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Paper 12

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Department of English Present by Heeral A.Bhatt Roll no. 07 Batch year 2013 Semester 3 Guide by Heenaba Zala Paper no
  • 1. Department of English Present by Roll no. Batch year Semester Guide by Paper no Unit no.Heeral A.Bhatt 07 2013 3 Heenaba Zala 12 3

2. Presentation Topic Structural Approach and Communicative Approach 3. Definition of structural Approach In the words of Menon and Patel: "The Structural Approach is based on the belief that in the learning of a foreign language, mastery of structures is more important than the acquisition of vocabulary." 4. Objectives of structural approachEmphasis on oral-aural approachCorelate of teaches grammar &compositionActive use of 3000 wordsRepetition of 275 graded structures 5. Characteristics of Structural ApproachWord orderPresence Use of of small Function number words inflections 6. Example of the characteristic presence of function words 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)I kill the snake. I shall kill the snake. I shall be killing the snake. I shall have killed the snake. I have killed the snake. I have to kill the snake. I might have killed the snake. I can kill the snake. 7. Inflection changes in structure (i) In Verbs: I play: he plays; I am playing; I played. (ii) In Nouns: one boy, two boys, that boy's cap; one man, two men, men's food. (iii) In Adjectives and Adverbs: (a) great ... greater ... greatest good ... better ... best (b) Great ... greatly; beautiful ... beautifully. 8. Principles of Structural Approach Forming language HabitsImportance of speechImportance of pupils activities 9. Idiomatic structureformulasTypes of structur eSentence patternPhrase pattern 10. ApproachSelectionGradation 11. Selection UsefulnessTeachabilityProductive surrender valuesimplicity 12. Teacability Difficulty levelUsefulnessGradation 13. Merits Demerits Merits Speech is emphasized Habit formation is stressed Students active participants Creates interest and motivation Language taught in meaningful situationDemerits Good plan fails Not helpful in teaching prose,poetry etc.. Mechanical drilling A time consuming technique Less stress on reading,writing and vocabulary expansion 14. How does communicative approach develop as a teaching? Approach propagated by sociolinguist Dell Hymes 15. Communicative approach It is one of the aim is to help learners to acquire communicative competence : ability to use linguistic system effectively and apropriately 16. Concept Comes from the Latin word Communis = common The term communicate means to share ideas or to convey messages verbally or non verbally 17. Chracteristics Emphasis on learning by use No gap between learning and usage Contents is in centre Developing four basic skills It stresses on meaning base teaching Judicious use of mother tongue is accepted 18. Merits Demerits Merits Enable students to express their ideas. Develops speech ability Difficult & complex concept learn through this. It is present situation learner makes less error It develops curiocity an intellactual abilityDemerits New approach so tested into language learning It ignores grammar and structure of language Unsuitable for evaluation and examination Difficult to attend the groups pairs in a large class for a teacher. 19. Difference between Structural approach Communicative approach Structural Approach Mechanical drilling Less stress on four skills. Through this approach the teacher can attend to the whole class as maximum students can be taught by this approach at a time. Language taught in meaningful situation .This approach is linked with situational teaching.Communicative Approach The most natural way of language acquistion It believes to develop four basic skills in an integrated way. Difficult to attend the groups pairs in a large class for a teacher. It is based on the functional utility of the language 20. Submitted To S.B.Gardi Department of English M.K. Bhavanagar university Submission Date : 15/10/2013Thank you
