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flB8B-13i+309 NATIONAL CENTER FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING RESEARCH State University of New York at Buffalo PARAMETRIC STUDIES OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF SECONDARY SYSTEMS UNDER GROUND-ACCELERATION EXCITATIONS by Y. Yang and Y. K. Lin Center for Applied Stochastics Research Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991 Technical Report NCEER-87-0012 June 10, 1987 This research was conducted at Florida Atlantic University and was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant EeE 86-07591
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State University of New York at Buffalo




Y. Yang and Y. K. LinCenter for Applied Stochastics Research

Florida Atlantic UniversityBoca Raton, FL 33431-0991

Technical Report NCEER-87-0012

June 10, 1987

This research was conducted at Florida Atlantic University and was supportedby the National Science Foundation under Grant EeE 86-07591

Page 2: PARAMETRIC STUDIES OF FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF … · Center for Applied Stochastics Research Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991 Technical Report NCEER-87-0012 June

NOTICEThis report was prepared by Florida Atlantic University as aresult of research sponsored by the National Center for Earth­quake Engineering Research (NCEER). Neither NCEER,associates of NCEER, its sponsors, Florida Atlantic University,nor any person acting on their behalf:

a. makes any warranty, express or implied, with respect to theuse of any information, apparatus, method, or processdisclosed in this report or that such use may not infringeupon privately owned rights; or

b. assumes any liabilities of whatsoever kind with respect tothe use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, anyinformation, apparatus, method or process disclosed in thisreport.

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5:;:::2 -101


PAGE NCEER 87-0012

3. Recipient's Accession No. I, , c. . ... :.r.; i.ji];,' JiX,£ .

5. Report Date

June 10, 19876.

4. Title and Subtitle

Parametric Studies of Frequency Response of SecondarySystems Under Ground-Acceleration Excitations

I----"------------------------------------l-::.~~-----------~~-7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Rept. No:

Y. Yong and Y.K. Lin9. Performing Organization Name and Address

National Center for Earthquake Engineering ResearchState University of New York at BuffaloRed Jacket QuadrangleBuffalo, New York 14260

10. Project/Task/Work Unit No.

-U-.-C-o-n-t'r-a-ct-(C-)-o-r-G-r-a-nt-(-G)-N-o-.~ I,c; I£is) 86-3023ll(' ECE 86-07591

12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address

15. Supplementary Notes

113. Type of Report & Period Covered

L-.--------- ---------1This research was conducted at Florida Atlantic University and was supported by theNational Science Foundation.

16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words)

Numerical investigation is carried out into the variation of freque :7 response toground acceleration of a single-degree-of-freedom secondary system due to variationsof system parameters. Selected system parameters include the mass ratio gammabetween the secondary and primary systems, the tuning parameter beta indicating theproximity of the secondary-system frequency to a primary-system frequency, and !

damping of the primary system. The term "response" refers to the displacement of thesecondary system relative to its support. As expected, tuning of the seconday modeto a given primary mode enhances the contributions to the total response from bothmodes; the highest frequency response occurs when the secondary mode is tuned to thefirst primary mode. Nevertheless, the first primary mode always contributesimportantly even when it is not tuned to the secondary system, especially when thesecondary system is heavy. When a primary mode is sufficiently detuned from thesecondary system, its contribution is insensitive to the mass ratio. Increasing thedamping in the primary system for the purpose of reducing the response is not veryeffective for heavier secondary systems. An unexpected result is found that de tuning Imay give rise to higher response when damping is extremely low in the secondarysystem but is rather high in the primary system. No apparent discrepancy in theresults is found whether the primary system is classically or nonclassically damped.

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Y. Yong 1 and Y. K. Lin 2

June 10, 1987

Technical Report NCEER-87-0012

NCEER Contract Number 86-3023

NSF Master Contract Number ECE 86-07591

1 Research Associate, Center for Applied Stochastics Research, College ofEngineering, Florida Atlantic University

2 Schmidt Professor of Engineering and Director, Center for AppliedStochastics Research, Florida Atlantic University

NATIONAL CENTER FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING RESEARCHState University of New York at BuffaloRed Jacket Quadrangle, Buffalo, NY 14261

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Numerical investigation is carried out into the variation of frequency response

to ground acceleration of a single-degree-of-freedom secondary system due to

variations of system parameters. Selected system parameters include the

mass ratio 'Y between the secondary and primary systems, the tuning

parameter P indicating the proximity of the secondary-system frequency to a

primary-system frequency, and damping of the primary system. The term

"response" refers to the displacement of the secondary system relative to its

support. As expected, tuning of the secondary mode to a given primary mode

enhances the contributions to the total response from both modes; the highest

frequency response occurs when the secondary mode is tuned to the first

primary mode. Nevertheless, the first primary mode always contributes

importantly even when it is not tuned to the secondary system, especially

when the secondary system is heavy. When a primary mode is sufficiently

detuned from the secondary system, its contribution is insensitive to the mass

ratio. Increasing the damping in the primary system for the purpose of

reducing the response is not very effective for heavier secondary systems.

As unexpected result is found that detuning may give rise to higher response

when damping is extremely low in the secondary system but is rather high in

the primary system. No apparant discrepancy in the results is found whether

the primary system is classically or nonclassically damped.


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1 INTRODUCTION .......................•...•...•.••..•••..•.• 1

2 FORMULATION .•........•..•..............•...•.•.........•. 3



5 CONCLUSIONS ................•..........••..••..•....•..••..32

6 REFERENCES •.......•.•..•••...•...•...••.•••••••.••...••••• 33


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1 Model of a Four-Story Primary StructureSupporting a Secondary System on the Third Floor 4

2 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a SecondarySystem as Function of Mass Ratio and Frequency 9

3 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a SecondarySystem as Function of Mass Ratio and Frequency 11

4 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a LightSecondary System Tuned to the First Modeof the Primary System 12

5 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a LightSecondary System Tuned to the Second Modeof the Primary System 13

6 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a LightSecondary System Tuned to the Third Modeof the Primary System 14

7 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a LightSecondary System Tuned to the Fourth Modeof the Primary System 15

8 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a HeavySecondary System Tuned to the First Modeof the Primary System 16

9 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a HeavySecondary System Tuned to the Second Modeof the Primary System 17

10 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a HeavySecondary System Tuned to the Third Modeof the Primary System 18

11 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a HeavySecondary System Tuned to the Fourth Modeof the Primary System 19

12 Comparison between Tuned and Detuned Responsesfor Light Secondary System 21

13 Comparison between Tuned and Detuned Responsesfor Heavy Secondary System 22

14 Comparison between Tuned and Detuned Responsesof a Light Secondary System When PrimarySystem is Nonclassically Damped 23


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15 Comparison of Tuned and Detuned Responsesof a Heavy Secondary System When PrimarySystem is Nonclassically Damped 24

16 Peak Frequency Response Magnitude of aSecondary System as Function of Mass Ratioand Tuning Parameter 25

17 Variation of Frequency Response Magnitudeof a Secondary System With Respect To MassRatio and Damping, Given a Primary System 26

18 Maximum Frequency Response Magnitude of aSecondary System as Function of Mass Ratioand Primary System Damping 29

19 Maximum Frequency Response Magnitude of aSecondary System as Function of TuningParameter and Primary System Damping 30

20 Maximum Frequncy Response Magnitude of aHeavy Secondary System vs. Damping ofa Primary System ................................•........31


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A secondary system is a lighter equipment or appendage, supported by a

heavier primary system. It receives seismic or other ambient excitations

transmitted indirectly through the primary system. Most analyses of

secondary systems in the literature have placed much emphasis on the

changes in the natural frequencies and mode shapes due to the interaction

between primary-secondary systems. The objective was to find approximate

solutions by use of purtubation or iterative schemes, see for example,

references [1-9] with the implied presumptions that an exact solution for the

composite system, while possible, is too costly and hence not feasible. Three

types of system parameters were found to be important: (l) the mass ratio 'Y

which is the ratio between a representive secondary-system mass and a

representive primary-system mass, (2) the tuning parameter fJ =2(GJp -GJs }/(GJp +GJs ) where GJp and GJ s are the natural frequencies of a

primary-system mode and a secondary-system mode, respectively, which are

close enough to cause significant changes in these frequencies in the

composite system, and (3) the damping parameter ~a = (~p+~s)/2 which is the

average of the modal-damping coefficients of a pair of primary and secodary

modes with close natural frequencies, referred to in (2).

In this paper, emphasis is placed directly on the response characteristics of

the secondary-system, instead of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In particular,

we study the magnitude of the frequency response function as the key

physical parameters are varied. For this purpose, the input ground motion

is a unit sinusoidal ground acceleration in the horizontal direction. The

primary system is chosen to be a four-story building of shear-wall type

construction shown in figure 1, with the total mass of each story lumped at

the floor level, and with a secondary system attached to the third floor. The

exact solution for such a simple composite system can be obtained easily, and

the intended parametric study can be carried out exactly. The varying

physical parameters selected for the present study are 'Y, fJ and ~ 0 where 'Y

and fJ have been defined previously, and ~ 0 is the would-be modal damping of

the primary system if it were a single story biulding. We choose ~ 0 rather

than ~a because damping in a primary system is usually more difficult to

- 1 -

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predict than that of a secondary system; therefore, it is subject to greater

statistical uncertainty. Both classically damped and non-classically damped

primary structures are considered.

- 2 -

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The equation of motion for the composite system shown in figure 1 is given by


[M]{X} + [C]{X} + [K]{X} = {t}

{X} = [ ~iIo

[M] =o



Cl + C2 -C2 0 0 0

-C2 C2 + C3 -C3 0 0

[C] = 0 -C3 C3 + C4 + Cg -C4 -Cg

0 0 -C4 C4 0

0 0 -Cg 0 Cg

k 1 + k 2 -k 2 0 0 0

-k 2 k 2 + k 3 -k3 0 0

[K] = 0 -k3 k 3 + k .. + kg -k 4 -kg (3)

0 0 -k.. k 4 0

0 0 -kg 0 kg

- 3 -

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~I7 /x3 ~I k4


FIGURE 1 Model of a Four-Story Primary Structure Supporting aSecondary System on the Third Floor. Internal DampingMechanism in the Fourth Story Omitted to Avoid Crowding.

- 4 -

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klXg + CIXg


{..p} = 0



in which the subscript j (=1, 2, 3, or 4) refers to the jth story or jth floor,

the subscript s refers to the secondary-system and the subscript g refers to

the ground. Introduce the following transformation

YI Xl - Xg

Y2 X2 - Xg

Y3 = X3 - Xg

Y4 X4 - Xg

Ys Xs - X3

The governing equation (1) is changed to

[M]{Y} + [C]{Y} + [K]{Y} = -[M]{l}xg



where {l} is a 5xl column matrix with every element equal to one, and where

rnl 0 0 0 0

0 m2 0 0 0

[M] = 0 0 rn3 0 0

0 0 0 m4 0

0 0 rns 0 rns

CI + C2 -C2 0 0 0

-C2 C2 + C3 -C3 0 0

[C] = 0 -C3 C3 + C4 -C4 -cs

0 0 -C4 C4 0

0 0 0 0 Cs

- 5 -

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k 1 + k2 -k2 0 0 0

-k2 k2 + k3 -k3 0 0

[K] = 0 -k3 k3 + k4 -k 4 -ks (6)

0 0 -k 4 k4 0

0 0 0 0 ks

The displacement Ys of the secondary system relative to the supporting floor

is considered to be a more relevant response variable for assessing the safety

of the secondary system.

To determine the frequency response functions for various response variables

y's due to the ground acceleration input. Let Yj = Yj ei(.)t and Xg = ei(.)t. We


[V] = [Z]-l[M]{l} = -[A] [M]{l} (7)

in which [Z] and [A] are known as matrix of impedances and matrix of

admittances, respectively, and

[z] = [_(.)2[M] + i(.)[C] + [K]J

Then the frequency response function for Ys may be computed from


Hs ((.) = Ys =4

toasj mj - a55 ms (9)

where aij is the (i,j) element of the admittance matrix.

We digress to note that if the primary system is composed of N identically

constructed stories, namely, mj=mp , cFcp and kj=kp for j=l, ... ,N, then there

exists an efficient way to determine the eigen properties for the primary

- 6 -

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system alone. A structure so constructed is called a periodic structure. In

the present case, the jth natural frequency of a periodic shear-wall type

primary-system is given by


GJj = 2 GJ o sin~ j = 1, .•. , N (0)

where GJ o = v kp/mp and flj = (rr/2)(2j-l)/(2N+l).

jth mode also can be easily calculated as

{j = 2 {o sin~

where (o = cp/(2mpGJ o ).

The damping ratio of the


The numerical results to be presented in the following pertains to a periodic

primary structure, unless noted otherwise.

- 7 -

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Mass ratio is an important parameter because it has a controlling effect on the

interaction between the primary-secondary systems, and it has been used in

early investigations as the major perturbation parameter. See, for example,

references 4 and 5. To study the changes in the frequency response function

Hs of the secodary system as the mass ratio -r is varied, the parameters of the

secondary system itself are kept unchanged. Thus different -r values refer to

different primary systems. Specifically, we selected for our calculation the

following parameter values

ms = 3.456x104 kg, "'s = 5 rad/sec, <- s = 0.02

mp = ms/-r, 0.001 ( -r (0.1, k p = 7.313x10 7 N/m, <-0 = 0.05.

The secondary system becomes tuned to the first, second, third and fourth

modes of the primary system when -r takes the values of 0.0980, 0.0119, 0.0053

and 0.0033, respectively.

Figure 2 is a 3-dimentional plot of IHs I as a function of mass ratio -r and

frequency"'. The high ridge on the left represents the contribution from the

first mode of the primary-system. As -r increases, the first modal frequency

of the primary system also increases and the ridge moves toward right to

higher frequencies. The high ridge on the right represents the contribution

from the secondary mode. The heights of both left and right ridges increase

when tuning between the secondary mode and the first primary mode is

approached. It is well-known that tuning gives rise to a repelling effect

between two frequencies; thus two ridges do not coalesce into one, but bend

away from each other at the tuning -r value which, in the present case, is

near -r = 0.1. It will be shown later that this frequency repelling effect at

tuning is not strong enough to be noticeable if the secondary system is light

(a small -r value), or if tuning occurs at a higher primary mode.

Contribution from a higher primary mode also increases when tuning occurs

between this mode and the secondary system; however, the magnitude is much

smaller to be noticeable in figure 2. It will be discussed later with the help

of other figures.

The behavior of IHs I when -r increases beyond a tuning value is illustrated in

- 8 -

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I "i~ _-_- - -

30 ~~




FIGURE 2 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a Secondary Systemas Function of Mass Ratio and Frequency.Ws =5rod/s, ~=0,02'(0= 0 105.

- 9 -

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figure 3, which is obtained using a higher k p value of 1.46x106 N/m. For this

higher k p value, tuning between the first primary mode and the secondary

mode takes place at 'Y = 0.0491. It can be seen that I Hs I behaves similarly to

what has been shown in figure 2 in the range of 'Y "0.0491. In the range 'Y >0.0491, however, the left ridge representing the contribution from the first

primary mode remains near (,) = (,)s' In contrast, the right ridge representing

the contribution from the secondary mode, which begins originally at (,)s,

turns further to the right to the higher frequencies. The heights of both

ridges are reduced as 'Y increases beyond the tuning value.

It is of interest to compare the effects of tuning when the secondary system

is tuned to different primary modes. For this purpose, we choose a fixed

mass ratio, but vary the stiffness of the primary system so that the

secondary system is tuned to the first, or second, or third, or fourth mode of

the primary system, one at a time. The results obtained for a rather light

secondary system with 'Y = 0.001 are shown in figures 4 through 7. It is seen

that tuning to a higher primary mode does enhance the contribution from that

mode, but contribution from the first primary mode remains quite important in

all cases. Contribution from the first mode becomes even more important if

the secondary system is heavier, as shown in figures 8 through 11 for 'Y ­

0.1, whether or not the secondary system is tuned to the first mode of the

primary system. As expected, the highest response occurs when the

secondary system is tuned to the first mode of the primary system, in which

case the frequency repelling effect is again evident for a heavy secondary

system (see figure 8).

The result shown in figures 4 through 11 were obtained when the secondary

system is tuned to one of the primary modes. When tuning does not take

place, called detuned case in the sequel, response of the secondary system is

expected to be lower. This is confirmed in fiqures 12 and 13 for the case of

light and heavy secondary systems, respectively. The dotted line in fiqure 12

represents the magnitude of frequency response of the secondary system

when it is de-tuned from the first primary mode obtained by reducing the

value for k p • The two peaks are associated with the contributions from the

first primary mode and the secondary mode, respectively, and the response

magnitude is seen to be much lower than that of the tuned case, shown in

- 10 -

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~ -



o 2,5 5 w rad/s

FIGURE 3 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a S2condarySystem as Function of Mass Ratio and Fr2quency.

ws=IOrad/s, Cs=O,02., ~o=O,05.

- 11 -

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8 I i



Y=O.OOI--I II Co =0.05

--...3 41 I

~s= 0.02.



N P:l

ws= 10rad/s




0-11 1 I 11\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :

o I 0 20 30 40 50 60

w rad/s

FIGURE 4 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a Light Secondary SystemTuned to the First Mode of the Primary System.

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().It I ,



~ (),2::r:

Y= ().()()I

so= (),()5

~s= (),()2

w s = I() rad/s




w rad/s5()

() ()4= ~ "- II iii iii iii iii iii ii'

FIGURE 5 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a Light Secondary SystemTuned to the Second Mode of the Primary System.

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0.4 -,--'-----------------..,



y= 0.001~o=O,05

Ss= 0,02w s= 10rad/s

3 0,2-............





15.012.510.07.55,02.50.0-~ I I I I =; I I I ' I I I ~ I I I I I I I~ i I I I


w rad/s

FIGURE 6 Magnitude of Frequency of a Light Secondary SystemTuned to the Third Mode of the Primary System.

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0.4 i I

0.3-1 I Y =0,001

~o =0,05~s=0,02

3 0.2 l " ~s =10rad/s-(j)

f-' P::t.n



---t=== -- -- ~ I0.0' i t i , iii \ i

w rad/s

FIGURE 7 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a Light Secondary SystemTuned to the Fourth Mode of the Primary System.

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1.25 1 ,--------------------.,

1.00....J I

1= 0,1

0,75~ II

~o = 0,05


~s= 0,02

3 II If-'

.........(J\ V)

ws= 10 rad/s

~ 0.50


605040302010o0.0 a~ i I:::; iii ':y:- j iii iii iii iii Iii iii I I I I

w rad/s

FIGURE 8 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a Heavy Secondary SystemTuned to the First Mode of the Primary System.

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...--3--::q(/) 0.2


Y=O,I~o= 0.05~s= 0.02

ws= 10 rad/s


w rad/s

5o0.0 ~i iii ( [ ( [ ( ( l~i iii II I I i

FIGURE 9 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a Heavy Secondary SystemTuned to the Second Mode of the Primary System.

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0,4 i i

0,3 I I y=O.1


~s= 0.02..-~ 0.2l

"ws= 10rad/s




15,012,510,0755,02.50.0 Iii I Iii iii iii iii iii I Iii i i --;= Iii i I



FIGURE 10 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a Heavy Secondary SystemTuned to the Third Mode of the Primary System.

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0.4 i ,r-------------------.·

0.3~ I Y = 0.1

-~o= 0.05

,.....2 O,2~ I

Ss = 0.02

t.O (f)

Ws = 10rad/s



12108642o0+= ~ ~ ~ I0.1 I I I i I I I i 1:::---"""'"

w rad/sFIGURE 11 Magnitude of Frequency Response of a Heavy Secondary System

Tuned to the Fourth Mode of the Primary System.

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solid line for comparison. As commented earlier (refer to figure 4), the

frequency repelling effect at tuning is too weak to be noticeable in this case

of light secondary system.

Figures 12 and 13 were obtained when the primary system is classically

damped. A preliminary investigation has been carried out into the effect of

non-classical damping in the primary system by increasing the damping in the

second story by three folds. The results of this investigation are shown in

figures 14 amd 15. It is seen by comparing these with figures 12 and 13 that

very little change takes place by such modifications in the primary system.

In certain applications, we might be interested in the maximum value of the

frequency response IHs(c.J) Imax as a function of the mass ratio "I and the

tuning parameter fJ 1 = 2(c.Jp l-c.JS )/((.)Pl +c.Js ) where c.Jp 1 is the natural frequency

of the first primary mode. We focus our attention on the first primary mode

since tuning to this mode gives rise to the highest response. Behavior of

I H(c.J) I max in the case of tuning to a different primary mode should be similar.

As seen in figure 16, tuning has a greater effect for lighter secondary

systems, say "I L 0.01, and it becomes less and less important as "I increases.

Furthermore, for I fJ I ::>. 0.2, IH(c.J) Imax remains nearly constant or all "I values

indicating that if the primary and secondary systems are very much not in

tuned, then the relative weight of the secondary system is immaterial.

In the foregoing dicussion concerning the sensitivity of secondary-system

response with respect to the variations of mass and tuning parameters, the

secondary system itself is treated as being fixed. In usual engineering

practice, however, a primary system either already exists or its design has

been selected. One must then choose a secondary system to meet a number of

requirements, among which is the safety of such a secondary system. Figure

17 is prepared with the needs of a design engineer in mind. In the forefront

of this figure, the left ridge represents the contribution from the secondary

mode, and the right ridge the contribution from a neighboring primary mode.

The two modes are not in tune at higher "I values. As "I value decreases, the

natural frequency of the secondary system increases, and the contributions

from both the primary and secondary modes are enhanced when tuning is

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8 I i


..--3 4

Ws =10rad/s


.k"""'tuned to the first primary mode


~ ::q

2de-tuned to the first primary mode

2.52010 15

w rad/s

5oo-r=-"'T I r "T r f I -r- j.... I - >. >-iii i I I I I I I I I • I

FIGURE 12 Comparison between Tuned and Detuned Responses for LightSecondary System.

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Ws=10rad/sy= 0,1


de-tu ned from the, fi rst pri ma ry mode


w rad/s

/tuned to the first primary mode





'I'\I \I, \

I \



0,00 ~ i I I :; - i~ =;:: Iii Ii"'" i -;::-:; I i I Iii iii i I



~ 0,50

FIGURE 13 Comparison between Tuned and Detuned Responses for HeavySecondary System.

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5 i i

4-J I Ws=10 rad/s


~ 1\3 I I I tuned to the first primary mode,....., -I 1\/3


N ::qVl



de-tuned from the first primary mode

10w rad/s

5oo ~-I-'"I="-""i:r; i -:;:-~ I .... """T-- I, iii Iii I iii i i

FIGURE 14 Comparison of Tuned and Detuned Responses of a Light SecondarySystem When Primary System is Nonclassically Damped.

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0,8 i i


ws=10 rad/s

y= 0,1

de-tu ned from the fi rst pri rna ry mode

tuned to the first primary mode


I,I \II \

I \I I

-- / \\




I \, \I \I \

I \






3' 0.4..........N..,.

w rad/s

FIGURE 15 Comparison of Tuned and Detuned Responses of a Heavy SecondarySystem When Primary System is Nonclassically Damped.

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-0,1 a 0.1 f3

FIGURE 16 Peak Frequency Response Magnitude of aSecondary System as Function of Mass Ratioand Tuning Parameter.

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0 ,.........~

60 ........."l:

- ...".....\ ...."

-"<c\ U

YxlO ~ '\\-"" ;"1,.'\~,



o 2,5 5 w rad/s

FIGURE 17 Variation of Frequency Response Magnitude of aSecondary System with Respect to Mass Ratio andDamping, Given a Primary System. wp=5rad/s

- 26 -

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approached. Finally, as the natural frequency of the secondary system

increases further and exceeds the primary system natural frequency, the

ridge representing the contribution from the secondary system proceeds

further to the right to seek tuning with a higher primary mode.

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Because of its greater statistical uncertainty, damping in the primary system

has been chosen also as a key parameter in the present investigation.

Intuition suggests that response of the secondary system can be reduced by

increasing the damping in either the primary or the secondary system.

Therefore, we are mainly interested in how effective is this reduction effect

under various conditions. There may also be some exceptional cases which are

contrary to intuition.

Figure 18 is a 3-dimentional plot of the maximum frequency response

magnitude I H(CJ) I max of a secondary system versus mass ratio "! and the

damping parameter (0 of the primary system, computed at the tuning condition

fJ = O. As expected, I H(",) I max is monotonically decreasing with increasing (0;

however, the rate of decreasing is smaller at larger mass ratios, and the rate

is nearly zero for "! llo 0.1.

A plot of I H(CJ) I max versus the tuning parameter fJ and the primary-system

damping to is shown in figure 19 for a given mass ratio "! = 0.01. The value

of I H(",) I max is seen to decrease with increasing (0 at similar rates for almost

all fJ values.

In the course of our investigation, unexpected results were found in the case

of a heavy secondary system (-y = 0.1) with extremely light damping ((s =0.005). While primary-system damping reduces the maximum frequency

response of the secondary system in both tuned and de-tuned cases, the

reduction quickly loses effectiveness in the de-tuned case, as shown in figure

20. It is then possible for the response of the de-tuned case to be higher

than that of the tuned case when the primary damping is increased beyond

certain value.

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2,9 3.5 4.0 4.5 ~OX102

FIGURE 18 Maximum Frequency Response Magnitude of aSecondary System as Function of Mass Ratioand Primary System Damping. {3=O.

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~OX 102

-0.1 o 0.1 f3

FIGURE 19 Maximum Frequency Response Magnitude of aSecondary System as Function of Tuning Parameterand Primary System Damping. /=0,01.

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~tuned to the first primary mode

Y=O.I~s= O. 005

-- -- ---- -- - ---~de-tuned from the fi rst pri ma ry mode







..--... 4:3-(/)





o I Iii' i J iii iii iii iii iii iii i

0.0 3.5 "7.0 10.5Sox 10 2

14,0 115

FIGURE 20 Maximum frequency response magnitude of a lightly dampedheavy secondary system vs. damping of primary system.

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The following conclusions can be drawn from the present numerical study of

frequency response of a single-degree-of-freedom secondary system due to

horizontal ground acceleration, which is transmitted through a 4-story primary

structure of shear-wall type construction. The term "response" refers herein

to the displacement of the secondary system relative to the supporting floor.

(1) The total response is contributed by the primary mode and the secondary

mode. When tuning is approached, contributions from both the secondary

mode and the tuned primary mode are enhanced.

(2) The highest response occurs when the secondary system is tuned to the

first primary mode.

(3) Although tuning to a higher primary mode enhances contribution from

that mode, contribution from the de-tuned first primary mode remains

important, especially when the secondary system is heavy.

(4) When a primary mode is sufficiently de-tuned from the secondary mode,

its contribution toward the total response is insensitive to the relative weight

of the secondary system.

(5) Increasing the damping in the primary system for the purpose of

reducing the response is not very effective for heavy secondary systems.

(6) Variation of the tuning parameter has no apparent effect on the

effectiveness in which the response is reduced by increasing the primary

system damping.

(7) For a heavy secondary system with an extremely light damping, response

in a de-tuned case may be higher than that of the tuned case when damping

in the primary system is increased beyond a certain level.

(8) Essentially same results are obtained for classically damped and

nonclassically damped primary structures.

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