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Paper making

Date post: 02-Nov-2014
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Waste wise reusing Term2 2010
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Room Six Paper Making
  • 1. Room SixPaper Making

2. The kids are cutting the paper and tipping it into the buckets. We used three different colours, one was orange, purple and white . After we had finished, we let it soak overnight . By Georgia
3. This is the paper ripped in the buckets so we can stir it. There are different colours. We used baseball bats to mash, mush and stir it. By Campbell
4. Here is Tom stirring the paper. I am using the baseball bat to mash the paper. When I put my hands in, it felt nice.By Tom
5.Annabel is stirring ripped paper. Wewere stirring it with baseball bats, it was fun.It was stirred in some buckets and water was in it.By Annabel
6. We are mixing the paper. We are pushing the paper down so it doesnt juststay on the top and doesnt soak anything up.By James
7. We are gettingready tomake paper with these frames. We have to put the slushy paper in here and squish the paper down, onto the wire nets. We need to get the water out by using the frames.ByKate
8. The parents help us to make the paper.They are stirring the paper.They show us what to do.By Fraser
9. My mum is stirring the paper with the eggbeaterto make it nice and smooth.Then she is going to put it on the floor on the net so the children can make paper.By Jayme
10. We are putting ripped paper in the frame because we need toput it in the water and this makes the paper all smooth.By Jozef
11. This is somebody sponging the paper so it is even, because if we dont do this, one bit will be bigger and one bit will be smaller.By Shay
12. When thepaper was in the frame we gentlypattedit down with a sponge. By Asha
13. Thisis Lisa beating the paper with amixer. Then were going to make the paper. I likes squeezing the water out of the paper.By Alex
14. We are making some paper. We used the sponge to press the paper onto the frame.By Quinn
15. This is Asha showing her paper. We pressed the paper down with the spongeand got it ready for drying.By Asha
16.Thisisme making some purple paper. I am squeezing the sponge to get the water out. By Sammy
17. We made three different colours. We had to leave them for two days before they were dry enough to handle. By Reid
18. It felt soft and mushy when I took the paper pulp out. BYVanessa
19. It took a long time to get all the water out of the paper pulp.
20. Thisismerolling the paper down flat to get the water out.By Sam
21. This is Alex sponging out all the water in the paper. Jaymes mother is helping him to make paper.By Alex
22. Here is Alyx she has just finished making her paper. Jozef is rolling his in the background. Lisa is helping us.By Alyx
23. Glen had to come with me to make the paper because it was lunch time.By Maxwell
24. I am waiting for Lisa to give me the rolling pin.By Oliver
25. Here we are flattening the paper. With newspaper and wooden boards and then next we will roll with the rolling pin. By Maxwell
26. HereI am just finished rolling my paper. Lisa helped me to make it. I chose purple for the colour. By Olivia
27. Look at our finishedpaper. Wephotocopied onto OHP film so that we could still seeour recycled paper underneath.
28. Please read our poem about recycled paper.By Room 6
