 'Mcli I Eli, Pastor. "rSEEN RES:

!.u :A h'.M 1 .... 10.00 A. M. .

ni'fg Service A , 11:30 A. M.League 6:00 P. M.

ning Service ..' 8:00 P. M.


T fli.ivi: RAJAT1ST C11UHCH-'

191a.a lire I Street day

School'__ 11:00 A. M.

ning Service 7:30 P. 1L

LEY-MORRIS IQ Ar I icpncprlWJ W M. J 1 v. V- I1UV. VJ


Phone 3512 I ~

K S. C. ;~

. l--j-Li.
