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Parametrically controlled stochastically seeded clustered halftones: design strategies and applications Edgar A. Bernal Robert P. Loce Shen-Ge Wang Zhigang Fan Downloaded From: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/Journal-of-Electronic-Imaging on 07 Aug 2020 Terms of Use: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/terms-of-use
Page 1: Parametrically controlled stochastically seeded clustered ... · Parametrically controlled stochastically seeded clustered halftones: design strategies and applications Edgar A. Bernal,

Parametrically controlledstochastically seeded clusteredhalftones: design strategies andapplications

Edgar A. BernalRobert P. LoceShen-Ge WangZhigang Fan

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Page 2: Parametrically controlled stochastically seeded clustered ... · Parametrically controlled stochastically seeded clustered halftones: design strategies and applications Edgar A. Bernal,

Parametrically controlled stochastically seeded clusteredhalftones: design strategies and applications

Edgar A. Bernal,a,* Robert P. Loce,a Shen-Ge Wang,b and Zhigang Fana

aXerox Research Center Webster, Xerox Corp., 800 Phillips Road, MS128-27E, Webster, New York 14580bQualcomm MEMS Technologies Inc., 2581 Junction Avenue, San Jose, California 95134

Abstract. We present a stochastically seeded, clustered halftoning method with parametric control of dotshapes as well as seed placement adaption to local image structure. While the literature on other randomlystructured screens (blue noise, green noise, and stochastic halftoning) is quite extensive, there is very littlediscussion on optimization of dot shape for robustness or preferred tile appearance. The parametric controlpresented here can enable an imaging engineer to optimize robustness for a given printing system. The half-toning method that we introduce defines dot centers as seeds that are placed typically in a random, high spatialfrequency configuration. Spot functions are defined about these randomly placed seeds, where the spot functionallows control of dot cluster growth, touch points, cluster angle, and eccentricity. The spot function can also beapplied to regular and irregular polygonal halftone tiling. The adaptability of the seed placement providedby the halftoning method allows for better edge rendition than conventional isotropic methods and enablesthe implementation of data-embedding techniques. The resulting monochromatic screens can be seamlesslyintegrated with novel successive filling techniques in order to provide dot-off-dot vector halftoning capabilities.© The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of thiswork in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI. [DOI: 10.1117/1.JEI.23.1.013010]

Keywords: halftoning; stochastic screen; blue noise; green noise; spot function; digital watermarking; dot-off-dot; vector halftoning;successive fill.

Paper 13524P received Sep. 13, 2013; revised manuscript received Dec. 9, 2013; accepted for publication Dec. 16, 2013; publishedonline Jan. 28, 2014.

1 IntroductionNew options in halftone geometry have arisen as printedpixel resolution has increased. One area of developmenthas been the so-called stochastically seeded clustered half-tones, where nuclei (seeds) are placed in a pseudorandommanner [frequency modulation (FM)] up to a particulargray level and then the nuclei are grown in size [amplitudemodulation (AM)] above that level. There are several pat-ents and publications that describe methods for growingthese dots, but the published methods do not allow paramet-ric control of the shape of the dots. Hence, while dot growthfor periodic halftones is a well-developed technology foroptimizing tone robustness, noise resistance, and aestheticappearance, dot growth for stochastically seeded screenshas yet received little attention in the literature. This analy-sis is overdue given availability of 2400 dots per inch (dpi)laser printers (e.g., Xerox iGen 150 Press, Xerox Color550∕560, Xerox DocuColor 7000∕8000, etc.), whichhave the addressability to control dot shape at high dotfrequencies.

One class of published stochastically seeded halftones isdesigned with a focus on frequency-domain characteristics.These green noise-like methods1,2 may be well suited foroptimizing spectral characteristics but do not address theclassical printing considerations associated with dot shape.A second class of stochastically seeded clustered screensuses random seeds and then applies a fixed thresholdarray to control growth around the seeds.3,4 While thesemethods attempt to control growth in the spatial domain

where better control is possible, a fixed threshold array onrandom seeds does not consider neighboring structure andthus tends to produce high graininess and suboptimaltouch points. A third class uses parameters to control dotgrowth within a Voronoi tessellation formalism.5–10 Thesemethods do define a spatial tessellation and attempt to con-trol growth and touching between the tiles for the purposes ofprint-to-print stability and uniformity. More recently, a clus-tered-dot halftone technique based on direct binary searchwas proposed.11 Although the proposed technique doesallow control of halftone shape and texture parameters, suchas homogeneity and clusteredness, the technique only allowsindirect control of these attributes via the adjustment offilter sizes.

Existing methods offer much less control than is availablefor growing periodic dots. The lack of control not onlyaffects stability and uniformity, but also does not allowdot shaping for aesthetic purposes, such as using rounderdots for faces, squarer and sharper dots for graphics,extended highlight dots (which do not touch until the shadowrange is reached), and extended shadow dots (which touchearly in the gray-scale range and allow control of holeshape).12

The halftoning technique introduced in the present paperaddresses the need for highly controllable dot growth in thestochastic setting. We extend methods employed for controlof periodic halftones to irregular seed structures. A spot func-tion formalism is used, where the function defines thresholdsto be applied to an input image on a pixel-by-pixel basis tocontrol the dot cluster growth, touch points, cluster angle,and eccentricity in the halftoned image. We show thatthis same spot function formalism can also be applied to*Address all correspondence to Edgar Bernal, E-mail: [email protected]

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-1 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

Journal of Electronic Imaging 23(1), 013010 (Jan–Feb 2014)

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regularly placed seeds to produce various unconventionalhalftone tilings. The halftoning technique presented hereinis an irregular extension of the recently proposed hexagonalspot function.13 It may also be considered an evolutionarydescendent of Ron Pellar’s work on spot functions, whichemployed orthogonal cosine functions.14,15

In addition, we introduce a seed placement method thatadapts positions of dot clusters to the spatial frequency con-tent and local dominant orientation of detail within an inputimage. As with the spot function advancements, our seedplacement method can be considered an irregular tessellationextension of periodic halftoning algorithms that modulateseed frequency based on image content.16 We also showhow judicious manipulation of seed placement frequencyallows for efficient data-embedding, both in a perceptibleand in an invisible manner. Last, we extend the applicationof the proposed spot function to achieve dot-off-dot vectorhalftoning via the application of a novel successive fillstrategy.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. InSec. 2, the spot function design procedure is introduced.The application of the presented spot function design strat-egy to arbitrary tessellations of the plane is illustrated inSec. 3. Section 4 introduces a modification to the baselinespot function design strategy that enables improved edgeand detail rendition. Section 5 introduces a data-embeddingmethodology enabled by the flexible spot function manipu-lation that is intrinsic to the proposed halftoning technique.We develop an extension of the scalar halftone spot functiondesign to a dot-off-dot vector halftone strategy in Sec. 6. Wesummarize our findings in Sec. 7.

2 Spot Function DesignThe spot function that we have developed is parametricallycontrolled and based on triangle tessellations. It is well suitedfor controlled growth of halftone spots arrayed on a nonre-gular grid as encountered in stochastically seeded clusteredhalftone screens. The key steps in generating the spot func-tion, as illustrated by the schematic diagram in Fig. 1, are asfollows:

1. Determining seed locations: set of points from asource such as a stochastic screen.

2. Defining a triangle tessellation based on seedlocations.

3. For each pixel, determine the triangle in which itresides.

4. For each pixel, determine its distances from its tri-angle bases.

5. Use the distances to determine the value of a functionthat generates halftone thresholds. The functionshould have parameters that can be adjusted to controlits sharpness and slope.

2.1 Determining Seed LocationsSeed locations define the nuclei for growth of the spotfunction and the principal frequency of the screen. Theseeds could be locations on a regular grid or irregularlocations obtained from random perturbations of regulargrids or from the application of an FM halftoning methodto a uniform gray-level patch. Without loss of generality,we demonstrate the performance of the technique withseed locations obtained from a stochastic screen halftone ofa uniform gray patch with area coverage T. Figure 2 showsa sample seed array.

2.2 Determining Triangular Tessellation andParameters

A triangular tessellation of a plane is a juxtaposition of tri-angular shapes in a pattern with no overlaps and no gaps. Inorder to tessellate the pixel area containing pixel locations,seeds are used as vertices of the triangles, and every seed isused as a vertex. If the seeds were arranged in a regular pat-tern, such as a hexagonal grid, then the tessellation would beregular and formed by congruent triangles. Figure 3 showsthe triangular tessellation of a portion of the seed patternfrom Fig. 2.

2.3 Determining Triangle MembershipBy definition, a triangular tessellation completely fills thespace with no overlapping; therefore, every pixel in theimage must belong to a triangle in the tessellation. Forevery pixel P in the image, a determination is made as towhich triangle encompasses it. Figure 4 shows an exampleof a pixel P encompassed by triangle P1P2P3, where P1, P2,

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the steps involved in the creation of the halftone spot function values asa function of distances to bases of encompassing triangles.

Fig. 2 Example of seeds defined as activated pixels, obtained byapplying a stochastic halftone threshold array to a patch with 6%area coverage.

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-2 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

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and P3 are the triangle vertices. There is no need to determinethe encompassing triangle of a pixel if the pixel is a vertex.Once triangles are defined, relatively straightforward geo-metric relationships can be used to determine useful triangleparameters, such as triangle heights H1, H2, and H3.

2.4 Determining Distances Between Pixel andTriangle Bases

Distances between pixels and triangle bases are determinedfrom projections from the pixel location onto the trianglealtitudes, or similarly, distances to the respective bases.An altitude of a triangle is a straight line through a vertexand perpendicular to the opposite side. The length of thealtitude is the height with respect to the given vertex. Theopposite side is called the base of the altitude. The distancesh1, h2, and h3 are the distances from P to their respectivebases, which are opposites P1, P2, and P3, respectively, asillustrated in Fig. 4.

2.5 Determining Spot Function ValuesThe distances calculated in Sec. 2.4 are used as inputs to afunction that generates halftone thresholds. The function has

parameters that can be adjusted to control its sharpness andslope. In our algorithm, the function is a weighted sum ofthree cosines that are functions of the three respective distan-ces. Algebraic powers of the distances control sharpness ofeach dot touch point with its neighboring dots. Cosineweights control the dot touch sequencing, such that contactwith neighboring dots can occur at different gray levels,thereby avoiding instability that may occur due to simulta-neous touching. The spot function itself can be used to half-tone an image, or a sampled version of it can be applied asa threshold array for efficient implementation in a printer.Given the pixel and triangle heights, we compute the spotfunction value Q of that pixel according to

Q1 ¼ a1 cos½2πðh1∕H1Þ� þ a2 cos½2πðh2∕H2Þ�þ a3 cos½2πðh3∕H3Þ�; (1)

where ai are parameters that control the elongation of the dotalong the direction defined by Hi.

An additional set of parameters γi > 0 can be introducedfor control over the roundness of the dot sides and the sharp-ness of corner touch points.

Q2 ¼ a1 cos½2πðh1∕H1Þγ1 � þ a2 cos½2πðh2∕H2Þγ2 �þ a3 cos½2πðh3∕H3Þγ3 �: (2)

Another level of control can be enabled by inverting thespot function. The inversion allows for well-controlled holes,which can be desirable for dark image subject matter.

Q3 ¼ −fa1 cos½2πðh1∕H1Þγ1 � þ a2 cos½2πðh2∕H2Þγ2 �þ a3 cos½2πðh3∕H3Þγ3 �g: (3)

Data normalization is an additional step that typicallymust be performed with spot functions. Once all pixels inthe matrix are processed to obtain Q values, the resultingthresholds are gray-level shifted and scaled to fit the datarange, such as [0,255] for an 8-bit system or [0,1023] fora 10-bit image path. The effect of the growth control param-eters is illustrated in Figs. 5 to 10, which show gray rampshalftoned with the aforementioned spot function having dif-ferent parameter values. The images in the figures whenprinted at 2400 spots per inch have a principal frequencysomewhat >200 cells per inch (cpi); from Fourier analysisof images, we determined it to be ∼230 cpi. We note thatalthough constructing the spot function is a computationallyexpensive process, it only has to be performed once fora given set of spot function parameters. The resulting fillorder matrix can then be stored for future use and used withinthe framework of traditional screening methods to halftonearbitrary input images. We also note that, while halftone dot

Fig. 3 Resulting triangular tessellation of a portion of the seed patternfrom Fig. 2.











Fig. 4 Triangle P1P2P3 encompassing pixel P. The triangle hasheights H1, H2, and H3 shown in dashed blue lines, and projectedpixel heights h1, h2, and h3 shown in dashed red lines.

Fig. 5 Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function from Eq. (2) withai ¼ 1 and γi ¼ 1.

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-3 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

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and hole symmetry is sometimes desired (e.g., a screen thattransitions from dots with a predetermined shape to holeswith the same shape at the midtones) in order to avoid unde-sirable textures or coarse patterns in the print,17 the stochasticnature of the proposed technique prevents it from resulting inperfectly symmetric patterns. For a technique that allowscontrol of periodic and, if so desired, symmetrical halftonestructures, we refer the reader to Sec. 3.

3 Polygonal Boundary HalftonesThe spot functions of Sec. 2.5 can also be applied to regularor irregular polygonal tessellations of the plane, resulting inenhanced dot shape control that enables applications suchas watermarking, security printing, and special effects. Thepolygonal tiling can be regular (repetitive) or irregular andcan be varied in a manner adapted to the image contentor to data that is being embedded. The extension of ourtriangular-tessellation-based technique to arbitrary polygo-nal tessellations of the plane is possible because polygons,

regular and irregular, can in turn be tessellated by triangularshapes. The spot function is based on triangulation of thepolygons and center-to-boundary distances rather than ondistances from a center alone, which allows for greater con-trol over shape and overall appearance of the printed tiledhalftone. Figures 11 and 12 show two sample plane tilingsas well as the binary image that results from halftoning a grayramp with the associated spot function.

Figures 13 and 14 show binary images resulting fromhalftoning a gray ramp with spot functions associated withirregular pentagonal and hexagonal plane tilings, respec-tively. Both halftones share the same seed locations.

4 Seed Placement for Enhanced Edge andDetail Rendition

The traditional stochastically seeded clustered halftonemethod from Sec. 2 uses dispersed-dot dithering techniques,

Fig. 6 Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function from Eq. (2) withai ¼ 1 and γi ¼ 0.6. Observe that γi < 1 produces a pincushionappearance. This could improve stability in some marking processes.

Fig. 7 Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function from Eq. (2) withai ¼ 1 and γi ¼ 1.5. Observe that γi > 1 tend to make dots rounderand delay touching at corners. This could be preferred for somemark-ing processes or for subject matter consisting primarily of highlights.

Fig. 8 Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function from Eq. (2) when aiis varied with Hi , and γi ¼ 1. There are numerous ways in which theai coefficients can be controlled. This image demonstrates increasingai proportionally with Hi .

Fig. 9 Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function from Eq. (2) when aiis varied with Hi and γi ¼ 1. This image demonstrates increasing aiinversely proportionally with Hi .

Fig. 10 Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function from Eq. (3) withai ¼ 1 and γi ¼ 1. Observe the well-controlled holes. This parameter-ization could be preferred for dark subject matter.

Fig. 11 (a) Pentagonal tiling of the plane. (b) Gray ramp halftonedwith the spot function associated with the tiling from (a).

Fig. 12 (a) Plane tiling with hexagons, squares, and triangles.(b) Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function associated with thetiling from (a).

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-4 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

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such as error diffusion or stochastic screening to determineseed locations, which typically results in a limited range ofseed frequencies. Improvement in rendering image detail canbe achieved by introducing texture- and orientation-adaptiveseeding: the stochastic screen that best correlates with thelocal image characteristics is chosen among a set of prede-signed screen candidates. The resulting halftone image willpossess a larger number of seeds in areas with busier spatialactivity, effectively increasing the principal frequency of thehalftone where improved detail rendition is required. Also,the location of the seeds can be made to follow the generalorientation of the image so that rendition of edges and lines isimproved regardless of their orientation. Figure 15 shows ablock diagram illustrating the steps involved in the improvedalgorithm. In general, the key steps in defining the halftonestructure are (1) for each pixel in the image, determine thelocal spatial activity and its dominant orientation, (2) deter-mine seed locations according to the orientation and activity,and (3) calculate the halftone spot function based on thetessellation determined by the seed locations and binarizethe image using the spot function.

4.1 Determining Dominant Orientation and Texture ofLocal Image Area

Image orientation and activity can be estimated in severalways. For example, the magnitude of the local gradientcan serve as an estimate of the amount of spatial activityand its angle can be used to estimate the dominant orienta-tion. Transform-based methods, such as principal componentanalysis, Gabor filtering, and Fourier, cosine, or waveletdecomposition, can also be used. In this paper, we proposethe use of nonzero frequency (AC) coefficients in the discretecosine transform (DCT) domain coefficients (which arereadily available from JPEG-compressed data) to make

that determination. Figure 16 shows a graphical representa-tion of the first-level DCT basis functions used in JPEG,whose coefficients are used by the algorithm to determinedominant orientation and texture. Intuitively, a larger coeffi-cient (0,1) indicates variation in the vertical direction ofthe local image block (typically 8 × 8 pixels). Similarly, theabsolute values of coefficients (1,0) and (1,1) are propor-tional to the horizontal and diagonal edge activity of thelocal image block, respectively. Given these relationships,the magnitude of the AC coefficients can be used to estimatethe principal orientation of activity within the image block.For simplicity, the current implementation of the algorithmapproximates the local orientation to one of four possibleangle values, from −45 to 90 deg in steps of 45 deg byusing only the first-level JPEG decomposition coefficients,but a more accurate estimate of orientation could be achievedby using a larger number of coefficients. The estimated angleof orientation corresponds to that of the JPEG coefficient withthe largest absolute value. If the largest coefficient is that inposition (1,1), then the sign is also taken into account: a pos-itive coefficient is indicative of a −45- deg angle, whereasa negative coefficient is indicative of a 45-deg orientation.More accurate estimates of local dominant directions can beachieved by using lower-level decomposition coefficients.

JPEG coefficients also carry information on the amount oflocal spatial variation. The current implementation of thealgorithm estimates spatial activity by summing the first-level AC coefficients of the DCT decomposition of eachimage block (coefficients at coordinates (0,1), (1,0), and(1,1) in Fig. 16). Specifically, the first-level DCT coefficientsare indicators of the main spatial component in each imageblock.

4.2 Determining Seed Locations According toOrientation and Spatial Activity

A halftone screen is designed for each of a selected set ofdominant image spatial activity orientations. Once the dom-inant direction of the spatial activity in the local image blockis determined, its corresponding halftone screen is used tohalftone an 8 × 8 pixel block. The effects of this operationare twofold: first, the location of the seeds will be morealigned along the direction of the overall orientation ofthe image block; second, image blocks with larger spatialvariation will have a larger number of seeds, effectively

Fig. 14 Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function associated with anirregular hexagonal tiling.

Input Image

Estimate Orientation

Measure Activity

Select Screen

Get Seeds Calculate Spot


Threshold Output Image

Fig. 15 Schematic representation of the presented improved halfton-ing algorithm with texture- and orientation-adaptive seeding. Fig. 16 Graphical representation of first-level DCT basis functions.

Fig. 13 Gray ramp halftoned with the spot function associated with anirregular pentagonal tiling.

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-5 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

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increasing the local principal frequency of the halftone in anorientation consistent with high image activity, thus improv-ing detail rendition in those areas. For demonstrationpurposes, four anisotropic stochastic screens (one for eachangle estimated in step 1) were designed, as illustrated inFig. 17.

The four anisotropic screens have a common subset ofisotropically distributed dots to facilitate transitions betweenregions of different orientation; Fig. 18 shows this commonsubset of isotropic dots, which is also the identical output ofthe above four stochastic screens when halftoning a uniforminput image at the low common gray level.

Figure 19(b) shows the image resulting from halftoningthe image of Fig. 19(a) with the algorithm described above.

Figure 20 illustrates the enhanced edge and detail-render-ing capabilities of the texture/orientation-adaptive seedingalgorithm introduced in Sec. 4. Note how the number ofseeds increases on edge regions, independent of the grayvalues of the image, effectively increasing the principalfrequency of the halftone around areas of increased spatialactivity. Also note the adaptive anisotropy, where the seedarrangement follows the edge orientation, even for caseswhere the edge has continuously changing orientation.

For comparison purposes, Fig. 21 shows the same half-tone image area of Fig. 20(a) but obtained with the uniformisotropic principal frequency algorithm from Sec. 2.Figure 21(a) shows the halftoned image obtained with thecommon subset of seeds (Fig. 18), where the low-frequency

rendition of the uniform sky would be printed in a stable low-noise manner, but the high-frequency content of the imageis poorly represented by the low principal frequency ofthe screen. Figure 21(b) shows the opposite effect, wherea union of the screens in Fig. 17, representing an isotropichigh principal frequency screen, was used to better resolvefine image detail. The opposite problem occurs where the

Fig. 17 Anisotropic stochastic screens used to determine seed locations (principal frequencies) forimage blocks at (a) 0 deg, (b) 90 deg, (c) −45 deg, and (d) 45 deg.

Fig. 18 Isotropic set of dots common to the four anisotropic screensdepicted in Figs. 17(a) to 17(d).

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-6 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

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uniform sky is likely to print with more noise and less sta-bility. These two screens represent the principal frequencyrange covered by the adaptive algorithm, which will producethe positive effects of these screens without incurring thenegative [compare Fig. 20(a) to Figs. 21(a) and 21(b)].

5 Visible and Invisible Watermarking via SeedFrequency Modulation

Halftone-based watermarking allows data embedding inimages as part of the printing process. The embeddeddata can be used for a variety of applications, such as owner-ship protection, authentication, covert communication, andany other usage that can benefit from additional information.Most existing halftone-based watermarking methods aredesigned for traditional stochastic screens (FM),18,19 periodicclustered-dot screens (AM),20–24 or error diffusion.25 Seam-less visible and invisible data-embedding can be achievedby judicious manipulation of seed frequencies within thecontext of the algorithm introduced in Sec. 2. Specifically,

two different FM to AM transition thresholds can beassigned to areas of the image according to the presenceor absence of a watermark mask; the difference betweenthe thresholds determines whether the watermark is visibleor not.

5.1 Watermark EncodingEncoding of a watermark is achieved by halftoning imagecontent with two screens with different principal frequencies,the screens being selected by the watermarks. Figure 22 illus-trates the steps involved in the creation of a watermarkedhalftone image, from a continuous-tone input image and abinary watermark mask. Recall that in the method introducedin Sec. 2, seeds were placed according to a binary patch cor-responding to the stochastic screen halftoning of a uniformgray patch with area coverage T. In the watermark-embed-ding application, two different patches determine seedplacement, the patches having been obtained from stochasticscreen halftoning of two gray patches with area coverage

Fig. 19 (a) Continuous tone image and (b) binary image resulting from halftoning the image in (a) usingthe algorithm of Sec. 4.

Fig. 20 Illustration of the enhanced edge and detail rendition capabilities of the algorithm from Sec. 4.

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-7 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

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TW and TNW. At every pixel of the input image, seed loca-tion, and consequently, seed placement frequency (principalfrequency), is determined based on the gray value of thepixel as well as on the presence or absence of watermarkat that location. For locations where watermark (no water-mark) is present, seeds are placed according to the binarypatch obtained from the halftoning of a gray patch of valueTWðTNWÞ.

Figures 23 and 24 provide an illustrative example of anencoded halftone image. Figure 23(a) shows the continuous-tone input image, and Fig. 23(b) shows a sample binarywatermark mask. Figures 24(a) and 24(b) show pixel-sizeversions of the halftoned version of the image region high-lighted in Fig. 23(a) for two different transition thresholdgaps. In the case of Fig. 24(a), TNW ¼ 6% and TW ¼15%. In contrast, Fig. 24(b) has transition thresholds TNW ¼12% and TW ¼ 15%. It can be seen that, as the absolutedifference between the transition thresholds jTNW − TWjdecreases, the perceptibility of the watermark decreases aswell. The visibility of the watermark is thus easily control-lable by adjusting the relative seed frequency between thewatermark and nonwatermark areas.

5.2 Watermark DecodingDecoding of a watermark is achieved by identifying the prin-cipal frequency of the halftone screen used to halftone localregions in the halftoned image. In the context of this section,let us define the term dot as a set of 8-connected ON pixelsand the term hole as a set of 8-connected OFF pixels. Thedecoding approach we propose is based on local counts of

Fig. 21 Performance of the traditional stochastically seeded clustered stochastic screen from Sec. 2 at(a) low-end and (b) high-end of the principal frequency range.

Input Image Determine Seed

Frequency Place Seeds Tessellate

Calculate Spot Function Halftone Image



Fig. 22 Schematic illustration of the steps involved in the creation of a digital watermark.

Fig. 23 (a) Continuous tone image. (b) Binary watermarking mask.

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-8 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

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dots and holes. Consider the curves from Fig. 25(a), whichillustrate the number of dots and holes for a traditional spotfunction designed according to the procedure from Sec. 2.For a spot function with transition threshold T, and as thegray level increases from 0, the number of dots increasessteadily until gray level T is reached, at which points itstabilizes. At a gray level where the dots start to touch,the number of dots decreases until all pixels in the screenare turned ON, at which point a single dot remains. In con-trast, the number of holes remains steady at unity from a graylevel of zero until a gray level where dots start to touch, atwhich point it increases steadily up to a level where dotsgrow so much that they start absorbing holes. From thatpoint on, the number of holes decreases steadily until itreaches zero. Note that the shapes of the dot and hole countcurves for a specific screen vary according to the choice ofT and the spot function utilized.

Consider the case where two spot functions with twodifferent transition threshold values T1 and T2 are used;the dot and hole count curves in this scenario are plottedin Fig. 25(b). Inspection of Fig. 25(b) reveals that the numberof dots and holes at a portion of the midtones and shadows,respectively, can be used to discriminate between thescreens, while the light shadows (levels below the smallesttransition threshold, in this case T1) and very dark shadowsare not useable for decoding purposes. The useable gray-scale range can be increased by breaking the touch pointsbetween dots in the light shadows via morphological erosionand by filling in holes in the shadows via morphological dila-tion. The decision of whether to use erosion and dilation ornot is made based on estimated area coverage information oron a comparison between local dot and hole count andpredetermined thresholds. Figure 25(c) shows the new dotand hole count curves resulting from the application of theerosion and dilation operations.

Figure 26 shows the image resulting from the decoding ofthe invisible watermark shown in the image from Fig. 24(b).White pixels denote data identified as watermark. Theretrieval of the watermark is not perfect because someportions of it fall in the unusable gray-scale range.

6 Dot-Off-Dot Vector HalftoningIn this section, we introduce a dot-off-dot vector halftoningmethod that is an extension of the monochromatic spot func-tion introduced in Sec. 2. While the method proposed inRef. 26 introduces the use of multiple uncorrelated greennoise screens to achieve color halftoning, it does not performvector halftoning per se and, consequently, is unable to com-pletely avoid dot overlap whenever possible (e.g., when twocolorants are used and average area coverage per colorant is<50% or when three colorants are used and the average areacoverage per colorant is <33%). The algorithm presentedherein implements a successive fill strategy on the single sto-chastically seeded clustered halftone screens from Sec. 2 forup to three colorants. As will become clear, the strategy isequivalent to a first colorant dot being grown from the tri-angle vertices, a second colorant dot being grown fromthe triangle center, and a third colorant dot being grownfrom the midpoints of the triangle sides. Growth in this man-ner ensures separation of colorants up to a certain densitylevel—whenever allowed by the intended area coverage—which is an inherent characteristic of dot-off-dot screens.

Fig. 24 Binary images resulting from the halftoning of the image inFig. 23(a) with the watermark in Fig. 23(b) using the introduced water-marking technique with (a) TNW ¼ 6%, TW ¼ 15% and (b) TNW ¼12%, TW ¼ 15%.

Fig. 25 Dot and hole count curves for (a) a single spot function withtransition threshold T ; and for two spot functions with thresholds T 1and T 2 (b) when no erosion or dilation is applied and (c) after appli-cation of erosion and dilation operations.

Fig. 26 Binary image resulting from the decoding of the embeddedwatermark from Fig. 24(b).

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When the use of a fourth colorant is required at a given pixel,it can be accommodated via methods typically used forclustered screens, such as stochastic screening the lightestcolorant.

6.1 Intuitive Description of the Successive FillStrategy

The fill order for a scalar halftone spot function determinedaccording to the procedure outlined in Sec. 2 establishes athreshold t associated with each location within a triangle,which can be uniquely described by the distances fromthe specific location onto each of the triangle sides, namelyh1, h2, and h3. In traditional successive fill algorithms, thethresholds in the vector are determined by a pair of rectilinearcoordinates within a rectangular cell based on simple moduloindexing into the cell; in contrast, the present vector elementsare associated with the aforementioned orthogonal distancesto sides of spatially varying triangles that are determinedfrom two-dimensional point coordinates in space, as illus-trated in Fig. 27.

For a given input pixel, the successive fill algorithm isimplemented as follows:

1. For an input continuous-tone pixel having nonzerovalue for only one colorant, use thresholds definedfrom the left of the vector.

2. For an input pixel having nonzero value for twocolorants, use thresholds defined from the left of thevector for a first colorant and from the right for thesecond colorant.

3. For an input pixel having nonzero value for at leastthree colorants, use thresholds defined from the leftof the vector for a first colorant, from the right for

the second colorant, and the middle for the thirdcolorant.

A filling strategy implemented in this manner results in afirst colorant dot being grown from the seed locations, ortriangle vertices, a second colorant dot being grown fromthe triangle center location, and a third coloration dot beinggrown from the midpoints of each of the triangle sides, asillustrated in Fig. 28.

6.2 Algorithmic Implementation of the Successive FillStrategy

The algorithmic implementation of the algorithm outlinedabove is described next. For a given input pixel having col-orant values f ¼ ðf1; f2; f3Þ, we determine halftoned pixelvalues b ¼ ðb1; b2; b3Þ by applying the following procedure:

1. For a first nonzero colorant, apply threshold ti corre-sponding to the distances from the pixel to the trianglesides, ðh1; h2; h3Þi. If more than one colorant is non-zero, the threshold is applied to the darkest or seconddarkest colorant. Denote the index of this first colorantas k, its input value as fk, and its halftoned value as bk.Then

bk ¼ 1 if fk ≥ ti; else bk ¼ 0: (4)

2. If a second colorant has a nonzero value, apply thresh-old tN–ti, where ti is the threshold correspondingto the distances from the pixel to the triangle sides,ðh1; h2; h3Þi. The second darkest colorant is thresh-olded using this rule. Denote the index of this secondcolorant as l, its input value as fl, and its halftonedvalue as bl. Then

bl ¼ 1 if fl ≥ tN − ti; else bl ¼ 0: (5)

3. If a third colorant has a nonzero value, apply thresholdjtN∕2 − tij corresponding to its distances to the trianglesides, ðh1; h2; h3Þi. The lightest colorant is thresholdedusing this rule. Denote the index of this third colorantas m, its input value as fm, and its halftoned value asbm. Then

bm ¼ 1 if fm ≥ jtN∕2 − tij; else bm ¼ 0: (6)

Application of rule 3 to the lightest colorant is optionalbecause the particular spot functions that we providedabove will have the least compact form for this rule and,therefore, could print less reliably in this scenario. Figure 29shows a schematic of this successive fill algorithm, which issignificantly different from successive fill methods used fortraditional stochastic screens.27

Figures 30 and 31 show two- and three-colorant sweeps,respectively, halftoned with the algorithm described above.






Fig. 27 Vector of thresholds (in ascending order) associated with orthogonal distances between thelocation of the point and the sides of spatially varying triangles.

Fig. 28 Origin of growth regions for image areas with color content inat least three different channels. The particular colorants in the figureare only used as an example.

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The dot-off-dot structures are maintained up to 50 and 33%area coverage, respectively. This dot-off-dot structure produ-ces smoother textures and a larger gamut while using less inkcompared to scalar halftoning techniques applied independ-ently to each color channel. At the same time, and given theclustered nature of the screens, it offers improved stability.One potential problem associated with dot-off-dot screens istheir sensitivity to color shift due to misregistration betweenthe color planes in the print engine. Some degree of levelblending can be built into the spot functions to alleviatethis sensitivity. The specific implications of misregistrationbetween color planes on the quality of the presented dot-off-dot halfotning technique are beyond the scope of the presentpaper. For an in-depth study on the effects of misregistrationrelative to induced color shifts in clustered color halftones,we refer the reader to Ref. 28.

7 DiscussionWe believe we have filled a gap in the literature on clusteredstochastic screens by introducing parametric control of dotshape as well as seed placement adaption to local imagestructure. The halftoning method that we introduced definesdot centers as seeds that are placed typically in a randomhigh spatial frequency configuration. Spot functions aredefined about these randomly placed seeds, where the spotfunction allows control of dot cluster growth, touch points,cluster angle, and eccentricity. The spot function can also beapplied to regular and irregular polygonal halftone tiling.The seed adaption aspect of the halftoning method allowsfor better edge rendition than conventional isotropic methodsand enables seamless data-embedding by judicious manipu-lation of seed frequency. The seed placement strategy asso-ciated with the spot function can be seamlessly extended toaccommodate data-embedding applications, both in visibleand invisible modes. Last, the introduced scalar spot func-tions were paired with novel successive fill strategies toachieve a dot-off-dot vector halftoning strategy, which show-cases the flexibility of the proposed methodology.


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Thresholds used for 3rd colorant

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Edgar A. Bernal is a senior research scientist at the Xerox ResearchCenter in Webster, New York. He joined Xerox in 2006 with MSc andPhD degrees in electrical engineering from Purdue University in WestLafayette, Indiana. His early career focused on the areas of imageprocessing, halftoning, image perception, watermarking, and colortheory. His current research interests include computer vision, videocompression, video-based object tracking, and the application ofnovel sensing technologies to healthcare and transportation.

Robert P. Loce is a research fellow and technical manager in theXerox Research Center, Webster. He joined Xerox in 1981 with anassociate degree in optical engineering technology from MonroeCommunity College. While working in optical and imaging technologyand research departments at Xerox, he received a BS in photographicscience (RIT 1985), an MS in optical engineering (UR 1987), anda PhD in imaging science (RIT 1993), and passed the US patentbar in 2002.

Shen-Ge Wang received his BS in instrumental mechanics fromChangchun Institute of Optics in China and his PhD in optics fromthe University of Rochester. Formerly, he was a principal scientistworking at the Xerox Research Center in Webster, New York,where his research was focused on digital halftoning, printer model-ing, and digital watermark technologies. He has many publicationsand over 100 patents in those fields.

Zhigang Fan received his MS and PhD degrees in electrical engi-neering from the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, in 1986 and1988, respectively. He joined Xerox Corporation in 1988, wherehe is currently a principal scientist in Xerox Corporate Researchand Technology. His research interests include various aspects ofimage processing and recognition. He has authored and coauthoredmore than 90 technical papers, as well as over 200 patents and pend-ing applications. He is a fellow of SPIE and a fellow of IS&T.

Journal of Electronic Imaging 013010-12 Jan–Feb 2014 • Vol. 23(1)

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