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Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas

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  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Paper FlowersA quick tutorial for today! MAKING PAPER FLOWERS.

    I would love to say this is an

    original idea, but it's not. It an idea from the Kaisercraft website.

    Lets gets started. Here's the supplies you will need, 2 punched/cut out circles (I have used 2

    Scallop Circles), some scissors, and a brad.

    The first thing you will want to do is mark the centre of the circle with a pencil, it doesnt need to be

    exact, but close enough. Then you will need to make equal cuts around the circle, not quite to the

    centre. The scallops make it REALY easy to know where to cut. Do this to both of the circles.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Next take one of the cut sections between your fingers and 'fold' them in half. Continue to do this for

    all sections on both circles. (sorry the pictures are small) Put a small hole in

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    each of the circles to put a brad through, place the circles on top of each other and place the brad


    And thats IT. Here is a card I made with the flowers. (I plan on using them on a scrapbook page

    SOON. They are very quick and simple, and so effective. They give a ncie amount of texture to any


  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    If you would like to try making another Paper Flower , Check out my latest tutorial HERE

    Stampin; Up! Supplies:

    Cardstock:Whisper White, Real Red

    Paper: Rose Red & Certainly Celery Print Designer Paper

    Stamps: Friendship Blooms- for the leaves (retired set), Fast and fun Notes (Happy Birthday Wishes greeting)

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Ink: Basic Black

    Other: Snail adhesive, Scallop Circle, Scallop Edge, Old Olive Marker

    Non Stampin Up Supplies: White Brad

    Rocher-VerpackungIch bekam eine Anfrage, ob ich eine Anleitung frdieseVerpackung (ganz unten) habe.Ursprnglich ist die von Jenni, doch leider habe ich die Anleitung auf ihrem Blog nicht gefunden,aber wenn Ihr auf Jennis Blog unter Kategorien aufVerpackungengeht, bekommt Ihr sagenhaftviele und wunderschne Verpackungen gezeigt! Und dann ist mir aufgefallen, die hier habe ichEuch noch nicht gezeigt:

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Es passen genau 2 Ferrero Rocher rein.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Hier einmal aufgeklappt, damit Ihr die Falzung richtig sehen knnt.

    Hat man das mit der schrgen Falzung erst einmal raus, geht der Rest ruckzuck. Ich falze immererst alle geraden Linien einmal nach Innen und dann die 45 Linien, wie hier oben zu sehen.

    Das komplette Material, auer die Glckchen und das Tag, ist von StampinUp.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Und dann habe ich entdeckt, auf manchen Papieren trocknet meine Druckertinte nicht sofort.Wenn ich also mein klares Embossingpulver parat habe, kann ich den Text embossen. Zum einensieht das natrlich schn aus und zum anderen ist der Text dann wasser- und wischfest. Aber wiegesagt das geht nicht mit jedem Papier, ich habe hier dasdore Pastellpapiervon boesnergenommen.

    Ich scrappe zur Zeit mal wieder an einem Layout, das war mein einziger Vorsatz fr dieses Jahr,mehr LO's zu scrappen, sonst habe ich es eher nicht so mit Vorstzen. Ich hoffe ich halte durch ;-)

    Tutorial: WalletcardTutorial: Walletcard

    Idag ska jag visa hur man grett plnbokskort.Designen p kortet r superltt att variera.

    Jag har valt att idag visa ngra ider p hur man skulle kunna dekorera sitt plnbokskort.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Today I will show you how to make a walletcard.

    The design of the card is supereasy to vary.I have decide that today I will show you some ideas of how to decorate your walletcard.


    Hr har vi lite utav det material som kan behvas. Givetvis kan man behva lite fler saker,exempelvis; lim, en cuttlebug (el Epix Six) och lite annat smtt och gott att smycka kortet med.

    Papprena du anvnder underlttar om de r i storleken: 15 x 30,5cm(skr helt enkelt itu 30,5 x 30,5cm papper till halva storleken)

    Kolla bredden p embossingplattan. r den 14cm s blir plnboken lngd 14cm.r embossingplattan endast 13cm s mste ven plnboken ha den lngden.

    Cuttlebug har en embossingplatta som ser ut som skinn. Fiskars har ocks en variant som heterLether (det r den som jag har anvnt p mitt kortet) P bilden hr ovan kan ni se bda


    Here is some of the material that we need.

    You may need some other things to.

    For example; glue, a cuttlebug (or a Epix Six) and other stuff that you can decorate the card with.

    The papers you use helps if they are in size: 15 x 30.5 cm

    (Cut the 30.5 x 30.5cm papers to the half size)

    Check the width of the embossingplate, is it 14cm? Then the wallets length will became 14cm

    also.Is the embossingplate only 13cm then the wallet also get that length.

    Cuttlebug have a embossingplate that looks like leather. Fiskars have also a variant called "Lether"

    (that's the one I've used) In the picture above you can see both embossingplates.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Min underbart "fina"skiss p kortets vikning ;P

    My "beautiful" sketch at the cardfolding ;P

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Nu bigar du plnbokens stomme. Gr som min skiss visar.Skr bort de resterande 5,5 cm.

    Now you fold the cardstock. Do as my sketch shows.

    Cut and remove the remaining 5.5 cm.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Hr har jag skurit till de resterande papprena som ska smycka plnboken.

    Det mrkbruna pappret r egentligen mest till fr att kortet ska f stadga och att den ska f ensnyggare look.

    Det ljusa pappret ska f agera skinnimitation.

    Jag har mtt papprena efter plnbokens tre utsidor.Det r en smaksak hur man vill ha framsidans alla sidor, drfr stter jag inga direktiv fr vilka

    storlekar dom ska ha.Remmarna kan dremot vara ca 14cm lnga och 2cm breda.

    Here I have cut the remaining papers to decorate the walletcard with.

    The dark-brown paper is just for give the wallet a nicer look and also a better stability.The brighter paper is going to act the imitation-leather.

    I have measured the size of the paperspieces, with the three outsides of the wallet.It is a matter of taste, how you want the front pages, there for I will not put any directives for

    which sizes there can have.

    The straps may however be about 14cm long and 2cm wide.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Hr har jag fixat till kanterna med en superbra mtsticka frnMirabyll.

    Jag har ritat efter cirkeln lngs papprets kant och drefter klippt ut med sax.(Givetvis kan man anvnda olika hrnstansar istllet, det underlttar ju arbetet) :)Till plnbokens lock har jag anvnt cirkeln p 2,25 cm.

    Till remmarna har jag anvnt cirkeln p 1,5 cm.(Plnbokens lock kan man smycka p mnga andra stt ocks. Tex med en kantstans lngs hela

    lngsidan eller varfr inte stansa hrnen med en fin hrnstans? Eller lt arket vara rakt och limmafast en spets lngs med lngsidan.)

    Here, I've fixed the edges with a great template fromMirabyll.

    I've drawn the circle along the edge of the paper and then cut out with a scissor.(Of course you can use corner punches instead, it facilitates the work of course) :)

    I have used the circle of 2.25 cm to the wallets "lid".

    To the straps, I have used the circle of 1.5 cm.(The Wallets lid can decorates in many other ways. For example with an edgepunch or why notpunch the corners with a nice cornerpunch?

    Or glue a beautiful lace along the side.)

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Dags att embossa skinnbitarna.

    Glm inte att embossa de tv remmarna ocks.Embossa endast de papprena som ska agera skinnimitation.

    (allts inte de mrkbruna papprena i mitt fall)

    Time to emboss the lether pieces".

    Do not forget to emboss the two straps!

    Embossing only those paperspieces that will act imitation-leather.

    (In my case, not the dark-brown paperpieces )

    Hr har jag anvnt mig av en stansverktyg frn Fiskars.Fyrkanterna ska jag anvnda som spnnen till remmarna.

    Here I have used a punch from Fiskars .

    These squares I going to use like buckels for the straps.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    P baksidan har jag ritat upp stdlinjer fr att slutligen skra ut hlen med en skalpell.ven hr finns det mnga ider om hur spnnena kan se ut.

    On the back, I have drawn up guides to finally cut out the holes with a scalpel.

    Even here there are many ideas on how the buckels can look like.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Hr har jag limmat fast bitarna p plnbokens stomme(cardstocken)Som ni ser har jag ven sytt med symaskin lngs skinnimitationens sidor,

    vilket fr plnboken att se mer kta och snyggare ut.

    Here I have glued the pieces at the walletcardbase (cardstock)As you can see, I have also sewn with sewing machine along the letherpieces,

    Its looks more real andgets a nicer design.

    Gr hl och stt grna ljetter i remmarna s blir ven dem mer naturtrogna.

    Make some hole and put eyelets in them.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Stt fast 3D-kuddar p baksidan av spnnena.

    Men se till att inte fsta ngra 3D-kuddar p ovan och underdelen!(dr jag ritat pilar)

    Put 3D-pillows at the back of the buckles.But do not put any 3D-pillows at the upper and lower parts!

    (look at my arrows in the picture)

    Hr har jag satt fast spnnena p plnbokens lock med hjlp av 3D-kuddarna.Och drefter fst remmarna i spnnena.

    Nu mste du limma fast remmarna p baksidan av plnboken.

    Here I have attached the buckles at the wallets lid with help from the 3D-pillows.And then attached the strapes in the buckles.

    Now you have to glue the straps on the back of the wallet.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Hr har jag limmat fast remmarna. Men fr syns skull s har jag satt dit

    lite mnstrat papper ovanp kanterna.

    Here I have glued the straps. But for show, I have put some

    piece of patterned paper over the edges.

    Nu tar du och skr ut tv stycken identiska pappersbitar i storleken 10 x 8cm.Jag valde samma frg p pappret som plnbokens stomme.

    Drefter bigar du papprena lngs lngsidan 10ggr. Allts 1cm x 10ggr ver hela pappersbiten.Slutligen viker du dem s de ser ut som tv dragspel.

    Now you cut out two identical pieces of paper in size 10 x 8 cm.

    I chose the same color of the paper that the base(cardstock) of the walletcard.Then you fold the papers along the longside 10 times. (1cm x 10 times)

    Finally, you fold them so they look like two accordions.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Hr har vi plnbokskortet, invndigt. Jag har fodrat plnboken med ett fint mnstrat papper.ven dekorerat plnbokens lock invndigt.

    Hr kan man exempelvis gra sm fickor fr personliga meddelanden.Ungefr som visitkortshllare i en riktig plnbok.

    Here we have the inside of the walletcard. The lining in the wallet are made of a beautiful patternedpaper.

    The inside of the lid have I decorated.

    Here you can make small pockets for personal messages.Like creditcards- or visitingcardsholders as it is in real wallets.

    Slutligen limmade jag bda ytterkanterna p "dragspelsbitarna" fr att sedanfsta dem invndigt i plnboken, s det bildas ett myntfack.

    Finally, I glued the two utter edges of the "accordionpieces" and thenattach them inside the wallet, so it forms a coin tray.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Frdiga resultatet!

    Finished result!

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Two methods to craft paper flowers


    We show you step-by-step how to make your own decorative paper flowers.

    You need

    sheet of coloured cardboard for petals

    sheet of white paper for the stamen





    embossing tool

    filigree split tool (usually

    used for quilling)

    metal ruler

    craft glue

    Petal templatee

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    1 Trace the petal template, or draw your own design if you prefer. Cut out one petal from your

    coloured cardboard and use it as a stencil to trace nine more petals. Cut them out and use your

    eraser to remove any pencil lines.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    2 Use the small end of the embossing tool to create lines on each petal.

    3 Use the filigree split tool to roll the point of the petal inwards and the rounded edge of the

    petal outwards to create a curved flower petal.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    4 Glue the pointed ends of the petals together to form a multi-layered circle. Leave to dry.

    5 While the glue is drying, make the stamen. Measure a 2cm-wide strip along the long side of

    the white paper and cut out.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    6 Cut into one side of the paper strip at narrow intervals, leaving half a centimetre uncut, to

    create a fringe.

    7 Use the split tool to roll up the fringed strip. Secure the loose end to the coil with craft glue.

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    8 Place a little craft glue in the centre of the flower.

    9 Glue the stamen to the centre of the flower and leave to dry. Open out the fringe.

    METHOD 2

    Make these beautiful paper flowers to use as table decorations.

    You will need

    sheets of cardboard in shades of pink, cream and white

    tracing paper

    white paper



    craft glue

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas



    template for flower petals

    brads in a variety of colours and sizes


    filigree split tool (usually used for quilling)

    embossing tool

    To make

    1 Copy the petal templates in the desired sizes and cut out. Place your cardboard on a flat work

    surface and trace the petal templates. Refer to the photos for an idea of how many you will need

    for each flower (we used about 10 for the simple pink flowers and about 30 for the peony-style

    flowers). Turn to page 124 for step-by-step instructions on how to make the pink flower with

    the frilly white centre.

    2 Cut out the petals, erase any pencil marks and stick the petals together with craft glue to

    create flowers. Use a mixture of colours in your flowers, if you prefer.

    3 Use the split tool to create curves in some of the petals and the embossing tool to add lines

    for texture. Use a curled piece of cardboard, fringed paper, a button or a brad to decorate the

    centre of the flower. Arrange the flowers down the centre of the table.

    Related articles

    Spray-painted placemats and golden leaves on paper

    Make a paper tablecloth

    Paper menus and gifts

    Paper-leaf bunting and cutlery designs

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas



    Thank you!

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    WOW! Thank you for all

    the positive responses so far to my online My Digital Studio class. All of the

    invitations have been sent, and if you didn't receive yours, please check your spam

    folder and then email me if it's not there. Sometimes email addresses don't like itwhen I send bulk emails:) Not to worry if you didn't get in yesterday, you'll have

    lots of time to catch up:) And if you haven't signed up yet...it's never too late (well,

    I guess July 1st would be too late:) Here are a few of the comments from my classso far:

    Oh my... this tip alone made it so worth me joining. I had no idea you could do that.

    I can't wait to watch all of the videos. Thanks Heather! (Thank you Buffy!)


    With your first post I feel like I've gotten my money's worth. Didn't know this could

    be done. I am getting so motivated to start using this for more than blog

    headers. Can't wait for tomorrow. (Thank you Patti!)

  • 7/28/2019 Paper Flowers, Sobres y Cajas


    Alrighty, enough about

    this, I know you came to see a crafty creation...I hope:) This super fun creation is

    called a box card and my downline Mitzi taught me this (thanks Mitzi!) I LOVE this

    concept as have everyone in my class! The base of the card uses a full 8 1/2 x 11

    inch piece of card stock. I scord it at 1 1/2 and 7 in the "long" direction and then 2

    1/2, 4, and 8 1/2 in the other direction. Cut off the corners (all four rectangles that

    measure 1 1/2 x 2). Then make the 1 1/2 inch squares into a tab and create abox. Decorate however you see fit. Then, "smoosh" the box down so it folds flat

    and voila...a box card! For a video check outTHIS(thanks Mitzi for this link toValita). Hope you like this idea!

    And of course it couldn't be more fun since I used the AWESOME Sweet Shop

    ensemble! LOVE IT!!!! I love how fresh the colours are and how happy it makes


    Have yourself a FABULOUS Tuesday! Oh, and thanks for all the helpful

    suggestions on the ipod...it's been found and my house is almost clean:)

    Take care,


