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Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516

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  • 8/20/2019 Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516



    September 28 to October 22 


    Friday, September 25 

    NO CLASSES (Faculty In-Service) 

    Thursday, September 24 



    Thursday, September 17 and 

    Friday, September 18 


    Grade 5: Amazing Race (on campus) 

    Grade 6: Island Cove (o campus) 

    Grade 7: Balai Isabel (o campus) 

    Grade 8: Caliraya (o campus) 


    Tuesday, September 15 

    Time: 07:45 - 09:00 Venue: Lile Theater 

    8 ISM Upcoming Events 

    Admissions & Advancement 

    Athlecs & Acvies 

    Service Learning  3 

    Learning 2.0 @ ISM  4 

    Parent Coee: Bilingualism 


    ISSUE # 06 

    SY 2015–2016 

    WEEK OF: 

    SEP 14 TO SEP 18 

    Weekly Publication for Middle School Parents

    Friday BulletinInside this issue: 


    MS Upcoming Events: 

    Dear Parents, 

    This week ISM hosted Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) week. FCD’s mis-

    sion is to work with schools and other organizaons across the United States and

    around the world to provide students with the knowledge, understanding and skills

    they need to make intelligent, healthy choices about alcohol and other drug

    use. FCD incorporate eecve strategies to shape healthy student atudes and

    behavior. Through their sessions, the FCD counselors educate students about false

    normave beliefs, the importance of delaying rst use, provide accurate and devel-

    opmentally appropriate informaon, help students to become aware of the conse-

    quences of use, teach students how to intervene, encourage students to idenfy

    pro-social goals, facilitate discussions that foster self -analysis, and address known

    risk factors and protecve factors. 

    Throughout the course of the week, the FCD team has held small class sessions with

    students in G8 and facilitated two dierent assemblies - one with the students in

    G7 and G8 and a separate assembly for students in G5 and G6. The FCD counselors

    hosted a Parent Coee, met with school leaders and counselors and consulted with

    the wellness team. By facilitang sessions with key stakeholders, we feel the ISM

    community will be beer placed to support and guide our students as they navigate

    our ever-

    changing world. 

    On Tuesday, September 15th from 7:45 - 09:00, Kim Guiry and the ESL team will be

    hosng a parent coee in the Lile Theater. Interested parents can come and learn

    more about the language acquision process and how to support their child. 

    On Wednesday, Sep-

    tember 16th, Students

    in G6, 7 and 8 will have

    the opportunity to meet

    Kiera Cass - author of

    The Selecon Se-

    ries. Students willaend an assembly dur-

    ing the rst block on

    Wednesday from 08:30

    - 09:40, in the

    FAT. This is a wonder-

    ful opportunity for our

    students and we are

    sure they will enjoy

    learning more about Keira’s inspiraons and her wring process. 

  • 8/20/2019 Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516


    On Thursday and Friday all grade levels will be involved in

    the CWW events/trips. G5 students remain on campus

    and have an acon packed two days awaing

    them. Students in G6, G7 and G8 visit dierent locaons

    for an overnight experience, where the emphasis is onteam-building skills and making peer group connecons.

    Due to the upcoming CWW trips, please note that there

    will be no Middle School ATAC or Middle school AFAC on

    Thursday, September 17th and Friday, September

    18th. This informaon has been shared with all students

    through our Advisory program. This includes the G5 acvi-


    By now all parents should have signed and returned the

    required permission slips. If you have not returned the

    permission slip, please do so immediately. Teachers willbe following up with parents whose child/children are

    missing slips so no child is disappointed on Thursday! 

    In order to make sure that the G6 - G8 CWW departure

    plans do not interfere with the start of the school day in

    the ES and HS, we would like to remind all parents about

    the arrival plan and strict departure me for each of these


    Grade 6: 

    Students report to G6 classrooms at 6:45 for roll call. 

    At 6:50 a.m. the parents of students who are not at

    school will be called to determine their esmated

    me of arrival. 

    From 6:50 - 7:00 a.m. students will board the buses. 

    At 7:00 a.m. the buses will depart. 

    Grade 7: 

    Students report to Advisory at 7:30 a.m. for roll call. 

    At 7:35 a.m. the parents of students who are not at

    school will be called to determine their esmated

    me of arrival. 

    From 7:45 - 7:55 a.m. students will board the buses. 

    At 8:00 a.m. the buses will depart. 

    Grade 8:

    Students report to MS Plaza at 6:45 a.m. for roll call. 

    At 6:50 a.m. students who are not at school will be

    called to determine their esmated me of arrival. 

    From 6:50 - 7:00 a.m. students will board the buses: 

    At 7:00 a.m. the buses will depart. 

    The CWW buses travel in convoy as per school proto-

    cols. The departure mes have been carefully coordinat-ed to try and avoid trac and facilitate a smooth start to

    everyone’s day. Parents are respecully requested to plan

    ahead so that students arrive at school in a mely fashion. 

    As requested in last week’s Parent Bullen, please make

    sure your child’s vaccinaons are up to date - especially

    for tetanus. 

    We appreciate that residenal trips can lead to increased

    levels of anxiety among parents. Please know that the MS

    oce will receive periodic updates from the Site Coordina-

    tors and the oce will disseminate updates to parents via


    Kind regards, 

    Rachel Harrington, Middle School Principal 

    Amanda Pekin, Assistant Middle School Principal 

  • 8/20/2019 Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516



    For more informaon,

    contact Kim Guiry

    ([email protected]


  • 8/20/2019 Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516


    Dear ISM parents, 

    You may have heard that ISM will be hosng one of the world's leading technology conferences, Learn-ing 2.0, from October 1-3. You may not know that we are involving students from Manila area schools

    to give their voice to the many innovaons we will be considering at this conference. In addion, and

    for the rst me, we would like to invite members of the ISM parent community to take part in this

    conference. Having the voice of the parent community can give the thinkers in this conference valuable

    insights into the lives of our young learners and how we can best support them with technology as we

    progress through the 21st Cen-


    With this in mind, please readthe announcement below and

    visit theLearning 2.015 Web-

    site to nd out more and regis-

    ter for the conference. ISM par-

    ents can receive a 20% discount

    o the registraon by entering

    the following promoonal

    code: "ISMParents". 

    When selecng your Cohort,

    please select the "Int'l School

    Manila Parents Cohort". 

    If you have any quesons

    please contact the ISM Learning


    at [email protected]

    We hope to see you at the con-


    Kind regards, 

    ISM Learning Oce 


  • 8/20/2019 Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516


     Tomorrow is the third of the RIFA ES/MS soccer fesvals.

    See links at the ES/MS fesval pages for venues and

    mes. Venue informaon is also posted on ES/MS noce

    boards. Please check carefully and If you are in doubtabout whether the event will go ahead due to heavy rain

    or extreme weather please follow the procedure at this

    link. hp://atac.ism-online.org/manila-weather-forecast/


    ES RIFA fesvals informaon and  MS Rifa fesvals infor-


    Housing needed for IASAS soccer Oct 7-11. ISM proudly

    hosts IASAS Soccer this year and it is going to be a fantas-

    c event for our community. In order to host we need to

    house 160 athletes from the IASAS schools. Please consid-er hosng it is a great experience.  ES and MS along with

    HS parents can host. Check out the link at IASAS housing

    informaon if you have any quesons please contact the

    ATAC oce. Forms can be printed and turned in to ATAC

    oce or emailed to [email protected]. We currently

    need to house 75 more athletes! 

    This coming October break ISM will be hosng a Fall Bas-

    ketball Camp run by Filipino Basketball Academy

    FBA.  See FBA yer for details. Flyer is also posted on no-

    ce boards around school. Sign up quick as places will go


    Well done to our ISM Bearcats Climbing team and coach-

    es who parcipated in the 2nd round of the local wall

    climbing series at PowerUP last Saturday. Out of 40 en-

    trants in 3 categories ISM girls and boys won 2 gold

    (Emma and Leopold), 2 silvers (Patrick and Ruitong) and

    2 bronze (Jacob and Gabie) 14 ISM climbers took part and

    all but 2 made it into the nal round. Well done Bearcats

    Climbing team and coaches. 

    Well done to our XC team who competed at Brent last

    Saturday. Race results can be found here Brent meet re-


    Next weekend our Varsity Volleyball and Cross teams

    travel to Kuala Lumpur for their exchange weekend and

    our Varsity soccer teams travel to Singapore. Good luck to

    all players and coaches, this is great preparaon for the

    IASAS S1 championships in October. 

    Upcoming events: 

    Sept 11 HS Volleyball teams away at Brent 

    Sept 11th Midgets A1/Asp vs DLSZ from 3:30pm/

    VBoys at 5:30pm


    Sept 12th Rifa Soccer Fesvals ES/MS teams 

    Sept 12 Rifa MS Girls Fesval 1pm at ISM 

    Sept 12th Cross Country meet at Faith 8am start 

    Sept 12th HS Soccer teams away at Faith 

    Sept 18-20 Pre- IASAS exchange at KL(V'ball/XC

    teams) and Singapore(soccer teams) 

    Sept 19 Swim meet at Brent. 

    Sept 21- PRFU/CBRE Rugby clinic #2 with former All

    Black Geo Alley5:15-7pm @ HS Field ISM rugby

    players welcome. 

    For our Sailsh swim team program please check the Sail-sh blog for informaon. hp://sailsh.ism-online.org/ 

    Please note the pracce mes for ATAC programs for SY

    15-16 are as follows: ATAC all year round teams- 3:15-

    4:30. See schedule for our All year round

    teams program here... 

    All HS seasonal teams pracce from 3:05- 4:50pm each

    day. MS seasonal teams pracce 3:10-4:40pm. In order to

    clear the campus prior to 5pm all aer school programs

    will conclude by 4:50pm or earlier. The last bus


    this is due to the ever increasing trac con-cerns in our area. 

    Parents and students please take some me to peruse

    the ATAC blog it has a wide variety of informaon and

    links to our sports and acvies program. If you have any

    quesons regarding the compeve program of sports at

    ISM aer reading the informaon on the blog please send

    an email to [email protected] and I will endeavor to

    assist you as best I can. 

    Bearcat Den- drop by our fantasc spirit store. There is a

    new school year sale on at the moment and a range of

    new products and items to purchase including items from

    our service partners. Bearcat Den hours of operaon-7am

    -4pm Mon-Fri. 


    Best Regards, 

    Mark Pekin 

    Director of Athlecs and Acvies 


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  • 8/20/2019 Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516


  • 8/20/2019 Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516


  • 8/20/2019 Parent Bulletin Issue 6 SY1516



    Join us in support of the

    Vicky SyCip Philippine ScholarshipProgram on November 13th, 2015 inthe Little Theater. Rock through theages with live music provided by ourvery own Faculty Band, The MamSirs.Early Bird tickets will go on sale


    All proceeds of the event support thePhilippine Scholarship for a truly de-serving Filipino student to attend ISM.

    For more information on the Philip-pine Scholarship please visit this LINK. 


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