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Panache Spring 2012

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Panache Newsletter of Les Dames d’Escoffier Chicago Spring 2012 Destinations By Joan Reardon Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote The droghet of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour Of which vertu engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heath The tender croppes and the young sonne Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne, And small foweles maken melodye, That slepen al the nyght with open ye (So priketh hem nature in hir corages)-- Thanne longen folk to goon pilgrimages. – Prologue to The Canterbury Tales Who better than Chaucer knew that the arrival of spring inspires one and all to go on a journey to renew body and soul. Whether the destination is Canterbury or New Orleans, the resorts of the Caribbean or the late snows of Aspen, the search for a familiar or unfamiliar retreat is universal. And the desire for rejuvenation attracts modern-day pilgrims. A survey of our members’ journeys had Rita Gutekantz recently returning from a trip to Australia, where she visited vineyard- ist Jeanne [McInerney] Lubeck. “I never wanted to leave Australia,” was her reac- tion when she described the magical quality of light, especially the long evenings when she and Jeanne would share a bottle of wine and gaze out over the landscape. In January Barbara Glunz winged her way to Tel Aviv to begin a visit to the sacred places in the Holy Land. At the end of February, Dana Benigno traveled to the Maya Tulum Resort, located on the beautiful Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, a seaside wellness retreat that offered amazing serenity, awe- inspiring scenery, and a true connection with the Mayan past. But these were not the only journeys taken and destinations reached. Jean True made important changes in her personal and pro- fessional life, and is striving to find fulfill- ment as a single woman who has retired from years of work as a caterer and mar- ried life. Jennifer Lampough was featured on the Food Channel in January as one of several women who have undertaken a journey to lose weight and develop a whole new persona.
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PanacheNewsletter of Les Dames d’Escoffier Chicago Spring 2012

DestinationsBy Joan Reardon

Whan that Aprill with his shoures sooteThe droghet of March hath perced to the roote,And bathed every veyne in swich licourOf which vertu engendred is the flour;Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breethInspired hath in every holt and heathThe tender croppes and the young sonneHath in the Ram his halve cours yronne,And small foweles maken melodye,That slepen al the nyght with open ye(So priketh hem nature in hir corages)--Thanne longen folk to goon pilgrimages.

– Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

Who better than Chaucer knew that the arrival of spring inspires one and all to go on a journey to renew body and soul. Whether the destination is Canterbury or New Orleans, the resorts of the Caribbean or the late snows of Aspen, the search for a familiar or unfamiliar retreat is universal. And the desire for rejuvenation attracts modern-day pilgrims.

A survey of our members’ journeys had Rita Gutekantz recently returning from a trip to Australia, where she visited vineyard-ist Jeanne [McInerney] Lubeck. “I never wanted to leave Australia,” was her reac-tion when she described the magical quality of light, especially the long evenings when she and Jeanne would share a bottle of wine and gaze out over the landscape. In January Barbara Glunz winged her way to

Tel Aviv to begin a visit to the sacred places in the Holy Land. At the end of February, Dana Benigno traveled to the Maya Tulum Resort, located on the beautiful Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, a seaside wellness retreat that offered amazing serenity, awe-inspiring scenery, and a true connection with the Mayan past.

But these were not the only journeys taken and destinations reached. Jean True made important changes in her personal and pro-fessional life, and is striving to find fulfill-ment as a single woman who has retired from years of work as a caterer and mar-ried life. Jennifer Lampough was featured on the Food Channel in January as one of several women who have undertaken a journey to lose weight and develop a whole new persona.

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Executive Board 2011Prsident: Sharon OlsonVice President: Meme HopmayerTreasurer: Linda AverySecretary: Jennifer LamploughPast President: Nancy Brussat

Board MembersKeli FayardEleanor HansonVeronica HastingsSusan ParentiDonna PierceJolene WorthingtonLisa Piasecki RosskammJean True

President’s LetterDear Chicago Dames,

I am writing this letter to you on a January day that promises to hit 50 degrees in Chicago, so I am sincerely inspired by the promise of springtime. This season we will be sharing a particularly festive annual meeting and dinner that will mark the 30th anniversary of our chapter. There is much to celebrate with our collective memories and the optimism for what’s ahead.

As I shared a toast to kick off the 30th celebration at our January gathering, I was again reminded of all of the reasons that I treasure my association with Les Dames Chicago. When I was invited to join this group, I was thrilled at the opportunity to join an organiza-tion so focused on giving back and inspiring the next generation. Up until that time every professional organization I had joined was about breaking into the business, building my career, and making contacts to build business relationships.

Over the years some wonderful friendships developed, but nothing was like my first experience with Les Dames Chicago. I was welcomed immediately and felt the embrace of friendship and kindred spirit. My associations through this organization have enriched my life immensely in a very short time. When I lost my mother a year ago, I had notes and flowers waiting at my home when I arrived and the notes continued to flow. Women I had shared some memorable meals and laughter with wrote heartfelt notes and seemed to know me so well. It was then that I realized I had a new family and I continue to cherish my Les Dames family.

I hope you will be there May 14th to join in the celebration of the difference we have made this past year. The board approved a motion to give $30,000 in scholarships to celebrate our 30th anniversary and extend our reach to culinary schools where more of our members can become involved in the mentorship program.

We are helping our nutrition literacy program at the Boys & Girls Club gain alternate sources of funding while we continue our commitment to inspiring the children with the gift of our time by leading their classes and sharing our experiences. I have been gratified to see some of our potential new members working at the club with that sparkle in their eyes that always comes from the delight the children take from our teaching.

The commitment of our members continues to amaze me as I see our plans for the 30th anniversary weekend fund raiser taking shape as the new paradigm for fund raising in Chicago. It will be fun, exciting and enriching for our programs that serve the community. It’s a chance for everyone in the chapter to be involved in a way that captures their exper-tise and brings them joy.

Thanks to our incomparable editorial team at Panache you are enjoying a fresh new look with this Spring issue. Panache does so much more than share the news among us. I hope the stories about our members who confront the challenges of life and seize the opportuni-ties with courage and grace will refresh and inspire you.

Best regards,Sharon Olson


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continued from page 1This spring, Sharon Olson will embark on another one of the challenging multi-day walks to raise funds for breast cancer research. Fund raising, training, and preparing for the experience is something very special to her and she has done this three time before to celebrate survival milestones for my mom and my dear friend, Maggie, who has cel-ebrated her 25th year of survival. Sharon also has the joy of knowing that “my sweet little mom” passed away at a beautiful old age and was a long-term survivor as well. She believes that this is a journey that we can make for our daughters and granddaughters who may never have to be threatened by this disease.

And as Les Dames Chicago approaches its thirtieth anniversary this June, the chapter is defining and refining its goals and mission in Chicago. Individually and as a group, we, like Chaucer’s pilgrims, are on the move, each with a story to tell, each with a personal destination.






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Talking PointsThis past November, a team of videographers from France TV5 taped and interviewed Madelaine Bulwinkel in French as she shopped for and prepared Thanksgiving Dinner. Her segment will be part of a special 90 minute report on Chicago to be aired this Spring in France.

The Retail Confectioners Assoc. of Philadelphia presented the 2011 National Kettle Award to Elaine Gonzalez, Master Chocolati-er, in recognition of her contribution toward the advancement of the Retail Confectionery Industry through sharing her vast talents in "The Art of Chocolate."

NAHA is proud to have received the 4 diamond award from AAA and a Michelin Star in the 2012 Chicago Michelin Guide. We con-gratulate Carrie Nahabedian as one of our continuing super chefs.

Mitch Day from the McCormick Boys and Girls Club presented to the Board of Directors at their February 6, 2012 meeting with Mary Abbot Hess about the Green Tables Program at the club. Mitch also presented the Board with a Thank You card made by the students of the Green Tables Program.

Sharon Olson, Jean True, Mitch Day and Mary Abbot Hess display the Thank You card from the students in the Green Tables Program at the McCormick Boys and Girls Club.

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Recipe for Successby Nancy Brussat


Susan Lamb Parenti was born in Minne-sota. She comes from hardy Nordic stock mostly of Norwegian and Icelandic origins with a bit of English in the mix. Crop farming was in her parent’s background so it would follow that Susan’s first strong connection to food came from her father’s backyard organic garden. She fondly recalls drink-ing one of his garden concoctions – a pink beet shake – raw no less. Back then there was no buzz about the purity, fresh taste and health benefits of raw food. To Susan it was just another typical item on the Lamb family menu.

Because her mom’s many talents did not include cooking, Susan was welcomed – even encouraged – to take over duties in the family kitchen. She credits that early experience along with her father’s gar-den as the two most important influences in her decision to pursue a career in the culinary field.

She majored in home economics at the University of Wisconsin – Stout. When blond blue-eyed Scandinavian Susan

Lamb met dark-haired brown-eyed Sicilian Salvatore Parenti in a college chemistry class – much changed. Susan claims that adding Salvatore and his zesty Italian heri-tage to her more structured, organic food background made for a much more inter-esting and rounded life- both professionally and personally. They married just 1½ year later and after graduation moved to her husband’s hometown of Skokie, Illinois.

It was there that Susan began her free-lance work, which included jobs with the famous Turkey Talk Line and Montgomery Ward’s test kitchen. The knowledge she accumulated from these positions was enormous. At the same time she was also discovering and absorbing a whole vari-ety of new tastes and customs from her husband’s Italian-American family.”At first it was culture shock – but in a good way”, says Susan.”I had never heard of calamari and my knowledge of pasta dishes was limited to elbow macaroni and jarred sauce. The table was the center of Parenti family life – no such thing as retiring to the living room after dinner!”

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Next on Susan’s employment roster was The National Live Stock and Meat Board begin-ning with a position in the test kitchens and working her way up to director of their culinary center. Giving birth to three children during this time, Susan found it difficult to continue her busy schedule. She resigned in 1997 to form Parenti Partners, a culinary marketing support company. This change allowed her more flexibility. Clients include National Cattle-men’s Beef Association, American Egg Board, JBS Swift, Tyson and others. She provides them with everything from recipe development to food photography to writing educational and marketing materials.

Susan joined Les Dames in 2008. Since then the organization has also kept her busy: Chairman of Invitations/Programs for the 2010 Fashion Plates Fundraiser, 2010 – 2012 Board Member, 2011 Scholarship Chairman and presently Chairman of the September 2012 Culinary Insider’s Weekend.

Somehow Susan has managed to run a company, participate in outside activities (Les Dames, IACP, her church, her children’s schools to name a few) – and raise a family – Maria 22, Solly (Salvatore) 19, Kaia 16 and a fourth child Dominic 10 – all while still steering what seems to be a calm and steady course. It must be those hardy Scandinavian genes.

“Through it all, however,” says Susan,” my husband has been incredibly supportive of my career and an essential part of my business with both accounting and IT. He doesn’t cook much. I call him The Beverage Man! He makes the perfect cappuccino to start my day and usually pours me a glass of wine to end my day – his secret of a good marriage.”

It seems to me that Susan’s secret – her recipe for success – is to prepare well, add all the right ingredients, follow an ordered list of steps - but in the end vary from the traditional recipe to make it your own – to give it a different flavor and texture. The results speak for themselves.

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3oyears of good taste & good works.

Eat, Drink & Give Back. A Weekend of Toasting:30th anniversary for Les Dames d’Escoffier Chicago

Reaching the milestone age of 30 is cause for a toast for anyone. For Les Dames d’Escoffier’s Chicago chapter, it’s a toast, yes, and much more, in the form of a weekend

full of culinary surprises for all food and wine enthusiasts.

To celebrate its founding in 1982, the group of professional women in the food, wine and hospitality industries has designated September 7-9, 2012, as the

“Chicago Culinary Insiders Weekend.” Multiple events -- including a kick-off party, cooking classes, wine seminars, beer tastings, tours, and an

auction or two -- will be open to the public on a limited basis.

The weekend “will raise funds for our culinary scholarship program and our philanthropic efforts,” said Susan Lamb Parenti, chairperson of the event. Another goal: To build awareness for the Les Dames organization locally and throughout the Midwest, Parenti added. The local chapter is part of Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI), a

nonprofit group with chapters in 28 cities or regions including London and British Columbia. The Chicago Chapter, founded by the late Elaine

Sherman, began with just a handful of professionals, but has grown to 102 members in 2012.

Parenti and member advisors Sharon Olson, Keli Fayard, Linda Avery, Jennifer Anderson, Meme Hopmayer, Sara Reddington, Jill Van Cleave, Nancy Brussat have planned a mouthwatering feast of

food “experiences” during the celebration:

• “A Salute to Julia & Joan” kick-off party will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Grande Dame Julia Child with all things French, at where else but The French Pastry School on Friday evening. Member Alpana Singh will be MC and “Dame of Distinction” hon-oree Joan Reardon will sign her latest book: As Always, Julia: The Letters of Julia Child and Avis DeVoto. An array of French food, cheese, wine and desserts will be offered as well as a “cork pull” and a food and wine auction that includes “A Day at the Farm" item with artisan cheese maker Judith Schad.

• On Saturday, participants choose from ten different Culinary In-siders experiences, including a behind-the-scenes look at Eli’s Cheesecake bakery, a seminar on the secrets of Chicago’s Great Steakhouse Steaks, as well as behind the scenes of a food magazine, The Spice House, House of Glunz (beer tasting), Koval Distillery, Metropolitan Coffee, Vosges Chocolate, Argyle Street and the Green City Market (including a market brunch).

• A pop-up cocktail party, “Drink, Dash & Dine,” on Saturday will be at a surprise venue, where guests will bid for dinners that night at local top restaurants.

• On Sunday, attendees can choose from a series of self guided Chicago food tours such as a cupcake crawl and a dim sum dash.

• Also, pre-event classes on Friday include:

• French Artisan Breads (Pierre Zimmerman, World Baking Champion; Jonathan Dendauw, Master Baker)

• Artisan Cheese (Sofia Solomon)

• French Wines (Alpana Singh and Veronica Hastings)

• French Pastry (Della Gossett, National Pastry Champion; En-Ming Hsu, World Pastry Champion)

The goal for the Culinary Insiders Weekend is to raise $30,000+ for Les Dames Culinary Scholarship Program. If you have not already signed up to help, email Susan at [email protected].

For more details, go to lesdameschicago.org

—Carol Mighton Haddix

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Forty members and guests gathered at Meme Hop-mayer’s apartment on January 22, 2012, for Les Dames Annual Post-Holiday Pot Luck Party. Appetizersinclud-ed salads, paella, meatballs, shrimps, and a variety of tempting dishes. Desserts ran the gamut from chocolate mousse to tipsy pound cake

Thirteen dames and two prospective members attended the brunch at David Burke's Primehouse at 11:30 on Saturday, December 3rd. Greeted by Executive Sous Chef Breanna Beike, the members were served hot doughnuts, fresh fruit, and muffins before many ordered and enjoyed the “bento” box with several tastings from the extensive brunch menu.

From the EditorsIf you have news to report for the next issue of Panache, the deadline is August 1, 2012. Please go to our website and complete the form: http://lesdameschicago.org

Editorial Board: Joan Reardon and Nancy BrussatCopyeditor: LindaAveryContributing Editors: Nancy Brussat, Susan Parenti,Veronica HastingsEvent Photos: Rob WarnerDesign: Christopher BascoPrinting: Folio PressDistribution: Eleanor Hanson

© Les Dames d’Escoffier Chicago

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125 Thatcher Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 www.lesdameschicago.com

2012 Calendar of EventsWatch for emails details on all events or visit our website

Drink, Dine, Dash, Networking Les Dames Style at Ina’s Wednesday March 14, 2012 5:30-7:30, $40 members and $45 non-members: Les Dames version of “speed dating”. An ideal way to meet, network and discover the Dames behind the titles in our membership directory! We will switch tables every several minutes all whilst sipping wine and enjoying Dame Ina’s lovely snacks.

Chicago’s Greektown: An Historical, Culinary Odyssey Saturday April 21, 2012 10-2:30 $40 members $45 non members: Enjoy a fun and informative tour through Chicago’s Greek Town hosted by Camille Stagg.

Dames Who Drink host Dames attending the NRA Monday May 7 2012, Location to be determined.

Les Dames d’Escoffier Chicago 30th Anniversary dinner celebration and annual meeting at the Ritz Carlton Monday, May 14, 2012 5:00 Welcome Reception, 5:30 Annual Business Meeting, 6:30 Dinner.$130 members only
