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Pan Stanford Publishing 2012 catalog

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This catalog features new and forthcoming titles by Pan Stanford Publishing. For more information, please visit www.panstanford.com
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Inspiring Innovation through Publishing

Company Profile

Pan Stanford Publishing is an independent international publisher dedicated to publishing the best in micro- and nano-scale science, technology and medicine. The company was founded by a group of publishing professionals and academics with a strong focus in interdisciplinary and applied areas such as Nanotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Energy, Green Technology, Sustainable Engineering, Materials Science, Semiconductors, Electronic Engineering and other related areas. We publish a wide variety of books ranging from cutting-edge monographs, review volumes, handbooks, to undergraduate textbooks and books designed for the general audience. Driven by passion and a clear mission, we strive to serve the needs of academics and professional communities worldwide in three ways:

to collaborate closely with researchers and professionals of outstanding achievement, to foster long-term partnership with our readers and distributors, and to develop the most accurate publications that are able to inspire and to further promote innovation and discovery.

At Pan Stanford, we believe in delivering quality content at reasonable prices, with competitive royalties and aggressive marketing. We believe in leveraging on the latest publishing technology to deliver quality products and services for the benefit of our customers and partners. With decades of publishing experience, we understand and anticipate the needs of authors, librarians and book distribution partners, and we continuously challenge ourselves to provide the highest level of products and personalized services. We have more than 500 titles in the pipeline and some of the notable ones are:

Nanomedicine: The Intersection of Nanotechnology and Healthcare by R. Ellis-Behnke (MIT, USA) Energy and Nanomaterials by Randy Vander Wal (Penn State University, USA) Physics and Chemistry of Graphene by Toshiaki Enoki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Nanostructures in Photovoltaics by Ryne Raffaelle (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA) & Nicholas Ekins-Daukes (Imperial College London, UK) Handbook of Materials for Nanomedicine by V. Torchilin & M. Amiji (Northeastern University, USA) Handbook of Nanoindentation by Michelle Oyen (Cambridge Univ, UK) Power for the World by Wolfgang Palz (European Assoc. for Renewable Energies, Germany) Science at the Nanoscale: An Introductory Textbook by Andrew Wee, et al. (NUS, Singapore) More at www.panstanford.com

We value the passion and commitment our authors have put into their work and we will always strive to ensure that it achieves maximum distribution and publicity.

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“What an elegant library covering an exceptionally broad range of nanoscience topics. I shall be most happy to show to colleagues in the field and share with them. Congratulations on your enterprise.” Prof. John Polanyi (Nobel Laureate)University of Toronto, Canada

“Pan Stanford Publishing is providing a series of well-produced volumes on very

actual scientific topics, in particular in nanoscience and nanotechnology, that

should be of much interest to a wide range of scientists.”

Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn (Nobel Laureate) Université de Strasbourg, France

“The list of topics and authors looks impressive, and I wish Pan Stanford all success with these and all forthcoming publications.” Prof. Gerthard Ertl (Nobel Laureate) Max Planck Institute, Germany

“These books give multidisciplinary and state-of-the-art materials and will be excellent

references for both newcomers and veterans working in the field. I am sure that Pan

Stanford Publishing will make a great contribution and give a strong support to the development of nanoscience and technology.”

Prof. Chunli Bai

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Comments from Our Readers

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Biomedical Engineering ..............................................3

Chemistry & Chemical Engineering ..........................10

Information Technology ............................................14

Materials Science, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology ................................................15

Physics ......................................................................19

General references ....................................................21

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Biomedical Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Handbook ofIntelligentScaffold forTissueEngineering andRegenerativeMedicineEdited by

Gilson KhangChonbuk National University, Jeonju, North Korea

Providing detailed knowledge about fullerenenanowhiskers and the related low-dimensionalfullerene nanomaterials, this book introduces tubularnanofibers made of fullerenes, fullerene nanotubes,and the single crystalline thin film made of C60,known as the fullerene nanosheet. The first publica-tion featuring fullerene nanowhiskers made of C60,C70, and C60 derivatives, it demonstrates the liq-uid–liquid interfacial precipitation method. It alsoexplores electrical, mechanical, optical, magnetic,thermodynamic, and surface properties for thefullerene nanowhiskers, including their electronicdevice applications.

Catalog no. N10464, February 2012, 974 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-85-4, $499.95 / £318.00Also available as an eBook

NanoantennaPlasmon-EnhancedSpectroscopies forBiotechnologicalApplicationsEdited by

Marc Lamy de laChapelleUniversité Paris 13, Bobigny,France

Annemarie PucciKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Heidelberg, Germany

This book concentrates on the various fields related tothe development of a nanobiosensor and presents thelatest information from renowned experts. It focuseson enhanced spectroscopy, including SERS,SEIRA/SEIRS, and near-field optics. It also explores therelated physical processes, such as optical propertiesof metallic nanoparticles, plasmon resonance, andfield enhancement. The book presents several appli-cations in the biological and medical field to show thepotential of such techniques.

Catalog no. N10570, August 2012, c. 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-61-3, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Handbook ofBiofunctionalSurfacesEdited by

Wolfgang KnollAustrian Institute ofTechnology, Vienna

We are beginning to develop a better understandingof what is needed to make an organism tolerateimplants, to guarantee the bidirectional communica-tion between microelectronic devices and living tis-sue, and in general, to construct an interactive bio-compatibility of surfaces. Composed of contributionsexperts in the field have made in recent years, thisbook describes the design, synthesis, assembly, char-acterization, and the biomedical application of inter-facial layers on solid substrates with molecularly orsupra-molecularly controlled architectures.

Catalog no. N10502, September 2012, c. 800 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-63-7, $425.00 / £270.00Also available as an eBook

NanoimagingEdited by

Beth A. Goins andWilliam T. PhillipsUniversity of Texas, SanAntonio, USA

The first resource of its kind, this book covers cutting-edge research on the use of nanoparticles for in vivodiagnostic medical imaging and therapy. It discusses avariety of nanoparticles, including quantum dots, car-bon nanotubes, dendrimers, gold nanoshells, metalnanorods, micelles, liposomes, polymers, MRI ironoxide particles, and microbubbles. Examples in thebook include multifunctional nanoparticles designedfor multimodality imaging and simultaneous diagnos-tic and therapy (theranostic) applications.

Catalog no. N10430, September 2011, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-09-0, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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4 For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Biomedical Engineering

BiomedicalNanosensorsEdited by

Joseph M. IrudayarajPurdue University, WestLafayette, Indiana, USA

Giving readers a clear picture of what is currentlyknown about the structure and mechanics of theseremarkable macro-molecular machines, this bookdraws together recent data on both cytoplasmic andflagellar dyneins and the proteins they interact with.Each chapter is written by active researchers, with afocus on currently used biophysical, biochemical, andcell biological methods. With comprehensive cover-age of structural information gained by electronmicroscopy, electron cryo-tomography, X-ray crystal-lography, and nuclear magnetic resonance, the bookprovides detailed descriptions of mechanistic experi-ments by single-molecule nanometry.

Catalog no. N10468, June 2012, c. 400 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-03-3, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

PulmonaryNanomedicineDiagnostics, Imaging,and TherapeuticsEdited by

Neeraj VijJohns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine, Baltimore,Maryland, USA

This book provides an in-depth view on the pul-monary effects of engineered nanomaterials (ENM). Itfamiliarizes readers with unique aspects of nanomate-rial application and research, such as the effects ofphysicochemical properties on cellular uptake andtoxicity, and focuses on the diagnostic and therapeu-tic utilities of nanomaterials in different lung diseases.It discusses novel applications of nanotechnology forthe treatment of airway diseases such as asthma, aller-gy, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, cysticfibrosis, and lung cancer. It also discusses the strate-gies to overcome the pathophysiological and techni-cal barriers. The book presents the combined efforts ofpulmonary biologists, chemists, and clinicians todevelop novel nano-based diagnostics, imaging, andtherapeutics tools for airway diseases.

Catalog no. N10499, May 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-48-4, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

UnderstandingNanomedicineAn IntroductoryTextbookRob BurgessMedical NanotechnologiesIncorporated, Richardson,Texas, USA

This book comprehensively covers a broad range oftherapeutic and diagnostic applications of nanotech-nology, providing descriptions of cutting-edge discov-eries along with historical perspectives. The text focus-es on nanomaterials and nanoparticles, the sectorsthat hold the most promise for the future of medicine.The author looks at how nanotechnology can impactcancer treatment, clinical neuroscience, tissue engi-neering, drug delivery, and diagnostics. He also dis-cusses the worldwide governmental regulatoryimpact on nanomedicine.

Catalog no. N10477, April 2012, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-38-5, $149.95 / £95.00

Brain DiseasesandMetalloproteinsEdited by

David Brown and Paul DaviesUniversity of Bath, UK

With strong emphasis on biochemistry and cell biolo-gy, this book describes the latest research on neu-rodegenerative disease and metal-binding proteins.The diseases covered include Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,prion disease, and ALS. The chapters separately exam-ine issues such as the mechanisms of metal binding,metal-induced structural changes in proteins, alter-ations in cellular metal metabolism in disease, andattempts at a therapeutic approach based on proteinmetal binding.

Catalog no. N10490, June 2012, c. 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-01-9, $179.95 / £114.00Also available as an eBook

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Biomedical Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Handbook ofDyneinEdited by

Keiko HiroseNational Institute of AdvancedIndustrial Science &Technology, Ibaraki, Japan

Linda A. AmosMRC Laboratory of MolecularBiology, Cambridge, UK

This book draws together recent data on both cyto-plasmic and flagellar dyneins and the proteins theyinteract with, giving readers a clear picture of what iscurrently known about the structure and mechanicsof these remarkable macro-molecular machines. Eachchapter is written by active researchers, with a focuson currently used biophysical, biochemical, and cellbiological methods. This is a useful handbook forfrontline researchers as well as a textbook foradvanced students.

Catalog no. N10470, February 2012, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-33-0, $199.95 / £127.00Also available as an eBook

CalciumOrthophosphatesApplications inNature, Biology,and MedicineSergey V. DorozhkinMoscow, Russia

Due to a great chemical similarity with biological cal-cified tissues, many calcium orthophosphates possessremarkable biocompatibility and bioactivity. Materialsscientists use this property extensively to constructartificial bone grafts that are entirely made of or sur-face-coated with the biologically relevant calciumorthophosphates. Porous scaffolds made of calciumorthophosphates are very promising tools for tissueengineering applications. A comprehensive overviewof calcium orthophosphates, this book highlights theirimportance and biomedical uses.

Catalog no. N10501, May 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-62-0, $179.95 / £114.00Also available as an eBook

Bionanomaterialsfor DentalApplicationsEdited by

Mieczyslaw JurczykPoznan University ofTechnology, Poland

Recently, chemical, physical, and mechanical process-es for the fabrication of metal/alloy-ceramicnanocomposites with a unique microstructure havebeen developed. These processes permit the controlof microstructural properties, including the size ofpore openings, surface properties, and the nature ofthe base metal/alloy. This book presents informationabout the structure and characteristics of new dentalnanomaterials, corrosion behavior of metallic bioma-terials, and implants along with methods of surfaceimprovement of implants by means of nanoengineer-ing. The book explains the osseointegration from abiological viewpoint and early tissue response.

Catalog no. N10474, August 2012, c. 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-83-5, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Artificial Human SensorsScience andApplicationsEdited by

Peter WideOrebro University, Sweden

As the aging population increases, the need grows forsupport mechanisms for elderly patients with limitedsensing abilities. This volume discusses human andartificial sensing in conjunction with the human per-ception capabilities (auditory, taste, smell, vision, andtouch). It provides an overview of the intriguing fieldof machine sensing and perception, discussing newintelligent technologies that enhance the natural sens-ing, perception, and mobility abilities of humans. Itconcludes with future possibilities in this nascent field.

Catalog no. N10431, March 2012, 220 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-58-8, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Biomedical Engineering

CarbonNanotubesFrom BenchChemistry toPromisingBiomedicalApplicationsEdited by

Giorgia PastorinNational University of Singapore

This book represents a critical evaluation of recent dis-coveries about carbon nanotubes and describes theirimpact on personal health and environmental pollu-tion. It also offers an overview of the main researchgroups around the world that have focused theirefforts on the exploitation of this intriguing material.

Catalog no. N10419, January 2011, 156 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-68-7, $129.95 / £82.00Also available as an eBook

MicrosurgeryAdvances,Simulations andApplicationsEdited by

Toshio Fukuda andCarlos TerceroNagoya University, Japan

Using the example of endovascular intervention, thisbook explains the development of in vitro simulatorsfor biomedical applications. It presents modelingmethods for in vitro representation of human tissueand for representing tissue integrity during endovas-cular surgery simulation. The book presents applica-tions of this in vitro vasculature modeling technology,including flow control for human blood pressure sim-ulation, computer fluid dynamics simulations usingvasculature morphology, catheter insertion robot con-trol, vasculature imaging based on magnetic trackers,and tailor-made scaffolds for blood vessel regenera-tion.

Catalog no. N10580, April 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4364-69-0, $179.95 / £114.00Also available as an eBook

From SmallFullerenes toSuperlatticesScience andApplicationsEdited by

Patrice Melinon andBruno MasenelliUniversity of Lyon/CNRS,Villeurbanne, France

Recently, carbon and silicon research has seen an out-burst of new structures, experimentally observed ortheoretically predicted with attractive properties. Thisbook reviews these exotic futuristic species and theirpotential applications and critically examines the pre-dicting models and the possible routes for their syn-thesis. The book starts with a review of 2D and 3Dcrystals based on carbon and/or silicon. The secondpart of the book is devoted to the description at thenanoscale of the new structures and complex archi-tectures that ensue from them.

Catalog no. N10457, July 2012, c. 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-84-7, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Nature'sNanostructuresEdited by

Amanda S. Barnardand Haibo GuoVirtual NanoscienceLaboratory, Clayton, Australia

Natural nanomaterials and nanotechnologies are allaround us, inevitably leading to these questions: Whatare these natural nanomaterials made of? Where canwe find them? What can they do? Answering thesequestions will facilitate new and environmentallyfriendly ways of creating and manipulating nanoscalematerials for the next generation of new technologies.This multidisciplinary book brings together studiesfrom astronomy, physics, chemistry, materials science,engineering, geology and geophysics, environmentalscience, agricultural science, entomology, molecularbiology, and health. It provides an invaluable resourcefor learning how various scientists approach similarproblems.

Catalog no. N10507, February 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-82-8, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Biomedical Engineering

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ViralNanoparticlesTools for MaterialScience andBiomedicineEdited by

NIcole F. SteinmetzCase Western ReserveUniversity, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Marianne ManchesterUniversity of California, San Diego, La Jolla, USA

Providing an overview of the applications of viralnanoparticles (VNPs) in areas ranging from materials sci-ence to biomedicine, this volume summarizes the manydifferent VNP building blocks and describes chemistriesthat allow one to attach, entrap, or display functionali-ties on VNPs. The book outlines the strategies for theconstruction of 1-, 2-, and 3-D arrays, highlights theachievements in utilizing VNPs as tools for novel biosen-sors and nanoelectronic devices, and describes efforts indesigning VNPs for biomedical applications, includingtheir use in gene delivery vectors, novel vaccines, imag-ing modalities, and targeted therapeutics.

Catalog no. N10424, August 2011, 284 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-45-8, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Handbook ofMetalBiotechnologyApplications forEnvironmentalConservation andSustainabilityEdited by

Michihiko Ike andSatoshi SodaOsaka University , Japan

Mitsuo YamashitaShibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

This book introduces various fields of metal biotech-nology, emphasizing applications for environmentconservation and resource recycling. The topics dis-cussed include wastewater treatment, bioremediationtechnologies for hazardous metals, recovery and recy-cling of metals from drainage and waste sources, thebiological synthesis and processing of new metallicmaterials, monitoring of metals for industrial uses, andbio-informatics in metal biotechnology. Heightenedresearch is expected to influence new developmentsin these technologies.

Catalog no. N10466, December 2011, 264 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-98-4, $249.95 / £159.00Also available as an eBook

NanocompositeParticles for Bio-ApplicationsMaterials and Bio-InterfacesEdited by

Tito Trindade and AnaLuisa Daniel da SilvaUniversidade de Aveiro,Portugal

Presenting a concise examination of the synthesis andproperties of nanocomposite particles, this volumefocuses on diverse bio-applications. The contributorspresent essential information related to the chemicaldesign of nanocomposite particles, their propertiesand their constituent materials, and the tailoring ofbio-interfaces that are relevant to the fields of clinicaldiagnosis and drug delivery procedures, among otherbio-applications.

Catalog no. N10427, August 2011, 312 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-78-6, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Carbohydrate-ModifyingBiocatalystsEdited by

Peter GrunwaldUniversity of Hamburg,Germany

Carbohydrates have long been minimized by the sci-entific community due to their complex structure anda lack of suitable experimental methods for structuredetermination. This book provides an overview of thestructure, function, and application of carbohydrate-modifying biocatalysts. It explores glycoconjugatesand carbohydrate-modifying enzymes and the keyroles they play in biological processes such as recog-nition, signal transduction, and immune responses. Itdiscusses research activities in glycoscience, includingthe development of several new pharmaceuticals totreat malaria, cancer, and other diseases.

Catalog no. N10454, October 2011, 846 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-67-0, $299.95 / £191.00Also available as an eBook

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Biomedical Engineering

MultiporphyrinArraysFundamentals andApplicationsEdited by

Dongho KimInstitute for NanoBio MolecularAssemblies, Seoul, South Korea

From basic spectroscopic features to promising appli-cations, this book provides a comprehensive review ofmultiporphyrin arrays. It examines molecular wires,switches, sensors, artificial photosynthetic devices,and dye-sensitized solar cells based on a variety ofmultiporphyrin architectures using covalent and/ornoncovalent molecular assemblies. To provide a bet-ter understanding of photofunctional molecular archi-tectures, it particularly focuses on energy and electrontransfer processes occurring in multiporphyrin arraysin various environments, including single-moleculelevel, composite materials, LB films, and solid surfaces.

Catalog no. N10500, January 2012, 828 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-60-6, $249.95 / £159.00Also available as an eBook

Life at theNanoscaleAtomic ForceMicroscopy of LiveCellsEdited by

Yves DufreneUniversite Catholique de Louvain,Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Beginning with fundamentals and expanding toapplications, this volume provides a comprehensiveoverview of the use of atomic force microscopy (AFM)and related scanning probe microscopies for cell sur-face analysis. The book covers all cell types from virus-es and protoplasts to bacteria and animal cells. Thecontributors discuss a range of advanced AFM modal-ities, including high-resolution imaging, nanoindenta-tion measurements, recognition imaging, and single-molecule and single-cell force spectroscopy.Enhanced with numerous color illustrations, the bookcovers methodologies for preparing and analyzingcells and membranes of all kinds. The contributorshighlight recent examples to illustrate the power ofAFM techniques in life sciences and nanomedicine.

Catalog no. N10435, August 2011, 460 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-96-0, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Biomechatronicsin Medicine andHealthcareEdited by

Raymond Tong KaiyuHong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, Kowloon

This book presents expert insight into the emergingtechnologies and developments in the medical pro-fession expected to meet a variety of clinical chal-lenges. It demonstrates the application of bio-mechatronics to provide better care and service. Italso incorporates exciting multidisciplinary areas ofresearch across the medical and engineering fields,such as robotic therapeutic training systems for strokerehabilitation, exoskeletons for daily activities in per-sons with disabilities, functional electrical stimulation,and wireless active capsule endoscopy. Each chapterprovides substantial background material relevant tothe particular subject.

Catalog no. N10425, August 2011, 250 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-61-8, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

SynchrotronRadiation andStructuralProteomicsEdited by

Eugenia PechkovaUniversity of Genova, Italy

Christian RiekelEuropean SynchrotronRadiation Facility (ESRF),Grenoble, France

This book presents an overview of the state of researchin both synchrotron radiation and structural proteomics from different laboratories worldwide. Itpresents recent research results in advanced methodsof synchrotron radiation analysis, protein micro- andnano crystallography, X-ray scattering and X-rayoptics, coherent X-Ray diffraction, laser cutting, andcontactless sample manipulation. The book focuseson biological applications and highlights importantissues such as radiation damage and molecular modeling.

Catalog no. N10432, November 2011, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-38-0, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Biomedical Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

FunctionalProteomics andNanotechnology-BasedMicroarraysEdited by

Josh LaBaerArizona State University,Tempe, USA

Claudio NicoliniUniversity of Genoa, Italy

In recent years, numerous councils and governmentsworldwide have launched extensive research pro-grams in nanotechnology. Specifically, nanobiotech-nology appears capable of yielding a scientific andindustrial revolution in a number of areas. This volumecomprehensively introduces the Pan Stanford Series onNanobiobiotechnology. The text defines and reviewsthe major sectors of nanobiotechnology and nanobio-sciences with respect to the most recent develop-ments and the most promising applications.

Catalog no. N10416, June 2010, 308 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-76-2, $159.95 / £99.00Also available as an eBook

WaterThe ForgottenBiological MoleculeEdited by

Denis Le BihanCEA Saclay Center, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Hidenao FukuyamaKyoto University, Japan

Bringing together multidisciplinary contributions fromleading authorities, this volume provides a singlesource on the properties and roles of water in cell sys-tems—information that is otherwise inconvenientlydispersed in the literature. With insight from authorsdrawn from physics, chemistry, biology and physiolo-gy, the book focuses on research and developments inthe theoretical and experimental studies of water inbiological systems and compounds, such as interac-tion with hydrophobic or hydrophilic structures andprotein and membrane surfaces. It provides insightsinto the importance of water in cellular processes andphysiology and, ultimately, in brain function andhealth.

Catalog no. N10411, November 2010, 399 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-52-6, $99.95 / £63.99Also available as an eBook

Handbook ofMaterials forNanomedicineEdited by

Vladimir Torchilin andMansoor M. AmijiNortheastern University,Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The fast developing field of nanomedicine uses abroad variety of materials to serve as delivery systemsfor drugs, genes, and diagnostic agents. This bookwas among the first to put under one cover all majoravailable information about these materials. Itexplores systems that are still at the experimental leveland describes systems that are currently applied inpatients.

Catalog no. N10412, September 2010, 868 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-55-7, $399.95 / £254.00Also available as an eBook

MolecularDiagnosticsThe Key inPersonalized CancerMedicineEdited by

Jan Trost JorgensenDx-Rx Institute, Fredensborg,Denmark

Henrik WintherAntibody Development, Glostrup, Denmark

This unique book provides a thorough overview ofdeveloping molecular cancer diagnostic assays—theprerequisites for optimal solutions within personalizedcancer medicine. The book takes readers through def-initions of the pharmacodiagnostic concept, historicalperspectives of the early steps into molecular cancerdiagnostics linked to therapy, the basis of differentdiagnostic molecular techniques, ongoing research,drug-diagnostic co-development, assay validation,clinical trial methodology, regulatory issues aroundpharmacodiagnostics, and future aspects within per-sonalized cancer medicine.

Catalog no. N10400, April 2010, 351 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-44-1, $159.95 / £99.00Also available as an eBook

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10 For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Biomedical Engineering / Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Handbook ofActive Materialsfor MedicalDevicesAdvances andApplicationsEdited by

Andres Diaz LantadaUniversidad Politecnica deMadrid, Spain

This book covers implantable and quirurgical biode-vices for the diagnosis or treatment of differentpathologies. These devices benefit from the use ofactive materials as sensors or actuators. Based on theadditional functionalities of active or "intelligent"materials—both as sensors and actuators—theresearch presented in this book helps further develop-ment of medical devices. The results will help with theindustrial expansion of these kinds of materials as partof more complex systems.

Catalog no. N10471, September 2011, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-36-1, $249.95 / £159.00Also available as an eBook

ElectrochemicalDNA BiosensorsEdited by

Mehmet SengunOzsozEge University, Bornova, Izmir,Turkey

This book focuses on the basic electrochemical appli-cations of DNA in various areas, from basic principlesto the most recent discoveries. It comprises theoreti-cal and experimental analysis of various properties ofnucleic acids, research methods, and discusses somepromising applications. Topics discussed include elec-trochemical detection of DNA hybridization based onlatex/gold nanoparticle and nanotubes, nanomaterial-based electrochemical DNA detection, electrochemi-cal detection of microorganism-based DNA biosen-sors, and gold nanoparticle-based electrochemicalDNA biosensors. It also explores electrochemicaldetection of the aptamer-target interaction andnanoparticle-induced catalysis for DNA biosensing.

Catalog no. N10455, March 2012, 400 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-77-9, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

SustainableProcessEngineeringConcepts,Strategies,Evaluation andImplementationDavid BrennanMonash University, Clayton,Victoria, Australia

This book introduces key concepts, strategies, andevaluation methods in sustainable process engineer-ing. The book goes beyond system boundaries inprocess plants to include utility supplies, product lifecycles, waste and waste sources in process and utilitysystems, and waste minimization strategies. It discuss-es technical, economic, safety, environmental, social,and sustainability criteria for integration into assess-ments and incorporates planning, development,design, and operations.

Catalog no. N10505, August 2012, c. 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-78-1, $149.95 / £95.00

The MicroflowCytometerEdited by

Frances S. Ligler andJason S. KimU.S. Naval ResearchLaboratory, Washington, D.C.,USA

This volume describes the development of inexpen-sive, portable flow cytometers through the incorpora-tion of microfluidic technologies and small opticalcomponents. It discusses the underlying microfluidictheories essential for microflow cytometry, as well asadvances that are representative of the current state ofthe art. Numerous research groups leading the fieldare currently presenting design and fabrication strate-gies for these innovative component technologies,and the book reviews integration of the componentsinto functional prototype devices for analysis andmanipulation of particles and cells. It also examinesmultiple currently available commercial systems tohighlight both strengths and areas for improvement.

Catalog no. N10410, May 2010, 396 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-41-0, $169.95 / £108.00Also available as an eBook

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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

NanoporousMaterials forEnergy and theEnvironmentEdited by

Gilbert Rios, Gabriele Centi, andNick KanellopoulosDisseminating and discussing relevant best-caseexamples and research practices, this volume showshow nanomaterial research and related engineeringconcepts may provide answers and viable solutions toa variety of socioeconomic issues and concerns. Thefirst section is dedicated to the development of newmaterials and their characterization. The second sec-tion addresses modeling and scale transition (fromand to nanoscale) processes, and the third sectionpresents applications in the environmental and ener-gy sectors.

Catalog no. N10452, September 2011, 322 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-17-5, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

ElectrochemicalNanofabricationPrinciples andApplicationsEdited by

Di WeiNokia Research Centre,Cambridge, UK

In recent years, nanotechnology has attracted billionsin venture capital from research institutes, govern-ments, and industries. Traditional nanofabricationtechniques, such as CVD, sol-gel, and self-assemblyhave been intensively studied. However, the electro-chemical nanofabrication technique—which offershuge benefits for manufacturing nanomaterials aswell as broad applications in industries—has receivedscant attention compared to the traditional nanofab-rication methods. This book summarizes differentelectrochemical nanofabrication methods and showsvarious essential applications in areas such as batteries,sensors, and future applications.

Catalog no. N10473, September 2011, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-73-6, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Advances inNanotechnologyand theEnvironmentEdited by

Juyoung KimKangwon National University,South Korea

Examining the possible applications of nano-sizedmaterials, this volume provides reliable guidance onthe selection of nanomaterials to improve the efficien-cy of environmental processes. Focusing on thedesign of specific nanomaterials, it illustrates theimpact and influence of nanomaterials on the envi-ronment and explains how to avoid causing second-ary contamination. The book provides helpful infor-mation about nanomaterials for potential users whowill use and apply nanomaterials in environmentaltechnology.

Catalog no. N10453, September 2011, 400 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-55-7, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Methanol FuelCell SystemsAdvancing TowardsCommercializationDave EdlundElement 1 LLC, Bend, Oregon,USA

This book details fuel cell systems incorporatingmethanol reformers as the source of purified hydro-gen (rather than compressed hydrogen). Beginningwith an overview of PEM fuel cells, the book discussesthe various technical approaches to methanol reform-ing and hydrogen purification. A unique theme car-ried throughout the discussion is the practical aspectsof commercial applications that favor one technicalapproach over another. Readers gain an understand-ing of the chemistry, engineering, economics, andagency certification requirements that ultimatelyshape the optimal approach for methanol fuel cell sys-tems targeting commercial applications.

Catalog no. N10437, July 2011, 206 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-98-4, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Electrical andElectronicsEngineering CMOSNanoelectronicsInnovative Devices,Architectures, andApplicationsEdited by

Nadine CollaertIMEC, Leuven, Belgium

This volume examines FinFET—one of the mostimportant device architectures that have been widelyresearched to extend transistor scaling. DiscussingFinFET’s advantages and integration challenges, itaddresses topics such as high-density fin patterning,gate stack design, and source/drain engineering. Thebook explores circuit-related aspects, including theimpact of variability on SRAM design, ESD design, andhigh-T operation. It also introduces a new device con-cept: the junctionless nanowire FET.

Catalog no. N10509, July 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4364-02-7, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

NanoelectronicDevicesByung-Gook Park andYoung June ParkSeoul National University,South Korea

Sung Woo HwangKorea University, Seoul, SouthKorea

This book explores the fundamentals of nanoelectron-ic devices. The authors build the principles of nano-electronic devices based on those of microelectronicdevices wherever possible and introduce the inher-ently nanoelectronic principles gradually. They brieflyreview quantum mechanics and solid-state physics,which form the basis of semiconductor devicephysics. The book also covers the basics of electrontransport and p–n junctions, develops the operationsof MOS capacitors and MOSFETs, and introducessome basic CMOS circuits. The last chapter is devotedto the nano-biotechnology application of field-effecttransistors.

Catalog no. N10508, February 2012, 400 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4364-00-3, $99.95 / £63.99Also available as an eBook

PolymerElectronicsEdited by

Meng Hsin-FeiNational Chiao-TungUniversity, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Researchers and companies are increasingly dedicat-ing time and money to polymer electronics. The poly-mer semiconductor is the only semiconductor capa-ble of being processed in solution. Electronics madeby these flexible materials have many advantagessuch as large-area solution process, low cost, and highperformance. This book focuses on the fundamentalmaterials and device physics of polymer electronics. Itdescribes polymer light-emitting diodes, polymerfield-effect transistors, organic vertical transistors,polymer solar cells, and applications based on poly-mer electronics. The book also discusses and analyzespreparation techniques and device properties of poly-mer electronics.

Catalog no. N10480, July 2012, c. 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-84-7, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

3D Integrationfor VLSI SystemsEdited by

Chuan Seng Tan,Kuan-Neng Chen, andSteven J. KoesterThree-dimensional (3D) integration is identified as apossible avenue for continuous performance growthin integrated circuits (IC). Wafer level 3D IC can takeseveral forms. They usually include a stack of severalthinned IC layers that are vertically bonded and inter-connected by through silicon via TSV. This book pres-ents contributions by key researchers in this field, cov-ering motivations, technology platforms, applications,and other design issues.

Catalog no. N10440, September 2011, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-81-1, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Biomaterials forMEMSEdited by

Mu ChiaoUniversity of British Columbia,Vancouver, Canada

Jung-Chih ChiaoUniversity of Texas atArlington, USA

This book serves as a guide for practicing engineers,researchers, and students interested in MEMS devicesand biomaterials and biomedical applications. It is alsosuitable for engineers and researchers interested inMEMS and its applications but who do not have thenecessary background in biomaterials. The book high-lights important features and issues of biomaterialsthat have been used in MEMS and biomedical areas,including the fabrication of devices using biomateri-als, biocompatible coatings and issues, thin-film bio-materials and MEMS for tissue engineering, and appli-cations involving MEMS and biomaterials.

Catalog no. N10421, March 2011, 292 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-46-5, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Current-DrivenPhenomena inNanoelectronicsEdited by

Tamar SeidemanNorthwestern University,Evanston, Illinois, USA

With contributions from some of the world’s leaders inthe field, this book combines experimental, theoreti-cal and numerical studies of current-driven phenome-na in the nanoscale. The topics covered range fromsingle-molecule, site-specific nanochemistry inducedby a scanning tunneling microscope, through inelas-tic tunneling spectroscopy and current-induced heat-ing, to current-triggered molecular machines. Theauthors focus on experimental and numerical methoddevelopment, the description of specific systems, andnovel phenomena.

Catalog no. N10401, October 2010, 228 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-50-2, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

DisorderedSemiconductorsPhysics andApplicationsEdited by

Anatoly PopovMoscow Power EngineeringInstitute, Russia

This textbook links characteristic features of atomicand electronic structures of disordered semiconduc-tors to the device design process. It begins with adescription of general concepts of disordered semi-conductors, their atomic structures, the structure ofenergy bands, and their defects, as well as their elec-trical, optical, and photovoltaic properties. Since weaksensitivity to impurities is a distinguishing feature ofdisordered semiconductors, methods of property con-trol and thin-film preparation methods are the areasof focus. Finally, the book examines applications ofdisordered semiconductors in various devices.

Catalog no. N10403, November 2010, 201 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-76-2, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

NanometerCMOSJuin J. Liou, Frank Schwierz, andHei WongThis book presents the mate-rial necessary for understand-ing the physics, operation,design, and performance ofmodern MOSFETs withnanometer dimensions. Itoffers a brief introduction to the field and a thoroughoverview of MOSFET physics, detailing the relevantbasics. The authors apply presented models to calcu-late and demonstrate transistor characteristics, andthey include required input data (such as dimensionsand doping), enabling readers to repeat the calcula-tions and compare their results. The book introducesconventional and novel advanced MOSFET concepts,such as multiple-gate structures and alternative chan-nel materials. Other topics covered include high-kdielectrics and mobility enhancement techniques,MOSFETs for RF (radio frequency) applications, andMOSFET fabrication technology.

Catalog no. N10386, February 2010, 340 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-08-3, $159.95 / £99.00Also available as an eBook

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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering / Information Technology

Floating BodyCellA Novel Capacitor-Less DRAM CellEdited by

Takashi Ohsawa andTakeshi HamamotoToshiba CorporationSemiconductor Company,Yokohama, Japan

The floating body cell (FBC) is regarded as the mostprobable candidate to replace the conventional 1T-1CDRAM. Focusing on its technologies, the book coversbasic principles, procedures for device structure opti-mization, operational methods, relations between dif-ferent applications, and their suitable technologyoptions. One of the authors (Dr. Takashi Ohsawa) isknown as the inventor of FBC. In 2002, he presentedthe award-winning paper—which examined the cellconcept and memory design—at the IEEEInternational Solid-State Circuits Conference.

Catalog no. N10469, October 2011, 264 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-07-1, $169.95 / £108.00Also available as an eBook

BiometricsFrom Fiction toPracticeEdited by

Yingzi (Eliza) DuIndiana University-PurdueUniversity, Indianapolis, USA

Introducing readers to the basic concepts, classicalapproaches, and the newest design, development,and applications of biometrics, this volume provides aglimpse of future designs and research directions. Thecontributors also discuss some of the latest concernsand issues in this area. Suitable for a wide range ofreaders, the book explains professional terms in plainEnglish. Some concepts and designs discussed are sonew that commercial systems based on them may notarrive on the market for the next 10 to 20 years.

Catalog no. N10484, July 2012, c. 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4310-88-8, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Creation of aConscious RobotMirror ImageCognition and Self-AwarenessJunichi TakenoMeiji University, Kanagawa-ken, Japan

Present-day computers lack well-defined functions toaccept various kinds of sensual information such asvision, hearing, and smell. They also lack any well-defined mechanisms to coordinate various behaviorsin the presence of an object. This volume presentsbreakthrough ideas in the future of computer systems.The book demonstrates how these advanced com-puter systems can be developed to conduct consciousactivities similar to the way humans behave.

Catalog no. N10576, July 2012, c. 250 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4364-49-2, $99.95 / £63.99Also available as an eBook

Wireless BodyArea NetworksTechnology,Implementation,and ApplicationsEdited by

Mehmet R. YuceMonash University, Victoria, Australia

Jamil KhanUniversity of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia

A comprehensive overview of WBAN systems, tech-nologies, and applications, this volume presents con-tributions from various experts in their areas ofresearch and practice. The book starts with the basictechniques involved in designing and building WBANsystems. It explains deployment issues and thenmoves into the application areas of WBAN. Theremaining chapters focus on the development ofhardware, signal processing algorithms, wireless com-munication, and network design for wearable andimplantable body sensors used in WBAN applications.The book also explores antenna design, propagationin and around the body, channel modeling, coexis-tence, and power management issues.

Catalog no. N10478, December 2011, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-71-2, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Materials Science, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Vistas inNanofabricationEdited by

Faiz RahmanUniversity of Glasgow, UK

This book provides several examples of how diversenanofabrication techniques are used by researchersacross the world to fabricate useful materials anddevices. A number of research groups present theircutting-edge work on the fabrication of a variety ofnanoscale structures such as split rings, wires, gaps,and trenches. The innovative techniques described inthis book will be of interest to all who are engaged inresearch and development of nanofabrication tech-nologies. The book mainly covers application areas inelectronics and photonics but the techniques are gen-eral enough to be applied to other areas.

Catalog no. N10545, July 2012, c. 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4364-56-0, $179.95 / £114.00Also available as an eBook

Rare EarthNanotechnologyEdited by

Timothy Tan ThattYanyNanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore

Exploring in-depth aspects of nanotechnology of rareearth (RE) materials, this volume starts with a reviewon the physical and chemical properties of RE ele-ments and follows with a discussion on various strate-gies in fabricating nanosized RE materials. It describestechniques in derivatizing surface molecules ontonanosized RE materials. A considerable portion of thebook is devoted to the review and discussion of theapplication of nanosized RE materials as contrastagents in in vitro and in vivo fluorescence imaging,MRI, and integrated modalities imaging. The bookalso discusses the application of RE nanomaterials inLEDs.

Catalog no. N10493, May 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-30-9, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Handbook ofInnovativeNanomaterialsFrom Syntheses toApplicationsEdited by

Limin WuFudan University, Shanghai,China

Nowadays, not only is research in nanoscale amongthe most active fields in science, but it is also beingincreasingly introduced into our daily lives. This vol-ume provides readers with a comprehensive review ofthe state-of-the-art research activities in the field ofinnovative nanomaterials. The book is a completeintroductory text on the synthesis, characterizations,novel properties, and applications of various innova-tive nanomaterials. The first part emphasizes thechemical and physical approaches used for the syn-theses of nanomaterials. The second part focuses onvarious applications of nanostructured materials.

Catalog no. N10475, May 2012, 500 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-89-7, $499.95 / £318.00Also available as an eBook

CarbonNanotubes and TheirApplicationsEdited by

Qing ZhangNanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore

This book overviews the current status of research anddevelopment activities of CNTs in nanodevices, nano-materials, and nanofabrication. It presents 15 state-of-the-art review articles that cover CNT synthesis tech-nologies for highly orientated CNTs, chirality-pureCNTs and CNTs at large throughput and low cost. Italso explores CNT assembly techniques, CNT sortingand separation processes, CNT functionalization engi-neering for more functionalities. In additional, theauthors discuss CNT fundamental properties and theirpotential electrical, electronic, optical, mechanical,chemical, and biological applications.

Catalog no. N10458, April 2012, 400 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-90-8, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Materials Science, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology

Handbook ofMolecularImprintingAdvanced SensorApplicationsEdited by

Seung-Woo LeeUniversity of Kitakyushu, Japan

Toyoki KunitakeKitakyushu Foundation for the Advancement of Industry,Science, & Technology, Japan

A comprehensive overview on the specific challenges ofmolecular imprinting in sensor applications, this vol-ume presents a range of approaches that offer a per-spective on future device ensembles for sensing.Particular emphasis is placed on fundamental aspects aswell as novel ideas in the context of sensor applications.The book starts with a brief introduction to the basicprinciples of available imprinting approaches based onorganic and inorganic matrices. It highlights operationprinciples of various sensor transducers generallyemployed in combination with molecular imprintingrecognition elements. The text is divided according toapplication for different sensors and transducers.

Catalog no. N10503, June 2012, c. 500 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-65-1, $249.95 / £159.00Also available as an eBook

Nanotechnologyand EnergyScience, Promisesand Its LimitsEdited by

Jochen Lambauer,Alfred Voss, and Ulrich FahlNovel breakthroughs in the field of nanotechnologyshow potential across the whole value chain of theenergy sector (energy sources, energy conversion,energy distribution, energy storage, and energy use).This book provides an overview of nanotechnologicalapplications within the value chain and evaluates select-ed applications and their direct and indirect impacts onthe energy sector. It presents selected nanotechnologi-cal applications that influence the energy economy sig-nificantly and explore the effect of selected nanotech-nological applications on energy consumption, energysources, energy supply, and the energy industry inGermany. The book shows the potential of these appli-cations for energy savings, improvement in energy effi-ciency, and the reduction of emissions.

Catalog no. N10483, May 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4310-81-9, $99.95 / £63.99Also available as an eBook

Advances inCarbonNanomaterialsScience andApplicationsEdited by

Nikos TagmatarchisNational Hellenic ResearchFoundation, Athens, Greece

Discussing the nomenclature and modeling of carbonnanomaterials, this volume presents examples of sur-faces and thin films of fullerenes. It examines the mor-phology and structure of carbon nanotubes and thecharacterization of peapod materials with the aid oftransmission electron microscopy. It also presents elec-tro-optical properties and self-assembly and enrich-ment in carbon nanotubes, followed by strategies forthe chemical functionalization of carbon nanohornsand endohedral metallofullerenes. Finally, the applica-tions of endohedral metallofullerenes in quantum com-puting and functionalized carbon nanotubes in medi-cine conclude this fascinating overview of the field.

Catalog no. N10465, March 2012, 400 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-87-8, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Polymer CarbonNanotubeCompositesThe Polymer LatexConceptEdited by

Cor Koning, Marie-Claire Hermant,and Nadia GrossiordThis book provides readers with a comprehensivetoolbox for dispersing single-walled and multi-walledcarbon nanotubes in thermoplastic polymer matrices.It starts with an overview of all known techniques fordispersing CNTs in thermoplastic polymers and thenconcentrates on one of the most versatile techniquesknown nowadays: latex technology. It discusses therole of the matrix viscosity on percolation threshold,the importance of the intrinsic CNT quality, the use of"smart" surfactants facilitating electron transport inthe final composite, the preparation of highly loadedmaster-batches—which can be diluted with virginpolymer by melt-extrusion—and some promisingpotential applications.

Catalog no. N10489, April 2012, 256 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4310-93-2, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Materials Science, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Laser Ablationin LiquidsPrinciples andApplications in thePreparation ofNanomaterialsEdited by

Guowei YangZhongshan (Sun Yat-sen)University, Guangzhou, China

Exploring fundamental concepts, this volume pres-ents the physical and chemical aspects of pulsed laserablation of solid targets in liquid environments and itsapplications in the preparation of nanomaterials andfabrication of nanostructures. The areas of focusinclude basic thermodynamic and kinetic processes oflaser ablation in liquids and its applications in metaland metal oxides nanocrystals synthesis and semicon-ductor nanostructures fabrication. The book compris-es theoretical and experimental analysis of laser abla-tion in liquids, research methods, and preparationtechniques.

Catalog no. N10476, February 2012, 1,192 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4310-95-6, $499.95 / £318.00Also available as an eBook

OpticalProperties ofNanostructuresYing Fu and Min QiuRoyal Institute of Technology,Sweden

Presenting unified coverage of nanostructured elec-tronic and optical components, this book discusseselectrons and photons in and through nanostructures.It explores first-principles quantum mechanical theo-ries and the fundamental concepts behind nanoelec-tronics and optoelectronics, the material basis, physi-cal phenomena, device physics, and designs andapplications. The combination of viewpoints present-ed in the book can help foster further research and thecross-disciplinary interaction needed to surmount thebarriers facing future generations of technologydesign.

Catalog no. N10428, August 2011, 312 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-26-2, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Magneto-electricity inCompositesEdited by

Mirza BichurinNovgorod State University,Russia

Dwight ViehlandVirginia Tech University,Blacksburg, USA

Since the beginning of the new millennium, numer-ous contributions to the field of magnetoelectric (ME)composites have been reported. This volume presentsthese findings to stimulate future research and height-en the potential of the field. The book discusses thesebulk and nanostructured magnetoelectric compositesfrom both experimental and theoretical perspectives.The authors review applications such as microwavedevices, sensors, transducers, and heterogeneousread/write devices, which are among the most sug-gested technical implementations of magnetoelectriccomposites.

Catalog no. N10438, November 2011, 270 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-79-3, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Nanotechnologyin AustraliaShowcase of EarlyCareer ResearchEdited by

Deborah M. Kane,Adam Micolich, andJames RabeauA summary of recent nanotechnology research fromAustralia, this volume discusses the first trial of a newworkshop program for the professional developmentof early career researchers (ECRs). It showcases theprofessional talents and high-quality writing of ECRsand also describes the workshop program, organizedunder the auspices of the Australian Research CouncilNanotechnology Network, designed to facilitate this.

Catalog no. N10439, July 2011, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4310-02-4, $129.95 / £82.00Also available as an eBook

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Materials Science, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology

FractureNanomechanicsTakayuki Kitamura,Hiroyuki Hirakata,Takashi Sumigawa,and Takahiro ShimadaSmall structures of the micro/nanometer scale, suchas electronic/optic devices and MEMS/NEMS haverecently been developed, and the size of their ele-ments now approaches the nano/atomic scale. Thisbook discusses the fracture behavior of nano/atomicelements such as nanofilms and nanowires and focus-es on the initiation and propagation of interface crackand mechanical instability criterion of atomic struc-tures. It covers the fundamentals and the applicabilityof the top-down (conventional fracture mechanics to nanoscale) and bottom-up (atomic mechanicsincluding ab initio simulation) concepts. The bookalso introduces multiphysics characteristics ofnanoelements.

Catalog no. N10433, September 2011, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-83-0, $179.95 / £114.00Also available as an eBook

Optics ofNanomaterialsVladimir I. GavrilenkoNorfolk State University,Virginia, USA

While the chemistry, physics, and optical properties ofsimple atoms and molecules are well understood, thisbook demonstrates that there is much to be learnedabout the optics of nanomaterials. Through compara-tive analysis of the size-dependent optical responsefrom nanomaterials, it is shown that although strideshave been made in computational chemistry andphysics, bridging length scales from nano to macroremains a major challenge. The book demonstratesthat organic, molecular, polymer, and biological sys-tems are potentially useful models for assembly. Ourprogress in understanding the optical properties ofbiological nanomaterials is an important driving forcefor a variety of applications.

Catalog no. N10390, December 2010, 329 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-09-0, $139.95 / £89.00Also available as an eBook

ZnONanostructuresand TheirApplicationsEdited by

Sun Xiaowei and Yi YangNanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore

This book focuses on the various functional propertiesand potential applications of one-dimensional ZnOnanostructures, from basic principles to recent discov-eries. It comprises experimental analysis of variousproperties of ZnO nanostructures, preparation tech-niques, research methods, and some promising appli-cations. The areas of focus include ZnO-basedgas/biochemical sensing devices, field emitters, solarcells, light-emitting diodes, e-papers, and single-nanowire-based transistors.

Catalog no. N10463, November 2011, 284 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-46-5, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Science at theNanoscaleAn IntroductoryTextbookAndrew T.S. Wee,Chorng Haur Sow, andChin Wee ShongNational University ofSingapore

Suitable for undergraduate students or advanced highschool students, this book introduces the basic princi-ples and knowledge needed for readers to understandscience at the nanoscale. Many ideas proposed innanotechnology are frontier and futuristic, althoughsome have immediate technological applications. Thecore scientific principles of all nanotechnology appli-cations, however, are grounded in physics and chem-istry. This practical, accessible introduction helps read-ers recognize the connections among these variousdisciplines and how they play a part in nanoscienceand technology.

Catalog no. N10375, July 2009, 228 pp., Soft CoverISBN: 978-981-4241-03-8, $89.95 / £57.99Also available as an eBook

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Materials Science, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology / Physics

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Handbook ofNanoindentationWith BiologicalApplicationsEdited by

Michelle L. OyenUniversity of Cambridge, UK

Nanoindentation is ideal for the characterization ofinhomogeneous biological materials. However, theuse of nanoindentation techniques in biological sys-tems is associated with some distinctively differenttechniques and challenges. The book presents thebasic science of nanoindentation, including the back-ground of contact mechanics underlying the indenta-tion technique and the instrumentation used to gath-er mechanical data. It provides perspectives that opti-mized for biological applications, including discus-sions on hydrated materials and adaptations for low-stiffness materials. The book also covers the applica-tions of nanoindentation technique in biologicalmaterials. Highlighting current challenges, it con-cludes with an insightful forecast of the future.

Catalog no. N10404, October 2010, 358 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-89-2, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

The MagnesiumCivilizationAn Alternative NewSource of Energy toOilTakashi YabeTokyo Institute of Technology,Japan

Tatsuya YamajibinWord Inc., Tokyo, Japan

Magnesium can be used for metal-air-fuel cells forautomobiles and powerplants. In 2003, an automo-bile with Zinc-air-fuel cells achieved a distance of600km miles. Magnesium-air-fuel cells can producethree times more energy, which is 7.5 times moreeffective than the Lithium-ion battery. Solar-pumpedlasers are able to regenerate metal magnesium fromcombusted magnesium oxide. This book covers howlow-cost desalination with solar-power will be a prom-ising solution to the global energy shortage.

Catalog no. N10418, November 2010, 147 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-65-1, $49.95 / £31.99Also available as an eBook

FullereneNanowhiskersEdited by

Kun'ichi Miyazawa,Masaru Tachibana,Tadahiko Mashino,Tokushi Kizuka, andYuichi OchiaiThis book provides detailed knowledge aboutfullerene nanowhiskers and the related low-dimen-sional fullerene nanomaterials. It introduces tubularnanofibers made of fullerenes, fullerene nanotubes,and single crystalline thin film made of C60, calledfullerene nanosheet. This is the first publication to fea-ture the fullerene nanowhiskers made of C60, C70,and C60 derivatives. The book describes the physicaland chemical properties of fullerene nanowhiskers,including electrical, mechanical, optical, magnetic,thermodynamic, and surface properties. It explainstheir electronic device application and demonstratesthe synthetic method (known as the liquid–liquidinterfacial precipitation method).

Catalog no. N10442, October 2011, 242 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-85-4, $179.95 / £114.00Also available as an eBook

Organic LightEmitting DiodesThe Use of Rare Earth and TransitionMetalsEdited by

Luiz F.R. PereiraUniversity of Aveiro, Portugal

This book addresses the development of OLEDs basedon rare-earth and transition metal complexes, espe-cially focusing on europium, terbium, ruthenium, andrhenium. The authors explain how these organicmaterials can be used to build OLEDs. Taking intoaccount the actual state of the art and the expectedpathways, the book proposes further developments inthe field. For clarity of explanation, it presents inten-sive experimental results. Designed for scientists andengineers who work in this new OLED framework, thebook also has didactic utility for graduation studentsand teachers working on optoelectronics.

Catalog no. N10461, May 2012, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-29-8, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Advances inThin-Film SolarCellsEdited by

I M DharmadasaSheffield Hallam University, UK

This book concentrates on the latest developments inour understanding of solid-state device physics. Thematerial presented is mainly experimental and basedon CdTe thin-film solar cells. It extends these newfindings to CIGS thin-film solar cells and presents anew device design based on graded bandgap multi-layer solar cells. This design has been experimentallytested using the well-researched GaAs/AlGaAs systemand initial devices have shown impressive deviceparameters. These devices are capable of absorbing allradiation (UV, visible, and infra-red) within the solarspectrum and combines impact ionization and impu-rity photovoltaic effects. The improved device under-standing presented in this book should impact andguide future device design and low-cost thin-film solarpanel manufacturing.

Catalog no. N10491, April 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-07-1, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Linear andChiral Dichroismin the ElectronMicroscopeEdited by

Peter SchattschneiderVienna University ofTechnology, Austria

This book describes energy loss magnetic chiraldichroism (EMCD), a phenomenon in energy lossspectroscopy discovered in 2006. EMCD is the equiv-alent of XMCD but is based on fast probe electrons inthe electron microscope. A spatial resolution of 2 nmhas been demonstrated, and the lattice-resolved map-ping of atomic spins appears feasible. EMCD is, thus,a promising technique for magnetic studies on thenanometer and sub-nanometer scale It provides thetechnical and logistic advantages of electronmicroscopy, such as in situ chemical and structuralinformation, easy access, and low cost.

Catalog no. N10434, March 2012, 278 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-48-9, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

AppliedBohmianMechanicsFrom NanoscaleSystems to CosmologyEdited by

Xavier Oriols Pladevalland Jordi MompartUniversitaat Autònoma deBarcelona, Bellaterra, Spain

The development of quantum mechanics was ameandering path full of personal disputes where sci-entists were forced to abandon well-established classi-cal concepts to explore new and imaginative routes.This book demonstrates the huge practical utility ofanother of these routes in explaining quantum phe-nomena in various research fields. Bohmian mechan-ics—the formulation of the quantum theory pio-neered by Louis de Broglie and David Bohm—offersan alternative mathematical formulation of quantumphenomena in terms of quantum trajectories. It shedslight on the limits and extensions of our presentunderstanding of quantum mechanics toward otherparadigms, such as relativity and cosmology.

Catalog no. N10494, March 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-39-2, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

OpticalElectronicsSelf-OrganizedIntegration andApplicationsTetsuzo YoshimuraTokyo University of Technology,Japan

This book proposes and reviews comprehensivestrategies for constructing optoelectronic systemswith minimized optics excess. It describes the coretechnologies such as self-organized optical wave-guides based on self-organized lightwave network(SOLNET), three-dimensional optical circuits, materi-al-saving heterogeneous thin-film device integrationprocess (PL-Pack with SORT), high-speed/small-sizelight modulators, and optical switches. The book alsopresents applications of optical electronics, includingintegrated optical interconnects within computers. Itexplores massive optical switching systems utilizingthree-dimensional self-organized optical circuits, solarenergy conversion systems, and bio/medical photon-ics such as cancer therapy.

Catalog no. N10487, March 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4310-90-1, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

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Physics / General References

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

Physics andChemistry atLowTemperaturesEdited by

Leonid KhriachtchevUniversity of Helsinki, Finland

Tunneling reactions in chemistry are characterized bythe low-temperature limit when the classical contri-bution is negligible. Many practical applications ben-efit from the lack of heat and have a deep physicalbasis. The advantages of chemical synthesis at lowtemperatures have also been demonstrated. Thisbook covers fundamental and practical aspects of theprocesses and experimental and theoretical methodsused in the field. The chapters are written by leadingscientists who have very strong experience in theselected topics, and many practical recommendationscan be found in the book.

Catalog no. N10426, June 2011, 536 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-51-9, $179.95 / £114.00Also available as an eBook

NanocomputingComputationalPhysics forNanoscience andNanotechnologyJang-Yu HsuNational Cheng KungUniversity, Tainan City, China

This book provides a comprehensive overview of thecomputational physics for nanoscience and nanotech-nology. Based on MATLAB® and the C++ distributedcomputing paradigm, the book gives instructiveexplanations of the underlying physics for mesoscop-ic systems with many listed programs that readilycompute physical properties into nanoscales. Manygenerated graphical pictures demonstrate not onlythe principles of physics, but also the methodology ofcomputing.

Catalog no. N10392, March 2009, 84 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-26-7, $139.95 / £89.00

FemtosecondLaser-MatterInteractionTheory, Experimentsand ApplicationsEugene G. GamalyAustralian National University,Canberra

This book covers the interaction of laser pulses withsolids at nonrelativistic intensity. It connects phenom-ena from the subtle atomic motion on the nanoscaleto the generation of extreme pressure and tempera-ture in the interaction zone confined inside a solid.With mathematics kept to a minimum, this is a high-ly engaging and readable treatment for students andresearchers in science and engineering. The bookavoids complex mathematical formulae, making thecontent accessible to nontechnical readers. Usefulsummaries after each chapter provide compressedinformation for the quick estimates of major parame-ters in planned or performed experiments.

Catalog no. N10436, October 2011, 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4241-81-6, $149.95 / £95.00Also available as an eBook

Power for theWorldThe Emergence ofElectricity from theSunEdited by

Wolfgang PalzWorld Council of RenewableEnergy, Belgium

Divided into three parts, this volume provides a his-torical summary and gives a comprehensive overviewof the present photovoltaic (PV) situation worldwide.The book includes sections entitled The Rising Sun ina Developing World, Solar Power for the World and PVToday and Forever. Describing future strategies fordevelopment and implementation, the author is aworld leader in PV and all renewable energies. Thebook is illustrated with approximately 100 pictures.

Catalog no. N10417, October 2010, 575 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4303-37-8, $79.95 / £49.99Also available as an eBook

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22 For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com

General References

The Way It Turned OutA MemoirHerant KatchadourianStanford University, California,USA

Spanning seven decades, this memoir is the accountof the life of Herant Katchadourian, who lived onthree continents: The Middle East, Europe, and theUnited States. One issue he focuses on is the role ofchance and the reconstruction of past events, in lightof the present. An account of a fascinating life, thebook is not only interesting to read but highly instruc-tive by placing the various stages and facets of his lifein their historical and cultural contexts.

Catalog no. N10582, June 2012, c. 350 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4364-75-1, $29.95 / £18.99Also available as an eBook

Who Cloned My Cat?Fun Adventures inBiotechnologyRenneberg ReinhardHong Kong University ofScience & Technology, ClearWater Bay, Kowloon

“Science is fun!” Is the motto of this fun-filled book byProfessor Reinhard Renneberg. The book exploresintriguing issues such as peculiarities in Japanesewashing machines, how to make German-style beerfrom rice, and how snow can be made from deadfrost-bacteria. It discusses the use of bio-ethanol as acar fuel—along with its environmental implications,discusses the cloning of cats, and describes attemptsto eliminate breast cancer genes before a baby isborn. It also asks whether the financial crisis could besolved by breeding better stock market traders anddiscusses how to measure the fitness of students.

Catalog no. N10413, October 2010, 178 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-65-6, $29.95 / £18.99Also available as an eBook

NanotechnologyCommercializationfor Managersand ScientistsEdited by

Wim HelwegenUniversity of Helsinki, Finland

Luca EscoffierSeattle, Washington, USA

This book discusses the most relevant issues that acompany or university will face when bringing a nan-otechnology invention to the market. It discusses theobtainment, strategic use, valuation, and licensing ofpatents. Further chapters explore venture capital, uni-versity-industry collaboration, environment healthand safety, and public perception. Through this vol-ume, managers, and scientists at universities andcompanies are provided with a handbook that sup-plies them with industry-specific basic knowledge ofissues essential to the commercial success of theirinventions.

Catalog no. N10548, February 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-22-4, $99.95 / £63.99Also available as an eBook

Nano MeetsMacroSocial Perspectiveson NanoscaleSciences andTechnologiesEdited by

Kamilla KjolbergUniversity of Bergen, Norway

Fern Elizabeth WicksonGenOk Centre for Biiosafety, Tomso, Norway

This book explores the enormous diversity in socialperspectives on the emergence of nanoscale sciencesand technologies. It points to four nodes of interestwhere nano meets macro: in the making, in the pub-lic eye, in the big questions, and in the tough deci-sions. Each node draws attention to important lines ofresearch and pertinent issues. The book is designedfor interdisciplinary teaching, but the richness ofissues and perspectives ensures its interest to allresearchers, practitioners, and non-academics want-ing an introduction to social perspectives onnanoscale sciences and technologies.

Catalog no. N10407, April 2010, 567 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-05-2, $99.95 / £63.99Also available as an eBook

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Explore State-of-the-Art Technologies Based on Biomaterials Used in Nanomedicine

With contributions from leading experts in the field, this book provides a good balance of overview and experimental chapters that include protocols.

The book comprises theoretical and experimental analysis of variousbiomaterials that are used in nanomedicine, research methods,preparation techniques, and promising applications.

• Drug delivery by polymers

• Lipids

• Carbohydrates for the delivery of smallmolecules

• RNA interference

• Use of nano-proteins such as antibodies

• Peptides as targeting agents for therapeutics and diagnosis

• Nanocarrier-based biomaterials formanipulation of stem cells

• Different aspects of toxicity of nanocarriers

Topics include:

Edited by

Dan PeerTel AvivUniversity,Israel

Catalog no. N10498, January 2012, 424 pp., ISBN: 978-981-4316-46-0, $149.95 / £95.00

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