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Panel Discussion and Group Presentation

Date post: 18-Jul-2016
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•Is one in which a small group (usually between 3 and 6) utilizes purposeful conversation, under the leadership of a chairman, to explore a question of inquiry or policy before an audience.

Panel discussion

The typical panel program1. An introduction by the topic and the

speakers by the chairman

2. The discussion among the panelists

3. A summary by the chairman

4. A forum period during which the audience participates under the coordination of


Panel discussion is composed of:PANELIST

-a person who is a part of a group of people who answer questions, give advice or opinions, etc.

MODERATOR- It is the moderator who sets the context, drives the discussion, and engages the panelists and audience in an interactive dialogue.



MODERATOR1. Preparation•The moderator should be fully informed about the background and writings of the panelists and the issues to be discussed during the forum.

2. Pre-Interview•It is useful for the moderator to speak with each panelist prior to the program, in order to determine what the panelist is likely to say and to explain the format and direction of the program.

3. Writing Introductory Materials•Introductions can provide a vehicle for engaging the audience from the start of the program.

4. Preparing Questions•the moderator should still prepare additional questions, based on the pre-interviews



5. Guiding the Panelists•The panelists should understand that the format of these programs is conversational and informal.

6. Taking Questions from the Audience•The best moderators don't wait until the Q&A period to get the audience involved. A very basic technique is starting the session by polling the audience. 

7. Keeping an Eye on Time•It's the moderator's job to make sure no panelist drags on for too long, and that there's plenty of time for questions at the end.

8. Concluding Remarks•The moderator must synthesize various points and bring the program to closure, recapping key themes and reviewing the goals of the forum.


Advantages of panel discussion

1. Usually the entire meeting lasts between 1 and 2 hours

2. Because conversation is a familiar skill, the average person who is well informed and co-operative may engage efficiently as a panel


3. It is the only type of public discussion that affords a continuous interaction among its members

4. The average panel possibly maintains a higher degree of interest among the listeners and may stimulate them to greater amount of reflective


Disadvantages of panel discussion

1. Because the panel utilizes the medium of conversation, it can be used effectively ONLY

before relatively small audiences

2. The panel method requires much more preliminary consulting and planning among the speakers, a higher degree of leadership on the chairman and the great degree of emotional stability and cooperation of the discussants

3. The panel performers must be adequately informed on the entire subject, not merely on

limited segment

4. Panel method does not permit a participant to develop his contentions in a systematic and

uninterrupted manner


Group Presentation•First, appoint one of the speakers to be in charge.

•Second, each speaker should know what the other speakers are going to say.

•Third, the last words of each speaker should segue into what the next speaker will cover.

•Fourth, if possible the strongest speaker should end the group presentation.

•Finally, a dress rehearsal is essential. The group members need to get a feel of the complete message to see how they can best contribute.

Tips for Preparing a Group Presentation

PLAN IT•Get to know your group members.•Analyze your audience•Research your talk.•Outline your presentation•Outline your introduction

PRACTICE IT•Rehearse your talk many times•Rehearse ways you’ll transition from one major point to another

PRESENT IT•Enjoy•Recognize that, as a group, you need to work off of one another and support each other.•Pay attention to your audience during your talk


Submitted by:

Daren May S. EstabilloBs Psychology Group DMW 10:00-11:30

Submitted to:

Prof. Gonzales
